2020-spr ng
arch tectural des gn
portfol o
hat ce nur bĂźlbĂźl 051801033
about me I am Hat ce Nur Bülbül. I was born n 1999 n Konya. I graduated from Konya Ereğl H gh School then my arch tectural adventure has begun at MEF Un vecrs t y. Th s portfol o ncludes second semester documents of Arch tectural Des gn 102
ARC 102 Arch tectural Des gn I 2020 Spr ng
content p1 speculat ve landscapes p2 amph b an p3 extreme storage
ARC 102 Arch tectural Des gn I 2020 Spr ng
speculat ve landscapes
I prepared a scr pt w th the p ctures g ven to me and n th s scenar o, th s world s a place called the square where the c ty flow passes through the bu ld ngs, where all the bu ld ngs open to the r own square and the shape of the bu ld ngs s determ ned by ts funct on.square ones are work ng spaces, spheres are l v ng spaces s te plan
macro draw ng
m cro draw ng
ARC 102 Arch tectural Des gn I 2020 Spr ng
speculat ve landscapes
sect on
pasta model
clay and soap model
ARC 102 Arch tectural Des gn I 2020 Spr ng
amph b an bebek beach
Due to the geography of the baby coast, t s a place where yachts use t as a bay and there are also many f shermen and people walk ng. Th s place has a un que v ew that s blocked by yachts, and the area used by f shermen, the only open area, s constantly occup ed by them. Beyond Sea, t offers people a d fferent exper ence on walk ng routes and allows the v ew of the landscape w thout nterrupt on.
ARC 102 Arch tectural Des gn I 2020 Spr ng
amph b an
beyond sea
bebek beach
ARC 102 Arch tectural Des gn I 2020 Spr ng
amph b an
beyond sea
bebek beach
ARC 102 Arch tectural Des gn I 2020 Spr ng
extreme storage karaman-taĹ&#x;kale
TaĹ&#x;kale s a un que v llage that stands out w th ts geography and r ch h story. Due to the valley on wh ch the v llage was bu lt, the houses were bu lt w th a consecut ve structure called terrac ng. Accord ngly, the door of each house opens to the street and no house has ts area. Some streets, espec ally on the warehouse s de of the v llage, are too narrow to reach veh cles and are very steep due to the elevat on d fference. The only lands that have a garden n the v llage are the nst tut ons bu lt n the years when the v llage was a mun c pal ty, but after the mun c pal ty was closed, the local people started to use t after the lands were empt ed. So, w th Garden Park, I store all these veh cles that randomly scattered all over the v llage.
ARC 102 Arch tectural Des gn I 2020 Spr ng
garden park
extreme storage karaman-taĹ&#x;kale Local people of TaĹ&#x;kale mostly prov de the r l v ng by lands and an mals so they use agr cultural veh cles. These veh cles are huge and the area where they w ll be stored should also be large also one farmer has more than four agr cultural equ pments.
ARC 102 Arch tectural Des gn I 2020 Spr ng
extreme storage
garden park
warehouse s de of r ver
other s de of r ver
As seen n the sect on, the warehouse s de of the v llage s steeper and rocky, wh le the oppos te s de s less slop ng and grounded. Th s geograph cal feature of the v llage has depr ved the warehouse s de of the r ver of the pr vate area and agr culture, so n my project, I comb ned the veh cles and the agr culture and m xed these two d fferent areas n harmony under one roof.
ARC 102 Arch tectural Des gn I 2020 Spr ng
extreme storage
garden park
carpet weav ng
B r Usta B n Usta
S nce agr culture requ res the use of agr cultural tools and muscle strength, t s seen as a male job and treated as such. Accord ngly, today the area of TaĹ&#x;kale Publ c Educat on Center s used only by men. But wh le the bu ld ng was n use, the users were female, more than 60%. So I try to br ng together these two d fferent users from these two d fferent t mes w th Garden Park.
gender d str but on of users of publ c educat on centers
art educat on
plant grow ng ARC 102 Arch tectural Des gn I 2020 Spr ng
extreme storage
garden park
s te plan
y elevat on
When we look at the x and y d rect ons, we see Garden Park as a s ngle-story bu ld ng because I d dn't want to nterrupt the un que system of TaĹ&#x;kale called terrac ng so the second base of the structure s n the underground. x elevat on ARC 102 Arch tectural Des gn I 2020 Spr ng
garden park
extreme storage karaman-taĹ&#x;kale
To protect the flow ns de the bu ld ng, I categor zed fru ts and vegetables that can grow both n TaĹ&#x;kale and undergo many processes.
plans ARC 102 Arch tectural Des gn I 2020 Spr ng
garden park
extreme storage karaman-taĹ&#x;kale
AA' sect on
BB' sect on
ARC 102 Arch tectural Des gn I 2020 Spr ng
garden park
extreme storage karaman-taĹ&#x;kale
axonometr c
story of pepper
storyboard ARC 102 Arch tectural Des gn I 2020 Spr ng