Four County Catholic June 2012

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Volume 24 Number 6

June 2012

Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich anoints a confirmation candidate at Saint Pius X Church, Middletown


Four County Catholic June 2012

As Catholics, we have an obligation to defend the gift of life that comes from God.


- Connecticut Knights of Columbus State Council Immediate Past Deputy Scott Flood speaking of the incentive behind providing Ultrasound equipment to the Carenet Crisis Pregnancy Center in Willimantic.

Four County

atholic at c Serving the Counties of Middlesex New London Tolland Windham & Fishers Island NY

Established in 1989 and published each month except July. Publisher

If we concede that the Government can decide which religious organizations are sufficiently religious to be awarded the freedom to follow the principles that define their mission, then we have begun to walk down a path that ultimately leads to the undermining of those institutions.


Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Bishop of Norwich Editorial Office

31 Perkins Avenue, Norwich, CT 06360-3613

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Director of Communications/Executive Editor

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- Father John Jenkins, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame citing reasoning behind Notre Dame’s filing suit against the HHS mandate.


Theological Advisor

Reverend Ted F. Tumicki, S.T.L., J.C.L., J.V.

As individuals, we are all strong people with God-given gifts... we will be unstoppable.


- Allison Londregan, delivering Class President address at St. Bernard School graduation exercises.

You don’t have to be high on the corporate ladder to make a significant difference... simple acts of kindness can change lives.


- Mary Tunison describing how small acts of kindness go a long way.

On the Cover 20 June Volume


ber 6 24 Num

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Across the diocese, we are witness to young Catholics anointed by the Holy Spirit at Confirmation - strengthening their bond with the Church and becoming better equipped to carry out the Church’s mission of love and service. Photo by Susannah H. Snowden


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Meredith Morrison, 860.887.3933


Susan Underhill



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Four County Catholic June 2012

The Most Reverend

Michael R. Cote, D.D.

Bishop of Norwich

Bringing Our Moral Principles to the Debate My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: The swirling winds of this election year are upon us. Our constitutional rights and fundamental religious freedom are being severely buffeted. Our patience to cut through the partisan media messages is being tested every day. The obligation we share as Catholics and as good citizens to serve those in need is becoming more difficult to fulfill. It is a time of turmoil. It is a time of enormous consequence relative to preserving a truly free and just society. It is a time as Catholics that we are being called to participate in the national debate to advocate for the Christian values founded in the truth of the Gospel and in the tradition of the Catholic Church. We cannot afford to let ourselves be overcome by the politics of confusion and deception. We must remain poised, grounded in our faith and ever-vigilant on behalf of the poor, the vulnerable and the voiceless. This is a momentous time. We are up to the challenge. I know this from speaking with so many of you and receiving so many letters in recent weeks. We will be heard in this vital debate. Our interest is advanc-

ing the common good by applying the principles of our faith in support of life, dignity, the family and social fairness. This is our faith. This is a time to be vocal and involved. And informed. The most urgent of the governmental issues facing all of us of faith is the continuing assault on religious liberty by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ mandate. This is the most pivotal challenge before us. Our First Amendment right to religious freedom is, of course, foundational to carrying out the mission of the Church while protecting the conscience rights of all employed and engaged in Catholic affiliated healthcare institutions, schools, charities and other critical ministries. Under the courageous leadership of Timothy Cardinal Dolan, the united effort to defend the First Amendment rights has now moved to the courts. At latest count, 43 dioceses, hospitals, schools and Church agencies have filed suit. Among the plaintiffs is the University of Notre Dame. I strongly recommend you read the statement by Father John Jenkins, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame describing the context of the

suit. His letter, on page 19 of this issue helps illuminate the entire subject. Please continue to reach out to your U. S. Senators and Congressional Representatives to register your concern. Their names and addresses are easily accessible on We will not sit by and let the Constitution be trampled and allow a passing administration to define what institutions are or are not Catholic. While understandably, much energy is being invested in contesting the HHS mandate, we must also pay close attention to the issues shaping the upcoming presidential election. Your Church, your Bishop or pastor are not going to suggest which candidates to vote for in November. What we do encourage you to consider is to be sure the values of your faith help inform your decision. We Catholics, as recognized by the Bishops’ Conference, “...are better able to evaluate policy positions, party platforms, and candidates’ promises and actions in light of the Gospel and the moral and social teachings of the order to build a better world.” It is a time to be reminded what it means to be

Catholic. Yes, there are political polls out there fluctuating every few days, interpreted by some as suggesting that there is divided opinion among the faithful relative to some core teachings of the Church. The truth is that the Church offers a consistent moral framework. The teachings of Christ are not subject to the whims of polling data at any given time. They are the truth and bedrock of our faith. Our mission as faithful citizens is to continue to be mindful of the teachings of the Church and collectively apply those principles to the political choices before us. This requires our having a deep appreciation for the sanctity of life and the dignity of each and every person, especially during this persistent recession that can so quickly and unexpectedly impact the lives and dignity of so many. Marriage and family are the cornerstone of society and by our beliefs should not be redefined as other than the sacred union between a man and a woman. These are articles of our faith that must be an important part of the consideration set when evaluating a candidate. Catholics are called to be peace-

makers and to help lift the poor and the vulnerable. These values as they translate into caring immigration reform, social justice and foreign policy concerns must also be weighed as we strive to bring our faith into the conversation and into the voting booth to advance the common good of all Americans. Please be aware that there is considerable in-depth information on all theses teachings on the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops website at -an excellent resource for you to replenish your knowledge of your faith and help you prepare for the upcoming elections. We also try our best within the diocese to provide objective news in the Four County Catholic, on and in your respective parish communications. Let us keep well informed. Let us not be overwhelmed by all the conflicting media. And let us pray that our participation in the democratic process will make a difference in this great and free society we cherish. Sincerely yours in Christ’s love, Bishop Michael R. Cote

Trayendo Nuestros Prinbipios Morales al Debate Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo: Los vientos turbulentos de este año de elecciones están con fuerza sobre nosotros en estos momentos. Nuestros derechos constitucionales y la esencial libertad religiosa está siendo severamente azotada . Nuestra paciencia para interrumpir los mensajes de los medios partidarios se ponen a prueba todos los días . La responsabilidad que compartimos como Católicos y como buenos ciudadanos para servir a aquellos en

necesitad está siendo más difícil. Es un momento de desconcierto . Es un momento de enorme consecuencia relacionada con la protección de una sociedad justa y verdaderamente libre. Es un tiempo en que los Católicos estamos siendo llamados a participar en el debate nacional para defender los valores Cristianos fundados en la verdad del Evangelio y en la tradición de la Iglesia Católica. No podemos dejarnos vencer por la confusión y el engaño de la política. Debemos mantenernos

equilibrados, firmes en nuestra fe y más que nunca- vigilantes en favor de los pobres, los vulnerables y los que no tienen voz. Este es el momento más importante. Estamos a la altura del desafío. Yo sé esto al hablar con muchos de ustedes y al recibir tantas cartas en las recientes semanas. Seremos escuchados en este debate esencial. Nuestro interés es promover el bien común mediante la aplicación de los principios de nuestra fe en favor de la vida, la dignidad, la familia y la justicia social. Esta es nuestra fe.

Esta es una oportunidad para ser expresivos, involucrado e informados. El más urgente de los asuntos gubernamentales que enfrentamos todos nosotros los de fe es el asalto continuo a la libertad religiosa representada por el mandato del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de EE.UU. Este es el desafío más importante que tenemos ante nosotros. Nuestra Primera Enmienda de derecho a libertad religiosa es, por supuesto fundamental para llevar a cabo la misión de la Igle-

sia, mientras protegemos los derechos de conciencia de todos los empleados y comprometidos con las instituciones Católicas afiliadas, intituciones de salud, escuelas, organizaciones benéficas y otros ministerios importantes. Bajo el valiente liderazgo del Cardenal Timothy Dolan, el esfuerzo unido para defender los derechos de la Primera Enmienda se ha trasladado a los tribunales. En el último recuento, 43 diócesis, hospitales, escuelas y agencias de la Iglesia Morales al Debate Cont. on page 4


Four County Catholic June 2012

Morales al Debate Cont. from page 3

han entablado una demanda. Entre los litigantes está la Universidad de

Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony Holy St Anthony gentlest of Saints. Your love for God and charit for His creators made you wor hy when on ear h posses miraculous power which you were ready to speak for those who are in t ouble or anxiet . Encouraged by this thought I implore to you to obtain for me (request) The answer to my prayer may require a miracle, even so you are the saint of miracles Oh gentle and loving St. Anthony whose hear is f ll of human sy pathy whisper my petition into the ears of sweet infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your ar s, and the g atit de of my hear will ever be yours. This 13 day Novena has never been known to fail. Say three Hail Mar 's and three Glories and promise publication.

~ AS ~

Notre Dame. Le recomiendo encarecidamente que lea la declaración por el Padre John Jenkins, C.S.C. presidente de la Universidad de Notre Dame, que describe el contexto de la demanda. Su carta, en la página --– de este ejemplar ayuda a iluminar todo el tema. Por favor, continúe dirigiéndose a sus Senadores y Representantes del Congreso de Estados Unidos para dar a conocer su preocupación. Sus nombres y direcciones están accessibles en No nos cruzaremos de brazos dejando que la Constitución sea pisoteada y permitiendo que una administración pasajera determine qué instituciones son o no son Católicas. Mientras que es comprensible que, mucha energía está siendo utilizada en impugnar el mandato del HHS (por sus siglas en inglés), también debemos prestar mucha atención a los temas que forman la próxima elección presidencial. Su Iglesia, su Obispo o Pastor no van a sugerir por cuales candidatos votar en noviembre. Lo que le alentamos considerar

es que esté seguro de los valores de su fe para que le ayuden a comunicar su decisión. Nosotros los Católicos, como lo ha declarado la Conferencia de Obispos …” somos más capaces de evaluar las posiciones políticas, las plataformas de los partidos, las promesas y las acciones de los candidatos a la luz del Evangelio y de las enseñanzas sociales y morales de la Iglesia…a fin de construir un mundo mejor”. Es una oportunidad para recordar lo que significa ser Católico. Sí, hay encuestas políticas operando algunos pocos días, interpretados por algunos que sugieren que hay opiniones divididas entre los fieles en relación a algunas de las enseñanzas fundamentales de la Iglesia. La verdad es que la Iglesia ofrece un marco moral consistente. Las enseñanzas de Cristo no están sujetas a los caprichos de datos de encuestas en ningun momento. Son la verdad y la base de nuestra fe. Nuestra misión como ciudadanos fieles es continuar atentos a las enseñanzas de la Iglesia y conjuntamente aplicar esos principios a las decisiones políticas que tenemos ante

nosotros. Esto requiere que tengamos una profunda apreciación por la santidad de vida y la dignidad de cada persona, especialmente durante esta recesión persistente que puede rapidamente e inesperadamente impactar la vida y la dignidad de muchos. El matrimonio y la familia son la piedra angular de la sociedad y por nuestras creencias la union sagrada entre un hombre y una mujer no debe ser declarada como otra cosa. Estos son asuntos de nuestra fe que deben ser considerados como una parte importante cuando evalúe a un candidato. Los Católicos estamos llamados a ser constructores de paz y ayudar a levantar al pobre y al vulnerable. Estos valores, se traducen a cuidar las reformas de inmigración, justicia social y también deben ser de importancia las preocupaciones de política exterior tanto como el esfuerzo por traer nuestra fe a la conversación y a la cabina de votación para promover el bien común de todos los Estadounidenses.

Por favor tenga en cuenta que hay considerable información en- profundidad sobre todas estas enseñanzas en el sitio web de La Conferencia de los Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos (por sus siglas en inglés)-un excelente medio para que usted pueda ampliar su conocimiento en la fe y le ayude a prepararse para las próximas elecciones. También intentamos nuestro mejor esfuerzo dentro de la diócesis de proporcionar noticias objetivas en Four County Catholic, en y en sus respectivos comunicados parroquiales. Mantengámosnos bien informados. No nos dejemos preocupar por todos los conflictos de los medios de comunicación. Y oremos para que nuestra participación en el proceso democratico haga una diferencia en esta gran y libre sociedad que apreciamos. Sinceramente en el amor de Cristo, Obispo Michael R. Cote Translated by Paulina Angulo

Rejoice in Hope RETREATS Days of Recollections May 24 “Re lections with Fr. Benedict” With Fr. Benedict Groeschel, CFR June 13 Sacred Heart Day of Recollection With Fr. Frank Sutman, OP

God invites us in the midst of the noise and distractions we face every day to a deeper and more intimate relationship with Him. Set some time aside for Him, book your retreat today!

(860) 536­0565

May 27­June 2 Silent Directed Retreat With Sr. Eugene Brady, SJC & Sr. Corita Clark, RDC June 29­July 1 11th Step on the Rock Recovery Weekend for Men

Summer Guided Retreats We have many Guided Retreats from June to September. Please see the full schedule at our website.

SACRED ART June 10­14 Five days of Gregorian Chant & Liturgical Music With Dr. William Tortolano

Join us for our

10th Annual Enders Island Golf Tournament Monday, June 18 Register online or by phone


Four County Catholic June 2012

Director of Priestly Vocations

Reverend Gregory Galvin With summer comes heat, humidity, sunshine, rain, some time to relax, weddings, family gatherings, thunderstorms, lightning shows, flash flooding, tornadoes, fireworks, vacations, summer school classes and continued preparation for the coming months. In the past month many people have celebrated First Holy Communion, Confirmation, graduation from high school and college, and students at many levels have finished or are in the midst of finishing exams and another academic year. As each of us anticipates embracing the summer months in different ways, I take this opportunity to call to mind what is happening currently in the diocese regarding priestly vocations. As of the beginning of June 2012 we now have nine (9) seminarians! Thank you for all the prayers, holy hours, rosaries, and Holy Masses that have been prayed and offered during the last few years. We welcome and extend our congratulations to Mr. Thomas Griffin who is a parishioner of Holy Family Parish in Hebron Connecticut and a retired banker. Mr. Griffin will begin his studies at Blessed John XXIII National Seminary in Weston Massachusetts in late August. Our congratulation also goes to Mr. Peter Langevin who is a resident in Middletown Connecticut and has held many different teaching positions at Xavier High School in Middletown. Mr. Langevin will begin his studies at Mount Saint Mary Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland in late August. Later in the summer, Mr. Ruben Sanchez and Mr. Juan Palacio, from Medellin Columbia will be arriving to begin studying English for two years at Clark University in Worcester Massachusetts. They will then return to the seminary and hopefully be ordained to serve as priests here in the Diocese of Norwich. We are also looking forward to

the upcoming diaconal ordination of Mr. Brian Maxwell. Watch your bulletins in the upcoming week for the announcement of the date and place! Brian will begin his final year of studies next fall, preparing hopefully for priestly ordination sometime in 2013. Bishop Cote continues to lead our monthly Eucharistic Holy Hour for vocations which will be at Saint Joseph Church in Rockville CT on June 21st and at Saint Mary Church in Coventry on July 19th and then Saint Colman Church in Middlefield on August 16th. The sacrifice we make to join in prayer for future vocations to priesthood and consecrated religious life will make the harvest strong. Finally, thank you to parishioners throughout the diocese who made a donation to the annual seminarian education fund this year! We anticipate a tuition bill of over $235,000 this coming year; so if you missed the collection or were away the week it was taken please mail your donation directly to the vocation office at 201 Broadway, Norwich, CT. 06360. Place your parish name on the check/envelope and we will credit the amount to your parish total. Thank you for all your prayers and support. May God continue to send us many strong vocations!

A light for those in darkness. Share the light of Christ. Answer the call. Let’s talk...

Father Greg Galvin 860-887-9294 Office of Vocations • Diocese of Norwich, CT •

Holy Hour for Vocations The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, leads the Holy Hour: June 21 July 19 August 16 September 20 October 18 November 15 December 20

St. Joseph Church, Rockville St. Mary Church, Coventry St. Colman Church, Middlefield St. Luke Church, Ellington Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Gales Ferry St. Joseph Church, North Grosvenordale St. Andrew Church, Colchester

7-8 7-8 4-5 6-7 7-8 4-5 7-8

Father Greg Galvin, Director of Priestly Vocations • (860) 887-9294

pm pm pm pm pm pm pm


Four County Catholic June 2012

Saturday, June 16 One-Day Life In The Spirit Seminar St. Sebastian Church, 155 Washington St., Middletown, from 9:00-4:00pm. Please contact Fr. Ray Introvigne at 860-742-2896 for more information. Saturday-Sunday, June 16& 17 Courageous Movie Viewing Treat your Dad and family to a free showing of the movie Courageous at Our Lady of Lourdes

Church Hall in Gales Ferry on Saturday June 16th or Sunday June 17th at 1:00 pm. Seating is limited; there will be a free will offering. This is a great opportunity to encourage men to live courageously as men of honor. Please call or email Randy the parish secretary at 860-464-7251 or email to reserve your seat. For additional info please call Deacon Phil Hayes at 860-889-5055.

Position Vacancy Part-time (14 hours/week) secretarial position at the Norwich Diocesan Ministries Offices. Must be proficient in Excel and Access. Job description available on request. Send letter of application, resume, references, and salary expectations to: Office of the Chancellor 201 Broadway Norwich, CT 06360

Saturday, June 23 Day of Healing and Freedom From 9:00am- 8:00pm at My Father’s House, 39 North Moodus Rd., Moodus, for more information or to make a reservation please call 860-873-1581. Friday-Sunday, June 22-24 Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat Weekend If you are silently grieving after an abortion: healing, forgiveness and peace can have a beginning with Rachel’s Vineyard. All inquiries are confidential. Retreat June 22-24 in


One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Litchfield, CT call Marie at 203631-9030 for more information. Or log onto our website at Friday-Sunday, June 29-July 1 Engaged Encounter Weekend One of the most important parts of your wedding planning is your marriage preparation. Engaged Encounter is a weekend-long program and meets all the aspects of marriage preparation. Engaged Encounter weekend: June 29July1 at Immaculata Retreat House in Willimantic. For more information please call 860-5368665. Friday-Sunday, July 13-15 Marriage Encounter Weekend For couples desiring to experience a richer and loving life together. Rediscover each other for an entire weekend with a heart-to-heart Marriage Encounter. To register for the next weekend in East Hart-

ford, for more information, please call 860-376-0440. Fridays, July 6, 13, 20, 27 Marriage Preparation Class for Engaged Couples “God’s Plan for a Joy-filled Marriage� offered by the Office of Family Life. For information or to register for the 4-session class please call 860-889-8346 ext. 283. 7:00pm-9:15pm at Our Lady of Lourdes, Route 12, Gales Ferry. Saturday, August 25 One Day Southern New England Charismatic Conference At My Father’s House, 39 North Moodus Rd., Moodus, from 9:00am-5:00pm. This event will include lunch. For more information please call 860-876-1581. Saturday, September 15 Norwich Diocesan Annual Convention All women in the diocese are invited to attend the Norwich Diocesan Annual Convention to be held on Saturday, September 15, 2012 at St. John the Evangelist Parish, 22 Maple Avenue, Uncasville. The speakers will be Anna DiBiasi, Director of Education and Development for the Outreach to Haiti Office for the Diocese of Norwich and Maribeth Stewart, WUCWO Vice President of Northern America. More information will be in the August issue of the Four County Catholic.


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Discovering Our Diocese Where is This? Can you identify where this was taken? Answer is on page 19. Photo by Meredith Morrison.

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Clergy Appointments The Most Reverend Michael R Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, has made the following clergy appointments in the Diocese of Norwich: Reverend John F. Ashe, 1 year renewal as Pastor of Saint Mary Parish, Portland. Effective: May 14, 2012. ~ Monsignor Robert L. Brown, Chancellor ~

Parishes Priests FCC Online Mass Times Archives Streaming Catholic Radio

St. Bernard School Class of 2012 NORWICH — On May 18, a perfect spring day, the Most Reverend Michael R. By Shelley Wolf Four County Catholic Contributor

Cote conferred high school diplomas on 73 graduates of St. Bernard School in Montville during the school’s 54th Commencement Exercises held at the Cathedral of St. Patrick. Graduates from 30 towns throughout the diocese, along with their family and friends, filled the cathedral to overflowing to celebrate the joyous occasion. Baskets with red and white carnations adorned the aisles as young men wearing gray caps and gowns and young women in red caps and gowns marched in procession to the sounds of “Pomp and Circumstance,” which emanated from the pipe organ. The graduates were followed by their headmasters and teachers in black caps and gowns and, finally, by the Bishop of Norwich. Bishop Cote addressed the graduates, urging them to take the values they learned at St. Bernard — love of God, love of neighbor, respect for self and others — out

into the world. “Glorify God and be of service to your neighbor. The education you have received will make you a giver rather than a taker,” the Bishop said. Quoting Pope Benedict, Bishop Cote cautioned the young graduates not to let themselves be seduced by the empty promises of the modern, secular world. Instead, he counseled them to “focus on Jesus,” to know Him, to trust Him, and to put their lives in His hands. Then, go forth with confidence and with God’s graces, the Bishop advised. St. Bernard School, a diocesan co-educational school founded in 1956, teaches grades 6 through 12, focusing on college-preparatory education. Sponsored by the Xaverian Brothers, the school stresses the five charisms of zeal, simplicity, compassion, trust, and humility — values that were touched upon in each commencement speaker’s address. The overall curriculum is dedicated to academic excellence, personal and spiritual growth, and a commitment to community. In addition, graduating students are required to complete 100 hours of community service in projects that include working

in nursing homes, schools, churches, soup kitchens, at the Special Olympics, Mystic Aquarium, and Mystic Seaport, and organizing food, clothing, coat, and toy drives. This year, the students joined Habitat for Humanity by helping to build a house for a family in need in Norwich. During the 2012 commencement, Frankie Ann Marcille of Mystic delivered the Class Orator address, reflecting on her four years at the school. She said St. Bernard taught her “to go the extra mile and the importance of a proper work ethic,” how to incorporate the five charisms into daily life, and allowed her to broaden her horizons with athletics and extracurricular activities. However, what meant the most to her were the relationships she built with faculty and students, which she likened to a family. “School became more than just the place I went to learn every day. It became a place I was genuinely passionate about because of the family atmosphere,” Marcille explained. “Some of the greatest moments of my life thus far have happened getting to know all of you.” Marcille recalled the joys and

the sorrows students and faculty shared at St. Bernard, especially the sad times following the death two years ago of English teacher Marie-Pierre Diana, who was affectionately called Ms. Pam. “Ms. Pam, to me, embodied everything that being a saint is all about.” Marcille said. “Not only did she exemplify the five charisms, but she was the living breathing definition of love that worked her magic upon every member of the St. Bernard Community. She touched all of our lives, and losing her was hard, one of the hardest things we as a class had to go through. None of us would have been able to get through that alone. Through this hard time, we truly became a family united in love, just like she always strived for us to be.” And that, Marcille stressed, “is what St. Bernard means to me — a family united in love.” Allison Londregan of Old Lyme, who delivered the Class President address, agreed. “St. Bernard is truly a community,” Londregan said. “In most schools, you probably wouldn’t even know everybody’s name in St. Bernard Cont. on page 8

Online News & Information 24.7

Graduates Go Forth With God’s Many Graces


Four County Catholic June 2012


Four County Catholic June 2012

St. Bernard Cont. from page 7

“...Are You (your name here) not aware that You are the Temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone destroys God’s Temple (you), God will destroy him/her. The Temple of God is HOLY…

...and You are that Temple!” 1 Corinthians 3:16-17

Spring Seminars One-Day Life In The Spirit Seminar Saturday, June 16, 2012 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM St. Sebastian Church, 155 Washington St., Middletown, CT 06457 Contact: Fr. Ray Introvigne 860-742-2896 Day of Healing and Freedom Saturday, June 23, 2012 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM My Father’s House, 39 North Moodus Rd., Moodus, CT 06469 Offered by Fr. Ray Introvigne, Judith Hughes and Unbound Team Call 860-873-1581 for reservations. Television Mass Wednesday, July 4, 2012 at 10:00 AM Channel 20 WTXX Celebrant: Fr. Ray Introvigne One Day Southern New England Charismatic Conference Saturday, August 25th at 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (includes lunch) My Father’s House, 39 North Moodus Rd., Moodus, CT 06469 Call 860-873-1581 for Info. Free Will offering.

spiritual renewal services Diocese of Norwich

Dial-A-Prayer (860) 887-7767

P.O. Box 6 • 11 Bath Street Norwich, CT 06360 • (860) 887-0702 email:

your class. Yet here I am able to say with complete honesty that not only do I know all of your names, but all of you have added a little something to my life, and I can only hope I made even the slightest positive impact on your life. “As individuals, we are all strong people with God-given gifts,” Londregan added. “We will be unstoppable.” According to St. Bernard Admissions Associate Susan Griffin, 96 percent of the graduates will be


heading off to college in the fall, while three students will be joining the military. After the ceremony, Bishop Cote, the teachers, and the graduates formed a receiving line outside the cathedral, where they greeted family and friends, who offered their congratulations. “I have mixed emotions right now,” graduate Kathryn Brahm of East Lyme said following the ceremony. “I’m sad. I’m happy. I’m going to miss everyone.” Brahm will miss the teachers most of all. “I can always see my friends, but I can’t just text my teachers.” This fall Brahm plans to attend the University of Connecticut at Avery Point to study either sports physiology or physical therapy.

Kenneth Brooks of Plainfield will also miss the relationships he developed at St. Bernard. “I’ll miss all of my friends and teachers,” Brooks said. He has already enlisted in the Navy and will start his military training on July 10, when he begins boot camp in Chicago before moving on to Florida for additional training. “There goes the summer,” Brooks said whistfully. Once the receiving line came to an end, the students crossed the street to St. Patrick’s Park, where they posed in their caps and gowns for a final class photo. Then, with all the enthusiasm of youth, the graduates cheered as they joyfully tossed their red and gray mortar boards into the air.


Mass & Healing Service St. Anne's Shrine, Sturbridge, MA Sunday, August 12 Cost: $39 - Children & teenagers welcome as our guest BUS DEPARTS: Old Mystic Village, Mystic; New London Shopping Center; I-395 Commuter Parking Lots @ Norwich, Plainfield, Dayville JANET PRZYBYSZ 860-536-6638

Blessing of the Fleet Mass St. Mary Church, Stonington • July 29 • 10:30 am Blessing ceremony to follow by Most Reverend, Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich


Four County Catholic June 2012

Seton Scholarship Dinner Honorees Announced The committee for the Third Annual Seton Scholarship Dinner announces the honorees of the Second By Ann Crooks Development Coordinator, Diocesan School Office

Annual Most Reverend Michael R. Cote Award for contributions to Catholic Education in the Diocese of Norwich. Honorees include the Rev. Monsignor Henry N. Archambault, Sister Mary Bernard and the Reverend Richard Archambault. The Seton Scholarship Dinner will be held Sunday, October 28, at Lake of Isles in North Stonington, Connecticut. It was with great pleasure that committee members were able to spend some time with each of the honorees, and truly grasp how they came to be selected for such a prestigious award. “To say they were all humbled by the honor would be an understatement,” noted committee member Dr. John F. Shine, Diocesan Superintendent of Schools. “The common question asked was ‘why me?’ “ Collectively, the honorees have dedicated 171 years to the religious life. Their commitment to religious education, self-sacrifice and dedication to community is exemplary. Such loyalty to their prospective callings cannot easily go unrecognized. Honoring Monsignor Archmabault, Sr. Bernard and Fr. Archambault holds the promise for a truly wonderful evening. Reverend Monsignor Henry N. Archambault, P.A., J.C.D. Reverend Monsignor Henry N. Archambault, P.A., J.C.D was raised within the Diocese of Norwich, having attended St. Joseph Elementary School in North Grosvenordale. Following his religious studies, he was ordained to the priesthood in 1959 by the first Bishop of Norwich, the Most Reverend Bernard J. Flanagan. His first assignment in his storied career was as assistant pastor at St. Mary’s in Willimantic. He has filled various roles within our Diocese. Since 1981, Monsignor Archambault has served as Pastor at Sacred Heart Church in Taftville. Monsignor Archambault credits his long career at Sacred Heart to Father Flynn, who shared pastoral responsibilities with him and Mother David, for her dedication and loyalty having

presided over Sacred Heart School. In addition to his pastoral duties, he also remains active as a judge of the Tribunal. Reverend Richard L. Archambault Reverend Richard L. Archambault currently serves as Chaplain of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit Provincialate and Director of Project Northeast, both of Putnam. Father Archambault, like his brother, Monsignor Henry Archambault, is a native of the Diocese. He was born into a large Catholic family, the fourth of nine children to the late Joseph A. and Bernedette Archambault. His affiliation with Diocesan schools began at the elementary level, like his brother, having attended St. Joseph elementary school in North Grosvenordale. Following his formal education and seminary training, in 1955, Father Archambault was ordained at St. Joseph Church in North Grosvenordale by Bishop Flanagan. He received his first parish assignment at St. Mary’s Church in Putnam . In 1965, Father Archambault became superintendent of schools as well as the Director of CCD for the Diocese of Norwich. His dedication to education, demonstrated early in his tenure, has continued throughout his career within the Diocese of Norwich. For over three decades, Father Archambault has been helping the poor and needy in the Northeast Corner of Connecticut. Along with Sister Eleanor Baldoni, he works diligently through the Diocesan Ministry Project Northeast, to provide emergency food, fuel, financial assistance, transportation and clothing to people in crisis. Sister Mary Bernard Rivest, S.C.M.C., Assumption Convent Manchester Sister Mary Bernard is a very familiar face among the Diocese of Norwich faculty, staff, parents and former students. Sister Mary Bernard, now retired, has been a well known and respected teacher and administrator within our Diocesan Schools. Her career in and out of the classroom lasted for over four decades. She is a proud graduate of Sacred Heart School in Taftville, Connecticut, her hometown. She was later educated at the

Pictured from left to right: Dr. John F. Shine, Superintendent of Schools, William Russell, Diocesan Director of Finance, Sr. Mary Bernard (Honoree for the Seton Scholarship Dinner) Ann Crooks, Development Coordinator for Diocesan Elementary Schools and Monsignor Robert L. Brown, Chancellor, Diocese of Norwich. Submitted by Ann Crooks Academy of the Holy Family in Baltic. Sister took advantage of the strong foundation given to her locally and eventually earned a Master’s Degree in reading. She dedicated her life to education and was a fixture at St. Patrick’s Cathedral School in Norwich for 22 years, having proudly led the school as Principal until her retirement in 2007. Sister currently resides at the Assumption Convent in Manchester, Connecticut.

The Third Annual Seton Scholarship Dinner will be held October 28, 2012 at 4:00pm at Lake of Isles in North Stonington. Tickets are $150.00. Sponsorships available: $5,000 Seton Sponsor - Premium Reserved Table for 10, full page program ad. $2,500 Aquinas Sponsor - Reserved Table for 10, half-page program ad. $1,500 Newman Sponsor - Seating for four, quarter-page program ad.

Sponsors will receive recognition in all publications, marketing materials and advertisements related to the 2012 Seton Scholarship Dinner. An ad in the program book: Full page ................................$250 Half Page ................................$150 Quarter Page ..........................$100 Friends Listing..........................$75 For additional information, contact Ann Crooks, Development Coordinator, Diocesan School Office 860-887-4086.


3rd Annual


OCTOBER 28, 2012 LAKE OF ISLES • 1 CLUBHOUSE DRIVE NORTH STONINGTON, CT 06359 For more information contact Ann Crooks at 860-887-4086.


Four County Catholic June 2012


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In recent years there have been several changes in our liturgical practice with respect By Sister Elissa Rinere, CP, JCD Office of Worship

to receiving the Eucharist. The first area of change is reception of Communion under both forms. The second is posture, or the proper “protocol� for receiving Communion under one or both forms. History tells us that the reception of Holy Communion under both forms, Bread and Wine, was common practice in the Roman Catholic Church for over 1200 years. This practice gradually changed over the next few centuries, and by the early fifteenth century, the distribution of Communion under Bread only was the norm. Vatican II, in the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, gave bishops in their dioceses the freedom to re-introduce the ancient practice of Communion under both forms, as each bishop felt it was appropriate. Today, Communion under both forms is available in all dioceses and in many parishes, but not all. Guidelines for the Diocese of Norwich state that Communion under both forms is the norm at every celebration of the Eucharist, provided there are sufficient Eucharistic Ministers

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present. Current liturgical documents explain that Communion received under both forms is not only a “more complete sign of t h e

Covenant ratified by the blood of Christ,� but also a clearer expression of the relationship between Eucharist and the heavenly banquet to come, in the Kingdom of God (see GIRM, 281). Certainly, each communicant is free to receive Communion under one form only, but in our celebrations, both forms should be available. That is, to be theologically complete, at every Eucharistic celebration there should be a choice. The second area of liturgical practice that has changed in recent years is the “posture� or protocol for receiving Communion. Many people will recall the days when we all knelt at the altar rail and the Host was placed on our tongues. Following Vatican II, the ancient practice of the Communion Procession was re-introduced. The procession required that communicants come to the Eucharistic Minister and receive Communion standing, rather than kneeling, although some still preferred to kneel. At about this same time, we were given the option of receiving the Host in our hands

The latest directives about receiving Communion were published in 2002, in the General Instruction of the Roman Missal. In this document we are instructed that the proper posture for receiving Communion is standing. Also, those who choose to kneel are not to be refused Communion, but they should receive proper catechesis in a pastoral setting (GIRM # 160). The choice of receiving the Host in one’s hand or on the tongue is, as always, made by the communicant. Also, this same document states that before receiving Communion under either form, the communicant “bows his or her headâ€? as a gesture of reverence (GIRM #160). This bow of the head is intended to be simple and discreet. It should not interrupt the Communion Procession, nor should it draw attention to one individual. Sometimes, although we might receive Communion so often, we might need a review of these very basic points so we can receive with more attention and with greater devotion. Finally, throughout all these various adjustments to our liturgical practice and choices, there has been one constant; the “Amen!â€? in response to the Eucharistic Minister’s acclamation of “The Body of Christâ€? or “The Blood of Christ.â€? That “Amen!â€? is a profession of faith. It is the communicant’s acknowledgement of what is believed to be true about the gift of the Eucharist. As is so often sung in our parishes, “We remember how you loved us to your death‌..â€?

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Four County Catholic June 2012

“Leave a Legacy� Month June is “Leave a Legacy� month within the Diocese of Norwich as proclaimed by our Bishop, the By MaryLou Gannotti Director of Planned Giving

Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. The Gospel has taught us that if a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat. But, upon that death, the grain can also produce much fruit. Our passing can allow us to produce bountiful fruit for those in need in the form of a carefully planned gift. “Leave a Legacy� month allows faithful and devoted parishioners to explore creative and cost effective ways of sharing their resources. The opportunities available for legacy gifting often go unknown to many. Your desire to “Leave a Legacy� makes it possible to help those in need through your gracious philanthropy. These gifts can be made during your lifetime, or deferred until after your passing. Within our Diocese of Norwich there are many wonderful opportunities to steward your faith through acts of charity. You can support one of the many programs and services rendered through the ministries of the Annual Catholic Appeal, help out our Catholic Schools through your donation, or make a gift to your beloved parish. It is important to raise public awareness of legacy gifts. Legacy gifts include, but are not limited to, bequests in one’s will, gifts of life insurance, gifts derived from a portion of retirement savings, and charitable gift annuities. These legacy donations can also be gifts in memoriam made upon a loved one’s passing. Americans are known for their charity. But of the 71 percent of all Americans who make a donation to charity each year, only a little over 7 percent of the population in the U.S. leaves a gift through their will. The top reason provided as to why people don’t give is fairly simple. They were not asked to do so. There is also

the common misconception that “I have to be rich� in order to explore this form of philanthropy. This is far from true. Those who have considered making a gift through their estate or would like to learn more about this type of philanthropy are invited to a special event this month at St. John the Evangelist Parish in Uncasville. This informal coffee hour, to be held Sunday, June 24th at 12:30 p.m., will include a discussion on Catholic wills and giving. You can

register by telephone at 860-8861928 ext. 15, or via e-mail at This is a wonderful opportunity for those who want to “Leave a Legacy� to learn more about the topic. We are blessed to have such generous and faithful stewards within our Diocese. We do hope you can join us this month. Whether you wish to make a gift or you are interested in learning more, please know you are most welcome.

Catholic School Annual Appeal Wrap-Up This past January, parishioners of the Diocese of Norwich generously embraced the By Ann Crooks Development Coordinator, Diocesan School Office

inaugural collection for Catholic Schools, as approved by our Bishop. This first time collection, held during Masses throughout the Diocese, generated over $152,000. The support of the faithful showed that the cornerstone of an education that stresses faith, academics and service is truly valued. The fund for Catholic Schools was established to help preserve as many of our elementary schools as possible. The funds generated will largely be used to defray operational costs, which will help to ease the burden of those parishes which currently subsidize Catholic elementary education. “Our parents make enormous sacrifices,� noted Dr. John F. Shine, Superintendent of Schools. “We are most grateful for the response to our first collection. For our schools to survive, support from the entire Diocese is crucial.� It appears that the driving force behind this generosity is the belief in Catholic education, investing in our youth today for a better tomorrow. Our Bishop, the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote has said “More than ever, it is abun-

dantly clear that the best investment we can make toward an economically and morally sound future is to invest in our children’s education today.� One cannot help but recognize that all educators, administrators, staff, parents, family members, and members of our supportive community are united in the one belief that investing in Catholic education holds the promise of a brighter future. It is truly reassuring to see the support of the Diocese as we reflect on the sacrifices made by countless individuals who have contributed in one way or another to the success of our schools. We are fortunate to see dedication to a Catholic education on so many levels. From the staff who have created an environment of learning and spiritual development, to the families who make sacrifices to afford the additional costs of a Catholic education, the community created at Diocesan schools is truly the driving force behind the generosity recently displayed. It stands to reason that all educators, administrators, staff, parents, family members and our supportive community are united in their belief that a Catholic education holds the promise for a brighter future. Thank you for helping to make the Diocesan Collection for Catholic Schools a success.

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Four County Catholic June 2012

St. Mary Star of the Sea School in New London to Close

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St. Mary Star of the Sea School, a mainstay in downtown New London since 1892, announced it By Kathleen Edgecomb Reprint from The Day

will close its doors for good at the end of the school year. Enrollment in the 120-year-old elementary school, which was founded by the Sisters of Mercy, has been in decline. There are about 115 students currently attending kindergarten through eighth grade. At one time, the Huntington Street school taught close to 250 students. “This is disappointing news given the persistent and determined efforts to keep each and every Catholic School in the diocese functioning and providing a quality education to Catholic and non-Catholic students through this extraordinary recession,� said Diocese of Norwich spokesman Michael Strammiello. “St. Mary Star of the Sea School had served the community earnestly and well through many changes over the years in the community itself. It

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adapted so well. Unfortunately the economic challenges have proven overwhelming.� A release from Dr. John Shine, the Superintendent of Schools for the diocese, which oversees the school, called the closing of the school tragic as it is the only innercity school in the diocese. The school is about 60 percent Latino, 30 percent African American and 10 percent Caucasian. Roughly 30 percent of the students speak both English and Spanish. About 20 percent of the student population is non-Catholic. But both the St. Mary parish and school combined owe approximately $750,000 to the diocese, the release says, meaning “there are insufficient resources available from all sources to be able to continue to justify� leaving the school open. “While making this decision is most difficult, not making it is irresponsible,� said Superintendent Shine. Families will be assisted in placing their students in the nearest Catholic school or other schools of the family’s choice.

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Four County Catholic June 2012

Knights of Columbus Ultrasound Dedication Helping Save the Lives of Unborn Children “It’s a concrete example of true Divine Love”. That is how Knights of Columbus Connecticut State By Garry Beausoleil St. James Council #2883 in Danielson

Council immediate Past State Deputy Scott Flood describes the two-plus year effort to raise funds to purchase an Ultrasound machine for the Carenet Crisis Pregnancy Center in Willimantic. About 50 people turned out for the dedication of the machine on May 12th, including pro-life State Representatives Chris Coutu of Norwich, Marilyn Giuliano of Old Saybrook and Tim Eckert of Coventry. Father Walter Nagle, the pro-life Director for the Norwich Diocese, blessed the Ultrasound which was dedicated to St Andre Bessette. A small portrait of the Saint has also been hung on the wall in the room where the Ultrasound is kept. St. Andre became famous for a miraculous healing ministry in Montreal where he also helped build a Cathedral in honor of St Joseph. He also had strong ties to the Diocese of Norwich. As a young man, Andre lived in Moosup for four years and worked in mills in the area. Even after becoming well known in Montreal later in life, he would often return to the area to visit the many relatives he had here. Carenet Director Gail Picard says the machine will help to save the lives of many unborn children. She says without it, only about 20 Percent of abortion-minded women end up deciding to keep their child. But when they have a chance to see an image of their unborn infant on an Ultrasound, that figure jumps to upwards of 85 percent. Picard says these women are often told that there child is nothing

more “than a blob of tissue”. “But when they get to see the head, the arms and legs and the heartbeat, they become emotionally attached to their child”, she added.

Picard says statistically, young college women are the most likely to find themselves facing the question of what to do about an unplanned pregnancy. Between Eastern Connecticut State University in Willimantic and the University of Connecticut in Storrs, Picard expects there will be a large number of women who can benefit from having access to the machine. Besides the Ultrasound, Carenet also provides parenting classes, counseling for men, as well as other services intended to be help women who find themselves in difficult situations follow through on their decision to be keep their child. All of the services are free of charge.

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The fundraising effort, which took more than two years to be complete, was spearheaded by Saint James Council of the Knights of Columbus #2883 in Danielson. Numerous contributions were made by other Councils across the Norwich Diocese and by the Connecticut State Council. More than $22,000 was r a i s e d through these efforts. It was matched by $11,000 from the Supreme Council of the Knights of Columbus which was donated to help with operating expenses. The Supreme Council started the Ultrasound initiative about three years ago to try to make available as many of the machines as possible around the country. This is the second such effort to come to fruition in Connecticut. The first Ultra-

sound was installed at the St. Gerard’s Crisis Pregnancy Center in Hartford last year. Connecticut State Council Immediate Past State Deputy Scott Flood says its part of the Order’s commitment to protecting all human life from the moment of conception to be natural death. As Catholics, we have an obligation to defend “the gift of Life that comes to us from God”, he added. “We know what Planned Parenthood does”, Flood says. “They make millions of dollars in profit every year performing abortions”. Flood says the Knights of Columbus wants women to know they do have choices besides abortion, and that help is available to them if they decide to keep their child. But the first step is making that decision, Flood says. And the Ultrasound machine is “is an extremely valuable tool in helping women to make a truly informed decision”, he said. Now that the Ultrasound purchase has been completed, Knights of Columbus members are continuing to support Carenet, this time

prayerfully. Whenever a counselor at the center encounters an especially abortion-minded woman, an immediate SOS text is sent out. Richard Feil, who serves as a District Deputy in the Old Saybrook area, is setting up an email notification system to get the word out to Knights in the Norwich Diocese when a call for prayer help is put out. Recipients are asked to immediately drop whatever they are doing and pray. Center director Gail Picard says they are asked to pray that the Holy Spirit gives the counselor the words needed to be reach the woman and that He give the woman the grace needed to be open to keeping her unborn child. Fundraising to support the Ultrasound Initiative is also ongoing. It’s expected to cost more than $2,000 per month for operating expenses for the machine. Contributions may be made to Care Net Pregnancy Center NE CT and mailed to Thomas Kenny, Knights of Columbus, 8 Vista Lane, Old Lyme, CT 06371.

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Four County Catholic June 2012

Catholic Charities Update 136 Sachem Street Norwich CT 06360 860-889-2374 Fax 860-886-2396

Marriage Preparation Gets Couples Ready for Sacrament When couples marry in the Catholic Church, there is much By Colleen Egan

more to it than simply stating “I do.” This is because, the Catholic Church believes that parishioners should be educated about marriage and natural family planning before a ceremony takes place. Catholics wishing to marry are required to attend four sessions of Marriage Preparation prior to marriage. This is best begun about six months prior to the marriage date. Susan Williams, Director of the Office of Family Life at Catholic Charities, is in charge of this task for the Diocese of

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Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony Holy St Anthony gentlest of Saints. Your love for God and charit for His creators made you wor hy when on ear h posses miraculous power which you were ready to speak for those who are in t ouble or anxiet . Encouraged by this thought I implore to you to obtain for me (request) The answer to my prayer may require a miracle, even so you are the saint of miracles Oh gentle and loving St. Anthony whose hear is f ll of human sy pathy whisper my petition into the ears of sweet infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your ar s, and the g atit de of my hear will ever be yours. This 13 day Novena has never been known to fail. Say three Hail Mar 's and three Glories and promise publication.

~ CD ~

Norwich. She works in conjunction with parish priests to make the information on marriage available to all couples. According to Williams, classes are given about four to five times per year and can accommodate 30 couples at one time, with five to 17 couples per

class. “I try to get everyone in the diocese on the same curriculum, including natural family planning,” she said. Natural Family Planning is approved by the church. The Church recognizes marriage as one of its seven Sacraments. Marriage is to be a visible reminder of Christ’s love to husband and wife. The bride and the bridegroom are the ministers of the Sacrament. Nicholas and Elizabeth Lillie

were married Aug. 8, 2011 in Reading, Pa. They now live in Pawcatuck. Together they participated in Marriage Preparation. Elizabeth Lillie said the diocese was willing to work with the couple so that classes fit into Nicholas’ work schedule. “Sue was more than happy to adjust to our schedule,” she said. Materials used were a workbook and DVDs discussing various aspects of married life. “It was nice to use John Paul II’s Theology of the Body,” Elizabeth said. The Lillies said real time marriage issues and points of discussion were used including dialogues on subjects like financing, childrearing, blended families and much more “It really got us discussing things that would come up in marriage,” Elizabeth said. She said Nickolas and she have a good channel of communication due to the Marriage Preparation classes. If asked whether she would recommend this course to other couples, Elizabeth didn’t even hesitate. “I would strongly recommend it. Issues do come up in marriage and it’s very beneficial.”


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Four County Catholic June 2012

Diocesan Priest Runs to Make a Difference for Alzheimer’s Patients Father Michael Smith has been the Pastor at Church of the Holy Family in Hebron for 12 years and Submitted By Erin K. Butler Communications Chair

this past year also took on the role as Pastor for St. Columba Church in Columbia. But even his busy schedule has not kept him from a personal passion he has outside the church doors: running. While he has been a runner for years, he recently decided to step up his game. “In the fall of 2011, I ran the Hartford half marathon with friends from Holy Family parish and it was such a great experience that I mentioned wanting to take on a full marathon at some point. Then, while planning my future business trip to California for January (2012), I discovered the Carlsbad Marathon coincided with my trip and thought this was be the perfect opportunity to take on my first marathon in such a beautiful setting,” said Father Smith. He approached his first marathon with a greater purpose than just finishing, he wanted to raise money in support of those suffering from Alzheimer’s, a disease close to his heart as both his step-father and several Holy Family parish members have Alzheimer’s. An announcement was made to the Holy Family parish of his marathon mission one weekend

when Father Smith was out of town and parishioners rallied to support the cause helping him raise $1600. It was important to Father Smith to keep the money close to home, so the money was designated to benefit families in the parish and the community with loved ones suffering from this disease. “When my step-dad was living at home, my mom would have to pay someone to come and stay with him when she needed to leave the house. It’s an expense that not everyone can afford but it really crucial for those family member to be able to get out and not worry about their loved one at home.” The parish set up a special fund and spread the word that those who could use the financial assistance to contact them. The money will then be divided up among the recipients. While his fundraising efforts

ran smoothly, his training, however, experienced a slight hiccup when just eight weeks before the race he had to have surgery in his knee to repair a torn meniscus. But it didn’t deter him; he finished t h e marathon in four hours and 20 minutes. “During the race, there was a quote by George S. Patton (U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian) that I played in my head. ‘You have to make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do. The body will always give up. It is always tired in the morning, noon, and night. But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired’,” he quoted. “I thought about those who have

Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony Holy St Anthony gentlest of Saints. Your love for God and charit for His creators made you wor hy when on ear h posses miraculous power which you were ready to speak for those who are in t ouble or anxiet . Encouraged by this thought I implore to you to obtain for me (request) The answer to my prayer may require a miracle, even so you are the saint of miracles Oh gentle and loving St. Anthony whose hear is f ll of human sy pathy whisper my petition into the ears of sweet infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your ar s, and the g atit de of my hear will ever be yours. This 13 day Novena has never been known to fail. Say three Hail Mar 's and three Glories and promise publication.

~ CVC ~

had their minds taken by this disease and it inspired me to keep going.” While he is proud of his accomplishment, most of all, he hopes others will take away his story as inspiration to use their own personal abilities to make a difference. “God gives each of us gifts and we should never underestimate how powerful those gifts can be. I count my ability to run as a blessing. I can do this, so why not?” he

said. “There were times I slowed down during the marathon, but there was never a time I felt I couldn’t do it. I believe when you are doing something with purpose you can always persevere.” The Church of the Holy Family serves the communities of Hebron, Andover, Marlborough, and Columbia. For more information on programs and services at the Church of the Holy Family, contact the parish at 860-228-0096 or online at

Sr. Irene Bisaillon, DHS November 6, 1917 ~ April 28, 2012 Sr. Irene Bisaillon, DHS, 94, a member of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit, died on Saturday, April 28, 2012 at the Holy Spirit Health Care Center where she has been in residence since 2008. Born on November 6, 1917, in Ste. Christine, P.Q. Canada, the daughter of the late Henri and Laura (Duchesneau) Bisaillon, she entered religious life in 1934 and made her religious profession at the Motherhouse in St. Brieuc, France on August 23, 1938. She was then known as Sr. Henri de Jésus. After her profession, Sr. Irene served as sacristan in Rostrenen, France for one year. Upon her return to the United States in 1939, she was assigned to Fall River, MA at St. John’s Nursery as well as Pawtucket, RI where she served as Dietician. From 1954-1970 she taught in the following schools operated by the Daughters of the Holy Spirit: St. Mary’s, Jewett City, CT, St. Cecilia’s, Leominster, MA, Im-

maculate Conception, Fitchburg, MA and St. Anne, Swanton, VT. In 1972 she was appointed administrator of St. Joseph Guest House, New Haven, CT until 1983. She served in the same capacity at Holy Spirit Provincial House, Putnam, CT. from 1983 until 1998. She later retired at the Provincial House in 2000 and was admitted to Holy Spirit Health Care Center in 2008. Survivors include one sister—Mrs. Julienne Ranger of Repentigny, P.Q. Canada; two brothers, Isidore Bisaillon of Wolcott, CT and Adrien Bisaillon of Barton, VT and several nieces and nephews among whom Sr. Michèle Bisaillon, DHS as well as grandnieces and grandnephews. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Daughters of the Holy Spirit Retirement Fund, 72 Church St., Putnam, CT, 06260. For memorial guestbook visit


Four County Catholic June 2012

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Four County Catholic June 2012

Joey’s Thought for the Day At a recent agency gathering, a short presentation got many of us thinking. The message was simple By Mary Tunison

yet poignant – anyone can make a big difference in little ways. The film opens with some grocery store staff attending a workshop on customer service. The key speaker encourages each employee to find their own personal way of making their customers feel welcome and important. A food bagger, whom we’ll identify as “Joey,” caught the speaker’s enthusiasm, despite his fellow co-workers initial skepticism and indifference. Jaded by years of customer insensitivity and mundane routine, they shrugged it off as useless. But Joey took to heart the challenge to find his own personal imprint that might make a difference. Initially, he struggled to come up with ideas but, with the help of his dad, eventually stumbled upon a winning concept. While

perusing the Internet one day, he came across some thoughtful, uplifting quotes that made him feel happy and encouraged. If they could lift his spirits, he thought, why not his customers? Typing these thought provoking gems onto slips of paper, Joey excitedly anticipated work the next day. As Joey bagged each customer’s groceries, he carefully slipped one of his “thoughts for the day” into each bag. Happy just to have found his own personal insignia, Joey never anticipated what would happen next. This simple personal touch made a huge difference. Regular customers slowly and deliberately began lining up at Joey’s checkout

lane just so they could receive his “thought for the day.” Some even admitted purchasing something just to get their special inspiration, leaving the store with a smile and a sense that someone cared

able to transform his entire working environment and inspire others to jump on board. He was a grocery store bagger -- not a manager or a store owner, yet he caught their attention and admiration. You don’t have to be high on the corporate ladder to make a significant difference. This simple film reinforced my own belief that simple acts of kindness can change lives. I recently heard someone say, “People will not remember what

enough to do something special. Gradually, his fellow co-workers saw the impact this simple gesture was making and were inspired to offer their own unique touch whether it was simply a smile, a balloon or a flower. It wasn’t a big thing; not flashy or expensive – it simply took a little time and effort. Yet Joey was


you say or even what you do, but they will remember how you made them feel.” In a world where there are so many distressed, lonely and overburdened people who are hungering for hope, a smile, or a kind word, small acts of kindness go a long way. Try it – and you will see what I mean. Mary Tunison works for Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of Hartford, and is a freelance writer, photographer, artist, and graphic designer.

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Ń Ń ¦¡ lee e joioi o “ e wanted to take care of our rela relatives. tives. Instead of lea ving a lump sum to them hem upon our passin , leaving w ting a series series of charitable charitable gift annuities wee elt crea creating dur ing our li etime w as a better wa of helping during was them out. The annuities pro vide our famil provide mi members with quar ter pa y w hich help quarter p yments which to offset the high cost of li vin in e havvee been livin ab le to assist our famil lp the churc chu h through able mi , help our initial gift,, and benefit ffrom tax sa vings.” savings.” -Fr eg r ino , Stor rs -F ank & P Peg Storrs

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“When our ather passed awa , we we wanted wanted to honor what w hat was was important important to him. Our ather al alw wa s believed believed strong in Catholic strongly Catholic education education and worked worked ve ver hard hard to make sure his eight children aattended ttended Ca Catholic tholic School. He also kne knew w we we must must eed the hungr hung . In lieu of flower flo wers our fami mily asked those tho who who wished to ppa tribute tr ribute to our ather either send a gift in memoriam memoriam to Sacred Hear Heartt School in Groton or St. Vincent De Paul Place in Norwich.. Our fr friend riennds fami mil , and others w who ho wished to remember our ather respondedgenerous respondedgenerousl and without hesita hesitation. tion.. It w was as tru trul hear heartwarming twarming to see such on outpour outpouring ing of support support and compassion,, which which has pro provided vided great great comfort comfort too our mother. mothe ” - The Fami mil of Gera Ge ld Griffin Griffin

This eevent vent is made possib possible le thr through ough our g generous enerous contr contribution ibution to the Ann Annual ual Catholic Appeal.


Four County Catholic June 2012

Dozens of Catholic Groups Sue Obama Admin Over HHS Mandate Notre Dame, Franciscan University of Steubenville, and dozens of Catholic hospitals and organizations by Steven Ertelt

have filed a total of 12 lawsuits today, 5/21/12, against Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and the Obama administration over the controversial HHS mandate. The lawsuit challenges the Obama administration’s unprecedented mandate that attacks the freedom to practice religion without government interference. Under the

HHS mandate, employers must provide insurance coverage that includes abortion-inducing drugs, as well as contraceptives and sterilization procedures. Franciscan University maintains that the requirement to fund and facilitate such activities violates its core religious and moral convictions as a Catholic university. “Franciscan University’s mission is and always has been to teach from the heart of the Church,” said University President Father Terence Henry, TOR. “The Obama administration’s mandate is a grave threat to our ability to carry out that mis-

sion. It makes it impossible for us to operate freely as a Catholic institution without overbearing and invasive governmental interference.” Other plaintiffs include Catholic dioceses, schools, universities, and charitable organizations. Numbered among the plaintiffs are the Archdioceses of New York, Washington, D.C., and St. Louis, as well as the Dioceses of Dallas, Ft. Worth, Rockville Centre, Pittsburgh, and the Michigan Catholic Conference, which represents all seven dioceses in the state. “The Church is speaking with one unified voice on this issue,” said Father Henry. “Every single American bishop has condemned this unjust mandate as an unconscionable violation of religious liberty. If allowed to stand, it will coerce Christians into cooperating with acts that violate core tenets of our faith.” When first proposed in August 2011 by the Department of Health

and Human Services, the mandate was met by strong objections from numerous Catholic bishops, hospitals, and institutions. Although a small exemption for some religious institutions was written into the original proposal, it was too narrow to cover the vast majority of them, particularly those, like Catholic universities, which both employ and serve people of other faiths or no faith at all. The mandate effectively puts the federal government in the position of deciding which organizations are “religious enough,” the lawsuits claim. In late January 2012, President Obama and HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced that the mandate would go into force as originally planned, with no adequate accommodations made for individuals or groups who objected on religious grounds. The University of Notre Dame said the requirement would still call

on religious groups to “facilitate” coverage “for services that violate the teachings of the Catholic Church.” “The federal mandate requires Notre Dame and similar religious organizations to provide in their insurance plans abortion-inducing drugs, contraceptives and sterilization procedures, which are contrary to Catholic teaching. It also authorizes the government to determine which organizations are sufficiently ‘religious’ to warrant an exemption from the requirement,” the statement said. Our Sunday Visitor, is also a party to one of the lawsuits and issued an editorial explaining why. “Today, Our Sunday Visitor stands proudly with our fellow Catholic apostolates and with our bishops in resisting this challenge. We ask all of our readers to stand with us – in charity, praying first and foremost for conversions of heart; in civility, arguing the facts of this case

Defending Religious Liberty Religious freedom is a Godgiven right. It is protected in the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights of our U.S. Constitution, which dates back to Dec. 15, 1791. The government should not be allowed to force people or groups to violate their most deeply held reli-

gious convictions. To quote Cardinal Timothy Dolan, president of the USCCB, “Religious freedom is our heritage, our legacy, and our firm belief, both as loyal Catholics and Americans.” This is not a Catholic issue, it will impact all religions.

Please contact the offices of your Congressional Representatives and United States Senators to express your opposition to the federal healthcare mandate. For addresses and phones numbers, please visit: or

The Honorable John Larson 221 Main Street, 2nd Floor Hartford, CT 06106 Phone: (860) 278-8888 Fax: (860) 278-2111

The Honorable Rosa DeLauro 59 Elm Street New Haven, CT 06510 Phone: (203) 562-3718 Fax: (201) 772-2260

The Honorable Christopher Murphy 114 West Main Street, Suite 206 New Britain, CT 06051 Phone: (860) 223-8412 Fax: (860) 827-9009

June 21 Mass in Baltimore, MD A Mass will be offered on June 21 at 7 p.m. at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Baltimore, Maryland, celebrated by Archbishop William E. Lori of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, to open the Fortnight for Freedom.

The Honorable Joseph Courtney 101 Water Street, Suite 301 Norwich, CT 06360 Phone: (860)886-0139 Fax: (860) 886-2974

The Honorable Jim Himes 211 State Street, 2nd Floor Bridgeport, CT 06604 Phone: (866) 453-0028 Fax: (203) 333-6655

July 4 Mass in Washington, DC (nationally televised) A Mass will be offered on July 4 at 12:10 p.m. at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, celebrated by Cardinal Donald Wuerl of the Archdiocese of Washington and homilist Archbishop Charles Chaput, OFM Cap of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. The Mass will be televised nationwide on the EWTN cable network. Check your local listings.

U.S. Senate

The Ad Hoc Committee on Religious Liberty of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) have called for a “Fortnight for Freedom,” a 14day period of prayer, education and action in support of religious freedom, from June 21-July 4. The fourteen days from June 21— the vigil of the Feasts of St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More—to July 4, Independence Day, are dedicated to this “fortnight for freedom”—a great hymn

of prayer for our country. Our liturgical calendar celebrates a series of great martyrs who remained faithful in the face of persecution by political power— St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More, St. John the Baptist, SS. Peter and Paul, and the First Martyrs of the Church of Rome. Culminating on Independence Day, this special period of prayer, study, catechesis, and public action will emphasize both our Christian and American heritage of liberty.

Special Masses

U.S. Congress

The Honorable Joseph Lieberman One Constitution Plaza, 7th Floor Hartford, CT 06103 Voice: 860.549.8463 (Voice) Phone: 800.225.5605 (In CT) Fax: 866.317.2242

The Honorable Richard Blumenthal 90 State House Square, 10th Floor Hartford, CT, 06103 Phone: (860) 258-6940 Fax: (860) 258-6958


Four County Catholic June 2012

without recourse to bitter partisanship or political rhetoric; and in solidarity, knowing that whatever sacrifices we bear and whatever challenges we endure, we are only doing what is our responsibility as American citizens practicing our faith in the public square.” A list of entities suing the Obama administration over the mandate: 1. D.D.C. Lawsuit • Archdiocese of Washington • Consortium of Catholic Academies • Archbishop Carroll High School • Catholic Charities of D.C. • The Catholic University of America 2. E.D.N.Y. Lawsuit • Diocese of Rockville Centre • Catholic Health Services of Long Island • Catholic Charities of Rockville Centre • Archdiocese of N.Y. • ArchCare 3. W.D.Pa. (Erie Div.) Lawsuit • Diocese of Erie • St. Martin Center • Prince of Peace Center 4. W.D.Pa. (Pitt. Div.) Lawsuit • Diocese of Pittsburgh • Catholic Charities of Diocese of Pittsburgh • Catholic Cemeteries Association of Diocese of Pittsburgh 5. N.D.Tex. (Dallas Div) Lawsuit • Diocese of Dallas 6. N.D.Tex. (Fort Worth Div.) Lawsuit • Diocese of Fort Worth 7. S.D. Ohio (Columbus Div.) Lawsuit • Franciscan University of Steubenville • Michigan Catholic Conference

Discovering Our Diocese

Where is This? All Saints Church Somersville, CT

8. S.D.Miss. (Gulfport Div.) Lawsuit • Diocese of Jackson • Catholic Charities of Jackson • Vicksburg Catholic School • St. Joseph’s Catholic School • Diocese of Biloxi • De l’Epee Deaf Center Inc. • Catholic Social & Community Services Inc. • Resurrection Catholic School • Sacred Heart Catholic School • St. Dominic Health Services 9. N.D.Ind. (South Bend Div.) Lawsuit • The University of Notre Dame 10. N.D. Ind. (Fort Wayne Div.)

Lawsuit • Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend • Catholic Charities of Fort Wayne-South Bend • St. Anne Home • Franciscan Alliance • Our Sunday Visitor • University of St. Francis 11. N.D.Ill. Lawsuit • Diocese of Joliet • Catholic Charities of Joliet • Diocese of Springfield • Catholic Charities of Springfield 12. E.D.Mo. (St. Louis Div.) • Archdiocese of St. Louis • Catholic Charities of St. Louis


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A Message from Father John Jenkins, C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame May 21, 2012 - Today the University of Notre Dame filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Indiana regarding a recent mandate from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). That mandate requires Notre Dame and similar religious organizations to provide in their insurance plans abortioninducing drugs, contraceptives and sterilization procedures, which are contrary to Catholic teaching. The decision to file this lawsuit came after much deliberation, discussion and efforts to find a solution acceptable to the various parties. Let me say very clearly what this lawsuit is not about: it is not about preventing women from having access to contraception, nor even about preventing the Government from providing such services. Many of our faculty, staff and students — both Catholic and non-Catholic — have made conscientious decisions to use contraceptives. As we assert the right to follow our conscience, we respect their right to follow theirs. And we believe that, if the Government wishes to provide such services, means are available that do not compel religious organizations to serve as its agents. We do not seek to impose our religious beliefs on others; we simply ask that the Government not impose

its values on the University when those values conflict with our religious teachings. We have engaged in conversations to find a resolution that respects the consciences of all and we will continue to do so. This filing is about the freedom of a religious organization to live its mission, and its significance goes well beyond any debate about contraceptives. For if we concede that the Government can decide which religious organizations are sufficiently religious to be awarded the freedom to follow the principles that define their mission, then we have begun to walk down a path that ultimately leads to the undermining of those institutions. For if one Presidential Administration can override our religious purpose and use religious organizations to advance policies that undercut our values, then surely another Administration will do the same for another very different set of policies, each time invoking some concept of popular will or the public good, with the result these religious organizations become mere tools for the exercise of government power, morally subservient to the state, and not free from its infringe-

ments. If that happens, it will be the end of genuinely religious organizations in all but name. The details of the process that led to the mandate are publicly known. In an Interim Final Ruling issued August 3, 2011, the federal government required employers to provide the objectionable services. A narrow exemption was given to religious institutions that serve and employ primarily members of their own faith, but, departing from a long tradition in federal law, organizations like Notre Dame—schools, universities, hospitals and charitable organizations that serve and employ people of all faiths and none—were granted no exemption, but instead were made subject to the law to the same extent as any secular organization. On September 28, I submitted a formal comment encouraging the Administration to follow precedent and adopt a broader exemption. Despite some positive indications, the Administration announced on January 20, 2012, that its interim rule would be adopted as final without change. After an outcry from across the political spectrum, President

Obama announced on February 10 that his Administration would attempt to accommodate the concerns of religious organizations. We were encouraged by this announcement and have engaged in conversations with Administration officials to find an acceptable resolution. Although I do not question the good intentions and sincerity of all involved in these discussions, progress has not been encouraging and an announcement seeking comments on how to structure any accommodation (HHS Advanced Notification of Proposed Rule Making on preventative services policy, March 16, 2012) provides little in the way of a specific, substantive proposal or a definite timeline for resolution. Moreover, the process laid out in this announcement will last months, making it impossible for us to plan for and implement any changes to our health plans by the governmentmandated deadlines. We will continue in earnest our discussions with Administration officials in an effort to find a resolution, but, after much deliberation, we have concluded that we have no option but to appeal to the courts regarding the fundamental issue of religious freedom. It is for these reasons that we have filed this lawsuit neither lightly nor gladly, but with sober determination.


Four County Catholic June 2012

Movie Review: For Greater Glory I’m doing something I’ve never done before. I’ve never written a movie review for a movie I have by Jann FritzHuspen

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not yet seen or a book review for book I have not yet read. But I am so excited by the “buzz” about an upcoming movie that I thought I’d let you in on some of it. For Greater Glory was released on June 1, 2012. When I first heard about this film, I didn’t give it a great deal of thought, considering how disappointed I was with There Be Dragons, the movie about St. Josemaria Escriva. But those who have been following this film more closely than I have good things to say about this attempt at telling a true story of faith under attack. For Greater Glory tells the story of Mexico’s Cristero War, the conflict for religious freedom that rocked North America in the 1920s. Many who have seen the film in exclusive pre-release screenings have been surprised by an intense, inspirational story of faith, family, and martyrdom that has remained obscure when compared to other historical conflicts of religious liberty. One of the reasons this movie is generating good pre-release press is that its cast is full of well-

known stars, stars who would be unlikely to sign on to a “B” movie at this point in their careers. The cast includes protagonist General Enrique Gorostieta, played by

Oscar® nominee Andy Garcia (Ocean’s Eleven). His wife, Tulita, is played by like Eva Longoria. Other notable stars include Peter O’ Toole as Father Christopher and Eduardo Verástegui, as Blessed Anacleto (who many Catholics will remember from his debut in the pro-life movie,


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Bella). Another reason I am stepping out on a limb for this film is that, in my opinion, the timing is perfect. Consider that our bishps recently called on us to ray, fast and fight for our wn religious freedom here n the U.S.A, I’d say the timng of this movie is not a concidence but rather, a God-incidence”. I hope his movie gets people who may still think the HHS mandate is not a big deal, eriously thinking about what a slippery slope the oss of religious freedom is! Teenager Mauricio Kuri, who plays Blessed ose in For Greater Glory, wondered recently about why the story of martyrdom remains largely unnown. “Why don’t eople know about im?” he asked regardng Blessed Jose. “The world needs to know bout him and his tory. “The movie is a ood opportunity to earn about this.” “We’re not proud of this,” cast member Eduardo Verástegui, a Mexican native, said of the Cristero War. Verástegui plays Blessed Anacleto in the film. “It’s a wound that we’ve buried. I felt we should bring this wound out, learn from it, and show some of the heroes of Mexico who gave their lives for what they believed.” So mark your calendars, plan to flood the movie theaters, and then be inspired to fight our fight for religious freedom right here in our homeland of the United States of America!

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Four County Catholic June 2012

In Wake of Bishop Lori’s Departure, Monsignor to Administer Diocese BRIDGEPORT - Monsignor Jerald A. Doyle, who has served in administrative positions since By Frank Juliano

1992, has been named the temporary administrator of the Diocese of Bridgeport and will serve until a new bishop is named. Doyle, a Bridgeport native, was elected by the 11-member diocesan College of Consultors. Under canon law, the consultors must choose a priest to oversee the dayto-day running of the diocese during the eight to 10 months it may take for a successor to Bishop

William E. Lori to be installed. Doyle, 68, was appointed as Episcopal vicar for administration by Lori in 2007, serving as the secondin-command. Doyle was named prelate of honor with the title of monsignor by Pope Benedict XVI in April 2008, in recognition of his work as ju-

dicial vicar of the diocesan tribunal and his service to the Catholic Church. His selection was not unexpected, said Brian D. Wallace, spokesman for the diocese, though the consultors were free to consider other candidates. The College of

Consultors comprises priest leaders who represent a cross-section of parishes and ministries in the diocese. Doyle holds a doctoral degree in canon law from St. Paul University in Ottawa, Canada. He graduated from St. Thomas Seminary in Bloomfield and completed his theological studies at Gregorian University in Rome. He was ordained in St. Peter’s Basilica in 1969. No new initiatives will be undertaken during the administrator’s tenure, and Doyle does not have all of the authority of a

bishop, church officials said. He cannot ordain priests or deacons, and Lori has arranged for an auxiliary Bishop from Baltimore to ordain new deacons for the 82parish Bridgeport diocese in June. Several people will have input into the selection of a new bishop for Bridgeport, Wallace said, including Lori himself, who was installed as archbishop of Baltimore on May 16. The pope has the authority to appoint a candidate of his own choice or to confirm one of those who have been recommended, the diocesan spokesman said.


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Four County Catholic June 2012

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Four County Catholic June 2012

Academic Excellence. Character. Self-confidence.

St. Patrick Cathedral School, Norwich 860-889-4174 Sacred Heart School, Taftville 860-887-1757

St. John School, Old Saybrook St. John School, located in the heart of downtown Old Saybrook, has the unique disBy Sheila Cerjanec Technology Coordinator, Diocesan School Office

tinction of serving families from 20 area towns and communities in the Shoreline and River Valley regions including Old Saybrook, Clinton, Westbrook, East Haddam, Essex and Old Lyme. The school initially opened in 1964, with 70 students in the first and second

grades. Following that, each year, another class was added until in 1972, the school graduated its first eighth grade class. Unfortunately, due to staffing and financial problems, the school did not reopen in the fall of 1972. The parish and school community wanted a religious order to administer the school and at that time one could not be found. This, combined with the financial difficulties, made it impossible to continue to support the school. For the next twenty years, the school building served as a parish center hosting CCD offices and classes and as a home for the Shoreline Soup

Kitchen. Surveys taken within the parish in the early 1990s, showed support for a parish school, and talk began regarding the re-opening of St. John’s. Parents approached Dr. Howard Bennett, then Superintendent of Schools for the Diocese of Norwich, who backed the idea, and in the fall of 1994, Bishop Daniel Reilly, Bishop of Norwich, granted the school permission to reopen its doors. The school would be staffed by the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of the Church, whose Motherhouse was in Baltic, CT. Interestingly, St. John School was the only Catholic elementary school to open that year in the entire United States. Enrollment that first year was eighty two students in PreKeighth grade and the following

Left-right Bridget Neri, Amanda Beck and Kaitlin Woolery from Mrs. Corcoran’s 5th Grade class at St. John School, Old Saybrook. Photo by Meredith Morrison

year, the numbers rose to one hundred and five. St. John saw rapid growth in student population in those early years, prompting the development of a Building Committee in 1996 to study how to meet the expanding needs of the school. In 1999, ground was broken to add a permanent structure to the original school, which would house the Pre-Kindergarten through Grade Five classes. Over the next years, thanks to the generosity of the parent community, the science laboratory was updated, playground equipment was purchased, the Library computerized, and the computer lab was continuously updated. Most recently, the gymnasium/auditorium/cafeteria was renovated in 2007. St. John School provides its students with a challenging academic program which includes all of the core subjectsReligion, Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Health, Physical Education, Art. Music, and World Language. Faculty and staff work unceasingly to encourage the students in following the work of Jesus as set forth in the Gospel. Daily religion classes are at the very foundation of the school’s curriculum. Students participate in the Sacred Liturgy of First Fridays and Holy Days of Obligation. Each St. John School Continued on page 24

To learn more, contact the Diocesan School Office, 860-887-4086, or contact one of the diocesan schools.

Sacred Heart School, Groton 860-445-0611 St. Edward School, Stafford Springs 860-684-2600 St. James School, Danielson 860-774-3281 St. John School, Middletown 860-347-3202 St. John School, Old Saybrook 860-388-0849 St. Joseph School, Baltic 860-822-6141 St. Joseph School, North Grosvenordale 860-923-2090 St. Joseph School, New London 860-442-1720 St. Joseph School, Rockville 860-875-4943 St. Mary School, Middletown 860-347-2978 St. Mary School, New London 860-443-7758 St. Mary-St. Joseph School, Willimantic 860-423-8479 St. Michael School, Pawcatuck 860-599-1084 St. Matthew Pre-School, Tolland 860-872-0200 St. Bernard Pre-School, Rockville 860-875-0475


Four County Catholic June 2012

St. John School

Continued from page 23

day begins with a school wide assembly, where the children pray and sing praise together as one community, pledge the flag and sing patriotic songs. Mary is honored throughout the year through the Marian devotions. On Thursdays, classes often visit the parish church where Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is held. Reconciliation is offered four times a year for students who have received the sacra-

ment. Students are encouraged to participate actively in the spiritual life of the St. John School community. They participate in all aspects of the Mass, lead morning prayers and mentor the younger students. Students are encouraged to participate in Student Council, where they have an opportunity to develop and express their leadership potential. There are many opportunities to participate in school wide

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charitable and fund raising activities. Students may choose to participate in annual oratory contents or school wide writing or math competitions. Band and chorus concerts are held each year, giving students an opportunity to share and exhibit unique talents. Extracurricular sports teams are also a big part of life at St. John School. The athletic department at St. John School is committed to helping students to develop as athletes, team members and as virtuous citizens of the community. Their motto is “Sport, a school of human virtue” taken from a quote by Pope John Paul II who taught that “every Christian is called to become a strong athlete of Christ…” They encourage good sportsmanship, and encourage school spirit as well. St. John’s offers opportunities for students to participate in soccer, cross country, ski club, bowling, boys’ and girls’ basketball and golf in the spring. Recognizing that all students


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learn differently, the faculty and staff at St. John School, strive to meet the needs of all of their students, encouraging all to achieve the best learning outcomes possible in

a positive, nurturing environment. Younger grade students are often paired with upper grade “reading buddies” for projects and celebrations. All classes are exposed to world culture through art, music, technology and Spanish language lessons. The school provides small and large group instruction to maximize academic success.

May has been a busy month at St. John’s. The Annual Spring Concert was held on May 17th. On May 18th, the Annual May Crowning occurred at the statue of Mary behind the church. Also, on the seventeenth, the three students who placed first, second and third in the Modern Woodman speech contest held this year at the school, journeyed to St. Gabriel School in Milford, to compete in the next level of completion. On May 22nd, the fifth grade officially graduated from the DARE program, taught by Officer Ryan Walsh. The school is proud of its fifth graders for completing this extensive program. The school will be holding an Open House on June 3rd, combined with the annual Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast from 8:00 until 11:00. Last year’s event, a first, was a huge success. 190 breakfasts were served and many stayed on to tour the school. Everyone is looking forward to a good turnout again this year. For more information please call Carol Conklin, 860-395-1194. The Home and School Association of St. John School is extremely active and supportive. There are generally four major fund raisers held each year, and organized and staffed by parent members of the organization. The Golf Tournament and Fall Festival and Raffle are held in the fall, and a Goods and Services Auction and Walk-A-Thon are spring events. It is hoped that this year’s Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast and Open House will also become an annual event. Additionally, parents volunteer as Room Parents, chaperone field trips, help in the cafeteria, at recess, and on Morning Car Line Duty. They also organize events such as Spaghetti Suppers, Father-Daughter Dances, and Mother-Son breakfasts to name just a few of the ways they support the school. Parents also act as coaches for the school athletic teams and participate as members of the active St. John’s Athletic Boosters Club. For more information about St. John School and for the Open House schedule, please call the school: 860388-6265.


Four County Catholic June 2012

Mercy High School Presents McAuley Award Recipients Recently, Sr. Mary McCarthy, RSM, Principal of Mercy High School, and Most Rev. Michael R. Submitted by Marie Kalita-Leary Director of Communication and Public Relations

Cote, Bishop of Norwich, presented the Catherine McAuley Award to six members of the Mercy High School community. The Catherine McAuley Award, established in 1998, honors those individuals who have made a significant contribution to the school community and have lived by the ideals of the Mercy tradition. Catherine McAuley was the Foundress of the Sisters of Mercy in Dublin, Ireland in 1831. This year’s honorees included: Jacqueline A. Ceberek ‘67, alumna and faculty member; Anne D’Orvilliers ‘71, alumna; Alissa K. DeJonge ‘95, alumna and member of the Board of Trustees; Marion C. Driscoll, Mercy volunteer and parent of two Mercy alumnae; Sr.

Mary Etta Higgins, RSM, past administrator and faculty member; and Most Rev. Daniel P. Reilly, D.D., former Bishop of Norwich. Ms. Joanne Nesti, a Mercy alumna served as emcee for the

evening. Remarks were presented by Bishop Cote; Sr. Peggy O’Neill, RSM presented the greetings from Sister Lindora Cabral, RSM, President, Sisters of Mercy Northeast Community; and Sr. Mary Mc-

Carthy. Ann Derbacher, Campus Minister, presented the Invocation and Rev. Gregory Galvin gave the Benediction. Photo – McAuley Award Honorees (left to right) Anne D’Orvilliers

‘71, Sr. Mary Etta Higgins, RSM, Bishop Michael R. Cote, Sr. Mary McCarthy, RSM, Bishop Daniel P. Reilly, Jacqueline A. Ceberek ‘67, Alissa K. DeJonge ‘95. Marion C. Driscoll.

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Four County Catholic June 2012

Bears that Care First grade students from Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Gales Ferry recently cleaned out their own toy boxes to give items to those less fortunate. George Denison, of the “Bear that Cares”, talked to Mrs. Lacey’s faith formation class about the poor children he has served in Appalachia, as well as areas hit by tornadoes and flooding. Denison will deliver the eight boxes collected to children in need.

Students Help Make a home

Submitted by Donna Lacey, Catechist

Students from St. Bernard School in Uncasville help with the completion of the Diocese of Norwich sponsored Habitat for Humanity house on Case Street in Norwich. From left to right are Ryan O’Connor, Emily Patten, Grace Kirk Patrick, Maria Junco, Victor Calle, and Jared Kobyluck. Submitted by Marge Vanner

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Four County Catholic June 2012

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Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony Holy St Anthony gentlest of Saints. Your love for God and charit for His creators made you wor hy when on ear h posses miraculous power which you were ready to speak for those who are in t ouble or anxiet . Encouraged by this thought I implore to you to obtain for me (request) The answer to my prayer may require a miracle, even so you are the saint of miracles Oh gentle and loving St. Anthony whose hear is f ll of human sy pathy whisper my petition into the ears of sweet infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your ar s, and the g atit de of my hear will ever be yours. This 13 day Novena has never been known to fail. Say three Hail Mar 's and three Glories and promise publication.

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Four County Catholic June 2012


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Most holy apostle, St. Jude, faithf l ser ant and iend of Jesus, the Church honors and invokes you universally, as the pat on of hopeless cases, of things almost despaired of. Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone. Make use I implore you, of that par icular privilege given to you, to bring visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of. Come to my assistance in this g eat need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, t ibulations, and sufferings that I may praise God with you and all the elect forever. I promise, O blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindf l of this g eat favor, to always honor you as my special and powerf l pat on, and to g atef lly encourage devotion to you. Amen.

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The annual Sisters’ retreat will be preached by the Oblate Preaching Team. The theme for the week long retreat will be: “Speak Lord, I'm Listening”. We will be reminded to pay attention to the loving God who speaks to us through His Holy Word: Jesus. June 24-July 1, 2012 In Spanish July 22-28, 2012 Preached Retreat July 29-August 4, 2012 Preached Silent Retreat $400.00 offering for the whole week including supplies.

2nd Annual Matt Talbot Dinner June 10, 2012 Noon to 4pm. Open to all in recovery. Fellowship, speaker meeting and a great meal. Great attendance last year! Offering: $20. N.Y. Pilgrimage to St. Kateri Tekakwitha and St. Marianne Cope October 9-12, 2012 Br. Richard Cote, OMI Daily Mass, devotions, tour of Martyrs' Shrine, Auriesville. Cost $348 p.p. Single $398.

To register or for more information: Phone: 860-423-8484


Four County Catholic June 2012

Did You Know? June 3 Holy Trinity Sunday so chat about the trinity and do things in threes. Eat three of a kind of something. June 10 Feast of the Body of Christ (Corpus Christi) so celebrate Eucharist. Talk about what it means to you.

by Karen H Whiting

June 15 National Photography Day. Take some family photos. June 17 Father’s Day. Celebrate your Dad. Make him a hero sandwich and tell him why he’s your hero.

Father’s Day Word search

June 24 Birth of John the Baptist. Read about John in John 1.

Flag Day Two hundred years ago America fought the British in the War of 1812. During that war Francis Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner, our national anthem. Mr. Key watched a battle from a British ship. He didn’t like war and never planned to be there, but he went aboard the ship to get his friend, Dr. William Beanes, freed. The British barged into the doctor’s home and arrested him because they were mad. Dr. Beanes had caused the arrest of some British soldiers when the men behaved badly. Mr. Key, a lawyer, succeeded in the doctor’s release when he proved the doctor had treated wounded British soldiers. Then a real big problem began. The British started attacking Fort McHenry and would not let Mr. Key and his friends off the ship during the battle. Bombs fired and flames lit the sky all night long. Mr. Key felt great joy when the sun rose and he saw the flag still waving. They let them go free then. Mr. Key loved God. Some lines from his poems are “There is a covenant---it is sealed with blood. A risen Savior --- a forgiving God.” He even wrote a hymn to celebrate July 4th 1832. The words are: Before the Lord we bow --The God who reigns above, And rules the world below, Boundless in Power and love. Our thanks we bring, In joy and praise, Our hearts we raise To heaven’s high King.


The nation thou hast blest May well they love declare Enjoying peace and rest, Protected by thy care.

Find father names in the search below. The names in the word list include Bible verses about that Dad. Use the letters not circled in the puzzle to spell out a message for your Dad. Adam Genesis 4:1-2 Zacharias Luke 1:57-62 Joseph Matthew 1:18-25 Jethro Exodus 3:1 Peter 1 Peter 5:13 Obed Ruth 4:21-22 Jacob Genesis 49:1 God Matthew 6:26 Abraham Genesis 21:2

Zebedee Matthew 4:21 Jesse 1 Samuel 16:10-13 David 1 Kings 2:1-3, 12 Noah Genesis 7:23 Isaac Genesis 25:21, 26 Moses Exodus 18:2-6 Abba Mark 14:36 (name Jesus used for God the Father; means daddy)


Four County Catholic June 2012

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Four County Catholic June 2012

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Four County Catholic June 2012

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