un/familiar texture
1_aerial view with site contex
busra ebrar sayan
2_finike from different perception
Finike People living in the region describe their cities The reason for this is that the district is not as It has an accumulation of knowledge from his -
One of the most important features that make up the identity of the city is that it has creeks fact that there is a lot of water source and spreading everywhere provides a very rich
3_creek that divides the city
tion can actually be called both making
4_texture of city 5_vegetation of Finike
Finike from past to present Because only in Antalya, there are more than new ways of communication will emerge and people will want to do different activities with
6_highlights of the city
It is thought that Antalya will be very popular
8_green texture of project site 9_wind ways in different seasons and sun
7_buildings and important zones
Project Site : Peninsula The project area includes the peninsula between the two rivers flowing from the mountain to the
The biggest reason to choose this area is the
with the combination of both sweet and salt
located in the new neighborhood, which is beginning to become popular with a new road
12_current types of fauna and flora around the creek
11_density of vegetation
10_harvest times in a year of Finike
Hamams of Istanbul
15_a day in sinanpasa hamam with cinemtographic expression
13_section through old drawings
on the existing plan and section, I expressed a day in the bath with a cinematographic narrative along with the bath of my perception
14_plan with double bath stuation
In this workshop, each of us examined an
16_rituels of hamam
Rituels of purification
18_understanding of the hamams on the plan
In civilizations that have evolved throughout history, people seem to have been washed for three different purposes that are still relevant today:
After examining the bath structures, I realized that we can actually imagine all the structures that operate on a single plane, that is, the actions that take place inside the bath even by shouldn't it be a vertical bath? Looking at both the cross-section and the plan of the project, it is a bathhouse where the actions and activities
19_gardens,connections and atmosphere ideas
17_typology of botanical gardens with conneciton between hamam and gardens
Relaxation, spiritual cleansing is a religious necessity and body cleansing
Waterscapes In this study, we examined the movement of ink
At first, very clear patterns form and become
times, until we reached the best in our visuals we made did not match exactly with any
Liquid in
20_ink flow in water
the liquid.
non-fixed fluid meant actually producing an
21_the movement of ink in water
22_collage of first project ideas 23_process of design over plan sketchs
Approach to plan layout
such as separate pieces, and walls that flow into each other and direct people towards their The first thing I dreamed of for the project was garden in which the existing habitation is where birds fly around, fish feed around, and translucent masses, I can't see some from the outside, but when I get inside it is a secret botanical garden and I can also wash myself in structure actually represents one of these
24_context with landscape,gardens and hamam over plan
technique allowed me to think more flexibly
Accordingly, I worked plan-oriented studies on
25_visuals about representation of habitation with human
is to visit the gardens, to spend time here and to learn about endemic plants and to explore the natural plant areas around the finike in a
26_representation of hamam and gardens over sections
Circulation and placement
28_adaptive texture
27_storyboard: a texture that to find way
The placement of the masses in the project area emerged based on the direction of the circulation network. The most important characters of the user group are tourists and locals. In this case, two use alternatives occur. First of all, tourists can come here to get an idea about the vegetation of the region, and see the plants of this type and research to go to their real regions.
In the second case, the locals can come here for daily bath use and spend time relaxing in the gardens. In both cases, different users can use both the bath and the gardens, but they can easily reach the place they want to access with the circulation settlements. At the same time, a new common space is created with the park around.
29_site plan
06. Upper garden 07. Water garden 08. Hamam apoditerium 09. Hamam tepidarium and caldarium 10. Hamam apoditerium 11. Herbarium
30_functions on aerial view
01. Information garden 02. Underground garden 03. Water garden 04. Upper garden 05. Semi open garden
31_textures that change over time
Nature's Variability The variability of vegetation is part
of the
design. The atmosphere of the project
changes when it blooms in spring, leaves fall in winter or when it starts to fade in autumn. We can compare this to the museum and
32_typology of gardens
think about like exhibition. The artworks in the museum can change over time, while the important ones remain stationary as part of the museum.
Likewise, while some plants die because they have a seasonal or annual life, some plants can live for many years. In this case, they have
textural changes in the seasons. This becomes an atmospheric and textural part of the garden.
The spatiality of the thresholds can shape the common spaces, as long as these spaces join the expanding network of co-existence. (MĂźsterek Mekan, Stavros Stavrides )
Common areas are not only used by humans. It is also necessary to consider animals that are users of the same place. Common spaces provide new encounters. In the garden above the water, it turns into a breeding ground for living creatures like fish, a habitat for
ducks or a feeding ground for birds while people walk or rest here.
34_atmosphere of different seasons
35_relationship between gardens
After the masses were placed, the forms turned into organic shapes in the direction of circulation. With the transformation of garden masses into organic forms, the atmosphere of the interior created a guiding and natural function.
37_caldarium with gardens
36_reference point of the form
With all of the indoor gardens on the ground, the use of open spaces was limited. So some forms had to rise.
Chimney openings have been created at certain points for the closed gardens to receive controlled light, air and wind. The ground of the gardens has slope and different heights. The reason for this is to feel the structure character of the ground while walking in the gardens.
40_ hamam with connections
39_aerial view
38_circulation between gardens
42_atmoshperic gardens with different levels 41_ entrance floor with open spaces and hamam
43_ upper gardens with connections
44_context between indoor and outdoor gardens
Adaptability The main purpose is to create a diversity of plants that belong to the region and can develop, and to be
46_gardens with different levels
adaptive over
At the same time, to ensure that the living creatures in the environment benefit from this diversity. Such as ducks, birds and fish. The existence of flora, together with the existence
47_atmospheric collages with texture
of fauna, forms a circle of life. This loop begins to belong to the region over time.
48_storyboard: a day in hamam
49_water treatment system
04. pumping installation 05. disk seperator 06. pipe flocculator
07. flotator 08. sludge container 09. clean water tank
50_typology of the cells with structes
01. dirty water pool 02. vibrating sieve bend 03. sludge container
The main fiction and bathing actions of the bath work vertically. Warm and hot rooms form a double crust, and the innermost crust provides the hottest space. With the mesh and glass surfaces in between, the circulation and spaces at the threshold receive light. it also allows the space to be seen at deeper angles. sauna, pool, massage and personal washing areas take place inside the cells on the surfaces and mesh.
51_how the vertical bath is working ?
Vertical Bath house
52_section with connection details