a conversation with Franco Purini, Luca Galofaro, Gian Piero Frassinelli and Llazar Kumaraku and moderated by Bruno Di Marino article by Bruno Di Marino financed by Instituto Italiano di Cultura Tirana
The idea to organize am architecture talk about the ’68 movement came from the desire to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of a revolutionary year which inflamed the entire world. Initially, the debate was supposed to be part of a broader cycle entitled ’68 Ritorno al futuro Arti, politiche, visioni nell’Italia del cambiamento (’68 Back to the future. Arts, policies, visions in a changing Italy) conceived for the Maxxi museum in Rome. Paradoxically, such a cycle of events never took place in Italy, and only one of the six original meetings took place in Tirana. The event represented first of all the occasion for a confrontation and cultural exchange between Albania
and Italy, hence a moment for reflections on a historical period which influenced and had consequences on both art and society. The years evolving around 1968, were also crucial in the fields of Architecture and Design, contributing to the transformation of our relationship with the idea of living and the use of objects, rethinking notions such ad form and function. The experimental movements of radical and “counterdesign” architecture developed in fifteen years (from 1960 to 1975), but they climaxed during the year of the student revolts. If, on an international level, the protagonists are, among others, the Japanese architect Isozaki and the London