Four County Catholic September 2011

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Volume 23 Number 8

September 2011


Made Possible in part through your generous support of the Annual Catholic Appeal


Four County Catholic September 2011

life truly is at its brightest and best when lived in the service of others

8 Four County

- Very Reverend Leszek T. Janik, J.C.L., V.G., Vicar General, Diocese of Norwich, recalling the self sacrifice and giving spirit of the heroes of 9/11.

atholic Serving the Counties of Middlesex, New London, Tolland, Windham & Fishers Island, NY

We strive to help students look at their world through the eyes of faith, confident that God knows them and loves them and expects much from them.


- Sister Mary David Riquier, scmc, Principal, Sacred Heart School, Taftville, speaking to the essence of the mission of Catholic education.

Established in 1989 and published each month except July. Publisher

Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Bishop of Norwich


Editorial Office

31 Perkins Avenue, Norwich, CT 06360-3613

The human heart is not a trophy case with limited shelf space. It’s not a bank account that runs out after too many withdrawals. Love exists in infinite supply.


- Christine Capecchi distinguishing the loving Christian heart from the often superficial social media variety.

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There was so much goodness there that the evil was, I think, not only conquered, it was smothered

- His Eminence Edward Michael Cardinal Egan, JCD, Archbishop Emeritus of New York, describing the ultimate victory over evil at Ground Zero



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Canada geese honk while flying. The ones in back honk the most. This encourages the leader and others to keep flying. Praise and encourage people you love. - Karen Whiting evoking a geese flying in formation metaphor to depict Christian principles.

The deadline for advertising is the second Monday of the preceding month. (Discount rate available to Diocesan-sponsored ministries and programs.) The editorial deadline is the third Monday of the preceding month. Articles limited to 500-word max; letters to the editor limited to 200-word max and must include name, address and phone number for verification. Email photos as Jpeg attachments and MS Word copy to or fax to 860.859.1253. Publication not guaranteed. The Editor reserves the right to reject, omit or edit all editorial and advertising copy. Published opinions and advertisements do not necessarily reflect the editorial position of this newspaper. Member of

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Four County Catholic September 2011

The Most Reverend

Michael R. Cote, D.D.

Bishop of Norwich

Honoring The Gift of Life My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: A week from today, The National September 11 Memorial & Museum will open at the World Trade Center site in New York City, remembering and honoring the 2,753 victims of the horrific tragedy at Ground Zero on the 11th of September ten years ago. The Memorial will consist of two square reflecting pools in the footprints of the original Twin Towers, surrounded by a plaza of hundreds of newly planted oak trees. From the ashes has come forth a lush garden with waterfalls and open skies breathing fresh life back into a wounded space. May God bless all who have worked so tirelessly to restore the colors and sounds of life to a place smoldering and ashen gray 10 years ago. It has been a monumental restoration both physically and emotionally. A time then and now to be grateful for the faith

and determination to carry on even with such heavy hearts. Psalm 46 reminds us, “God is our refuge and our strength, an everpresent help in distress. Thus we do not fear, though earth be shaken…and mountains totter. The Lord of hosts is with us…” We are grateful and hopeful that the act of rebuilding, as much as the tragedy itself, will lead all of us to a deeper understanding of tolerance and the power of love for one another. When we hear about the resistance of a New Jersey-based atheist group to the inclusion of the “World Trade Center Cross” among the salvaged remains of the towers, it sadly demonstrates the opposite of pulling together. Those steel beams in the shape of a cross are a part of the history of this event. Many saw the cross as a symbol of

hope. As reported by the Associated Press, Frank Silecchia, the construction worker who first spotted it, called the cross a “sign that God never abandoned us.” This is an inspiration deserving of respect amid so much despair. The blessing of our religious liberties ensures each of us the freedom to follow our spiritual inclinations. The cross stood out among the rubble and today stands on the memorial ground as a symbol of faith, hope and the comfort that we have not been abandoned. We haven’t. Let us unite and not give in to division at a time when our collective future depends on tolerance and good will. While so much attention is being paid to the massive steel

beam cross, there is another living symbol quite near the cross that has quietly found a restful place on the Memorial Plaza. There among the 400 swamp white oak trees densely filling the six-acres, is a lone Callery pear tree. The 35foot tall tree, fully leafed- out and not yet displaying its autumn colors, is known as the “survivor tree.” In October, 2001, the tree, having been on the grounds of the World Trade Center since 1970, was discovered charred and reduced to a limbless trunk amid the smoking rubble. There was just one tiny green leaf sprouting from the otherwise darkly burned and sheared trunk. That one leaf gave enough hope for the tree to be transferred to the intensive care of the NYC Parks and Recreation Department’s Arthur Ross Nursery in Van Cortlandt Park in the Bronx. There, the tree was slowly and carefully nursed back to health over these ten years. Look-

ing back, it seemed so impossible that a charred stump could possibly come back to life. There is a miracle quality about this living survivor. The miracle is firstly the miracle of life. A reminder to all how precious the gift. How we must honor the gift, and honor the Source of all creation. The further miracle is the caring for all life, even when abandoning life may seem such a practical solution. The revived survivor tree stands as a living testament to the profound value of all life, to faith in a Higher Power and in each other, and to the tolerant global society we must become to live peacefully together as brothers and sisters in a hopeful world. This is the legacy of September 11, 2001. From ashes – hope. Sincerely yours in Christ’s love, Bishop Michael R. Cote

Honrar el Regalo de la Vida En unos pocos días, abrirá El Monumento y Museo Nacional 11 de Septiembre en la ciudad de Nueva York, en el sitio de El Centro de Comercio Mundial, recordando y honrando a las 2,753 víctimas de la tragedia horrorosa de el 11 de Septiembre en la zona cero diez años atrás. El Monumento consistirá de dos reflectantes piscinas cuadradas que residen en las huellas de las Originales Torres Gemelas, rodeadas por una plaza de cientos de árboles robustos de robles . Desde las cenizas ha brotado un jardín exuberante con cascadas y cielos despejados respirando vida fresca que retorna a un espacio herido.

Que Dios bendiga a todos quienes han trabajado infatigablemente para restaurar los sonidos y colores de vida, de un lugar gris pálido y sofocante de diez años atrás. Ha sido una restauración monumental ambas físicamente y emocionalmente. Un período en aquel entonces y ahora para estar agradecidos por la fé y la determinación a triunfar incluso con tantos corazones oprimidos. El Salmo 46 nos recuerda, “Dios es nuestro refugio y nuestra fuerza, nuestra ayuda en momentos de angustia. Por eso no tendremos miedo , aunque la tierra tiemble y las montañas tambaleen. El Señor Todopoderoso está con nosotros

…” Nosotros estamos agradecidos y esperanzados que el acto de reconstruir tanto como la tragedia en sí, nos guiará a todos a un entendimiento más a fondo de tolerancia y el poder de amor de unos a otros. Cuando escuchamos sobre la resistencia de un grupo ateo de New Jersey a la inclusión de la “Cruz de el Centro de Comercio Mundial” entre los restos salvados de las torres, demuestra tristemente lo opuesto a la unidad. Esas vigas de acero en forma de cruz son una parte de la historia de este evento. Muchos vieron la cruz como un símbolo de esperanza. Como reportada por Frank

Silecchia en la Prensa Asociada, el trabajador de construcción quien la notó primero, llamó la cruz un “signo que Dios nunca nos abandona”. Esta es una inspiración merecedora de respeto entre tanta desesperación. Otros no están obligados a pensar lo mismo. La cruz resaltó entre los escombros y hoy permanence en la zona conmemorativa como símbolo de fé, esperanza y el Consuelo que nosotros no hemos sido abandonados. No lo hemos sido. En un tiempo cuando nuestro futuro colectivo depende en tolerancia y buena voluntad unámosnos sin consentir a la división. Mientras tanta atención está

siendo puesta a la cruz maciza de viga de acero, hay otro símbolo vivo, algo cerca de la cruz que ha encontrado silenciosamente un lugar de descanso en la Plaza Monumental. Llenando densamente los séis-acres entre los 400 árboles de roble blanco de pantano hay un árbol solitario de pera de Callery. El árbol tiene 35-pies de alto, completamente deshojado y no ha mostrado aún sus colores de Otoño , es ahora conocido como el “Arbol Sobreviviente”. Habiendo estado en los terrenos de el Centro de Comercio Mundial desde 1970, el árbol fue descubierto en Octubre del 2001, Regalo de la Vida Cont. on page 4


Four County Catholic September 2011

Regalo de la Vida

On the Cover One of 400 oak trees being lowered into place on the 9/11 Memorial Plaza in NYC in preparation for the 10-year anniversary of the tragic events of September 11, 2001. Bishop Cote reflects on the healing and path forward in his Let Faith Lead the Way column in this issue. National Medal commemorating 10th anniversary of September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States.

Continued from page 3

entre los escombros humeantes reducido a un tronco quemado y sin ramas. De un tronco cizallado y obscuramente quemado había justo una pequeñita hoja verde brotando. Esa única hoja dio suficiente esperanza para que el árbol fuera transladado al Departamento de Parques y Recreacion de NYC a cuidado intensivo en el Vivero Arthur Ross en el Parque Van Cortlandt en el Bronx. Allí el árbol fue recuperando salud lentamente y cuidadosamente a lo largo de estos diez años.

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Mirando hacia atrás, parece imposible que una cepa carbonizada posiblemente pudiera volver a vivir. Hay una cualidad milagrosa a cerca de este sobreviviente. El milagro es primeramente el milagro de vida. Un recordatorio a todos de este regalo precioso. Como debemos honrar el regalo y honrar la Fuente de toda creación. El milagro siguiente es el cuidado de toda vida, aún cuando parezca una solución práctica abandonar vida. El árbol sobreviviente está parado como un testamento vivo a el valor profundo de toda vida, a la fé en un Poder Más Alto y en cada uno, y a la sociedad global tolerante debemos vivir pacíficamente juntos como hermanos y hermanas en un mundo esperanzado. Este es el legado de el 11 de Septiembre de 2001 . Desde cenizas – esperanza. Sinceramente en el amor de Cristo,

(860) 928-3008 248 Grove St., Putnam (On Rte. 12 at exit 96 off Rte. 395)

Obispo Michael R. Cote

ST. EDMUND’S RETREAT Retreats Days of Recollection

St. Edmund’s at Enders Island

St. Edmund’s Medal of Honor October 7, 2011

September 28 Autumn Speaks - with Kathy Irr

Celebrating the Life of Virtue

October 19 And Know That I Am God - with Cynthia Giardina

5:00 pm Mass at Enders Island The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Bishop of Norwich, Principal Celebrant 6:30 pm Reception

St. Michael’s Institute of Sacred Art Join us while we explore the history, the sacred nature and the techniques of the Sacred Arts in a prayerful manner. September 10-15 Vellum: The Beautiful Borders of Rassu

For further information call:

860.536.0565 Or visit

September 11-18 Illuminated Miniature: St. Michael the Archangel October 2-7 - Stained Glass October 14-16 - Gregorian Chant

7:00 pm Dinner and Presentation Mystic Marriot, Groton, CT 2011 St. Edmund’s Medal of Honor Recipients: Sr. Georgette Lehmuth, OSF President/CEO of NCDC (National Catholic Development Conference) Brother Sean Sammon, FMS Former Superior General of the Marist Brothers Mayor Thomas P. Koch Quincy, Massachusetts Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nardone Westerly, Rhode Island For further information and/or reserve tickets:


Four County Catholic September 2011

Director of Priestly Vocations

Reverend Gregory Galvin

New Academic Year

Two Grants Received/Holy Hours Continue Well, another summer has come and gone, and instead of families playing at the beach and rolling in the waves, soon children will be riding a wave of homework, quizzes, tests and all their extracurricular activities. Our Holy Hour for Vocations continues on, so please check the schedule in this paper, online, on the vocation poster in your parish church/hall, or contact the Vocation Office by email or phone and we will gladly give you the next place and time. This month the Holy Hour is at Saint Matthew Church in Tolland on Thursday September 15, 2011 from 7-8pm. If you have not joined us so far, please try to this month. It makes a great family pilgrimage. This past August 11th, the Seminarian program of the Diocese was awarded two grants from The Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Norwich. The first was a grant from the Father Robert W. Talmadge Endowment Fund in the amount of $403. The second grant received was from the Mary E. Curtin and Rev. J. Clifford Curtin Endowment Fund in the amount of $33,444. The total of both awards is $33,847. Thank you so very much to the Catholic Foundation for distributing and managing the funds in such a manner that the financial fruit may continue to assist our seminarian program and so many other student programs within the diocese for years to come. If you would like to donate to the needs of the Vocation Office, please contact us for further information by email at or by phone at 860.887.9294. Donations in any amount are helpful

to the future of the priesthood in our diocese. As mentioned above, school has begun again and the same is true for the six men who are studying for the priesthood for our diocese. Brian Maxwell, Michael Salerno, Martin Noe and Jeff Ellis at this point have all returned to their seminaries to continue on with their formation. Jon Ficara and Ian Bothur will both be returning in early September from summer assignments in Europe, back to the North American College in Rome where classes officially begin again in early October. I look forward to visiting each of the seminarians this semester, including Jon and Ian in mid November. Please continue to pray

for each of them and for all those around our diocese who are discerning about applying to the diocese for sponsorship and the opportunity to more seriously discern God’s call for them in this life. Finally, later this month we hope to be able to announce and activate a new Vocation Website for the Diocese of Norwich. Watch for announcements regarding this in your parish bulletin in the upcoming weeks. I think it will be beneficial to everyone! May we keep in prayer always the victims of 9/11, their families, co-workers and those who dedicated their lives to serving our country and protecting human rights around the world.

Holy Hour for Vocations The Holy Hour for Vocations is held in a different deanery and parish each month. Bishop Cote will lead the prayers of the Holy Hour each month. The schedule is as follows: Sept. 15 Oct. 20 Nov. 17 Dec. 15

St. Matthew, Tolland St. Mary, Willimantic Mary Mother of the Redeemer, Groton Our Lady of the Lakes, Oakdale

7-8pm 7-8pm 7-8pm 5-6pm

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“Jesus rebuked him and the demon came out of him, and from that hour the boy was cured. Then the disciples approached Jesus in private and said, “Why could we not drive it out?” He said to them, “Because of your little faith. Amen, I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed (smallest of seeds), you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move...

...Nothing will be impossible for you!” (Matthew 17:18-20) Unbound Prayer Ministry Saturday, September 10, 2011 at 10:00 AM Monday, September 19, 2011 at 7:00 PM Spiritual Renewal Services Center Prayer and Discernment Board Meetings Monday, September 12, 2011 at 11:15 AM Monday, October 3, 2011 at 11:15 AM Spiritual Renewal Services Center Woman’s Charismatic Retreat September 13-16, 2011 Marie Joseph Spiritual Renewal Center, Biddeford, Maine –FILLED Presenters: Fr. Ray Introvigne & Mrs. Judith Hughes Life In The Spirit Seminar Saturday, September 24, 2011 at 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel @ UCONN 46 No. Eagleville Rd., Storrs, CT 06268 Mass of Healing and Hope Monday, September 26, 2011 at 7:00 PM St. Agnes Church, 22 Haigh Avenue, Niantic, CT 06357 Pastor: Fr. Mark O’Donnell Day of Renewal 35TH Anniversary of Spiritual Renewal Services Theme: “This is Our Faith” Guest Speaker: Mr. Mike Cumbie, Catholic Evangelist Saturday, October 15, 2011 at 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Cathedral of St. Patrick Auditorium, 213 Broadway, Norwich, CT 06360 Bring lunch – beverages provided. Free-will offering. Springfield Diocese Charismatic Retreat OCT 28-30 Holy Family Retreat Center - Father Ray Introvigne and Mrs. Judith Hughes For more INFO or to register call Lorraine Bernier at 1-413-547-0118 Philip Retreat Weekend Saturday, November 5, 2011 and Sunday, November 6, 2011 Spiritual Renewal Services Center (Pre-registration is required by calling 1-860-887-0702.) Prayer, Praise, Worship and Adoration Every Tuesday, 7:00 PM Spiritual Renewal Services Center

Spiritual Renewal Services Diocese of Norwich

Dial A Prayer (860) 887-7767 P.O. Box 6, 11 Bath St. Norwich, CT 06360 (860) 887-0702 Email:


Four County Catholic September 2011

Friday-Sunday, Sept. 9-11 Retrouvaille Marriage Rebuilding Reaching for a lifeline for your troubled marriage? Retrouvaille is that lifeline. Marriage-building and serious repair: Retrouvaille begins with a weekend in which husbands and wives are helped and given tools to heal, re-establish communication, work on their issues and gain new insight into themselves as individuals and as a couple. A series of 6 post sessions follows the weekend phase. For more information or to sign up for the next weekend in the Hartford area, please call Bill and Terri Mason at (203)879-3842. All contacts are in strict confidence.

Friday-Sunday, September 16-18 Marriage Encounter Weekend Any married couple who desire a richer, fuller, loving joy-filled life together deserve to experience a Marriage Encounter Weekend! Marriage Encounter is designed to give couples a time to share their feelings and hopes, focus on one another, examine your lives together and revitalize your Christian marriage. Rediscover each other for an entire weekend with a heart-to-heart Marriage Encounter. To register for the next weekend in Groton, CT on September, 16-18, 2011 or for more information call (860)644-7260. Website:

Friday-Saturday, September 16-17 St. Joseph Church, 11 Baltic Road, Occum will host its annual yard sale from 9:00am-4:00pm, both days. They have it all, including hundreds of pieces of children’s clothing.

16th Annual Diocesan Mass for Those Dedicated to Education Public, parochial and private educators, active and retired, and all support staff of all faiths are invited.

Sunday, September 11, 2011 at 8:45 a.m. Cathedral of Saint Patrick 213 Broadway, Norwich, CT Please join us for a reception in the auditorium of the Cathedral following the Mass.

For more information, please call 860.887.9294

Saturday, September 17 The New Translation of the Roman Missal St. Patrick Parish, in East Hampton will discuss Understanding the Revised Texts and Understanding the Mass. Sister Elissa Rinere, C.P. from the Office for Worship will lead the talk. The discussion is from 9:30-11:30am. The cost $10 (payable at the door) To Register e mail: or call 860-848-2237.

Friday-Sat., Sept. 23-24 This year’s fall festival at St. Joseph Church in Occum will be from 4:00-8:00pm. Fish N Chips from 5:00-8:00pm, the major drawing raffle begins at 7:00pm on September 24, 2011. Food, needlework, baked goods, general store, treasure chest, silent auction, children’s games. Prizes, attic treasures, kidz closet and much, much more! Saturday, September 24 A Day with Patrick Madrid Come see bestselling author of 16 books and EWTN television and radio host, Patrick Madrid from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm, at The Cathedral of St. Patrick, Norwich. Madrid will be speaking on such topics as; “Why be Catholic...?”, “Eucharistic Miracles”, “How YOU can help people come home to the Church” and “Answers to Lies that Society Tells you”. Tickets are $20, $10 for students. Lunch is included. To order tickets send a check made payable to St. Mary’s Church, with your name, address, number of tickets, and a self-addressed stamped envelope to: Beverly Brown, 2 Julian Terrace, Norwich. Tickets also available at the door. For additional information call 860-887-7804 or visit

Saturday, September 24 3rd Annual 5K Road Race Saint Andrew Church Choir of Colchester, Connecticut will be hosting its 3rd Annual 5K Road Race. The 5K “Rhythm Run” is being promoted as a community event, with a Giant Tag Sale to follow the race. Online registration is available at Paper registrations are also available at or in the Saint Andrew Church Choir loft. For Sponsorship or race information, please visit or contact Race Director, Martin Lane at 860- 303-0710. Saturday, September 24 Youth Ministry Training Day What do you have to offer the youth in your parish? What is your Youth Ministry and how to get it started? Looking for more ideas to keep your youth plugged in? Answers to these and many more questions at this one-day training. Our Lady of Lakes in Oakdale, CT, 9am-4pm. Sunday, September 25 Sacred Sounds Fundraiser A Sacred Place, a non-profit, interdenominational, faith-based initiative at York Correctional Institution will hold a fundraising performance entitled Sacred Sounds, featuring internationally renowned soprano Susan von Reichenbach on Sunday, September 25, 2011 at 3:00pm at the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme. Renowned pianist and conductor Joseph D’Eugenio will accompany Ms. von Reichenbach. Marilyn Nelson, award-winning poet laureate, will complete the afternoon of sacred songs with her sacred words. All proceeds from the performance will support A Sacred Place programs designed to promote healing, recovery and spiritual transformation of incarcerated women at York CI. Tickets purchased in advance are $20.00 and at the door $25.00. For reservations please call: 860-739-4518. Tuesday, September 27 40 Days for LIFE Campaign The 5th Annual 40 Days for Life

campaign will begin with a Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Norwich, at 7:00pm. The Celebrant and Homilist will be Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich. Followed by refreshments downstairs. The Mass is to prepare for 40 days and 40 nights of prayer, fasting, and a peaceful vigil in front of Planned Parenthood at 12 Case St. in Norwich CT. Please come and bring a friend! Saturday, October 1, 2011 Pro-Life Mass Stand up for life by joining our Diocesan family for the monthly Pro-Life Mass on Saturday, October 1 at 8:30am at the St. Patrick Cathedral in Norwich. Following the Mass, the Rosary will be prayed both in the Cathedral and at Planned Parenthood. Brunch will be served in the hall after the Rosary. Saturday, October 1, 2011 ACTS Retreat The Spread of the Kingdom. Come join us for a day-long seminar on the Acts of the Apostles with renowned Catholic Bible Teacher, Thomas Smith. At Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Quaker Hill. For more information please go to, click on Ministries and then click on Office of Faith Events. Or call the Office of Faith Events, Marge Vanner, at 860848-2237. Register by September 12, 2011 and save. Sunday, October 2 3rd Annual Fall Brunch St. Vincent de Paul Place in Norwich invites the diocesan family and friends to its 3rd Annual Fall Brunch to be held on Oct. 2, 2011 from 11:00am to 1:00pm at Rose City Senior Center, 8 Mahan Drive, Norwich. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about this vital diocesan ministry, meet some of the staff and volunteers while enjoying a gourmet brunch buffet. Entertainment will be provided by “Ask Your Father” and Gary Driscoll on the flute. Tickets are $20 for adults, $10 for


Four County Catholic September 2011

children. Please call 860-889-7374 for reservations which can be paid for at the door. Tickets are available also at St. Vincent de Paul Place, 10 Railroad Place, Norwich. Fri.-Sun., Oct. 7-9 & Oct. 14-16 Rachel’s Vineyards Retreat Weekends If you are silently grieving after an abortion; healing, forgiveness and peace can have a beginning with a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat. Rachel’s Vineyard is for women and men who have been struggling with emotional and spiritual pain. All inquiries are confidential. Retreat Oct. 7-9 in Farmington, CT call Mary at 203-882-1326. Retreat Oct.14-16 in Westerly, RI call Carol Owens from Providence at 401-421-7833 ext.118. Rachel’s Vineyard Website: “Project Rachel” is also a Diocesan outreach for anyone in need of healing. Priests in “Project Rachel” can help you find peace, healing and forgiveness. Call 860-889-8307 or 800-554-5173, all inquiries are confidential.

Clergy Appointments The Most Reverend Michael R Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, has made the following clergy appointments in the Diocese of Norwich: Reverend Victor Chaker, 1 year renewal of appointment as Pastor, Saint Mary Parish, Coventry. Effective: August 8, 2011. Very Reverend John Gallagher, OFM Cap, from Administrator to Pastor of Saint Pius X Parish in Middletown, Connecticut. Effective: September 1, 2011. ~ Monsignor Robert L. Brown, Chancellor ~

21st Annual Blue Mass Sunday, September 25, 2011, at 10:15 a.m. Cathedral of St. Patrick, 213 Broadway, Norwich CT All law enforcement officers (federal, state and municipal, active and retired) and their families are invited. All parishioners are cordially invited to attend this Mass. The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, Celebrant For more information, please call 860.887.9294 x232


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Four County Catholic September 2011

The Day We Remember September 11, 2001 is one of those days we will never forget. We remember where we were and By Reverend Leszek Janik Vicar General, Diocese of Norwich

what we were doing when we heard the terrible news. On that dark and tragic day, I remember that after celebrating morning Mass, I drove to New York City to pick up my late brother Rev. Jan Janik ( he died unexpectedly in 2008) who was coming to visit me. At that time, a cell phone was not yet a part of my daily routine and necessary tool so I had no idea of what was happening in New York City. Also, a radio mysteriously was not my companion on my way to New York, thus no news was available to me in my car about what I would encounter in the city. Clearly, I did not know what awaited me there and had no expectations of the worst. Even the

unforeseen traffic seemed to be part of New York’s daily life. However, the dark, thick smoke in the heart of the city rising into the blue sky, visible from a long distance, was a sign of wonder and conjecture of some tragic event. Then the shocking news… unanswered questions… dreadful, yet prayerful moment. After all, I could not greet my brother until the next day when he managed to come by a train to New Haven. Twelve years ago we were concerned about the Y2K effect of the new millennium. We were wondering if the computers would still work, the airlines would still function, and the bank accounts would still exist. A great deal of time, effort and money had gone into the preparation for the new millennium. And as happens every New Year’s Day, the moment came and went, and life proceeded pretty much as it al-

ways has. Yet September 11, 2001 imprinted in our minds the unforgettable memory. The tragedy that struck the United States has touched everyone. Not only was it incomprehensible, but the aftereffects on lives around the world could not be measured. To this day we still do not grasp how much the whole world has been changed by this tragic day. Stunned and shocked, we have grieved. This was a new and unthinkable way of killing; using innocent lives as parts of flying bombs in order to take countless more thousands of innocent lives. On September 11, 2001, we were confronted with evil, but we were also surprised by generosity. Generosity was found in the nurse who came all the way from Boston to spend her vacation helping out at ground zero. Generosity was found in the firefighter who ran into a burning

building, risking his life to save another. Generosity was found in the police, emergency personnel and rescue workers who worked non-stop for hours trying to find and rescue victims from the rubble. Generosity was found in the chaplain priest who after removing a firefighter’s helmet to administer the Sacrament of the Sick to one of the victims was killed by a falling down piece of metal. He and other many generous people proved for the entire nation that life truly is at its brightest and best when lived in the service of others. On that day our late John Paul II’s words were a consolation to all of us and the same words echo today as we celebrate the 10th Anniversary of September 11th: This was a dark day in the history of humanity. But even if the forces of darkness appear to prevail, those who believe in God know that evil and death do not have the final say.


Four County Catholic September 2011

40 Days and 40 Nights of Prayer and Vigil From September 28 through November 6, our community will be uniting with many other cities for a peaceful, prayerful, simultaneous pro-life outreach – the nationwide 40 Days for Life campaign. Faithful believers are praying that this effort will mark the beginning of the end of abortion, right here in Norwich and throughout our Nation! 40 Days for Life is a focused prolife campaign that over the past five years has generated measurable lifesaving results in every community where it has been experienced. So far, 40 Days for Life campaigns have been conducted in more than 300 communities in six nations. More than 2,800 children have been confirmed as saved from abortion. Some cities have reported as much as a 28% drop in local abortion numbers, numerous postabortive women (and men) finding healing and forgiveness, and from several hundred to more than

1,000 new people getting involved with local lifesaving ministry efforts. Here in the Norwich Diocese we’ve had over a thousand participants each of the prior three years! “Though I have prayed for an end of abortion for many years, I finally came out of my comfort zone, … I knew one of the needs was the early 12am-6am time slots,… Surprisingly, they have been very exhilarating for me. Walking and praying in front of this building in the wee hours of the morning have offered insights and perspectives I may never have had without signing up and participating.” Quoted from Adam, from our Testimonies page on our web site norwich. 40 Days for Life is a cross-denominational, faith-based effort made up of three key components: • Prayer and Fasting: inviting people of faith throughout our city to join together for 40 days and

nights of fervent prayer and fasting for an end to abortion • Peaceful Vigil: standing for life through a 40-day peaceful, prayerful, public witness outside the local Planned Parenthood offices located at 12 Case Street, Norwich, CT. • Community Outreach: taking a positive, upbeat pro-life message to every corner of our city through media efforts, church presentations, door-to-door advocacy, and public visibility 40 Days for Life has been endorsed by many prominent na-

tional and local leaders. On Tuesday, September 27th we will kick off the 4th Annual 40 Days for Life Campaign with a Mass at the Cathedral of St. Patrick on Broadway in Norwich, CT. The Mass is to prepare for 40 Days and 40 Nights of prayer, fasting and a peaceful vigil in front of Planned Parenthood at 12 Case Street in Norwich, CT. The Mass begins at 7:00 pm and will be followed by refreshments downstairs. To learn more about the plans for the forthcoming coordinated effort, you can also visit:

norwich. We would love to have the opportunity to discuss the plans for the 40 Days for Life program with members of our community. We can explore ways to work together in this effort to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves – innocent children in the womb and their mothers. Please contact Brian Daly at 860-822-1788 or or come to our final planning meeting on Thursday, September 16th at 7pm behind St. John’s church located at 22 Maple Avenue in Uncasville, CT.

YOU can help save lives! 40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life effort that consists of:

• 40 days of prayer and fasting • 40 days of peaceful vigil • 40 days of community outreach We are praying that, with God’s help, this groundbreaking effort will mark the beginning of the end of abortion in our city -- and throughout America.

Take a stand for life... 392 South Main Street, Colchester


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While all aspects of 40 Days for Life are crucial in our effort to end abortion, the most visible component is the peaceful prayer vigil outside the local abortion Planned Parenthood facility.

You can help make a life-saving impact by joining our local vigil at: Planned Parenthood 12 Case Street Norwich, CT

We carry: Rosary Beads, Jewelry, Music, Books, Bibles, Indoor & Outdoor Statues, Crucifixes, Wall Crosses/Crucifixes, Eternal Lights & Candles, Greeting Cards for all occasions, Missals, Prayer Books & Cards, Giftware for Sacramental Celebrations, DVD's, Baptism Gifts for children and adults.

For more information, please contact Brian J. Daly at: We Can Help

Podemos Ayudar

To report inappropriate contact of any kind by a representative of the Diocese of Norwich or for assistance to victims, please call:

Para reportar cualquier contacto inapropiado por un/a representante de la Diócesis de Norwich, o para buscar ayuda para víctimas, favor de llamar:



(860) 822-1788


Four County Catholic September 2011

Diocese of Norwich Issues Financial Report The Diocese of Norwich has issued a financial report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2010. The Diocese of more than 238,000 Catholics spent $3,213,743 on funding for ministries and programs, including Catholic Charities/Family Services, St. Vincent de Paul Places in Norwich and Middletown, Project Northeast in Putnam, the Hispanic and Haitian Ministries throughout the Diocese, and the offices of Faith Events and Pastoral Planning. Contributions and collections including the Annual Bishop’s Appeal and diocesan assessments accounted for approximately 38 percent of the total diocesan income of $18,128,649. Contributions and collections increased 18 percent from the previous year, to $4,425,529, and diocesan assessments were $2,491,073, an increase of 19 percent from the 2009 fiscal year. Insurance premiums that the diocese

charges various diocesan entities for property and liability coverage, amounted to $2,395,018. Insurance premiums paid to Catholic Mutual Insurance and other commercial carriers for property and liability insurance, for Catholic Umbrella Pool assessments, claims paid under the self-insurance program, and auto and workmen’s compensation insurance amounted to $1,952,274. In 2009 the diocese changed its medical plan from a self-insured plan to coverage under the RETA Trust, which is a self-insured trust comprised of Catholic dioceses and organizations nationwide with over 40,000 insured lives participating. The plan operates as a fully insured plan and is presented in the financial statements in the same manner as the other types of insurances carried by the diocese. For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2010 premiums billed under the plan were $6,800,384 and payments to the Trust were $6,766,139. All Diocesan investments are made in ac-

cordance with guidelines issued by the USCCB and they are subject to an independent scanning process semi-annually by Aquinas Associates to insure compliance with these guidelines. For the year ended June 30, 2010 net investment gain including realized and unrealized gains and losses on securities was $845,486 which is fairly reflective of overall market trends. Expenses for seminarians totaled $181,409, and include expenses for tuition and subsistence for current seminarians and payment of educational loans for seminary graduates who are active priests in the diocese. Payments to aid in the support of retired and infirm priests were $286,488. These costs are offset partially by the Easter Sunday collection, which amounted to $187,420.

Administration expenses increased by less than 1 percent to $1,718,025 consisting primarily of $1,188,943 in direct employee expenses including salaries, payroll taxes, pensions and medical insurance. Direct subsidies to high schools attended by diocesan students were $1,222,200 including the fair market rental value of the facilities. In the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009 the Diocese was required to adopt the Financial Accounting Standards Board Statement 158 which requires full disclosure of post-retirement benefits. The actuarially determined benefit of the Priests’ post-retirement benefits at June 30, 2010 was $4,037,418 and $1,350,972 at June 30, 2009. The combined diocesan financial statements do not reflect the finances of the diocese’s parishes or any of its schools.

Statement of Financial Position June 30, 2010 and 2009 Assets


Cash and Cash Equivalents - Diocesan Corporation Cash and Cash Equivalents - Annual Catholic Appeal Inc.

Total Cash and Cash Equivalents Short-Term Investments Accounts Receivable Current Unconditional Promises to Give Loans Receivable Cash Restricted to Future Programs Mortgage Receivable Beneficial interest in Trusts Long-Term Investments Property and Equipment, Net TOTAL ASSETS

$ 620,521 184,800 805,321 3,004,224 3,378,221 1,076,352 847,819 58,283 82,637 822,846 5,235,623 4,794,139 $ 20,105,465

2009 $ 1,099,537 457,505 1,557,042 2,579,878 2,644,248 1,010,413 533,073 57,302 85,234 623,246 4,683,681 4,867,419 $ 18,641,536

Silver and Gold Jubilee Anniversary Mass




Lines of Credit Advances Accounts and Accruals Payable Agency Obligations Grants Payable Split-Interest Liabilities Loans Payable Other Retirement Obligations Total Liabilities

$ 276,868 394,054 986,314 193,939 238,136 2,366,735 4,037,418 8,493,464

$ 276,868 867,740 579,091 242,021 301,490 2,388,804 1,350,972 6,006,986

4,018,597 7,189,601 403,803 11,612,001

5,709,740 6,640,086 284,724 12,634,550


$ 18,641,536

Net Assets Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Permanently Restricted Total Net Assets TOTAL LIABILITIES & NET ASSETS

Sunday, October 16, 2011 ~ 2:00 pm Inviting all couples married 25 and 50 years, also those celebrating any significant anniversary year, to participate in and renew your wedding vows in a Pontifical Mass which will be celebrated by Bishop Michael R. Cote at the Cathedral of St. Patrick, Norwich. Family and friends are invited to share in this special testimony and witness to love and marriage. Light refreshments will be provided in the Cathedral Hall following the Mass. To participate please register through your parish. For information call Susan Williams at 860-889-8346 ext. 283.


Four County Catholic September 2011

Statements of Activities June 30, 2010 and 2009 Revenues and Support Contributions and Collections Diocesan Tax Insurance Program- Property Insurance Program- Medical Investment Income Net Realized and Unrealized Gains Change in Value of Split-Interest Agreements Loss on Asset Disposition Facility Rental & Other Income TOTAL REVENUE AND SUPPORT

2010 $ 4,425,529 2,491,073 2,395,018 6,800,384 230,414 615,072 34,335 1,200 1,135,624 $ 18,128,649

2009 $ 3,763,471 2,097,809 2,397,710 3,533,055 346,368 (1,131,290) (321,376) (1,092) 1,171,100 $11,855,755


Expenses Ministries and Programs Retired and Infirm Priests Seminarians High School Subsidies Insurance Program-Property Insurance Program-Medical Administration Fund-Raising Medical Plan Subsidy Interest Uncollectible Support Depreciation Total Expenses Change in Net Assets Post Retirement Benefit Recognition Net Assets Beginning NET ASSETS ENDING

2010 $ 3,213,743 286,488 181,409 1,220,200 1,952,274 6,766,139 1,718,025 446,424 129,753 100,000 285,508 16,299,963

2009 $ 3,060,280 498,860 203,713 1,222,600 1,653,182 3,689,210 1,714,881 425,879 120,743 128,607 160,000 305,536 13,183,491



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(261,386) 14,223,672

$ 11,612,001

$ 12,634,550

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Visit Paris and the Miraculous Medal Shrine, Visit the Family home of St. Therese, “The Little Flower,” the Carmel and Basilica Venerate the Incorrupt Body of St.Bernadette, Visit the Convent where she lived. Join in the Celebrations for the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes

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Four County Catholic September 2011

Welcoming the

Rom Roman ? Missal

Liturgy of the Word

cession, is a symbol of our salvation in Christ. During the Gospel Acclamation, the Book of the Gospels is carried, again in procession, from By Sister Elissa the altar to the ambo. The priest or Rinere, CP, JCD the deacon reads the Gospel for the Office of Worship day. Our response to this proclamation of the Gospel, meant again to about your shared hisbe from a heart filled with gratitory? Groups are usually tude, is “Praise to you, Lord Jesus always enriched by Christ!â€? such time spent toThe homily, as defined in gether, since there is Workshop for All Interested Parishioners: Church documents, is “a living value in remembering commentaryâ€? on the readings just our roots. proclaimed, is intended to provide Just as families are a fuller understanding and greater enriched by such occasions, so God’s family is intended read in the church, God himself effectiveness of the Word. Ideally, to be enriched by the Scriptures speaks to his people, and Christ, the homily assist the hearers to put proclaimed in the Liturgy of the present in his own Word, proclaims the Word into action in our lives. Understanding the Revised Texts and The Liturgy of the Word continthe Gospel.â€? The entire Liturgy of Word. Understanding the Mass In the second part of the Holy the Word is intended to have the ues with the Creed. Because our Mass Eucharistic celebration, the quality of a meditation. That is, the faith has been given energy and Saturday, September 17, 2011 • 9:30am to 11:30am Liturgy of the Word, the commu- pace of the readings and the periods meaning through the proclamation St. Patrick Parish, East Hampton nity now united in faith through of silence between them are all in- of the Scriptures, we are then motithe introductory Rites of the Mass, tended to deepen the atmosphere of vated to witness together to what Presenter: Sister Elissa Rinere, C.P., Diocesan Office for Worship we believe. Finally, and again belistens to Scripture. We listen to sto- prayer in the church. Cost $10 (payable at the door) cause our faith has been energized The first reading as Mass is usuries of our shared history as God’s or call (860) 848-2237 people. We listen in order to marvel ally from the Old Testament. It is by the Word of God, we pray for once again at followed by the responsorial psalm the needs of the world. Our faith the power of which, by its very name is clearly in- moves us to works of charity and God’s Word tended to be a response to the read- justice. With the prayers of intercession, ing. That is, ideally our hearts have in our lives. The Liturgy been moved by the Word pro- this second section of the Mass of the Word claimed, and we join the singing to comes to an end. The community has several give expression to our faith. The gathered, was united through song Home of the parts: the second reading is usually from the and silence, heard a message to live Annual Catholic Charities Golf Outing r e a d i n g s New Testament. At the conclusion by, professed faith and reflected on September 21, 2011 themselves, of these two readings we acclaim to- the needs of the poor. Only now is the community prepared for the the psalm re- gether, “Thanks be to God.!â€? third part of the Mass, the Liturgy The importance of the readings sponse, the *2/) &/8% Gospel Accla- and the psalm makes it clear that of the Eucharist. Food for thought: Do the people mation, the the liturgical ministry of lectors and homily, the cantors has a profound impact on in your parish generally join in the singing of the psalm response? Is Creed and the any parish celebration. The Liturgy of the Word contin- everyone generally attentive to the Intercessions (petitions). All ues with the Gospel Acclamation. Scripture readings? Are you conof these ele- The Book of the Gospels, carried scious of making a personal statements are in- into the church in the entrance pro- ment of belief when the Creed is recited? In November, when we begin to use the new words t #PPL 5FF 5JNFT 0OMJOF BU FUNERAL HOME, INC. of the Roman Missal, let us t (PMG %JOOFS 1BDLBHF Serving All Faiths • Pre-Need Arrangements try to hear the new words t *OTUSVDUJPOBM 1SPHSBNT Traditional Services or Cremations with new ears, Directors, Joseph R. Introvigne, Joseph R. Introvigne, Jr. and speak 1 Hopyard Road, East Haddam, CT 06423 them with re t t 51 East Main St. newed hearts. Stafford Springs, CT How often have you gathered together with family or friends to tell stories from the past

tended to hold our attention, help us to understand our faith more deeply and respond to God with conviction and commitment. One official document of the Church states: “When the Scriptures are

Third Edition

The New Translation of the Roman Missal




Four County Catholic September 2011

Blessings Emerge from


Parishioners Invited to Sign Up for Year Two Now Sr. Veronica Mendez, a Why Catholic? presenter for RENEW International, journeyed throughout By Deirdre Malacrea

Parishes are welcome to begin the Why Catholic? process of faith formation at any time, and parishioners can join a neighboring parish to participate. If you would like to benefit from this experience of deepening

faith, please call Father Joseph Whittel at (860) 443-1875, Marge Vanner at (860) 848-2237 x 312, or Sr. Mary Jude at (860) 456-3349. RENEW International fosters spiritual renewal in the Catholic tradition by

empowering individuals and communities to encounter God in everyday life, deepen and share faith, and connect faith with action. RENEW International can be found on the web at

We have everything you need for Cooking with class, and Entertaining in style.


the Diocese of Norwich from August 21 through 25 to conduct small-community leader training for the second year of Why Catholic? in the diocese. During the first part of the training sessions, Sr. Mendez and small-group leaders from participating parishes looked back over the experience of Year One to evaluate what worked well and to determine what to strengthen in the coming year. This review was done by assessing which of the five essential elements of the small Christian community was strongest in each group. These essential elements are: Prayer, Learning, Sharing, Mutual Support, and Mission/Action. Not surprisingly, since the theme of the twelve faith-sharing sessions for the first year was Prayer, much of the response from the small communities centered on the blessings of developing a stronger prayer life. One leader shared that doing twenty minutes of contemplative prayer in her group was an eye-opening, heart-expanding, and unexpected experience! Many were delighted and surprised to discover the depth of meaning in the familiar “Our Father” prayer they had been saying all their lives. Other valuable elements of the small Christian community experience emerged as members opened up to one another on how their Catholic faith related to their everyday lives. This sharing among the members was followed by expressions of mutual support. A smallcommunity leader shared how his group extended support to a member who had revealed a deep sadness that had lingered for many years. In another group, a participant lost both parents within two weeks. This sorrow and the support the group offered helped the individual cope with this loss and brought the group closer together.

The elements of learning and mission were not left behind. A group leader remarked that a member of the group was delighted to discover that the Catholic Church had a catechism with all the teachings of the faith delineated. And many of the groups put their Catholic faith into action by working together to help the less fortunate: making Lenten Rice Bowl collections, helping a family in need, assembling Easter baskets, and more. The twelve sessions of Why Catholic? Year Two—themed BELIEVE—delve into the basic tenets of the Catholic faith that we profess with the Apostles’ Creed. The groups are now gearing up to invite new participants during SignUp Sunday on September 18. Small groups will start back up in October.


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Four County Catholic September 2011

The Catholic Foundation Awards More than $332,000 Grants Will Help Fund Tuition Assistance, Outreach & Infrastructure Projects The Catholic Foundation has awarded $332,721 in grants to students, churches, schools and Submitted by Tom O’Brien

organizations serving our Diocesan community. The numerous initiatives made possible by these 330 grants help serve elementary and high school students, seminarians, the homeless, prison chaplains, parishioners and countless individuals and their families. The majority of the grants were provided to families seeking to provide a Catholic education for their children. The grants were distributed by Bishop Michael R. Cote at the 2011 Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Norwich Award Dinner which was held Thursday, August 11th at the Cathedral of St. Patrick in Norwich.

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The 2011 grants (tuition and non-tuition) were made from the unrestricted endowment of The Catholic Foundation ($203,874) and the restricted funds of The Catholic Foundation ($128,847), which included The Bishop Hart Fund For the Homeless, The Seton Scholarship Fund, The Eric B. Evans Scholarship Fund, The Theodora Goberis Trust, The Elsie F. and J. Marshall Brown Endowment Fund, The Mary E. Curtin and Rev. J. Clifford Curtin Endowment Fund, The Eugene and Anne O’Neill Endowment Fund, The Rev. Robert W. Talmadge Endowment Fund, The Ann Lachowicz Trust, The Gordon and Ann Jackson Trust, The Charles and Jane Pelletier Endowment Fund, The David Endowment Fund, The Joseph J. and Elizabeth A. Morrone Endowment Fund, The Rev. Richard F. Roughan Scholarship Fund, The William F. Jr. and Flora L. O’Neil Scholarship Fund, The St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Lebanon Endowment Fund, and The St. Mary Star of the Sea Parish, New London Endowment Fund. The funding available for tuition assistance this year was dramatically increased by the success of The Seton Scholarship Fund which raised in excess of $37,000 at the inaugural Seton Scholarship

Dinner which was held at the Mystic Aquarium in December of 2010. This year’s Seton Scholarship Dinner is scheduled for Friday, November 18, 2011 at The Riverhouse at Goodspeed Landing in Haddam, CT. For additional information or to purchase tickets, please call the Diocesan School Office at 860.887.4086. The Catholic Foundation encourages Catholics to be good stewards through gifts of assets, provides for the investment of those assets and distributes the income according to the Gospel and the specific wishes of the donors. Endowments through the Foundation are a means to greater financial stability and growth for our Diocese and its entities. The Catholic Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors, composed of clergy and lay people. The Board’s objective is to pursue a conservative investment policy consistent with reasonable growth while prudently safeguarding the principal. The directors are leaders in their parishes and communities, and are accountable to both donors and re-

Transforming lives and offering individual growth through academic excellence, extracurricular involvement and Christian service to neighbor and community.

cipients. This accountability includes the professional investment of the Foundation’s assets while ensur-

Dariy Tereshchenko, 9 years old, 4th grade, St. Joseph’s School, Rockville proudly accepting tuition assistance grant at the 2011 Catholic Foundation Awards Dinner. ing that the funds are disbursed to assist the religious, charitable and educational works of the Diocese, its parishes, schools and agencies. The Catholic Foundation was established in 2000 through the generosity of parishioners to our Diocesan initiative: Response of Faith. The spending policy of the Foundation calls for the disbursement of interest income only and

is designed to benefit parishes, schools and ministries throughout the Diocese with a particular emphasis on education. Since its inception in 2000, the Foundation has distributed $2,201,723 to help improve and expand upon the ministry of Christ in our communities. The Catholic Foundation exists to support the spiritual, educational and social outreach efforts of our local Catholic community, and we do so by encouraging compassionate giving to further serve the community’s needs. The Catholic Church is a vital force in our lives, helping us meet life’s toughest challenges and guiding us in our quest for spiritual growth. Will the Church be able to meet the needs of future generations as well? You can make sure that the answer is a resounding “yes”! Make a planned gift to The Catholic Foundation of The Diocese of Norwich and you can establish an endowed fund that will build a stronger Church for our children and grandchildren. An endowment is a gift of assets which, when invested, provides income in perpetuity. The asset base grows through sound investment and from additional gifts. Endowments allow us to extend Stewardship beyond our lifetime. For further information check our our website at

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Four County Catholic September 2011

Happiness From Within Woman Joins St. Elizabeth Sisters JANESVILLE, WI - On Aug. 7, Sister Gabriela Maldonado, 25, made her final profession as a member of the Sisters of Charity of Our By Catherine W. Idzerda The Gazette

Lady Mother of the Church. With that profession, she received a ring and the full-length black habit she will wear for the rest of her life. She also took vows of poverty, chastity, obedience and commitment to works of charity. She couldn’t be happier. Maldonado, a 2004 Craig graduate, will be part of the order that runs St. Elizabeth Nursing Home, Janesville, and St. Elizabeth Manor, Footville. The order also runs schools and ministries in Connecticut and Minnesota. For most of her life, Maldonado wasn’t serious about her faith. “It was, ‘OK, it’s Sunday, go to church, that’s God, that’s it,’” Maldonado said. In the summer of 2003, Maldonado’s mother, Marie Eugenia Arndt, invited her to attend daily mass at St. Elizabeth Nursing Home. “I was like, ‘That’s great, Ma, but I don’t go to daily mass, that’s for old

people,’” Maldonado said. “But I thought, ‘I’ll just go because I don’t want to hurt her feelings, and it’s only for the summer.’” It was the first time she had seen sisters in full habits. She was particularly struck by the sight of Sister Mary Grace Goddard kneeling in prayer. “She was so young and so pretty, and she looked so happy,” Maldonado said. “I wanted to be like her, but it was like a dream. To me, sisters were stuck in a convent and never talked and always had their hands together and their heads down and they were old. That wasn’t for me.” But that summer, daily mass became a habit. When she couldn’t go, she felt she had missed something. Senior year came and went, and she made plans to go to UW-Rock County and then on to Beloit College. In August, she was invited on

Diocesan Development Director Accepts Position with Brooklyn Diocese Norwich - The Diocese of Norwich announces that after five years of faithful and successful service to the Diocese of Norwich, Thomas O’Brien will be leaving his position as Director of Development for the Diocese, and has accepted a position with the Diocese of Brooklyn. Tom has contributed exceptional leadership to the Annual Catholic Appeal and the Catholic Foundation here in the Norwich Diocese. His stewardship of these programs enabled the Diocese to help a great many families, students, ministries, parishes and Catholic schools. Tom helped ensure that the kind generosity of the Diocese faithful brought hope to those among us most in need. We are grateful for his dedication to the good and charitable works of the Church. Tom will be moving closer to his two daughters in Brooklyn, his home town. We wish him and his family every possible blessing.

short notice to visit the order’s motherhouse in Baltic, Conn. Everything seemed to work together to make the trip possible. She was able to get days off from work; she found an affordable plane ticket. She loved it. “The love and joy that was there was amazing,” said Maldonado. “There were novitiate sisters there my age—I had never seen such prayfullness and quiet.” As she was praying in the chapel that evening, she knew that this was the right place for her, and she was suffused with calm. “The peace was just like, BOOM!” she said. The deadline for entrance to the convent was Sept. 8, and it was “August 20 something.” She went back to Baltic to enter the convent as a postulant, the first of the five-steps toward final profession. It wasn’t easy. “I was so homesick the first year,” she said. The support of the other sisters and her belief in her call kept her steady in her commitment. Maldonado attended college and graduate school in Connecticut, studying education and sacred scripture. After her final profession in front of the assembled sisters earlier this month, she returned to Janesville for a brief family visit. Then she returned to Connecticut, where she’ll teach English and religion to middle school students. Maldonado doesn’t expect her life to be easy. But when she talks about her future, she radiates the quiet joy that comes from being in exactly the right place personally, professionally and spiritually. “You’re restless until you rest in him,” Maldonado said.

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Four County Catholic September 2011

New Perpetual Adoration Chapel in Mystic now forming Enders Island – The 24/7 chapel will be a sacred location where adorers pray one hour per week (at an hour of their choosing) for the Sanctification of Priests and for Vocations. Parishioners, friends and family are now being sought to fill each hour with two adorers. Many of the faithful from all over Connecticut have responded to get on the adoration schedule. The team of hourly captains are made up of men and women of the ACTS community from parishes in Southeastern Conn. A proposed start date of mid Sept 2011 has been chosen - call now! To get on the schedule or for more information contact: Dave Craig at 860-739-4607 or Mike Pettini at 860-460-4615 or email:

Why Should You Choose A Catholic Cemetery? The Code of Canon Law of the Catholic Church defines only two places as being sacred: the Church building where Jesus resides in the tabernacle; and the Catholic Cemetery which is an expression of faith and an extension of the parish community. Catholic Cemeteries are both a consolation to the bereaved and an inspiration to the living.


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Reverend Robert B. Lynch October 13, 1929 ~ August 6, 2011 Norwich - Reverend Robert Burnham Lynch 81, of 70 Central Ave. Norwich, CT died August 6 at his home at St. Mary’s Church Rectory in Norwich. He was born in New Haven on October 13, 1929, beloved son of Edward Dennis and Mary Elizabeth (Knapp) Lynch. Fr. Bob grew up in West Haven, CT. He graduated in 1947, from West Haven High School and went on to Fairfield University Class of 1951. In June of 1951, he joined the United States Marine Corp. and served his country honorably during the Korean War. Fr. Bob worked in collections for GMAC and was also a Good Humor Ice Cream truck driver. After his service to his country he went on to serve his God first by entering St. John’s Seminary in Brighton, Mass, and was ordained on Feb. 2, 1960, in New Haven by Archbishop Henry J. O’Brien at St. John the Baptist Church. His first assignment was at St. Mary’s Church in Norwich from 1960 to 1964; he was at St. Mary’s Church in Coventry from 1964 to 1968; next he was assigned to St. John’s Church in Middletown; and as Pastor of Our Lady of the Lakes, Oakdale from 1975 to 1985; and St. Matthew’s Church in Tolland from 1985 to 1987. He started his last assignment where he began at St. Mary’s Church in Norwich from 1987 to his retirement in 2005. He had been St. Mary’s Church Pastor Emeritus from 2005. Fr. Bob was the Spiritual Director of the Legion of Mary for the Diocese of Norwich. He was also a member of the Knights of Columbus at St. Mary’s Church. Fr. Bob volunteered at the St. Vincent De Paul Place in Norwich. A Funeral Mass was celebrated on August 11 by the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich, at St. Mary’s Church in Norwich followed by burial with Military Honors in the priest section at St. Joseph Cemetery in Norwich. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in his name to St. Mary’s Church 70 Central Ave. Norwich, CT 06360 or Catholic Charities 331 Main St. Norwich, CT 06360. Condolences may be shared with the family at

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Four County Catholic September 2011

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Four County Catholic September 2011

USCCB Marks 9/11 Anniversary with Memorial Website WA S H I N G T O N — T h e Catholic Church Remembers, a USCCB website marks the tenth By Sister Mary Ann Walsh, USCCB

anniversary of 9/11, highlighting people’s firsthand experiences of pain and hope from the disaster. The site at http://www.usccb. org/issues-and-action/human-lifeand-dignity/september-11/ includes six video vignettes, including recollections of Cardinal Edward Egan, archbishop-emeritus of New York. He became intimately involved in the tragedy moments after it happened – when New York Mayor Giuliani called and asked him to head for St. Vincent’s Hospital. Thus began soul-searing days tending to the sick on stretchers and anointing bodies pulled from smoldering rubble where the Twin

Towers fell. Cardinal Egan also speaks movingly of Ground Zero, which he dubs “Ground Hero,” the funeral Masses at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, and the priests pressed into service that day. “If I had to sum up 9/11, I would say it was a time in which people taught this nation and the world how to be strong and how to be willing to sacrifice themselves for others,” he says in one video. “It was a terrible tragedy, it was a crime, but it was a magnificent manifestation of courage and willingness to sacrifice self.” He describes finding closure at Ground Zero with Pope Benedict XVI in April 2008, as the pope met with victims’ families, lit a candle and prayed. “There was so much goodness there that the evil was, I think, not

only conquered, it was smothered,” Cardinal Egan says. The website also includes video of Chaplain Donald Rutherford, a two-star general and Catholic priest now head of all U.S. military chaplains. He is based at the Pentagon, where terrorists flew a plane into the building on 9/11. He describes the effect on young sol-

diers. Before 9/11, he says, “it was kind of a carefree world where you never had been attacked before. I think now it says that we’re all vulnerable .… We look at the young soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines that we work with

everyday …. they are a faithful people. We saw their faith grow that day.” The website also hosts individual reflections of people impacted that day.

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Four County Catholic September 2011

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Rembrandt and the Face of Jesus “Rembrandt and the Face of Jesus�, now in Philadelphia after its three-month premiere run at the Louvre Museum in Paris. It’s the only East Coast stop for the exhibit, which continues through Oct. 30 and contains works from public and private collections in the U.S. and Europe. The exhibition of more than 50 works by the Dutch master and his pupils notably includes a group of oil paintings of Jesus Christ that have not been seen together since they left Rembrandt’s Amsterdam studio in 1656.

Timothy Rub, chief executive officer and director of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, called the show “a rare moment to observe the image of Jesus through the imagination of this artistic genius whose life was devoted to representations of biblical truths.� Rembrandt van Rijn (16061669) revolutionized the artistic portrayal of biblical themes, which for more than 1,000 years rigidly represented Christ as an unemotional and formalized figure. In the seven reunited oil on oak panel paintings that are the corner-

stone of the exhibit, Rembrandt’s young model conveys a variety of thoughtful gazes that bring him to life in a way no artist had done before — and departs from the thencustomary depiction of him as sandy haired and fair skinned. Rembrandt used at least two of the small “Head of Christ� portraits as sources for later paintings now recognized as among his greatest works: “Supper at Emmaus� — last seen in the U.S. in 1936 — and “The Hundred Guilder Print,� also on view in the exhibition.





Four County Catholic September 2011

A Career Sustained by Unwavering Faith Jack McKeon’s baseball days begin in a pew. At 8 on a recent Tuesday morning in July, the By RICHARD SANDOMIR The New York Times

Sacred Heart University to Host Screening of the Film ‘Of Gods and Men’ Fairfield, CT - Sacred Heart University will host a screening of the film Of Gods and Men in the Schine Auditorium on Tuesday, September 13 at 7pm. This film, directed by Xavier Beauvois, is loosely based on the life of the Cistercian monks of Tibehirine in Algeria. It tells a story of eight French Christian monks who live in harmony with their Muslim brothers. Following the screening of the film there will be a discussion led by Michael W. Higgins, Ph.D., SHU’s vice president for Mission and Catholic Identity. This event is cosponsored by Sacred Heart University’s Office of Campus Ministry, the Catholic Studies Program, the Human Journey Colloquia Series, the MARS Program, and the Office of Mission and Catholic Identity. This event is free and open to the public and light refreshments will be served. Media coverage is welcomed. Please contact Funda Alp at 203396-8241 or for further information

Florida Marlins’ manager attended Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, less than 12 hours after his team beat the Mets on a 10th-inning grand slam. Such games are testament to his faith in the saint he prays to every game during the national anthem. “A good night for St. Thérèse,” he said, sitting in the lounge of a Midtown Manhattan hotel. In each major league city, McKeon has a favorite, or at least a convenient, Roman Catholic church. If he does not know their names, he can describe them or tell you how to get there. In Cincinnati, it’s SS. Peter and Paul. In Chicago, Mass is at Holy Name Cathedral. In Philadelphia, he goes to what he calls “the oldest church in the U.S.” When the Marlins stayed at a hotel on the East Side of Manhattan, he followed these directions: “Walk out the door, take a left, walk 30 yards, and take a right, where the homeless hang out.” For each of the regular churches in his personal directory, he learns the Mass schedule. “At St. Patrick’s it’s 7, 7:30, 8, noon and 12:30,” he said. “They’re very flexible.” Mornings at church “give me energy,” he said. “You’re free. You feel good.” His daily ritual is part of a baseball routine that is now in its 62nd year, stretching back to D

League ball in Greenville, Ala. “When I go to the ballpark, I have no worries,” he said. “God’s looking after me.” McKeon is renowned for taking over the Marlins earlier this season at 80, which made him a hero to ambitious octogenarians. Returning to his previous managerial routine has been no more difficult than riding a bicycle again, he said. “I’m not 80,” he said. “I’m 58.” His faith, while no secret, is not as famous as that of the legendary Green Bay Packers coach Vince Lombardi, who was also a daily worshiper. Nor is his devotion as recognized as his 2003 World Series championship with the Marlins, his cigars, his wit or his Trader Jack nickname, which stems from his days as the general manager of the


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San Diego Padres. McKeon said that in 1950, he asked John B. Coakley, an older minor league teammate in Gloversville, N.Y., to join him for Mass one Sunday morning. “He said, ‘I’d love to, but I don’t understand all the signals you have,’ “ McKeon said, laughing at the memory. In a telephone interview, Coakley added: “I told him if he taught me the signals, I’d become a Catholic.” And he did. Harry Dunlop, who coached for McKeon at Kansas City, Cincinnati and Florida, attended Mass often enough with McKeon to enjoy it. “If you’re a Presbyterian, it’s tough to go to church on Sundays, because you have to get to the park early,” he said. “So I said: ‘What’s the difference? It’s a house of God.’ “ He converted, too. One managerial job eventually led to another for McKeon, but not always neatly. The Reds fired him after the 2000 season, when he was 69. He prayed to St. Thérèse. Msgr. Neal Dolan, the pastor of St. Michael Catholic Church in Poway, Calif., said McKeon’s faith “has always impressed me because he believes in being positive.” “That’s why he’s still managing,” he added.


Four County Catholic September 2011

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Four County Catholic September 2011

Despite Upheaval and Hardships in Haiti Scholarship Students Gain Knowledge, Skills & Hope Seven-year-old Angy Auguste holds one wish firmly in her heart and mind: To stay in school and By Kyn Tolson Programs Administrator, Outreach to Haiti

finish the third grade next June. Angy is one of 300 students who receive tuition payments from donors in the Norwich Diocese and elsewhere in the United States through a program run by Diocese of Norwich Outreach to Haiti. The program admits needy children whose parents cannot afford tuitions— annual fees that amount to more than what many of them earn in one year. Although tuitions run only about $425 a year for primary school students, many families live on less than that, both in Portau-Prince and in rural areas of Haiti. Angy has been in the Outreach scholarship program for a year. She finished her second-grade classes in fine form, achieving above a 7-point average (out of a

possible 10). She is smart, according to school reports, and approaches her studies with enthusiasm. Because of her high achievements, she was admitted to a summer enrichment program, run by Outreach, which offers art and music

classes for qualifying scholarship students. Angy hopes to be an artist one day. A favorite activity in school is drawing, she says, but she also likes reading and mathemat-



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ics. She gets high marks in citizenship. Angy’s achievements are particularly remarkable in light of the upheavals in her family life, caused, in part, by her mother’s mental illness and by the earthquake in Haiti in January 2010. Angy has one older sister, 11, and a brother, who is 6. Before the earthquake, the family lived briefly in the Dominican Republic. They came back to Port-auPrince hoping to find a better life in the rebuilding of the capital city. Although Angy’s father is an electrician, he has not been able to get work in that field. Today he looks for any job he can find, but the family has split up. Angy remains with her father and brother in the capital, where they live with an aunt. Angy’s mother and sister have moved to Hinche, in Haiti’s Central Plateau, many hours from the city. As the first days of the new academic year near, Angy hopes that her aunt will allow them to stay. She very much wants to remain at her school and looks forward to the challenges of third grade. Shesky Fortune also is happy about school starting up again. A scholarship student since 2008, he will be in the ninth grade. Without the help of a donor in the Diocese of Norwich, he would not be getting an education. The 13-year-old lives with his mother and maternal aunt. His fa-

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ther died, and his mother struggles to bring in money by doing laundry for others and occasionally by selling silverware on the street. In a life filled with financial h a r d ships, setbacks and uncertainties, Shesky says school has been a center of stability. His favorite courses are social science, geography and mathematics. He wants to become an engineer. For eight months following the earthquake, William Pluchardson Calixte

lived in tent camps, because his small family home was damaged. Despite wretched living conditions, William remained in school, studying hard to finish his last year of secondary school. He completed the year with high grades and is now awaiting his results on the national examination given to all graduates who want to move on to university. (He must pass this difficult achievement test before he can apply.) William, who is 19, is confident he did well and hopes to eventu-

ally enroll in medical school. William considers himself lucky—not only because he has been a scholarship student for many years, but also because both of his parents h a v e work. His mother is an assistant at a kindergarten, and his father makes backpacks and bags in a factory. Although they have steady jobs, they still cannot afford to send both of their other children to school. Every year since Outreach to Haiti’s Education Program began in the late 1990s, more students have shown academic success. Even though the program requires students to maintain above-average grades, they work hard, valuing the extraordinary gift they have been given. Both they and their families realize that education offers the best opportunity to rise out of extreme poverty. Today, two “graduates” of the Education Program are doctors; one is a surgeon who plans to open a clinic in the slums of his childhood home. Another scholarship student earned his engineering degree in June, after being selected on merit to attend Virginia Tech for his final semester of university studies. Other students who were admitted to the scholarship program in their primary school years are now headed for universities in Haiti. The dreams they have held firm for many years are closer to realizing. For more information on our Education Program, or to become a student sponsor, please contact us at: 860.848.2237 ext. 206, or at: We invite you to visit our website:


Four County Catholic September 2011

New Programs Administrator for Outreach to Haiti Kyn Tolson, effective July 19, 2011, has been appointed to the position of Programs Administrator for Diocese of Norwich Outreach to Haiti, Inc. As Programs Administrator, Kyn oversees all of the Ministry’s operations in the United States including Haiti’s Back Porch, coordinates programs in Haiti with Executive Director Max Delices, and works in close alignment with Outreach’s Board of Directors. Previously, Kyn served on the Board of Directors and as Development Director for Haitian Ministries for the Diocese of Norwich. Most recently, she served as Development Director for Outreach. Her long association and experience working with programs and issues critical to the Haiti mission, will serve Kyn extremely well in her new lead role. Through its predecessor agencies, Outreach has had a mission in Haiti for more than 25 years. It operates programs for education, medical care and nutrition, orphanage support, and a twinning program that unites American and Haitian parishes. Kyn’s dedication and commitment to Outreach’s success, her strong relationships with partners, and her passion for the mission will advance our life-saving and life-serving work in Haiti.

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Four County Catholic September 2011


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Four County Catholic September 2011

Academic Excellence. Character. Self-confidence.

St. Patrick Cathedral School, Norwich 860-889-4174 Sacred Heart School, Taftville 860-887-1757 Sacred Heart School, Groton 860-445-0611 St. Edward School, Stafford Springs 860-684-2600 St. James School, Danielson 860-774-3281 St. John School, Middletown 860-347-3202 St. John School, Old Saybrook 860-388-0849 St. Joseph School, Baltic 860-822-6141 St. Joseph School, North Grosvenordale 860-923-2090 St. Joseph School, New London 860-442-1720 St. Joseph School, Rockville 860-875-4943

Sacred Heart School, Taftville Sacred Heart School was founded in 1888 to provide a Catholic education for the children of textile mill workers drawn By Sheila Cerjanec Technology Coordinator, Diocesan School Office

to the area in search of jobs. As demographics changed so did the population of the school. Sacred Heart School has a strong parish population, but over the years, the school has welcomed students from surrounding communities such as

Lisbon, Oakdale, Bozrah, East Lyme, Canterbury, Brooklyn, Sprague, Jewett City, Groton, Gales Ferry, Voluntown, Moosup, Plainfield, Ledyard, Lebanon, Mystic, East Haddam, and Colchester as well. The original school burned to the ground in 1908 and the present one was erected in 1909 and has served the school community well over the years. A number of years ago, Sacred Heart parish had a capital campaign to raise funds for a “Parish Life Center”. The new building is con-

nected to the school. This facility serves as a gathering place for the parish and also as a gymnasium, cafeteria, and assembly area for the school. It allows for a more extensive athletic program and school assembly programs. It features a state of the art sound system to enhance both parish and school functions, and a well equipped kitchen. When asked, “What makes Sacred

Sacred Heart Cont. on page 26

To learn more, contact the Diocesan School Office, 860-887-4086, or contact one of the diocesan schools.

St. Mary School, Middletown 860-347-2978 St. Mary School, New London 860-443-7758 St. Mary-St. Joseph School, Willimantic 860-423-8479 St. Michael School, Pawcatuck 860-599-1084 St. Matthew Pre-School, Tolland 860-872-0200 St. Bernard Pre-School, Rockville 860-875-0475


Four County Catholic September 2011

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Heart different? Why do people choose to send their children to this school?” Sister Mary David, Riquier SSMC, Principal, answered, “One reason is the quality and dedication of our staff. We have excellent teachers who know each student as an individual and treasure each as a child of God. Teaching is not just a profession, but a vocation. Religion and religious values permeate the entire curriculum. We strive to help students look at their world through the eyes of faith, confident that God knows them and loves them and expects much from them.” According to Sister David, even the littlest children are aware of the importance of Catholic education, “I love Sacred Heart School. I like learning about God and His people.” Sacred Heart School has thrived under Sister David’s strong and able leadership for the past twenty years. That spirit of community is obvious in the atmosphere of Sacred Heart School. Stepping through the front door, a visitor is immediately aware of a sense of belonging, of being cared for, and being respected. The faculty is experienced, qualified and certified to teach and strives to continue to support the values being taught in the home bringing that sense of family full circle. In keeping with that spirit of community, and the promotion of strong Christian values, this year seven students in the junior high, with the support of parents, family, and friends, chose to take their religious studies beyond the regular classroom and were baptized or made a formal profession of faith. The curriculum at Sacred Heart School is continuously being updated to provide the best education for the students. All of the core subjects are taught including Religion, Reading, Math, Social Studies, Language Arts and Science, as well as special classes in Technology, Spanish, Physical Education, Art, and Music. The school also offers an extended day program which operates on the school premise until 5:30 p.m. daily. Sacred Heart School is fully accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.


Four County Catholic September 2011

Gold Stars, Blue Ribbons and Facebook Likes My friend is blogging again after a four-month hiatus. “In the last week, two people have By Christina Capecchi Four County Catholic Contributor

asked me about this little blog of mine, and because my ego is easily stroked,” she wrote, “I’m back.” Another friend gave up blogging for Lent a n d voiced her anxiety the first week of Easter, back at her keyboard: “So I sat down to write a blog post this morning and saw that my Blogspot followers went down overnight. Unable to help myself (and yet, knowing better) I clicked over to Google Reader and saw that over there, too, I was down by two. Was it something I said or something I didn’t? Am I too fluffy? Offensive? Boring? Fat?” That’s the trouble with social media. They have created more ways to chase after approval and more ways to fall short of it. We count friends and fans and followers (none of which live up to the reallife definitions). We can see where they live, how they found us and whether they return. We are still seeking the gold stars dispensed in grade school, now in electronic form: comments and tweets, LinkedIn recommendations, Facebook likes, Flickr views. A click of a mouse and – presto! – a judgment cast globally. Laptop turned voting booth. We become politicians, campaigning unceasingly and claiming all the credit. September’s back-to-school cycle heightens the pressure to perform, to make more friends and earn better grades. That’s what makes this month’s Sunday Gospels so challenging and well timed. St. Matthew understands how we operate, keeping score and holding grudges. Change the setting of his parables from vineyard to boardroom and you see how little has changed. We vent to others before addressing the offender (Sept. 4). We accept forgiveness that we don’t extend (Sept. 11). We begrudge co-

workers who show up late (Sept. 18). We agree to tasks that we don’t perform (Sept. 25). It happens in the classroom and in Congress. And it happens in families. We watch siblings receive credit – forgiven debts, homecoming parties, wedding gifts – and we wonder, “Will I be granted the same benefits when it’s my turn? Will the well run dry?” There’s only one baby, for example, that turns parents into grandparents, and the other siblings see all the wet kisses, the gushing superlatives, the free babysitting, and the singular adoration. The siblings who are first to parent also worry, whispering their own silly fears: Will my child enjoy the same affection when a new grandbaby arrives? We’re all operating on a false no-

tion, bending to the smallest, saddest portrait of humanity. We need to hear the landowner’s question in Matthew 20: “Are you envious because I am generous?” The human heart is not a trophy case with limited shelf space. It’s not a bank account that runs out after too many withdrawals. Love exists in infinite supply. We have elastic hearts: There is always more to give. Deep down we know this truth, but sometimes we need reminding. So just think of Grandma: Each additional grandchild brings her more joy, which warms everyone. Generosity begets generosity. A heart stretched by one act of charity is open wider for the next opportunity. When we throw away the scorecards, our humanity gives way to holiness. We celebrate the divine love that encircles us. Christina Capecchi is a freelance writer from Inver Grove Heights, Minn. She can be reached at

Saint Bernard School Names New Athletic Director Uncasville, CT – Headmaster Thomas J. Doherty III announces the appointment of Brendan Case as the next Athletic Director for Saint Bernard School. Brendan Case is a graduate of Eastern Connecticut State University. He holds a BS in sports and leisure management and has worked in the Ledyard public schools since 2007. Last year, Brendan coached boys’ tennis team, winning the State Doubles Championship and placing two athletes into college programs. He will oversee the athletic program for a one-year term and will bring passion, energy and a commitment to the student athletes. Saint Bernard School is a private, Catholic, college prep, co-educational school for grades 6-12 open to students of all faiths.

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Four County Catholic September 2011

Mount Saint John Recognized for Excellence

VACATION IN KENNEBUNK BEACH, MAINE! Franciscan Guest House & Retreat Facilities • Start your day with our full breakfast. Stroll the beach, Kennebunkport shops, and enjoy our pool. • Visit the beautiful Monastery, with daily Mass, gift shop, and shrines. • Choose from 65 rooms, with own AC, Bath, and Cable TV. • Auditorium for Groups. • On the Scenic Trolley route.

Mount Saint John, Deep River CT, recently received three-year By Gary Parrington, CFRE Director of Development, Mount Saint John

re-accreditation from the Council on Accreditation (COA). The COA is an independent not-forprofit international accreditor of community-based behavioral health care and human service organizations. The COA has identified Mount Saint John as having set high performance standards for themselves

and have made a commitment to their constituents to deliver the highest quality services. “This is something for the entire agency to be proud of and is a significant achievement that will position us for new future opportunities� said Doug DeCerbo, Executive Director for Mount Saint John.

Ms. Erika McCormack, Clinical Treatment Services Administrator, for Mount Saint John, sharing the good news about the organization’s achievement with students (from left) Erik G. and Julio V. To learn more about Mount Saint John’s residential treatment, educational, life-skill and vocational services for young men and their families please visit

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Four County Catholic September 2011

Let Your Family Soar! Families can learn how to soar to success from observing Canada Geese. 1. Keep an eye on one another Eyes of geese are on the side so they don’t have forward vision. Flying in a V-formation lets them see one another and fly straight. Keep an eye on one another. Notice if someone seems sad or upset and try to help out. 2. Fly faster on the wings of others The V-formation allows geese to fly behind a draft that lets them glide more and flap their own wings less to go 70% faster and farther. The leader gets an upwash. Two birds fly just beside and behind the tip of the leader’s wings. This spreads out the air flowing off the leader’s wings, called a downwash. It reduces the pull the leader feels. The V-formation also reduces the birds’ heart rates. Families can let one another fly on their success. You can do things, like clean the house as a family, faster than one person Jesus said something unusual: The first shall be last and the last shall be first. working alone! Helping one another reDecode the following that put the last letter first and the first last (Z=A, A=Z) to find duces stress and keeps hearts healthier. out something wonderful about God that’s in the Bible. National Apple Month. Apples 3. Be supportive are great food for school lunches. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Canada geese are loyal. They mate for Check out Proverbs 25:11 to life. If one goose falls ill or is shot and falls read about apples and words. Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A out of formation, two drop out to nurse the sick one, bringing food and sheltering Be kind to editors and writers it. month. Write your favorite author and thank the editor and Support one another. If someone has , authors of this newspaper. trouble learning, be patient and coach T R E V G S Z M P H G L G S V O L I W him or her! When someone is ill, care for August 11 the person. Grandparent’s Day. So do some4. Share the load thing special for grandparents! When a lead goose tires, that goose drops back and lets another one take the lead. U L I S V R H T L L W S R H O L E V August 19 The birds on the end also get tired and Aargh! Matey, it’s Talk like a switch places with birds in the middle. Pirate Day! Read about Paul’s Lend a hand when you see someone needing help. shipwreck in Acts 27. V M W F I V H U L I V E V I 5. Encourage one another August 18-24 Canada geese honk while flying. The Clean Hands Week. Keeping ones in back honk the most. This encourages the leader and others to keep flying. hands clean will help you stay Praise and encourage people you love. healthy. Read Psalm 24:4-5 about clean hands and hearts. 6. Scout out opportunities Sometimes three birds will drop BATHROOMS • ROOFING • KITCHENS • SIDING out of formation and form a small v-shape. They are checking the Specializing in Quality Home Improvement wind currents to find a better place to fly. Notice opportunities for each other. 7. Communicate Candles, Rosaries, Bibles, Books, Lowes Scientists think geese fly in a vPrices t in Religious Articles, Baby & Wedding Gifts, shape is to communicate better. 5 Year s They can hear the other’s honks Plenty of Angels... and much more! and see who needs an encourag15 Marshall Street, Putnam ~ 860-928-2032 ing honk! Be sure to talk with one 860-447-3447 • Tues. - Fri. 10 am - 4 pm ~ Sat. & Sun . 9:30 am - 12 pm or by appointment another. SIDING • WINDOWS • ADDITIONS • NEW HOMES

by Karen H Whiting

Switched Positions

Did you know?

____ ___












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Four County Catholic September 2011

Supreme Knight Announces New Initiatives for Knights Denver, August 3, 2011 - In his Annual Report to the 129th Supreme Convention, Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson highlighted the theme of the gathering – “That the World May Know New Hope� – as he provided details on the extensive charitable and volunteer efforts by the Knights of Columbus around the globe. He also announced four new initiatives that the Order will undertake in the coming months. The first initiative is the Knights of Columbus Disaster Response Program, which will help local councils prepare to serve as “second responders� by providing food, clothing and shelter for those affected by disasters. Leading the program will be New York Fire Dept. Capt. Alfredo Fuentes,

a member of the Order and 9/11 hero, who was critically injured while rushing to rescue victims at the World Trade Center. A second new program is an AIDS outreach to children in Africa, where there are millions of orphans to the disease. To provide shelter and care for these children, the Order will partner with the Apostles of Jesus, the first religious order of missionary priests and brothers founded in Africa. To support priestly vocations

for the military, the Knights of Columbus has established the new Father McGivney Military Chaplain Scholarship, reserved exclusively for seminarians who will, once ordained, serve both their home diocese and the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, as a uniformed chaplain. At the end of his report, Supreme Knight Anderson announced the fourth new initiative that will help keep alive the message and legacy of Blessed John

Paul II. The Knights of Columbus will purchase the John Paul II Cultural Center in Washington, D.C., and establish there a shrine dedicated to the late pope and a museum based on the 500-year Catholic history of North America, beginning with Columbus’ voyage to the New World. “True to Pope John Paul II’s vi-

sion, and using the story of his life as an inspiration, this shrine will be an opportunity to spread the good news of the Gospel through the New Evangelization,� Anderson said. The museum, he added, will be a place where generations to come will learn the history of the Church and find many reasons to be proud to be Catholic.

Serve your Community & Your Church as a Knights of Columbus % '(&,! !% ))!)* % *& ' &'# !% % *!% ) * )*(&% (! * ($ & * +( & (!% *&' ( * !%)+( % '(& ( $ *& $ $ () * %! *) & &#+$ +) &%*!%+ ) %)- (!% * ## *& ) (,! * * !* % $&( * % . () & % * ' )* * $&( * % $!##!&% %! *) & &#+$ +) $ $ () &% * $&( * % !##!&% *& (!*. - !# #)& !,!% % (#. $!##!&% &+() & ,&#+%* ( ) (,! (&+ ) (,! * $ $ () & * %! *) %&* &%#. '(&,! ))!)* % *& * &) !% % * . #)& (!% * $ &'

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Four County Catholic September 2011

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