Four County Catholic September 2019

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Volume 31 • Number 8 • September 2019 Serving The Counties Of Middlesex • New London • Tolland • Windham, CT & Fishers Island, NY

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you . . . Jeremiah 1:5

September 25 ) November 3


In This Issue

Made Possible in part through your generous support of the Annual Catholic Appeal

­Established in 1989 and published each month except July. Publisher

Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Bishop of Norwich

“Mary is the model of faith, the model of hope for us… Mary accepted her mission with uncompromised faith.” Bishop Michael R. Cote, speaking to the Saint Brendan the Navigator Community at the 89th Feast of the Assumption Mass.

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31 Perkins Avenue, Norwich, CT 06360-3613 Fax 860.859.1253 Director of Communications/Executive Editor

Wayne Gignac, 860.886.1281


“The people we see are lost, they feel like no one is there, and they aren’t grounded. Our job is to help people get their grounding.”


Melissa, a caseworker, reflecting on the positive impact that Catholic Charities makes in people’s lives.



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The Hartford Courant, 285 Broad Street, Hartford, CT 060115 Editorial & Advertising Deadlines

30 “So if I bless you, I am asking God to increase your wellbeing, happiness, or circumstances – in essence, to give you more of Himself.” Andrea Hoisl, director, Office of Faith Events, with this month’s installment of Faith Sparks.

The deadline for advertising and editorial is the first Monday of the previous month. Articles limited to 500-word max; letters to the editor limited to 200-word max and must include name, address and phone number for verification. Email photos as JPEG attachments and MS Word copy to Publication not guaranteed. The Editor reserves the right to reject, omit or edit all editorial and advertising copy. Published opinions and advertisements do not necessarily reflect the editorial position of this newspaper. Postmaster - Send address changes to:

Four County Catholic, 31 Perkins Ave., Norwich, CT 06360-3613

Four County Catholic Issue 8 September (PE 9934) is published monthly except July by The Diocese of Norwich, 31 Perkins Avenue, Norwich, CT 06360-3613. Periodicals postage paid in Hartford, CT 06101 and at additional mailing offices.

On the Cover Katelyn resides in Somers with her parents Sarah and Joseph Rudek, and her older brother Jonathan. She is the local poster child for the 40 Days for Life Campaign, an internationally coordinated 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and a peaceful all-day vigil in front of abortion businesses. To find out more read the story on page 12 and then visit

Discover more at © Copyright 2019, Diocese of Norwich. All rights reserved. No content may be reproduced without expressed consent. Periodical Postage paid at Hartford, CT 06101 and at additional offices.

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Para reportar contacto inapropiado de cualquier tipo por medio de un representante de la Diócesis de Norwich o para asistencia a víctimas, por favor llame a La Línea de Reportaje de la Diócesis de Norwich 1-800-624-7407

If the incident involves a minor (persons under the age of 18), you must also call: State of CT Department of Children and Families Care Line 1-800-842-2288 -OR –State of NY Child Protective Services 1-800-635-1522

Si el incidente involucra a un menor (personas menores de 18 años), también debe llamar a Departamento de Niños y Familias de CT 1-800-842-2288 -O-Servicios de Protección de Niños del Estado de NY 1-800-635-1522.

Incidents involving abuse of vulnerable adults aged 18-59 should be reported to: Connecticut Department of Developmental Services - AID Division for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities 1-844-878-8923

Incidents involving abuse of vulnerable adults aged 60 and over should be reported to: Connecticut Department of Social Services for the Elderly 1-888-385-4225

Incidentes relacionados con el abuso de adultos vulnerables de 18-59 años de edad deben ser reportados a Departamento de Servicios al Desarrollo del Estado de Connecticut-División de Ayuda para Personas con Incapacidad Intelectual 1-844-878-8923.

Incidentes relacionados con el abuso de adultos vulnerables de 60 años de edad o más deben ser reportados a Departamento de Servicios Sociales Para Ancianos de Connecticut 1-888-385-4225.





All your children shall be taught by the LORD; great shall be the peace of your children. My Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Saint Mother Teresa, whose feast day we celebrated on September 5th, had this advice, "Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier." As we transition from summer into autumn and our children and educators begin another school year, let us all remember the wisdom imparted by this modern Saint. "It is very important that children learn from their fathers and mothers how to love one another, not in school, not from the teacher, but from you." Parents are the first teachers. They are there to instruct their child how to walk and how to talk. They set the example of how to live in a family. Children learn cooperation and sharing from their parents. They learn about God and how to pray with the guidance of their parents. But most importantly they learn how to love. All of this happens before the child ever steps foot in a school. Extended family is instrumental in the education of a child, as well. Grandparents, aunts, uncles and close family friends can help in the faith formation of our children. The Office of Faith Events (OFE) last month premiered a new feature called Faith Sparks. The purpose of which is to engage parents, grandparents and other adult family members in their faith, empowering them with the confidence

needed to ignite this faith in our children. We have dedicated a special page to this effort where new articles and resources will be added. I encourage you to visit and share this link with others –– I am privileged every year to participate in events celebrating your generous efforts in support of our children and their families. One such extraordinary gathering was the Catholic Foundation Awards Dinner. It is here that many of our students receive tuition assistance, and diocesan schools receive program assistance grants. I thank all the parents who live as Christian role models for their children. Many families expressed with great gratitude the help received with their children’s tuition. Your generosity means so much not only to the parents but to the students as well. I am forever grateful for the many donors who support Catholic education and those parents who have made a Catholic education a priority in their family. Our schools, from elementary through secondary, are providing our students a sound education as well as instilling character, faith and a sense of service and respect for others. Our prayers go out every day to all who dedicate themselves to education–– all teachers and support staff, public, parochial and private, active and retired, of all faiths –– who encourage the self-confidence and hope of our next generation of caring and

responsible citizens of this great country under God. This month also kicks off the 40 Days for Life campaign, where we, as a diocesan community, fast and pray for an end to the taking of innocent lives. I am reminded again by the words of Mother Teresa, "The greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion . . . any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want." On Tuesday September 24th there will be a Vigil Mass at 7pm in the Cathedral to kick off the 40 Days for Life campaign. Please join our diocesan community as we ask God’s continued blessings on our efforts to preserve life at all stages of its existence. Children learn by what they observe and experience. Your prayers and actions in support of life will prepare our young people by showing them that hope can overcome despair. Armed with this knowledge they will be able, as they grow into adults, to take the advice of Mother Teresa to spread love throughout the world. Sincerely yours in Christ’s love and joy,

Bishop of Norwich


Isaiah 54:13





LET FAITH LEAD THE WAY Nuestra esperanza futura

Todos tus hijos serán instruidos por Yavé, y grande será la felicidad de tus hijos."


Isaías 54:13


Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,


La Santa Madre Teresa, cuyo día de fiesta celebramos el 5 de septiembre, dió este consejo: "Difunda el amor dondequiera que vaya. Que nadie se acerque jamás a usted sin que al irse se sienta un poco mejor y más felíz." Al hacer la transición del verano al otoño y de que nuestros hijos y maestros comienzan otro año escolar, recordemos todos la sabiduría transmitida por esta santa moderna "Es muy importante que los niños aprendan de sus padres y madres cómo amarse los unos a los otros, no en la escuela, no del maestro, sino de usted." Los padres son los primeros maestros. Están ahí para enseňar a sus hijos cómo caminar y cómo hablar. Ellos son el ejemplo de cómo vivir en una familia. Los niños aprenden de sus padres cómo cooperar y compartir. Con la guía de sus padres aprenden acerca de Dios y cómo orar. Pero lo más importante es que aprenden a amar. Todo esto sucede antes de que el niño vaya a la escuela. La familia extendida también es fundamental en la educación de un niño. Los abuelos, tías, tíos y amigos cercanos pueden ayudar en la formación de la fe de nuestros hijos. La Oficina de Eventos de Fe (OFE) estrenó el mes pasado un nuevo artículo llamado Faith Sparks. El propósito es involucrar a los padres, abuelos y otros miembros adultos de la familia en su fe, empoderándolos con la confianza necesaria para encender esta fe en nuestros hijos. Hemos dedicado una página especial a este esfuerzo donde se añadirán nuevos artículos y recursos.

Le animo a visitar y compartir este enlace con los demás– Cada año tengo el privilegio de participar en eventos para celebrar su generoso esfuerzo de apoyo a nuestros hijos y a sus familias. Una de esas extraordinarias celebraciones fue la Cena de premios de la Fundación Católica. Es aquí donde muchos de nuestros estudiantes reciben asistencia con la matrícula, y las escuelas diocesanas reciben becas para el programa de asistencia. Doy las gracias a todos los padres que viven como modelos cristianos para sus hijos. Muchas familias expresaron con gran gratitud la ayuda recibida con la matrícula de sus hijos. Su generosidad significa mucho no solo para los padres, sino también para los estudiantes. Estoy eternamente agradecido por los muchos donantes que apoyan la educación católica y por los padres que han hecho de la educación católica una prioridad en su familia. Nuestras escuelas, desde la primaria hasta la secundaria, están proporcionando a nuestros estudiantes una educación sólida, así como inculcar carácter, fe y un sentido de servicio y respeto por los demás. Nuesras oraciones todos los días van dirigiadas a quienes se dedican a la educación-todos los maestros y al personal de apoyo, público, parroquial, privado, activo y jubilado, de todos los credos-quienes fomentan la confianza en sí mismos y la esperanza de nuestra próxima generación de ser ciudadanos cuidadosos y responsables de este gran país bajo Dios.

Este mes también comienzan los 40 Días por la Vida, donde nosotros, como comunidad diocesana, ayunamos y oramos para dar fin a la toma de vidas inocentes. Recuerdo de nuevo las palabras de la Madre Teresa: "El mayor destructor del amor y de la paz es el aborto… cualquier país que acepte el aborto no está enseñando a su gente a amar, sino a usar cualquier violencia para obtener lo que quiere. " El martes 24 de septiembre habrá una misa de vigilia a las 7pm en la Catedral para dar inicio a la campaña 40 Días Por la Vida. Únase a nuestra comunidad diocesana mientras pedimos las continuas bendiciones de Dios sobre nuestros esfuerzos para preservar la vida en todas las etapas de su existencia. Los niños aprenden por lo que observan y experimentan. Sus oraciones y acciones en apoyo de la vida prepararán a nuestros jóvenes mostrándoles que la esperanza puede superar la desesperación. Armados con este conocimiento podrán, a medida que crezcan en adultos, tomar el consejo de la Madre Teresa para difundir el amor por todo el mundo. Sinceramente en el amor y la alegría de Cristo,

Michael R. Cote

Obispo de Norwich

We pray for men to answer the call to be instruments of God’s grace as priests of Jesus Christ.

Mr. Normand Laflamme 3rd Year Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD

Mr. Larry Barile 3rd Year Theology Pope St. John XXIII Weston, Massachusetts

Vocations Corner

Father Gregory Galvin, Director of Priestly Vocations It’s hard to believe it’s already September! It doesn’t seem that long ago that the Red Sox hoisted the World Series trophy and the Patriots won the Super Bowl! The Sox likely will be going home a little earlier this fall, but who knows about the Patriots, the upstart Celtics and the Bruins who have another great chance at the Stanley Cup. While all that is fun to speak about – let’s get to the important things: vocations, vocations, vocations! As we enter into the fall, we have 10 seminarians studying for the diocese this year, one more than last year. Congratulations to Father Michael Castiblanco, who was ordained June 29 and then spent some time home in Colombia awaiting transition paperwork for several weeks. He returned with a new visa and passport in late August. Father Castiblanco is working at the Cathedral of St. Patrick in Norwich. We are grateful for our returning seminarians: Alex Pandolfe, Eric Hosmer and Julian Cuervo, each of whom are entering their second year of philosophy studies at Mount

Mr. Jacob Ramos 2nd YearTheology Mount St. Mary’s, Emmitsburg, MD

Mr. Dharen Brochero 1st Year Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD

St. Mary seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland. Also returning to the Mount are Dharen Brochero, in first theology, Jacob Ramos in second theology, Norman Laflamme in third theology and Deacon Michael Bovino in fourth theology, his final year of studies before priestly ordination, God willing. We welcome to the Mount this year Ruben Garcia Sanchez, who has been studying English at UCONN the last two years. Ruben will be starting in first theology having already completed philosophical studies while in Colombia. We also welcome Mark Johnson, who begins his first year of philosophy studies and will be at the Mount. That gives us nine men working and living together at the same seminary. Our lone man studying up in Massachusetts at Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary is Larry Barile, who is also in his third year of theology this year. Please keep all of these men in your prayers. Every year of discernment and formation is an important one and they each deserve our consistent remembrance of them in our prayers.

It is a special year for three of these men. First, for both Larry Barile and Norman Laflamme who both can be called to ordination for transitional diaconate next spring. If both Larry and Norman move forward to diaconate ordination, their next step then would be to finish their studies next year, looking forward to priestly ordination in 2021. This coming year Deacon Bovino can be called by Bishop Cote to priestly ordination, which would be at the end of June 2020. Please watch for our new Monthly Holy Hour for Vocations/Seminarian Poster, which should be arriving in parishes and schools before the end of September. Please join us for the Monthly Holy Hour either when it is being held in your deanery, a parish close to you, or your own parish. Commit to coming every month and dedicate praying each one you attend for a different seminarian and for the next man to be accepted for studies for our diocese. We must continue to build vocations to the priesthood in our diocese so God’s people may always, in this part of His vineyard, be nourished with and through the sacraments of the Church.

The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, leads the Holy Hour


Holy Hour

Mr. Alexander Pandolfe 2nd Year Pre-Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD

Mr. Julian Cuervo 2nd Year Pre-Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD

Mr. Eric Hosmer 2nd Year Pre-Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD

Our Diocese

Deacon Michael Bovino 4th Year Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD

Ruben Sanchez 1st Year Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD

September 19th St. Francis, Lebanon – 6pm

October 17th St. Joseph, New London – 6pm

for Vocations

Mark Johnson 1st Year Pre-Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD



Support the Seton Dinner and Help Our Students


Sister Marie Andre, Sister Cabrini and Mother Christina Van Beck, Principal, Sacred Heart School, Taftville with Bishop Cote and students By Mary Ellen Mahoney


he diocese will celebrate its 10th Annual Seton Scholarship Dinner on November 3rd at St. Clements Castle and Marina in Portland and honor three people, who have devoted their careers to Catholic education, with the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D. D. Award for Contributions to Catholic Education in the Diocese of Norwich. This year’s honorees are Sister Mary Patrick Mulready, principal of St. Joseph School, Baltic; Mrs. Barbara Hamanaka, advanced math and computer teacher, Sacred Heart School, Groton; and Ms. Ann

Derbacher, theology chair, Mercy High School, Middletown. Gina Foster, the new stewardship coordinator for the diocese, is leading the planning for the evening, along with contributions from members of the Seton Dinner Planning Committee. Gina is selling tickets and soliciting sponsors for the event as well as advertisers who would like to be included in the keepsake multicolored program book, produced each year. All proceeds from the dinner support our elementary school students in the form of tuition assistance. This year,

thanks in part to the money raised by last year’s Seton Dinner, the Catholic Foundation was able to provide tuition assistance to 281 Catholic school elementary students, the most in Foundation history. Many parents expressed their appreciation when being granted tuition assistance for their children at this year’s Catholic Foundation Annual Awards Dinner. One dad said, “We apply for tuition assistance every year and pray. This year, thank God, we received help again. We really need this money to send our children to Catholic school.” A grandmother of two elementary

school students added, “We are supporting our daughter and her children and can’t thank you enough for the tuition money. They are so happy at their school and we are so glad we can keep them enrolled.” While some may take for granted our Catholic schools and assume that they will persevere no matter what, we really need to confront the harsh reality that budgets are extremely tight, and some parents face increasingly difficult challenges when confronted with paying for tuition. The Catholic Foundation provides a




large amount of support to families for tuition assistance and the funds generated from the Seton Dinner play an extremely important role in helping these families keep their children in our Catholic schools. As one mom said, “I hope that people understand how important this tuition assistance is. It really means everything to us. There is nothing



more important to me than my child’s education and health.” Please support this very worthwhile cause by purchasing a ticket, making a donation, placing an advertisement or becoming a sponsor of the Seton Scholarship Dinner. Any donation is appreciated. For more information, please contact Gina Foster directly at, (860) 886-1928, ext. 115 or go online to Thank you!


October 2nd Father Brain Maxwell Channel 11, WCCT Channel 20, WTXX Channel 59, WCTX

for Contributions to Catholic Education in the Diocese of Norwich:

Sister Mary Patrick Mulready, S.C.M.C. Ms. Ann C. Derbacher Barbara Hamanaka, Ph.D. All proceeds to benefit tuition assistance for Catholic Schools. The following sponsorships are available: $5,000 SETON SPONSOR Premium reserved table for 10, full-page program ad $2,500 AQUINAS SPONSOR Reserved table for 10, half-page program ad $1,500 NEWMAN SPONSOR Seating for 4, quarter-page program ad Individual program ads are also available. For more information or to purchase tickets, please contact Gina Foster at 860-886-1928 or


Our Diocese

Larry Fitzgerald, Principal, St. John Paul II Regional School, Middletown, with Bishop Cote and students

Honoring the recipients of the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Award


Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Gales Ferry to host

Frank W. Maletz, M.D., FACS in a discussion of Pathways to Hope and Healing in today’s Quagmire of Addictions Wednesday, October 16, 2019 at 7 pm. Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Facilities 1654 Rte 12 Gales Ferry


. There is no fee for this informative discussion but kindly register at or 860.464.7251 You are invited submit questions for Dr. Maletz to address when you register or at any time prior to his presentation.


Dr. Maletz was a practicing Orthopedic Surgeon in the Navy and locally for 37 years.His work as a global futurist led to the founding of HEALTHspital, a platform organization dedicated to promoting new models of true Healthcare practice with health promotion, prevention, and rejuvenation strategies and practical applications. His research into the functioning of the human brain in addictions and treatments led to a comprehensive paradigm transformation model considering chemicals & behaviors with the potential for misuse/abuse he has named: PSAADS -PSychoActive Addictable Disorders Spectrum.

In Memoriam

Sister Mary Rita Clare Hoffner Sister Mary Rita Clare Hoffner, 91, a Sister of Mercy, died on August 17, 2019 at St. Mary Home in West Hartford after a brief illness. Born of the late William and Olivine (Gardner) Hoffner in Manchester, CT she was also raised there. After graduating high school, Rita became a Sister of Mercy on December 28, 1946 and pronounced her vows on June 28, 1949 taking the religious name, Sister Mary Rita Clare. She began teaching primary grades in parish schools within the Hartford Archdiocese, earning a B.S. degree in education, studying on a part time basis. She continued to teach, moving to upper grades through 1975. At that time, Sister, determined to explore a new ministry to bring her in closer contact with lay adults, became a cosmetologist, working at J.C. Penney for a four-year period. Having completed a Master in Pastoral Ministry, Sister left hairdressing and returned to parish work in administration as school principal at St. Joseph School in Enfield. She held that position until she was invited to direct a religious education program at Sacred Heart parish in the Norwich diocese. She soon loved the ministry, the students, their family contacts and developed strong pastoral ties. In that setting, she was enabled to reach out to those in need. She modeled a spirituality that was expressed in a quiet, kind and gentle manner. It became her signature. Her personal quest now complete, she stayed in the Norwich area through retirement.

Trust in the mercy of God’s love. If you are carrying the grief and sorrow of past abortions, call Project Rachel a post-abortion healing ministry. All calls are confidential.


She moved to West Hartford and St. Mary Home within two weeks of her death, giving new meaning to the term lifelong minister. Sister Rita Clare was predeceased by her parents, as well as two aunts who were Sisters of Mercy. She is survived by her grateful community of the Sisters of Mercy, with whom she spent 73 fruitful years. Those wishing to donate in Sister's memory are asked to consider Sisters of Mercy, 25 Prescott St. West Hartford, CT 06110.

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ACA Supported Ministries Provide Respite from Heat


Gina Foster

any of us have a relative or good friend to turn to when we are in a tough spot; we know we can rely on them for help, no matter what. Others of us do not have anyone we feel confident we can depend on when we are in dire need. To these people, our ACA ministries are often a lifeline. During the recent heat wave, with temperatures nearing 100 degrees and the actual heat index even higher, people took refuge in cooling areas provided by St. Vincent de Paul Place, in Norwich and Middletown. “Summer is wonderful time of year, but the excessive heat can wreak havoc with our bodies,” Jillian Corbin, Executive Director, St. Vincent de Paul Place, said. “For people who do not have access to a cool place during a heat wave it can cause a rise in body temperature which can result in an array of heat illnesses. Thanks to Monsignor Tony Rosaforte for giving us a big air conditioner and Barber Electric for installing it. We were able to offer a nice refreshing room for people to cool down during these last heat waves. We are also grateful to our community neighbors who donated 12 gently-used air conditioners for people to use in their homes.” Ron Krom, acting executive director at St. Vincent de Paul, Middletown, echoes Jillian’s concern for the heat and the effect it has on peoples’ bodies, adding, “At St. Vincent de Paul, our dining room is air conditioned and folks know that they can sit and relax, play chess, visit with friends, eat and

drink in a comfortable setting. We also made sure to share information about the cooling centers that were opened in the City of Middletown.” In addition to the air-conditioned spaces, the St. Vincent de Paul locations in Norwich and Middletown, provide many other life-sustaining supports such as housing assistance, referrals for health screenings, dental clinics, veteran services, substance abuse and behavior concerns. Together, both offer a food pantry in addition to community meals. Our diocesan-supported soup kitchens, as well as our other ACA ministries, are truly working “Hand in Hand with All God’s Children” to help people in tangible ways. Whether you find yourself in need of a meal, food or other household necessities, or guidance in navigating the social service or healthcare systems, St. Vincent de Paul Place Norwich and St. Vincent de Paul, Middletown is here for you. You can be confident that just like a relative or close friend, they will not let you down. The tradition of the community soup kitchens came to our country from Ireland following the

Great Famine. Soup kitchens began to appear in the 1870s, becoming much more commonplace during the Great Depression. When the economy improved after World War II, soup kitchens declined slightly but increased in the 1980s due to changes in the welfare laws. Many Americans continue to depend on the support provided by our soup kitchens, and they in turn rely on your generous donations to the Annual Catholic Appeal.

Children.” As of August 9, we have received $2,368,735 in pledges and gifts, which is 84.6 percent of our overall goal, with 20.72 percent of our parishioners donating. We hope to have as close to 100 percent of our parishioners donate this year to help our ministries continue to do the work of Christ. If you haven’t given to this year’s ACA or would like to make an additional gift, there is still time. All donations are very much appreciated. To watch the ACA video and make a donation, please go to or call the Development Office at 860886-1928. The office can also assist you with matching gifts.

Thank you to all who have donated to the 2019 Annual Catholic Appeal, “Hand in Hand with All God’s

PLEASE HELP “We love our neighbor as being made in the image of God and as an object of His love.” - Saint Vincent de Paul

Donations are welcomed and always needed! St. Vincent de Paul Middletown


St.Vincent de Paul Place Norwich 860-889-7374

Our Diocese



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Yes, You Make a Difference By Susan Wallace


It is difficult to know if our


support of a good cause really makes a difference in the lives of those who we have been asked to help, especially if they live far from us. For more than thirty years, Outreach to Haiti, has been demonstrating God’s love to the poorest of our brothers and sisters in Haiti. Our ministry provides lifesaving and life enhancing services including, but not limited to, healthcare, nutritional support, educational opportunities, and twinning of U.S. and Haitian parishes. Having been a teacher early-on in my career, I know the importance of education and how it can allow people to discover their true potential by identifying the gifts God has given them for this life on earth. One of the young people helped by the Haitian ministry recently shared the following with us. My name is Wenguerdy Jean Felix, I am 22 years old. I was born in

Gonaives, a city in northern Haiti but I grew up in Les Cayes in southern Haiti with my parents. I moved at 16 to Port-au-Prince to continue with my studies and live with my 5 brothers. We rent a three-room house and I share a room with one of my little brothers. Everyone is making an effort to do something: one is in high school and others study economics, engineering and languages and one is trying to work. In secondary school I was at the top of my class and got the highest grade that the school has ever known. I am in my third year studying Medicine at the State University of Haiti. Our eldest brother, Jimmy, has always talked to me about Outreach to Haiti and the contribution to help our family. This has motivated me and means a lot to us. Outreach has changed our life and still helps me with some money to buy food, books and transportation so I can get to school. Sometimes when

there is not enough for our whole family, then we don’t eat every meal, every day. My dream, since I was a child, is to become a medical doctor and to get a U.S. license. The road is to pass the USMLE test is very competitive. It requires a lot of money, time and energy. Medical school makes you curious. You cannot know everything. The more progress, the more you learn, the more curious you become. I want to dedicate a special greeting and thanking to all who provide help to Haiti. I hope God protects all of you and gives all you need on this earth. God bless, Wenguerdy In spending time with God, volunteering your talents to help others, and sharing your treasure to aid those in need, you make a difference not only in the lives of those you help, but also within yourself.

Thank you for making a difference and God bless you!

To find out how you can help, visit or contact Susan Wallace at 860-800-3604.


Serving All Faiths • Pre-Need Arrangements Traditional Services or Cremations Directors: Joseph R. Introvigne, Joseph R. Introvigne, Jr. & Michael J. Introvigne 51 East Main St. Stafford Springs, CT

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Our Diocese

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Pro-life Campaign of Prayer, Fasting, and Peaceful Vigil Begins with a Mass at the Cathedral

By Father Brian Maxwell


re you fed up hearing in the news about radical politicians, state legislatures and governors, and new laws being proposed and implemented for lateterm abortions and infanticide? Do you feel compelled to do something about it? The Norwich 40 DAYS FOR LIFE team invites you to join us in standing up for life and praying on the sidewalk outside the Planned Parenthood facility at 12 Case St. in Norwich for an end to this abomination.

The Norwich 40 DAYS FOR LIFE campaign will begin with a Vigil Mass at Saint Patrick Cathedral on Tuesday, September 24, at 7pm. Please join us in praying to God to bless our efforts 12 over these 40 Days.

This year, the 40 DAYS FOR LIFE campaign runs from Wednesday, September 25th through Sunday, November 3rd. It is hoped that you will join Pro-Life people of all faiths by praying, fasting, and signing-up to attend the 40 DAYS FOR LIFE peaceful prayer vigil held outside Planned Parenthood, 12 Case Street, Norwich. Never done it before? There’s nothing to be afraid of. It’s not a protest. Here’s what to expect. We recommend parking at Friendly’s, 105 West Town Street in Norwich. They gave us permission to park there, and it’s a nice treat to enjoy a lunch or ice cream after praying with family and friends. For a point of reference, Friendly’s and Case Street are best reached by Exit 14

on Rt. 395, the first exit north of Route 2. After parking, walk a few hundred yards on West Town Street and make a right onto Case Street, walk up another hundred yards and cross the street to the sidewalk between the two entrances of Planned Parenthood. We witness life by our presence outside the facility. If you wish you can hold a sign that your parish prolife representative will provide that reads “Praying for an end to abortion.” We pray –– to change mother’s hearts that might be arriving to consider ending their pregnancy; for an end to abortion; that this Planned Parenthood facility will soon close. We pray during daylight hours, and really haven’t had any problems over

the last few years. You might get an occasional person who expresses themself with an unkind hand signal or word out their window, but for the most part, we get a lot of positive honks and thumbs-up! And we never confront anyone should they wish to argue. This is a peaceful, prayerful program exercising our Constitutional freedom, to stand-up for the innocent, praying for the Sanctity and Right to Life. How do I sign up? Most parishes ‘Adopt-A-Day’. Contact your parish and find out who your Pro-Life representative is. If you’re computer savvy, go to Another great new option is to sign-

up for the new Diocesan Weekly Newsletter at Newsletter. There you’ll be kept abreast of 40 DAYS FOR LIFE activity, as well as many upcoming Diocesan events and happenings.

For further help about how to become involved please contact the Norwich 40 Days For Life Team at (860) 8755770 or Thank you and may God bless you, your family, and your future children and grandchildren. Amen.

“Can a mother forget her infant, be without tenderness for the child of her womb? Even if she forgets, I WILL NEVER forget you. See, I have written your name…on the Palms of My Hands!” Smile, your mother chose Life! 4 Types of Healing: Spiritual, Emotional, Psychological and Physical

Weekly Prayer Meeting Every Tuesday at 2pm Spiritual Renewal Center, Norwich Individual prayer and anointing Mass of Healing and Hope Monday, September 9th Spiritual Renewal Center, Norwich Ladies Retreat, Biddeford, Maine September 10th – 13th

Lord God, I thank you today for the gift of my life, and for the lives of all my brothers and sisters. I know there is nothing that destroys more life than abortion, yet I rejoice that you have conquered death by the Resurrection of Your Son. I am ready to do my part in ending abortion. Today I commit myself, never to be silent, never to be passive, never to be forgetful of the unborn. I commit myself to be active in the pro-life movement, and never to stop defending life, until all my brothers and sisters are protected, and our nation once again becomes a nation with liberty and justice. Not just for some, but for all. Through Christ our Lord. Amen!

Healing Mass and Healing Service Sunday, September 29th Mass 1-2pm, Healing Service starts at 2pm St. Thomas the Apostle Chapel 872 Farmington Ave., Hartford Prayer teams, individual prayer and anointing 44th Annual Charismatic Retreat Friday, October 25th at 7pm - Sunday October 27th Holy Family Passionist Center, West Hartford for more information, call Lorraine Bernier at 413-547-0118 presented by Fr. Ray and Judith Hughes

Spiritual Renewal Services

Spiritual Renewal Center 11 Bath Street, Norwich, CT 06360 Phone: 860-887-0702

Our Diocese

Prayer to End Abortion

8 Day Silent Retreat September 17th – 24th Eastern Point Retreat House, Gloucester, MA


At the time of death, the Church confidently proclaims God has created us for eternal life. “Through the saving death of Your Son, Jesus Christ, we rise at your word to the glory of the Resurrection.” (preface - christian death IV)

ST. MARY & ST. JOSEPH CEMETERY Community Mausoleum Available 815 Boswell Ave, Norwich • 860-887-1019 SACRED HEART CEMETERY Harland Road, Taftville • 860-887-1019


ST. PATRICK CEMETERY Depot Road, Uncasville • 860-887-1019


ST. MARY CEMETERY Community Mausoleum Available 600 Jefferson Ave, New London • 860-443-3465 RESURRECTION CEMETERY Route 145, Westbrook • 860-443-3465 SACRED HEART CEMETERY Wauregan Road, Wauregan • 860-887-1019 ALL HALLOWS CEMETERY Green Hallow Road, Moosup • 860-887-1019

Legion of Mary Norwich Curia Presents Day of Recollection Mary our Model October 12, 2019 - 8:30-2:15pm Saint Andrew Church 128 Norwich Ave., Colchester Speaker: Reverend Richard Breton Programs: 3 Conferences, Reconciliation, Mass, Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet and Benediction For information please call (860) 367-4931 or (860) 949-2888. To register please send a check to: Legion of Mary PO Box 323 Moodus, CT, 06469 All are welcome Cost $25 Students $5 Seminarians and Religious no charge - Lunch included-

Norwich Diocesan Cemetery Corporation 815 Boswell Ave, Norwich CT 06360 860-887-1019

Papal Prayer Intention

That politicians, scientists and economists work together to protect the world’s seas and oceans.

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Come See Our Exquisite Collection of Flower Girl Dresses Available in All Sizes!

On the bridge, downtown Mystic



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Enjoy a Summer Free From Chores! It’s time to start living life to the fullest. Summer is a time to get out and have fun! Will you be able to enjoy yourself or will you be maintaining a home and mowing the lawn in the hot sun? Maybe it’s time to consider a lifestyle where one monthly fee covers all the expenses of a beautiful, no-upkeep apartment or cottage. In our friendly community you can choose to participate in daily activities, head out on your own adventures, or just sit and enjoy a summer breeze. To learn about maintenancefree living at Creamery Brook call us today at 860-779-8700 for a tour or information about our assisted and independent lifestyle options and long list of amenities. Creamery Brook is part of the Continuum of Care at

Our Diocese

Open Seven Days • Personal Attention

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ore than 1,400 students in the 11 Catholic elementary schools throughout the diocese recently began the new academic year. Teachers, staff and a few surprise guests showed up to greet the children, who were ready to embark on another fun year of learning.

greets II in Middletown, of St. John Paul . al up cip h in tc pr ca , ld el ni ra Mr. Fitzge ciano and Da Lu s, er ad gr h 8t students as

Meanwhile in Danielson, St. James principal, Linda Joyal, welcomes students.


New Principa l Mr. Holland greets studen they arrive at ts their first day back to classe as Mary-St. Jose s at St. ph School in Willimantic. Groton Chief of Police and a few of his officers turn out to welcome Sacred Heart students.


1st Grade students at St. Joseph School in North Grosvenordale are interviewed by WINY 1350 radio personality “Gary O�.

Students and teachers of St. John School in Old Saybrook prepare for the day with opening prayers.

in Norwich, Ella is Meanwhile at St. Patrick School anxious to answer a question.

Paul and Cooper waste no time getting to work at St. Joseph School in Baltic.

Our Diocese

traditional rtener, experiences the Philip Duzan, kinderga ers by the ch tea d an nts new stude ille. welcome ceremony for ftv Ta Heart School in 8th graders of Sacred

Pre-school students at St. Michael School in Pawcatuck enjoying the ir morning recess.

Students at St. Joseph School in New London slide into the new school year.

To view more photos, visit the Gallery at



Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary


Photos by Liliam Brennan-Almaraz By Paulina Angulo


he weather was perfect for the 89th Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on August 11, celebrated with the Saint Brendan the Navigator Community. The community, formed by four parishes – Saint Joseph Church and Saint Mary Star of the Sea Church in New London, Saint Paul Church in Waterford and Our Lady of Grace Church on Fishers Island - is under the direction of their pastor, Reverend Mark O’Donnell. Jubilant




Saint Mary Star of the Sea Church to venerate Our Blessed Mother in a solemn Mass with the main celebrant, the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich, accompanied by Reverend. Mark O’Donnell, pastor; Reverend Joseph Castaldi, retired pastor; Reverend Luis Henry Agudelo, Deacon Mario Ramos and Deacon Jorge Escalona. Saint Brendan the Navigator has a large Italian community as well as a Hispanic community, and the Mass was beautifully spoken in three languages:

English, Italian and Spanish. Bishop Cote reminded us that Mary’s hope is the most fundamental message. “Mary,” he said, “is the model of faith, the model of hope for us…Mary did not die because death is a consequence of sin…Mary accepted her mission with uncompromised faith. Mary, we know, suffered many trials in her life…we too face fear and hardship.” The venerated statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary was crowned by Flor Brennan-Almaraz, assisted by Miledis

Hilario, Elviany Quiroz and Stephanie Rojas. Anthony A. Joyce, Jr. sang the “Ave María.” After Mass everyone participated in a procession to Saint Joseph Church for the Blessing of the Sick. Following the blessing, everyone gathered at Saint Joseph School for a picnic, with delicious food provided by the Feast of the Assumption Planning Committee and cooked by the Knights of Columbus and Tony D’s Restaurant. It was a memorable day.


- Pope Saint John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae, no. 100


Ocean Avenue 12 Ocean12 Avenue New London, CT New London, CT 443-1871 443-1871

48 Grand Street Street 48 Grand Niantic, CT Niantic, CT 739-6112 739-6112


12 Ocean Avenue New London, CT 443-1871

48 Grand Street Niantic, CT 739-6112


12 Ocean Avenue New London, CT 443-1871

48 Grand Street Niantic, CT 739-6112

44th Annual Catholic Charismatic Renewal Retreat October 25-27, 2019

Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center, West Hartford Presented by Father Ray Introvigne and Judith Hughes

Healing Retreat • Setting the Captive Free • Intergenerational Healing • Forgiveness

Cost: $150 (days only), $240 (single room), $230 (double room). Includes room and 4 meals (3 Saturday & 1 Sunday) Make checks payable to: CCR. Send to Lorraine Bernier, 44th Annual Charismtic Retreat, 119 Blisswood Village Drive, Ludlow, MA 01056. For more information, please call Lorraine Bernier at 413-547-0118.

Our Diocese

Eternal Father, Source of Life, strengthen us with your Holy Spirit to receive the abundance of life you have promised. Open our hearts to see and desire the beauty of your plan for life and love. Make our love generous and self-giving so that we may be blessed with joy. Grant us great trust in your mercy. Forgive us for not receiving your gift of life and heal us from the effects of the culture of death. Instill in us and all people reverence for every human life. Inspire and protect our efforts on behalf of those most vulnerable especially the unborn, the sick and the elderly. We ask this in the Name of Jesus, who by His Cross makes all things new. Amen. Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us. A great prayer for life is urgently needed, a prayer which will rise up throughout the world. Through special initiatives and in daily prayer, may an impassioned plea rise to God, the Creator and lover of life, from every Christian community, from every group and association, from every family and from the heart of every believer.


What Makes Catholic Charities Stand Above the Rest


By Ed Tessman

Catholic Charities is an agency that strives to be more than just another social service provider to the residents of Eastern Connecticut. They are determined to be a resource for those in need. With a dedicated and compassionate staff, the agency gives 100 percent to every client that walks through their doors, regardless of race, gender, religion, age, mental or physical illness, or familial status. The

services provided at the Norwich, New London, Willimantic and Middletown locations include behavioral health and Intensive Case Management (ICM).

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Gales Ferry Presents

CATHOLICISM: The Pivotal Players There is no fee for this eight-segment series. Dates for the 1st 3 segments are shown. Dates for 5 others will be announced later this year!

All presentations are at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Meeting Room 1654 Rte 12 in Gales Ferry (across from CVS)

Bishop Robert Barron’s DVD explores saints, artists, mystics, and scholars who helped shape the life of the Church and the course of western civilization.

September 19:

St. THOMAS AQUINAS, the Theologian demonstrated faith and reason are not at odds but come from the same source.

October 3:

St. CATHERINE of SIENA, the Mystic gave testimony to the reality of the spiritual dimension here and beyond. Register on-line at or by phone at 860.464.7251 The Pivotal Players book is available from Word on Fire Ministries but is not obligatory.


Some components of ICM include emergency basic needs, parenting education, job readiness, budgeting and financial literacy, pregnancy needs as well as dietary needs provided by the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Each program has its significant attributes that help clients with specific needs, but Catholic Charities often serves clients in more than one

area upon identifying the root of the issue. As Melissa, a case worker, says, “The people we see are lost, they feel like no one is there, and they aren’t grounded. Our job is to help people get their grounding, which we do a good job of.” Clients served through Catholic Charities are more than just the issues they face. They are treated as human beings with access to resources. One client reflects: “Catholic Charities encourages me to stay the steady course and has connected me with more resources than I knew were even available to me and my kids. I enjoy my visits with my social worker and will miss her when our time is over.”

14 Club Road Windham, CT 06280 860.456.1107

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The staff is personable, reliable, respectful, and willing to go above and beyond for their clients. Staff member Keyla said the agency educates staff on cultural competence, “which allows us to learn about different cultures in our community so we can understand needs better. So, if I am helping a Spanish family, I need to know what their culture eats so I can give them food that they are accustomed to.” Those who work at the agency take a holistic approach when dealing with clients, taking in everything about the person and their environment in order to improve the lives of those who are in need.

ensures money is not a limit for the clients’ sake.

The funding Catholic Charities receives from generous donors is consistently vital in providing the utmost professional care to the severely disadvantaged populations within Eastern Connecticut. Despite funding being scarce for many service agencies, Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities has been “Providing Help & Creating Hope” to those most in need throughout Eastern Connecticut since 1921. For additional information, volunteer opportunities, or to make a donation, please visit

“A little grain counts for everything,” says Miriam, intensive case management supervisor, when it comes to receiving donations. It’s clear to see that Catholic Charities does more than help clients in need; they’ve built a community of empowered individuals who are ready to get back on their feet. As Melissa puts it, “It’s more than just giving clients resources…It lets them know they’re included in the system, that they’re recognized, and appreciated.”

Pontifical Mass for the Diocesan Partnership on Disability Join us for a Celebration of the Liturgy for people living with disabilities; for their family, friends, care-givers, co- workers, support staff and health care professionals. Principal Celebrant Bishop Michael R. Cote Sunday October 6, 2019 @ 11:00 am St. Andrew Church 126 Norwich Avenue, Colchester Presentation & Reception to follow For more information or to RSVP for the reception, please contact the Office of Faith Events 860-848-2237 x304

Pope Francis @Pontifex Let us ask for the grace to remember each day that we are not forgotten by God, and that we are His beloved children, unique and irreplaceable. Calling this to mind gives us the strength not to surrender before the adversities of life.

Register through your parish by Friday, October 11. For more information, call Mary-Jo McLaughlin at 860-848-2237, Ext. 312.

Our Diocese

136 Sachem Street Norwich CT 06360 860-889-2374 Fax 860-886-2396


Sacred Heart School, Groton

Sacred Heart School, Taftville

50 Sacred Heart Drive, Groton, CT 860-445-0611

Phone: 860-887-1757

Gail Kingston, Principal

Mother Christina Van Beck, SCMC, Principal 15 Hunters Ave, Taftville, CT

St. Edward School,Danielson Stafford Springs James School,

St. Joseph School, North Grosvenordale

Mrs. Pelletier, Principal LindaMaryAnne Marie Joyal, Principal 120 WaterSt, St,Stafford Danielson, CT CT 25 Church Springs, Phone: Phone: 860-774-3281 860-684-2600

David Sizemore, Principal 26 Main St., N. Grosvenordale, CT Phone: 860-923-2090

Academic Excellence. Character. Self-Confidence.

Superintendent Letter SEPTEMBER 2019 | FOUR COUNTY CATHOLIC |

My Dear Friends,


Our Catholic schools have opened their doors once again for another exciting year of providing academic excellence in faith-filled environments. Accordingly, we pray for our students and all those involved in the special ministry of Catholic education. Recently, I became intrigued by the number of saints of the Catholic Church who are patrons for our school communities. According to The Catechism of the Catholic Church, “The witnesses who have preceded us into the kingdom, especially those whom the Church recognizes as saints, share in the living tradition of prayer by the example of their lives, the transmission of their writings, and their prayer today. They contemplate God, praise Him and constantly care for those whom they have left on earth. When they entered into the joy of their Master, they were "put in charge of many things." Their intercession is their most exalted service to God's plan. We can and should ask them to intercede for us and for the whole world.” Of course, we pray daily to God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Mary, our Mother, and the various saints whom our schools are named after. In addition, there are many saints who are specifically educationally related, which I would like to share with you. I learned quite a bit in preparation for this letter. I am sure that this list is not exclusive. If you are aware of any saints whose patronage is related to education either directly or indirectly, please email me at, and I will be happy to include them in next month’s letter. May God always bless the children under our collective care with a happy, healthy school year. God bless, Henry Fiore, Jr. Superintendent of Schools Diocese of Norwich

St. Mary-St. Joseph School, Willimantic Ian M. Holland, Principal 35 Valley St, Willimantic, CT Phone: 860-423-8479

St. Michael School, Pawcatuck

Mrs. Doris Messina, Principal

63 Liberty St, Pawcatuck, CT Phone: 860-599-1084

St. Patrick Cathedral School, Norwich

Sharon Stewart , Principal 211 Broadway, Norwich, CT Phone: 860-889-4174

Academy of the Holy Fa

St. John School, Old Saybrook Mother Mary David, SCMC

Mother Elaine Moorcroft, SCMC, Principal 54 West Main St, Baltic, 42 Maynard Road, Old Saybrook, CTPhone: 860-822-9272 Phone: 860-388-0849

C, Principal CT

Mr. Lawrence Fitzgerald, Principal 87 South Main St, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-347-2978

St. Joseph School, Baltic

Sr. Mary Patrick Mulready, SCMC, Principal

10 School Hill Road, Baltic, CT Phone: 860-822-6141

St. Joseph School, New London

Ms. Marianne Cote, Principal 25 Squire St, New London, CT Phone: 860-442-1720

St. Bernard School, Uncasville

“A Holy Place Where We Discover Each Other in God’s Love” Celebrating 76 Years of Excellence in Catholic Education ~ Grades K-8 ~

Full Day Kindergarten School Day from 8:30-2:30 After School Care Available Accredited by the New England Association of Schools & Colleges

25 Squire Street New London, CT For information call 860-442-1720

Mr. Donald Macrino, Headmaster 1593 Norwich-New London Tpke, Uncasville, CT Phone: 860-848-1271

St. Agnes of Rome is the patron of young girls. She was martyred for denying refusing her faith at the age of 12 or 13. St. Albert the Great actually taught St. Thomas Aquinas and is the patron of science students. St. Aloysius Gonzaga was a catechism to other children and is the patron of young students. (and I imagine of a particular NCAA team!) St. Benedict founded an order of monks and is a patron of students. St. Catherine of Alexandria, who was famous for debating, is a patron of students, teachers and librarians. St. Christopher is the patron of bus drivers and crossing guards. St. Domenic Savio was a student of St. John Bosco who sometimes got into trouble. He is a patron of young boys. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton was the first American saint and is the patroness of Catholic schools. St. Francis de Sales is the patron of writing for students. St. Francis Xavier, one of St. Ignatius Loyola's closest friends, is most honored by the Catholic Church, other Christian churches, and the Jesuit order, for his missionary and educational accomplishments. St. Gemma Galgani, who was known for being a conscientious student is a patron of students. St. Gregory the Great, was a pope and writer. He invented the calendar we use today and the form of church music for which he is named, (Gregorian chant). He is a patron of teachers. St. Ignatius of Loyola was a Spanish priest and theologian who founded the Jesuit order which is known for its missionary, educational and charitable works. St. Isidore of Seville is the patron for technology, computers and the Internet. St. John Baptiste de la Salle improved many schools and is a patron of teachers and principals. St. John Bosco was an excellent scholar who started his studies late due to poverty. He mentored boys to help keep them employed and out of jail. He is the patron of schoolchildren, juvenile delinquents, and apprentices. St. Joseph the Worker is the patron of office staff. St. Joseph of Cupertino was a struggling student who is the patron of students taking exams. St. Lawrence, a martyr for our faith, is the patron of cooks and the poor. St. Martin de Porres founded orphanages for homeless children and provided for African slaves. He is the patron of people of mixed race, those who suffer discrimination, and janitors. St. Michael the Archangel, protector, is the patron of school resource officers and safety patrols. St. Scholastica (It’s all in the name!) is another patroness of students who founded an order of nuns. St. Sebastian is the patron saint of coaches and athletes. St. Thérèse of Lisieux struggled with social relationships in school and is a wonderful patron for students. St. Thomas Aquinas was an accomplished scholar and is one of the many patron saints for students. St. Ursula founded the Ursuline order, which opened schools for the education of Catholic women. Academy of the Holy Family, Baltic Mother Mary David, SCMC, Principal 54 West Main St, Baltic, CT Phone: 860-822-9272

Mercy High School, Middletown

Sr. Mary McCarthy, RSM, President 1740 Randolph Road, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-346-6659

Xavier High School, Middletown David C. Eustis, Headmaster Mr. Brendan Donohue, Principal 181 Randolph Road, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-346-7735

Diocesan School Office


amily, Baltic

St. John Paul II School, Middletown

43 Perkins Avenue, Norwich, CT Phone: 860-887-4086


Calendar of Events Tuesday, September 24

Saturday, October 5

7pm at the Cathedral of St. Patrick, Norwich.

In honor of the Feast of St. Francis, a lover of all creatures, a Blessing of Pets will be held. All are invited to bring your pets to the St. John Church, Cromwell front parking lot at 11am to receive a special blessing. Be part of this very exciting event to thank God for all the joy your furry & feathered friends give you every day!

40 Days for Life Kick-off Vigil Mass

September 27 – 29


Retrouvaille Weekend


Marriage Help – If your marriage has become troubled and stressed, unloving or uncaring, or, if you are divorced or separated but want to try again, the Retrouvaille program can help. Retrouvaille provides tools to communicate better, resolve conflicts fairly and re-discover why you fell in love. A series of 6 post sessions follow the weekend. For more information or to register, call 203-710-6207, or visit

Saturday, September 28

Father McGivney Day of Renewal For All Catholic Men Our Lady of Lourdes Church Hall, 1650 Route 12, Gales Ferry. Improve spirituality of Catholic men based on principles initiated by Blessed Fr McGivney and how God works through individuals in achieving these principles. Gain a better understanding of the current crisis in society and the church, impact on parishes and how to participate more fully in the spiritual and corporal works of the parish. The day starts 7:30 am, includes lunch, and ends with Mass at 5pm followed by Covered Dish Supper with Family. The program includes: Today’s Challenges and Our Solution (presentations and discussion) –– God with Us Today (Witness talks by knights and small group discussion) –– Reflection, Adoration, and Fellowship (Mass and supper with family) This is an opportunity to meet with other concerned Catholic men and share your views and experience. Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Request brochure from or leave forwarding address at (860) 464-2453.

Saturday, October 5 Durham Tag Sale

Notre Dame Church, 8-1pm. Rain or shine. Over 40 vendors selling antiques, tools, plants, pictures, produce, furniture, crafts, records, jewelry, yarn, greeting cards, handmade items etc. Vendor space only $15.Vendors do not need to register, just show up that morning. Hidden treasures in the Church Hall offering an assortment of clothing, toys, Christmas and Holiday items, jewelry, china, a variety of linens, brass, kitchen supplies, craft supplies and more. Refreshments in the Church Hall will offer a variety of food and beverages. Please call Bill Shumway for more information 860 349-3397.

Feast of St. Francis Blessing of Pets

Sunday October 6

Partnership on Disability Mass

Join Bishop Cote for a celebration of people living with disabilities; for their family, friends, caregivers, co-workers, support staff and health care professionals. 11am at St. Andrew Church, Colcherster. Presentation and light refreshments to follow in the church hall. For more information or to RSVP for the reception, please contact the Office of Faith Events 860-848-2237 x304

Saturday, October 12 2nd Annual Rosary Rally

Our Lady of the Lakes Church in Oakdale. Please join us promptly at 12:00 noon to pray the rosary to show God and His Blessed Mother our love and veneration. We offer this rosary rally as a special public commemoration of Our Lady's apparitions at Fatima. Light refreshments will follow.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Connecticut Catholic Men’s Conference

“FORGE Your Path To Holiness” St Paul Catholic High School, 1001 Stafford Ave, Bristol. Experience the camaraderie of your fellow Catholic men. Speakers, Workshops, All Day Adoration, Confession, Exhibitors & Vendors. Added for 2019 – St Joseph’s Golden Hammer Contest. Adult tickets $45 teens $30 priest/deacon $0. Lunch included - Buy tickets online now at or at the door.

Sunday, October 27 Anniversary Mass

All couples married 25 & 50 years or celebrating any significant anniversary year are invited to the Cathedral of St. Patrick, Norwich at 2pm. Come and renew your commitment to live your marriage in holiness. Mass celebrated by Bishop Cote. Dessert and beverages will be served following the Mass in the Cathedral Hall. Register through your parish by Friday, October 11. For more information, call Mary-Jo McLaughlin at 860-848-2237, Ext. 312.

Off to a Good Start NDCCW Award Scholarships to Mercy Freshmen


wo incoming Mercy High School freshmen were each presented a scholarship by the Norwich Diocesan Council of Catholic Women(NDCCW).

Marian Hall of St. Bridget of Kildare Parish in Moodus and Isabella Baldassini of St. Mary Częstochowa Parish in Middletown submitted applications in the spring. The $500 scholarships are awarded to eighth grade girls who will be attending a Catholic High School in the fall. Isabella, the daughter of Paul Baldassini and Susanne LeeBaldassini, graduated from St. John Paul II School in Middletown. Marian, the daughter of Iain Hall and Molly-Kate Hall, graduated from East Hampton Middle School.

The Norwich Diocesan Council of Catholic Women acts through its affiliates to support, empower and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership and service. NDCCW programs respond with Gospel values to the needs of the Church and society in the modern world. To find out more about the scholarship or to become a member contact Judy Pappagallo, President of the Norwich Council at or 860- 889-1617 for more information.


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Isabella Baldassini and Marian Hall, recipients with Judy Pappagallo, NDCCW President


Catholic Elementary School Collection

September 14 and 15, 2019

FA I T H F O R T H E F U T U R E “Catholic educational institutions play a prophetic role inhelping future generations tackle problems with an integrated, inclusive approach.” (Pope Francis, Jan 2018)

St. Michael School


63 Liberty Street, Pawcatuck 860-599-1084

St. Patrick Cathedral School

Sacred Heart School

St. Joseph School

50 Sacred Heart Drive, Groton 860-445-0611


211 Broadway, Norwich 860-889-4174

10 School Hill Road, Baltic 860-822-6141

St. Joseph School

St. James School

St. John School

St. John Paul II Regional Catholic School

26 Main Street, P.O. Box 137 North Grosvenordale 860-923-2090 26

Sacred Heart School

15 Hunters Avenue, Taftville 860887-1757

• Meets high academic standards • Supports Catholic faith-based values and morals • Provides our students the opportunity to grow academically and spiritually

St. Joseph School

25 Squire Street, New London 860442-1720

42 Maynard Road, Old Saybrook 860-388-0849

120 Water Street, Danielson 860774-3281

87 South Main Street, Middletown 860-347-2978

St. Mary - St. Joseph School 35 Valley Street, Willimantic 860-423-8479

St. Joseph School

LEARN. GROW. DISCOVER. Saint Bernard School

New London, CT “A Place Where We Discover Each Other in God’s Love” Celebrating 81 Years of Excellence In Catholic Education Grades K-8

You have many choices of where to educate your child. That’s why we would like to invite you to visit our school where you can learn about our academic programs, athletics, campus life, and see why Saint Bernard School is a place for your child to learn, grow, and discover! We are accepting applications for the 2020–21 school year. Ask us about our Tailored Tuition Program to help meet your family’s unique financial situation.

Attend our OPEN HOUSE on October 19th. Register at or call us today at 860-848-1271.

Registration is ongoing, please call for information

St. Joseph School 25 Squire St New London, CT 06320 Phone: 860-442-1720

SAINT BERNARD SCHOOL • Grades 6–12 1593 Norwich-New London Tpke • Uncasville, CT 06382 860-848-1271 •


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$175 / per golfer Registration 10:30 AM Lunch 11:30 AM SHOTGUN START 1:00 PM Awards & Buffet 6:00 PM Sponsorship Opportunities Available!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

860-889-8346 x287

Registration 10:30 am • Lunch 11:30 am • Shotgun Start 1:00 pm • Awards & Hor d’oeuvres 6:00 pm

Sponsorships Available & Welcome 28

For more information or to register, contact: Christine Jackel at 860-886-1928 x12 or

A Lesson in Teamwork

Groups of students in Saint Bernard School classes tried to build the tallest towers using only spaghetti, marshmallows and a piece of masking tape on the first day of school. The activity was a lesson in teamwork and problem solving, with the tallest structure measuring about 20 inches.

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Everyday Blessings Recognize God’s Gifts to Us

Fai t h


By Andrea Hoisl


lessings are words that express gratitude for something or show God’s favor. What does the word “bless” actually mean? In Hebrew, the root means “to increase” or “bring down Divine abundance.”


So if I bless you, I am asking God to increase your well-being, happiness, or circumstances – in essence, to give you more of Himself. In a world where there is so much going on, we often forget to take time to recognize and acknowledge the many blessings in our lives. Those can include the times when God has given us more of Himself through opportunities, people and our faith, or when we were given more than we deserve or ever thought possible. We rarely take the time to think about the innumerable blessings we have been freely given by God; blessings we did nothing to earn. If we all take a few moments everyday as we go through our usual routines to

acknowledge all that we have and do that is good, we would all be much happier people. As we enter fall and a new school year, we might begin to be more mindful of God in our everyday lives. Perhaps we can take time in our day to recognize how He has bestowed His blessed abundance on us and our families and friends. As your children go off to school, after you take those first day of school pictures, why not stop and say a thank you blessing on your children? The beginning of each workday is a good time to reflect on the great love God has for us through the gifts He

has freely shared with us. Through a blessing of thanksgiving, tell God how you will use the abilities He gave you in your daily work life. Maybe you can even take that a step further and research ways you can help others using your gifts and talents. Another way to remember your blessings is to say prayers before fun activities or sports. Before I begin something fun, I say Psalm 16:2 “All good things come from God” AMEN! Once we start to recognize

our blessings, we become more connected to the Father from whom they have come. Finally, don’t forget the blessing of food. It does not matter if you eat alone, with your spouse, or with a family of 10 – every meal is a blessing. We might even want to donate food or work at a soup kitchen once we realize how blessed we truly are.

Be sure to visit to find prayers for your children, workday and the food we eat.

Ignite Your Faith.

Forge a Path to Holiness: The Connecticut Catholic Men’s Conference Returns Oct. 19

Inspiring Achievement. Celebrating Community. Embracing Service. Living Faith. Supported financially and spiritually by 10 parishes in the Middletown Deanery. Currently the only regional Pre-K to 8th grade school in the Norwich Diocese.

St. John Paul II Regional Catholic School 87 South Main Street / Middletown, CT 06457 Telephone: 860-347-2978 /

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By Mark McCann


he theme for this year’s Catholic Men’s Conference, which will take place on Oct. 19 at Saint Paul Catholic High School, 1001 Stafford Ave., Bristol, is “Forge Your Path to Holiness.” The speakers include Fr. John Bartunek, Dan Burke, Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers and Bishop Juan Miguel Betancourt, SEMV. Additional speakers include Most Reverend Leonard Blair, S.T.B., Archbishop of Hartford, and Father James Sullivan, conference chaplain. The conference promises to be a great time of fellowship, learning and worship. There will be opportunities for Eucharistic Adoration and Confession, as well as a closing Mass at the end. At the 2018 conference, the featured speaker was Bob Kroll of With All Your Heart Ministry (www. Bob talked about the Father Wound –– the struggle men have to overcome that our fathers leave in our lives. At the end of his presentation, he and the men prayed the Prayer for Inner Healing. That prayer led to deeper sharing among the men following the talk. This is the power and presence of the Holy Spirit that lives and moves among the men at the conference.

PRAYER FOR INNER HEALING Loving Father, I come trusting in Your great love for me and believing that only You know what is best for me. I want to be healed. I come to You now to ask that You enter my heart and heal all my wounded emotions. Bring Your healing love into every corner of my heart and release all the buried negative emotions inside that have not been resolved and continue to cause me anguish. Heal all shame and despair and feelings of abandonment and rejection. Heal all feelings of anger and hatred resentment and bitterness. Father, I choose to forgive those who have wounded me. Grant me the grace where I struggle to forgive. I ask you to bless my earthly father and all those who have hurt me in the past. As You release from me all these painful emotions, fill all the empty spaces with Your love, Your peace, Your joy and the powerful presence of Your Holy Spirit. After I have been healed, may my life be a witness to Your power and glory so that I may reach out to others, too. I ask all of this in the name of Your Beloved Son, Jesus. Amen.

For more information and to register, visit

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An Education You Can Believe In.

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