Four County Catholic June/July 2019

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Volume 31 • Number 6 • June/july 2019 Serving The Counties Of Middlesex • New London • Tolland • Windham, CT & Fishers Island, NY

"Come follow me,

and I will make you fishers of men." Mark 1:17 You are cordially invited to attend the

Mass of Ordination on , 2019 Saturday, June 29. at 10:30 am

Cathedral of Saint Patrick


In This Issue

Made Possible in part through your generous support of the Annual Catholic Appeal

­Established in 1989 and published each month except July. Publisher

Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Bishop of Norwich

“The Diocese has a 30-year history of involvement with the Haitian ministry, and I’ve always had a deep love for Haiti.” Susan Wallace, new Executive Director for Outreach to Haiti


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“Relying on the help of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ, we choose this man, our brother, for the Order of the Diaconate.” JUNE/July 2019 | FOUR COUNTY CATHOLIC |

Bishop Cote on the Diaconate Ordination of Michael Bovino


28 “One of the focuses of our new Diocesan faith formation curriculum is to get adults involved in learning more about their faith. This new column will help people become more aware of the nuances of their faith so that they in turn may be a living witness of what they believe.” Andrea Hoisl, OFE Director on their new monthly column Faith Sparks

Very Reverend Ted F. Tumicki, S.T.L., J.C.L., J.V. 860.887.9294 Printing/Layout

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Train the young in the way they should go; even when old, they will not swerve from it. My dear sisters and brothers in Christ, June is a time of joyful exhilaration for our young people as another school year comes to completion. As we transition from the Easter season and Pentecost back into Ordinary time, I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on education, learning and faith. I had the pleasure of experiencing several commencement exercises across the diocese. Celebrating their accomplishments, I extend my congratulations to our recent eighth grade, high school and college graduates. As the word commencement notes, graduation is not the end of their journey but rather a new beginning, a life-long journey of learning because as those of us who have been out of school for a while can attest –– learning never ends. The cultivation of knowledge is important to us on a diocesan level, since an education that is grounded in the Gospel, as our diocesan schools and CCD programs provide, instills values that can and have changed the world. Prior to graduating from Morehouse College, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote, “We must remember that intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character–that is the goal of true education. The complete education gives one not only power of concentration, but worthy objectives upon which to concentrate.” Worthy objectives. There is no more worthwhile cause than living the Gospel message of love and

forgiveness. The young people who have been educated in our diocesan schools and CCD programs have been taught that education and knowledge gained are gifts to be shared, so that the joy of the Gospel can be experienced by all people. I am confident that many of these young people will go on to play a productive part in the life of society by making their voices heard on issues of national interest, such as poverty, immigration and pro-life matters. Some will rather use their hands and feet in soup kitchens, hospitals, and the media to help the marginalized live a life of dignity. Educators, thank you for your patient pursuit in instilling a love for learning in our young people. As your shepherd, I want to thank those educators who have introduced their students to the person of Jesus Christ, encouraging them through word and action to have a personal relationship with Jesus. I’ve heard it said that model teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross. Then having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create bridges of their own. Model teachers make the journey better for all of us. Thank you. Parents, grandparents and extended families, I especially want to thank you for being the principal and first educators of our young people. Having nieces and nephews of my own, I know that this task isn’t always easy. Thank you for sharing your faith with the next generation. And for those of you who may feel that your own preparation in this area is lacking, please know that there are many resources to help you with this primary responsibility. The Director of Religious Education at your parish can

point you in the right direction. Remember, learning never ends. The Office of Faith Events, one of the many ministries supported by the ACA, recently unveiled a new faith formation curriculum that will be implemented in the fall. Developed, over two years, by a dedicated committee composed of clergy and catechetical leaders from throughout the Diocese, this new curriculum invites catechists to become part of a relational process of faith formation, sharing their knowledge of the faith as well as personally reflecting on their own faith journey. Their research shows that this relational sharing makes faith both real and relevant for young people today. Or to put it another way, as the first century Greek philosopher Plutarch wrote –– “The mind is not a vessel that needs filling but wood that needs igniting.” I look forward to witnessing the fruits of this new approach over the next few years. My prayer for all of you is that your faith is ignited in the same way that the Holy Spirit ignited the faith of the apostles at Pentecost. May young and old alike have a safe, restful and enlightening summer.

Sincerely yours in Christ’s guiding love,


Proverbs 22:6

Bishop of Norwich 3





"Muéstrale al niño el camino que debe seguir, y se mantendrá en él aun en la vejez." Proverbios 22:6


Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,


Para nuestros jóvenes Junio es un tiempo de alegre regocijo ya que otro año escolar finaliza. Al pasar del Tiempo Pascual y de Pentecostés al Tiempo Ordinario, me gustaría aprovechar esta oportunidad para reflexionar sobre la educación, el aprendizaje y la fe. Tuve el placer de asistir a varias ceremonias de graduación en toda la diócesis. Celebrando sus logros, extiendo mis felicitaciones a nuestros recién graduados de octavo grado, bachillerato y Universidad. Como es de suponerse, la graduación no es el fin del recorrido, sino un nuevo comienzo, un camino de aprendizaje de toda la vida porque como aquellos de nosotros que hemos estado fuera de la escuela por un tiempo podemos atestiguar – – el aprendizaje nunca termina. Para nosotros a nivel diocesano, cultivar el conocimiento es importante, ya que una educación que se basa en el Evangelio, tal como nuestras escuelas diocesanas y los programas de CCD (por sus siglas en Inglés) proveen, infunde valores que pueden y que han cambiado el mundo. Antes de graduarse del Colegio Morehouse, el Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. escribió: "debemos recordar que la inteligencia no es suficiente. Inteligencia más carácter – ese es el objetivo de la verdadera educación. La educación completa no solo da un poder de concentración, sino objetivos dignos sobre los que concentrarse." Objetivos dignos. No hay causa más valiosa que vivir el mensaje de amor y perdón del Evangelio. A los jóvenes que han sido educados en nuestras escuelas diocesanas y en los programas CCD (por sus siglas en Inglés) se les ha enseñado que la educación y el conocimiento adquiridos son dones para ser

compartidos, para que la alegría del Evangelio pueda ser experimentada por todas las personas. Confío en que muchos de estos jóvenes vayan a desempeñar un papel productivo en la vida de la sociedad haciendo oír sus voces en temas de interés nacional, como la pobreza, la inmigración y los asuntos pro-vida. Algunos preferirían usar sus manos y pies en comedores, hospitales y medios de comunicación para ayudar a los marginados a vivir una vida digna. Educadores, gracias por su paciencia y empeño en inculcar en nuestra gente joven amor por el aprendizaje. Como su Obispo, quiero agradecer a los educadores que han presentado a sus alumnos a la persona de Jesucristo, alentándolos a través de la palabra y de la acción para tener una relación personal con Jesús. He oído decir que los maestros modelos son aquellos que sirven como puentes y ayudan a sus estudiantes a cruzarlos. Luego, habiendo facilitado su cruce, se van alegremente, alentándolos a crear puentes propios. Los maestros modelos hacen que el recorrido sea mejor para todos nosotros. Gracias. Padres, abuelos y familias, quiero agradecerles especialmente por ser los principales y primeros educadores de nuestros jóvenes. Teniendo mi propios sobrinos, sé que esta tarea no siempre es fácil. Gracias por compartir su fe con la próxima generación. Y para aquellos de ustedes que puedan sentir que carecen preparación en esta área, por favor sepan que hay muchos recursos para ayudarle con esta responsabilidad primordial. El director de educación religiosa de su parroquia le puede indicar la dirección correcta. Recuerde, el aprendizaje nunca termina. La oficina de eventos de la fe, uno de los muchos ministerios apoyados por la ACA (por sus siglas en

Inglés), dio a conocer recientemente un nuevo plan de estudios de formación de fe que se implementará en el otoño. Desarrollado, a lo largo de dos años, por un Comité dedicado compuesto por clérigos y dirigentes catequísticos de toda la diócesis, este nuevo plan de estudios invita a los catequistas a formar parte de un proceso relacional de formación de fe, compartiendo su conocimiento de la fe así como reflexionando personalmente sobre su propio recorrido de fe. Su investigación muestra que este intercambio relacional hace que la fe sea real y relevante para los jóvenes de hoy. O para ponerlo de otra manera, como el filósofo griego del primer siglo Plutarco escribió – – " El cerebro no es un vaso por llenar, sino una lámpara por encender.” Estoy deseando presenciar en los próximos años los frutos de este nuevo enfoque. Mi oración por todos ustedes es que su fe se encienda de la misma manera que el Espíritu Santo encendió la fe de los apóstoles en Pentecostés. Que tanto los jóvenes como los mayores tengan un verano seguro, reposado y resplandeciente.

Sinceramente en el amor de Cristo que nos guía

Michael R. Cote Obispo de Norwich

We pray for men to answer the call to be instruments of God’s grace as priests of Jesus Christ.

Deacon Michael Bovino 3rd Year Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD

Who Are the New Priests of 2019 Father Gregory Galvin, Director of Priestly Vocations


he Catholic News Agency recently published an article written by Mary Farrow entitled “Who Are the New Priests of 2019”. Below are excerpts which give you a good picture of what is going on in the hearts and minds of the young men being ordained to the priesthood in the United States and what is most likely attracting them into saying yes to our Lord’s call. The article began: “This year, 481 men in the United States will kneel in cathedral churches and be ordained as Catholic priests for Jesus Christ.

Mr. Normand Laflamme 2nd Year Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD

The average man entering the priesthood this year looks something like this: he’s about 33 years old, which is slightly younger than the previous two classes of incoming priests. He was born in the U.S., he got his college degree and worked full time before entering seminary, and he was baptized Catholic as an infant, according to data collected by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) from 379 transitional deacons.” The article focused on two men. First, “Deacon Ambrose Dobrozsi, a

Mr. Larry Barile 2nd Year Theology Pope St. John XXIII Weston, Massachusetts

28-year-old transitional deacon with the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, said he first had the thought to become a priest while having a vision during Mass in second grade.” The article explained that he had the typical experience that comes with growing up – discovering girls, falling in love, and even hoping and planning to have a large family. “Ultimately it wasn’t meant to be, and the engagement broke off. It was around this time that Dobrozsi, feeling a bit lost, was invited back to the seminary for another retreat. It was there that he had an experience of God in adoration and felt the call to enter the seminary. ‘I knew I needed to go’, he said.” The article also focused on Deacon Cassidy Stinson who, unlike so many of the men to be ordained this year, converted to Catholicism at the age of 12. It was in college, the article explains, when his heart began to feel the tug toward the priesthood. Why, you might ask, would men such as Dobrozsi and Stinson be willing to step forward during a time of crisis in the church? In the article the following

is expressed by Dobrozsi: “There’s a strong negative light in the culture right now towards the priesthood, which to some extent makes it easier and more attractive because that ‘Oh I guess this is nice’ mentality is obviously false,” Dobrozsi said. “This is what God has called us to do, to heal the Church,” he said. “Our priesthood is going to be on some level dedicated to the rebuilding and healing of the image of Christ for these people. Bringing Christ to people is what it’s all about,” Stinson added. June 29th, Bishop Cote will ordain Reverend Mr. Michael Castiblanco to the priesthood for service here in the Diocese. On May 23, Bishop Cote ordained Michael Bovino to the transitional diaconate. Deacon Bovino hopefully will be ordained in June 2020 to the priesthood. There are nine other seminarians currently in formation.


for Vocations

Mr. Alexander Pandolfe 1st Year Pre-Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD

Mr. Julian Cuervo 1st Year Pre-Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD

Let us gratefully continue to thank our Lord for the men He is sending us and continue to beg Him to continue sending them to this part of His vineyard. Congratulations to both Deacon Bovino and Father Castiblanco.

The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, leads the Holy Hour

Holy Hour Mr. Jacob Ramos 2nd YearTheology Mount St. Mary’s, Emmitsburg, MD

Mr. Dharen Brochero Under Graduate, Philosophical Major Studies Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD

Mr. Eric Hosmer 1st Year Pre-Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD

June 28 7pm Cathedral of St. Patrick

JuLY 18 6pm St. Patrick. Mystic

Ruben Sanchez UCAELI Program UCONN, Storrs, CT


DEACON Michael Castiblanco 4th Year Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD


Daughters Of The Holy Spirit Celebrate Faithful Service


By Ryan Blessing



he Daughters of the Holy Spirit celebrated a combined total of 855 years of service by 16 Jubilarians at a special Mass on June 2 at the St. Joseph Church in Willimantic. Six of the Jubilarians marked anniversaries of 70 years with the DHS. Two Daughters celebrate 65 years, three marked 60 years and five Associates are in their 25th year. “All of you as Jubilarians, whether you are celebrating 70 years, 65 or 60 years of consecrated life, have demonstrated tremendous love for the Lord and His people,” the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, who celebrated the Mass, said.

The Daughters of the Holy Spirit is an international religious congregation that is designated as a spiritual family. It includes Apostolic Religious, Consecrated Seculars and Associate Members who share the same heritage and charism but who live it out according to each branch’s particular life situation.

“With our Jubilarians, we are grateful to our God for calling them to a life of love and service as sisters, associates and consecrated s e c u l a r s ,” Sister Gertrude Lanouette, Provincial, said. “We are grateful to them for responding so generously to this calling, and for their dedicated service of 855 years to God’s people in all corners of our congregation.” “This is a day of memories, a day of going back,” Father Laurence LaPointe, homilist and concelebrant, said.

Blessing of the fleet July 28th -10:30am St. Mary, Stonington

The Daughters also took part in a renewal of vows of “poverty, celibacy and obedience in the Congregation and according to the Rule of Life of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit.”

Associates, as well, renewed their covenant with the congregation. Gifts of the offertory procession included the DHS Candle, Rule of Life, Statutes of the Consecrated Seculars, and roses to represent the deceased in each group.

To see more photos from this event, please visit


Father Gregory Galvin-July 3 Father Martin Noe - Aug 7

Channel 11, WCCT Channel 20, WTXX Channel 59, WCTX


He compared the DHS ministry to that of a garden of flowers. The ministry has planted seeds of vocations, insight and spiritual goals, “that have come to full flower and fruit.”


Memorial Day Mass Honors Service, Sacrifice By Ryan Blessing


women and men who have and continue to lay down their lives in distant countries," the Bishop said.

Bishop Michael R. Cote, D.D., concelebrated Mass, along with priests of the Norwich Deanery, at the cemetery's outdoor altar, before a large statue of Jesus Christ.

At the end of the Mass, a trumpeter played "Taps," the traditional music to honor fallen soldiers. Then, those in attendance sang "America the Beautiful."


perfect backdrop of sunny skies, a light breeze and singing birds provided a tranquil setting May 27 at Saint Joseph Cemetery in Norwich for the annual Memorial Day Mass, which honors the lives of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.


"As a nation, we honor our military men and women who have given their lives in service to our great country, not only in past wars, but also the brave

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"In this sacred place, we offer Mass with the intentions of all those brave men and women of our military who have died for our country, for us and our freedoms."

Masses also were celebrated at Sacred Heart Cemetery in Taftville, Saint Mary Cemetery in New London, and Saint Patrick Cemetery in Montville.

Did you know the Diocese has a Facebook page? Prayers, holiday messages and photo galleries are just a few of the things posted regularly to Check our page out and like us on Facebook.

What Will Your Legacy Be? By Mary Ellen Mahoney

The last funeral I attended was for Dr. Robert Miller, former president of Quinebaug Valley Community College as well as The Catholic Foundation of the Diocese, to name only two of the leadership positions he held. I had the good fortune to work with Dr. Miller while he was president of the Catholic Foundation. Always very much the gentle man, kind, supportive and generous, I was not surprised to hear his five children describe Bob in just the same way. Bob’s public persona was the same as his private one. He was always true to himself; he was as he was, and at the core, he was a very good person. Bob and his wife Sylvia were married for 64 years, being blessed with five children, 13 grandchildren and one very darling young great-granddaughter. Bob’s legacy was apparent in his family. His children talked about how he raised them to never stop learning, to travel, to appreciate nature and to nourish their own families in much the same way. They have modeled their lives after their parents and now bear the fruit of witnessing their children growing up to embrace those ideals cherished by their grandparents. I especially loved hearing how Bob would gather the grandchildren together while at their lake house to identify the birds’ songs and the trees and plants, as a prelude to him teaching them how to paint pictures of the bouquets of flowers they had gathered together. It sounded very beautiful, actually idyllic to me. We all have the chance to leave a legacy with the people we love, we also have the potential to take action now to remember our favorite Diocesan organization in our estate planning and thereby establish another type of legacy. It can be as simple as changing a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement account, or adding your church, the Annual Catholic Appeal, or your school to your will. If you have already written your will, adding

a simple codicil amending your will is an option. There are so many ways that you can act today to ensure that when you pass, your chosen Diocesan entity will receive some of the benefit of your years of hard work.

visit the Planned Giving portion of the Development Office website at

The legacy we decide to leave is as varied as we are. Each of us is unique with different passions and wishes. Some want to be public about their plans and others remain very private. We have a recent donor who shall remain anonymous who changed the beneficiary of her will, retirement and bank account to support a Diocesan entity. It was simple to do and ensured that her desires and priorities will be honored after her passing. With the beautiful June nights here, it might be nice to take a minute to sit outside on a starry night and contemplate what you want your legacy to be. I can imagine Bob Miller doing just that on the shores of his beloved lake. To learn more, please contact Mary Ellen M a h o n e y, Executive Director of Development at 860-8861928 ext. 13 or memahoney@ norwichdiocese. net. You may also

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n the past six weeks I have attended funerals and wakes for six dear people. Each service was uniquely beautiful and inspired me to reflect on how each person had impacted my life. In thinking about June being Legacy Month here in the Diocese, I couldn’t help but also consider how each of these beloved people have left their own legacies here on earth.


12th Annual For the Love of a Child Gala By Dennis Petruzzi



he 12th annual “For the Love of a Child Gala” was held on April 27th, at A Villa Louisa in Bolton, Connecticut. The gala benefited and celebrated Outreach to Haiti's 30plus years of Gospel ministry to the people of Haiti. There were about 125 guests at this year’s gala who helped make the event a success. Our thanks to Most Reverend Bishop Cote, our diocesan priests and all our supporters. Our hope is that each guest came away feeling that they are part of the Diocese’s mission in Haiti. The evening showcased Outreach to Haiti’s Education Sponsorship Program which enables approximately 200 students to attend school in a country where free public education is extremely limited. In Haiti, less than 60 percent of the children have the opportunity to attend school and of those, only 2 percent are able to complete high school. Students in the Outreach to Haiti program advance to the next grade at the rate of over 90 percent. Each school year the program proudly supports 30-40 students in university or postsecondary vocational programs. The keynote speaker for this year’s gala is a current beneficiary of the program. Wenguerdy Jean-Felix, a third year medical student at the prestigious State University of Haiti, spoke passionately about his goals to become a physician and to specialize in either public health or internal medicine. In doing so, he also acknowledged the daily life challenges he and other students face. Wenguerdy comes from a large family and has five brothers and two sisters. He credits his parents for providing the discipline and focus he and his siblings need to succeed in school and to make the best of every opportunity that is offered to them.

Besides excelling in academics, Wenguerdy has realized the importance of being involved in his local community and beyond. He created an entrepreneur program to engage young Haitians and is active in Rotoract, which is the university level of the Rotary Club. He is member of the Association of Haitian 10 Medical students and leads their commission

Wenguerdy Jean-Felix, James Michael, Dennis Petruzzi and Monsignor Les Janik

Wenguerdy Jean-Felix and Bishop Cote

working on human rights and peace. In February 2019 he participated in the Harvard University National Model United Nations. He is truly an effective and inspiring ambassador for Outreach to Haiti’s program and for the young people of Haiti. In his closing remarks Wenguerdy used a quote from author Charles Dickens to not only thank his sponsors and benefactors but to express his motivation to one day use his skills to serve his country. The quote Members of the Outreach to Haiti board, L-R: simply states: “No one is useless in this world who Francisco Ramirez, Conor Brooks, Tom Campbell, lightens the burdens of another.” Dennis Petruzzi, Venerable Dr. Chris Pappas, The evening was also about education beyond the Sue Petruzzi, Maryann Boord, Bishop Cote, walls of a classroom or the halls of a university. It Emanuela Cebert, Sr. Ellen Flynn, James Michel was about the gift of education we as Americans and Andrew Hoffman. receive from the people of Haiti and spiritual growth it can bring. The Most Reverend Bishop Michael R. Cote frequently reminds us that the people of Haiti give us much more than we give to them. fact way, that she had met someone while in Haiti Pointing out that our mission in Haiti is indeed a who had none. reciprocal relationship, Bishop Cote told a moving story of a father who went to the airport to pick up his daughter who was returning from an immersion trip Haiti. The young woman entered the baggage claim area wearing no shoes. When the father asked why she was shoeless, she explained, in a matter of

In those few words both understood that mission is not just about giving but about learning to live and to act upon the gospel message. For more information on how you can help a child in Haiti, please visit

Outreach to Haiti Ministry Greets New Director By Ryan Blessing

“The Diocese has a 30-year history of involvement with the Haitian ministry,” she said. “I’ve always had a deep love for Haiti.” She was in Haiti in the mid to late 1980s and has had a long interest in the island nation. “I’m excited to be here and join the Diocese in this important endeavor, and excited to be following in Dan’s footsteps and his lead, moving this organization forward to help Haitians help Haitians,” she said.

Susan Wallace and Dan O’Sullivan


utreach to Haiti welcomed Susan Wallace as its new executive director and bid a happy retirement to former director Daniel O’Sullivan. Director Wallace, who comes from Cape May, N.J., began her work June 3 at the Outreach to Haiti

Outreach to Haiti continues the important work in the impoverished neighborhood of Christ Roi, Port-au-Prince, Haiti. A new building is under construction, to replace one destroyed by the 2010 earthquake. “It’s been a long process, but we’re now building where our old clinic was,” Mr. O’Sullivan said. “A final round of fundraising, this summer,

to complete the work remains,” he said. During Mr. O’Sullivan’s tenure, Outreach started new programs to teach job skills to women and offer nutrition help for pregnant mothers. It also added a third health agent to its clinic. A Sisters of St. Joseph Generous Promise grant from the Sisters of Mercy and the Catholic Foundation helps fund the work. Mr. O’Sullivan, who worked in the insurance industry before joining the Outreach, said he plans to do some traveling.

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office in Norwich. Mr. O’Sullivan, who was at the helm for five years, will assist in the transition for the next month.


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Feast of Fatima Mass Affirms Mary’s Love for Us By Ryan Blessing



arishioners and friends of St. Mary Church honored Our Lady of Fatima on the evening of Saturday, May 18 during a Mass and candlelit procession through the streets of Stonington Borough.


A group of men dressed in white ceremonial capes carried the church’s statue of Our Lady of Fatima from its place in the sanctuary, out the front doors of the church, while parishioners lit candles. The image of Our Lady of Fatima, a life-sized statue of Mary, was positioned on a bed of white carnations atop a wooden platform, which the men held high while the parade took place. “She protects us always,” Bishop Michael R. Cote said during the Mass. The Bishop also spoke, during his

homily, about Mary’s love. “She walks with us, as she is a mother to us,” the Bishop said. “Her presence at Fatima is a precious reminder of God’s presence and care for us.” He then led a recitation of the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary as the procession commenced on Broad Street. The procession proceeded down Water Street past shops and old homes and returned to the church by way of Main Street after darkness had fallen. The participants recited the Rosary and sang “Ave Maria” and other hymns while walking through the streets. The Feast of Our Lady is especially meaningful in the Borough, with its strong Portuguese population. It Continued

136 Sachem Street Norwich CT 06360 860-889-2374 Fax 860-886-2396

Returning to the church after the procession, the faithful participated in Benediction led by Father Dennis Perkins, Pastor of St. Mary Church.

Norwich Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Helps Catholic Charities

(L-R) Ed Tessman–Catholic Charities Executive Director, Judy Pappagallo–NDCCW President, Bishop Michael R. Cote, Anne King, Nina Romero-Caron–Province Director National Council of Catholic Women

To see more photos from this event, please visit

The NDCCW President presented a check for $13,659.64 to Bishop Michael R. Cote. The money, representing60 percent of dues collected this year, will fund programs that provide hope to the many people helped by Catholic Charities. For more information regarding the NDCCW contact Judy at 860-889-1617 or

Join us for the Ordination of Reverend Mr. Michael Castiblanco

to the Priesthood on Saturday, June 29, 2019 at the Cathedral of St. Patrick at 10:30am


celebrates the famed Marian apparitions reported in 1917 by three shepherd children at the Cova da Iria, in Fátima, Portugal.


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Progress Update:



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Helping Our Diocesan Ministries

By Kathy Gaito



hink about the feeling you have when you set goals and each day you make strides to meet those goals. Sometimes the goals we set are easier to reach with the help of others. Often, when our goals are met, they have a domino effect helping others also achieve something positive in their own lives.


The Annual Catholic Appeal has a goal, and yes, it is monetary, but this monetary goal has a domino effect leading to a positive secondary outcome. The money donated to the ACA is used to help our Diocesan ministries keep their vital works flowing throughout our communities. Know that you are lifting someone spiritually, feeding someone who is hungry, directing someone who is struggling with addiction onto a better path plus so much more when you contribute to your parish’s ACA goal. The overall goal of this year’s ACA is $2,800,000. This total is derived from the individual goals that

are assigned to each parish in the Diocese. As members of the Catholic Church it’s imperative that we each do our part so that our parish can meet its goal. This year, the Development Office ministry has a goal…to increase parishioner participation in the ACA. The hope is to reach as close to 100 percent of parishioner participation within all parishes across the Diocese. This can only be achieved if each person is willing to give, no matter the amount of the donation, to support the ACA. We understand that everyone’s circumstances in life are different, which is why it is important to unite with others to achieve the greatest result while donating at a level that fits your means. Thank you to all who have currently donated to the 2019 Annual Appeal, Hand in Hand with All God’s Children. As of May we are at $2,005,704 which is 71.63 percent of our goal. Participation is currently at 17.07 percent. If you haven’t given to this year’s

ACA there is still time. Please help the Development Office get to as close to 100 percent of parishioner participation as possible. View the ACA video that is online at and see examples of how donations to the ACA are used to support the ministries and programs within your Diocese. If you are considering a donation to the ACA and your company has a matching gift policy, feel free to reach out to the Development Office 860-886-1928 with questions…someone would be happy to assist you. Thank you in advance for joining hand in hand with us to achieve this goal that will have a positive impact on so many. To watch the video or learn more about the 2019 Annual Catholic Appeal and about how you can help support the ministries and programs in the Diocese of Norwich, please visit norwichdiocesedevelopment. org and make your pledge, or call the Office of Development at 860-886-1928.

Papal Prayer Intention That priests, through the modesty and humility of their lives, commit themselves actively to a solidarity with those who are most poor.

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On the bridge, downtown Mystic Open Seven Days • Personal Attention


Meet The Board of Catholic Charities Attorney Ralph Monaco A: I have been on Catholic Charities Board of Directors for three years but have been on the New London Advisory Board for 14 years. Q: Why did you become involved with Catholic Charities and what has your involvement looked like during your tenure? A: I became involved because I believe strongly that the Catholic Church must care for our neighbors who are in need. We must see Christ in every person and offer ways for them to improve their situation in life.


Trust in the mercy of God’s love. If you are carrying the grief and sorrow of past abortions, call Project Rachel a post-abortion healing ministry. All calls are confidential.


Q: How would you characterize the Board’s role for a non-profit like Catholic Charities? A: The Board oversees the operation of Catholic Charities. Our role is not to micro-manage the organization. We look at the big picture, such as longterm planning. Q: Tell us something about your career that most people would not know. A: In 2010-11 I served as the second youngest president of the Connecticut Bar Association. Q: Tell us something about your personal life that most people would not know. A: I am proud to have attended Catholic schools from 1st grade through college.


Q: How long have you been a member of the Board of Directors at Catholic Charities?


Chosen to Serve By Ryan Blessing


r. Michael Bovino was ordained to the Diaconate in a Mass of Ordination on Thursday, May 23, at St. Mary Church, in Stonington Borough.


Deacon Michael Castiblanco, who was ordained last year, called the Elect, Michael Bovino, forward during the Rite of Ordination before the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich.


“Relying on the help of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ,” Bishop Cote said, “We choose this man, our brother, for the Order of the Diaconate.” During the Promise of the Elect, Mr. Bovino was questioned by Bishop Cote and declared before the people his intention to undertake the office of Deacon. Then, Mr. Bovino knelt before Bishop Cote and placed his joined hands between those of the Bishop in the promise of obedience and respect.

During the Litany of Supplication, Mr. Bovino prostrated himself face down before the altar, while the litany was sung. Then, he again knelt before Bishop Cote, who performed the Laying on of Hands, the gesture that signifies divine power being conferred on the Elect. Following the Bishop’s prayer of ordination, the newly ordained Deacon received a diaconal stole and a dalmatic. Finally, vested as Deacon, Reverend Mr. Bovino received the Book of Gospels from the Bishop. “Believe what you read, teach what you believe and practice what you teach,” Bishop Cote said. Reverend Mr. Bovino was born and raised in Stonington as the oldest of five children. After attending the University of Connecticut for his undergraduate education, where he began to encounter anew

the Lord Jesus and the richness of His Catholic Church, he spent two years doing mission work with the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) in New Jersey. In 2014, he entered seminary for the Diocese of Norwich at Mount St. Mary's Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland, where he is currently finishing up his seminary formation. He enjoys spending time with friends and reading great books during his leisure time. A deacon, an ordained minister of the Catholic Church, is a minister of the Word, proclaiming the Gospel, preaching and teaching in the name of the Church. They are also ministers of the Sacraments, baptizing, leading the faithful in prayer, witnessing marriages, and conducting wake and funeral services.



In Tribute

Reverend Henri A. Delisle, O.M.I. Missionary Oblate Priest for 61 Years 1932-2019

Reverend Henri A. Delisle, O.M.I., 87, died on June 8, 2019 at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Residence in Tewksbury, Massachusetts. He was a son of the late Alfred and Eveline (Bouchard) Delisle.


Father Delisle was born in Lewiston, Maine. He attended the University of Ottawa after which he entered the Novitiate of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate in Colebrook, NH where he also made his first profession of vows on August 2, 1953. He received his degrees in philosophy and theology in Natick, Massachusetts at the Scholasticate of the Missionary Oblates. He professed his perpetual vows on September 8, 1956 at Sacred Heart Parish, South Natick, Massachusetts. He was ordained to the priesthood on June 24, 1958 by Bishop Louis Collignon, O.M.I. in St. Jean-Baptiste Church, Lowell, MA. After ordination, he was assigned to St. Charles Parish in Washington, D.C. in 1959. He taught at the Oblate Juniorate in Bucksport, Maine for 11 years. In 1971, he was assigned to Lowell, Massachusetts. Here he taught science and math at St. Joseph High School, was associate pastor at St. Jean-Baptiste Parish and later was Assistant Treasurer to the Provincial. While in Lowell, he studied Business Administration at what is now UMass Lowell. In addition, Father Delisle was a professor at LaSalette Seminary in Enfield, NH for one school year. From 1977 to 2003, he was Treasurer at the Immaculata Retreat House in Willimantic, Connecticut. For the next ten years, he was assigned to the staff at Our Lady of Grace Shrine in the far North of NH in Colebrook. He also managed finances for the shrine during his tenure. When the shrine closed, he joined the community at St. Eugene House in Lowell, Massachusetts and spent the next four years there while also assisting at St. Joseph Cemetery in E. Chelmsford, Massachusetts. Due to failing health, this past May, he transferred to the Immaculate Heart of Mary Residence in Tewksbury. Throughout his life and until his health began to fail, Fr. Henri loved being outside and frequently went on hikes. In addition to his Oblate family, he is survived by his two nephews, John and Alfred Delisle.

Deacon Leo N. Bernard 1931 - 2019 Deacon Leo N. Bernard, of Plainfield, passed away June 10, 2019. Born July 7, 1931, in Nashua, NH he was the son of Louis A. & Matilda (Faubert) Bernard. Loving husband to Olive Glover Bernard for 67 years. He served in the US Navy from 1950-1954 during the Korean Conflict, serving aboard the USS Tarawa Aircraft Carrier and VC-12 Squadron. A member of St John the Apostle, in Plainfield, Leo was ordained a Permanent Deacon by Bishop Hart of the Norwich Diocese in June 2001. He served as President of the Pastoral Council, Chairman of Liturgical Committee, Member for Ecumenical and Interfaith Commission and Red, White and Blue Mass Committee, for the Diocese of Norwich. Leo was President of PACEM, Inc. of Plainfield, Chairman of the Plainfield Democratic Town Committee, and Chairman of the Windham Country Democratic Committee, State Chairman of the Political Affairs Committee of the Connecticut Association of Realtors, President of the Northeast Connecticut Board of Realtors, Served or chaired nine Private and Public School Building Committees, Holder of US Patent for alternate dyeing of flocked fabrics. In addition to his wife Olive, he is survived by his six children and their spouses Eric, Neal, Marc, Beth, Anne and Hope, as well as three stepchildren, 11 grandchildren, five great-grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews.


Four Types of Healing: Spiritual, Emotional, Psychological and Physical

Celebration of Pentecost Mass Sunday, June 9 Mass 2-3pm, Healing Service 3-5pm Immaculata Retreat House, Willimantic “We are praying for a Miracle!” Prayer teams, individual prayer, anointing Masses of Healing and Hope June 10 & 24, July 8 & 22 2nd & 4th Mondays, 2pm Spiritual Renewal Center, Norwich Individual prayer and anointing

IMMEDIATE OPENING Our Lady of Lourdes Church Part time position: Director of Music and Organist Position to be filled by the end of August Contact Father Brian Converse at for job responsibilities and requirements To apply, please send cover letter and resume to: Very Rev. Brian Converse Our Lady of Lourdes 1650 Route 12 Gales Ferry, CT 06335 or via email:

14 Club Road Windham, CT 06280 860.456.1107

Polkabration Festival and Mass June 19, 20, 21, 22 Mass on Saturday, June 22, 4pm Ocean Beach Park, New London Call 860-598-4117 Monthly Healing Mass and Healing Service Sunday, June 23 Mass 1-2pm, Healing Service 2-4pm St. Thomas the Apostle Chapel 872 Farmington Ave., Hartford Prayer teams, individual prayer and anointing

Spiritual Renewal Services

Spiritual Renewal Center 11 Bath Street, Norwich, CT 06360 Phone: 860-887-0702

Dedicating our love, compassion and service to our community. Specializing in: *Short-term Rehabilitation *Long-term Care *End-of-Life Care *Daily Mass

Sponsored by the Sponsored by the Dioces of Norwich Diocese of Norwich


“I came that you (your name) may have LIFE (Healing) and have it to the FULLEST!” …John 10:10


Annual Catholic Scouting Award Ceremony

check Out Our website


While the Four County Catholic takes a break in July, visit to stay up to date on events, important announcements and special honors. The Four County Catholic will return in August with an all-new issue.


The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote and Father Martin Noe, Diocesan Chaplain of Scouting, bestowed religious emblems on Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts from the Diocese at a recent ceremony held at The Cathedral of Saint Patrick in Norwich.

Introvigne Pope Francis @Pontifex


Serving All Faiths • Pre-Need Arrangements Traditional Services or Cremations Directors: Joseph R. Introvigne, Joseph R. Introvigne, Jr. & Michael J. Introvigne 51 East Main St. Stafford Springs, CT


Let us choose the way of Jesus. It is a way that demands effort, but the way that brings peace.

Budding Scientist Rooted in Faith


ithanh Nguyen graduated from the Academy of the Holy Family in Baltic, Connecticut on June 4, 2019. When first attending the Academy, Aithanh was not sure whether it was the right place for her to develop into the person God wanted her to be. However, these doubts didn’t last long. “The Academy is the place where I truly started caring about my education. I found myself focused on my work, doing well in school, and actually wanting to learn more,” Aithanh said. “The smaller student body size and oneon-one attention helped me to never feel shy or embarrassed to ask questions or participate in class discussions.” With the guidance of the Sisters and lay teachers, Aithanh stayed motivated and on task with her studies. Her thirst for learning inspired her to take a summer internship at a University of Minnesota research lab following her sophomore year. Aithanh studied the causes of chronic pain in sickle-cell disease. The summer before her senior year, her mentor allowed her to lead a new project, studying the effects of a drug prescribed to reduce inflammation and pain in patients with the disease. Aithanh worked in the lab all summer, taking no days off. Her mentor took notice of her diligence and allowed her to submit the project as an abstract for the American Society of Hematology annual meeting in San Diego, which took place last December. As first author of the abstract and the youngest scientist at the meeting, she presented the research to a room of five hundred medical doctors and scientists. “The morning of the presentation, I was extremely nervous,” Aithanh said, “But, when the time came, and my name was called, I surprisingly walked calmly on to the stage. I began talking about my

small school in Baltic, Connecticut to the University of Minnesota, to an international medical conference in San Diego. We teach young women to better the world and discover God-given talents they never knew they had. Aithanh is truly an example of this.

research and most of my nerves went away. I knew the research backwards and forwards and I knew what I was saying, and I was saying it confidently.” “I have changed so much as a person during my years at the Academy and I know that I would have not been able to get on that stage if it wasn’t for my spiritual and mental growth at the Academy,” Aithanh said, crediting the school. Aithanh plans to major in biology and go on to become a medical physician. Students at the Academy of the Holy Family truly see the power of education. Aithanh has taken her knowledge coast to coast, from a


Ocean Avenue 12 Ocean12 Avenue New London, New London, CT CT 443-1871 443-1871

48 Grand Street Street 48 Grand Niantic, CT Niantic, CT 739-6112 739-6112


12 Ocean Avenue New London, CT 443-1871

48 Grand Street Niantic, CT 739-6112


By Eileen Betz


Sacred Heart School, Groton

Sacred Heart School, Taftville

50 Sacred Heart Drive, Groton, CT 860-445-0611

Phone: 860-887-1757

Gail Kingston, Principal

Mother Christina Van Beck, SCMC, Principal 15 Hunters Ave, Taftville, CT

St. Edward School,Danielson Stafford Springs James School, Mrs. Pelletier, Principal LindaMaryAnne Marie Joyal, Principal 120 WaterSt, St,Stafford Danielson, CT CT 25 Church Springs, Phone: Phone: 860-774-3281 860-684-2600

St. Joseph School, North Grosvenordale

David Sizemore, Principal 26 Main St., N. Grosvenordale, CT Phone: 860-923-2090


Congratulations To Our Graduating Classes of 2019 Superintendent Office My Dear Friends, Our pre-kindergarten to grade 8 schools and high schools have successfully completed another academic and spiritual year in the Diocese. Our students are self-disciplined, self-motivated, responsible, athletic and creative. It is truly a time to celebrate their accomplishments and to thank you for supporting our Catholic schools. Please join me in congratulating and praying for our high school graduates from the class of 2019. I am proud to announce that the extremely high college acceptance rate of our seniors reflects the dedication of the administration, faculty and staff members at the Academy of the Holy Family, Mercy High School, St. Bernard School, Xavier High School and our pre-k through 8 schools. Have a wonderful summer filled with God’s abundant blessings. May the joy of the Risen Jesus be with your families always, Haley Ault Kelsey Bliss Natalie Burkhard Maria Forbes Lydia Gervais

Superintendent of Schools

St. Mary-St. Joseph School, Willimantic


Academy of the Holy Family

Ms. Abby Demars, Principal 35 Valley St, Willimantic, CT Phone: 860-423-8479

St. Michael School, Pawcatuck

St. Patrick Cathedral School, Norwich

63 Liberty St, Pawcatuck, CT Phone: 860-599-1084

211 Broadway, Norwich, CT Phone: 860-889-4174

Mrs. Doris Messina, Principal

Sharon Stewart , Principal

Aithanh Nguyen Annabella Province Maisy Rublee Hang (Chelsea) Su Marie Tischio St. John School, Old Saybrook

Mother Elaine Moorcroft, SCMC, Principal 42 Maynard Road, Old Saybrook, CT Phone: 860-388-0849

St. John Paul II School, Middletown Mr. Lawrence Fitzgerald, Principal 87 South Main St, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-347-2978

St. Joseph School, New London

St. Joseph School, Baltic

Sr. Mary Patrick Mulready, SCMC, Principal

Ms. Marianne Cote, Principal 25 Squire St, New London, CT Phone: 860-442-1720

10 School Hill Road, Baltic, CT Phone: 860-822-6141

St. Bernard School, Uncasville

“A Holy Place Where We Discover Each Other in God’s Love” Celebrating 76 Years of Excellence in Catholic Education ~ Grades K-8 ~

Full Day Kindergarten School Day from 8:30-2:30 After School Care Available Accredited by the New England Association of Schools & Colleges

25 Squire Street New London, CT For information call 860-442-1720

Mr. Donald Macrino, Headmaster 1593 Norwich-New London Tpke, Uncasville, CT Phone: 860-848-1271

Maxwell J. Adams Lauren Marie Andrade Nina M. Bailey Cameron Thomas Beaudet Joseph Emanuel Beltran Meghan Elizabeth Bergeron Michael Wyeth Bonser Emmett James Brady Madeline Anne Brady Aaron Russell Calouro Shuxin Chen Zachary Lawrence Clark Kyle Matthew Clement Academy of the Holy Family, Baltic Mother Mary David, SCMC, Principal 54 West Main St, Baltic, CT Phone: 860-822-9272

Robert William Costello III David N. Crowe Hope Jessica D’amico Samuel P. Davis Edberney Cartney Edmond Sarah Elizabeth Engel Kevin Patrick Fay Bridget Ruth Feeley Jonathan D. Foster Quincy Love Francois Patrick Donat Frechette Rebecca J. Grabon Adelaide Dyer Horgan Robert J.B. Justice Academy of the Holy Family, Baltic Mother Mary David, SCMC, Principal 54 West Main St, Baltic, CT Phone: 860-822-9272

Kyle Patrick Keefe Daniel Edmond Kelly Nicole Ann Lawton Maxwell Silver Lee Andrew Charles Lemire Hongbao Li Jiatian Li James S. Light Nicholas W. Lis-Briscoe Ziqi Liu Sitong Lyu Xiaowei Lyu Reaghan Starr Mandeville Rodrigo Joseph Mariano Mercy High School, Middletown

Yamilla Celeste Mateo Bountai Dillon Thomas McCaffrey Claire Catherine McCarthy Payton Kathryn McCauley Jakob Edwin Morell Grace Margaret Murphy Emily Nicole Nelson Burke Michael Niles Sadriana Leigh Peek Cole William Potts Shania Starline Riviere Stephanie Lynn Ruggiero Jordan A. Shelton

Sr. Mary McCarthy, RSM, President 1740 Randolph Road, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-346-6659

Samantha Paige Sisco Arianna Kathleen Skelcher Kaila Sprecace Xinyu Tang Joshua Michael Terry Mingyi Wang Ruixia Wang Deandre M. Williams Rachel Ella Yackovetsky Xiao Zhang Yawen Zhao

Xavier High School, Middletown David C. Eustis, Headmaster Mr. Brendan Donohue, Principal 181 Randolph Road, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-346-7735


St. Bernard’s




Mercy Ilyszha Amaris Agasino Nibba Ahmed Nicole Alvarado Ava Amendola Cameryn Antler Ava Bankoski Grayson Barnes Sara Barzee Nicole Bauman Jordyn Beck Rachel Blackwell Brooklyn Bradley Kaci Buono Sylvana Burno Kellyanne Cahill Kelsey Caramanica Halle Carroll Sarah Cartelli Zhuohan Chen Rachael Cipolla Naomi Cipriano Arianna Cotto Anastasia Cucosh Mary Darin Raeann Darley Hannah Dauser E-von Davis

Grace Delaney Isabella Diakomanolis Angeline Dortenzio Parris Douet Katherine Dougherty Olivia Dworak Alexandra Dwyer Marie Emerson Cara Ferraro Sophia Finkeldey Sarah Fosdick Hailey Fragoso Alessandra Fronc Emily Frost Maeve Garrity Mara Geisler Rachel Gerzabek Chandler Gilligan Taylor Gilnack Caroline Gmyrek Kasey Goggins Mae Grochowski Antonia Grohs Alyssa Grosso Maeve Hallisey Michaela Harrington Morgan Hughes

Sarah Hutchinson Jenna Ireland JanaĂŠ James Julia Jenkins Kylie Johnson Shelby Kana Kaitlyn Kelsey Caroline Kilian Yane Kim Kameryn King Vienna Knox Nell Kordalski Bianca LaBella Kaitlyn Leahy Alexia Leon Teagan Lewis Luoqi Liu Jennie Livingston-Michael Olivia LoGiudice Haley Lombardo Isabella Lucibello Lina Luzietti Angel Madeux Alexandra Marchand Julie Marciano Alexia Marino Janelle-Ashley Marrero

Jordyn Masse Meghan McClellan Fiona McCormack Ellie McDonald Isabella McGrath Ava McLachlan Jennifer Mena Angelina Miluzzo Anna Monaco Martina Monthei Bridget Morris Grace Murphy Leah Nenninger Bridget Neri Grace Neubig Madeline O'Hanlon Sage O'Leary Alexandra Patz Doh Paw Siena Petrolle Mira Pianta Sophia Pirolli Talya Pitruzzello Quincy Platt Gabriella Pokorski Cameron Quinn Catryn Rhoden

Madeline Richardson Annmarie Rotatori Olivia Russell Sarah San Vicente Claire Sawyer Arianna Scionti Abigail Smith Makayla Spada Kaley Sperling Ava Stearns Jamison Stenger Hannah Stevens Emma Stillman Janina Timbro Cecilia Vess Madison Webster Julia Wenceslao Emily Wescott Rebecca Wright Hannah Wu Lingyi Xu Tessa Yandow Yue Yin Jenna Young Yiheng Zhang

Noah Andrew Ackerman Dominic Richard Anziano Giovanni Salvatore Aparo Henrique Araujo Luke Anthony Armenia Jansher Aujla Ramo Bajraktarevic Noah Robert Baltramaitis Grant Redmond Barber Clay Joseph Bartolotta Eduardo Andres Basauri Zachary Elijah Bates Jacob Thomas Belzek Alexander Vito Bonaiuto Nicholas James Borowitz Pier H. Bos Erik John Boyce Jack Walker-Scott Boyden Luke Thomas Brooks Francis Morrison Brown Cade Steven Buckheit Brendan Francis Buckley John Paul Buhl Jared Thomas Button Benjamin Buzzeo Lucas Edward Cacace Ryan Patrick Cadwell Christopher John Carrigan Nicholas Kyle Carso Anthony Lawrence Caruso Michael Christian Celentano Brian H. Chua-Reyes Isaac Simon Cogguillo Daniel Anthony Comcowich Raymond Anthony Congelosi

Owen Benjamin Cordes Thomas P. Cullen William Matthew Curran Sam Sergey Curtis Nicholas Donald Daigle Michael Joseph D’Aresta II Ryan Christopher Dauser Nicholas Joseph DeBrizzi Daniel Joseph DeKoeyer Atticus B. DeLeon Michael Daniel Dellaripa Thomas Gerard DiBella Brendan T. Donohue, Jr. Ryan Alexander Downey Connor Edward Dwyer Trevor Robert Earley Cody Thomas Eckstrom John Christopher Elmer, Jr. William James Eydman James Anthony Famiglietti Sebastian Fazzino, Jr. Erik Matthew Fellenstein Martin Jude Gerard Fenerty Jonathan David Fernandez John Henry Flanagan Christopher Gordon Fosdick Kevin Hayden Galasso Anthony Elmer Galatie Nicholas Ethan Gaudio Ian M. Gelberg Nicolas Edmond Gioielli Giulio S. Giuffrida IV Michael T. Goralski Hugh Vincent Gray Carmine Anthony Grippo

Ryan Matthew Grochowski Stewart Alexander Gurnell Bryce Michael Hammen Nicholas Mark Hasselman Brandon Lee Hawke Samuel Harrington Haydock Avery Hazelwood Spencer Thomas Higgs Ryan Holgerson Matthew John Hornyak Brian Francis Houle Jingqing Hu Jinglang Jiang David James Johns Xavier Kadin Jones Aidan Michael Kaufman Patrick Joseph Kennedy Tyler Joseph Laird Marc Andrea Lancia Tyler Jon Lappe John Michael Lasko Colin David Lavoie Tyler Mackenzie Lemay Brendan Patrick Lenehan Jordan Alexander Leonardi Hongchen Li Ethan Charles Liedke Brendan G. Lindberg Kacy Alexander Lombard Carter Jozef Longley Julen Lujambio Kevin Dean Lynch Mitchell Connor Macijauskas Wylie Thomas Malcolm Billy Ocharan Marquardt

Benjamin Sands Marston Chase Preston Maxwell Daniel Jacob McCormack Nathan Liam McDevitt William Lowrie McIntosh Brendan Thomas McKenna Ryan Michael Meehan Richard Andrew Michaud, Jr. Kevin James Mooney Laurenz E. Allego Mosquito Sonny James Mulligan Eric Joseph Myskowski Kevin J. Nellik Ben Christopher Neubig Samuel Joseph Norris John Francis O’Brien Aidan James O’Donnell Evan Tiberio Pace Cole J. Paiva Chris Stone Paradis Biagio Tomas Parkos Rohan R. Patel Yifeng Pei Bryce Michael Pill Ethan Robert Powers Garrett Frank Prushinski Matthew John Prydun Francisco Manuel Quintana David Edward Radomski Kevin Patrick Reagan Liam Townsend Reeder Evan Charles Reichenbach Frank Joseph Romeo IV Nicholas Richard Roncone Nathaniel Joseph Rosengrant

James Bernard Rusiecki III Jonathan Morgan Rydell Jameel Adetayo Salami Michael Thomas Salley Ethan Jordan Salsbury Anthony Joseph Saraco, Jr. Jacob Benjamin Sayers Peter Christopher Schulten Trevor Michael Scotto Dillon James Selfors Louis Jean-Harvey Senat Rafael Serrano Kyle Davison Signora Daniel Jeffrey Smith Christopher John Sokol Dylan Lance Sousa Evan Jared St. Arnauld Aiden Louis Stevens Jacob Michael Stevens William Henry Stottlemyer Patrick R. Sullivan Peter Demetrius Sullivan Pierre Claude Sylvain, Jr. Joseph Michael Tedeschi Ryan Thomas Terlecky Sean Michael Twerian Tyler John Vitale Jon Kee Vose Christian David Wade Martin Wladyslaw Wall Liam Nicholas White Jake Michael Woznyk Quinn Thomas Zdrojeski




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St. Joseph School New London, CT “A Place Where We Discover Each Other in God’s Love” Celebrating 81 Years of Excellence In Catholic Education Grades K-8

to Saint Bernard’s Class of 2019 Graduates!


Saint Bernard School is now accepting applications for the 2019–20 school year. To learn more, or to tour the school, call us today at 860-848-1271.



Grades 6–12 • 1593 Norwich-New London Turnpike Uncasville, CT 06382 • 860-848-1271 Ask us about our Tailored Tuition Program to help meet your family’s unique financial situation.

Registration is ongoing, please call for information

St. Joseph School 25 Squire St New London, CT 06320 Phone: 860-442-1720

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Lowell Spinners (Boston Red Sox) Come for the game! Stay for the FIREWORK Come for the game! Stay for the FIREWORKS!

12th Annual Catholic Charities Tickets: $10.00 each Home Hit a GOLF for those most in need with Catholic Charities! TOURNAMENT Run FridayatJune 21 ,Send a “Parish and help support the work of Catholic Cha 2019 @Team” 7:05pm


ue / Norwich, CT


Hit a

Friday, June 21, 2019 @ 7:05pm


d with Catholic Charities!

for those most in need with Catholic Chari

Dodd Stadium /14 Stott Avenue / Norwich, CT

Dodd Stadium /14 Stott Avenue / Norwich, CT Tickets: $10.00 each

he work of Catholic Charities.

ank those in your parish who ectors, Eucharistic Ministers, hoir.

Send a “Parish Team” and help support the work of Catholic Charities.

Use this an opportunity to recognize and thank those in your parish who stthe parish community; Altar Servers, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, serve and Children’s Choir.

Fox Hopyard Golf Use this anandopportunity recognize and those in your parish Connecticut Tigers (Detroit Tigers)Club, Vs. Lowell Spiners (Boston Red Sox) Individual group ticketsto can be purchased bythank calling East Haddam, CTserve the Christine Jackel at 860-889-8346, extension 287. parish community; Altar Servers, Lectors, Eucharistic Mi

e purchased by calling 6, extension 287.

Come for the game! Stay for the Fireworks!

Dodd Stadium • 14 Stott Avenue • Norwich,and CTChildren’s Choir.

-8346, extension 267

Tickets: $10Individual ea. and group tickets can be purchased by calling Ed Tessman / Executive Director / 860-889-8346, extension 267

Send a "Parish Team" and help support the work of Catholic Charities Christine Jackel at 860-889-8346, Use this opportunity to recognize and thank those in your parish who serve the parish community; extension 287. Altar Servers, Lectors, Eucharistic ministers and Children's Choir. Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Registration 10:30 am • Lunch 11:30 am • Shotgun Start 1:00 pm • Awards & Hor d’oeuvres 6:00 pm

Available Individual and groupSponsorships tickets can be purchased by & Welcome more information or to register, contact: calling Sue Connelly atFor 860-889-8346, 264 Christine Jackel at 860-886-1928 extension x12 or Ed Tessman / Executive Director / 860-889-8346, extension 267


By Mary-Jo McLaughlin

New Column Aims to Spark Faith Among Families


aith Sparks…. Ignite Your Faith is a new column that the office of Faith Events (OFE) will premier in the August issue of the Four County Catholic to help engage parents, grandparents and families in their faith.


“One of the focuses of our new Diocesan faith formation curriculum is to get adults involved in learning more about their faith along with their children,” said Andrea Hoisl, OFE director. “This new column will help people become more aware of the nuances of their faith so that they in turn may be a living witness of what they believe.”


Hoisl referred to the growing trend

among many young Catholic parents who send their children to faith formation classes at their parishes but do not practice their faith or attend weekly Mass. “They are not being marinated in the faith. They feel they are unprepared to talk about their faith with their children,” she said. “We need to meet people where they are and offer them information on a practical level so that they can be teachers of the faith for their children and families.” The column will provide families and catechists with resources, ideas and websites they can utilize to learn more about their faith. It will offer practical activities families can do together to

enrich their faith especially around the liturgical seasons of the Church such as Lent, Advent, Holy Days of Obligation or the feast days of saints. Every column will have a theme and the information provided will dig deeper into that aspect of our faith. Hoisl also plans to make the column available on different social media platforms, in parish bulletins and on the Diocesan website. “We want to help families blend Church life with everyday life,” said Liza Roach, youth and young adult minister with the OFE. “When Mass is dismissed, the priest says, ‘Go in peace to love and serve the Lord and one another.’ This column will give

practical examples to people of all generations of ways to love better and serve one another within their own family and the greater family of God.” According to Hoisl, the name of the column Faith Sparks….Ignite Your Faith is fitting as its aim is to spark the fire of faith in everyone. “We hope the information we provide will spark some action in our readers to become connected to their faith and appreciate the joys of giving and receiving as a member of a parish faith community.” She continued, “Every large fire begins with a spark. We want to ignite an inferno of faith that will burn in our hearts, our lives and our diocese forever.”

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La Nueva Columna Tiene Como Objetivo Despertar la Fe Entre las Familias By Mary-Jo McLaughlin

"Uno de los enfoques de nuestro nuevo currículum de Formación en la Fe de la Diócesis es lograr que los adultos aprendan más sobre su fe junto a sus hijos", dijo Andrea Hoisl, directora de la OFE. "Esta nueva columna ayudará a las personas a ser más conscientes de los matices de su fe, para que, a su vez, puedan ser testigos vivos de lo que creen". Hoisl se refirió a la tendencia creciente entre muchos padres jóvenes católicos quienes envían a sus hijos a clases de formación en la fe en sus parroquias, pero no practican su fe ni asisten a la eucaristía dominical. "No están empapados en la fe, por lo que juzgan que no están preparados para hablar acerca de su fe con sus hijos”, dijo ella.

"Necesitamos conocer a las personas donde están y ofrecerles información a nivel práctico para que puedan ser maestros de la fe para sus hijos y sus familias". La columna proporcionará a las familias y los catequistas recursos, ideas y sitios web que pueden utilizar para aprender más sobre la fe. Ofrecerá actividades prácticas que las familias pueden hacer unidas para enriquecer su fe, especialmente en los tiempos litúrgicos de la Iglesia como la cuaresma, el adviento, los días de precepto, o las festividades de los santos. Cada columna tendrá un tema y la información provista profundizará en ese aspecto de nuestra fe. Hoisl también espera hacer disponibles copias de la columna en diferentes plataformas de redes sociales, en los boletines parroquiales y en el sitio web diocesano. "Queremos ayudar a las familias a combinar la vida de la Iglesia con la vida cotidiana", dijo Liza Roach,

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directora del ministerio para jóvenes y jóvenes adultos de la OFE.” Al concluir la eucaristía el sacerdote dice: 'Vaya en paz para amar y servir al Señor y al prójimo'. Esta columna dará ejemplos prácticos a personas de todas las generaciones de cómo amar y servir a los demás dentro de su propia familia y la familia mayor de Dios ". De acuerdo a Hoisl, el nombre de la columna, Chispas de Fe… .Enciende Tu Fe, es apropiado ya que su objetivo es encender el fuego de la fe en todos. "Esperamos que la información que proporcionamos genere alguna acción en nuestros lectores para poder conectarse con su fe y apreciar la alegría de dar y recibir como miembros de una comunidad parroquial de fe". Continuó ella, "Un fuego grande comienza con una chispa. Queremos encender un gran fuego de fe que arderá en nuestros corazones, nuestras vidas y nuestra diócesis para siempre".



hispas de Fe….Enciende Tu Fe es una nueva columna que la Oficina de Eventos de Fe (OFE) estrenará en la edición de agosto del periódico diocesano, el Four County Catholic, para ayudar a los padres, abuelos y familias a vivir su fe.


Groundbreaking Held for Saint Mary Place Housing


ceremonial groundbreaking took place June 4 in New London for Saint Mary Place, a 20-unit affordable housing development at the location of the former Saint Mary Star of the Sea School.


The school, founded by the Sisters of Mercy, closed its doors in 2012 after more than 100 years of educating children in grades 1 through 8. Bishop Michael R. Cote joined officials from The Connection Inc., the organization that will construct and manage the apartment complex. It’s expected to be complete by spring of 2020.


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