The Wellspring News from Fount of Wisdom Issue 1, December 2013
Testimony from a reader
Joy in life
From the director, TitMakara (Timothy)
Mr Pouv Samon, leader at the
It is generally easy to guess the age and maturity of a person according to
Fellowship of Christian Churches,
their physique and level of knowledge. However, growth in faith and love are signs
Pochengtong, says, “The book “Spiritual Leadership” (by Oswald Sanders) has encouraged me in
of fruit in a Christian. And we know that faith and love are valued in society and the church.
my faith and strengthened me
When a person is growing, they always want to know about this or that,
spiritually even as I meet with
especially of what is around them. Reading is the best choice for these who want
difficulties and problems; I am
to grow in knowledge, learn from experience, be encouraged and find true joy in
also able to encourage church members, especially with the help
life, that is, as they learn from the words of those who are servants and work closely
of passages from the book which I
with the Lord. With our mission to be faithful to the teaching from the Bible, Fount
use for teaching and preaching.”
of Wisdom has and will continue to publish and distribute books for those who want to grow in faith and love and joy in life.
Is an editor necessary? 10 years of God’s grace On 1st of March, 2014, Fount of
Wisdom will be 10 years old!
From the editorial team
Many have asked, “Why is it necessary to have an editor before a book can be published, since there is already a translator?” The director of Bina Kasih Publishing House (OMF) Indonesia, has this to say, “A publishing house without an
Through these years, God has
editor can be compared to a restaurant without a chef.” Books without editing can
always been present in moving us
hardly be regarded as good books; in effect, once there is an editor, he or she
forward constantly, even though
becomes the first reader. And if this first reader is not able to understand the book,
we faced many difficulties. Yet we can count many blessings: from
does not catch the flow from the beginning to the end and there are many spelling
the beginning when we had only
mistakes, what hope is there that others will want to read, and read on to the end
4 staff and 1 book published, we
of the book? Hardly!
now employ 11 staff and 70 titles
Do please pray for us of the editorial team at Fount of Wisdom. Pray that
have already been published!
- The Lord will guide us to understand the mysteries in the Word of God - The Lord will help us know how to use our editorial skills well, which are a gift from Him - The Lord will enable us to be patient as we edit
Prayer requests
Buying from overseas has never been easier
1. Wisdom from the Lord to publish the right books that meet the needs of the readers 2. The publication of works by Khmer writers
From the sales and marketing team
In the past we have always received orders from buyers overseas by email. It has been our joy and pride that we have orders from overseas; at the same time, we have faced difficulties in sorting it out from within Cambodia. One reason was that the cost of postage is high and another was that making payment is difficult. Thank God that He has opened a way for us to partner with overseas publishers in
3. Enough resources and finances
order that customers can place orders and make payments with ease now. Please
4. The production of e-books
publishing/fount-of-wisdom-publishing.html> No. 11A, St. 2002, TeukThla, SenSok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Tel: 023 883 445/ 0236542233. Email: