About us
Foster Social Inclusion is a project that aims to improve adult educators’ skills through learning about effective methodologies and approaches for people at risk of social exclusion.
The project partners share 7 training modules about the ways to increase the social inclusion of people at risk of social exclusion. The focus is on people such as migrants, refugees, low-skilled and low-qualified, people with particular health-related conditions, female and gender-related discrimination.
This training module illustrates entrepreneurial initiatives in order to promote the social inclusion of immigrant women who come from pathways of fragility and hardship using tailoring workshops.
Training module
The purpose is to put into practice the new professional skills acquired and the ability to identify available opportunities for personal, professional or commercial activities.
GENERAL TARGET AUDIENCE Adult immigrant women from fragile and difficult backgrounds. THE TRAINING IS TO DEVELOP KEY SKILLS Communication in foreign languages: be able to communicate, read and graphically interpret a garment Mathematical skills: doing calculations, learning to take measurements and knowing geometric figures (circumference, right angle, semi-circumference of the chest and pelvis) Basic competences in science and technology: to prepare tools and equipment for different stages of processing on the basis of the type of materials to be used and the procedures provided "Learning to learn" Social and civic competences Spirit of initiative: become aware of the work context and be able to seize opportunities
To improve the social, professional and cultural activity of immigrant women coming from fragile and difficult backgrounds with problems in integrating into the economic and social fabric.
• Face-to-face lesson • Guided exercises • Practical exercises • Group and individual work • Focus groups to develop new ideas and creativity
Drawing texts, fashion magazines, various iconographic sources, internet, sheets, pencils, multimedia presentations.
Knowledge Knowing the work tools: how to use the sewing machine and the techniques of design and graphic development related to the garment Knowledge of geometric shapes To know and being able to schematically visualise the human figure Knowing how to analyze the structural and aesthetic elements of a garment
available in eight languages
Are you interested in more materials about social inclusion?
Migrant inclusion Storytelling for social inclusion Art for social inclusion Social entrepreneurship Volunteering for environmental purposes Female entrepreneurship Volunteering for social and civic purposes
Download our free training modules
available in eight languages
Contact us: Youth Europe Service e-mail: –
Foster Social Inclusion: volunteering, social entrepreneurship and art for social inclusion
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ERASMUS+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education – Exchanges of Practices Project no. 2019-1-PL01-KA204-065375
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission/National Agency cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Social entrepreneurship for social inclusion Training module by Youth Europe Service is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Based on a work at