Volume 24 Number 9
October 2012
Four County Catholic October 2012
The home as the Domestic Church is the foundation of the Church’s mission of evangelization
atholic at c Four County
- Sister Elissa Riniere speaking of home and parenthood.
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Established in 1989 and published each month except July. Publisher
Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Bishop of Norwich
Editorial Office
- Very Reverend Robert E. Casey, Pastor of St. Brigid and Gate of Heaven Parishes, South Boston, calling on scriptural wisdom to honor the service and sacrifice of the men and women in law enforcement.
31 Perkins Avenue, Norwich, CT 06360-3613
Director of Communications/Executive Editor
Michael Strammiello, 860.887.3933
Our Catholicism helps shape our conscience and makes us deeply committed to preserving a free society, under God, where the strong protect the weak and the fortunate share with those in need, and where life is sacred, secure and treated with dignity. - Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich encouraging Catholics to vote their conscience.
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This year of grace will usher the whole Church into a time of reflection and rediscovery of faith.
- Pope Benedict XVI annunciating the purpose and hope of the dawning Year of Faith.
Next Month Kevin Peters, St. Bernard School Class of 2013, was one of seven people recognized at the St. Edmund’s Medal of Honor presentation on October 5th. Check out next month’s issue to learn all about these remarkable people who live ordinary lives and commit extraordinary deeds. Photo by Donna Antonacci
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Four County Catholic October 2012
The Most Reverend
Michael R. Cote, D.D.
Bishop of Norwich
The Moment of Truth My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: Here we are. One month from what could be the most important presidential election in generations. This is the moment of opportunity and the moment of truth for “we the people.” After all the speculating, polling, millions of advertising impressions, tweeting and texting …after all this --- here we are. We are citizens. We are Catholics. As both, we care about the common good and the common man. Our Catholicism helps shape our conscience and makes us deeply committed to preserving a free society, under God, where the strong protect the weak and the fortunate share with those in need, and where life is sacred, secure and treated with dignity. It is our Country, and we will choose its direction and choose those who will lead us. It is time to choose. Please be sure to register and vote. We must now prepare to make an informed judgment about what is true in all that we have heard, and what is right. Our consciences are formed by studying the teachings of the Church, regular prayer, partici-
pation in the sacraments and faithful reasoning. As compassionate Catholics, we have a number of critical moral standards against which we must measure the candidates. Leading among these is respect for life. It is encouraging to see that more than 50% of the population are now pro-life, and that number is growing. We must pay very close attention to the position of each candidate regarding the sanctity and dignity of each human life, including the unborn who cannot defend themselves. We must not waver. We must protect the defenseless, the voiceless and the most vulnerable. A well cast vote will ensure that protection. The urgency of defending religious liberty has been brought into the glaring spotlight by the HHS mandate requiring Catholic institutions to offer coverage of life-taking drugs and procedures against the will and conscience of employees of Catholic-affiliated institutions. Our constitutional rights to live our faith have been threatened. As we continue to fight for our religious freedom in the courts, we should
consider how our votes in the presidential election will influence the outcome of our struggle to preserve religious liberty in America. Being a faithful Catholic means having a deep respect for the family as the foundational building block of a flourishing society. Teachings of the Church adhere to the traditional definition of marriage as the sacred union between a man and a woman. Where do the candidates stand relative to traditional marriage? We know where we as Catholics stand. Our faith calls for us to closely watch over the poor, the disadvantaged and the most vulnerable among us. This desire to help one another is deeply imbedded in our conscience. Yet it can be a very complex task to decipher how the candidates intend to create programs to effectively enable us to be our brother’s keeper. There can be a very fine line between preserving programs to help the poor with basic needs versus supporting programs designed to help lift the poor from the cycle of poverty and free them to find opportunities to work and live self-reliant lives. The solu-
tions in this regard are not perfectly right or wrong. Much careful thought must go into analyzing the most morally sound policy among the choices. This is where quiet prayerful reflection can help bring out enlightened reasoning as you consider your vote. Although the economy is the central most pressing issue during this severe economic downturn, how America approaches foreign relations and conflicts is connected to all the moral considerations we face. Continuing to get regularly involved in civil conflicts far from America’s borders has enormous life and death consequences and enormous economic consequences as well. As Catholics, we live in hope that violence becomes a much lesser means of peacekeeping going forward – in favor of diplomacy. Where are the candidates leaning in this regard? You will want to be sure you have a firm answer to this question. We see right here in our diocese, how immigrating families are bringing greater diversity, enthusiasm and new traditions into our faith community. As a diocese and
as a Country, we need to support candidates locally and nationally who have a welcoming and positive frame of mind toward immigration reform. To be truly American and truly Christian, we must help our newly-arriving brothers and sisters find their way. As a priest and as your Bishop, I am pleased to help remind you of some of the leading principles of our faith to keep in mind as you formulate your conscience. As you devote more time preparing to vote, you may wish to visit the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops website at faithfulcitizenship.org. You will find this to be a valuable resource. I pray for you and with you for guidance and for a positive election outcome that contributes to the common good, protects the dignity and rights of every citizen, advances justice and peace and improves the well-being of the family in an improving economy and in an ever more hopeful society. Sincerely yours in Christ’s love, Bishop Michael R. Cote
El Momento de la Verdad Queridos hermanos y Hermanas: Aquí estamos, a un mes de lo que podría ser una de las elecciones presidenciales más importante en generaciones. Para nosotros la gente de los Estados Unidos de América, en esta democracia que aspira imponerse, este es el momento de oportunidad y el momento de la verdad. Después de todo lo hablado, de especulaciones, listas electorales, de millones de ediciones publicitarias,
de los medios sociales de Twitter y de los mensajes de texto… después de todo esto---aquí estamos. Somos católicos, Somos ciudadanos. Nos preocupamos por ambos, el bien común y el hombre común. Nuestro catolicismo nos ayuda a formar nuestra conciencia y nos hace profundamente comprometidos para preservar una sociedad libre, sometida a Dios, donde el fuerte protege al débil y los afortunados comparten con
aquellos en necesidad, y donde la vida es sagrada, segura y tratada con dignidad. Ha llegado una vez más nuestro momento para proteger nuestra sociedad. Es nuestro país, y nosotros elegiremos su rumbo y nombraremos a aquellos que nos llevarán allí. Es tiempo para elegir. Por favor, asegúrese de votar. Debemos asimilar ahora todo lo que hemos aprendido sobre los candidatos y las tribunas. Ahora es
el momento para formar nuestra conciencia de todo lo que hemos escuchado acerca de lo que es correcto y es verdad, con el fin de tomar una decisión informada. Nuestras conciencias son formadas mediante el estudio de las enseñanzas de la iglesia, la oración habitual, la participación en los sacramentos y el razonamiento fiel. No hay duda, estas elecciones pondrán a prueba nuestra fe y discernimiento.
Como católicos misericordiosos, tenemos un número de normas morales decisivas en contra con las que debemos medir a los candidatos. Primera en importancia entre estas está el respeto a la vida. Es alentador ver que más del 50% de la población ahora es pro-vida, y ese número está aumentando. Debemos prestar mucha atención a la posición de cada candidato El Momento de la Verdad Continued on page 4
Four County Catholic October 2012
El Momento de la Verdad Continued from page 3 con respecto a la santidad y la dignidad de cada vida humana, incluyendo a los no-nacidos quienes no pueden defenderse así mismos. No debemos titubear. Debemos proteger a los indefensos, a los que no tienen voz y a los más vulnerables. Depositar un buen voto asegurará esa protección. El aborto ha estado en el centro de la controversia de la libertad religiosa traída por el mandato HHS (por sus siglas en inglés) que exije a las instituciones católicas ofrecer cobertura de medicamentos y procedimientos que cobran vidas en contra de la voluntad y de la conciencia de los empleados de instituciones católicas afiliadas. Nuestros derechos constitucionales de vivir nuestra fe han sido amenazados. A medida que continuamos en los tribunales la lucha por nuestra libertad religiosa, deberíamos considerar como influirán nuestros votos de elección presidencial en el resultado de nuestro esfuerzo por preservar la liber-
tad religiosa en los Estados Unidos. Ser un católico fiel significa tener un profundo respeto por la familia como la base fundamental de una sociedad floreciente. Las enseñanzas de la iglesia se adhieren a la definición tradicional del matrimonio como a la unión sagrada entre un hombre y una mujer. ¿Donde está la posición de los candidatos con relación al matrimonio tradicional? Nosotros como católicos sabemos donde está la nuestra. Nuestra fe nos llama a observar de cerca a los pobres, a los desfavorecidos y a los más vulnerables entre nosotros. Este deseo de ayudar unos a otros está profundamente y claramente incrustado en nuestra conciencia. Sin embargo, descifrar como los candidatos proponen crear programas que permitan efectivamente que seamos protectores de nuestros hermanos puede ser una tarea muy complicada. Puede haber una línea muy fina entre preservar programas de ayuda a los pobres con necesidades
básicas contra el apoyar programas diseñados para ayudar a levantar a los pobres del ciclo de la pobreza y liberarlos para que puedan encontrar oportunidades para trabajar y vivir vidas autosuficientes. Las soluciones en este aspecto no son perfectamente correctas o incorrectas. Un pensamiento más cuidadoso debe ir analizando el programa político que moralmente es más sensato entre las opciones. Aquí es donde la oración meditada puede ayudar a traer un razonamiento instruído al considerar su voto. Aunque la economía es el tema central más urgente durante esta severa recesión económica, conectada a todas las consideraciones morales que enfrentamos, está el como enfrenta los Estados Unidos las relaciones y los conflictos exteriores. Continuar envueltos con regularidad en conflictos civiles, lejos de las fronteras de los Estados Unidos tiene enormes consecuencias de vida y de muerte y también
tiene enormes consecuencias económicas. Como católicos, vivimos en la esperanza de que la violencia sea un medio menor y que en favor de la diplomacia- mantengamos la paz en el futuro. ¿Donde está la posición de los candidatos con respecto a conflictos armados? Usted querrá asegurarse de tener una respuesta firme a esta pregunta. Vemos aquí, en nuestra diócesis, como las familias de inmigrantes están trayendo una mayor diversidad, entusiasmo y nuevas tradiciones a nuestra comunidad de fe. Como condado y como diócesis, necesitamos apoyar a los candidatos locales y nacionales que tienen una disposición de bienvenida y de mente positiva hacia la reforma migratoria. Para ser verdaderamente Estadounidenses y verdaderamente cristianos, debemos ayudar a nuestros hermanos y hermanas recién llegados a encontrar su camino. Como sacerdote y como su
Obispo, estoy complacido de ayudarle a recordar algunos de los principios más importantes de nuestra fe para tomarlos en cuenta a medida que nosotros formulemos nuestra conciencia. A medida que usted dedique más tiempo preparándose para votar, puede que desee visitar la Conferencia Estadounidense de Obispos Católicos sitio web en faithfulcitizenship.org. Usted encontrará que este es un recurso valioso. Rezo por usted y con usted por orientación y por un resultado de elección positivo que contribuya al bien común, proteja la dignidad y los derechos de cada ciudadano, avance en la justicia y la paz y mejore el bienestar de la familia en una economía que hace progreso y en una sociedad cada vez más esperanzadora . Sinceramente, en el amor de Cristo. Obispo Michael R. Cote
Rejoice in Hope Celebrate the Year of Faith RETREATS
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Days of Recollections November 7 Living In Hope Fr. John Burchill, OP December 5 Prepare the Way of the Lord Sr. Eugenia Brady, SJC Recovery Weekend November 1618 11th Step on the Rock for Men Fr. Gerry O. SJ Deacon & Wives Weekend November 911 Diaconal Leadership Shepherding Christ Deacon Robert Gallo & Frances Gallo
Prayer for our Country Join us at Enders Island as we pray for our country. We will be praying the Rosary for our elected of icials every Friday evening leading through the Election, beginning October 12th and ending November 16th on the feast of St. Edmund with a Fish Fry immediately following. Rosary: 5:30pm Chapel of our Lady of the Assumption Fish Fry: 6:00pm Enders House $10.00 per person Includes Fish & Chips, Coleslaw, Beverage, and our own Homemade Clam Chowder. Baked ish available
October 12, 19, 26 & November 2, 9, 16 Reservations for FISH FRY requested 860-536-0565 or visit www.endersisland.com
Four County Catholic October 2012
Director of Priestly Vocations
Reverend Gregory Galvin It could be your son, your brother, a good friend, a classmate, or even a work associate for whom you have had a recurring thought he would make a great priest or I wonder if he has ever thought of the priesthood. It could be a young man in the seventh or eighth grade, a junior or senior in high school or college who is sensing that God is asking something different of him than what he expected for himself in life. It may even be a man in his mid to late twenties, thirties, or forties who just finds himself not feeling truly happy with what he is doing for a career and senses there must be something else he should be doing. This is why prayer for vocations to the diocesan priesthood is so very important. It is often the fruit of those prayers, grace given by God because of those prayers offered that you or someone else might take the opportunity to encourage that young man, your son, your brother, your friend, classmate or work associate, to take the initial step of inquiry regarding what is involved in “answering this call “.
For the past three years we have been holding a monthly Holy Hour for Vocations around the diocese. Each month according to his availability, Bishop Cote leads the prayers of the Holy Hour for Vocations in a different diocesan parish. This is a great opportunity for each of us to spend quality time with our Lord, praying for those He is calling to serve as His future
priests, praying for our present seminarians, and praying with our Shepherd. It does not matter where in life at this moment a person may be. If they are sensing that they are being called to consider handing over their life to serve God in this unique way, they need your prayers, they need our prayers, they need prayers.
Holy Hour for Vocations The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich,leads the Holy Hour: October 18 • 7-8 pm Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Gales Ferry November 15 • 4-5 pm St. Joseph Church, North Grosvenordale December 20 • 7-8 pm St. Andrew Church, Colchester
Father Greg Galvin, Director of Priestly Vocations
vocations@norwichdiocese.net (860) 887-9294
Clergy Appointments The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, has made the following clergy appointments in the Diocese of Norwich: Reverend David Kashen, OFM Conv., from Parochial Vicar, Saint Edward the Confessor Church, Stafford Springs, to Pastor, Saint Edward the Confessor Church, Stafford Springs. Effective: September 1, 2012. Reverend Timothy Lyons, OFM Conv., new to the Diocese, to Parochial Vicar, Saint Edward the Confessor Church, Stafford Springs. Effective: September 1, 2012. Reverend Joseph Whittel, from Administrator, Saint Paul Parish, Waterford and Senior Priest in Residence, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, Quaker Hill, to Pastor, Saint Paul Parish, Waterford, with Residence at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, Quaker Hill. Effective: September 29, 2012. ~ Monsignor Robert L. Brown, Chancellor ~
The same is true of those who truly sense a call to married life, religious life or even a call to remain single in life. In each and every situation they need the prayers of their brothers and sisters in Christ, that they will respond generously, and by God’s grace live well the vocation for which they were created. Come, pray with us this month in Gales Ferry at the Monthly Holy
Hour for Vocations. Come each month as we beg the harvest master to send our diocese more good and holy priests for our future, your children’s future and your grandchildren’s future. Come pray for Deacon Brian Maxwell, Jonathan Ficara, Martin Noe, Jeff Elliss, Peter Langevin, Kurt O’Brien, Tom Griffin, Ruben Sanchez and Juan Palacio.
Four County Catholic October 2012
Fridays, October 12, 19 & 26 Marriage Preparation Class for Engaged Couples God’s Plan for a Joy-filled Marriage offered by the Office of Family Life. For more information or to register for the 4 session class please call 860-889-8346 ext.283. From 6:30pm-8:45pm at St. Joseph’s Church, RT.97, Occum. Thursday, October 11 & Sunday, October 21 Admission Open House at Saint Bernard School, Uncasville Thursday at 6:00pm and Sunday, October 21 at 1:00pm. Saint Bernard is a college preparatory, Catholic, co-educational school for grades 6 -12. Learn about our excellent academic, arts, athletic, extra-
Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony Holy St Anthony gentlest of Saints. Your love for God and charity for His creators made you worthy when on earth posses miraculous power which you were ready to speak for those who are in trouble or anxiety. Encouraged by this thought I implore to you to obtain for me (request) The answer to my prayer may require a miracle, even so you are the saint of miracles Oh gentle and loving St. Anthony whose heart is full of human sympathy whisper my petition into the ears of sweet infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms, and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. This 13 day Novena has never been known to fail. Say three Hail Mary's and three Glories and promise publication.
~ BB ~
curricular, college counseling and tuition assistance programs. For more information and to RSVP contact the Office of Admissions at 860 848-1271 ext. 131 or admissions@saint-bernard.com. Saturday, October 13 & Saturday, October 20 The Journey Towards Initiation 1st Session: at St. Matthias Parish Hall, 317 Chesterfield Road, East Lyme. Check-in is at 8:45am. The session runs from 9:00am – 12:30pm. 2nd Session: Saturday, October 20, (Repeat of first session) from 9:00am – 12:30pm. Cost is $5.00 per person/$20.00 per parish maximum. Participants will need to bring their Bible and RCIA Book. For more information please contact the Office of Faith Events at 860848-2237. Saturday- Sunday, October 13- 14 Philip Retreat Weekend Spiritual Renewal Center, 11 Bath Street, Norwich. Pre-registration is required, please call 860-887-0702 to register, or for more information. Retreat fee $25. Saturday, October 13 Order of Christian Funerals Workshop The Diocesan Office for Worship is sponsoring a workshop on the Order
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of Christian Funerals, the ceremonies and rituals of Catholic Funerals. All parish ministers and interested parishioners are invited to attend at St. Columba Parish, Columbia. Information and registration form available at www.norwichdiocese.org or call 860-848-2237x203. Saturdays, October 13, 20, 27 & November 3, 10 Foundations of Morality: A Catholic Perspective Have you ever asked, “Why is it that people do bad things? What motivates people to do what they do? This presentation examines these questions and helps explain why telling people to do what they think is right may not be the best advice to give. Presented by Father Ted Tumicki, at Saint Mary Church Hall, 34 North Main Street, Jewett City, for more information, please call Marge Vanner at 860-848-2237 ext. 312 Sunday October 14 Teen Mass and Vigil for Life The Teen Mass and Vigil for Life is conducted as part of the 40 Days for Life. It is an ideal event particularly for Confirmation classes to learn about the Catholic Church’s teachings on the sanctity of life and to expose youth to the pro-life movement. For more information or to register please call Pamela Plasse (860) 848-2237 ext 311 Prayer, Praise, Worship & Adoration Every Tuesday at 7:00pm at Spiritual Renewal Services Center Leaders: Deacon James and Nancy Delaney. October 13, November 3, December 2 Gift of Grace Prison Ministry Training Program Prison Ministry is now seeking volunteers for the Gift of Grace Prison Ministry Training Program For
more information, please contact Sheree Antoch at 860.848.2237.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Silver and Gold Jubilee Anniversary Mass Inviting all couples married 25 & 50 years, also those celebrating any significant anniversary year, to participate in and renew your wedding vows in a Pontifical Mass which will be celebrated by Bishop Michael R. Cote at 2:00pm at the Cathedral of St. Patrick, Norwich. Family and friends are invited to share in this special testimony and witness to love and marriage. Light refreshments will be provided in the Cathedral Hall following the Mass. Register through your parish. For information call Susan Williams at 860-889-8346. Saturday, November 1 The Festival of Angels Fair 9:00am to 3:00pm at the Monsignor M. Davitt Fox Parish Center at St. Francis of Assisi Church, Middletown. Unique crafts, homemade baked goods, a Farmer’s Market and a variety of vendors. Breakfast and lunch will be available at the Angel Café. For additional information please call Sherrie at 860 346-4383 or email sherrie0119@yahoo.com Saturday, November 3 St. Pius X “Sleigh Bells Ring “ Christmas Fair 10:00am – 7:00pm in the Bill
Fortin Memorial Hall, 310 Westfield St.,Middletown. Refreshments will be available for purchase starting at 10:00am. Hot lunches will be provided throughout the day. Featured booths include Arts and Crafts, Tea Cup Raffle, Plants, Stuffed Animals, Country Store, Gourmet Coffee, Fresh Baked Goods, Kids activities, and a 50-50 Raffle. Winners will be drawn at the end of the evening before the St. Pius X Church General Raffle. Tickets for the General Raffle can be purchased at the Friary office in advance or at the fair. No admission fee. For more information contact the Friary office at 860-347-4441. Sunday, November 4 Open House at Mercy High School Begins at 1:00pm. Middle school girls and parents are invited to attend! 1740 Randolph Rd. Middletown. For more info visit www.mercyhigh.com Saturday, November 10 Kris Kringle Fair Sts. Peter and Paul Church Hall, 181 Elizabeth Street, Norwich from 9:00 – 4:00pm. Homemade pies, baked goods, crafts and refreshments available. The luncheon will be from 11:00 – 2:00 pm. For more information, please call 860-887-9857 Saturday, November 10 Unbound Conference: Freedom in Christ At the Spiritual Renewal Center, 11 Bath Street, Norwich from 8:30am to 7:30pm Saturday November 17 Mercy High School Entrance Exam for the Class of 2017 8:00 – 11:15am at 1740 Randolph Road, Middletown. For more information please call 860-346-6659 or to register visit www.mercyhigh.com
21st Annual
Red, White & Blue Mass
All Active Duty, Retired & Reserve Personnel, Veterans, Veterans’ Organizations & Auxiliaries of all Faiths are invited to attend.
Sunday, November 18, 2012 at 10:30 am Cathedral of Saint Patrick • 213 Broadway, Norwich, CT
Four County Catholic October 2012
Twenty Second Annual Blue Mass You, O Lord, have brought order to the universe out of chaos. You have blessed those of us within the law enforcement family with the holy and honorable task of bringing order to the earth from the chaos of everyday evil.
Photos by Donna Antonacci
Norwich - The tall heavy exterior doors of the Cathedral of St. Patrick in Norwich were opened By Michael Strammiello
wide this late September Sunday for all who were fortunate to enter and join in the 22nd Annual Blue Mass honoring men and women of law enforcement. It was a truly inspiring experience – the uniformed men and women, the words spoken and prayed, the music, the flags of state, nation and units, the faces of proud families, the soaring arches and windows of the Cathedral -- the images everywhere of a community giving thanks and praise to God for the blessing of those who “serve and protect. “ Present were police officers from state, municipal, and federal jurisdictions, corrections officers, special enforcement officers and officers from tribal jurisdictions and judicial marshals, all of whom share the common purpose of protection and safety of our society and the enforcement of the law. As has become a tradition, the first sounds in the quiet church as
the procession waited to make its way into the church was the piercing sound of a trumpet playing reveille – the call to a new beginning. Each year now for 22 years, the Blue Mass calls out for a new beginning, a new petition for the safety of those who serve. Leading the procession were color guards from the Connecticut State Police, the State Department of Correction, and contingents from Hartford, East Hartford, Fairfield, Groton, Manchester, New Haven, Norwich and Stratford. The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich and celebrant of the Mass, welcomed those honored, “We thank God for you and your families who support you…and those who have lost their lives in the line of duty and their families. “ As the congregation gathered itself to solemnly remember the fallen heroes, the lights in the church suddenly dimmed for just a moment and then back on. I am told this was not a planned part of the ceremony. I can’t recall having witnessed anything quite like it. The Bishop thanked Very Rev-
erend Robert E. Casey, VF, Pastor of St. Brigid and Gate of Heaven Parishes in South Boston who had accepted the Bishop’s invitation to deliver the homily. Of the many community services in which Father Casey is involved, he has been the Catholic Chaplain to the Medford Police Department for 24 years. In a moving homily, Father Casey spoke of how Jesus reminds us that the counter and stronger force than jealously is “serving the needs of others before serving our own needs. “ Police officers have often told me,” continued Father Casey, “…that they wanted to serve; that’s why they entered the profession. …to serve and protect.” Father noted that “It’s not what we do (in the way of a profession) that matters; it’s the kind of police officer, the kind of priest, the kind of teacher we are that matters in life and to God.” When we serve those who are last, we are first. These are the men and women of honor whom we were all there to celebrate in His presence at the Blue Mass. It was a stirring ceremony that, as always, concluded with great force, as the Connecticut Depart-
ment of Corrections pipes & drums played a dramatic rendition of Amazing Grace. Bishop Cote kindly blessed all present; and on this Sunday, greater meaning came to the words, “The Mass has ended, go in peace.” This greater meaning came from the company of so many who serve and protect…and keep the peace. All the more meaning, too, to the singing of the National Anthem –
a church in full voice – the men and women in uniform holding a firm salute. Congratulations to Planning Committee Chair, Norwich Police Department Chief, Louis J. Fusaro, Sr. and Co-Chair, Connecticut State Police Captain, Louis J. Fusaro Jr. The committee is already at work on next year’s Blue Mass scheduled for September 22, 2013.
Four County Catholic October 2012
Diocese Celebrates Twentieth Annual Firefighters EMS Mass A Tribute to Courage and Sacrifice Norwich – The Twentieth Annual Firefighters Mass was held on Saturday, October 6, 2012, at By Michael Strammiello
the Cathedral of St. Patrick. The ceremonies began some distance from the Cathedral at the Chelsea Parade, where firefighters and EMS professionals assembled to then march down Broadway to the church. As has been tradition
for twenty years now, the procession included men and women in dress uniform, some of their children marching alongside, antique fire fighting apparatus, fire engines, a police escort and the Connecticut Firefighters Pipes and Drums. It was quite a sight as the procession approached the Cathedral where a giant flag had been hoisted into a memorial arch by two tall ladder trucks; one
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looked to be from the Bethel Fire Department. The procession’s entrance into the Cathedral was, as always, dramatic -- with bagpipes playing, Color Guard flags held high, fire departments represented, and the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich and Celebrant of the Mass acknowledging the congregation. Bishop Cote, in his greeting to all present, thanked the homilist, Deacon Richard C. Martino, Assistant Campus Minister, Assumption College, for kindly accepting the invitation to speak. Deacon Martino called on his life’s experience of fire service ministry to remind those gathered that “they are truly heroes, though they wear no capes.â€? Among the many poignant moments of the service was hearing Mark Sicuso, Chair of the Firefighter/EMS Mass Committee recite the prayer, “Almighty God‌ when called upon to face the danger of flames or serve an ill or injured person, give us the courage and alertness to protect our neighbors and all others whom we pledge to aid...â€? For some remembered on this occasion, that pledge meant the ultimate sacrifice. Those who lost their lives in the line of duty were dearly remembered on this day as the Memorial Calling was conducted by Mark Sicuso and Heather Mislivets, Co-Chair of the Mass Committee. As each name is called, the fire bell is struck twice, piercing the silence – for each hero lost in the line of duty since 1993. Not a person present wasn’t moved and torn by this striking tribute. Bishop Cote made a presentation to the family of fallen hero, Past Chief G. Marshall Sanford, Redding Fire Department and
EMS Company #1. The presentation was made in complete silence. Moving beyond words. Those who gave their lives at Ground Zero, now eleven years ago, were remembered again this year as brothers and sisters honored and missed – never forgotten.
The recessional hymn, “Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory “ further raised the emotional and spiritual level of this stirring tribute to the heroes among us. Next year’s Mass is already scheduled. It will be held at the Cathedral on October 12, 2013 at 5:00 p.m.
Four County Catholic October 2012
Mass & Healing Service St. Anne's Shrine, Sturbridge, MA Sunday, November 4 Cost: $39 - Children & teenagers welcome as our guest BUS DEPARTS: Old Mystic Village, Mystic; New London Shopping Center; I-395 Commuter Parking Lots @ Norwich, Plainfield, Dayville JANET PRZYBYSZ 860-536-6638 przybyszjanet@sbcglobal.net
FATHER RALPH DIORIO Christmas Luncheon
Feast of the Immaculate Conception Father Larry LaPointe honored at a September 14, 2012, reception at Connecticut College in appreciation of his 33 years of campus ministry service. Connecticut College President, Lee Higdon, hosted the gathering of professors, administrators and students. Student, Resa McLellan shown making a presentation from the Catholic community to Father LaPointe. Photo by Meredith Morrison
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Tickets: $35 General Admission $25 Teens *Box lunch included*
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Discovering Our Diocese Where is This? Can you identify where this was taken? Answer is on page 13.
Four County Catholic October 2012
Diocesan Women Host 57th Annual Convention The Norwich Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (NDCCW) held its 57th Annual Convention By Colleen Egan
on Saturday, Sept. 15, at St. John the Evangelist Parish in Uncasville. Approximately 50 women from around the diocese attended. The council is an approved Catholic Women’s organization within the Diocese of Norwich, formed and endorsed by the Most Rev. Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich. Its mission is to act through its affiliates to “support, empower and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership and service. “ NDCCW programs respond with Gospel values to the needs of the Church and society in the modern world. It is the local affiliate of the 1955 National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW). First speaker at the convention was Maribeth Stewart, Vice President of the North America World Union of Catholic Women’s Organizations (WUCWO). She noted that: “Catholic
women must understand that changing times demand changing duties. The time has come when we can no longer be satisfied with discreet timidity; the time has come to have a broader outlook; the time has come for more adequate formation; the time has come to unite all the works and all the good will of Catholic women in a strong federation, capable of being an active force in the service of Christian social renewal throughout the world. “ The organization is now focusing in the Middle East, in the area of Jerusalem. Keynote speaker was Anna DeBiasi, Director of Development for Outreach to Haiti. Along with a slide show, DeBiasi showed council members the work that is going on in Haiti and how it is supported by different groups in the Norwich Diocese, including the women’s group. After the keynote address, Mass was celebrated by Bishop Cote and several concelebrants. Luncheon was served after Mass. “It was interesting to me to find
out about the different women’s organizations and what they do, “ said Alicia Smith of Spraque. “I’m thinking about joining. The keynote speaker was a former student of mine. When I heard she was coming to speak I was intent in hearing
about Haiti. “ Kathleen Burton said: “I was very pleased to have learned about WUWCO. You really feel like you want to help in Haiti and support the Diocese. “ New officers were named at the
Photo by Donna Antonacci
meeting. They are: Anne King, President, from the Willimantic district; Secretary is Pat Blain from the Putnum district; and Treasurer is Charlene Durand, also from Putnum.
Four County Catholic October 2012
Congratulations Sister Elissa. On Sept. 8, 2012 family and friends joined with Sr. Elissa in celebrating the 50th anniversary of her entrance into religious life. Sister entered the community of the Sisters of the Cross and Passion on Sept. 8, 1962.
Sacrament of Marriage, Part II In the teaching of the Catholic Church, marriage is a vocation, just as the call to priesthood By Sister Elissa Rinere, CP, JCD Office of Worship
or to religious life is a vocation. This means it is presumed that couples who seek marriage in the Catholic Church have chosen to commit their lives to one another in faith, and to grow together in holiness in response to Baptism. In keeping with this expectation of life-long commitment, the permanence of marriage has always been clearly taught in the Catholic Church. This permanence arises from the fact that marriage between a man and woman, both of whom are baptized, is a sacrament; and sacraments are actions of the Church. While other Christian denominations might allow a second marriage following a divorce, the Catholic Church has always taught that once a life-commitment is made in marriage, a second such life-commitment cannot be permitted without some determination about a person’s freedom to marry. Although there are several processes, each of which can address the circumstances of a particular marriage, the most common of these is the annulment process. Although widely used, the annulment process has often been poorly misunderstood by many people. Most importantly, the process is not what we might call a “time warp. “ That is, the annulment doesn’t erase the realities of life by declaring that a couple was never married. Rather, the goal of the process, through a study of the readiness of the parties to marry, and of the quality of the
marriage relationship the couple was able to establish, is to determine the freedom of the parties to marry in the Church. If the parties are declared free to marry, then the process has shown, to the de-
gree of clarity required by Church Law, that the marriage never existed correctly or completely; that from the very beginning of the relationship there was some fundamental flaw present which prevented the formation of the “intimate communion of the whole of life “ which the Church understands marriage to be. A second very common error about annulments is that they make the children of a marriage “illegitimate. “ This is not true, and never has been true. If we fall into the first error that “the marriage never existed, “ then it isn’t too much of a stretch to fall into this second error about children. The annulment of a marriage has effects only for the husband and wife. The effect is that they are free to enter into a new marriage in the Catholic Church. There is no effect on the children of the marriage. The Catholic Church has quite a few rules and regulations about the Sacrament of Marriage, built on the expectation that the life-long commitment is chosen as a true vocation, and that a couple is well prepared to face and to resolve the difficulties which arise in the marriage relationship. In our society, however, the divorce rate for Catholics and non-Catholics alike stands at about 50%.
This disparity between the Church’s expectations and the actual reality of marriage is a serious pastoral problem. There has been much debate and discussion about how, or if, the Catholic Church should revise its centuries-old teaching on divorce and remarriage. The goal of the teaching, however, is to preserve the stability of the Sacrament and also the stability of the family. The home, as the Domestic Church and the place where the Gospel is handed on from parents to their children, is the foundation of the Church’s mission of evangelization. The home, parenthood and the domestic church are holy and worthy of protection. For pastoral and even theological purposes, we need to find an effective way to bridge the gap between the Church’s expectations for those who make a commitment to each other in the Sacrament of Marriage, and society’s expectations for marriage. Several educational efforts have been undertaken by the bishops of the United States, (see http://foryourmarriage.org) ) and many excellent resources are now available at the parish level, where most marriage preparation programs are conducted.
We Can Help To report inappropriate contact of any kind by a representative of the Diocese of Norwich or for assistance to victims, please call:
Podemos Ayudar Para reportar cualquier contacto inapropiado por un/a representante de la Diócesis de Norwich, o para buscar ayuda para víctimas, favor de llamar:
3rd Annual
SETON SCHOLARSHIP DINNER Honoring the Recipients of the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Award for contributions to Catholic Education in the Diocese of Norwich:
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2012 LAKE OF ISLES NORTH STONINGTON, CT 4:00 PM — 8:00 PM $150 PER PERSON Please R.S.V.P. to: Diocese of Norwich Catholic Schools Office Ann Crooks, Development Coordinator 43 Perkins Avenue, Norwich, CT 06360 Checks payable to: DSO Seton Scholarship or to pay by credit card: www.norwichdso.org
For more information please call (860) 887-4086 ALL PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WITHIN THE DIOCESE
Four County Catholic October 2012
Linking the Past to the Present and the Present to the Future On a lovely late summer afternoon, parishioners from the Cathedral of St. Patrick By MaryLou Gannotti Director of Planned Giving
Susan Staab from the New Life Prison Ministry received $500 Catholic Foundation award, presented by Bishop Cote. Photo by Donna Antonacci
and some parishioners from surrounding churches joined Monsignor Anthony Rosaforte and Bishop Michael R. Cote to learn more about Phase III of the Cathedral Restoration Project. While 41 people pre-registered for the presentation, an impressive number walked through the doors that evening, bringing the total number of guests to approximately 80 people. The event had been promoted on our Diocesan website, in the Four County Catholic, and through bulletin and pulpit announcements at the Cathedral. Anyone who wished to attend was most welcome to learn more about this ambitious project. David Riccio and John Canning, from John Canning Painting, Plastering and
Conservation Studios, led a power point presentation followed by a tour of the Cathedral. The Cathedral tour gave those in attendance a chance to see impressive mock up illustrations of two murals that will adorn the upper walls of the Cathedral. Phase III calls for 20 murals total, all scenes from the life of Christ. The evening began with refreshments, including some deli-
cious locally made apple cider, slices of pizza kindly donated by St. Pat’s parishioner and restaurant owner Josh Vocatura, and some other goodies, including some home made chocolate covered white and green popcorn. These special touches were well received
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by guests, as was the literature distributed, which included details of Phase I and Phase II of the restoration project, as well as a flyer chronicling the impressive history of the Cathedral. The flyer also provided detailed information on Phase III. It was a lesson not only in the history of the Cathedral, but also an education on the historic preservation taking place. As stated that evening, the project will “link the past to the present and the present to the future. “ In his opening remarks, Bishop Cote noted that the Cathedral of St. Patrick houses the Bishop’s throne known as the “cathedra, “ Latin for chair, and in Greek, “kathedra, “ meaning, seat. The Cathedral of St. Patrick holds the Bishop’s chair, protects his throne, and serves as the center of our Diocese. When the Diocese of Norwich was established in 1953, St. Patrick’s Church was reconsecrated as a Cathedral. Both the Diocese and the Cathedral of St. Patrick will be celebrating a 60-year jubilee anniversary next year. What better time to celebrate the past and look to the future? When posed with the question that evening of why this project was underway, Monsignor Anthony Rosaforte was very clear in addressing the genesis of the restoration. Thanks to funding from the bequest of a parishioner, this ambitious project was able to be undertaken. The bequest was given as a restricted gift, meaning the donor noted the money must be used for work on the Cathedral. Additional funds will be solicited through a campaign for Phase III. It was stated that through years of repainting, repairs, and aging, many murals, stenciling, and embellishments that had been part of the original church had been painted over, lost, or damaged. Implementing Phase III of this project will restore the original look of the Cathedral, carefully researched by the Canning firm. As the restoration project continues, further information will be made available as will events surrounding this exciting venture.
Four County Catholic October 2012
Catholic Charities’ Best Kept Secret is its Behavioral Health Clinic Many people may not know this, but Catholic Charities has been offering mental health services since the 1980s. Here are some stories of clients we interviewed. All names have been changed to respect their privacy. By Colleen Egan
Linda, 59, from Gales Ferry, has been going to Catholic Charities for 7years, once a week. She said she began going “because of a breakdown. “ She had been going to a partial hospitalization program and when it ended she felt lost. She then called Catholic Charities and had an appointment within two days. “It has definitely helped, “ she said. “I was at my end, in a very dark place. After I talked to someone, I felt cared about. I can’t tell you how much I’ve changed. “ Linda said her participation in this article would have been impossible for her two years ago. She suffers from anxiety and said she was “unable to work because of it. All I could do was sit and shake and cry. “ Catholic Charities staff assured Linda that she could get better. “Someone cared, “ said Linda. “That was important to me. “ Linda had no insurance at the time, so Catholic Charities put her on a sliding scale and she paid a little something every week. Today Linda lives alone but is able to go out. She said she feels comfortable one-on-one with people, takes medication and is now able to go grocery shopping, something she couldn’t do before she started treatment. Peter, 50, from Franklin is diagnosed with depression, OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). He said he has a short temper. Peter began going to Catholic Charities because his youngest daughter said he “needed help. “ He was not convinced but he went to please his daughter. “OCD is getting old, “ said Peter, who said he now attends sessions at the agency a few times a year. He said
his counselor “really helped me on a lot of problems, from growing up with a sarcastic father and he taught me to accept things and move on. “ A truck driver, Peter has come to love his life; he said he would recommend Catholic Charities mental health services to anyone. He said he initially sought services someone else, but didn’t like it there, so then he called the Catholic organization. “I had no clue Catholic Charities had counseling. I thought all they had was a food bank, “ he said. Peter said he loves to laugh and get together with people and go places. “People are noticing my changing. It makes me feel good, “ he said. Robert, 69, of Norwich is a retired school teacher who still substitutes from time to time. He has been diagnosed with depression and a low self-image. He takes psychiatric medication. Robert started to need treatment at an early age (20s); and until he was 65 and retired he always had medical insurance coverage for his treatment. Once he retired, he was on Medicare and was immediately dropped from a clinic where he has been going for years. “I was stranded for three weeks. I called everywhere to see who took Medicare, “ he said. “Finally, four years ago I called Catholic Charities. It’s helping. It gives me a place to talk. I have ups and downs, some bad weeks, some good weeks, but there’s always improvement. “ “I am very grateful they were there to give me help when others turned me away from lack of insurance. “ Cynthia, 50, from Colchester has bipolar (manic-depressive) disorder and is on disability. In 2008 she moved to the area and started looking on the internet to find a mental health agency where she could re-
ceive treatment for her condition. Cynthia specifically was looking to find a Catholic organization and there in the Internet list was Catholic
Charities. She said she would definitely recommend the agency to others. “People are courteous and helpful, “ she said. According to Cynthia, if she is having a hard day and her therapist is not in, another therapist will come on the phone with her to help her. “I feel comfortable there, “ she said. “My needs are being met and they handle emergencies well. “ According to Dr. Ciro Massa, director of behavioral health services at Catholic Charities, the agency operates three clinic sites: Norwich, New London and Middletown. “In FY 2012, thus far, it has served an aggregate number of 1,241 patients, and provided 8,526 procedures (or Units of Service), “ said Dr. Massa. “That number includes children from the age of 5 upwards; adolescents; young
Discovering Our Diocese
Where is This? Statue Outside St. Joseph Church in Occum
adults; adults; and seniors. Our treatment services include, but are not limited to: Individual Therapy; Group Therapy; Couples and Marriage Therapy; Family Therapy; Medication Managem e n t ; Diagnostic Services; and Anger Management (Men & Women). We also host a selfhelp meeting, similar to A.A., called Dual Recovery Anonymous (DRA) which is open to the public. “
Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony Holy St Anthony gentlest of Saints. Your love for God and charity for His creators made you worthy when on earth posses miraculous power which you were ready to speak for those who are in trouble or anxiety. Encouraged by this thought I implore to you to obtain for me (request) The answer to my prayer may require a miracle, even so you are the saint of miracles Oh gentle and loving St. Anthony whose heart is full of human sympathy whisper my petition into the ears of sweet infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms, and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. This 13 day Novena has never been known to fail. Say three Hail Mary's and three Glories and promise publication.
~ JC ~
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Four County Catholic October 2012
High Repair Costs Will Shutter Griswold Church Next Month Griswold, Conn. — A church beloved for its small country charm By ALISON SHEA Reprint from the Bulletin
will close this month as repair costs increase. The last Mass at St. Anne Catholic Church in Glasgo will be Oct. 28, said The Rev. Ted Tumicki, the pastor overseeing St. Anne and
three other area churches. The church was built in 1891 and is showing its age, Father Tumicki told members after inspections in January and April by parishioners who work in the building trades. Rotting sills, old ductwork and a crumbling chimney need replacement; new insulation, fire stops in the walls and roof trusses are needed. Adding to that
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the cost of bringing the church up to code — which would require indoor plumbing and handicapped access — the bill could be well more than $400,000, Father Tumicki said. The church, modeled after a St. Anne Church in Quebec, was built on land donated by the Glasgo Finishing Co. to serve its French Canadian mill workers. It’s small by design, with about 35 people gathering in its 24 pews each Sunday for its only Mass at 7 a.m. The church has been a mission church of St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church two miles away in Voluntown almost since it was built. “It’s small and there’s no plumbing, but it’s a nice little country church, “ Tumicki said. “It has that feeling when you walk in, that you’re in a village church. “ Joyce Gresh, of Griswold, a member for more than 25 years, said her children grew up in the church, and were altar servers there. The day the closure was announced, “there were quite a few tears, “ she said. “Even though I joined St. Thomas, this one always felt more like home. “
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Most holy apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honors and invokes you universally, as the patron of hopeless cases, of things almost despaired of. Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone. Make use I implore you, of that particular privilege given to you, to bring visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of. Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings that I may praise God with you and all the elect forever. I promise, O blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor, to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. Amen.
~ PJ ~
Four County Catholic October 2012
DHS Celebrate South American Connection 1962-2012 The Daughters of the Holy Spirit of the Putnam Province recently gathered with friends and extended family to celebrate 50 years of service in South America, precisely in Chile and Peru. The event took place at the Provincial House in Putnam and featured a tribute to the 13 Sisters who responded to the 1961 call of the late Pope John XXIII for religious congregations to commit 10 percent of their members to work in Latin America. Guests filled the Pavilion to near capacity as the accounts of the missionaries brought the group to laughter, to tears and to admiration of their experiences, struggles and successes in solidarity with the Chilean people to help advance a then 3rd world country to one of today’s highly developed nations. Tales of politics, persecution by dictator governments and of courage in adversity as well as heart-touching scenes with children in classrooms to language faux pas that still produce roars of laughter brought rounds of applause from those in attendance. A delightful abundant meal with typical foods such as empanadas, arroz con pollo and flan, and a meaningful mass celebration nourished body and soul of one and all.
Although there are no American DHS currently in South America, the Daughters of the Holy Spirit, an international congregation whose central headquarters are in Brittany, France, continue to serve with the numerous DHS Associates and members of the Secular Branch in Chile and Peru in the ministry
begun in 1962. The photo shows 8 of the 9 DHS missionaries to Latin America who are still living. For more details about the DHS or this particular endeavor/celebration , you may contact the development office at devofdhs@yahoo.com or call the office at 860 928-0891.
The Most Reverend Christie Macaluso, D.D., Auxiliary Bishop, Hartford Archdiocese delivering homily at Diocese of Norwich 2012 Red Mass honoring the legal profession. Photo by Donna Antonacci
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Four County Catholic October 2012
Phil Twomey Remembered July 31, 1937 – September 19, 2012 We were blessed here at the Four County Catholic to have had Phil as our staff photographer and close friend for many years. We miss him. We miss his cheerful presence. Phil was always ready with a smile, a pat on the back, a good story. He would often stop by our office after helping out the 8th grade computer class at St. Patrick Cathedral School. He brought so much happiness and energy with him – to the children, to us, to everyone. He had a way of lifting up everyone around him. An amazing and abundant gift. Phil was also a gifted photographer who was right there, it seemed, at every important event in the Diocese. The Four County Catholic over the years has been like a Phil Twomey journal of photography. Some of our favorite of his photos accompany this note. All part of a legacy of his witness to the good work of the Church he supported so faithfully. To know Phil was to also know Marie. He spoke of her with enormous affection at every opportunity. They were married, I believe, for 54 years. I know this because he liked to talk about his wonderful Marie and their children and grandchildren. We liked to listen. He was proud, also, of his military background. I remember one day I emailed him a photo of the Coast Guard Eagle, the familiar tall ship in New London harbor, sometimes tied up out at Fort Trumbell. It was a black & white photo of President Kennedy being received on the deck of the Eagle. Phil called me within minutes to thank me for the photo. “Did you know,’ he asked, “that I trained on that ship?” I told him “no,
I had no idea.” Then he proceeded to tell me that one night he was out training on the Eagle in the middle of a hurricane, and had to climb the rigging – “way up there” he remembered. In a hurricane! He went on to enjoy a distinguished 30-year military career in the Coast Guard and the U.S. Army. It’s no surprise that on his 75th birthday, two months ago, Phil went skydiving to celebrate. I saw the video. He jumped out of a plane with only one brief lesson. “Way up there” as he said about climbing the Eagle that stormy night. As brave as they come. I never did have a chance to play a round of golf with him. Came close a couple of times. Everyone tells me he was one whale of a player. Phil missed this year’s Catholic Charities event at Fox Hopyard, his favorite course; and the tournament missed him. I’ve included a shot I took of Phil from my iPhone in the back of the Cathedral. He was all decked out in his dress uniform on the occasion of last year’s Red, White and Blue Mass. I asked how about a photo, Phil. He said sure – wait a sec – let me take my glasses off – OK – and flash …. my most treasured picture of my friend Phil. Phil was a special person. I know he is “Way up there” with the Good Lord -- telling Him some great stories and maybe exaggerating just a tad on some long puts he made on sunny fall afternoons. All God’s blessings to the Twomey family, Remembering Our Friend,
Photos by Phil Twomey
Four County Catholic October 2012
Defending Religious Liberty The Year of Faith beginning Thursday, October 11, will be marked by a variety of events to be celebrated in the Diocese of Norwich including: liturgical celebrations, Catholic formation opportunities, workshops, and
prayer. Ongoing information will be emailed and posted on the diocesan website: www.norwichdiocese.org. As we begin our journey to reawaken our faith, let us find the time to protect it. If you haven’t
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Four County Catholic October 2012
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Four County Catholic October 2012
School and Castles for One Young Haitian Boy Mackenley Jovany Desrosiers is 6 years old and lives with his mother in the Christ Roi neighborhood in By Anna DeBiasi Development Director, Outreach to Haiti
Port-au-Prince, Haiti. He is an only child, whose mother, Francesse Desrosiers, cannot find work, and struggles to provide for Mackenley. When Mackenley was old enough to attend kindergarten, Francesse wondered how she would afford to send him to school. In Haiti, many people live on less than $2 per day. There is little public education system in Haiti, and many families cannot afford to send their children to private school. School tuition can cost double what a parent makes in a year, and because of this, only about 65% of school age children attend school in Haiti. Francesse was worried that her son would become part of the 35% of children who cannot go to school. “I cried and prayed because I know without an education my son will have less opportunity, and his life will be difficult. Education is very important to me, but I did not know how I would be able to send Mackenley to school. I watched him sit at home when other kids were in school playing and learning, and it broke my heart that I could not do that for him. “ A friend of the family had heard about the Education Scholarship Program that is run by Diocese of Norwich Outreach to Haiti, and suggested that Francesse apply for Mackenly to receive a scholarship. In 2011 Mackenly was accepted into the program in time to start first grade. He now attends the school, Le Plateau de L’Education, and he has recently started second grade. His mother walks with him on the 45 minute walk and 20 minute taxi ride to school every morning. “I am so thankful that Mackenley can go to school through this program. He loves seeing his friends, and he loves to color. He is learning math, and I can tell he is going to be
very smart, “ Francesse proudly boasted as she looked over at her son who was coloring a picture for his education sponsor. Mackenley explained that his favorite subject is geography, because he likes looking at maps. He says he does not know what he wants to do when he grows up, but he would like to see a castle one day. In fact, he decided to draw a picture of a castle to send to his sponsor. “Look there’s the Haitian flag on top! “ he exclaimed as he showed the drawing off to one of OTH’s workers. When asked who his hero is, he shared, “My mom is, because she is my mom and she takes good care of me. “ And thanks to Outreach to Haiti’s Education Scholarship Program, his mom’s mind is at ease knowing her child’s present and fu-
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ture have been brightened by the gift of education. Mackenley is one of multiple children in the program who are still in need of education sponsors. Tuition for Mackenley and other primary school students is $425 per year, and $500 per year for secondary school students. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor to a child like Mackenley, we more than welcome your support. Consider becoming a sponsor and change the life of a child forever. For more information please visit www.outreachtohaiti.org or call the office at 860.848.2237 x206.
Mass of Healing and Hope Tuesday, October 2, 2012 at 7:00 PM St. John the Apostle Church, 10 Railroad Avenue, Plainfield, CT 06374 Celebrant: Fr. Ray Introvigne Healing Prayer: Mrs. Judith Hughes One-Day Life In The Spirit Seminar Saturday, October 6, 2012 at 8:30 AM-4:00 PM St. Mary Church, 51 Freestone Avenue, Portland, CT 06480 Philip Retreat Weekend Saturday, October 13 and Sunday, October 14, 2012 Spiritual Renewal Center, 11 Bath Street, Norwich, CT 06360 (Pre-registration required, call 860-887-0702. Fee $25) New England Bishop Liaison Meeting Wednesday, October 24, 2012 at 10:00 AM Auburn, Massachusetts UNBOUND CONFERENCE—Freedom In Christ Saturday, November 10, 2012 from 8:30 AM to 7:30 PM Spiritual Renewal Center, 11 Bath Street, Norwich, CT 06360 With: Fr. Ray Introvigne, Mrs. Judith Hughes and Team Prayer, Praise, Worship and Adoration Every Tuesday at 7:00 PM Spiritual Renewal Services Center Leaders: Deacon James Delaney and Nancy Delaney
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Four County Catholic October 2012
The Haitian Health Foundation was the recipient of a $1,500 grant from the Operation Rice Bowl Fund of the Diocese of Norwich. Dr. Jeremiah J. Lowney, president of The Haitian Health Foundation, thanked Bishop Cote and Monsignor Brown for their generous grant.
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Four County Catholic October 2012
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Four County Catholic October 2012
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On Thursday September 6, Saint Bernard students welcomed the Most Rev. Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich who celebrated the opening Mass for the 2012-2013 Saint Bernard School year.
St. John School, Middletown 860-347-3202 www.stjohnschoolmiddletown.org St. John School, Old Saybrook 860-388-0849 www.saintjohnschoolos.com St. Joseph School, Baltic 860-822-6141 www.stjosephbaltic.org St. Joseph School, North Grosvenordale 860-923-2090 www.schoolofstjoseph.com St. Joseph School, New London 860-442-1720 www.sjsnl.com St. Mary School, Middletown 860-347-2978 www.stmarymiddletown.com St. Mary-St. Joseph School, Willimantic 860-423-8479 www.smsjschool.org
National Standards and Benchmarks for Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools In June, 2012, the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, and the By Sheila Cerjanec Technology Coordinator, Diocesan School Office
St. Michael School, Pawcatuck 860-599-1084 www.stmichaelschoolct.com St. Matthew Pre-School, Tolland 860-872-0200 www.stmatthewct.org St. Bernard Pre-School, Rockville 860-875-0475 www.saintbernardchurch.org
Board of Education for the Diocese of Norwich Catholic Schools, approved the use of the National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective
Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools, to be used by school principals to further support and strengthen the framework of Catholic Education in the diocese of Norwich. The following is a summarization of the introduction to this groundbreaking document, presented at the NCEA conference in Boston, April 2012.
In 2008, Pope Benedict XVI, during his visit to the United States stated that “Catholic schools are an outstanding apostolate of hope…addressing the material, intellectual and spiritual needs of three million children. “ (Pope Benedict XVI, Address to Catholic Educators, April 17, 2008, Washington, D.C.). For decades, the Bishops of the United States
have been asserting the mission of our Catholic schools to be three-fold - to proclaim the Gospel, to build the community of the Church and to serve others as Jesus did. They have called on the community of the Church to ensure that Catholic schools provide the highest quality education based on the Gospel of Jesus. The face of the Church is changing, and with
To learn more, contact the Diocesan School Office, 860-887-4086, www.norwichdso.org or contact one of the diocesan schools.
Four County Catholic October 2012
that comes changes that will affect the future of the nation’s Catholic schools. “…We must respond to challenging times with faith, vision, and the will to succeed because the Catholic school’s mission is vital to the future of our young people, our Nation, and most especially our Church. “ (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Renewing Our Commitment to Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools in the Third Millennium) Recognizing the urgency of these directives, a conference, the Catholic Higher Education Collaborative (CHEC) was held in October 2009, at Loyola University, attended by educational leaders from dioceses around the country, NCEA representatives, scholars from Catholic universities, high schools, elementary schools and many other supporters of Catholic education. During this conference, one thing became clear – the need
for a fundamental statement that could combine viable local standards with a broader national vision, to “clarify the ‘brand’ of ‘Catholic school’s; provide a framework to enhance public policy and advocacy efforts on behalf of Catholic schools; provide universal characteristics and criteria that could serve as a basis of Catholic school accreditation; provide a link to Catholic Higher Education professional development and leadership programs in support of Catholic schools; and increase funders’ confidence in school capacity for sustainable improvement. “ (Introduction to National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools) Out of this conference, evolved a two year collaboration by the Center for Catholic School Effectiveness at Loyola University Chicago’s School of Education, the Roche Center for Catholic Education at
Boston College’s Lynch School of Education and the National Catholic Education Association. The result of that collaboration is the document, “National Standards and Benchmarks for Effective Catholic Elementary and Secondary Education “ presented in April, 2012, at the NCEA Convention held in Boston, MA. According to Lorraine A. Ozar, PhD, Director for the Center for Catholic School Effectiveness, School of Education, Loyola University, Chicago, in her foreword to the document, “The publication of these effectiveness standards gives the entire Catholic community a common framework of universal characteristics of Catholic identity and agreed upon criteria for Catholic school excellence. With this framework we can and must hold ourselves accountable for the excellence and rigor, faith and nurturance that have been the hallmark of Catholic education,
and which we must now guarantee for future generations. “ The document is divided into an Introduction, Section One: Defining Characteristics of Catholic Schools and Section Two: Standards and Benchmarks. Part two of this series, a review of Section One: Defining Characteristics of Catholic Schools, and Part three, a review of Section Two: Standards and Benchmarks will appear in future issues of paper. In 2010, the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) released a set of state-led education standards, the Common Core State Standards. These lan-
guage arts and mathematics standards for grades K-12 were developed in collaboration with content experts, teachers, school administrators and parents among others. The standards established goals for learning that would prepare America’s children for future success. Following the adoption of these standards, the hope was that all students, no matter where they lived, regardless of economic status, would receive the education they deserve, including all technical skills as well as academic, in order to be ready for the future. In essence, they would accomplish a leveling of the proverbial playing field for all students everywhere in the United States.
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Four County Catholic October 2012
Emergency or Blessing? The Power of Silence My dad and brother just returned from a fly-in fishing adventure in the Canadian wilderness – By Christina Capecchi Four County Catholic Contributor
fly in, that is, because their outpost camp could only be accessed by floatplane, the sole cabin on a remote lake teeming with walleye. It was a week of primitive living – no electricity, no indoor toilets, no cell coverage, no television and solar panels that could power six bulbs. They expected to find a short-range radio to use in case of emergency but learned, in its absence, an alert method closer to a smoke signal: Set a big wooden block in the shape of an E on the end of the dock. One side is green for minor emergencies; flip to the other side, which is orange, for serious issues. Then wait for a pilot to take note. Sometimes he’d fly by
daily, but it could be a couple days before he’d make the rounds and swoop to your aid. Vacationers have pulled out the Big E for a number of reasons, revealing varying definitions of emergency. One man had a heart attack. One lost a finger in a hunting accident. One ran out of hot sauce. But the most fascinating reason to set out the Big E and end a trip early? The outpost camp was too quiet, they couldn’t stand the silence. No highways, no neighbors and, being so far north, little wildlife, not even a chorus of birds. One family from Chicago was spooked by the lack of noise. They couldn’t sleep without the hum of a nearby train.
Another group, two buddies who’d gone to grade school through college together, found the hush an impossible chasm to bridge. “We have nothing in common! “ they
told the pilot, confessing their plan to play the radio the entire drive home. Somehow they’d never before subjected their long friendship to silence. My brother, meanwhile, relished the quiet, wanted to bottle it up. “I’m not sure you can hear that, “ Tony said while recording a video and panning over a lakeside sunset, “but that’s absolute silence. “
He committed the scenes to heart and lens and later hashed them out on keyboard. “That far north, fall days make you feel you can touch the sky, “ Tony wrote. The guys found time for ample father-son discussion: reminiscing about the past, anticipating the future and delighting in their present fortune. But they also absorbed the silence, letting it wash over them and rewire their city circuits. One of the perils of modern life is the way we’ve built noise into every process, and 20-somethings run the risk of forgetting how things used to be, back when we jogged without an iPod and drove without a talking GPS. Last week I overhead an 86-yearold Sister of St. Joseph tell a 21-
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year-old communications major about the silent retreats she’d made. The college student was positively stumped, fumbling over earnest questions. “What was the purpose of the silence? Did you find it beneficial? “ “Oh, yeah, “ the sister said, sharing wisdom that seemed wrapped in both her age and her religious vocation. “We don’t have enough silence in our lives now. There’s a lot to being quiet. “ A lot to it and a lot standing in its way. Silence isn’t just the absence of noise, it’s the absence of idle activity. It’s being unoccupied, empty, attuned to the “still, small voice “ of God that Elijah sought in the wind, the earthquake and the fire and heard, finally, in the silence that followed. Christina Capecchi is a freelance writer from Inver Grove Heights, Minn. She can be reached at www.ReadChristina.com.
Four County Catholic October 2012
‘Persevere in Your Goodness’ 17th Annual Mass for Those Dedicated to Education NORWICH — In 1996, two second grade Norwich public school teachers, By Shelley Wolf Four County Catholic Contributor
Mary Ann Enright and Winifred Riley, founded a Pontifical Mass for public, private, and parochial school teachers, administrators and support staff of all faiths to deepen their shared commitment to children and to the gift of learning. Though Enright retired just two years later and Riley passed away in 2004, Enright and a sizeable, devoted committee of retired and active educators have carried on the tradition — ordering flowers, selecting the music, printing programs, planning the reception, and acting as altar servers — for the 17th Annual Mass for Those Dedicated to Education, which was celebrated on September 9 at the Cathedral of St. Patrick. “Educators need all the help they can get, especially spiritual help. Today, it’s not easy, “ said retiree Mary Ann Enright, who still orchestrates all the hustle and bustle of preparation as Chair of the educators’ Mass Committee. “Educators need spiritual sustenance to get through the year and for all the wonderful children placed in their care. “ Today, the Mass continues to inspire and support educators in their chosen vocation. “It’s a wonderful tribute to all the people who work with kids, “
Monsignor Henry N. Archambault, Pastor of Sacred Heart Church in Taftville, delivered a homily on the merits of teaching the next generation at the 17th Annual Educators’ Mass.
said Michael Rafferty, Mass Committee member, principal of Old Saybrook Middle School, and a member of Christ the King Church in Old Lyme. “I’m here to pray for teachers because I think it’s more difficult now than ever, “ said Dorothy Ciliano, a retired educator who taught language arts in Montville and who currently attends St. Agnes Church in Niantic. “I think it’s great to support the education field, “ said Trenda Caron, a retired public school teacher who worked in Montville and attends St. John’s Church in Uncasville. This year’s Mass began with a procession of rose presenters — educators who carried single roses down the aisle and placed them into vases that formed two bouquets on the altar. Next came educators from throughout the diocese to participate in the Mass as altar servers, readers, and ministers of Holy Communion. Then came the
Photo by Donna Antonacci
Educators’ Mass Continued on page 26
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Four County Catholic October 2012
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Educators’ Mass Continued from page 25 Knights of Columbus dressed in full regalia. The Knights were followed by Concelebrant Monsignor Anthony S. Rosaforte of the Cathedral of St. Patrick, Master of Ceremony and Diocesan Chancellor Monsignor Robert L. Brown, Deacon George Escalona, Homilist and Pastor of Sacred Heart Church in Taftville Monsignor Henry N. Archambault and, finally, by the Celebrant, the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich. Throughout the Mass, attendees were treated to splendid and stately music, which included “The Hymn of Christ the Teacher “ and “America the Beautiful, “ provided by the Sterling Brass Ensemble and The Cathedral Choir. A lone candle burned at the foot of the statue of the Virgin Mary as a special memorial to those educators who are no longer with us. The educators joined together in a moving “Prayer to Our Lady for Educators “ in which all prayed for greater reverence, knowledge, understanding, judgment, courage, wonder, awe, and wisdom. After the readings, Monsignor
Archambault, pastor of Sacred Heart Church in the Taftville section of Norwich, delivered the homily to an attentive audience. The teaching profession “is more than the transmission of facts from teacher to pupil, but rather it involves the formation of character and personality and the development of the entire person, “ Monsignor Archambault said. Teaching is a profession that requires great dedication and personal sacrifice. “It is on the level of a vocation, a calling to a life of great service to humanity, “ he said. Less than a century ago and as recent as the 1940s, teaching was deemed so important that female teachers were not allowed to marry so that they could devote themselves completely to their profession, he noted. Female teachers were not allowed out past 8:00 p.m., were not allowed out in the company of men, were not allowed to travel outside of city limits, and had to follow a strict dress code. They were expected to lead exemplary lives of dedication and selfsacrifice. “How many of you would apply
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to a position with such requirements? “ Msgr. Archambault asked in good humor. While these restrictions no longer remain, teachers are still expected to embody the same qualities of dedication and self-giving, he said. Repeating the words of Jesus, Msgr. Archambault said, “ ‘Do not allow yourselves to be called teachers. You have but one teacher, the Christ.’ “ This means that the title of teacher is merely borrowed, the Msgr. explained, on loan to those who must meet the condition of reflecting the life of Jesus in their work. “As Christian teachers, your first obligation is to be imitators of Christ in your classroom, to be the compassion of Christ that seeks out the needy, to be the love of Christ that shows no partiality, to be the dedication of Christ that is willing to go the extra mile, “ he stressed. While teachers in public schools may not be able to discuss faith, there is still much they can do to reveal God to children. “By your example, you can bring God into your classroom, “ Msgr. Archambault said. “If Christ lives in you, and your life reflects the one true teacher, you can go a long way in making God known to your students. They will recognize in you God’s compassion, his healing touch, his gentle care, and his committed love. “ Following the homily, Bishop Cote led the congregation in a formal rededication to their mission in education — one of leadership both through word and example in the ways of wisdom and integrity. “I pray that you may persevere in your goodness of life, “ Bishop Cote told the educators. Bishop Cote then prayed for the intercession of Saint Gregory the Great and Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, patrons of teachers and support staff, to help all educators see Christ in their students. He also advised the teachers to model themselves after Christ, the teacher of teachers, “through strong leadership tempered by gentleness and through justice tempered by mercy.” After the Mass, attendees were invited to a reception in the cathedral auditorium, where active and retired educators reunited for refreshments and fellowship.
Four County Catholic October 2012
Bishop Cote Announces Appointment of Dr. Edward J. Shine as Superintendent of Schools Norwich - The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich has announced that Edward From the FCC News Desk
J. Shine, PhD, has been appointed Superintendent of Diocesan Schools, Diocese of Norwich, effective 1 January 2013. Dr. Shine will succeed current Superintendent, Dr. John F. Shine, who will retire effective 31 December, 2012, having served as Superintendent since 8 August, 2009. Dr. Edward Shine most recently served as Superintendent of Schools, the Rye City School District, Rye, New York. The Rye City School System has a K-12 enrollment of 3,240 students, with 300 teachers. During his 16-year tenure, Dr. Edward Shine constructed and implemented a
Strategic Plan that undertook rewriting all K-12 curricula and significantly raised expected performance standards. Under his watch, Rye High School became one of the top 100 high schools in the Country as per ratings established by the Washington Post and Newsweek. In further recognition of the excellence of the system, Rye’s three elementary schools and the Middle School are U.S. Department of Education Blue Ribbon Schools. Previously, Dr. Edward Shine had served for six years as Superintendent of Schools, the Grosse Pointe Public School System, Grosse Pointe, Michigan. The School System at Grosse Pointe had 8,300 students K-12 and 540 teachers. Bishop Cote welcomes Dr. Ed-
ward Shine as “...a highly experienced and proven educator who brings superb strategic planning skills to our system at precisely the right time in our journey forward. “ Bishop Cote also expressed the gratitude of the entire Diocese for the vital contributions of Dr. John (Jack) Shine his seeing the diocesan school system through such treacherous economic times over the past three plus years. “Under Dr. Shine, the school system stabilized and positioned itself to be a source of faithful educational excellence for generations to come. “ said Bishop Cote. The Bishop, principals, teachers and staff, students, families, alumni and all parishioners of the Diocese of Norwich welcome Dr. Edward Shine.
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Four County Catholic October 2012
Bishop Cote Celebrates Opening Liturgy at Mercy High School On Tuesday, September 11, 2012, the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Bishop of Norwich celebrated the Opening Liturgy for the 2012-2013 school year at Mercy High School, Middletown, CT. During his homily, Bishop Cote asked the students to live by the Beatitudes which mark the opening of the Sermon on the Mount in the Gospel of Matthew (5:3-10.) He explained that it would not be easy to live by the Beatitudes but the gift of the Holy Spirit will help and show them how to manage these details and through God’s help we can aspire.
He further told all in attendance “Learn to live with the mystery of God. Alone we can do nothing, but with you Oh Lord, all things are possible.” He praised the school for preparing its students well for college and beyond and thanked everyone for their spirit of welcome and hospitality. The Bishop presided as the students, faculty and staff proclaimed their Commitment for the Mercy Community for the coming year. At the conclusion of the Liturgy, members of the freshwomen class received their class pins and flowers from their “big
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sisters,” the members of the junior class after Bishop Cote blessed the pins. Class Moderator Mrs. Daria Fitzgerald presented the Class of 2014 and Mrs. Melissa Bullock, Principal presented the Class of 2016. Flowers and pins were also presented to transfer students and new faculty members by the officers of the Student Ac- Bishop Michael Cote, Sr. Mary A. McCarthy President of Mercy High School and Mrs. tivity Council led by Melissa Bullock, Principal of Mercy High School congratulate freshwomen scholarship Ms. Ann Drewry, winners before the Opening Liturgy. (left to right) Taylor Wade of Middletown, Isabella Moderator. Mercy O’Keefe of Durham , Natalie Davoodi of Moodus, Alyssa Morrissey of Southington, Mrs. welcomes a new ad- Melissa Bullock, Bishop Michael Cote, Sr. Mary McCarthy, Mackenzie Pias of Higganum, ministrator, Princi- Abigail DiMatteo of Killingworth, and Lauren Gaisor of Newington. Absent from the pal Mrs. Melissa Bullock who began photo was Kimberly Arnold of Southington. work at Mercy this State University. Ms. Serio stated Throughout the first few days of summer and a new member to that, “During my orientation days classes, the faculty and students the History Department, Ms. Bri- at Mercy I was astounded by the continue to be warm and welanna Serio. Ms. Serio attended spirit of the faculty. Everyone was coming. They made me feel like I Manhattanville College in New willing to go out of their way to belonged to their community York and Southern Connecticut help me with anything I needed. from the start.”
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Four County Catholic October 2012
Did You Know? October Respect Life month so be sure to talk about the gift of life and look at your baby photos. Ask your parents about your first day of being in your family. Read how God made you in Psalm 139. October 14-20 National Food Bank Week so collect canned foods and donate them to a food bank. Remember that when you feed a hungry person you are feeding Jesus (Matthew 25:35, 40, 41)
by Karen H Whiting
October15 National Cake Decorating Day. Decorate a cake, or let each family member decorate a cupcake, with symbols of faith such as a cross, dove, or fish. October24-30 Peace, friendship, and good will week. Jesus is called the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). Forgive people who have hurt you. Talk about how to peacefully when you disagree. Pray for peace. October31 Hallow’s Eve. Talk about saints and thank God for people who follow him.
Year of Faith October 11 is the beginning of the “Year of Faith “ for Catholics around the world. It’s a time to learn more about what we believe and to celebrate Jesus. Have fun with your family learning more about your faith with these activities: • Decorate a special box to be a treasure chest. On separate slips of paper write the different beliefs in the Nicene Creed (a creed is a statement of beliefs, and you say the Nicene Creed at Mass). Once a week take out one slip from the chest and chat about it as a family. Add other slips of paper with important beliefs of the church, such as prayers or the sacraments. • Celebrate the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Let each person talk about what Jesus did for us and what communion means. • As a family, recite the words Jesus gave us to pray. That’s the Our Father (also called the Lord’s Prayer). Pray after a meal or at bedtime. Talk about the meaning of the words. • Light a candle at dinner and talk about how Jesus is the light (John 8:12) and Jesus also called us to be lights to others (Matthew 5:14). • After church and CCD, take time to chat about what you learned about your faith and how you can put it in action. For example you may learn more about how God creates each baby and cares about life; and then decide to give a gift to a woman’s shelter or make a meal for someone who just had a baby. • Celebrate blessings and prayer answers. Read Malachi 3:10 and chat about blessings as gifts from God. God even calls children a blessing ((Psalm 127:3-5) and gives us gifts of family, a home, food, and clothing. Put a glass inside a bowl. Fill a pitcher with water. Use a tiny container (a cap or small measuring cup) and dip it into the pitcher and fill it every time someone names a blessing from God. Pour the water into the glass. Keep doing this until the water in the glass overflows into the bowl.
Celebrate Young Lives in the Bible For Respect Life month, try to match Bible babies and children with facts about them.
Isaac Cain Moses Shem Timothy Josiah
(Genesis 21) (Genesis 4:1-8) (Exodus 1, 12, 20) (Genesis 5:32, 7:13, 11, 10-26) (2 Timothy 1:5) (2 Kings 21-23)
Jesus (Luke 2, 23-24) John the Baptist (Luke 1, John 1) Samuel (1 Samuel 1-2) Jacob (Genesis 25:20-26, 35:22-26) Joseph (Genesis 30:22-25, 41) David (1 Samuel 17:12, 16:11, 2 Samuel 5)
1. Son of Abraham and Sarah Father planned to sacrifice him Had trouble with neighbors over wells
6. Son of Eunice, grandson of Lois Worker with Paul 2 Letters/Epistles written to him
2. Son of Elizabeth and Zacharias Lived in the desert and ate locusts Baptized Jesus
7. Son of Adam and Eve First baby in the Bible Killed his brother
3. Son of Hannah and ElkaniahMother dried in temple as she prayed to have a baby Served as a priest in Israel 4. Son of Jedidah and Amon Became king at eight years old Repaired the temple and found the lost book of God’s word 5. Son of Jesse, Grandson of Boaz and Ruth King in Israel God called him, “a man after my own heart “ A shepherd who played the lyre
8. Twin son of Isaac and Rebekah Father of the 12 tribes of Israel Brother named Esau 9. Son of Mary and Joseph Born in a stable Died for you 10. Oldest son of Noah Lived in an ark Ancestor of Abraham 11. Son of Jacob and Rachel Wore a coat of many colors Saved people from starving Interpreted dreams 12. Son of Amram and Jochebed Brought his people out of slavery in Egypt God gave him the Ten Commandments
Answer key: 1. Isaac 2.John the Baptist 3. Samuel 4. Josiah 5. David 6. Timothy 7. Cain 8. Jacob 9. Jesus 10. Shem 11. Joseph 12. Moses
Four County Catholic October 2012
wich Diocese of Norho p
Office of the Bis 201 Broadway ticut 06360 Norwich, Connec (860) 887-9294
Most Reverend D.D. Michael R. Cote,
). In Fidei, (The Door of Faith rta Po , led tit en r tte Le c opening of the I, issued an Apostoli Dear Friends in Christ, Fiftieth Anniversary of the Father, Pope Benedict XV the , ly 12 Ho 20 r , ou , 11 11 er 20 tob , 11 Oc er Year of Faith will g on On Octob the Catholic Church. The a Year of Faith, beginnin of ced m un his no tec an Ca r the the Fa of ly ion this letter, the Ho ary of the publicat and the Twentieth Annivers ber 24, 2013. , cil un tober 2012, Co an tic Va nd co Se , Novem by the Holy Father, for Oc ll “usher ng ed Ki ok nv the t co s ris op Ch sh of Bi y of nit d Assembly of the Syno t this year of grace wi conclude on the Solem the theme of the General ly Father commented tha t Ho tha e ted God and Th “ no . o ith als Fa pe n Po tia e ris Th of the Ch a life of communion with o ion int iss try sm en an r Tr ou is the th for fai on of of faith. “ The door is “The New Evangelizati reflection and rediscovery of e Our tim a o int ch ur Ch the whole anew the joy of believing. o ce en eri exp to ce van ser l in this special ob ll also celebrate tw His Church. with the Church Universa g the Year of Faith, we wi n rin joi Du we . , 12 ich 20 rw 9, No 9-1 of er ese tob Pius XII, and, on In the Dioc mage to the Holy Land, Oc ment as a Diocese by our late Holy Father, Pope gri Pil n esa oc Di a be ll wi vances is Sixty first observance Anniversary of our establish rwich. Our diocesan theme for these special obser th tie Six the , 13 20 6, st n as Bishop of No Jubilees: on Augu niversary of my Installatio An h nt thedral of Te the , 13 20 , 14 May , at 10:30 a.m., in the Ca 13 20 , 27 y ve. Jul Lo on d an ion t the ty rat ari eb Years of Faith with Ch servances. It is my hope tha observed in a diocesan cel ob be se ll the wi es on ile rk Jub wo se at the en , be s esan Personnel ha With the Year of Faith om we love. 12, a committee of Dioc 20 ing spr rtance ly ear embrace and the Lord, wh ce we Sin . th ck fai the to ess Saint Patri by rediscovering the impo tn wi joy t t ran tha vib ew e ren giv to ll e wi , tim ed e nn tak ther calls on us to various activities being pla we must witness to the joy of believing. We need to ieve that goal, the Holy Fa better and pass ach us lp he th, To fai es. th liv wi r d ou Go Gifted by rds and deeds of will know our faith and by living it in the wo homes and families so all r ou in ver the content d an es ch ur Ch and centrality of our faith d s the faith, and to “redisco thedral an fes Ca r pro ou to in e sir th de fai r the ou us ss in ofe n lp us to fulfill ke celebrate and to pr is special year must reawa us with so many ways to he the Liturgy s Th s. ide ov ion pr rat ch ne ur ge Ch ure e fut Th to k! ch, and praying ed. “ This is our tas on this timeless gift hism of the Catholic Chur celebrated, lived and pray tec d, Ca sse the ofe of pr is dy t stu tha th the fai st, r of ou Euchari eed, the Celebration of the d charity it: the recitation of the Cr bears no fruit . . . Faith an ty ari y. ch sar ut Ro tho wi ion h iss ait M “F d st of ty. of the Hours and the Worl ensify our witness to chari you did it to one of the lea int ‘as . to us th… on pa ls ve cal cti pe pe Po res In his Apostolic Letter, the way that each allows the other to set out along its such a ay the words of the each requires the other in e believed’.” (Lk 1:45) M “ (Mt 25:40) sh ’. se me cau for be it ed did ess u ‘bl yo d, rs, me of the Lord and lai these my brothe n Catholics, true disciples the Mother of God, proc ma to Ro ce as gra are of e we t tim s tha thi all st d an th God and His “Let us entru on of all that we believe in waiting to usher us into a deeper communion wi ssi ofe pr r ou as ing an nksgiving. me Creed take on new e door of faith is open th in a spirit of joy and tha Th fai r! of the ey Fa rn nly jou ave the e He r inu ou nt ing in the d co sons and daughters of joy of believing and instill receive the gift of faith an the to s ing art ew he r ren ou by to ith or Fa do of eshold of this Year Church. Let us open the portunities to cross the thr op be s of the gie ur Lit ay nd Su r May ou ld their own celebrations ho to s th. he fai ris of t pa gif all at ge gre ur I d’s ce, norGo Diocesan Website: www. ces of this great year of gra faithful thanksgiving for van the a, ser i.v ob de ery sfi an nu de an d w. an ww an ith. Vatican Website: While there will be dioces ation about the Year of Fa ase continue to check the orm Ple inf es. re ile mo Jub for at , gre lic r tho ou Ca d ty Year of Faith an paper: Four Coun e. “ Norwich Diocesan News a journey that lasts a lifetim on wichdiocese.org, and the t ou set to is th) fai or (of Cordially yours in Christ, “To enter through that do Bishop of Norwich
Four County Catholic October 2012
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