Concepted & Lead by: Giuseppe Resta, Fabiana Dicuonzo Fabio Cappello [PROFFERLO] Italy Assistance by: Ilda Rusi, Mirva Gega [Universiteti POLIS] Tirana / Albania Participants:
ABSTRACT Tablinum is a modular unit developed by PROFFERLO architecture for a self-construction workshop at Polis University (Tirana, Albania) during the 2018 Tirana Architecture Week. The word contemplation comes from Latin contemplari "to observe," originally "to mark out a space for observation." Since the act of viewing is connected with the definition of space, we explored the possibility of designing a contemplative experience of natural landscape, mediated by architecture, which will eventually allow nomadic living and working in direct contact with one’s preferred scenery. On the other hand, the word tablinum refers to a peculiar domestic space, in the Roman Domus, characterized by one space supporting a multiplicity of uses, and curtains that one can use for privacy modulation. During the
workshop, precedents have been analyzed and re-elaborated concerning the idea of threshold, representation, minimum space, movement, and separation. We considered these keywords as archetypes, concept around which we developed our spatial ideas to understand the basic needs for a dwelling. The post-war reconstruction of society saw the rise of creative workers (also addressed as knowledge workers) who, instead of factories and offices, started to form a fluid mosaic of professional connections whose main performance factor was, and still is, that of mobility. Information society produces freelancers. As a main consequence, the fordist-centred labour space detonated, and in this context Hans Hollein’s Mobile Office acquired landmark importance. In his