Inspired Balance Passions 2012

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Inspired Balance


Editorial Director/Curator: Lori Lynn Smith

Welcome to the very first edition of Inspired Balance. Inspired Balance’s main focus is empowering and inspiring you to create a more holistic lifestyle, balancing the needs of your body, mind and spirit. Each month we will bring you a new topic with articles and interviews that we hope with information and enlighten.

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We encourage you to download each edition so that you can easily click all blue underlined links to valuable resources without losing your place while you are reading. If you have any questions or suggestions for future topics, please feel free to contact me at Thanks for reading and we hope you enjoy!

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Your Passion 1. Choose to have a purpose in life – you have a choice. You can wander through life on earth, or you can live a life of purpose.

Mary Foley, author of “Bodacious! Women: Outrageously in Charge of Your Life and Lovin’ It!”, says being Bodacious is showing the courage to be in charge of your life. She created the Bodacious Woman Mantra: Look within. Think Strategically. Act bodaciously. And Love every minute of it!

2. Be willing to be passionate about your purpose – passionate purpose is a powerful antidote to the rough spots in life. Life is not always easy, not for anyone. Who among us doesn’t have to deal with illness? Loss of a loved one? But, when you choose to be passionate about your purpose, you will be filled with an optimism that will pull you through the tough times. Choosing to be passionate often requires letting go of concerns about how others will view your passion.

I could not agree with her more, when you are passionate about your life and act bodaciously how can you not succeed? I think that biggest trouble we have is not know exactly what we are passionate about! Not knowing what you want out of life can lead you to spin in circles, or it allows other people to direct your movements.

Have you looked? Have you really thought about what you find exciting? What is that one thing that you can do for hours and you do not even notice the time slipping by?

3. Make service to others the foundation of your purpose – when your purpose is serving others, you take advantage of one of the most powerful natural forces: the more we give, the more we get. When you open your heart and mind, you will experience returns that confirm that serving others is the highest purpose you can have for your life.

There are six keys to having passionate purpose in your life:

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4. Make sure that your purpose contributes to the peace and positive energy of others – When your purpose is one that brings peace and positive energy to others, it will bring the same to you. And, that return will enable you to be even more passionate about your purpose.

Passion is energy.

5. Be flexible as to how you achieve your purpose – It is fine to have goals, but try to avoid being so finite with your goals that you miss the wonderful opportunities that will manifest themselves and provide new and exciting ways to advance your purpose. Sometimes we can be so focused on a specific goal that we miss an alternative way to advance our purpose.

Feel the power that comes from

6. Choose to live “on purpose” – If you have a passionate purpose, let it guide you. Let that purpose be your compass and your scheduler. To the extent possible, prioritize your daily activities so that you spend time advancing your passionate purpose. If you let others completely “dictate” your schedule, then you are living their purpose, not your own.

focusing on what excites you.

I can’t think of anything more fulfilling and passionate, but creating that amzing feeling in your life. That feeling that you are creating or particpating in something that is more important than just you.

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Oprah Winfrey 5

How to Live the Life You Want The most important factor that goes into determining one’s success is what goes on in your mind.

Today, we shall see what the correct mental attitude actually is.

Where you are today and what you are today is because of your own mental attitude towards yourself and others. And you alone can change it.

We already know how important motivation is and how it can work wonders in one’s life. We will talk about getting you off your butt and kick starting you into action.

All that is needed is a change of your attitude.

Whatever you do in life, it is the attitude that you have before, during, and after doing it that determines your success or failure.

The mental attitude that you carry is actually more important than it seems. It may be a boon or a bane for you. It could be affecting your life without your even knowing!

Believe, conceive and achieve! Start believing that success to you is inevitable.

Your mental attitude could either take you up the path of success or down the depths of failure.

Read that again...

And changing it is only in your hands.

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Start believing that success to you is inevitable.

Whatever task you are given, picture success in your mind. Burn the thought into your subconscious mind. Keep yourself focused on the outcome that you want to achieve in what you do. The mind can achieve anything that it believes and conceives. You will be surprised to know that there is a giant asleep within yourself. You can direct her to do anything that you want. You have no idea what you are capable of. Don’t underestimate yourself. Believe it, the power of your mind and imagination is truly exceptional. You can think your way to almost anything in life - success, happiness, illness and even death. Read this small story. Willy was a middle-aged man who was working in a refrigeration unit in America. One day he somehow got himself locked inside the unit accidentally. He banged on the door, he screamed for some time, but no one heard him. He gave up. Willy sat down defeated and was sure that he was

going to die soon. He became all numb and cold. He somehow scribbled a message for the people who would eventually find him.

creak clearly, isn’t it? Didn’t you feel that the clock was ticking very loudly and the tap was dripping like never before?

“Getting colder now, starting to shiver, nothing to do but wait, slowly freezing to death, half asleep now these are my final words”.

The same sounds, you would never have heard if you had company! Why does that happen?

At least five hours passed before someone opened the door and found the dead man’s body.

Because your mind is expecting to hear them. You do not have to end up the same way as Willy, you can decide to focus on the positive things in life.

Now that’s a sad story. Here comes the twist. The temperature inside the unit was 56 degrees. All day, the unit had been broken, thereby letting in enough air. Willy simply lost hope. Had he tried, he could have survived because there was plenty of air for him to breathe.

You can focus your thoughts, your belief on your successes. Remember if you conceive it, you can acheive it.

Realize that your mind can’t distinguish between thoughts and reality.

Such a small shift is all your really need to start you on the path to success.

If you feed it with negative thoughts, your mind will mistake it as something that is actually happening. This is what happened with Willy. He wrote his own death.

Today, every time you have a negative thought, stop yourself and change it to be a little more positive. Before you know it you will be on your way to your greatest success.

Remember those times when you are at home all alone. You seemed to hear every bump, grind and

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Ways to Help You in Finding Your Passion It may be easy to say that you are ready to make certain steps in finding your passion. But once you have set your mind to do these, you will soon realize that nothing is really simple or easy. There are so many things to think about and issues to be settled before it finally becomes clear what you really want to achieve.

1. Speak your truths clearly – To find your passion you must speak your truths and ready yourself to new adventures. Know what really matter to you? What truly makes you happy? Know the things you do best and makes you feel complete.

Take One Step at a Time Following your passion brings personal power and awakens yourself to the beauty of the world. It leads you to the heart of spiritual journey as it changes your thoughts, perceptions, and feelings. Finding your passion does not promise an easy life rather a rich life open to hopes and possibility.

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2. Be open for support – You must also keep in mind that you are not an isolated being – you need the support of family, friends and positiveminded social circle that will help you reach your goals. 3. Open up your senses – When you open up your senses, you tend experience God’s blessings and you feel more peaceful and serene. This allows you to be more patient and be reminded the cycle of nature. When you experience this you become more positive and calm.


4. Give yourself a time for pleasure – Waking up in the morning away from busy schedules and having the freedom to do the things that brings you pleasure? To find your passion you must allow yourself a time for pleasure. For many people, allowing pleasures induces guilt as it is not productive and hinders you from getting important things accomplished. But this view of pleasure is actually a matter of opinion. Gentle pleasures are good to your health and are productive. By allowing yourself time for pleasure you become more focused and passionate in your job. 5. Liberate yourself – A person who finds her passion is a truly wise person. Doing a work that reflects your personality and values promises you a lifelong happiness and contentment. It is easier and liberating when we accept who we are and we allow other people to accept us too. The human psyche is a holistic system, to numb one part of our being is to numb the rest and create constant struggle (Finding Joy, 15).

destinations out of fear of failure. You should allow yourself to get upset by some downturns but remind yourself to pull yourself together past and get on track again. Some people might influence you into thinking negative. It’s not so easy to shut them out of your life. But it’s easier to practice blocking the negative energies that they bring into your life. It keeps your sanity. Finding your passion is an endless song. When you do the things that you are passionate about you allow you let your life to flourish. You let yourself connect to everything you are – in mind, in heart, and in spirit. You are a stronger that can face challenges better because you are reinforced by being able to do the things you love. You feel more alive, positive, self-respecting, and determined. You live your life with confidence and high morale. And you feel you are contributing goodness and positivism to the people in your life.

For more information on Discovering your soul purpose, follow your passion and change the world! Jump over to the Sacred Earth Partners website: Click Here

6. Feed yourself with affirmations – Affirmations are important in finding your passion in life as it makes you feel secure and optimistic about reaching your goals. A lot of people don’t get to their

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Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us. Marianne Williamson A Digital Publication From Sacred Earth Partners


Your Divine Soul Purpose:Manifesting Your True Life’s Mission The new times that are arriving on the Earth will require a new kind of human being to navigate through the stormy waters of present day challenges and to create new solutions based on the spiritual principles of harmony, balance, and respect for life.

many new questions arise.

At this time on the Earth, many souls are awakening spiritually, and coming to more deeply understand and experience their own unique and divine spiritual origins.

For some on the spiritual path, an inner understanding of divine soul purpose emerges relatively early in the spiritual journey, guiding and supporting them in the directions needed for optimal growth and manifestation of their life’s work.

Step 1 One very important question the soul asks is, “why am I here?”, and “for what purpose did God create me?”

When a soul, embodied in human form, begins to awaken and realize their inner connection with spirit, a new path is forged within the body, mind, emotions and consciousness. The awakening human being begins to experience a greater depth of communion with spirit, and

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For others, knowledge of divine soul purpose eludes the human embodied self for quite a long time, necessitating a period of “walking in the desert” with little outward or even inward support that can be perceived. This period of seeking is purposeful on the soul’s


part, but may cause deep suffering to the embodied human self that feels empty, meaningless, and worried that they may be going in the wrong direction.

soul purpose, even at a very young age. They are attracted to certain people and situations, and they relate to their environment in their own unique fashion.

The manifestation of your divine soul purpose is as unique and precious as you are.

They may enjoy singing and dancing, or they may read voraciously, or tinker with their computer. All the natural tendencies within, if allowed to flourish and expand, will lead a child to manifesting their divine soul purpose.

Step 2 The best way to discover that which is the guiding essence of your life purpose is to look within at what desires, dreams, aspirations, hopes and longings you carry most closely in your heart. God created you so carefully, and uniquely for the sacred purpose you embody. Think of the beauty of a newborn baby, the precious nature of their tiny fingers and toes, and the sweet wisdom in their eyes. We can see the divine blueprint of the soul clearly in the radiance of their simple and innocent being. In this same way, you are created uniquely for your spiritual purpose, with every finger and toe, every hair on your head known and accounted for by God’s infinite wisdom and grace. Small children naturally begin to embody their

And what of we adults, who may have grown up in less than optimal circumstances where our natural tendencies were not supported? Perhaps we have forgotten what we most loved to do as a child, or perhaps even thinking about this brings up the pain of what we endured as children. How can we discover our divine soul purpose? It may comfort you to know that you have not lost anything, even if you no longer feel in touch with your inner desires. The deep inner longing of your heart is never extinguished, even in the most difficult of circumstances. This is a quality of the soul that is eternal, that will lead you to manifesting your soul’s purpose.

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Step 3 If you are feeling uninspired, disconnected from your divine soul purpose, it is possible to reconnect, by praying for this and creating a sacred intention to re-connect with your inner being. The prayer and intention activates a path of healing that will lead you towards that which you desire. If you have been disconnected for a very long time, you may find yourself experiencing deep emotions of grief or pain, as the re-connection to yourself is restored. If you can breathe and be with these emotions, without repressing them, but simply holding them in god’s light, this will create a healing and a freeing up on inner space. Step 4 The discovery of your divine soul purpose lies within your heart’s desire… What do you most deeply long for? If you could do anything in the world what would that be?


The path to manifesting your unique gifts in the world begins here, and then expands outward, as you begin to take actions based on your heart’s calling. Your true life’s work is this, to listen, follow, share your gifts, and manifest all that you are in the world of physical form. For this reason you came to the Earth at this time, to share all that you are with all of life.

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Thanks and Attributions Thank you so much to every one that made this months magazine a success!

Images: • • • • • •

glaciernps Gemma Stiles rseidel3 Tambako the Jaguar the_tahoe_guy Benson Kua

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Sacred Earth Partners Training and Retreat Center Inc. 6326 37th Ave NW Edmonton AB Canada T6L 1H8

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