Lawrence Kids / Fall, 2013

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FALL, 2013

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contributing photographers Emmalee Schaumburg Tasha Keathley-Helms

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photo by Emmalee Schaumburg at Schaake’s Pumpkin Patch



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Seasonal Essentials photos by Emmalee Schaumburg

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w/ husband Nick, daughter Brooklynn & son Gavin. 1. See the beautiful fall foliage from Wells Overlook - Take a walk around the trail (one year we found a baby deer nestled in tall grass just inches off the trail), and enjoy the colors. 2. Buy a new KU hoodies and wear them to a Jayhawk football game. 3. It’s all about the pumpkins - Hunt for all the best Pumpkin lattes and Pumpkin beers in Lawrence (we love Free State Octoberfest!). 4. KU tailgates with the family and friends - Grab the grill, the football, and a cooler and hit the hill. 5. Pizza picnics on the living room floor - When it’s too cool for a trip to the park, we grab a movie, spread a blanket across the living room floor and throw a box of pizza in front of ourselves. 6. Make the biggest leaf pile in the entire neighborhood! 7. St. John’s Oktoberfest 8. Head to Pendleton’s - Pick that perfect pumpkin (and we love pumpkin chunkin’). 9. Pinecone crafts - Turn them into bird feeders or break out the glitter and glue.

Viewpoint by Sally Monahan Zogry

photo by Tasha Keathley-Helms

We’re Open!

New Pediatric Practice

Lawrence Pediatrics believes in complete preventive care and Dr. Kirsten Evans has lived in Lawrence since 1989. healingschool for children from birth She completed medical and residency at Theto ageMedical 21. Center and has practiced University of Kansas

pediatrics in Topeka, Kansas City and Virginia, treating children of all ages withmission: a wide variety of illnesses. Dr. Our Evans has workedprovide in private practice, as faculty at The comprehensive pediatric KU Med Center and as a pediatric hospitalist at Storcare for your child’s lifelong mont Vail Health Care. Dr. Evans serves as adjunct fachealth. ulty for Saint Louis University and is president Welcome ofWelcome the to toour ournew newpractice. practice... .opento toall! all! Welcome to our new practice. .open to all! Kansas Medical Education Foundation.

Dr. Kirsten Evans has lived in Lawrence since 1989. She Welcome to our new practice. . .open t Kirsten Evans completed medical school and Kirsten E. Evans M.D., Ph. D., F.A.A.P. M.D., Ph.D., F.A.A.P. residency at The University of Kansas Medical Center, and has Welcome to our new practice. . .open ,, ,p.a. all! p.a. practiced pediatrics in Topeka, Kansas City, and Virginia, treating children of all ages with a wide variety COMPREHENSIVE COMPREHENSIVE PEDIATRIC of illnesses. She has worked in private practice, as a faculty PEDIATRIC member at The COMPREHENSIVE PEDIATRIC , p.a. University of Kansas Medical Center,CARE and as a pediatric hospitalist at CARE FOR FOR YOUR YOUR CHILD CHILD CARE FOR YOUR CHILD Stormont Vail Health Care. Dr. Evans also serves as adjunct faculty for COMPREHENSIVE Saint Louis University and is president of the Kansas Medical Education PEDIATRIC , p.a. Foundation. CARE FOR YOUR CHILD

Welcome to our new practice. . .open to al

Lawrence Lawrence Pediatrics Pediatrics Lawrence Pediatrics Lawrence




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I have to confess: I suffer the pangs of parental peer pressure and anxiety when this time of year rolls around. Often this is when my husband and I talk to our children about avoiding peer pressure, being true to themselves, being kind, making new friends, recognizing their own talents and strengths and generally being comfortable in their own skins. As much as I strive to help my children grow into responsible adults who have a good self image, are confident and compassionate and aware of the world and others around them, I don’t foster that in myself often enough. Why is this? I have determined that it’s all my friends’ fault - it’s peer pressure! I admire my friends, male and female, as parents and partners. They photograph and make scrapbook accounts of their children’s childhoods, they compete in marathons, exercise regularly, buy all organic food and make homemade bread, volunteer at school every week, read The New York Times book reviews, and plant and cultivate lovely gardens. Even worse, they enroll their kids in multiple activities, they drive all over town every night of the week, read for hours and construct Lego buildings, play Barbies and Harry Potter, and generally make me look bad. Did I really just say that? I feel so free! In my heart I know I am not an inadequate parent, I just feel like one sometimes when I think about all of the things I don’t do. I had two amazing parents who loved me and taught me to do my best and not compare myself to others and, to be honest I think they would be disappointed in my attitude. Most of my best childhood memories are of times spent with my parents and my six older siblings. We did fairly mundane things like singing in the car while driving to school, eating at the diner with the meanest waitresses in Washington, DC (who all loved my dad) and trying onions on a hamburger or cherry pie for the first time. We would see classic films from the 1930s and 40s and visit the museums and monuments for the thousandth time with out-of-town guests. My dad would pick us up from school on half days. These events aren’t particularly special but they reflect the importance of just being together. Here are some lessons I learned from my parents’ example:

• Be your best self. No matter what. Strive to reach your potential and do good work. Share yourself with others. • Spending time with your children is an accomplishment. Ultimately this is the most important gift a parent can give a child and vice versa. Enjoy just being together and getting to know and appreciate each other each day. • Eat dinner together as often as possible, preferably by candlelight. Teach your kids to cook. Let them join the conversation. • Take your kids out into the world and let them interact with people from all walks of life. Travel with them. • Let your kids lead the way occasionally. Provide exposure and opportunity but allow them to set their own pace. • Allow them to express their opinions and take them seriously. • Help them learn to be self sufficient and independent. Let them make mistakes, accept disappointments and consequences, learn to work out conflicts and apologize. Let them make a mess and teach them how to clean it up. • Encourage them to be compassionate, philanthropic, socially active and to appreciate that there are differences in everyone’s circumstances. • Turn up the music and dance! Sometimes to your music and sometimes to theirs (even if you don’t particularly like it). • Life is an adventure- challenge yourself! I realize that nowhere on this list is participating in multiple sports or being entertained for hours by my parents (or, in my mother’s case, exercising in any way, shape or form - she thought it was boring and she didn’t like to sweat). I also realize that I am doing most of the things on this list with my own kids. So I guess I am a perfectly good, sometimes great, parent. I just need to remind myself of that and be my best self. Sally Monahan Zogry is Executive Director of Downtown Lawrence, Inc. and has been a Lawrencian since 2003. In her home life she cooks for crowds, plans events, attempts to practice yoga, and is a lifelong Stevie Wonder fan. Pictured with husband Michael, daughter Sophia (8) and son Daniel (6).

Fall Reading Suggestions from the Librarians at the Lawrence Public Library

PICTURE BOOK FICTION Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert. Fall has come, the wind is gusting, and Leaf Man is on the move. Is he drifting east, over the marsh and ducks and geese? Or is he heading west, above the orchards, prairie meadows, and spotted cows? Leaf Man’s got to go where the wind blows. Ehlert uses actual fall leaves to illustrate Leaf Man’s travels, and identifies the different leaves on the endpapers. Ages 3 to 7. Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf by Lois Ehlert. Ehlert uses a variety of materials--including paper, ribbons and paints--to build a story about the beginning of a sugar maple’s life, with an appendix giving details on the biology of the tree. Ages 4 to 8. Four Friends in Autumn by Tomie DePaola. It’s a beautiful fall day and Mistress Pig invites her friends to dinner. They sit on the porch admiring the fall leaves, she is in the kitchen, and well…she is a pig after all….and she was just tasting… DePaolas classic illustrations decorate this short charming read. Ages 2 to 5. Pumpkin Pumpkin by Jeanne Titherington. Wonderful luminous illustrations follow Jamie as he plants a pumpkin seed, watches it grow, picks it (he has to carry it in a wagon!) and carves a jack o’lantern. Ages 2 to 5 The Busy Little Squirrel by Nancy Tafuri. Squirrel is getting ready for winter and can’t stop to be with his friends. You will enjoy the big bright animal shapes with energetic detailing.

NONFICTION Sketching Outdoors in Autumn by Jim Arnosky. On strong ivory paper, illustrated with his own

sketches, he writes briefly on his own outdoor experiences on every page and follows with some drawing tips. Arnosky has written and illustrated 86 books on nature and has illustrated 46 more by other authors! Sketching is for good readers, would be great for a parent helping a younger child observe and draw from nature, and is for adults too. There is a Sketching Outdoors book for each of the four seasons. Autumn Leaves by Ken Robbins. This is a real science book, but very simple so that all ages can enjoy it. Beautiful photos of life-size individual leaves, with the differences highlighted and the names, plus photos of trees to illustrate the effect of so many leaves together. Take it on a walk in the park when the leaves are coming down. A Seed is Sleepy by Dianna Hutts Aston, illustrated by Sylvia Long. Autumn is a time when seeds are visible on the redbuds, the catalpas, and milkweeds. This book couples science with elegant art and minimal text, perfectly chosen to get the timeless messages across.

POETRY Autumnblings: poems and paintings by Douglas Florian. Rhymes and puns, charming childlike paintings and shaped text, as always from this prolific author/illustrator. Great to read aloud, and as the year goes by, don’t miss Winter Eyes, Handsprings, and Summersaults. In Fall by Rochelle Nielsen-Barsuhn, illustrated by Marie Claude Monchaux. Simple poems for younger children or beginning readers, introducing the symbols of autumn at our latitude: squirrels, scarecrows, a little Halloween, geese flying south. LK



Season is coming to Downtown Lawrence.

December 7

The beloved Lawrence Old Fashioned Christmas Parade arrives on horseback in Downtown Lawrence on December 7. This is just one of a handful of family activities planned for the season. From rescuing Santa to running in ugly sweaters, we’ve got it going on! Check out our Facebook page for more information. Downtown Lawrence Gift Certificates always available. 833-1/2 Mass, Suite A / (785) 842-3883

WELCOME TO COLD & FLU SEASON Seasonal Health Issues by Dr. Kirsten Evans / Lawrence Pediatrics

Unfortunately, there’s really no escaping it. The changing leaves and cooling temperatures signal the coming cold and flu season. Of course washing hands, eating well, getting exercise and sleeping well help, but sometimes the cold and cont. flu bug makes its way into your home. Worry not, we are here to help.

The Stomach Flu ​Most children will experience gastroenteritis, more commonly known as “stomach flu.” This illness is not the flu that you get a flu shot for, but rather an infection of the stomach and intestines that is a result of viral or bacterial infection. It is highly contagious and therefore shows up when kids get together, especially in school. It is passed from person to person through contact with hands or by touching something that someone infected has touched, as well as through infected foods. The entire illness can last from one to ten days. Gastroenteritis is characterized by vomiting, diarrhea, or both. These are usually accompanied by cramping and abdominal pain, and often fever. Usually the vomiting only lasts a day, but the diarrhea can take up to a week and sometimes longer to improve. Fatigue, muscle aches, and general discomfort may be symptoms, as well. T ​ here are multiple causes of stomach flu. Most are caused by viruses, and there are a wide range of viruses that affect the intestinal tract. We have vaccines for two of them (rotavirus and hepatitis A) but not for any others. The diarrhea is usually watery, and rarely contains blood. Bacterial gastroenteritis has similar symptoms, but occasionally there may be blood in the diarrhea. ​As most stomach flus are caused by viruses, there is not a medicine to make them go away. The most impor-

tant thing is to keep your child hydrated. There is, however, a medicine that can keep your child from vomiting so that he or she can stay hydrated. This medicine is available from your doctor. T ​ reatment for gastroenteritis aims at comfort and hydration. If your child is vomiting, you should wait until he has not vomited for half an hour, then give him very small amounts of a clear liquid like pedialyte or Gatorade. If you have a 2 year-old, you can give him an ounce of clear liquid every half hour. If he vomits the first ounce, wait again. If he keeps vomiting and can’t stop, you will need to call your doctor. But if you can get small amounts of clear liquid into him, you will be able to keep him hydrated. You can increase the amount very slowly as he recovers, but don’t give more than 3 ounces at once or he may start vomiting again. Once the vomiting is resolved, you can start him on a bland diet with things like crackers, toast, or bananas. Avoid spicy foods for at least 24 hours. Vomiting should not last for more than a day; if it does you should call your doctor. If your child has diarrhea only, you may feed her whatever she will eat, although you want to be sure that she is getting electrolytes to replace those she is losing in her diarrhea. Therefore, just giving water alone is not sufficient. Pedialyte is a good choice if she won’t eat anything.

If she will eat, a bland diet that avoids foods that can give diarrhea is a good choice. It is important to be sure she is staying hydrated. If she can’t eat or drink, or you aren’t sure if she is producing urine, you should call your doctor. If she has fever or there is any blood in her diarrhea, you should call your doctor for this as well. Diarrhea can unfortunately last for a week or sometimes even two; so long as your child remains active and hydrated, you can continue to treat her at home.

The Common Cold Now that school is back in session, children are in closecontact and sharing the viruses that cause the common colds. Parents often wonder what is a cold and what is something more worrisome, when to call the doctor, and what they can give their children to make them feel better, especially now that cold medicines aren’t recommended for children under 6 years of age. Cold symptoms include runny nose, cough, congestion, and generally feeling a little sick. There may be low grade fever, headache, and stomach ache as well. Colds generally don’t cause high fevers or lethargy, and usually they run their course in a week or so. Children may be grumpy and out of sorts but usually do not appear very ill. Reasons to be concerned that there may be something more serious occurring include high fever (103 or

more), lethargy, ear pain, bad headache, or sore throat without congestion. A child who refuses to eat or get out of bed is also of concern. And generally, if you just think your child is really ill, you should call your doctor. Recently, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended that children under the age of 6 not be given cold medicines at all. This is because the medicines do not seem to bring much relief. More concerning, however, is the increasing number of overdoses and ER visits due to side effects caused by these medicines. So what can you give your young child safely? If your child is over a year of age and has significant coughing, honey and Vicks have been shown to work effectively. A tablespoon of honey, and Vicks applied to the neck and chest at night will help soothe the cough and congestion of a cold. Ibuprofen and acetaminophen help the aches and pains and fever of a cold. Warm tea can help with congestion. And study after study shows that yes, chicken soup helps ease the common cold. LK Dr. Evans has practiced pediatrics in Topeka, Kansas City, and Virginia. As apediatrician who has worked in private practice, a faculty member at The University of Kansas Medical Center, and a pediatric hospitalist at Stormont Vail Health Care, she has treated children of all ages with a wide variety of illnesses. She also serves as djunct faculty for Saint Louis University and is a board member of theAmerican Academy of Pediatrics, tiny-k and Safe Kids.

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Mama D’s Funnies by Julie Dunlap

photo by Emmalee Schaumburg

As my fork dropped to my dinner plate, I scrambled to figure out how our dinner conversation had reached this point. Something about our 10-year-old daughter not being able to find “Hannah Montana” on Hulu… “Why do we even have Hulu?” she finished, exasperated by not being able to catch up on the premarijuana Miley Cyrus she was just getting to know courtesy of Disney Channel reruns. “I hear you, girl,” I commiserated. I canceled Netflix last summer because I couldn’t find “Fletch.” Nobody puts ‘80’s in a corner. But my husband, always the first to embrace technology, came to the industry’s rescue. “You realize you’re complaining about a service that delivers a movie to your television set? You don’t even need to leave the house to get it,” he exclaimed. The kids stared blankly at him as he continued. “Back in my day,” and the kids rolled their eyes, “we used to have to drive to a store that had video tapes – “ “I’ve seen those before!” our son added, popping video tapes into the same category as typewriters and rotary-dial phones. “ – and hope the store still had ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ in stock and then take it home and fast-forward through all of the ads,” he lamented. I thought of all the small children in Indonesia who probably made those video cassettes and how sorry they would feel for him, driving to the store with his parents to pick out a movie and some Hot Tamales, only to have to fast-forward ads for “Rocky III.” But I kept that – and my fork – to myself. “You guys don’t even need to rewind when you’re done!” he finished. “You know, I don’t think I’ll ever rewind anything,” our 16-year-old daughter correctly announced. “I’ll never own a cassette tape, and we don’t even have a VCR anymore.” I wasn’t sure any of our kids knew what “rewind” really meant. They know how to go backwards on the DVR, but I don’t know that they’ve ever truly seen something undergo the rewinding process. The rest of us sat in silence for a moment, my fork still in my hand, as we tried to think of something --- anything --- that would ever be rewound, reelto-reel, again… maybe a tape measure or a spool of thread, but that wasn’t quite the same as waiting for a video tape to rewind so you can return it to

the store in time to avoid that extra two-dollar late charge and/or the fifty-cent rewind fee. “I guess the closest I’ll ever come to rewinding is when I play a vinyl,” she concluded. And for one brief, shining moment, my husband and I were the proudest parents in America. For our daughter, our eldest child, who might not ever rewind a mixed tape with a ghetto blaster in her lifetime, recognized the beauty of the vinyl record. In that instant she had us convinced that, in spite of her millennial youth, she had reverence for the analog audio storage format that first gave the world The Rat Pack, Elvis, The Beatles, Zeppelin and Darth Vader’s Imperial March. “What’s a vinyl?” our second-oldest – and, at that point, second-favorite – child asked. I took a breath, ready to explain the evolution of music from the gramophone to the iPod, highlighting the clarity of the vinyl era and the devastation of a scratch on your new Bruce Springsteen record, but Ellie answered first. “They’re those big, black CDs Grammy and Grandpa and Mimi and Papa have.” The next sound heard ‘round the Dunlap dinner table was my fork hitting my plate. My husband buried his face in his hands while I choked for air. “What?” she asked. “They’re like big CDs. You play them on a turntable. You drop the… what’s it called?” “Needle,” we replied in unison, with flashes of sitting in my parents’ living room, playing “Glory Days” over and over again running through my poor, aching head. Watching the Beloit College’s annual Mindset List unfold before our eyes, my husband and I could not help but feel a little more antiquated than before. But then I remembered our road trip around Colorado this summer and how every child’s playlist (2013 for “mixed tape”) included selections by Elvis, The Beatles and Zeppelin. And I realized our kids, though ignorant about the struggles of living in the vinyl era, were well-cultured in what mattered most: the music. And my husband and I were, indeed, doing a very good job after all. LK


Things We Dig

Fall, 2013 / S’mores with Peanut Butter Cups There are very few things we love more than sitting around a campfire with our kids. And there are very few things that go with a campfire better than s’mores. For years and years, we’ve toasted marshmallows and squeezed them between graham crackers and a chunk of Hershey’s chocolate. Not only is a great s’mores a rite of the season, it’s a rite of childhood. This summer, everything changed. On a camping trip, a friend prepared s’mores for the group. He had graham crackers and marshmallows, but no Hershey’s chocolate. Instead, he had Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. We were a bit hesitant to try the revolutionary idea, but we are so glad we did. There’s just something about that hit of peanut butter with the chocolate and marshmallows that is perfect for campfire snacks. This fall, now that the weather has cooled and the leaves have turned, have a family campfire. Get the graham crackers and the marshmallows, but leave the plain chocolate. Put some Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups on your s’mores and hold on to your tastebuds! photo by Tasha Keathley-Helms


Olive hangs out at the shop quite a bit. It’s great having her here. She’s patient and curious. I’ll get some work done, then we go for a walk down Mass Street. Rod Smith, White Chocolate owner At Work, with Olive (3) photo by Emmalee Schaumburg

Simple Pleasures Apple Picking @ Fieldstone Orchard story, photos & recipe by Dana Hangauer

A golden yellow sign with a blue arrow pointed us towards the orchard. My son and I, along with my friend Amy, were on our way to spend the early Fall afternoon picking apples and pears. Plucking them from their perches, nestled within the tangled branches of assorted organic trees, ripe and smelling sweetly of honey, the fruits practically fell into our buckets with only the slightest effort. We were amazed, tugging lightly at a bright lemon-yellow pear, and laughing while a half dozen pears rained down on us from somewhere high above. Around us, honeybees buzzed with delight and neon butterflies fluttered, as our buckets became heavy and full, brimming with colorful fruits. There is something remarkable about the simple pleasures in life like a moment in time, shared with nature; in awe of the stark and abundant beauty. As we navigated our way through the orchard, we stopped to taste our share of irresistible treats. Biting into a tangy crisp apple or sugary sweet pear, we’d say, “Oooh, you’ve gotta try this one. This is my favorite!” We did this over and over, until we realized we hadn’t tasted a single one we didn’t like.

Simply Applesauce Recipe 5 lbs apples (peeled, cored & cut into pieces) 5 cups cold water 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 3/4 cup sugar 1 cinnamon stick 1. Mix 5 cups cold water and 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice in a large pot. Add peeled and cut apple pieces as you go, submerging them in the lemon-water. Add sugar and cinnamon. 2. Bring to a boil over high heat, about 10 minutes. Reduce heat to simmer and cook until apples are completely softened and water is reduced, about 20 minutes more, stirring occasionally. 3. Remove from heat and let cool slightly. Remove cinnamon stick. 4. Using a wire whisk, whisk rapidly to help break down the apple pieces, or smash against the side of the pot with a wooden spoon. 5. Transfer applesauce to a bowl and refrigerate until chilled thoroughly. Once chilled, applesauce may also be put into a freezer-safe container and stored in the freezer for several months. Yields 1 1/2 quarts (6 cups)

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FROM THE BLACKBOARD by Vanessa Sanburn, USD 497 School Board President

It’s an exciting time of year to be a member of the Lawrence school board as our nearly 11,000 students are welcomed back to school in anticipation for another productive year. In addition, our board’s annual goal setting process is underway. Among the many goals we’ve discussed that seem to have consensus among our seven member board is an effort to focus on and improve the district’s student wellness initiatives. It makes a lot of sense for schools to be environments conducive to health and wellness, given that it’s where kids spend a good majority of their weekly waking hours. However, given the tight state of school funding, and the many important functions of pubic schools, our district has to be focused and deliberate about how we spend our time. Luckily, I have lots of opportunities to hear from the community about this topic, since I’ve had the privilege of serving on several community work groups around access to healthy foods and physical activity through LiveWell Lawrence and the Lawrence Douglas County Health Department. Over the last few years, health advocates from all over the community have met to develop a Community Health Plan, which was recently released. New work groups have formed with a focus on implementing policies and strategies that meet the goals outlined in the plan. You can follow the work of our “Healthy Kids Workgroup” and read the Community Health Plan by visiting We’ve got work to do, but we’ve also got many great things happening already in and around our schools to improve student health. I’d like to highlight a few. School garden advocates and garden volunteers in our community deserve a major shout out. Many schools, including each of our middle schools, has a school garden program this year-- providing hands on, project based learning to our students and fresh student-grown produce for their school’s cafeteria. Some of this is due to excellent LEAP partnerships-one example is the Community Mercantile’s partner-

ships with West Middle School, Hillcrest Elementary, and Sunset Hill Elementary that employs student gardeners to tend the vegetable- and fruit-producing-gardens that are also beautiful works of art. Seriously-go check these out if you haven’t seen them before. They are magnificent. Teachers, parent volunteers, other district LEAP partners, students, and dedicated community members tend to other impressive gardens throughout the district. This is such a great community! And, last I heard, all of our elementary schools have an active marathon club (often staffed with parent volunteers) that encourages children to run or walk laps around the school grounds before or after school, often rewarding student along the way as they complete milestones. I’m sure you’ve all seen impressive marathon finishers around town wearing t-shirts highlighting their 26.2 mile accomplishment. I’m always impressed watching kindergarteners complete their marathon-- those tiny legs sure have to take a lot of steps to earn their shirts! And, last year, all schools across the country got some help in the form of guidelines and improved funding from USDA to up the nutritional quality of lunches. These guidelines get stricter this year and are geared to promoting healthy eating by increasing the quantity and variety of fruits and veggies students are exposed to at school, while limiting sodium and fat content and overall calories of meals. If you have kids in public schools, consider having lunch with them so you can check out the improved lunch options and encourage them to take another helping of fruits and veggies on their tray. This year, I’ll certainly be working hard along side passionate and inspiring people from Lawrence and surrounding communities within our county to improve health outcomes for kids. Let me know if you have ideas or want to get involved at vsanburn@usd497. org! LK



BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF LAWRENCE The Boys and Girls Club of Lawrence works to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as citizens.

photos by Emmalee Schaumburg

The early afternoon at the Boys and Girls Club of Lawrence is quiet. Staff meet around a table, someone sweeps and a fan spins overhead. All is quiet. That will change at 3:45. On a typical day, kids show up to the main Boys and Girls Club location on Haskell Drive in East Lawrence around 3:45. That’s when the quiet ends. “Yeah, our kids are pretty excited to get here,” says Colby Wilson, Boys and Girls Club of Lawrence Executive Director. “This place really springs to life every afternoon. It’s a jolt of energy everyday. It’s really great. For a lot of these kids, this is like a another family.” As the executive director, Wilson oversees the daily operations of the Boys and Girls Club’s main facility, their East Heights location, after-school programs at various elementary schools across Lawrence and their extensive summer programs. Wilson and his staff work to provide a safe and positive location for kids to relax, interact and improve. The numbers for 2012 are staggering: 2,376 youth enrolled during the 2011/2012 school year with an average daily attendance of 1,039 during the school year. More than 515 kids attended the 2012 summer program. The

club maintains 12 sites and serves 20 Lawrence schools. “One of our main goals is to provide these kids with consistency,” Wilson says. “We want them to know why we are here: to help them progress and grow into good people. A lot of our kids, for any number of reasons, don’t have very consistent home lives. If we can provide a few calm, consistent hours a day, it can make a big difference in their life.” The Boys and Girls Club of Lawrence after-school program is not free. The rates are determined on a sliding income scale. Wilson encourages any parent interested to get in touch with the club. “No child is ever turned away because of an inability to pay,” Wilson says. “There are no qualifications to attend the club. We can find a way to get a kid here.” A typical afternoon at the club is based on the idea of controlled chaos. Yes, hundreds of kids are going to be excited to be done with school for day. But, according to Wilson, the staff at the Boys and Girls Club is good at

“I admire and appreciate the work done by the Club. They show genuine interests in the kids and work to help them become better people.�

harnessing that energy and focussing it on positive behavior. “We know that when that first bus pulls up, or that first kid walks through the door, we’re on,” he says. “Whatever we have going on that day takes a backseat. When the kids are here, they are not our top priority, they are our only priority.” Warren Burkett says the staff at the Boys and Girls Club are well-qualified and good at what they do. His oldest son attended the Club’s after-school program at Langston Hughes, and his younger son is currently enrolled. “The staff really needs to be commended,” Burkett says. “The mentors are old enough that the kids look at them as adults, but young enough that they can relate somewhat to the things the kids are experiencing and going through. I know my sons like the time the staff spends with them.” The time staff spends with the kids is geared toward creating positive habits. Wilson says one of the most popular programs is the “Power Hour.” The hour is set aside for the kids to focus on their school work. Distractions are kept to a minimum and staff is available to answer questions. “I know we love the Power Hour,” Burkett says. “My boys loved it too. They’d get home around 5:30 and they would already have their homework done. It helps our nights go more smoothly as well. Instead of arguing about homework, we know it’s done and we can relax and just enjoy each other.” The Power Hour works. Wilson reports that 92% of Boys & Girls Club youth met or exceeded state assessment standards in math and reading and 60% demonstrated increased rates of homework completion. Aside from increased academic performance, the Boys and

Girls Club strives to develop strong leadership and character in their kids. They teach conflict resolution and work to help their kids understand other’s point of view. Wilson says 95% the kids participate in at least two community service activities annually. “I think they do a really nice job of talking with kids who are having a problem,” Burkett says. “They act as role models and will talk kids through different options to solve a problem. Most kids don’t think ahead to the consequences of their actions. The staff does a good job of getting the kids to start doing that.” Burkett also praises the opportunities that the diverse students offer. “Within the club, there are other clubs,” he explains. “My son was involved in an anthropology club and a comic book club. And these weren’t just sitting around talking about comic books. They organized themselves and worked together to create a new comic book. It was really great to see. I don’t think my son would have had that opportunity if he wasn’t surrounded by all these diverse kids with diverse interests.” Though the Boys and Girls Club is part of the national organization, the majority of funding for programs is obtained through grants and local fund raising, according to Development Director Erika Zimmerman. The club benefits from its affiliation with the national organization through branding and national advertising. Any residents interested in supporting The Boys and Girls Club of Lawrence, or volunteering, should contact Zimmerman at (785) 841-6854. LK

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Librarian Rebecca Dunn Skypes with author Jennifer L. Holm.


In September, nearly 4500 Lawrence kids read the same book, had the same discussions and took part in the same activities. And it was all organized by the Lawrence Public Library.

More than 4250 kids participated in Read Across Lawrence for Kids, nearly double the number from last year.

Rebecca Dunn really likes books. She also really likes kids. She also really wants more kids to read more books. In an effort to increase youth reading, Dunn, along with the other librarians at the Lawrence Public Library, planned and conducted Read Across Lawrence for Kids - a month’s worth of activities based on Jennifer L. Holm’s Turtle in Paradise. Through September, while Lawrence grown-ups read and discussed their book, the kids in town had their own book club, and it was a smashing success. “I didn’t think just the grown-ups should have all the book club fun,” Dunn says with her custom smile. “The Read Across Lawrence program for adults has been so successful, so we wanted to extend it to our kids. Last year we started the Read Across Lawrence for Kids program and were really pleased with how many kids got involved. This year, we wanted to make it even more fun and get even more kids involved.” In 2012, approximately 2250 Lawrence kids read The Cabinet of Wonders by Marie Rutkoski. This year, Dunn and the librarians wanted to expand the reach, expand the readers and expand the fun. Dunn is veracious reader and is great at recommending books for kids of all ages. When she started planning for 2013’s Read Across Lawrence for Kids, she wanted a book that would appeal to a large group of children, and

also provide ideas for activities to enhance to book. Dunn decided on Turtle in Paradise. The book centers around Turtle, an 11 year-old girl and her life in 1935, when jobs, money and sometimes even dreams are scarce. When Turtle’s mama gets a job housekeeping for a lady who doesn’t like kids, Turtle says goodbye without a tear and heads off to Key West, Florida to live with relatives she’s never met. Florida’s like nothing Turtle’s ever seen before though. Before she knows what’s happened, Turtle finds herself coming out of the shell she’s spent her life building, and as she does, her world opens up in the most unexpected ways (including rag tag boy cousins, family secrets, scams, and even buried pirate treasure!). Holm, an accomplished children’s author, was thrilled to hear that her book would be promoted throughout the community. “I was completely blown away when Rebecca contacted me,” Holm said. “What an honor.” Dunn made sure Read Across Lawrence for Kids wasn’t just a bunch of kids reading the same book and discussing the character development. In fact, the events surrounding the book went beyond a book clud and become a com

munity engagement project. Holm’s book takes place in Key West, so Dunn and the library crew planned beach activities, starting with a beachthemed kick-off party at Watson Park. At the party, librarians handed out thousands of copies of Turtle in Paradise, kids played beach volleyball, danced to live music, ate free food from Jimmy John’s and used copies of their of their books to swim for free at the Outdoor Aquatic Center. The success of the kick-off party was followed by a month of unique, interactive activities that created interaction between kid readers and adventurous Lawrence businesses. Kids made their own Turtle in Paradise t-shirts using all kinds of crafty, cool methods like magazine transfers, bleach pens, and sandpaper. The folks at Sylas and Maddy’s hosted an ice cream making lesson and created a brand-new flavor based on the book and inspired by the kids reading in the program. Liberty Hall hosted a free family matinee showing of Annie. Knowing the volatile weather of the Key West region, the library hosted a bar full of kids at The Sandbar to experience a hurricane (the weather, not the drink!) on a Sunday afternoon. The entire program ended with a Skype question and answer session with Jennifer Holm (the author is currently living in Paris). Lawrence kids were able to interact with Holm, ask questions about Turtle in Paradise and discuss the activities they had been working on through September. “I was blown away by how awesome Jennifer Holm is,” Dunn says. “She was so fun and pleasant to work with throughout

the entire Read Across Lawrence for Kids process and did an amazing job at our final virtual author talk event.” Nine year-old Miles Tanner never thought reading a book would bring so much fun. “That hurricane was the coolest,” he said with a big smile. “I’ve never seen anything like that. I liked how all this stuff was kind of like the book. It’s all pretty neat. I think they should do this stuff with all the books I read.” Dunn is quick to pass the credit to the crew at the library and the many local businesses that help sponsor and support the list of events. “The way local businesses in Lawrence came out to help us with this program is astonishing,” Dunn says shaking her head. “Almost every person I contacted agreed to help. People in the community have been so supportive. It’s really inspiring. One of the reasons I love living in Lawrence is the sense of community and compassion, especially when it comes to supporting the library and the young people of Lawrence. It’s a beautiful thing to witness and to be apart of.” Nearly 50 Lawrence school teachers included the book in their September curriculum. Teachers agreeing to teach with Turtle in Paradise received a packet of material assisting their classroom discussions and topic ideas. As a testament to Holm’s writing style, classrooms ranging from 3rd to 7th grade read the book. “I wanted to find a book that would appeal to different ages,” Dunn says. “That’s one of the things about Jennifer’s writing that is so great. This book reached a great audience of eager readers.”

Though creating a fun community engagement project, inspired by a book, that brought together different people in unique situations was the method, getting young readers excited about reading was the goal. “Yes, we are using free food, swimming passes and ice cream to get more kids to read,” Dunn says with a big smile. “You know, there could be worst methods.” Holm is thrilled public libraries are doing more to get books into kids’ hands. “I think it’s fantastic to get a whole community excited about reading,” Holm said. “It’s something that everyone can do together - kids, parents and grandparents.” Dunn and the staff at the library understand getting books into the hands of kids isn’t the challenge. Getting those kids to put down their iPad, turn off the video game, log off the computer and read those books is where the work must be done. Read Across the Lawrence for Kids served as an introduction for children to use their imaginations to expand beyond the pages of the story. The activities were based on the book, but offered kids the chance to feel comparable experiences as the characters in the story. For Holm, the specifics with Turtle in Paradise are not only meant to be enjoyed by young readers, but to inspire them to dig a little bit into their own family. “A lot of my books are inspired by family history,” she says. “I hope that reading Turtle in Paradise lights a spark in kids to find out more about their own family history. Every family has a story or two, or three.”

Study after study lists the benefits of reading on children’s brains and futures. In a time when screens occupy more and more of our children’s time, Dunn, the crew at the library and Holm all agree reading books needs to be emphasized. “We really try to get kids into reading by incorporating fun activities,” Dunn says. “The success of Read Across Lawrence for Kids programs shows that both kids and the community can get excited about reading. We are here to encourage that.” Of course, as an author of books for young people, Holm is all for encouraging kids to read (and buy) books. However, as she demonstrates with her own children, reading shouldn’t be constricted to novels that are accompanied with pizza parties, indoor hurricanes and author talks. “When I was growing up, my parents were big promoters of “Read Everything,” Holm says. “As in, read fiction, read fantasy, read comics, read the back of the cereal box. My favorite trick with my own kids is to read at the dinner table. We keep a big basket of books in the kitchen and the kids are always free to pull out a book and read. We get some really great conversations out of it.” Dunn and the youth librarians at the Lawrence Public Library are all-in for 2014. Planning hasn’t started, but notes have been passed and ideas discussed. Until then, they’ll man their station next to the puppets and fish tank at the library, waiting for the opportunity to recommend another great book for young readers (see page 23 in this issue!). LK

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“lawrence jazzercise”


Ana Williams and Loralea Wood love to dance. Both Ana and Loralea danced competitively as girls. Both danced in college and both have young girls that are beginning dance. And they both work with children with special needs.

Ana works as an Occupational Therapist with tiny-k Early Intervention and Loralea works as a Special Education teacher in the Lawrence School District. Before a common idea brought them together, they had never met. The young Lawrence moms had each been thinking about starting a dance class for children with special needs. Until about a 2 years ago, it was just an idea. “I had the idea and hadn’t really done anything to act on it,” Ana says with her soft voice. “I didn’t know how to start the class or where to begin.” Ana saw an article in the Kansas City magazine Parenting Children with Special Needs. The article told the story of a Kansas City mom that started a dance class specifically for children with special needs. Unbeknownst to Ana, Loralea had also been thinking about a special dance class, and had also seen the magazine article. “I got in touch with the lady leading the Kansas City class,” Loralea says with a big smile. “She said, ‘Huh, I just got a call from another Lawrence mom who has the same idea.’ She gave me Ana’s number and we started to talk.” The two got in touch and started to discuss their ideas for the dance class. It didn’t take long for them to form a bond,

and decide to co-teach the dance class. Sitting together on a big couch in Loralea’s home, the two moms look like they’ve been friends since childhood. When speaking about the class the started together, they laugh at each other’s jokes and often complete each other’s sentences. They show a mutual respect for each other as mothers, teachers and dancers. When they began planning the dance class, neither Ana or Loralea knew exactly what to expect. They did, however have a few goals. “The number one goal of the class was to give these kids an opportunity to dance,” says Loralea, who had taught dance at The Dance Gallery and currently coaches with the Lawrence High School Spirit Squad. “Unfortunately, for reasons that are individual to each child, they can’t succeed as well in a more traditional dance class.” The class, held every Wednesday afternoon at The Dance Gallery, is shorter than most classes (30 minutes) and focusses more on movement and less on the perfect plie. Kids are encouraged not to hit 2nd position with precision, but to jump and bounce and spin with the music. “We really didn’t know what to expect last year,” Ana says. “I think we were both nervous before that first class. cont.

“It is so inspiring to see these kids letting loose and dancing. Their smiles are, absolutely, the best.�

Once the kids got into the room and we started, I know I felt a big sense of happiness. Their smiles were just the best. Seeing the kids enjoying themselves was such a rewarding feeling. It is so inspiring to see these kids letting loose and dancing. Their smiles are, absolutely, the best.” Ana and Loralea share teaching duties during class time and volunteers from KU help with each dancer. Often, each child has one-on-one encouragement from an experienced dancer. Neither Loralea nor Ana make any money on the class. In fact, there is no charge for a child to attend. That’s right, it’s free to whomever would like to participate. The teachers and volunteers give their time and talents. Karen Fender, Dance Gallery owner, donates the time in her studio and donations from local businesses covered the cost of recital costumes. “We knew we wanted the class to be free,” Loralea says. “We understand raising a child with special needs is challenging. It can be stressful and, let’s face it, expensive. We hope this class can be a way for parents to see their child dance and smile, and they don’t have to worry about another bill.” Becky Cheek-King’s daughter, Kelsey, was in the dance class last year and it left quite and impression on her. “Oh, she absolutely loved it,” Becky says. “She would look forward to the class all week. This summer, about once a week, she would ask me when dance was going to start again. All summer she talked about the dance class. Needless to say, she was thrilled when class started again this fall.” Becky says that for her daughter, a 5th grader at Deerfield Elementary, any activity in which she feel equal to her peers is a great boost.

“She has dance class just like her friends,” Becky says. “She goes to the same dance studio as her friends. When we were at the recital, she was sitting in a row with her friends comparing dance outfits. She got a t-shirt from the recital with her name on the back, just like her friends. And, from the stage at the recital, she saw her friends cheering for her. In her life, that all really means a lot.” To Becky, the class means more than just a chance for Kelsey to have a great experience. “The fact that Loralea and Ana, and all of the volunteers, are doing this for our kids is awesome,” she says. Both Ana and Loralea say the recital at the end of last year’s dance class was an emotional experience. As a class offered at The Dance Gallery, the kids in the class performed at the Lied Center as part of the studios end-of-the-year celebration. “We really didn’t know what to expect, or how the kids would react,” Ana says. “It was clear that they were excited and nervous. But once the music started, and they all started dancing, it was hard for me stop smiling and, you know, maybe tearing up a little.” Loralea agrees. “Seeing those kids on stage, performing the routine we had worked on, was really, really special,” she says. “And then seeing their faces when they got a standing ovation was the best. They were so proud of themselves.” The class meets at the Dance Gallery on Wednesdays at 4:15. For more information, to volunteer or to make a donation to help offset costs, please contact Ana Williams at (785) 424-3960 or LK

It’s About More Than


Coach Charlie Weis and wife Maura used inspiration from their daughter Hannah to form Hannah and Friends, a non-profit helping bring “the fun of life” to children with special needs. Speak with Maura Weis, wife of University of Kansas Head Football Coach Charlie Weis, for a moment and it becomes clear that she has things to do. She talks clearly, quickly and with a distinct energy. Mrs. Weis’ voice is filled with equal parts New Jersey accent and caring mother. She’s quick with a laugh and eager to discuss her and her husband’s inspiration: their daughter, Hannah. cont.

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“Without question, Charlie and I both believe that Hannah is an angle,” Mrs. Weis beams. “She has been such a blessing to our family and we are so lucky to have her in our lives.” Hannah is a beautiful 18 year-old girl living in South Bend, Indiana. She loves her family, teachers and friends. She has grown into a compassionate beautiful person who has a lot to offer those who are open to the lessons she has to teach. Now living on her own in the home built by Hannah and Friends, the organization her parents started 10 years ago, Hannah has come a long way. “When I was seven months into my pregnancy with Hannah, the doctors told me she had Polycystic Kidney Disease and wouldn’t live for more than a few days,” Mrs. Weis says frankly. She is use to talking about her daughter, and relishes an opportunity to tell the story. “Charlie and I refused to believe that. We knew our daughter was special.” As Hannah grew, she met her developmental milestones and seemed to be a healthy little girl. “She was speaking at 18 months, smiling all the time and just the greatest little baby,” Mrs. Weis says. “Then everything changed. She stopped speaking and went into her own little world. We really didn’t know what happened and we struggled to find an explanation.” Hannah’s condition was initially thought to be autism and ADD. When she was 12, she was diagnosed with Electrical Status Epilepticus of slow wave sleep, a rare epilepsy syndrome that affects cognitive function. Five months after helping lead the New England Patriots to a Super Bowl victory as the offensive coordinator, complications from gastric-bypass surgery nearly killed Charlie Weis. Awakening from a two-week coma, Charlie and Maura knew something had to change. “We always talked about starting a foundation,” Mrs. Weis explains. “But we had decided to make that happen after Charlie became a head coach. It’s just so much easier to get exposure and raise money when a name is followed by ‘Head Coach.’ But when Charlie was that close to dying, we both knew we couldn’t wait. It was time to help however we could. We decided we’d fund it ourselves if we had to.” In 2003, Hannah and Friends was born. Hannah and Friends is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for children and adults with special needs. The organization fosters an ongoing campaign of “Awareness & Compassion” for all individuals with special needs, operates a neighborhood in Indiana where residential homes provide a community for adults with special needs and provides grants to families with special needs children. “Initially we received a lot of guidance from Doug Flutie and his foundation,” Mrs. Weis says of the former NFL quarterback and his Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism. “He is very hands-on in his foundation and was so helpful in getting Hannah and Friends started.” The organization focuses its efforts on three major areas. Mrs. Weis says raising awareness and compassion for individuals with special needs is the number one priority for Hannah and Friends. “Unfortunately, people with special needs are not always treated well,” Mrs. Weis says. “Of course I don’t need to explain this to parents of children with special needs. We know.

We’ve experienced it and we’ve seen our own children hurt by it. We work to increase compassion for people with special needs. I mean, what’s the big deal? Let’s treat everyone with dignity and respect.” Mrs. Weis says parents of children with special needs have seen the looks in the grocery stores and heard the whispers at the playground. She thinks its time for those to end. “It’s time for us all to see people with special needs for what they are: people,” she says. Perhaps the most quantitative accomplishment of the organization is the Hannah and Friends Neighborhood, a 40acre residential community north of South Bend, Indiana. At the neighborhood, the organization provides affordable and accessible residential and educational opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities. Hannah moved into the home this year. “Opening that home was a tremendous achievement for Hannah and Friends as an organization,” Mrs. Weis beams. “But moving in was a life achievement for Hannah. She is so happy there and we are so proud of her.” Mrs. Weis praises the staff at the residence and is thrilled with the opportunities the neighborhood has helped provide. She speaks at length about how proud she is of the fun and healthy living residents have at the neighborhood. Hannah and Friends also provides support for a program called Hannah’s Helping Hands, which funds quality of life grants for Kansas, Kansas City Metropolitan area, Florida, Indiana, New York and Rhode Island families that care for children and adults with special needs. The grants provide low and moderate-income families with stipends that may be used for a wide variety of supports related to their family member. “We want to help support the fun in life,” Mrs. Weis says. “That’s the main motivation behind the grant program. Yes, we try to offset some of the financial burdens families of special needs children experience, but we look to provide things that will make people smile.” Mrs. Weis’ tells the story of the child who received a mattress from the foundation and couldn’t stop smiling. It was, according to Maura, the first time he had ever slept on a mattress. Her favorite story, and the one she says best illustrates the hopes of the grant program, involves a young girl. “Unfortunately, this young girl wasn’t very popular in her neighborhood,” Mrs. Weis says. “She has some developmental issues and she just couldn’t play with the other kids. We got her a special, 3-wheeled bike that she just loved. As soon as she started riding that in the neighborhood, the other kids started to take notice and ride with her. We helped that girl smile. That’s why we do this.” With Hannah thriving at Hannah and Friends Neighborhood, Mrs. Weis is excited to be moving to Lawrence. “Knowing Hannah is doing so well, and is so well cared for, is a great feeling,” she says. “Her flourishing has been a blessing to me and our family. We know, without question, that she is an angel. Charlie and Charlie Jr and I have all learned so much from Hannah. We’ve learned not to be so sensitive to other’s judgments and to look for the best in people. Hannah taught us that, we love her so much for it.” LK

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FALL, 2013 MUST DOS 1. GO OUTSIDE We love fall, maybe more than any other season. The colors, cool air, smell of slow-cooked soup and firewood all combine to create a cornucopia for the senses. In Lawrence, the summers and winters can be brutal. We maintain that fall in Lawrence is our reward for sticking it out through the scorching summer sun and the icy winter snow. Turn the television off. Open your front door and go. Head out to Clinton Lake, or the pumpkin patch or your backyard. Just get outside and surround yourself with the best season of the year. Now through December / Everywhere

2. KU FOOTBALL As the leaves on Mount Oread turn to red and gold, take a Saturday and head to the hill. Get some friends, a grill and a football. Coach Weis has our boys in blue playing better, and Memorial Stadium is one of the most picturesque football stadiums in America. As the kids run through trees and around Potter Lake, you can relax with a beer and a burger. Sure we love it when our Jayhawks win, but any Saturday spent with your family and friends on the University of Kansas Campus is a victory. October 19 & 26 / November 15 & 30 / University of Kansas Campus

3. COOK WITH YOUR KIDS Studies show that one of the easiest ways to teach your children healthy eating habits is by having them cook with you. Is there any better time than Fall to start? Get some of that great produce from the Farmer’s Market (or better yet, go to the farms!) and plan one family meal a week. The kids can stir and chop and pour. You might be surprised how willing they are to eat vegetables that they have helped prepare. Pick a day, any day, all season

4. READ A BOOK / OR TWO The Lawrence Public Library is a treasure of our community. Their Read Across Lawrence was a smashing success. However, the library has thousands of books (no, really!) for everyone in your family. As the temperatures begin to dip, and the wind and rain of the season push you indoors, leave the television off. Grab a book and a blanket. Have your kids read to you. Stem the coming onslaught of commercials and ads, and spend a quiet afternoon with a book. Best on rainy weekends and cool nights

5. BE THANKFUL Look at your family, friends and food. We’re lucky here in Lawrence. Let’s all be thankful.

REUSE LAWRENCE KIDS / LEAF WREATH Looking for something for the kids to do while you prepare that Turkey? Using your Lawrence Kids, make these fun and colorful leaf wreaths. Hang them on your door to welcome your guests, or hang them indoors for a bit of seasonal fun. 1. Go outside and collect various leaves. 2. Trace leaves onto Lawrence Kids Magazine pages. Then carefully cut out leaf shapes. 3. Using a paper plate, cut the center out and add a generous amount of glue to the remaining edges. 4. Arrange magazine leaves onto paper plate ring. Press down so that the leaves adhere to the glue. Let dry. By Rebecca Dunn / Full-time stay-at-home-mom by day, part-time youth librarian by night and on weekends, Rebecca has pages of creative ideas for seasonal fun on her beautiful blog

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