Volume 29 • Number 5 • May 2017
Our faith calls us to to action
Serving The Counties Of Middlesex, New London Tolland, Windham, CT & Fishers Island, NY
To always know
s JesuLove
The light of His
First Holy Communion
St. Patrick Cathedral, Norwich May 6, 2017
The Month of Mary
CATHOLIC Established in 1989 and published each month except July.
Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Bishop of Norwich
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That Mary’s intercession may help Christians in secularized cultures be ready to proclaim Jesus.
Reverend Peter J. Langevin, Parochial Vicar of St. Patrick Cathedral Parish, administers First Holy Communion to Julissa Acevedo. Not only was this a special day for the 14 St. Patrick Cathedral School second graders and the 22 CCD students who made their First Holy Communion, this marked the first time that Father Peter celebrated a Mass of First Holy Communion since his ordination to the priesthood on June 25th, 2016. (Photo Credit-Melissa Egbert)
Serving The Counties Of Middlesex, New London, Tolland, Windham, CT & Fishers Island, NY
Made Possible in part through your generous support of the Annual Catholic Appeal
Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention for
Bishops Column
Editorial & Advertising Deadlines
The deadline for advertising and editorial is the second Monday of the previous month. Articles limited to 500-word max; letters to the editor limited to 200-word max and must include name, address and phone number for verification. Email photos as JPEG attachments and MS Word copy to or fax to 860.859.1253. Publication not guaranteed. The Editor reserves the right to reject, omit or edit all editorial and advertising copy. Published opinions and advertisements do not necessarily reflect the editorial position of this newspaper. © Copyright 2017, Diocese of Norwich. All rights reserved. No content may be reproduced without expressed consent. Periodical Postage paid at Hartford, CT 06101 and at additional offices. Postmaster - Send address changes to:
Four County Catholic, 31 Perkins Ave., Norwich, CT 06360-3613 FOUR COUNTY CATHOLIC Issue 5 May 2017 (PE 9934) is published monthly except July by Diocese of Norwich, 31 Perkins Avenue, Norwich, CT 06360-3613. Periodicals postage paid at Hartford, CT 06101 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Four County Catholic, 31 Perkins Ave., Norwich, CT 06360-3613
LET FAITH LEAD THE WAY Eastertide -- A Season of Grace, Joy, Thanksgiving and Generosity. My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Although it has now been several weeks since Easter Sunday, we are still very much in the middle of the continuing season of Eastertide. Easter is such a joyous celebration of the foundation of the Christian faith, we sometimes need reminding that the celebration continues for fifty days. Eastertide is an entire season of new life, fulfillment, rejoicing, joy and thanksgiving. Following the liturgical calendar, this sacred season extends to the Solemnity of Pentecost, June 4th this year, at which time we commemorate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit inspiring the apostles to spread the Good News and build the Church. As we continue forward, the Easter message of being born anew and gifted with the promise of eternal life, as we are, becomes a way of life. The spirit of Easter lives on beyond the season as it comes alive through prayer, sharing in the sacraments and in the practice of charity. Charity, in thought and deed, is particularly close to my pastoral mission, given that my chosen motto as your Bishop is “Above All Charity.” It has been my experience, always heightened at Easter time, that the most generous people I have had the privilege to know rather well, are the happiest. The generosity of a compassionate follower of Jesus Christ begins with a thankful heart. Our recognition that we have been blessed and our inclination to share those blessings is essential to who we are as Christians. We may share our gratitude by way of encouraging others. Offering words of comfort. Sharing our time and energy to help those in need.
Being willing to be steadily supportive of our diocesan ministries who serve on the front lines of lifting lives.
bove all – be of a charitable spirit to others who need our love and support.
It has also been my privilege to observe that we are at our compassionate best when we are united as a community of faith. Every day we are inundated with division and discord in the secular news media. We as a community of faith need to be a force of unity among all the fractured elements of a stressed society. It was moving to all of us to see our churches so crowded on Palm Sunday, throughout Holy Week, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. We gain so much by being together, praying together, receiving God’s gifts together. Our beautiful faith, in a suffering world right now, is about growing in relationship with the Lord; and it is about growing in relationship with a community of believers. All the heated ideology conflicts make it seem, too often, that we the people can’t make a significant difference. Our faith teaches us that we can. We can make the most significant difference by uniting as a community of faith.
Think about the uplifting experience of being in Church together on Easter Sunday. Being together in worship and trust is a special form of generosity. Your presence is, itself, a generous gift to other parishioners as you exchange signs and words of peace, pray and promise to help heal a wounded world. This is a very good time to begin again to attend Sunday Mass as regularly as possible and help bring comfort to your family and comfort to others. While recently visiting Egypt, His Holiness Pope Francis spoke of “true faith making us more charitable, more merciful, more honest and more humane. It moves our hearts to love everyone without counting the cost, without distinction and without preference.” Let us celebrate the joy of the Holy Father’s message and be inspired to celebrate our living faith together at every opportunity. Attending Mass this Sunday is a good time to realize anew that we are stronger as one united family.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Bishop Michael R. Cote
Bishops Column
LET FAITH LEAD THE WAY Semana Santa- Una Temporada De Gracia, Alegria, Accion De Gracias Y Generosidad
Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,
Aunque ahora han pasado varias semanas desde el Domingo de Pascua, todavía estamos en medio de la continua temporada de la Semana Santa. La Pascua es una celebración de la fundación de la fe Cristiana tan alegre, que a veces necesitamos recordar que la celebración continύa durante cincuenta días. La Semana Santa es una temporada entera de nueva vida, de satisfacción, de alegría y de acción de gracias. Siguiendo el calendario litúrgico, esta sagrada temporada se extiende hasta la solemnidad de Pentecostés, el 4 de junio de este año, en la que conmemoramos la llegada del Espíritu Santo que inspiró a los apóstoles a difundir la Buena Nueva y a construir la Iglesia. Llevando el mensaje de Pascua, de nacer de nuevo y dar la promesa de la vida eterna, como somos, se convierte en un modo de vida. El espíritu de Pascua vive más allá de la temporada, y se revive a través de la oracion, la participación en los sacramentos y en la práctica de la caridad. La caridad, en los pensamientos y en las obras, particularmente es cercana a mi misión pastoral, dado que mi lema elegido como su Obispo es “Sobre todo la caridad”. Ha sido mi experiencia, siempre aumentada en tiempo de Pascua, que la gente más generosa que he tenido el privilegio de conocer bastante bien, son los más felices. La generosidad de un seguidor compasivo de Jesucristo comienza con un corazón agradecido. Nuestro reconocimento de que hemos sido bendecidos y nuestra inclinación a compartir esas bendiciones es esencial para quienes somos como cristianos, Podemos compartir nuestra gratitud
para animar a otros. Ofrecer palabras de cosuelo. Compartir nuestro tiempo y energía para ayudar a aquellos en necesidad. Estar dispuestos a ser un poco más generosos en nuestras donaciones a los ministerios diocesanos quienes sirven en las líneas de frente para levantar vidas. Sobre todo- ser de espíritu caritativo para otros quienes necesitan nuestro amor y apoyo. También ha sido mi privilegio observar que estamos en nuestra mejor compasión cuando estamos unidos como comunidad de fe. Todos los días estamos inundados con división y discordia en los medios de comunicación seculares. Nosotros como comunidad de fe necesitamos ser una fuerza de unidad entre todos los elementos fracturados de una sociedad problemática. Fue conmovedor para todos nosotros ver nuestras Iglesias muy concurridas en el Domingo de Ramos, a lo largo de la Semana Santa, Viernes Santo y Domingo de Pascua. Ganamos tanto al estar juntos, orando juntos, recibiendo juntos los dones de Dios. Nuestra hermosa fe, en un mundo que sufre en este momento, es sobre crecer en relación con el Señor, y de crecer en relación con una comunidad de creyentes. Cuanto más dividido e inseguro se presenta el mundo, más escuchamos de ideologías conflictivas. Parece a veces como un interminable debate académico. Parece demasiado a menudo que nosotros el pueblo no podemos hacer una diferencia significativa. Nuestra fe nos enseña “si podemos”. Y podemos hacer la diferencia más significativa uniéndonos como una comunidad de fe. Piense en la experiencia edificante de estar juntos en la Iglesia el Domingo de Pascua. Estar
juntos en la adoración y en la confianza es una forma especial de generosidad. Su presencia es, en sí misma, un regalo generoso para otros feligreses al intercambiar señales y palabras de paz, orar y prometer ayudar a sanar a un mundo herido. Este es un buen momento para comenzar de nuevo a asistir a la misa dominical tan regularmemte como sea posible y ayudar a traer consuelo a su familia y consuelo a los demás. Su Santidad el Papa Francisco, en un mensaje de Semana Santa llamó a todos los reunidos a saber que “Jesús sigue aquí-El sigue viviendo en medio de nosotros, ¡Jesús está vivo! “Celebremos la alegría del mensaje del Santo Padre e inspiremosnos a celebrar juntos nuestra fe viva en cada oportunidad. Asistir a la misa este domingo es un buen momento para darnos cuenta de que somos más fuertes juntos. Juntos, podemos ayudar a formar un mundo más compasivo, caritativo y centrado en la fe. Sinceramente en Cristo,
Obispo Michael R. Cote
Our Prayers Are With Those Called To Serve
He is risen, He is truly risen, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Happy Easter to everyone. We are in the midst of the season for all Christians that should bring us renewed strength of faith, renewed hope in the Resurrection which we are called to share in, and renewed with great joy in our heart. Easter brings us the celebration of the true life each one of us has been created for by our Heavenly Father. He has created us each with a very particular purpose both for this world and the next. Living our faith in action is the key to living as God’s sons and daughters in this world, always with our focus fixed on what we have been called to through faith received in baptism. We are called to live, to become holy, to become a saint, and ultimately to experience eternal life to the full in a mysterious union with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It
will bring each of us true and full joy and happiness. Do you believe this? During Holy Week, the diocesan family gathered around the Altar of God at the Cathedral of St. Patrick in Norwich for the Mass of Holy Chrism as we always do. This is without question one of the grand liturgies of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. This year, as is done each year, the priests of the Diocese of Norwich publicly renewed their vows, led by Bishop Cote. Also during this Holy Mass, some priests are publicly recognized for their “special” year of anniversary. This year, it particularly struck me that we had a range of years beginning with the usual 25 years of ordination to the very unusual 70 years of ordination. From a vocation standpoint, this moment during Holy week always stirs me to reflect on the length and breadth of our service as
priests of Jesus Christ in the world. This year I ask you to join me in offering prayers of thanksgiving for each of the following priests who have served our diocese so well during the past years. May God’s blessing be upon each of them as they continue either in active service or through their retirement years. Please consider as you glance at their names and years of service, how many Masses, baptisms, confessions, confirmations, weddings, and anointings each priest has been part of over their years of service, making Christ visible and present to the faithful through their ministerial service. With much thanks in my own heart, please join me in praying for each of the following for saying Yes to God’s call to serve His Church, They are: Rev. Marek Masnicki - 25 years, Rev. Gregori o Fluet - 35 years, Rev. William Olesik - 45 years, Rev. Msgr. Thomas
Bride - 50 years, Rev. Edward Wisneski - 50 years, Rev. Edward Dempsey - 50 years, Rev. John O’Neill - 55 years, and Rev. Msgr. Thaddeus Malinowski - 70 years. As we pray in thanksgiving for their service present and past, please also continue to keep in your prayers our Bishop, all our active priests, our permanent deacons, all the religious who serve in our diocese and of course our seminarians. Please continue praying for an increase of priestly vocations for our diocese. In a special way, pray for and plan to attend the Transitional Diaconate Ordination Mass for Frank Gilbert which will be on June 8, at 7pm at St. Mary Czestochowa Church in Middletown. Have a blessed Easter season and may God continue to shower our diocesan family with many blessings.
“Our Faith Calls US To ACTION”! Volunteers – Paul and Martha Kowack
The theme for the 2017 ACA is “Our Faith Calls US to ACTION”. Each month we feature someone who supports our Diocesan Ministries by following this motto.
he Annual Catholic Appeal is a yearly campaign that the Diocese conducts to help support the over 25 ministries and programs that actively assist many in need throughout the Diocese. While many aspects of the ACA are handled by the Diocesan Development Office, the success of the campaign depends on the participation of the parish priest, parish secretary and parishioners who volunteer their time during the campaign.
One couple who have been volunteering as ACA Chairs for the
past 23 years are Paul and Martha Kowack, parishioners at St. Thomas More parish in North Stonington.
When asked how long they have been volunteering, Paul jokes, “As long as I can remember, but at this tender age of 72 that’s about ten minutes.” Their roles as ACA Chairs have helped Paul and Martha meet many people in their parish as well as other parishes throughout the Diocese. Volunteering as ACA Chairs helps to keep them connected with long-standing friends and provides them the opportunity to make new friends. When asked what they enjoy most about volunteering, they replied in agreement, “The feeling of peace and accomplishment that something good has been achieved.” Paul added, “Related to that feeling, we both enjoy putting our faith into action and providing an example to the youthful people under 70!” Paul and Martha subscribe to the principles of stewardship, and believe in giving back for all of the blessings they have received. Parents of six
children, they were blessed with the focus and strength to help them all through St. Bernard School, college, marriage and now parenting of thirteen grandchildren! Paul and Martha’s lives have not been without challenges. They have faced cancer and major automobile accidents and believe God’s graces helped them through these trying times. Even with their very busy lives, the Kowacks still find time to volunteer. Besides helping with the ACA, Martha has also been involved with the League of Catholic Women and was president of the Thomas More Martha-Mary Society. When asked what they would tell others in the Diocese about why they should volunteer, the Kowacks replied with a question and then an answer...
Do you embrace the precepts of your Faith? If so, volunteering provides opportunities that allow you to practice what you read and believe. Thank you Paul and Martha Kowack from all of us here at the Diocese of Norwich for your volunteerism. You are truly appreciated! Volunteers are vital to our ministries that are supported by the time, talent and treasures of people in our Diocese. Your support and the support of others allows our ministries to continue their service to our community. Thank you for hearing and responding to “Our Faith Calls US To ACTION!”
Front Row Left to Right - Monsignor Thomas Bride 50 yrs., Monsignor Edward Dempsey 50 yrs., Bishop Michael R. Cote, Monsignor Thaddeus Malanowski 70 yrs., Father Gregoire Fluet 35 yrs. Back Row Left to Right -Monsignor Leszek Janik,VG 25 yrs., Monsignor Marek Masnicki 25 yrs., Father William Olesik 45 yrs., Father John O’Neill 55 yrs.
Diocese Honors Jubilarians at Chrism Mass
riests celebrating significant anniversaries of their ordination to the Priesthood were honored at the Chrism Mass held on April 11, 2017 at the Cathedral of St. Patrick. The jubilarians were marking anniversaries of 70, 55, 50, 45, 35 & 25 years of priesthood. In a moving testimonial to their faithfulness, all priests in attendance participated in the Renewal of the Priestly Promises. Bishop Cote asked the congregation to pray for the priests- “As, for you, dearest sons and daughters, pray for your Priests, that the Lord may pour out his gifts abundantly upon them, and
keep them faithful as ministers of Christ, the High Priest, so that they may lead you to Him, who is the source of salvation.” In addition to concelebrating the Mass with the Jubilarians, Bishop Michael R. Cote, blessed the three Sacred Oils — the Oil of Catechumens (oleum catechumenorum or oleum sanctorum), the Oil of the Sick (oleum infirmorum) and the Holy Chrism (sacrum chrisma) — which will be used in the administration of the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Annointing of the Sick and Holy Orders, throughout the diocese for the next 12 months.
The Three Sacred Oils awaiting Blessing
Bishop Cote receives Oil of the Catechumens that he will bless for distribution to each parish in the diocese.
Representatives of all 76 Parishes and Ministries filled the Cathedral of St. Patrick for the Chrism Mass.
By Kathy Gaito
Diocese of Norwich Moves Forward with V Encuentro
Sister Mary Jude, SCMC
Representatives from the four counties and the seven deaneries presenting roses at the Twenty-Second Annual Diocesan Mass for Secretaries held on April 25 at the Cathedral of St. Patrick in Norwich.
Iris Fernández, St. Mary, Norwich, reflects on her experience as a small group facilitator My experience as facilitator of one of the V Encuentro groups in my parish is one that has marked my life anew with the call we received at our baptism, the inescapable call to participate in the mission of God. It was also an experience of walking towards Emmaus, as those confused and trouble disciples. Although I had prepared well and prayed for guidance from the Holy Spirit, after the first session I felt confused and frustrated. I was beginning to identify with the troubled disciples. Then, in the second session, as I really began to listen, I realized that Jesus himself was walking with us, as He was with those disciples. Week after week, as I listened to the participants in my group, I began to share their joys, their sorrows and their frustrations in their missionary activities. I became very much aware that Jesus himself was walking with us and I remembered the prayer of St. Teresa of Avila that we prayed in the orientation
meeting: “God has no body on earth but yours; no hands but yours; no feet but yours.” Jesus himself was inviting us to be the first to take the initiative, to reach out to others and He was filling us with His Holy Spirit. Week after week He was inviting us to go deeper in our call to be Missionary Disciples: witnesses of His love right where we are, in our surroundings, to those on the margins, to listen to them and walk with them, as He did with the disciples on the road to Emmaus. It was really a challenge for many of us – to step out of our comfort zone and share our faith, but week after week, we became better prepared with the topics and reflections of each session. I give thanks to God for the blessing He has given me in calling me to serve as a facilitator in the V Encuentro process. I am eagerly looking forward to our parish gathering – the Encuentro Parroquial – when we will discuss and prayerfully discern together how our parish can continue to grow and deepen our commitment to being missionary disciples: witnesses of God’s love.
La Diócesis de Norwich Sigue Adelante Con el V
a experiencia de facilitadora de uno de los grupos del V Encuentro en mi parroquia fue una que marcó mi vida nuevamente con el llamado que recibimos todos en el bautismo, el llamado ineludible a participar en la misión de Dios. Fue a la vez un caminar hacia el Pueblo Emaús con todos los participantes. En la primera sesión me sentí confundida y preocupada, pero después, para la segunda sesión, entendí que el Señor estaba
caminando con nosotros, como cuando caminaba con los discípulos hacia el Pueblo Emaús. Ellos también se sentían confundidos y preocupados. El poder escuchar a los de mi grupo por esas cincos semanas y poder sentir sus alegrías y sus tristezas cuando hacían su misión semana tras semana me llenó de alegría. Semana tras semanas recordaba la oración de Santa Teresa de Ávila que rezamos en el día de la orientación: “Dios no tiene cuerpo en la tierra sino el tuyo, no tiene mano sino las tuyas, no tiene pies sino los tuyos.” El mismo Señor estaba invitándonos a primerear – dar el primer paso para llegar a los demás y nos enviaba fortalecidos por el Espíritu Santo. Nos estaba invitando semana tras semana a profundizar el llamado de ser discípulos misioneros: testigos de
su amor en nuestro alrededor, a salir a la periferia, escuchar a la gente y caminar con ellos, como hizo Jesús en el camino hacia Emaús. Fue un reto para muchos – salir de nuestra zona de comforte y compartir nuestra fe, pero encontramos una preparación en los temas y reflexiones de las sesiones semana tras semana, hasta poder identificarnos con El. Le doy gracias al Señor por esa bendición que El me ha regalo en este nuevo año –el poder participar en el V Encuentro como facilitadora, caminando con los hermanos y hermanas de mi parroquia. Estoy esperando con mucho entusiasmo y alegría nuestro Encuentro Parroquial, cuando vamos a discutir y discernir juntos cómo continuar siendo una parroquia de discípulos misioneros: testigos del amor de Dios.
Trust in the mercy of God’s love. If you are carrying the grief and sorrow of past abortions, call
Project Rachel a post-abortion healing ministry. All calls are confidential. 860-861-4439
Dec. 30, 2018
1 State Street, New Haven • 203-865-0400 • • Free admission & parking
12 Ocean Avenue New London, CT 443-1871
48 Grand Street Niantic, CT 739-6112
22nd Diocesan Mass for Secretaries
2x10 SpiritualRenewal May17FCC_Main 5/2/2017 11:49 AM Page 1
White Mass
Immaculata Retreat House
A Ministry of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate 289 Windham Rd., Rte. 32 Willimantic, Connecticut
SENIOR RENEWAL DAY : Wednesday May 17, at 9:00am. Father Roger Couture, OMI invites all seniors to join him for this exploration on the “Lesser-Known Saints in the Church and Beyond”. Please join us this day for “Abraham Joshua Heschel” in the 2016-2017 series. Rescheduled from March. Lunch included. Offering $10.00.
SPIRITUAL DIRECTION: For all who want to examine in detail and strengthen their relationship with God, we offer one-on-one personal counselling. Free will offering accepted according to ability to give. Contact Immaculata front desk at (860) 423-8484 for scheduling.
“Your profession is an extension of the healing mercy of God . . . we pray for you and your healing ministry, realizing that it shares in the Divine Ministry of the Divine Physician, who always remains a model for the work of healing, mercy and compassion”, Bishop Michael R. Cote at the Twenty-Seventh Annual Diocesan Mass for HealthCare Workers held on April 30th at the Cathedral of St. Patrick in Norwich.
INDIVIDUAL, GROUP RETREATS & BUSINESS MEETINGS: Immaculata offers 73 guest rooms with private baths, 3 Conference halls, audio and visual equipment, chapel, chef-prepared meals, WIFI. Week days and weekends available. Contact Immaculata to book your event. Call (860) 423-8484 ext 103.
To register or for more information: Phone: 860-423-8484 • E-mail:
Pilgrimage to Cuba
January 8 – 17, 2018 Visit historic shrines, cathedrals, museums and landmarks of Old Havana and other towns and villages on the Island. Most of all, visit the charming and enduring people of Cuba as the light of hope begins to shine again on their homeland.
Sister Judith Jacobus, M.D. of the Little Sisters of the Poor, with Bishop Michael R. Cote. Sister Judith presented her keynote address, “Compassion for the Infirm”, to doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers at a brunch following the Twenty-seventh annual White Mass. (Photo by Dr. Michael M. Deren)
Call: Father Russell Kennedy, Pastor St. Francis of Assisi Middletown, (860)-334-8925
When we get up there (to Heaven) on the last day, and look back on our (few) years here on earth (compared to eternity), then we will see that NO SACRIFICE (or suffering) was too great (here on earth) in COMPARISON to what God has awaiting us to be ENOYED (complete happiness), for ALL Eternity!”
A “Divine” afternoon of comedy
Catholic Charities Fundraiser
Romans 8:18
8 Week Life in the Spirit Seminar Monday, May 8 – 7-8:30pm Please call Spiritual Renewal to register and for full schedule We offer make-up sessions. Prayer Group Mass and Healing Prayer Wednesday, May 3 at 7:30pm St. Mary Church Chapel, Portland. Masses of Healing and Hope 2nd and 4th Mondays May 8 & 22, June 12 & 26 Individual Prayer and Anointing Spiritual Renewal Center. Mass of Healing & Hope Service Sunday, May 28 1-4pm St. Thomas the Apostle Chapel 72 Farmington Ave., West Hartford. Individual Prayer and Anointing Prayer Group Mass and Healing Prayer Monday, June 5 at 7pm Chaplet with Mass at 7:30pm. St. Mary Convent, Putnam Charismatic Prayer and Praise Meeting Every Tuesday afternoon at 2pm
spiritual renewal services Diocese of Norwich
P.O. Box 6 • 11 Bath Street Norwich, CT 06360 • (860) 887-0702 email:
Christine Jackel
atholic Charities, Diocese of Norwich, held a “Divine” afternoon of comedy, wine tasting, hors d’oeuvres and a silent auction on Sunday, April 23rd at St. Sebastian Church in Middletown. The event was coordinated with help from the Middletown Advisory Board. Special thanks to Father James Thaikoottahil, Pastor of St. Sebastian, for use of the parish hall for our event. The afternoon with Dave Kane, well known for his one-man show “Misgiving’s” featured the character of Father Patrick Aloysius Misgivings, an Irish Catholic priest. Dave has traveled throughout our Diocese, sharing his views about the idiosyncrasies and insights of his life growing up Catholic. His stories of “miracles, marriage counseling, birth control and bazaars” had everyone laughing, unable to escape the belly laughs, blessings and blarney of Fr. Misgivings. The afternoon, which even included a raffle and bingo game, provided a great hour of entertainment. In addition to the show, those in attendance enjoyed hors d’oeuvres, and a wonderful silent auction. It was a delightful way to spend a Sunday afternoon and raise money for
Catholic Charities! Proceeds from the event help us to continue our mission of “Providing Help and Creating Hope” to those most in need throughout Eastern Connecticut. Upcoming Events: We are busy planning another fundraiser, so please mark your calendars for Friday, June 23 to see the Connecticut Tigers (Detroit) vs. Aberdeen Ironbirds (Orioles) at Dodd Stadium in Norwich. Game time is 7:05 PM, with Executive Director Ed Tessman throwing out the first pitch. The evening will end with fireworks. Tickets are $10.00. Even if you cannot attend the game on June 23rd, tickets may be redeemed at any other game throughout the season! For more information, please contact Christine Jackel at 860-886-1928 x12 or via e-mail at To purchase tickets, contact Susan Connelly at 860-889-8346 x264. Save-the-Date: The 12th Annual Catholic Charities Golf Tournament will be held on Wednesday, September 20 at Fox Hopyard in East Haddam, Connecticut. Golfers mark your calendars now. More information to follow
Confirmation at the Cathedral on Divine Mercy Sunday
Hit a
Home for those most in need with Catholic Charities! Run Friday June 23rd, 2017 @ 7:05pm 95
Connecticut Tigers (Detroit Tigers) Catholic Charities would like to thank everyone who THANK YOU TO OUR 95 ANNIVERSARY SPONSOR Vs. attended our 95 Anniversary Gala and supported the Stephen and Patricia Coan good work that we do. Aberdeen Ironbirds (Baltimore Orioles) th
Come for the game! Stay for the fireworks!
THANK YOU TO OUR GALA SPONSORS To those that purchased a ticket, donated or purchased a Michael and Angela Arnold silent auction item, purchased a Flame of Remembrance, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tessman Send a “Parish Team” and help support the work of Catholic Charities. or simply made a donation to Catholic Charities; thank Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Capano, Sr. Use this as an opportunity to recognize and thank those in your parish who serve the parish you! Ms. Jacqueline Keller community; Altar Servers. Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers and Children’s Choir. Ms. Christine Jackel 7KH HYHQLQJ VLJQLILHG D ´1HZ %HJLQQLQJµ IRU &DWKROLF Mr. Everest Brustolon Individual and tickets purchased DoddBank Stadium Charities andgroup could not have can beenbe possible withoutby your Chelsea Groton calling Sue Connelly at 860-889-8346, ext. 264. 14 Stott Norwich, support. DimeAvenue Bank
Tickets $10
´,W was an amazing night and celebration, allowing Catholic Charities to honor those in our community who support our organization through their hard word and unselfish dedication. We are truly blessed.µ said Edward J. Tessman, Executive Director Christine Jackel • Development Coordinator
860-886-1926 • ext. 12
331 Main Street, Norwich, Connecticut 06360 / 860.889.8346 /
n April 23rd, Divine Mercy Sunday, there was a flurry of activity in the hall of St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Over forty young people from our diocese were busily chatting with their sponsors and waiting to process into the Cathedral for their Confirmation Mass. Candidates were from the parishes of Sacred Heart, Taftville; St. Joseph, Dayville; St. Jude, Willington; St. Mary of the Visitation, Putnam; St. Philip, Ashford; and St. Michael the Archangel, Pawcatuck. Family and friends were settling into their pews in the Cathedral ready to welcome the Confirmation candidates. The music ministry, Knights of Columbus, altar servers, deacons, priests, and Bishop Michael R. Cote, were ready to lead them in this Sacramental celebration. A hymn often used in Confirmations, the traditional “Come Holy Ghost”, was the processional hymn. This musical prayer invites the Holy Spirit to fill everyone’s hearts with God’s grace. It served as reminder to every one of the power and importance of the Sacrament of Confirmation. During the Mass, Candidates Chandler Creedom and Jacob Whewell were lectors, and Rachel Vertefeuille, Joseph Benton, Brenna O’Connor, Hayley Kuhn, and Katarina Bromkamp offered the prayers of the faithful. Caitlin Boyce, Dylan Pallanck, Madison Briere, Sabrina Bastien and Madison Ramsey presented the gifts. During his homily, Bishop Cote shared a story about a conversation
Madison “Ignatius” Briere, Brenna “Rose” O’Connor, Courtney “Cecelia” Miranda, Andrew “Andrew” LaRochelle, and Jeremy “Francis” Allen – from St. Joseph’s in Dayville.
Mike Wolak, Cada “Damian” Wolak (newly confirmed), Jessica Wolak, Sarah Wolak, Danielle Vincent, Larry Vincent he had with a Benedictine monk in Europe. The monk shared his conversion story about growing up in
an atheistic environment to becoming Catholic. Bishop Cote talked about the importance of cherishing
religious freedom. He encouraged the candidates to not take our religious freedom for granted because it can be lost, even in the United States where it is increasingly being challenged. The monk lived courageously in a hostile culture and Bishop Cote said to the candidates “My prayer is that you will do likewise – that you will be courageous disciples!”. He quoted St. Ambrose who said “Recall that you have received the spiritual seal, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and fortitude, the Spirit of knowledge and piety, the Spirit of holy fear. Guard what you have received as precious. God the Father has marked you with his sign, Christ the Lord has confirmed you and has placed the Spirit in your hearts as a pledge of what is to come.” After the homily, the candidates renewed their baptismal promises and the Bishop confirmed them with the laying on of hands and anointing with sacred Chrism. As Catholics, we know that the Sacrament of Confirmation is not a “graduation” from faith formation but an enthusiastic step forward into a deeper relationship with Jesus and service to the Church with the gifts of the Holy Spirit working through us. We pray that these young people, now confirmed in our Catholic faith, will go forth in grace and with fortitude into the world – being agents of God’s grace and asking daily for more of the Holy Spirit. Come Holy Spirit!
Photos by Linda Norton
By Linda Norton
A Long Graceful Journey of Faith
Bishop Welcomes Eighteen Catechumens and Candidates at Easter Vigil Mass
By Wayne Gignac
ne of the Catechumens baptized by Bishop Cote at the Easter Vigil Mass was Anah, a 15 year old student from Central China, a place where the Church is still under tight state supervision. Though they have no religious background, her parents have a reverence for all that is holy and support her in her decision. Anah came to the Academy of the Holy Family in Baltic last August as a freshman, directly from her homeland. Her joy was immediately apparent and contagious to those around her following the Mass. As a cradle Catholic, I was moved by her faith and determination as well as the strong spirituality that you can’t help but feel when you are around her. She is trilingual--fluent in Chinese (of course), in Japanese, and conversational English. While her written English is not yet perfect, you can get a sense of the joy and gratitude she has with her new found faith and those who helped her along the way in this excerpt from a note she wrote on Easter Sunday. “Good morning, Sisters, Some of you may not know me very well, so I first introduce myself here. My name is Anah and I am a freshman in the academy from China. Just at last night, in the St. Patrick Cathedral in Norwich, I got baptized, confirmed, and become a new Catholic with a graceful new life with God. I chose Cecilia as my confirmation name not only because
Anah shares a moment of joy with Bishop Cote and Sister Kateri
Anah and her Sponsor, Sister Kateri
music is a crucial part of my life, but also since I wish to listen to the truth, the heavenly music, from the highest and most divine place above us, so that I can restrict myself and help those who are in need. The first reason of making this decision to be a Catholic is that from the first day I arrived at the school, I was deeply amazed by the ways Sisters live and your devotions to God. At the beginning of the year, I didn’t totally understand why people could be so strong in faith, but thanks Sister Kateri, Mother Marie Julie, and any other Sister here, I found the best way to understand the divinity of Jesus and accept Him to dwell in my heart. Today, before I leave here, I want to thank every Sister here for praying for me and helping me all the time. Thank you for singing the beautiful song yesterday, and giving me the best wish.” Anah is a classical pianist who plans to attend Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) when she graduates high school. Her goal is to become either an astrophysicist or a quantum physicist.
he Easter Vigil, the most beautiful and dramatic liturgy in the Catholic Church, was celebrated in parishes all over the world on Saturday, April 15th. Thirty parishes throughout the Diocese of Norwich had Catechumens, those adults and children who have never been officially baptized into a church community prior to their entrance into the Catholic Church; and Candidates, non-Catholic Christians requesting entrance into the Catholic Church, as well as those adults previously baptized as Catholic who require one or both of the remaining Sacraments of Initiation – these being Holy Communion and Confirmation. Upon entering the church, there was an awareness that something was different. The holy water fonts were noticeably dry, the church was in darkness and the tabernacle was open and empty. This liturgy, marking the start of Easter, is made up of four distinct parts, beginning with the Service of Light. At the Cathedral of St. Patrick, Bishop Michael R. Cote began the service standing adjacent to a fire pit at the entrance to the church. Here the Paschal Candle was prepared and lit from this fire as the Bishop said, “May the light of Christ, rising in glory, dispel the darkness of our hearts and minds.” The Paschal Candle was then processed down the main aisle by Deacon Michael Puscas who stopped three times, singing the words, “The Light of Christ” with the congregation responding, “Thanks Be to God”. The flame was spread from the Paschal candle to smaller candles held by each person in attendance. It wasn’t long before the whole church
Bishop Cote confirming the Candidates at the Easter Sunday Vigil.
Sister Kateri and Deacon Puscas look on as Bishop Cote wipes the face of Anah immediately after baptizing her.
was illuminated. Deacon Michael then chanted the Exsultet, the glorious Easter Proclamation that announces the mystery of Easter telling of man’s sin, God’s mercy and the love of Jesus who died for us and rose from the dead to redeem us. This was followed by the Liturgy of the Word, which consisted of readings from the Old and New Testaments as well as canticles and psalms. At this point, the altar candles were lit, the Gloria was sung and the bells and organ, which had been silent since Holy Thursday, sounded again in a joyous and exuberant celebration. The focus then moved to the baptismal font for The Liturgy of Baptism, where Bishop Cote blessed the Holy Water and proceeded to Baptize five catechumens. The Rites of Initiation continued with the confirmation of seventeen (17) candidates followed by the renewal of baptismal vows by the entire congregation. The final movement of the Liturgy was Eucharist, where the catechumens, for the very first time, could take their place in a communion line that has extended nearly two thousand years to share in the Blessed Sacrament. Including the newly baptized and confirmed at the Cathedral, there were, on the order of, twenty-seven catechumens and seventy-five candidates participating in similar fashion at other Easter Vigil Masses throughout the Diocese. We pray that our new brothers and sisters continue to grow stronger in their faith as we all journey closer to God.
By Wayne Gignac
For the Love of a Child Gala
aturday night, April 29, 2017 saw a gathering of about 200 people for the “Love of a Child” Gala, the Diocese of Norwich Outreach to Haiti’s annual celebration. The evening was hosted by the Board of Directors of Outreach. Special guest speaker was Auxiliary Bishop Erik Toussaint of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, currently President of Caritas (Catholic Charities) for all of Haiti. Lt Governor Nancy Wyman was Honorary Chair of the event. The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote D.D., Bishop of Norwich, missed the gala for the first time due to an illness. Drew Hoffman, Chair of the Gala Committee, acted as MC for the evening, and James Michel, Chair of the Board of Outreach, offered an initial welcome, and introduction of dignitaries. Dan O’Sullivan, Executive Director of Outreach, passed along Bishop Cote’s regrets for not being able to attend and his appreciation to all in attendance for their continued support of the Diocese’s ministry in Haiti. “ I am so thankful for all the support you have given over the years, financial and spiritual. We all realize that this mission is only possible with your help. I pray for you. I hope you will pray for us, our Haitian brothers and sisters, with whom we take this journey together, walking hand in hand.”
and of sleeping outside guarding the ruins of the rectory. He thanked the attendees again for coming to the rescue of the Haitian people when they needed it most. “In the year 2010, Haiti experienced a huge earthquake. So, this evening
Executive Director, Dan O’Sullivan reported on the highlights of the last year: an update of the capital campaign and the new clinic being built. The success of the capital campaign was due to the generosity of many, but at the top of the list is
Governor Nancy Wyman as Honorary Chairwoman, who spoke of the children of Haiti as “our children”. She reminded all that “we are all citizens of one world.” Many thanks to all attendees and the many donors of the silent auction as there were many wonderful prizes: We are grateful to all who support our ministry in Haiti. If you would like more information or to make a donation please visit Outreach to Haiti website www.outreachtohiati. org Thank you!
Board member James Michael & Dan O’Sullivan Father Gerald Kirby translates for Auxiliary Bishop Erik Toussaint Bishop Cote first met Bishop Toussaint on his trip to Haiti in February of this year. This reciprocal visit by Bishop Toussaint gave the two prelates a chance to deepen their connection. From the beginning of the Outreach ministry in Haiti, the work has been about more than charity, it has been about relationships. Bishop Toussaint thanked Bishop Cote, the priests, staff and donors who help Haitians through Outreach. “I come to say thank you for all the great work that Outreach is doing in Haiti. Thank you, too, because you speak what is in your hearts while you
continue to open your hands to help others. “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink…whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me” (Mathew 25: 31-46). Bishop Toussaint recounted his long history with Outreach which began in 2000 when, as pastor in Haiti, his parish was twinned with Holy Family in Hebron, CT. In 2004, he became pastor of the Cathedral in the capital city of Port-au-Prince. He recalled the earthquake of 2010 when he witnessed the deaths of Archbishop Serge Miot and his Vicar General Charles Benoit,
Dinner guest supporters enjoying dinner in 2017, I am asking you to have a heart quake! Let your hearts tremble before all the suffering that there is in this world and in the country of Haiti. Let your hearts tremble before all the calamities in the world, that is why we are here this evening. Because of this suffering, I have left Haiti to be with you, to speak to you.”
the $100,000 matching grant from Bishop Cote and the diocese, and the $100,000 donation by the Padre Pio Foundation. In addition to continuation of the education, clinic, twinning, and hospitality programs, he briefly described the new expectant mothers’ nutrition program, and the Advancing Women Now program, teaching
business skills to women so they can support their families. Both programs are already improving lives and changing behaviors of people in the community. Drew Hoffman appealed for donations with examples of specifically how different levels of donations could help each of the various programs of Outreach. Special thanks to our many sponsors including: $2,500 sponsor NRG, $2,000 Padre Pio, $1,500 sponsors Harding Development Group and MAXIMUS. A special thanks to Lt.
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By Dan O’Sullivan
c a h e t r o t u Haiti O d e S t u a p r po b e l rt e C
8th Annual Seton Scholarship Dinner Honorees Announced
By Kathy Gaito e celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, holy days and many other occasions throughout the year. But what could be better than celebrating a discipline that impacts the lives of our youth on a daily basis…Catholic Education! To quote Mr. Henry Fiore, Jr., Diocesan Superintendent of Schools, in an interview he did for the Four County Catholic newspaper:
There are so many advantages of a Catholic education. First and foremost, bringing Jesus, the center of all we do, to the children while providing a solid academic education. In our schools, faith is just
not a subject that is taught, but also is lived daily by every employee in every school. You cannot beat the atmosphere of a Catholic school. This sentiment has been echoed by the three individuals who have been selected by Bishop Cote to be this year’s recipients of the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Award for Contributions to Catholic Education in the Diocese of Norwich. Ms. Sharon Briere, Principal, St. Joseph School, North Grosvenordale, Mrs. Robin Holtsclaw, Claims/Risk Manager, representing Catholic Mutual Relief Society, and Mr. James Leone, Theology Teacher, St. Bernard School, Uncasville. Ms. Sharon A. Briere is the
principal at St. Joseph School, North Grosvenordale and a parishioner at St. Joseph Church. Growing up in Putnam, Connecticut, Sharon attended local St. Mary’s School as well as Putnam High School. Sharon attended Eastern Connecticut State University where she double majored in Psychology and Communications and minored in Sociology. Following her undergraduate degree, Sharon received her Master’s in Education from Sacred Heart University. Throughout her career, Sharon has volunteered on many boards and programs. Most recently, she was inducted as a member of the Putnam Rotary and the Putnam Lodge of Elks 574 where she sits as the Youth Chair. Additionally, Sharon serves as a member of the Thompson Early Childhood Council where she works diligently to apply for grants and
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follow state and federal guidelines to make sure that young students receive the funding to attend PreKindergarten. Before serving as Principal at St. Joseph School, Sharon taught at St. John’s School in Plainfield and St. James School in Danielson. A History and Social Studies teacher, Sharon taught grades 5-8 at St. Joseph School before accepting the principal position in December of 1999. Over the last eighteen years, Sharon has enjoyed all the various ways that St. Joseph School has been a part of the local community. While it has been her job, it has been so much more to her than that. Sharon reflected,
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Mrs. Robin Holtsclaw, representing Catholic Mutual Relief Society, has been working since 1991. Catholic Mutual is the largest provider of risk management and insurance services for the Catholic Church in North America. Robin began her career with Catholic Mutual assigned to the service office for the Archdiocese of New Orleans. In 1995, she was promoted to the position of Claims/ Risk Manager in the Hartford/ Norwich Service Office. Much of Robin’s work is dedicated to the schools of the Diocese. In addition to an annual on-site risk assessment to ensure the safety and security of school facilities, Robin reviews all contracts and written agreements related to the Diocesan schools’ activities, athletics, field trips, and more. This includes providing evidence of insurance coverage, managing transportation risks, permission slips and compliance with Diocesan Risk Management Policies. In addition, she investigates and handles all property and casualty claims at all locations in the Diocese, including our schools. “I work closely with all school principals and administrators to restore school property to pre-loss condition when a loss occurs and likewise manage casualty claims to conclusion. I am here as a resource to help guide our administrators through the entire spectrum of risk and insurance issues.
What I find most rewarding is fielding the day to day risk management questions from our schools and parishes, stated Robin. As a parishioner at
In my 40 years of teaching, the thing I most enjoy about my career is being around students to help form and shape their futures. I like meeting former students and hearing about the direction of their lives after high school. It is this bond with my past students that brings the most pleasure to me as a teacher, coach and mentor.
Bishop Michael R. Cote congratualtes Seton honorees: Mrs. Robin Holtsclaw, Mr. James Leone. Ms. Sharon Briere. Church of the Holy Family, Hebron, Robin served many years as a CRE teacher and Eucharistic Minister. In 2003, she was invested into the Eastern Lieutenancy of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem by Edward Cardinal Egan. Mr. James Leone (Jim) is currently a Theology teacher at St. Bernard School, Uncasville, Connecticut. He graduated from Norwich Free Academy and attended Kent School. From there, Jim continued his education at Trinity College in Hartford, graduating with a degree in Religion/Religious Studies. Jim was fortunate to find his teaching home at St. Bernard School shortly after graduating college, teaching religion. In 2015, Jim was the recipient of the Theodore James Ryken Award for his work at St. Bernard’s and his continued commitment to the values of the Xaverian Brothers. Coming to St. Bernard School also gave him the ability to combine his interest and passion for religion with his desire to work with St. Bernard’s competitive sports teams. Jim coached football from 1978 to 1989, baseball from
1979 to 2011 and wrestling from 1991 to 2002. In 2011 Jim was the State of Connecticut Assistant Baseball Coach of the Year and recognized as one of the top six assistant coaches nationally that year as well. Jim also took learning beyond the classroom, arranging and leading trips for students to travel to Europe, always including Rome on the travel agenda. Jim expressed, “I wanted to give students an opportunity to see and experience the Church’s center. One special highlight occurred on our first trip when we just happened to be present for the election of Pope Benedict XVI in 2005.” Jim continued,
These three individuals from different backgrounds are making a difference in the lives of the children attending our Catholic Schools. The 2017 Annual Seton Scholarship Dinner is a wonderful way to recognize their contributions to Catholic education. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton was the first U.S. born citizen to be canonized as a saint, credited with bringing Catholic Education to schools in the United States. So as we recognize Ms. Sharon Briere, Mrs. Robin Holtsclaw and Mr. James Leone in St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s name, we hope you will join us for the celebration on Sunday, October, 29, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. at The Riverhouse at Goodspeed Station, 55 Bridge Road, Haddam, Connecticut. Please contact Kathy Gaito, Stewardship Coordinator, Diocesan Development Office, at 860-886-1928 ext. 15 or for ticket cost and information. All proceeds from the Seton Scholarship Dinner benefit Catholic elementary school students in the form of tuition assistance grants.
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Celebrating Catholic Education:
allowed me to do the work that God has laid in front of me. It takes a village of many talents to create a community success, and I am so thankful to be a part of the village that is St. Joseph School, North Grosvenordale.
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Saint Joseph Cemetery, Boswell Bishop Michael R. Cote will celebrate Mass, at 9am. In case of inclement weather Mass will be celebrated in the Mausoleum Chapel at Saint Mary Cemetery. Sacred Heart Cemetery, Taftville Msgr. Henry N. Archambault, will celebrate Mass at 9am. In case of inclement weather Mass will be celebrated in Sacred Heart Church, Taftville.
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Saint Patrick Cemetery, Montville Rev. Robert Buongirno will celebrate Mass at 9am. In case of inclement weather Mass will be celebrated in Saint John Church, Uncasville.
Saint Mary Cemetery, New London Msgr. Robert Brown will celebrate Mass at 10am. In case of inclement weather Mass will be celebrated in the Mausoleum Chapel at Saint Mary Cemetery, New London.
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“Beautiful Things For Children”
Our YOUTH Sacred Heart School, Groton
Mr. Lawrence Fitzgerald, Principal 50 Sacred Heart Drive, Groton, CT 860-445-0611
OUR YOUTH Sacred Heart School, Taftville
Mother Christina Van Beck, SCMC, Principal 15 Hunters Ave, Taftville, CT
Phone: 860-887-1757
St. Edward School, Stafford Springs Mrs. MaryAnne Pelletier, Principal 25 Church St, Stafford Springs, CT Phone: 860-684-2600
St. James School, Danielson Linda Marie Joya, Principal 120 Water St, Danielson, CT Phone: 860-774-3281
Academic Excellence. Character. Self-Confidence.
St. John School, Old Saybrook
Mother Elaine Moorcroft, SCMC, Principal 42 Maynard Road, Old Saybrook, CT Phone: 860-388-0849
St. Joseph School, Baltic
St. John Paul II School, Middletown Dr. Darryl Bullock, Principal 87 South Main St, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-347-2978
Sr. Mary Patrick Mulready, SCMC, Principal
10 School Hill Road, Baltic, CT Phone: 860-822-6141
St. Joseph School, New London
Ms. Marianne Cote, Principal 25 Squire St, New London, CT Phone: 860-442-1720
From the Superintendent’s Office…..
Headmaster Appointment
Dear Members of the Xavier High School Community,
Last fall, when Brother Brian Davis, CFX informed us that he would be leaving his position as Headmaster at the conclusion of the 2016-17 academic year, the Board of Directors undertook the critical and challenging task of identifying the next Headmaster of Xavier High School. The Board appointed a Search Committee, comprised of representatives of all Xavier High School constituencies, and engaged Catholic School Management, a division of Christian Brothers Services, to facilitate a national search. On behalf of the Board of Directors, it is a pleasure to inform you that the search has been successfully completed and that David C. Eustis, Jr. has been appointed the new Headmaster of Xavier High School, effective July 1, 2017. David comes to Xavier with a unique blend of senior leadership
St. Joseph School, North Grosvenordale
Ms. Sharon Briere, Principal 26 Main St., N. Grosvenordale, CT Phone: 860-923-2090
experience in both education and business. He currently serves as President and Chief Administrator of Northwest Catholic High School in West Hartford and oversees all operations of this 600 student co-educational college preparatory high school. During his tenure, Northwest has experienced a re-branding, stability in enrollment, the highest academic test scores in the school’s history, significant expansion and improvement of its facilities, and unsurpassed growth in its annual fund. Prior to joining Northwest Catholic, Dave served as Associate Head of School at Cheshire Academy in Cheshire, CT. Before becoming a school administrator, David spent 21 years as an executive with Junior Achievement Worldwide. He began his career as Director of Development, Junior Achievement of Chicago, and became Senior Vice President of Development, President of three regional organizations, and Vice President
St. Mary-St. Joseph School, Willimantic
Ms. Abby Demars, Principal 35 Valley St, Willimantic, CT Phone: 860-423-8479
of National Development. An athlete and sports enthusiast, he began his career as a football coach at Springfield College and at Northeastern University. He is a graduate of Southern Connecticut State University and received his Master of Education from Springfield College. He also holds a Catholic School Leadership Certificate from Creighton University. We are grateful to Brother Brian for his many contributions to Xavier and for his willingness to ensure a smooth transition to his successor. Please join me in welcoming David Eustis to Xavier High School. We are delighted to have his energy and passion for Catholic education to lead Xavier forward.
During the month of May, our hearts turn toward Our Blessed Mother in our Catholic Schools. I have a personal tremendous devotion to Our Lady and know that I would not be in this ministry without Her intercession. We are led to Jesus through Mary, our greatest intercessor, and the very first Christian. Pope Francis refers to Her as our exemplar who brings us to the Lord. We pray to Mary in our schools, as we pray to the saints to pray for us. Her whole mission can be summed up in Her last words quoted in the Bible, “Do whatever he tells you.” (John 2:5) We teach our students to follow Her motherly advice and do what Jesus has told us to do, namely love God and love one another. What a blessing it is to not only be able to discuss this in school, but to have it as a major part of our curriculum! In this day and age, this makes us the counter-culture, but we are proud of that fact. Thank you not only for your unending support for our schools, but for your partnership in the propagation of the faith. Our students are well prepared spiritually from home and school, which give them the moral foundation which will remain with them for the rest of their lives. I encourage you all to pray the Rosary at home, and my prayer for you this month is that Our Blessed Mother keep you and your families under Her protective mantle during this special month and beyond. God Bless! Henry Fiore, Jr.
Robert D. Guere Chair, Board of Directors
St. Michael School, Pawcatuck
Mrs. Doris Messina, Principal
63 Liberty St, Pawcatuck, CT Phone: 860-599-1084
Henry Fiore, Jr.
Xavier Headmaster David C. Eustis, Jr.
St. Patrick School, Norwich
Mrs. Catherine Reed, Principal 211 Broadway, Norwich, CT Phone: 860-889-4174
Superintendent of Schools
St. Bernard School, Uncasville
Mr. Donald Macrino, Headmaster 1593 Norwich-New London Tpke, Uncasville, CT Phone: 860-848-1271
Academy of the Holy Family, Baltic
Mother Mary David, SCMC, Principal 54 West Main St, Baltic, CT Phone: 860-822-9272
Marianapolis Preparatory School, Thompson
Mr. Joseph Hanrahan, Headmaster 26 Chase Road, Thompson, CT Phone: 860-923-9565
Mercy High School, Middletown
Mary McCarthy, RSM, President 1740 Randolph Road, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-346-6659
Xavier High School, Middletown
Brother Brian Davis, C.F.X, Headmaster Mr. Brendan Donohue, Principal 181 Randolph Road, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-346-7735
My Dear Friends,
Pope Raises Own Mortality In Rallying Youth To Lead Church
Lenten Almsgiving
ROME (AP) — ope Francis has urged young people to lead the church’s future. The 80-year-old pope referred to his own mortality twice in the span of a few minutes during a vigil service to rally enthusiasm for the Catholic Church’s World Youth Day, to be held in Panama in 2019.
“He shall direct your path”
s a Lenten almsgiving project, St. Bridget of Kildare CCD students in grades 1-5 in Moodus, cooperatively assembled 110 bags of trail mix for delivery to St. Vincent de Paul in Middletown. Families donated all of the peanuts, dried fruit, seeds, almonds, and chocolate candies. The kids worked
efficiently at their designated jobs to measure, bag, and add a note which quoted Proverbs 3:5-6. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” St. Vincent de Paul workers were thrilled with the surprise delivery and their patrons were openly grateful.
“I don’t know if it will be me, but
the pope will be in Panama!” he told the crowd at the St. Mary Major basilica. Sensing their pained reaction, he added: “Who guarantees life? No one. At your age, you have the future ahead of you.” Pope Francis is known for his casual, self-deprecating remarks and has said repeatedly he didn’t expect to be pope for very long. Early on in his four-year papacy he predicted
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“The future is in your hands,” he said. The synod lets bishops make proposals to the pope that inform a future papal document. Pope Francis’ last synod on the family was highly debated on the issues of marriage, divorce and access to the sacraments.
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two to five years would do it. He has also not ruled out the possibility of resigning like his predecessor, Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI, did. At the same time, there’s nothing indicating that Pope Francis is slowing down. His early 2017 foreign travels include Egypt, Portugal, Colombia, India, Bangladesh and perhaps South Sudan. He is also gearing up for the next big meeting of the world’s bishops this fall, dedicated to young people. The Vatican has solicited direct input from young people to inform its work and participate in the synod. Francis took that request further, saying he wanted to involve not just dedicated Catholics but all young people, atheists included.
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Wadsworth Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution are pleased to announce their 2017 Good Citizen Award winners. Given as part of DAR’s commitment to education of our youth, the Good Citizen Award recognizes high school seniors who exemplify the qualities of a good citizen: dependability, service, leadership and patriotism. The recipients are chosen by their schools because they best demonstrate these qualities in their homes, schools, and communities. This year’s honorees include William Egan of Xavier High School and Taylor Tristine of Mercy High School.
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Saint Bernard School Celebrated Grandparents
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By Linda Norton lmost 200 women attended the 7th annual Diocesan Women’s conference on April
Myths about the Catholic Church & Science
he event is an annual tradition currently in its ninth year at Saint Bernard. The occasion aims to connect the generations and celebrate grandparents and the special meaning they hold in our lives. The Mass was celebrated by the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich. SBS senior Faith McBride welcomed the grandparents to the Mass. “Grandparents are a
family’s greatest treasure, the founders of a loving legacy, the greatest storytellers, and the keepers of traditions that linger on in cherished memory,” she said. “Grandparents are the family’s strong foundation. Their very special love sets them apart. Through happiness and sorrow, through their special love and caring, grandparents keep a family close at heart.” Following Mass, grandparents attended a brunch in their honor.
Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Gales Ferry is presenting a 4 week series on Wednesday evenings May 10, 17, 24 & 31 at 7pm. Sessions will cover topics arising from the Middle Ages through modern times. Please register before April 30 at or 860-464 7251. An $8 fee for a participant book may be paid in advance or at the first session.
8th at St. Bernard’s High School in Uncasville. This year’s theme was “Your Grace is Enough”: God’s grace is all we need to become who God calls us to be. Our Bishop, the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, started the conference by celebrating Mass. In his homily, he told the women “Your time together here is a respite, a break from many responsibilities” and a time to “focus on the Lord and His great love for you”. In his program letter, the Bishop wrote “May today’s conference strengthen and enliven you
Photos by Linda Norton to step out in faith and bring His light and grace to all you meet.” Music for the Mass, and throughout the day as accompanist to the keynote presenter, was led by the very talented Mary Carol Kendzia. Several women from various parishes assisted as the choir for Mass. Judy Pappagallo from our Diocesan Council of Catholic Women welcomed everyone, and the conference emcee was Judith Hughes, Co-director of Spiritual Renewal Services. The day’s keynote speaker was back by popular demand - ValLimar Jansen. ValLimar is a Catholic speaker, storyteller, singer, evangelist, actress, and professor. She is a dynamo of faith in action and her enthusiastic presentations educate, motivate, bring joy, touch heart strings and encourage souls. At times she had the women up on their feet singing, dancing, and laughing. She also reminded and inspired everyone with comments such as “We don’t always feel the
grace of God when we are going through difficult times – sometimes it is a friend or a word we hear at Mass that reminds us how God’s grace is with us.” ValLimar wore an array of colorful costumes during her morning and afternoon presentations while creatively telling stories of women in the Bible through acting and song, and left everyone wanting more! The day also included a delicious luncheon by Chef Chris (Daily Bread Catering), and time to visit the creative and interesting vendor tables: The conference also included opportunities for Reconciliation with thirteen of our diocesan priests, and the day ended with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with Deacon Pierre Desilets. This event was sponsored by the Office of Faith Events and the Norwich Diocesan Council of Catholic women. The planning committee worked hard behind the scenes to make the day run smoothly and included: Linda Hayes (Chair), Cheryl Boland, Kathy Burton, Sandy Calabro, Andrea Hoisl, Judith Hughes, Judy Pappagallo, Brenda Peter, Pamela Plasse, and Marge Vanner. (For more information on ValLimar please visit and Chef Chris at
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Myths about Church & Science May 17, 24, 31 Deacons Phil Hayes & Bill McGann continue a DVD program refuting the notion that Church & Science are at odds. ($8 Book fee)
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Defending Religious Liberty Religious liberty is not an eccentric uncle of the human rights family. It is as real as our Constitution. It is very real to our Catholic ministries, to the people that the Catholic Church serves, and to all Americans. Catholic organizations will have to face exorbitant penalties amounting to tens of millions of dollars, or shut down, if the federal healthcare mandate is not revised. Let us pray that as lawmakers make changes to the current mandate that it return the safeguards that protect religious freedom in the Constitution of the United States
7 29
We Can Help To report inappropriate contact of any kind by a representative of the Diocese of Norwich or for assistance to victims, please call: 1-800-624-7407
Podemos Ayudar Para reportar cualquier contacto inapropiado por un/a representante de la Diócesis de Norwich, o para buscar ayuda para víctimas, favor de llamar: 1-800-624-7407
Yolanda “YoYo” Carroll “The Shoreline Specialist!”
(Vatican Radio)
he Holy See press office announced on Thursday that Pope Francis will meet with U.S. President Donald Trump at the Vatican on the morning of May 24th. The U.S. leader will also meet with Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin and with Archbishop Paul Gallagher, the
Holy See foreign minister. A senior White House official said Donald Trump’s first foreign trip as U.S. president will also include visits to Belgium, Israel and Saudi Arabia, as well as Italy and the Vatican. On May 25th Trump will attend a NATO meeting in Brussels and the following day he will take part in the G7 summit meeting in Sicily.
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True Faith Means Loving Others To The Extreme, Pope Francis Tells Egypt’s Catholics
By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service
he only kind of fanaticism one of power and authority, but rather that is acceptable to of love, forgiveness and life.” God is being fanatical True faith “makes us see the other about loving and helping not as an enemy to be overcome, but others,” Pope Francis said on his final a brother or sister to be loved, served day in Egypt. and helped,” he said, and it leads to “True faith,” dialogue he told Catholics, and respect “makes us more and the charitable, more courage to merciful, more defend the honest and more rights and humane. It moves dignity of our hearts to love everyone, everyone without not just counting the oneself. cost.” “God is The pope pleased celebrated an only by a Pope Francis greets the crowd as he open-air Mass faith that is arrives to celebrate Mass at the Air April 29 in proclaimed Defense Stadium in Cairo April 29. Cairo’s Air by our lives, (CNS photo/Paul Haring) Defense Stadium, for the only built by the antifanaticism aircraft branch of the Egyptian armed believers can have is that of charity. forces. The pope concelebrated with Any other fanaticism does not come Coptic Catholic Patriarch Ibrahim from God .” At the end of the Mass, Isaac Sedrak of Alexandria and Patriarch Sedrak thanked the pope for leaders of the other Catholic rites in his visit, which, though it was brief, Egypt. “has overflowed our hearts with joy After spending the first day of and our lives with blessing.” his visit in meetings with Muslim The warm welcome Pope Francis leaders, government officials, received from so many political and diplomats and members of the Coptic religious components of Egyptian Orthodox Church, the pope dedicated society “is a message to the world the second day of his trip to Egypt’s that confirms Egypt’s nature” as a minority Catholic community. lover of peace that seeks to affirm Arriving at the stadium in a blue peace in the Middle East and the Fiat, the pope was slowly driven world, the patriarch said. around the stadium’s red running Later in the day, before his track in a small and low golf cart, departure for Rome, the pope met far from the estimated 15,000 people with about 1,500 priests, seminarians seated in the stands high above. and religious men and women for a Yellow balloons and a long chain prayer service on the sports field of a of blue balloons tied together like a Coptic Catholic seminary in Cairo. rosary were released into the sky. He thanked the church workers for The Pope said in his homily. “How their witness and for the good they do often do we despair by refusing to in the midst of “many challenges and believe that God’s omnipotence is not often few consolations.”
“The more we are rooted in Christ, the more we are alive and fruitful,” Pope Francis said, and the more we will experience renewed excitement and gratitude in our life with God and in our mission.”
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Pope Francis To Meet With U.S. President Donald Trump
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