Four County Catholic August 2014

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Volume 26 Number 7

August 2014

Made Possible in part through your generous support of the Annual Catholic Appeal


Four County Catholic August 2014

God does not abandon us in or after death but keeps a place for us and gives us eternity.


Four County


- Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI describing heaven as quoted in Sister Elissa Rinere’s column on the Solemnity of the Assumption.

Serving the Counties of Middlesex, New London, Tolland, Windham & Fishers Island, NY

Established in 1989 and published each month except July.

Entrust your works to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.



Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Bishop of Norwich


Editorial Office

31 Perkins Avenue, Norwich, CT 06360-3613

- Proverbs 16:3, as referenced by Kathy Gaito in describing good stewardship.

Director of Communications/Executive Editor

Michael Strammiello, 860.887.3933

It is our fervent hope, Your Holiness, that you will favorably consider our invitation to visit us in the United States.


Managing Editor/Layout & Design/Webmaster

Trina Fulton, 860.886.1281

Theological Advisor - Most Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz, Archbishop of Louisville, President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, formally inviting Pope Francis to the Eighth World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia in September, 2015.

In my life I have been given a lot of things and the only way I can show everyone that I was deserving of those things is to pay it forward. I mean to do for others what people have done for me.


Every human is a ‘seeker’ of truth on his origins and destiny - Pope Francis speaking of the significance of religious freedom.


On the Cover Father Jonathan J. Ficara and Father Martin J. Noe ordained to the Priesthood, July 26, 2014 by the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Bishop of Norwich at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick, Norwich, CT. Photo by Donna Antonacci.

26 Num ber 7 August 2014

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Reverend Ted F. Tumicki, S.T.L., J.C.L., J.V.


Advertising Sales

Meredith Morrison, 860.887.3933


- Jimmy Kervens Jean Felix, an Outreach to Haiti scholar, expressing his appreciation for the kindness and support provided to him by the Ministry.


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Judy Pappagallo, 860.848.2237 x302


GateHouse Media New England

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Four County Catholic August 2014

The Most Reverend

Michael R. Cote, D.D.

Bishop of Norwich

A Fulfilling Life. A Courageous Life. My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: On Saturday morning, July 26, 2014, an overflowing and joyfilled Cathedral of St. Patrick in Norwich gave witness to the priestly ordination of two new servants of the Lord. Among family, friends and grateful parishioners from across the Diocese, Father Jonathan Joseph Ficara and Father Martin John Noe received the Sacrament of Holy Orders and were ordained to the Priesthood. As their Bishop, I had the privilege of serving as Celebrant on this happy occasion. Congratulations to our newest priests. Congratulations to their families. Congratulations to the nurturing faithful in the Diocese who prayed for these young men and who provided a fertile environment for their discernment – conditions described by the Holy Father, Pope Francis, as “the good soil of faithful people.” Much has been said in the media in recent years regarding diminishing numbers of priests. It is becoming clear of late that the

numbers are beginning to reverse hearts to serve others…to baptize, direction. A turning point has to forgive, to feed and assist the been the disillusionment so many poor and those most in need, visit young men are the sick and feeling toward imprisoned, Lord, we thank a too often seccounsel those you for our ular and selfin distress, celcentered ebrate the Eufaithful priests. culture. On charist, and May your light this subject, I lead others to shine through look to those God the Father overseeing our through Christ their lives and seminaries. in the Holy their good Reverend Mark Spirit. It is a works. May they life of joy and A. Latcovich, Rector of Saint grow in holiness, sacrifice. A fulMary Semifilling life. A knowledge and nary and Gradcourageous life understanding uate School of bringing the of your Truth. Theology in love and Cleveland, has strength of spoken of how young men today Christ to this critical moment in “want to give their life for some- history. thing that counts. These men are The Georgetown University’s tired of living in a culture of rela- Center for Applied Research tivism. They want to say there (CARA) indicates that more men must be something true, beautiful are now enrolled in graduate level and good. They have discovered seminaries than in nearly two the beauty of God.” decades. Providing further enThese young men are hearing couragement is that this is a 10% and responding to the call in their increase since 2005. Other

sources such as Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, Md. are reporting that they are experiencing the largest numbers they have had in years. All firmly encouraging. At the diocesan level, we are blessed to have ordained two new priests and have a group of eight seminarians currently at various levels of their theological studies working toward serving as priests right here in the diocese. When the Holy Father speaks of the “good soil of faithful people,” he is of course referring to the critical role of the entire diocesan family in helping identify, encourage and pray for young men to answer God’s call. We are grateful to everyone in our community of faith for helping to provide such a supportive environment for vocations. Father Gregory Galvin, Diocesan Director of Vocations, speaks with me regularly with great enthusiasm regarding the support our young men receive. This steadfast support is always evident to me when I join Father Galvin at Holy Hour for Voca-

tions visits at parishes across the diocese. I feel the power of our prayers and am deeply grateful that our collective appeal to the Good Lord for growing numbers of priests is being answered so encouragingly. Our young priests bring a dynamic energy to the mission and Ministry of Jesus Christ here in our home diocese. They bring the vitality of our faith to everyone they meet and serve. Theirs is to serve and not be served. We welcome Father Jonathan and Father Martin, and look promisingly toward a steady stream of candidates entering the priesthood and helping build up the house that is God’s Church. “Lord, we thank you for our faithful priests. May your light shine through their lives and their good works. May they grow in holiness, knowledge and understanding of your Truth.” Sincerely yours in Christ’s love, Bishop Michael R. Cote

Una Vida Plena, Una Vida Valiente. Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas: Una catedral de Saint Patrick en Norwich desbordante y llena de alegría dio testimonio de la ordenación sacerdotal de dos nuevos servidores del Señor, la mañana del sábado 26 de julio de 2014. Entre familiares, amigos y feligreses agradecidos de toda la Diócesis el Padre Jonathan Joseph Ficara y el Padre Martin John Noe recibieron el sacramento de las Ordenes Sagradas y fueron ordenados al sacerdocio. Como su obispo, tuve el privilegio de servir

como celebrante en esta feliz ocasión. Felicitaciones a nuestros nuevos sacerdotes. Felicitaciones a sus familias. Felicitaciones a los fieles de la Diócesis que oraron por estos jóvenes y que proporcionaron un ambiente fértil para su discernimiento-condiciones descritas por el Santo Padre, el Papa Francisco, como “la buena tierra del pueblo fiel.” En los últimos años se ha hablado mucho en los medios de comunicación con respecto a los

números de disminución de sacerdotes. Cada vez es más evidente en los últimos tiempos que los números están empezando a cambiar de dirección. Un punto crítico ha sido la desilusión que tantos jóvenes sienten hacia una cultura egocéntrica y a menudo demasiado secular. Sobre este tema, miro a los que supervisan nuestros seminarios el Padre Mark A. Latcovich, director del Seminario de Santa María y la Escuela Superior de Teología en Cleveland, ha hablado de como los

hombres jóvenes de hoy “quieren dar su vida por algo que cuenta. Estos hombres están cansados de vivir en una cultura de relativismo. Quieren decir que debe haber algo verdadero, hermoso y bueno. Ellos han descubierto la belleza de Dios.” Estos jóvenes están escuchando y respondiendo en su corazón al llamado de servir a los demás… para bautizar, perdonar, alimentar y ayudar a los pobres y a aquellos más necesitados, visitar a los enfermos y a los encarcelados, acon-

sejar a las personas en peligro, celebrar la Eucaristía, y a llevar a otros a Dios Padre por medio de Cristo en el Espíritu Santo. Es una vida de alegría y sacrificio. Una vida plena. Una vida valiente que trae el amor y la fuerza de Cristo a este momento crítico en la historia. El Centro para la Investigación Aplicada (CARA) de la Universidad de Georgetown indica que ahora más hombres están matricUna Vida Plena, Una Vida Valiente.

Continued on page 4


Four County Catholic August 2014

Una Vida Plena, Una Vida Valiente. ulados en los seminarios de posgrado que en casi dos décadas. Proporcionando un mayor estimulo es que este es un aumento del 10% desde 2005. Otras fuentes, como el Seminario Mount St. Mary en Emmitsburg, Md. están reportando que están experimentando números más grandes que han tenido en años. Todo firmemente alentador. A nivel diocesano, somos bendecidos al haber ordenado dos nuevos sacerdotes y de tener un grupo de ocho seminaristas actualmente en varios niveles de sus estudios teológicos para servir aquí en la diócesis como sacerdotes. Cuando el Santo Padre

Continued from page 3

habla de la “buena tierra del pueblo fiel”, por supuesto, él se refiere al rol indispensable de toda la familia diocesana que ayuda a identificar, animar y que ora por los jóvenes para responder al llamado de Dios. Estamos muy agradecidos a todos en nuestra comunidad de fe por ayudar a proporcionar un ambiente de apoyo para las vocaciones. El Padre Gregory Galvin, director diocesano de las vocaciones, regularmente habla conmigo con gran entusiasmo en relación al apoyo que reciben nuestros jóvenes. Este firme apoyo siempre es evidente para mí en las visitas a parroquias de la Diócesis cuando me uno al

Padre Galvin en la Hora Santa por las vocaciones. Siento el poder de nuestras oraciones y estoy profundamente agradecido de que nuestro llamado colectivo al Buen Señor esta respondiendo de manera alentadora con un creciente número de sacerdotes. Nuestros jóvenes sacerdotes traen una energía dinámica a la Misión y Ministerio de Jesucristo aquí en nuestra diócesis. Ellos llevan la vitalidad de nuestra fe a todas las personas que conocen y sirven. Para ellos es servir y no ser servidos. Damos la bienvenida al Padre Jonathan y al Padre Martin, y miramos con esperanza hacia un

Holy Hour for Vocations The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, leads the Holy Hour:

flujo constante de candidatos que entren al sacerdocio, y ayuden a construir la casa que es la iglesia de Dios. “Señor, te damos gracias por nuestros fieles sacerdotes... Que tu luz brille a través de sus vidas y de sus buenas obras. Que puedan

crecer en santidad, conocimiento y comprensión de tu verdad.” Atentamente en el amor de Cristo, Obispo Michael R. Cote Translated by Paulina Angulo

The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, has made the following clergy and diocesan appointments in the Diocese of Norwich:

Clergy Appointments July 25, 2014 • 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Cathedral of St. Patrick, Norwich August 21, 2014 • 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm All Saints, Somersville Sept. 18, 2014 • 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm St. Agnes, Niantic October 16, 2014 • 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm St. Francis of Assisi, Lebanon Reverend Brian Christopher Maxwell, Ordained to Priesthood on May 25, 2013, by the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick, Norwich

November 20, 2014 • 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm St. Thomas Aquinas, Storrs December 18, 2014 • 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Sacred Heart, Norwichtown

Reverend Jonathan Ficara, newly ordained to Parochial Vicar, Cathedral of Saint Patrick, Norwich. Effective: August 6, 2014.

(860) 887-9294

Frank Gilbert 1st Year Theology Pope Saint John XXIII National Seminary Weston, MA

Michael Bovino 1st Year Philosophy Mt. St. Mary Seminary Emmitsburg, MD

Reverend John Antonelle, from Pastor, Saint Thomas Aquinas Parish, Storrs, and Campus Minister at the University of Connecticut, to Pastor, Saint Mary, Coventry, while continuing as Pastor, Saint Thomas Aquinas Parish, Storrs, and Campus Minister at the University of Connecticut. Effective: July 31, 2014. Reverend Victor Chaker, from Pastor, Saint Mary Parish, Coventry, to Retirement. Effective: July 31, 2014.

Father Greg Galvin, Director of Priestly Vocations

Juan Aguirre Theology English Studies St. Mary Seminary Baltimore MD

Reverend Antony Alaharasan, from Pastor, Saint Thomas More Parish, North Stonington, to Retirement. Effective: July 17, 2014.

Deacon Ron Blank 1st Year Theology Pope Saint John XXIII National Seminary Weston, MA

Jeffrey Ellis 3rd Year Theology Mt. St. Mary Seminary Emmitsburg, MD

Peter Langevin 3rd Year Theology Mt. St. Mary Seminary Emmitsburg, MD

Thomas Griffin 3rd Year Theology Blessed John XXIII National Seminary Weston, MA

Reverend Martin Noe, newly ordained to Parochial Vicar, Saint Thomas More Parish, North Stonington, Saint Michael Parish, Pawcatuck, and Saint Mary Parish, Stonington. Effective: August 6, 2014. Very Reverend Dennis Perkins, from Pastor, Saint Michael Parish, Pawcatuck, and Saint Mary Parish, Stonington, and Vicar for Clergy, to Pastor, Saint Thomas More Parish, North Stonington, while continuing as Pastor, Saint Michael Parish, Pawcatuck, and Saint Mary Parish, Stonington, and Vicar for Clergy. Effective: July 17, 2014. ~ Monsignor Robert L. Brown, Chancellor ~


Four County Catholic August 2014

Director of Priestly Vocations

Reverend Gregory Galvin

Congratulations Father Ficara and Father Noe We have two new priests! Thank you to Father Jonathan Ficara and Father Martin Noe for your yes to The Lord! Thank you Your Excellency, Bishop Cote for calling both these men to Holy Orders and for Ordaining them priests of Jesus Christ on the morning of July 26, 2014. Thank you Monsignor Robert L. Brown, Chancellor, Diocese of Norwich, for your extraordinary work as Master of Ceremonies, and the secretaries at the chancery for assisting in much of the preparation work, and the diocesan maintenance men who assisted in setting up the Cathedral for what was a tremendously joy filled, inspiring, and very moving two-hour Ordination Mass. Thanks also goes to Mr. Doug Green and the Cathedral choir! Their dedication to sacred music assists so greatly in lifting up the minds and hearts of all who participate in the sacred liturgies celebrated throughout the year. Also, thank you to the Knights of Columbus honor guard who add always great solemnity. It was such a magnificently inspiring religious experience as many people mentioned to me after the ordination of these two fine men. It also was the answer to many prayers from all of you around the diocese who have attended monthly holy hours during these past four years, those who have been praying for our seminarians at each of the perpetual adoration chapels around the diocese, those who have daily, weekly and monthly been offering special prayers as members of the diocesan vocation prayer team. I admit that the excitement and inspiring liturgy of the Sacrament of Holy Orders, always brings me back to my own priestly ordination. Watching up close, because of my role as assistant mc, my emotions grabbed me a couple of

times during this special day. Especially as I witnessed both Father Ficara and Father Martin give their first priestly blessing to Bishop Cote and then to their immediate families. It was not until later in the day that I realized on a personal level how draining the excitement of witnessing their priestly ordinations was, having also walked with both men these past six years as their vocation director. What a joy, what a blessing for the diocese and for the Church. Please God continue to grant the grace of perseverance to each of our seminarians who are still are on the road walking with You as they answer Your call. Please God continue to answer our prayers of sending laborers to your vineyard called the Diocese of Norwich, and many religious consecrated vocations as well. VOCATION NOTES: As mentioned in the June Vocation’s Corner, this section of the column is to assist in keeping you up to date on goings on with the seminarians. More Great News Here! We are thrilled to announce that His Excellency Bishop Cote has accepted two more men, both from our own diocese, to study for the priesthood! First is Deacon Ron Blank who has been serving as a permanent deacon in the diocese for just over ten years at Notre Dame Parish in Durham Connecticut and recently also at Saint Colman Parish in Middlefield. Deacon Ron will be attending Saint John XXIII National Seminary beginning later this

month in Weston Massachusetts. Second is Michael Bovino who is from St. Michael Parish in Pawcatuck Connecticut. Michael graduated from UCONN two years ago and just finished two years of service as a Fellowship of Catholic University Missionary this past May. Michael will be attending Mount Saint Mary seminary also beginning later this month in Emmittsburg Maryland. We also have exciting news regarding Juan Aguirre, our student from Medellin Colombia, who has been studying English the last two years at Clark University in Worcester, MA. Juan will be attending Saint Mary Seminary in Baltimore, Maryland starting later in August. Because of his already extensive theological studies we are waiting to find out for sure which year of theology Juan will be placed in. Please keep seminarian Tom Griffin in your prayers as he is continuing a speedy recovery from surgery earlier in June. He is on track to return to studies also later this month if all continues well and will be joined by both Frank Gilbert and Deacon Ron at Saint John XXIII National Seminary. Regarding our request for prayers, we also ask you to keep Kurt O’Brien in your prayers as he finishes his fourth year of college and has decided to pull back for a personal year of discernment while doing so. Finally, we welcome home from six weeks in Guatemala both Jeff Ellis and Peter Langevin who were

Pope Francis @Pontifex • July 17 The Church, by her nature, is missionary. She exists so that every man and woman may encounter Jesus.

taking part in a Spanish immersion program. Please watch in upcoming issues for their reflections on those six weeks, both in English and Spanish! As we now anticipate the beginning of another academic/formation year for our seminarians and

continue to glow in the joy of the gift of two newly ordained priests, please continue to stay alert for those in your own daily life who you may recognize as having special priestly qualities. You might be asked by God to direct them towards recognizing His Call!


Four County Catholic August 2014

Saturday, August 9 Discovering Your Inner Silence Spend the day in nature’s garden by the sea practicing simple techniques that will help you find your inner stillness. From 10:00a.m. -3:00p.m. at the Mercy center at Madison. $45.00 class fee. For more information please log onto: Monday, August 11 Mass of Healing 1:00 p.m. - Spiritual Renewal Center, Father Ray, Celebrant, Judith HughesHealing Prayers. For more information please call Spiritual Renewal at (860) 887-0702. Sunday, August 17 94th Annual Feast of the Assumption The Maria Assunta Society of St. Michaels Church, Pawcatuck invites all to join in their celebration. Rosary and procession on Friday, August 15 at 7:00p.m. Refreshments will be served following the procession. On Sunday, Mass will be celebrated by The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich, at 10:30 a.m. at St. Mary’s Church, 95 Main Street, Stonington. Following the Mass, a traditional procession with the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be carried through the streets starting at 12:15 p.m. at St. Michaels Church in Pawcatuck. Monday, August 18 Franciscan Golf Classic A day of fantastic golf and good food at The 19th Annual Franciscan Golf Classic to benefit the Franciscan Life Center and Franciscan Home Care and Hospice Care, Tunxis Plantation Golf Club, Farmington, CT. The $175.00 cost to play includes lunch, dinner and the opportunity to win great Hole-in-One Prizes: 2015 Hyundai Sonata, Masters Trip, Scot-

land Golf Vacation, Pebble Beach Resort Golf Trip. Registration is at 10:00 a.m. followed by shotgun start at 11:00 a.m. Visit or call 203-237-8084 for more information. August 26- September 3 8 Day Silent Retreat Jesuit Retreat House, Gloucester, Mass. For more information please call Spiritual Renewal at (860) 887-0702. Saturday-Sunday, September 6-7 The National Combined Collection Retirement fund for Religious, Catholic University, Catholic Communication Campaign and Peter’s Peace. Sunday, September 7 Practicing Peace Presented by Jerry Silbert. In our world where anger, hatred and war lead to so much suffering, it is ever more important to find ways of cultivating and promoting peace in ourselves, our families, our nation, and the world. This program will present practical tools for practicing peace--ways that we can increase our mindfulness, our kindness and our compassion. This program is free. From 1:00p.m.-5:00p.m. at the Mercy Center at Madison. For more information please log onto: Tuesday, September 9 Annual Diocesan Mass of Remembrance A Mass in memory of preborn children who have died from stillbirths, miscarriages or abortions will be held at the Cathedral of St. Patrick, at 6:00p.m. Bishop Michael R. Cote will be the main celebrant for the Mass. Refreshments follow the Mass. Sponsored by the Family Life Office and ProLife Office. For information call (860)-889-8346 ext. 283.

Thursday, September 11 ~ Saturday, September 13 St. Joseph Church

Fall Festival From 9:00am-4:00pm, with the Yard Sale and Kidz Kloset only. On Friday, September 12, 9:00 am to 8:00 pm and Saturday, September 13, 9:00 am to 7:00 pm in addition to the Yard Sale and Kidz Kloset there will be Food, Needlework, Baked Goods, General Store, Treasure Chest, Silent Auction, Books, CD’s, DVD’s, and much more. Our Famous Fish N Chips is Friday, September 12, from 4:00p.m. to 8:00 p.m.; Major Raffle Drawing begins at 7:00 pm on Saturday. St. Joseph’s Church, 11 Baltic Road, Versailles. For more information please call (860)-822-8020.

Saturday, September 13 One-Day Pilgrimage of the Sick The Order of Malta of the Hartford/Norwich chapters would like to invite you to a one-day pilgrimage of the sick, a no cost event. The pilgrimage will be held at the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, MA. This holy day will feature Reconciliation, music and song, Mass

with Anointing of the Sick, lunch, talks to the sick or Malades, talks to caregivers and Benediction. There will be ample medical personnel in attendance. The Malades must be ambulatory enough to be at the proper place of departure .Handicap accessible buses will leave from Northwest Catholic High School, 29 Wampanoag Dr., West Hartford, CT at 8:00 a.m. Buses will return to the school at approximately 5:30p.m. Please contact Mark Sullivan at sllvnchrth@ or at (860)523-1405.

looks at God revealing, “who is God?” and the second semester focuses on God revealed in Jesus and, “who is Christ?” Classes meet on Monday evenings, 6-8 pm, at Mercy Center from September to April, with a day of prayer and integration on a Saturday at the end of each semester. For more information visit our website, or contact Joan Linley, Director, McAuley Institute at Mercy Center. or 203.245.0401, ext. 120.

Sunday, September 14 RCIA To Begin at St. Andrew, Colchester If you, a family member or friends are considering becoming Catholic or learning more about the Catholic faith, Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) will begin on Sunday, September 14, 2014 at St. Andrew Church, 128 Norwich Ave, Colchester, CT. Classes are held after 9:30 am Mass. All are welcome to learn more and journey deeper into the Catholic Faith. For more information or questions, please contact John or Nicole Peck at 860-537-6981 or at for more information.

Wednesday, September 17

Sunday, September 14 Italy-Pilgrimage Gathering At 2:00 p.m. Spiritual Renewal Center, 11 Bath St., Norwich. For all preparing for the October 29-Nov. 8 journey. For more information please call Spiritual Renewal at (860) 887-0702. Starts Monday, September 15 School of Spirituality A two-year spiritual formation program for adults who seek to deepen their understanding and experience of scripture, prayer, mission and the spiritual maturation process. The program beginning this fall is devoted to the study of scripture. The fall semester

24th Annual

Blue Mass Homilist

Sunday, September 21 • 10:15 am

Very Reverend David P. Choquette

Cathedral of Saint Patrick • 213 Broadway, Norwich

Police Chaplain & Pastor Most Holy Trinity Church, Pomfret & St. Mary Church, Putnam

All law enforcement officers (federal, state and municipal, active and retired) and their families are invited. All parishioners are cordially invited to attend this Mass.

Catholic Charities 9th Annual Golf Tournament At Fox Hopyard Golf Club in East Haddam. Registration is from 10:30a.m.-11:30a.m. followed by lunch and a shotgun start at 1:00p.m. For more information please call Catholic Charities at (860)-889-8346.

Thursday, September 18 East Hampton Prayer Group Mass At 7:30 p.m. St. Patrick Center, Maple St., E. Hampton. For more information please call Spiritual Renewal at (860) 887-0702. Friday-Sunday September 19-21 Retrouvaille Weekend A lifeline for your troubled marriage with serious marriage building and repair, and tools to heal, communicate


Four County Catholic August 2014

and work on issues. For information or to sign up for the next weekend on September 19-21, in Hartford area call (413)-525-1634. Sunday, September 21 Diocese of Norwich Office for Safe Environments Called to Protect Workshop Saint Mary Church, from 1:00p.m.3:00p.m. To pre-register call (860)742-1092.


Saturday, Aug. 23 • 2 pm

Saturday, September 27 Unbound Prayer Ministry (Freedom) From 9:00 am – 3:00 p.m. at the Spiritual Renewal Center, Norwich. By appointment ONLY Please call (860)887-0702.

Sunday, September 28

6th Annual Youth Explosion Calling youth in grades 7 – 12 to the biggest Catholic youth conference in eastern CT. Part concert, part youth retreat, all Jesus. 12:30 pm – 7:00 pm includes 5:30 Mass with Bishop Cote. $20 fee includes pizza supper, $15 if register by 9/19. Call (860) 848-2237 ext 311 Office of Faith Events. call 860-739-4607 or email them at

Christ, Image of the Invisible God, and His Beauty An exploration of Christ’s beauty in the gospels, with a spiritual and theological analysis of manuscript illumination

by Alphonso Lopez Pinto, S.T.D. Associate Professor of Theology Holy Apostles College and Seminary

“Teacher, which Commandment of the Law is the greatest?” Jesus said to him, (your name) “you shall Love the Lord your God, with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. The WHOLE LAW and the PROPHETS...

“...depend on these TWO COMMANDMENTS!” Matthew 22:36-40

Mass of Healing-Mondays, Aug. 11, Sept 8 & 22nd, 2014 1:00 pm - Spiritual Renewal Center, Norwich Fr. Ray, Celebrant, Judith Hughes-Healing Prayers 8 Day Silent Retreat – Aug. 26-Sept. 3, 2014 Jesuit Retreat House, Gloucester, Mass Italy-Pilgrimage Gathering Sunday, Sept. 14, 2014 @ 2:00 pm Spiritual Renewal Center, 11 Bath St., Norwich, CT For all preparing for the Oct. 29-Nov. 8 journey East Hampton Prayer Group Mass Thursday, Sept. 18, 2014 @ 7:30 pm St. Patrick Center, Maple St., E. Hampton Unbound Prayer Ministry (Freedom) Saturday, Sept. 27, 2014 @ 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Spiritual Renewal Center, Norwich, CT By appointment ONLY Please call (860)887-0702 Philip’s Retreat Leaders Meeting Monday, Sept. 29, 2014 @ 6:30 pm Spiritual Renewal Center

1 State Street, New Haven • Free Admission & Parking 203-865-0400 •

Philips Retreat (Head to Heart Experience) (An opportunity of a lifetime) Saturday, Oct. 4, 8:30am-4:00pm & Sun. Oct 5, 8:30am-1:30pm Must register - (860)887-0702 (limited capacity) Fr. Ray, Judith and Team One Day Life in the Spirit Seminar Sat. Oct. 18, 8:45 am coffee – 4:00 pm Spiritual Renewal Center (860)887-0702 Please call to register (limited capacity) Mass of Healing and Hope Saint Thomas Seminary – Chapel-Bloomfield, CT Tues., Oct 21, 2014 – Rosary @ 7:00 pm – Mass @ 7:30 pm Fr. Ray - Celebrant – Judith Hughes – Healing Prayer “Everyone’s welcomed to these programs!

19th Annual

Diocesan Mass for Those Dedicated to Education Public, parochial and private educators, active and retired, and all support staff of all faiths are invited to attend.

Sunday, September 7 • 8:45 am Cathedral of Saint Patrick • 213 Broadway, Norwich

spiritual renewal services Diocese of Norwich

Dial-A-Prayer (860) 887-7767

P.O. Box 6 • 11 Bath Street Norwich, CT 06360 • (860) 887-0702 email:


Four County Catholic August 2014

Diocese Celebrates Joyful Ordination of Two Priests Norwich - Saturday, July 26, 2014 at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick in Norwich, Father By Michael Strammiello Executive Editor, Four County Catholic

Jonathan Joseph Ficara and Father Martin John Noe were ordained to the Priesthood by the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, among family, friends, priests, deacons, seminarians and Knights of Columbus Honor Guard. It was a joyous occasion. The front entrance to the Cathedral was appropriately decorated with a row of gold and white flags. Gold and white are the papal colors, signifying on this day that the welcoming of two new priests was an occasion for the entire Church to rejoice. The large arching Cathedral front doors were open inviting all to enter, while filling the church grounds with the exuberant sound of the Cathedral pipe organ – all before the ceremony even began. The entire Union Park neighborhood was alive with the sights, sounds and presence of a steady flow of parishioners and visitors making their way into

church. Once inside, the sparkling restoration created an especially welcoming environment for a day of this magnitude and grace. It all began on schedule as the two ordinands moved in procession with the priests, deacons and Bishop Cote down the center aisle toward the place and moment their calling would be fulfilled. Above in the choir loft, the choir sang “For

we can only wonder at every gift You send, at every blessing without number…” A message reinforced by Bishop Cote as he “Thanked God for the gift of their vocation.” Early and often, the congregation was energetic in their singing along with Cantor, Carol Mailhot and very expressive with vigorous applause and voices raised to acknowledge their support of the two ordinands. The

spontaneous applause at several points in the ceremony were the loudest and most sustained I have ever heard in church. An unmistakable sense of a supportive “village” was present with regard to so many who encouraged and prayed for these two men all along their path to the priesthood. For much of the early part of the ceremonies, candidates Jonathan Ficara and Martin Noe sat on chairs, dressed in white albs, facing the Bishop. Their vestments hung for all to see on a coat tree nearby in the sanctuary soon to be theirs once conferred with the Sacrament of Holy Orders. They would then, as the Bishop described, “assume Christ’s sacred ministry.” One of the most stirring liturgical moments in the ceremony is when the elect prostrate themselves, as all present plead for God’s grace for the candidates. Among the named saints in the litany of supplication were Saint Jonathan Vilma and Saint Martin. Immediately following this tradition of humility and commitment came the laying on of hands. It is through the laying on of hands first by the Bishop and followed

by the Vi c a r General, Chancellor and all concelebrating priests that the gift of the Holy Spirit for the priestly office is conferred on the candidates. Another wonderfully poignant tradition is the Bishop giving each newly conferred priest a congratulatory hug, inviting each priest present to then individually offer Father Jonathan and Father Martin a hug welcoming them to the priesthood. While this was happening, guest musician Derek Joly standing in the choir loft, filled the church with the heavenly sound of his soprano saxophone. It was exceptional. Several members of the choir said they were brought to tears by how beautifully he played. It was just perfect accompaniment for such a beautiful ceremony. Congratulations to Music Director Douglas Green. As ordained priests, Father Jonathan and Father Martin had the opportunity to distribute communion to immediate family and friends and to impart their first blessings on Bishop Cote and family. As the day’s ceremony concluded, Bishop Cote prayed “that the diocese’s two newest shepherds may continue to grow in faith.” At that moment, thunderous applause and cheering overtook the congregation. Congratulations Father Jon and Father Martin.


Four County Catholic August 2014

The Solemnity of the Assumption On Friday, August 15, the universal Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Assumption By Sister Elissa Rinere, CP, JCD Office of Worship

of the Blessed Virgin Mary into heaven. This feast has a long history in the Church, going all the way back to third century Egypt where it was known initially as the “Dormition” or the “Falling Asleep” of Mary. However, there was always very strongly held belief that Mary did not “fall asleep” in death, but was preserved from death and corruption as a consequence of her sinlessness. Since what is said of Mary in Scripture mentions neither a “falling asleep” nor being preserved from bodily corruption, these beliefs have been carried through the centuries solely by the tradition of the Church. The Assumption of Mary was declared a dogma of the Church by Pope Pius XII on November 1, 1950. Many authors see a direct connection between the declaration of this dogma and the dogma declared on December 8, 1854 by Pope Pius IX on The Immaculate Conception of Mary. These authors point out that, if as the tradition of the Church has always maintained, Mary was sinless from the moment of her conception (The Immaculate Conception), the definition of the Assumption completes the theological picture of Mary by defining the natural consequence of this sinlessness, which is her preservation from death. To bring consideration of this great feast to our own day, we can look at a homily preached by Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI on August 15, 2010. He stated at that time: “We believe that Mary, like Christ her son, overcame death and is already triumphant in heavenly glory in the totality of her being, in body and soul.” Pope Benedict went on to say that Mary was so deeply integrated into the mystery of Christ and his mission, that at the end of her life she participated fully in his

resurrection. Pope Benedict then explained a bit about what was meant by Mary being taken “into heaven.” First, he clarified that the term “heaven” does not refer to a place.

Rather, he explained “All of us today are well aware that by this term ‘heaven’ we are not referring to somewhere in the universe, to a star or such like.” He then went on to say that heaven is a much greater concept: “With this term ‘heaven’ we wish to say that God, the God who made himself close to us, does not abandon us in or after death but keeps a place for us and gives us eternity. We mean that in God there is room for us.” Pope Benedict explained this statement a bit more by reminding his hearers that we all exist because God called us into being, and we

continue to exist within God’s great love and care, which never ceases, even in death. “Our serenity, our hope and our peace are based precisely on this: in God, in his thoughts and in his love, we are preserved and ushered into eternity with the whole of our being in him, in his Creator love. It is his love that triumphs over death and gives us eternity, and it is this love that we call ‘Heaven.’” In this homily, Emeritus Pope Benedict taught that this great feast is certainly about Mary’s holiness and the favor shown to her by God. But he also taught that the feast holds a message about our lives, about the love God shows to each of us, and the promise given to each of us about eternal life. Dear Friends, let us not limit ourselves to admiring Mary in her destiny of glory, as a person very remote from us. No! We are called to look at all that the Lord, in his love, wants to do for us too, for our final destiny; to live through faith in a perfect communion of love with Him and hence to truly live (all quotes taken from Homily, Sunday August 15, 2010. St Thomas of Villanova Parish, Castel Gandolfo).

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Saint Mary, Portland Welcomes Father Boudreau The Reverend Paul Boudreau was installed as Pastor of the Church of Saint Submitted by John McNickle Past Grand Knight, Council 007, Knights of Columbus

Mary Portland on Sunday May 18 during ceremonies at the 10:30 Mass. Norwich Diocese Bishop Michael R. Cote first assigned Father Paul as Administrator of the Portland Parish in September after the retirement of Father John Ashe, who served 22 years as Shepherd to the local parish. Bishop Cote appointed Father Paul as Pastor in April 2014 and the Very Reverend Michael Phillippino, Vicar Forane of the Middletown Deanery, was the Bishop’s installing delegate at the Sunday Mass. Father John provided the introduction to the solemn ceremony. Father Paul, a published author was ordained in 1983 after a successful career as a professional

motocross racer and magazine editor. In his homily, Father Paul said “I am thankful to God for leading me to this community, to our bishop for this appointment, and to the people of Saint Mary Church for their warm and friendly welcome. Please pray for me that I be a good pastor.” Father Paul was previously Pastor of St. Mary Church in Coventry, Connecticut, and Christ the King Church in Old Lyme. It was very obvious by the enthusiasm the parishioners demonstrated that Father Paul is more than welcome by his flock. The music ministry under the direction of Jean Samolik, including the violin of Santo Fragilio, provided the perfect atmosphere to the happy celebration. The Knights of Columbus 4th degree color guard was present as were the parish staff and the members of the various advisory councils.


Four County Catholic August 2014

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Entrust Your Works to the Lord, and Your Plans Will Succeed Proverbs 16:3

“No one can receive anything except what has been given him from heaven.” – John 3:27 By Kathy Gaito Stewardship Coordinator, Diocese of Norwich

We have all heard people say, ‘Count your blessing’. This expression means to stop and consider all of the good things you have been given in life. Although we may not always realize it, God has bestowed upon each of us many gifts. These

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gifts should be utilized to their fullest! They are meant to be shared. Imagine life if we kept our blessings to ourselves. Would time (in some respects) virtually stand still? Would our world cease to evolve? Would there be more suffering? Would our Catholic faith be nonexistent? Unfortunately, the answer to these questions would be yes. Through the grace of God we have the knowledge to be good stewards and share the gifts He has bestowed upon us. Look around you. Every day there are good stewards, who God has placed on earth creating a positive impact on our communities. By being good stewards and donating our time, talent and treasures we can continue to improve the lives of our fellow human beings and keep our parishes and Catholic faith strong. By donating your time, talent and treasure, both you and the recipient

Camp Director ~ ~ Mother of Hope Camp in Chepachet, RI seeks an enthusiastic Camp Director who enjoys working with children and youth in the great outdoors. This vibrant summer day camp welcomes children of all backgrounds and religions who enjoy learning new skills, making new friends, and appreciate all that summer has to offer. Mother of Hope Camp also has a number of programs throughout the year including; Challenge/Ropes Course, Retreats, Service Opportunities, Field Days, and more. The camp includes a private beach and bath house, athletic field, basketball court, numerous hiking trails, picnic area, arts and crafts center, assembly pavilions, playground, challenge course, First Aid Shack, and a beautiful camp chapel. This person will also work with Diocesan Youth Programs during the off-season. The well qualified candidate must possess organizational skills and have a broad understanding of Youth Ministry, embrace Catholic Values and be a creative and innovative Camp Director. This person will hire, train, schedule and supervise all camp personnel, implement all programming, manage the camp property and finances. The ideal candidate will be a Catholic in good standing with the Diocese, possess an undergraduate degree or equivalent, certification or formal training in Youth Ministry and have a minimum of 3 year’s experience in parish, school or Diocesan Youth Ministry. To apply, please send your resume to: Louise Dussault, Director of Youth Ministry 1 Cathedral Square, Providence, RI, 02903 or email to

benefit. While the benefit that the recipient receives may be more visible, the unseen joy you will feel

holds its own rewards. “Entrust your works to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.” – Proverbs 16:3 There’s no magical formula that works for everyone to become a good steward. Every person’s gifts are different. What’s important is that you find the best way to donate your time, talent and treasures, making sure you are utilizing God’s gifts to the fullest. You will find that your Faith and your relationship with the Lord and your parish will strengthen. Talk to your priest and others in your parish about how to become more involved. Donate your time by

offering to pray for a confirmation candidate, share your talent by helping with a church function, or donate your treasures to your parish’s weekly collection or to the Bishop’s Annual Catholic Appeal. You will find that becoming more i n vo l ve d w i t h your parish community will be rewarding in the friendships that you build, the improvements that you see and the unseen joy you will feel inside your soul. Thanks to the good stewards that God has placed on earth, we don’t have to imagine a life in which blessings aren’t shared. We know we can ‘count on your blessings’ to help bring a better life to your parish community. This is the first of our new Faithful Stewardship articles. The Office of Development in the Diocese of Norwich will be producing this column for each issue of the Four County Catholic.


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Four County Catholic August 2014

Sixty-First Annual Blessing of the Fleet July 27, 2014, marked the Sixty-First Annual Blessing of the Fleet in Stonington BorBy Wendy Beauchene

ough. This time-honored tradition remembers the fishermen who have been lost at sea and seeks blessings for the fishermen’s protection and success in the coming year. This year’s event was once again officiated by the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich. A light but steady shower enveloped the ceremonial parade led by Grand Marshall Tim

Medeiros, with the Saint Michael School marching band (wisely cloaked in ponchos), New England Science & Sailing, and a statue of St. Peter, Patron Saint of Fisherman. The parade route was flanked on both sides by a sea of colorful umbrellas. The procession made its way to the water’s edge as the intensity of the rain steadily increased. The ceremony was abbreviated as a result of worsening conditions, but still included the Mystic Highland Pipe Band’s rendition of Amazing Grace. The Bishop navigated his way

along the docks, blessing each boat as he passed. Conditions improved as he made his way up and down the quays and then boarded the Neptune and headed out into open waters for the final blessing. An anchorshaped floral wreath was tossed overboard, breaking upon impact with the waters below. Onlookers observed in quiet reverence as pieces began drifting away with the tide. As the boats began their return to the docks, the sun finally broke through the clouds, blessing as it were this special occasion.

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Praying the Rosary Recently, Council 14209 of The Knights of Columbus, St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, Mansfield Connecticut, presented Mr. John W. Bartok with a plaque as a Special Recognition Award, at the 10:15am Sunday Mass. The award read: For Outstanding Contributions to the Parishioners of St. Thomas Aquinas of 1,000 Personally Crafted Rosaries to Encourage and Facilitate “Praying the Rosary”. About five years ago the Knights and John joined efforts to encourage Catholic Students at the University of Connecticut and Parishioners to “Pray the Rosary”. The Knights built two wooden Rosary stands, one for the Chapel and the other for the Student Center. John agreed to provide Rosaries that he fabricates in his spare time. This spring he completed his thousandth Rosary for the Parish. Rosaries are provided without cost to the students and Parishioners. The Knights also provide two pamphlets published by the Knights of Columbus, entitled, “A Guide to Confession” and “A Guide to Praying the Rosary”. The Council also provides free copies of pocket copies of “The Constitution of the United States”. John has been fabricating Rosaries for decades. He sends Rosaries to Missions throughout the world. John spends about ½ hour to fabricate each Rosary. He indicated the endeavor is very peaceful and fulfilling, knowing that he is helping to increase “Praying the Rosary”. After Mass the Knights served cake and the famous UCONN ice cream to the Parishioners to celebrate the occasion. Meanwhile, John displayed some of the Rosaries and the materials he uses to fabricate them. He explained in detail how the Rosaries are fabricated. He then encouraged Parishioners and students to consider fabricating Rosaries as a hobby. Pastor/Chaplain of the Council, Fr. John Antonelle is shown with award recipient John Bartok. Displayed on the table are some of John’s multi colored hand crafted Rosaries, and the materials with which he makes them.


Four County Catholic August 2014

Working Together To Do the Right Thing Immigration reform and immigration assistance continues to be a priority concern of the Church, By The FCC News Desk

the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and the Hispanic Ministry here in the Diocese of Norwich. Continuous efforts are underway to build awareness of the Catholic position on this matter with State legislators, national representatives and the public at large. Recently, Sister Mary Jude, Director of the diocesan Hispanic Ministry, participated in a meeting with 2nd District Congressman Joe Courtney to discuss the urgency of enacting comprehensive immigration reform. Leaders of about a dozen groups across the state have been working together in an ad hoc committee, initiated by the Office of Social Justice of the Archdiocese of Hartford. Among the groups involved

is Alcanzando el Mismo Sueno/Embracing the Same Dream - a group initiated by the Diocese of Norwich Hispanic Ministry. Also part of the pro-immigration reform group of groups is Justice First from Meriden and a number of immigrants who have a life’s story to tell, among them Juan Salas and young Eduardo Perea. The meeting with Joe Courtney was an excellent opportunity to reinforce that many people’s lives are in the balance. This is a time for all representatives to step up and do the right thing to preserve family unity, provide a path to citizenship and structure safe and humane immigration enforcement practices. More meetings with all five representatives are being scheduled. For more information and to help the cause, please visit

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Spiritual Director: Fr. Tom Hoar, SSE Immerse Yourself in Culture, Spirituality and Beauty Spend 2 nights in Prague, then enjoy a fascinating 7-night cruise from Vilshofen to Budapest. Join Father Tom as he leads us in prayer and re lection along the way. There will be opportunity for Daily Mass. Please call our Mission Advancement Of­ ice for more details and trip cost:



Four County Catholic August 2014

From left: Dr. Jeremiah Lowney, Mrs. Virgina Lowney, Bishop Cote, Ms. Marianne Cote and Reverend Gregory Galvin. Photo by Donna Antonacci.

Fifth Annual Seton Scholarship Dinner to Benefit Catholic Schools The Most Revered Michael R. Cote,D.D., Bishop of Norwich announced on April 4, 2014, that the By Mary Ellen Mahoney Development Manager; Major Gifts

recipients of the 2014 Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Award for Contributions to Catholic Education in the Diocese will be honored at the Seton Scholarship Dinner, to be held on Sunday, October 26, at 4:00 p.m., at the Mystic Marriott in Groton. This year’s honorees include Father Gregory Galvin, Director of Priestly Vocations for the Diocese of Norwich, Ms. Marianne Cote, principal of St. Joseph School in New London, and Dr. Jeremiah Lowney, DDS, MS, MPH and his wife, Mrs. Virginia Lowney, RN, active community leaders and volunteers. These individuals were chosen to be honored based on their devotion and support of Catholic education. The Seton Scholarship Dinner also serves to celebrate our fine Catholic schools. Proceeds of the event will benefit Diocesan schools by providing tuition assistance to families in need. All of this year’s honorees have been active members of the faith. Father Gregory Galvin, a resident of Storrs, has taken on many roles in the Diocese. In addition to serving as Director of Priestly Vocations, he also is the Spiritual Administrator at Saint Bridget of Kildare Parish in Moodus and is the resident administrator of FOCUS – The Fellowship of Catholic University

Students, serving UCONN students at St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel in Storrs. Father Galvin has spent the past 20 years in our Diocese promoting the education of our youth. He is a former Chaplain and teacher at Xavier High School in Middletown, and still regularly participates in programs and educational outreach endeavors at Xavier and Mercy High School, as well as at Diocesan elementary schools. Ms. Marianne Cote, a Willimantic resident, has been the principal of St. Joseph School in New London for the past 17 years. Prior to becoming principal, Ms. Cote worked as a teacher and assistant principal at St. Joseph School for 10 years. She also taught at St. MarySt. Joseph School in Willimantic for 16 years. She has dedicated her life to education and has served on the Education and Faith Committee for the Diocesan Synod as well as the Diocesan School Board. Dr. Jeremiah Lowney, DDS, MS, MPH and his wife, Virginia Lowney, RN, reside in Norwich where they have both been great supporters of Catholic education. Dr. Lowney earned the honor of a Knight of St. Gregory, bestowed by Pope John Paul II. He is a former chairman of the Board of Governors for Higher Education and also a Knight of Malta. In addition to his many awards and accolades, Dr. Lowney was recognized by the American Dental Association as Humanitarian of the Year and was given the Connecticut Jefferson

Award. Dr. Lowney is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Norwich. Mrs. Virginia Lowney has also been cited for her humanitarian efforts and is a Dame of Malta. In 1982, Dr. and Mrs. Lowney established the Haitian Health Foundation, an outreach to southwestern Haiti that provides full health care and disease prevention programs in Jeremie, Haiti to over 230,000 of the hemisphere’s poorest citizens. Virginia Lowney has been the manager of HHF’s Save a Family program since 1990. The Seton Scholarship Dinner Planning Committee is beginning its work to ensure that the evening is a special tribute to all of the honorees and looks forward to Diocesan-wide attendance. This year marks the fifth year of the Seton Scholarship Dinner. During this time, the Dinner has raised and distributed over $135,000.00 to students in need of tuition assistance. The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, will serve as host of this year’s Seton Scholarship Dinner. Those who wish to attend the Seton Scholarship Dinner can contact Mary Ellen Mahoney, Development Coordinator for Diocesan Schools at 860886-1928 ext. 14, or e-mail Additional opportunities to support the event are available in the form of sponsorships, program advertising, and silent auction donations.

5th Annual

SETON SCHOLARSHIP DINNER Honoring the recipients of the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Award for Contributions to Catholic Education in the Diocese of Norwich:


SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2014 AT 4:00 PM THE MYSTIC MARRIOTT HOTEL 625 NORTH ROAD GROTON, CT $150 PER PERSON All proceeds to benefit tuition assistance for Catholic Schools.

The following sponsorships are available: $5,000 SETON SPONSOR Premium reserved table for 10, full-page program ad $2,500 AQUINAS SPONSOR Reserved table for 10, half-page program ad $1,500 NEWMAN SPONSOR Seating for 4, quarter-page ad Individual program ads are also available.

For more information, please contact Kathy Gaito at 860-886-1928 or WWW.NORWICHDSO.ORG


Four County Catholic August 2014

Host Family Wanted We are seeking residents around town of Uncasville willing to host international students from China to attend Saint Bernard school. The students are aged somewhere between 14 to 17 and will be enrolled into 9th to 12th grade. We are looking for host families that meet the following qualifications: • A clean, safe, and friendly home environment • A separate room or a bed in a room shared with a child of the same gender and approximate age • Opportunities to practice English and participate in family activities

Connecticut State Supreme Court Ruling Upholds Finding in Favor of Saint Bernard School The Connecticut State Supreme Court upheld the 2012 jury’s finding that it was Bank of America not Saint Bernard School who was negligent with regard to a fraudulent ac-

count set up back in 2002. The award stipulated by the jury was in consideration of the funds lost. The Court’s decision exonerates the finance department at SBS. Headmaster,

Donald Macrino, shared the good news with the Saints community in a letter that also noted other positive developments at the School. Headmaster Macrino’s July 30, 2014, letter:

• Meals • Transportation to and from school or school pickup location as necessary.


We will conduct on site interview and background check for the interested host parent(s) prior to signing agreement. We will offer financial compensation in the form of monthly stipend (approximately $950 per month including transportation fee) to the selected host family. We will pay for the student school lunch directly to school.

If interested, please contact Sheila at Telephone: 860-823-9153 or 860-848-9122

July 31, 2014 Dear Saints Family and Friends, On Tuesday, July 29, Saint Bernard School was informed that the State Supreme Court has upheld the jury decision of 2012 that Bank of America was negligent in the embezzlement case involving the school, dating back to 2002-2006. This was welcome news and could not have come at a better time as Saint Bernard School launches its five-year strategic plan. This decision from the Supreme Court does two very important things for us. It removes the shadow of culpability that has hung over the school since the incident, and, of course, reclaims funds lost. Saint Bernard is moving forward. The School’s focus upon a college preparatory curriculum within an atmosphere of Catholic values has been significantly sharpened through the new five-year strategic plan which is a blueprint for success. The plan was born of a 2013-2014 assessment of the School by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges. Every aspect of Saint Bernard School was examined. Recommendations and commendations were made and these were built into the plan. The recommendations with the highest priority are the continued development of a 21stcentury college preparatory curriculum, a heightened presence of Catholic values and spirituality, enhancement of technology, and facility improvements. As we move into the 2014-2015 school year, Saint Bernard School anticipates that it will meet its enrollment goals. With the five year plan in place, continued focus upon academic excellence, technology, and facility improvements, the Saint Bernard community can look forward to a stable and successful future. The wind is at our back, strengthened now by the Supreme Court ruling. I look forward to sharing more good news as the new school year progresses. Sincerely, Donald Macrino, Headmaster


Four County Catholic August 2014


Sister Bernice King (Rose Bernice) October 3, 1928 ~ June 9, 2014 Sister Bernice King (Rose Bernice) quietly slipped into eternal life on the afternoon of June 9, 2014 at the age of 85. Bernice Yvonne King was born on October 3, 1928 and spent her early years in New Hampshire and in Maine, entered the Congregation of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit in August of 1960 and pronounced her first vows at the Provincial House in Putnam on June 1, 1962. Sister’s years of service were dedicated to teaching at the elementary and high school levels, assisting the provincial secretaries and treasurer, working as receptionist at the Provincial House, carrying out secretarial and sacristan duties at St. Clare Home in Newport, Rhode Island and doing clerical work for the Office of Policy and Management for the State of CT in Hartford. Since 1999 Bernice resided at the Provincial House while volunteering her assistance in a variety of areas including transporting other Sisters in residence to varied and sundry appointments and events. Sister fully retired in 2010 and transferred to the Health Care Center in December of 2013. Sister Bernice will rest in peace at St. Mary Cemetery in Putnam. Memories about Sister Bernice may be shared with the Daughters by Wishes and gifts in Sister’s honor may be sent to the DHS Office of Development at 72 Church St. Putnam, CT 06260.

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Father Bill Sheehan, OMI, noted preacher on the practice of Centering Prayer, will lead this year’s retreat, “Standing on the Shoulders of Giants,” from Friday, August 28 through Thursday, September 4. The retreat fee is $500.00. Reservations may be made by calling (860) 423-8484. A deposit of $100 is required.

MARRIED COUPLES’ RETREAT: Come and join us from September 26-28 for our 10th Married Couples’ Retreat for men and women joined in the Sacrament of Matrimony seeking to strengthen their spiritual life together. Three seasoned couples and Father Ron Meyer, OMI will share their spiritual journeys in a program of prayer, reflection and fun surprises. Grace is abundant. Capacity is limited.

To register or for more information: Phone: 860-423-8484 E-mail:


Four County Catholic August 2014

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Four County Catholic August 2014

USCCB Invitation to Pope Francis to Attend 2015 World Meeting of Families June 11, 2014 Most Holy Father, Assembled in New Orleans at our spring plenary meeting, we the Catholic Bishops of the United States look forward with joyful anticipation to the Eighth World Meeting of Families that is scheduled to take place in Philadelphia in September 2015. This event will be an occasion for Catholics from around the world to reflect on family life, and the role that families can play in strengthening our society and our Catholic faith. We wish to take this opportunity to warmly invite Your Holiness to grace us with your presence at this event. We have no doubt that the participants would be deeply honored, and would receive with gratitude your pastoral reflections on the meaning of the family. It is our fervent hope, Your Holiness, that you will favorably consider our invitation to visit us in the United States. Your presence would not only add significance to the World Meeting of Families, but also serve to deepen the bonds of affection that our faithful and many other Americans share with you as Bishop of Rome.

Cardinal O’Malley Welcomes Supreme Court Decision Affirming Freedom of Speech for Pro-Life Americans Washington - The U.S. Supreme Court upheld freedom of speech for pro-life Americans in a June 26 decision in the case of McCullen v. Coakley. The Court unanimously declared unconstitutional a Massachusetts law barring prolife advocates from public sidewalks near abortion facilities. Cardinal SeĂĄn P. O’Malley of Boston, chairman of the U.S. Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, issued the following statement. “Today the Supreme Court found unconstitutional a Massachusetts law imposing criminal penalties on pro-life Americans who peacefully pray for and offer

alternatives to pregnant women approaching abortion clinics. This discriminatory law barred these citizens from gathering on nearby public sidewalks, while exempting ‘clinic escorts’ trained to expedite women into the facility. Clearly this was an attack on pro-life Americans’ freedom of speech, and we welcome the Court’s decision to overturn the law. “This now overturned legislation reflects an ominous trend in our society. Abortion supporters, having long denied that unborn children have a right to life, would

deny that their fellow Americans who seek to protect the unborn have the same rights as other Americans – the right to freedom of speech and freedom of association; the right to participate in the public square and serve the vulnerable in accord with our moral convictions. Increasingly we see this trend evidenced at various levels of government. We are encouraged and pleased to know that with regard to this particular issue, our highest court has affirmed the American tradition of basic constitutional rights for all.�

Respectfully and fraternally yours in Christ, Most Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz, D.D. Archbishop of Louisville President, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops


,WDO\ 6ZLW]HUODQG Aug 28-Sep 9, Sep 6-18, Sep 1123, Sep 18-30, Sep 25-Oct 7, Oct 4-16, Oct 9-21... ,WDO\ 5HJXODU Aug 30-Sep 7, Sep 6-14, Sep 13-21... +RO\ /DQG ,WDO\ Aug 25-Sep 7, Sep 1-14, Sep 8-21... +RO\ /DQG Aug 25-Sep 4, Sep 1-11, Sep 10-20... - - FDOO XV ZZZ SUR[LPRWUDYHO FRP




8 Jubilarians mark 510 years of service to the church The chapel at Holy Spirit Provincial House in Putnam was the scene of the jubilee celebration for 7 sisters and 1 member of the secular branch of the Submitted by Sr. Claudette Huot, DHS Provincial Secretary

Daughters of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday, June 8, 2014. Two sisters Celebrated 60 years of religious profession and 5 sisters and 1 consecrated secular celebrated 65 years. The Mass was cele-

brated by Rev. Edward Dempsey of Woodstock, and Very Rev. Laurence LaPointe of St. Joseph Parish in Willimantic delivered the homily. Pictured in Row 1 are: Sr. Lillian Belcher and Sr. Jeannette Richard. Those in Row 2 are: Sr. Blanche Thibault, Sr. Pauline Champagne, Sr. Catherine Sottak, Sr. ClĂŠmence Croteau and Sr. Irene Charpentier. Also in the picture though not a jubilarian is Sr. Norma Bourdon, Provincial. Marie Alice Mercier, Consecrated Secular was absent for the picture.


Four County Catholic August 2014

Defending Religious Liberty The Connecticut Catholic Conference notes that, since 1919, the Catholic Church has been a longstanding advocate of universal, accessible and life-affirming health- care. However, the HHS mandate of the Affordable Care Act harshly penalizes those employers who do not provide abortions and other contraception coverage for their employees. In its decision, the Supreme Court clearly reaffirms that freedom of religion is a basic fundamental right under our Constitution. If you haven’t done so already, please voice your opposition to the mandate by calling President Obama at the White House at 202-456-1111 or U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Mathews Burwell at 202-205-5445. Let them know that the mandate is in violation of our First Amendment right to religious freedom.

136 Sachem Street Norwich CT 06360 860-889-2374 Fax 860-886-2396


Every Human is a ‘Seeker’ of Truth “Every human is a ‘seeker’ of truth on his origins and destiny. In his mind and in his ‘heart’, questions and thoughts arise that cannot be repressed or stifled, since they emerge from the depths of the person and are a part of the intimate essence of the person. They are religious questions, and religious freedom is necessary for them to manifest themselves fully. Reason recognizes that religious freedom is a fundamental right of man, reflecting his highest dignity, that of seeking the truth and adhering to it, and recognizing it as an indispensable condition for realizing all his potential. Religious freedom is not simply freedom of thought or private worship. It is the freedom to live according to ethical principles, both privately and publicly, consequent to the truth one has found. Legal systems, at both national and international level, are therefore required to recognize, guarantee and protect religious freedom, which is a right intrinsically inherent in human nature, in man’s dignity as a free being, and is also an indicator of a healthy democracy.� ~ Pope Francis




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Four County Catholic August 2014

The Miraculous Statue of the Infant Jesus of Prague The story of the miraculous statue of the Infant Jesus of Prague is one From the FCC News Desk

familiar to almost every Catholic. It is a devotion which has been precious to Catholics for centuries, and grows more beautiful with time. Through it, Catholics pay homage to Him Who, even as an infant

and Mary’s child, was at the same time the King of Kings. T h e statue i s dressed r o y a l l y, in rich vestments. The original statue was

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cures. After the Thirty Years’ War, during a Protestant occupation, the monastery was plundered. Years later, the statue was uncovered. It was finally repaired and re-enthroned through the efforts of a monk who had heard these words from the Infant King while praying before the statue: “The more you honor Me, the more I will bless you.” From small beginnings, this

devotion has grown to great proportions, so that it is almost as universal as the Church itself. All who approach the miraculous statue and pray there with confidence receive assistance, consolation, light, health, and hope. The famous novena, never known to fail, is ideally said for the nine days preceding the 25th of each month. In urgent cases, a novena of hours can be made.

Diocese of Norwich Pilgrimage to the Czech Republic To See the Miraculous Statue of the Infant Jesus of Prague With Bishop Michael R. Cote

October 29 ~ November 4, 2014 ost Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich, will lead a seven day pilgrimage to the Czech Republic to Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad), the Marian Shrine at Svatá Hora (Holy Mountain) featuring a miraculous image of the Virgin Mary and the spectacular Basilica. The group will enjoy a panoramic tour of the city of Prague highlighting the State Opera, National Museum, Wenceslas Square and Prague’s Castle District. We will also tour the old part of the city to view staromĕstkĕ námĕstí (Old Town Square), Royal Castle of Hradcany, St. Vitus Cathedral, St. George Church, the Golden Lane, St. Nicholas Church, Church of Our Lady of Victory where the original miraculous Infant Jesus of Prague dating back to 1628 is kept and visit St. Barbara Cathedral in Kutna Hora (UNESCO town). Cost of Tour:

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brought to what was then Bohemia in the seventeenth century by a Spanish princess. She donated it to a Carmelite monastery in Prague. The following words are attributed to her: “I hereby give you what I prize most highly in this world. As long as you venerate this image you will not be in want.” The statue was solemnly crowned in 1655 in thanksgiving for numerous graces and

$3,529.00 $300.00 $49.00

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Four County Catholic August 2014

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Four County Catholic August 2014

Jimmy Kervens Jean Felix, Ambassador You will not find his name listed in any official government directory nor will you find diploBy Dennis Petruzzi Interim Management Team, Development & Education

matic plates on the motorcycle he uses to commute to classes, but Jimmy Kervens Jean Felix is very much an ambassador for Outreach’s Education Sponsorship Program and for Haiti. Jimmy, who carries a double major in Language and in Business Management from the State University of Haiti, spends many hours in and outside the classroom in pursuit of his academic goals. But out of a sense of responsibility, a desire to make the most of his opportunities and a willingness to give back he somehow finds the time to do so much more. Every Saturday, Jimmy and his younger brother, Riguerson, who is also an Outreach to Haiti beneficiary, tutor younger students in need of additional help with their studies. He frequently is invited to speak with international groups, especially students and educators, at Outreach’s mission house on the topic of the Haitian Education System and what it is like to be a student in Haiti. In his business college, Jimmy is part of a student group called Solidarité Universitaire et Citoyenne pour le Développement (Academic and Civic Solidarity for Development). The group organizes community service activities and fosters an environment in which all of its members can develop in every aspect of their lives. Last summer Jimmy participated in a program funded by the U.S. Department of State. The purpose of the program was to provide international students with a deeper understanding of the United States, while enhancing their leadership skills. He spent 4 weeks at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) where he attended classes, conferences and seminars focused on U.S. history and government. Jimmy spent his last two weeks at

Georgetown University, where he had the opportunity to visit some of the historical places in Washington and to meet with U.S. Congressman Bobby Scott of Virginia. His experiences in the States inspired him to be even more involved in his community. He and some other students started two Department of State sponsored projects on their return to Haiti. One is a safety initiative entitled A Conference on Traffic Accident Reduction, and the other is an environmental project called Jeunesse Verte Haitienne (Green Haitian Youth). More recently, Jimmy spent a week in the U.S. participating in the “8th Annual VCU Political Science Student Research Conference” during which he presented his research paper on the Duvalier dictatorship in Haiti. Back home now, Jimmy is working with a doctoral student from King’s College London as a Translator/Research Assistant. The research project is examining housing and resettlement issues in the aftermath of the January 2010 earthquake. Jimmy continues to make the best of his opportunities and dreams of achieving a doctorate in either business or language. He is very grateful for what Outreach to Haiti is doing for him. He says: “I understand that the heroes have great power and great responsibil-

University students from Outreach’s education program, Chrisline Alexis, Jimmy Kervens Jean –Felix and Yamile Perez, prepare for an upcoming presentation to guests at the Norwich Mission House in Haiti. ity. In my life I have been given a lot of things and the only way I can show everyone that I was deserving of those things is to pay it forward. I mean to do for others what people have done for me.” We present Jimmy Kervens Jean Felix as an ambassador for our education program and for his country. He is a witness to the power of opportunity given, taken and returned in kind.

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Four County Catholic August 2014

St. Patrick Cathedral School, Norwich 860-889-4174

Academic Excellence. Character. Self-confidence.

Sacred Heart School, Taftville 860-887-1757 Sacred Heart School, Groton 860-445-0611 St. Edward School, Stafford Springs 860-684-2600 St. James School, Danielson 860-774-3281 Blessed John Paul II Regional School, Middletown 860-347-2978 St. John School, Old Saybrook 860-388-0849 St. Joseph School, Baltic 860-822-6141 St. Joseph School, North Grosvenordale 860-923-2090 St. Joseph School, New London 860-442-1720 St. Mary-St. Joseph School, Willimantic 860-423-8479 St. Michael School, Pawcatuck 860-599-1084 St. Matthew Pre-School, Tolland 860-872-0200 St. Bernard Pre-School, Rockville 860-875-0753 x113

Over 300 Students and 25 Community Organizations Granted Support from The Catholic Foundation Norwich - The Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Norwich held its anBy Mary Ellen Mahoney Development Manager; Major Gifts

nual Awards Dinner on June 19th at the Holiday Inn in Norwich. That evening,

a total of $286,061.57 was distributed among grant applicants from Diocesan ministries, schools, programs, missions and parishes throughout the four counties of the Diocese. $85,761.57 in grant money was distributed to beneficiaries of the Foundation’s restricted endow-

ments. Additionally, $56,000 in funds were distributed among a variety of Diocesan ministries that serve those in need regardless of religious affiliation. Jillian Corbin, Director of St. Vincent de Paul Place, Norwich appreciates the support of the Foundation: “Whether

To learn more, contact the Diocesan School Office, 860-887-4086, or contact one of the diocesan schools.


Four County Catholic August 2014

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it’s helping someone get a pair of non-slip shoes for a new job, or covering the co-pay costs of a critical prescription, the generous support of the Catholic Foundation allows St. Vincent de Paul Place to help those in crisis, console them in times of need, and assist them as they seek self-sufficiency.” In addition, $94,300 was distributed among 202 Diocesan elementary students with the average tuition assistance award totaling $466.83. $50,000 was distributed among Diocesan secondary schools. Scholarship funds included the Reverend Richard Roughan Scholarship, The Eric B. Evans Scholarship, and the William F. Jr. and Flora L. O’Neil

Scholarship. The Eric B. Evans Scholarship and the William F. Jr. and Flora L. O’Neil Scholarship were established to provide financial assistance to students at St. Bernard School in Uncasville. The Richard B. Roughan Scholarship awards a current college student $5,000 towards college tuition and an incoming college freshman $5,000 towards college tuition. Both students must be active members of St. Paul Parish in Waterford in order to qualify for these funds. This is the first year in which funds were distributed from The Mabel Enos English Endowment which was established in the fall of 2012 to support seminarians in their study for the priesthood.

The Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Norwich is a nonprofit corporation, established to provide endowments for the Diocese of Norwich and its parishes, schools, agencies and organizations. The foundation encourages Catholics to be good stewards through gifts of assets, provides for the investment of those assets and distributes the income according to the Gospel and the wishes of the donors. Endowments through the Foundation are a means to greater financial stability and growth for our Diocese and its entities. Since its inception, the Catholic Foundation has awarded approximately $2.7 million in grant and scholarship assistance within the Diocese.

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Four County Catholic August 2014

Looking Back on ‘Mystery Priest’ at Car Crash Katie Lentz had plucked the perfect dress for her Sunday surprise, and the yellow J. Crew frock By Christina Capecchi Four County Catholic Contributor

was dangling in the back of her 1989 Mercedes, bouncing along the highway as the sun streamed in and oldies played on the radio. The 19-year-old blonde from Quincy, Ill., had just completed her summer internship in Jefferson City, Mo., and she had hatched a plan to surprise her friends there

by making a final visit. She set off around 8 a.m. on that Sunday, Aug. 4, and began the two-hour drive so she could go to church one more time with the gang she had worshipped with every week that summer. As she drove south on Highway 19, Katie saw a truck swerve into her lane. She tried to steer away but couldn’t react quickly enough. A drunk driver hit her head on, and suddenly Katie felt herself moving – the car rolled in one complete rotation and landed on the driver side, Katie’s body

trapped in the mangled Mercedes, inches from the ground. She felt a shooting pain, looked up and saw blood, the steering wheel mashed into her stomach and blocking the view of her broken legs. She knew something was wrong because the car wasn’t upright. “Is this real life?” she asked re-

A Life-Changing Encounter with Jesus A diocesan youth group of over one hundred attended a send-off Mass, July 18, with Bishop Michael R. Cote before leaving for the Steubenville East Summer Conference for young people to experience a life changing encounter with Jesus Christ. Our diocese was also represented by groups from Church of Holy Family- Hebron, St Mary-Portland, St Mary-Groton; Sacred Heart- Groton and Our Lady of Lourdes-

Gales Ferry. The Steubenville Conferences is an opportunity to experience how Christ’s love opens hearts to become His disciples and embrace the mission of the Catholic Church. Each summer, Life Teen hosts three different Steubenville Youth Conferences (East, West, and Atlanta) with the hopes of strengthening and inspiring teens and youth groups in their collective journeys to

Christ. Envangelistic in nature, these weekends are both a great “introduction” to the Gospel message for new or younger teens, while offering deep and moving experiences of prayer and fellowship for even Youth Group regulars. This year’s conference theme “God Is”, is taken from Isaiah 12:2, “Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; for the Lord God is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation.”

peatedly. Katie couldn’t see the witnesses

and emergency responders, but the Pentecostal Christian remembers asking them to pray for her, to pray out loud. Then came the man in black, a priest carrying anointing oil and offering to bless the person in the car. Once he received permission from a sheriff, he walked up to Katie quietly, anointed her, absolved her and stepped away. Someone asked him to return, saying Katie had requested more prayers, so the priest returned and prayed at her side. To the crowd gathered around Katie, the priest seemed to vanish out of thin air, just as he had appeared. Katie was finally extricated from the car and flown to Blessing Hospital in Quincy. As news of the near-fatal accident spread, word got out about a “mystery priest” on the scene. ABC News dubbed him a “guardian angel,” and a composite sketch of the unknown man emerged. The story went viral. It wasn’t until Friday that a fellow priest told Father Patrick Dowling the story had made national news. The longtime priest, a 69-year-old native of Kilkenny, Ireland, reluctantly identified himself. Father Dowling had subbed for a sick priest that Sunday morning and was driving home in his white

Toyota Camry when he spotted ambulance lights and pulled over. It was a frightening scene, and Father Dowling didn’t want to get in the way of the emergency responders, but he felt compelled to approach the car. After 15 years in prison ministry, he’d learned the power of showing up, breathing in and reaching out. He’d even witnessed moments of grace among inmates on suicide watch. “It’s totally a matter of faith,” he said. “When the Lord sends you, he gives you his spirit. You trust, you have faith in the Holy Spirit.” One year later, Katie, who is walking unassisted and hoping to make a full recovery, still thanks God for Father Dowling’s presence that morning. “I believe Father was sent from God,” she said. “He was my earth angel that day. And he was there for everyone on the scene, because it was really chaotic and they didn’t know what they were going to do. He provided a lot of comfort.” Katie’s priorities have come into sharp focus, and she changed her career plans to follow her passion – sports, not dentistry. She sees the car crash as an opportunity to evangelize in a way that isn’t “pushy,” as she put it. “All I’m doing is telling my story. I can share what God did for me.” Christina Capecchi is a freelance writer from Inver Grove Heights, Minn., and editor of, the official website of National Catholic Sisters Week.


Four County Catholic August 2014

Saint Bernard School Announces New Programming in Math and Music Saint Bernard School proudly announces new programming in the Math and Music Departments for By Susan Griffin Director of Admissions/Marketing/Communications

the 2014-15 academic years. In addition to the traditional middle and high school mathematics offerings, the Saint Bernard Mathematics Department offers Philosophical Problems of Space and Time, a class that examines the philosophical underpinnings of some of the most important theories in math and physics. In the fall, Saint Bernard will be the first school in Southeastern Connecticut to offer courses in Multivariable Calculus and Introduction to Differential Equations. Saint Bernard math instructor Mr. Matthew Donnelly, who teaches advanced math states, “For the past several years there has been a nation-

wide emphasis on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education, so it’s important that students have the right math background by the time they begin college. Our new math classes will provide opportunities for advanced students you can’t find at most schools. But, at the same time, we are increasing our programs for students who struggle with math.” Music Department Director, Caitlyn Meyer, will be offering students the opportunity to test for the Associative Board of the Royal School of Music. ABRSM is the world’s leading provider of music exams and assessments. Each year over 630,000 candidates take their exams in more than 90 countries around the world. Ms. Meyer is a certified instructor for ABRSM and has a 100% pass rate for her students who have trained and tested under

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her instruction. “The Saint Bernard music department has been growing quickly and now we’re part of the Royal School of Music testing program. This gives our students a direct path to become advanced musicians and opportunities for scholarships at the college level,” stated Ms. Meyer. Saint Bernard School also prides itself in the academic programming established for all students from grades 6-12. The curriculum is designed to help students think creatively and to reason and communicate clearly. Academic excellence at Saint Bernard continues far beyond honors and AP classes.

Achievement beyond the traditional classroom includes rich programming in the arts, music, and extracurricular clubs and activities. Saint Bernard School offers 23 varsity sports, competes in the ECC, and is a member of the CIAC. The transforming nature of a Saint Bernard education distinguishes it from other school options. The students excel as National Merit Scholar Award winners, in Advanced Placement testing and, ultimately, in college placement. This fall, over 25% of the graduating students from Saint Bernard were recognized for high achievement on the AP exams. Graduates of Saint Bernard

School matriculate to top universities and colleges and earn generous academic merit scholarships. A co-educational school and member of the Xaverian Brothers Sponsored School network, Saint Bernard School provides a safe and nurturing community that fosters respect and care for oneself and others. Scholarship, Spirit, and Community are the hallmark of a Saint Bernard education. Students and families interested in more information about a Saint Bernard education can contact the Admissions Office at 860-848-1271 or visit our website at

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Four County Catholic August 2014

Kindergarten Graduates Shine Could there be a more joyful and hopeful event in the diocese than a kindergarten graduation? Often By Meredith Morrison

they are witnessed just by families, teachers and classmates in other grades. Those of us who get to see many of them wish that everyone had the same opportunity. They are the truest expression of innocence and grace. At St. Patrick Cathedral School on June 10th, the “kinderstars” took their places on stage. Over the next hour, these children captivated the audience in the church auditorium. They sang and danced as parents and friends hung on their every word and action. The applause and the looks of love in the room were overwhelming. Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Savitsky said it perfectly: “As parents and teachers, God gives us a precious

gift. We have the opportunity to look at the world again through the fresh, shiny, wondrous eyes of children. Take joy in your children, marvel at their accomplishments for they are truly special.”

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There is a song written by John McCutcheon called the Kindergarten Wall, the chorus goes like this: “… remember this the best: don’t hurt each other, clean up your mess, take a nap every day, wash before you eat, hold hands, stick together, look before you cross the street, and remember the seed in the little paper cup: first the root goes down and then the plant grows up!” How blessed we are. How fortunate to be a part of their world, and to watch them grow like the seed in the little paper cup. As the old adage goes -- time goes by so quickly and children grow so fast, and it’s true. Here’s to you Mrs. Pierce and

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Mrs. Savitsky for being the water and sunshine to make the Kindergarten Class of 2014 grow! Down the road a piece on Liberty Street in Pawcatuck is Saint Michael School, having also recently celebrated a kindergarten graduation. It too was a joyful and wonderful experience for the graduates and families. On this day, the 17th of June, however, a very unique graduate was among the class of 2014. This was the year that Kathy Clancy, kindergarten teacher at St. Michael School for the past thirty three years, would herself be graduating into retirement! Among her favorite memories are the lessons and carols at Christmas with her Kindergarten class acting out The Nativity, moments of discovery such as “I can read!” or “I did it. My seeds are growing roots!” These are the treasures of a teacher dedicated through all the classes and years to bringing along the young in a Catholic school setting where the whole person is nurtured from day 1. In a very creative and moving ceremony, the children and teachers from all the grades held hands and formed a ring around Mrs. Clancy in the school yard. There she was presented with a striking original portrait of the planet earth as she accepted the enthusiastic best wishes of all. At that moment in the center of it all, all those friendly and appreciative young students and their teachers saw to it that everything revolved around the #1 kindergarten graduate of the day. Congratulations Mrs. Clancy. Congratulations to all the Catholic Schools in the diocese and all the kindergarten graduates and incoming students for 2014 – 2015. The tradition continues.


Four County Catholic August 2014

Did You Know? August 6 Feast of the Transfiguration. That’s when some of the close friends of Jesus, the disciples, saw Jesus shining. Read about it in Matthew 17:1-17 and 2 Peter 1:16-18. August 15 Feast of the Assumption. That’s when we celebrate that Mary followed Jesus and went to heaven. Read about Mary in Luke 1:26-56. August 19 Root Beer Float Day. Have a float or float in the water! Read about Jesus walking on water in Matthew 21:22-33. It’s the Gospel reading on August 10.

by Karen H Whiting

August 25 National Second Hand Wardrobe Day. Give some of your clothes to the poor. Try shopping at a second hand store to save money or swap clothes with friends. Jesus spoke about clothing the poor in Matthew 25:36, 38, 40.

Goal for the School Year

Bread and Cupcakes This month one reading is about a miracle with bread. Jesus took a little boy’s lunch of bread and fish. Jesus thanked God the Father and a miracle happened. The little bit of bread multiplied to feed a huge crowd. Munch! Munch! Jesus amazed everyone as they enjoyed a great picnic (John 6:1-14). Another story in the Bible took place in the Old Testament. King David was happy about a victory God gave them that returned the Ark of the Covenant to the people. This gold box held special treasure like the Ten Commandments. David was so happy that he gave each person a loaf or bread and cakes made with dates and raisins. He had a great party to celebrate (2 Samuel 6:14-19)! You can celebrate God’s love and answers to prayers with bread and cake or cupcakes. Have your own family party and read those Bible stories. Talk about what God has done in your life. Enjoy some bread and butter or jam or cupcakes. August 18th is cupcake day, so enjoy one that day too. Thank God for good food like whole wheat bread that gives you energy and sweet foods that taste yummy. Be generous with bread or cupcakes. Make some to give neighbors, especially anyone who might be ill or have a new baby. Make sandwiches for the poor that you can take to a shelter. You can include a card with a prayer or message that God loves them.

Be like Jesus and grow in the ways he did. Solve the math problems and look up the word for each answer. Put the word on the lines to find out what happened as Jesus grew. Pray to grow, do well in school, and you’ll get great results too.

______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 1x1 3x3 11-6 6+7 8/4 7x2 18-5 ______ 2+3+5

______ (2x5)+4

______ 6/2

______ 2+2

______ 5x3

______ 4x4

______ 28/2

______ 25-10

______ 28/4

______ 12-4-2

______ 3x4

______ 17-9

1 = Jesus 2 = Height 3 = Was

4 = Loved 5 = Both 6 = Who

7 = All 8 = Him 9 = Grew

10 = Wisdom 13 = In 14 = And 11 = He 12 = Knew 15 = By

16 = God

Answer is from Luke 2:52 NLT: Jesus grew both in height and in wisdom, and he was loved by God and by all who knew him.


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Four County Catholic August 2014

Pope, Giving Archbishops Palliums, says “Stay Focused on Following Jesus” Vatican City - After placing woolen bands, called palliums, over the shoulders of 24 archbishops From the FCC News Desk With Contributions By Cindy Wooden, CNS

from around the world. Pope Francis told the Archbishops “Trust in God banishes all fear and sets us free from every form of slavery and all worldly temptations.” The archbishops from 22 countries were named over the course of the last year. The lamb’s wool pallium they received from the pope June 29 symbolizes their unity with the pope and their authority and responsibility to care for the flock the pope entrusted to them. The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, attended the ceremonies in support of Archbishop Leonard P. Blair of the Hartford Archdiocese.

Pope Francis told the archbishops, “Today the Lord repeats to me, to you, and to all pastors: Follow me! Waste no time in questioning or in useless chattering; do not dwell on secondary things, but look to what is essential and follow me.” Jesus, he said, tells the archbishops and all Christians: “Follow me without regard for the difficulties. Follow me in preaching the Gospel.” “Follow me by speaking of me to those with whom you live, day after day, in your work, your conversations and among your friends,” the Pope said. “Follow me by proclaiming the Gospel to all, especially to the least among us, so that no one will fail to hear the word of life which sets us free from every fear and enables us to trust in the faithfulness of God.” After the Mass, Archbishop Blair told Catholic News Service, “The

Right: Monsignor Michael T. Donohue, Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, Archbishop Leonard Blaire, His Eminence James M. Cardinal Harvey, Rev. John Gatzak, Rev. John F. Kurzak, all classmates from the Pontifical North American College, class of 1975. Photo submitted by Monsignor Michael T. Donahue. Below: Archbishop Leonard P. Blair of Hartford, CT, embraces an archbishop at the sign of peace during a Mass celebrated by Pope Francis to mark the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican June 29. Photo by Paul Haring/CNS

pallium is a symbol in Catholic faith and liturgy -as the prayers and the text of the liturgy today made clear -- of the

communion and unity of the church.” Standing between an archbishop from Brazil and one


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from Pakistan, “where the church has been having a very difficult time,” he said, “you appreciate that we are all one, in communion with the successor of Peter, the Holy Father.” Contributing to this story was Francis X. Rocca at the Vatican.

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Four County Catholic August 2014

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Four County Catholic August 2014

Pope Names Baltimore Auxiliary Bishop Mitchell Rozanski as Bishop of Springfield in Massachusetts Washington - Pope Francis has named Auxiliary Bishop Mitchell Rozanski of Baltimore, 55, as bishop of Springfield in Massachusetts and accepted the resignation of Bishop Timothy McDonnell from pastoral governance of the diocese. The announcements of the appointment and resignation were made June 19 in Washington by Archbishop Carlo Viganò, apostolic nuncio to the

United States. Bishop Rozanski was born in Baltimore August 6, 1958. He attended Theological College at The Catholic University of America and was ordained a priest for the Baltimore Archdiocese in 1984. In 2004 he was named auxiliary bishop of Baltimore. The Springfield diocese includes 823,662 people of whom 229,584, or 28 percent, are Catholic.

Peoria, IL - The Most Reverend Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, Bishop of Peoria and President of the Archbishop Fulton Sheen Foundation, received word that the sevenmember theological commission who advise the Congregation of the Causes of Saints at the Vatican unanimously agreed that a reported miracle should be attributed to the intercession of the Venerable Servant of God Archbishop Fulton Sheen. The case involved a stillborn baby born in September 2010. For over an hour the child demonstrated no signs of life as medical professionals attempted every possible life saving procedure, while the child’s par-

ents and loved ones began immediately to seek the intercession of Fulton Sheen. After 61 minutes, the baby was restored to full life and over three years later demonstrates a full recovery. Today’s decision by the theologians comes after the March 2014 vote by the team of Vatican medical experts who affirmed that they could find no natural explanation for the child’s healing. With the recommendations of the medical experts and now the theologians, the case will next be reviewed by the cardinals and bishops who advise the Pope on these matters. Finally, the miracle would be presented to Pope Francis who would then of-

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ficially affirm that God performed a miracle through the intercession of Fulton Sheen. There is no timeline as to when these next steps might move forward. Should Pope Francis validate this proposed miracle, Sheen could then be declared “Blessed” in a ceremony that could be celebrated in Peoria, Sheen’s hometown. Upon the Holy Father signing the decree for the beatification, an additional miracle would lead to the Canonization of Archbishop Sheen, in which he would be declared a “Saint.” For more information about Fulton Sheen and the Cause for his canonization, visit:

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Four County Catholic August 2014

Petition Calls On UN To Stop Christian Genocide In Iraq Washington D.C. - ollowing the expulsion of Christians from the Iraqi city of Mosul by ISIS jihadists, a new petition calls on the United Nations to intervene in the country. “The last Christians have left Mosul, after the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria gave them a choice between conversion to Islam, ruinous taxation, exile, or death,” said the petition, posted to the website Posted on July 24, the petition had gained more than 133,000 signatures within five days. “We must not be silent while an-

other genocide occurs,” the petition said. “We must push for the international community to act on behalf of the Christians in Iraq. Their survival depends on it!” Christians have been in Iraq for more than 1,500 years. Over 1 million Christians lived in Iraq before the 2003 U.S. invasion, but their numbers have now plummeted, and observers fear that they could soon be eliminated from the area altogether. Extremists of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - known as ISIS or ISIL - have taken over and im-

posed a strict version of Islamic law in territories they control. “We are speechless, because what has happened is really unbelievable,” Chaldean Auxiliary Bishop Saad Syroub of Baghdad told Fides news agency. “Christians have lived in Mosul for centuries and these families have suddenly been yanked out of their cities, their homes, their lives. We are very concerned about the future of Christians in this country.” However, according to U.N. estimates, there are some 2 million refugees fleeing the violence.

For this reason, the petition, created by the Catholic news site, asks the United Nations

and the Arab League to “act immediately to save the Christian community in Iraq.”

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Pope Francis’ New Appeal for Peace in the Middle East, Iraq & Ukraine Vatican City - After today’s Angelus prayer, the Holy Father, remarking that July 28 marks the centenary of the beginning of the First World War, launched a new appeal for peace in the Middle East, Iraq and Ukraine, and called for a cessation of hostilities. “Tomorrow is the one hundredth anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War, which claimed millions of lives and caused immense destruction. This conflict, defined by Pope Benedict XV as a ‘senseless slaughter’, persisted for four long years and led to a more fragile peace. Tomorrow will be a day of mourning in remembrance of this tragedy. While we remember this tragic event, I hope that we will not repeat the errors of the past, but will instead pay heed to the lessons of history, ensuring that the reason of peace always prevails by means of patient and courageous dialogue”. “Today, my thoughts extend to three areas of crisis, in particular: the Middle East, Iraq and Ukraine. I ask you to continue to join with me in prayer that the Lord may grant the populations and authorities of these areas the wisdom and strength necessary to proceed with determination along the path of peace, facing every diatribe with the tenacity of dialogue and negotiation, and the strength of reconciliation. May the common good and respect for every person be at the centre of

every decision, rather than particular interests. Let us remember that all is lost with war, but nothing is lost with peace”. “Brothers and sisters: no more war! No more war! I think especially of the children, who are deprived of the hope of a worthwhile

life, of a future: children killed, children injured, children mutilated, children orphaned, children who have as toys the remnants of war, children who do not know how to smile. Stop, please! I ask you with all my heart. The time has come to stop. Stop, please!”

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Four County Catholic August 2014

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