JIMMY MONTGOMERY CARES Sunderland AFC Legend is backing the 73 Stairway of Light.
73 STAIRWAY OF LIGHT Your name or company logo etched into the fabric of the Beacon of Light forever.
STEP 12. STEP 11. STEP 10. STEP 9. STEP 8.
This is your chance to become part of the Beacon of Light, and help our community take a step in the right direction. Display your brand or company name on a step in the very heart of the building, and be seen by over 300,000 people each and every year. Let’s show that with this opportunity, charity truly starts on our own doorstep. 73 STAIRWAY OF LIGHT PACKAGE DETAILS • Only 73 steps – once they’re gone, they’re gone. • Once you’ve bought it, it’s yours forever. • Your name or logo to be laser cut into the stainless steel step plate (can be updated once it’s up, just pay for production fees).
• £5K (+VAT) – pay up front, or spread the cost over two years. • Includes two years Corporate Membership – usually £250 (+VAT) per annum. • Exclusive invitation to the exciting pre-opening event. To learn more about the Beacon of Light and how it will transform our region, visit beaconoflight.co.uk
The Beacon of Light street area
Beacon of Light
I CARE, please sign me up and take a step in helping build the Beacon of Light. COMPANY: NAME: SIGNED: EMAIL: Payment details I’ve written a cheque in the full amount of £5K (+ VAT) made payable to Beacon of Light. Please debit my card in the amount of £5K (+ VAT) Card Holders Name Card No
Expiry Date
Issue No
Security No
Call me to take payment over the phone. My telephone number is: I would like to be invoiced for the full amount of £5K (+ VAT) I would like to be invoiced over 2 years at £2500 (+ VAT) per year I would like to set up a standing order of £250 (inc VAT) per month for 24 months I would like to set up a BACS payment Account Name: Beacon of Light Sort code: 20-83-69 Account Number: 73056198 Reference: Beacon of Light Steps Please forward to Cherie Lauder: Foundation of Light, Stadium of Light, Sunderland, SR5 1SU. Tel: 0191 551 5153, Fax: 0191 514 7172, Email: cherie.lauder@foundationoflight.co.uk All data collected by Foundation of Light is collected under the data protection act and is for the use of Foundation of Light, SAFC and its subsidiaries. This form will be destroyed once payment is taken.
Please hand to a member of staff once completed to secure your step.
All images for illustration purposes only. FOUNDATION OF LIGHT REGISTERED CHARITY NO. 1089333