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Chiara Danieli Is Elected Caef President 2022

outstanding general service to AFS, its chapters, and the metalcasting industry. Two winners were chosen for 2022:

Scott Giese, professor, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa, is awarded “for his sterling record of service and industry research consortia, student development, AFS Technical Committees and Chapters, and advancement of technologies in the metalcasting industry.”


Mike Bartol, vice president metalcasting-Americas, American Colloid-Division of Minerals Technologies Inc., Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, was chosen for his “40 years of distinguished leadership to the foundry industry and AFS on the local and national levels, especially in the areas of green sand molding methods and materials.

These awards will be presented at the Volunteer Leadership Awards Luncheon on Sunday, April 24.

More to Explore

Exhibits, presentations, and featured events at CastExpo will incorporate every major alloy, process, and related foundry and manufacturing topic. The event attracts people at all stages of their careers, ranging from executives and managers to technicians, engineers, sales staff, researchers, and educators. In addition to content for metalcasters, a unique series of training sessions just for casting designers and buyers is offered on the exhibit floor, so OEM representatives are encouraged to attend, as well.

To take part in everything CastExpo has to offer, including every technical and management session, all Institute courses, keynotes, the Hoyt Memorial Lecture, and the exhibit floor, attendees should opt for the all-inclusive Education Pass. Those who plan on strolling the exhibits (plus attending the Hoyt Memorial Lecture), can opt for the Exhibits Pass. More information, including a list of exhibitors, full conference program, hotel options, and registration, can be found at www.castexpo.com. A limited number of exhibit booths for metalcasters and suppliers are also still available. ■ 爱荷华州雪松福尔斯北爱荷华大学教授斯科特·吉斯, 因其所做的出色工作和在行业研究联盟、学生发展、美 国铸造协会技术委员会及分会,以及金属铸造行业技术 进步方面的突出表现而获奖。 迈克·巴托尔是美国宾夕法尼亚州伯利恒矿产技术公司 美国胶体分部金属铸造副总裁,因其40年来领导地方及 全国铸造行业和美国铸造协会,特别是在湿砂造型工艺 和材料方面的研究所做的贡献。 这些奖项将于2022年4月24日星期日的志愿者领导奖 午餐会上颁发。


CastExpo的展览、展示和特色活动将涵盖各主要合 金、工艺以及相关的铸造和制造主题。展会将吸引处于 职业生涯各个阶段的人们,从高管和经理到技术人员、 工程师、销售人员、研究人员和教育工作者。除了铸造 企业外,展馆还为铸件设计师和买家提供了一系列独特 的培训课程,因此也欢迎OEM代表参加。 如有兴趣参加CastExpo提供的所有活动,包括技术和 管理会议、所有铸造学院课程、主题演讲、霍伊特纪念讲 座、参观展会,参会者应选择包含全部费用的培训证件。 如只计划参观展览(以及参加霍伊特纪念讲座)的参会 人员可以选择展览证件。更多信息,包括参展商名单、 完整的会议计划、酒店选择和注册方式,请访问 www. castexpo.com。此外,活动期间还设有少量展位。 ■

Chiara Danieli, Ceo Of Groupe Bouhyer, Was Elected As President Of Caef For The Upcoming Year 2022 At The Caef Council Meeting In Bilbao. She Will Succeed Ignacio De La Peña, Who Is Holding The Position Since 2020.

On 24 and 25 September 2021 the annual CAEF Council meeting was held in Bilbao (Spain). CAEF member associations from several European countries joined the event hosted by the Spanish Foundry Association FEAF, Federación Española Asociaciones Fundidores. FEAF is holding the presidency of CAEF, with Ignacio De la Peña as president, for two years. The presidency was marked mainly by the pandemic. In these turbulent and enormously challenging two years, CAEF under De la Peña has shown a high degree of flexibility, as have the numerous CAEF member associations and above all the foundries. Thus, apart from the pandemic, the numerous other challenges of our time did not pause. 在毕尔巴鄂举行的欧洲铸造协会理事会会议 上,BOUHYER集团首席执行官奇亚拉·丹尼尔女士被推 选为2022年新一任主席。她将接替自2020年起担任该 职位的伊格纳西奥·德拉佩尼亚。 2021年9月24-25日,欧洲铸造协会理事会年度会议在 西班牙毕尔巴鄂举行。来自多个欧洲国家的成员协会参加 了由西班牙铸造协会FEAF主办的活动。FEAF为欧洲铸造 协会轮值主席,伊格纳西奥·德拉佩尼亚已连续两年担任 欧洲铸造协会会长。在其任期内正值新冠疫情大流行, 在这动荡和极具挑战性的两年中,德拉佩尼亚领导的欧 洲铸造协会表现出了高度的灵活性,其成员协会、尤其 是铸造厂也是如此。但是,除新冠疫情大流行外,我们

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