Four County Catholic January 2012

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Volume 24 Number 1

January 2012

Be it known to all who enter here

CHRIST is the reason for this school

He is the unseen but ever present teacher in its classes. He is the model of its faculty and the inspiration of its students


Four County Catholic January 2012

Happiness attracts....if there is anything that should be upbeat, affirming, positive, joyful - it should be people of faith

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- Cardinal-designate Timothy M. Dolan speaking last month of the joy of faith. news from the Vatican of his appointment next month to Cardinal.

Serving the Counties of Middlesex New London Tolland Windham & Fishers Island NY

Established in 1989 and published each month except July.


We measure our own health by the quality of care we give to those most vulnerable

- The Most Reverend, Jamie Soto, Bishop of the Diocese of Sacramento, Chairman, U.S. Bishops Subcommittee on the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, calling attention to the U.S. Bishops’ campaign to overcome poverty.


Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Bishop of Norwich


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- Movie reviewer, Steven Greydanus, describing Of Gods and Men - now available on DVD.

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GateHouse Media New England

Our students are not just taught about respect for others and good character formation, they are expected to live it, daily


- Sheila Cerjanec, Technology Coordinator, Diocesan School Office, on the occasion of Catholic Schools Week.

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On the Cover Students at St. Joseph School in New London stand by the words of a sign that hangs on the front door of the school and reminds them, and all of us, of the source of inspiration for our treasured Catholic Schools. Photo by Michael Strammiello

33 New York Avenue Framingham, MA 01701

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Four County Catholic January 2012

The Most Reverend

Michael R. Cote, D.D.

Bishop of Norwich

Opening a Door to a Better Future My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: At a meeting recently with Dr. Shine, Superintendent of Diocesan Schools, he shared with me an experience he had visiting St. Joseph’s School in New London a few days earlier. He had stopped by the school first thing in the morning and was invited to join an assembly in progress in the gymnasium. He described someone playing the guitar, the students being very engaged in the program, and everyone listening to their principal and teachers. He was introduced as a guest and had an opportunity to thank everyone for inviting him into their morning program. I could see by his expression that starting his day among these young people in such a welcoming learning environment had inspired him. Clearly, the character of a Catholic School shines brightest through its students. I visit each of our fifteen elementary schools at least once per year. I, too, am always moved by the experience. As the sign on the

front door of St. Joseph School reminds us “Be it known to all who enter here that Christ is the reason for this school. He is the unseen but ever present teacher in its classes. He is the model of its faculty and the inspiration of its students”. All our schools live this principle. All are dedicated to the mission of faith formation, academic excellence and development of the whole person. I strongly recommend that each of you reading this column take a moment to visit one of the diocesan schools sometime soon. It will take you back. It will lift your spirits. It will take you forward…as you realize these young people are our future. We must preserve, protect and make our schools accessible to all Catholic families in the diocese. This is a commitment we must keep. As we continue to face severe economic challenges, we in the Norwich Diocese can be grateful that we are at a stage in the stabilization of our school system having closed six low-enrollment

schools in the past five years, where we can now move forward with strengthening and supporting our treasured schools. We are at a moment in time and a moment in faith where we recognize that the evangelization mission of our Catholic schools is the shared responsibility of the whole diocesan family, not only those parishes that may have a parochial school. I am grateful to the diocesan Ad Hoc Commission and to the Pastors Commission for their hard work evaluating how to proceed from here to meet our commitment to our children. The consistent recommendation of these committees is to have all parishes of the diocese financially assist our elementary schools. We have of late increased our fundraising efforts through programs sponsored by the School Office. The Seton Scholarship Dinner this past November is a good example of a diocesan special event to help with tuition assistance. To fulfill the Catholic ideal of providing the opportunity for a

Catholic education to all families, including recently immigrated families, we need to help fund tuition assistance as well as operating expenses. This involves some heavy lifting to get us there. With this critical goal before us and with our faith leading the way, I have approved a diocesan collection for Catholic Elementary Schools to be taken up at all Masses on January 28 and 29, 2012, the first day of Catholic Schools Week. You will be receiving a letter in advance of that date further explaining this effort. As difficult as these economic times have been, we know that the best investment we can make toward an economically and morally sound future is to invest in our children’s education today. It is a big challenge. A big goal. A big ask. And clearly worth every ounce of effort and every dollar contributed. When visiting one of our schools last year, I walked into a classroom that had a sign over the doorway that read, “Do Your Best!” Imagine walking through a

door every day at work with those simple words of encouragement. This is the spirit of our Catholic schools. This is the Catholic school advantage – positive reinforcement to be the best a young person can be. Walking through a door like that is walking through a door to a better future. We can save our schools. We can do this. I know you will do all you can to help. I am so grateful and so proud that our children have the opportunity to grow and thrive in such an excellent and faith-centered system of Catholic schools. May you have a blessed beginning to the New Year. And may we all join together this year to establish a firm foundation for our schools that will provide opportunity for our children to “do their best” for generations to come. May the Lord continue to bless you and your loved ones. Sincerely yours in Christ’s love, Bishop Michael R. Cote

Abriendo Puertas a un Futuro Mejor Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo: Recientemente, al principio de una reunión que tuve con el Dr. Shine, Superintendente de las Escuelas Diocesanas, comenzó la reunión compartiendo una experiencia que tuvo visitando la escuela de Saint Joseph in New London unos días antes. Me contó que fue a primera hora de la mañana y que fue invitado a unirse a una asamblea en curso en el gimnasio. Él describe a alguien tocando la guitarra, a los estudiantes muy involucrados en el programa, y a todos prestando

atención a la directora y maestros. Él fue presentado como invitado y tuvo la oportunidad de agradecer a todos por haberlo invitado a ese programa en la mañana. Pude ver por su expresión que comenzar su día entre esos jóvenes en semejante ambiente de bienvenida y aprendizaje le había inspirado. Evidentemente, el carácter de una escuela Católica brilla mucho más a través de sus estudiantes. Yo visito cada una de nuestras quince escuelas elementales al menos una vez al año. Yo también siempre me siento conmovido por la experiencia. Como el letrero en

la puerta principal de la escuela Saint Joseph nos recuerda “Todos quienes entran aquí sepan que Cristo es el motivo de esta escuela. Él es el maestro invisible pero siempre presente en sus clases. Él es el modelo de la facultad y la inspiración de sus estudiantes”. Todas nuestras escuelas viven este principio. Todos están dedicados a la misión de formación de fe, excelencia académica y desarrollo integral de la persona. Recomiendo firmemente que cada uno de ustedes que leen esta columna, tomen un tiempo para visitar una de las escuelas diocesanas en al-

guna ocasión pronta. Le llevará al pasado. Le levantará el espíritu. Le llevará hacia el futuro... como se da cuenta estos jóvenes son nuestro futuro. Debemos preservar, proteger y hacer nuestras escuelas accesibles a todas las familias Católicas de la Diócesis. Este es un compromiso que debemos cumplir. A medida que continuamos enfrentando graves desafíos económicos, habiendo cerrado seis escuelas de baja matrícula en los últimos cinco años, en la Diócesis de Norwich nosotros podemos estar agradecidos de que estamos

en una etapa en la estabilización de nuestro sistema escolar donde nosotros ahora podemos seguir adelante con fortaleza y apoyo a nuestras atesoradas escuelas. Estamos en un momento en el tiempo y un momento en la fe en el que reconocemos que la misión evangelizadora de nuestras escuelas Católicas es la responsabilidad compartida por toda la familia diocesana, no sólo por esas parroquias que pueden tener una escuela parroquial. Estoy agradecido a la Comisión Ad Hoc de la Diócesis y a la Futuro Mejor Cont. on page 4


Four County Catholic January 2012

Futuro Mejor

Discovering Our Diocese

Where is This? Can you identify the Church pictured above? Answer is on page 17.

Cont. from page 3

Comisión de Sacerdotes por su arduo trabajo evaluando cómo proceder desde aquí para cumplir nuestro compromiso a nuestros niños. La recomendación consistente de esos comités es tener todas las parroquias de la diócesis asistiendo financieramente a nuestras escuelas elementales. Hemos aumentado nuestros esfuerzos de recaudación a través de programas patrocinados por la Oficina de la Escuela. La cena para las Becas Seton en noviembre pasado es un buen ejemplo de un evento especial diocesano para ayudar con asistencia de matrículas. Para cumplir con el ideal Católico de ofrecer la oportunidad de una Educación Católica a todas las familias, incluyendo a familias de reciente inmigración, necesitamos ayudar con la asistencia de fondos de matrículas, así como los gastos de operación. Esto implica un trabajo pesado para llegar allí. Con este objetivo crítico antes nosotros y con nuestra fe abriendo caminos , he aprobado una colecta

diocesana para las Escuelas Católicas Elementales que serán tomadas en todas las misas el 28 y 29 de enero de 2012, el primer día de la Semana de Escuelas Católicas. Estará recibiendo una carta en avance a esa fecha explicando este esfuerzo. Por más difícil que estos tiempos económicos han sido, sabemos que la mejor inversión que podemos hacer hacia un futuro económicamente y moralmente correcta es invertir en la educación de nuestros niños hoy en día. Es un gran reto. Una gran meta. Una gran tarea. Y evidentemente cada esfuerzo y cada dólar aportado de gran valor. Cuando visité una de nuestras escuelas el año pasado, entré en un salón de clases que tenía un letrero sobre la puerta que se leía: “Haz lo mejor” Imagine caminar a través de una puerta todos los días en el trabajo con esas sencillas palabras de motivación. Este es el espíritu de nuestras escuelas Católicas. Esta es la ventaja de la escuela Católica - refuerzo positivo para

llegar a ser lo mejor que una persona joven puede ser. Caminar a través de una puerta como esa es caminar a través de una puerta a un futuro mejor. Podemos salvar nuestras escuelas. Podemos hacer esto. Yo sé que hará todo lo posible para ayudar. Estoy muy agradecido y muy orgulloso de que nuestros niños tengan la oportunidad de crecer y prosperar en semejante y excelente sistema de escuelas Católicas centradas en la fe. Que tenga bendición comenzando el Año Nuevo. Y que todos nos unamos este año para establecer una base firme para las escuelas que ofrecerá oportunidad a nuestros niños a “hacer lo mejor” por generaciones futuras. Que el Señor le siga bendiciendo a usted y a sus seres queridos. Sinceramente en el amor de Cristo, Obispo Michael R. Cote Translated by Paulina Angulo

Rejoice in Hope February 12­19 Icon Writing in the Russian Style Learn to write an Icon and be steeped in this original Christian art form through lecture, theory and theological discussion. With the Prosopon School.

God invites us in the midst of the noise and distractions we face every day to a deeper and more intimate relationship with Him. Set some time aside for Him, book your retreat today! (860) 536­0565

February 17­19 Couples Retreat Take time out to rekindle your relationship with your spouse and our Lord. With Deacon Michael and Mary Berstene.

February 19­25 Guided Retreat The art of Listening as a gift. Join us as we progress on our prayer journey. With Sr. Eugenia Brady. SJC February 22 Ash Wednesday Day of Prayer With Sr. Eugenia Brady. SJC February 21 Mardi Gras Dinner and Evening Prayer We will celebrate Mardi Gras with a New Orleans style meal and end the evening with prayer as we transition into lent.


Four County Catholic January 2012

Director of Priestly Vocations

Reverend Gregory Galvin

National Vocations Awareness Week January 9-14 I wish to thank Bishop Cote for kindly placing his letter regarding Vocations Week in the space normally occupied by my monthly column. Our Bishop has captured the full spectrum of vocations and how important they all are to the individ-

ual, the family and the Church. You may have already heard the Bishop’s letter at church last weekend. Here for you is an opportunity to ensure you have received the message as we begin to conclude Vocations Week 2012.

Thank you, Bishop Cote, and may I join you in extending every good wish and prayer for all answering the call to a Sacred vocation in the New Year. God bless you.

Father Greg

Holy Hour for Vocations The Holy Hour for Vocations is held in a different deanery and parish each month. Bishop Cote will lead the prayers of the Holy Hour each month. The schedule is as follows: Jan 19

St. John the Apostle Church, Plainfield

4-5 pm

Feb 23

St. John the Evangelist Church, Montville

5-6 pm

Mar 15 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Quaker Hill 5-6 pm

wich Diocese of Norho p

Office of the Bis 201 Broadway ticut 06360 Norwich, Connec (860) 887-9294

Most Reverend D.D. Michael R. Cote,

AwareDear Friends in Christ, ebrates National Vocation cation cel tes Sta d ite Un the in Annually, the Church lect upon on our own vo During these days, we ref rated life. 4). 9-1 ary nu (Ja ek We ss sec ne s to the priesthood and con ry human being as unique and and we pray for vocation eve d ate cre s ha d Go t Through faith we know thar lives purpose, a calling that fulfills His plan for us. en ou r vocation unrepeatable. God has giv yer and the Sacraments ou ous life, pra gh ou thr g nin cer dis to igi hood, diaconate, rel This week is devoted om the Lord calls to priest th His and to pray for those wh As we embrace that gift, the Lord sustains us wi need te. we sta g gle hin sin ryt the eve ilable marriage, or His grace and makes ava gh ou thr us s en gth en str love. He y are nse to His call. to live faithfully our respo led to live sacramentally a life of Holy Matrimon rma cal ir are the o to wh ul faithf Today, those in prayer that they will be and men who are m the n joi to ed ne We . n ung wome under attack time, we must pray for yo rt of all of us in God’s family po riage vows. At the same sup ful yer ey need the pra preparing for marriage. Th the days of their lives. all e lov d an y today. I am very grateful to live in fidelit the challenges priests face of are aw are t. The Norus of all y, Certainl ication, and commitmen ests. Yet ded , ess uln thf fai ir the to my brother priests for joyed many prayerful, talented, and zealous pri en for the wich Diocese has always Currently, the Diocese has five (5) men studying priestes. to l tim cal ult d’s ing to Go we still face diffic y will persevere in respond retirement age in the the t tha y pra we ily Da . reaching priesthood g for sixteen (16) priests will be hood. At the same time, rtling statistic underlines the importance of prayin sta is Th next four (4) years. e the time to pray for vocations. Awareness Week, let us tak ed couples, and those ion cat Vo l na tio Na s thi g Durin igious, marri d that – priests, deacons, and rel all who answer God’s call y may be strengthened in living their vocations an h. the t urc tha in the single state – to the Lord and the Ch d faithful in their service on you throughout the they may be dedicated an ble r bestow His ssings up he Fat nly ave He r ou d May Go coming year! Cordially yours in Christ, Bishop of Norwich

April 19 St. Mark Church, Westbrook

6-7 pm

May 24 Cathedral of St. Patrick, Norwich

7-8 pm

June 21 St. Joseph Church, Rockville

7-8 pm

July 19 St. Mary Church, Coventry

7-8 pm

Aug 16 St. Colman Church, Middlefield

4-5 pm

Sept 20 St. Luke Church, Ellington

6-7 pm

Oct 18 Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Gales Ferry

7-8 pm

Nov 15 St. Joseph Church, North Grosvenordale

4-5 pm

Dec 20 St. Andrew Church, Colchester

7-8 pm

Some White Collar Jobs Are More Challenging Than Others

You have been thinking about it. Let’s talk...

Father Greg Galvin 860-887-9294 Office of Vocations • Diocese of Norwich, CT •


Four County Catholic January 2012

A Celebration of Consecrated Life Sunday, February 5, 2012 Cathedral of St. Patrick, 213 Broadway, Norwich CT This day will begin with registration in the vestibule of the Cathedral of Saint Patrick, followed by a celebration of Mass at 10:30 a.m. The homilist is Father James P. Carini, Pastor of Saint Matthew Parish in Tolland and Dean of the Vernon Deanery. A catered dinner will be served at 12:00 Noon in the Cathedral Auditorium. At the dinner, Sister Yannick Saieh, S.J.C., Bishop Cote’s personal representative to Haiti, will speak on her apostolate to Haiti. All women and men who are members of institues of consecrated life and societies of apostolic life are invited to attend.

St. Patrick Cathedral School

Christ Within Us Excellence in education since 1877 • Grades K-8 Registration is now going on for the coming 2012-2013 school year Catholic Schools Week January 29 - February 4

Open House February 1, 2012

Full Day Kindergarten All Day Pre-K for 4-Year-Olds After-School care Available until 5:30 School Day from 7:50-1:50

211 Broadway • Norwich, CT 06360 Information Call (860) 889-4174

Saturday, January 21 Finding God in the Barren Winter Join us for a day of prayer for women at St. Luke Parish, 49 Turkey Hill Road, North Westport, from 10:00am-2:00pm. For more information please contact Sr. Maureen Fleming, at 203- 222-0478 or email her at; or Sr. Maria Iannuccillo, at 203-762-4152 or via email There is a $10.00 donation. Sponsored by the School Sisters of Notre Dame Friday-Sunday, January 20-22 Retrouvaille Weekend Reaching for a lifeline for your troubled marriage? Retrouvaille is that lifeline for serious marriage building and repair. Retrouvaille begins with a weekend in which couples are given tools to heal, re-establish communication, work on their issues and gain new insight into themselves as individuals and as a couple. A series of 6- post sessions follows the weekend phase. For more information or to sign up for the next weekend in the Hartford area, please call Bill and Terri Mason at 203879-3842. All contacts are in strict confidence. Website Tuesday, January 24 Evenings of Discernment with Prayer for Peace An opportunity for Catholic men and women ages 18-45 considering vowed life or priesthood. Please join us at 15 Lincoln Street, New Haven from 7:309:00pm. For more information or to register please call Sr. Ann at 203-2450401; Sr. Pat at 860-436-8430; or Sr. Maria at 203-762-4152. This event is sponsored by the Connecticut Vocation Council. Thursday, January 26 End-of-Life Seminar Learn more on a topic we often put off considering. From 6:30-8:30pm at our Lady of Lourdes Parish Hall, 1650 Rte 12, Gales Ferry. The evening will include topics on legal issues, spirituality and grief, funeral concerns and hospice services. There will be time for refreshments and questions. For more information please call or email Randy at 860-464-7251; Saturday, February 4 Pro-Life Mass Join our Diocesan family for the monthly Pro-Life Mass on Saturday, February 4, 2012 at 8:30 am. at the Cathedral of St. Patrick in Norwich. Following the Mass, the Rosary will be prayed both in the Cathedral and at Norwich Planned Parenthood. Brunch will be served in the church hall fol-

lowing the rosary. Join us as we pray to protect the children of the womb. Saturday, February 4 Leaders and Prayer Group Members – Part II Will be held at the Spiritual Renewal Services, 11 Bath Street from 9:00am3:00pm. For more information please call 860 887-0702. Saturday, February 11 Xavier High School’s Annual Auction The theme for this year’s auction is a “Mardi Gras Celebration” featuring “A Taste of Xavier” where several area restaurants will present items from their menus to delight the attendees. Some restaurants featured include: Amici’s, Baci Grill, Carbones, Chips II Pub, Fiore II, Hair of the Dog, John’s Catering, Navin Brothers and the Tuscany Grill. Mardi Gras is the Day before Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the Lenten season. Sponsorships and advance ticket sales are being accepted through the school’s website and auction2012. If there are any questions please call Xavier’s Office of Advancement at 860-347-6079. Friday-Sunday, February 17-19 Engaged Encounter Weekend Marriage Preparation Engaged Encounter is a weekend-long program and meets all the aspects of marriage preparation required by the Diocese. February 17-19, 2012 at Immaculata Retreat House, Willimantic. For more information please call 860536-8665. Early registration is advised. Visit Monday February 27 Lenten Mission at St. John Catholic Church Ralph Martin of Renewal Ministries will be leading the 2012 Lenten Mission at St. John Catholic Church, 5 St. Johns Court, Cromwell on Monday, February 27, 2012 and Tuesday, February 28, 2012 from 7:00-8:00 pm followed by refreshments. Admission is free. January 21 & 28 February 4 & 11 Marriage Preparation Class for Engaged Couples God’s Plan for a Joy-filled Marriage offered by the Office of Family Life. For more information or to register for the 4- session class please call 860-8898346 ext.283. Time: 9:30 – 11:45am. at St. Joseph Church Hall, 1 Baltic Rd. Occum. The cost is $50.00 per couple.


Four County Catholic January 2012

Clergy Appointments The Most Reverend Michael R Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, has made the following clergy appointments in the Diocese of Norwich: Deacon John Abdalla, from Deacon, All Saints Parish, Somersville, to Retirement. Effective: December 16, 2011.

“This is More of an Honor for New York Than for Myself” A “humbled” Archbishop Timothy Dolan said of his elevation to cardinal by Pope Benedict on January 6 One of 22 newly named cardinals from around the world, Dolan was the only one representing an By Daniel Trotta Reuters

Archdiocese in the United States. One other American, the former archbishop of Baltimore, Edwin O’Brien, who heads the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, was also promoted. Archbishop Dolan’s elevation means that New York will have a cardinal for the first time since 2009, when Edward Cardinal Egan stepped down. Eighteen of the new cardinals including Dolan, 61, are under 80, young enough to be eligible to enter a secret conclave of cardinals that will choose the next pope after Benedict dies. “Yes, I’m honored, humbled and grateful. But let’s be frank. This is not about Timothy Dolan. This is an honor from the Holy Father to the archdiocese of New York,”

Dolan told a news conference after morning Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. “It’s almost as if Pope Benedict XVI is putting the red hat of the cardinal on the top of the Empire State Building or upon the Statue of Liberty or home plate at Yankee Stadium or on the spires of this great St. Patrick’s Cathedral,” Dolan said. The Archdiocese of New York, with some 2.6 million members, has been at the center of heated policy battles within the U.S. Roman Catholic community, particularly in the 1980s and ‘90s over the church’s position on homosexuality and AIDS education. By being named cardinal, Dolan follows in the footsteps of his predecessors, including Edward Cardinal Egan, John Cardinal O’Connor, Terence Cardinal Cooke and Francis Cardinal Spellman. Dolan was named Archbishop of New York in 2009 after serving as the Archbishop of Milwaukee.

Reverend Tomasz Albrecht, from Parochial Vicar, St. Agnes Parish, Niantic, to Parochial Vicar, Cathedral of Saint Patrick, Norwich. Effective: January 9, 2012. Reverend John Antonelle, from Parochial Vicar/Campus Minister to Administrator/Campus Minister, Saint Thomas Aquinas Parish, Storrs. Effective: January 9, 2012. Reverend Richard L. Archambault, 1 year renewal of appointment as Chaplain, Holy Spirit Provincial House and Director of Project Northeast Ministry. Effective: August 8, 2011. Deacon Thomas Casey, from Deacon of Church of the Holy Family Parish, Hebron, to Deacon of Church of the Holy Family Parish, Hebron, and Saint Columba Parish, Columbia. Effective: January 9, 2012. Reverend Joseph Castaldi, JCL, from Pastor, Saint Joseph Parish, New London, and Our Lady of Grace Parish, Fishers Island, to Retirement. Effective: January 9, 2012. Reverend Daniel C. Cronin, from Pastor, Saint Columba Parish, Columbia, to Retirement. Effective: January 9, 2012. Reverend Michael Gill, the renewal of three year term as Pastor of Sacred Heart Parish, Norwichtown. Effective: January 9, 2012.

Reverend Grzegorz P. Jednaki, from Parochial Vicar, Cathedral of Saint Patrick, Norwich, to Parochial Vicar and Campus Minister, Saint Thomas Aquinas Parish, Storrs. Effective: January 9, 2012. Deacon Ronald Kitlinski, from Deacon, Our Lady of the Lakes, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, and Saint John the Evangelist Parishes, to Retirement. Effective: November 20, 2011. Reverend Gregory C. Mullaney, from Pastor, St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, Storrs, to Pastor, Saint Agnes Parish, Niantic. Effective: January 9, 2012. Reverend Mark D. O’Donnell, from Pastor, Saint Agnes Parish, Niantic, to Pastor, Saint Joseph Parish, New London and Our Lady of Grace, Fishers Island. Effective: January 9, 2012. Reverend Richard J. Ricard, the renewal of six-year term as Pastor of Saint Bernard Parish, Rockville, while continuing as Bishop’s Delegate for Safe Environments. Effective: January 9, 2012. Reverend Michael S. Smith, from Pastor, Church of the Holy Family, Hebron, to Pastor, Church of the Holy Family, Hebron, and Saint Columba Parish, Columbia. Effective: January 9, 2012. Reverend Tadeusz Zadorozny, from Parochial Vicar, St. John Parish, Uncasville, Our Lady of the Lakes Parish, Oakdale, and Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, Quaker Hill, to Administrator, Saint Joseph Parish, Norwich. Effective: January 9, 2012.

~ Monsignor Robert L. Brown, Chancellor ~


Four County Catholic January 2012

The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Norwich – On the evening of December 12, 2011, the Diocese of Norwich celebrated the Annual By Paulina Angulo

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. A full Saint Patrick Cathedral gathered to honor Our Blessed Mother in a bilingual, English and Spanish celebration. It was Blessed John Paul II, who had named Our Lady of Guadalupe Patroness of America. In his words, “There is only one America. Our Lady unites both continents”. The Holy Mass was celebrated by the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich, accompanied by Homilist Father Peter Joyce, Diocese of Worcester, Massachusetts, several priests from the Diocese of Norwich and Deacons Mario Ramos and Felipe Silva. The scent of incense, bouquets of roses and colorful flowers dedicated to Our Mother and the Mariachi music, accompanied by cantors Rosana Bueno and Nilda Cintron filled our hearts with joy and hope. Sister Mary Jude, Director of the Diocesan Hispanic Ministry, has been the organizational leader of this activity with the help of a lay

planning committee, since she became Director back in 1996. She and previous Director, Fr. Robert Washabaugh, have created one of the most joyful celebrations here at our Diocese. Father Peter Joyce, Diocese of Worcester, reminded us in his homily that the Virgin Mary appeared 480 years ago to a Native American Christian convert named Juan Diego outside the hilltop of Tepeyac, that is now Mexico City. Our Lady told Juan Diego she was the mother of God! She asked Juan Diego to send a message to the Bishop to build a Church for her and her unborn child at the hilltop of Tepeyac because she wanted to have a place in America and in the people’s heart. He went to tell the Bishop what he had seen. The Bishop told Juan Diego to ask The Lady for a sign before he would build the Church. The Lady sent the Bishop Castilian Roses which were originally from Spain not from Mexico. At the time of the apparition it was a cruel winter! Father Joyce, explained that the roses symbolized that something new and beautiful was going to flourish. When Juan Diego brought the roses to the Bishop,

she left the image of the roses imprinted on his tilma. After seeing this miraculous sign, the Bishop and everybody believed, and a church was built. The Bishop understood that it was necessary to stay and evangelize the native people, because that was exactly what

God wanted. 10,000 people were converted and baptized. Father Joyce, reminded us that Our Lady of Guadalupe continues today bringing the Gospel to our brothers and sisters the same way she did 480 years ago. Just as she asked Juan Diego to share her message, she asks us to do the same. She reminds us that every person is deeply loved and valued by God. Each one of us is important! The pregnancy of Our Lady of Guadalupe reminds us to honor life. She is also the patroness of the

Photo by Angela Angulo unborn-child. Father Joyce, finished his beautiful homily saying “VIVA OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE’, ‘VIVA OUR BLESSED MOTHER” At the end of the Mass, the parishioners joined Bishop Cote, Father Joyce and the priests from the Diocese of Norwich for a “Fiesta” with delicious Mexican food, joyful Mariachi music and fraternity among brothers and sisters of our Diocesan family.


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Four County Catholic January 2012

La Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Norwich - En la noche del 12 de diciembre de 2011, la diócesis de Norwich celebró la fiesta anual Por Paulina Angulo

de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Una Catedral de Saint Patrick llena se reunió para venerar a nuestra Santa Madre en una celebración bilingüe de inglés y español. Fue el beato Juan Pablo II, quien hubo nombrado a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Patrona de las Américas.En sus palabras: “Sólo hay una América. Nuestra Señora une el continente”. La Santa Misa fue celebrada por el Más Reverendo Michael R. Cote, obispo de Norwich, acompañado por el padre Peter Joyce, de la diócesis de Worcester, Massachusetts, quien dirigió la homilía y de varios sacerdotes de la Diócesis de Norwich y de los diáconos Mario Ramos y Felipe Silva. El aroma del incienso, los ramos de rosas y de flores de colores dedicados a Nuestra Madre y la música mariachi, acompañada

por las cantoras Rosana Bueno y Nilda Cintrón llenaron nuestros corazones de alegría y esperanza. La hermana Mary Jude, Directora del Ministerio Hispano Diocesano, ha sido la líder organizacional de esta actividad con la ayuda de un comité planificado por laicos, desde que se convirtió directora en el año 1996. Ella y el anterior Director, el Padre Robert Washabaugh, han creado una de las celebraciones más alegres aquí, en nuestra Diócesis. El padre Peter Joyce, de la diócesis de Worcester, nos recordó en su homilía que la Virgen María se apareció hace 480 años a un nativo americano convertido al cristianismo llamado Juan Diego en las afueras de la cima de la colina del Tepeyac, lo que ahora es la Ciudad de México. Nuestra Señora le dijo a Juan Diego que ella era ¡la madre de Dios! Ella le pidió a Juan Diego

que llevara al obispo un mensaje el de construir una iglesia en la cima de la colina del Te-

peyac para ella y su hijo que aún no nacía, porque ella quería tener un lugar en América y en el

corazón del pueblo. Él fue a decirle al Obispo lo que había visto. El obispo le dijo a Juan Diego que antes de construir la Iglesia pedía a la Señora un signo. La Señora envió al obispo rosas de Castilla originarias de España, no de México. ¡La época de la aparición era de un invierno riguroso! El Padre Joyce, explicó que las rosas simbolizaban que algo nuevo y hermoso iba a florecer. Cuando Juan Diego llevó las rosas al Obispo, la imagen de la virgen y de las rosas quedó impresa en su tilma. Después de ver esta señal milagrosa, el obispo y todo el mundo creyó y una iglesia fue construida. El obispo comprendió que era necesario quedarse y evangelizar a los nativos, ¡porque eso era exactamente lo que Dios quería! 10.000 personas se convirtieron y fueron bautizadas. El Padre Joyce, nos recordó que Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe

continúa hoy en día llevando el Evangelio a nuestros hermanos y hermanas de la misma manera que lo hizo 480 años atrás. Igual que ella pidió a Juan Diego compartir su mensaje, nos pide a nosotros hacer lo mismo. Ella nos recuerda que cada persona es profundamente amada y valorada por Dios. ¡Que cada uno de nosotros es importante! El embarazo de la Virgen de Guadalupe nos recuerda honrar la vida. Ella es además la patrona de los niños que aún no han nacido. El Padre Joyce, terminó su hermosa homilía diciendo: “VIVA LA VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE”, “VIVA NUESTRA SANTA MADRE” Al finalizar la misa, los feligreses se unieron al obispo Cote, padre Joyce y a los sacerdotes de la Diócesis de Norwich para una “Fiesta” con deliciosa comida mexicana, música alegre de mariachi y fraternidad entre hermanos y hermanas de nuestra familia diocesana.


Four County Catholic January 2012

â€œâ€ŚAmen, amen I say to you, unless you eat My Flesh and drink My Blood, you have no Life in you. Whoever (your name here) eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has ETERNAL LIFE, and I will...

Some Thoughts on Hospitality Old habits die hard, as the saying goes. With several weekends of using the new translaBy Sister Elissa Rinere, CP, JCD Office of Worship

...RAISE (him/her) UP on the LAST DAY!� John 6:53-54

Leaders and Prayer Group Members - Part I Saturday, January 7, 2012 at 9:00am-3:00pm Spiritual Renewal Services Center

Unbound Team Meeting Saturday, January 28, 2012 at 9:30am Spiritual Renewal Services Center

Leaders and Prayer Group Members - Part II Saturday, February 4, 2012 at 9:00am-3:00pm Spiritual Renewal Services Center

Parish Mission “Seek – and You Will Find� Sunday through Tuesday, February 26, 27 & 28, 2012 at 7:00pm Sacred Heart Church, 550 Hartford Tpke, Vernon, CT 06066 Father Stanley J. Szczapa, Pastor A Parish Life In The Spirit Seminar will follow!

Parish Mission “Nothing is Impossible With God� Sunday through Tuesday, March 25, 26 & 27, 2012 at 7:00pm St. Sebastian Church, 155 Washington Street, Middletown, CT 06457 Father James Thaikoottathil, Pastor A Parish Life In The Spirit Seminar will follow!

spiritual renewal services Diocese of Norwich

Dial-A-Prayer (860) 887-7767

P.O. Box 6 • 11 Bath Street Norwich, CT 06360 • (860) 887-0702 email:

tion of the Roman Missal, how are things going in our parishes? One measure of how things are going is whether or not the word changes for the people have had an impact on participation, since participation is a very big deal liturgically. The issue of participation is especially important whenever there might be few visitors in our parishes who are not familiar with what has happened. Helping visitors to navigate the new words is a form of hospitality and welcome, something which should be deeply rooted in our parish communities. Help in using the new responses makes it easier for everyone to participate well. Especially at the celebration of the Eucharist, no one should feel left out. How does your parish make

sure that visitors , or even longtime parishioners, can participate well? A simple step would be a reminder at the beginning of Mass that some changes have been made recently, and the

new words can be found on the cards or in the missalettes. Everyone finds these reminders helpful since “Old habits die hard!� Hospitality and welcome can also take the form of some extra help with singing. During Mass, perhaps the Lector or Cantor can continue to remind the assembly where the music for the new acclamations is found. Perhaps preMass rehearsals will be helpful for yet a few more weekends. Remember, one of the goals attached to the implementation of the new translation was to increase participation in congregational singing.



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Every parish must take steps to make this goal a reality, since it won’t happen on its own. The first changes in the words of Mass after more than thirty years will certainly take some time to get used to. The transition was not made and completed on the First Sunday of Advent, but only begun. Transitions are a process, and they take time and patience. Perhaps, of our technological speed makes for bumpy transitions. For instance, in our everyday world, Christmas was preceded by weeks of rushing around, and then was over and gone on December 26th. Such a lack of transition can begin to seem “normal� to us. Whatever is going to happen is expected to happen immediately, and we all move on to the next activity. In the Church, by way of contrast, Christmas was preceded by weeks of quiet expectation, and then the celebration continued into January and the feast of the Baptism of the Lord on January 8th. Everyone was invited to find time to ponder, to pray and then to move ahead into the next liturgical season. This is an example of real transition, which is a process of change. Perhaps we can take our cue from the liturgical calendar and be patient with ourselves, with the new words of the Mass, and with the transition period that will make the new words familiar to us. We can look forward to the day when we don’t even think about “old� words or “new� words, but only about the meaning of the prayers being expressed by the words.


Four County Catholic January 2012

Rachel’s Story The start of a new year brings promise to many. For those of you who have been considering new By MaryLou Gannotti Director of Planned Giving

forms of philanthropy, you might wish to consider a charitable gift annuity with the Diocese of Norwich. A charitable gift annuity not only allows you to make a donation, but provides you with the security of lifetime payments. This tax deductible contribution can also be set up to have payments sent to the annuitant of your choice. This could be a family member or a friend in need. A few who have chosen this method feel the annuity acts like a small trust, providing the designated recipient with needed income, all while ultimately ensuring a charitable gift will be eventually received by the church. For many, it’s a “win-win” situation. Rachel Potvin Bain decided creating a charitable gift annuity with the Diocese of Norwich made sense for her to do. Here is her story: Currently 97 years old, Rachel Bain has led a remarkable life. Originally from Wauregan, Connecticut, Rachel was raised in a French Canadian Community with a strong Catholic tradition. She grew up bilingual, and remembers as a small child praying in French each night with her mother. Like many women in her generation, Rachel, despite being quite bright, left school as a teenager in order to work full time in the local mills. After several years of working in the mill, Rachel’s sister encouraged her to join her in enlisting in the WACS. It was World War II and Rachel was inspired to serve. She had participated in a drill team where she led the group as captain and felt

this training might serve her well. She noted that upon enlisting in the WACS, she had to diet a little bit in order to meet stringent weight requirements. She joked, “I was always good with figures, I just could never do anything about my own.” All kidding aside, Rachel is a lovely lady still to this day. Apparently, Rachel did prove she was good with figures, serving 28 years in the army where she started off in clerical work as she notes, “handling a lot of money and doing a lot of finagling.” She trave l e d throughout the United States and Europe during her military service, also visiting Japan and quickly touching down in Africa. (Not too shabby for a small town girl!) Following some time living on the West Coast and her eventual retirement, Rachel returned to Northeastern Connecticut and has been leading a life involving family, friends and activities. Charity has always been near and dear to her heart and she notes she “always gives her share.” Several years ago, Rachel set up two charitable gift annuities with the Diocese of Norwich. At the time of her gifts, she was able to take advantage of some tax savings. Today, as Rachel inches closer to the century mark, her annuity payments continue, providing her with some income. When asked why she made the choice to give, Rachel felt it was just the right thing to do. We are truly grateful for her service and devotion. Please contact Director of Planned Giving MaryLou Gannotti at 860-886-1928 ext. 15, or e-mail with your questions about a charitable gift annuity, or for further information. You can also visit and click on Planned Giving.

Rachel Bain, 96, of Wauregan, who served in World War II, and the Korean and Vietnam wars in the Women’s Army Corps holds a photo of herself from a 1965 Army celebration. John Shishmanian/


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Four County Catholic January 2012

Catholic Charities Program Manager Sylvia Laudette and Executive Director Marek Kukulka accept Charter Oak’s Community Grant at the Organization’s Norwich Office.

Charter Oak Awards $3,000 Grant to Catholic Charities Emergency Needs Program Norwich-Based Catholic Charities Receives Grant to Support Emergency Needs and Case Management Programs Groton, CT- Charter Oak Federal Credit Union recently awarded Norwich-based Catholic Charities with a Community Giving Grant for $3,000 to support the organization’s Emergency Needs and Case Management programs. In operation since 1921, Catholic Charities is one of the oldest social service agencies in the region and will use the grant funding to pair individuals in need with the resources they need to stabilize their lives. The Emergency Needs Program funded by this grant provides emergency assistance, information, referrals, support and advocacy to individuals and families unable to meet their immediate basic needs. Often struggling as a result of fire, flood, family violence or job loss, individuals in need are paired with resources such as clothing, prescription help, as well as rent and utility assistance. The Case Management Program also funded by this award aims at engaging clients who demonstrate a longterm inability to meet their basic needs, or who require assistance in achieving or maintaining optimal functioning in society. Often, these individuals face barriers related to unemployment, education, mental health or substance abuse. Designed to enhance coping skills and social networks, the Program also seeks to stabilize living and financial situations as well. For more information about how you can help Catholic Charities, please visit their website at, or call 860-889-8346. For more information about Charter Oak Federal Credit Union’s Community Giving Program including other Grant recipients, please visit

Carmelites Install Lay Members On September 20, 2011 four individuals were temporarily professed and four permanently proSubmitted by Jean Barton

fessed as lay Carmelites by Father Garth Eversley, Ocarm. And Rose Mary Lanncelotti, Ocarm, of Middletown, NY at St. Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Church. The Third Order of the Our Lady of Mount Carmel is an association of lay people who, responding to a special call of God,

freely commit themselves to live in the following of Jesus Christ according to the traditions and spirit of Carmel under the authority of the Prior General of the Order. Carmelite Spirituality is particularly influenced by the great Carmelite Saints and Doctors of the Church, St. Theresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross and St. Therea of Lisieux. The temporarily professed are Mariso Moody, Peter Dikon, Shirley Coyne and Elizabeth Tua-

zon. Those permanently professed are Nora Ferma, Earnest Sunega, Peter Pucci and Amelia Lobrin. The members of our Carmelite community come from eight different parishes. We meet at St. Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Church in Groton on the third Tuesday of the month at 1 pm. Those interested in learning more about the Third Order can contact Kathie Morovsik at 860-5363760 or Jean Barton at 860-536-2150.

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Four County Catholic January 2012

Faith Enrichment Experience

About four years ago, RENEW International began the Why Catholic? process in the Diocese of By Sr. Veronica Mendez, RCD RENEW International Presenter

Lexington, Kentucky. As I was doing one of the presentations related to the book on the Apostles’ Creed, one of the parish participants shared this interesting story with me: “I received a phone call at home from a lady who was evangelizing for her church. She asked me what I thought the biggest problem in the world today is, and gave examples like radical Islam, Muslims, etc. I thought for a moment, and then quoted her something I had read that Gandhi supposedly said, “If all Christians in the world acted like Jesus Christ, the whole world would be Christian.” Then I told her I felt the biggest problem is people not living what they preach. She seemed surprised, then readily agreed with me. She then asked if she could send me a Bible Study program from her church. I told her that I was beginning a new program within my own church that was about learning more about our faith as well as Scripture (meaning, of course, Why Catholic?) She then asked what church I went to. I told her, and she asked, “Um, is that Catholic?’ I said yes, and then she said, “You mean, you all read the Bible?” I as-

sured her that we Session Day Date Time Location do. She then said, #1 Sunday January 22 1-3:30pm Sacred Heart, Taftville “Does that #2 Sunday January 22 6:30-9pm St. Matthew, Tolland mean that Catholics #3 Monday January 23 1-3:30pm St. Patrick, Mystic are Chris#4 Monday January 23 6:30-9pm St. Pius X, Middletown tians?” I #5 Tuesday January 24 1-3:30pm St. Mary, Coventry again assured her #6 Tuesday January 24 6:30-9pm St. Mary, Groton we were. #7 Wednesday January 25 1-3:30pm St. Mary, Stoning S h e #8 Wednesday January 25 6:30-9pm St. Mary, Putnam seemed amazed, and I ended up telling her more about is too often true, but this situation ning teams will encourage all their the Catholic Church. She thanked is easy to remedy. As I did last year, parishioners to attend. For more me for telling her these things, said during the days of January 22 to information about the Why she would pray for the success of January 25, I will present a series Catholic? experience of deepening our new program, of Why Catholic? faith enrichment faith, please call Marge Vanner at and we hung up. It sessions throughout the Diocese of (860) 848-2237 x 312, or Sr. Mary was such a won- Norwich. This year, the topic will Jude at (860) 456-3349. RENEW International is a derful experience be on the Bible. We will look at to be able to tell how we, as Catholics, understand canonically-recognized Catholic orsomeone who is the revelation that has been given ganization operating under the ausnot Catholic, and to us in Sacred Scripture and the pices of the Archdiocese of Newark in knew next to noth- important role that Sacred Tradi- New Jersey. RENEW International ing about the tion plays in how we understand fosters spiritual renewal in the Catholic Church, and believe the Scriptures. How to Catholic tradition by empowering something of what pray, read, and study the Bible will individuals and communities to enwe are all about, also be covered. All of this in two counter God in everyday life, deepen and share faith, and connect faith and have them accept that without hours that are far too short! We remind the parishes that this with action. For the past three trying to lure me away from the Church. I felt really good about presentation is for ALL their decades, RENEW staff have worked our conversation, as if I had helped parishioners whether or not they with dioceses, parishes, and campuses someone understand us a little bet- have joined a small faith sharing in 24 countries. RENEW Internater, and look forward even more to group. We sincerely hope the pas- tional can be found on the web at Why Catholic? since what little tors and the Why Catholic? plan- I’ve already learned from it gave me the courage to speak to this lady.” That Catholics do not read or know their Bible is a common perSchedule A COMPLIMENTARY Orthodontic Evaluation Today! ception many, including many Catholics, have. Unfortunately, it


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Why Catholics Read the Bible


Four County Catholic January 2012

Reverend Robert W. Cronin August 15, 1926 - December 28, 2011

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The Rev. Robert W. Cronin died on December 8, 2011 at his home in the McAuley, in West Hartford. The son of William H. and Mary E. (Wilson) Cronin, he was born on August 15, 1926 in Hartford. Educated at St. Michael School, he went on to St. Thomas Seminary in Bloomfield, St. Bernard Seminary in Rochester, NY, St. John Seminary in Brighton, MA and St. Mary Seminary in Baltimore, MD. He was ordained on May 22, 1952 in St. Thomas Seminary Chapel. He served as assistant to the pastor at St. Patrick Church in Mystic (3 years), Sacred Heart Church, Groton, (2 years), and St. Mary Church, New London (8 years). At St. Mary Church he was also made Director of Catholic Charities (New London district). At the beginning of his second year of ministry the former statewide Diocese of Hartford was split into three with the eastern portion of Connecticut becoming the Diocese of Norwich. In 1965 he was appointed pastor of St. Maurice Church in Bolton, and made director of the Diocesan Liturgy Commission, elected also to the Priests’ Senate of the Diocese of Norwich. Liturgical updating of St. Maurice Church building and the construction of a parish center were accomplished during his 15 years there. He made it a point to learn every parishioner’s first name as he felt this was very important. He was next assigned as pastor of St. Agnes Church, Niantic (10 years). And in 1990 he was assigned to St. Colman Church in Middlefield. In each of these parishes, he updated the physical plants (in some cases, substantially), however his focus was primarily on bringing renewal to the liturgical experience for those he served. In 1988 he was made a member of the diocesan Presbyteral Council, a post he held until 2008. In 1996 because of increasing deafness he reluctantly retired and went to live with his brother in West Hartford, eventually moving to the McAuley in 2009. In February of 2011, the parish of St. Maurice rededicated the Parish Center Library and renamed it in honor of Fr. Cronin. He is survived by his nieces, Raelene L. Cronin, and Karen C. Seligson and her husband Ray; his great nephew Alexander C. Seligson and sister-in-law Elizabeth Cronin. He was predeceased by his brother, William H. Cronin III, and his sister and brother-in-law, Louise M. and John J. Cronin. He would like to think that his most important contribution in each parish was the spiritual and liturgical enlightenment he offered. On Saturday, December 31, 2011 in St. Maurice Church in Bolton, the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, celebrated the Funeral Mass for Fr. Cronin with Father’s brother priests as concelebrants. Burial followed in Fairview Cemetery, West Hartford. Memorial donations may be made in his memory to the Diocese of Norwich, Retirement Plan for Priests, 201 Broadway, Norwich CT 06360. Molloy Funeral Home, West Hartford has care of arrangements. On line expressions of sympathy may be made at Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony Holy St Anthony gentlest of Saints. Your love for God and charit for His creators made you wor hy when on ear h posses miraculous power which you were ready to speak for those who are in t ouble or anxiet . Encouraged by this thought I implore to you to obtain for me (request) The answer to my prayer may require a miracle, even so you are the saint of miracles Oh gentle and loving St. Anthony whose hear is f ll of human sy pathy whisper my petition into the ears of sweet infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your ar s, and the g atit de of my hear will ever be yours. This 13 day Novena has never been known to fail. Say three Hail Mar 's and three Glories and promise publication.

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Four County Catholic January 2012

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Four County Catholic January 2012

Movie Review: Of Gods and Men Xavier Beauvois’ sublime Of Gods and Men is that almost unheard-of film that you do not judge — it By Steven D. Greydanus

judges you. To one degree or another it defies every attempt to put it in a box, to reduce its challenge to a political or pious ideological stance to be affirmed or critiqued. Whoever you are, whatever you bring to it, it will not tell you exactly what you want to hear, unless that is all you are willing or able to hear. The film is based on the true story of nine French Trappist monks of the Monastery of Our Lady of Atlas near the village of Tibhirine in Algeria’s Atlas Mountains, about 60 miles from Algiers, most of whom were killedin a 1996 incident during the Algerian Civil War. In late March the monks were taken

hostage by the Armed Islamic Group (GIA), which demanded the release of prisoners held by the French government. Two months later the GIA claimed responsibility for the monks’ deaths, although the circumstances remain unclear. Of Gods and Men is not about how the monks died, but how they lived and why they were willing to die. It tells the story of nine imperfect men who made a difficult choice to stay in a war-torn foreign country that countless citizens would gladly have fled if they could. Caught between a corrupt military government and violent extremist Muslim groups, the brothers’ choices are defined by two other relationships. One is their relationship with the Muslim villagers of Tibhirine, who regard the monks as their friends and benefactors. The

other relationship is the crucial one, with an unseen Beloved. Filmed in Morocco in French and Arabic, the film brings an almost documentary quality to how the Trappists live, pray and work, recalling Into Great Silence and the more recent No Greater Love. But here the pealing of monastery bells alternates with the adhan (the Muslim call to prayer). This is not sinister or threatening to the monks, who are truly part of the local community. The villagers invite them to family celebrations, and they attend. On the desk of Dom Christian (Lambert Wilson), the abbot, a copy of the Quran sits next to the Fioretti of St. Francis. Brother Luc (Michael Lonsdale, Munich) runs a free medical clinic for the villagers and all who need his services — even wounded insurgents. In a

touching scene, Luc offers avuncular advice to a teenaged Muslim girl curious about falling in love, and mentions his own youthful loves and t which nally heart. Th gat clouds ports agains Musli Chris teenag the p Mosta been broad not hijab. being speaki the v traged local c Croat cowor — are they’re religious,” a villager frets, meaning the insurgents. “They’ve never read the Quran.” Of Gods and Men is a remarkably uncompromising film: uncompromising in its depiction of the challenge of Christianity, of the sharp divisions within Islam between the peaceful villagers and the bloodthirsty insurgents. It is profoundly engaged in political realities, yet it transcends politics. It is thoughtful, yet many of its best scenes are dialogue-free, from the routines of manual labor to the luminous emotional climax. It is luminously beautiful, suffused by beauty natural and man-

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made, sacred and secular, moral and spiritual. Veteran cinematographer Caroline Champetier takes in the randeur of the

cheek to a large wall painting of Christ, the monk’s head and the Savior’s side become a single image of spiritual intimacy, a cinematic icon, a window into heaven. Of Gods and Men is deeply theological and liturgical — I can think of no other film that combines so much chant and hymnody with so much in-depth discussion of the Incarnation and the meaning of vocation and martyrdom — yet its theology and liturgy is utterly practical and relevant to the real-world crises outside the monastery walls. (The title ties into an opening epigram from Psalm 82: “”I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.”) It is meticulously authentic. The actors spent two months learning the music and at least a week on retreat at the Tamié Abbey in France learning to live and behave as monks. The writings of the actual monks of Tibhirine informed the production, and the film’s consultants included Henry Quinson, who lived for six years at a Cistercian monastery in France and knew two of the monks in the film.


Four County Catholic January 2012

US Bishops’ Campaign Draws Attention to Domestic Poverty Washington D.C., Dec 16, 2011 - The U.S. bishops announced the launch of a renewed By Michelle Bauman Catholic News Agency

media effort to promote a better understanding of poverty in America. The new initiative unveiled by the bishops’ Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development will include a refurbished website, a new social media presence and daily events for Poverty Awareness Month in January. Bishop Jaime Soto of Sacramento, who leads the bishops’ efforts to fight poverty through the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, explained that the culture of life must start with a love “that binds us to the hopes and joys, the struggles and the sorrows� of the poor and afflicted in society. According to the U.S. bishops’ conference, 15 percent of total Americans and nearly 25 percent of children live in poverty. The Poverty USA campaign will


feature updated statistics in a special section on the bishops’ conference website. A new Facebook page has also been launched for the campaign, providing resources for families, individuals and parishes. Visitors to the page can also participate in Poverty Awareness Month by joining the Facebook event and taking part in daily activities during the month of January to increase their understanding of domestic poverty. Noting the widespread scourge of poverty in America, Bishop Soto spoke of the importance of solidarity with those who struggle in any capacity. “We march with immigrant families toward a society made

stronger and safer by their inclusion,� he said. “We embrace the mother and her unborn child, giving to both of them hope and opportunity.� “We measure our own health by the quality of care we give to those most vulnerable,� he added. “We labor with those whose work is burdensome.�

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Catholic Campaign for Human Development

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Four County Catholic January 2012

Native American is Proclaimed Catholic Saint The Vatican has announced a 17th-century Mohawk-Algonquin woman will be canonized as a By Cathy Lynn Grossman USA Today

Catholic saint, the first Native American from North America so proclaimed.

It takes proof of two miracles to certify that a Catholic is clearly in heaven asking God to help people who pray in their name. Now, a second critical miracle has been credited in the name of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, who died in 1680 at age 24. Jacob “Jake” Finkbonner of Fer-


ndale, Wash., was 5 years old in 2006 when he split his lip playing baseball, developed a deadly flesheating strep infection and lay near death for months at Seattle Children’s Hospital. Jake’s father, Don, is Native American and a member of the Lummi tribe. Its parish priest at the time, Timothy Sauer, urged Jake’s parents to pray to Kateri to seek God’s miracle, Sauer said he suggested Kateri because “I knew Kateri herself had been deeply disfigured by smallpox, so it seemed like she would be a good person to call on

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for this young boy whose face and head were infected. Elsa Finkbonner, Jake’s mother said Jake turned the corner toward survival after a visit by a member of the Tekakwitha Conference, based in Great Falls, Mont., which evangelizes to a halfmillion Native American Catholics. The woman, also named Kateri, brought a small coin with an image of Blessed Kateri and a prayer card, Finkbonner said. “I pinned that relic to his pillow and I read that prayer to him every single day,” she said. Today, Jake is training to be an altar boy at church and still playing basketball. “I pray to Kateri now myself,” Jake said Monday. “Other people have asked about my story and told me their stories, and I pray to her for other people to be healed.” The Vatican scrupulously investigates miracle claims for proof that

recovery was not a result of medical or surgical attention. Sister Kateri Mitchell of the Tekakwitha Conference, a Mohawk herself, was among 400Native Americans who attended the beatification ceremony in 1980, when Kateri’s history of miracles was first recognized by the church. Mitchell said, “I think thousands of us will try to go to Rome for the canonization. We have waited so long for this.”

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Four County Catholic January 2012

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Four County Catholic January 2012

St. Patrick Cathedral School, Norwich 860-889-4174

Academic Excellence. Character. Self-confidence.

Sacred Heart School, Taftville 860-887-1757 Sacred Heart School, Groton 860-445-0611 St. Edward School, Stafford Springs 860-684-2600 St. James School, Danielson 860-774-3281 St. John School, Middletown 860-347-3202 St. John School, Old Saybrook 860-388-0849 St. Joseph School, Baltic 860-822-6141

Catholic Schools: Faith. Academics. Service. The theme for Catholic Schools Week 2012 is “Catholic Schools: Faith. Academics. Service.� This theme exBy Sheila Cerjanec Technology Coordinator, Diocesan School Office

pressly states the three priorities that succinctly identify our Catholic schools across the nation. It is a special week, set aside each year, for all schools to share the wonderful happenings going on within their walls, and to learn what is happening in the other schools and dioceses. Students in the Norwich Diocese

Catholic schools not only learn about their Faith, they learn to live it. They practice their Faith on a daily basis in all aspects of their educational journey. Academics are, of course, of the utmost importance in our schools. Students are held to the highest standards and are encouraged to strive to accomplish all that they can. All of our schools follow the curriculum set forth by the Diocese of Norwich which pro-

vides the students with the tools necessary to develop into responsible, creative, critical thinkers and morally conscious adults in an ever challenging world. Service is an equally important facet of Catholic School education in the diocese. Students are encouraged to practice service within their communities by giving their time and talents in an effort to help others. Service begins with the youngest students and continues as the students progress through their school years and Catholic Schools Continued on page 21

St. Joseph School, North Grosvenordale 860-923-2090 St. Joseph School, New London 860-442-1720 St. Joseph School, Rockville 860-875-4943 St. Mary School, Middletown 860-347-2978 St. Mary School, New London 860-443-7758 St. Mary-St. Joseph School, Willimantic 860-423-8479 St. Michael School, Pawcatuck 860-599-1084 St. Matthew Pre-School, Tolland 860-872-0200 St. Bernard Pre-School, Rockville 860-875-0475

To learn more, contact the Diocesan School Office, 860-887-4086, or contact one of the diocesan schools.


Four County Catholic January 2012

Catholic Schools

Continued from page 20

beyond. Our students are not just taught about respect for others and good character formation, they are expected to live it, daily. One of our schools will be hosting a Senior Citizen Tea complete with a Student Talent Show during the week. In other schools, students participate in age appropriate activities such as food collections and cards, letters, and visits to health care facilities, and letters and cards to those serving in the military. Catholic Schools Week is a time for our schools to shine. It is a time to build community awareness of Catholic Education. Catholic Schools Week is celebrated across the country beginning on the last Sunday in January. It is also a time to say “thank you” to all those who help to make the schools a success: teachers, staff, administrators, board members, parents and volunteers. It is because of their commitment and dedication that our students are able to grow spiritually, academically, and socially, in a safe and caring learning environment that is a Catholic school. As throughout the country, many of our schools will begin or end the week with a parish Mass, that brings the members of both the parish community and the school community together to celebrate the Eucharist. Often, our students will participate, usually in school uniform, as lectors, gift bear-

ers, and in leading the congregation in the recitation of the Intercessions or Prayers of the Faithful which in many cases they have written in school. Each day is filled with activities to celebrate this special week. Most schools will be holding Open Houses so that visitors can get a glimpse of what it is like to attend a Catholic School. Parishioners, friends, neighbors are encouraged to visit during these times, particularly if they are considering Catholic education for their own children. Many will be holding an Open House during the evening hours as well with teachers and staff available in the classrooms, so that those unable to attend during the day will have an opportunity to learn about the schools. When one walks through the doors of any of our schools, it is apparent that the children are growing, academically, socially, and spiritually in a loving environment that is rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Catholic Schools Week is a time to recognize the strong bonds our schools have with the communities in which they are located. Catholic schools realize that, not only do they contribute to their communities but that they, too, rely on their communities for many resources that enhance their success. Many of our schools use a day during the week to plan activities such as ‘dress


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down days’ that result in donations going to local community organizations. One school holds a Pot Luck Dinner for the entire school family, each year, honoring five local residents who have given back to the school and parish community. Generally, one day of the week is devoted to the students. Student Appreciation Day is a fun-filled day with perhaps a special performance, an ice cream social, or even a Faculty vs. Student Basketball game! Spirit Days are very popular as well. Some schools will have guest speakers, perhaps a children’s book author or local celebrity, or they will have a career day or night where students can learn from profession-

als from their community about their chosen fields. One school designates a day for Family Appreciation. During this day, students create cards and thank you letters to their parents. These letters, written from the heart, are destined to become treasured mementoes of their years at the school. Those who teach in Catholic Schools are special people, along with all of the administrators, staff, and volunteers who support them on a daily basis. They are honored on a special day during the week, usually with a special luncheon as the week draws to a close. There are fifteen elementary schools, two diocesan secondary schools, one 6-12 diocesan school,

one private religious secondary school, a residential treatment program that provides integrated treatment services to adolescent boys and young men, and one independent Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Norwich. Currently, there are 4760 students matriculating in Diocesan school. This year, Catholic Schools Week runs from Sunday, January 29, 2012 through Sunday, February 5, 2012. Make an effort to visit at least one school in the diocese during that week. The children, faculty and staff are waiting to welcome you. Call the schools, or visit their websites for further information about the wonderful activities will be taking place.

Annual Campaign for Diocesan Elementary Schools Committed to preserving the vital role of Catholic schools in the Diocese of Norwich, Bishop Cote has listened to all recommendations gathered over two years of evaluation by the Ad Hoc Commission and the Pastors Committee. In support of their findings that today our parish schools are effectively regional schools serving children from many parishes, Bishop Cote will be sending every parishioner a letter next week further explaining how we can help preserve our treasured schools, including his approval of a special annual collection later this month.


Four County Catholic January 2012

Resolve to Write in the New Year Benjamin Franklin was 27 when he dipped his pen in red ink, drew a seven-column, 13-row chart and reBy Christina Capecchi Four County Catholic Contributor

solved to master all the moral

virtues. It was Sunday and the first day of July. The last of the 13 British colonies to be founded, Georgia, was being settled, and each colony was working out its own system of self government. Young Franklin was ready to look

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within and devise his own self governance. He broke down his day – eight hours of work, seven hours of sleep, a two-hour lunch break – and dedicated one week to each of the 13 virtues he had identified, beginning with temperance. “I was surprised to find myself so much fuller of faults than I had imagined,” he wrote in his autobiography, “but I had the satisfaction of seeing them diminish.” It is an impulse that returns each January: to systematically detect and diminish one’s faults, day by day, row by row, like yanking weeds or drilling cavities. This month we adjust to a new year and celebrate the patron saint of writers, St. Francis de Sales, and whether the prospect of 2012 has you feeling ambitious or overwhelmed, I can think of no better response than writing. Pulitzer Prize-winning author and historian David McCullough owes part of his career to the fact that

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founding fathers like Franklin wrote prolifically. “The loss of people writing – writing a composition, a letter or a report – is not just the loss for the record,” he told Time magazine last year. “It’s the loss of the process of working your thoughts out on paper, of having an idea that you would never have had if you weren’t [writing]…People [I research] were

writing letters every day. That was calisthenics for the brain.” McCullough uses a 60-year-old Royal typewriter to pound out his thoughts on the page. “I’ve written everything I’ve ever had published on it,” he said. “It’s a superb example of American manufacturing.” But writing is not just an intellectual exercise. It can also be a religious one. I recently interviewed Mitch Albom, author of “Tuesdays With Morrie,” the bestselling memoir in history. The Detroit journalist told me that writing is an inherently spiritual endeavor. “You need to be in-

fused with a certain spirit in order to be able to create,” he said, “and I believe all our talents come from God.” We write to make sense of our lives and our world, to examine who we have been and who we hope to become. That’s what Anne Bradstreet did. Among the British colonists settling in America, she was the first to have a book of poetry published. She chronicled her first impressions, having found “a new world and new manners, at which [her] heart rose.” She wrote about her pregnancy, her granddaughter’s death and the burning of her home. In a poem honoring Queen Elizabeth, written 13 year after Bradstreet had arrived in Massachusetts, she wrote of “terra incognita” – Latin for “unknown territory,” “unexplored land.” Stepping into 2012 with our private struggles and secret hopes, our Catholic faith and our piecemeal education, each of us faces terra incognita, and we owe it to ourselves to process it on paper. Every journey requires a journal. Christina Capecchi is an awardwinning writer from Inver Grove Heights, Minn. She can be reached at EDUCATIONAL CENTER

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Four County Catholic January 2012

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Xavier Has Lost That Losing Feeling They had fallen to StaplesWestport that night in Wilton, fallen hard in the 2009 state semiBy Jeff Jacobs The Hartford Courant

finals during that wild three-point loss. In the quiet locker room afterward, senior captain Julian Hayes would rise for what the coach’s son called the kind of words that a band of young men don’t easily forget. “Julian gave the best speech I ever heard after that game,” Xavier-Middletown senior lineman Sean Marinan Jr. said Saturday night after the Falcons crushed Staples 42-7 at Rentschler Field for their second Class LL title in a row. “Everyone was crying. Everyone was in tears. “He stood up so unselfishly. He said, ‘Remember this. Remember how this feels, because you’re never going to feel this again. I can’t do it now. You guys have to do it for me.’” And so they did. And so they did again. Hayes had run the ball 10 straight times on one series in the second half of that loss, finished with 168 yards, and afterward, his coach Sean Marinan would insist on calling him a trouper. Still, it

wasn’t enough. Staples’ Matt Kelly, whose younger brother Nick had similar dreams on this cold Saturday night, would rush for 225 yards and three touchdowns, including a 54-yard touchdown run. An interception by Robert Gau and a fourth-quarter field goal by Santiago Cuartas would prove to be obstacles too big to overcome. Final: Staples 31, Xavier 28. But we will put Xavier’s twoyear run up against anybody. They played in the largest class. They’re playing in the best conference right now — Xavier and Hand-Madison of the SCC should finish 1-2 in the state polls. They’re deep and versatile. They paid all the dues. And these seniors finished off their run by outscoring their Class LL opponents, 132-27, in three playoff games. “It’s a pretty impressive run,” D’Amato said. “I hope finally people realize that this is the No. 1 team in the state and has been the past two years.” “Our seniors have worked so hard,” Mastroianni said. “I think we deserved it.” They remembered how it felt that night in Wilton. And they never felt it again.


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Four County Catholic January 2012

Norwich Festival is a Chorus of Carols, Bells Members of the Cathedral Children’s Choir & Youth Singers performed during the 32nd Annual Diocese of Norwich Festival of Lessons and Carols at the Cathedral of St. Patrick on Sunday in Norwich. More than 125 voices lent their talent to the event, which was led by Cathedral Music Director Douglas Green. Participants included the Norwich Diocesan Choir, the Cathedral Children’s Choir, the Bells of St. Patrick and others. Photo by Aaron Flaum/The Bulletin

St. Patrick Students Discover True Meaning of Christmas 237 students from St. Patrick Cathedral School donated money and gift cards to purchase a car for their beloved secretary Mrs. Josephine McIvor who has been

working at St. Pat’s for thirtythree years. She was in need of a new car. All the students kept this a true secret santa gift and never mentioned a word. The car was

presented after their Advent mass. Mrs. McIvor came to the school yard as students sang “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” while surrounding the car.

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Four County Catholic January 2012

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The Feast of St. Francis Xavier at SBS Saint Bernard School, along with its’ fellow Xaverian Brothers Sponsored Schools, celebrated the Submitted By Susan Griffin Admissions Associate, Saint Bernard School, Uncasville

feast of the patron saint, St. Francis Xavier during the week of December 3rd. Founded by Theodore James Ryken in 1639, the primary goal of his congregation would be the teaching of youth to live lives of faith and service based on the Gospel. Today, the Xaverian Brothers – through their missionary efforts and collaboration with lay men and women throughout the world – strive to realize Ryken’s vision. Saint Bernard marked the Founders’ Week with students participating in a FUNdraising dodge ball game that raised over $300 donated to the Xaverian Brother’s missions in Bungoma and Nairobi, Kenya. On Thursday, students were treated during lunch period to three large sheet cakes decorated with pictures of the Saint Bernard School seal, Theodore Ryken, and St. Francis Xavier. The week ended on Friday with a prayer service lead by the six XBSS Senior Leaders who represent Saint Bernard at Sponsored Schools Student Retreat. During that program, the senior leaders spoke to the students and faculty about Saint Bernard’s “connectedness” to the 5 Xaverian spiritual values, the ministry of the XB Sponsored Schools, and their mission as it is lived out in steward-

ship in the global community. The event ended with a presentation of the Theodore James Ryken Award which has been established to recognize an adult member of the school community who by her or his commitment and dedication clearly demonstrates personal awareness, appreciation for and commitment to the Xaverian Mission of “falling in love with the service of God”. The recipient of the 2011 Ryken Award was Cynthia DeLucia. Mrs. DeLucia attended Notre Dame Academy in Norwich and then graduated from St. Bernard High School in 1973. She went on to Southern Connecticut State College and graduated with a major in Education and minor in Math. Mrs. DeLucia continued her education at Eastern Connecticut State College earning her master degree in Science Education. She and her husband Paul have two sons, Christopher and Jeff who both graduated from Saint Bernard School and now attend the University of Connecticut. Mrs. DeLucia began her teaching career at St. Joseph School in Norwich for 26 years the 8th grade teacher and before leaving served as vice-principal for five years. In 2004, she accepted a position at Saint Bernard School. Over the past 6 years, Mrs. DeLucia has taught courses ranging from Algebra I to Pre-Cal along with Senior Theology. When asked why she came to teach at her alma mater, Mrs. DeLucia stated that it was al-

ways dream to come back to SB’s – it was like coming home. “I love teaching here because it is as if you had never left. Everyone was so welcoming.” Along with her teaching responsibilities, Mrs. DeLucia is co-chair as Senior Class Moderator and Mock Trial along with the Faculty Faith Formation. When asked about being honored with the Ryken Award, Mrs. DeLucia responded that she is humbled, as she feels so many of her fellow faculty was deserving of this recognition. Mrs. DeLucia has found that being part of the Xaviarn Brothers Sponsored Schools has been wonderful for Saint Bernard because it has allowed the faculty and staff to network with the other 12 member schools. She has twice traveled to Baltimore to be trained in the mission and spiritual values of the Xavarien Brothers. Mrs. DeLucia also participated in a three day workshop and retreat to be trained in Faith Formation.

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Four County Catholic January 2012

Winter Fun Winter means snow and icy cold weather. It can be a time to enjoy cozy indoors with a family game night or bundle up and enjoy the cold outside followed by hot cocoa. The Bible has some thoughts regarding winter too. Psalm 51:7 states Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Make snow angels when it snows and chat about this verse. Walk through a winter wonderland and praise God for the beauty that snow creates. Snow gives us an image of God’s desire to forgive our sins and clean us inside whiter than the soft flakes he sends from the sky. Ask God to forgive your sins and after confession think of how God has made you clean. Make snow angels when it snows and chat about this verse. We read in Acts 28:2 The islanders showed us unusual kindness. They built a fire and welcomed us all because it was raining and cold. The words remind us of the warmth of fires and the need to help others be warm. Go through your winter clothes to give some to a shelter. Invite friends in to enjoy indoor fun or give up some desserts to give money for helping pay someone’s heating bill. If possible light a fire and enjoy toasting hot dogs or marshmallows and sharing a thought about God. Psalm 37:10 is a wonderful image. The words state The breath of God produces ice, and the broad waters become frozen. When you skate this winter consider God’s ability to freeze the water and make ice. Have fun playing hockey or trying to spin and weave on the ice. Take photos of everyone bundled up and enjoying the cold to create memorable scrapbook pages of photos and build memories during this winter.

by Karen H Whiting

Bible Babies The beginning of January is a time to celebrate life and think of babies. Unscramble the names to identify these Bible babies 1. He was hidden in a basket 2. We celebrate his birthday every year 3. Son of Ruth and grandfather of King David 4. Relative of Jesus 5. Son of Abraham 6. First two babies 7. Son of Hannah 8. Wise son of King David 9. Sons of Noah who went on the ark 10. Favorite son of Jacob (wore a beautiful coat)


January 8 Feast of the Baptism of Jesus. Look at everyone’s baptism photos and chat about being in the family of God through baptism. Clean up your computer month so delete old files and use a screen cleaner to clean it off. January 18 Thesauras Day. A thesaurus is a book of synonyms (words with the same or similar meaning) and antonyms (words with the opposite meaning). Call out words and see who can think of a synonym or antonym first. January 21 Hugging Day! Have a group hug and pass out candy hugs. Talk about how encouragement is like giving a hug to someone. Read 1 Thessalonians 5:11 and then encourage one another.

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Answer Key and verses to find the babies: 1. Moses, Exodus 2:2-10 2. Jesus Matthew 1:23-25 3. Obed Ruth 4:13, 17 4. John (the Baptist) Luke 1:57-60 5. Isaac Genesis 21:13 6. Cain, Abel, Genesis 4:1-2 7. Samuel, 1 Samuel 1:20 8. Solomon 2 Samuel 12:24 9. Shem, Ham, Japeth Genesis 9:18-18 10. Joseph, Genesis 30:22-25


Four County Catholic January 2012

Gary Gagne’s 6th Grade CCD Class of St. Mary Parish in Jewett City Completes a 21-Show Assisted Living Tour Throughout Southeastern CT

age g for ittin’ Im hat a blessin dering p S r u o y on W one of antic. Wow! ou may be w f having t a t n y, Willim ilege o s prese nded. Y t De ut I wa cent home in erly that atte s had the priv I have taugh b e m s ld a t t w e le s h e o a a e g o n v p h con r wh for t n’t k t. Brid tant You do s recently at a ur group and tired instructo rs. In the dis ntly part of S orking a t w re o e Concer g people in y mother and r re than 40 ye Heart and cur privilege of Niantic n e d o u d a h n ra rm m t cre dt the yo I am a g r of my life fo get and at Sa y years I ha Ministry Tea hat a won . m a I s who ente t. Brid en for man f Reflection y heart – w at Jesu s the c ers at S Jesus a seventh grad anchester. Th with a Day o n warmed m are doing wh t smiles l s e r CCD fo Church in M ishops Appea h these childr hat when we ith the bigge rage us t c w B u it li l e o n o w c a e m h n u y to nn istr Cat d ev to e ut ur min h the A seemed our paths an er ourselves o continue b t throug r Women, Yo g. It always – o ld t u ly u me in in ot on e sho fo ge yo Prison b you are do t obstacles co d a tap on th ourage you n s to encoura e e a c jo derful d us to do th ometimes ne . I want to en roups. In hop . s e s g o r ll e has ca wn faces w re called to d rt their own ter with othe noticed a o t a eem! I a star t t s r le e s u -e ld is w o lf u t h t n e a o s o h e to be ositive inue w to shar rishes w b o u t p n o t s o m u c h Jesus Loves to cont ore of the pa and feel free a lk a T s , shine. d or former o mind I wish mhat I observed unity to ur young per song comes t on’t feel love h a t r o w p is p this and d of yo m wit n an o ed. A childre y single one lents to be us lose direction u blessed the mselves e h t e r v e You ga ouraging eve d they had ta oung people h of them. Yo ity to give th elderly. c n n c y e a a u n t , h y e t r r e n f a o a in t u o p s yo s. op est om ces s b re a n a t f e a e a e h w h t m h t sionles y t t e e t but th day and age bringing ou . You gave th your kids bu tched expres nds – I a ou are themselves ed not only nd wa heir ha Me. In d ing – y c h e d a t and shake t youngsters h u he reach o hugs from t ren were und n il a h c d heir miles em The em- and in t ey h t n e ve giv nd th d. Th g arou d it mattere were in n e p n p a a hey ne else o reach out, t ay. They o e m o s t sitive w arning ywere le g up” in a po it works anon in ir t w p n S o a ic ly re “gr the Ho own in Willim t a h t INSP d is said uched IRED Spirit to ly o H dI SPRE BY GO and an e b s u h g, My h – on CHR ADING D n singin ve a Little Fait o p ISTIA e e do. K st night, Ha NITY FRO la movie um.” d we h n CLA M THE a s g in ear, SSRO New Y d , e t s s is O r le h TO T M ve in C tmas and a B an H is r h Sulliv E C o d PEO l erry a uB


nD athlee

Thank You to Ou Outstanding Cast... Nick DiRoma, Erin Cote, Evan Socha, Cate DePonte, Nadim Randolph, Linz Oldenburg, R.J. Pudvah, Malina Laro, arah Cusimano, Matt DePonte, Kyle Whittaker, Kurt Whittaker, Austin Shirley, Anna Cote, Bailey Randolph, Gracie Socha, Gracie udvah, Hanna Laflesh and the Iincredible group of parents who gave so much of their time and talents to make this tour such a tremendous success.


Four County Catholic January 2012

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SAN ANTONIO - The nation’s 33 Hispanic Roman Catholic Bishops released a

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Hispanic Bishop’s Letter Offers Sympathy to Illegal Immigrants

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By Jim Forsyth Reuters

strongly worded “letter to immigrants” suggesting illegal immigrants deserve thanks from Americans, and calling for “denunciation of the forces which oppress them.” The bishops have come out in support of comprehensive immigration reform and a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants before, as they do again in the letter, but it uses stronger language and goes further in offering support to undocumented immigrants. The letter was released by San Antonio Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller and Los Angeles Archbishop Jose Gomez, the highest ranking Mexican-Americans in the U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops. “We are well aware of the great sacrifice you make for your families’ well being,” portions of the letter say. “Despite your contributions to the well-being of our country, instead of receiving our thanks, you are often treated as criminals because you have violated current immigration laws.” The letter was released on the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the patron saint of Mexico and the Continental Americas. On December 12 many immigrants to the United States from Latin America, who are overwhelmingly Roman Catholic, return to churches to reconnect with

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said. The letter pledges to “continue to advocate on behalf of global economic justice, so our brothers and sisters can find employment opportunities in their countries of origin that offer a living wage, and allow them to live with dignity.” Garcia-Siller said he also wants to “assure immigrants of the solidarity and support of the Hispanic Bishops in the United States, and pledges to continue the advocacy of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops for ‘just reform’ of U.S. immigration policy.” He said the Bishops’ demand is not for ‘open borders’ and he supports border security. “Any new immigration law should include a program for worker visas that respects the immigrants’ human rights, provides for their basic needs and ensures that they enter our country and work in a safe and orderly manner,” he said, quoting from the letter. But he vowed that the Bishops will “not wait until the law changes” to provide welcome and support for the undocumented in Catholic churches. “In your suffering we see the face of Jesus Christ,” he said to the immigrants. Mehlman said the idea of the U.S. owing thanks to illegal immigrants was particularly offensive. “It demonstrates that they simply don’t understand the concept of what immigration law is all about,” he said. “Ask the guy who used to do the job that is now being done by an illegal immigrant if they think the illegal immigrant needs to be thanked.”

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their heritage. Garcia-Siller and Gomez, the only Latino Archbishops in the U.S. church, are natives of Mexico and U.S. citizens. “This letter is pastoral in nature and is not about politics or programs,” Garcia-Siller said. “It is my desire to offer comfort, kindness, and compassion to all immigrants who are suffering, especially at this time of year.” But groups that fight illegal immigration said the Bishops are placing the interests of their U.S. parishioners second. “The reason that we have immigration laws is because they are there to protect the interests of the American people,” Ira Mehlman, communications director of the group Federation for American Immigration Reform, said Monday. “What the Bishops are saying, essentially, is that other people are going to have to sacrifice their jobs, their children’s educational opportunities ... because the Catholic Church is placing the interests of illegal immigrants ahead of those who are legitimately here in the United States.” “The Catholic Church has seen immigration as a recruiting tool,” Mehlman said. “That is not a legitimate interest of American immigration policy.” Garcia-Siller said he “can’t control what other people say.” ‘PAINED AND SADDENED’ “It pains and saddens me that many of our Catholic brothers and sisters have not supported our petitions for changes in the immigration law that will protect the basic rights of immigrants,” he

to Pope el to trav & Cubaico Mex

Look for details of Pope Benedict’s historic trip to Latin America in the February issue of the Four County Catholic.


Four County Catholic January 2012

The New Crystal City: A Religious Symbol is Converted LOS ANGELES — Whenever clergy from Asia, South America or Europe visit Roman Catholic By Nicole Santa Cruz Los Angeles Times

Bishop Tod Brown in Orange County, Calif., they all want to see one church, but not one of Brown’s. They want to see the Crystal Cathedral. For more than 50 years, the architectural landmark — famous for its 10,000 panes of glass and 236-foot bell tower — has been synonymous with the Rev. Robert H. Schuller and his “Hour of Power” broadcasts. That is about to change. Last month, the Crystal Cathedral property became the future home of the diocese after a bankruptcy judge approved the sale for $57.5 million. The Vatican has signed off and diocese officials expect escrow to open soon. In Orange County, where a third of the population is Catholic, the deal represents both vast demographic change and the rising influence of the church. “I think the Crystal Cathedral will be, for us, the heart and center for our Catholic community,” said Brown, who reached the mandatory retirement age of 75 on Nov. 15, two days before the court victory. He will help oversee the transition because a successor has not yet been named. In a rare interview, Schuller told the Los Angeles Times he was not surprised. “I think it could have happened 20 years ago because I haven’t changed,” he said. “It’s who I have always been.” The 85-year-old minister, who became the pivotal unifying force in the bankruptcy sale, said he has always respected the Roman Catholic faith and considers it the “mother church.” Schuller also said he drew inspiration for his “Hour of Power” from Catholic Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, whose own popular TV show in the 1950s paved the way. “The Roman Catholic Church

isn’t going to change its theologies,” Schuller said. “I trust them.” Still, Brown’s tenacious pursuit of one of the most recognizable Protestant symbols surprised many, even Brown himself, who said the idea “never crossed my mind” until several lay advisers approached him. After all, he had long planned to build a cathedral in Santa Ana for an estimated $200 million in response to the booming Catholic population. He even hired an architect last year. But he quickly saw the bankruptcy as a chance to fulfill his dream in a different way and began a bidding war for the church property with Chapman University. In the final 24 hours, Brown said that even he thought “it was all over.” Then Schuller, who had won over millions of believers through his credo of “possibility

thinking,” told the court he could not abide the thought that Chapman might someday use the cathedral for nonreligious purposes. The deal was struck. Diocesan officials were elated, with one attorney calling it a miracle. As Brown put it, “ecumenism has got a shot in the arm.” When Brown succeeded Bishop Norman McFarland in 1998, there were 600,000 Catholics in Orange County. There are now 1.2 million. That growth can be seen on almost any Sunday. For many parishes, the norm is standing-room-only turnout for Mass; at others, the Sunday crowds spill out the doors. Mass is said in 10 languages, including Vietnamese, Polish, Mandarin, Korean, Indonesian and Spanish. During Brown’s tenure, he dedicated nine churches, bringing the diocese total to 68. He also ap-

For more than 50 years, Crystal City, the architectural landmark — famous for its 10,000 panes of glass and 236-foot bell tower — has been synonymous with the Rev. Robert H. Schuller and his “Hour of Power” broadcasts. That Allen J. Schaben/McClatchy Newspapers is about to change. pointed Latinos and women to key positions and gave a new parish a Vietnamese name, Our Lady of La Vang, a first for a Catholic church in Southern California. But he never lost sight of building a cathedral, first announcing plans in 2001.


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As for Schuller, what he built in Garden Grove is not about him, he said, but about faith. “I know when I called it the Crystal Cathedral, they said it’s not a cathedral. And I said, ‘not yet.’ It wasn’t yet, but it has become one.”


Four County Catholic January 2012

Top Bishop: ‘Bravo’ to Penn State Center to Treat Sex Abuse The top U.S. Catholic bishop cheered news today that Penn State will establish a national cenBy Cathy Lynn Grossman USA Today

ter to combat and treat child sexual abuse and pledged to help. Today, in an exclusive interview with USA TODAY, The Penn State President Rodney Erickson said the university would create the Center for the Protection of Children to conduct research and provide treatment to sex abuse victims across the country. N.Y. Archbishop Timothy Dolan, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, told me in an email today, I say Bravo! It sounds as if Penn State is doing what the Catholic Bishops did a decade ago, when we bishops committed ourselves to confront the scourge of sexual abuse of children, to research the

search, and would be happy to share with Penn State what we’ve learned, or to participate in this proposed center in any way that we can . We know that the problem of sexual abuse is not limited to any one group, and as I mentioned a few weeks ago in Baltimore, we stand ready to join with Penn State students expressed solidarity with others who are committhe alleged rape victims in the wake of the Jerry ted to combating the Sandusky scandal. The university announced problem.” At the bishops’ anplans for a national center to treat abuse vicPhoto by Jeff Swensen, Getty Images nual conference last tims. month Dolan has said causes of this terrible cultural and he would “exuberantly welcome” societal problem that tragically a “ major national educational touches all areas of society, and to campaign” to prevent abuse, and provide education and training to the Church would work with any help eliminate this terrible crime institutions that work with chiland sin. dren to tackle this society-wide We have done extensive re- problem.

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Four County Catholic January 2012

Sr. Ruth Babineau, DHS Dec. 14, 1923 – Nov. 26, 2011 Sister Ruth Babineau, DHS, 88, a member of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit died November 26, 2011 at the Holy Spirit Health Care Center where she has been in residence since 1999. Sister Ruth was born on December 14, 1923 in Palmer, MA, the daughter of the late Arthur and Alexina (Plouffe) Babineau. She entered religious life in 1940 and made her religious profession on August 20, 1945 at the Holy Spirit Provincial House in Putnam, CT. She was then known as Sr. Jeanne Arthur. Early in her religious life Sr. Ruth taught in elementary schools in Putnam, CT, Leominster, and Pittsfield, MA; and Bridgeport, CT. She also served as dietician at Holy Spirit Provincial House in Putnam and at St. Clare Home, Newport, RI. A Funeral Mass was celebrated November 30 at the Holy Spirit Provincial House Chapel in Putnam. The celebrant was Rev. Edward M. Dempsey, retired, of the Diocese of Norwich. Concelebrating with him were Rev. Jerome Gingras of Immaculate Conception Parish, Glenville, NY, Rev. Alexis Babineau, A.A., retired, brother of the deceased, Diocese of Worcester and Rev. Andre Gariepy, retired, of the Diocese of Worcester. The eulogy was given by Sr. Bonnie Morrow, DHS, member of the Provincial Team of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit. Sr. Mildred Durocher, DHS Nov. 21, 1915 – Dec. 23, 2011 Sr. Mildred Durocher, DHS, 96, a member of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit died December 23, 2011 at Holy Spirit Health Care Center where she had been in residence since 2002. Born Mildred Marie Durocher on November 21, 1915 in Providence, RI, she was the daughter of the late Moise and Eva (Roy) Durocher. After nurses’ training at Hartford Hospital in Hartford, CT, she entered religious life in 1935 and made her religious profession on August 23, 1938 at the Motherhouse in St. Brieuc, France. She was then known as Sr. Agathe de Jesus. Sr. Mildred became a visiting nurse in Fall River, MA and later served in a nursing capacity in Providence, RI and at St. Clare Home in Newport, RI. She also taught in elementary schools in Leominster, MA; Fairfield, CT; and Swanton, VT. Survivors include a sister-in-law, Rita Durocher of Chagrin Falls, OH and several nieces and nephews, grandnieces and grandnephews.

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Four County Catholic January 2012

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