The Longest Serving Sailor

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THROUGH THE PORTHOLE Learn more about Tall Ship cruising...

The Longest Serving Sailor


The Longest Serving Sailor In the 21st century, we are lucky enough to be

Wallis, who was a clerk of the Royal Navy’s Halifax

able to explore the world via a range of different

Naval Yard. His father – who was adamant his son

methods. The rise of the jumbo-jet and cheap

would pursue a naval career – registered Provo

flights has made travel more accessible than ever

William Parry Wallis as an able seaman on board

before. Whilst there is no doubt that there has been

the 36-gun frigate HMS Oiseau when he was just

a surge in popularity for fast and efficient travel,

four years old. He would later receive a knighthood

traditional methods have enjoyed a renaissance.

from Queen Victoria and provide 96 years of service, making him the longest serving sailor.

Star Clippers’ tall ship cruises offer a unique insight into how international travel was once conducted.

Five years later, in 1796, Provo became a volunteer

By sailing on board the Star Clipper, Star Flyer

on board the 40-gun frigate, Prevoyante, where he

or Royal Clipper, you will be able to simulate the

remained (on paper at least) until 1800, when he

elegance of a bygone era of transportation, which

began servicing on board the 64-gun Asia, aged

peaked between the 18th and 20th centuries.

nine. Provo rose through the ranks steadily and

During this time, the British Royal Navy was

was quick to adjust to a life at sea and was later

involved in many historic conflicts including the

promoted to midshipman on the 32-gun frigate

Napoleonic Wars.


In 1791, Provo William Parry Wallis was born to

At the age of just 18, he was commissioned as

parents Elizabeth Wallis and Provo Featherstone

a lieutenant on the Curieux and later provided

service on board four more ships. In January 1812,

Queen Victoria in 1847. In 1851, he became a

aged 20, he was appointed second lieutenant of the

rear-admiral, and successfully a vice admiral,

38-gun frigate Shannon. The Shannon fought with

and eventually admiral of the fleet, aged 86.

the USS Chesapeake off Boston in 1813, a battle during which the captain was badly wounded and

From 1870, the retirement scheme for admirals

the first lieutenant was killed. Provo Wallis thus

allowed those who had commanded a ship during

had to captain the Shannon as she sailed to Nova

the Napoleonic Wars to remain on the active

Scotia with the captured Chesapeake.

list until death. He died aged 100 and therefore accumulated an unbelievable total of 96 years

For this achievement, Wallis was promoted to

in service. Provo was both the last surviving

commander and served for the rest of the war in

commanding officer from the Napoleonic Wars

command of the 12-gun sloop Snipe and was later

and the last veteran of the wars to serve as Admiral

promoted to captain in 1819, aged 27. Continually

of the Fleet.

in service, he became naval ‘aide-de-campe’ to


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