Four County Catholic August 2018

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Families BelongTogether “Separation of families is unacceptable in a caring and compassionate America.” - Bishop Michael R. Cote

In This Issue PAGE “ Everyone has a vocation to love and serve


Jesus Christ through their gifts and talents.”

Father Brian Romanowski recalling the guiding influence of mentor Father Bob Lynch, former Pastor at St. Mary Church in Norwich.

PAGE “ Wow, look at all the people! ”


A brother exclaimed, holding the hand of his little sister as they walked into the Catholic Foundation Annual Dinner --- as the largest crowd ever gathered to celebrate the grants and tuition assistance provided to so many by the Foundation.



PAGE “ Every vocation is from God; but it is



nurtured in families.”

Bishop Michael R. Cote speaking to newly ordained Father Frank Gilbert, family and friends gathered at the Mass of Ordination, June 30, at the Cathedral of St. Patrick

PAGE “ The Church is trying to bring people


back to the Sacraments which are the primary means for salvation.”

Judicial Vicar, Father Ted Tumicki, speaking to procedures in practice at the Diocesan Tribunal.


Javier, from Honduras, holds his 4 year old son William once they were reunited after being separated for 55 days following their detention at the Texas border.




Established in 1989 and published each month except July. Made Possible in part through your generous support of the Annual Catholic Appeal


Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Bishop of Norwich



31 Perkins Avenue, Norwich, CT 06360-3613

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Michael Strammiello, 860.887.3933


Very Reverend Ted F. Tumicki, S.T.L., J.C.L., J.V.




Wayne Gignac, 860.886.1281


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Four County Catholic, 31 Perkins Ave., Norwich, CT 06360-3613 FOUR COUNTY CATHOLIC Issue 7 August (PE 9934) is published monthly except July by The Diocese of Norwich, 31 Perkins Avenue, Norwich, CT 06360-3613. Periodicals postage paid in Hartford, CT 06101 and at additional mailing offices.

Diocese of Norwich Office of the Bishop


201 Broadway Norwich, Connecticut 06360 (860) 887-9294

My dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Almost a year ago to the day, I wrote in my newspaper column of “our shared call to action as faithful Catholics to stand in solidarity with those enduring the struggle of keeping families together.” The continuing struggle at the southern border has intensified considerably in a year’s time. Our resolve to stand with immigrant families and to help encourage permanent solutions to a now further broken immigration system has remained steadfast. Family unity should and must be a core focus of U.S. immigration policy. We, as Catholics, honor the family as a foundational tenet of our faith. It is at the center of compassionate Catholic teaching. We are deeply and painfully disturbed by the recent breakdown of humane treatment and respect for family taking place at the U.S.-Mexico border.

His Holiness Pope Francis accurately reminds us that “the immigration struggle is a complex phenomenon.” It is. The vetting process at the border must provide protection against criminal elements involved in the drug and human trafficking trade, violent gangs, terrorism infiltrators, smugglers and others of malicious intent. Protections must be in place for national security purposes as well as to protect the children themselves who may be in danger in the chaos of crossing the border. We recognize it is complicated. It is our shared hope that the latest sad chapter of separation of families will finally move Congress to act on permanent comprehensive legislation that will relieve the crisis at the border and permit lawful immigration to continue to serve as a proud source of growth, diversity and enrichment of this great land. As we have communicated regularly, Catholic Charities and the Hispanic Ministry lead the way in providing assistance and education to immigrant families in the Diocese. A good website to access is This site is a very helpful gateway to understanding your individual rights under the law, access to legal counsel and other assistance in navigating through the system. Our diocesan ministries are there for you. If we continue to raise our voices against injustices such as the separation of families at the border, we can help improve the outcome for all immigrant families. Please speak to your local representatives and those who represent us in Washington. Let them know separation of families is unacceptable in a caring and compassionate America. Let them know what happens in McAllen, Texas, affects us in Willimantic and Pomfret and in every town and home in our Diocese. We know Congress can fulfill their humanitarian responsibility and work together to heal the divides and create a fair and just permanent solution. We stand together. Sincerely yours in Christ, Bishop of Norwich


It has been heartening to see Catholic Charities, coordinated by the Catholic Bishops’ Migration and Refugee Services, mobilize short-term support for the reunited families in 12 of the cities where unification is taking place. Of course, these measures are not permanent fixes. As I have stated consistently during the ongoing humanitarian crisis at the border, we support and pray for comprehensive immigration reform to permanently fix a system broken and overwhelmed. We cannot lose sight of this larger issue which affects millions of undocumented families currently living and working side by side with us to build a just and unified America.


Outrage on the part of communities of faith across the Country has already helped to bring about a temporary Executive Order to reunite the families of nearly 2,700 separated children. Even that temporary measure, while helpful, has been a trying challenge for law enforcement and government bureaucracy to implement.


Diocese of Norwich Office of the Bishop

201 Broadway Norwich, Connecticut 06360 (860) 887-9294

MOST REVEREND MICHAEL R. COTE, D.D. Mis queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo,

Hace casi un año, escribí en mi columna del periódico “nuestro llamado como fieles Católicos es actuar y estar en solidaridad con aquellos que soportan la lucha para mantener a las familias unidas”. El continuo conflicto en la frontera sur ha aumentado considerablemente en un año. Nuestra determinación de apoyar a las familias inmigrantes y de ayudar a respaldar soluciones permanentes en un sistema de inmigración que se ha roto aún más se ha mantenido firme. La unidad familiar debe ser un foco central de la política de inmigración de los Estados Unidos. Como Católicos, honramos a la familia como un principio fundamental de nuestra fe. Está en el centro de la enseñanza Católica. Estamos profundamente y dolorosamente perturbados por el reciente derrumbe del trato humano y del respeto por la familia en la frontera de los Estados Unidos con México.



La indignación en todo el país por parte de las comunidades de fe ya ha ayudado a lograr una Orden Ejecutiva temporal para reunir a casi 2.700 niños separados de sus familias. Incluso esa medida temporal, aunque útil, ha sido un desafío difícil para la aplicación de la ley y la burocracia del gobierno.


Ha sido alentador ver a Caridades Católicas movilizar el apoyo de corto plazo a las familias reunidas en 12 de las ciudades donde se realiza la unificación, coordinados por los Servicios de Migración y Refugiados de los Obispos Católicos. Por supuesto, estas medidas no son soluciones permanentes. Como lo he declarado constantemente durante la actual crisis humanitaria en la frontera, apoyamos y oramos por una reforma migratoria integral para arreglar permanentemente el sistema quebrantado y desbordado. No podemos perder de vista este problema que afecta a millones de familias indocumentadas que actualmente viven y trabajan codo a codo con nosotros para construir un Estados Unidos justo y unificado. Su Santidad el Papa Francisco nos recuerda con precisión que “la lucha de inmigración es un fenómeno complejo”. Lo es. El proceso de investigación en la frontera debe brindar protección contra los elementos delictivos involucrados en el tráfico de drogas y trata de personas, pandillas violentas, infiltrados de terrorismo, contrabandistas y otros con mala intención. Las protecciones deben estar en su lugar por razones de seguridad nacional, así como para proteger a los niños que pueden estar en peligro al cruzar la frontera. Reconocemos que es complicado. Es nuestra esperanza que el último capítulo triste de la separación de las familias finalmente mueva al Congreso para actuar con una legislación integral permanente que alivie la crisis en la frontera y permita que la inmigración legal continúe sirviendo como fuente orgullosa de crecimiento, diversidad y enriquecimiento de esta gran nación. Como lo hemos comunicado con regularidad, Caridades Católicas y el Ministerio Hispano lideran el camino para brindar asistencia y educación a las familias inmigrantes en la Diócesis. Un buen sitio web para acceder es Este sitio es una puerta de entrada muy útil para comprender sus derechos individuales según la ley, el acceso a asesoría legal y otra asistencia al navegar a través del Sistema. Nuestros ministerios diocesanos están a su disposición. Si continuamos alzando nuestras voces contra las injusticias, como la separación de las familias en la frontera, podemos ayudar a mejorar el resultado para todas las familias inmigrantes. Por favor hable con sus representantes locales y aquellos que nos representan en Washington. Hágales saber que la separación de familias es inaceptable en Estados Unidos. Hágales saber que lo que sucede en McAllen, Texas, nos afecta en Willimantic y Pomfret y en cada pueblo y hogar en nuestra Diócesis. Sabemos que el Congreso puede cumplir con su responsabilidad humanitaria y trabajar juntos para sanar las divisiones y crear una solución justa. Permanecemos juntos. ,

Atentamente en Cristo,

Obispo de Norwich

Mr. Larry Barile First year Theology, Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary, Weston, Massachusetts.

Mr. Eric Hosmer 1st year pre-theology Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, MD

MR. ALEXANDER PANDOLFE 1st year pre-theology Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, MD

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MR. Michael Bovino 3rd year theology Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, MD

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Discerning the Joy of Priesthood

Father Gregory Galvin, Director of Priestly Vocations

After the laying on of hands by Bishop Cote, the fifty priests in attendance processed in complete silence and also laid hands on him. The prayer of ordination was then prayed over Father Gilbert by the Bishop. After being vested by two priest friends in stole and chasuble, Father Frank then knelt before Bishop Cote who anointed the palms of his hands with the Holy Chrism symbolizing the distinctive participation he now shares in the priesthood of Jesus Christ. As the Holy Mass of Ordination arrives at Holy Communion, it is always an exciting time especially for family and friends in attendance as they anticipate receiving our Lord for the first time from their son, Mr. Dharen Brochero Undergraduate/ Philosophical Studies Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, MD

brother or in this case their Dad the priest! Those who had worked with Father Frank at earlier junctures of his life and knew him through other avenues were likely also filled with such anticipation. This ordinary man, called by God to be a ministerial instrument of His Grace and Blessings to all of God’s children has truly become a new man, a new man in Christ.


Holy Hour for Vocations

Before the final dismissal and the taking of pictures, Bishop Cote announced where Father Frank would be assigned. Father Gilbert will assist the parishes of St. Bridget of Kildare in Moodus and St. Patrick Church in East Hampton. God grant you Father Frank great health, great joy and peace as you begin your priestly service. Thank you for saying Yes to His Call. Please keep Father Gilbert in your prayers and all of our seminarians as they continue responding to the call they each have received. In August, our seminarians are finished with their summer assignments and are heading back to seminary to prepare for classes. I am filled with joy to announce that our three newest seminarians were accepted to attend Mount Saint Mary Mr. Julian Cuervo 1st year pre-theology - Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, MD


The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, leads the Holy Hour:

August 23 St. Joseph, Rockville Father Bogdan Olzacki

5:30 - 6:30pm Seminary in Emmitsburg Maryland. They are Alex Pandolfe, Julian Cuervo and Eric Hosmer. This gives us eight men studying at the Mount, one studying at Pope St. John XXIII in Weston Massachusetts, Larry Barile, and one man, Deacon Ron Mr. Normand Laflamme 2nd year theology - Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, MD

Blank, serving a pastoral extension of his formation. In September look for a full update on all of our seminarians. May God bless you all and keep praying for vocations!

Mr. Jacob Ramos 1st year theology Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, MD

Ruben Sanchez UCAELI Program – UCONN, Storrs, CT


Praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever, Amen! On June 30th, Deacon Frank Gilbert, through the laying on of hands by his Excellency, Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D. D., Bishop of Norwich, became a priest of Jesus Christ for service here in the Diocese of Norwich. A joyous tone filled the Cathedral of Saint Patrick that morning as Father Frank’s mother Joan, his son Justin and siblings were all in attendance. The excitement was tangible for all.


D Ronald Blank Pastoral Assignment Our Lady of Lourdes, Gales Ferry, CT


DEACON Michael Castiblanco 4th year theology Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, MD


Profile of a Priest Father Brian Romanowski Ordination Date: May 31, 2003

at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick, Norwich By Marianne Nicholas

Where are you from? I was born and raised in Norwich, Connecticut.



Who was your biggest influence for entering the priesthood?


My biggest influences were Father Bob Lynch, my pastor at St. Mary Church in Norwich, and Father Eugene Pilatowski, pastor of St.

Joseph Church in Norwich where I went to grammar school. They were both down-to-earth men who exemplified to me a life of holiness and service in all of life’s ordinary circumstances through living their calling as priests. They had different personalities and interests, but they witnessed to me that everyone has a vocation to love and serve Jesus Christ through their

gifts and talents. What one word would describe your family? To be honest, it’s hard to describe anyone’s family in just one word. I would describe my family as loving, but we have our quirks too, like all families do. What do you enjoy doing in your leisure time? I enjoy reading, as well as crossword and word search puzzles. I also like to take walks.



POPE ST. JOHN XXIII NATIONAL SEMINARY Very Rev. Brian R. Kiely, Faculty, Seminarians and Staff 558 South Avenue, Weston, MA 02493 781.899.5500 •

What do you enjoy most about being a priest? I enjoy being able to celebrate Mass and hopefully enable people to have a closer relationship with Christ through the reception of His Word and Sacrament. It is also a humbling experience to celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Anointing of the Sick with individuals and families. Through these sacraments Jesus’ love, mercy, and comfort are extended to those who are broken by sin or are

experiencing sickness or preparing for death and want to feel God’s healing presence in their midst. I always feel like I have received more than I ever give to those seeking the sacraments because I know I am a sinner. I realize in those encounters of ministry how much my heart still needs to be transformed to be like the heart of Jesus. I enjoy ministry, whether in the parish or in my diocesan responsibilities in the Tribunal and Chancery, where I can be of service and help to people trying to live their Catholic faith in the ordinary, and sometimes difficult, circumstances of life. What are the current positions you hold/ committees you are involved with? I am currently the Adjutant Judicial Vicar of the Diocesan Tribunal, Vice-Chancellor, and the Bishop’s Delegate to the Office of Safe Environments.

Pope Francis @Pontifex Grandparents are a treasure in the family. Please, take care of your grandparents: love them and let them talk to your children!

In Service to the Church

Bishop Ordains Three Permanent Deacons Article by Edyta Wolk Photos by Marie Wynn

“We all rejoice with you,” the Bishop said to the ordinands. “We likewise congratulate you for your willingness to pursue this calling and for your readiness to lay down your lives in service of the Lord’s Church.”

The Bishop advised the men to call on the strength of the Holy Spirit. “Rely always on this mighty gift,” he said, “calling upon the Spirit often in the course of each day.”

Finally, he reminded them of the importance of their personal witness. “Never forget that Family and friends the Word of God will of the three candidates not be proclaimed filled half the church, nor heard unless it is with the remaining spoken by ministers pews being filled who, through the by parishioners power of the Holy from throughout the Deacon Kim Thompson receives Spirit, witness to the diocese. The wives of the Book of the Gospels. reality of this Word the candidates were in their own lives,” involved in the liturgy, proclaiming he said. the first two readings and later presenting the gifts.

Deacon Michael Puscas, Director of Permanent Deacon Personnel, proclaimed the Gospel and then called each candidate individually to be presented to Bishop Cote.

During his homily, Bishop Cote emphasized a deacon’s mission of “bringing God’s word to believers and unbelievers alike,” doing so “by presiding over public prayer, by baptizing, by assisting at marriages, and blessing them, by giving Viaticum to the dying, and by leading funeral rites.”

After the homily, the three candidates stood before the Bishop and made the promise of the elect, during which they swore their dedication to the office of diaconate and their obedience to Bishop Cote and his successors.

The congregation then recited the litany of supplication for the men, who prostrated themselves before the altar. This all culminated in the actual conferment of the Sacrament of Holy Orders, when the Bishop laid his hands upon the head of each elect and read the prayer of ordination.

Bishop Cote with Deacons (left-right) Dan D’Amelio, Bryan Jones, and Kim Thompson.

The new deacons were vested with stoles and dalmatics, each by a priest or deacon of his own choice. Reverend Gregoire J. Fluet, Very ReverendGregory Galvin, and Reverend Raymond D. Introvigne served as the vestors. Kneeling before Bishop Cote, the three deacons were then handed the Book of the Gospels while the Bishop said to them, “Receive the Gospel of Christ, whose herald you have become. Believe what you read, teach what you believe, and practice what you teach.” Those present applauded the newly ordained at the conclusion of the ceremony, and the celebration continued during the reception that followed.

Coming only two weeks after a priestly ordination, this consecration to the diaconate was not only a celebration of three individual men but of the gift of vocations that God has given the diocese. Together, the diocesan community rejoiced at this manifestation of God’s grace.

The newly ordained are greeted by fellow diocesan deacons with fraternal hugs.


Bishop Michael R. Cote, D.D. welcomed candidates Dan D’Amelio, Bryan Jones, and Kim Thompson, as well as their wives and families, to the church for the celebration of the rite of ordination.

“They will be called upon to perform works of charity in my name and in the name of their pastors,” Bishop Cote said. “From the manner in which they go about these sacred duties may the faithful recognize in them true disciples of Christ, who came to serve and not to be served.”


On July 14 at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick, three men were ordained to the order of the permanent diaconate.


USCCB President Issues Statement On Course of Action Responding to Moral Failures of Judgement on the Part of Church Leaders August 1, 2018 WASHINGTON—Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, Archbishop of GalvestonHouston and President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, has issued the following statement noting the steps the U.S. Bishops Conference will take in addressing the failures of the Church in protecting the people of God.



Cardinal DiNardo’s full statement:


“The accusations against Archbishop Theodore McCarrick reveal a grievous moral failure within the Church. They cause bishops anger, sadness, and shame; I know they do in me. They compel bishops to ask, as I do, what more could have been done to protect the People of God. Both the abuses themselves, and the fact that they have remained undisclosed for decades, have caused great harm to people’s lives and represent grave moral failures of judgement on the part of Church leaders. These failures raise serious questions. Why weren’t these allegations of sins against chastity

and human dignity disclosed when they were first brought to Church officials? Why wasn’t this egregious situation addressed decades sooner and with justice? What must our seminaries do to protect the freedom to discern a priestly vocation without being subject to misuse of power? Archbishop McCarrick will rightly face the judgement of a canonical process at the Holy See regarding the allegations against him, but there are also steps we should be taking as the Church here in the United States. Having prayed about this, I have convened the USCCB Executive Committee. This meeting was the first of many among bishops that will extend into our Administrative Committee meeting in September and

DIOCESAN APPOINTMENTS The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, has made the following clergy and diocesan appointments in the Diocese of Norwich:

Very Reverend Brian J. Converse, Dean, New London Deanery Sister Elissa Rinere, C.P., J.C.D., Chancellor

our General Assembly in November. All of these discussions will be oriented toward discerning the right course of action for the USCCB. This work will take some time but allow me to stress these four points immediately. First, I encourage my brother bishops as they stand ready in our local dioceses to respond with compassion and justice to anyone who has been sexually abused or harassed by anyone in the Church. We should do whatever we can to accompany them. Second, I would urge anyone who has experienced sexual assault or harassment by anyone in the Church to come forward. Where the incident may rise to the level of a crime, please also contact local law enforcement.

Third, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops will pursue the many questions surrounding Archbishop McCarrick’s conduct to the full extent of its authority; and where that authority finds its limits, the Conference will advocate with those who do have the authority. One way or the other, we are determined to find the truth in this matter. Finally, we bishops recognize that a spiritual conversion is needed as we seek to restore the right relationship among us and with the Lord. Our Church is suffering from a crisis of sexual morality. The way forward must involve learning from past sins. Let us pray for God’s wisdom and strength for renewal as we follow St. Paul’s instruction: ‘Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect’ (Romans 12:2).”

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Catholic Foundation Makes Largest Contribution to Students and Community Organizations in 18th Year of Giving By Mary Ellen Mahoney

Bishop Michael R. Cote happily distributed the checks and took pictures with students, principals and ministry representatives. Following the distribution of checks, Bishop Cote returned to the podium for a very special presentation to Angela Arnold, Executive Director of the Catholic Foundation who will be leaving her position in August. Bishop Cote said, “Since Angela’s arrival she has worked tirelessly to help our Foundation grow and

help people. She has made changes to our Foundation governance and disbursement management which have resulted in a more efficient, organization which has thereby been able to impact more and more lives.” The Foundation added 10 new endowments and assets adding close to $4 million additional dollars. Following Bishop Cote’s remarks, Dan Adams, Catholic Foundation Vice President, and State Representative Kevin Ryan further recognized and congratulated Angela. The Catholic Foundation has continued to experience great growth as more people decide to make a lasting commitment to the Diocese and help carry out its mission to help those in need of support, whether it be spiritual, physical, emotional or educational. This past year, 2 new endowments were opened, the Very Reverend William F. Schneider Endowment which supports vocations to the priesthood and religious life as well as the Leo A. and Lorraine E. Barron Endowment, which was recently opened by Leo Barron of

Gales Ferry in honor of his late wife, Lorraine for the benefit of Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Gales Ferry. The Catholic Foundation is a nonprofit corporation, established to provide endowments for the Diocese and its parishes, schools, agencies and organizations. The foundation encourages Catholics to be good stewards through gifts of assets, provides for the investment of those assets and distributes the income according to the Gospel and the wishes of the donors. Endowments through the Foundation are a means to greater financial stability and growth for our Diocese and its entities. Since its inception, the Catholic Foundation has awarded $4,104,498.12 in grant and scholarship assistance within the Diocese. Anyone interested in contributing to an endowment or establishing one may contact Mary Ellen Mahoney, Development Manager at 860-8861928 ext. 14, or e-mail memahoney@ for further information.


A grand total of $331,937 was distributed among grant applicants from the four counties comprising the Diocese – Middlesex, New London, Tolland and Windham. $127,951 in grant money was distributed to beneficiaries of the Foundation’s restricted endowments. Emily Hart and Francesca Lupo received the William F. Jr. and Flora L. O’Neil Scholarship. Rachel Kunka received the Eric B. Evans Scholarship; and Walter Sutman and Matthew McKinzie each received $5,000 as Reverend Richard Roughan Scholarship recipients. Additionally,

$57,464.00 in funds were given to a variety of Diocesan ministries that serve those in need regardless of religious affiliation, such as Catholic Charities, St. Vincent de Paul Middletown and St. Vincent de Paul Place, Norwich. Also, $126,722 was distributed in the form of tuition assistance to 271 Diocesan elementary students, the greatest number to ever receive aid from the Catholic Foundation, with the average tuition award of $468.00. Another $19,800.00 was distributed among the Diocesan secondary schools.


“Wow, look at all the people!” one brother exclaimed, holding the hand of his little sister, as they walked into the ballroom of the Holiday Inn, Norwich at this year’s Catholic Foundation Annual Awards Dinner. Nearly 300 people, the largest crowd ever, gathered together for this very special evening on June 21st. In its 18th year of giving, the Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Norwich made its largest distribution in its history.


The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, has made the following clergy and diocesan appointments in the Diocese of Norwich:


Reverend Luis Henry Agudelo, from Parochial Vicar, Saint Mary, Star of the Sea Parish, New London, Saint Joseph Parish, New London and Our Lady of Grace Parish, Fishers Island to Parochial Vicar, Saint Paul Parish, Waterford, Saint Mary, Star of the Sea Parish, New London, Saint Joseph Parish, New London and Our Lady of Grace Parish, Fishers Island. Reverend Joseph F. DeCosta, from Pastor, Saint Lawrence Parish, Killingworth, to Pastor, Saint Lawrence Parish, Killingworth, and St. Peter Parish, Higganum. Reverend Anthony J. DiMarco, from Parochial Vicar, Saint Mary, Star of the Sea Parish, New London, Saint Joseph Parish, New London and Our Lady of Grace Parish, Fishers Island to Parochial Vicar, Saint Paul Parish, Waterford, Saint Mary, Star of the Sea Parish, New London, Saint Joseph Parish, New London and Our Lady of Grace Parish, Fishers Island.



Rev. Msgr. Michael T. Donohue, from Pastor, Saint Matthias Parish, East Lyme, to Retirement.


Very Reverend Gregory P. Galvin, from Pastor, Saint Bridget of Kildare Parish, Moodus, and Vocation Director of the Diocese of Norwich, to Pastor, Saint Bridget of Kildare Parish, Moodus. Saint Patrick Parish, East Hampton, and Vocation Director of the Diocese of Norwich. Reverend Francis J. Gilbert, newly ordained, to Parochial Vicar to Saint Bridget of Kildare Parish, Moodus, and Saint Patrick Parish, East Hampton. Reverend Martin J. W. Jones, from Parochial Vicar, to Saint Edward Parish, Stafford Springs, and All Saints Parish, Somers, to Parochial Vicar, Saint Lawrence Parish, Killingworth, and Saint Peter Parish, Higganum. Reverend Gerald S. Kirby, from Pastor, Saint Patrick Parish, East Hampton, to Pastor, All Saints Parish, Somers. Reverend Peter B. Liszewski, from Pastor, Saint Peter Parish, Higganum, to Pastor, Saint Edward the Confessor Parish, Stafford Springs. Reverend Brian C. Maxwell, from Adminstrator, Saint Edward Parish, Stafford Springs, and All Saints Parish, Somers, to Parochial Vicar, Saint Agnes Parish, Niantic, and Saint Matthias Parish, East Lyme. Reverend Gregory C. Mullaney, from Pastor, Saint Agnes Parish, Niantic, to Pastor, Saint Matthias Parish, East Lyme, and Saint Agnes Parish, Niantic. Reverend Mark D. O’Donnell, from Pastor, Saint Mary, Star of the Sea Parish, New London, Saint Joseph Parish, New London and Our Lady of Grace Parish, Fishers Island to Pastor, Saint Paul Parish, Waterford, Saint Mary, Star of the Sea Parish, New London, Saint Joseph Parish, New London and Our Lady of Grace Parish, Fishers Island

Sister Elissa Rinere, C.P., J.C.D., Chancellor

CALENDAR of EVENTS September 7

September 19

East Great Plain Fire Department, Norwich. 5:30-7:30pm. Steak, Baked Potato, Salad, Soda & Water. $20 Adults $10 Children 12 and under free

Catholic Family Services is sponsoring a support group from 7-8:30pm at St. John the Evangelist Parish Hall, Uncasville. To register, or for more information, call 860848-2237, ext. 306.

Blue Mass Steak Dinner Fundraiser

September 21-23

Retrouvaille Weekend

Has your marriage become troubled, are you separated or divorced but want to try again? The Retrouvaille program can help by providing tools to communicate, resolve conflicts & re-discover why you fell in love. A series of 6 post sessions follow the weekend. For more information call confidentially 800-470-2230, or go to

Support Group for Divorced or Separated Catholics

October 6

NDCCW Convention

Norwich Diocesan Council of Catholic Women’s Convention at St. Matthew, Tolland. Registration at 9am. Sr. Elissa Rinere, Chancellor is the speaker. Noon Mass with Bishop Cote. Registration is $25 includes lunch & materials. For more information call Judy at 860-8482237

September Four County Catholic Advertisements and content due Monday August 13th

Legion of Mary Norwich Curia Presents

DAY OF RECOLLECTION MARY OUR MODEL Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church 63 Old Norwich Rd., Quaker Hill Speaker Reverend James Sucholet September 15, 2018 - 8:30-2:30 pm Cost: $25.00 (includes lunch) To Register or for more information call Armand Lambert (860) 437-1430

“ I (Jesus) stand at the door (of your heart) and knock. Whoever opens the door (no handle on it), we (Father, Son & Holy Spirit) will come in (to your heart and mind) and have dinner (Spiritual Intimacy) with you!” Revelations 3:20”

Masses of Healing and Hope 2nd & 4th Mondays at 2pm August 18 & 27; ONLY September 27 Individual Prayer and Anointing

Life in the Spirit Seminar Retreat Weekend Friday, August 17 (7pm) to Sunday, August 19 (2pm) At My Father’s Retreat Center, Moodus To register call 860-873-1906 or ($150 per person) Presented by Father Ray Introvigne & Judith Hughes

Unbound Prayer Ministry (Freedom) Saturday, August 25 by registration only Call 860-887-0702 at the Renewal Center

Healing Mass and Healing Service Sunday, August 26 St. Thomas The Apostle Chapel 870 Farmington Ave., Hartford Mass 1-2pm; Healing Service 2-4pm Prayer Teams, Individual Prayer and Anointing

Prayer and Discernment Board Meeting Monday, August 27 at 11am

St. Joseph Rockville Prayer Group Mass Wednesday, August 22 7:30pm, Church Hall Individual Prayer and Anointing

Spiritual Renewal Services

Spiritual Renewal Center 11 Bath Street, Norwich, CT 06360 Phone: 860-887-0702

Come and take A Closer Walk The beauty of the seasons can be breathtaking as we find ourselves searching for fulfillment, change and something more. There is a solution. You are invited to set aside Saturday, September 29 from 9-3pm to experience A Closer Walk. This day of reflection will allow you to take time to deepen in your relationship with God our Father, Jesus our Savior and to renew the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. It is an opportunity for you to experience a wonderful day filled with laughter, reflection, peace and faith. You will experience six hours that will renew and strengthen your relationship with the Lord. There is a $25 donation due upon registration. For more information please contact Spiritual Renewal Services at 860-887-0702.


Serving All Faiths • Pre-Need Arrangements Traditional Services or Cremations Directors: Joseph R. Introvigne, Joseph R. Introvigne, Jr. & Michael J. Introvigne 51 East Main St. Stafford Springs, CT







Catholic Charities Hits a Home Run!

By Ed Tessman

the Reverend Walter J. Keenan Council #6376, Monsignor Janik and a large group of parishioners from Sacred Heart Church, and Father Washabaugh and a group of parishioners from the Join Norwich Catholic Cluster all came together to support Catholic Charities and the work that they do.

The weather predictions did not look good and strong thunderstorms entered Connecticut from the West. For most of the day, it was humid. It rained throughout Connecticut and in Norwich it poured! It was by divine intervention that around 3:30pm, the skies cleared, the sun came out and a light breeze began to blow. It was the perfect evening for a baseball game and fireworks!



The Connecticut Tigers pulled off a win (3-2) over the Lowell Spinners at Dodd Stadium. Moises Nunez hit a two run homer in the bottom of the tenth inning that gave the Tigers their third walk off win of the season. The win was capped off by fireworks over the stadium, which were amazing!


Monsignor Janik, Bishop Michael Cote, Ed Tessman Friends of Catholic Charities joined Ed Tessman and Bishop Michael R. Cote in the stands for the game.

Ranked #6 Municipal Golf Course in the U.S.A.

Catholic Charities staff and their families, Knights of Columbus members and their spouses from

Comments were shared that it was a great way to not only support Catholic Charities but for parishes to acknowledge and thank those for their hard and tireless work throughout the year: specifically the altar servers, youth choir members, lectors and others that have such a profound impact on the parish. We look forward to you joining us next year!

3rd Annual

-Sports Illustrated

Outreach to Haiti

“For For The Love of a Child” Child””

Charity Golf Tournament Wintonbury Hills Golf Course, Bloomfield, CT Sponsorship Available

Tournament Sponsorships (2) - $2,500 Other Sponsorships (23) - $1,000 • Carts • Lunch • Dinner Tee Sign Sponsors (18) - $150

September 15, 2018 Check in 11am Lunch 12pm Shotgun Start 1pm Dinner and Reception 6pm Golf Tournament Price - $150 (Includes Lunch & Dinner)

Dinner Only $50

Additional Activities

Putting Contest Winner gets a foursome at Winterbury Hills Hole-in-One 50/50 Hit the Green Closest to the Pin Longest Drive Men & Women

Sign up at or call Outreach to Haiti at 860-800-3601

At the time of death, the Church confidently proclaims God has created us for eternal life. “Through the saving death of Your Son, Jesus Christ, we rise at your word to the glory of the Resurrection.” “ST. MARY & ST. JOSEPH CEMETERY Community Mausoleum Available 815 Boswell Ave, Norwich • 860-887-1019 SACRED HEART CEMETERY Harland Road, Taftville • 860-887-1019 ST. PATRICK CEMETERY Depot Road, Uncasville • 860-887-1019 ST. MARY CEMETERY Community Mausoleum Available 600 Jefferson Ave, New London • 860-443-3465 RESURRECTION CEMETERY Route 145, Westbrook • 860-443-3465 SACRED HEART CEMETERY Wauregan Road, Wauregan • 860-887-1019 ALL HALLOWS CEMETERY Green Hallow Road, Moosup • 860-887-1019

Norwich Diocesan Cemetery Corporation 815 Boswell Ave, Norwich CT 06360 860-887-1019

Project Northeast Comes to a Close Sister Elissa Rinere, C.P., J.C.D., Chancellor After almost forty years of outreach to the poor in the Putnam area, Project Northeast has come to a conclusion. The ministry was established in 1978 under the leadership of Bishop Daniel Reilly, and at the suggestion of Father Richard Archambault. At that time, the stated goal of Project Northeast was “to assist the material and spiritual needs of the poor who have no church affiliation, and to find methods and means to meet these needs.” From the outset, Project Northeast was directed by Father Archambault and Sister Eleanor Baldoni. Father was also chaplain at the provincial house of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit in Putnam. He carried out both ministries from 1978 until his untimely death in March 2018. Initially, from 1978 to 2001, Project Northeast was totally funded by the Diocese of Norwich. Then, in 2001, a bequest made it possible to establish a Project Northeast Trust Fund. Then, from 2001 to 2018, the ministry was

supported by both the Diocese and the Trust Fund. Through all those years, from 1978 to 2018, both Father Archambault and Sister Eleanor were faithful in their mission to respond to the needs of the poor. According to the terms of the Trust document, Project Northeast was to come to an end at the death of Father Archambault. Thus, in April 2018, a few weeks following his death, the process of bringing Project Northeast to its close was begun. The final date of operation was June 30, 2018. For forty years, and through their personal dedication to the task, Father Archambault and Sister Eleanor assisted countless persons in need throughout the Putnam area. The Diocese of Norwich is enriched because of their generous deeds. Catholic Charities and several churches in the Putnam area will continue some of the work of Project Northeast, but it will be impossible to replace forty years of such extraordinary personal dedication.






Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Wednesday, August 15



People’s United Community Foundation Funding to help Job Readiness Program for Puerto Rican Refugees.


Norwich – Karen Galbo, VP, Executive Director of People’s United Community Foundation, and members of People’s United Bank presented Edward Tessman, Executive Director, Catholic Charities, Diocese of Norwich, with a check for a grant to help Hurricane Maria refugees living in Eastern CT. with a Job Readiness Program. This program will help those who relocated to Eastern CT. with the skills needed to prepare for successful job searches, creation of resumes and preparation for job interviews.

Prayer for the Assumption of Mary Father in heaven, all creation rightly gives you praise, for all life and all holiness come from you. In the plan of your wisdom she who bore the Christ in her womb was raised body and soul in glory to be with him in heaven. May we follow her example in reflecting your holiness and join in her hymn of endless love and praise.

Catholic Charities Diocese of Norwich Providing Help. Creating Hope, Since 1921.



Come to our job rediness educational sessions.

Norwich office: 331 Main St.

The first Tuesday of every month 2-4pm.

Willimantic Office: 88 Jackson St.

the first Wednesday of every month 3-5pm.

New London office: 28 Huntington St. The first Thursday of every month 2-4pm.

Learn what most job readiness classes DON’T teach you, You CAN find the job of your DREAMS even if you think you may not qualify. Sign up today and find your next employment opportunity waiting for you!

Missionary Disciples To Spread the Joy of the Gospel By Mary-Jo McLaughlin

Bishop Cote, Ed Tessman, Executive Director of Catholic Charities, Nancy Prochorena, Membership Chairperson and Judy Pappagallo, President of the Norwich Diocesan Council of Catholic Women.

The Norwich Diocesan Council of Catholic Women presented Catholic Charities with a check for $16,425.64 The money is used to help support young mothers, new families and babies in need.


12 Ocean Avenue New London, CT 443-1871 860-443-1871

48 Grand Street Niantic, CT 860-739-6112 739-6112


of the Gospel to those inside and outside of their parishes, explained Hoisl. The next step is for the parish Missionary Disciples and their pastors to invite parishioners to an evening, facilitated by the leadership team, which will assist individuals in identifying the gifts they possess that would benefit the work of evangelization in their parishes. Hoisl noted, “This is an opportunity for lay people to gather and identify their own gifts and talents and help their parish in its evangelizing effort both in the parish itself and in the larger church community.” From there, members of the leadership team would help parishes identify what it is currently doing well, and what new ways their parish community can invite new members to the church or reach out to those who have stopped attending. The team would also assist parishes in identifying new ministries that would help evangelize others. “It is no longer just the job of the priests to move parishes forward,” said Hoisl. “Everyone has to take responsibility for developing an evangelization plan that will enhance the ongoing life of the parishes.” She continued, “The new evangelization focuses on interpersonal relationships where people come to know Jesus Christ personally through someone else. We are asking people to get involved and invite others to get involved in their parishes and initiate faith sharings.”


With an aim toward getting more lay people to share the joy of the Gospel message, Bishop Michael R. Cote has commissioned a leadership team to oversee the formation of Missionary Disciples in the parishes. These Missionary Disciples will be tasked with looking at the particular needs of their individual parishes, and, in conjunction with their pastor, developing an evangelization plan for their church community. “This is an initiative that invites all parishioners to share their gifts and talents in small or big ways to bring people back to the Church,” said Andrea Hoisl, director of the Diocesan Office of Faith Events. Hoisl is one member of the leadership team commissioned by Bishop Cote to implement this program in the diocese. She is joined on the team by Father Greg Galvin, Diocesan Director of Priestly Vocations Ed Tessman, Executive Director of Catholic Charities; and two young adult representatives Travis Moran and Jennifer Blanco. Team members joined Bishop Cote in representing the diocese at the Catholic Leader Convocation convened by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops last July in Florida. Each pastor was asked to send one to two representatives from his parish to a Missionary Disciple Committee Meeting held in April at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick in Norwich. At that meeting, the leadership team initiated indepth conversations with parish representatives on their individual call as lay people to spread the joy


Laborer for the V

Reverend Francis J. Gilbert Ordained



Article by Edyta Wolk Photos by Wayne Gignac


Bishop Cote lays his hands on the head of the elect, conferring the Sacrament of Holy Orders.


amily, friends, and Catholics from around the Diocese joyfully celebrated as Bishop Michael R. Cote, D.D. ordained Francis John Gilbert to the holy priesthood on June 30 at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick. Many gathered for the momentous occasion, and the large cathedral was brimming as the elect, joined by fellow diocesan priests and deacons, processed into the church to the beautiful sound of the cathedral choir. The Rite of Ordination began

The elect lying prostrate as the Litany of Supplication is sung. with the presentation to the Bishop of elect Frank Gilbert by Reverend Gregory Galvin, the Director of Priestly Vocations. Bishop Cote delivered the homily, which focused on the nature of the call to the priesthood and the gift that it is to those it serves. “In the sacrament you are about to receive, you meet the Lord Jesus, the mediator of the new and everlasting covenant,” he said. “You are sealed by the Holy Spirit with the indelible mark of those in the ranks of the priesthood. You are conformed to become ‘another Christ,’ and you are

given a share in his saving work to teach, to shepherd and to sanctify.”

But, it is nurtured in families,” he said.

Bishop Cote explained, “As priest, it will be your blessed task to help others come to know God’s love for them.” He added, “Frank, your vocation is to become one with the Lord in the sincere and generous gift of yourself so that others might have life and have it more abundantly…”

After the homily, the elect prostrated himself before the altar as the litany of supplication was sung, during which all present, through the intercession of the saints, ask for God’s grace to be upon the new priest.

Acknowledging the elect’s family seated in the front pews, Bishop Cote also reflected on the importance of loved ones setting an example of faith. “Every vocation is from God.

Bishop Cote then laid his hands upon

“ May you

guide others Christ and Holy Spi their Fa eternal h


d to the Priesthood

Father Frank was vested with his stole and chasuble by Reverend Willian F. Murphy, the Director of Spiritual Formation at St. Pope John XXIII National Seminary. Bishop Cote then anointed Father Frank’s hands with Holy Chrism oil, symbolizing his participation in Christ’s priesthood. The new priest also received a paten and chalice, and all fellow priests once again approached him to extend a fraternal kiss of peace. Afterwards, he was able to concelebrate the Eucharist for the first time.

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Father Frank imparts his first priestly blessing onto Bishop Cote.

Father Frank and Bishop Michael R. Cote.

At the conclusion of the Mass, Bishop Cote announced Father Frank’s assignment as parochial vicar to Saint Bridget of Kildare Parish, Moodus, and Saint Patrick Parish, East Hampton. All were invited to a receptionin the

Cathedral hall, during which those wanting a blessing formed a long line in front of the new priest. Father Frank was thus sent forth on his mission to serve in the diocese, keeping in mind Bishop Cote’s words: “May you always guide others through Christ and in the Holy Spirit to their Father’s eternal home.”

Father Frank administers Holy Communion to his mother.


the head of the elect, and all other concelebrating priests did the same. This was followed by the recitation of the prayer of ordination. It was through this laying on of hands that the sacrament of Holy Orders was conferred.


Annulment Workshop Sponsored by Office of Faith Events

By Mary-Jo McLaughlin

At an annulment workshop at St. Mark’s Church, Westbrook, Father Ted Tumicki, Judicial Vicar of the Diocesan Marriage Tribunal, told a group of over 40 participants that an annulment is not a Catholic Divorce. It is a determination by the Church that the sacramental bond of the marriage was not valid.



While most people refer to this as an annulment, Father Tumicki said the correct term is a Declaration of Invalidity. It is a judgment by the Church that there was a defect in the consent at the time both parties entered into the marriage rendering it invalid.


Father Tumicki gave a background on the theology of marriage and Catholic teaching on its permanence. It is grounded in two Gospel passages from the New Testament. In both,

Jesus teaches that marriage is between a man and a woman, it is a bond of unity and it cannot be dissolved. He explained, “Once the Eucharist is consecrated, it cannot be unconsecrated. The same applies to the Sacrament of Marriage. Once a valid marriage takes place, it cannot be dissolved.” A Declaration of Invalidity would allow divorced Catholics to enter into a sacramental marriage and be in full communion with the church. Through this process, Father Tumicki said, “The Church is trying to bring people back to the Sacraments which are the primary means for salvation.” Father Brian Romanowski, ViceChancellor and Adjutant Judicial Vicar of the Marriage Tribunal, gave an overview of tribunal procedures in applying for an annulment. Before

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doing so, couples must first receive a civil divorce. As long as there is a marriage, there is a chance for reconciliation; a divorce decree is proof that the civil marriage has ended, and that reconciliation is not a possibility. Most annulments fall into two categories, though there are others. One is a lack of canonical form, in which a baptized Catholic did not marry within the church. This is a relatively simple documentary process that can be resolved in approximately one month. The second category, known as a formal case, has more steps and can take anywhere from one-and-a-half to two years to complete. Those petitioning for a formal annulment must complete an application form and an extensive questionnaire that focuses on the couple’s background, courtship, marriage and divorce. Additional information is needed from three witnesses. The former spouse is also contacted. If he or she does not cooperate, this could slow down the information-gathering process, but would not impede it. “Every marriage involves two people, so we must give both spouses every opportunity to respond to a petition for annulment,” Father Brian said.

Those interested in pursuing an annulment should meet with their pastor or priest to discuss which type of annulment is needed and the various grounds under which it could be applied. An advocate assigned by the Tribunal would also assist a petitioner in filling out the paperwork. A baptismal certificate dated within the past six months is also required from each petitioner. Once all of the information is provided to the Marriage Tribunal, it will investigate the facts surrounding the marriage and render a decision. Any decision, whether in favor of or against the annulment, can be appealed to an appellate court. Both priests emphasized that a declaration of nullity does not affect the legitimacy of children born through that marriage. “We are not denying that a civil marriage took place,” said Father Tumicki. “What we are denying is that the sacramental nature of the relationship took place.” There is no cost for obtaining an annulment. For more information, or to request an application form, contact the Diocesan Marriage Tribunal at 860-887-9294, Ext. 254. The next workshop will be held on September 13 in Rockville.

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Father Ted Tumicki and Father Brian Romanowski



Photos by Meredith Morrison


The Very Reverend Dennis Perkins, pastor of St. Michael and St. Mary churches, sprinkles holy water on a ďŹ shing vessel. A memorial wreath was dropped into the waters of Fishers Island Sound outside the Stonington breakwater at the 65th annual Blessing of the Fleet in Stonington. The wreath is in remembrance of ďŹ shermen lost at sea.


of the



Outreach to Haiti The theme for the 2018 Annual Catholic Appeal is “Standing Together to Build the Future”. Each month we will feature a group who supports our Diocesan Ministries by following this motto through their good works.



By Kathy Gaito


My work with Outreach has been humbling and inspiring at the same time. The amount of commitment many of our board members, benefactors, volunteers and staff have shown, for years and decades, is truly inspiring.” – Dan O’Sullivan, Executive Director, Outreach to Haiti Over 1,500 miles away, in Haiti, progress is happening! Our Diocesan Outreach to Haiti ministry, its Board of Directors, benefactors, volunteers, staff and the many people who donate to the Annual Catholic Appeal are standing together to help build the future of Haiti by sharing their time, talents and treasures! Outreach to Haiti has been engaged in building the new Norwich Outreach Center, which is expected to open in the second half of 2019. Dan O’Sullivan, Executive Director shared, “The Norwich Outreach Center will be the hub of operations for Diocese of Norwich Outreach to Haiti for the foreseeable future. It will be a three-story building, constructed to withstand earthquakes to the extent practical. The first floor will be a clinic to serve the people of Christ Roi, Haiti - a neighborhood of 60,000 in Port-au-Prince. The second floor will be offices and a computer lab for students in our educational program. The offices will house the Haitian staff that operate our educational program, accounting, general administration, and Father Frank Rouleau, our Chaplain and Twinning Director from the Diocese of Norwich. The second floor also contains one room for international

Front Row (Left to Right): Mary Lou Bozza, Dr. Nadine Jacquet, Geraldine O’Hare, Sue Petruzzi, Bishop Michael R. Cote, Dennis Petruzzi, John Bouley. Second Row (Left to Right): Thomas Campbell, Daniel O’Sullivan, Maryann Boord, The Venerable Dr. Christopher Pappas, Drew Hoffman, James Michel, and Conor Brooks visitors. The third floor is a residence floor for international visitors and for Father Frank. The residence floor is a safe base for people who want to come down to Haiti to experience what Haiti is about…we show all aspects of Haiti on an immersion trip. It is also for twinned parishes that come down to visit with their Haitian twins.” The multi-functional Norwich Outreach Center “will consolidate operations in Haiti for the first time, enabling us to use more of the money raised directly on Haitians, and creating a stronger presence for Outreach within the community served,” Dan O’Sullivan expressed.

In a country so far away, our Diocesan Outreach to Haiti ministry is standing with the people of Haiti... the impact of their work can be seen through the success of several of their programs/services including: • An education program which provides scholarships to Haitian youth from kindergarten through University, along with books, tutoring and counseling when needed. • An internship program to help prepare Haitians for employment. • Medical and dental check-ups for children. • A clinic which sees about 5,000 patients a year including: a pharmacy, lab, vaccination program, a nutrition

program for moderately and severely malnourished infants and children, and a nutrition program for pregnant mothers. • An immersion trip program for visitors to Haiti. • A twinning program which pairs parishes, schools or other organizations in the U.S. with parishes, orphanages or schools in Haiti. Dan O’Sullivan in speaking about the programs in Haiti stated, “The Board is continually striving to raise more money so that we can expand the reach of these programs. We are also trying to get economic development programs going. These will provide people with the skills and opportunity for meaningful employment, so they can take care of themselves.” Thank you to all who serve our Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Norwich! Your support and the support of others allow our ministries to continue their service to our community. Thank you for “Standing Together to Build the Future” of the Diocese of Norwich! To learn more about the 2018 Annual Catholic Appeal and about how you can help support the ministries in the Diocese of Norwich please visit www. to view the ACA video and make your pledge. Or call the Office of Development at 860-886-1928.

Outreach to Haiti Clinic Celebrates 25 Years By Marie Farrell

To learn more about the Diocese of Norwich Outreach to Haiti health

136 Sachem Street Norwich CT 06360 860-889-2374 Fax 860-886-2396


granted a scholarship which enabled me to study at ‘Canado Technique’. I sometimes solve some Beatrice (yellow shirt) checks on a new mom and baby technical problems programs in Haiti, please visit our involving electricity at the clinic. I website or feel I’m helping in yet another way.” call to be put on our mailing list.



utreach to Haiti has been providing health care for 25 years to the Port-au-Prince neighborhood of Christ Roi. The Sister Ann Weller clinic is staffed by Haitian doctors and medical professionals, who see about 6,000 patients a Sheila vaccinates the community year. On staff is a general physician, a Béatrice Avril is a nurse. She started pediatrician, an OBGyn doctor, a at Outreach clinic in 2010 just after lab technician (Outreach has its own the earthquake as a community health laboratory to perform diagnostic tests agent and has also learned through on-site) and a pharmacist that has a helping when needed, how to run the well-supplied pharmacy. Additionally, pharmacy. there are three health agents who Sheila Merzil is also a nurse and walk the neighborhoods to follow up works with Outreach Clinic as a with home visits, give vaccinations, educate health & safety best practices, community health agent. She started in 2011 at the clinic as a student prior screen for malnutrition and make to graduation, and again interned referrals to the clinic when indicated. 2012-13. 2014-15 she volunteered as Dr. Nadine Lavilette Jacquet has part of the filariose campaign. In 2016 been a pediatrician at the clinic in she received health agent training Haiti for more than 10 years. Since and was hired as the third community 2014 she has also assumed the added health agent. She says she was very role of Medical Director. She says, determined to learn everything “this new post has allowed me to she needed so she could work for develop my sense of leadership.” Outreach! Dr. Jacquet came the U.S. this April Télémaque Fequière has been a and spoke before a large audience health agent with Outreach for 4 which included Bishop Cote, years, but prior he spent some time Outreach board members and many volunteering. He is a very passionate supporters, at our annual gala. She communicator and enjoys his role reported on the nutritional assistance as advisor for children and pregnant given to malnourished children and women. He says “I’m very fond of pregnant mothers. It was featured in my job because it helps both me and last month’s issue of Four County the community. Thanks to Outreach Catholic. to Haiti I can say that I’m also a technician in electricity because I was


Sacred Heart School, Groton

Sacred Heart School, Taftville

50 Sacred Heart Drive, Groton, CT 860-445-0611

Phone: 860-887-1757

Gail Kingston, Principal

Mother Christina Van Beck, SCMC, Principal 15 Hunters Ave, Taftville, CT

St. James EdwardSchool, School,Danielson Stafford Springs LindaMaryAnne Marie Joyal, Principal Mrs. Pelletier, Principal 120 WaterSt, St,Staff Danielson, CT CT 25 Church ord Springs, Phone: Phone: 860-774-3281 860-684-2600

St. Joseph School, North Grosvenordale

David Sizemore, Principal 26 Main St., N. Grosvenordale, CT Phone: 860-923-2090

Academic Excellence. Character. Self-Confidence. FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE…



My Dear Friends,


The Diocese of Norwich Catholic schools are gearing up for another successful school year. Our teachers and administrators have been working hard all summer long preparing to welcome our students and families. I am happy to announce two new principal appointments in our Pre-K to grade 8 schools. Ms. Sharon Briere has been appointed as new principal of St. Patrick Cathedral School in Norwich. She has worked within our schools for almost three decades. Ms. Briere became principal of St. Joseph School, North Grosvenordale in 1999, where she previously was the middle school Social Studies teacher. In addition, she has teaching experience at St. James School in Danielson, CT. Ms. Briere holds an MAT in Education and BA degrees in Psychology and Communication. She was a recipient of the Seton Award in October 2017. St. Patrick Cathedral School formally welcomed Ms. Briere to her new position on July 1. Mr. David Sizemore has been appointed as the new principal of St. Joseph School in North Grosvenordale as of July 1. Prior to this appointment, Mr. Sizemore was employed as the Academic Dean at Xavier High School in Middletown, CT, where he also served as Dean of Faculty Formation and Social Studies Department Chairperson. His educational experience also includes Director of Admissions at Carmel Catholic High School, and teaching positions in both the Old Saybrook and Groton school districts. Mr. Sizemore holds an MS degree in Social Science with Teaching Certification along with 6th Year Degree and Educational Leadership with Administrator’s Certification. In addition, he holds a BA in History. Mr. Sizemore was named the recipient of the Theodore James Ryken Award for Xavier High School in 2015. In addition to offering congratulations to our new administrators, on behalf of Bishop Cote we are pleased to welcome several new teachers and administrative staff members to our diocesan school network. We also look forward to welcoming all of our new students and families in our important ministry of Catholic education. May God’s blessings be upon you during the remainder of the summer and beyond, Henry Fiore Jr.

Henry Fiore Jr.

Superintendent of Schools Diocese of Norwich St. Mary-St. Joseph School, Willimantic Ms. Abby Demars, Principal 35 Valley St, Willimantic, CT Phone: 860-423-8479

St. Michael School, Pawcatuck

St. Patrick Cathedral School, Norwich

63 Liberty St, Pawcatuck, CT Phone: 860-599-1084

211 Broadway, Norwich, CT Phone: 860-889-4174

Mrs. Doris Messina, Principal

Sharon Briere , Principal

St. John School, Old Saybrook

Mother Elaine Moorcroft, SCMC, Principal 42 Maynard Road, Old Saybrook, CT Phone: 860-388-0849

St. John Paul II School, Middletown Mr. Lawrence Fitzgerald, Principal 87 South Main St, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-347-2978

St. Joseph School, New London

St. Joseph School, Baltic

Sr. Mary Patrick Mulready, SCMC, Principal

St. Bernard School, Uncasville

Ms. Marianne Cote, Principal 25 Squire St, New London, CT Phone: 860-442-1720

10 School Hill Road, Baltic, CT Phone: 860-822-6141

“A Holy Place Where We Discover Each Other in God’s Love” Celebrating 76 Years of Excellence in Catholic Education ~ Grades K-8 ~

Full Day Kindergarten School Day from 8:30-2:30 After School Care Available Accredited by the New England Association of Schools & Colleges

25 Squire Street New London, CT For information call 860-442-1720

Mr. Donald Macrino, Headmaster 1593 Norwich-New London Tpke, Uncasville, CT Phone: 860-848-1271

SAINT PATRICK’S STUDENTS HELPING OTHERS The students at St. Patrick Cathedral School raised over $2000 in two weeks having a penny challenge. The children presented Dr. Lowney with the check and the monies raised will help feed children in Haiti.





NOVEMBER 4, 2018 12:30 - 6:30PM at SAINT BERNARD’S SCHOOL AWESOME MUSIC SUPER SPEAKER ROBERT FEDUCCIA by JOHN ANGOTTI Academy of the Holy Family, Baltic Mother Mary David, SCMC, Principal 54 West Main St, Baltic, CT Phone: 860-822-9272

Academy of the Holy Family, Baltic Mother Mary David, SCMC, Principal 54 West Main St, Baltic, CT Phone: 860-822-9272

Mercy High School, Middletown

Sr. Mary McCarthy, RSM, President

1740 Randolph Road, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-346-6659

Xavier High School, Middletown David C. Eustis, Headmaster Mr. Brendan Donohue, Principal 181 Randolph Road, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-346-7735


Bishop Michael R. Cote celebrated a special sendoff Mass on July 20 for over fifty teens attending the Steubenville NYC conference. Youth from around the diocese gathered into St. John Church in Old Saybrook, where they were able to go to confession and participate in the Mass before boarding the buses and joining thousands of young Catholics at the event.




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Enhancing Ministry with Technology

By Mary-Jo McLaughlin

Trust in the mercy of God’s love. If you are carrying the grief and sorrow of past abortions, call Project Rachel a post-abortion healing ministry. All calls are confidential.


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conferencing; and Mentimeter, a fun and interactive presentation for meetings, conferences and classroom activities. She will also review free online sites for creating flyers, websites and videos. The workshop will be offered from 7-8:15pm at the following locations and dates: August 28 at Christ the King Parish Old Lyme; September 6 at The Church of the Holy Family, Hebron; and September 18 at St. Pius X Middletown. For more information, or to register for one of the workshops, contact Marianne Nicholas at OFE, 860848-2237, Ext. 304, or email her at

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points out that today more people have cell phones than toothbrushes, said Roach. “People are looking for instant communication when it comes to obtaining information about the Church.” She noted studies which show that attendance at church and ministryrelated events is increased when communication is optimal. “The skills you will learn at this workshop are the wave of the future and optimal ways to reach parishioners about information for the Church,” Roach added. Some of the online tools Roach will review at the workshop include: Remind, a safe way for administrators to text messages or emails to people; Doodle, which simplifies the process of scheduling events, meetings and appointments; Hangout, a communication platform for on-line video



nyone wishing to maximize the way they communicate with those they work with and minister to should consider attending one of three upcoming workshops in the Diocese entitled: Enhancing Ministry with Technology. Sponsored by the Diocesan Office of Faith Events, (OFE), the workshop will be facilitated by Liza Roach, youth and young adult minister. The workshop is opened to anyone involved in parish life but geared toward catechetical leaders. “It will introduce participants to free on-line computer technologies they can use to increase attendance at parish events and communicate with groups they interact with or oversee”, said Roach. Bishop Robert Barron, founder of the popular Word on Fire Catholic Ministries and Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles,


Celebrating Marriage

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Ed and Alice Wysocki


By Ellen O’Shaughnessy,


n Sunday, June 3rd, St. Luke’s Church, Ellington held a Mass in Celebration of Marriage. Parishioner Alice Wysocki and several other committee members organized the event, whose purpose was to provide an opportunity for couples to renew their vows before each other and the larger congregation. Attendance was unexpectedly large, with over 100 parishioners attending, and more than 30 couples coming forward to take part in the Renewal of Vows led by the Pastor, Father George Villamthanam, assisted by Deacon Harry Grospitch. The church was beautifully decorated with reminders of the virtues embodied in marriage, with God at the center. It was a simple, yet moving ceremony, and as with any marriage, the Mass was followed by a reception, with confections and music to add to the happy occasion. Those in attendance were given scrolls with a beautiful sermon reflecting on marriage and Christian values given at a recent Mass by the Parochial Vicar, Father Bijoy Joseph. The organizers were greatly encouraged by the success of this event and hope to do more to encourage the sacrament of Marriage in the future.

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July 25, 2018 marked the Fiftieth Anniversary of Blessed Paul VI's landmark encyclical Humanae Vitae. Written in a turbulent era, the encyclical was prophetic in what it stated about human sexuality and the transmission of life. The document is countercultural and it is a treasure. It is a teaching full of hope.




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There are many good resources available for young couples to become aquainted with the teachings of Humanae Vitae and Saint John Paul II's Theology of the Body. Many young people are embracing Church teaching on contraception in its fullness and are living witness to the joy of the Gospel. Each of us is invited to embrace the beautiful church teachings on human sexuality contained in Humanae Vitae.




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