WCC CPG 'Viewpoint' December 2020

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Eric Williams - ‘The Pleasure Pier’ Peter Young - ‘Time for Coffee’ Sally-Ann Hathaway-Timms - ‘One Frosty, Foggy Morning’ Dr. Charles Ashton - ‘Unite for Freedom!’ Stewart Bourne - ‘Metamorphosis’ Clive Haynes - ‘A Moment Stilled’ Nigel Reader - ‘Covid Street’ Tessa Mills - ‘Empty’ (continued) Kaz Diller - ‘Eleven Gasoline Stations’ Maddy Pennock - ‘Over The Hills and Far Away, Same Walk – Different Camera and/or Lens’ - continued Lucy Allum - ‘Plant Patterns’ Judy Knights - ‘How Did They Do It!’ Bob Oakley - ‘Orders is Orders’

Eric Williams The Pleasure Pier

I was looking forward to photographing Weymouth Pier during our recent trip to the south coast. And then I discovered it was called the Pleasure Pier - what photographic gems awaited? This set of iPhone images captures the fun and frolics of the Pleasure Pier together with the numerous signs dotted around the pier encouraging people to really enjoy themselves!

01_Pleasure Pier

02_Impressive Pier

03_No Going Here

04_Or Here

05_Just Don’t

06_And I Mean No

07_Even The Fort Says No

08_Don’t Even Think About It

09_No Entry

10_Just Don’t Do It

11_You’re Welcome to Weymouth

Peter Young

Time for Coffee

On a cold misty morning in the High Street, what better than to park your dustcart and pop into McDonald’s for a warming drink. But for others who would normally ‘dine in’, they must now brave the winter chill and consume their takeaway coffees out in the street. And maybe chat to other passersby. This is also the time for preparing for the Christmas market, still an unknown quantity, and trying to hold on to a positive outlook.

Peter Young 01 The Cross 201127

Peter Young 02 Dustcart 201127

Peter Young 03 McDo 201127

Peter Young 04 Costa Coffee 201127

Peter Young 05 Police & Coffee Drinkers 201127

Peter Young 06 Coffee Drinkers 201128

Peter Young 07 Coffee Drinkers 201126

Peter Young 08 Cabin & O2 201127

Peter Young 09 Pink Knickers 201127

Peter Young 10 Primark Window 201127

Peter Young 11 Hope 201127

Sally-Ann Hathaway-Timms

One Frosty, Foggy Morning

These images were taken in November one frosty, foggy morning. absolute joy to see and capture the magic as it unfolded before me!

It was an

Sally-Ann Hathaway-Timms 01

Sally-Ann Hathaway-Timms 02

Sally-Ann Hathaway-Timms 03

Sally-Ann Hathaway-Timms 04

Sally-Ann Hathaway-Timms 05

Sally-Ann Hathaway-Timms 06

Sally-Ann Hathaway-Timms 07

Sally-Ann Hathaway-Timms 08

Sally-Ann Hathaway-Timms 09

Sally-Ann Hathaway-Timms 10

Sally-Ann Hathaway-Timms 11

Dr. Charles Ashton

Unite for Freedom!

I continue to explore how the current Covid-19 pandemic has affected various On the backdrop of the Covid 19 pandemic a collection of Alt Right, Libertarians and Anti Vaxxers assembled in Trafalgar square to protest. This is a collection of photo-journalistic style images from the day. I saw aggressive disapproval, dissent, anger and denial of science from disenfranchised minorities, tempered with a stoical and restrained response from the police.

Charles Ashton 01 Civil Liberties

Charles Ashton 02 Freedom Now

Charles Ashton 03 Free Food

Charles Ashton 04 Covid Trobadour

Charles Ashton 05 Wearing the Flag

Charles Ashton 06 Conspiracy

Charles Ashton 07 The Pubs are the Soul of England

Charles Ashton 08 Rage

Charles Ashton 09 Denial of Science

Charles Ashton 10 Confrontation

Charles Ashton 11 The new abnormal

Stewart Bourne Metamorphosis

Current restrictions on movement and necessary risk avoidance have meant that most of my photographic wonderings and gazings have been severely curtailed. This provides an opportunity to re-examine some of my existing images and metaphorically, ‘re-take’ them by grouping them together with some form of new narrative idea, or link. For extra sport I only allow myself 20 minutes or so for this process. This set of images is linked by the idea of metamorphosis from artificial to real in our perceptions of ‘human’ and the human form and all the symbolic associations that this evokes. There is only one real human in the images.

Stewart Bourne 01 Genesis

Stewart Bourne 02 Gestation

Stewart Bourne 03 Birth

Stewart Bourne 04 Childhood

Stewart Bourne 05 Young Adult

Stewart Bourne 06 Uncertain Transitions

Stewart Bourne 07 Metamorphosis Stage 1

Stewart Bourne 08 Metamorphosis Stage 2

Stewart Bourne 09 Metamorphosis Stage 3

Stewart Bourne 10 Metamorphosis Stage 4

Stewart Bourne 11 Incarnation

Clive Haynes A Moment Stilled

Although poppies represent slumber and remembrance, their fragile, colourful bobbing dance is also emblematic of summer. My series of images represents the fleeting beauty of these delicate, paper thin flowers as they curtsy, nod, overlap and flutter upon the air. red bonnets weave and flicker frail origami poppies in the meadow breeze

A Moment Stilled Š Clive Haynes MMXX-1

A Moment Stilled Š Clive Haynes MMXX-2

A Moment Stilled Š Clive Haynes MMXX-3

A Moment Stilled Š Clive Haynes MMXX-4

A Moment Stilled Š Clive Haynes MMXX-5

A Moment Stilled Š Clive Haynes MMXX-6

Haynes MMXX-7 A Moment Stilled Š Clive

A Moment Stilled Š Clive Haynes MMXX-8

A Moment Stilled Š Clive Haynes MMXX-9

A Moment Stilled Š Clive Haynes MMXX-10

A Moment Stilled Š Clive Haynes MMXX-11

Nigel Reader

Covid Street

This series of mostly local images doesn’t lay any claim to originality or special insight but sums up the mood generated by the ubiquitous, unseen presence that is Covid 19. It is sometimes said that a crisis always carries with it an element of opportunity as well as danger, but as we emerge from a second lockdown it is hard to shrug off the air of simple resigned melancholia that seems to pervade.

Nigel Reader 01 Is There Anybody There_

Nigel Reader 02 New Rules

Nigel Reader 03 Giving Up

Nigel Reader 04 Bored Board

Nigel Reader 05 Town Square

Nigel Reader 06 Fenced Off

Nigel Reader 07 Alcohol Free

Nigel Reader 08 White Out

Nigel Reader 09 A Better Future

Nigel Reader 10 Art

Nigel Reader 11 Black and White

Tessa Mills Empty

This set is a development from my ongoing 'Empty' series. Lockdown has a quality of emptiness, loneliness and futility.

1. Tessa Lockdown emptiness 970

2. Tessa. Lockdown Emptiness. 985

3. Tessa. Lockdown Emptiness. 986

4. Tessa. Lockdown Emptiness. 988

5. Tessa. Lockdown Emptiness. 996

6. Lockdown Emptiness. 1004

7. Lockdown Emptiness. 1006

8. Tessa. Lockdown Emptiness. 1008

9. Tessa Lockdown Emptiness 995

Kaz Diller

Eleven Gasoline Stations

Landscape photographers generally search out pristine, uninhabited, aestheticised, carefully framed compositions. However, I do not live in this idealised world. My reality is unstructured, fragmented and chaotic. The world I inhabit most of the time comprises buildings, roads, cars and petrol filling stations. I have photographed these scenes that I encounter daily, democratically.

01 Alberta, Canada 1996

02 Hellesyit, Norway, 2019

03 Maizuru, Japan, 2019

04 Puglia, Italy, 2019

05 Namibia, 2015

06 Karatsu, Japan, 2019

07 Kagoshima, Japan, 2019

08 Busan, South Korea, 2019

09 Maizuru, Japan, 2019

Maddy Pennock

From the series; Over The Hills and Far Away Same walk – different Camera and/or Lens

This is a continuation of images taken on the same walk over different days during the Covid-19 pandemic. I bought a new lens! This time a Lensbaby Composer Pro with Edge 80 Optic that gives a slither of subject matter in focus and the rest is left like a dreamy landscape. Images 1 – 3 are with this lens. Images 4 – 11 were taken with my 70 – 200 lens on a recent foggy morning, as the fog began to lift. Both were with my Canon 5D MK IV. .

1_Maddy Pennock_

2_Maddy Pennock_

3_Maddy Pennock_

4_Maddy Pennock_

5_Maddy Pennock_

6_Maddy Pennock_

7_Maddy Pennock_

8_Maddy Pennock_

9_Maddy Pennock_

10_Maddy Pennock_

11_Maddy Pennock_

Lucy Allum

Plant Patterns

Patterns are everywhere, but it's very easy not to notice them. I get great enjoyment out of seeing patterns in nature. I remember when a friend of mine was studying textiles at art college many years ago, her lecturer saying, “look to nature for inspiration�. All these images were taken either in my garden or on one of my local walks.

Lucy Allum 01 Poppy

Lucy Allum 02 Air Bubbles in Ice

Lucy Allum 03 Broken Tree

Lucy Allum 04 Cotinus Patterns

Lucy Allum 05 Ice Patterns

Lucy Allum 06 Log

Lucy Allum 07 Leaves on water

Lucy Allum 08 Ground stripes

Lucy Allum 09 Rose petals

Lucy Allum 10 Tree tops

Lucy Allum 11 Water Drop

Judy Knights

How Did They Do It?!!

A month or so ago, looking for somewhere new to visit we went to Much Wenlock Priory. The ruins of this once massive building are very impressive. For me when visiting these sites I never cease to marvel over how they were built so many centuries ago and that what is left continues to remain standing. These Priory buidings were started around 1200 but built on the site of a much earlier monastery. The standing columns are massive and and the decorative stonework intricate , truly amazing when you consider the limited tools that were available at the time. How will our modern buildings stand the test of time?

01_Judy Knights

02_Judy Knights

03_Judy Knights

03A_Judy Knights

04_Judy Knights

05_Judy Knights

06_Judy Knights

08_Judy Knights

09_Judy Knights

Bob Oakley

Orders is Orders

As we go about our daily lives we are increasingly assaulted by signs that attempt to tell us what to do, what not to do and how we should conform to their rules and suggestions. In some cases the force of the law is behind the sign but in others it is at the whim of the person or company who put up the sign. Will we obey?

Bob Oakley_01-West Midlands Safari Park

Bob Oakley_02_Tyre Depot in Kidderminster

Bob Oakley_03_Plea from light sleeper

Bob Oakley_04_Birmingham

Bob Oakley_05_Danger of Death Keep Out

Bob Oakley_06_No Swimming

Bob Oakley_07_Report to Reception

Bob Oakley_08_Notice in Hereford Shop window

Bob Oakley_09_Rostock Germany - No Nazis

Bob Oakley_10_Symbols of exclusion

Bob Oakley_11_Ordered to Smile

Worcestershire Camera Club Contemporary Photography Group ‘Viewpoint’ © December 2020

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