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Step into new year, new goals

Lighting gold sparklers, throwing away past mistakes and creating new goals: what better way to step into the new year? New Year’s resolutions give a sense of your intentions for the new year, provide stability and act as motivation to become a better version of yourself.

It is hard to know what could happen in the new year or what you want to accomplish. Forming resolutions allow you to get a better sense of what you want to achieve. Some people only realize what they want once they openly create goals and write them down, following the 4,000-year-old tradition, first made in Babylon to celebrate the equal length of day and night.


Since you don’t know what will be thrown at you as you start a new year, these goals provide a sense of stability as you try to find your way through the unknown year. Resolutions help guide you along the right path when you are unable to make a decision.

Some people believe making resolutions is pointless, but if done correctly, it can be extremely beneficial. When you set these goals always take into account if it is an achievable standard, if it is something that can constantly be worked on and if it will help in the future.

Most goals end up being dropped by the time February hits, but these tips help me extend my ability to follow these goals.

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