Volume 26 Numb
The Most Reverend Frank J. Caggiano, Bishop of Bridgeport Red Mass Homilist Cathedral of St. Patrick, Norwich, October 5, 2014
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Four County Catholic October 2014
You are never alone. He is there to protect you, guide you and to give you strength and grace. He is there to stand by you.
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- Father David Choquette, State Police Chaplain, assuring the Blue Mass congregation that God is with us always.
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Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Bishop of Norwich
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- The two compelling words inscribed on Taftville’s Sacred Heart School’s new logo commemorating the school’s 125th anniversary.
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- Father Bruno Secondin, theologian, speaking in support of the Year Dedicated to Consecrated Life.
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Even the weakest and most vulnerable, the sick, the old, the unborn and the poor are masterpieces of God’s creation, made in His own image. - Sister Constance Veit, I.s.p., reflecting on the observance of October as Respect Life Month.
On the Cover The Most Reverend Frank J. Caggiano, Bishop of Bridgeport, delivers homily at 2014 Red Mass, Cathedral of St. Patrick, Norwich, October 5, 2014. Photo by Khoi Ton.
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Four County Catholic October 2014
The Most Reverend
Michael R. Cote, D.D.
Bishop of Norwich
Responding to the New Challenges of the Family My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: Leading the Church’s mission to strengthen the family in a much troubled world at the moment, the Holy Father has convened the Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the subject of The Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the Context of Evangelization. The Synod is meeting at the Vatican, in fact, at just about the same time you will be receiving this issue of the newspaper. Pope Francis has appointed bishops to attend, along with heads of Eastern Catholic churches, papal delegates and laypeople. You are familiar with the meeting’s purpose having been invited several months back to participate in a survey regarding concerns related to the family today. At the time, I received some calls asking if we would be publishing the questionnaire results from within the Diocese. The purpose of the survey was, however, of a much more inclusive nature -- to gather input from the faithful worldwide and to have the Synod
members examine and analyze the fundamental building block the collective information, testi- of a more peaceful and just monies and recommendations. world. That moment has arrived. Following this historic worldThe Extraordinary General As- wide dialogue on the family, Pope sembly, now in session, is a Francis will issue a substantive preparatory step for a follow-up document called a post-synodal General Assembly, scheduled for apostolic exhortation. In this way, October 4 – we will all 25, 2015. At have a clear It is evident that the first aspicture of the sembly, the challenges the social and delegates will the spiritual crisis of facing define the family and current state today’s world has the concluof the family an impact on family sions of the and chalHoly Father life and creates a and his delelenges that face it. At the gates regardsituation of second asing how the genuine pastoral sembly, the Church will delegates will respond. urgency. formulate Pope Fran~ Bishop Lorenzo Baldisseri pastoral cis has said General Secretary, guidelines to that both The Third Extraordinary General respond to synods will Assembly of the Synod of Bishops those chalr e v i e w, lenges. The inclusive survey par- among other marriage and family ticipation of the lay faithful and topics, the eligibility of divorced the careful analysis of their feed- and civilly remarried Catholics to back affirm the Holy Father’s receive Communion. This is, of commitment to the family unit as course, a complex and deeply
theological topic. We do not know the outcome of the conversations that will take place. We do know that these matters will be examined in a manner consistent with the Holy Father’s reliance on the mercy of the Church. As he has stated, “The Church is a mother, and she must travel the path of mercy, and find a form of mercy for all.” We pray for the blessing of the Holy Spirit throughout these historic discussions. In further support and celebration of the family, a World Meetings of Families will take place in Philadelphia, September 22–27, 2015, sponsored by the Pontifical Council for the Family. As many as 15,000 people are expected to take part in the meeting, whose program will be kept flexible to allow for topics that emerge from the synod currently underway at the Vatican. While this event is not directly linked to the synods, it is a further demonstration of the urgency and priority of allmatters-family within the Church. Pope Francis is widely expected
to attend the Philadelphia event. Should that happen, estimates are that the Holy Father would likely be celebrating Mass before one million people in honor of the family. How can we help and show our support and solidarity as these historic meetings and actions come together? Just within the past two weeks, we celebrated a worldwide day of prayer for the Synod. If synod is an unfamiliar term to some, it may interest you that it derives from the Latin synodus which means “taking a path together”. Let us continue together to pray for the gift of the Holy Spirit to help move thoughts, discussion and energy to a place that ultimately brings renewed strength and support of family. “Holy Family of Nazareth, may the Synod of Bishops make us once more mindful of the sacredness and inviolability of the family and its beauty in God’s plan.” Sincerely yours in Christ’s love, Bishop Michael R. Cote
Respondiendo a los Nuevos Desafíos de la Familia Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas: Para guiar la misión de fortalecer a la familia en un mundo conflictivo en esta época, el Santo Padre ha convocado a la Asamblea General de Obispos del Sínodo Extraordinario con el tema de los Desafíos Pastorales de la Familia en el Contexto de la Evangelización, reuniéndose en el Vaticano, de hecho, casi al mismo tiempo en que usted recibirá este ejemplar de periódico. El Papa Francisco ha nombrado a obispos al sínodo, junto a dirigentes de las iglesias Católicas Orientales,
delegados papales y seglares. Usted está familiarizado con el objetivo de la reunión al haber sido invitado varios meses atrás a participar en una encuesta que consta de nueve preguntas sobre las preocupaciones relativas a la familia en la actualidad. En el momento, recibí algunas llamadas preguntando si publicaríamos los resultados del cuestionario de la Diócesis. El propósito del estudio era, sin embargo, de un carácter mucho más inclusivo- reunir información de los fieles en todo el mundo y
tener a los miembros del sínodo para examinar y analizar la información colectiva, testimonios y recomendaciones. Ese momento ha llegado. La Asamblea General Extraordinaria, ahora en sesión, es un paso preparatorio para el seguimiento de la Asamblea General, prevista para el mes de Octubre 4- 25, 2015. En la primera asamblea, los delegados podrán definir el estado actual de la familia y los desafíos que tienen ante sí. En la segunda asamblea, los delegados podrán formular
orientaciones pastorales para responder a esos retos. La participación de los fieles y laicos en la encuesta con todo incluido y el análisis cuidadoso de sus comentarios afirman el compromiso del Santo Padre con la unidad familiar que es el bloque de construcción fundamental de un mundo más justo y pacífico. Después de este histórico dialogo mundial sobre la familia, El Papa Francisco emitirá un sustancial documento llamado exhortación apostólica postsinodal. De esta manera, todos podremos
tener una idea clara de los desafíos que enfrenta la familia y las conclusiones del Santo Padre y de sus delegados con respecto a la forma en que la iglesia va a responder. El Papa Francisco ha afirmado que ambos sínodos examinaran, entre otros temas el matrimonio y la familia, la elegibilidad de católicos divorciados que se han vuelto a casar por el civil para recibir la Comunión. Este es, por supuesto, un tema teológico proDesafíos de la Familia
Continued on page 4
Four County Catholic October 2014
Desafíos de la Familia Continued from page 3 fundo y complejo. No sabemos el resultado de las conversaciones que se llevaran a cabo. Sabemos que estos asuntos se examinaran en una forma consistente con el Santo Padre confiando en la misericordia de la Iglesia. Como él mismo nos ha dicho. “La Iglesia es madre, y ella debe recorrer el camino de la misericordia, y buscar una forma de misericordia
para todos.” Oramos por las bendiciones del Espíritu Santo a lo largo de estos históricos debates. En mayor apoyo y celebración a la familia, Encuentros Mundiales de las Familias tendrán lugar en la ciudad de Filadelfia, Septiembre 22-27, 2015, patrocinado por el Consejo Pontifico para la familia. Tantas como 15.000 personas se espera que
tomen parte en los Encuentros, cuyo programa se mantendrá flexible para permitir temas que han aparecido en el sínodo actualmente en marcha en el Vaticano. Aunque el evento no está directamente vinculado a los sínodos, es una demostración más de la urgencia y la prioridad de todos los asuntos de la familia dentro de la Iglesia.
Ampliamente se espera que el Papa Francisco asista al evento de Filadelfia. Si esto ocurriera, se estima que el Santo Padre probablemente estaría celebrando una misa ante un millón de personas en honor a la familia. ¿Cómo podemos ayudar y mostrar nuestro apoyo y solidaridad, a estas históricas reuniones y acciones? Solo en las últimas dos
Pope Francis @Pontifex • Aug 23 Christians know how to give. Their lives are filled with generous acts often hidden towards their neighbor.
136 Sachem Street Norwich CT 06360 860-889-2374 Fax 860-886-2396
semanas, hemos celebrado un día mundial de oración por el Sínodo de Los Obispos ahora en sesiones. Si el término Sínodo para algunos, no es familiar, puede ser de su interés que se deriva el griego que significa “tomando un camino juntos.” Continuemos juntos orando por el don del Espíritu Santo para ayudar a mover ideas, debates y energía a un lugar que, en última instancia trae fuerza renovada y apoyo a la familia. A todas las familias. “ Santa Familia de Nazaret, del carácter sagrado e inviolable de la familia y de su belleza en el plan de Dios.” Atentamente en el amor de Cristo, Obispo Michael R. Cote Translated by Paulina Angulo
Some White Collar Jobs Are More Challenging Than Others
Holy Hour for Vocations The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, leads the Holy Hour: Father Greg Galvin, Director of Priestly Vocations vocations@norwichdiocese.net
(860) 887-9294
October 16, 2014 • 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm St. Francis of Assisi, Lebanon November 20, 2014 • 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm St. Thomas Aquinas, Storrs
You have been thinking about it. Let’s talk...
December 18, 2014 • 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Sacred Heart, Norwichtown
Reverend Brian Christopher Maxwell, Ordained to Priesthood on May 25, 2013, by the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick, Norwich
Father Greg Galvin 860-887-9294 www.God-Calls.org Office of Vocations • Diocese of Norwich, CT • vocations@norwichdiocese.net
Juan Aguirre Theology English Studies St. Mary Seminary Baltimore MD
Frank Gilbert 1st Year Theology Pope Saint John XXIII National Seminary Weston, MA
Michael Bovino 1st Year Philosophy Mt. St. Mary Seminary Emmitsburg, MD
Deacon Ron Blank 1st Year Theology Pope Saint John XXIII National S minary Weston, MA
Jeffrey Ellis 3rd Year Theology Mt. St. Mary Seminary Emmitsburg, MD
Peter Langevin 3rd Year Theology Mt. St. Mary Seminary Emmitsburg, MD
Thomas Griffin 3rd Year Theology Blessed John XXIII National Seminary Weston, MA
Four County Catholic October 2014
Director of Priestly Vocations
Reverend Gregory Galvin
Embracing God’s Call Coming this November 2-9 is National Vocations Awareness Week! This special celebration has traditionally been held in January, and has now moved to November. As we prepare for this focus on Vocations in the Church, I call your attention to the continued need for everyone in the diocese to actively promote, pray for and encourage attention to the call of our Heavenly Father! Listen and watch carefully in your home parish for the materials that have been provided to each pastor to assist in making this week in November a very special time to pray and talk about vocations to the priesthood, religious life, diaconate, single life and married life. Pray at home with your family. Pray at school with your classmates and teachers. Pray at your parish Masses. Encourage those you’ve noticed as possibly having a vocation to the priesthood or religious life to embrace God’s call. Below, our series of Fall Reflections continues. Last month permanent deacon Ron Blank wrote about his time of discernment which lead to his heading this past August to Pope Saint John XXIII National Seminary in Weston MA to study for the priesthood. This month we have a reflection from seminarian Peter Langevin regarding the time he spent this past summer in a Spanish Immersion experience for six weeks in Guatemala. Please continue to keep all our seminarians in your prayers and also those men who may be discerning if this is the time for them to also step forward and “Answer The Call”. Develop the Heart of a True Shepherd - A Heart Like Christ This summer, Jeff Ellis and I were given the assignment to take part in a six-week Spanish language and cultural immersion program at the Benedictine Priorato y Colgeio San José, located in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. During these weeks, we lived with the small but vibrant Benedictine community as well as other seminarians from the
United States. Each day, we received one-on-one instruction with a tutor in Spanish grammar and usage as well as on the culture, customs and traditions of the Guatemalan people and the Church in Central and South America. While I was initially apprehensive when Father Galvin asked us to participate in an immersion program this summer, I quickly realized – through my prayer in preparation for this experience – that it was God who was sending me to Guatemala. As always, God provided for us in amazing ways! The experience was extremely enriching and has helped me to deepen my commitment to preparing for the Priesthood and one day, to serving both our Hispanic and Englishspeaking communities. There are many stories and experiences that I could tell about our time in Guatemala, but there is one in particular that I would like to share with you. When we first arrived in Guatemala and began to get to know the people and experience day-to-day life, I was immediately struck by the immense poverty which seemed to be everywhere. The challenges that the average family faces daily are staggering, and the ordinary comforts of daily life that we often take for granted in the United States are luxuries which most people will never be able to afford in Guatemala. But, while I was struck by the scale of the poverty, I was also equally – if not more profoundly – struck by the immense joy, deep faith and the spirit of generosity which we encountered everywhere we went. Everyone, no matter how poor, was willing to give what they had to help one an-
other, motivated out of a genuine love for their neighbor and an abiding faith in God. In addition, the joy and vitality with which the people live their Catholic faith in spite of the many difficulties they face daily, was truly inspiring. As I have reflected on this part of my experience, I have been struck with the thought that, although we may think ourselves immune from the effects of our materialistic society, it nevertheless wields powerful influence on our perspective and what we prioritize in our lives. To counteract this influence, we must make the conscious effort each day to deepen our faith in God and in His care for us. We likewise must strive to develop a greater spirit of gratitude and generosity which will in turn help us to be truly joyful, even in the face of life’s difficulties. I am grateful to God for the opportunity to have had this experience as I begin my final two years of seminary formation. While I initially thought that I was going to Guatemala to learn Spanish, I have found that God was really calling me there to learn much more than the mechanics of language – He called me there to encounter Him more profoundly in the experiences I had and in the amazing people I met, to learn yet another facet of what it means to develop the heart of a true shepherd, following the example of Jesus. En conclusión, quiero compartir unas palabras en español con mis hermanos latinoamericanos: Estoy agradecido a Dios que he tenido la oportunidad de pasar seis semanas en Guatemala este verano para estudiar el idioma de español y
For the Answer go to Page 20.
también para conocer un poco de la cultura y las tradiciones de Centro y Suramérica. ¡Fue una experiencia increíble! Estaba sorprendido cuando yo ví la inmensa pobreza en la ciudad de Quetzaltenango donde vivíamos y en los pueblos circundantes. Pero, al mismo tiempo que la gente estaba pobre, ellos tenían un espíritu de gozo, generosidad y amor que era muy impresionante. En verdad, pienso que tienenuna visión de la vida más como la de
Jesús en el Evangelio cuando él dijo: “Dichosos los pobresen espíritu, porque el reino de los cielos les pertenece.” (Mt 5:3). Doy gracias a Dios por su presencia enriquecedora en nuestro diócesis y tengo muchas ganas de servir la comunidad hispana un día como sacerdote. Por favor, oren por mí y saben que todos ustedes tienen un espacio especial en mí corazón y en mis oraciones diarias también. ¡Que Dios los bendiga!
Saturday-Sunday, October 11-12 The Mission Combined Collection World Mission Appeal, U.S. Bishops Appeal for Latin America, Black and Indian Missions, and Catholic Home Missions Appeal. Saturday, October 11 Day of Renewal Manchester, N.H. from 8:30am to 3:00pm lead by Father Ray, Judith
Four County Catholic October 2014
and Team. For more information please call 860-887-0702. Monday, October 13 Mass of Healing 1:00pm at the Spiritual Renewal Center, Norwich. Fr. Ray, Celebrant, Judith Hughes-Healing Prayers. For more information please call 860-8870702.
Wednesday, October 15 Prayer Group Mass - Rockville At 7:30pm in the St. Joseph Church Basement, Rockville. For more information please call 860-887-0702.
Saturday, October 18 2nd Annual Benefit Dinner for the Academy of the Holy Family Please join us and the Baltic Council of the Knights of Columbus at 54 West Main Street in Baltic. Help be part of the new AHF Forward Initiative while supporting this worthwhile cause. Tickets are $100.00 per plate and can be purchased by contacting Sister Stella Maria at 860-822-9272. 100% of the proceeds will benefit the Academy of the Holy Family. We appreciate your support of Catholic Education.
Saturday, October 18
Praise the Lord in Song A workshop with Tom Kendzia sponsored by the Office of Worship
St. Matthias Parish, East Lyme, from 9:30am-12:30pm. Keynote speaker Tom Kendzia. Come discover the connection between liturgy well done and parish life well lived. For presiders, music ministers, choirs, cantors, RCIA teams, catechists, liturgy committees, parish councils, and all interested parishioners. Keynote followed by a choice of two workshops. Fee: $10.00. Register by mail: Office of Worship 199 Broadway, Norwich CT 06360 or at worship@norwichdiocese.net or at www.norwichdiocese.org. Saturday, October 18 One Day Life in the Spirit Seminar From 8:45am–4:00pm, Spiritual Renewal Center, Norwich 860-8870702. Please call to register (limited capacity).
Sunday, October 19
Silver & Gold Jubilee Anniversary Mass Inviting all couples married 25 & 50 years, also those celebrating a significant anniversary year, to attend and participate in renewal of wedding vows in the Pontifical Mass celebrated by Bishop Michael Cote at 2:00pm, St. Patrick Cathedral. Family invited to share in your special testimony and witness to love and marriage. Refreshments will follow the Mass. Register through your parish in September. For information call Family Life Office (860)-889-8346 ext. 283.
22nd Annual
Tuesday, October 21 Mass of Healing and Hope St. Thomas Seminary Chapel, Bloomfield at 7:30pm. Father Ray Introvigne, Celebrant, Judith Hughes, Healing Prayer. For more information, please call 860-887-0702. Tuesday, October 21 Evening of Reflection The Norwich District Council of Catholic Women will sponsor an Evening of Reflection at St. John the Evangelist Church Hall, 22 Maple Avenue, Montville. The evening will begin with a Buffet Dinner at 6:00pm, followed by the recitation of the Rosary. The Guest Speaker will be Father Steve Gulino, Spiritual Advisor of the Norwich District CCW. Father Steve’s presentation will be on the Blessed Virgin Mary. Please bring bath towels, face cloths, bars of soap, shampoo or laundry soap. These items will be donated to St. Vincent DePaul Place, Norwich. To register, mail a check for $15.00 made out to: Norwich District CCW, Mrs. Helen Connell, 20 Linda Avenue, Uncasville, CT 06382. For more information call Judy Pappagallo at 860-889-1617. Thursday, October 23 Amazing Grace Challenge Will be held from 5-7:00pm at the Monsignor M. Davitt Fox Parish Center at St. Francis of Assisi Church in Middletown. It will feature a soup supper, consisting of many different soups, donated by area restaurants, caterers and churches and the famous South Fire District Chili. This year there will be plenty of bread, soup, and cookies, baked by area church friends, as well as cupcakes from NoRa. Music provided by the wonderful Back Swamp band. For more information about the Amazing Challenge, please email
Firefighters/EMS Mass All Firefighters, EMS Personnel, their families and parishioners are invited to attend. Saturday, October 18, 2014 • 5:00pm Mass 3:00pm Assembly at Chelsea Parade Cathedral of Saint Patrick • 213 Broadway, Norwich, CT
Four County Catholic October 2014
Saturday, October 25 7th Annual Connecticut Catholic Men’s Conference Goodwin College, East Hartford, CT. 8:00am–5:00pm. Dynamic Catholic Speakers Featuring: Bryan Mercier, Peter Freissle and Br. Bob Moriarty. S.M. with Music by Upper Room. Question and answer session with the Most Reverend Leonard P. Blair, Archbishop of Hartford. Keynote speaker Jon Leonetti. For all inquiries about the conference, the venue, purchasing tickets, or donations, please call 860739-4607 or email them at info@ctcatholicmen.org. Saturday, October 25 Unbound Prayer Ministry (Freedom) Spiritual Renewal Center, Norwich, from 9:00am–3:00pm By appointment ONLY, please call 860-8870702 for more information. October 29- November 8 Pilgrimage to Italy, Including Audience with Pope Francis For more information, please call 860887-0702. Every Sunday Afternoon Norwich Diocesan Choir Sign-up The Norwich Diocesan Choir invites all interested singers to join the choir as they begin their 36th season of liturgies and concerts. Rehearsals take place in the choir room of St. Patrick Cathedral every Sunday afternoon at 2:30pm. Membership is open to adult singers with choral experience and ability to learn music quickly. A schedule of rehearsal times and events is published at the beginning of every season. Under the direction of Douglas Green, Cathedral Music Director, the choir will begin preparing music for the Norwich Diocesan Choral Festival in November and the annual Festival of Lessons and Carols in December. For more information concerning the choir, please contact the Cathedral Music Office at 860-8860403 or DGreen860@aol.com. Sunday, November 2 Open House at Mercy High School From 1- 4:00pm, Presentation by Administration begins at 1pm. Open House is a wonderful opportunity for transfer students and middle schoolaged girls and their families to tour the campus, speak with current students and meet the extraordinary faculty and staff. 1740 Randolph Rd., Middletown. For more information visit www.mercyhigh.com or call 860346-6659.
Friday-Sunday, November 7-9 Healing the Future With Dennis, Sheila and Matt Linn, at Mercy Center by the Sea, 167 Neck Road, Madison. In writing 22 books and giving countless programs in over 60 countries, the Linns have seen again and again the same universal hurts: lack of affirming love as a child; unresolved grief, and difficulties in forgiveness and sexual abuse, coupled with a media that is barraging people with messages that they are weak, sick or not good enough. The messages are fear-based and disempower people. The Linn’s program focuses on empowering and teaching us to stay true to who we are and know that we all have the resources to heal ourselves. Participants will leave with simple easy tools to help themselves and use with others--even children. This weekend promises to enable participants to face the future with a renewed sense of hope for the dreams we all have for ourselves, our family, friends, and our planet. Dinner is at 5:30pm, opening session 7:30-9:00pm, concludes Sunday at 4:00pm. $125.00 commuter $275.00 per person double occupancy $350 single occupancy. To register, visit: www.mercybythesea.org or call (203) 245-0401 Ext. 114. Saturday, November 8 Day of Recollection The Cathedral of St. Patrick will be having a “Day of Recollection” featuring Father Andrew Apostoli, CFR. Father will be speaking on Fatima: A Message of Hope in the Midst of the World Crisis and Padre Pio - The Living Crucifix. Father Andrew Apostoli, CFR, is a member and co-founder of the Community of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal and is a wellknown author and speaker, as seen on EWTN. For more information or tickets ($20/person or $10/students, Religious free w/ pre-registration) Lunch included, please contact Karen at (860) 303-0513. Saturday, November 15 Mercy High School Entrance Exam Entrance Exam for the Class of 2019 8:00–11:15am. Register Online at www.mercyhigh.com For more infor-
mation contact Mrs. Diane Santostefano, Director of Admissions at dsantostefano@mercyhigh.com or call 860-346-6659. Saturday, November 15 Festival of Angels Fair The “Festival of Angels Fair” hosted by the parishioners of St. Francis of Assisi Church, Middletown, will be held from 9:00am to 3:00pm at the Monsignor M. Davitt Fox Parish Center at St. Francis of Assisi Church, 10 Elm Street, Middletown. In addition to the unique crafts, there will be homemade baked goods, a Farmer’s Market and a wonderful variety of vendors featuring many artisan items including jewelry, knitted and crocheted items, beautiful florals and many others. This year’s raffle grand prize is a 50” HD-LED TV. A famous spot each year is “Grandma’s Attic” and this year it will be overflowing with treasures of all kinds. Of course, there will be angels, angels and more angels! Breakfast and lunch will be available at the Angel Café. For additional information or to inquire about renting a vendor space, call Sherrie at 860 346-4383 or email sherrie0119@yahoo.com. Saturday, November 22 St. Maurice Annual Sleigh Bells Ring Christmas Fair 9:00am-3:00pm at 32 Hebron Road, Bolton. This much anticipated holiday event abounds with homemade gifts such as Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls, unique hostess gifts, handcrafted ornaments, fresh evergreen baskets, American Girl doll clothes, a quilt raffle, Xmas tree skirts and – of course – those favorite homemade apple pies and delicious holiday baked goods! Santa and Mrs. Claus will be there to delight the children and will be available for photos from 10:00am until Noon. Start your Christmas shopping early and stay for lunch! Homemade clam chowder, baked potatoes and chili are just a few items on the menu along with hot chocolate and spicy mulled cider! Over 40 talented crafters will be on the premises.
Matthew 16:18-19
“Pope Francis is our 266th Pope in these 2,000 plus years - Thank You Jesus!” Philips Retreat (Head to Heart Experience) (An opportunity of a lifetime) Saturday, October 4, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm & Sun. Oct 5, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Must register - $25. Donation (860)887-0702 (limited capacity) Fr. Ray, Judith and Team
Day of Renewal- Manchester, N.H. Saturday, October 11, 201, 8:30 am to 3:00 pm Fr. Ray, Judith and Team
Mass of Healing-Mondays, October 13, 2014 (only) Sunday, September 14, 2014 @ 2:00 pm Spiritual Renewal Center, 11 Bath St., Norwich, CT For all preparing for the Oct. 29-Nov. 8 Pilgrimage
Rockville- Prayer Group Mass Wednesday, October 15, 2014 @ 7:30 pm St. Joseph Church Basement, Rockville, CT
One Day Life in the Spirit Seminar Sat. October 18, 8:45 am – 4:00 pm Spiritual Renewal Center (860)887-0702 Please call to register (limited capacity) Fr Ray, Judith and Team
Charismatic Mass of Healing and Hope St. Thomas Seminary Chapel, Bloomfield, CT Tuesday, October 21, 2014 – Rosary – 7:00 pm – Mass – 7:30 pm Fr. Ray, Celebrant, Judith Hughes, Healing Prayer
Unbound Prayer Ministry (Freedom) Saturday, October 25, 2014 @ 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Spiritual Renewal Center, Norwich, CT By appointment ONLY please call (860)887-0702
Italy Pilgrimage-Including Audience with Pope Francis From October 29, 2014 to November 8, 2014
Prayer, Praise, Worship and Adoration Every Tuesday Evening at 6:30 pm Spiritual Renewal Center, Norwich, CT
“Everyone’s welcomed to these programs!
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Four County Catholic October 2014
God Bless Our Heroes in Blue
Diocese Celebrates 24th Annual Blue Mass Well before the scheduled start of the Blue Mass at 10:15 on Sunday morning, September 21, the By Michael Strammiello Executive Editor, Four County Catholic
men and women in blue began to gather on the lawn of the Cathedral of St. Patrick. Camaraderie and goodwill always arrive early on the morning of the Blue Mass. There in force were uniformed officers from all across central and eastern Connecticut. On hand were honor guard units, canine partners, the Connecticut Department of Correction Bagpipe and Drum Corps and a gathering crowd of parishioners and family members admiring on this day not just the show of force but the “show of faith.” It seemed almost out of respect that the rain held off until Mass began and then the sun came shining through again just as Mass concluded. There was no mention of that perfect planning in the program. As the participants organized themselves and began the procession into the church, the stillness of the air was broken dramatically by the high-pitched sounds of bagpipes accompanied by the beat of the drums and the overarching sound of the Cathedral’s pipe organ. Music, singing and uni-
forms of blue and grey all came together as the procession lead its way up the main aisle escorting Bishop Michael R. Cote to the sanctuary. As has become customary, a lone trumpet from aloft played Taps and then Reveille, the call symbolically to a new beginning. Bishop Michael R. Cote and
Monsignor Anthony Rosaforte, Rector, Cathedral of St. Patrick, welcomed all present and thanked homilist Very Reverend David P. Choquette, State Police Chaplain,
Pastor, Most Holy Trinity Church, Pomfret and Saint Mary Church, Putnam. Father Choquette shared in his homily that he has been blessed to be associated with the law enforcement community as a chaplain. He spoke of how significant events in our recent experience in America have changed the law enforcement world. Among these have been horrific 9/11 tragedy, the Sandyhook shootings here in Connecticut and the Patriot Day, 2013 bombings in Boston. He recalled how he was there on Boylston Street that day and witnessed the panic of people running from the sounds of the explosion and the smoke. At the same time, he witnessed how the law enforcement officers were running not away but toward the explosion. Here was their sacred call to serve and protect in action. Father Choquette referred to this as a call to minister in law enforcement. “God is there,” he assured the men and women who have responded to the call – “You are never alone. He is there to protect
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Four County Catholic October 2014
you, guide you, and to give you strength and grace. He is there to stand by you.� Throughout the liturgy of the Mass, representatives from law enforcement participated in the readings, general intercessions, prayer leadership, commentating, as Extraordinary Ministers of Communion and altar servers. One of the participants in the Offertory Procession was Honorary 2014 Chair Frank Jarvis with his wife Nancy. Detective (ret) Jarvis
had served 34 years in the New London Police Department. Congratulations to him, to the Chair and Co-chair of the Blue Mass Committee, Chief Louis J. Fusaro, Sr. and Major Louis J. Fusaro, Jr. and to all who planned and participated in this inspiring tribute to those who serve, to those who have fallen in the line of duty, to their families and to all of us who have the privilege every day of being protected by our courageous brothers and sisters in
blue. The Mass ended with honor guards positioned across from each other near the altar and cantor, Carol Mailhot and the entire congregation singing the Battle Hymn of the Republic: He is coming like the glory of the morning on the wave, He is wisdom to the mighty, He is honor to the brave. The 2014 Blue Mass was to the last word and note a celebration of the brave heroes among us.
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Four County Catholic October 2014
Annual Red Mass Honors “Guardians of the Common Good” Norwich - The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich celebrated the TwentyFrom the FCC News Desk
Fourth Annual Red Mass, October 5, 2014, at The Cathedral of St. Patrick in Norwich. As is tradition, the Red Mass was attended by lawyers, judges, politicians and legal professionals of all faiths to ask God to bless, strengthen and enlighten all servants of the law. Joining Bishop Cote at Mass as both concelebrant and homilist was The Most Reverend Frank J. Caggiano, Bishop of Bridgeport. In his homily, Bishop Caggiano told a moving story of Blessed Mother Teresa who withstood disgraceful insults when begging for food for a starving child. The lesson she taught us by not letting insults deter her from her mission to help the child was the lesson of
humility. “Humility,” as Bishop Caggiano expressed, “is in short supply at the moment in our society. Humility is at its roots ‘living in the truth.’ For everyone in attendance who administers the law and protects the common good, may God grant you an outpouring of humility.” Referring to attorneys as “custodians of the law and guardians of the common good,” Bishop Caggiano said “It is not easy to administer the law at a time when life is so disrespected and there is so much confusion. May God en-
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lighten you, guide you and protect you.” He urged those whose vocation is the law, to defend the truth and to stand up for others just as Mother Teresa stood up for the child whom she was called to help.
Shortly after the homily and the prayer of the faithful, the gentle sound of the Cathedral High School Bell Choir could be heard from above it seemed. Actually, the choir was seated in the loft but not visible from most points in the church. It created an almost mystical unseen musical interpretation of humility, having just listened to Bishop Caggiano on that very topic. A very unusual and delight-
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Mass were a number of servants of the law including Attorney John C. Driscoll who provided welcoming comments as Commentator, Attorney Michael Driscoll, President of the Guild of Catholic Lawyers, Attorney Michael Jewell as Cross Bearer and reader, Very Reverend Ted F. Tumicki, S.T.L., J.C.L., J.V. delivering the Gospel according to Mathew 21:33-43 and Attorney Eileen Duggan leading the Prayers of the Faithful, which included asking the Lord to hear our prayer for the judicial system to be inspired by the Holy Spirit. Monsignor Leszek T. Janik, J.C.L., Vicar General, the Diocese of Norwich, Coordinator of the Red Mass, advises that plans are already underway for next year’s Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Red Mass, October 4, 2015.
Four County Catholic October 2014
The Solemnity of All Saints This year, the Solemnity of All Saints falls on Saturday November 1, and the CommemoBy Sister Elissa Rinere, CP, JCD Office of Worship
ration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day) follows on Sunday, November 2. Because it falls on a Saturday, the Solemnity of All Saints is not a day of obligation this year. Also, on Sunday, November 2 our parishes will use readings and prayers from Masses for the Dead, which are usually used only at funeral masses. What we now call All Saints Day began in the early centuries of the Church. Then, when Christians were persecuted for their faith, the practice developed of praying at the tombs of the martyrs, especially on the day of the martyr’s death. Eventually, there were too many martyrs and not enough days in the year. Customs regarding these memorials varied from place to place until in the early eighth century, Pope Gregory III designated November 1 as the day to honor all the saints, known and unknown, whether on the Church calendar or not. The feast has been celebrated in the whole Church since then. All Souls’ Day, in a certain sense, has been with us even longer, since prayer for the dead can be documented going all the way back to Judaism and into the very early centuries of the Church. As with All Saints Day, customs varied from place to place, but the observance was well documented in all areas of the Church by the end of the first millennium. Both these feasts, although they might seem so different, have many elements in common. Primarily, they both allow us, if we can take the time, to reach into life-afterdeath and ponder its meaning and its relationship to our own lives. Honoring all saints provides the opportunity to reflect on the numerous examples of holiness and virtue we have encountered in our lives. Praying for all souls calls us to remember, or mourn, those we knew personally whose time on earth has been completed. Both
days can be filled with comfort, faith, peace and joy. Also, both these extraordinary days are built upon the statement we declare in the Creed each Sunday that we believe in the “communion of saints.” The Communion of Saints is the union, in and
through Christ, of all who believe in
Church are not two realities, but one complex reality which comes together from a human and divine element. So at a very deep level we are already united with all the saints and with all souls. This unity finds its best expression in the celebration of the Eucharist. As Vatican II taught, “It is especially in the sacred liturgy that our union with the heavenly church is best realized (see Lumen
gentium 50).” These first two days of November are liturgically and spiritually rich. We celebrate our own relationship with Christ, we are inspired by the manifestations of holiness we see in the saints, we remember those we love who have gone before us into the mystery of death, and we look for a few minutes of silence and peace to ponder such great gifts.
him. As Vatican II taught, the earthly Church and the heavenly
Immediate Opening Administrative Assistant A part-time (20 hours per week) position is available for an assistant at the Office of Faith Events, Diocese of Norwich. Major responsibilities include assisting with the coordination of seminars, workshops, retreats, etc. Call 860-848-2237 Ext. 312 or email faithevents@norwichdiocese.net for the complete job description and qualifications. All applications due by October 24th.
Praise the Lord in Song Saturday, October 18 A workshop with Tom Kendzia sponsored by the Office of Worship
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On Saturday, October 18 the Office of Worship is sponsoring a diocesan-wide workshop on various aspects of Liturgical Music. Keynote speaker for the event is Tom Kendzia, internationally known composer of liturgical music, and native of Connecticut. Tom is a graduate of Saint Bernard High School in Uncasville. From there he attended Manhattanville College in New York, graduating with a degree in piano and music education. Since 1990 Tom has appeared throughout the United States and Canada as performer, speaker and liturgical musician. He has published dozens of collections of liturgical and instrumental music, including Ships that Sailed and Make Us One. Currently, in addition to his other musical endeavors, Tom is the Director of Music at Christ the King Parish in Kingston, Rhode Island, where he lives with his wife and two children. At the diocesan workshop, Tom’s keynote address will seek to inspire and instruct, not only musicians, but all interested parishioners, on the role of music in the liturgical life of our parishes. The workshops following the keynote will offer both information and practical helps for improving all levels of music ministry, from congregation to choir. For further information and registration materials, go to www.norwichdiocese.org/worship.
Four County Catholic October 2014
What Do We Say? When we first enter the world, everyone awaits our first word, which usually is either ‘mama’ or By Kathy Gaito
There’s nothing second nature about the ‘thank you’ we would like to extend to those who helped with our 2014 Annual Catholic Appeal.
made to the Diocese of Norwich Shine the Light of Hope campaign has helped us exceed last year’s participation. We are blessed to have you in our church. Your special talents and your willingness to give from your heart has helped
They all have done a first-class job. Thank you to our Pastors/Administrators, our ACA Chairpersons, our ACA Coordinators/Parish Secretaries and all of the volunteers and parish staff. The commitment you
others understand the importance of supporting the ministries of the Annual Catholic Appeal. Thank you to our donors. With your financial support we have surpassed last year’s total amount donated and currently have achieved 94% of our goal. Your willingness to share with others what God has entrusted to you highlights the true meaning of being Catholic. Your generosity and willingness to participate in the ACA makes it possible for the Catholic Church to help so many in need in our Diocesan communities and ministries. You are helping to maintain the vital spiritual and social service programs that help thousands of people every year. So, the question…’What do we say?’ We say Thank you! Thank you for giving of your time, for giving of your talent and for giving of your treasures. Because of all of you, we are making the Light of Hope shine. If you haven’t already made your gift to the 2014 Annual Catholic Appeal and would like to support our ministries, please contact the Diocese of Norwich Office of Development at 860.886.1928 or go online to www.norwichdiocesedevelopment.org.
Stewardship Coordinator, Diocese of Norwich
Mass of Rememberance Celebrated at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick On Tuesday evening, September 9, 2014 parishioners throughout the Diocese came By Susan Williams Office of Family Life
to the Cathedral of Saint Patrick to partake in the second Annual Diocesan Mass of Remembrance. The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich, was the Principal Celebrant and homilist at the Mass, con-celebrated by Monsignor Anthony Rosaforte, Rev. Raymond Introvigne and Rev. Jonathan Ficara. The Mass of Remembrance is dedicated to the pre-born children who have died from miscarriages, stillbirths or abortions. Children or siblings we have lost recently or years ago. Families have an opportunity to be present at Mass offering the recognition of the loss of life of their pre-born children and the precious gift of eternal life for
their children. In his Homily, Bishop Cote gave comfort to those present in their sorrow for the loss of their children, but also in knowing with our Faith we will be reunited with them again. Our children are already in the presence of God, our loving heavenly Father. Many of those attending said that being present at Mass to openly recognize the loss but also the gift of life can be a very healing experience. All those present have an opportunity before Mass to write in the Book of Remembrance their family names, names of children, prayers or words of love. The Book of Remembrance is presented to the Altar along with the Offertory Gifts. Refreshments were served in the Cathedral hall following the Mass. The Diocesan Mass of Remembrance will be celebrated annually in September at Saint Patrick Cathedral.
‘dada’. As we grow, we have people of all ages suggesting the next word or phrase we should say. One consistent trend in life that we all hear at various occasions in our youth when we are given a gift is the question, “What do you say?” It’s the question that prods us to realize we need to say ‘Thank you’! This becomes second nature to us as we grow older.
Children don’t get lost in the crowd; they blossom at
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Four County Catholic October 2014
Serving All Faiths • Pre-Need Arrangements Traditional Services or Cremations Directors: Joseph R. Introvigne, Joseph R. Introvigne, Jr. & Michael J. Introvigne 51 East Main St. Stafford Springs, CT
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Please Remember... As those who came before us, let us leave a legacy to future generations. Remember to write St. Patrick Cathedral into your will and continue the sacred trust that is each generation’s preservation of this most beloved cathedral. Please call Monsignor Anthony Rosaforte at (860) 889-8441.
Four County Catholic October 2014
A Big Win for Catholic Charities At This Year’s Annual Golf Tournament The 9th Annual Catholic Charities Golf Tournament, held September 17 at the beautiful
Fox Hopyard Golf Club in East Haddam, raised much needed funds in support of Catholic
chair donated by Gold Sponsor Conway, Londregan, Sheehan & Monaco P.C., followed by lunch in the gazebo donated by Bronze Sponsor Guinan & Russell LLP. Bishop Michael Cote greeted the 76 participants, thanking them for their presence and support of Catholic Charities. At 1:00 PM,
Charities’ mission of providing vital social services. And everyone had a great time on a great day for golf. Our sincerest thank you to the generosity of our Platinum Sponsor, ShopRite and the Capano family, and to all the sponsors and participants who made this event so successful. The day began with registration and all gofers receiving a
with golf carts for 19 foursomes lined up, the tournament officially began. The spotters watched anxiously for a hole-inone as all the golfers played through; unfortunately no one won the beautiful silver Chevy Malibu donated by MJ Sullivan Automotive. The tournament had more sponsors this year than in prior
By Christine Jackel Development Coordinator, Catholic Charities
years, and in addition to those mentioned, Catholic Charities is most grateful to Bronze Sponsors Cahill & Associates Financial Services, LLC and The Ricciardelli Family Charitable Fund for their contributions and to the 22 tee sponsors. There were over 30 raffle prizes, all donated by com-
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mittee members, golfers, board members and local businesses. The day ended with hors d’oeuvres and dinner generously donated by our Silver Sponsor, the Knights of Columbus. Ralph Monaco presented the awards. Prizes were awarded for first gross to the team of Mickky
Walia, Jamie Hanrahan, Jeff Hertz and Steve Bokoff; for second gross team of Mark Ennis, Chris Venice, Don Byles and James Fountain. Awarded for first net was the team of John Malia, Sean Farbotka, Ron Baude and John White; for second net the team of James Mokoski, Bob Church, Joe Annino and Lee Crete. Ryan Clifford was closest to the pin on the 4th hole and Mickky Walia for the longest drive on the 18th hole. Gifts of appreciation were presented by Bishop Cote to the golf committee, all volunteers from the New London Advisory Board. Those recognized were Golf Committee and New London Advisory Board Chairman Ralph Monaco, Sheila Barrs, Gay Mullen, Madeline Raddatz, Kristine Raddatz, Janis Reed and Roseann Ward, who worked so hard, once again, to make the tournament the great success that it was in raising money for Catholic Charities. All of the monies raised will help provide social services in the areas of basic human needs, adoption, mental health, family life education, teen mentoring and pregnancy services. Thank you, all.
Four County Catholic October 2014
Golf Tournament Ninth Annual S
Conway, Londregan, Sheehan & Monaco, PC Attorneys at Law Knights of Columbus Supreme Council
Kathryn D. Guinan, Esquire Attorney at Law
Cahill & Associates Financial Services, LLC
The Ricciardelli Family Charitable Fund
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Our Lady of the Lakes Parish
Brown Jacobson P.C.
Saint Agnes Parish
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Saint Joseph Church, New London Saint Mary Parish, Portland Saint Mary Star of the Sea Parish Saint Matthias Parish
Horgan Law Office
Saint Paul Church
Impellitteri Malia Funeral Home
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Knights of Columbus, Seaside Council #17
Waller, Smith & Palmer
Thank You for Your Support! First Gross Mickky Walia Jamie Hanrahan Jeff Hertz Steve Bokoff
Second Gross Mark Ennis Chris Venice Don Byles James Fountain
First Net John Malia Sean Farbotka Ron Baude John White
Second Net James Mokoski Bob Church Joe Annino Lee Crete
Closest to the Pin Ryan Clifford on #4
Longest Drive Mickky Walia on #18
Four County Catholic October 2014
Occum, CT - September Yard Sale at St. Joseph Church Fall Festival a success again this year. The prefair goal of $3,500 was met and the leftover treasures were sent to the Bethel Methodist Church in Griswold and other local organizations. Some of the leftover kids clothing is already on its way to Haiti, Salvation Army in Springfield, Mass., Goodwill and Big Brothers & Big Sisters. Every donated article helped either the St. Joseph Community or a worthy cause. Many thanks to all who helped and all who participated. Photo by Trina Fulton.
Norwich - Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich celebrated a vigil Mass at the Cathedral of St. Patrick, September 23rd to officially and prayerfully begin the 2014 40 Days for Life Campaign. Mass that evening was an opportunity for all present to prepare for fasting, praying and a 24/7 vigil presence standing outside Planned Parenthood. Volunteers are still welcome to join the around the clock vigil for life, a time to have an impact on one of the most important is-
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sues of our lifetime. So many lives are at stake. www.40daysforlife.com/ Norwich. On behalf of all participants and those supporting this effort, Brian Daly, coordinating the local campaign, has called for prayers, *We need to pray for an end to abortion. Pray that together we can change hearts and minds by witnessing to LIFE and that in some small way, each of us has a part in saving an innocent life and helping to end abortion in our nation and right here at 12 Case St in Norwich CT!”
Four County Catholic October 2014
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Deacon James Delaney East Lyme - James Delaney, 74, of Niantic, passed away Sept. 25, 2014, at Lawrence + Memorial Hospital in New London. Jim was born in Quincy, Mass., the son of the late James Joseph and Catherine (McDonald) Delaney. He was the beloved husband of Nancy (Gillette) Delaney, with whom he shared 52 years of marriage. Jim retired from General Dynamics after 38 years of service. Retiring early allowed him to devote more time to his true calling, serving the church and ministering to others. Jim was a deacon at St. Agnes Church in Niantic for 12 years. He spent many years working with the Spiritual Renewal Services and the Norwich Diocese Prison Ministry. He was also a member of the Knights of Columbus and participated in ACTS retreats. Jim especially enjoyed spending time with his family. Donations in his memory may be made to the Spiritual Renewal Services, PO Box 6, Norwich, CT 06360.
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IMMACULATA RETREAT HOUSE A Ministry of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate 289 Windham Road, Rte. 32 Willimantic, Connecticut
SENIOR RENEWAL DAY: Father Roger Couture, OMI, invites all seniors to join him for this year’s series entitled “The Parables of Jesus — Guide for Faith Pilgrims,” on Wednesday, October 15 from 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM. The series is held on the third Wednesday of each month. Fee is $10.00 and includes lunch.
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DAY ON THE HILL: Are you looking for a “day away” to be refreshed? Come and spend a Day on the Hill on the first Wednesday of each month. You can come for Mass at 8 AM and spend a day on your own. Lunch is provided and the fee is $15.00.
To register or for more information: Phone: 860-423-8484 E-mail: info@immaculataretreat.org
Four County Catholic October 2014
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Four County Catholic October 2014
A Year-long Celebration of Religious Life to Begin Pope Francis has called for a special yearlong focus on consecrated life, beginning November By Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service
2014, asking the church’s religious sisters, brothers and priests to “wake up the world” with their testimony of faith, holiness and hope, a Vatican official said. “Consecrated men and women are aware that besides recounting the great stories they have written in the past, they are called to write a no-less-beautiful and great story in the future,” said Cardinal Joao Braz de Aviz, prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life. The congregation hopes Pope Francis will celebrate the year’s opening Mass, November 21, when the Church marks a day of
prayer for cloistered religious. The events would conclude one year later on the 50th anniversary of the promulgation of the Second Vatican Council decree “Perfectae Caritatis” on the re-
newal of religious life. “We are convinced that the council represented the breath of the Holy Spirit not only for the entire Church, but in a particular way for consecrated life,” Cardinal Aviz said. “We are also convinced that in
“Rejoice” the First Circular Letter Addressed to Those In Consecrated Life Consecrated Life - The first Circular Letter addressed to those in consecrated life has been published. It opens the spiritual itinerary toward the year the Church is dedicating to Consecrated Life.The Letter is entitled, “Rejoice”, written by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life. The Letter opens with an enthusing declaration, “I want to say a word to you and the word is JOY. Wherever there are consecrated people, there is always joy!” The solid Biblical foundation of the Letter (Isaiah 66: 10-14 and 40: 1-2) is sum-
marized in the key words: Rejoice and Console. These words often return in moments of crisis, sadness, and sterility, to evoke God’s power of giving meaning and fullness of life, opening new horizons of hope. The beauty of consecrated life lies here… it is the response to a call of love in the joy of a faithful yes. “Live intensely this unheard of season of the Church, rediscovering the joy of the religious vocation and of proclaiming Jesus, so that no outlying area will be deprived of His light.” Father Bruno Secondin, Theologian.
these 50 years, consecrated life has followed a fruitful path of renewal -- certainly not without difficulties and struggles,” the cardinal said. “In this year, we want to recognize and confess our weaknesses, but we also want to show the world with strength and joy the holiness and vitality that are present in consecrated life.” The Vatican’s Statistical Yearbook reported that at the end of 2011, there were more than 903,300 religious priests, brothers and sisters in the world; however, that figure includes those with temporary vows. Cardinal Aviz said being Christian and being a religious is to look toward the future with hope.
Defending Religious Liberty If religious liberty is not properly understood, all people suffer and are deprived of the essential contribution to the common good, be it in education, health care, feeding the hungry, civil rights, and social services that individuals access. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) encourages you to stay informed and to insist upon what belongs to you by right as Catholics and Americans. If you haven’t done so already, please voice your opposition to the health care mandate by calling President Obama at the White House at 202-456-1111 or U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Mathews Burwell at 202-2055445. Let them know that the mandate is in violation of our First Amendment right to religious freedom.
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Four County Catholic October 2014
Father Ralph DiOrio
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Bus Departs 9:00 AM Old Mystic Village; New London Shopping Center; I-395 Commuter Parking Lots; Exit 80W, Norwich; Exit 89, Moosup JANET PRZYBYSZ 860-536-6638 przybyszjanet@sbcglobal.net
We Are Masterpieces of God’s Creation The month of October is a real bonanza for us Little Sisters of the Poor. During October we celebrate By Sister Constance Veit, L.S.P.
the anniversaries of the birth, beatification and canonization of our foundress, Saint Jeanne Jugan. Along with Catholics all over the United States, we also observe Respect Life Month. The theme chosen for our U.S. Respect Life observances this year is Each of Us is a Masterpiece of God’s Creation. “Even the weakest and most vulnerable, the sick, the old, the unborn and the poor are masterpieces of God’s creation, made in his own image, destined to live forever, and deserving of the utmost reverence and respect,” Pope Francis has said. Time and time again we see Pope Francis demonstrating the truth of these words in his humility, warmth and compassion for each person he encounters.
“We want to be part of a society that makes affirmation and protection of human rights its primary objective and its boast,” Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap., chairman of the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities, wrote in his message for Respect Life Month. “Our mission is to show each person the love of Christ. As uniquely created individuals, we each have unique gifts which we are called to use to share Christ’s love.” “When God created each of us, he did so with precision and purpose, and he looks on each of us with love that cannot be outdone in intensity or tenderness.” If we wish to help build the Culture of Life, we should reflect on these words of Cardinal O’Malley until they are assimilated into the deep recesses of our minds and our hearts. From there they will give birth to deep convictions: “We must look at ourselves and at others
in light of this truth and treat all people with the reverence and respect which is due.” This was Jeanne Jugan’s secret. She saw in each elderly person a suffering member of the Body of Christ, and she treated them as she would have treated Christ himself. Jeanne Jugan’s canonization process involved the recognition of two miracles worked through her intercession. But our foundress hasn’t stopped working miracles now that she is a Saint! During this Respect Life Month, pray through her intercession for the miracle of a conversion of our society’s values to those of the Culture of Life. And ask Saint Jeanne Jugan to help you realize your own dignity, and the dignity of all those with whom you share your life, as masterpieces of God’s creation. Sister Constance Veit is director of communications for the Little Sisters of the Poor.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Silver Rose Run ~ One Life, One Rose Beginning in April 2014, six Silver Roses began making their way across North AmerSubmitted by Richard Feil
St. John, Old Saybrook Reverend Grzegorz P. Brozonowicz, Pastor Address: 161 Main Street, Old Saybrook, CT 06475-2367 Phone: 860-388-3787 Website: www.saintjohnchurchos.org Mass Times: Sunday Masses: 7:30am, 9:15am & 11:00am (Saturday: Winter 4:00pm, Summer 5:00pm) Weekday Masses: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 7:15am First Friday Masses: 7:15am & 9:15am Adoration & Benediction: Thursday 8:00am-12:00pm
ica, from Canada and through the United States. Four of the roses will travel through Texas before going on to Mexico. One Silver Rose began in Ontario and will complete its run in Washington, D.C. and another began in New Brunswick and will finish in Connecticut. The four Roses going to Mexico will conclude their journey on Dec. 12, 2014, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas, at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Monter-
rey, Mexico. The other two roses will have similar ceremonies to conclude their journeys, also on Dec. 12, 2014. It is the 54th year of the program w h i c h began in 1960 as a project of the Columbian Squires of North America to honor the Blessed V i r g i n under her title of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas. The program has continued since then as a project of Squires Circles, councils and Fourth Degree as-
semblies in several jurisdictions. Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson has said “Through it we reaffirm the Order’s dedication to the sanctity of human life. It is to the Blessed Mother that we turn in prayer as we work to end the Culture of Death that grips our society. As we think in terms of ‘One Life, One Rose,’ it is most appropriate that we turn to Our Lady of Guadalupe who made known her will through Juan Diego and the miracle of the roses.” In 2014, one of six roses began its journey in New Brunswick and will travel throughout the northeast, completing its journey in Connecticut.
Four County Catholic October 2014
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Four County Catholic October 2014
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Four County Catholic October 2014
‘We Need To Give Back and Make a Difference in Their Lives’: An Interview With Daniel O’Sullivan The New Director for Outreach to Haiti talks about his goals, and life experiences that led him to the Diocese of Norwich. where I should get involved. How has your background and life’s experience prepared you for the mission of this ministry? I feel blessed to give back. With my various business backgrounds I plan to help Outreach to succeed. The financial part of me will make sure there is good accountability, and money is spent wisely. My pricing side will help price services provided for those in After working in the financial world for 38 years at several market-leading companies providing financial and operational leadership, Dan O’Sullivan takes on the responsibility of Director, Outreach to Haiti. By Meredith Morrison
When did you first become interested in helping the people of Haiti? My wife Jan and I have always tried to help others through various charities and volunteer activities. Over the past several years, I have increasingly become more focused on Haiti due to programs my previous employer, the Knights of Columbus, and my alma mater, the University of Notre Dame, were undertaking in Haiti. Work of the Diocese of Norwich, and trips people from my parish had taken to Haiti were additional factors. Everywhere I turned, I was running into Haiti. Seeing the job opening as Director of Outreach to Haiti seemed to be the culmination of a series of messages the Lord had been sending about
Haiti. For example, we are currently working with Sean Penn’s organization J/P Haitian Relief Organization, to provide lab services for them. My management skills will assure that a diverse team, in both the US and Haiti, will stay in sync, and accomplish our mission. From my brief exposure, the staff looks great, and will make that task easy What are your goals and hopes as you take over the directorship? To keep Outreach financially stable and grow services offered to
those in Haiti by increasing fundraising. When will you make your first trip to Haiti on behalf of the Diocese and what do you hope to accomplish on that trip? October 16, 2014. I will meet with staff to develop a closer working relationship with them and to get a better feel for Haiti and their people. Is there anything you would like to say, Dan, to all the supporters
of the Haiti mission in the Diocese as you now begin your new role with the Ministry? Thank you very much for all your support, and please, please continue it. For those who have not yet supported Haiti, you can sponsor a child for less than $10.00 a week and make a big difference in their life. To Dennis & Sue Petruzzi the interim directors - you have been critical in bringing Outreach to Haiti to where it is now, and bringing me up to speed, I thank you.
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Four County Catholic October 2014
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Sacred Heart School, Taftville 860-887-1757 www.sacredhearttaftville.org Sacred Heart School, Groton 860-445-0611 www.sacredheartgroton.org St. Edward School, Stafford Springs 860-684-2600 www.stedward-stafford.org St. James School, Danielson 860-774-3281 www.stjamesdanielson.com St. John Paul II Regional School, Middletown 860-347-2978 www.jpii.org St. John School, Old Saybrook 860-388-0849 www.saintjohnschoolos.com St. Joseph School, Baltic 860-822-6141 www.stjosephbaltic.org St. Joseph School, North Grosvenordale 860-923-2090 www.schoolofstjoseph.com St. Joseph School, New London 860-442-1720 www.sjsnl.com St. Mary-St. Joseph School, Willimantic 860-423-8479 www.smsjschool.org St. Michael School, Pawcatuck 860-599-1084 www.stmichaelschoolct.com St. Matthew Pre-School, Tolland 860-872-0200 www.stmatthewct.org St. Bernard Pre-School, Rockville 860-875-0753 x113 www.saintbernardchurch.org
Youth Explosion 2014 at Saint Bernard School We need to be spiritually fed by God and also need to feed others. This weekend I had the pleasure of experiencing the 2014 Youth Explosion at By Julie Sedensky Grade 10, Saint Bernard School
Saint Bernard School. I was one of more than 600 kids who attended the Youth
Explosion. This year’s retreat theme was “Be Fed”. This topic had two parts: We need to be spiritually fed by God and also need to feed others. During the retreat everyone handpacked 40,000 healthy meals which will be given to hungry children living in
Haiti. We were lucky enough to hear from Fr. Rene Antoine from Ganthier, Haiti, the priest whose parish community and school will be receiving the meals. It was wonderful to hear him thank us for working with the charity Feeding Children Everywhere to help
To learn more, contact the Diocesan School Office, 860-887-4086, www.norwichdso.org or contact one of the diocesan schools.
Four County Catholic October 2014
feed those in need. “I loved packing meals for “Feeding Children Everywhere” and hearing the priest from Haiti talk about how much it helps his community.”Shannon Foley Grade 12 We also heard a lovely talk from Paul and Anna Albert, Life Teen missionaries who are presently serving in Haiti at the John Paul II Center for the New Evangelization. They told us about their experience becoming missionaries and reminded us that God wants all of us to be missionaries- to go out spreading His good news to others. We also heard from a lively priest named Father Louis Merosne. Father Louis also lives in Haiti with the Albert’s. He stressed that we all need to be fed but often don’t even know what we are missing. He explained that young people are often oblivious to the needs of the poor and need to be entertained in order for missionaries and priest to simply teach us five minutes of scripture. Father Louis was filled with so much zeal for helping teens know about God and His love for us. He was so funny and animated, he even; amazingly, beat boxed for us by making sounds of instruments by only using his voice. “Father Louis was an excellent and funny speaker. He had so much heart and his words truly engaged me in thinking about children in Haiti.” –Ben Ellery Grade 10 Beat boxing was not the only sounds we heard that day. We listened to the Jon Niven Band from Dedham, Massachusetts. They sang uplifting songs while we all clapped and danced. They also played quiet, beautiful songs as we prayed before Jesus in Adoration. Everyone kneeled before Jesus as He was brought out in the monstrance by Father Louis onto the stage. We also had the opportunity to receive reconciliation as part of the day’s options. When Mass began, over 15 priests and Bishop Cote processed down the aisle. It was a wonderful sight to see all of the priests, in white, line up on the stage. We ended our eventful day by receiving Jesus in the Eucharist. The Youth Explosion is a retreat that can help you to understand what God wants from you and to recognize the unique way that only you can help those in need.
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Four County Catholic October 2014
Bishop Cote Celebrates Opening Mass at Saint Bernard School The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich, celebrated the Opening of School By Shari Marderness Communications & Advancement Assistant, Saint Bernard School
Mass with the Saint Bernard School community Tuesday, September 9. He was greeted by student peer leaders, who stood in a receiving line and shook his hand as he passed by. Students, teachers, staff and community members filled the auditorium as senior Grace
Mayeda stroked a harp in the lobby, delighting visitors with musical selections, which included “Ave Maria.” During his h o m i l y, Bishop Cote reminded students that summer was now behind them and it was time for academics.
“This summer there was rightfully a time for play and rest, but there’s now a time for study and hard work, a time to learn new things and to discover something deeper about ourselves,” he said. “After all, that is what Saint Bernard School is all
There’s more to Saint Bernard School! A Premier College Prep School academically demanding committed to community dedicated to character and moral development Xaverian Brothers Sponsored
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about - helping you young men and women discover and develop the many talents God has given you.” The gifts of bread and wine were presented by new teachers Ms. Amanda Fairbanks and Mrs. Marsha Regan, along with freshmen Charles Anderson and Mia Londregan. The school Praise Choir, led by Director of Music Caitlin Meyer, provided music during the service. Sophomore Austin Malchiodi
and junior Mark Malchiodi were Altar Servers; Senior Jon Burianek served as Crossbearer; Senior Elizabeth Jezierski and junior Michalene Lee were Eucharistic Ministers. The Opening of School Mass concluded with a blessing to all students and staff for a successful school year, along with Bishop Cote conferring a Bishop’s Day Off from school, to be announced by Headmaster Don Macrino. Both sentiments were enthusiastically received by the students.
Four County Catholic October 2014
An Exciting and Inventive Place Outside and In The 2014-15 School year is off to a great start for St. Joseph School in North Grosvenordale The children love to play together on the St Joseph School playground. It’s not about the
transformation, please contact our Principal: Sharon
Briere at 860-923-2090 or Lindsay Lehmann a (PTC) at 860-2681722.
Submitted by Mary Lynn Bosiak
fancy slides and jungle gyms, it’s about providing the opportunity for the children to engage with one another constructively and creatively during their recess. A small school, the children of all ages enjoy one another’s company in a safe and playful space. But the paint had worn and the swing was broken, and while the children were satisfied with their current play space, the parents and teachers thought the children deserved a more colorful and creative space to play. The school needed to look like the exciting and inventive place that it is on the inside. The parents organization worked together to give the children the space they didn’t know they wanted. Funded by a generous grandparent, the parents spent two very hot days repainting four square and hopscotches. They provided a football field and basketball court. They will continue to create space to the blacktop by adding a colorful map of the United States of America which will be used by students and teachers inside and outside of the classroom. Jim Shaw built two amazing chimes inspired by Blue Man Group. They can be bopped with ping pong paddles and create music at various tones. The creative parents painted a chess/checker board on an old stump from a giant tree. Chess and checker pieces were created out of smooth beach stones collected by various SJSNG parents over their summer vacation in Maine. The parents were not the only one who stepped up for the Children of St. Joseph School, we received support from area local businesses as well! Dozens of tires were donated by Kelley Tire and King Oldsmobile which the children and parents painted created a colorful maze which the children climb over or to just sit and relax. The fourth swing was replaced and the new tether balls are now in
place. Even a bowling alley was installed and made with PVC pip bowling pins. Parents and children of all ages spent dozens of hours creating the space and the children have been all smiles since their return to school at the end of August. Most striking are the blue and gold (our school colors) umbrellas that mark the start of the space to accompany the picnic tables in the recess area. The umbrellas were installed to provide a shady and beautiful space for the older children to hang out during
their time out of the classroom as well as a space for students to comfortably do their homework or enjoy during the afterschool program. For more information regarding our playground
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Four County Catholic October 2014
Sacred Heart School is grateful to Leo and Paul Benoit for making it possible for us to have this new sign on our front lawn on Hunters Ave. Father and Son, both alumni, gave us this gift created by Benoit’s Signs, LLC. Many Sacred Heart alumni also contributed. Our new logo which this sign reflects was designed as we celebrated 125 years of existence as a school. Submitted by Mother Christina, SCMC, Principal, Sacred Heart School, Taftville
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Four County Catholic October 2014
Did You Know? It’s Eat Better, Eat Together Month. Children who eat with their families (without the TV on) are healthier, closer, score higher in school tests, and less likely to use drugs or get into fights. Jesus ate with his disciples (Mark 2:15 and Mark 14:17-18) October 15 National cake decorating day. King David gave cakes to all his people (2 Kings 6:19). Try decorating cupcakes. October 21 Celebration of the Mind Day! Be thankful for school and how learning helps your mind. Read Psalm 26:2 and check what’s in your mind.
by Karen H Whiting
October 31 All Hollow’s Eve and the day before All Saint’s Day. Talk about saints and how they lived their faith.
Apple Season
Apples ripen in October. It’s a great time to pick and enjoy them. Do this word search and use the uncircled letters to form a message about how you are like an apple to God. Pie
Ice Cream
Answer: The apple of His eye
Do you complain and whine because you want a new game, you are bored, or unhappy? Those are signs that you are not content. During October, the second reading will be from letters St. Paul wrote. They are about being satisfied with what you have, whether it’s Christmas Day and you have a bunch of new games and toys, or a rainy day when everything seems old. One reading, from Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20, says: Brothers and sisters: I know how to live in humble circumstances; I know also how to live with abundance. In every circumstance and in all things I have learned the secret of being well fed and of going hungry, of living in abundance and of being in need. I can do all things in him who strengthens me. Still, it was kind of you to share in my distress. My God will fully supply whatever you need, in accord with his glorious riches in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father, glory forever and ever. Amen. Paul knew a secret to contentment. He learned to be happy with whatever he had. He could rejoice with gifts, parties, and friends. He could also be thankful on lonely days when he was in prison and had little food. He learned to look at God and thank him for whatever he had. He also trusted God would bless him on other days and would provide what he really needed, like food, shelter, and clothes. Practice being content. Every morning wake up and thank God for three things in your life like friends, games, family, home, or other blessings. Every night thank God for all you had in food, shelter, friends, and activities. When you start to feel bored and want to complain STOP! Sit for a few minutes. Take a deep breath. Look around and thank God for what you have. You are blessed with so much more than many people who are poor. Thank God that he loves you and wants the best for you.
Four County Catholic October 2014
Pope: Use Gifts to Benefit Church, Not Create Division, Envy, Annoyance VATICAN CITY (CNS) -Everyone has a special gift to offer the whole church, just make sure By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service
it is used to serve everyone and not to puff up one’s own pride or to create division, Pope Francis said.
“It is a gift that God has given to someone not because he or she is a better person than someone else or because she or he deserves it,” the pope said at his weekly general audience in St. Peter’s Square Oct. 1. God gives gifts freely, out of love, so that they can be “put at the service of the whole commu-
nity for the good of all people,” he said. The pope continued a series of talks on the nature of the Catholic Church, focusing on charisms or precious gifts the Holy Spirit bestows on individuals for the edification of the church. “But what is a charism exactly? How can we recognize it and re-
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ceive it?” he asked. In the wider sense of the word, most people think of a charism as having to do with a particular talent or skill or a certain kind of charm seen in people who get labeled as “charismatic,” he said. But in the Christian sense, it’s more than that; it is “a grace, a gift bestowed on us by God the Father through the action of the Holy Spirit,” he said. Critically, these gifts have to be discovered and acknowledged within the wider church community, the pope said. “Someone cannot figure out by himself if he has a charism and which one.” It’s a bit like that kind of person everyone has heard about, “who says, ‘Oh I have this talent, I know how to sing so well.’ And yet no one has the courage to tell him, ‘You torment us when you sing,’” the pope said to applause. It’s only within a community and with its recognition and encouragement that people can discover what their unique charism is, he said. “It’s good for each one of us then to ask ourselves, ‘Is there some kind of charism the Lord has made evident in me?’” and then reflect on how that gift is used. “Do I live it with generosity, putting it at the service of everyone or do I neglect it and end up forgetting about it? Or maybe it has become a source of pride” and
jealously, he said. “There’s trouble in store if these gifts become sources of envy, division or jealousy,” he said. The church, he said, should not be afraid of the huge array and variety of charisms out there. Rather than being seen as “a problem” or a cause for “confusion or discomfort, they are all gifts that God gives the Christian community so that is can grow in harmony, in the faith and in his love as only one body, the body of Christ.” The Holy Spirit is the one that creates this multiplicity of gifts, he said, and the one who unites them in their diversity. The pope said people could follow the example of one of his favorite saints, St. Therese of Lisieux, whose feast day is celebrated Oct. 1. She loved the church so much, she wanted to do everything, “she wanted to have all the charisms” out there, in particular, to be a missionary, the pope said. So she prayed and reflected on what she should do “and she felt that her charism was love” -- to be the love that’s in the church’s heart, he said. “We all have this charism -- the ability to love. Let’s ask St. Therese today for this ability to love” and to “accept all these charisms with this love as children of the church, our holy, hierarchical, mother church.”
Four County Catholic October 2014
Be Like Children – Believe in Your Guardian Angel, Pope Says In his homily for the Feast of Holy Guardian Angels, Pope Francis told those gathered for daily By Ann Schneible EWTN News/CNA
Mass to be like children who pay attention to their “traveling companion.” The doctrine of the angels, the Holy Father stressed, is not imaginary, but “reality.” Citing what Jesus has said, “I send an angel before you to protect you, to accompany you along the path, so that you do not make mistakes!” According to the tradition of the Church, each of us has a guardian angel who protects us and helps make us aware of things, the Pope said at the Santa Marta residence Oct. 2. Often times, we have the feeling that “I should do this, this is not right, be careful.” This, he said, “is the voice of” our guardian
angel: our “traveling companion.” Our guardian angel will “carry us” throughout our entire life. For this reason, he said we should “listen to his voice, don’t rebel against it.” We all have this tendency toward rebellion and the will for independence, the Holy Father continued. “It is pride,” the same which “our father Adam had in the earthly Paradise.” “Do not rebel: follow his advice.” “No one walks alone and none of us can think that he is alone,” because “this companion” is always with us. Not listening to our guardian angel’s advice, the Pope said, is like telling him to go away. “It is dangerous to chase away our traveling companion,” he said, “because no man, no woman can advise themselves. I can give advice to another,
but I cannot give advice to my self.” “The Holy Spirit advises me, the angel who advises me. This is why we need him.” Turning to the readings of the day, Pope Francis noted how there are two images which are presented: the angel and the child. God has given us angels to protect us, the Pope said. “If one of us were to believe he could walk alone, he would make many mistakes,” the Pope said. Such a person would succumb to “that most ugly mistake which is pride,” into the belief in one’s own greatness, and “self-sufficiency”. The child is the symbol of docility and helplessness, he said, adding that this is way forward – not the question of “who is greater.” Those whose attitude is more like that of a child are “closer to contemplation of the Father.”
Pope to Visit Turkey in November, His First Trip to a Predominantly Muslim Nation Vatican City - Pope Francis will visit the Turkish city of Istanbul at the end of November, his first trip to a predominantly Muslim nation, the Vatican said. Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said the exact dates and the program for the trip, which will last several days, were still not fixed. Francis is expected to be in Istanbul on Nov. 30, the feast of St. Andrew, at the invitation of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, spiritual head of
the world’s Orthodox Christians. The Vatican confirmed the trip after the pope accepted a separate invitation from the Turkish government. Former pope Benedict XVI made a trip to Istanbul in 2006 and prayed with a Muslim cleric
in the famed Blue Mosque. Francis, the first non-European pope in 1,300 years, has made three trips abroad since his election in March, 2013. He recently visited Albania and on Nov. 25 he will address the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France.
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SETON SCHOLARSHIP DINNER Honoring the recipients of the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Award for Contributions to Catholic Education in the Diocese of Norwich:
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2014 AT 4:00 PM THE MYSTIC MARRIOTT HOTEL 625 NORTH ROAD GROTON, CT $150 PER PERSON All proceeds to benefit tuition assistance for Catholic Schools.
The following sponsorships are available: $5,000 SETON SPONSOR Premium reserved table for 10, full-page program ad $2,500 AQUINAS SPONSOR Reserved table for 10, half-page program ad $1,500 NEWMAN SPONSOR Seating for 4, quarter-page ad Individual program ads are also available.
For more information, please contact Kathy Gaito at 860-886-1928 or kgaito@norwichdiocese.net WWW.NORWICHDSO.ORG
Four County Catholic October 2014
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