every student matters
thomas tallis school
every picture tells a story... As you walk through the gates of Thomas Tallis
the whole story. We want our students to achieve
School and are struck by its grey, breezeblock
the very best results they can but we also
exterior, you could be deceived by appearances.
recognise that becoming a rounded and confident
The saying, ‘you can’t judge a book by its cover’
young person is equally important.
could not be more appropriate. Our school is not Thomas Tallis is a place where we take risks. We
Our philosophy is that everyone matters. The staff
want to make learning fun and are constantly
work hard with the students; we all share a love of
looking for new ideas. I think this is why staff like
working here. They know that they belong to a thriving school.
It’s all about mutual respect. We treat the students with respect, and we expect the same in return. All
In my opinion, it’s a great school and I love being
staff share these values. Obviously, it sometimes
the head - but I recognise that I might be a little
breaks down. Then we listen, get to the bottom of
biased! If you want to find out more, come and visit
the issue and work to resolve it. Much hinges on
us on any Wednesday between 9.00 and 11.00
effective communication - we are a community
am. Tour the school, either with a guide or on your
where everyone has a voice and their opinion is
own, and meet with me. When you see us in action
you will know whether we are the school for you.
We want everyone to be proud to be a part of our
As I said at the beginning, every picture tells a
community. We want our students to feel safe and
story. The faces of our students show how they
that they belong. We also want to support them in
feel about our school - I feel the same way.
becoming independent learners. Our academic
Rob Thomas, Headteacher
success is rooted in this approach but that is not
about our building, but what is happening inside it.
the achievements of an organisation are the results of the combined efforts of each individual.
enjoy and achieve
being up to the challenge... All this, combined with regular homework, helps us
students will love learning; not an easy challenge
to support all our students in adding value to the
but certainly one we believe we are up to. We
progress they have already made. It is one of the
spend many hours planning and reviewing
reasons why we regularly appear in the top 500
schemes of work to ensure they are well
comprehensive schools for our achievements in
differentiated and meet the needs of all. Lessons
the Sixth Form and at GCSE. We are very proud
are structured to enable all students to access the
of this but prouder still that our young people leave
curriculum and to develop as independent
us as successful, well-balanced individuals, ready
to face the challenges of the 21st Century.
We constantly review our curriculum to make sure
As an Arts College, we celebrate success in the
it offers the best choices for all. Full details are
arts and all students study at least one arts subject.
contained in our fact sheets at the back. Some of
We believe this helps stimulate other areas of the
our students take 5 GCSEs and receive a lot of
curriculum and allows other faculties to explore
additional support whilst others take 10, 11 or 12
their creative side.
subjects and, of course, we have a variety of pathways in between.
Our next challenge is planning our new school building. Students, staff, governors, parents and
We set all students challenging targets and report
carers have all been involved and we hope that by
on their progress each term. In addition, each year
2009 we will have a new school which will be the
group has an annual parents’ evening and termly
pride of the community.
Academic Review Days. During these, students meet their tutor, discuss their progress and set themselves targets for the term ahead.
If lessons are stimulating and engaging, then
success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get.
make a positive contribution
everyone has a voice... Everyone in our community can make a positive
and we want the very best for all of them. Here
contribution and that’s why we believe we are an
everyone is valued equally.
inclusive school.
about the students though. We want parents and
Inclusion isn’t just
carers to feel that they are part of Thomas Tallis by signing the Tallis Agreement and by checking the
Council meetings; its members bring a variety of
student planner regularly. The planner is a very
issues to the forum.
These ideas are often
important document; it is our first means of
progressive and sometimes radical and we value
communication with you and is used to record
these meetings as a very important part of school
homework and other important information. In
life. We are a school that listens and we believe
addition, we welcome any thoughts about how we
that people feel valued if they have a voice and can
can make the home-school link stronger.
make a difference.
After all, our students are
encouraged to become independent learners and
We are fortunate to have an extremely committed
thinkers. That’s why, when they have something to
and helpful group of governors who work closely
say, it’s generally worth listening to. For instance,
with the school, supporting us but also asking us
our students like wearing their school uniform
those questions which keep us on our toes.
because they helped to design it. We
backgrounds and cultures: we have students who are deaf or hearing impaired, students with speech and language delay and students with a variety of other needs. There is one common factor which unites them all: they are all Thomas Tallis students
Regular lively debates take place at School
with every experience, you alone are painting your own canvas thought by thought, choice by choice.
stay safe
looking out for one another... Safety and belonging are very important in our
Some students are less confident about using local
We find out quite a bit about our
transport and we have a “Travel safe” programme
students before they arrive here by visiting their
in place which allows them to develop their
primary school and meeting their Year 6 teacher.
confidence in travelling to school.
We also have our Headstart Day in July when all Our pastoral system is excellent. Heads of Year
their tutor and get to know the rest of their tutor
and tutors normally remain with their students for
group. It gives them an insight into life at Thomas
five years and the relationships which they develop
Tallis. It helps to provide them with an excellent
with students, parents and carers are very
important ones.
We realise that some students may find the
We have our own ‘Beat Bullying’ Campaign where
transfer difficult and we invite them into school with
every member of the school community is invited to
their parents or carers before Headstart Day. They
sign a ‘beat bullying’ petition.
are able to meet support staff and are teamed up
monitor the success of our initiative by asking the
with a mentor, a Year 8 student who also faced
students to evaluate its effectiveness.
difficulties on transfer but has overcome these
response has been overwhelming and a brochure
initial problems. We also give a number of them
is available if you would like more information
the opportunity to come to the Summer School.
about our campaign. We like to work together to
Our Year 7 students settle so quickly that we even
ensure our students remain happy and safe.
use them as guides on Open Days to reassure visiting Year 6 students about the transfer process.
We constantly The
new students spend a day at Thomas Tallis, meet
all our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.
be healthy
food for thought... basketball, dance, drama, choir, orchestra, signing,
Oliver first came into Thomas Tallis, it caused a
creative writing, yoga, samba band and steel pans
certain amount of upheaval. However, the benefits
to mention just a few. It was only when I looked at
have far outweighed the problems caused by those
my watch that I realised it was 4.30 pm and
chaotic first few days and we now have a healthy,
everybody could have gone home an hour ago! It
well-balanced menu on offer.
speaks volumes that Thomas Tallis is a place that
It’s great to see
students at lunch with plates filled with healthy
people don’t want to leave.
food. From the Empire State Building to our Activities With all this healthy fare and regular drink breaks,
Centre in Wales, our diverse range of school
we know their bodies are well looked after but we
journeys provide our students with positive
haven’t forgotten that their brains need to be
experiences with immeasurable benefits.
exercised as well and that’s where ‘Brain Friendly
learn team building skills which they are also able
Learning’ comes in. We get them thinking about
to develop at the school using our own trim trail
their learning - the how as well as the what and, in
and low ropes course. Visitors could be forgiven for
turn, this has made us think about how we can be
thinking they were in a circus at times when we
better teachers: a win-win situation.
have our juggling, diablo and unicycle practice. It’s
just one of the many extra-curricular opportunities However, we’re not just excellent classroom
that we provide.
teachers. When I hadn’t been at the school very long and I had been stuck in my office all day, I
We try to make learning fun both within and beyond
thought I would take a stroll around the school and
the classroom.
see how things were going. It was great to see all the students involved in various activities: art,
On that memorable November day when Jamie
education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.
achieve economic wellbeing
preparation is the key... We want our students to become lifelong learners
These allow students to make connections with the
and successful members of the community but we
world outside and link up their learning.
know this won’t happen overnight. There are a
After their GCSEs, many of our students - and a
number of themes that we revisit throughout their
large number of students from other schools, join
time with us which help students along this path.
our Sixth Form, taking advantage of the extensive range of courses on offer. Our Sixth Formers are an integral part of the school: many mentor
them aware of all the possibilities that lie ahead of
younger students or run extra-curricular activities.
them. This is part of a careers programme which supports students throughout their time at Thomas
Most of our Sixth Formers leave us to go on to
university. We have specialist members of staff who take students through the UCAS process;
As they progress we help them select their options
another member of staff is responsible for our
in Year 9. We work closely with the Connexions
Oxbridge applicants.
service at Greenwich who provide further guidance and we have a range of alternative pathways to
Citizenship is another theme which runs through
stimulate and engage all our students.
the curriculum and beyond.
We offer students
opportunities which help them become thoughtful, In Year 10 students experience the world of work
helpful and proactive members of the school and
when they complete two weeks work experience.
wider community.
This insight into life beyond school often helps students identify where they are heading. Work
By the time they leave Thomas Tallis, we know we
related learning and enterprise are two more
have prepared our students for all the challenges
themes which are woven into the curriculum.
they will face as citizens of the future.
Even in Year 7, we work with students to make
it is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.
Buses and trains Buses 286, 178 and B16 South Eastern trains London to Dartford/Gravesend (Kidbrooke Station)
it’s where we’re at...
i see my path but don’t know where it leads; not knowing where I’m going is what inspires me to travel it.
Thomas Tallis School Kidbrooke Park Road London SE3 9PX Tel 0208 856 0115 Fax 0208 319 4715 www.thomastallis.greenwich.sch.uk