By Luca Galofaro
Exactly 50 years ago in 1968, Jean Baudrillard published in France the book “the system of the object� by Gallimard. The book is based on a very simple idea, reading the contemporary through the world of everyday objects. The French sociologist was affected by that precise historical moment, reasoning on the nature of commodities that for the first time, exceeded the simple necessity of purpose and invaded the family houses. Assuming a completely different meaning inside the domestic architecture and not only on that. The object of the industrial society becomes in that very moment a new place; the system of object constitute has a system of signs where the sociologist wants to give his interpretation. The use of the object defines a language through which men communicate their social status.
In fact, until the post-war years the objects used inside the houses where full of meaning of the bourgeois family: father, mother and sons according to a hierarchical sequence lived the space following precise ritual. The table in the middle of the room was the symbol of a patriarchal family, the Sunday supper with all the family reunited was one of the most important moments, the place on the table was assigned according to a precise scheme could not differ during the years. The patriarch on one extreme of the table and the family on the circle remaining. All the other objects on the houses were functional to the scheme traced in the dining room, the interior architecture with the sequence of furniture defined the space well codified, and it was never questioned, every room had its