Four County Catholic September 2013

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Volume 25 Number 8

September 2013

Made Possible in part through your generous support of the Annual Catholic Appeal

2012 ~ 2013


Four County Catholic September 2013


‘Flames of Charity’ throughout Southeast Connecticut have helped Catholic Charities Diocese of Norwich remain a beacon of light to local families in need since 1921.

Four County


- Anna DeBiasi describing friends and major supporters of Catholic Charities who have made a significant difference in the lives of others through their dedication to charitable outreach.

Serving the Counties of Middlesex, New London, Tolland, Windham & Fishers Island, NY

Established in 1989 and published each month except July.

My parents, along with 11 million other undocumented immigrants, have only wanted a better life, a life of hope for their children.



Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Bishop of Norwich


Editorial Office

31 Perkins Avenue, Norwich, CT 06360-3613

- Personal account of local immigrant family as submitted by Mother Mary Jude Lazarus, S.C.M.C., Diocesan Director, Hispanic Ministry.

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Director of Communications/Executive Editor

Michael Strammiello, 860.887.3933

Managing Editor/Layout & Design/Webmaster

Trina Fulton, 860.886.1281

We cried when it was time to cry, hugged when it was time to hug, and loved when it was time to love.


- Monsignor Robert Weiss, Pastor, St. Rose of Lima Parish, Newtown, Ct, describing what he said any priest would do in the midst of great human suffering.

There were over 60 Catholic Churches destroyed in the earthquake, including the Port-au-Prince Cathedral. Many people are still attending Mass under tents every Sunday in these parishes as the reconstruction work moves on slowly.


- Father Frank Rouleau, Chaplain and Director of Twinning, Diocese of Norwich Outreach to Haiti

2013 2012 ~

er 8 Numb e 25 Volum

On the Cover

Theological Advisor

Reverend Ted F. Tumicki, S.T.L., J.C.L., J.V.


Advertising Sales

Meredith Morrison, 860.887.3933


Judy Pappagallo, 860.848.2237 x302


GateHouse Media New England

33 New York Avenue Framingham, MA 01701

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The deadline for advertising is the second Monday of the preceding month. (Discount rate available to Diocesan-sponsored ministries and programs.) The editorial deadline is the third Monday of the preceding month. Articles limited to 500-word max; letters to the editor limited to 200-word max and must include name, address and phone number for verification. Email photos as JPEG attachments and MS Word copy to or fax to 860.859.1253. Publication not guaranteed. The Editor reserves the right to reject, omit or edit all editorial and advertising copy. Published opinions and advertisements do not necessarily reflect the editorial position of this newspaper.

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Mrs. Dzimian’s 3rd grade students at Blessed John Paul II Diocesan Regional School on opening day, August 29, 2013. Photo by Donna Antonacci

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Four County Catholic September 2013

The Most Reverend

Michael R. Cote, D.D.

Bishop of Norwich

Autumn With a Look of Spring My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: Isn’t it surprising how September often brings so many new beginnings, new life, new vitality into our lives. Tradition tends to portray the onset of the fall season as a time of harvest, but also a time of chilling weather and scarcity of provisions. A time to conserve. Yet life keeps coming at us as a busy community of faith. New faith-expanding opportunities turn up all around us right through the fall and winter. This September is once again much more of a beginning. A delightful new beginning recently announced in our neighboring Bridgeport Diocese is the appointment by Pope Francis of The Most Reverend Frank J. Caggiano as the fifth Bishop of Bridgeport. The installation of Bishop Caggiano, formerly Auxiliary Bishop in the Brooklyn Diocese, is scheduled for September 19, 2013, at Saint Theresa Church in Trumbull. It is particularly appropriate that the date chosen is the Feast of

San Gennaro, the patron saint of Italian immigrants. Bishop Caggiano is the son of immigrant parents who settled in the borough of Brooklyn where Frank went to school, grew up and served as a priest and diocesan administrator for over 25 years, many of them supporting our good friend Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio. Bishop Caggiano is a uniquely experienced and gifted priest. His family ties have given him a first-hand appreciation for the cause of immigration reform in America. His life’s experience in the secular businessworld has helped contribute to his management skills. His advanced schooling here and in Rome have helped him develop his depth of theological knowledge. He has served as pastor, teacher, and program reformer. These experiences along with his recent tenure as Vicar for Evangelization and Pastoral Life make Bishop Caggiano profoundly prepared to shepherd the over 400,000 Catholics in the Bridge-

port Diocese. In Bishop Caggiano, the Bridgeport Diocese has a youth advocate who has attended each of the World Youth Days, and is planning on bringing a sizable youth contingent from the Bridgeport Diocese to the next World Youth event in Krakow, Poland in 2016. We congratulate Bishop Caggiano and congratulate the faithful of the Diocese of Bridgeport for being blessed with a bright, talented, servant of the Lord. I personally look forward to being with Bishop Caggiano on the day of his installation and standing with him and Archbishop Mansell at every opportunity to express our unity of purpose and mission for all Catholics and those of all faiths in the State of Connecticut. We are grateful for all the new beginnings of the season, among them the early opening of the diocesan school year. We are already in our third week of school at this still early September date. As the cover story of this issue

highlights, the Diocese has opened its first regional school in Middletown, the Blessed John Paul II pre K-8 Regional Diocesan School on South Main Street -- soon to be Saint John Paul II Regional School. There are advances in the regional model that will help secure the future of Catholic education in the greater Middletown region, and over time, may apply to other central communities as well. Some of the efficiencies include expanded use of technology in both teaching and learning for grades 6-8, and expanded Spanish instruction for grades K-5. More particulars can be found in the cover story. Be sure to make your reservations for this year’s Seton Scholarship Dinner, November 3, 2013, at the Riverhouse at Goodspeed landing. You can learn more about this wonderful event in this issue and online at Having just celebrated the magnificent restoration of the Cathedral of St. Patrick, I can tell you that there are a few fine fin-

ishing details, including the painting of the Stations of the Cross reliefs that should be completed by end of September. So after 140 years of history as a parish church and a diocesan cathedral, St. Patrick is ready for a joyous new beginning. All of these initiatives fit well with the spirit of still new Pope Francis, focused as he is on the fire of faith of our youth the world over, New Evangelization outreach, fairness to the poor and immigrant families, an open arms policy to all of God’s children and a deep respect for the sanctity of life and the dignity of the human person. This is very much a time of new beginnings from the Vatican to South Main Street in Middletown. May God bless our continuing enthusiasm and faithful efforts to follow true Christian principles through the autumn and winter that look to be more like a continuing spring. Sincerely yours in Christ’s love, Bishop Michael R. Cote

Otoño Parecido a la Primavera Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas: No es una sorpresa que septiembre a menudo trae a nuestras vidas nuevos comienzos, nueva vida, nueva vitalidad. La tradición tiende a describir el comienzo de la temporada de otoño como un tiempo de cosecha, pero también un tiempo de clima frío y de escasez de provisiones. Un tiempo para almacenar. Aún la vida sigue viniendo hacia nosotros como una comunidad ocupada dedicada a vivir y a celebrar nuestra fe. Nueva fe ampliando las oportunidades que surgen a nuestro

alrededor a través del otoño y del invierno. Este septiembre es una vez más mucho más que un comienzo. Un encantador nuevo comienzo recientemente anunciado en nuestra vecina Diócesis de Bridgeport es el nombramiento por el Papa Francisco de El Reverendísimo Frank J. Caggiano como el quinto obispo de Bridgeport. La instalación del obispo Caggiano, antiguo obispo Auxiliar de la diócesis de Brooklyn, está programada para el 19 de septiembre, 2013, en la iglesia de

Santa Teresa en Trumbull. Particularmente apropiado es que la fecha elegida es la festividad de San Genaro, el santo patrón de los inmigrantes italianos. Monseñor Caggiano es hijo de padres inmigrantes que se establecieron en la ciudad de Brooklyn, donde Frank fue a la escuela, creció y sirvió como sacerdote y administrador diocesano durante más de 25 años, muchos de ellos apoyando a nuestro buen amigo el obispo Nicholas DiMarzio. Monseñor Caggiano es de manera única un sacerdote con

experiencia y talento. Sus lazos familiares le han dado una apreciación de primera mano para la causa de la reforma migratoria en los Estados Unidos. Su experiencia de vida en el secular mundo de los negocios le ha ayudado a contribuir a su habilidad de administración. Su avanzada educación aquí y en Roma le ha ayudado a desarrollar su profundo conocimiento teológico. Se ha desempeñado como sacerdote, maestro y reformador de programas. Estas experiencias junto con su reciente cargo como Vicario

para la Evangelización y la Vida Pastoral hacen destacadamente a Monseñor Caggiano preparado para guiar a más de 400.000 católicos en la Diócesis de Bridgeport. En Monseñor Caggiano, la Diócesis de Bridgeport tiene a un defensor de la juventud quien ha asistido a cada una de las Jornadas Mundiales de la Juventud, y que está planeando en llevar una cantidad considerable de jóvenes desde la Diócesis de Bridgeport Otoño Parecido a la Primavera Continued on page 4


Four County Catholic September 2013

Otoño Parecido a la Primavera para el próximo evento mundial de la Juventud en Cracovia, Polonia, en el 2016. Felicitamos al obispo Caggiano y felicitamos a los fieles de la Diócesis de Bridgeport por ser bendecidos con un brillante, talentoso, siervo del Señor. Yo personalmente tengo muchas ganas de estar con Monseñor Caggiano en el día de su instalación y en cada oportunidad estar junto a él y al Arzobispo Mansell para expresar nuestra unidad de

Continued from page 3

propósito y misión para todos los católicos y aquellos de todas las religiones en el Estado de Connecticut. Estamos muy agradecidos por todos los nuevos comienzos de la temporada, entre ellos la temprana apertura del año escolar diocesano. Ya estamos en nuestra tercera semana de clases en esta aún temprana fecha de septiembre. Como el tema de la portada de este ejemplar acentúa, la Diócesis ha abierto la primera es-

cuela regional en Middletown, la Escuela Regional Diocesana de pre K-8 Beato Juan Pablo II de la calle South Main- que pronto será la Escuela Regional San Juan Pablo II. Hay en trabajo eficacias de acción en el modelo regional que ayudará a asegurar el futuro de la educación católica en la mayor región de Middletown, y con el tiempo, también podría aplicarse a otras comunidades centrales. Algunas de las eficacias incluyen el uso extendido de la

Diocese of Norwich Pilgrimage to Greece and Rome


With Bishop Michael R. Cote

24 Hour Emergency Service

~ November 16 to 25, 2013 ~

For information or reservations call Rebecca McDougal at 860-887-9294.

ost Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, will lead a 10-day pilgrimage to Rome and the historic cities of Corinth and Thessaloniki, Greece, as well as the ancient city of Ephesus. When in Rome, enjoy a panoramic sightseeing tour of the Palazzo Venezia, the Circus Maximus, the Forum, the Arch of Constantine and the Colosseum. The group will attend the Closing Ceremonies for the Year of Faith in Vatican City. Price includes local bus to/from JFK Airport, airfare, four-star hotels, departure lunch, all tips; also, breakfast and dinner daily, and departure tax and fuel surcharge.

Fire, Water and Smoke Cleanup and Restoration Carpet, Upholstery and Drape Cleaning Odor Removal Complete Move-Outs

que deberían realizarse antes de finales de septiembre. Así es que después de 140 años de historia como iglesia parroquial y catedral diocesana, St. Patrick está lista para un alegre nuevo comienzo. Todas estas iniciativas se ajustan bien con el espíritu del aún nuevo Papa Francisco, centrado como lo está en el fuego de fe de nuestros jóvenes de todo el mundo, extensión de la Nueva Evangelización, justicia para las familias pobres e inmigrantes, una política de brazos abiertos para todos los hijos de Dios y un profundo respeto por la vida y la dignidad de la humanidad. Esto es en gran medida un tiempo de nuevos comienzos desde el Vaticano a South Main Street en Middletown. Que Dios bendiga a nuestro continuo entusiasmo y fiel esfuerzo por traer nueva vida en forma de verdaderos principios cristianos durante el otoño y el invierno que nos parece a nosotros ser más como una prolongada primavera. Sinceramente, en el amor de Cristo,

of Norwich/Windham County

860-887-0447 Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration Independently Owned and Operated

Like it never even happened

Obispo Michael R. Cote Translated by Paulina Angulo

Clergy Appointments The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, has made the following clergy and diocesan appointments in the Diocese of Norwich: Reverend Joseph Whittel, Renewal of appointment as Pastor of Saint Paul Parish, Waterford. Effective August 16, 2013.

Cost of Tour: $3,899.00 pp double occupancy $300.00 deposit required $239.00 optional travel insurance (paid with deposit) $450.00 single supplement (limited number)

Reservations must be made by August 13, 2013.

tecnología en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje para los grados 6-8, y ampliada instrucción en español para los grados k-5. Más detalles se pueden encontrar en el artículo de portada. Asegúrese de hacer sus reservaciones para la cena de este año de las becas Seton, el día 3 de noviembre de 2013, en el Riverhouse en Goodspeed. Usted puede aprender más a cerca de este maravilloso evento también en este ejemplar en el artículo de MaryLou Gannotti. Habiendo recién celebrado la magnífica restauración de la catedral de St. Patrick, puedo decirle que hay unos pocos finos detalles que terminar, incluyendo la pintura de los bordes del Vía Crucis

Reverend John Ashe from Pastor, Saint Mary Parish, Portland, to Retirement. Effective: August 31, 2013.

2012 ~ 2013

Reverend C. Paul Boudreau, from Duty Outside the Diocese, to Administrator, Saint Mary Parish, Portland. Effective: September 1, 2013. ~ Monsignor Robert L. Brown, Chancellor ~


Four County Catholic September 2013

Director of Priestly Vocations

Reverend Gregory Galvin Welcome back from summer! It was hot, rainy and busy around Connecticut this summer, and it is hard to believe we are only a couple of weeks away from the beginning of the Fall Season! In case you were away, the following is a quick update regarding what has happened with vocations during the past few months and what we are anticipating in the coming weeks and months. Back at the end of May, Father Brian Maxwell was ordained to the Holy Priesthood by Bishop Cote at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick and by mid-June was at Saint Bernard Church in Rockville beginning his service to the diocese. Two weeks later, Deacon Martin Noe was ordained a transitional deacon at Saints Peter and Paul Church in Norwich, also by Bishop Cote. Deacon Martin then spent the rest of his summer assignment at Christ the King parish in Old Lyme, and now is heading back for his final year of academic and spiritual formation at Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Cromwell Connecticut. Our two men from Colombia, Ruben Garcia and Juan Aguirre, each spent the months of May and June at parishes in the diocese before heading back to Worcester for a 5 week summer course in English. They then had two weeks off of studies before just getting back to full time classes for English for their second year. Both men have done very well and will continue to visit the diocese on weekends to practice what they are learning in English. Juan will be visiting Saint Joseph Church in Willimantic this year and Ruben will be visiting St. Matthew in Tolland. At this time, we now have eight men who are back at the seminary. I ask your prayers for Frank Gilbert who was accepted in late June but then had a medical setback and therefore will be on hold for a year before being able to go forward to the semi-

nary. I received a wonderful note early this past August from Father Chaker, Pastor at Saint Mary Church in Coventry announcing a new religious vocation from their parish. He wrote; “With a heart full of joy and gratitude to our Lord and our Blessed Mother, I would like to inform you that ‘Leah Hardy’ has been accepted by the Order of the Franciscan Sisters T.O. R. in Toronto, Ohio”. Leah was to be admitted to the order this past August 11, 2013. Please keep Leah in your prayers as she continues walking this faith journey with our Lord and with her new religious family. It is a pleasure to further report that at Saint Thomas Aquinas chapel and center on the UCONN Campus in Storrs, the fifth year of having the Fellowship of University Catholic Students, FOCUS, is underway. This program of having a Catholic Evangelization team on campus and

available to the students at UCONN throughout the year in combination with the presence of Father John Antonelle and Father Greg Jednaki has brought new found enthusiasm both to the campus and the parish of St. Thomas. Already in just four short years we now have 9 UCONN graduates who are serving as Focus missionaries on other campuses around the Country, some of whom are discerning possible priestly and or religious vocations. Please keep them all in your prayers. Finally, please keep seminarian Jonathan Ficara in your prayers as

he returns to Rome this month for his final full year of priestly formation. He looks forward to being ordained a deacon October 3, 2013 and then God willing he and Deacon Martin Noe will both be called to Orders by Bishop Cote next summer for Ordination to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ. Please

keep in your prayers the men I have been working with and who are discerning their next step in the process of responding to God’s call. May God continue to bless our diocese with strong families and many good priestly and religious vocations to serve His family, the Church.

Pope Francis @Pon8fex

August 23, 2013

Lord, teach us to step outside ourselves. Teach us to go out into the streets and manifest your love.

Holy Hour for Vocations The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, leads the Holy Hour: September 12, 2013 • 4:00-5:00 p.m. Saint Mary, Clinton

Prayer to St. Jude

Most holy apostle, St. Jude, faithfDl serCant and Hiend of Jesus, the Church honors and invokes you universally, as the patFon of hopeless cases, of things almost despaired of. Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone. Make use I implore you, of that parEicular privilege given to you, to bring visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of. Come to my assistance in this gFeat need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tFibulations, and sufferings that I may praise God with you and all the elect forever. I promise, O blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindfDl of this gFeat favor, to always honor you as my special and powerfDl patFon, and to gFatefDlly encourage devotion to you. Amen.

~ EB ~

October 17, 2013 • 7:00-8:00 p.m. Saint Mary, Baltic November 21, 2013 • 7:00-8:00 p.m. Saint Joseph, New London December 19, 2013 • 6:00-7:00 p.m. Saint Edward, Stafford Springs

We pray for our Seminarians.... Kurt O’Brien 2nd Year College Holy Apostles Seminary Cromwell, CT

Jeffrey Ellis 1st Year Theology Mt. St. Mary Seminary Emmitsburg, MD

Juan Palacio 1st Year English Studies Clark University Worcester, MA

Martin Noe 3rd Year Theology Holy Apostles Seminary Cromwell, CT

Father Greg Galvin, Director of Priestly Vocations

(860) 887-9294

Jonathan Ficara 3rd Year Theology Pontifical North American College, Vatican City State

Ruben Sanchez 1st Year English Studies Clark University Worcester, MA

Peter Langevin 1st Year Theology Mt. St. Mary Seminary Emmitsburg, MD

Thomas Griffin 1st Year Theology Blessed John XXIII National Seminary Weston, MA


Four County Catholic September 2013

Friday, September 13 Blue Mass Steak Dinner Fundraiser At the East Great Plain Fire Department, 488 New London Turnpike, Norwich. From 6:00– 8:00pm. Steak – Baked Potato – Salad – Bread and Butter – Soda and Water. $20.00 Adults $10.00 Children 12 and under. For more information or tickets please call Monsignor Brown at 860-887-9294, ext. 232 or Ms. Becky Cady 860-887-9294, ext. 235.

860-889-8346 ext. 283.

Saturday, September 14 Annual Gift of Grace Prison Ministry Volunteer Training Program The Office of Prison Ministry is now recruiting volunteers for the annual Gift of Grace Prison Ministry Volunteer Training Program. The dates are as follows: Saturdays, September 14, October 5 & 26, November 9, and Retreat Day Sunday, December 8. For more information, please contact Sheree Antoch at 860-848-2237 ext. 211.

Friday, September 20 Peace One Day “Who will you make peace with?” This is the first of two days that will join the Academy of the Holy Family, and members of the Diocese of Norwich, with people around the world in celebrating World Peace Day. The High School event will include sessions with speakers, activities, dance, sport and community meal. Peace is not restricted to the lack of war. It includes the absence of domestic violence, the absence of hunger, the absence of community violence, and so much more. Call 866-822-9272.

Tuesday, September 17 Internet Safety Informational Session St. Thomas Aquinas Parish- Storrs from 1:00-2:30pm or 7:00-8:30pm. Open to all clergy, parishioners, diocesan employees and volunteers. Sponsored by the Office for Safe Environments. For more information please call 860-848-2237 ext. 212. Tuesday, September 17 Annual Diocesan Mass of Remembrance A Mass in memory of our children who have died from stillbirths, miscarriages or abortions. A remembrance of children who have died recently or years ago. Held at 6:00pm at the Cathedral of St. Patrick, Norwich. Refreshments will follow the Mass. For more information call the Office of Family Life

Wednesday, September 18 Planning meeting for 40 Days for LIFE Campaign Final planning meeting for the 7th Annual 40 Days for LIFE Fall Campaign. The meeting will be in Emmaus Center at 7:00pm at St. John’s Church in Uncasville. For more information please contact Brian Daly at 860-822-1788 or visit

Saturday, September 21 World Peace Day This is the second of two days that will join the Academy of the Holy Family, and members of the Diocese of Norwich and other friends in our surrounding communities, with people around the world in celebrating World Peace Day. This event will include sessions with speakers, activities, dance, sport and community meal. The theme for this year’s World Peace Day is, “Who will you make peace with?” Call 860-822-9272. Saturday, September 21 Harvest Fun Day At Christ the King Church, 1 McCurdy Road, Old Lyme, from

9:00am to 3:00pm. The Rummage Sale and Plant Sale will continue Sunday morning (September 22) from 9:00am to 12noon. Visit for directions. For more information, call 860-434-1669.

Thursday, September 16 ~ Sunday, September 28

Fall Festival

Sunday, September 22 5th Annual Youth Explosion The biggest Catholic Youth Retreat/Concert in Eastern CT. From 12:30 -7:00pm. Open to all youths in grades 7 to 12 at St. Bernard School in Uncasville. Celebrate Mass with Bishop Cote, be inspired by Jackie Francois, a nationally known ‘youth’ speaker, singer/songwriter, and worship leader. Spend the afternoon sharing your faith with other youths from around the Diocese. Visit for registration and information or call Pamela Plasse, Office of Faith Events 860-848-2237 ext 311.

St. Joseph’s Church, 11 Baltic Road, Occum. On Thursday 9:00am-4:00pm, with the yard sale and klothes kloset only. On Friday, September 27th 9:00am-8:00pm, Saturday, September 28th 9:00-7:00pm. The festival will also feature food, needlework, baked goods, a general store, silent auction, treasure chest, CD’s/DVD’s and much, much more. Our famous fish and chips is on Friday from 5:008:00pm. Major raffle drawing begins at 7:00pm on Saturday.

Sunday, September 22 23rd Annual Blue Mass Celebrated in the Cathedral of St. Patrick at 10:15am. All law enforcement officers, federal, state and municipal, active and retired along with their families and all parishioners are invited to attend. Bishop Cote will celebrate this Mass and the homilist will be Monsignor Robert E. Weiss, Pastor of St. Rose of Lima Parish in Newtown . For more information please call 860-887-9294 ext. 232

Sept. 25 - Sunday, Nov. 3 40 Days for LIFE The 40 Days for LIFE campaign begins on September 25th and continues until November 3rd .

Tuesday, September 24 Bishop Cote to Celebrate Mass for 40 Days for LIFE 7th Annual 40 Days for Life Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Norwich. The main Celebrant and Homilist will be the Most Rev. Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich. Mass begins at 7:00pm and will be followed by refreshments downstairs.

Friday-Sunday September 27-29 Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat Weekend Healing, forgiveness and peace from post abortion grief can have a beginning with a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat. Retreat in Hamden, CT call 203-631-9030. Inquiries are confidential. Website:

23rd Annual

Blue Mass Homilist

Monsignor Robert E. Weiss

Pastor of Saint Rose of Lima Parish, Newtown, CT

All law enforcement officers (federal, state and municipal, active and retired) and their families are invited. All parishioners are cordially invited to attend this Mass.

Sunday, Sept. 22, 2013 • 10:15 am Cathedral of Saint Patrick • 213 Broadway, Norwich

Friday-Sunday, September 27-29 Retrouvaille Weekend Is your marriage tearing you apart, little or no communication, considering separation or divorce? For serious marriage building and repair: Retrouvaille is a lifeline. At a Retrouvaille weekend couples are given tools to re-establish communication, work on their issues, gain new insights and heal. A series of 6 post sessions follows the weekend phase. For information or to sign up for the next weekend on Sept. 27-29 in Hartford area call 413-525-1634. Website

Sunday, September 29

Silver and Gold Jubilee Anniversary Mass Inviting all couples married 25 & 50 years, also those celebrating a significant anniversary year, to attend and participate in renewal of wedding vows at the Pontifical Mass at the Cathedral of St. Patrick, Norwich at 2:00pm. Refreshments will follow the Mass. Register through your parish. For information call the Office of Family Life 860-889-8346 ext. 283. Saturday, September 28 A Day with Steve Ray From 9:30am – 3:30pm, at the Cathedral of St. Patrick, Norwich, Cost per person is $20.00. Students $10.00. A complimentary lunch is included. For additional information call 860-303-0513.


Four County Catholic September 2013

Friday, October 4

First Annual Flames of Charity Gala From 6:00-10:00pm at the Mystic Marriot, Groton. Join us for an Italian-themed evening to honor the Flames of Charity in Eastern Connecticut. All proceeds to benefit Catholic Charities. For more information please call Anna DeBiasi at 860-889-8346 ext. 285. October 4, 11, 18 Marriage Preparation Class for Engaged Couples “God’s Plan for a Joy-filled Marriage” October 4, 11, 18, 2013 from 6:309:00pm. St.Joseph Church Hall, RT. 97, Occum. To register for the 3 session class call: Family Life Office/Catholic Charities at 860889-8346 ext. 283. Saturday October. 5 Park Church Fall Festival To benefit Soup Kitchen. Yard sale vendors and crafters needed. For more information please call 860887-3747 Saturday, October 5 17th Annual St. John School Golf Classic The tournament is a three-fold event that will take place at Lyman Orchards Golf Club in Middlefield. If you are interested in sponsoring, donating a prize or participating in the event, or for more information please contact the school office at 860-3880849. Tuesday, October 15 Evening of Reflection The Year of Faith is coming to an end. The Norwich District Council of Catholic Women invites you to an “Evening of Reflection” at St. John the Evangelist Church hall, Montville. The evening will begin with a buffet dinner at 6:00pm and conclude with a prayer service led by Judith Hughes, co-director of Spiritual Renewal. Cost is $15.00 per person. Checks should be made out to Norwich District CCW and mailed to Viola Mulcahy, 24 Teecomwas Drive, Uncasville, CT 06382. Deadline is Tuesday, October 8, 2013. Everyone attending is asked to bring items that cannot be purchased with food stamps i.e. paper goods, soaps (personal, dish & laundry), cleaning supplies, etc. These will be distrib-

uted to the Senior Citizen housing complexes in the District. Thursday Evening, Oct.17 & 24 Christology: True God, True Man A Two Session Course presented by Sr. Elissa Rinere, CP, JCD Diocesan Director Office of Worship and Office of Pastoral Planning At The Cathedral of St. Patrick Hall, 213 Broadway, Norwich, from 6:30– 8:30pm. Fee: $20.00 Fee includes book, Christology: True God, True Man & New Testament Bible.

Saturday, October 26 Square Dance St. Peter Church Hall, 30 St. Peter Lane, Higganum. From 7:0010:00pm. A good old fashion Barn howdown. Get ready for lots of laughs, fun and enjoyment. Live Caller and Band. Never Square Danced before, you don’t have to know how, the Caller will guide you through each dance before doing it. There will also be line dancing. Sure to be a good time! Advanced ticket purchase recommended. Adults and teens $8.00, 12 years old and under $5.00. Snacks and refreshments will be provided. Families with children welcome. Contact Bill at (860) 3454910, Ray at (860) 345-4687 or Debbie at (860) 345-8018 to purchase tickets. Tickets will also be sold at the door on a space available basis. Saturday, October 26 Connecticut Catholic Men’s Conference Gather for a day of faith, reflection, and Reconciliation. This year’s Conference is entitled, “Rebuild Our Church, Our Faith, and Our Life: Following Pope Francis.” The Conference will be from 8:30am -5:00 pm at Goodwin College, 1 Riverside Drive, East Hartford. For more information please log onto:

(Matthew 7:24-25,29) “Everyone (your name) who LISTENS to these Words of Mine (Jesus) and ACTS on them, will be like a ‘wise man’ who built his house (daily prayer) on rock. The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and buffeted the house (relationship with Jesus). But it did not collapse; it had been set solidly on rock (prayer)...

...For He taught them as One having authority...not as their leaders.” Matthew 7:24-25, 29

“Love is the fulfillment of the law!” Romans 13:10

A.C.T.S. Men’s Retreat Immaculata Retreat House, Willimantic, CT • Sept. 5-8, 2013 Sponsored by St. Mary & St. Joseph Parishes, Willimantic

Woman’s Retreat in the Holy Spirit Marie Joseph Spiritual Center, Biddeford, Maine Sept. 13-16, 2013 Sponsored by Renewal Services-Diocese of Springfield, Mass Fr. Ray Introvigne & Mrs. Judith Hughes

Unbound Prayer Ministry (freedom from evil spirits) Saturday, Sept. 21 10:00 am – 1:30 pm Spiritual Renewal Center, Norwich, CT Call for appointment 860-887-0702

Mass of Healing and Hope St. Thomas Seminary, Bloomfield, Ct Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2013 @ 7:30 pm Fr. Ray Introvigne and Mrs. Judith Hughes

Mass of Healing and Hope St. Sebastian Church, Middletown, Ct Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2013 @ 7:00 pm Prayer Teams, Reconciliation & Anointing Sacraments Fr. Ray Introvigne, Fr. James and Mrs. Judith Hughes

Television Mass Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2013 @ 10:00 am Channel 20, WTXX Charter Channel 11 WCCT, Comcast Celebrant Fr. Ray Introvigne

Philips Retreat (Head to Heart Experience) “An opportunity of a Lifetime” Saturday, Oct. 5, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Sunday, Oct. 6, 9:00 am – 1:30 pm with Eucharist Call Spiritual Renewal Center to register (860-887-702) Fr. Ray Introvigne, Judith Hughes and Team

“Everyone’s welcomed to these programs!

spiritual renewal services Diocese of Norwich

Dial-A-Prayer (860) 887-7767 P.O. Box 6 • 11 Bath Street Norwich, CT 06360 • (860) 887-0702 email:


Four County Catholic September 2013

Saint John Neumann, C.Ss.R. As patron saints go, Saint John Neumann is very popular. This priest, bishop and Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony O Holy St.Anthony,gentlest of Saints,your love for God and Charity for His creatures, made you worthy,when on earth,to possess miraculous powers.Miracles waited on your word,which you were ever ready to speak for those in trouble or anxiety.Encouraged by this thought,I implore of you to obtain for me (state request here).The answer to my prayer may require a miracle,even so, you are the Saint of Miracles. O gentle and loving St.Anthony,whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the Sweet Infant Jesus,who loved to be folded in your arms;and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours.Amen. Promise publication and for nine consecutive days,pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be.


By Sister Elissa Rinere, CP, JCD Office of Worship

member of the Redemptorist Order (Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer) is the patron saint of Catholic education, of sick children and of immigrants. The story of his life explains each title. John Neumann was born in Bohemia (now the Czech Republic) in 1811. From his youth he wanted to be a priest, and pursued studies with that goal in mind. In 1836, although not yet ordained, John set out to walk across Europe and then embark

on a six-week sea voyage, along with several hundred other immigrants, to New York. On his arrival in New York, he contacted the bishop of the Diocese of New York and asked to be ordained. Bishop Dubois, whose diocese covered all of the State of New York and half of New Jersey, wasted no time in adding Father John Neumann to his presbyterate. In his first pastoral assignment, Father John, who spoke at least five different languages, ministered to newly arrived immigrants from Europe who had settled in the area around Buffalo and Niagara Falls. He exhausted

A light for those in darkness.

himself traveling from one small town to the next, or from one farm to the next, to meet the spiritual needs of his parishioners. After about four years, because his ministry in New York was

solitary, with the permission of his Bishop, Father John asked to join the Redemptorist Order. He was accepted and took his vows as a member of that Congregation in 1842. Father Neumann’s first assignment as a Redemptorist was to work with German immigrants in and around Baltimore, Maryland. He worked tirelessly, as was his custom. In 1848 he became a naturalized citizen of the United States. Then, in 1852, at the age of 41, was appointed by the Holy See as the fourth Bishop of Philadelphia. At that time, Philadelphia was the largest diocese in the Country, encompassing the entire state of Pennsylvania and a portion of New Jersey. The appointment of Bishop John Neumann to the Diocese of Philadelphia was met with great resistance from several sources. Influential and wealthy Catholics wanted a bishop who would make a good impression and speak eloquently. Bishop Neumann was, in the words of one biography,

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“short and stubby,” quiet, and spoke with a thick Bohemian accent. A political group of the time called the Know-Nothings wanted someone who was not an immigrant. This latter group took part in public disturbances and the destruction of church property. Opposition was so intense that Bishop Neumann wrote to Pope Pius IX and asked to be transferred to a smaller diocese, but he was told to persevere in the face of difficulties. So, despite the lack of acceptance, Bishop Neumann took on his responsibilities wholeheartedly. He undertook long and arduous journeys by horseback to visit different areas of his diocese. He established several orphanages for children who would have otherwise been abandoned, he organized the first diocesan school system in the United States, he established a religious order for women and welcomed several other Orders into his diocese, he preached and wrote books and newspaper articles, and in his years as bishop oversaw the construction of eighty-nine parish churches. In January 1860, Bishop Neumann was, as his biography says, “running errands” when he died of a heart attack on the streets of Philadelphia. He was 49 years old. Although Saint John Neumann’s accomplishments were so impressive, it was his holiness which led to his canonization. His life was spent, literally, in welcoming the stranger and serving the needs of the poor entrusted to his care. He was declared “Blessed” by Pope John XXIII in October 1963 and canonized by Pope Paul VI in June 1977. At this time, Saint John holds the distinction of being the first American man and the first American bishop ever to be canonized. At the canonization ceremony, Pope Paul VI said of Saint John Neumann: “ He was close to the sick, he loved to be with the poor, he was a friend of sinners, and now he is the glory of all emigrants.” His feast day is celebrated on January 5th.


Four County Catholic September 2013

Catholic Charities Hosts 1st Annual “Flames of Charity” Gala To Honor the Flames of Charity in our Diocese who Help Catholic Charities Help Local Families This fall, Catholic Charities is hosting its first annual Flames of Charity Gala to benBy Anna DeBiasi Development Coordinator, Catholic Charities, Diocese of Norwich

efit local families in need. The event will honor individual “Flames of Charity” throughout Southeast CT who have helped Catholic Charities Diocese of Norwich remain a beacon of light to local families in need since 1921. Parishioners throughout the entire Diocese are invited to join in the celebration of the generosity and commitment of these Flames of Charity, and to learn more about the direct impact that the services at Catholic Charities are having on local families. Many of these families are struggling to put food on the table, shelter over their heads, or to treat mental illness during these difficult economic times. A portion of the evening will feature the lighting of “Flames of Remembrance.” For a gift of $50, families throughout the diocese can honor their loved one’s memory with a Flame of Remembrance candle which will be lit at the beginning of the night. Each candle will represent a legacy that lives on today through the acts of love happening at Catholic Charities every day. The lighting of the candles will be followed by a blessing by Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich. Kevin Hogan, local news anchor for WFSB Channel 3, and parishioner of Christ the King Church, will be the Master of Ceremonies. Honored at the event on October 4, 2013, will be “Humanitarian of the Year,” Mr. Kenneth Capano Sr., owner of local Shoprites in Clinton, New London and Norwich, and long-time board member of Catholic Charities Diocese of Norwich. Ken has been a major supporter of Catholic Charities, sponsoring the agency’s annual golf tournament for almost a decade, and serving on the development committee to ensure Catholic Charities has a future of serving families in need in our diocese.

Also honored at the event will be the members of the New London Golf/Advisory Board. The group has been volunteering their time for the past 8 years to organize Catholic Charities’ annual golf tournament, which is sponsored by Shoprite and Conway, Londregan, Sheehan & Monaco, P.C.. Members include Committee Chair, Attorney Ralph Monaco, Sheila Barrs, Kristine Raddatz, Madeline Raddatz, Gay Mullen, Janis Reed Roseann Ward, and the recently deceased, Bob Smith. Bob Smith’s legacy of love will be honored with a special Flame of Remembrance at the gala for his decades of support of local families in need. This year’s tournament will be held Wednesday, September 18, at Fox Hopyard Golf Club in East Haddam, Connecticut. Ralph Monaco, Chairman of the New London Advisory Board, has been volunteering his time to Catholic Charities for the past 8 years, and his law firm, Conway, Londregan, Sheehan & Monaco, have remained a major sponsor of the tournament for many years. The “Honoring our Heritage” award will go to Rev. Robert McNulty, MSW, former Diocesan Director of Catholic Charities Diocese of Norwich from 1979-1993. He is known for his wonderful work connecting babies with adoptive families, for organizing the “Thanksgiving Clothing Drive” for local families in need, and for hosting an annual dinner each fall for the hundreds of lay people who helped Catholic Charities provide help & hope to neighbors in need. Lastly, Catholic Charities “Employee of the Year, Susan Sedensky, J.D.” will be celebrated for her hard work and dedication to both birth mothers and adoptive families, and for embodying the Christ-like qualities of compassion, hope, and love.

Susan Sedensky, J.D., has been running the Catholic Charities accredited adoption agency for the past five years, helping to create families

by uniting couples with babies who each need each other. She is known for her compassionate work with birth mothers in guiding them through the difficult and selfless process. Susan was nominated by her colleagues and selected by a subcom-

mittee of the Board of Directors. Catholic Charities Diocese of Norwich offers multiple services to families of all faiths who are in need of help throughout Eastern Connecticut. The agency serves over 4,500 individuals and their families annually, providing services such as emergency basic needs, a wide-range of mental health services, pregnancy & parenting support, adoption services, foreclosure prevention, and immigration services. Each year the local need continues to grow, while funding sources are stretched thinner and thinner.

Funds from the evening will help ensure Catholic Charities can continue serving the neediest among us. The fundraiser will be held at the Mystic Marriott in Groton, CT, on Friday, October 4 at 6:00 pm. The evening will feature a reception with a silent auction, followed by a gourmet Italian meal, and will be hosted by Kevin Hogan, of WFSB Channel 3. The night will end with a short live auction, featuring the main attraction of 2 tickets to Super Bowl XLVIII at Giants Stadium in February 2014. Tickets are $100 each before September 20, and $125 after that date. For more information about the event or for sponsorship opportunities, email Anna DeBiasi at or visit

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Four County Catholic September 2013

Fourth Annual Seton Scholarship Dinner The Fourth Annual Seton Scholarship Dinner, a celebration of Catholic education in the Dio-

SETON SCHOLARSHIP DINNER Honoring the recipients of the Third Annual Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Award for contributions to Catholic Education in the Diocese of Norwich:

Reverend Roger Lamoureux, O.M.I. Sister Patricia Anne Barry, R.S.M., Posthumously John F. Shine, Ph.D.


SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2013 AT 4:00 PM THE RIVERHOUSE AT GOODSPEED STATION HADDAM, CT $150 PER PERSON All proceeds to benefit tuition assistance for Catholic Schools.

The following sponsorships are available:

$5,000 SETON SPONSOR Premium reserved table for 10, full-page program ad $2,500 AQUINAS SPONSOR Reserved table for 10, half-page program ad $1,500 NEWMAN SPONSOR Seating for 4, quarter-page ad

Individual program ads are also available.

For more information, please contact Mary Ellen Mahoney at 860-886-1928 or WWW.NORWICHDSO.ORG

By MaryLou Gannotti Director of Planned Giving

cese of Norwich, will be held on Sunday, November 3, 2013, at 4 p.m. at the Riverhouse at Goodspeed Station in Haddam. The dinner will serve to honor the recipients of the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Award for Contributions to Catholic Education in the Diocese. 2013 award recipients include Father Roger Lamoureux, O.M.I., Pastor of St. Mary’s Parish in Willimantic and Defender of the Bond for the Tribunal of the Diocese of Norwich, the late Sister Patricia Anne Barry, RSM, former Superintendent of Schools for the Diocese of Norwich and John F. Shine, PhD, former Superintendent of Schools for the Diocese of Norwich. A committee of active parishioners and staff within the Diocese meet each year to determine the honorees The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, will serve as host of the event. Proceeds will provide tuition assistance for Diocesan school students from needy families. Father Roger Lamoureux has the longest tenure of all the Seton honorees in the Diocese, having arrived to Eastern Connecticut in 1971 as the superior and treasurer of Immaculata Retreat House in Willimantic. His passion for helping those experiencing marital problems was recognized, and Father “Red” was soon appointed to the Tribunal, serving as Notary and eventually appointed Defender of the Bond, a position he continues to hold today. He became Assistant Pastor at St. Mary Parish in Willimantic in 1977,

serving with Father Edward Poulin. Shortly after arriving as Assistant Pastor, Father Lamoureux turned much of his attention to St. Mary-St. Joseph School, soon volunteering to teach Physical Education. Father Lamoureux was appointed Pastor of St. Mary’s in 1993. His dedica-

tion to the school continues to this day. He is credited with installing a new sound system in the gymnasium, reworking the stage’s lighting system, engineering the installation of a security system and conducting monthly Masses for school children. His latest contribution to the school has been the installation of electronic door openers controlled from the Office as well as a video/ sound system covering every public door of the school, monitored by the Office. Sister Patrica Barry, who passed away in June of 2013, was a Norwich native. She began her teaching career in the Archdiocese of Hartford, but returned to her roots in 1980, taking a job as the Superintendent of Schools in the Diocese of Norwich. She held this position for a decade. During these ten years, Sister shared her passion for improving the preparation of teachers and implemented peer evaluation as a method to improve the quality of teaching. The development of the local school board was also initiated by Sister Pat. She methodically developed a manual for the local Catholic schools to follow in order to establish their school boards. Sister continued her support as she oversaw the creation of

a school board for each and every school. In 1989, Bishop Daniel P. Reilly recognized Sister Pat for her hard work and devotion to improve the quality of education in our Catholic schools. At the Cathedral of St. Patrick, Bishop Reilly presented Sister Patricia Ann Barry with the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice Award; the Papal award for service to the Church. After a distinguished career in education and service, John F. Shine, PhD began serving on the Diocesan School Board after settling in Old Lyme, Connecticut. This eventually led him to the position of Superintendent of Schools, where he served from 2009 until his retirement in 2012. During his tenure with the Diocese, Dr. Shine was instrumental in providing a principal and faculty Retreat Day at the Mercy Center, advocated for an Educators Mass and luncheon, and implemented the Common Core Initiatives in all elementary schools in addition to the National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools. He also spearheaded the Annual Seton Scholarship Dinner. In 2012, the Diocese of Norwich awarded Jack the Patricia-Anne Award for Distinguished Service. Prior to leaving Connecticut, he was an active parishioner of Christ the King in Old Lyme. Opportunities to support the dinner are available in the form of sponsorships, program advertising and raffle donations. For tickets and more information, please contact Mary Ellen Mahoney at 860-886-1928 ext. 14 or e-mail The Seton Scholarship Dinner serves as a wonderful celebration of the many people in the Diocese of Norwich who have committed their lives to providing an exceptional Catholic education to all.


Four County Catholic September 2013

Holy Apostles College and Seminary to Participate in National Day of Remembrance

The 18th Annual Diocesan Mass for Those Dedicated to Education was the first Pontifical Mass celebrated in the restored Cathedral of Saint Patrick, September 8, 2013. Details of this event to appear in the October Issue of the Four County Catholic. Photo by Donna Antonacci

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Holy Apostles College and Seminary is pleased to announce our participation in the National Day of Remembrance on Saturday, September 14, 2013, beginning at 1:30 pm. This event will be held on our Cromwell campus at the site of Adam’s Tomb and is open to the public. According to, “The National Day of Remembrance ( is an effort of prayer and education focused on the approximately thirty locations throughout the United States in which the bodies of children killed by

abortion are buried. By telling the stories of these burials and having memorial services at each of these sites, the public is brought to a d e e p e r awareness of the humanity of the unborn and the inhumanity of abortion. Moreover, this occasion can lead those who have lost children to abortion to a greater measure of healing. This initiative is sponsored by three national pro-life groups, Priests for Life, Pro-life Action League, and Citizens for a Pro-life Society.” For more information, please contact Very Rev. Douglas L. Mosey, CSB at 860-632-3010.

21st Annual

Firefighters/EMS Mass All Firefighters, EMS Personnel, their families and parishioners are invited to attend.

Saturday, October 12, 2013 3:00 P.M. Assembly & Procession • 5:00 P.M. Mass Cathedral of Saint Patrick • 213 Broadway, Norwich, CT


Four County Catholic September 2013


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Monsignor Rosaforte Named Norwich Italian of the Year Norwich - The Italian Heritage and Cultural Committee of Norwich has named Monsignor AnReprint from the Day

thony Rosaforte as Italian of the Year for 2013. Rosaforte, a Mount Kisco, NY native, was ordained in 1970 and has spent his entire vocation in the Diocese of Norwich. His first assignment was a parochial vicar with Pastor Monsignor Bronislaw Gadarowki at St. Michael’s Church in Pawcatuck. From 1976 until 1983, Fr. Tony served as parochial vicar with Rector Monsignor James O’Brien at the Cathedral of St. Patrick in Norwich. In 1983, he was named Pastor of St. Joseph Church in Occum. In 1989 he returned as Rector of the Cathedral. He was appointed monsignor on March 24,

1992 and for the past 24 years has been a rector at the cathedral parish and school. Rosaforte will be honored at the 22nd annual Italian of the Year Columbus Banquet on Sunday, Oct. 13 at 1 p.m. at the Groton Inn & Suites. Tickets are $36 per person in advance only. Tickets are available at the Liberty Restaurant Supply Store, 426 E. Main St. Norwich or by calling Frank Jacaruso at (860) 889-0864. The criteria of selecting an in-

dividual are: a person of Italian decent who, through his or her efforts, has contributed to the progress and betterment of the c o m m u n i t y, demonstrated an understanding and belief in Italian culture and heritage, served the Italian comm u n i t y through deeds and actions, who has the respect of the Italian community because of his or her continuing efforts on behalf of Italians and Italian projects in the community and lives in greater Norwich.

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Four County Catholic September 2013

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Four County Catholic September 2013

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1-800-624-7407 Podemos Ayudar Para reportar cualquier contacto inapropiado por un/a representante de la Diócesis de Norwich, o para buscar ayuda para víctimas, favor de llamar:


Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony O Holy St.Anthony,gentlest of Saints,your love for God and Charity for His creatures, made you worthy,when on earth,to possess miraculous powers.Miracles waited on your word,which you were ever ready to speak for those in trouble or anxiety.Encouraged by this thought,I implore of you to obtain for me (state request here).The answer to my prayer may require a miracle,even so, you are the Saint of Miracles. O gentle and loving St.Anthony,whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the Sweet Infant Jesus,who loved to be folded in your arms;and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours.Amen. Promise publication and for nine consecutive days,pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be.


The Human Face of Immigration Reform We often hear of the 11 million undocumented immigrants in this country. Here is the story of one By Mother Mary Jude Lazarus, S.C.M.C. Diocesan Director, Hispanic Ministry

family in our diocese which illustrates why many voices, including our Catholic Bishops, are vigorously calling for a just and comprehensive reform of our Country’s immigration laws. “My name is Karen. I am an American citizen and the proud daughter of two immigrants, who like so many others, undertook a very dangerous journey years ago. My father came to this country when he was 16. Because he was the oldest in the family, he felt responsible to help his parents. When he could no longer find work taking care of animals here and there or doing odd jobs, he made the difficult decision to come to this country. Although he was very young, he came alone. My mother’s story is similar. They both came here in order to survive and to help their family survive back home. The lack of opportunities in their country and the hope of opportunities in America forced them to give up years of memories, their families, everything that was dear to them so that their families and their future children could have a better life. I was born in the United States so I know the privileges of citizenship. But I also know, through my parents, what it is like to be denied these privileges. My parents have been living in this country for 20 years. They pay their taxes, they follow the laws; they love and respect this nation like any American citi-

zen, but, in spite of all of that, they do not belong. They don’t have the papers that say they belong here. They will never be able to reap any of the benefits that come with hard work. They will never be able to return to Mexico to visit a dying mother or father. They will never be able to do something as simple as cast their vote in the next Presidential election. They will, instead, be forced to work until they physically can’t, while continuing to hide in the shadows. My parents, along with 11 million other undocumented immigrants, have only wanted a better life, a normal life a life of hope for their children. To some degree they have found that. We have a wonderful family. This month I entered an outstanding university on a full scholarship, as a full time student. Because we are citizens, my sister, my brother and I have had excellent educational opportunities we would never have if we were born in Mexico. It is only because my parents made the heartwrenching decision to leave their families and all that was dear to them, to risk their lives to come to this Country that we, their children, have hopes for a better life. My parents are respectful people, looking to give back to their community rather than take from it. The only difference between them and us who are citizens is that we have a paper to show it and they do not. They love this Country just as

much as we do because it has given their children hope. My sister and I, like all other children of undocumented parents, live with a nagging fear that never really goes away. What if one day we come home and find that our par-

ents have been picked up. What would we do? Would we go to Mexico with them? We don’t know Mexico. We don’t belong there. We are citizens of this Country. Our life is here. Would we stay here without our parents? My brother is only in Kindergarten. I am the oldest, but I am still a minor. I can tell you that this is my worst fear. It frustrates and confuses me to think that my parents might be treated like criminals for wanting a better life – even after they have lived here so long and contributed to their community. As much as they love Mexico, this has become their home because this is the land that has given their children hope. Yes, they broke the law when they came here. But wouldn’t you if your family was starving and you knew that your own children would end up the same way?”

23rd Annual

Red Mass

All lawyers, judges and members of the legal community of all faiths are invited to attend.

Sunday, October 6, 2013, at 10:30 a.m. Cathedral of Saint Patrick • 213 Broadway, Norwich, CT

The story of Karen and her family is a very common one of good people, right in our diocese, pushed by desperation to seek a better life and are trapped in “illegality”. In June the U.S. Senate passed comprehensive immigration reform legislation by a large margin. The House of Representatives is currently considering whether to address legislation that can provide significant relief to potentially millions of people and their families. Now is a very critical time. The Conference of Catholic Bishops, strong advocates of immigration reform, is asking you to urge your members of the House of Representatives to pass immigration reform that respects the dignity of the human person, the dignity of families, like Karen’s, that live in the shadows of “illegality”. You can do that in several ways: First, pray! With God all things are possible. Second, visit the Justice for Immigrants website at to learn more about the issue and send an electronic postcard to your Representative. Third, sign a petition online calling on the President to push for a just and comprehensive reform. in the search box; type in Embracing the Same Dream. Thank you for joining with our Catholic Bishops and all who advocate for a Reform of Immigration laws that reflect our Catholic values. Next month we will bring you another story.


Four County Catholic September 2013

FUNERAL HOMES 12 Ocean Avenue New London, CT 443-1871

48 Grand Street Niantic, CT 739-6112

Newtown Pastor Receives Inaugural Caritas Award from Knights of Columbus Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop Lori, Nearly 100 Bishops on Hand as Monsignor Weiss and Newtown Council 185 Are Honored San Antonio, TX (August 7, 2013) - The Knights of Columbus has created a new award to recognize extraordinary works of charity and service, conferring it on the pastor and Knights of Columbus council who worked tirelessly to help the community of Newtown in the aftermath of December’s shooting. Supreme Knight Carl Anderson conferred the awards Tuesday night, Aug. 6, with the first going to Monsignor Robert Weiss, Pastor of St. Rose of Lima in Newtown, and the second conferred to St. Virgilius Knights of Columbus Council 185. The council, located at St. Rose of Lima in Newtown, was represented by Grand Knight Timothy Haas. The awards were announced at the Knights’ 131st international convention in San Antonio, which was attended by nearly 100 members of the Catholic hierarchy from around the world. Newtown was the scene of last December’s elementary school shooting that gripped the nation and the world as the small community mourned the loss of the 26 victims at Sandy Hook Elementary School, most of whom were young children. Supreme Knight Anderson also announced last evening that the organization will provide $100,000 to the parish to assist in ongoing

parish programs to help those still suffering from the tragic events of December. The funds will be presented in a ceremony in Newtown later this year. “Those we honor, like the Good Samaritan, treated their injured and suffering neighbors, classmates and friends with mercy and love,” said Anderson before a dinner audience of some 2,000 that included Knights from an assortment of countries and their guests. “They did so at a time when so many around them faced suffering the likes of which we can hardly imagine,” said Anderson. “In the midst of tragedy, as so often happens, heroes rise to the occasion; Monsignor Weiss was heroic.” Anderson said Monsignor Weiss is among those who, in the recent words of Pope Francis, can “step into the night without being overcome by the darkness and losing their bearings ... able to sympathize with the brokenness of others without losing their own strength and identity.” In the heartbreaking work that began on Dec. 14, the day of the shootings, Anderson said Monsignor Weiss was supported by his brother Knights of Newtown’s St. Virgilius Council. The first priority was spiritual as the council established a program

that asked people to pray a minimum of three Hail Marys for the victims and their families; the first responders and teachers; and the Newtown community. With the help of the Knights’ websites, the efforts spread and more than 105,000 people signed up, offering a total of more than 3.25 million prayers. The Knights also served as ushers at eight funerals, most of which were for children, and helped in the parish when it was overwhelmed with messages of condolence and other logistical challenges. Carolyn Previdi, one of the children killed, had been saving money to help in the council’s annual Christmas toy drive for children in need. In her honor, council members raised more than $70,000 for toys in her memory. “There was no playbook, no planning for such a situation,” said Anderson. “Despite the enormity of what lay before them, the warm hearts of Monsignor Weiss and his brother Knights powerfully demonstrated to all the spirit of the Good Samaritan.” In brief remarks, Monsignor Weiss said that he did what any priest would do in the midst of great human suffering. “We cried when it was time to cry, hugged when it was time to hug, and loved when it was time to love.”


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Four County Catholic September 2013

Getting to Know Pope Francis through Books What does the Pope think? What is he really like? What has he done in his life? Catholics have

Thomas J. Crughwell. The hard covered book contains many colorful photos

By Karen Whiting

been asking questions for several months since the election of Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio to Pope. Several new books seek to answer those questions and help people get to know the man now leading the church. The most beautiful book, great for the coffee table or a gift, is Pope Francis: The Pope From the End of the Earth by

from the life of Pope Francis to the conclave and his election as Pope. It also gives examples and insights into his heart for the poor, defender of life, and a bridge builder who desires to reach out to all people of goodwill. For readers who want to under-

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Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony O Holy St.Anthony,gentlest of Saints,your love for God and Charity for His creatures, made you worthy,when on earth,to possess miraculous powers.Miracles waited on your word,which you were ever ready to speak for those in trouble or anxiety.Encouraged by this thought,I implore of you to obtain for me (state request here).The answer to my prayer may require a miracle,even so, you are the Saint of Miracles. O gentle and loving St.Anthony,whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the Sweet Infant Jesus,who loved to be folded in your arms;and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours.Amen. Promise publication and for nine consecutive days,pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be.


stand the teachings of Pope Francis, they will find insights in Encountering Christ: Homilies, Letters, and Addresses of Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio from Scepter publishers. This is the first book of translated selections from the pope’s own homilies and letters. These include Christmas, Easter, and Corpus Christi Sunday. His words are simple yet eloquent as he shares from his heart teachings on the joy of faith, the need for evangelism, reconciliation, and Eucharist and Jesus, the Bread of Life, as the lifeline of the church. A Call to Serve by

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Stefan von Kempis, Editor of Vatican Radio, and Philip F. Lawler, Editor of Catholic World News (Crossroad Publishing Company) is a paperback book with many photos. The first half dwells on the resignation of Pope Benedict and election of Pope Francis. The life of Pope Francis is covered as well. The book also gives a glimpse into future challenges Pope Francis will face. For people pondering what Pope Francis will do in his tenure Pope Francis Keys to His Thoughts releases by Mariano Fazio this September. The 96-page book, written by a priest who examined clues from Pope Francis as priest and cardinal, addresses key questions many people

are asking. For children, Pauline Books and Media, offers Jorge From Argentina in English and Spanish. The 64-page biography contains many illustrations, and is written for ages 7-10. The book shares his life as well as his heart for the poor, respect for the earth God made, and the need to share our f a i t h t h ro u g h dialogue. Another children’s book, We Have A Pope by Karen Congeni (New Springtime Press), explains how a pope is chosen and what the pope does, including riding in the Popemobile.

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Four County Catholic September 2013

LCWR Assembly a Contemplative Experience for Attendees ORLANDO, Fla. (CNS) -- The president of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious said By Laura Dodson (CNS)

organizers of this year’s assembly hoped attendees would find it to be a contemplative experience because “it is imperative to view religious life within the context of our faith and in an evolving world.” said Franciscan Sister Florence Deacon. A sense of quiet and expectation seemed to permeate the assembly as 825 women religious gathered at the Caribe Royal Hotel and Convention Center in Orlando Aug. 12-16. Representing the majority of 57,000 religious sisters in the U.S., the attendees undertook an agenda that included: discussions on the doctrinal assessment of LCWR by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith as well as a focus on immigration issues; a resolution on nonviolence; presentation of the 2013 Outstanding Leadership Award; and the election of a new president-elect and secretary. “I’m really amazed to see all of you -- so numerous, so full of joy to serve the Lord,” said Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, papal nuncio to the U.S. “You are so

many and behind each of you is a long and wonderful story of love of church and the poor. ... I thank you for your kind invitation and your openness and communication. And I bring to you the heartfelt wishes of the Holy Father, who is in a spiritual bond with you.” Also addressing the assembly Aug. 13 was Archbishop J. Peter Sartain of Seattle, who was appointed by the Vatican doctrinal congregation last year to oversee a reform of LCWR. LCWR is a Maryland-based umbrella group that claims about 1,500 leaders of U.S. women’s communities as members, representing about 80 percent of the country’s 57,000 women religious. The organization’s canonical status is granted by the Vatican. In April 2012, the Vatican issued an assessment of LCWR, citing “serious doctrinal problems which affect many in consecrated life.” The assessment called for the organization’s reform to ensure its fidelity to Catholic teaching in areas including abortion, euthanasia, women’s ordination and homosexuality. In introducing Archbishop Sartain, Sister Carol Zinn, a Sister of St. Joseph and president-elect, included his episcopal motto, “Of

you my heart has spoken,” from Psalm 27. Archbishop Sartain noted that, “Over the past 18 months, we’ve had significant conversations - serious, humorous, with solidarity and understanding -- one that has made this a time I’ve looked forward to. It is impossible for me to conceive of the task the Holy Father has given me to achieve for CDF without thinking of you and all I have worked together with you. “It is very personal. I am here as a representative for Pope Francis for this one task, but I am here as your brother and friend.” Afterward in an interview, a consultant to LCWR, Donna Fyffe, said a tenor of openness and conciliation at the assembly was clear, which she described as a first step of any contemplative process. Fyffe is president of CommunityWorks Inc., an international consulting firm based in Indianapolis. Her expertise is community building and leadership development. She is helping LCWR on its planning process. “There is real grace in this,” Fyffe said, “hearing the issues, concerns of the other and wanting to be in this together. The group stepped up to the process and has been so faithful.”

Defending Religious Liberty A Washington Post-ABC News poll indicates that the public is sharply divided about the healthcare mandate, with 42% percent of Americans in favor of it and 49% against it. Yet, the Administration has not shown any indication that it will revise any part of it. What will it take? To voice your opposition to the mandate, please call the Capitol switchboard in Washington, D.C. at 202-224-3121 and urge your Congressmen or Congresswoman and/or U.S. Senators to support legislation that will overturn the mandate. You can also write to the White House at: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20500.

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Four County Catholic September 2013

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Four County Catholic September 2013

Cornerstone Dedicated at First Port-au-Prince Church to be Rebuilt with Funds Donated by U.S. Catholics

he following update from Haiti T brings news of the dedication of the cornerstone of the new Sacred From the FCC News Desk

Heart Church in Port au Prince, Haiti, after more than three years since the devastating earthquake of 2010. As explained, the reconstruction efforts are funded in large part by the USCCB-coordinated parishioner collections over the weeks following the earthquake. Also following is a personal account by Father Frank Rouleau, Chaplain and Director of Twinning, Diocese of Norwich Outreach to Haiti, connecting the rebuilding efforts now in progress on the ground in Haiti with the outreach efforts of many parishes within the Norwich Diocese.

hurch leaders dedicated the C cornerstone of the first church to be rebuilt in Haiti’s capital more than three years following the country’s horrific earthquake. Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski of Miami, representing the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, was on hand for the ceremony, August 2, on the grounds of the iconic Sacred Heart Church in Port-au-Prince. He was joined by Archbishop Guire Poulard of Portau-Prince and about 1,000 people from the middle-class neighborhood where the church is located. The $2.5 million project is funded by PROCHE, the Partnership for Church Reconstruction in Haiti. PROCHE is a joint effort among the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Haitian Episcopal Conference, Adveniat, which is the German bishops’ agency for solidarity in Latin America, and the Bishops’ Conference of France to coordinate the reconstruction effort. The USCCB share of funding comes from $33 million donated by U.S. parishioners in the weeks after the quake. Numerous other church and school projects outside of Port-au-Prince have either been completed or are underway. Parishioners have raised addi-

tional funds to construct and outfit a kitchen in the basement of the new building, said Jacques Liautaud, Haiti manager in the bishops’ Office of National Collections. The church is being built to better withstand storms and even another strong earthquake. Liautaud said groundbreaking should take place by the end of the year and the church should be ready for liturgy services in about two years.

acred Heart Church in Port au ScenterPrince is a large parish and a of religious devotion in the

By Father FRank Rouleau

Capitol City. It has been using a plywood stage for the celebration of the Eucharist since the clearing of the rubble after the earthquake 3 years ago. The people gather under large tents. This is the parish

where a picture was taken after the earthquake with the Crucifix standing, but the Church behind it completely destroyed. The photo spread widely through newspapers and the internet. There has already been one Church, St. Francis of Assisi, rebuilt in Grand Goave. One of our twinned parishes, St. Genevieve in Zoranje, is scheduled to have construction work begin in November on the new Church. The former Church, which was destroyed in the earthquake, has been taken down and the land cleared. There were over 60 Catholic Churches destroyed in the earthquake, including the Port au

Prince Cathedral. Also the Major Seminary was destroyed. Many people are still attending Mass under tents

every Sunday in these parishes as the reconstruction work moves on slowly. Also the Catholic Hospital in Port au Prince, St Francois de Sales, was destroyed in the earth-

quake. It is being rebuilt with the aid of Catholic Relief Services and the US Catholic Hospital Association. The Hospital is scheduled to open at the end of 2014. All of this Church construction has to be approved by engineers from PROCHE to insure that the construction work meets international standards and is earthquake resistant. Please call me with any questions at 860-460-0794. I will be doing Mission Appeals in parishes of the Diocese over the next 5 weekends to make people aware of Norwich Diocesan Outreach to Haiti’s work in the Port au Prince Archdiocese and to ask for financial assistance to aid these activities. Some excerpts from this article are courtesy of Dennis Sadowski.

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Four County Catholic September 2013

St. Patrick Cathedral School, Norwich 860-889-4174

Academic Excellence. Character. Self-confidence.

Sacred Heart School, Taftville 860-887-1757 Sacred Heart School, Groton 860-445-0611 St. Edward School, Stafford Springs 860-684-2600 St. James School, Danielson 860-774-3281 Blessed John Paul II Regional School, Middletown 860-347-2978 St. John School, Old Saybrook 860-388-0849 St. Joseph School, Baltic 860-822-6141 St. Joseph School, North Grosvenordale 860-923-2090 St. Joseph School, New London 860-442-1720 St. Mary-St. Joseph School, Willimantic 860-423-8479 St. Michael School, Pawcatuck 860-599-1084 St. Matthew Pre-School, Tolland 860-872-0200 St. Bernard Pre-School, Rockville 860-875-0753 x113

Preserving Catholic Education in Middletown: Bishop Cote Celebrates Opening of New Blessed John Paul II Regional School Middletown - Nearly 175 eager young students clad in red, white and By Shelley Wolf Four County Catholic Contributor

blue uniforms gathered at the modern St. Mary of Czestochowa Church in Middle-

town on Thursday, September 5 to welcome the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich. Teachers, administrators and parents were also on hand for the special 10:00 a.m. Mass and blessing, which marked the official opening of the new Blessed John Paul II Re-

gional School. “Today is the beginning of a new adventure, setting out into the deep and the great unknown,” Bishop Cote said. “This new school is a venture, but not just any venture. It’s a venture in faith, an invitation from Christ to do more together

To learn more, contact the Diocesan School Office, 860-887-4086, or contact one of the diocesan schools.


Four County Catholic September 2013

than we can do alone.” “The worries of the last three or four years are behind us,” the Bishop said. “Our goal has been to preserve and maintain Catholic education and to make it flourish. Last winter, with support from pastors and school boards, we found success through prayer and hard work. Scores of teachers and parents also gave of their time. Congratulations to all.”

Then the Bishop sprinkled holy water on a gold-framed painting of Pope John Paul II, which sat on an easel. “Look upon these students and let them enjoy their learning and take delight in their discovery,” Bishop Cote said during his blessing. One week prior to the Bishop’s blessing, Blessed John Paul II Regional School, a new Catholic regional school housed at the former

St. Mary School campus on South Main Street in Middletown, opened its doors for the first time to students in prekindergarten through eighth grade. With new teaching staff, building upgrades, curriculum enhancements, and the latest technology, the diocese’s first regional elementary and middle school is now serving families throughout the Middletown Deanery by offering a challenging academic education combined with Catholic, Gospelbased faith formation. The new school is a joining of the former St. Mary and St. John schools, which were both situated in downtown Middletown, less financially challenged than one mile apart, and both in 2012. Nearby St. Sebastian School closed in 2009. “There is a rich tradition of Catholic elementary schools in Middletown.” said Kathleen Peck, Principal of Blessed John Paul II Regional School. “Bishop Cote directed us with the overarching goal of preserving Catholic education in the region,” explained Dr. Edward J. Shine, Superintendent of Schools, Dio-

cese of Norwich. “So in January 2013, the pastors and school boards of St. Mary and St. John voted to join the two schools to create one with support from all the parishes in the deanery.” The two school boards joined to form an interim school board, named the new school John Paul II, and developed a vision of expanding enrollment beyond the two original schools to serve the entire Middletown Deanery. Next year, each parish in the Middletown Deanery will recommend one representative to sit on the school board to make it a true regional school, Dr. Shine noted. The principals of Mercy and Xavier

High Schools already sit on the board and have an impact on the curriculum, Principal Peck added. According to Dr. Shine, this year Blessed John Paul II is being financially supported primarily by the parishes of St. Mary and St. John. However, next year, the 10 parishes in the Middletown Deanery will begin contributing financial support with gradual stepped-up contributions over the next four years. The new soon to be Saint John Paul II Regional School is currently staffed by teachers from the former St. Mary and St. John elementary schools as well as by several new instructors. Reverend Richard Sliwinski, the pastor at St. Mary’s


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Four County Catholic September 2013

Church, is serving as the new school’s spiritual advisor, while Very Reverend Michael Phillipinno, Pastor of St. John’s Church, is serving as assistant spiritual leader.

This past summer, the former St. Mary School, a two-story Renaissance Revival brick building built on South Main Street in 1930, was transformed into Blessed John Paul II Regional School thanks to par-

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ents and students who volunteered to clean, paint, and upgrade the facility. “We had a long list of work that we couldn’t have done without volunteers,” Peck stressed. A combination of skilled workers and volunteers painted all classrooms, pulled up carpet, tiled the hallways, built bookshelves, upgraded the rest rooms, power washed outdoor toys, and added new Wi-Fi infrastructure. A parent who works at BristolMyers Squibb arranged for the donation of used science benches, sinks and glassware to build a new science lab. In addition, a committee of parents and students chose school colors, new uniforms, and a school mascot. Bob Fritz, the former principal of St. John School, was hired as the Director of Marketing, Admissions and Development for Blessed John Paul II. He marketed the new school through paid ads and with help from volunteer Tom Dzimian, who pitched the school to parishioners after Mass at all 10 parishes in the Middletown Deanery. “We’ve already seen a pickup in


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enrollment,” Fritz said. The new school began with what looked like 140 students combined from the former St. Mary and St. John Schools, Fritz said. It lost a few of those students to other

Fourth grader, Natalie Tavana, won the mascot drawing competition with this original drawing of a lion with a crown.

schools over the summer, but began the new school year this fall with a total of 175 students enrolled — for a net addition of 35 students. “Now it’s up to word of mouth,” Fritz said. “Word of mouth and parents are our best advertising,” Peck said in agreement. “So we are trying to build a great school.” To that end, Blessed John Paul II Regional School will follow the Hartford Archdiocesan Schools Curriculum and the Common Core State Standards, offering courses in Religious Studies, Math, Reading and Literature, Language Arts and Writing, Social Studies, Science, and Spanish. An expanded Spanish program, based on a successful model in Rye, New York, was just instituted and involves three 30-minute Spanish classes per week for grades 1 through 5, and three 45-minute Spanish classes per week for grades 6 through 8. “The idea is if the kids are involved in speaking Spanish for 12 years, upon graduation, they would be close to fluent,” Dr. Shine explained. “We really belong to a bilingual country.” The new school has also taken steps to keep up with changing technology. The school purchased laptop computer carts for all grades to store and power laptops, purchased Samsung Galaxy e-reader tablets for middle school students, and made the leap to digital textbooks for the older students. “This provides a lot of opportunity to use technology in a meaningful way,” Peck explained. In addition, the new school has expanded its arts program to include a full band program, chorus, drama, and art, Peck said. “Social justice is also a big component of a Catholic education,” Peck added. Among many service projects, students will work at the St. Vincent de Paul, Middletown, soup kitchen; visit residents at Water’s Edge rehabilitation facility; and donate Christmas gifts to needy children through the Salvation Army. “We really want to build a family of students and a Catholic identity,” Peck stressed. “With a strong and visible identity, we live those Catholic values.”


Four County Catholic September 2013

The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich and Edward J. Shine, Ed.D., Superintendent, Diocesan Schools, present an award for 35 years of service at Saint Patrick School in Norwich to Elizabeth Adams at the Diocese of Norwich Catholic Schools Educators’ Mass celebrated on Tuesday, September 3, 2013. Photo by Donna Antonacci

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Four County Catholic September 2013

Pupils Settle in at Saint Bernard School Opens for the New Academic Year By Ryan Blessing Reprint from the Bulletin

see their friends and settle into new classes. “I like it here. They’re all wel-

coming,” said Sarah Forrester, an eighth-grader who came to Saint Bernard this year from Sacred Heart School in Groton. The Roman Catholic school off Route 32 opened the 2013-14 school year with a 9 percent increase in enrollment in the ninthgrade class and a 40 percent

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increase in enrollment in the sixth grade. “We’re not only pleased to see the recent enrollment growth at Saint Bernard, but we are also impressed with the caliber of students who have joined our sixth and ninth grades this year,” Headmaster Thomas Doherty III said. Students in grades 6 through 12 attend the coeducational school. “This year I’m playing lacrosse and basketball, and I really like science classes,” Erin Patten, a grade 8 student, said.

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The halls of Saint Bernard School bustled Tuesday morning, August 27, with students eager to

High school student McKenzie Coughlin spent three weeks of her summer horseback-riding in Texas at the International World Horse Show, and placed in the top 10 in the categories she entered. “It was an amazing and fun experience,” Coughlin said. Now, she’s taking classes in philosophy, English and precalculus. Doherty announced two new positions joining the administration. Heather Fitzgibbons has served on the Saint Bernard faculty for the past six years as a member of the science depart-

ment. Fitzgibbons’ new role is assistant headmaster for academics. She will work to review the curriculum, mentor and evaluate faculty and support the school’s guidance program. Ann Griffin is the assistant headmaster for student life. She will focus on student welfare, including discipline, campus ministry and athletics and co-curricular activities. She comes to Saint Bernard from Sacred Heart School in Groton, where she had been assistant principal since 2009.

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Four County Catholic September 2013

The Art of Saying No Somewhere along the line, as college-admission rates plunged and smartphones proliferated, By Christina Capecchi Four County Catholic Contributor

“busy” became code for “important.” We got the sense that doing more means doing better. We fed into the flattery, the idea that a busy person is in demand – qualified, experienced, needed, loved. The person with the fullest calendar wins. Even our social lives got blocked up and assigned out, so now a group of three friends requires a dozen emails to uncover an available date, which may be a month out. The response to this scheduling bottleneck is a kind of mystified satisfaction – “Would you look at us!” The root of the problem is a 21st-century phobia afflicting many talented, well-intentioned Catholics: the fear of saying no. This time of year is fraught with invitations, as councils and committees grind into gear after a summer hiatus. While the inability to say no can have financial and physical consequences, from loss of income to lack of sleep, ultimately it is a spiritual issue. I was reminded of this during a conversation with Dr. Javier Diaz, a 39-year-old Jesuit brother who is preparing to become a priest while working as the only full-time family doctor at a Washington, D.C. clinic. With a warm smile and salt-and-pepper hair, he wears a white lab coat over

his Roman collar and speaks with a thick Costa Rican accent. “The inability to say no to proposals, to me, is the biggest challenge,” Brother Javier said. “I think in religious life it can be even worse because there are so many expectations for the religious.”

Finding the conviction to say no, he told me, begins with humility. “In some ways it’s to forgive yourself about things you cannot cope with. Many times I have to say to my patients, ‘Look, I’m not God. I’m human.’” In replying to many worthy requests, Brother Javier has learned not to be hasty. “My first response is, ‘I have to check with my superior.’ And then we go to prayer before we commit ourselves. That’s when we ask, ‘What does God really want me to do right now? What is the priority?’ It’s a way to pause and say, ‘Now if I commit to this, I cannot do that.’” This, I think, is key – and it’s where I get into trouble. Rarely is an immediate answer needed. (If it is, that’s not your fault.) So take your time. Use a variation of Brother Javier’s line: “I have to check with my husband.” “I’d like to consult my spiritual director.” “I want to pray about it.” Or simply, “Let me sleep on it.” That reflects an underlying thoughtfulness, a respect for whatever cause or committee is seeking

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your time, a desire to do it justice. By taking on something new, consider what is being compromised. Your prayer life? Your family life? Your sleep schedule? Your exercise routine? A “yes” to one commitment requires a “no” to another. Brother Javier relates to lay people whose big hearts lead to stuffed calendars. “Breathe deeply,” he advises. “In Jesuit spirituality, it’s important to count our blessings at the end of the day.” In doing so we rediscover the basics, the richness of love right at home, where no resume-building is needed, where you are always enough, where there is a sufficiency, a completeness, an abundance of good. Christina Capecchi is a freelance writer from Inver Grove Heights, Minn. She can be reached at



Four County Catholic September 2013

Saint John School, Old Saybrook, Begins Twentieth Anniversary Celebration Old Saybrook, CT – Saint John School begins its twentieth year of educating area students in pre-K3 Submitted by Mother Elaine, S.C.M.C. Principal, St. John School, Old Saybrook

to grade 8. The year-long celebration officially started with an opening Mass on Friday, September 6th at Saint John Church, 161 Main Street. Community service projects, alumni gatherings, school and family events will continue throughout the year. Students and their families, teachers and staff, parishioners, alumni and friends of the school are invited to attend. For more information, please call 860-388-0849 or email The re-opening of the school in 1994, after a 22 year shut-down, was due to the persistence of Norwich Diocese School Superintendent, Howard E. Ben-

nett, the support of the St. John Church parish, and parents of area students who were looking for a school with structure and discipline not found in other area schools. The Sisters of Charity of Our Lady Mother of the Church have also contributed to the school’s success, sharing the power of prayer, love of educating children, and traditional values with the school and parish community. Current school principal, Mother Elaine Moorcroft, SCMC, invites all to visit and participate in the 20th Anniversary celebrations and witness, “the special place where faith, culture, education, and life are brought together in harmony.” Saint John School is fully accredited with certified teachers, and is known for individual student growth, building self-discipline and confidence. A secure, modern facility, close-knit family atmos-

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Four County Catholic September 2013

phere, and adherence to Christian values, provides the ideal environment for “educating the whole child.” A comprehensive 6th to 8th grade Middle School program, including science lab and

Spanish language instruction, prepares students to excel in high school and beyond. Full day PreK and Kindergarten is offered, including structured academics and creative play. In addition, the

school offers a before and aftercare program, a tournament-winning sports program, instrument lessons and band, community service projects, and other clubs and activities.


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SACRED HEART CEMETERY Wauregan Road, Wauregan • 860-887-1019

ALL HALLOWS CEMETERY Green Hallow Road, Moosup • 860-887-1019 The Church, through it funeral rites: • Celebrates the life and faith of the deceased • Expresses the Church’s belief in the Communion of Saints • Recognizes the spiritual bond that exists between the living and the dead • Brings hope and consolation to the bereaved • Reminds faithful to turn to God in time of need and crisis • Seeks God’s mercy and love • Nourishes the faith of the bereaved • Acknowledges that deceased benefit from our prayers

Norwich Diocesan Cemetery Corporation 815 Boswell Ave, Norwich CT 06360



Four County Catholic September 2013

Did You Know? September 12 Video Games Day. Talk about how much time you should play video games. And what games are better ones to play. They can sharpen your reactions and help your mind, but they can make you a chair potato. Discuss what else to do with your time.

September 21 International Day of Peace. Forgive anyone who hurts you. Be kind to everyone you see. Pray for peace.

September 27 St Vincent De Paul feast day. This saint helped the poor and you can too. Donate used clothes and food.

Math Storytelling

by Karen H Whiting

September 25th is Math Storytelling Day. It’s amazing how numbers can be part of a story and how often numbers are used in the Bible. Ten Commandment, twelve disciples, three persons in one God, a forty day flood, and other numbers are part of familiar Bible stories. This month a few of the Gospel readings use numbers in stories. In one, Jesus told a story about two sons, one who said, “No” and the other said, “Yes.” But then they each did the opposite of what they said. Another week, Jesus told a story about workers a man hired. Every hour he hired more workers and at the end of the day he paid each man the amount of money agreed upon. Those who worked all day grumbled it wasn’t fair and Jesus said the owner could pay those who worked fewer hours the same if he chose to do that. The numbers in each story cause us to think and wonder about God, how he works in our lives, and how we respond. Math word problems may seem hard in school but they are also a type of math storytelling. It helps to picture what’s in a math word problem.

A Ministry of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate

Think of a story you like and if it has math in it, take time to tell stories with your family and see which ones have numbers in them.

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Centering Prayer Retreat

God’s Special Message On Sunday, September 14, the reading from the Gospel of John contains a very special message from God. Use the secret code to find out what it is. To find the real letter, use the chart. Each two-letter code is from the column word LOVED and then the row word JOHN. So LH = G.

___ ___ ___ LH OJ VJ

___ ___ OO OJ

___ ___ ___ ___ DO EH DH DO

___ ___ EH VH

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ LN OJ ON VH VJ

___ ___ ___ DO EH VH

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ OH OJ LO LN VJ

___ ___ ___ ___ LH DH ON VH

___ ___ ___ EH EO OO

___ ___ ___ ___ OJ VO LN VN

___ ___ ___ , OO OJ VO

___ ___ OO OJ

___ ___ ___ ___ DO EH DH DO

___ ___ ___ OH EH OJ

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ EJ VH LN EO VH ON VH OO

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ VH ON VH LO VN OJ VO VH ___ ___ EO VO


___ ___ ___ EH EO EN

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ EN EO LH EH DO

___ ___ ___ VO OJ DO

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ DJ VH LO EO OO EH

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ EN EO LH EH DO


___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ VH DO VH LO VO DH LN

___ ___ ___ EJ DN DO ___ ___ ___ ___ LN EO LJ VH

Father Bill Sheehan, OMI will guide this retreat on the theme “God’s Unconditional Presence in Daily Life” from September 12-18. Cost is $500.00 per person. Call (860) 423-8484 or

Married Couples Retreat

Come and join in a retreat for married couples, “Sacred Moment, Sacred Movement” from September 27-29. Cost is $340.00 per couple. Married couples and a priest from the IRH staff will guide this retreat. Call (860) 423-8484 for more details and registration.

Grief and Loss Retreat

Have you experienced a significant loss in your life recently? Come and join us at Immaculata from November 8-10 for a retreat facilitated by Fr. Rocky Grimard, OMI and Kathy Irr, RN. Retreat fee is $200.00. To register or for more information: Phone: 860-423-8484 E-mail:

Answer: God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but might have eternal life.


Four County Catholic September 2013

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The anniversaries connected to this Year of Faith and to the Diocese of Norwich’s 60th Jubilee By Michael Strammiello Director of Communications, Diocese of Norwich

have been many. One anniversary of significance to the Church and one closely linked to the Diocese is the election of Giovanni Battista Montini, the Cardinal Archbishop of Milan, elected as Pope fifty years ago in June of 1963. He would take the name Pope Paul VI. His Holiness Pope Paul VI succeeded Blessed Pope John XXIII. Today, Blessed John XXIII and Venerable Paul VI remain closely connected as their lives of heroic virtue have them on a journey to Sainthood. One of the very close ties Venerable Paul VI forever holds with the Diocese is that it was he who ordained Bishop Michael R. Cote and Father Michael Donohue to the priesthood at St. Peter in Rome. There is a closeness and a

special affection for His Holiness Venerable Paul VI. We remember him and the difficult changing times during which he served and through which he guided the Church. Serving during a historic period of reform, Pope Paul VI oversaw the last three sessions of Vatican II, traveled the world as an ambassador for Christ, was a living example of emerging new evangelization and stood with the poor and underprivileged. His strong stand against Communism is sharply remembered. It brings to mind the vigorous anticommunist sermons and letters of another heroic Catholic leader of the time, the Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. We in the Diocese of Norwich pray that Archbishop Sheen and Pope John Paul VI, with whom we so closely connect, will complete their journey to sainthood. May the Holy Spirit guide them and bless them for having touched the lives of so many....and having touched our lives so directly.

Prayer for Canonization Archbishop Fulton. J. Sheen

Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony O Holy St.Anthony,gentlest of Saints,your love for God and Charity for His creatures, made you worthy,when on earth,to possess miraculous powers.Miracles waited on your word,which you were ever ready to speak for those in trouble or anxiety.Encouraged by this thought,I implore ofyou to obtain for me (state request here).The answer to my prayer may require a miracle,even so, you are the Saint of Miracles. O gentle and loving St.Anthony,whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the Sweet InfantJesus,who loved to be folded in your arms;and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours.Amen. Promise publication and for nine consecutive days,pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be.


Heavenly Father, source of all holiness, You raise up within the Church in every age men and women who serve with heroic love and dedication. You have blessed Your Church through the life and ministry of Your faithful servant, Archbishop Fulton J Sheen. He has written and spoken well of Your Divine Son, Jesus Christ, and was a true instrument of the Holy Spirit in touching the hearts of countless people. If it be according to Your Will, for the honor and glory of the Most Holy Trinity and for the salvation of souls, we ask You to move the Church to proclaim him a saint. We ask this prayer through Jesus Christ, our Lord.



Four County Catholic September 2013

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Vatican City, August 14, 2013 - Pope Francis will consecrate the world to the Immaculate Heart By Catholic News Service

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Carmela A. Dupuis Executive Director

of Mary this Oct. 13 as part of the Marian Day celebration that will involve the statue of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima. “The Holy Father strongly desires that the Marian Day may have present, as a special sign, one of the most significant Marian icons for Christians throughout the world and, for that reason, we thought of the beloved original Statue of Our Lady of Fatima,” wrote Archbishop Rino Fisichella. Archbishop Fisichella, who serves as president of the pontif-

ical council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization, made his remarks in a letter to Bishop Antonio Marto of Leiria-Fatima. According to the Portuguese shrine’s website, the statue of Our Lady of Fatima will leave for Rome on the morning of Oct. 12 and return on the afternoon of Oct. 13. The statue normally resides in the shrine’s Little Chapel of Apparitions. The archbishop said that “all ecclesial entities of Marian spirituality” are invited to take part in the celebration. Hundreds of movements and institutions that emphasize Marian devotion are expected to attend, the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima says. The two-day observance in-

cludes an Oct. 12 pilgrimage to the tomb of St. Peter and moments of prayer and meditation. On Oct. 13, Pope Francis will celebrate Mass in St. Peter’s Square. Our Lady of Fatima appeared to three shepherd children in the village of Fatima in Portugal in 1917. She warned of violent trials in the twentieth century if the world did not make reparation for sins. She urged prayer and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. At the request of Pope Francis, Cardinal Jose Polycarp, the Patriarch of Lisbon, consecrated the Pope’s pontificate to Our Lady of Fatima on May 13, her feast day.

Rejoice in Hope


The Art of Stained Glass September 29 ­ October 4 With Nick Parrendo

Fundamentals of Calligraphy October 13 ­ 19 With Valerie Weilmuenster & Sr. Eugenia Brady, SJC

God invites us in the midst of the noise and distractions we face every day to a deeper and more intimate relationship with Him. Set some time aside for Him, book your retreat today!

(860) 536­0565


Spiritual Listening

September 18 ­ Kathy Irr

Marion Devotion; A Way of Life October 4 ­ Sr. Eugenia Brady, SJC


Rethinking Diaconatal Ministry October 4 ­ 6 With Deacon and Peggy ScarGi


Four County Catholic September 2013

Pope Francis Appoints New Secretary of State 5 Leading Vatican Officials to Remain in Office Vatican - Pope Francis has appointed Archbishop Pietro Parolin, apostolic nuncio to Venezuela, as his new Secretary of State. In accepting the resignation of Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, who is 78, the Pope asked Cardinal Bertone to remain in his position until October 15 “with all the faculties proper to the office,” according to the Holy See Press Office. On that day, the press office added, “His Holiness shall receive in audience Superiors and Officials of the Secretariat of State, in order publicly to thank Cardinal Bertone for his faithful and generous service to the Holy See, and to introduce them to the new Secretary of State.” Acting effectively as “prime minister” for the Roman Pontiff, the Secretary of State is the second-ranking official at the Vatican, with broad authority over the internal actions and diplomatic policies of the Holy See. “At this moment, in which my appointment as Secretary of State is made public, I desire to express deep and affectionate gratitude to the Holy Father, Francis, for the unmerited trust he is showing me, and to make known to him once again my willingness and complete availability to work with him and under his guidance for the greater glory of God, the good of the Holy Church, and the progress and peace of humanity, that humanity might find reasons to live and to hope,” Archbishop Parolin said in a statement. “It is with trepidation that I place myself in this new service to the Gospel, to the Church and to Pope Francis, but also with trust and serenity – disposed – as the Holy Father has asked us from the beginning – to walk, to build and

to profess,” he added. Citing Pope Francis’s homily at his Mass with the cardinal electors

in March, Archbishop Parolin continued,

“May our Lady, whom I like to invoke under her titles as Our Lady of Monte Berico, Guadalupe and Coromoto, give us ‘the courage to walk in the presence of the Lord, with the Lord’s Cross; to build the Church on the Lord’s blood which was poured out on the Cross; and to profess the one glory: Christ crucified. And in this way, the Church will go forward.’” The Holy See Press Office also announced that Pope Francis has decided that Cardinal Bertone’s four chief aides will all remain in their offices. Since 2011, Archbishop Giovanni Angelo Becciu has

served as Substitute for General Affairs – in essence, the chief of staff responsible for the internal work of the Roman Curia. Archbishop Dominique Mamberti has served as the Secretary for Relations with States, or Vatican foreign minister, since 2006. Archbishop Becciu’s chief assistant, Monsignor Peter Wells, will remain as Assessor for General Af-

fairs, and Archbishop Mamberti’s chief assistant, Monsignor Antoine Camilleri, will remain Undersecretary for Relations with States. In addition, the press office announced that Archbishop Georg Gänswein, appointed Prefect of the Pontifical Household in December 2012, will remain in that office.

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Four County Catholic September 2013

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