Volume 29 • Number 7 • AUGUST 2017
Our faith calls us to action
Serving The Counties Of Middlesex, New London Tolland, Windham, CT & Fishers Island, NY
“God of Boundless Love, Bring us all to the Harbor of Light and Peace”
Bishop Michael R. Cote Blesses Fishing Fleet in Stonington Harbor July 30, 2017
Table of Contents
“This way, Mom...follow me.” Words of eight year old boy tugging at his mother’s hand as they arrived at the Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Norwich Annual Awards Dinner where so many students and families received tuition assistance grants.
Serving The Counties Of Middlesex, New London, Tolland, Windham, CT & Fishers Island, NY
Established in 1989 and published each month except July. Made Possible in part through your generous support of the Annual Catholic Appeal
Travis Moran , young adult diocesan representative at the Joy of the Gospel in America Convocation, July 1-4, in Orlando.
Editorial Office
ultimately change this world.”
Becky Hoisl, recent graduate of Catholic University, speaking to diocesan high school students about faith-enriching experience of Catholic Athletes for Christ.
“It can be argued that all freedoms are equally important; however, a good case can be made that freedom of religion is the most important.” Joshua Saba, St. Matthew Parish, Tolland, Diocesan Youth Leadership
“It felt like how the Apostles must have felt around the time of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came to fill the Church with new life.”
“Faith can change the way we compete and
Group, from his winning essay on religious freedom.
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is... What are you doing for others?” Catherine Reed, Principal St. Patrick Cathedral School, quoting Dr. Martin Luther King in describing community service culture at St Pat’s.
The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, has made the following clergy and diocesan appointments in the Diocese of Norwich:
Reverend Roland Cloutier, Liaison for Retired Priests
Very Reverend Jan Swiderski, Dean, Middletown Deanery Cover Photo By Wayne Gignac
Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Bishop of Norwich
31 Perkins Avenue, Norwich, CT 06360-3613 Fax 860.859.1253 Director of Communications/Executive Editor
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Meredith Morrison, 860.887.3933 c SENIOR WRITER
Wayne Gignac, 860.886.1281
Judy Pappagallo, 860.848.2237 x302 j Printing/Layout
The Hartford Courant, 285 Broad Street, Hartford, CT 060115 Annual Subscription
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Four County Catholic, 31 Perkins Ave., Norwich, CT 06360-3613 FOUR COUNTY CATHOLIC Issue 7 August 2017 (PE 9934) is published monthly except July by The Diocese of Norwich, 31 Perkins Avenue, Norwich, CT 06360-3613. Periodicals postage paid in Hartford, CT 06101 and at additional mailing offices.
LET FAITH LEAD THE WAY Immigration A unifying theme this year in our charitable outreach to the most vulnerable among us has been “Our faith calls us to action.” That call draws us to the intensifying immigration crisis many families in our communities are facing. Let us take a moment to appreciate the ways your support helps provide guidance and relief to immigrant families within our Diocese.
As His Holiness, Pope Francis, so accurately describes, “the immigration struggle is a complex phenomenon.” We must find the grace and resolve to break through the partisan politics to focus light and attention on displaced families who need help, shelter and opportunity. With Catholic Charities and the Hispanic Ministry leading the way, we are working hard to provide assistance and education to families living in fear. Many families are in crisis mode and need to know the Church is there for them - there to help them navigate the complexities of local, state and federal regulations.
Please take the time to take a closer look at the immigration-focused services provided by Catholic Charities. Your most direct access to this information is the web address There you will find the specifics of such services as assisting with naturalization applications, I-90 (Green Card) renewals, deferred action for childhood arrivals, fiancé visa applications, referrals to attorneys and other agencies. You will also find a direct link to the State of Connecticut Family Preparedness Plan, explaining your rights and outlining how to prepare your family for immigration law enforcement. One essential point of information in the State plan is that you are not required to open your door for an ICE agent or police officer unless they produce a judicial warrant. These guidelines, in Spanish as well as English, help to reduce the complexities. They will also reassure all of
us that we are there for our brothers and sisters in their time of uncertainty, risk and need. Thank you on their behalf for supporting Catholic Charities, the Hispanic Ministry and all diocesan ministries prepared to help. Please be aware of collaborative programs conducted by Catholic Charities and the Hispanic Ministry such as the Forum in Solidarity with Immigrants held recently at St. Mary Star of the Sea to discuss, among other topics, putting together a plan and power of attorney document for the protection of children in case of emergency. Our St. Vincent de Paul Place is also involved in sponsoring such forums along with other community action organizations. All co-sponsors help, through their respective communications channels, to get the word out.
Our call to action as faithful Catholics is to stand in solidarity with those enduring the struggle of keeping families together, finding a pathway to legalization and providing the opportunity to help continue to build a free and compassionate America as generations of immigrants have done since its founding. At every opportunity, we speak out in support of comprehensive immigration reform based on inclusion, not on deportation – recognizing that the exception is violent offenders of the law. We support and pray for immigration reform that seeks to unite families, preserves the dignity of hard working immigrants and recognizes that families who have lived, worked and contributed to our society for years should not be torn from us as a consequence of laws inconsistently enforced in the past. We believe this to be a just outcome and one favoring the common good. Effective immigration reform will protect those unfairly at risk, unite families, strengthen our wonderfully diverse society and leave ample room for tightened border security designed to control the lawbreakers in the drug trade, human trafficking, smuggling and terrorism. Let the law enforcement
focus be there; not on peaceful hardworking people and their children.
As faithful Catholics, we view the currently broken immigration system with a spiritual desire to welcome and comfort those at risk. We bring a pastoral outlook to the national plight of an estimated twelve million hard-working neighbors among us who deserve to be invited to officially join our family.
From a legislative standpoint, our humanitarian position on this matter is well represented. Leading the way is the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) who are extremely diligent in advocating for just reform. The USCCB’s Working Group on Immigration and the Committee on Immigration are right there in Washington testifying before Congress and meeting with Administration officials. Whether it is my fellow bishops’ voices being heard in Washington or your voices supporting the diocesan efforts by Catholic Charities and other ministries, our call to action as Catholics is clear and loud. We are carried by our faith to love, respect and care for our brothers and sisters. We respect the laws of the land, and ask only that immigration reform be enacted to embrace that same respect for the individual, while accommodating the common good. America has the capacity to make that happen. We are committed to working and praying for a gracious and fair solution. We ask for God’s wisdom and blessing to be imparted to those in leadership roles to bring about compassionate and just immigration reform. Sincerely yours in Christ,
Bishop Michael R. Cote
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Compassion and Justice
Que La Fé Muestre El Camino Inmigración Compasión y justicia
Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,
Un tema unificador este año en nuestro acercamiento caritativo a los más vulnerables entre nosotros ha sido: “Nuestra fe nos llama a la acción”. Ese llamado nos acerca al aumento de crisis de inmigración que enfrentan muchas familias en nuestras comunidades. Tomemos un momento para apreciar las formas en que su apoyo ayuda a proporcionar orientación y alivio a las familias inmigrantes dentro de nuestra Diócesis.
Así como su Santidad, el Papa Francisco, describe con tanta exactitud, “la lucha migratoria es un fenómeno complejo”. Debemos encontrar la gracia y la resolución de romper a través de la política partidista para enfocar luz y atención en las familias desplazadas que necesitan ayuda, refugio y oportunidades. Estamos trabajando duro para proporcionar asistencia y educación a las familias que viven con miedo, con Caridades Católicas y el Ministerio Hispano liderando el camino. Muchas familias están en crisis y necesitan saber que la iglesia esta allí para ellos. Allí para ayudarles a navegar las complejidades de las regulaciones locales, estatales, federales y de la ley. Por favor tómese un tiempo para ver más de cerca los servicios centrados en la inmigración proporcionados por Caridades Católicas. Su acceso más directo a esta información es la dirección web CCFSN. Org/inmigration. Allí encontrará los detalles de servicios tales como ayudar con las solicitudes de naturalización, 1-90 (Green Card) renovaciones, la acción diferida para las llegadas de niños, las solicitudes de visa de novios, las referencias a los abogados y otras agencias, También encontrará un enlace directo al Plan de Preparación para la Familia del Estado de Connecticut, explicando sus derechos y describiendo como preparar a su familia para la aplicación de la ley de inmigración. Un punto esencial de información en el plan estatal es que no se require abrir su puerta a un agente de ICE o agente de policía a menos que tenga una orden judicial. Estas directrices, tanto en español como en inglés, ayudan a reducir las complejidades. También le asegurarán
que usted está allí para sus hermanos y hermanas en tiempo de incertidumbre, riesgo y necesidad. Gracias en su nombre por apoyar a Caridades Católicas, al Ministerio Hispano y a todos los ministerios diocesanos preparados para ayudar.
Existen programas de colaboración llevados a cabo por Caridades Católicas y el Ministerio Hispano como el Foro en Solaridad con los inmigrantes que estuvo recientemente en Santa María Estrella del Mar para discutir, entre otros temas, la colaboración de un plan y un documento de poder para la protección de niños en caso de emergencia. Nuestro San Vicente de Paul también está involucrado en el patrocinio de tales foros junto con otras organizaciones de acción comunitaria. Todos los co-patrocinadores ayudan, a través de sus respectivos canales de comunicación, a pasar la voz sobre estos eventos.
Nuestro llamado a la acción como fieles católicos es solidarizarnos con aquellos que soportan la lucha para mantener a las familias unidas, encontrar un camino para la legalización y brindar la oportunidad de ayudar a construir un Estados Unidos libre y compasivo como lo han hecho desde su fundación las generaciones de inmigrantes.
En cada oportunidad, hablamos en apoyo a una reforma integral de inmigración basada en la inclusión, no en la deportación-reconociendo que la excepción es para los delincuentes violentos de la ley. Apoyamos y rezamos por la reforma migratoria que busca unir a las familias, preservar la dignidad de los inmigrantes trabajadores y reconocer que las familias que han vivido, trabajado y contribuído a nuestra sociedad durante años no deben ser arrancadas de nosotros como consecuencia de leyes inconsistentemente impuestas en el pasado. Creemos que esto es un resultado justo y uno que favorece al bien común. Una reforma migratoria efectiva protegerá a quellos que están injustamente en riesgo, unirá a las familias, fortalecerá nuestra sociedad maravillosamente diversa y dejará amplio espacio para una seguridad fronteriza más extricta diseñada para controlar a los infractores en el narcotráfico, tráfico de personas, contrabando y
terrorismo. Que el enfoque de la aplicación de la ley este allí. No en gente trabajadora pacífica y en sus hijos.
Como fieles católicos, vemos el Sistema de Inmigración actualmente roto con un deseo espiritual de acoger y confortar a aquellos que están en riesgo. Traemos una perspectiva pastoral a la difícil situación de unos doce millones de vecinos que trabajan duro y que merecen ser invitados a unirse oficialmente a nuestra familia.
Desde el punto de vista legislativo, nuestra posición humanitaria en este asunto esta bien representada. La Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos (USCCB), que es extremadamente diligente en la defensa de una reforma justa, está liderando el camino. El Grupo de Trabajo sobre inmigración de la USCCB (por sus siglas en inglés) y el Comité de Inmigración están allí mismo en Washington, testificando ante el Congreso y reuniéndose con funcionarios de la Administración. Nuestro llamado a la acción como católicos es claro y fuerte, en Washington se escuchan las voces de mis compañeros obispos o sus voces que apoyan los esfuerzos diocesanos de las Caridades Católicas y otros ministerios. Somos llevados por nuestra fe a amar, respetar y cuidar a nuestros hermanos y hermanas. Respetamos las leyes del país y sólo pedimos que se promulgue una reforma inmigratoria que abrace ese mismo respeto por el individuo, al tiempo que acoge el bien común. Estados Unidos tiene la capacidad de hacer que eso suceda. Estamos comprometidos a trabajar y rezar por una solución justa. Pedimos que la sabiduría y la bendición de Dios sean impartidas a aquellos que desempeñan papeles de liderazgo para lograr una reforma de inmigración compasiva y justa. Sinceramente en el amor de Cristo,
Michael R. Cote
Obispo de Norwich
Back to the Books
Seminarians Return to Their Studies
Seminarians Dharen Brochero and Michael Castiblanco, having finished their English preparation, are joining Mike Bovino, Norman LaFlamme and Jacob Ramos at Mount Saint Mary Seminary in Emmitsburg Maryland.
At the end of August, seminarians, Deacon Ron Blank, Deacon Frank Gilbert, and Larry Barile will return to Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary in Weston Massachusetts to continue their academic and formative work. Ruben Dario Garcia Sanchez, from Medellin Colombia, is answering the call of Christ. Ruben was with us for a year and a half studying English at Clark University in Worcester. He will continue working on his English, and will be staying here in our diocese, participating
Holy Hour for Vocations
The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, leads the Holy Hour:
September 21 6-7pm
August 24 6-7pm
Saint Bernard, Rockville
Saint John, Old Saybrook
Father Greg Galvin, Director of Priestly Vocations • • (860) 887-9294
DEACON Ronald Blank
Fourth year Theology, Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary, Weston, Massachusetts.
DEACON Frank Gilbert
Fourth year Theology, Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary, Weston, Massachusetts.
MR. Michael Bovino
Second year Theology, Mount Saint Mary Seminary, Emmitsburg, Maryland.
Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Larry Mr. Jacob Normand Dharen Michael Ramos Barile Second year Laflamme Brochero Castiblanco First year First year Theology, Mount Saint Mary Seminary, Emmitsburg, Maryland
Undergraduate year/Philosophy TBD
Year of Theology TBD
Theology, Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary, Weston, Massachusetts.
Theology, Mount Saint Mary Seminary, Emmitsburg, Maryland.
in the UCAELI program at the UCONN campus in Storrs Connecticut.
Summer was a perfect time for some of our seminarians to get to know many of our priests by organizing parish visits. This allowed them to meet their future brothers in ministry, and gain a realistic view of the parishes throughout the diocese. Seminarian Michael Bovino spent two months at Creighton University taking part in the Institute of Priestly Formation.
We had two opportunities to visit with Bishop Cote. Once at our annual picnic at his residence and again in July when we gathered with some of our priests at the new Dunkin Donuts Park in Hartford. A fun time was had by all! We also are very thankful for the Ordination to the transitional diaconate of Deacon Frank Gilbert. Deacon Frank spent his summer assisting at St. Paul Church in Waterford, with Father Joseph Whittle. Please pray for all our seminarians and keep both Deacon Frank and Deacon Ron in your prayers as they begin their final year of priestly
academic, pastoral and spiritual formation. God willing, both men will be called to priestly ordination by Bishop Cote next summer. Pray also for those men who are discerning a possible call by our Lord to consider seriously His invitation to be one of His priests. Enjoy the rest of your summer, be safe as you travel, and please continue to pray for all of us. May God bless you with the inner peace and joy that only He can give.
Trust in the mercy of God’s love. If you are carrying the grief and sorrow of past abortions, call
Project Rachel a post-abortion healing ministry. All calls are confidential. 860-861-4439
Pontifical Mass for the Uniquely Gifted and Abled Partnership Join us for a celebration of the Liturgy for people living with disabilities; for their family, friends, caregivers, co-workers, support staff and health care professionals.
Principal Celebrant Bishop Michael R. Cote Saturday September 30, 2017 @ 5:00 pm The Cathedral of Saint Patrick Reception to follow in the Cathedral Hall
For more information or to RSVP for the reception, please contact the Office of Faith Events 860-848-2237 x304
or many, the focus during the next few weeks will be getting ready for the upcoming school year. Yet, for others, the new academic year is already underway. Our seminarians ended their summer assignments in July.
A Joyful Concert Gives Thanks to our Religious Sisters and Brothers By Linda Norton
he men and women Religious in our diocese don’t seek recognition or notoriety. They live to serve. They do it well, and with much love. We can’t thank them enough, can we? Those dedicated souls who come into our lives and help us grow in faith. They pray for us more than we will ever know. Their obedience to God’s call, sometimes even to the point of suffering, helps us get to Heaven. They are our spiritual companions and bring the light of Christ into the world. On June 25th, our diocese gave a heartfelt “Thank you” to the many Religious Brothers and Sisters who have given their hearts to Christ, and their hands to ministry, by holding a concert in their honor at the Garde Arts Center in New London. As guests entered, they heard the lively sounds of the Xavier High School Jazz Band in the inner lobby area. Just before the main concert, Andrea Hoisl, Director of the Office of Faith Events, welcomed everyone and explained, “This afternoon is our opportunity to say thank you for all the hard work and dedication you have provided the diocese and the Church throughout the years.”
Doctor Matthew Jaskot. She pointed out the many ministries and programs that religious orders have instituted over the years and said, “although all of you belong to different orders with different charisms, you share the unified desire to serve the Lord through helping others.” Continuing to speak to the guests of honor, Andrea said she hoped that “the gift of music can convey our
appreciation and touch your hearts and lives the way you have touched so many people through your work and personal witness”. The piano concert was performed by the multi-talented Dr. Matthew Jaskot ( Originally from Middletown, CT, he lives in Massachusetts and works at the College of the Holy Cross. He is an accomplished composer
and pianist whose original works have been performed nationally and internationally. Dr. Jaskot’s program included his own compositions as well as works by Edvard Grieg, Maurice Ravel, Beethoven, and others. One of the most moving sets was an arrangement by Dr. Jaskott which included “Abiding with me, Amazing Grace, and How Great Thou Art”. At the end of the concert, Andrea read an inspirational poem dedicated to our Religious Sisters and Brothers. Bishop Cote came to the podium and thanked Andrea and the Office of Faith Events for their hard work in planning this event. He gave words of appreciation to our religious brothers and sisters, which echoed his written comments in the event program: “Your ministry here has touched so many. Thank you for the example of consecrated life which has helped us to appreciate and to live up to our Baptismal commitment.”
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64th Annual
Blessing of the Fleet Following the Fisherman’s Mass at St. Mary Church, students from St. Michael School in Pawcatuck march in the parade through Stonington Borough along with a number of bands and floats, including the Statue of Saint Peter the Patron Saint of Fishermen(Center).
NORWICH- Deacon Thomas A. Lewis, 85, of Norwich, went home to the Lord on Sunday, July 16, 2017 at Backus Hospital, with his loving family by his side. He was born in Norwich on December 22, 1931, the son of the late Walter L. and Anna D. (Izbicki) Lewis. Tom was a gentle man, a giving man and a loving son, brother and uncle. He was a humble servant of God, and was devoted to his faith, his family and his church. Tommy will be missed beyond words by his family. Deacon Lewis was a graduate of Norwich Free Academy class of 1949, Three Rivers Community Technical College and Eastern Connecticut State University. He also attended Holy Apostles Seminary and College in Cromwell, CT. He served in the United States Air Force for twenty years and retired as a Senior Master Sergeant in 1971. During his period of military service, he was awarded many medals including the Meritorious Service Medal, Air Force Commendation Medal and the Good Conduct Medal. He then worked as the budget officer at the United States Coast Guard Academy in New London for twenty-two years and retired from that position in 1993. Tom was ordained a permanent deacon at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick on June 24, 2001, by the Most Rev. Daniel A. Hart, D. D., Bishop of Norwich. He served as Deacon at St. Joseph Church, Norwich until his passing. Deacon Tom was a member of the John R. Morse Chapter, Disabled American Veterans, Norwich.
Bishop Michael R. Cote blesses the floral anchor commemorating the 39 members of the Stonington Fishermen Association who perished at sea while doing their jobs.
Pope Francis @Pontifex
I entrust sailors, fishermen, and all those in difficulty on the seas far away from home, to the motherly protection of Mary, Star of the Sea.
THOMAS A. LEWIS 1931 - 2017
First-Year Deacons Reflect on Their Vocations
t has been one year since Bishop Michael R. Cote ordained Deacon Benedict LoCasto and Deacon Octavio Flores as Permanent Deacons for the Diocese of Norwich. The Four County Catholic asked both men to sit down with Wayne Gignac, Senior Writer for the Communications Office, to discuss the first year of their new roles as ordained ministers of the church.
Interview By Wayne Gignac
Wayne Gignac- You were both ordained on July 16th of 2016- How has this first year been? Benedict LoCasto- It’s been extremely busy, extremely rewarding and more than I ever expected. Octavio Flores- Yes, it has been beyond my expectations to see especially how much faith and trust people have in me. I noticed this since the day of my ordination many people asked me to bless them, including some priests. I saw tears in several of our parish members when they approached me for my blessing. WG- That is quite a moving and memorable experience. Ben, what memories stand out for you? BL- The extremely warm welcome my wife Rachel and I received from the parishioners at Holy Family and St. Columba is a strong memory for me. Another highlight was singing the Exsultet at the Easter Vigil Mass WG- Octavio, what about you? Any
Reverend Mr. Octavio Flores and Reverend Mr. Benedict LoCasto sharing memories of their first year as Permanent Deacons.
special experiences? OF- Many! The first time I witnessed a wedding, the first time I baptized a child and on December 12 when I was asked to proclaim the Gospel at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. This is the part that impacts me the most, being able to proclaim the Gospel, and to do a homily right after. WG- I’m not sure if our readers are aware, but in addition to serving in a parish, deacons serve the Diocese in a ministry that utilizes their talents to address a specific need that Bishop Cote has identified. What special skillset are you both utilizing in service to the Church? OF- I am fluent in Spanish as well as English. I am a Full Spanish Professor at Wesleyan. Because of this, I help as an ESL (English as a Second Language) coordinator for the Vocations Office of the Diocese of Norwich. BL- I am certified in Spiritual Direction, so the Bishop has appointed me to serve the people of the Diocese by providing spiritual direction at
Immaculata Retreat House. WG- You both sound like you’ve been very busy this year! How does being a Deacon impact your personal life? BL- My wife has begun to understand what it means to be the wife of a deacon. She feels that our family is blessed through my services as a deacon to the Church. Also, on the day of my ordination my oldest son told me how proud he was of me. That meant a lot to me. WG- Octavio, what does your family think of you being a deacon? OF- It has given my personal life a new dimension. My wife Laura understands the importance of my work as a deacon and is very proud and supportive. My children are also very proud. My daughter likes to call herself among her friends: the deacon’s daughter. My extended family in the USA and in Mexico is extremely proud. WG – How does it affect your everyday work?
BL – Being a deacon opened up the opportunity for my current job – Director of Online Education and Distance Learning at the Josephinum Diaconate Institute in Columbus, Ohio. WG- What about you Octavio? Has there been any impact with the students and faculty at Wesleyan? OF- Very much in a positive way because I stay in the presence of God all day throughout my activities, and I see everything I do at work in a different light. By now, many colleagues and students know that I am an ordained deacon and they seem to be surprised but also proud of me. So my final question was- Why? Why the diaconate and why now? At this point, they both shared the history of their individual paths and the long, and at times, demanding discernment process that led to their identifying and finally accepting their call to the diaconate. The simple answer is- it wasn’t easy, but it was persistent. We, the beneficiaries of their service are grateful. We thank God.
Heroine for Hungry Children Has Died
or the last 24 years a remarkable woman, cooked and served simple meals for the hungry children in the poor neighborhood of Argentine, in the capitol city of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. In 1993, Madame Samson approached Outreach to Haiti (Haitian Ministries at the time) and asked for funds for food and fuel so that she could offer a solid, hot meal for 25 children, five times a week, on the small front porch of her home. She became our first partner in Haiti. While the number of children grew, and a larger location was found, Madame Samson’s focus, and the support of Outreach, through the generosity of its donors, remained steadfast. Today, numerous individuals regularly send in donations earmarked for this program; and St Mark’s in Westbrook sends in generous monthly support checks. Madame Samson fought childhood malnutrition and starvation by providing meals to these children, citing this mid-day meal as often the only food of the day for them. Almost every day more children showed up at her door because their families were simply unable to feed them. “Children come because they are hungry,” she said many times. Through the years of her unflagging dedication, she watched hundreds of children grow up to healthy adulthood. “Many of the children are now married with their own children,” she boasts. Many of
the parents have come to express their gratitude for her meal program. “The parents are always grateful, as this program helps them a lot. It helps them sleep more soundly knowing the children have eaten,” Madame Samson had said. Madame Samson passed on her commitment to community service to her children. One of her two daughters is a nurse, and the other regularly helps with the feeding program. Her two sons also serve; one is a police officer and the other, Wilkens Gilbert, is a doctor, who also helped his mother with the meal program. The connection to Outreach has also been passed on to her children. Dr. Wilkens, came through the Outreach education program, was a translator
“Children come
because they are hungry. ”
for us, became a doctor, and has fulfilled his dream of opening his own clinic, serving the poor in his old neighborhood. In that role, he collaborates with the Outreach medical staff. Her grandson, Mackenson, is frequently a translator for Outreach. While Dr. Wilkens had taken over the feeding program from his mother as her health declined, he has more recently used his medical background and connection to Outreach to modernize the program. Rather than feed all children regardless of level of need, he uses the Outreach Nutrition program protocols, and works with the neediest of the children those with moderate and severe malnutrition.
Through nutritional supplements, food, and medical oversight, he brings them to health in a matter of 3 to 6 months. It is a more targeted approach to make sure the available dollars help those most truly in need. However, it continues to reflect the passion and dedication to help others that his mother displayed so valiantly, and instilled in all her children. Ralph Stewart, an Outreach Board member who has been involved in Haiti for many years, perhaps expressed it best. When learning of Madame Samson’s passing, he said, “She was an amazing woman. She really lived out Gospel values. I feel blessed to have known her.”
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By Marie Farrell
“Our Faith Calls Us to Action” Volunteer – Dr. Robert Miller
By Kathy Gaito
The theme for the 2017 ACA is “Our Faith Calls US to ACTION”. Each month we feature someone who supports our Diocesan Ministries by following this motto.
hen speaking with Dr. Robert Miller, Ph.D., about his volunteer roles in the Diocese of Norwich, one word that comes to mind to describe his service is dedicated! Dr. Miller has been volunteering as a Board member with The Catholic Foundation since its inception in 1998. When reflecting on why he volunteers, Dr. Miller offered, “It’s a way of thanking the Lord and giving back for the many blessings I have received.” When asked about how Dr. Miller’s work with the Catholic Foundation has made a difference, Angela Arnold, its Executive Director, stated, “The Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Norwich is a nonprofit corporation, organized to provide endowments for the Diocese of Norwich and its parishes, schools, agencies and organizations. The Foundation encourages Catholics to be good stewards through gifts of assets, provides for the investment of those assets and distributes the income according to the Gospel and the wishes of the donors. Endowments through the Foundation are a means to greater financial stability and growth for our Diocese and its entities. Since its inception, the Catholic Foundation has awarded over $3.4 million in grant and scholarship assistance within the Diocese. Dr. Miller has played a vital role as Chair of the Board of Directors for many years. In that leadership role, he is very observant and considerate of everyone’s input. He is also on the disbursement committee and participates in the Foundation dinner.” Dr. Miller finds his role on the Disbursement Committee to be
Dr. Robert Miller, Ph.D. and his wife, Sylvia, share a joyful moment with Bishop Cote at a recent event in the Diocese.
both rewarding and challenging. “Rewarding in that we distribute funds to applicants who desperately need help, especially our Catholic schools. Challenging in that we must make the determination of which funds to allocate, which is done on the basis of the most urgent needs of the applicants. We would like to be able to address all requests but are limited in what we can do due to limited resources,” affirmed Dr. Miller. The connection to the Catholic Foundation has provided Dr. Miller with the opportunity to meet staff members from various Diocesan ministries. “This has allowed me to expand my understanding of the ministries and the wonderful work they do throughout the Diocese,” Dr. Miller commented. One aspect of volunteering that Dr. Miller relishes is the opportunity to interact with so many wonderful people. Dr. Miller reflects, “It’s easy to interact with others, because
you have a common interest in the Church.” Dr. Miller feels that The Catholic Foundation’s Annual Awards Dinner always makes him appreciate the joy of volunteering. He remarked, “I find this evening heartwarming and rewarding, seeing the children who have received tuition awards. The smiles on the faces of the children, their families and the Bishop when they gather for a photo is the highlight of the evening. I enjoy this event immensely.” Dr. Miller’s volunteerism extends beyond The Catholic Foundation. He has also served as a lector and as a member of the Parish Council at his parish, Our Lady of La Salette, Brooklyn, and serves on the Advisory Board for the Academy of the Holy Family in Baltic. Previously, Dr. Miller has served on the Diocesan Pastoral Council, the Board of Directors of the Academy at Mount St. John (1996-2015) and was
President of the Parish Council at St. Thomas Aquinas, Storrs, when it was first organized. When asked about what he would tell others about volunteering in the Diocese of Norwich, Dr. Miller reiterated, “It’s a way to understand and assist in the works of the various ministries. It helps develop an appreciation of the work done by the ministries and the many services that they provide for the Diocese. There are opportunities available for everyone, whether at their parish, on a Diocesan committee or working with a Diocesan ministry…all need help and would appreciate the service of additional volunteers” Thank you, Dr. Robert Miller, from all of us here at the Diocese of Norwich for your volunteerism. You are truly appreciated! Volunteers are vital to our ministries that are supported by the time, talent and treasures of faithful contributors in the Diocese. Your support and the support of others allows our ministries to continue their service to our community. Thank you for hearing and responding to: “Our Faith Calls US to ACTION”!
Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention That volunteers may give themselves generously to the service of the needy.
CALENDAR OF EVENTS Thursday- Saturday September 14-16 Saint Joseph Church, Fall Festival Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Television Mass
Father Russell Kennedy At 10:00am Channel 11 WCCT Comcast Channel 20 WTXX Charter
Join Us In Celebrating SPIRITUAL RENEWAL’S
40th ANNIVERSARY Please come and share in this joyous celebration with wonderful people, music, stories, and good food! The Cathedral of St. Patrick, Norwich October 8, 2017 in the church hall from 2-4pm Father Ray Introvigne and Judith Hughes “Seek First The Kingdom of Heaven and Everything Else Will Be Given ToYou Besides!” (Matthew 6:33)
Masses of Healing and Hope
2nd and 4th Mondays, August 14 & 28, at 2pm Spiritual Renewal Center. Individual prayer
Weekend Retreat Life in the Spirit Seminar
At My Father’s House, Moodus Friday August 18 starting at 7pm thru Sunday August 20 until noon. Lunch to follow With Father Ray Introvigne and Father Bill McCarthy
Charismatic Prayer Meeting Every Tuesday afternoon at 2pm Spiritual Renewal Center
Mass of Healing and Hope Service
St. Thomas the Apostle Church, 872 Farmington Ave., West Hartford Sunday, August 27, Mass 1-2pm Healing Service 2- 4pm prayer teams, individual prayer and anointing
Gales Ferry Prayer Group Mass Wednesday, September 20, at 7pm Our Lady of Lourdes, Gales Ferry
spiritual renewal services Diocese of Norwich
Dial-A-Prayer (860) 887-7767
P.O. Box 6 • 11 Bath Street Norwich, CT 06360 • (860) 887-0702 email:
Saint Joseph Church, in Occum, hosts their annual Fall Festival. Beginning on Thursday, September 14, from 9-4pm, with the yard sale and family closet. On Friday, September 15, from 9-8pm and Saturday, September 16, from 9-7pm in addition to the yard sale and family closet, we will have baked goods, games, food, silent auction, books, CD’s, DVD’s, and much more. Major raffle drawing begins at 7pm on Saturday, September 16.
“Let me (your name) not grow tired of doing good, for in due time I shall reap my reward, if I do not give up. So then, while I (your name) have the OPPORTUNITY, let me do good to ALL people, but ESPECIALLY to those who belong to the Galatians 9:9-10 Family of the Faith!”
Middletown Catholic Charities Celebrates 5th Anniversary
Saint Mary CeMetery
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he Middletown Catholic Charities Office celebrates the 5th Anniversary of it 151 Broad Street location. The office had been located in Portland since 1997 and moved to Middletown in 2012. The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich, thanked those gathered for their support, effort and hard work. Bishop Cote acknowledged the commitment, dedication and service of the staff, seeing a 110% growth in numbers served over the last eleven months within the Middletown Behavioral Health & Clinical Services. Bishop Cote was joined by
Monsignor Leszek T. Janik, J.C.L., Vicar General, Monsignor Robert L.Brown, Chancellor, Father James Thaikoottathil, Pastor of St. John Church and St. Sebastian Church, members of the Board of Directors, Middletown Advisory Board members, Agency staff and friends from the community. Deputy Mayor Robert Santangelo presented Ed Tessman, Executive Director of Catholic Charities, with a Proclamation from Middletown Mayor Daniel T. Drew declaring Friday, June 16, 2017: Catholic Charities, Diocese of Norwich Behavioral Health Clinic Day in the City of Middletown.
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Our DIOCESE Immaculata Retreat House
A Ministry of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate 289 Windham Rd., Rte. 32 Willimantic, Connecticut SENIOR RENEWAL DAY: Series starts Wednesday September 13 at 9:00am. Father Roger Couture, OMI invites all seniors to join him for this continuing exploration on the “Lesser-Known Saints in the Church and Beyond”. Please join us this day for “Introduction: The Quest for Holiness” in the 2017-2018 series. Talk, Mass and Lunch provided. Offering $10.00.
“I pray that you will grow greatly in your appreciation of God the Father’s profound love for each one of you. And no, there are no exceptions here! NO ONE can claim, ‘God does not love them.’ ” These words were spoken by Bishop Michael R. Cote to the 35 diocesan youth and their chaperones at a special sendoff mass concelebrated with 7 priests on July 20th at St. John Church in Old Saybrook. The high school aged students, who were from every corner of the diocese, headed off to Queens, NY to join thousands of other youths at the Steubenville NYC conference to have their faith awakened and their hearts set on fire through a personal encounter with Jesus. A total of 9 priests were available for the sacrament of reconciliation preceding the Mass. This summer, over 54,000 teens and their leaders will take part in one of 25 conferences which began 40 years ago at Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio. Ranked #6 Municipal Golf Course in the U.S.A. -Sports Illustrated
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Photo by Wayne Gignac
LEGION OF MARY CONFERFENCE 2017: Saturday Sept. 02, 2017, 9:00am to 5:00 pm. Welcoming session starts at 8:30am. “Pray especially to Our Blessed Mother Mary, placing your intentions into her hands. For she loves you as she loves her Son. Talks by the Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Refreshments and lunch served. Conference Fee $35.00. Reservation required.
The Catholic Foundation
Celebrates 17th Year of Giving: Over 200 Students and 30 Community Organizations to Receive Funds
By Mary Ellen Mahoney
“This way mom. Follow me.” one smiling 8-year-old boy said as he pulled his mom by the hand into the ballroom at the Holiday Inn, Norwich on the evening of June 22nd. Another girl gleefully skipped up to the registration table, pointing out to her little brother, “Here are the crayons and coloring stuff I told you about!” The excitement in the room was palpable as more than 200 people filled the ballroom to celebrate the Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Norwich’s Annual Awards Dinner. Parents with 1, 2, 3 or more children gathered together with representatives from over 30 diocesan ministries, schools and parishes to receive their endowment, scholarship, tuition assistance and non-tuition grant checks from the Catholic Foundation. Many parents expressed their appreciation for the tuition assistance they received from the Catholic Foundation. One mom, who wanted to remain anonymous, commented, “There is no way that our children would be able to attend Catholic school if it were not for the money that the Foundation provides. We cannot thank you enough.” Abby Demars, principal of St, Mary – St. Joseph School echoed similar sentiments when she wrote, “The tuition grant money will serve as a financial bridge for more than 25 families in our community making Catholic education a reality for their children. May God Bless those whose so generously support the Catholic Foundation.” For its 17th year, the Catholic Foundation hosted an awards dinner to make its annual distribution of
communities to live each day as Jesus asks.”
Bishop Cote with students from St. John Paul II School and Vice Principal, Tiffany Ruvolo. financial support. This year, a total of $310,670 was distributed among grant applicants from Diocesan ministries, schools, programs and parishes throughout the four counties that comprise the Diocese. $105,584.00 in grant money was distributed to beneficiaries of the Foundation’s restricted endowments and scholarships. Emily Hart and Francesca Lupo received the William F. Jr. and Flora L. O’Neil Scholarship. Brianna Weimert received the Eric B. Evans Scholarship, and Hannah Niedojadlo and Emily Coderre each received $5,000 as Reverend Richard Roughan Scholarship recipients. Additionally, $55,701.00 in funds was given to a variety of Diocesan ministries that serve those in need regardless of religious affiliation, such as Catholic Charities, St. Vincent de Paul, Middletown and St. Vincent de
Paul Place, Norwich. $118,042.00 was distributed among 234 Diocesan elementary students with the average tuition assistance award totaling $504.45. The Diocesan secondary schools, Xavier, Mercy, St. Bernard and the Academy of the Holy Family shared another $21,343.00. Bishop Cote welcomed the guests, expressing his appreciation for the Foundation Board members as well as the Diocesan representatives “who dedicate their lives to enriching the lives of others in so many different ways” Bishop Cote also thanked the parents who make “a Catholic education a priority in their family and live as Christian role models for their children every day.” He then turned his attention to the children, “our future” and thanked them “for working so hard in school and in your
As has been the tradition, each year Bishop Cote and Mrs. Angela Arnold, Executive Director of the Catholic Foundation, recognize Board members who will be leaving the Board in September. This year, Dr. Robert Miller, Dr. Jeremiah Lowney and Mr. Robert Reed, were all recognized for their many years of service to the Board. Both Drs. Miller and Lowney served on the Board since its beginning and Mr. Reed joined the Board shortly thereafter. In the absence of Dr. Lowney and Mr. Reed, Dr. Miller received a clock inscribed with appreciation from the Bishop. Bishop Cote remarked, “Dr. Miller has dedicated himself to this Board, and has been a big reason that the Foundation has grown as much as it has and has been able to help so many people in our Diocese who are in need of its assistance.” During this past year, the Catholic Foundation has experienced growth with the addition of 4 new endowments. The Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Endowment was established by Michael and Pamela Lynch of Gales Ferry. The Colin and Loretta Rice Endowment was established by Colin and Loretta Rice of Lebanon, for the benefit of St. Mary- St. Joseph School. The most recent endowments both originated from the Estate of Reverend Thomas W. Ahern, a priest who lovingly served the Diocese of Norwich for 41 years. Father Ahern was deeply concerned with the plight of the poor as well as the education of seminarians. His devotion to both of these groups led to the establishment
Recent donors to the Foundation, Colin and Loretta Rice and Jacqueline Keller, as well as Charles Evans, Jr were also on hand to witness the children join their principals at the podium with Bishop Cote when each school received its tuition assistance and non-tuition grant checks. The evening was a wonderful celebration of the good that the Catholic Foundation does as well as an acknowledgement of the generosity of those who have established endowments with the Foundation. After a delicious dinner and desserts of brownies and cookies, Mrs. Arnold announced to the children that a candy table would be wheeled out in celebration of June as National Candy Month! The children (and parents) enjoyed the sweets table and were settled down just in time for the last activity of the evening, the raffle. Each year, Diocesan employees
donate toys, books and games for the children’s raffle. As the dinner grows, the raffle follows suit and this year, 30 gifts were raffled off. The Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Norwich is a nonprofit corporation, established to provide endowments for the Diocese of Norwich and its parishes, schools, agencies and organizations. The foundation encourages Catholics to be good stewards through gifts of assets, provides for the investment of those assets and distributes the income according to the Gospel and the wishes of the donors. Endowments through the Foundation are a means to greater financial stability and growth for our Diocese and its entities. Since its inception, the Catholic Foundation has awarded $3,772,561.12 in grant and scholarship assistance within the Diocese. The Catholic Foundation is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors which includes Most Rev. Michael R. Cote, D.D., Reverend Msgr. Leszek T. Janik, J.C.L., VG Reverend Msgr. Robert L. Brown, Robert E. Miller, Ph.D., Robert Reed, John Boland, Daniel Adams, Jeremiah J. Lowney, D.D.S., M.S., M.P.H., Jean Barrasso, Anne Ogden, Robert Staley, Mother Mary David Requier, Tom Kasprzak, Tara Whitehead and Angela V. Arnold, Executive Director of the Catholic Foundation and Director of Development. New Board members Bill Butchka and Todd Postler will be joining the Board in September.
2017 St. John School Luxury Raffle Five (5) Fantastic Prizes to be Awarded
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2017 Corvette Stingray
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If you are interested in establishing an endowment or contributing to an existing one, please contact Mary Ellen Mahoney, Development Manager at (860) 886-1928 or by email at memahoney@
12 Ocean Avenue New London, CT 860-443-1871 443-1871
48 Grand Street Niantic, CT 739-6112 860-739-6112
of two endowments, the Reverend Thomas W. Ahern Seminarian Endowment and the Reverend Thomas W. Ahern Endowment for the Hungry Poor. Executive Director of the Foundation, Angela Arnold, appreciates the dedication of people within our Diocese to the Foundation, “Thanks to the generous commitment of those who are willing to establish endowments to help our parishes, schools and ministries, the Foundation is able to make a huge difference in the lives of many of our friends and neighbors. We are very fortunate that the Diocese of Norwich is home to so many people who see the value of establishing endowments that will allow their wishes to be carried out long after they are gone. It is a wonderful way to make a lasting impact on our Diocese, by helping people in perpetuity.”
7 15
By Linda Norton with contributions by the Diocesan Delegation
“A Convocation of historic potential and significance”
he Holy Spirit was very active in Orlando Florida during July 1st through 4th when over 3,500 Catholic lay and clergy leaders from around the United States, under the direction of our Bishops, came together for a gathering, a convocation, of historic potential and significance. The consensus is that it was a huge success. The hope is that the enthusiasm and planning that took place at this convocation will ripple into every parish and every Catholic heart in our country. The theme of the Convocation: “The Joy of the Gospel in America” is based on Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation of the same name, “Evangelii Gaudium” in Latin. Pope Francis encouraged the bishops to spread its message to all the faithful. The convocation was a result of that encouragement. The Pope said the purpose of Evangelii Gaudium was to “encourage the Christian faithful to embark upon a new chapter of
evangelization marked by this joy, while pointing out new paths for the Church’s journey in years to come.” A diocesan delegation of five people accompanied Bishop Cote for the fourday convocation. The event included dynamic speakers, discussion and Q & A panels, break-out sessions, liturgies, times of prayer, and more. Each person who attended was affected in a different way by the presentations and spiritual experiences offered throughout the week. Here are some brief reflections from each of the delegates. Bishop Cote - “Diversity! The gathering in Orlando for the Convocation of Catholic Leaders, The Joy of the Gospel in America, was a striking witness to the diversity of the Church in America. As I gazed into the huge crowd, the great variety of cultures and peoples was very evident. All of the Church in America was present. What a wonderful Catholic event!” Father Greg Galvin (Vocation Director) - “The evidence of unity expressed by the delegates was inspirational. The joy and the hope in what the Church has done and is doing was tangible. So much still needs to be done, in every ministry, every parish, every diocese and ultimately internationally by each daughter and son of God. The reality of what each one of us is being asked to do as part of God’s family, as members being sent
of the
in America
Over 3,000 attendees in procession to convocation venue for opening ceremonies.
forth every day, every week, and every month is exciting, inspirational and at times a bit overwhelming.” Andrea Hoisl (Director of the Office of Faith Events) - “The Convocation was an amazing display of Catholic faith and fellowship! A remarkable outpouring of knowledge and grace accompanied every activity and speaker. The topics addressed were relevant and presented in a way that could be applied to any ministry or person present. The
Convocation Committee clearly took all levels of experience and outreach into account when organizing this blessed event. The opportunity to speak openly about faith and its place in our world today with so many different Catholic leaders religious, deacons, priest, bishops, cardinals and laity was a true gift to all of us who had the privilege of being in attendance. I look forward to helping share Pope Francis’ message in The Joy of the Gospel with the whole
L-R: Travis Moran, Andrea Hoisl, Bishop Michael R. Cote, Jennifer Blanco, Ed Tessman and Father Greg Galvin. Diocese.” Ed Tessman (Executive Director of Catholic Charities) - “Spending the last several days with the Norwich Delegation has been transformative. Attending the 2017 Convocation of Catholic Leaders has been a very humbling experience. Although I am a father, husband, son, brother, friend and a Ministry Director, my most important role is that I am a Missionary
Disciple of Christ. As we celebrated our collective joy of Faith and shared Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel), the Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis, my faith was renewed and I am extremely hopeful for the Church and the Diocese of Norwich. Given the current landscape, it is an amazing and incredible time for our beautiful Church and one we must act upon. It was said that to evangelize is to say that my life
is not about me, but Christ who lives in me. I am a proud to be a humble Missionary Disciple of Christ.” Jennifer Blanco (Youth/Young Adult Representative) - “As a young leader, while I sat in the quiet of my home after coming back from the Convocation, I felt different. I didn’t know if it was the joy or shock of the Holy Spirit, but I knew at that moment that this was the path Jesus Christ was calling me to go. I saw my family, my husband and even those around me differently. The words “Evangelize, go out, accompany each other” were still resonating in my head. The Convocation had taught me the beauty and strength found in the Holy Trinity, and in the Union and reflection of our Church. Two days in and I still feel in that gaze, even when interacting with my most challenging co-workers, the only thing that I now see in them is their need of Jesus Christ in their lives. Their need to feel accepted, comprehended and loved. Their need of the joy that comes with the Gospel. Because the biggest point that I was able to take home with me, is that the perfect recipe for JOY is Jesus, Others and You. As we all walk through this world in search of joy and happiness, it is our duty to show others what that joy of the Gospel looks like, through our actions. It is time, to evangelize with Love, and attract those in the peripheries by showing them the love and joy that the Gospel brings to
our lives. Sharing a little piece of that heavenly, joy is what will lead us all to heaven.” Travis Moran (Young Adult Representative) - “The four days were filled with tremendous grace. It felt like a combination of an incredible conference, an exciting rally, a big family reunion, and maybe somewhat like how the Apostles must have felt around the time of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came to fill the Church with new life. I was blown away by our Bishops. Jesus has truly given us some incredible Shepherds in the Church today, especially the Church in America. The Convocation helped me to see just how much the Church really is a family – we truly are the “family of God.” The Convocation was very moving for me personally, because it really felt as though Jesus was gathering us all together as His Church, as His people, and powering out new grace upon each one of use individually and also as a whole. My prayer is that we as a diocese can be “attentive to the voice of the Lord” as He calls us each of us to become “Missionary Disciples” proclaiming the Gospel with our whole lives. Prior to returning home the delegation met to formulate goals and implementation for the Diocese.
Serving All Faiths • Pre-Need Arrangements Traditional Services or Cremations Directors: Joseph R. Introvigne, Joseph R. Introvigne, Jr. & Michael J. Introvigne 51 East Main St. Stafford Springs, CT
Honoring the recipients of the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Award
for Contributions to Catholic Education in the Diocese of Norwich:
Ms. Sharon Briere Mrs. Robin Holtsclaw
Representing Catholic Mutual Relief Society
Mr. James Leone
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All proceeds to benefit tuition assistance for Catholic Schools. The following sponsorships are available: $5,000 SETON SPONSOR Premium reserved table for 10, full-page program ad $2,500 AQUINAS SPONSOR Reserved table for 10, half-page program ad $1,500 NEWMAN SPONSOR Seating for 4, quarter-page program ad Individual program ads are also available. For more information, please contact Kathy Gaito at 860-886-1928 or WWW.NORWICHDIOCESEDEVELOPMENT.ORG
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Take Me Out to the Ballgame
By Christine Jackel, Development Coordinator
through Catholic Charities, helped support individuals most in need throughout Eastern CT. If you missed this game, you can purchase a voucher for $10 to any game now through September 5th. Just exchange the voucher at Dodd Stadium’s box office, and enjoy the game of your choice while helping to support Catholic Charities. To purchase vouchers, contact Sue Connelly at 860-889-8346 or email at or Christine Jackel at 860-886-1928 or email at Thanks to all who attended the game and supported Catholic Charities.
Ed Tessman, Executive Director of Catholic Charities with CT the Tiger. Photo by Wayne Gignac
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he Connecticut Tigers took on the Aberdeen Ironbirds on Friday, June 23rd at Dodd Stadium in Norwich. With his whole family and staff cheering him on, Ed Tessman, Executive Director of Catholic Charities took the mound to throw out the first pitch and he didn’t disappoint as it was right over the plate! During the 7th inning stretch, the Catholic Charities section, full of fans with microphone in hand, provided the evening’s entertainment by singing “Take Me Out to the Ballgame.” Those who purchased tickets
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Catholic Athletes for Christ Have First “Team Meeting” at St. Bernard School
tudent athletes and coaches from St. Bernard School recently attended a kickoff training program for the new diocesan chapter of Catholic Athletes for Christ. Traditionally in our society, athletes have always been held in high esteem. So, why not use that honor as a way to promote faith and Christian virtues especially among our youth? That is a message a Catholic Athlete for Christ recently posed to student athletes at three diocesan high schools. “Your teams need you, your school needs you, and this world needs you,” said Becky Hoisl, a 2017 graduate of Catholic University, in speaking to students, coaches and campus ministers at Xavier, Mercy and St. Bernard school as part of a kick-off training program for the new diocesan chapter of Catholic Athletes for Christ (CAC). This is a program where you can show people that faith can be integrated into everything we do. It can change the way we compete and ultimately change this world.” The goal of CAC is to develop strong Catholic role models among student athletes who will use their sports platform to promote Christian values on and off the field. Hoisl told her audience that participation in CAC “is a way to remind us that we are using the gifts and talents we have to bring Christ to others.” The CAC program will be implemented at the three high schools beginning in the fall. Athletes will meet after school once a month to pray and read Scripture passages reflective of their sports experiences and promote the program’s core virtues: charity, honesty, humility, meekness, moderation, purity and sportsmanship. The goal is for the “Cathletes,” as they are referred to, to
incorporate what they are discovering about their faith into their sports activities and reflect those values to teammates. Participation in the program is voluntary and will be open to all student athletes throughout the school year. Hoisl shared her initial skepticism at joining CAC because she didn’t want to mix religion with sports. But, as she got involved with the program, she discovered that being with other athletes who understood the passion, drive and will to win that she had, while also understanding the pain, struggle and failure that comes with that, made a difference to her. After attending a few CAC meetings, she found, “It was a place where athletes just like myself could meet and talk about our lives, our sports, and our relationships with God. It was a group of people who got it.” As part of the program, coaches and campus ministers would identify leaders among student athletes who have leadership abilities to moderate the program among their peers. According to Andrea Hoisl, director of the Diocesan Office of Faith Events, which oversees the program
for the diocese, once the high school program is underway, plans are to implement CAC on a parish level. High school “Cathletes” would then implement the program into our diocesan elementary schools in the 2018-2019 academic year.
Becky Hoisl urged the high school athletes to get involved in the program. “Take advantage of this opportunity to become a Catholic Athlete playing for something bigger than you or your team,” she said. “Be a Catholic Athlete playing for Christ.”
“Beautiful Things For Children”
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On the bridge, downtown Mystic Open Seven Days • Personal Attention
By Mary-Jo McLaughlin
Our YOUTH Sacred Heart School, Groton
Dr. Gail Kingston, Principal 50 Sacred Heart Drive, Groton, CT 860-445-0611
Sacred Heart School, Taftville
Mother Christina Van Beck, SCMC, Principal 15 Hunters Ave, Taftville, CT
Phone: 860-887-1757
St. James EdwardSchool, School,Danielson Stafford Springs LindaMaryAnne Marie Joya, Principal Mrs. Pelletier, Principal 120 WaterSt, St,Stafford Danielson, CT CT 25 Church Springs, Phone: Phone: 860-774-3281 860-684-2600
St. Joseph School, North Grosvenordale
Ms. Sharon Briere, Principal 26 Main St., N. Grosvenordale, CT Phone: 860-923-2090
Academic Excellence. Character. Self-Confidence.
Mission Trip
By Mia Londregan ‘18 n June 3rd, 12 members of the St. Bernard School community traveled to Montego Bay, Jamaica, for a week on a mission trip through the Mustard Seed Communities organization. They stayed on a compound that is home to over 30 residents ages 7-30, who have mental or physical disabilities ranging from blindness to Down syndrome and Cerebral palsy. Most were confined to a wheelchair, and fewer could speak. During the stay, students and chaperones worked alongside
The Most Reverend Burchell McPherson, Bishop of the Diocese of Montego Bay, on the Feast of Pentecost at the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral.
St. Mary-St. Joseph School, Willimantic Ms. Abby Demars, Principal 35 Valley St, Willimantic, CT Phone: 860-423-8479
St. Michael School, Pawcatuck
Mrs. Doris Messina, Principal
63 Liberty St, Pawcatuck, CT Phone: 860-599-1084
St. Patrick School, Norwich
Mrs. Catherine Reed, Principal 211 Broadway, Norwich, CT Phone: 860-889-4174
-continued on next page
St. John School, Old Saybrook
Mother Elaine Moorcroft, SCMC, Principal 42 Junenard Road, Old Saybrook, CT Phone: 860-388-0849
OUR YOUTH Mr. Lawrence Fitzgerald, Principal 87 South Main St, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-347-2978
St. Joseph School, New London
St. Joseph School, Baltic
Sr. Mary Patrick Mulready, SCMC, Principal
10 School Hill Road, Baltic, CT Phone: 860-822-6141
“A Holy Place Where We Discover Each Other in God’s Love” Celebrating 76 Years of Excellence in Catholic Education ~ Grades K-8 ~
Full Day Kindergarten School Day from 8:30-2:30 After School Care Available Accredited by the New England Association of Schools & Colleges
25 Squire Street New London, CT For information call 860-442-1720
Ms. Marianne Cote, Principal 25 Squire St, New London, CT Phone: 860-442-1720
St. Bernard School, Uncasville
“A Holy Place Where We Discover Each Other in God’s Love” Celebrating 76 Years of Excellence in Catholic Education ~ Grades K-8 ~
Full Day Kindergarten School Day from 8:30-2:30 After School Care Available Accredited by the New England Association of Schools & Colleges
25 Squire Street New London, CT For information call 860-442-1720
Mr. Donald Macrino, Headmaster 1593 Norwich-New London Tpke, Uncasville, CT Phone: 860-848-1271
Continued nurses, directly with the residents, helping to feed, teach, and entertain them. The missionaries also painted one of the houses and created a mural. They were able to participate in the community’s prayer services and see
Academy of the Holy Family, Baltic Mother Mary David, SCMC, Principal 54 West Main St, Baltic, CT Phone: 860-822-9272
many aspects of how this “family” lives. The missionaries were constantly reminded that whatever they were doing for the residents they were doing for Jesus himself.
Marianapolis Preparatory School, Thompson
Mercy High School, Middletown
Xavier High School, Middletown
Mr. Joseph Hanrahan, Headmaster 26 Chase Road, Thompson, CT Phone: 860-923-9565
Mary McCarthy, RSM, President 1740 Randolph Road, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-346-6659
David C. Eustis, Headmaster Mr. Brendan Donohue, Principal 181 Randolph Road, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-346-7735
St. John Paul II School, Middletown
Our YOUTH From the
Superintendent’s Office…
My Dear Friends,
In a few short weeks, our Catholic schools will be bustling with students, faculty, and administration. We welcome two new administrators this year: Dr. Gail Kingston, the new principal at Sacred Heart School in Groton and Mr. David Eustice, the new headmaster at Xavier High School. In addition, Mr. Larry Fitzgerald, former principal of Sacred Heart School in Groton, is now the new principal at St. John Paul II School in Middletown. I also would like to welcome all of the newly hired teachers in our Diocese this year. During my first year as superintendent, I learned a great deal about our schools and can say with all sincerity that I am quite impressed with the sense of Catholic identity and mission-driven atmosphere in all of them. Our students go on to the best colleges and universities in the Country. They are academically prepared as well as spiritually prepared. It is such an honor to serve our schools where prayer is prevalent, respect and good manners are the norm, and school personnel model the faith which we espouse. It is a communal effort with administration, faculty and staff, school boards, parents and guardians, grandparents, and most importantly, the children. Bishop Cote sets the tone for the importance of Catholic education, and is a visible presence in our schools. We are so fortunate to have the pastors, priests, deacons, and religious sisters and brothers, all of whom have dedicated their lives to service in Our Lord, deeply involved in our Catholic schools. Please join me in praying for continued vocations. In our society today, we should never take those in the religious life for granted, and should encourage our children to respond to and recognize the calling of whatever vocation they may have. I look forward to serving our schools this year, and am extremely blessed to do so. Please spread the good word about our schools, and know that it is never too late to enroll!
“A Holy Place Where We Discover Each Other in God’s Love” Celebrating 76 Years of Excellence in Catholic Education ~ Grades K-8 ~
May God Bless You Always,
Henry Fiore, Jr. Superintendent of Schools
Full Day Kindergarten School Day from 8:30-2:30 After School Care Available Accredited by the New England Association of Schools & Colleges
25 Squire Street New London, CT For information call 860-442-1720
St. Michael School is Instituting a Catholic Classical Curriculum
t. Michael School is pleased to announce exciting new enhancements to the school’s curriculum by instituting a Catholic Classical Curriculum. This curriculum will be
phased in over the next several years beginning in the fall of 2017. Students will study the great ideas of Western Civilization. Democracy, science, art, and literature will provide the impetus for understanding how the
LEARN. GROW. DISCOVER. Saint Bernard School
You have many choices of where to educate your child. That’s why we would like to invite you to visit our school where you can learn about our academic programs, athletics, campus life, and see why Saint Bernard School is a place for your child to learn, grow, and discover! We are accepting applications for the 2017–18 school year. Ask us about our Tailored Tuition Program to help meet your family’s unique financial situation.
Call us today at 860-848-1271 to schedule your private visit and tour the school. SAINT BERNARD SCHOOL Grades 6–12 1593 Norwich-New London Turnpike Uncasville, CT 06382 860-848-1271 •
past influences and unifies our culture. Great classical literature and primary sources will be utilized, allowing students to discern the original intent of the writers and the truths of the documents. The curriculum will have a strong emphasis on language to develop a student’s ability to think well, write well, and speak well. Reading, writing, phonics and vocabulary will be emphasized. The study of Latin will begin in the early grades and continue through grade eight. As the basis of all the Romance Languages, Latin study is beneficial not just to the acquisition of these languages but also to the teaching of logic, grammar and vocabulary. Christian faith is not only taught in the classroom but animates the culture of the school, the interaction between students and teachers, and motivates the pursuit of what is right, true and good. A Classical Curriculum utilizes age appropriate methods of teaching. In the early grades, children are ready and able to memorize and be taught large amounts of information. This stage is referred to as the “grammar” stage. The “logic” stage begins as students approach the middle school years. Here students’ ability to reason develops, therefore logic and reasoning skills are taught. Students will learn to debate and think critically, evolving reasoning skills to aid them not only in math and science, but to excel in life as they encounter problems and decisions.
Doris Messina, principal of St. Michael School, notes, “St. Michael School prides itself on its rigorous and challenging curriculum. We have well qualified teachers who care about their students. Our graduates excel in high school and beyond, and we have standardized test scores that are well above the national averages. But, as a school, we always continue to look for ways to improve, to make our school and curriculum better for our students, and that is why we decided to institute a Catholic Classical Curriculum.” The classical model of education was the model of Catholic education until the first half of the twentieth century. It is proven to produce some of the highest SAT scores of any curriculum. It prepares students not just for high school, college or a career, but to become lifelong learners who are informed, engaged and faithfilled members of society. St. Michael School will be the first school in the Diocese of Norwich and in this vicinity to become a Catholic Classical School, a model that is not only attracting schools throughout the country, but is attracting students back to Catholic education. For more information about these exciting new enhancements or other new developments at St. Michael School, such as its preschool program, contact Doris Messina, principal, at 860-599-1084 or by email at
By Doris Messina, Principal of St. Michael School, Pawcatuck
By Joshua Saba
The Importance of Religious Freedom
Editor’s Note: Joshua Saba of St. Matthew’s Parish in Tolland is an extraordinary youth for many reasons, not only because he is involved in Youth Ministry and the Diocesan Youth Leadership Group but most recently, because he is both the regional and state winner of the Knights of Columbus “Catholic Citizen Essay Contest”. Josh’s essay theme was The Importance of Religious Freedom. His essay is entered in the National contest and could move on to the International contest. Please enjoy Joshua Saba’s essay. t can be argued that all freedoms are equally important; however, a good case can be made that freedom of religion is the most important. As Americans, we enjoy many freedoms, but none are enjoyed as frequently in our daily lives as the freedom of religion. This special freedom should not be taken for granted and its blessing should not be downplayed; even the Founding Fathers and the drafters of our Constitution realized its importance, giving it first priority in securing its possession for the American people in the Bill of Rights. Looking back to the times when this basic freedom was denied and at the Founding Fathers who stressed so heavily the weight of religious liberty, we can truly appreciate its importance. Like the Founding Fathers, the Pilgrims equally understood the extreme valuableness of the freedom of religion. The Pilgrims fled from England to the New World in search of something that couldn’t be had in
Joshua Saba with his mother Annmarie, his sister Racheal and father Mitchell England, religious freedom. England has a national religion, Anglicanism, and a state church, the Anglican Church. Back in the 16th and 17th century, there was no religious freedoms. Whether they were Anglican or not, they were required by law to pay taxes to the Anglican church and to attend Anglican services. There were fines for not attending these services and those not belonging to the Anglican Church were persecuted by the English government. Its persecution of Catholics was especially vigorous for the Church of England. A Protestant sect that had broken off from the Catholic Church, so it wanted to be absolutely certain that the Catholic Church could never again have a strong foothold in England. Mass was made illegal; anyone caught attending Mass was
fined and imprisoned; priests could be executed as traitors. Looking back at England in the time period following the Church of England’s schism with the Catholic Church, we get an extreme picture of a country where religious freedom is not guaranteed. Especially where this was a country heavily persecuting Catholics, we as Catholics should be grateful that we live in the United States where religious freedom is guaranteed and we can be safe from persecution. The Founding Fathers, understanding this history, chose a different and unprecedented path to defend religious liberty from control and attacks by the government. Emphasizing this importance, they chose to codify the freedom of religion first in the Bill of Rights. The first two clauses of the first amendment pertain to religious
freedom, which are the “establishment of religion” and “free exercise” clauses. They hold that Congress cannot pass a law regarding a religious institution and cannot restrict or forbid the free exercise of one’s religion, respectively. The Drafters of the Constitution had several reasons for providing those specific protections of this freedom. First, to prohibit the federal government from establishing a national religion, state church, or being biased to a particular religious denomination; and second, to be sure that the federal government couldn’t infringe upon an individual’s right to practice the faith of their choosing. The Founding Fathers were by and large religious men and saw their divine obligation to protect their fellow man’s right to religious freedom because of its importance since they knew that government shouldn’t interfere with what is between an individual and God. The Founding Fathers understood these dangers and not only wanted to preserve religious liberty to prevent religious persecution or citizens paying taxes to churches whose faith and beliefs they did not necessarily share, but also to preserve the individual’s liberty of conscience and right to exercise their free will. A person has the right to exercise the free will that God gave them to come to Him in their own way but when religious freedom is prohibited, an individual’s unique journey to come to know God is obstructed. They are denied the free will to attain or not attain God through choosing to profess the faith or religion they believe is the truth. Through being aware of what sufferings occur and rights are infringed on when religious freedom is denied and by seeing how much weight the Founders of our own Country put on this right, we should not only treasure religious freedom and not take it for granted, but fight to protect it whenever a threat to it arises.
Small Kids,
Big Impact S By Catherine Reed, Principal, St. Patrick Cathedral School
ince its inception in the 1800s, St. Patrick Cathedral School has been a gem in the Norwich Community, consistently graduating classes fully prepared to become moral, conscientious members of society. Students now continue to return and register children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. St. Patrick School continues today to provide a superior education and serve the local community to which it belongs. One of the outstanding community service effects of this past year was, the student council’s coat drive. They collected 651 coats, 53 pairs of boots, 129 hats, 103 mittens/ gloves, 56 scarves, 24 hat/mitten sets, and 13 snow pants. Many of the hats and mittens were handmade by parishioners who are among some of the project’s greatest supporters. These items totaling 1,063 items filled four truckloads. During Catholic Schools Week, the students came up with ideas that truly demonstrated their faith and service to the community. They conducted a “Souper Bowl” day, collecting over 200 pounds of canned soup. A “Giving Day” was planned in which the students made sandwiches for St. Vincent de Paul soup kitchen, assembled packages for children in the hospital, and stocked boxes with supplies for deployed soldiers. Madonna Place in Norwich, a family support agency, also received baby items, sleepers, blankets, toddler clothes, baby bottles and diapers. Each month the students observe a dress down day, bringing in a dollar
for the privilege; the recipient of those donations this past year was the Center for Hospice Care. Each year the school raises approximately $2,000 for charity. Students also held a toiletry drive for St. Vincent de Paul Place community meal site and food pantry, in which they collected 2,610 items. At the conclusion of each year, the student body collects coins for one week to help missions in Haiti. Their goal is usually $2,000, which goes toward home construction in the struggling country. A strong community is built on concern for others, looking into the mirror, realizing there are people who need help and mercy, and taking
action. St. Patrick School cultivates an atmosphere in which younger generations become attuned to the welfare of the greater good. Learning about Martin Luther King, Jr., the students realize that “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’” With these teachings, strengthened by the Gospel, students continue to seek out ways to help those around them, showing compassion and humility. The art of giving, faith, service and community is alive and well at St. Patrick School. “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Words to live by and witness in action at St. Patrick School as the new school year will soon be here.
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Our faith
Catholic Conference for Men to Feature Author Raymond Arroyo of EWTN News By David Craig
HARTFORD – ward-winning journalist and best-selling author Raymond Arroyo of EWTN News will be the keynote speaker at the 10th annual Connecticut Catholic Men’s Conference on October 21. The day-long program, which will be held at St. Paul Catholic High School in Bristol, will also include presentations by Bishop Frank J. Caggiano of the Diocese of Bridgeport, Tim Staples, director of apologetics and evangelization at Catholic Answers, Father Glenn
Sudano, CFR, one of the original eight founders of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, and James Wahlberg, executive director of the Mark Wahlberg Youth Foundation, which he founded with his brother, actor Mark Wahlberg. Musician and evangelist Marty Rotella will serve as master of ceremonies. Arroyo, who is managing editor and lead anchor for EWTN News and The
St. Mary – St. Joseph School 35 Valley Street – Willimantic, CT 06226 860-423-8479 •
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World Over Live, is seen in more than 350 million homes on six continents each week and heard on more than 500 AM/FM affiliates and a stand-alone Sirius channel. Bishop Caggiano, who will deliver the opening talk and the homily at the closing Vigil Mass, said, “I’m looking forward to participating for the first time in the Connecticut Catholic Men’s Conference, and I hope that many men throughout our diocese join me for this day of renewal and spiritual enrichment. The conference calls all men as husband, fathers, and individuals to witness Christ. It is also a celebration of fellowship and community as men from all walks of life and backgrounds come together to deepen their faith and explore their roles as men in family life and the Church.” Father James M. Sullivan, chaplain of the conference, said the event will offer spiritual enrichment for men of all ages. Throughout the day, there will be opportunities for Eucharistic
adoration and the sacrament of reconciliation. Father Sullivan, who has attended the conference since it began as a participant and a presenter, said it offers men valuable information and tools they can use to become better role models in their families and in society. Ken Santopietro, director of the conference, said this year’s theme is a celebration of the Apostolate of the Laity, taken from Acts 1:8, “You will be my witnesses.” What are his hopes for men who attend the conference? “To share the experiences of going to confession if it has been awhile,” he said, “listening to the best homily you ever heard on Catholicism by a professional speaker, and finding the one way that it connects with your spirit and brings you home a better man.” For additional information or to purchase tickets, visit or call 860-484-7950. To contact the conference directly, email ctcatholicmensconference@gmail. com or call 860-484-7950.
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Left to right: Sr. Marie Jeannette Berube, DHS (60 years), Eleanor Baldoni, SBDHS (60), Lorraine Duval, DHS (50), Michael Henry Moulin, DHS (60) and Cecile Cusson, DHS (70). Absent from the photo is Associate Jean Smith (25) and residents of St. Joseph Living Center Community: Suzanne Roy, DHS (60), Imelda Lagace, DHS (70), Claire Roland Poulin, DHS (70), Mary Ruth Page, DHS (80).
By Sister Claudette t was at a meaningful, prayerful and joyful celebration that the Daughters of the Holy Spirit honored 13 women for their combined 675 years of service to the people of God as Apostolic Religious, Consecrated Secular and Associate in the extended DHS Family. The procession was led by members of Cargill Council 64 of the Knights of Columbus and the liturgy was celebrated by Rev. Edward Dempsey with the assistance of Very Rev. Laurence LaPointe, homilist, and the Rev. Richard Archambault, long-time chaplain at the Provincial House in Putnam. Besides honoring the Congregation’s feast day, Pentecost, the renewal of vows and covenants by the members of the 3 Branches of the Congregation added a special note to the festivities. The final blessing was preceded immediately by a short address by Sr. Gertrude Lanouette, DHS, Provincial
Team Leader, announcing the official closure of the Year of Marie Balavenne, the very first Daughter of the Holy Spirit whose 350th birthday was marked by a variety of events throughout the year. A unique visit by Marie Balavenne (Ms. Bonnie Theriault), dressed in the typical style of Breton women in the late 17th and early 18th centuries, added special flare to the occasion. The Daughters have been involved in various ministries of the Norwich Diocese since its inception. They were founded in Brittany, France in 1706 and came to the States in 1902. Their USA headquarters are in Putnam with a large community in residence at St. Joseph Living Center in Windham. They also have members in several New England states, in the mid-Atlantic states, and in California. Internationally, the DHS minister in various European countries, in Africa, Australia and South America.
According to USCCB President Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, “The Catholic Church teaches that religious freedom has to do with immunity from coercion. Immunity from government coercion is a right that all citizens in this country should enjoy. So, in asking for an exemption to the HHS mandate to fully accommodate deeply held moral and religious beliefs, the USCCB is asking that the government give us the space to fully participate in American life.”
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