Four County Catholic September 2017

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Our faith calls us to action

Volume 29 • Number 8 • SEPTEMBER 2017 Serving The Counties Of Middlesex • New London • Tolland • Windham, CT & Fishers Island, NY

St. Michael the Archangel Rebuilds Preparing to welcome and serve a growing community

Pawcatuck, CT 2017

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In This Issue

“Faith is confidence that God is watching over me and helping me make the right decisions.” Emily Coderre, recipient of a 2017 Reverend Richard F. Roughan Scholarship, from her essay ‘Why my faith is important to me.”


Serving The Counties Of Middlesex • New London • Tolland • Windham, CT & Fishers Island, NY

­Established in 1989 and published each month except July.

“I think I am blessed by God to learn more by giving than receiving.” Nancy Delaney, dedicated volunteer to many diocesan ministries, appreciating the gift of helping others.

Made Possible in part through your generous support of the Annual Catholic Appeal


Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Bishop of Norwich


Editorial Office

“One can easily imagine St. Michael the Archangel standing tall and strong next to the construction site as he protects the workers and watches over the parishioners of the church bearing his name.”

Linda Norton inspired by the rebuilding of 156-year old St. Michael the Archangel Church in Pawcatuck.


CATHOLIC 31 Perkins Avenue, Norwich, CT 06360-3613 Fax 860.859.1253 Director of Communications/Executive Editor

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Very Reverend Ted F. Tumicki, S.T.L., J.C.L., J.V. 860.887.9294 Advertising Sales/Production MANAGER

Meredith Morrison, 860.887.3933 c SENIOR WRITER

Wayne Gignac, 860.886.1281

“The sense of spirituality in our schools is evident from the minute you walk in the doors.”

Henry Fiore, Jr., Superintendent of Schools, Diocese of Norwich, sharing the Catholic School experience.


Judy Pappagallo, 860.848.2237 x302 j Printing/Layout

The Hartford Courant, 285 Broad Street, Hartford, CT 060115 Annual Subscription

“As faithful disciples, we are called to be holy, and intercessors for each other. Fatima was a wake-up call.”

Brian Kranick commemorating the 100th anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima.


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Cover photo by the Very Reverend Dennis M. Perkins, Pastor Saint Michael the Archangel Parish




Our faith calls us to action







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The deadline for advertising and editorial is the second Monday of the previous month. Articles limited to 500-word max; letters to the editor limited to 200-word max and must include name, address and phone number for verification. Email photos as JPEG attachments and MS Word copy to or fax to 860.859.1253. Publication not guaranteed. The Editor reserves the right to reject, omit or edit all editorial and advertising copy. Published opinions and advertisements do not necessarily reflect the editorial position of this newspaper.


St. M ilds Archangel Rebu

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e and Preparing to welcom munity serve a growing com

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FOUR COUNTY CATHOLIC Issue 8 September 2017 (PE 9934) is published monthly except July by The Diocese of Norwich, 31 Perkins Avenue, Norwich, CT 06360-3613. Periodicals postage paid in Hartford, CT 06101 and at additional mailing offices.




LET FAITH LEAD THE WAY “Unity Happens When We Walk Together” ­— Pope Francis The Holy Father’s message further explains that, “Unity grows along the way. It never stands still.” In these few plainly spoken words of wisdom, His Holiness, Pope Francis, captures the challenge and opportunity of our time. How, in our own diocese, do we adapt as a community to best position ourselves to live and share our faith going forward?

I would also like to thank those who have let me know they are ready to step forward and help in any way they can to make the parish restructuring work. I feel, on everyone’s part, a genuine commitment to what will yield the greatest good for all of us as we follow the teachings of Christ and his universal Church. We are one family in Christ.

We recognize that the world around us will not stand still. In fact, the pace of change is accelerating. Our mission is to adapt responsibly, restructure thoughtfully, renew and draw closer together. It has been four months since we took the steps to merge four parishes with four neighboring parishes to strengthen and invigorate the newlyjoined parishes. I am pleased to share with you how we are progressing.

As the parish realigning takes place, I am pleased to also recognize that we have a church in the process of rebuilding in Pawcatuck. The reconstruction of Saint Michael the Archangel Church began five years ago as an engineering review of the 150-year-old church structure. As Father Perkins describes the process, it grew into a commitment on the part of the parishioners to rebuild and revitalize the parish. As you noticed on the cover of this issue of the Four County Catholic, the church is beginning to resemble its original appearance.

You are aware from previous communications and discussions with your pastors that the parish restructuring announced in May was the outcome of a careful reassessment of such considerations as where our churches are located in proximity to one another, number of parishioners attending Mass, number of baptisms over recent years, sacramental life activity, faith formation, population patterns, financial burdens of the 21st century and, so importantly, a limited number of priests. Our collective responsibility is to face these realities and pull together to ensure stable and revitalized communities of faith. Meeting this responsibility can be unsettling and painful to many. I would like to thank those parishioners who have taken the time to write to me and express concerns and heavy hearts over losing their close ties to the parish church to which their families have been so attached for generations. I pray with you to find comfort in knowing the Holy Spirit is guiding us

Phase II of their fundraising to finish the interior is still ahead. Father Perkins attributes the entire effort to the vitality and strength of faith of the parishioners. He turns to Hebrews 11:1 to acknowledge the source of their support to see the rebuilding through to completion over the next two years: “Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen.” Father Dennis has also noted that St. Michael is blessed with a number of favorable circumstances, in addition to its vibrant sacramental life, that help to encourage a major rebuild at this time. Among those factors is the increasing population along the shoreline, the renaissance of the sister cities of Pawcatuck and Westerly, the proximity of St. Michael School across the street, and the location

and accessibility of the church on one of the busiest main roads in town. A beautiful new church, with its ample grounds for future parish use, will stand as a living symbol of evangelization. A very positive constellation of circumstances. Recently, I had the privilege of joining a diocesan delegation at the convocation, The Joy of the Gospel in America. It was a very high-energy gathering of representatives of dioceses from across the Country. One of its primary themes was “How do we carry on our mission in these trying times?” I would say to you that the Diocese of Norwich, through your resilience of faith, is answering the challenges before us. We are responding by bonding together more closely, realigning some parishes and even rebuilding where that is best and is possible. We are doing this in a thoughtful collaboratively planned way. “Unity happens when we walk together.” Please continue to pray that we will move forward together into the future, helping one another through all challenges, rejoicing together over our abundant blessings, and being confident always of God’s love and mercy. Sincerely yours in Christ,

Bishop Michael R. Cote


forward, through this period of adjustment.


My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,





Que La Fé Muestre El Camino “La unión sucede cuando caminamos juntos”



Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,


El mensaje del Santo Padre explica que “La unión crece en el camino y nunca se detiene”. En estas pocas palabras de sabiduría, Su Santidad, el Papa Francisco, captura el desafío y la oportunidad de nuestro tiempo. ¿Cómo, en nuestra propia diócesis, nos adaptamos como comunidad para posicionarnos mejor para vivir y compartir nuestra fe en el futuro? Reconocemos que el mundo que nos rodea no se detendrá. De hecho, el ritmo del cambio se está acelerando. Nuestra misión es adaptarnos de manera responsable, reestructurar cuidadosamente, renovar y acercarnos. Han transcurrido cuatro meses desde que tomamos las medidas necesarias para fusionar cuatro parroquias con cuatro parroquias vecinas para fortalecer y vigorizar a las nuevas parroquias. Me complace compartir con ustedes cómo estamos progresando. Usted es consciente por las comunicaciones anteriores y discusiones con su sacerdote que la reestructuración parroquial anunciada en mayo fue el resultado de una cuidadosa reevaluación de consideraciones tales como la ubicación de nuestras iglesias en proximidad unas a otras, el número de feligreses que asisten a misa, el número de bautismos en los últimos años, la actividad de la vida sacramental, la formación de fe, los patrones de población, las cargas financieras del siglo XXI y, lo más importante, un número limitado de sacerdotes. Nuestra responsabilidad colectiva es afrontar estas realidades y unirnos para asegurar comunidades de fe estables y revitalizadas. El cumplimiento de esta responsabilidad puede ser inquietante y doloroso para muchos. Me gustaría dar las gracias a los feligreses que se han tomado el tiempo para escribirme y expresar preocupaciones y corazones abatidos por perder sus estrechos vínculos con la iglesia parroquial a la que sus

familias han estado tan unidas durante generaciones. Rezo con usted para encontrar consuelo al saber que el Espíritu Santo nos está guiando, durante este período de ajuste. También quiero agradecer a aquellos que me han hecho saber que están listos para dar un paso y ayudar de cualquier manera que puedan para que la reestructuración de la parroquia funcione. Siento, por parte de todos, un genuino compromiso que nos dará el mayor bien a todos nosotros, siguiendo las enseñanzas de Cristo y de su Iglesia universal. Somos una familia en Cristo. A medida que se organiza la parroquia, me complace reconocer que también tenemos en curso la reconstrucción de la iglesia St. Michael the Archangel en Pawcatuck. Este proyecto comenzó hace cinco años como una revisión de ingeniería de la estructura de la iglesia de 150 años. Como describe el Padre Perkins, el proceso se convirtió en un compromiso por parte de los feligreses para reconstruir y revitalizar la parroquia. Como usted notó en la portada de este ejemplar de Four County Catholic, el campanario ha sido levantado en su lugar. La Fase II de la recaudación de fondos para terminar el interior sigue por delante. El Padre Perkins atribuye todo el esfuerzo a la vitalidad y la fuerza de la fe de los feligreses. Él cita Hebreos 11: 1 para reconocer la fuente de apoyo para ver la reconstrucción a través de la terminación en los próximos dos años: “La fe es la realización de lo que se espera y la evidencia de cosas no vistas”. El Padre Dennis también ha notado que St. Michael está bendecido con una serie de circunstancias favorables, además de su vibrante vida sacramental, que ayudan a beneficiar y alentar una reconstrucción importante en este momento. Entre estos factores está la creciente población a lo

­— Papa Francisco

largo de la costa, el renacimiento de las ciudades vecinas de Pawcatuck y Westerly, la proximidad de la escuela St. Michael al otro lado de la calle, y la ubicación y accesibilidad de la iglesia en una de las carreteras más transitadas de la ciudad. Una hermosa iglesia nueva, con sus amplios terrenos para el uso futuro de la parroquia, será un símbolo vivo de la evangelización. Una serie de circunstancias muy positivas. Recientemente, tuve el privilegio de unirme a una delegación diocesana en la convocatoria, La Alegría del Evangelio en América. Fue una reunión muy energética de representantes de diócesis de todo el país. Uno de sus temas principales fue “¿Cómo llevamos a cabo nuestra misión en estos tiempos difíciles?” Yo les diría que la Diócesis de Norwich, a través de su fortaleza de fe, está respondiendo a los desafíos que tenemos ante nosotros. Estamos respondiendo al unirnos más estrechamente, estructurando algunas parroquias e incluso reconstruyendo donde es mejor y es posible. Estamos haciendo esto de una manera pensativa planificada de manera colaborativa. “La unión ocurre cuando caminamos juntos.” Por favor continúe orando para que avancemos juntos hacia el futuro, ayudándonos mutuamente a través de todos los desafíos, regocijándonos juntos por nuestras abundantes bendiciones, y confiando siempre en el amor y la misericordia de Dios. Sinceramente en el amor de Cristo,

Michael R. Cote Obispo de Norwich




This article was brought to my attention, and after reading it I immediately knew that I wanted to share it with you. The story of St. Maximillian Kolbe , whose feast day is August 14th, is one I initially became aware of before entering the seminary. It taught me what it means to lay our life down to serve God’s children. A priest is called to be a direct instrument of Christ being present to his people. St. Paul reminds us that it must “no longer be I who live, but Christ who lives in me”. This is the true calling of a priest. As you read the article below, please continue to pray for our seminarians, and those who may be sensing a call by God to respond generously in giving themselves to this vocation.

The Priesthood is a Heroic Vocation


By Matt Hennessey | The Wall Street Journal | August 10, 2017

When Hitler invaded Poland in 1939, German forces arrested Kolbe. Although he refused to sign a document giving him the privileges of German citizenship, he was released after three months. His monastery continued to issue anti-Nazi publications. It was shut down in 1941, and Kolbe was arrested again. Eventually he was taken to the concentration camp at Auschwitz.

There, Kolbe carried out his priestly ministry while enduring humiliation and abuse. After a small group of prisoners escaped in July 1941, the camp’s

Holy Hour for Vocations

The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, leads the Holy Hour:

September 21 6-7pm

October 12 6-7pm

Saint Bernard, Rockville

St. Mary, Groton

Father Greg Galvin, Director of Priestly Vocations • • (860) 887-9294

DEACON Ronald Blank

Fourth year Theology, Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary, Weston, Massachusetts.

DEACON Frank Gilbert

Fourth year Theology, Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary, Weston, Massachusetts.

MR. Michael Bovino

Second year Theology, Mount Saint Mary Seminary, Emmitsburg, Maryland.

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Larry Normand Dharen Michael Barile Laflamme Brochero Castiblanco First year First year Theology, Mount Saint Mary Seminary, Emmitsburg, Maryland

Undergraduate year/Philosophy TBD

Year of Theology TBD

Theology, Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary, Weston, Massachusetts.

Mr. Jacob Ramos

Second year Theology, Mount Saint Mary Seminary, Emmitsburg, Maryland.

notorious disciplinarian, Lagerführer Karl Fritzsch, decided to set an example by starving 10 others to death. Franciszek Gajowniczek, a Polish army sergeant, was among those selected to die. Gajowniczek begged that his life be spared. Kolbe volunteered to take his place. “I want to go instead of the man who was selected,” Kolbe said. “He has a wife and family. I am alone. I am a Catholic priest.” For whatever reason, Fritzch agreed.

Kolbe outlived the other condemned prisoners, but after two weeks of hunger and prayer, he was near death. On August 14, 1941, a guard was dispatched to finish him off with an injection of carbolic acid. As the executioner approached, the frail priest extended his arm. He died with the Hail Mary on his lips. Kolbe was canonized by Pope John Paul II in 1982. Gajowniczek, whose children did not survive the war, lived to be 94. He died in 1995.

Catholic history is replete with heroic stories like Kolbe’s. The Church could do a better job of telling them. Many Catholics, including this one, have much to learn. After 9/11, the Archdiocese of New York launched a website aimed at young men discerning a vocation to the priesthood. The banner across the top of the landing page read, “The World Needs Heroes.” The slogan made an impression on Andrew Vill, who was then a teenager but is now a priest of the Diocese of Bridgeport, Conn.

“Every young man wants to be a hero,” Father Vill told me last month. “We dream about saving the day.”

Vocations have been slowing for half a century. In 1965 the American Catholic Church ordained 994 new priests, according to Georgetown University’s Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate. By 2000, the number had fallen to 442. Ordinations have rebounded somewhat—in 2016 there were 548—but not nearly enough to replace the priests who die, retire or leave their ministries every year. The vocations crisis is not only a human-resources problem for the bishops. It has real spiritual consequences for the people in the pews. Some 3,500 American parishes have no resident priest.

Recruiting good men remains a challenge. The sexual abuse scandal dealt a considerable blow to the priesthood’s reputation. One thing hasn’t changed: Young men still want lives of heroic virtue, and the priesthood offers that in abundance. My advice to parents, teachers and vocations directors everywhere is to tell heroic stories like that of St. Maximilian Kolbe. Appeal to the romantic aspirations of young men by highlighting the courageous lives of the many martyrs and saints of the Church.

“When God calls you to serve as his priest, he is inviting you to go on this mission with him,” Father Vill said. “You will literally be saving souls. As a young man, when you look at your vocation like that, who wouldn’t want to pursue the priesthood?”


Kolbe was born to a German father and Polish mother in 1894. He entered the seminary at 13 and was ordained a priest in 1918. With a special devotion to the Virgin Mary and a talent for writing and publishing, the bearded, bespectacled Franciscan founded monasteries and media outlets in Poland

and Japan during the 1930s.


atholics around the world will celebrate the feast day of St. Maximilian Kolbe on Monday. His story is one of the Church’s finest, though too few people—Christian or not—have heard it.



Diocese of Norwich Offers Prayers and Support to Victims of Hurricane Harvey in Texas and Louisiana


By FCC News Desk



ishop Michael R. Cote asks us to continue to join in prayer, that the Lord will heal and help all those who have lost loved ones, and homes, personal property and employment. May we be mindful of the extraordinary service rendered by the first responders and countless volunteers who continue to assist victims in the .vast areas affected by the disastrous storm, and prepare in


Pope Francis @Pontifex

May nothing stop you from living and growing in your Heavenly Father’s friendship, and from witnessing to His infinite goodness and mercy.

Florida for another powerful storm. In a message to Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, Pope Francis asked that his “spiritual

closeness and pastoral concern” be relayed to all those affected by the hurricane and flooding. The message was sent by Cardinal Pietro Parolin,

Vatican Secretary of State: “Deeply moved by the tragic loss of life and the immense material devastation that this natural catastrophe has left in its wake, Pope Francis prays for the victims and their families, and for all those engaged in the vital work of relief, recovery and rebuilding.” Pope Francis, he said, “trusts that the immense and immediate needs of so many individuals and communities will continue to inspire a vast outpouring of solidarity and mutual aid in the best traditions of the Nation.” Many Norwich Diocese parishioners will have an opportunity on the weekend of September 16 and 17 to respond to a special collection for the hurricane victims. Proceeds will be donated to Catholic Charities, U.S.A., the official relief agency of the United States Catholic Church, as they and their member agencies respond to emergency needs for necessities such as water, food, shelter and medical care as well as to the long term needs to rebuild and recover.

Pope Francis to lead historic global initiative to help migrants and refugees.

Share the Journey

Official Launch Date in Rome, September 27, 2017

“The Diocese of Norwich joins with the Holy Father in reaching out to support our brothers and sisters who have fled their homes seeking a decent and safe life for their families. We will be active participants through prayer and acts of compassion in answering God’s call to share the journey. More information regarding opportunities to help will be announced on September 27th. We are one family in Christ.”


Return to College Made Easier by Reverend Richard F. Roughan Scholarship


hile we all know how excited our children are to head off to college, it certainly is not an easy process. The college experience is fraught with challenges; moving away from home, learning to be independent, being more financially responsible and of course, attending class and studying, studying, studying! For two diocesan students, the monetary burden of college has been greatly reduced thanks to the generosity of Reverend Richard Roughan. Emily Coderre and Hannah Niedojadlo, both of Waterford, are this year’s recipients of the Reverend Richard F. Roughan Scholarship and have each received $5,000 toward their college tuition costs. Father Richard Roughan, former Pastor of St. Paul Church, Waterford, and priest for 46 years, passed to be with our Lord on October 5, 2009 after serving St. Paul Church for 28 years. He was a beloved priest, devoted to his parishioners, always willing to assist in any way possible. Anne Ogden, a very close friend of Father Roughan and a current Board member of the Catholic Foundation, shared her memories of Father, “He was a very kind man, he was like a member of our family. Since his own family was in Massachusetts, he spent many holidays with our family. Family and education were very important to him.” As important as his parishioners were to him, Father Roughan wanted to give back to them, so after his retirement, he decided to establish through his will, the Reverend Richard F. Roughan Scholarship Fund

Emily Coderre, Bishop Cote and Hannah Niedojadlo which is administered through the Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Norwich. Each year, qualifying parishioners of St. Paul Church submit applications to the Foundation accompanied by an essay entitled, “Why my Faith is Important to Me.” The Disbursement Committee of the Foundation meets each April and selects one incoming college freshman and one current college student to receive the Reverend Richard F. Roughan Scholarship which is awarded at the Foundation’s Annual Awards Dinner. This year’s incoming freshman recipient is Emily Coderre who will be attending St. Anselm College in New Hampshire. In her essay, Emily wrote, “Faith is confidence. My faith is important to me because it keeps me grounded and gives me confidence for the future…. It gives me confidence that God is watching

over me and helping me make the right decisions.” During high school, Emily was very active in Girl Scouts, receiving the Gold Award, the Scouts’ highest award recognizing community service and leadership. Her service project, Spread the Love, resulted in a donation to the Gemma E. Moran Food Center in New London of enough peanut butter and jelly to make 14,000 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Emily will be studying to become a Social Worker and plans one day to join the Peace Corps. Hannah Niedojadlo, a sophomore at Flager College in St. Augustine, Florida, has always been involved in St. Paul Church, both as an assistant religious education teacher and as a lector. In her essay she wrote, “I cannot separate myself from my faith, it is something that is a part of me and my identity. All my life, I have known

Father Richard Roughan

God to be there; through tough times when I really did not have the courage to continue or believe in myself, I had God. My faith gives me purpose. It gives me encouragement, one prayer at a time.” While at Waterford High School, Hannah enjoyed participating in sports and drama. Currently, Hannah is majoring in travel and tourism management and knows that wherever her path takes her, she will “try to constantly call to mind what Jesus teaches, and live (her) life as a good person.” Both Emily and Hannah were ­- Continued on next page


By Mary Ellen Mahoney


Our DIOCESE (continued)

Return to College

extremely thankful to the Catholic Foundation for selecting them to be this year’s recipients and even more so to our kind and generous Father Roughan, for having the love and foresight to provide for so many young people in such a substantial and long-lasting way. Anne Ogden remarked, “If Father were here, he would be beaming with happiness. Seeing such fine young women go off to college with his help would have really given him joy.” The Catholic Foundation is run by a volunteer Board of Directors, led by Bishop Cote. Angela Arnold serves as the Executive Director. Currently, the Foundation oversees 25 endowments

and since its inception has distributed over $3.7 million dollars to diocesan ministries, parishes and schools. Anyone interested in learning more about the Foundation, establishing an endowment or contributing to an existing endowment, may contact Mary Ellen Mahoney, Development Manager at either (860) 886-1928 or memahoney@norwichdiocese. net. More information about the Foundation is available at www. catholic-foundation.



To Advertise in the


Four County Catholic

Please Contact Meredith Morrison (860) 887-3933


Appointments The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, has made the following clergy and diocesan appointments in the Diocese of Norwich:

Reverend Gregoire J. Fluet, Ph.D., from Associate Professor, Spiritual Director, and Secretary of the Board of Governors at Holy Apostles College and Seminary, Cromwell, to Director of Campus Ministry, Chaplain, and Professor of Mount Saint Mary College in Newburgh, New York, while continuing as Diocesan Historian. Reverend D. Scott Surrency, OFM new to the Diocese, Parochial Vicar, Saint Pius X Parish, Middletown.

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Please come and share in this joyous celebration with wonderful people, music, stories, and good food! The Cathedral of St. Patrick, Norwich October 8, 2017 in the church hall from 2-4pm

Father Ray Introvigne and Judith Hughes “Seek First The Kingdom of Heaven and Everything Else Will Be Given ToYou Besides!” (Matthew 6:33)


Bike Ride for Haiti


By Dan O’Sullivan

into northwest Rhode Island, before wending its way through the eastern and central parts of Connecticut. Thursday morning, the ride will visit St Patrick’s Cathedral, and be greeted by Bishop Cote. The ride will also visit St Matthew’s Parish in Tolland, and Mercy High School in Middletown. All of these have extended very warm welcomes to the riders in prior years, but the enthusiasm of the Mercy Tigers is hard to beat! If you like to bike, and want to help a good cause, it is not too late to join the ride! An interactive link to the course can be found on the Outreach website at You can join the entire ride, or just a day, or even less. If interested, call 860-800-3601.

If you aren’t a biker, or this doesn’t fit your schedule, you can still help by going to the website, and donating, or donate by sending a check to Outreach to Haiti, 815 Boswell Ave.,

Norwich, CT 06360. During the ride, check back into the website each day to follow our progress!

Pontifical Mass for the Uniquely Gifted and Abled Partnership Join us for a celebration of the Liturgy for people living with disabilities; for their family, friends, caregivers, co-workers, support staff and health care professionals.

Principal Celebrant Bishop Michael R. Cote Saturday September 30, 2017 @ 5:00 pm The Cathedral of Saint Patrick Reception to follow in the Cathedral Hall

For more information or to RSVP for the reception, please contact the Office of Faith Events 860-848-2237 x304


Outreach to Haiti will start a 5-day, 337-mile bike ride, touching five of the six New England states, on September 25, to raise awareness and funds to support the mission in Haiti. The goal of this ride is to raise money to allow for the installation of solar power in the new Norwich Outreach Center (construction to start early this fall). The Center has been in the planning stage for several years, with a Capital Campaign that reached and exceeded its target in late 2016. However, early this year, some previously undiscovered earthquake damage was uncovered, which has increased the cost of building. It is hoped there is enough money already raised to complete the building, and this money will be used for solar power. Solar power is clearly a great power source for Haiti. With the intensity of the sun, the system would quickly pay for itself. Besides being much more environmentally friendly, it would lower ongoing operating costs, allowing more money to be applied directly to helping patients and students. This is the third annual bike ride. By the completion of this ride, the total distance ridden will surpass 1,000 miles! The amount raised in the first two rides is just under $40,000. Similar success this year, will make a great start in paying for a solar power system. With the ride starting around Freeport, Maine, it quickly makes its way down into and through New Hampshire, and skirts Boston and on


small team from



“Our Faith Calls Us to Action” Volunteer – Nancy Delaney




By Kathy Gaito


The theme for the 2017 ACA is “Our Faith Calls US to ACTION”. Each month we feature someone who supports our Diocesan Ministries by following this motto.

he first time we do anything is always frightening. There are many unknowns when we enter a new situation. Nancy Delaney had these same apprehensions when she first started to volunteer. As you can see from her statement above, those fears were soon alleviated. The bigger picture of why volunteering is important was soon realized. Nancy saw she could help others and make a difference. After her initial volunteer role, Nancy went on to volunteer in other areas of the Diocese. She’s been volunteering for the past fifteen years with Spiritual Renewal Services. Nancy has also served on the Prison Ministry Board, the Year of Mercy Committee, and has helped with ACTS Retreats. At the parish level, Nancy has worn many hats including: CCD teacher, lector, Bible study leader and volunteer with her parish Prison Ministry. “My current volunteer role with Spiritual Renewal Services is as a Board Member and presenter of ‘Life in the Spirit Seminars’ in prison. As a Board Member, I support Father Ray Introvigine and Judith Hughes in their ministry as Co-Directors. I support them through prayer and helping with special events. I also serve on the Prison Ministry Team. Prison Ministry is very rewarding as we bring Christ’s love to the incarcerated and encourage them to open their hearts to Jesus and ask for the power and love of the Holy Spirit.” If you thought about volunteering in the Diocese or at your parish, Nancy would definitely encourage you to do so. “The Diocese has ministries that

I was first called on to volunteer in 1970 when my Pastor asked me to teach CCD. I did not feel qualified but he encouraged me by saying my faith was enough to start and I would be given the help I needed. I began to see that I could help others and that my efforts made a difference in people’s lives. – Nancy Delaney

cover the needs of many people and cultures. I think anyone could find something they would enjoy doing. Volunteering has brought out so much of myself. I find myself doing things I never imagined I could do. I think I am blessed by God and learn more by giving than receiving,” Nancy reflects. Volunteering for Spiritual Renewal Services has allowed Nancy to meet many people throughout the community, as they come together for the prayer groups, healing Masses, special events, worship services and fellowship that is offered through this ministry. People from all walks of life are helped through the ministries that serve all people in the Diocese. Sometimes the help is subtle and may only be seen by the person who has been impacted. One example of this is offered in a story Nancy recounts,” When presenting a ‘Life in the Spirit Seminar’ at Gates Correctional Institution, a man stood up and said, ‘I attended this seminar last year, and

this has been the best year of my life.’ Another man stood up and said, ‘I heard about this seminar last year, but I refused to attend. This has been the worst year of my life’.” The programs offered by all of our Diocesan Ministries do make a difference and it is because of the volunteers that these programs are successful. We pray that through our ministries and their volunteers that we are able to give many more people throughout our neighborhoods the best years of their lives. Thank you Nancy Delaney from all of us here at the Diocese of Norwich for your volunteerism. You are truly appreciated! Volunteers are vital to our ministries that are supported by the time, talent and treasures of people in our Diocese. Your support and the support of others allow our ministries to continue their service to our community. Thank you for hearing and responding to: “Our Faith Calls US To Action”!

Nancy Delaney

Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention That catechists may give witness by living in a way consistent with the faith they proclaim.


Queen of Heaven: Mary’s Battle for You 7 consecutive Wednesdays from 7-8:30pm at the Cathedral of St. Patrick, Norwich. Learn the story of Mary’s life beginning before the dawn of time and extending into today. Facilitated by Mona Anne Niedbala and Father Peter Langevin. Program materials provided, including access to online videos. Please call the Cathedral at 860-889-8441 to register.

A Mass in memory of children who have died from stillbirths, miscarriages or abortions. 7pm at the Cathedral of St. Patrick, Norwich. Bishop Cote will be the celebrant. For more information, call Catholic Family Services at 860-848-2237, Ext. 306.

Wednesday, October 18 Webinar- Enjoying our Faith

7pm at the Cathedral of St. Patrick, Norwich.

Making Faith Fun. Give kids a reason to come to Church, give adults perspective on enjoying our faith. 7pm webinar. Participate in education, ways to integrate fun in faith life, evangelize youth, and share ideas with colleagues. Email Liza to register at

Saturday, September 30

Saturday, October 21

Tuesday, September 26 40 Days for Life Vigil Mass

Organ and Violin Concert To honor of the 120th anniversary of St. Therese’ of Lisieux. 3pm at St. Joseph’s Church in New London. Works by Bach and others as well as a poem of St. Therese. Admission is free.

Saturday, September 30 For New Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Diocesan Guidelines for ministries and all requirements contained in the General Instruction of the Roman Missal. From 9:30-12:30pm at St. Patrick Parish Hall, East Hampton. Registration and distribution of materials begins at 9am. $10 registration fee. Register by September 22nd at: worship@ call: 860-8482237x302 and pay at the door.

How to Have the Best Liturgical Music in your Parish 9-12:30pm at St. Matthias Parish, East Lyme. Tom Kendzia will share his ideas on how to make the best use of parish musical resources All are welcome. Cost $10. Register by October 16 at: worship@ or call: 860-8482237x302 and pay at the door.

Saturday, October 21 Connecticut Catholic Men’s Conference

St Paul Catholic High School, Bristol. 8-5pm. Our Theme is “YOU will be my witnesses.” For more information or to buy tickets log onto HYPERLINK “” www. Cost is $45 and includes lunch.

Luke 12:34-35, 40

Prayer Group Mass Wednesday, September 20 Our Lady of Lourdes, Gales Ferry 7pm

Healing Mass and Healing Service Sunday, September 24 St. Thomas the Apostle Chapel 828 Farmington Ave., West Hartford Mass 1-2pm, healing service 2-4pm Individual prayer & anointing

Mass of Healing & Hope Monday, September 25, 2pm Monday’s October 9 & 23, 2pm Spiritual Renewal Center Individual prayer & anointing

Prayer and Discernment Board Meeting Monday, September 25 Spiritual Renewal Center 11am

Healing Mass & Healing Service Sunday, October 1 St. Mary Church, Portland Mass 7pm – healing service with prayer teams Individual prayer & anointing

40th Anniversary – Spiritual Renewal Services Sunday, October 8 Cathedral of St. Patrick Church hall 2- 4pm Prayer, music, memories, witnessing, sharing, & refreshments

Healing Mass and Healing Service Friday, October 20 St. Francis of Assisi Church, Middletown 7pm prayer teams, individual prayer & anointing

spiritual renewal services Diocese of Norwich

Dial-A-Prayer (860) 887-7767

P.O. Box 6 • 11 Bath Street Norwich, CT 06360 • (860) 887-0702 email:


Wednesdays, Tuesday, October 10 September 13-October 25 Mass of Remembrance

“For where your TREASURE is (your relationship with Jesus), there also will your HEART be --- so be ready for whatever comes --- you also (your name), must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect (or have planned), the SON OF MAN (Jesus) will come!





Live Your Faith




By FCC News Desk


he 40-DaysFor-Life campaign which runs from Wednesday, September 27th through November 5th will prayerfully begin with a Mass at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick in Norwich on Tuesday, September 26, at 7 PM. Parishioners are encouraged to participate in one or more of the following ways. PRAY- Pray at home, work or during your commute. Pray with your family. FAST- Give up something and offer sacrifices to God over this 40 day period. Fasting is an effective plea to God for this cause. ATTEND THE PEACEFUL PRAYER VIGIL - Stand for life and pray for the end to abortion. Join others from your parish to attend the peaceful prayer vigil held outside the Planned Parenthood facility at 12 Case Street in Norwich. This prayer vigil is held during daylight hours and is a strong

392 South Main Street, Colchester


Store Hours: Mon-Wed 10-5, Thurs & Fri 10-6, Sat 10-3

10% off

Any One In-Stock Item witness to the community that we honor life. Please check your local parish bulletin or signup online at COMMUNITY OUTREACH – Be an advocate by speaking to others about the reasons why every life is sacred. You can help change people’s hearts. Last year 54 Parishes participated in the Peaceful Prayer Vigil. If your parish hasn’t yet adopted a day and you feel called to help or you need more information, please contact the 40-Days-For-Life Team at 860-875-5770 or 40DaysNorwich@

Expires 10/12/17 one coupon per customer. Must have coupon to receive discount. We carry: Rosary Beads, Jewelry, Music, Books, Bibles, Indoor & Outdoor Statues, Crucifixes, Wall Crosses/Crucifixes, Eternal Lights & Candles, Greeting Cards for all occasions, Missals, Prayer Books & Cards, Giftware for Sacramental Celebrations, DVD’s, Baptism Gifts for children and adults.

Trust in the mercy of God’s love. If you are carrying the grief and sorrow of past abortions, call Project Rachel a post-abortion healing ministry. All calls are confidential.




Dec. 30, 2018

1 State Street, New Haven • 203-865-0400 • • Free admission & parking


Church Craft Fairs and Bazaars

Saturday, October 14 Fall Festival

St. Andrew Church, Colchester. Friday, 4-8pm & Saturday, 9-2pm. Bake shop, baskets, the little gift shop, gifts of Christmas, kid’s corner, tea cup auction &more. On Friday, a turkey dinner will be served starting at 4pm for seniors, & 5pm for the general public. Dinner is $12 for adults, $10 for seniors, $5 for children 3-10 & children 3 &under free.

Park Congregational Church Norwich.

9-3pm. Tag sale, crafts, raffles, baked goods, & more. All benefits go to St. Vincent de Paul Place. Vendors interested in a table, call 860-887-3747.

Friday- Saturday, November 3-4 Christmas Bazaar

St. Luke’s, Ellington. Friday, 5-8pm, Saturday, 9am-2pm. Crafts, country store, attic treasures, gift baskets, children’s activities, & bake goods.

Saturday, November 4 Sleigh bells Fair

St Pius X, Middletown. 10-7pm. White elephant, arts & crafts, plants, kid’s booths, tea cup raffle, baked goods & refreshments.

Saturday, November 4 Saint Theresa’s Guild Harvest Fair.

St. Sebastian’s Church, Middletown. 9-2pm. Fresh seasonal vegetables; a chocolatier; handmade jewelry & accessories; freshly baked breads; a cookie walk; butter braid breads, & more. Doughnuts, coffee & lunch will be available.

Saturday, November 4 Guild Christmas Bazaar

Our Lady of Lourdes Gales Ferry. 9-7pm. Handcrafted items, basket raffle, Christmas decorations, baked goods, religious articles, jewelry & delicious food.

Tis the season!


Christ the King Church, Old Lyme. 8:30–3pm. Rummage sale, silent auction, fall plants, kid’s games & crafts, music, bake sale, food all day.

Friday- Saturday, November 3-4 Christmas Fair


Saturday, September 16 Harvest Fun Day



Church Craft Fairs and Bazaars Saturday-Sunday, November 4-5 Christmas Bazaar



Notre Dame Church, Durham. Saturday,91pm & Sunday, 9-12pm. The raffle will be drawn at noon followed by the Chinese Auction raffle.


Friday-Saturday, November 10-11 Christmas bazaar

Saturday, November 18 Harvest Fair

Saint John the Evangelist, Uncasville. 9-3pm. Crafts, bake sale, baskets, refreshments & luncheon items.

Saturday, November 18 Christmas Fair

Saturday, November 25 Angels & Elves Christmas fair

St. John School, Old Saybrook. 9-2pm. In the gymnasium. Crafters, raffles, baked goods, breakfast, & lunch.

Saturday, December 2 Fall Festival

St. Bernard’s Rockville. 10-2 both days. Hot St John the Apostle Church, Plainfield 9-3pm in the church hall. Presented by Our St. Joseph’s Church, Chester. 8-2pm. lunch available from 11-1pm daily. Baked Handmade wreaths, swags & cemetery Lady of Fatima Guild. goods, rosettes, attic treasures, crafts, boxes. St. Joseph’s Gift Shop with new or books, toys, jewelry & Christmas items. gently used household items. Food table with jams, breads, soups, cookies & cakes. Santa Claus will visit from 10 -12pm. Dixie Saturday, Baskets can be won by purchasing tickets. Friday-Saturday,

November 17-18 Frosty Village Bazaar St. Matthew Church, Tolland. Friday 6-9:30pm & Saturday 9:30- 2:30pm.

November 18 Sleigh Bells Ring

St. Maurice Church, Bolton. 9-3pm.

Homemade Raggedy Ann &Andy dolls, jelly baskets, handcrafted ornaments, fresh evergreen baskets, American Girl doll clothes, hand-knit items, Christmas tree skirts, “Take-A-Chance” booth, & homemade baked goods. Santa & Mrs. Claus photos from 10:30-12pm. Lunch available.

Saturday-Sunday December 2-3 Snowflake Fair

Sacred Heart Church, Norwichtown. Saturday

9-3pm in the Church Hall and Sunday 8:30-noon. Crafters, raffles, baked goods. Food & drinks will be available for purchase Something for everyone!

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Why Should You Choose A Catholic Cemetery? The Code of Canon Law of the Catholic Church defines only two places as being sacred: the Church building where Jesus resides in the tabernacle; and the Catholic Cemetery which is an expression of faith and an extension of the parish community. Catholic Cemeteries are both a consolation to the bereaved and an inspiration to the living.

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We are accepting applications for the 2018–19 school year. Ask us about our Tailored Tuition Program to help meet your family’s unique financial situation.

Attend our OPEN HOUSE on October 21st. Register at or call us today at 860-848-1271. SAINT BERNARD SCHOOL • Grades 6–12 1593 Norwich-New London Tpke • Uncasville, CT 06382 860-848-1271 •




12 Ocean Avenue New London, CT 443-1871 860-443-1871



Community Mausoleum Available 600 Jefferson Ave, New London 860-443-3465

7 15


Historic Church Reconstruction

By Linda Norton



t has been a year of hope, anticipation, and progress for the parishioners of St. Michael the Archangel in Pawcatuck. Readers may recall that the 151year-old building that was St. Michaels Church, was closed in April 2012 due to severe structural safety issues, and


was ready to focus on the vertical. Since then, the above ground progress has been quite impressive and encouraging. “Phase One” of the project includes recreating the church to look as it did in 1912, and that should be done by the summer’s end. The new walls are supported by steel which helps ensure

A worker carefully lowering the cross onto the signed support stanchion.

Photo by Wayne Gignac

Father Dennis Perkins holds the support stanchion signed by scores of parishioners prior to taking its place at the top of the steeple. then demolished in July 2016. While parishioners are still mourning its loss, they are also experiencing enthusiasm for the new St. Michaels which they are daily watching being re-built on the same site. The May issue of the Four County Catholic reported the good news of the April “Truss Blessing” ceremony with Bishop Michael R. Cote which signaled that the foundation and other necessary work was done and the construction

that the church’s structural strength will be intact for centuries to come. The church is somewhat taller than the previous St. Michael’s and looks quite majestic. One can easily imagine St. Michael the Archangel standing tall and strong next to the construction site as he protects the workers and watches over the parishioners of the church bearing his name. An elevator is included in the addition providing those needing physical

Photo by Wayne Gignac

assistance with easier access to the church. The original stained-glass windows, which were removed and expertly refurbished by Bovard Studio Iowa, have been reinstalled, and twinkl like jewels when the sun shines throug them. In addition to the companies mentioned in the May article, there are some local businesses that were also involved in Phase One: Black Dog concrete, Pawcatuck Roofing Company D’Amato Builders and Wescon. Havin local companies involved intensifies th sense of community spirit that surround this project. A stately new steeple was added on July 26th while a good-sized crowd watched from across the street on the lawn of St. Michaels School. Like the truss blessing, applause and cheering broke out when the steeple went up, as well as a few shouts of “Thank you Jesus!”.

Rosary on the Steps

n Well on its Way.


y, ng he ds

mentioning the hospitality of the parishioners of St. Mary’s in Stonington who have welcomed and adopted St. Michael’s parishioners with open hearts during this challenging time. Likewise, other local parishes, even across the state line into Westerly, RI have done the same. When all is said and done and the church is finally reopened and the heavenly sounds of its bells resume floating through the air, many who worked on the site, prayed or donated money or their time will be able to say they were part of continuing the mission of a church which has cradled the faith of generations through its 156-year history.”

Hammers and Saws Aren’t the Only Tools Needed to Rebuild a Church


By Wayne Gignac n any given Friday evening on the steps of Saint Michael the Archangel Church in Pawcatuck, you will find the “Rosary on the Steps” people. They are a visible witness of the prayerful from Saint Michael and surrounding parishes who have faithfully prayed the rosary every Friday evening on the steps of the church since May 11, 2012, just three weeks after the church was closed due to structural issues.

The purpose has never changed. They pray for four intentions: • For the people of St. Michael’s • For Father Perkins to have all the gifts and energy he needs to lead them through these challenging times • For the people of St. Mary’s and other parishes who have welcomed and supported them • For financial miracles to have all the funds needed to rebuild the church

Photo by Linda Norton

The general feeling is that they are helping to rebuild St. Michael’s “bead by bead”. As one participant stated, The construction workers have hammers and we have beads! Together we are rebuilding St. Michaels.” The “Rosary on the Steps” has been prayed every single Friday night since that first night – unbroken. Regardless of the weather, or physical health circumstances, someone has always been there. Should you find yourself in the Pawcatuck area on a Friday evening, feel free to join them. Rosary begins at 6:30pm except during Lent when the start time is moved to 6:00pm to accommodate attending Stations of the Cross. This visible witness to the power of prayer will continue until construction is completed and the church reopens.


in le gh

Next on the agenda is “Phase Two” which will focus on completing the interior and will begin after a period of fundraising. Although the parish still has its pews, Stations of the Cross, organ, statues, and altar from the previous church, all of which will be reused, there are still the costs of heating, cooling, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, painting and finishing work that must be done. It is estimated that about $ 3.8 million more is needed to complete the project. Pastor, Very Reverend Dennis Perkins, commented that during this entire process the “faith and commitment of the parishioners has been remarkable”. This update cannot end without






Serving All Faiths • Pre-Need Arrangements Traditional Services or Cremations Directors: Joseph R. Introvigne, Joseph R. Introvigne, Jr. & Michael J. Introvigne 51 East Main St. Stafford Springs, CT


Honoring the recipients of the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Award



for Contributions to Catholic Education in the Diocese of Norwich:


Ms. Sharon Briere Mrs. Robin Holtsclaw

Representing Catholic Mutual Relief Society

Mr. James Leone

14 Club Road Windham, CT 06280 860.456.1107

All proceeds to benefit tuition assistance for Catholic Schools. The following sponsorships are available: $5,000 SETON SPONSOR Premium reserved table for 10, full-page program ad $2,500 AQUINAS SPONSOR Reserved table for 10, half-page program ad $1,500 NEWMAN SPONSOR Seating for 4, quarter-page program ad Individual program ads are also available. For more information, please contact Kathy Gaito at 860-886-1928 or WWW.NORWICHDIOCESEDEVELOPMENT.ORG

Dedicating our love, compassion and service to our community. Specializing in: *Short-term Rehabilitation *Long-term Care *End-of-Life Care *Daily Mass

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In Tributej



e were blessed at the Diocesan Communications Office to have had Phil Twomey as our staff photographer and close friend for many years. He left us to be with the Lord five years ago, September 19th. We miss him still. Phil was a gifted photographer who was right there, it seemed, at every important event in the Diocese. The Four County Catholic over the years has been like a Phil Twomey journal of photography. All part of a legacy of his witness to the good work of the Church he supported so faithfully. To this day, we still have access to Phil’s photo gallery and continue to gratefully use some of

his creative photos. I’ve included a shot I took of Phil from my iPhone in the back of the Cathedral. He was all decked out in his dress uniform on the occasion of the Red, White and Blue Mass. I said how about a photo, Phil. He said sure – wait a sec – let me take my glasses off – OK – and flash …. my favorite picture of Phil. All God’s blessings to Marie and the Twomey family. Still remembering our friend,



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Inspiring Achievement. Celebrating Community. Embracing Service. Living Faith. Supported financially and spiritually by 10 parishes in the Middletown Deanery. Currently the only regional Pre-K to 8th grade school in the Norwich Diocese.

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Adult Education Classes

Wednesdays at 7pm. (except Advent Mission) Join us for these interesting & informative presentations by contacting the parish secretary at Our Lady of Lourdes 860-464-0034 or email to

Oct 11 Oct 25 Nov 15

Our Lady of Lourdes, Gales Ferry End of life concerns in the Catholic context Our Lady of Lourdes, Gales Ferry Sheltering the homeless of the region St. Mary, Groton Feeding the hungry of the region

Our Lady of Lourdes, Gales Ferry Living with & ministering to those with disabilities or dementia

Sacred Heart, Groton Nov 26, 27, 28 Cluster Advent Mission. Father Alar National Shrine of Divine Mercy Dec 13

Our Lady of Lourdes, Gales Ferry

Dating the Catholic way after a spouse dies

“Beautiful Things For Children”

Come See Our Exquisite Collection of Flower Girl Dresses Available in All Sizes!

On the bridge, downtown Mystic Open Seven Days • Personal Attention



Sep 20


Our YOUTH Sacred Heart School, Groton

Dr. Gail Kingston, Principal 50 Sacred Heart Drive, Groton, CT 860-445-0611

Sacred Heart School, Taftville

Mother Christina Van Beck, SCMC, Principal 15 Hunters Ave, Taftville, CT

Phone: 860-887-1757

St. James EdwardSchool, School,Danielson Stafford Springs

St. Joseph School, North Grosvenordale

LindaMaryAnne Marie Joyal, Principal Mrs. Pelletier, Principal 120 WaterSt, St,Stafford Danielson, CT CT 25 Church Springs, Phone: Phone: 860-774-3281 860-684-2600

Ms. Sharon Briere, Principal 26 Main St., N. Grosvenordale, CT Phone: 860-923-2090

Academic Excellence. Character. Self-Confidence.

Steubenville Youth Conference 2017 Strengthing faith through music, song, prayer and dialogue


By Mary-Jo McLaughlin



ver 50 teens from across the Diocese celebrated and strengthened their faith this summer by participating in the 2017 Catholic youth gathering at Steubenville NYC on the campus of St. John’s University in Queens, NY. Before leaving for the conference, the teens attended a Mass celebrated by Bishop Michael R. Cote at St. John’s Parish, Old Saybrook. During his homily, the Bishop reminded teens of God’s unconditional love for each of them and encouraged them to seek God’s love in all things rather than outside influences. “The purpose of the Steubenville conference is to strengthen the faith of youth through music, song, prayer, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, participation at Mass and by talks given by inspirational Catholic speakers”, said Liza Roach, youth and young adult minister for the diocese. “The youth who attended


St. Mary-St. Joseph School, Willimantic Ms. Abby Demars, Principal 35 Valley St, Willimantic, CT Phone: 860-423-8479

St. Michael School, Pawcatuck

Mrs. Doris Messina, Principal

63 Liberty St, Pawcatuck, CT Phone: 860-599-1084

St. Patrick Cathedral School, Norwich Mrs. Catherine Reed, Principal 211 Broadway, Norwich, CT Phone: 860-889-4174

St. John School, Old Saybrook

Mother Elaine Moorcroft, SCMC, Principal 42 Junenard Road, Old Saybrook, CT Phone: 860-388-0849


this year’s event had an unbelievable time and truly grew in their love for God,” she said. Roach said the speakers for this year’s conference were inspiring and focused on how society, particularly social media, can oftentimes pull youth away from God’s plan for their lives and focus on the world’s plan instead. Social media can send mixed messages to our youth giving them unhealthy ideas. “To counter that, the speakers reiterated the message that we need to take our passion for God and the uplifting feeling we have from participating in Steubenville, NYC out into the world,” she added. At the end of the conference, any youth discerning a vocation to the priesthood or religious life are called forward from the congregation and are prayed over by all of those in attendance. “This year we had two young ladies from our group step forward as they discern God’s call to them in their lives,” said Roach. Over 3,000 people attended Steubenville NYC. Those attending from our diocese included youth from the following parishes: Holy Martyr Cluster; St. Joseph, Willimantic; St. Francis of Assisi, Middletown; St. Mary, Clinton; St. Bernard, Vernon; St. Matthew, Tolland; St. Mary, Norwich; St. Peter and Paul, Norwich; St. Thomas, Voluntown; St. Catherine, Preston; Sacred Heart, Groton; and Sacrado Corazon, Windham. The week before, teens from Our Lady of Lourdes, Gales Ferry and St. Mary’s Church and Sacred Heart, both in Groton represented the diocese at the Steubenville East Conference held at The University of Massachusetts, Lowell.

Academy of the Holy Family, Baltic Mother Mary David, SCMC, Principal 54 West Main St, Baltic, CT Phone: 860-822-9272

St. Joseph School, New London

St. Joseph School, Baltic

Sr. Mary Patrick Mulready, SCMC, Principal

10 School Hill Road, Baltic, CT Phone: 860-822-6141

“A Holy Place Where We Discover Each Other in God’s Love” Celebrating 76 Years of Excellence in Catholic Education ~ Grades K-8 ~

Full Day Kindergarten School Day from 8:30-2:30 After School Care Available Accredited by the New England Association of Schools & Colleges

25 Squire Street New London, CT For information call 860-442-1720

Ms. Marianne Cote, Principal 25 Squire St, New London, CT Phone: 860-442-1720

St. Bernard School, Uncasville

“A Holy Place Where We Discover Each Other in God’s Love” Celebrating 76 Years of Excellence in Catholic Education ~ Grades K-8 ~

Full Day Kindergarten School Day from 8:30-2:30 After School Care Available Accredited by the New England Association of Schools & Colleges

25 Squire Street New London, CT For information call 860-442-1720

Mr. Donald Macrino, Headmaster 1593 Norwich-New London Tpke, Uncasville, CT Phone: 860-848-1271

From the

Superintendent’s Office… My Dear Friends, As we kick off another new school year, we look forward to providing our students with a family atmosphere in our schools, which blends high academic standards with a strong moral faith base. This prepares them for the future in mind, body, and spirit. The professional development provided to our teachers enables the differentiation of instruction to make learning accessible to all learning styles. The administrators, teachers and staff in our schools are an extremely dedicated group of educators who exemplify the faith which we espouse. We have been working in collaboration with the New England Association of Schools and Colleges to strengthen our school advisory boards, which are comprised of many stewards of the faith and strong supporters of Catholic education with backgrounds in faith, education, public relations/ marketing, facilities, finance, technology, development, fundraising, safety, and more. Each school is also responsible for creating a strategic plan and an enrollment management plan. I am a firm believer in being proactive rather than reactive. This year, more than ever, we are all following the National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools. The four main standards are as follows: Mission and Catholic Identity, Governance and Leadership, Academic Excellence, and Operational Vitality. I was honored to be asked by Salve Regina University to teach a course on Mission and Catholic Identity with my colleague Dan Ferris, the Superintendent of Schools for the Diocese of Providence. This course is part of a four-course program based upon the standards and certifies potential Catholic school administrators. Two of our teachers in this diocese are currently enrolled. This will not only build up a pool of candidates for future administrators, but also ensure that they are equipped with the tools to handle the challenges administrators face. I thank Bishop Cote for allowing me to pursue this opportunity and for recognizing the need to prepare for the future. The sense of spirituality in our schools is evident from the minute you walk in the doors. We are truly blessed to have your children in our schools. It is never too late to enroll in our schools, and I encourage all parents to visit any of our schools for a tour to personally witness what we do. May God’s blessings be upon your wonderful families as we look forward to another high-achieving year in a very spiritually peaceful and safe atmosphere.

Henry Fiore, Jr. Superintendent of Schools Diocese of Norwich

Marianapolis Preparatory School, Thompson

Mr. Joseph Hanrahan, Headmaster 26 Chase Road, Thompson, CT Phone: 860-923-9565

Mercy High School, Middletown

Sr. Mary McCarthy, RSM, President 1740 Randolph Road, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-346-6659

Xavier High School, Middletown David C. Eustis, Headmaster Mr. Brendan Donohue, Principal 181 Randolph Road, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-346-7735


Mr. Lawrence Fitzgerald, Principal 87 South Main St, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-347-2978


St. John Paul II School, Middletown



Young Adult Ministry




By Mary-Jo McLaughlin


n order to move forward with implementation of a Young Adult Ministry program in the Diocese, each parish is asked to send at least one young adult or more between the ages of 18-39 to an upcoming training program in Montville. “Our goal is to have someone in every parish community trained in Young Adult ministry so that each parish can implement and sustain a successful ministry program for this age group,” said Liza Roach, youth and young adult minister for the diocese. “In the past, there have not been many ministry programs geared toward young adults. Establishing formal programs for those between the ages of 18 and 39 will strengthen our Church by helping young adults see the importance of faith in their lives and in overcoming the challenges they are faced with in today’s society.” This is an age group that is leaving the Church in large numbers, she said. Therefore, it is imperative for the Church to gear programs for young adults that will maintain their interests, while helping them to commit to being faithful members of their parish communities. “We want to reach the young adults who are on the fringes of ‘sort of’ being in the Church but not fully committed to the life of their parish,” she said. The aim is to keep them active in their parishes and give them a sense of belonging to their parish communities. “We want to create programs that will key into their interests as they have much to contribute to the life of the Church,” she added. The training session will take place September 23 from 10-3pm. at St. John’s Church in Montville. It will be presented by Amy McEntee,

a nationally recognized young adult trainer and former chairperson of the executive board for the National Catholic Young Adult Ministry Association. McEntee has extensive ministry experience with this age group and has served nationally as a consultant and presenter on the use of social media in ministry, intergenerational ministry and ministry to young adults. McEntee will discuss where young adults fit into the scope of the traditional Church and the importance of focusing ministry efforts on them. Participants will learn best practices for ministering to this age group. They would then be expected to return to their parishes and begin implementing age-appropriate programs for young adults or help them find programs in the Diocese that will enhance their faith. A successful young adult ministry program would incorporate several elements including prayer, worship, social justice and social activities. Programs could vary from parish to parish depending on the makeup and interests of the young adult groups. In a society in which most young adults socialize through the use of technology and social media, providing social opportunities for them to meet and interact is also key. “Technology, while extremely valuable, can isolate people from human contact,” Roach said. All young adults in this age group are invited to attend a Mass with Bishop Cote on December 3 at 10:30am a­ t St. Joseph’s Church, Willimantic. Coffee and refreshments will be served after the Mass and young adults will have the opportunity to meet and speak with the Bishop.

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Photo by Wayne Gignac

Bishop Michael R. Cote with students and faculty after celebrating the Opening of the School Mass, at the Academy of the Holy Family in Baltic on September 1.

Defending Our Religious Liberty According to USCCB President Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, “The Catholic Church teaches that religious freedom has to do with immunity from coercion. Immunity from government coercion is a right that all citizens in this Country should enjoy. So, in asking for an exemption to the HHS mandate to fully accommodate deeply held moral and religious beliefs, the USCCB is asking that the government give us the space to fully participate in American life.” Let us pray that efforts to change the health care bill protect our First Amendment rights.

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To report inappropriate contact of any kind by a representative of the Diocese of Norwich or for assistance to victims, please call: 1-800-624-7407


Schools Open Throughout the Diocese





U.S. Bishops Establish New Ad Hoc Committee Against Racism


WASHINGTON— The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops announced the establishment of an Ad Hoc Committee Against Racism. Initiated by Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, President of the USCCB, the committee will focus on addressing the sin of racism in our society, and even in our Church, and the urgent need to come together as a society to find solutions. “Recent events have exposed the extent to which the sin of racism continues to afflict our nation. The establishment of this new ad hoc committee will be wholly dedicated to engaging the Church and our society to work together in unity to challenge the sin of racism, to listen to persons who are suffering under this sin, and to come together in the love of Christ to know one another as brothers and sisters,” says Cardinal DiNardo. Bishop George V. Murry, SJ of Youngstown, Ohio has been appointed by Cardinal DiNardo as Chairman of the committee. The membership of

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the committee will be finalized in the coming days and its mandate will be confirmed at the first meeting, expected very shortly. “I look forward to working with my brother bishops as well as communities across the United States to listen to the needs of individuals who have suffered under the sin of racism and together find solutions to this epidemic of hate that has plagued our nation for far too long,” says Bishop Murry. “Through Jesus’ example of love and mercy, we are called to be a better people than what we have witnessed over the past weeks and months as a nation. Through listening, prayer and meaningful collaboration, I’m hopeful we can find lasting solutions and common ground where racism will no longer find a place in our hearts or in our society.” Cardinal DiNardo spoke on the occasion of this initiative “Let us not allow the forces of hate to deny the intrinsic dignity of every human person. Let the nation and world see the one body of Christ move to the defense of our sisters and brothers who are threatened.”

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o a certain generation, Camden, New Jersey is synonymous with the great days of American industrial production. Camden was once home to Campbell’s soups; RCA Victor, a leading manufacturer of gramophones, radiograms and TVs; New York Shipping, building boats for the US Navy, and more. Today, Camden is for many a forgotten corner, struggling to rebuild itself after years of decline and neglect. Statistics of poverty, crime and drug abuse have replaced those of factory output. Where once young men and women could leave school on Friday and walk into employment on Monday, assured of a lifetime’s work, today the town struggles to keep its brightest and best from moving out and is battling against the odds to rebuild itself in a post-industrial era. Yet, amidst the decay and ruins, there are those who refuse to give up and accept defeat. There are men and women in Camden striving to build hope and a future, young and old who by their generosity and determination are working to not only relieve the situations of those who have been left behind but also encourage the children and young adults that their future can be brighter. It was with such individuals that ten Xavier student were privileged to spend a week this summer. One Freshman, Chris Delgado; five Sophomores, Carmine Grippo, Grant

Kalkus, Sam Norris, Cole Pavia, Sean Twerian and four Juniors, Christian Donegan Seth Adam Gilman, Noah McGuiness and Chris Wintenburg, travelled with Mr. Lyons, Brother John and Brother Philip to the Romero Center located on Federal Street in East Camden. The Romero Center is named for the recently beatified martyr Archbishop Oscar Romero who gave his life for the defense of the poor and oppressed in war torn El Salvador in 1980. The Center organizes week-long programs of direct service to the poor and needy and education in the fundamental principles of Catholic Social Doctrine. Each evening, after work at service sites, presentations and discussions helped the students to reflect on fundamental questions of human rights and dignity in relation to wages and employment, housing and health care, education and civil rights. We saw, firsthand, the effects of prostitution, alcohol and drug abuse among some of the local population,

and also had the time to ask pertinent questions about why and how life had become so degraded for so many in the city. The Romero Center works with an impressive network of churches, nonprofit organizations, volunteer groups and individuals to provide students such as ours the possibility of working in the field, albeit for just a few hours each day. Our students prepped and served food, cleaned floors and tables at a refuge for homeless men and women and at a free dining room which daily distributes over two hundred dinners to the poor and homeless. They joined in activities at a day center for senior citizens and men and women with mental or developmental problems. They worked alongside the staff of a large summer camp and education project for disadvantaged children. They did manual work in a clothing warehouse which provides for the homeless and indigent, and spent a day on the assembly line at the South Jersey

Food Bank. This last task, perhaps the least glamorous, was nonetheless a very necessary one. Packing breakfast and lunch bags with drinks and sandwiches, cookies and fruits is a vital task when hundreds of children each day rely upon the generosity of those who donate, package and distribute food to the young and vulnerable across not just Camden but a number of impoverished Jersey towns and cities. Life on or below the poverty line is brutal. Millions of Americans feed themselves on $3 or less per day. On the fourth day of the service trip, we experienced, just briefly, what this means in practice. In groups of four or five (there were forty students and eight chaperones) we set off to a discount supermarket to buy food for breakfast, lunch and evening meal. $12 does not buy a great deal for one, let alone three meals! Our students worked with good humor and patience in sometimes difficult and trying circumstances, they responded with generous hearts to the command of Jesus, “Love one another as I have loved you.” Our individual contributions in works of charity may often seem quite small or insignificant but the Xavier service trip to Camden helped us all to remember the words of Jesus, “Whatsoever you did to the least of my brethren, you did it to me” and to understand what those words mean in the context of modern society.


By Lauren Stoto



Ten Xavier Students Take Service Trip to Impoverished Camden, NJ


Our faith

Parishes Honoring Fatima




By Ellen O’Shaughnessy


ive parishes in the Norwich diocese, All Saints Church in Somers, St. Edward’s Church in Stafford, St. Joseph’s Church and St. Bernard’s Church in Rockville, and St. Luke’s Church in Ellington, are joining together to honor the 100th anniversary of the Miracle at Fatima by creating a Living Rosary to be celebrated at St. Luke’s Church on Sunday, October 1st beginning at 9:30 AM, followed by a Mass at 10:30, and ending with a reception in the Church Hall at 11:30. The 240-ft rosary will be made of white and blue flowers and will be carried by parishioners from all

five churches, with each parishioner reciting one prayer from the Rosary as it moves from outside to inside the church. A committee made up of

people from all five parishes gathered at St. Luke’s Center on Wednesday, August 9th, to plan the event and coordinate activities which will also

be part of the celebration. St. Luke’s parishioner Alice Wysocki (2nd from left) is spearheading the event and has recruited a large number of helpers from all the parishes. She spent many hours researching and assembling the materials and people necessary to make this event a success. The parishes hope that people from all over the diocese will attend this spiritual homage to our Blessed Mother and the Rosary. For more information please email Natasha Watson at:

The 100th Anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima


By Brian Kranick

his year marks 100 years since the Fatima apparitions, and an opportunity to reflect deeply again upon their message. The Angel of Peace appeared three times to the shepherd children, Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco, beginning in the spring of 1916 in Fatima, Portugal. These visitations prepared

the way for the six apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima the following year. The message of Fatima may be lost sometimes in the mysterious and the spectacular: the apparitions; the “three secrets;” the “dancing of the sun.” Yet, the main entreaties from Heaven concerned our day-to-day earthly activities and how these will forge our eternal destiny. The central message

of Fatima was an urgent plea to stay on the narrow path to Heaven. The Angel first taught the children the great value of intercessory prayer. The only thing the Virgin Mary requested at all six appearances was for us to pray the Rosary, every day. She told them that our prayers can help save souls, “Pray, pray very much, and make sacrifices for sinners; for many souls go to hell, because there are none to sacrifice themselves and to pray for them.” The Virgin Mary also asked us to make reparation through the “First Five Saturdays” devotion. Our Lady promised Sister Lucia, “to assist at the hour of death with the graces necessary for salvation” those who will practice this devotion of Confession, Eucharist, recitation of the Rosary, and meditation upon its mysteries. The Church rightly honors the Mother of God, because

it was through her, and in consent of her freewill, let it be done to me, that the Savior was born into the world. (Lumen Gentium, VIII) This is what we proclaim in the words of the Rosary: the moment of the Incarnation of God. Now, on this 100th anniversary of Fatima, we are reminded again to contemplate its message and embrace its devotions. Although the Angel of Peace and Our Lady of Fatima appeared during the carnage of World War I, the divine messages are perhaps even more relevant today, in an age of nuclear weapons and an increasingly permissive society. As faithful disciples, we are called to be holy, and intercessors for each other. Fatima was a wake-up call. Our Lady of Fatima renews this call again, to stay on the narrow path to Heaven.


Statues of the children of Fatima are an inspiring reminder of the Miracle of Fatima for all who visit the Immaculate Conception Spiritual Renewal Center in Putnam. All are welcome to attend the Rosary Walk on October 13th at 5pm.

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Photo by Wayne Gignac

Queen of the Rosary of Fatima! Help us follow the example of Blessed Francisco and Blessed Jacinta, and all those who give themselves for the Gospel message. Thus, we will travel all the roads, we will be pilgrims on all paths, we will tear down all walls and overcome all boundaries, going to all peripheries, there revealing God’s justice and peace. We will be, in the joy of the Gospel, a church dressed in white, and thus, we will be like you, the image of the luminous pillar that lights the paths of the world, showing to all that God exists, that God is here, that God dwells in the midst of the poor yesterday, today and for all eternity. Hail, Mother of the Lord, Virgin Mary, Queen of the Rosary of Fatima! Blessed among all women, you are the image of the church dressed in light, you are the honor of our people, you are the triumph over the mark of evil. Prophecy of the Father’s merciful love, teacher of the son’s Good News, sign of the Holy Spirit’s burning fire, teach us, in this valley of joys and sorrows, the eternal truths that the Father revealed to the little ones. Show us the strength of your protective mantle. In your immaculate heart, be the refuge of sinners and the path that leads to God. United with my brothers and sisters in faith, hope and love, I give myself to you. United with my brothers and sisters, I consecrate myself to God, I will give glory to the Lord for ever and ever.


Pope Francis’ Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima


Our faith

HEALING SERVICE Father Richard McAlear Oblates of Mary Immaculate


Our Lady of Fatima Shrine, Holliston, MA Wednesday, September 20, 2017 Father McAlear’s Healing Ministry has been offering hope, love, healing, and peace to people around the world since 1976. Bus pick-up • 2pm. Norwich • 2:15pm. New London • 2:45pm. Mystic • 3:15pm. I-95 Westerly • Coffee Stop at McDonalds, Holliston, MA • Service 6:30-9:30pm. Contact Janet Przybysz at 860 536-6638


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