Quick Start Guide - FPOT - PG 10 & 11

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n I entered “I was only 9 whe I didn’t know foster care and on.” what was going ia, BigB from Georg age 16

Now that I’m going into foster care, what’s going to happen? First, you will be assigned to a caseworker. This Agency person, some�mes called a social worker, has the duty to be sure you are well taken care of and will help you find a safe place to live as soon as possible. Start talking with your caseworker right away about the reasons you are going into foster care. It’s a good idea to let your caseworker know your thoughts, like wan�ng to stay in your same neighborhood or school. Together you decide what changes need to be made and set up a plan for making these changes.

“I was only 9 when I entered foster care and I didn’t know what was going on. My sister started to cry but I didn’t. I wanted to be there for my sister during this time, so I didn’t show fear or cry.” FosterClub member “BigB” from Georgia, age 16, in foster care more than 3 years

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“My first day in foster care (a shelter) was a mix of emo�ons for me, but primarily I was sc ared.” Li�le Debbie from Nebraska, age 24


“I went from a home with no rules to a foster home with very strict rules. No going out till I was 16 was a hard rule for me to deal with, especially when all my friends were going out. Now at almost 23 years old, I look back and am glad I had such strict rules because I find now that it has helped me be more responsible.” FosterClub member, “cowgirl” from Nebraska, age 22, in foster care more than three years

mad, “I can admit I was d. But I confused, relieve being love the feeling of abuse.” away from all the ornia, Angell from Calif age 14

“I can admit I was mad, confused, relieved. But I love the feeling of being away from all the abuse.” Angell age 14 California in foster care more than 3 years

“On my first day in foster care I was wonder ing, why? Why me? W hy now? WHY? I felt like a part of me le�.” IDK from Californi

a, age 15

What do I call my foster parents? Some youth call foster parents ‘mom’ and ‘dad’, some don’t. What is most important is that you and your foster parents are both comfortable with the names you decide on. Talk to them about it and come up with what works best for you and your foster family.

t ypes of f ost er homes Family Foster Home A private home where a young person in foster care lives. This home is the most family-like se�ng available to youth who are removed from their biological home. The home is usually limited to a total of 6 children under the age of 18, including the foster family’s biological children. Some�mes, your foster home can be with a rela�ve, which is called kinship care. Therapeu�c Foster Home This foster home gives special care to youth with behavioral or emothional needs. The foster family gets special training and support to help a young person deal with problems they might be having. Group Home/Residen�al Facility This is a licensed facility with 24-hour staff which provides care for youth. This placement provides individualized treatment for youth such as psychiatric consulta�on, group and individual therapy sessions. Shelter A home or facility that provides care for youth in crisis on a short-term basis.

You are not alone. Today, there are about half a million kids in foster care in the United States.*

Diagnos�c Facility Short-term placement that provides medical, educa�onal, psychiatric, psychological and substance (drugs and/ or alcohol) abuse evalua�ons and family assessments. Transi�onal Living Program This program is available some�mes to youth who are ge�ng ready for living on their own. The program teaches a great deal of life skills and helps you set and follow goals (for your educa�on, work, and rela�onships...). These programs help youth get ready for life on their own as adults.


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