Four County Catholic April 2019

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CATHOLIC Holy Week April 14-20

Volume 31 • Number 4 • April 2019

Serving The Counties Of Middlesex, New London, Tolland, Windham, CT & Fishers Island, NY

Holy Week

The Week That Forever Changed The World

In This Issue




Serving The Counties Of Middlesex • New London • Tolland • Windham, CT & Fishers Island, NY

­Established in 1989 and published each month except July.

“I am extremely encouraged to see the entire focus of the faith formation of our young people change. The focus from education to formation is to build in our young people a permanent and lifelong bond with God and with God’s Church.” Deacon Chris Deskus reacting to the new faith formation curriculum.


Discover more at


Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Bishop of Norwich


Editorial Office

31 Perkins Avenue, Norwich, CT 06360-3613 Fax 860.859.1253



Made Possible in part through your generous support of the Annual Catholic Appeal

Director of Communications/Executive Editor

Wayne Gignac, 860.886.1281

“We have to ask ourselves, why he was such a symbol of fear for some and hope for others.”

Advertising Sales/Production MANAGER

Sister Mary Jude, Director of Hispanic Ministry and organizer of the March 24th Migrant Caravans Forum, speaking about Saint Oscar Romero.

Very Reverend Ted F. Tumicki, S.T.L., J.C.L., J.V. 860.887.9294

20 “Think about how you feel right now and remember this for the rest of your life -- take a minute and be in the present” Mary Ellen Mahoney, at the Annual Christopher Society Dinner, reflecting on advice from her mom.

29 “Thanks to your helpful voices and the dedication of groups allied together in opposition we were able, for the fifth year, to convince Connecticut’s legislators to reject physician-assisted suicide as a healthcare option in our state.” The Connecticut Catholic Public Affairs Conference sharing the decision of the Connecticut General Assembly's Public Health Committee not to vote on HB 5898.

Meredith Morrison, 860.887.3933 c Theological Advisor

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Four County Catholic, 31 Perkins Ave., Norwich, CT 06360-3613 FOUR COUNTY CATHOLIC Issue 3 April (PE 9934) is published monthly except July by The Diocese of Norwich, 31 Perkins Avenue, Norwich, CT 06360-3613. Periodicals postage paid in Hartford, CT 06101 and at additional mailing offices.




LET FAITH LEAD THE WAY My dear sisters and brothers in Christ, As we continue our Lenten journey together toward Holy Week, I would like to share with you two occasions which recently reminded me of yet another reason why I am grateful for being your Bishop. The two events, while on the surface quite different from each other, had something in common. They each resonated with faith. A strong faith that was apparent to those of us who were in attendance. The first event was the Rite of Election of Catechumen, over which I presided. It is at the Rite of Election that the catechumen become members of the elect to be initiated into the sacred mysteries at the Easter Vigil. The catechumen and candidates, along with their future godparents and religious instructors, gathered from all four corners of the diocese, to participate in this special Rite. The strong faith that I witnessed on the first Sunday of Lent was truly memorable. The witnessing of adults who desire to become Catholic strengthens in a profound way the faith of those of us, who baptized as infants, did not make this conscious choice. All of us, however, are called upon daily to make choices that bring us closer to God. The second event that I had the pleasure of attending was the Christopher Dinner. The Christopher Society are supporters of the Annual Catholic Appeal. Their strong faith

is also apparent by the ongoing assistance that they give, both financially and through prayer, to the many ministries of the Diocese. Choosing to seek the good of others through their selfless example of faith, they also make daily choices in strengthening their walk with God. This journey is not always easy. The path can be rough. We sometimes find ourselves in a desert. And much like Jesus in the desert, Satan, the tempter, seeks to divert us from our Heavenly Father’s plan. Fortunately, Jesus already experienced this path and showed us the way. (Luke 4:1-13) Deserts are very hostile places. Recently I was in Peru and they are indeed deadly places, full of scorpions, poisonous snakes, scorching heat by day and freezing cold by night, to say nothing about the lack of water. It is clear from scripture that deserts were places of encounter; places of renewal and places of testing. It is not unusual for God to test those He loves. He tested Noah. He tested Abraham. He tested Moses and the Israelites. He tested Mary and Joseph. He tests those He loves. We are tested today. Difficulties surround us in our workplaces, in our homes and in society. Fortunately, Jesus remains the model, decisively rejecting temptation, turning to God‘s word to fight Satan, the Father of Lies. We are called to turn away from the temptations that this world sets before us.

For the catechumen and candidates, their time of preparation and their reception in the church at the Easter Vigil will not conclude their journey. Because, like each one of us, it is a lifetime journey and it won’t end until we see God‘s face. Like any other relationship, we have to work at it. The evil one would hope that we give into our weaknesses and become complacent. His devilish work is to turn our hearts away from God. We foil Satan most effectively when we, in the imitation of Christ, focus more on God’s promise than on our own weaknesses. God is so much greater than any of our failures. It is God’s will that we all succeed in life, that we enjoy the bounty that God created for us. He wants only our happiness. As we continue this Lenten season, in our joy today, let us pray–– Lord Jesus we love you. We adore you for all you were willing to undergo for our sakes. Help us always to unite our own hardships into your saving and redemptive cross. Amen May your Holy Week be blessed. Sincerely yours in Christ’s loving sacrifice,


Faith Shared • Faith Tested • Faith Lived

Bishop of Norwich 3




LET FAITH LEAD THE WAY Fe Compartida • Fe Probada • Fe Vivida April 2019 | FOUR COUNTY CATHOLIC |

Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,


A medida que continuamos nuestro viaje Cuaresmal hacia la Semana Santa, me gustaría compartir con ustedes, dos ocasiones que recientemente me recordaron otra razón más por la que estoy agradecido de ser su Obispo. Los dos eventos, aunque parecían bastante diferentes entre sí, tenían algo en común. Cada uno resonó con fe. Una fe sólida que fue evidente para aquellos que asistimos al evento. El primer evento, el cual presidí, fue el Rito de Elección de los Catecύmenos. Es en el Rito de Elección en la Vigilia Pascual que los Catecúmenos se convierten en miembros elegidos para ser iniciados en los misterios sagrados. De los cuatro rincones de la Diócesis, se reunieron para participar en este Rito Especial, los Catecúmenos y los Candidatos, junto con sus futuros padrinos e instructores religiosos. La fe sólida que presencié en el primer domingo de Cuaresma fue verdaderamente memorable. El testimonio de los adultos que desean convertirse en Católicos fortalece de manera profunda la fe de aquellos de nosotros, quienes bautizados de niños, no hicimos esa elección. Todos nosotros, sin embargo, somos llamados diariamente a tomar decisiones que nos acerquen más a Dios. El segundo evento al que tuve el placer de asistir fue a la Cena Christopher. La Sociedad Christopher es partidaria de la Campaña Católica Anual. Su fe sólida también es evidente por la continua asistencia que brindan a los muchos

ministerios de la Diócesis, tanto financieramente como a través de la oración. Buscan el bien de los demás a través de su ejemplo de fe desinteresada, también toman decisiones diarias que fortalecen el caminar con Dios. Este viaje no siempre es fácil. El camino puede ser duro. A veces nos encontramos en un desierto. Y al igual que Jesús en el desierto, Satanás, el tentador, busca desviarnos del plan de nuestro Padre Celestial. Afortunadamente, Jesús ya pasó por esa experiencia y nos mostró el camino. (Lucas 4: 1-13) Sabemos, que los desiertos son lugares muy hostiles. Hace poco estuve en Perú y, de hecho, son lugares fatídicos, llenos de una gran variedad de peligros: escorpiones, serpientes venenosas, calor abrasador durante el día y frío por la noche, por no hablar de la escasez de agua. Está claro en la escritura que los desiertos eran lugares de encuentro; lugares de renovación y lugares de prueba. No es raro que Dios pruebe a los que ama. Probó a Noé. Probó a Abraham. Probó a Moisés y a los israelitas. Él probó a María y a José. Él pone a prueba a quienes ama. Hoy estamos a prueba. Nos rodean las dificultades en nuestros lugares de trabajo, en nuestros hogares y en la sociedad. Afortunadamente, Jesús sigue siendo el modelo, rechazando de manera decisiva la tentación, recurriendo a la palabra de Dios para combatir al Padre de la mentira, a Satanás. Estamos llamados a alejarnos de las tentaciones que este mundo nos presenta. El recorrido de los Catecύmenos y los Candidatos no concluirá con el tiempo de su preparacion y con su recepcion a la iglesia en la Vigilia Pascual.

Porque, con cada uno de nosotros, es un recorrido de por vida y no terminará hasta que veamos el rostro de Dios. Tenemos que trabajar en ello, como en cualquier otra relación. El maligno espera que cedamos a nuestras debilidades y nos volvamos complacientes. Su obra diabólica es apartar nuestros corazones de Dios. Frustramos a Satanás de manera más efectiva cuando nosotros, en la imitación de Cristo, nos enfocamos más en la promesa de Dios que en nuestras propias debilidades. Dios es mucho más grande que cualquiera de nuestros fracasos. La voluntad de Dios es que todos tengamos éxito en la vida, que disfrutemos de la generosidad que creó para nosotros. Él sólo quiere nuestra felicidad. Mientras continuamos esta temporada de Cuaresma, en nuestro gozo hoy, oremos --– Señor Jesús te amamos. Te adoramos por todo lo que estuviste dispuesto a sufrir por nuestro bien. Ayúdanos siempre a unir nuestras propias dificultades a tu cruz salvadora y redentora. Amén Que su Semana Santa sea bendecida. Sinceramente en el sacrificio amoroso de Cristo,

Michael R. Cote

Obispo de Norwich

We pray for men to answer the call to be instruments of God’s grace as priests of Jesus Christ. DEACON Michael Castiblanco 4th Year Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD

Mr. Dharen Brochero Under Graduate, Philosophical Major Studies Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD

Springtime Blooms with New Vocations Father Gregory Galvin, Director of Priestly Vocations It’s is hard to believe that by the time Easter arrives this year we will only be ten days away from the month of May. God continues to answer the many prayers from all parts of the diocese regarding an increase of vocations.

Mr. Normand Laflamme 2nd Year Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD

Mr. Larry Barile 2nd Year Theology Pope St. John XXIII Weston, Massachusetts

I am excited to announce that Bishop Cote happily accepted Mark Johnson into sponsorship to begin studies for the priesthood. Mark has been discerning a vocation to the priesthood actively since his sophomore year at UCONN and will hopefully be accepted into seminary later this summer. He will be graduating from UCONN in May, with two degrees in science. Mark grew up attending St.

Joseph parish in Rockville and lives in Tolland. With Easter not far off, we are happy to announce that third year theologian Mike Bovino, originally from Pawcatuck, will be ordained a transitional deacon May 23, 2019 at St. Mary Church in Stonington. Mike will begin his fourth year of theology at Mount St. Mary Seminary in Emmitsburg Maryland in September and is looking forward to being called to priestly ordination the last weekend of June in 2020. Deacon Michael Castiblanco will be finishing his studies this May at Mount Saint Mary Seminary, and has been called to Priestly Ordination by


As you can see much is going on in the diocese regarding vocations to the priesthood. Therefore, I also want to call to your mind that this coming May, we have our Annual Diocesan Seminary Education Fund collection. We appreciate the prayerful support for our seminarians. Please consider making a gift towards their education. Your donation makes it possible for these men to be well trained and well prepared to lead God’s family in the future.

for Vocations

Mr. Julian Cuervo 1st Year Pre-Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD

We appreciate the support you give to our future priests. Have a blessed Holy Week and Easter Season.

The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, leads the Holy Hour

Holy Hour Mr. Jacob Ramos 2nd YearTheology Mount St. Mary’s, Emmitsburg, MD

Bishop Cote for June 29, 2019.

Mr. Alexander Pandolfe 1st Year Pre-Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD

Mr. Eric Hosmer 1st Year Pre-Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD

APRIL 25th 6 pm St. Patrick, East Hampton

May 16 6 pm St. Mary, Clinton

Ruben Sanchez UCAELI Program UCONN, Storrs, CT


MR. Michael Bovino 3rd Year Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD


Encouraging Reactions to the New Faith Formation Curriculum By Mary-Jo McLaughlin



ased on encouraging feedback thus far for the new faith formation curriculum, Andrea Hoisl, director of the Diocesan Office of Faith Events, said she believes, “The Holy Spirit is moving the Diocese in the direction it needs to go regarding life-long faith formation.”


“People seem to be energized by the shared vision that the new curriculum provides,” Hoisl said. It takes the way we have taught children for years, with a focus on prayers and traditions that lay the foundation for our faith and has added an experiential component. “When we focus on content only, we are depriving our young people of the opportunity to start a loving lifelong relationship with God,” she added. “We have been so worried about them knowing ‘all the facts’ that we often times couldn’t fit in the retreat and service experiences that show our young people what faith

in action looks like. The new curriculum helps our young people begin a faith journey that they know from day one will last a lifetime. There is no graduation from faith formation. And if we do it right, our young people will spend the rest of their lives exploring the numerous aspects of their deep, rich faith.” Deacon Frank Hann from St. Luke Parish, Ellington, said, “I like the focus into relational catechesis to Christ instead of plying our youth only with raw teaching.” Deacon Chris Deskus from St. Philip Church, Ashford, and diocesan director of prison ministry agreed. “I am extremely encouraged to see the entire focus of the faith formation of our young people change,” he said. “The focus from education to formation is to build in our young people a permanent and lifelong bond with God and with God’s Church.” A key component of the new curriculum is its emphasis on family-based activities to help parents develop a stronger connection to their parishes and to their faith. For Fr. Jeffrey Ellis, parochial vicar at St. Bernard, Rockville and St. Matthew, Tolland, this is critical. He noted, “The modern world and family life has changed so much, so fast, but our catechetical methods have not been able to keep

pace with that change. As the family is supposed to be the first school of the faith for our young people, our Church needs families to be involved in the religious formation at the parish if we want to remain a vibrant Church and grow in strength.” Susan King, director of faith formation for All Saints Church, Somersville, added, “I was especially excited with the idea of inviting parents into the classrooms…to engage in what their child is exploring,” she said. “This gives them the opportunity (outside of attending Mass) to work on their own personal relationship with God and each other alongside their child….to share their own stories of faith formation with the children.” Kathy D’Amelio, director of faith formation at Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish, Coventry and Storrs, echoed the same sentiment. “Catechists will be sharing real world examples and action to our young people and their families, connecting them so they can take their faith with them on their daily walk through life.” The new curriculum, which took two years to develop, was designed as a framework whose implementation will look different from parish to parish. It is designed to be implemented over a three-year period and offers flexibility for parishes to accommodate budgets, staffing, resources and facilities. “This is not a ‘cookie cutter’ model that every parish must conform to, but rather a model that welcomes creativity and diversity,” added Hoisl. “No matter what the implementation looks like, the goals and vision are the same – that is the factor that will unify us all.”

Chrism Mass Tuesday, April 16th at 10:30am Cathedral of Saint PAtrick A JOYOUS CELEBRATION OF Priestly SERVICE AND HOLY SACRAMENTS

May 17-19, 2019

Saturday Sunday 12-10pm 12-8pm

Saint Sebastian's Church 155 Washington Street, Middletown

For doctors and their humanitarian collaborators in war zones, who risk their lives to save the lives of others.

We Can Help

To report inappropriate contact of any kind by a representative of the Diocese of Norwich or for assistance for victims, please call: The Diocesan Reporting Line @ 1-800-624-7407 If the incident involves a minor (persons

under the age of 18), you must also call: State of CT Department of Children and Families Care Line 1-800842-2288 -OR –State of NY Child Protective Services 1-800-635-1522

Incidents involving abuse of vulnerable adults aged 18-59 should be reported to: Connecticut Department of Developmental Services - AID Division for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities 1-844-878-8923

Incidents involving abuse of vulnerable adults aged 60 and over should be reported to: Connecticut Department of Social Services for the Elderly 1-888-385-4225


Papal Prayer Intention

Friday 5-10pm



Bishop Celebrates Live TV Mass


Bishop Michael R Cote celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass from the Archdiocese of Hartford’s studios in Prospect. Mass is broadcast and streamed live daily at 10am by the Office of Radio and Television on WCCT and WTXX. A link to the live stream can be found on the website.

twenty-Fourth annual diocesan

secretaries mass will be held at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick at 12:00 Noon on Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Reverend Arthur Albert Archer








DiocesE of Norwich, Outreach to Haiti

1927 j 2019

Father Arthur died on March 23, 2019 at his home in Litchfield Connecticut. He was 92 years old.

Arthur was drafted into the US Army Infantry Division and served two years with the Army of Occupation in Japan, from 1945-1947. After release, he studied at Carrol College in Waukesha, Wisconsin where he earned a BA in History and English. He went on to earn a Masters in Theology at the Berkeley Divinity School at Yale University and was ordained an Episcopal priest in 1954 where he served as pastor at St. Margaret of Scotland Church in Queens New York. There he began his long career in service to the Lord and his beloved parishioners. While serving as pastor, he went on to study Library Science at St. John University in Jamaica, New York and worked as a librarian at LaGuardia Community College. His love for books, art and music, was shared with those who knew him well and influenced many of his beloved.

Invites you to the

12th Annual Gala Saturday April 27, 2019

A Villa Louisa 60 Villa Louisa Rd. Bolton, CT 06043 Outreach to Haiti welcomes speaker

Ms. Yamile Perez

Outreach to Haiti Education Sponsorship Program Recipient

Cocktails at 6:30pm followed by dinner $100 per person ($50 tax -deductible) Cocktail Attire RSVP by April 16th to Rosanna Carabelas at 860-800-3602 Benefiting

Children of Haiti

In 1980, he was ordained as a Catholic priest and served as the Assistant Pastor of St. Mary’s Church, New London (1980-1984), Pastor of Notre Dame Church in Durham, (1984-1991) and finally as pastor at St. Agnes Catholic Church, Niantic (1991-2005). While serving as a priest, his presence was felt as a strong spiritual leader and friend. In 2005, he retired and moved to Mystic, where he spent many hours on his deck, overlooking the Mystic River, enjoying the water.


Born in Detroit, Michigan on January 12, 1927, to Grace (Lidington) and Selwyn Archer he was predeceased in death by his sister, Dorothy Joan Mette of Rochester Michigan, and is survived by his sister, Arlene Adele Rutz of Ann Arbor, Michigan and his brother-in-law Richard Francis Mette of Rochester, Michigan. He was also predeceased by his brother-in-law, Robert Rutz. Also surviving him are his nine nieces and nephews of whom he was very fond.


Donations can be made in his honor to St. Edmunds Retreat at Enders Island, 1 Enders Island, PO Box 399, Mystic, CT 06355.

Ocean Avenue 12 Ocean12 Avenue New London, New London, CT CT 443-1871 443-1871

48 Grand Street Street 48 Grand Niantic, CT Niantic, CT 739-6112 739-6112


12 Ocean Avenue New London, CT 443-1871

48 Grand Street Niantic, CT 739-6112


DIOCESAN Announcements

! s u n i o J




Symphony Orchestra



MASSES 7:30am, 9am, 10:30am and 5pm


Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7pm Confessions following MasS

Good Friday APRIL 19th

The Lord’s Passion - 3pm Confessions following Service Stations of THE cross BEGIN at The Cathedral of St. Patrick at 6pm

Join us at the Cathedral of St. Patrick on Sunday,

April 14 at 7:30pm to see the Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart-Requiem featuring members of the ECSO, Toshiyuki Shimada, Music Director and Conductor; Eastern Connecticut Symphony Chorus, Wendy Moy, Director Sarah Yanovitch, Soprano; Caroline Olsen, mezzo-soprano; Ethan Depuy, tenor; Gregory Flower, baritone.

General admission seating is free and the doors will open at 6:45pm. Goodwill donations collected at the event will benefit the ECSO and the St. Vincent de Paul Place in Norwich.


Confessions - 10:am, 11:00Am Only

EASTER Vigil Mass - 8pm


The Resurrection of the Lord Masses 7:30am, 9:am, 10:30am and 5pm

Sunday, April 14 Eastern CT. Symphony Orchestra

Join us at the Cathedral of St. Patrick at 7:30pm to see the Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart-Requiem featuring members of the ECSO, Toshiyuki Shimada, Music Director and Conductor; Eastern Connecticut Symphony Chorus, Wendy Moy, Director Sarah Yanovitch, Soprano; Caroline Olsen, mezzo-soprano; Ethan Depuy, tenor; Gregory Flower, baritone Admission is Free for all attendees. Goodwill donations collected at the event will benefit the ECSO and the St. Vincent de Paul Place in Norwich.

Friday, April 19 Tenebrae Service

Join us at St. Columba Church, Columbia at 7:30pm for this moving and dramatic service. Tenebrae is an occasion to pray and contemplate Matthew's account of Jesus’s death and burial while mediating on the words of our sacred scripture, meditations and powerful music. This service consists of 7 readings of lamentation and gradual extinguishing of candles. On Good Friday, we are fully aware that the story does not end on Calvary. Tenebrae reflects this understanding of Christ’s Paschal sacrifice and its fulfillment. All are welcome.

Sunday, May 5 29th Annual White Mass

A celebration for healthcare workers and caregivers of all faiths. 9am at the Cathedral of St. Patrick, Norwich. Brunch to follow in Cathedral auditorium. Featuring Dr. Frank Maletz, MD who will deliver the David P. Lauler, MD and Joan M. Lauler, B.S.N lecture. A donation of $25 per person is requested. For more information, to make a reservation, or to reserve a table, please call 860-887-9294, ext. 100.

Saint Bernard School • Grades 6–12

Close to Home. Close to Your Heart. Saint Bernard School instills the values, traditions, and skills that will guide your child though tomorrow.

Join us! Saint Bernard School is a place for your child to learn, grow, and discover. We are still accepting applications for GRADES 6-12 2019/20 school year! FOR MORE INFO, CONTACT US AT 860-848-1271

1593 Norwich-New London Tpke Uncasville, CT 06382


APRIL Calendar of Events

Ask us about our TAILORED TUITION PROGRAM to help meet your family’s unique financial situation.



12th Annual Catholic Charities GOLF atTOURNAMENT Fox Hopyard Golf Club, East Haddam, CT

Tickets $100 Cocktail Attire Sponsorship opportunities are still available! For more information, contact Christine Jackel at 860-889-8346 or

Cocktails 5pm Bishops Remarks 6pm Dinner 6:15pm Silent auction 5-7pm Dancing 8-10pm

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Registration 10:30 am • Lunch 11:30 am • Shotgun Start 1:00 pm • Awards & Hor d’oeuvres 6:00 pm

Sponsorships Available & Welcome 12

For more information or to register, contact: Christine Jackel at 860-886-1928 x12 or

14 Club Road Windham, CT 06280 860.456.1107

Dedicating our love, compassion and service to our community.

*Short-term Rehabilitation *Long-term Care *End-of-Life Care *Daily Mass

Sponsored Sponsored by by thethe Dioces of Norwich Diocese of Norwich

Podemos ayudar Para reportar contacto inapropiado de cualquier tipo por medio de un representante de la Diócesis de Norwich o para asistencia a víctimas, por favor llame a La Línea de Reportaje de la Diócesis de Norwich 1-800-624-7407 Si el incidente involucra a un menor (personas menores de 18 años), también debe llamar a Departamento de Niños y Familias de CT 1-800-842-2288 -O-Servicios de Protección de Niños del Estado de NY 1-800-635-1522.

Incidentes relacionados con el abuso de adultos vulnerables de 18-59 años de edad deben ser reportados a Departamento de Servicios al Desarrollo del Estado de Connecticut-División de Ayuda para Personas con Incapacidad Intelectual 1-844-878-8923.

Incidentes relacionados con el abuso de adultos vulnerables de 60 años de edad o más deben ser reportados a Departamento de Servicios Sociales Para Ancianos de Connecticut 1-888-385-4225.


Specializing in:




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Leadership Meeting Launches ACA Campaign

“Hand in Hand with All God’s Children”

By Kathy Gaito

At the meeting, the ACA leadership teams were the first group to see this year’s ACA video, “Hand in Hand with All God’s Children”. The video, (available online at provided the leadership teams with a first-hand view of the work that is performed by three of our ministries: Ministry to the Sick/Hospital Chaplaincy, FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) and Prison Ministry. The good works of these three ministries allowed all at the leadership meeting to identify with the important missions that our over 25 ministries and programs undertake on a daily basis in the Diocese. The ACA video is a tool used by the Office of Development and the ACA leadership teams at the start of the Annual Catholic Appeal to bring to the people in the pews examples of the strong dedication of our ministries to serving the people of our communities. L L go th A d' sC wi

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he Holiday Inn in Norwich was the setting for the Diocese of Norwich Annual Catholic Appeal Leadership Meeting on March 7. Priests, parish secretaries and parishioners from all across the diocese who volunteer their time to assist with the Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) came together to begin the vital work that will make a difference in the lives of God’s children and help make this year’s appeal a success!

a atholic


At the meeting, Mary Ellen Mahoney, Executive Director of Development offered, “While the ACA and our generous donors are essential to the survival of our ministries, we are also very thankful for the crucial assistance from our leadership teams comprised of priests, parish secretaries and ACA chairpeople who bring the ACA to the parishioners. Tonight, we stress the need to increase participation. Our goal is to have as close to 100% participation as possible. We realize that only by all of us coming together as one Church will we be able to support our ministries as they do the work of Christ.”

If you’ve walked hand in hand in the past supporting the ACA with your parish leadership team, thank you and we hope you will join us again this year. If you haven’t participated in the ACA, we hope this year you are able to extend your hand to help others.

A volunteer who assists with the Annual Catholic Appeal shared her thoughts about the ACA and why she chose to help with this important endeavor. "This is my eleventh year as ACA Leader at Saint John Church located in Old Saybrook. I volunteer in support of the Annual Catholic Appeal because I know that, with 25 ministries supported by ACA funding, our donations touch all aspects of Catholic life, covering many more than I would be able to support individually. Our 2019 theme "Hand in Hand with All God's Children" truly captures the range of ministries that our diocese supports, as we walk hand in hand with all God's St. Luke Parish, Ellington, Connecticut ACA children through our own ACA donations." Leadership Team: Father George Villamthanam, C.S.T., – June Getchius Steve Autieri and Jane Thomas

To learn more about the 2019 Annual Catholic Appeal and about how you can help support the ministries and programs in the Diocese of Norwich, please visit and make your pledge or call the Office of Development at 860-886-1928.

Parish Twinning and the Connection with Faith By Father Frank Rouleau


arish Twinning is about building relationships and solidarity with Catholic parishes in other places. “We are members of a universal Church that transcends national boundaries and calls us to live in solidarity and justice with the peoples of the world” (US Council of Catholic Bishops, 1997). “Sacred Scripture continually speaks to us of an active commitment to our neighbors and demands of us a shared responsibility for all of humanity. This duty is not limited to one’s own family, nation or state, but extends progressively to all… so no one can consider himself extraneous or indifferent to the lot of another member of the human family” St Pope John Paul II, Centesimus Annus, #51 In Parish Twinning the community develops a Christ centered, mission-oriented collaboration with a Parish in Haiti. “A true partnership involves the building and nurturing of a relationship over time, that transcends one act of working together (such as a project), or of sending a series of checks… When the relationship is itself highly valued, it allows for mutual participation and transformation, as all are invited to participate equally, and we all have the ability to love, pray and our faith to be present to one another.” (CRS, Parish Partnership Manual) It helps us to better understand the “One, Holy, Catholic


and Apostolic” faith that is shared by people throughout the world. In 1985 the Diocese of Norwich responded to requests of lay people from the Diocese who asked what we, as a Diocese, could do to help the people of Haiti. A delegation of lay people went to Haiti to find out. As a result of that visit, we have had a partnership with the Port au Prince Archdiocese for over 30 years; our two Dioceses are twinned. Diocese of Norwich Outreach to Haiti has:Twinning, Education Scholarships, Nutritional and Medical Clinic in the Christ Roi section of Port au Prince. Our philosophy is Helping Haitians Help Haitians. “All the poor – as Blessed Paul VI loved to say – belong to the Church by ‘evangelical right’. Blessed are the open hands that embrace the poor and help them: they are hands that bring hope. Blessed are the hands that reach beyond every barrier of culture, religion and nationality, and pour the balm of consolation over the wounds of humanity. Blessed are the open hands that ask nothing in exchange, with no “ifs” or “buts” or “maybes”: they are hands that call down God’s blessing upon their brothers and sisters.” Pope Francis, Message on the First World Day of the Poor, 13 June 2017

By building bridges of faith, Catholics link together mutual sharing of resources in Jesus’ Name. This involves going outside of one’s comfort zone, crossing over into another culture, into another economic, linguistic & political system. Parish Twinning is truly an outreach to our sisters and brothers who share our faith, but not all the material blessings we enjoy. Parish Twinning starts with a Parish discerning if God is calling them to reach out to help build up the Church beyond the boundaries of the Parish. God has led the Diocese of Norwich to twin with the Archdiocese of Port au Prince, Haiti. There are many poor parishes in the Archdiocese that could use assistance. What a difference help can make! Twinned parishes support teachers’ salaries, scholarships, nutrition and other programs to break the cycle of poverty. Diocese of Norwich Outreach to Haiti has parishes twinned through us from the following areas: Dioceses of Norwich, CT; Superior, WI; Archdiocese of Hartford, CT; Milwaukee, WI & Seattle, WA. The needs are great in Haiti, the resources not so much. Is God calling your parish to enter into a faith-filled growth experience? Please speak with your Pastor and investigate the possibilities.


Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. The Church in Haiti is as poor as the people. The Faith is strong in Haiti and 70% of the people are Catholic. Their gift is the witness of their Faith, trusting in God, despite all the turmoil and poverty in their lives. As the Bishop of Norwich, Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, has stated “we get more out of Haiti spiritually than we put into the country materially”.

Visit or call 860-800-3601 to find out more. 15



The Stations of the Cross, a great resource for prayer and meditation, traces Jesus’s journey from His trial before Pilate to His placement in the Tomb, increasing both our sorrow for our sins and our desire for His help in avoiding temptations and in bearing our own crosses. Meditating on Christ’s passion can help us become more like Him in imitating His virtues of obedience, humility, charity, patience and perseverance.


Although most popular during Lent, this season is not the only good time to pray the Stations of the Cross. Meditating on Christ's Passion frequently, especially on Fridays throughout the year as a perpetual day of penance, can help us grow in holiness. Here are some questions that you may want to contemplate while meditating on each station. How do you think Jesus felt when this was happening? What was he thinking? What is your cross to bear? How heavy is it? How does it affect your relationship with God? Where did your cross feel the heaviest today? Where did you encounter the cross on the shoulders of others at work, on the news, or in the streets? Where is God in these encounters? What did you do to help that person carry his or her burden?

THE STATIONS O Could you walk a mile in Jesus’s shoes? The Stations of the Cross, a centuries old spiritual practice, brings us closer to Christ as we meditate on the great love, He showed for us in His most sorrowful Passion.

Cathedral Story to come

T b la D C

Tradition traces this loving tribute to our Lord back to the Blessed Mother’s retracing her son’s ast steps along what became known as the Via Dolorosa (the Sorrowful Way) on His way to His Crucifixion at Calvary in Jerusalem.

1. Jesus Is Condemned to Death 2. Jesus carries his cross 3. Jesus falls the first time 4. Jesus meets his blessed 5. Simon of cyrene helps jesus carry his cross 6. Veronica wipes the face of Jesus 7. Jesus falls the second time 8. Jesus speaks to the women of Jerusalem 9. Jesus falls the third time 10. Jesus is stripped of his garments 11. Jesus is nailed to the cross 12. Jesus dies on the cross 13. Jesus is taken down from the cross 14. Jesus is placed in the tomb Remember to give thanks to God and ask for help in becoming more aware of the crosses that everyone



In between each Station, in addition to saying the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be, congregations often sing verses from Stabat Mater, a moving hymn about the Blessed Mother’s sorrow at her son’s Passion.

carries in life.


DIOCESAN Announcements “As the Father has loved Me (Jesus), so I love you (your name). Live in MY Love!” John 15:9

Masses of Healing and Hope April 8 & 22, 13 May Only 2nd & 4th Mondays, 2pm Spiritual Renewal Center Unbound Prayer Ministry Saturday, April 27 Spiritual Renewal Center By appointment only, 860-887-0702 ST. MARY & ST. JOSEPH CEMETERY

Community Mausoleum Available 815 Boswell Ave, Norwich • 860-887-1019



Harland Road, Taftville • 860-887-1019


Depot Road, Uncasville • 860-887-1019


Community Mausoleum Available 600 Jefferson Ave, New London • 860-443-3465


860-443-3465 Route 145, Westbrook • 860-399-6503


Wauregan Road, Wauregan • 860-887-1019


Green Hallow Road, Moosup • 860-887-1019 The Church, through it funeral rites: • Celebrates the life and faith of the deceased • Expresses the Church’s belief in the Communion of Saints • Recognizes the spiritual bond that exists between the living and the dead • Brings hope and consolation to the bereaved • Reminds faithful to turn to God in time of need and crisis • Seeks God’s mercy and love • Nourishes the faith of the bereaved • Acknowledges that deceased benefit from our prayers

Norwich Diocesan Cemetery Corporation 815 Boswell Ave, Norwich CT 06360



Healing Mass and Healing Service Sunday, April 28 Mass 1-2 pm, Healing Service 2-4 pm St. Thomas the Apostle Chapel, 872 Farmington Ave, West Hartford Prayer teams, individual prayer and anointing Closer walk with Jesus Day Saturday, May 4 8:30am coffee, 9-3pm Spiritual Renewal Center To register/donation $25 call 860-887-0702 Beverages provide, please bring your lunch Healing and Freedom Conference Saturday, May 18 8:30am coffee, 9-4pm Spiritual Renewal Center To register/donation $25 call 860-887-0702 Beverages provided, please bring your lunch Weekend Life in the Spirit Seminar Friday, May 24, 7pm to lunch Sunday, May 26 My Father’s House, Moodus Spiritual Renewal Center Call 860-873-1906, donation/$150

Spiritual Renewal Services

Spiritual Renewal Center 11 Bath Street, Norwich, CT 06360 Phone: 860-887-0702

Islands of Mercy In A Sea of Indifference Migrant Caravans Forum By Ryan Blessing


special forum that explored the causes and the human impact of the migrant caravans traveling to the southern U.S. border from Latin America featured presentations in both English and Spanish from two guest speakers. Sister Mary Jude, Director of Hispanic Ministry organized the March 24 forum, held in the church hall at St. Mary Star of the Sea in New London. Walter Mena and Sr. Mary Jude

Anne Gebelein

St. Oscar Romero

something to make changes, especially for the poor. We need to move forward with Monsignor Romero."

migrating are up, as we've seen in the news, but still nowhere near what they were in the early 2000s," she said.

"We have to ask ourselves, why he was such a symbol of fear for some, and hope for others," Sister Mary Jude said. "How does what happened then in El Salvador connect with what is happening today?" She also said Archbishop Romero's life and work were points of reference for facing similar challenges today in the United States.

At the same time in the church hall, Professor Anne Gebelein, the associate director of the Institute of Latina and Latino, Caribbean and Latin American Studies at the University of Connecticut, gave an English-language overview of the history of why large populations of poor people in El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala have fled their home countries.

Gebelein concluded by paraphrasing a quote from Pope Francis: "We are all being called to be islands of mercy in a sea of indifference."

Guest speaker Walter Mena, the Massachusetts statewide coordinator for committees on immigrant rights, worked with the Archbishop in pastoral ministry and was present at his funeral on March 30, 1980.

Professor Gebelein tied the conflict, political and economic upheaval and genocide in those countries to the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union.

In the church, Mena gave a presentation in Spanish that explored Latin America in Romero's time and today, and the response of people of faith both at the time of Romero's death and to the migrant caravans of today. "So many Salvadorans lost family, houses, everything," he said. "But in those times, I felt the closeness of the church to me." Mena said he also feels that Archbishop Romero has been with him since that time. "Monsignor Romero stood up in a time when he knew he was going to die. He knew. Every year, I try to celebrate his legacy. What is going on right now in the country, we need to do

Gangs and the drug trade flourished in these countries and children, in particular, were threatened. "Many had no choice but to leave their communities," she said. The first caravan began 14 years ago, by mothers from Honduras, as a safety measure for migrating children. Religious communities in El Salvador are trying to convert young people in order to help them escape such dire situations, she said. "Numbers of people

After giving their talks, the bilingual speakers switched locations and audiences to provide brief summaries of their presentations. Afterward, Jennifer Blanco spoke about how her parents came here from El Salvador when she was young. Blanco later followed and said the journey was challenging. "There was one thing that kept us going: Seeing my mom here," she said. "Thanks to her and to the power of God. Without His will I would not be here."

136 Sachem Street Norwich CT 06360 860-889-2374 Fax 860-886-2396


The talk coincided with the 39th anniversary of the assassination of Oscar Romero, Archbishop of San Salvador. Romero advocated against poverty, social injustice, assassinations and torture. He was shot while celebrating Mass in 1980 in El Salvador. Pope Francis canonized Archbishop Romero as a saint on Oct. 14, 2018.


Mom Knows Best By Mary Ellen Mahoney

The Christopher Dinner




wo hours before the Christopher Dinner was set to begin at the Water’s Edge Resort, in Westbrook, my staff and I were on location setting up for the event just as we had done for countless other Diocesan events. While the routine was familiar, the venue was new to us and it was my first Christopher Dinner as the Executive Director of the Office of Development. After the room was set, the microphone and video screen tested, I sat down and remembered my mother telling me on the very first day of nursery school, as I sat on the front steps of my house, “Now, Mary Ellen, I want you to sit here and think about how you feel right now and remember this for the rest of your life.” I was 4 at the time, and I have repeated my mom’s words in my head over and over during my life and tried to instill this same “take a minute and be in the present” message to my children as well. The overwhelming feeling that I experienced as I

sat there thinking of my mom and her guidance was one of gratitude. I felt so fortunate to be able to personally thank our Christopher Society donors, those who give $1,000 or more to the Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA), for their extremely generous commitment to the ACA. No matter the difficulties, they, their families or the Church may be facing, these donors continue to give with kindness and grace, and in doing so, enable our many ministries and programs to be the hands of Christ to so many in need in our communities, and often, in our very own families. The 2018 Appeal included over 600 Christophers which is an amazing number for which I am very appreciative. I also thought about all of our other donors, and how thankful I am for their support of the ACA. Personal financial issues or crises of faith do not

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stop these strong Catholics from realizing the extreme need of our ministries and giving whatever they are able. As we open these gifts and see the prayer requests included, I am always so moved by the fact that even though people are facing their own trials and tribulations, they always find the means to remember the less fortunate among us and donate to the ACA. I was also feeling very blessed that I was able to work for such a strong and faith filled Diocese led by Bishop Cote and served by so many devoted priests and religious, as well as the innumerable lay people who serve their parishes in so many ways. I knew that I was very fortunate to be amongst the hardworking Diocesan directors who spend endless hours leading our ministries, using the money raised by the Appeal in the most positive and impactful manner possible. Later that evening, I would be introducing two such ministry directors, Edward Tessman, Executive Director of Catholic Charities and Daniel O’Sullivan, Executive Director of Outreach to Haiti and in so doing, announcing that each were in the midst of preparing for upcoming fundraising events to be held in April. Catholic Charities’ Hope Anchors the Soul Gala will be held at the Mystic Yachting Center on April 13th at 5pm and Outreach to Haiti will be celebrating its 12th For the Love of A Child Gala on April 27th at 6:30pm at A Villa Louisa in Bolton. Before I knew it, it was time to get up and greet our guests. The evening was wonderful. Bishop Cote greeted us all, thanking the Christophers for “their unwavering support” noting that, “You truly live your faith each day and because of your generosity, you keep our ministries doing the work of Christ.” Following a delicious dinner, the 2019 ACA video Hand in Hand with All God’s Children was shown highlighting Ministry to the Sick, FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) and Prison Ministry, three of our ACA supported ministries. The attention then moved to a fourth ministry, St. Vincent de Paul, Middletown, with the introduction of Lydia Brewster, Assistant Director of Community Services who spoke about the LEAD (Leadership, Empowerment, Advocacy and Development) program and was joined by

LEAD speaker, Brian Rahrig. Lydia explained the vital role that St. Vincent de Paul plays in the lives of many, “The soup kitchen is the front door to the social service system for the homeless, low income people throughout the state. We provide food, and counseling and so much more. “Brian Rahrig, a past client of St. Vincent de Paul, shared that the programs at St. Vincent de Paul saved his life, and helped him to “battle down” his own addictions. As a member of the LEAD program, Brian speaks to youth groups, religious groups and the legislature to share his story, educate his audience about homelessness and be a voice “to those who are otherwise invisible.”

The evening concluded with Bishop Cote and Sister Rita Johnson doing their famous “George and Gracie” routine. Everything went smoothly and following my mom’s advice, before my husband and I left for the night, I sat down and took notice of how I felt at that moment. My feeling again, was sheer gratitude. Thanks, Mom! To view the ACA video or learn more about the 2019 Annual Catholic Appeal and about how you can help support the ministries and programs in the Diocese of Norwich please visit and make your pledge, or call the Office of Development at 860-886-1928.

Catholicism faith formation program

Journey Around the World and Deep into the Faith “The Church has proclaimed the good, the true and the beautiful for two millenia. I don’t know of a project that has shown that in a more dazzling way than Catholicism.” -Timothy Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York

With creator and host Bishop Robert Barron, you will learn what Catholics believe and why while being immersed in the art, architecture, literature, beliefs and practices of the Catholic tradition. The Catholicism Faith Formation Program brings the beauty, goodness and truth of the Church to life so that you can better understand and share your faith. Bishop Robert Barron is an acclaimed author, theologian and podcasting priest. An innovative teacher of the Catholic Faith who uses the tools of the new media to further the New Evangelization, Bishop Barron is also the founder of Word on Fire Catholic Ministries. DATE, TIMES & LOCATION:

Thursdays at 7pm. Wednesdays at 7 pm. May 9, 16, 23 and January 23 & June 6, 13, 20 30 February 6, 13sessions & 27 5-10 we will cover ofMarch Bishop 6 Baron’s Catholicism series. St. Mary Mother-of-the-Redeemer 69 Groton Long Point Rd, Groton, CT


$20 Participant Study Guide will be available at the 1st session.


St. Mary: 860-445-1446 Our Lady of Lourdes: 860-464-7251


Brian Rahrig, speaker for St. Vincent de Paul, Middletown’s LEAD Program

Sacred Heart: 860-445-2905


Sacred Heart School, Groton

Sacred Heart School, Taftville

50 Sacred Heart Drive, Groton, CT 860-445-0611

Phone: 860-887-1757

Gail Kingston, Principal

Mother Christina Van Beck, SCMC, Principal 15 Hunters Ave, Taftville, CT

St. James EdwardSchool, School,Danielson Stafford Springs LindaMaryAnne Marie Joyal, Principal Mrs. Pelletier, Principal 120 WaterSt, St,Stafford Danielson, CT CT 25 Church Springs, Phone: Phone: 860-774-3281 860-684-2600

St. Joseph School, North Grosvenordale

David Sizemore, Principal 26 Main St., N. Grosvenordale, CT Phone: 860-923-2090


Academic Excellence. Character. Self-Confidence.

St. Mary - St. Joseph School in Willimantic celebrated Read Across America Day and Dr. Seuss' Birthday on March 1st. Dr. Seuss inspired activities included a photo booth, snacks, Buddy reading time and crafts. Students and staff dressed up as Dr. Seuss characters with community guest readers coming in to recite Dr. Seuss Books to the Buddy Classes. It was a fun day of reading and working together!

The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go. - Dr. Seuss

St. Mary-St. Joseph School, Willimantic


Ms. Abby Demars, Principal 35 Valley St, Willimantic, CT Phone: 860-423-8479

St. Michael School, Pawcatuck

St. Patrick Cathedral School, Norwich

63 Liberty St, Pawcatuck, CT Phone: 860-599-1084

211 Broadway, Norwich, CT Phone: 860-889-4174

Mrs. Doris Messina, Principal

Sharon Stewart , Principal

St. John School, Old Saybrook

Mother Elaine Moorcroft, SCMC, Principal 42 Maynard Road, Old Saybrook, CT Phone: 860-388-0849

St. John Paul II School, Middletown Mr. Lawrence Fitzgerald, Principal 87 South Main St, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-347-2978

St. Joseph School, New London

St. Joseph School, Baltic

Sr. Mary Patrick Mulready, SCMC, Principal

Ms. Marianne Cote, Principal 25 Squire St, New London, CT Phone: 860-442-1720

10 School Hill Road, Baltic, CT Phone: 860-822-6141

St. Bernard School, Uncasville

“A Holy Place Where We Discover Each Other in God’s Love” Celebrating 76 Years of Excellence in Catholic Education ~ Grades K-8 ~

Full Day Kindergarten School Day from 8:30-2:30 After School Care Available Accredited by the New England Association of Schools & Colleges

25 Squire Street New London, CT For information call 860-442-1720

Mr. Donald Macrino, Headmaster 1593 Norwich-New London Tpke, Uncasville, CT Phone: 860-848-1271

Superintendent Office

The Easter Season is upon us this month and we instill in our students that Easter is so important to the Catholic faith that it is not contained in just one day, but fifty days during the Easter Season. It is truly a season of joy. The Scriptures indicate that Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:22), a trademark of the true Christian. Jesus said, “People will know that you are my disciples by your love” (Jn 13:35). God wants us to be joyful and loving people. Life is too short to be miserable, and we, as adults, need to express our joy and model it for our children. There is so much turmoil and negativity blasted instantly in our modern electronic world that joy is hardly mentioned or displayed. Jesus rose from the dead to give us life everlasting. All we have to do is believe and follow His commandments. Our school communities not only believe but are exposed to and follow the Gospel of Jesus daily. Now that is something to be joyful about. As faith-based communities, our schools all strive to show our children and teenagers what rejoicing is all about. In October, our elementary/middle school teachers and administrators (including Sr. Barbara Gould, RSM and yours truly) participated in our annual online course from Boston College for continuing education in religious studies. This year, the course was based upon Pope Francis’ encyclical The Joy of the Gospel. Each year, we try our best to incorporate all that we learn from these courses into our schools. I can think of no greater ministry than exposing our youth to the joy that God truly wants us to experience in our lives and beyond. Easter egg hunts and chocolates aside, it’s easy to overlook the real meaning of Easter. Talking to your children about Jesus’ life and incorporating your faith into your Easter traditions will help children understand what Easter is all about. Reassuring them about Jesus’ love will also help them feel comforted by the Easter story. Our goal as parents and educators is that this comfort and joy will remain in their hearts for the rest of their lives. May the joy of the Risen Jesus be with your families always,

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

O Most Beautiful Flower of Mt. Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. O Star of the Sea, help me and show me herein you are my Mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in my necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

Superintendent of Schools

Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands.

-SL~ MWP ~

Academy of the Holy Family, Baltic Mother Mary David, SCMC, Principal 54 West Main St, Baltic, CT Phone: 860-822-9272

Academy of the Holy Family, Baltic Mother Mary David, SCMC, Principal 54 West Main St, Baltic, CT Phone: 860-822-9272

Mercy High School, Middletown

Sr. Mary McCarthy, RSM, President 1740 Randolph Road, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-346-6659

Xavier High School, Middletown


My Dear Friends,

David C. Eustis, Headmaster Mr. Brendan Donohue, Principal 181 Randolph Road, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-346-7735


The Galaxy and Beyond Mercy students explore Earth and the Universe during their Astronomy Trip By Marie Kalita-Leary



ercy High School Dean of Academics and Technology Mrs. Melissa Bullock and Science teacher Ms. Gianna Iannucci have been involved with the University of Notre Dame Science and Religion Initiative since 2015. The Initiative is designed to help secondary Catholic school teachers to integrate Catholic teaching into the science classroom in terms of ethics, awareness of the history of Catholic scientists, and clarifying superstition from religion. They have also been involved in helping the Vatican Observatory advance its website and tools for teachers regarding science and faith. Some of the topics that both institutions try to inform students on is that there is no conflict between science and faith. For example, the Book of Genesis is not meant to be read as a Science textbook, but more like an allegory that addresses spiritual issues. There is no conflict between the genetic explanation of evolution and the life and dignity of the human person. The 2019 Mercy Astronomy trip to Arizona focused on the topics of black holes, space-time, and climate change. A faith component was also woven into the trip with daily prayer and a trip to the San Xavier de Bac Mission. The group visited the Flandreau Planetarium on the University of Arizona campus where they saw the latest information about the expansion of the universe

At Biosphere 2, one of the world's most unique facilities dedicated to the research and understanding of global scientific issues, students were taken on a VIP tour where they saw the mechanisms behind the functioning of the enormous greenhouse and the life support functions that make it self-sustaining. The University of Arizona is currently using the greenhouse to study climate change and to explore the challenges of sustaining human life on other planets, specifically the Mars Mission. During their trip, students met with Dr. Brenda Frye, an astrophysicist at the University of Arizona who answered questions about women in science, black holes, space-time, life on other planets, and the future of space travel. Students had the opportunity to have dinner and speak with Brother Guy Consolmagno, SJ, Director of the Vatican Observatory in Rome. Joining him on this trip to Arizona were Father Justin Whittington and Father Paul Gabor who are also from the Vatican Observatory.


Serving All Faiths • Pre-Need Arrangements Traditional Services or Cremations Directors: Joseph R. Introvigne, Joseph R. Introvigne, Jr. & Michael J. Introvigne 51 East Main St. Stafford Springs, CT


and the existence of black holes. Within the planetarium is a mineral and gem museum where students were able to see crystals, rare minerals, and fossils.


Dr. Fleming, the Director of the Astronomy Department at the University of Arizona met with the group and took them on a tour of the Steward Observatory and its telescope. Afterward the group attended a talk on Black Holes by Dr. Jenny Greene, an Astrophysicist and Professor at Princeton

University. She is associated with Harvard and Yale, too. Grace Delany, a senior at Mercy, attended the trip and found it enlightening, "The astronomy trip to Arizona was an eye-opening educational experience that empowered me to think about topics that I hadn’t been introduced to before. I think back about how I felt when I left Middletown and Mercy very early in the morning for this trip. I left with a closed perspective on outer space and never saw space exploration or education within my grasp. By the time I got home, I was blessed with a new perspective and ideas about the galaxy around us.”

Humble in Victory, Gracious in Defeat

The Girls’ Varsity team of St. John (Old Saybrook) defeated St. Joseph of New London 43-27 and went on to earn the title “2019 League Champions.” The two teams have been quite competitive all season; both displaying tremendous effort and improved skill.

Independently Owned and Operated Since 1881

Steve Bennardo

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The Boys’ Varsity team from St. Bernard Academy was on fire as they came up against St. John of Old Saybrook with a 55-48 victory. The excitement shook the gym as both teams battled.


The Norwich Diocese Basketball League (NDBBL) Varsity Play-off Tournament was held on March 4-8 and was hosted by St. John School of Old Saybrook. Congratulations to all for showing great skill and sportsmanship.


Mercy’s Robotic Team Wins Another FIRST® Robotics Championship


By Marie Leary



Science and Technology,” was founded in 1989 to help design programs that help the building of science and technology and generate interest in the STEM field for young people. The Destination: DEEP SPACE game involved two alliances of three teams each competing to place hatch covers and rubber balls or “cargo” on rockets and cargo ships before returning to their HAB (habitation) platform to climb at the end of the match. Each alliance has their own Alliance Station that is positioned at one of the ends of the field. The Alliance Station is where drivers control their robots, human players deliver game pieces to robots, and coaches give advice to their team members. Each Alliance Station features two game piece holding areas on the sides of the driver stations. Obstacles, such as a sandstorm, happen during the matches. The Inspiring Achievement. Celebrating Community. sandstorm is installed above Embracing Service. Living Faith. each Alliance Station and Supported financially and spiritually by 10 parishes in the Middletown Deanery. Currently the only regional Pre-K to 8th grade school in the Norwich Diocese. is used to obscure the drive team's vision during the St. John Paul II Regional Catholic School sandstorm period. Once that 87 South Main Street / Middletown, CT 06457 period ends, the sandstorm Telephone: 860-347-2978 / retracts in order to allow drivers to see the field for the

he Mercy TechTigers 3654 won their second FIRST® Robotics championship banner in March at the Waterbury District event. The TechTigers, an all-girl robotics team from Mercy High School Middletown, excelled at this year’s game Destination: DEEP SPACE and earned the win with two consecutive victories FIRST®, an acronym “For Inspiration and Recognition of

An Education You Can Believe In.

remainder of the match. The robotics event was hosted at Wilby High School in Waterbury. Forty-one teams took part in the three-day tournament FIRST® Robotics program. This is the TechTigers’ second win at the Waterbury event (prior win was in 2017). Teams who collect enough points in the eight-week District season advance to qualify for the New England Regional Championships at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) April 10-13. The TechTigers are in their ninth season in the FIRST® Robotics Competition (FRC) program. The team consists of twenty-three Mercy High School students and nine professionals who serve as mentors. The team is supported by their school, and leading sponsors; United Technologies, Bob’s Discount Furniture, Filipino-American Association of Engineers, Inc., Tsunami Tsolutions, and Karen and Tom Keenan. The mission of FIRST® is to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders and innovators, by engaging them in exciting mentorbased programs that build science, engineering, and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership. The TechTigers are one of only two all-girl teams of the 210 teams who participate in the New England Region. More information about the team can be found at and the team can be supported at

The Catholic Parishes of Ledyard & Groton offer a new DVD series by Dr. Edward Sri

In this five-session series you will discover: • The Biblical background to each scene in Christ’s passion. • What did Jesus go through at each moment? • How did the Old Testament foretell Jesus’ death? • Why did Christ die for us? What did it accomplish? • What was the meaning of the tearing of the temple veil, the crowning with thorns, and other events during Christ’s Passion? Presentations will be at 7pm. Thursdays April 11 & 25 at Our Lady of Lourdes 1650 Rte 12, Gales Ferry (across from CVS) In case of adverse weather the schedule will be extended. Reserve Your Place by Contacting: Our Lady of Lourdes: 860-464-7251 / . A $25 fee for Dr. Sri’s two volume set (Book & Study Guide) may be paid in advance or at the 1st session.

Father, into your hands I commend my Spirit Sacred Heart Church, Taftville 1958

Pope Francis @Pontifex

If we abandon the law of love, the law of the strongest over the weakest will be asserted.

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May 1, 2019

Father Joseph Tito At 10:00am

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A Biblical Walk Through Christ’s Passion







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The Connecticut Catholic Public Affairs Conference is pleased to report that the Connecticut General Assembly's Public Health Committee has decided not to vote on HB 5898 (the physicianassisted suicide bill) this 2019 legislative session, and that there is little hope it will return next year. Thanks to your helpful voices and the dedication of groups rallied together in opposition, we were able for the fifth year to convince Connecticut’s legislators to reject physician-assisted suicide as a healthcare option in our state.







130 Main St Norwich • (860) 885-0147

The Conference will proudly continue to promote a culture of life and support for the sick, the disabled, and the elderly. We thank you for your support! We could not have accomplished this without all of you.

In faith, The CT Catholic Public Affairs Conference Chris Healy, Executive Director Deacon David Reynolds, Associate Director for Public Policy Anne LaMonica, Associate Director for Education Lori Stewart, Legislative Liaison


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Physician-Assisted Suicide Bill Thwarted in 2019




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Matthew 28:6

Easter Sunday April 21st


He is not here, for He has Risen




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