Four County Catholic February 2014

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Volume 26 Number 2

February 2014

March for Life Rally in Washington D.C. January 22, 2014

Made Possible in part through your generous support of the Annual Catholic Appeal


Four County Catholic February 2014

Diocese of Norwich Office of the Bishop 201 Broadway Norwich, Connecticut 06360 MOST REVEREND MICHAEL R. COTE, D.D.

Four County

Statement by the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich February 11, 2014 The Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes

atholic at c Serving the Counties of Middlesex New London Tolland Windham & Fishers Island NY

With gratitude to Almighty God and to our Holy Father Pope Francis, I am pleased to announce that on Monday, February 3, the Feast of Saint Blaise, I was notified that the Holy See has recognized the distinguished priestly ministry of two priests of the Diocese of Norwich and named them to the papal household. Very Reverend James P. Carini, Pastor of Saint Matthew Church, in Tolland, and Dean of the Vernon Deanery, and Very Reverend Michael T. Donohue, Pastor of Saint Matthias Church, in East Lyme, and Dean of the New London Deanery, have been named Chaplains to His Holiness with the title of Reverend Monsignor. The Conferral of the Papal Honor will be celebrated at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick at the Mass of Chrism and will be followed with Masses of Thanksgiving in their respective parishes. With Monsignor Carini and Monsignor Donohue, we rejoice in God’s goodness and His blessing on our Diocesan family and its presbyterate. “When we recognize the gifts and talents of another we acknowledge God, the author and giver of all gifts.” We thank our Holy Father for his generosity in honoring these two outstanding priests. May the Lord, Who is both High Priest and Good Shepherd, continue to bless Monsignor Carini and Monsignor Donohue and enrich their gifts and talents for the greater glory of God and the service of all God’s people.

Established in 1989 and published each month except July. Publisher

Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Bishop of Norwich


Editorial Office

31 Perkins Avenue, Norwich, CT 06360-3613

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Sincerely yours in Christ,


Advertising Sales Bishop Michael R. Cote

Meredith Morrison, 860.887.3933

N.B. In a letter of Dec. 30, 2013, the Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, was asked by the Holy See’s Secretariat of State to inform all Bishops of the following: “the Holy Father, in merit of ecclesiastical honors, has decided that ‘for a secular priest, there will be conferred only the title of Chaplain to His Holiness to deserving priests who are already 65 years of age; all privileges that were granted in the past by previous Popes will remain.’”


Judy Pappagallo, 860.848.2237 x302


GateHouse Media New England


The challenge presented to us by our faith is to live it every day with integrity and consistency, in the most ordinary circumstances. - Sister Elissa Rinere explaining how Ordinary Time in liturgical terms is not all that ordinary.

The March for Life is so much more than a protest against abortion; it is the recognition of the courageous and humble who value every human life.


33 New York Avenue Framingham, MA 01701

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The deadline for advertising is the second Monday of the preceding month. (Discount rate available to Diocesan-sponsored ministries and programs.) The editorial deadline is the third Monday of the preceding month. Articles limited to 500-word max; letters to the editor limited to 200-word max and must include name, address and phone number for verification. Email photos as JPEG attachments and MS Word copy to or fax to 860.859.1253. Publication not guaranteed. The Editor reserves the right to reject, omit or edit all editorial and advertising copy. Published opinions and advertisements do not necessarily reflect the editorial position of this newspaper.

- Susan Sedensky having just returned from last month’s “Life” demonstration at the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C.


This is the heavy lifting of New Evangelization - going out among the less receptive audiences and capturing their attention. - Michael Strammiello commenting on Pope Francis’ appearance on the covers of Rolling Stone and Time.

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Four County Catholic February 2014

The Most Reverend

Michael R. Cote, D.D.

Bishop of Norwich

The Healing Grace of Jesus’ Love

The Light is On for You My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: While there is no conclusive way to measure whether today’s culture is more inclined toward sinful behavior, certainly we live in severely challenging times to maintain a life of grace. Perhaps the most challenging ever. A time that leaves us searching for peace and realizing how much faith matters. As Lent approaches, we are blessed with an opportunity to renew our relationship with God. Experience the Lenten journey. Open yourself to the gifts of the Holy Spirit through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We are all wounded by our own sins and the hurt they may have caused others. Sin is a heavy burden on each of us. Jesus wants to heal our wounds. He wants to give us a new beginning. This call goes out

to those who may have been away from the Sacrament or the Church for a while. If you have been away, Lent is a wonderful time to come home to the Church. Lent is calling you home to a new beginning in your life of faith -- to restore sanctifying grace to your life. Lord, we often feel heavily burdened With the difficulties of life and our sins. Help us to find the grace to return to You And to receive your peace in the Sacrament of Reconciliation t i Lenten season.

In keeping with the spirit of compassion, forgiveness and love that is the essence of Lent, the Diocese will again this year be participating in the The Light is

ON for You initiative. Across the Diocese, Confession will be available as designated by each parish during the week as well as on Saturday. Your parish will be posting those times in your church well before Ash Wednesday. If you have been away for a while or have found it difficult to make Saturday afternoon Confession time, this is your opportunity to reconnect with Christ and his Church. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is the spiritual medicine which strengthens as well as heals. This is to say that in addition to receiving forgiveness for our sins, we receive the sanctifying grace to help conquer temptation. It is the peace and serenity of conscience and getting right with God that increases our spiritual fitness for the Christian battle. That battle is against the temptation to sin in

each of our lives and against the sins of society when lives are extinguished and the vulnerable are exploited or abandoned. We must be spiritually strong to withstand these trials and tragedies. The Holy Father, Pope Francis, has captured the attention of the world with the consistent message of God’s mercy. The forgiveness and mercy of the Lord is so perfectly embodied in the Sacrament of Penance. As the Pope himself proclaimed, “I am a sinner.” He reminds us that the forgiveness of sins is one of the most merciful missions Jesus entrusted to the apostles and their successors. In support of this mission, Pope Francis, our “Pastor in Chief ” as he is affectionately called by some, has personally directed the cardinals and archbishops of the Roman Curia to take turns hearing daily confessions in a neigh-

borhood church, Santo Spirito, near the Vatican. This to emphasize the importance of confession and of God’s great goodness in forgiving human sin. “As pastors of the Church,” in Pope Francis’ words. “we want to assist the faithful with tenderness and understanding in this wonderful sacrament, to make them feel the Good Shepherd’s love precisely in this gift.” Please hear Jesus’ call this Lenten season and come to have your burdens lifted in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Come, be healed and restored. Jesus, our most merciful, loving and forgiving God will be waiting for you. He and your pastor have left the Light ON for you. Sincerely yours in Christ’s love, Bishop Michael R. Cote

La Gracia Sanadora del amor de Jesús La Luz Está Encendida para Usted Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas: Si bien no hay manera concluyente para medir si la cultura actual se inclina más hacia un comportamiento pecaminoso, ciertamente vivimos en tiempos severamente difíciles para mantener una vida de gracia. Tal vez más desafiantes que nunca. Un tiempo en que nos deja buscando

la paz y nos damos cuenta de la importancia de la fe. A medida que se acerca la Cuaresma, somos bendecidos con la oportunidad de renovar nuestra relación con Dios. Experimente el Camino Cuaresmal. Ábrase a los dones del Espíritu Santo a través del Sacramento de la Reconciliación. Todos estamos heridos por

nuestros propios pecados, y por el daño que pudo haber causado a otros. El pecado es una carga pesada para cada uno de nosotros. Jesús quiere sanar nuestras heridas. Él quiere darnos un nuevo comienzo. Este llamado es para aquellos quienes podrían haber estado fuera del Sacramento o de la Iglesia por un tiempo. Si usted ha

estado fuera, la Cuaresma es un tiempo maravilloso para volver a casa a la Iglesia. La Cuaresma le llama a casa para un nuevo comienzo en su vida de fe-para restaurar a su vida la gracia santificante. “Señor, a menudo nos sentimos muy agobiados Con las dificultades de la vida y nuestros peca-

dos. Ayúdanos a encontrar la gracia para volver a ti Y para recibir en esta temporada de Cuaresma Tu paz en el Sacramento de la Reconciliación” En consonancia con el espíritu de la compasión, el perdón y el amor que es la esencia de la La Luz Está Encendida para Usted

Continued on page 4


Four County Catholic February 2014

La Luz Está Encendida para Usted Cuaresma, la Diócesis de nuevo participara este año en la iniciativa La Luz Está Encendida para Usted. Designada por cada parroquia la confesión estará disponible en la Diócesis durante la semana

Continued from page 3

así como el sábado. Su parroquia publicará en su iglesia las horas mucho antes del Miércoles de Ceniza. Si usted ha estado fuera por un tiempo o si ha encontrado dificultades para ir por la tarde del

sábado a la hora de Confesión, esta es su oportunidad para reconectarse con cristo y su Iglesia. El sacramento de la reconciliación es la medicina espiritual que fortalece, además de sanar. Esto

Holy Hour for Vocations The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, leads the Holy Hour: February 20, 2014 • 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Sacred Heart, Groton March 20, 2014 • 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm St. Mary, Jewett City April 10, 2014 • 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Our Lady of Sorrows, Essex May 15, 2014 • 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm St. Mary of Czestochowa, Middletown Reverend Brian Christopher Maxwell, Ordained to Priesthood on May 25, 2013, by the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick, Norwich

June 26, 2014 • 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm St. John, Cromwell July 25, 2014 • 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Cathedral of St. Patrick, Norwich

quiere decir que además de recibir el perdón de nuestros pecados, recibimos la gracia santificante para ayudar a vencer la tentación. Es la paz y la serenidad de conciencia y el estar a bien con Dios lo que aumenta nuestra salud espiritual para el combate cristiano. Esa batalla es contra la tentación de pecar en cada una de nuestras vidas y en contra de los pecados de la sociedad cuando vidas se extinguen y los vulnerables son explotados o abandonados. Tenemos que ser fuertes espiritualmente para soportar estas pruebas y tragedias. El Santo Padre, el Papa Francisco, ha captado la atención del mundo con el constante mensaje de la misericordia de Dios. El perdón y la misericordia del Señor son tan perfectamente incorporados en el Sacramento de la Penitencia. Como el mismo Papa proclamó: “Yo soy un pecador.” Nos recuerda que el perdón de los pecados es una de las misiones más misericordiosas que Jesús confió a los apóstoles y sus sucesores. En apoyo a esta misión, el Papa Francisco, nuestro “Pastor en Jefe’, como es cariñosamente llamado

por algunos, se ha dirigido personalmente a los cardenales y arzobispos de la Curia Romana que se turnen para oír confesiones diarias en una iglesia del barrio Santo Spirito, cerca del Vaticano. Esto para subrayar la importancia de la confesión y de la gran bondad de Dios en perdonar el pecado humano. “Como pastores de la Iglesia”, en palabras el Papa Francisco. “Queremos ayudar a los fieles con ternura y comprensión en este admirable sacramento, para que precisamente en este regalo, sientan el amor del Buen Pastor.” Por favor, escuche el llamado de Jesús en esta temporada de Cuaresma y venga para hacer que sus cargas sean levantadas en el sacramento de la Reconciliación. Venga, sea sanado y restaurado. Jesús, nuestro Dios más misericordioso, amoroso y perdonador estará esperando por usted. Él y su pastor han dejado la Luz Encendida para usted. Sinceramente, en el amor de Cristo, Obispo Michael R. Cote Translated by Paulina Angulo

August 21, 2014 • 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm All Saints, Somersville September 18, 2014 • 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm St. Agnes, Niantic October 16, 2014 • 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm St. Francis of Assisi, Lebanon November 20, 2014 • 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm St. Thomas Aquinas, Storrs December 18, 2014 • 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Sacred Heart, Norwichtown

Father Greg Galvin, Director of Priestly Vocations

(860) 887-9294

Kurt O’Brien 3rd Year College Holy Apostles Seminary Cromwell, CT

Juan Aguirre 2nd Year English Studies Clark University Worcester, MA

Reverend Mr. Martin Noe 4th Year Theology Holy Apostles Seminary Cromwell, CT

Reverend Mr. Jonathan Ficara 4th Year Theology Pontifical North American College, Vatican City State

Jeffrey Ellis 2nd Year Theology Mt. St. Mary Seminary Emmitsburg, MD

Peter Langevin 2nd Year Theology Mt. St. Mary Seminary Emmitsburg, MD

Thomas Griffin 2nd Year Theology Blessed John XXIII National S minary Weston, MA

Clergy Appointments The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, has made the following clergy and diocesan appointments in the Diocese of Norwich: Reverend Monsignor Henry N. Archambault, J.C.D., P.A., 1 year renewal of appointment as Pastor, Sacred Heart Parish, Taftville. Effective: January 17, 2014. Reverend Roger J. Lamoureux, OMI, 1 year renewal of Appointment as Pastor, Saint Mary, Willimantic, and as Defender of the Bond for the Diocesan Tribunal Office. Effective: January 14, 2014. Reverend Tadeusz Zadorozny, from Administrator, St. John Parish, Plainfield, and St. Augustine Parish, Canterbury, to Pastor, St. John Parish, Plainfield, and St. Augustine Parish, Canterbury. Effective: January 1, 2014. ~ Monsignor Robert L. Brown, Chancellor ~


Four County Catholic February 2014

Director of Priestly Vocations

Reverend Gregory Galvin

On a Mission for Christ Last month I had the opportunity to again be present among a gathering of FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) missionaries and the more than 1500 – 1800 college student leaders invited to Dallas Texas to be part of the Student Leadership Summit. The FOCUS Team from UCONN along with 17

UCONN students attended as did 8 UCONN Graduates who also were present with the colleges they are working at presently as FOCUS Missionaries. In a word, it was inspiring! It was inspiring because you could almost touch the excitement as it grew through the five days that we were there. You could witness true transformation taking place. From day to day, night to night, the willingness to open their hearts to the message of the Good News and the lessons they were learning regarding being a true leader in the work of evangelization was evident. They

realized a Mission had been given to them, and given by Christ! From the first night’s keynote speaker Chris Stefanick through the final night’s keynote by founder of FOCUS, Curtis Martin, there was a message to these college students that was meant not just for them. It pierced my heart as well and is meant for all

of us. The message was; “Go Deeper and Surrender!” Yes, a very challenging message but if one stops and reflects, thinks and prays about it, we are all called by God to continually strive to go deeper in our spiritual relationship with him. We are all called to surrender our lives to His love for

us and His plan for us. Why? Because it is in the plan and will of God our Father that we find the happiness that He created us for. It is a happiness that no one in the world and no material thing of the world can give to us. It truly is a happiness that only comes through surrendering ourselves to God’s plan for our lives and then with the help of His grace and His love, living daily life the best we can, while at the same time remaining always open to being His instrument to bring others to Him. Giving one’s self so completely, to surrender ourselves to God may seem extreme yet even in Holy Scripture we are given this message in different ways. For example; take the first reading from the Weekday Mass on January 17, 2014, 1 Samuel 8:4-7, 10-22a; where Samuel is approached by the elders of Israel and asked to appoint a King over them because Samuel is of old age and his sons were not following his example. The fact that these elders asked him to appoint a King was displeasing to Samuel who prayed to God about it and received this response: “Grant the people’s every request. It is not you they reject, they are rejecting me as their King.” In the reading, Samuel goes on

Pope Francis @Pontifex Dear Young people, let us not be satisfied with a mediocre life. Be amazed by what is true and beautiful, what is of God!

to deliver the message of the Lord explaining to them everything their earthly King will be and do. He even explains that ultimately the people will be dissatisfied and complain “but on that day the LORD will not answer you.” Still in their stubbornness we are told the people would not listen to Samuel and insisted on a worldly King. Samuel then goes back to God in prayer telling God what they desire; and God responds saying: “Grant their request and appoint a king to rule them.” We must ask ourselves in which situation do we find ourselves, that of the elders of Israel,

insisting on the way of the world, or the situation of Samuel who much earlier in his life had surrendered himself to God? As I watched during those five days, I witnessed the movement of Catholic College Students who came somewhat apprehensively from across the country to the leadership Summit that weekend in Dallas Texas, but left, having for the first time in their lives or as a renewed commitment, surrendered their hearts to Christ. They had gone deeper and surrendered their hearts to their true KING, Jesus Christ, and found great JOY! As for me, my King is Christ. Who is yours!

Some White Collar Jobs Are More Challenging Than Others

You have been thinking about it. Let’s talk...

Father Greg Galvin 860-887-9294 Office of Vocations • Diocese of Norwich, CT •


Four County Catholic February 2014

“It was not you (your name) who chose Me, but I who chose you (your name) and appointed you to go forth (in your particular vocation) and bear FRUIT that will remain, so that ‘whatever you (your name) ask the Father, in My Name’, He may give you. This I command you...

…LOVE (respect) ONE ANOTHER!” John 15:16-17

“All this I tell you (your name) that MY JOY may be yours and your JOY may be complete!” John 15:9

Prayer, Praise, Worship and Adoration Every Tuesday evening at 6:30 pm Spiritual Renewal Center, Norwich, CT Leaders: Deacon Jim Delaney and Nancy Delaney

Sunday, February 2, 2014 World Day for Consecrated Life The Church celebrates World Day for Consecrated Life. On this day the Church gives thanks especially for the gift of Consecrated Life and for all who have responded generously to God’s call as Brothers, Sisters, Religious Priests, Consecrated Virgins, Hermits and members of Secular Institutes. The words of Jesus: “Go sell all that you have and come follow me,” (Mt. 19:21) have inspired countless numbers of men and women to say “yes” to the Call to Consecrated Life.

Cornerstone Prayer Group Mass Thursday, January 20, 2014 @ 7:30 pm St. Patrick Church, Basement 47 West High St., East Hampton, CT Unbound Prayer Ministry (Freedom) Saturday, January 25, 2014 10am to 3pm Spiritual Renewal Center, Norwich, CT Call for an appointment (860)887-0702 Fr. Ray, Judith Hughes and Team Monday, Feb. 10th & Monday Feb. 24th, Masses of Healing Twice Monthly • 1:00 pm, Spiritual Renewal Center Fr. Ray, Celebrant, Judith Hughes-Healing Prayer Please call the Renewal Center to register (860)887-0702 TV Mass-A Blessed Lent Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2014 @ 10:00 am Channel 20, WTXX Charter • Channel 11 WCCT, Comcast Celebrant, Fr. Ray Introvigne Parish Retreat – Our Lady of Sorrows, Essex, St. Joseph, Chester Sun., Mon., Tues., March 16, 17, 18, 7:00 pm Parish Retreat - Ss. Peter & Paul, St. Joseph, Norwich Monday, Mar. 31, 6:00 pm@ Ss. Peter & Paul Tuesday, Apr. 1, 6:00 pm @ Ss. Peter & Paul Wednesday, Apr. 2, 6:00 pm @ St. Joseph “Everyone’s welcomed to these programs!

spiritual renewal services Diocese of Norwich

Dial-A-Prayer (860) 887-7767

P.O. Box 6 • 11 Bath Street Norwich, CT 06360 • (860) 887-0702 email:

Prayer for Consecrated Persons God our Father, we thank you for calling men and women to serve in your Son’s Kingdom as sisters, brothers, religious priests, consecrated virgins, and hermits, as well as members of Secular Institutes. Renew their knowledge and love of you, and send your Holy Spirit to help them respond generously and courageously to your will. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Saturday, February 15 Marriage Preparation Class for Engaged Couples God’s Plan for a Joy-filled Marriage” offered by the Office of Family Life. From 9:30am – 12:00pm at St. Joseph Church Hall, 11 Baltic Rd. Occum. For more information or to register for the 3 session class please call 860-8898346 ext.283. Tuesday, February 18 Prayer, Praise, Worship Adoration At the Spiritual Renewal Center, from 7:00pm-8:00pm. For more information please call 860-887-0702. Wednesday February 19 Connecticut Call-in day Ask our U. S. Representatives to support just Immigration Reform. Call them at their Connecticut office – so they don’t forget that there is an urgent need for them to stand up and speak out for Comprehensive Immigration Reform. Here’s how you do it: 1. Find your Representative from the list below 2. Call him/her and give the following message: “Please support a path to citizenship and oppose the SAFE ACT.” That’s it! 5 minutes of your time to join us in the work for justice. Connecticut U.S. Representatives: 1st District – North-Central CT Rep. John Larson: 860-278-8888; 2nd DistrictEastern CT Rep. Joe Courtney: 860886-0139 & 860-741-6011; 3rd District – Central CT Rep. Rosa DeLauro: 203-562-3718 & 203-3789005; 4th District – Southwestern CT Rep. Jim Himes: 866-453-0028 & 203-353-9400; 5th District – Northwestern CT Rep. Elizabeth Esty: 860223-8412. Saturday, February 22 Marriage Preparation Class for Engaged Couples God’s Plan for a Joy-filled Marriage” offered by the Office of Family Life. From 9:30am – 12:00pm at St. Joseph Church Hall, 11 Baltic Rd. Occum. For more information or to register for the 3-session class please call 860-8898346 ext.283. Sunday, February 23 Wedding Music Showcase The Cathedral of St. Patrick will host the 18th annual “Wedding Music Showcase” at 2:00 PM at St. Patrick Cathedral. The afternoon event will feature traditional, classical and con-

temporary sacred wedding music. This annual event will help engaged couples in their search for appropriate music as they plan their wedding liturgies. The showcase will include a wide variety of instrumental and vocal music. In addition to the music, bridal fashions will be modeled, McKenna’s Flower Shop of Norwich will provide floral arrangements and wedding coordination will be handled by Sunnie Robinson. The showcase is open to the public and admission is free. Monday, February 24 Mass of Healing 1:00pm at Spiritual Renewal. Fr. Ray Introvigne, Celebrant, Judith HughesHealing Prayer. Please call the renewal center to register 860-887-0702. Tuesday, February 25 Prayer, Praise, Worship Adoration At the Spiritual Renewal Center, from 7:00pm-8:00pm. For more information please call 860-887-0702. Saturday, March 1 St. Patrick, East Hampton Confirmation At the Cathedral of St. Patrick, Norwich. 10:00am - Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich - Principal Celebrant. Sunday, March 2 St. Peter, Higganum Confirmation At 11:00 am - Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich Principal Celebrant. Sunday, March 2 St. Luke, Ellington Confirmation At 1:30 pm – Monsignor Robert L. Brown, Chancellor, Diocese of Norwich - Main Celebrant. Tuesday, March 4 Prayer, Praise, Worship Adoration At the Spiritual Renewal Center, from 7:00pm-8:00pm. For more information please call 860-887-0702. Wednesday, March 5 TV Mass- A Blessed Lent Ash Wednesday at 10:00am Channel 20, WTXX Charter, Channel 11 WCCT, Comcast. Father Ray Introvigne is Celebrant. Tuesday, March 11 Prayer, Praise, Worship Adoration At the Spiritual Renewal Center, from 7:00pm-8:00pm. For more information please call 860-887-0702.


Four County Catholic February 2014

The Witness of Consecrated Life in the World Today

Diocese Celebrates Consecrated Life Mass

Norwich The annual diocesan Consecrated Life Mass was held, February 9, 2014, at the Cathedral By Michael Strammiello Executive Editor, Four County Catholic

of St. Patrick. Representatives of Consecrated Life within the Diocese, including members of Religious Institutes, Secular Institutes and Societies of Apostolic Life gathered with friends to celebrate their commitment to their extraordinary calling. Just days before at a World Day for Consecrate Life celebration at St. Peter’s in Rome, the Holy Father spoke of how “those devoted to consecrate life bring the light of Christ where the darkness is densest and spread His hope in the hearts of the disheartened”. Pope Francis paid further tribute to those serving in Consecrated Life as he gave thanks for the many ways they “fortify and renew commitment to the spread of the Gospel, of Christian education, of charity towards the neediest, of contemplative prayer, commitment to human formation, the spiritual formation of the young, of families; and commitment for justice and peace in the human family.” This grateful and joyful sentiment was fully shared by Bishop Michael R. Cote, the Presiding Celebrant at the diocesan Mass, who introduced the invitation to renewal of

vows by expressing, “Today we gather to celebrate the gift of lives consecrated through the profession of

the evangelical counsels. These consecrated lives give witness to the love of God at work in the world and enrich the church of Christ.” Bishop Cote also expressed the gratitude of all present for the participation of Father Robert Abbatiello, O.F.M. Cap, as homilist. Father Abbatiello is Pastor of the Good Shepherd Parish, New York, NY, having served in the Diocese of Norwich from 2002 - 2008 as Pastor, St. Pius X Parish as well as having had several appointments at Xavier and Mercy High schools. In Father’s eloquent words, “With Christ, joy is constantly born anew.” As is tradition, the most senior Jubilarians were honored on this occasion. The Diocese gratefully acknowledges their dedicated years of service: 50 Years - Sister M. Patrick Mulready, S.C.M.C. 60 Years - Sister Irene G. Charpentier, D.H.S and Sister Barbara Hobbs, P.V.B.M. 60 + Years - Sister Mary Paul Savickas, M.V.S. and Sister Margaret Bareika, M.V.S. 61 Years - Beatrice L. Theroux, Cons. SEC. D.H.S. 68 Years - Sister M. Rita Clare Hoffner, R.S.M. The Mass Committee of Sister Rita Johnson, S.S.N.D., Sally Tolles, Cons. Sec., D.H.S., Mother Christina Van Beck, S.C.M.C., and Monsignor Robert L. Brown remind us that the week of March 8-14, 2014, will be a week of national recognition for the lives and works of Catholic Sisters. On an international scale, Pope Francis has declared 2015, a year dedicated to Consecrated Life. This observance, to begin October 2014 through September 2015, will honor those lives dedicated to consecrated life and will also help support vocations to this unique form of discipleship in the Church. Photo by Donna Antonacci

The Light is ON for You

Celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation All parishioners are invited to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation during the season of Lent. Your church will be open one night a week, with the lights on and a priest available to hear confessions. Check with your church for night & hours. The peace of mind and soul which this sacrament imparts is one for which there is no substitute. Our sins are forgiven and we are reconciled to God, the Church and one another.


Four County Catholic February 2014

The Return to Ordinary Time Here in the Northeast, we are familiar with the change of seasons. Our lives adjust By Sister Elissa Rinere, CP, JCD Office of Worship

to autumn coolness after the heat of the summer. We adjust to the fading light as we approach winter and its cold winds. Then we look eagerly for the first blossoms of Spring which signal the end of snow and ice, and the beginning of warmer weather. After a few months, the cycle begins again. The Church also has a cycle of

seasons, but the liturgical cycle follows the life of Christ. Liturgically, there are two great “seasons” in the year; Advent and the Christmas season, and Lent and the Easter season.

Each is an opportunity to enter into the life of Jesus, first in the mystery of the Incarnation, and then in the mystery of his death

Be My Witness

Calling Women of All Ages! 4th Annual Catholic Women’s Conference of the Diocese of Norwich Co sponsored by the Office of Faith Events and the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women

Mail in registration: 4th Annual Women’s Conference 4/5/14 Name Phone Address City State/Zip Email Parish/Town Any dietary restrictions? Deadlines for all registrations is March 27 We invite each of you to bring canned goods to donate to St Vincent de Paul Soup Kitchen from the women of the Norwich Diocese

on the specific feast at hand. Usually, try as we might, there is usually more rush than reflection in these seasons. Life is not lived at its usual pace. To survive, we sprint from one activity to another. “Ordinary Time,” on the other hand, is best suited to the longdistance runner. There is no Christmas rush, no gifts or celebrations to prepare. The pace of life slows, and only the runner with strength and endurance stays in the race. “Ordinary Time” is not at all ordinary. Rather, it is the time given to us to focus on the everyday demands of living our faith. It is the time of year when we might reasonably expect to have time to pray, reflect, read and ponder. Ordinary Time is the season for deepening the roots and foundation of our faith, so that sprinting through the other liturgical seasons can be more easily handled.

The Norwich Diocesan Council of Catholic Women presents

Doors open at 8:30 am & Program ends at 3:15 pm

The Annual Layette Program & Catholic Charities Sunday

9:00 am Mass with Bishop Cote

Sunday, April 6, 2014 at 1:00pm

Saturday, April 5, 2014 Saint Bernard School Uncasville, CT

Dr. C Vanessa White

and resurrection. These great seasons form the foundation of our Christian faith. But what happens to the rest of the liturgical year? Its name, unfortunately, is “Ordinary Time.” On January 13th, the whole Church left the joy, celebration and rushing around of Advent and the Christmas Season, and entered the season of “Ordinary Time.” The liturgical color of “Ordinary Time” is green; the Liturgy of the Word focuses, this year, on the Gospel of Matthew, which we will hear proclaimed on Sundays almost in its entirety, from beginning to end. One author compares traveling through the Liturgical Year to running a race, or several races. Advent and Christmas, and even Lent and the Easter season to a lesser degree, are for sprinters. The seasons are short, hurried, focused

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Registration: (Price Includes Lunch) By March 15, 2013 ..............................$25 After March 15, 2013 ..........................$30 Students ................................................$15 Religious are free! There will be no refunds and no event transfers. Mail registration and payment to: Office of Faith Events 199 Broadway (860) 848-2237 ext. 312 Norwich, CT 06360

St. Andrew’s Church 128 Norwich Ave., Colchester, CT Guest will be: Most Reverend Micahel R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich Jim Maffuid, Executive Director, Catholic Charities and supervisors of Catholic Charities offices All ladies of the Parishes are invited to attend. Please collect baby items, diapers, clothes (0-3 years), blankets, etc. to donate to the Layette Program for distribution to the Catholic Charities offices in Norwich, New London, Middletown & Willimantic.

We often hear mention of Catholics who come to Mass only at Christmas or Easter. It’s good that so many come at those times, but what really strengthens and sustains faith is the quiet enjoyment of “Ordinary Time.” The challenge presented to us by our faith is to live it every day with integrity and consistency, in the most ordinary circumstances. Sprinting isn’t the best preparation for the endurance needed in the long race of our lives. During “Ordinary Time” 2014, the Liturgy of the Word will be built on the foundation of the Gospel according to Matthew. Maybe, as a special practice in honor of this very special “Ordinary Time”, during which we strive for greater unity between faith and our everyday lives, we could take some time before going to Mass to read and pray over the Sunday Gospel. Maybe families will be able to find just a few minutes each week to read the Sunday Gospel together and then share their thoughts and prayers with one another. Scripture, we are told, is God’s word, living and active. Perhaps in this season of “Ordinary Time” we can make the time to be ordinary Christians, doing ordinary things that nurture faith. Allowing God’s word to be living and active in us is an ordinary way, during this ordinary time of the liturgical year, will help us to see our relationship with God as an ordinary and yet extraordinary part of life.

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Four County Catholic February 2014

The Warmth of Hope In his time as Pontiff, Pope Francis has inspired many with his humility, and dedication to the By MaryLou Gannotti Director of Planned Giving

poor. In our media driven culture that often promotes celebrity, with lack of regard to quality of character, it was truly refreshing to see Pope Francis chosen as TIME Magazine’s Person of the Year for 2013. Called the “People’s Pope,â€? he leads by example, and encourages us to serve as beacons of light amidst the darkness and despair experienced by those facing adversity. The theme for the 2014 Annual Catholic Appeal, “Shine the Light of HOPE,â€? was taken from the inaugural homily of Pope Francis, where he urged us to help others and spread hope. Pope Francis said, “today‌amid so much darkness, we need to see the light of hope and to be men and women who bring hope to others. To protect creation, to protect every man and every woman, to look upon them with tenderness and love, is to open up a horizon of hope; it is to let a shaft of light break through the heavy clouds; it is to bring the warmth of hope!â€? For many years, ministries and programs supported by the Annual Catholic Appeal have been bringing hope to our neighbors facing darkness caused by the heavy clouds of poverty and despair. Thanks to your generosity,

hope is brought to thousands in our region through compassionate support services providing fuel assistance, spiritual renewal, immigration service and pregnancy support. Hope is given to those who are food insecure, with over 43,623 meals provided monthly at the St. Vincent de Paul Ministries

and Amazing Grace Food pantries. Hope exists thanks to foreclosure prevention and mortgage counseling programs at Catholic Charities, educating thousands of families facing financial burdens on how to keep their homes. Ministries and programs funded through the ACA offer hope to the elderly, sick, and homebound. Through evangelization, the good news of the Gospel reaches thousands of families thanks to the Four County Catholic

newspaper and Diocesan website. These are just a few shining examples of how, thanks to you, hope is spread throughout our Diocese through the Annual Catholic Appeal. “We must not be afraid of goodness or even tenderness,� said Pope Francis, “caring, protecting, demands goodness.� Caring, protecting, and showing tenderness have been components of the Annual Catholic Appeal since its inception. When we unite as stewards of our faith, we create bountiful opportunities for darkness to turn to light for those suffering. When we give generously and with compassion, we “Shine the Light of HOPE� on those in need of comfort, counsel, and support. As the 2014 Annual Catholic Appeal commences during the Lenten Season, we ask that you consider making your gift to help “Shine the Light of HOPE� on others. Thank you! For more information on the Annual Catholic Appeal, visit or call 860-886-1928.

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Four County Catholic February 2014

Providing Help, Creating Hope Catholic Charities Working Hard to Help More than Ever “I remember the dreary day that I made the ride to her office - awful, overcast and depressing.” Reflected By Jim Maffuid, LMFT Executive Director, Catholic Charities, Diocese of Norwich

Jason, a Catholic Charities Mortgage Counseling client. “She welcomed me into her tiny, windowless office yet there was a positivity, a shining light. My experience with CCFSN (Catholic Charities Family Service Network) was extremely rewarding and Vickie will be a heroine to me and my family for a lifetime.” In a perfect world there would be no suffering and no need for social services-- and at the very least, where needs did exist, so would the means by which to meet them. Unfortunately, it is not a perfect world- everyday people like Jason experience emotional, physical, spir-

itual and financial hardships- and Catholic Charities’ four diocesan offices are here to help. Every day, the staff at Catholic Charities perform small heroic acts that have profound impact on our neighbors’ lives. In spite of our region’s continuing economic challenges, important and compassionate work is happening inside our doors every day. It may be the 3,085 adults, adolescents and children who received emergency food, clothing, shelter, rent and utility assistance this past year. Or it could be the 182 households who, with guidance and support from our case managers, developed comprehensive plans to attain greater self-sufficiency,

including obtaining and maintaining employment, stable housing, and better financial management skills. While we may be relatively small, we have a big impact on a great many adults, children and

adolescents throughout the diocese. In fact, over the course of the past year, 7,364 individuals were impacted by the caring staff and volunteers of Catholic Charities. Our Behavioral Health Clinic provided 8,100 service experiences to more than 800 individuals, and our Mort-

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gage Counseling and Foreclosure Prevention program helped 2,218 individuals in 701 households. In addition, the Adoption Program provided services to 136 individuals; and over 890 individuals participated in Marriage Preparation and other programs through the Office of Family Life. At Catholic Charities we know that program development and delivery is the result of hard work and the commitment of outstanding staff and volunteers. Recently, the addition of a Director of Operations and a Middletown Site Supervisor has strengthened our leadership team to help move us into the future. While it is our mission to provide compassionate social services to residents of eastern Connecticut, we have to be prepared for challenges that come our way and threaten our ability to deliver services- such as our weakened economy and increased demands. It is a tragic reality that we sometimes cannot serve others, because of the lack of resources to do so. As the community’s needs continue to grow, so does the need for resources to help meet them. Catholic Charities is grateful to be generously supported by the Diocese of Norwich, as well as by local foundations, corporations, and individuals throughout the Diocese. As we move forward, we continue to look for new funding sources and new ways to meet increased demands. This past year we applied for

and were awarded $159,780 in grants to provide emergency energy, rent and food assistance. In response to a request for proposal by the Court Support Services Division to help reduce the recidivism rates of adult probation clients in New London, we were awarded $59,811. At Catholic Charities, we welcome our clients with open arms and warm hearts. Behind every face is a person with a story, with a soul, an individual who deserves our help. Our role is to listen, to understand each client as the person they are, not simply for the situation they are in. Ultimately, our goal is to help every individual maintain their dignity while seeking our assistance. Sylvia Laudette, Emergency Services and Case Management Program Manager, consistently reminds us to, “Listen to their story; every client has a reason for coming to us and they all deserve to be heard.” For one client, the help she found at Catholic Charities meant more than just heat for her home. “Sometimes, when people take so many punches in life, as we did, you forget that you really do have value. That is what Rosa did for me, even beyond the heating oil,” she quietly reflected. “It took a woman at Catholic Charities to remind me that there are still people out there who can be very professional in their job with a capacity for compassionate care...she is my hero.” If you are interested in helping local families in need, call 860.889.8346 x284 or visit

136 Sachem Street Norwich CT 06360 860-889-2374 Fax 860-886-2396


Four County Catholic February 2014

FUNERAL HOMES 12 Ocean Avenue New London, CT 443-1871

48 Grand Street Niantic, CT 739-6112

Why Should You Choose A Catholic Cemetery?

Jillian Corbin receiving the Lions District 23C Humanitarian Award from U.S. Senator (CT) Richard Blumenthal.

Lions Name Jillian Corbin Humanitarian of the Year The Norwich Lions Club selected Jillian Corbin, executive director of St. Vincent de Paul Place, Reprint from the Day

as the club’s 2014 Humanitarian of the Year. Each January, local Lions clubs select individuals in their communities who exemplify selfless service to others. Corbin was recognized along with 10 other honorees at the annual Lions District 23C Humanitarian Awards Ceremony, January 18, 2014. “No individual is more dedicated to the well being of others than Miss Corbin,” said Kevin

Harkins, president of the Norwich Lions Club. “She has devoted herself to promoting social equality and her skill and compassion have touched the lives of thousands.” Corbin is a member of several interactive community partnerships including the Norwich Community Care Team, Norwich Area Clergy Association and the Community Policing unit of the Norwich Police Department. As Executive Director of Norwich’s soup kitchen and food pantry, she coordinates a number of services for the city’s needy and working poor. “I was taught at an early age to

play an active role in the community and to work together with others for the greater good of all,” Jillian Corbin.

The Code of Canon Law of the Catholic Church defines only two places as being sacred: the Church building where Jesus resides in the tabernacle; and the Catholic Cemetery which is an expression of faith and an extension of the parish community. Catholic Cemeteries are both a consolation to the bereaved and an inspiration to the living.


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Four County Catholic February 2014

The Gift of Love and Marriage Celebrated Marriage, the design of God as the union of man and woman, from the beginning in the Garden By Susan Williams Office of Family Life, Catholic Charities

of Eden, is the centerpiece of God’s creation. From there the future is created and families and faith are formed. God has given married love and its faithfulness a special significance in the history of salvation. The gift of love a couple shares in marriage is meant to be a foreshadowing of the wedding feast we will share with God

in heaven. World Marriage Day, celebrated this year on February 9th, is designated as a day to honor the husband and wife as the foundation of society. It salutes the beauty of their faithfulness, sacrifice and joy in daily, married life. Each year, Worldwide Marriage Encounter searches to honor the longest married couples in each state throughout the country. One of the longest married couples in the Norwich Diocese celebrating 75 years of Marriage is Fred and Helen Ueberacher from

Holy Family Parish in Hebron. Fred and Helen were married on October 15, 1938 at Good Shepard Church in Brooklyn, NY and have two children and six grandchildren. World Marriage Day was designated to coincide with Valentine’s Day. Why Valentine’s Day? St. Valentine lived in the 3rd century during the reign of Emperor Claudius II one of the most ruthless emperors of the Roman Empire. During the reign of Claudius, young Romans refused to enlist in the Roman army, and he determined this was due to

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their ties to their wives and girlfriends. Claudius forbade marriages under penalty of death. The Sacrament

of Marriage was extremely important to Christians and St. Valentine a priest in the Diocese of Rome secretly married couples. When Claudius became aware of St.

Valentine’s actions he was imprisoned. While awaiting execution many people visited St. Valentine bringing notes, flowers and gifts. One of these friends was the daughter of the prison guard. On the day of his execution, St. Valentine left her a note thanking her for her friendship and signed it, “Love, from your Valentine”. St. Valentine was martyred on February 14th in the year 270. The custom of remembering friends and loved ones with gifts and notes began following St. Valentine’s death to honor what this priest did for love and marriage.


Four County Catholic February 2014


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Franciscan Guestand House Retreat Facilities

Renovations Underway at St. Sebastian Church, Middletown The sight of a Church without pews is rare and unusual - especially a church as magnificent as St. From the FCC News Desk

Sebastian in Middletown. The contrast of the elaborate murals and classic Renaissance Revival design with the missing pews is startling to the eye. Of course, this is all temporary as the parish, under the direction of Father James Thaikoottathill, has embarked on a restoration that will transform the interior with a bright new tile floor and new ergonomically designed

pews. Work is expected to be completed by early March, 2014. The project will be funded in large part by the generosity of the parishioners who may either purchase one of the old pews or may sponsor a new pew, perhaps in memory of a loved one. The architect commissioned to oversee the work is Marco Tommasini. The contractor is CFM Construction. Care will be taken to adhere closely to the original design of the church built in 1930 and inspired by the Basilica of St. Sebastian in Melilli, Sicily.

The Four County Catholic will follow the progress of the project and report back in April with before and after photographs. Should be stunning. Photos by Donna Antonacci


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Four County Catholic February 2014


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Father Joseph G. Finnerty December 13, 1933 ~ January 28, 2014 NORWICH - Father Joseph G. Finnerty died surrounded by his loving family on January 28, 2014. Born in Roxbury, MA on December 13, 1933, he was the only son of the late Patrick Finnerty and Delia (Kelly) Finnerty. Father Finnerty entered Our Lady of Mercy Seminary in Lenox, MA in 1950. He received a BA in Philosophy and in Speech and Drama (1956) and a Bachelors of Sacred Theology (1961) from Catholic University in Washington D.C. He was ordained to the priesthood at St. Patrick Cathedral in Norwich on May 11, 1961 by the Most Rev. Vincent J. Hines, D.D. Father Finnerty was assigned to St. Mary Church in New London and then in September 1961, he became Associate Pastor of St. Joseph Church in Chester, CT. From 1963-1975, he served as Chaplain to the Xaverian Brothers and Chaplain and Guidance Counselor to the students at Xavier High School in Middletown. He became an elected member of the Clergy Council in 1966. Father Finnerty received an MA in Guidance and Counseling from Boston College in 1967. In 1975, he was appointed Pastor of St. Catherine of Sienna Church, Preston, CT and served there for 11 years. From 1985-1986, he studied at Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA and received a degree in Spiritual Studies. From 1986-2009, Father Finnerty was Spiritual Director at Emmaus Spiritual Life Center in Uncasville. During this time, he conducted over 350 parish missions and numerous priests’ retreats both in the U.S. and in the United Kingdom. Additional duties included: Secretary of the first Priests’ Senate, Associate Director of the Diocesan Liturgical Commission, and Director of Continuing Education and Formation Commission for the Clergy. After retiring in 2009, he continued to celebrate Masses at parishes throughout the Norwich Diocese, including St. Mary in Greeneville, St. Mark the Evangelist in Westbrook, St. Agnes in Niantic, St. Michael in Pawcatuck, St. John in Montville and St. Mary in Stonington. He is the loving brother of Mary Leary of Hudson, MA, Anne Marie Silvasy and her husband Jack of Canton, MA. He also is survived by many loving nieces, nephews, and great nieces and great nephews. Father Finnerty was predeceased by his sisters, Teresa McGovern and Helen Donahue. Memorial contributions may be made to a favorite charity that holds personal significance. Published in The Bulletin on Jan. 30, 2014.


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Four County Catholic February 2014

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Four County Catholic February 2014

Students Brave Snow and Arctic Air to Defend Life On January 22nd, St. Bernard and Holy Family high school students and their chaperones braved By Susan Sedensky Director of Adoption Programs, Catholic Charities

the snow and arctic blast after boarding two busses that took us to the March for Life in Washington,

D.C. Facing the coldest day that Washington D.C. had seen in thirty years, we headed to the Youth Rally and Mass for Life. Nearly all of the 18,000 seats in the Verizon Center were filled as Donald Cardinal Wuerf, Archbishop of Washington, celebrated Mass. Cardinal Wuerf read a tweet from Pope

March for Life By Thomas Pietruczuk, Saint Bernard School, Class of 2014 13. That’s the number of hours we traveled on our way down to Washington D.C. that made the trip mean that much more to each of us. As a senior at Saint Bernard School, I had never been able to make the March for Life Pilgrimage the last three years. This year, however, I was able to go and am very glad that I did. This was an experience that I’ll always remember. After arriving at the hotel at 1 am, we had a mere 5 hours until our wake-up time of 6 am. Following breakfast, our large group of Pro-Lifers took off by metro to the Verizon Center to partake in the Youth Rally and Mass for Life, which featured music by the very talented Ike Ndolo and his band. DJ Bill energized the crowd during the rally portion with his great enthusiasm for the entire Pro-Life movement before the Mass for Life began. The 20,000 people in the Verizon Center were all united that day by one belief; the belief of being pro-life. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect heading into the Rally/Mass, but after it had ended, my eyes were opened by the energy and devotion of all of the people to the entire Pro-Life movement. We then made our way towards the Capitol along with thousands of other ProLifers, while holding signs against abortion given to us by the many people who were entirely dedicated to the movement. The moment I was given that first sign, is when I truly realized why we were there. I became fully immersed in the March and now knew why thousands of people from around the country participate in this every year. For many people, this wasn’t their first time going on the March for Life Pilgrimage, so they have already been through the powerful experience that is marching with thousands of other people fighting for the same cause. All in all, I’m very happy that I went on the trip this year as I’ve made many memories and experienced something that I’ll remember and cherish for years to come.

Francis’ official account, stating, “I join the March for Life in Washington with my prayers. May God help us respect all life, especially the most vulnerable.” The Youth Rally was filled with teens and young adults. So, it seemed natural that the Offertory Procession of bread and wine would be carried by the youth. Instead, many in the crowd were moved to tears as the offertory gifts were carried to the altar by persons of very advanced age and parents who pushed their children in wheelchairs and assisted other children who suffered various mental disabilities, like Down Syndrome. Cardinal Wuerf warmly greeted each family, reminding the audience why we had made our pilgrimage – to defend life at every stage. When we arrived at the National

Mall, we heard Christian singer Matt Maher singing, “Love will hold us together. Make us a shelter to weather the storm. And I’ll be my brother’s keeper, so the whole world will know that we’re not alone.” The lyrics were appropriate, as we felt very exposed to the frigid weather in the open fields, now covered with snow. The teens remained upbeat despite the bitter cold, and proudly held signs that read, “I am the pro-life generation”. This year, the March focused on adoption. One speaker included a young woman named Molly Anne Dutton whose biological mother had been violently raped, but had chosen life and adoption for her daughter. Jeanne Monahan, President of the March for Life Education Defense Fund stated, “Adoption is at the center of motherhood. Motherhood is all about

On the Cover

sacrifice. This is the ultimate sacrifice for the good of the baby.” In the last year, Catholic Charities Adoption Program assisted three women who chose adoption for their babies. Each adoptive couple was present within moments or hours of their baby’s birth. One young mother eloquently described her experience. “When I watched (the adoptive couple) hold the baby for the first time, it was like seeing all of the pieces of the puzzle come together. While I was pregnant, I had hoped that it would be like this. But, when I saw them hold him, I knew that it was true. I had made the right decision.” The March for Life is so much more than a protest against abortion. It is the recognition of the courageous and humble who value every human life.

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“Life is beautiful” theme from the January 23, 2014, March for Life in Washington D.C. attributed to March Chairperson, Patrick Kelly. March

for L fe Rally


Four County Catholic February 2014

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Movie Review On Friday, February 28, 2014, the new movie, Son of God will open in theaters nationwide. This By Donald Cardinal Wuerl

feature length film tells the story of Jesus from his birth to his Resurrection in an inviting and compelling presentation. Some of us had an opportunity to see excerpts of it while at the November USCCB meeting in Baltimore. The movie, Son of God, is derived from the History Channel

mini-series entitled The Bible. This engaging series, you may recall, began on March 3 and ran through Easter Sunday last year reaching a huge television audience. It is estimated that 100 million people in the United States viewed it. Now the New Testament portion of that epic mini-series has been creatively re-presented by the film makers Roma Downey, star of the TV show Touched by an Angel, and her husband Mark

Burnett, producer of TV shows like The Voice, Survivor and The Apprentice. I found that this film brings alive the pages of the Gospel in a way that helps visualize what those who lived at the time of Jesus might have experienced. My hope is that this movie, Son of God, might touch minds and hearts with the story of Jesus so people they might be drawn to re-discover the Gospel account and rejoice in its saving message.

The Diocese of Norwich through the “Bishop’s Initiative on Housing” is looking to develop a number of vacant or underused buildings into multi-family housing units throughout Eastern Connecticut. The Developer should have a minimum 10 years experience in the development and funding of multi-unit housing in New England and have knowledge of the Affordable Housing Market. Please email information to: Attention: Peter Harding, Director of Housing Development


Four County Catholic February 2014

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Four County Catholic February 2014

EWTN CEO Michael P. Warsaw on SCOTUS Decision Favoring Little Sisters of the Poor Statement of Michael P. Warsaw, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of EWTN Global Catholic Network in response to the January 24, 2014 decision by the US Supreme Court in the HHS Mandate case brought by the Little Sisters of the Poor: “It is certainly very encouraging that the U.S. Supreme Court has granted an injunction in the HHS contraceptive mandate case brought by the Little Sisters of the Poor. This decision to intervene, reached after a full court review, provides welcome relief to the Sisters and encouragement to the other plaintiffs who continue to challenge the mandate. The fact that organizations like EWTN or the Little Sisters of the Poor are not deemed to be religious enough to qualify for a full exemption from the mandate shows how senseless the government’s rules have become. Instead, we are faced with the prospect of millions of dollars in fines for refusing to cooperate with the government’s mandate.


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Shortly before midnight on New Year’s eve, EWTN and the State of Alabama filed a petition with the US District Court in Mobile, Alabama seeking a summary judgment in our own lawsuit. While the decision of the Supreme Court in the Little Sisters’ case has no direct impact on the current legal challenge of the mandate by EWTN and the

State of Alabama, it is very helpful that the Court has seen fit to intervene in the matter. We continue to await a decision in our case and remain hopeful that the courts will ultimately provide EWTN with relief from this unjust government action. We ask our EWTN Family to continue to keep this matter in your prayers.”

Defending Religious Liberty Organizations such as church-sponsored universities, hospitals and social services, are facing a fine of $100 per day ($36,500 per year) per employee if they provide health coverage that does not include contraceptives, including abortion-causing drugs, and sterilization. Exorbitant fines like these will surely force a lot of organizations that serve tens of thousands of people to close. If you haven’t done so already, please voice your opposition to the mandate by calling President Obama at the White House at 202-456-1111 or Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius at 202-205-5445. Let them know that the mandate is in violation of our First Amendment right to religious freedom.

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IMMACULATA RETREAT HOUSE A Ministry of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate 289 Windham Road, Rte. 32 Willimantic, Connecticut

HOLY WEEK RETREATS: Come spend Holy Week 2014 (April 13-20) on the Hill. Father BIll Sheehan, OMI of Contemplative Outreach will conduct a contemplative retreat from Sunday to Thursday Noon, and Father Ron Rolheiser, OMI, noted author and preacher, and President of Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, TX, will conduct a Sacred Triduum Retreat from Holy Thursday afternoon through Easter Sunday Mass. The general themes are “Sitting with Jesus...Walking with Jesus in Jerusalem.” The retreats are open to men and women, lay and religious. Offering for each retreat is $275.00. If you wish to participate in both retreats, the offering is $525.00. Space is limited, so early registration is advised. To register or for more information: Phone: 860-423-8484 E-mail:


Four County Catholic February 2014

U.S. Bishops File Amicus Curiae Brief Supporting Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties in Supreme Court Cases Challenging HHS Mandate WASHINGTON - The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) on January 28 filed an

amicus curiae brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in support of the plaintiffs in Sebelius v. Hobby

"Michael will have your audience rolling with laughter while appreciating their Catholic Faith in a way that no other speaker can!"

Saint Bernard Catholic Church

Lobby Stores, Inc. and Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp. v. Sebelius.In both cases, family-owned

Lent is above all else a time to prepare our hearts to truly celebrate the death and Resurrection of &KULVW ,W LV D WLPH GHYRWHG WR UHQHZDO DQG WKLV \HDUÂśV Lenten Mission promises a frresh perspective on our Catholic faith. Michael Cumbie was at one time a southern Baptist pastor and very anti Catholic until he underwent a dramatic conversion to Catholicism. He now travels the nation teaching and preaching the very truths he once despised. He is an experienced speaker, musician and worship leader and will inspire us with his knowledge and devotion to Christ and His Church. Please join us at Saint Bernard Church foor three powerffuul nights of renewal as we prepare for o the Holy Season of Lent.

businesses are challenging the legality of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regulation that forces virtually all employers to include in their employee health plans coverage of sterilization, contraceptives, and drugs and devices that may cause abortions, as well as related education and counseling. The USCCB explained in its amicus brief that it opposes “any rule that would require faithful Catholics and other religiously motivated business owners to choose between providing coverage for products and speech that violate their religious beliefs, and exposing their businesses to devastating penalties.� These penalties include “potentially fatal fines� of $100 a day per affected individual. The brief reflects and implements the U.S. bishops’ consistent support for litigants from the non-profit and for-profit sectors alike who have challenged the

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HHS mandate in court. Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore, chairman of the USCCB’s Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty, stated that “Catholics believe that the right to religious freedom proceeds from the inherent dignity of each and every human person, and that includes people who run businesses. They should not be specially excluded from the freedom to practice their faith in daily life.� The amicus brief argued that religious exercise cannot, and should not, be excluded from the marketplace; that the mandate substantially burdens Hobby Lobby’s and Conestoga’s religious exercise; and that the mandate cannot survive strict scrutiny review by the Court. Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties are among over 90 lawsuits filed by more than 300 plaintiffs challenging the HHS mandate in courts around the country.

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Four County Catholic February 2014

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Carmela A. Manago email: Executive Director

Present to the People St. Matthew’s Parish in Tolland, CT has long been twinned with the parish of St. Pierre’s in Submitted by Sue Gilbertie

Ganthier, Haiti. The parishioners of St. Matthew’s are deeply involved with the parishioners of St. Pierre’s, helping to support teacher salaries at the parish school and sending needed supplies whenever possible. Tee shirts, baseball caps, toiletries and school supplies are but a few of the items frequently requested by Pastor Pere Rene. These are collected throughout the year at St. Matthew’s drop off site and at special events, then shipped to Ganthier in barrels. Music concerts held by the choir, soup dinners put on by the students in the religious education program and bake sales are among the projects that help raise funds and gather supplies. The entire parish participates. They are assisted in their efforts by a Parish Haiti Committee, led by Fr. Jim Carini, that works to help plan events and coordinate communication with St. Pierre’s.

One undertaking this past fall was a “Christmas in September” event to gather toys for the children of Ganthier. This was a special request by Pere Rene; and as a result 5 barrels of toys were shipped to the kids for Christmas. More recently, members of the Knights of Columbus Council 6626 assisted parishioners to pack a forty foot shipping container with approximately 150 much needed school desks and chairs (obtained from St. Bernard’s, Rockville), 9,000 meals, laptop computers, clothing, medical supplies, soccer equipment and school supplies all gathered by parishioners and local citizens. The cost of the shipping was raised through donations. Possibly the most valuable aspect of St. Matthew’s involvement, however, would be when several parishioners, along with Fr. Jim, travel to Haiti each January. They spend time at the Norwich Diocese’s Outreach to Haiti Mission House in Port au Prince as well as in Ganthier itself. If any of these travelers were to be asked just what they do while in Haiti they would inevitably tell you “we

are present to the people”. A presence that helps the people of Ganthier experience firsthand just how much the members of St. Matthew’s care about them. Every bit as important as the clothing, toothbrushes and other necessities that are handed out, is the time spent playing with the children, visiting the staff, telling our stories, sharing meals and sitting with Pere Rene and others to discuss the school’s progress and hear about their most pressing needs. Through these annual visits, lasting friendships have been formed and the people of St. Matthew’s are coming to know, understand and feel connected to those they seek to serve. A vital aspect of any outreach program. There is a waiting list of parishes in Haiti looking to be twinned with parishes here in CT. Any parish or individual interested in finding out more about the twinning program, or other ways to help, can contact Norwich Diocese Outreach to Haiti. Phone: 860-848-2237 X 206 Email: Website:

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Four County Catholic February 2014

St. Patrick Cathedral School, Norwich 860-889-4174

Academic Excellence. Character. Self-confidence.

Sacred Heart School, Taftville 860-887-1757 Sacred Heart School, Groton 860-445-0611 St. Edward School, Stafford Springs 860-684-2600 St. James School, Danielson 860-774-3281 Blessed John Paul II Regional School, Middletown 860-347-2978 St. John School, Old Saybrook 860-388-0849 St. Joseph School, Baltic 860-822-6141 St. Joseph School, North Grosvenordale 860-923-2090 St. Joseph School, New London 860-442-1720 St. Mary-St. Joseph School, Willimantic 860-423-8479 St. Michael School, Pawcatuck 860-599-1084 St. Matthew Pre-School, Tolland 860-872-0200 St. Bernard Pre-School, Rockville 860-875-0753 x113

St. Joseph School, North Grosenvenordale

Catholic Schools Week Observed in Dioceses Across the Country January 26 ~ February 1 WA S H I N G T O N — N a t i o n a l Catholic Schools Week 2014 was observed in dioceses around the country January 26 – February 1. This year’s

theme, “Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service,” focused on the principles of a Catholic education.

“Our schools have educated millions of young people over the years by providing them a superior academic background, always pointing the way to

To learn more, contact the Diocesan School Office, 860-887-4086, or contact one of the diocesan schools.


Four County Catholic February 2014

eternal life,” said Archbishop George Lucas of Omaha, Nebraska, chairman of the U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Committee on Education. “The success of Catholic schools in handing on the faith, generation after generation, is a bright light in the history of the Church in the United States.” About 2.1 million students are currently educated in more than 6,600 Catholic schools in cities,

Christ. Catholic schools provide a rich environment of faith and learning where students experience how much God loves them. They are free to express their own love for God in prayer and the celebration of the sacraments and to express love of neighbor in a community where each is respected as a gift from God. Here in the Diocese of Norwich, special celebrations and activities were held throughout the

Above & Below: During Catholic Schools Week at St. Joseph School, New London students in Grades Kindergarten through Grade 8 team up for a Get-To-Know-Your-School Trivia Scavenger Hunt. Twelve teams circulated the building, finding answers to important questions about St. Joseph School. After completing the questionnaire, teams reported to the gym for the unscrambling of a sentence related to the theme, Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge, and Service. Students also gathered to read to one another during the School Book Fair and for a Cooperative Art Project depicting kites rising into the heavens.

Above: Sacred Heart School in Groton cheerfully undertook two service projects during Catholic Schools Week. On Wednesday, the school delivered more than 100 bags of fresh fruit to the Groton Senior Center. Attached to each bag was a colorful card from one of our students. The school also collected items for a family in the community that is facing a particularly tough time. The students generously donated diapers, baby wipes, cleaning supplies and gift cards. suburbs, small towns and rural communities around the country. Students receive an excellent, faith-filled education that prepares them for the challenges of higher education and a competitive world. An estimated 99 percent of students graduate from high school and 85 percent of Catholic school graduates attend college. “The heart of the apostolate of Catholic education is the mission to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus

week. Snapshots of some of these events capture the comm u n i t y spirited noted in the week’s theme.

To Advertise in the

Four County Catholic Please contact: Meredith Morrison (860) 887-3933


Four County Catholic February 2014

The Congregation of the Brothers of Saint Francis Xavier

Students in every grade at St. Joseph School, Baltic, as part of Catholic Schools Week, participated in an assembly featuring several community service organizations, bringing an awareness of the many ways that we can help others. Each class researched an organization and gave a presentation as part of the theme “Catholic Schools – Communities of Faith, Knowledge, and Service.” These organizations included Catholic Chariites, the Jerome LeJune Foundatioon, FIDELCO, Haiti 180, the American Red Cross, Heifer International, Make a Wish Foundation, Whales and Tales, and SPCA.

A community in mission, inviting other men to consider joining them to “fall in love with the service of God.”

Educators Social Workers Counselors Missionaries Men of Faith For more information, please contract: Brother James Connolly, CFX Xaverian Brothers 4409 Frederick Avenue Baltimore, MD 21229 On the web at: or email:

An OPEN HOUSE on your tim ime ime... At the Academy of the Holy Family, friends become ffaamily, so our house is always open to you! The Academy not only strives to achieve academic excellence, EXW ZH DUH DOVR YHU\ SURXG RI RXU ´)DPLO\µ environment, with smaller classes allowing extra time for our students to excel in the classroom. We are known foor providing a safe setting for our young women, with strong Christian values, empowering our students to achieve their full God-given potential foor a lifetime! Foor family visits and student shadowing or for more information, please call us or send a date request by e-mail to: You·re o welcome here. Become one of the th ffaamillyy!

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Four County Catholic February 2014

St. Bernard School Headmaster, Tom Doherty, Resigning as of End of School Year After three years as headmaster at St. Bernard School, Thomas J. Doherty III is resigning effective From the FCC News Desk

June 30, 2014 to take a position closer to his home in Massachusetts. He has accepted a position as headmaster at Malden Catholic High School, also a Xaverian school. In his letter notifying the SBS Saints community of his decision, Tom explained how difficult a decision it was --”As you can imagine, this was a very difficult decision for me. Over the past three years, I have fallen in love with Saint Bernard School and our community.”

He further stated that “Saint Bernard is a strong school with a bright future. Our recent re-accreditation by the New England Association of schools and Colleges confirmed this. Enrollment is up. Finances are greatly improved. Facilities improvements are underway. The success of our students is unmatched. This is because of talented staff, a dedicated faculty, and a supportive Board of Directors. I know that the next headmaster will inherit a wonderful family and that Saint Bernard School will continue to grow stronger and remain a source of pride for students and alumni, as well as the diocese of Norwich and the Xaverian Brothers for years to come.”

During his final months at SBS, Tom will be helping to develop a five year strategic plan for the school, designed to keep the momentum going strong. Speaking to that momentum, Bishop Michael R. Cote noted that “During his tenure at Saint Bernard School, Mr. Doherty, with the support of the faculty, staff and Board of Directors, has stabilized the school’s finances, increased enrollment, organized significant facility upgrades and maintained the quality of the educational program. I thank him for his leadership and his devotion to the students at St. Bernard School.” The formation of a search committee is underway.

Saint Ber Bernard nard School School Grades Gr ades 6 – 12 12 FEBR FEBRUA UARY MORNING MORN COFFEES COFFEES 9:00 - 11:00 AM on FFebruary ebruar y 11,, 12,, 13 O PEN HOUSE OPEN Tuesday March 4 esd , March from 6:00 - 8:00 PM from E NTRANCE EXAM EXAM ENTRANCE Satur day, March March 22 Saturd fr om 8:30 AM - Noon from Visit our website website and register register at www Email:: admissions@sain Call:: 860-848-1271

Head of School Saint Bernard School ~ Uncasville, CT

Founded in 1956, St. Bernard School is a Roman Catholic coeducational school composed of grades 612. Co-sponsored by the Xaverian Brothers and the Diocese of Norwich, St. Bernard’s serves students from more than 50 communities in southeastern Connecticut by offering a rigorous college preparatory curriculum based on the educational philosophy of the Xaverian Brothers. The Board of Trustees now seeks an innovative Head of School to shape the school’s future and serve as the chief executive officer. The responsibilities include overseeing the educational program of the school, board relations, strategic planning, fund development, enrollment and financial management. The successful candidate will be a practicing Catholic with an understanding of and commitment to the mission of Catholic education and Xaverian sponsorship. A minimum of a master’s degree is required along with demonstrated administrative or managerial abilities, financial management skills and experience in institutional advancement. The candidate should possess superior written and verbal communication skills. Interested applicants should provide a letter of application, a résumé or curriculum vitae, a statement addressing the role of leadership in Catholic education as well as the names, specific contact information (phone and e-mail addresses) of five professional references to:

Edward J. Shine, Ed.D. St. Bernard School Search Committee Xaverian Brothers Sponsored Schools 4409 Frederick Avenue Baltimore, MD 21229 Applications can also be sent electronically to with the subject heading: “St. Bernard Search” For more information and a more detailed job description, visit the school's website:

Scholarship Scholarship - Spirit Spirit - Community


Four County Catholic February 2014

Come in From the Cold: Finding Mercy in the City It’s 15 below with a wind chill of minus 39 when I arrive at the cathedral tonight. The holy water is partly By Christina Capecchi Four County Catholic Contributor

frozen. Perched atop Summit Hill in St. Paul, Minn., the Cathedral of St. Paul is the mother church of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, a Vatican-appointed National Shrine of the apostle Paul and a towering presence in the capital city. And tonight, the first Monday of January, it is a refuge for 18 homeless people who will sleep on cots in the basement choir room. When I join them they are snacking on yogurt parfait, chicken salad and Ritz crackers, quietly visiting as a curly haired toddler scoots around. “Toy Story” plays on a corner TV, and a teenaged mom feeds her 10-

month-old daughter, whose eyelashes are speckled with yogurt. I strike up conversation with a woman wearing a pink hooded sweatshirt and holding a 2-year-old named Lucy. She tells me two things: first, she’s afraid her daughter has a high fever, and second, she’s Catholic. Her daughter was named after the woman’s late grandma Lucille Anna, a dev o u t , rosary-praying Catholic. Being in the Cathedral, she says, feels like a homecoming. The 12-year-old sitting at my right seems equally comfortable in the church. “I love it,” he tells me. When I ask his name, he warms at the question. “Everyone wants to know my name. I’m making a whole bunch of friends.”

I am reminded of a century-old quote from Archbishop John Ireland, who dreamed of a cathedral on a hill and commissioned its building: “There should be no one who, entering the Cathedral, is not able to say, ‘It is mine.’”

Tonight it belongs to this brighteyed boy, Charles, who squirts a mound of whip cream on his yogurt parfait, gobbles up a second one and does a victory dance when he beats me in ping pong. Archbishop Ireland would be pleased. “We want to be responsive,” Father John Ubel, rector of the Cathedral, says when I ask about Project

Home, the local interfaith program that houses families like Charles’ who are on a waiting list for a more permanent shelter. “It’s one thing to preach the Gospel, but we also have to live it.” That’s the message behind Kerry Weber’s new book published by Loyola Press, “Mercy in the City: How to Feed the Hungry, Give Drink to the Thirsty, Visit the Imprisoned, and Keep Your Day Job.” In it, Kerry, the 31-yearold managing editor of the Jesuit magazine America, chronicles her attempt to practice all the corporal works of mercy while maintaining her regular life. “It’s not always easy and sometimes it involves sacrifice,” she tells me. “It’s being willing to give up some of those small things, not saying, ‘I’ll never watch TV again,’ but

realizing there’s a good kind of tired and a bad kind of tired. The good kind is when you go to bed thinking you’ve done something to help build the kingdom of God. The bad kind is when you’re thinking, ‘Ooh, I should’ve stopped binge-watching “House of Cards” two hours ago.’” Kerry was inspired by the wideranging interview of Pope Francis published in America last September, especially his creation of the gerund “misericordiando” – “mercying” – a word she added to her Twitter bio. Mercy-ing, she says, begins by being present, by looking for little ways you can dignify a stranger or lend a hand. It begins by following the lead of a church that opens its doors and rolls out the cots on the coldest nights. Christina Capecchi is a freelance writer from Inver Grove Heights, Minn. She can be reached at



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Four County Catholic February 2014


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Four County Catholic February 2014

Catholic Schools Week at Mercy High School ment: “Faith, Knowledge and Service in our community, in our students, in our nation, in our vocation and in our faculty, staff and v o l u n t e e r s .” Each day of the week then focused on a portion of the mission. For example, Monday was dedicated to “Community.” Monday of C a t h o l i c Schools Week The following was part of our morning announcements Mercy High School celebrated Catholic Schools Week by extending the theme of the week into a fuller mission-like state-

and prayer: “We the members of the Mercy community are committed to service. We collect coats and

59th Annual Convention


blankets for the homeless, we are collecting nonperishable food items during our Souper Bowl for the food pantry, we bake pies, we have jean days for our sisters in Haiti, we donate toys for children who would not have Christmas, we make bunny bundles, we collect pj’s for homeless teens, we make shawls and blankets, we will be filling baby bottles with spare change for the ABC Center and having a Baby Shower for Carolyn’s Place. At Mercy it is all about service. May we always think of others in our daily lives. Let us pray the prayer of Pope Paul the VI : Make us worthy, Lord, to serve our fellow men, women and children throughout the world who live and die in poverty and hunger. Give them through our hands, this day their daily bread, and by our understanding love, give peace and joy. Amen.” Tuesday of Catholic Schools Week Tuesday we celebrated Faith, Knowledge and Service: In Our Students. Morning Announcement and

Prayer: “We celebrate your many gifts and talents that you contribute to the Mercy community. We thank you for your energy, your joy, your generosity, and your love of Mercy. We have the best students in the world! We encourage you to reflect today on the benefits of your

we do this day, from morning until night, begin with your inspiration, and continue with your powerful help. May our work this day be rooted in love and mercy that we might love you and love our neighbors, as perfectly as you love us. We ask this through Jesus Christ. Amen.”

Catholic education that you receive here at Mercy. Let us pray: Lord, may all that

For student appreciation day, teachers were very creative. Some students found treats in the classroom or were happy to hear there was no homework for the class or even earn bonus points on a quiz. Students were given a free jean day on Friday in support of Catholic Schools Week and the Souper Bowl. At the lunches, students found poster boards on the tables outside of the cafeteria and were invited to write down their thoughts on how they benefit from their Mercy education. The Home and School Association had a very nice treat for the faculty and staff. Continental breakfast was provided in the faculty room. Everyone enjoyed fresh fruit salad, delicious homemade breads, scones and muffins along with bagels and hot coffee. Friday of Catholic Schools Week Morning Announcement and Prayer: “Today we celebrate Faith, Knowledge and Service: In our administration, faculty, staff and volunteers. We thank our Administration, teachers, staff and volunteers who

Saturday, May 17, 2014 • 9:00 AM St. Mary’s Church in Putnam, Connecticut The day will begin with registration at 9 a.m. and the keynote address will be given by Sister Mary Ellen Ryley, SCMM (Sister of Charity of Our lady Mother of Mercy.) Her topic will be The Trans formative Power of Dreams. Dreams are a unique and powerful re source for the spiritual life journey. They can provide us with insight as we seek to understand struggles and decisions. Even dreams which seem confusing or frightening often contain within them a message which invites us to wholeness and healing. During this presentation we will experience some practical ways of working with our dreams in order to discover the messages contained within the dream symbols. Sr. Mary Ellen SCMM (Sisters of Charity of Our lady Mother of Mercy), received her training in Spirituality and Dreams from the Institute for Spiritual Leadership in Chicago. She has been in volved in the training of Spiritual Directors for more than 20 years as a member of the Institute for Spiritual Leadership, the In stitute of Spiritual Companionship and the Center for Spiritual Direction at North Park Seminary. She continues to be involved as a Spiritual Director, supervisor, retreat and workshop facilitator in the Chicago area. Sister Mary Ellen holds a master’s Degree in Religious Studies from the University of Detroit and a Master’s Degree in Pastoral Studies from Loyola University in Chicago.



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Four County Catholic February 2014


Visit us at: www.w it sin ur nc .com Edward J. Waitte Pat Zils Michael J. Waitte collaborate to offer us the faith development, academic excellence and exposure to service opportunities that help shape us for the future. We your students appreciate the many sacrifices that all of you make to ensure that we receive an outstanding education at Mercy. Let us pray: Lord Jesus, when you lived and worked and talked among the people, they called you Teacher. Help our teachers to remember the greatness of the work that has been given to them to do. Help them always remember that they are your instruments. Let them know that amidst the worries and the irritations and the frustrations of their vocation, they have the future of the church, the nation and the world in their hands. We ask all of this in Jesus’ name. Amen.” The day ended with a Souper Bowl Assembly. During the week the classes along with the faculty and staff were competing to be the winner of Mercy’s Souper Bowl by challenging each other to bring in canned goods. The barrels of canned goods overflowed throughout the week. At the assembly the girls were reminded of local and world-wide hunger and the power of this week’s fun-fill completion. The members of National Honor Society had a great time recreating four Super Bowl commercials in “Mercy Style” and the student body enjoyed watching every minute of their video. The assembly continued with more class competition with fun races and activities to see just who would be the Souper Bowl winner!

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Four County Catholic February 2014

Did You Know? February 7

Olympic Games begin in Sochi in the Russian Federation. Do some exercises to get in physical shape. Do a few spiritual exercises too! February 9

Stop Bullying Day – Be an upstander-someone who stands with a person a bully is bothering. Read about what happened to some teens that teased a prophet in 2 Kings 2:23-24.

by Karen H Whiting

February 14

Valentine’s Day - Give your mom a hug and be kind to friends. February 27

Fat Thursday (last Thursday before Lent) and time to be ready for Lent. Choose what you’ll do to remember Jesus died for you.


The Olympics


s B

Secret Code Look at the letters rolling around on this wheel. In the code below, each letter needs to be switched to the one above or below it in the wheel to solve the message. For example A=Q and Q=A. Discover what Jesus told us to do that’s good to do every day, especially on Valentine’s Day.





z j









n B

e g

m f


w p

______ ______ ______ ______ O L F U




______ ______ ______ L K U

______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Q K L D X U B Answer: Love one another

The ancient Olympics began in Greece long before Christ came on earth. They also stopped long before Christ when the Roman Emperor Theodosius banned them. Other sports competitions still took place in parts of Greece, including the Isthmian games. Paul may have watched them when he spent time in the city of Corinth. He wrote about racing and winning the crown. The winners in the games in Greece received a pine wreath to wear as a crown. You can have fun while watching athletes compete in Olympic sports with these activities: • Hold ice races. Use ice cubes and see who can get their cube to slide down a slope the fastest or melt the fastest. • Make some ice figure shapes by freezing water in different containers. Display the ice figures while watching figure skating. • Read what the Apostle Paul wrote about athletes and winning in 1 Corinthians 9:2427. • Player checker hockey. Use an empty box with a hole in the middle of each end. Flick the checker with your thumb to try and score a goal. Make it harder by gluing obstacles in the bottom of the box. • If you live with snow outside, do some sledding. Otherwise try hill sliding. • Make some ice cream mountains and cut the handles off plastic spoons. Use the oval spoons to slide down the snowy ice cream mountain. • Make round cookies and frost them with the Olympic colors.



Four County Catholic February 2014

People’s Pope Has Everyone’s Attention A cover story on the Holy Father, Pope Francis, in the Jesuit journal, America, while excepBy Michael Strammiello Executive Editor, Four County Catholic

tional, was not unexpected. America is an ideal forum for the new Pope to reflect on his young papacy. But the cover of Rolling Stone? What is to be made of this? Not exactly an ex-

p e c t e d venue. The first Pope ever to be featured in a magazine usually reserved for rock stars and the outrageous in the movie and music biz. What is happening here? A hint of the answer lies in the Bob Dylan lyrics chosen by Rolling Stone to introduce the Pope -- “The times they are achangin.” To the extent that Pope Francis has everyone thinking and talking about the ministry of Jesus Christ in today’s society, “The times they are getting very interesting.” Pope Francis has captured the attention of even the farthest left and right media with his message of inclusiveness, forgiveness and the need for all persuasions to care for the poor and vulnerable

among us. This is a message so universal and so compelling, everyone seems to be listening. Some, example Rolling Stone and Time magazine, see the message as new. Their perspective. But this is precisely the strength of the Holy Father’s message. He has been able in a short time to breakthrough the barriers and be heard. Faithful Catholics recognize the unchanging teachings of the Church in his message; while new listeners are receiving the Good News of the Gospel either for the first time or through a more hopeful and understanding tone. T h e cover stories in b o t h Ti m e a n d Rolling Stone vented about what they thought were faults and flaws of the Church. They positioned Pope Francis as a revolutionary reformist. Yet, beyond the to be expected progressive talking points, both spoke with a new and deep interest in the hope and promise of the Church in a new age. This is the heavy lifting of the New Evangelization --- going out among the less receptive audiences and capturing their attention. Breaking through the stone at a time. The Holy Father has not given a pass to excesses where they may exist in any culture including free capital societies. He has been universal in his message of uplifting the poor. Pope Francis is clearly the pope of all the people. Hopefully, as is being consid-

ered, the Holy Father will travel to Philadelphia in September to

visit the 8th World Meeting of Families. If so, he will find a wait-

ing and listening Nation of all Americans.

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Four County Catholic February 2014

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