The Circumnavigation that proved the World was Round

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THROUGH THE PORTHOLE Learn more about Tall Ship cruising... The Circumnavigation that proved the World was Round


The Circumnavigation that proved the world was round Many ancient cultures throughout history considered

Islands from the east.

the world to be flat, with depictions including a floating in the ocean. Although it was not widely accepted until

He studied recent charts with the help of cosmographer,

the 16th century, the Greek philosopher, Pythagoras,

Rui Faleiro, in an attempt to determine a gateway from

was thought to be the first to suggest the world was

the Atlantic to Pacific which would avoid damaging

round in the 6th century BC.

relations with Spain. The passage he planned on sailing would take him through the southern tip of South

In 1494, at a time where many educated circles still

America and is known to this day as the Strait of

remained in doubt over the curvature of the earth, the

Magellan. In 1517, Magellan, along with his partner, Rui

Treaty of Tordesillas was signed by Pope Alexander VI.

Faleiro, made successful contact with Juan de Aranda of

This divided the world in half, with the Americas and

Spain. With his support, they presented their project to

surrounding islands being promised to the Kingdom

the Spanish King, Charles I (also known as Charles V,

of Spain and sovereignty of the eastern hemisphere

Holy Roman Emperor).

handed to the Portuguese. The Spanish crown accepted and funded the project Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese sailor, had gained

based on their terms and conditions. King Manuel I of

a name amongst the people as a successful sailor

Portugal was furious and ordered a naval detachment

and explorer for his role in the conquest of Malacca

to pursue Magellan, but he managed to evade them.

(Indonesia). He returned to Portugal in 1512 but ended

A fleet of five ships was sent on the expedition, which

up falling out of favour with the Portuguese monarchy

departed Spain in 1519 on a journey that later became

for taking leave without permission. King Manuel I

an attempt to complete a circumnavigation of the globe.

of Portugal repeatedly refused Ferdinand Magellan’s persistent requests to lead an expedition to the Spice

It is worth noting that Magellan was Christian

evangelist, which could well have been the cause of

Although the circumnavigation alone did not entirely

his death. After successfully navigating the Strait of

prove the earth was spherical (it could have been

Magellan and sailing across the Pacific Ocean, he

cylindrical or irregularly globular), this journey

reached the Philippines, where he remained adamant

provided a concrete example of the possibility of being

on converting all those that he met to Christianity.

able to sail around the planet. It would be 58 years

King Lapu Lapu of the Philippines, however, refused to

until another attempt at a circumnavigation would be

convert, so Magellan burnt his village on the island of

completed. This took place in 1577; when the well-

Mactan. The king continued to refuse and an ensuing

known English navigator, Sir Francis Drake, became

battle saw Magellan struck by a spear and stabbed

the first to survive a complete circumnavigation. He

multiple times. To this day, the Philippines regard

returned to England on board the Golden Hind in 1580.

Magellan as a tyrant, rather than a hero and the Battle of Mactan is re-enacted every year.

Despite many technological advances being made in the way we move around the world, cruising remains a

Lesser known Basque mariner, Juan Sebastian Elcano,

popular way to travel. Today, Star Clippers can provide

commanded the return voyage on board the only ship

an opportunity to revisit a bygone era of traditional

that would survive the circumnavigation. He and 18

sailing, whilst taking you to blissful destinations in the

survivors of the original crew of 260 arrived in Seville

Eastern and Western Mediterranean, Caribbean, Cuba

on September 6, 1522. Upon arrival, Elcano was

and Far East Asia.

presented with a coat of arms by Charles I of Spain. It featured the motto: “Primus circumdedisti me”, which is Latin for “You went around me first”.


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