About us
Foster Social Inclusion is a project that aims to improve adult educators’ skills through learning about effective methodologies and approaches for people at risk of social exclusion.
The project partners share 7 training modules about the ways to increase the social inclusion of people at risk of social exclusion. The focus is on people such as migrants, refugees, low-skilled and low-qualified, people with particular health-related conditions, female and gender-related discrimination.
Training module
International volunteering camp focused on raising intercultural and environmental awareness.
GENERAL TARGET AUDIENCE Training module is suitable for volonteers, international groups, refugees, emigrants, etc. The Environmentally Aware & Trash Hunting in Reykjavík project aims to gather people from all over the world, with different backgrounds and cultures, to unite for the purpose of environmental protection.
THE TRAINING IS TO DEVELOP KEY SKILLS Intercultural understanding Environmental awareness Multilingual competence Personal, social and learning competence
Foster intercultural dialogue whilst contributing for environmental protection
Group discussion Team-building Hands-on
Icebreakers Energisers
Group-work Lectures
Training experience The group of people from all over the world exchanging cultures and experiences for 9 days, living together. They're exchanging home-country gastronomy and communicating in a foreign language. They are discovering environmental issues such as plastic pollution, deforestation, consumption habits, fossil fuels, species extinction, others. They are getting knowledge about environmental solutions: clean and passive energy, organic agriculture, local produce, fair-trade, informed consumers, activism, others.
Intercultural learning and dialogue Environmental issues & solutions Social impact on the environment International cuisine communication
available in eight languages
Are you interested in more materials about social inclusion?
Migrant inclusion Storytelling for social inclusion Art for social inclusion Social entrepreneurship Volunteering for environmental purposes Female entrepreneurship Volunteering for social and civic purposes
Download our free training modules
available in eight languages
Contact us: SEEDS - SEE beyonD borderS e-mail:
Foster Social Inclusion: volunteering, social entrepreneurship and art for social inclusion
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ERASMUS+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education – Exchanges of Practices Project no. 2019-1-PL01-KA204-065375
by SEEDS, by Shane Rounce unsplash
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission/National Agency cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Volunteering for environmental purposes Training module by SEEDS Iceland is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Based on a work at