Uri overall endowment performance fy 2016

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The Investment of URI’s Endowment

Annualized Return on Investment

Performance: The portfolio’s performance

portfolio, as of June 30, 2015, was -0.3%. The returns for

is calculated on a total return basis, which,

the past five years, on June 30, are shown below.

The annualized return on the University’s endowment

for the purpose of this report, represents the

increase/decrease as of june 30

combination of income, dividends, and gains and losses for the time period reported, net of investment management fees and distributions. The value of the portfolio, which includes all individually named endowed funds, was


URIF Spending Policy: The current


to the fiscal year 2017 for use in the 2017–2018

endowment report


june 2016

-3.3% 2012

$105.9 million on December 31, 2015. endowment spending rate that will be applied




11.3% 14.9% 2015

academic year is 4.5 percent, which contains both the University distribution and the Foundation’s management fee. For the fiscal year 2017, the payout to the University equals 3.3 percent of the 12 quarter rolling average of the endowment market value as of December 31, 2015. The management fee is 1.2 percent. The dollar value of the payout to the University to support donor purpose this year will be

Conclusion Endowments are the cornerstone of any great university. The impact of the URI endowment is felt far and wide across all of URI’s campuses, colleges and beyond, with every dollar helping to support the things that distinguish this University from its peers: its students,

equal that of last year — $3.7 million.

faculty and programs. These vital investments help shape

A complete listing of endowed funds can be found on the URI Foundation website at www.urifoundation.org/endowmentfunds.

endowment donors is highly valued and your commitment

URI’s character and its future. The generosity of our to furthering the state’s flagship research institution is appreciated beyond measure. Please accept our heartfelt thanks, extended on behalf of the entire URI community.

If you have any questions about your fund or the endowment in general, please contact Adam Quinlan, Chief Financial Officer, at 401.874.4490 or aquinlan@uri.edu.

your investment in the university of rhode island’s future 79 upper college road, kingston, ri 02881 (401) 874-7900 | foundation@uri.edu | urifoundation.org As is customary with many universities across the country, a one-time gift fee is deducted from all donations to provide essential support to the University’s overall development activities.

this report was prepared by the uri foundation to provide an overview of the investment performance and impact of uri’s endowment.

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Uri overall endowment performance fy 2016 by URI Foundation Communications - Issuu