Four County Catholic June 2011

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Summer arrives. Future is bright! Kinderstars Light up the stage at St. Patrick Cathedral School End-of-Year Celebration

Inside Diocese Celebrates Ordination of Father Luis Henry Agudelo

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Four County Catholic June 2011

Song is the natural expression of the soul.

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~ Sister Elissa Rinere describing the Bishops’ view of the importance of music in the liturgy.

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Students are not merely taught about respect, caring for others and good character formation, they are expected to live it. ~ Sheila Cerjanec describing the core values of St. Michael School, Pawcatuck.

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Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Bishop of Norwich


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~ From review of the soon to be released movie, Courageous.

Reverend Ted F. Tumicki, STL, JCL


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From space, you cannot see the borders between nations.

~ U.S. astronaut, Mark Kelly, answering an ‘earth-to-space’ question by the Holy Father Pope Benedict regarding the astronauts’ views on the way nations and people live together on planet earth.


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Four County Catholic June 2011

The Most Reverend

Michael R. Cote, D.D.

Bishop of Norwich

The Empowerment of Pentecost My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: The emotional experience of spiritually contemplating the passion of Christ, culminating in the triumph of Easter can, in the most positive of ways, be overwhelming for us. During the 40 days of Lent and the nearly-concluded 50 days of Eastertide, we have been on a long and intense journey of faith. Along the way, we have been reminded, as we were on the cover of the April Four County Catholic - “With His wounds we are healed.” No further words are necessary. This is our faith. The way of the cross is the path to salvation and everlasting life. We have so fully embraced this annual pilgrimage-in-our-hearts, it is understandable that by the end of Eastertide, we may not have the emotional reserve to give as much attention to the vitally important Feast of Pentecost, celebrated this year on June 12, the last day of Eastertide. This is the moment the apostles received the

Holy Spirit’s gift of courage to carry forward the ministry of Christ and in doing so become one with the Church. As chronicled in scripture (John 14:26-27), Jesus had prepared the apostles and Blessed Mary to receive the gifts to carry on... “The Advocate, the Holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” It was ten days after Christ’s ascension that the Apostles and Our Blessed Mother, who had been secluded in prayer, were visited in the upper room by the Holy Spirit -- fulfilling Christ’s promise. With the empowering

presence of the Holy Spirit, the apostles were infused with the authority, zeal and gifts which marked the beginning of the apostolic foundation of the Church. It was at this moment that the mystical Holy Trinity was fully revealed and the Holy Spirit became ever-present in the Church. These were the Church’s earliest moments. On the day of Pentecost, three thousand souls were converted to the Faith of Christ. Today, of course, we are 1.2 billion believers, growing still, and alive with the same promise secured by the empowering grace of the Holy Spirit. There is a direct and close connection between the mission that sprang forth from the first Pentecost to what we today refer to as the “New Evangelization.” It was

newly beatified Blessed John Paul II, who so forcefully stressed the Church’s mission under the title New Evangelization. “The Holy Spirit,” proclaimed Pope John Paul II, “as the Principal Agent of evangelization and mission, is calling all of God’s people to enter the harvest fields.” Carrying this proclamation forward, the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, has consistently interpreted the New Evangelization to be every Catholic’s mission to share the message of the Gospel not just with unbelievers, but with nonpracticing Christians. Bringing our brothers and sisters home to Christ in a world overcome by distractions is the calling of our time as Catholics. To become more involved disciples, we must grow in our own understanding and practice of the faith. You will find that participating more faithfully in the sacraments, studying the Gospel with renewed interest and rediscovering the stunning power of prayer will help reenergize your

faith and compel you to spread the good news. As I discussed in my most recent column, the tie that binds us as Catholics is the desire and active choice to know Jesus better. We are called to know Christ and to make Him known. In a few days, it will be Pentecost Sunday. What a perfect opportunity to reflect on the original endowment of the Holy Spirit in that upper room that filled the apostles with the gifts to continue God’s work in proclaiming the message of faith, love, hope and charity. Let faith lead the way as we ourselves look to the Holy Spirit to help us hear and answer the call to active discipleship. May God bless you as you grow in faith, in spirit and in communion with the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. This is the joyful legacy of the first Pentecost. Sincerely yours in Christ’s love, Bishop Michael R. Cote

El Poderio de Pentecostes Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo: La experiencia emocional de contemplar espiritualmente la pasión de Cristo, culminando en el triunfo de la Pascua podría ser , en una forma positiva, abrumadora para cada uno de nosotros . Durante los 40 dias de Cuaresma y los ya casi concluidos 50 días de Pascua, hemos estado en un largo e intenso viaje de fe. A lo largo del camino nos hemos estado constantemente recordando, tal como en la portada del Four County Catholic del mes de Abril - “Con sus heridas hemos

sido sanados”. No es necesario añadir mas palabras. Esta es nuestra fe. El camino de la cruz es la vía que nos conduce a la vida eterna. Hemos aceptado tan de lleno este peregrinaje- annual- en-nuestros-corazones que es comprensible que finalizada la temporada Pascual, no tengamos la reserva emocional para darle la misma atención a la importante vitalidad que representa La Fiesta de Pentecostés, que será celebrada este año el día 12 de Junio, el último día de la temporada Pascual. Este es el momento en que los apóstoles fueron comisionados por el Es-

píritu Santo a llevar adelante el ministerio de Cristo, y así hacerse uno con la Iglesia. Como nos enseña la escritura (Juan 14, 26-27), Jesús había preparado a los apóstoles y a Santa María para recibir los dones necesarios para continuar…”El Defensor, el Espíritu Santo que el Padre va a enviar en mi nombre, les enseñará todas las cosas y les recordará todo lo que les he dicho. Les dejo la paz; les doy mi paz, pero no se la doy como la dan los que son del mundo. No se angustien, ni tengan miedo”. Fueron diez días después de la ascensión de Cristo cuando los apóstoles y

Santa María, quienes habían estado aislados, unidos en oración, fueron visitados por el Espíiritu Santo -- cumpliendo así la promesa de Cristo. Con el gran poderío de la presencia del Espíritu Santo, los apóstoles fueron infundidos con la autoridad, el entusiasmo y los dones que marcaron el principio de la fundación apostólica de la Iglesia. Fue en este momento que el misterio de la Santa Trinidad fue revelado y el Espíritu Santo se hizo siempre presente en la Iglesia. Estos fueron los primeros momentos de la Iglesia. En el día de Pentecostés tres mil personas fueron convertidas

a la fe de Cristo. Hoy en día, por supuesto , somos 1.2 billones de creyentes, cada vez más aumentando en número y vivos con la misma promesa asegurada por el poderío de la gracia del Espíitu Santo. Hay una directa y cercana conexión entre la misión que emanó del primer Pentescostés y a lo que en el día de hoy nos referimos a la “Nueva Evangelización”. Fue el recientemente beatificado Bendito Juan Pablo II quien incansablemente enfatizó la misión de la Iglesia bajo el título de la Nueva

Pentecostes Cont. on page 4


Four County Catholic June 2011


Blessing of the Fleet Mass St. Mary Church, Stonington July 31, 2011 • 10:30 am Blessing ceremony to follow by Most Reverend, Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich

Continued from page 3

Evangelización. “El Espíritu Santo,” proclamó el Papa Juan Pablo II, “como el agente principal de evangelización y misión, está llamando a todo el pueblo de Dios a entrar al campo de la cosecha.” Continuando esta proclamación, el Santo Padre, Papa Benedicto XVI, consistentement ha enseñado que la Nueva Evangelización es la misión de cada Católico compartir el mensaje del Evangelio, no solo con el nocreyente, sino también con Cristianos no-practicantes. Encaminar a nuestros hermanos y hermanas a Cristo en un mundo saturado de distracciones es el llamado de estos tiempos de nosotros Católicos. Para llegar a ser discípulos más entregados , debemos crecer en nuestro propio entendimiento y práctica de la fe. Participando más fielmente en los sacramentos, estudiando el Evangelio con un renovado interés y reencontrando el incomparable poder de la oración , usted encontrará la ayuda que necesita para renovar su fe y al

mismo tiempo se sentirá motivado a llevar la Buena Nueva. Tal como lo anuncié en mi más reciente columna, el lazo que nos une como Católicos es el deseo y elección activa de conocer a Cristo mejor. Estamos llamados a conocerle y darlo a conocer a los demás. En unos cuantos días será el Domingo de Pentecostés. Qué oportunidad perfecta para meditar en la venida original del Espritu Santo que llenó a los apóstoles con los dones para continuar la labor de Dios en proclamar el mensaje de amor, esperanza y caridad. Que la fe nos dirija y que el Espíritu Santo nos ayude a escuchar y responder al llamado de ser discípulos dedicados y activos. Que Dios le bendiga mientras crece en la fe y en comunión con la una, Santa, Católica y Apostólica Iglesia. Sinceramente en el amor de Cristo, Obispo Michael R. Cote


Day’s of Recollection

St. Edmund’s at Enders Island

June 2 Ascension Thursday - Fr. Frank Sutman, OP July 13 Learning from The Prodigal Son - Fr. Tim Pfaff

Family Retreats

July 3-8 Star of the Sea Family Week August 7-12 Star of the Sea Family Week (Sorry Full)


For further information call: Or visit

Summer Guided Retreats June 26 - July 2 (Sorry Full) July 10 - July 15 July 26 - July 29 July 31 - August 4

Men’s 11th Step Weekend July 8-10 - Fr. Tim Pfaff

St. Michael’s Institute of Sacred Art

Join us while we explore the history, the sacred nature and the techniques of the Sacred Arts in a prayerful manner. June 5-10 Five Days of Gregorian Chant and Liturgical Music - Dr. William Tortolano June 21-23 Leading Liturgical Music with the Guitar For those who lead Sunday Worship with Guitars - Jerome Monachino


Four County Catholic June 2011

Director of Priestly Vocations

Reverend Gregory Galvin

A Plan for Each One of Us In the book of Jeremiah, chapter one verse five, we read; “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you, a prophet to the nations I appointed you.” These were words read during the first reading of the ordination Mass of Father Henry Agudelo this past May 28, 2011. These words of God the Father express through the prophet Jeremiah, a concept that is so often overlooked by each of us. For those who ponder and pray these words, there is an opportunity to understand very clearly the fact that God, from all of time, has had a plan for each one of us. That plan and how it may or may not come to fruition, is rooted in His love for us so completely expressed through the Paschal Mystery of His Son Jesus Christ. Our response of love back to God is in freely choosing to seek His will for our lives over our own will. All people at different points in their young lives begin to think about that timeless question which is often formed in phrases such as; What do I want to do when I grow up?; What do I want to do with my life?; What is the purpose and meaning of life? Often, they will seek from those older, how they came to be where they are in life by asking: “How did you know you wanted to be a lawyer, a priest, go into religious life, get married, be a

teacher, etc..?” What they are really asking about is what we call the discernment process. The most important points to make to anybody who is in the midst of making this “life decision” is that first they need to know that God has always had a plan for them. He created them with a purpose for their life in this world. Secondly, because God created each of us with a plan, the most important and consistent thing any person should do in searching out the answer to the questions mentioned above is to pray to God. In prayer, ask God on a regular basis, what He created us to do with all He has given us in this life. This is part of exercising and living our faith. This is putting our life in His hands. This is the beginning of letting go of our own will with the desire to do the will of the Father. This takes faith, love and hope. How does one proceed? A person must take the time to discover through quiet prayer the call that begins as something very small and deep within us. A person may react to it and describe it first as an interior sense, an interior tugging; something that continues to come to mind, or something they just can’t get out of their head.

From an exterior perspective, many times God may choose to use another person as His instrument to point out to a young person a particular gift or talent that they should consider as a pathway to follow. Most importantly, though, as a young man or woman who is asking such questions about their life and their future, the most consistent and important thing they can do is to prayerfully continue to ask for God to reveal to them in their heart and in their mind a clearer understanding of what it is He has created them for. Why? Because it is in embracing the call, the invitation, the will of God for our lives that we will find our greatest daily peace, fulfillment and happiness. As many have just recently graduated from high school or college these past several weeks, and many will continue on with education in the Fall, the one thing each young man and women should do consistently is prayerfully work at identifying, with God’s assistance, what He is calling them to. Whatever it is, this is what He created you for. Have a blessed and safe summer one and all and please keep praying for all our seminarians, those in religious formation and those in the process of discerning their “Call”.

Holy Hour for Vocations The Holy Hour for Vocations will now be held in a different deanery and parish each month. Bishop Cote will lead the prayers of the Holy Hour each month. The schedule is as follows:

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June 23 July 21 Aug. 11 Sept. 15 Oct. 20 Nov. 17 Dec. 15

Holy Family Motherhouse Chapel, Baltic St. Michael, Pawcatuck Christ the King, Old Lyme St. Matthew, Tolland St. Mary, Willimantic Mary Mother of the Redeemer, Groton Our Lady of the Lakes, Oakdale

4-5pm 4-5pm 5-6pm 7-8pm 7-8pm 7-8pm 5-6pm

“Yes, God so Loved The World (and me), that He gave His ONLY Son, that whoever Believes in Him, may not perish … but may have ETERNAL LIFE!” (John 3:16)

One-Day Life In The Spirit Seminar Saturday, June 11, 2011 at 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 1650 Route 12, Gales Ferry, CT 06335 Pentecost Rally Sunday, June 12, 2011 at 2:00 PM Cathedral of St. Patrick Auditorium, 213 Broadway, Norwich, CT 06360 Guest Speaker: Reverend Tomasz Albrecht, Parochial Vicar at St. Agnes Church in Niantic, CT Come and celebrate with us – we will enjoy music, song, prayer and praise. Mass of Healing & Hope Friday, July 29, 2011 at 7:00 PM St. John Church, 161 Main Street, Old Saybrook, CT 06475 Prayer, Praise, Worship and Adoration Every Tuesday, 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM Spiritual Renewal Services, 11 Bath Street, Norwich, CT 06360 SAVE THIS DATE: 35TH Anniversary of Spiritual Renewal Services Theme: “This is Our Faith” Saturday, October 15, 2011 at 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Cathedral of St. Patrick Auditorium, 213 Broadway, Norwich, CT 06360

Spiritual Renewal Services Diocese of Norwich Dial A Prayer (860) 887-7767 P.O. Box 6, 11 Bath St. Norwich, CT 06360 (860) 887-0702 Email:


Four County Catholic June 2011

Every Tuesday, 7:30pm to 9:00pm Prayer, Praise, Worship and Adoration Spiritual Renewal Services, 11 Bath Street, Norwich.

Kinderstars a Huge Hit! It was my privilege to attend this year’s kindergarten finalday celebration at St. Patrick Cathedral School in Norwich. As it turned out, the ceremony By Michael STrammiello in the Cathedral auditorium would produce a cover photo for this month’s Four County Catholic along with all the family photos and memories captured by proud parents, families, friends, teachers, and students present from other classes. I was there to observe, and had not planned on writing about the graduation-like event. But there is no way I could experience this and not share, in writing, the joy and optimism of the day. The theme of the ceremonies was “I Am Special.” How appropriate. How perfect a reminder of the self-esteem nurtured from day one of a Catholic education. Everything I observed lived up to that theme, which, incidentally, served as the backdrop on stage in large yellow block lettering. The children sang and recited poems and narrative that made it quite clear that each of them believed he and she is special. They are right of course. I noticed in the program, Mrs. Pierce and Mrs. Savitsky had written, “As parents and teachers, God gives us a precious gift. We have the opportunity to look at the world again through the fresh, shiny, wondrous eyes of the children… take joy in your children.” The joy in the auditorium, both on stage and in the audience, was close to overwhelming. It was all captured in the smiling “kinderstars’” closing rendition of “It’s a wonderful world.” Magical. I hope we have captured their wonderful spirit on this month’s cover of the Four County Catholic. These young stars have proven without a doubt – “The future is bright.” Photos by Susannah H. Snowden

Saturday, June 11, 2011 One-Day Life in the Spirit Seminar Will be held on Saturday, June 11, 2011 from 9:30am– 4:30pm at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 1650 Route 12, Gales Ferry. Sunday, June 12, 2011 Pentecost Rally will be held at the Cathedral of St. Patrick Auditorium, 213 Broadway, Norwich, at 2:00pm. Reverend Tomasz Albrecht, Parochial Vicar at St. Agnes Church in Niantic, will be the guest speaker. Thursday, June 16, 2011 Thursday at Ten, Franciscan Spirituality Join us for the next Thursdays at Ten when we explore Franciscan Spirituality with a Franciscan Sister of the Eucharist. This historical journey will include the founding of the Franciscan Order by Saint Francis of Assisi and include the establishment of the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist. The discussion will start at 10:00am and will be held at Chiara Center, on the campus of the Franciscan Life Center, 275 Finch Avenue, Meriden. Thursdays at Ten is free and refreshments will be served. For more information please visit or Fridays, June 17, 24 & July 8, 15, 2011 Marriage Preparation Class for Engaged Couples “God’s Plan for a Joy-filled Marriage” offered by the Office of Family Life. To register for the 4session class, please call 860-8898346 ext.283. 7:00pm – 9:00pm at Saints Peter & Paul Church Hall, 181 Elizabeth St., Norwich. The cost is $50 per couple for class materials. Friday-Sunday July 15-17 Marriage Encounter Weekend

For couples desiring to experience a richer and loving life together. Marriage Encounter is designed to give couples a time to share their feelings and hopes, and focus on one another to examine their lives together. Marriage Encounter is not group sensitivity, but a unique approach with an emphasis on communication to revitalize Christian Marriage. Rediscover each other for an entire weekend with a heart-to-heart Marriage Encounter. To register for the next weekend in Groton, CT on July 15-17 or for information, call 860-644-7260 or email: Friday, July 29, 2011 Mass of Healing & Hope Will be held at St. John Church, 161 Main Street, Old Saybrook, at 7:00pm.

Sunday, August 14, 2011 Retired Priests’ Luncheon Knights of Columbus Chapters throughout the Diocese of Norwich, with the approval of Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich and under the direction of Very Rev. Michael T. Donohue and Rev. Dariusz K. Dudzik, will host a luncheon in honor of all retired priests in the Diocese. The luncheon will be held at Groton Inn & Suites from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and admission is by ticket only. Tickets are available on a first come, first serve basis. The luncheon will feature a plated lunch with a choice of Baked Scrod, Stuffed Chicken or Queen Prime Rib. There will be a cash bar and cheese and crackers. The cost is $30 including tax and tip and you may purchase tickets from George Gorton at 860-930-7931 or Linda Kidder at 860-437-7799.

Tuesday-Thursday, August 22- 26, 2011 Sun Surf Beach Bash VBS Grab your surfboard and paddle out to ride a wave of fun and adventure at Sun Surf Beach Bash VBS. Learn about cool sea creatures. Explore tidal pools and collect sea shells. As kids explore the world around them, they'll get Big Answers to their Big Questions about Jesus: Who is Jesus? Why can I trust Jesus? VBS cost is $15.00. VBS will run August 2226 from 9:00am -12:00pm. Children in grades one to four may register. Call 860-345-4992. Saturday, October 15, 2011 Save The Date: 35TH Anniversary of Spiritual Renewal Services This year’s theme is “This is Our Faith”. The Anniversary will take place at the Cathedral of St. Patrick Auditorium, 213 Broadway, Norwich from 9am-4pm. September, October, and November “Gift of Grace” Prison Ministry Training Program The Office of Prison Ministry in the Diocese of Norwich is seeking individuals interested in volunteering for Prison Ministry. A training program; “Gift of Grace” has been developed for those interested in prison ministry. This program will take place at the Bishop Hines Conference Room, 201 Broadway, Norwich. The schedule for training is as follows: Saturday, September 17, 2011; Saturday, September 24; Saturday, October 15; Saturday, October 29; Saturday, November 12; Sunday, November 20. All training sessions are from 9am to 3pm. PreRegistration is required. Parish teams are encouraged. There is a particular need for people who are bi-lingual in English and Spanish. For more information, please contact Sheree Antoch at the Prison Ministry Office at (860) 848-2237 X211 or

Parishes Priests FCC Online Mass Times

Clergy Appointments


The Most Reverend Michael R Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, has made the following clergy appointments in the Diocese of Norwich:

The Very Reverend Michael L. Phillippino to Temporary Administrator of Notre Dame Parish, Durham, while continuing as Pastor at St. John Parish, Middletown. Effective: Immediately. The Very Reverend Ted F. Tumicki, from Pastor of St. Joseph Parish, Occum, to Pastor of St. Mary Parish, Jewett City; St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Preston; St. Thomas the Apostle Parish, Voluntown, while continuing as Judicial Vicar and Theological Advisor to the Four County Catholic. Effective: June 16, 2011. The Reverend Stephen S. Gulino from Pastor of St. John the Evangelist Parish, Uncasville, to Parochial Vicar of St. Mary Parish, Jewett City; St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Preston; St. Thomas the Apostle Parish, Voluntown. Effective: June 16, 2011. The Reverend Augustine Naduvilekoot from Pastor of St. Thomas the Apostle Parish, Voluntown, to Pastor of St. Joseph Parish, Occum. Effective: June 16, 2011. The Reverend William J. Olesik, Diocesan Director for the Pontifical Society for the Propagation of the Faith and Pastor of St. Mary Parish, Jewett City, to Diocesan Director for the Pontifical Society for the Propagation of the Faith and in residence with pastoral duties at St. Matthew Parish, Tolland. Effective: June 16, 2011. The Reverend Joseph B. Whittel from Pastor of Our Lady of Per-

petual Help Parish, Quaker Hill, to Pastor of St. John the Evangelist Parish, Uncasville; Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, Quaker Hill; Our Lady of the Lakes Parish, Oakdale. Effective: June 16, 2011. The Reverend Tadeusz Zadorozny from Administrator of Our Lady of the Lakes Parish, Oakdale, to Parochial Vicar of St. John the Evangelist Parish, Uncasville; Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, Quaker Hill; Our Lady of the Lakes Parish, Oakdale. Effective: June 16, 2011. The Reverend Richard Breton from Parochial Vicar of St. Joseph Parish, North Grosvenordale, to Parochial Vicar of St. John the Evangelist Parish, Uncasville; Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, Quaker Hill; Our Lady of the Lakes Parish, Oakdale. Effective: June 16, 2011. The Reverend Michael C. Giannitelli from Pastor of St. Andrew Parish, Colchester to Pastor of Notre Dame Parish, Durham; St. Colman Parish, Middlefield. Effective: June 16, 2011. The Reverend Anthony J. DiMarco from Administrator of St. Colman Parish, Middlefield, to Parochial Vicar of St. Mary Parish, Putnam; Most Holy Trinity Parish, Pomfret. Effective: June 16, 2011. The Reverend James J. Sucholet from Parochial Vicar of St. Matthew Parish, Tolland, to Parochial Vicar of Notre Dame Parish, Durham; St. Colman Parish, Middlefield. Effective: June 16, 2011. The Reverend Marek Masnicki from Pastor of St. Mary of Czestochowa Parish, Middletown, to Pastor of St. Andrew Parish,

Colchester; St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Lebanon. Effective: June 16, 2011. The Reverend Benjamin Soosaimanickam from Administrator of St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Lebanon, to Parochial Vicar of St. Andrew Parish, Colchester; St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Lebanon. Effective: June 16, 2011. The Reverend Nicholas Mukama Mbogo from Parochial Vicar of St. Andrew Parish, Colchester, to Parochial Vicar of St. Joseph Parish, North Grosvenordale. Effective: June 16, 2011. The Reverend Richard Sliwinski from Pastor of Most Holy Trinity Parish, Pomfret, to Pastor of St. Mary of Czestochowa Parish, Middletown. Effective: June 16, 2011. The Reverend David P. Choquette from Pastor of St. Mary Parish, Putnam, to Pastor of St. Mary Parish, Putnam; Most Holy Trinity Parish, Pomfret. Effective: June 16, 2011. The Very Reverend Dennis M. Perkins, the renewal of six-year term as Pastor of St. Michael Parish, Pawcatuck, while continuing as Vicar for Clergy. Effective: June 16, 2011. Deacon Paul R. Baillargeron from Deacon of St. Mary Parish, Jewett City, to Deacon of St. Mary Parish, Jewett City; St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Preston; St. Thomas the Apostle Parish, Voluntown. Effective: June 16, 2011. Deacon Anthony A. Dombkowski from Deacon of St. Mary Parish, Jewett City, to Deacon of St. Mary Parish, Jewett City; St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Preston; St. Thomas the

~ Monsignor Robert L. Brown, Chancellor ~

Apostle Parish, Voluntown. Effective: June 16, 2011. Deacon William T. Herrmann from Deacon of Our Lake of the Lakes Parish, Oakdale, to Deacon of St. John the Evangelist Parish, Uncasville; Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, Quaker Hill; Our Lady of the Lakes Parish, Oakdale. Effective: June 16, 2011. Deacon Ronald S. Kitlinski from Deacon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, Quaker Hill, to Deacon of St. John the Evangelist Parish, Uncasville; Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, Quaker Hill; Our Lady of the Lakes Parish, Oakdale. Effective: June 16, 2011. Deacon Ronald Blank from Deacon of Notre Dame Parish, Durham, to Deacon of Notre Dame Parish, Durham; St. Colman Parish, Middlefield. Effective: June 16, 2011. Deacon Peter L. Gill from Deacon of St. Colman Parish, Middlefield, to Deacon of Notre Dame Parish, Durham; St. Colman Parish, Middlefield. Effective: June 16, 2011. Deacon Michael L. Puscas from Deacon of St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Lebanon, to Deacon of St. Andrew Parish, Colchester; St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Lebanon. Effective: June 16, 2011. Deacon Jorge Escalona from Deacon of Most Holy Trinity Parish, Pomfret, to Deacon of St. Mary Parish, Putnam; Most Holy Trinity Parish, Pomfret. Effective: June 16, 2011. Deacon Pierre M. Desilets from Deacon of St. Mary Parish, Putnam, to Deacon of St. Mary Parish, Putnam; Most Holy Trinity Parish, Pomfret. Effective: June 16, 2011.

Online News & Information 24.7

The Reverend Mariadas Lipton from Administrator of Notre Dame Parish, Durham, to return home to India. Effective: Immediately.


Four County Catholic June 2011


Four County Catholic June 2011

The Ordination of the Reverend Luis Henry Agudelo A Joyful and Historic Occasion NORWICH – On a sunny and warm Saturday morning, May 28, 2011, a full Cathedral of St. Patrick By Michael STrammiello

moment in the ceremony when Father Henry would wear them as a priest for the first time. Early in the ceremony, Bishop

honored Reverend Luis Henry Agudelo by standing with him on the occasion of the Ritual Mass of Holy Orders. The ceremony was a joyful and elegant initiation into the priesthood. During the opening moments of the Mass, Father Henry, dressed in a traditional white alb, sat in a solitary chair with hands folded in a praying position facing the altar and Bishop Cote, the principal celebrant and homilist. High above the altar on the facing of the baldachino canopy is an engraving of a solitary white dove, signifying the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit. That presence was evident in every moment of this special occasion. To the right of the altar, was a simple wooden coat tree with a white and gold stole and chasuble waiting for the

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Cote acknowledged Father Henry, addressing him often by his first name, welcoming him into the priesthood. Father stood and gra-

Photo by Tali Greener/Norwich Bulletin

Perhaps the most dramatic visual moment came when Father Henry lay prostrate on the floor in front of the altar while Cantor, Carroll Mailhot sang the Litany of Supplication, calling on, among many saints, Saints Henry and Luis to pray for us. At this point, more and more cameras, video equipment and phones were flashing – by the media, parishioners and diocesan photographers; children were being lifted on parents’ shoulders to see; and some came down the aisles for a closer look. The Church was alive with choir music. This was a totally engaged congregation. The ceremony continued at a high emotional level as Bishop Cote administered the laying on of hands. Moments later, each concelebrating priest, one by one, rested his hands on Father Henry’s head. A short while later, the Bishop and each priest again had a one-on-one opportunity to share the sign of peace with Father Henry and welcome

lumbia family background. As the ceremony progressed, Father Henry would move from the solitary chair to sit next to the Bishop, Vicar General, Father Leszek Janik and Deacons Gerald Shaw and Jesus A. Diez Canseco. Father Henry’s Mother, Mariela de Jesus Agudelo Flores and his brother, Giovani Agudelo were present and received a gracious welcome from Bishop Cote. They also received Holy Communion from Father Henry, and at the conclusion of the Mass, received Father’s first blessing as a priest. Bishop Cote made public Father Henry’s first assignment. It will be with St. Joseph Church in Willimantic, and will include assisting St. Mary in Willimantic and Sagrado Corazon de Jesus in Windham. Bishop Cote concluded the ceremony asking in prayer, “May God guide your skills (Father Henry) and protect you. May He make you a servant and minister of reconcilia-

ciously turned to the congregation - as spontaneous applause broke-out. The applause was met by a broad smile and humble nod of gratitude. The Bishop spoke of how an ordained priest is “drawn into the realm of the sacred through the sacrament of Holy Orders” … how “an ordination is a vitally important event for both the person and the Church.” Bishop Cote spoke in personal terms directly to Father Henry, acknowledging his “generous and kind spirit, and his gentle and warm manner… Father Henry places his hands in those of the Bishop signifying commitment and obedience. and how these Photo by Phil Twomey qualities will serve him well in the priesthood.” He him into the presbyterate of the tion…a true pastor.” asked all to pray that “Henry will be Diocese of Norwich. It was at this At that moment and throughout faithful to his mission, and through moment that the Neocatechomenal the recession from the altar, joyous the years, manifest God’s love for Way of St. Mary Star of the Sea, a applause filled the Church, honorevery person.” Western Mexico-influenced band ing Reverend Luis Henry Agudelo The Bishop alternated English and singers, filled the Cathedral on his first day as a priest in the and Spanish throughout the cere- with festive music that suited the community of faith that is the Diomony. moment and Father Henry’s Co- cese of Norwich.


Four County Catholic June 2011

La Ordenacion del Reverendo Luis Henry Agudelo Una Gloriosa e Historica Ocasion Norwich: En una soleada y tibia mañana de Sábado 28 de Mayo de 2011, una Catedral Saint Patrick Translated by Paulina Angulo

llena, honró al Reverendo Luis Henry Agudelo, estando a su lado en ocasión del ritual de misa de Orden Sacerdotal. La ceremonia fue una elegante y festiva iniciación dentro del sacerdocio. A través de los momentos de apertura de la Misa, Padre Henry, vistió en un tradicional alba blanco, sentado en una silla solitaria con las manos juntas en posición de oración, mirando al altar y al Obispo Cote, homilista y celebrante principal. Muy por encima del altar en la cubierta de la doselera del baldaquín está el grabado de una paloma blanca solitaria, indicando el poderío de la presencia del Espíritu Santo. Esa presencia era evidente en cada momento de esta ocasión especial. A la derecha del altar, había una simple percha de madera con una estola blanca y dorada y una casulla, esperando el momento en la ceremonia cuando el Padre Henry los usaría por primera vez como sacerdote. Temprano en la ceremonia el Obispo Cote, reconoció al Padre Henry, refiriéndolo a menudo por su primer nombre, acogiéndolo dentro del sacerdocio hasta que el Padre se levantó y con gracia giró hacia la congregación-un aplauso espontaneo rompió. El aplauso era seguido por extensas sonrisas y reverencias humildes de gratitud. El Obispo habló de como un sacerdote consagrado es “sumergido dentro de la esfera de lo sagrado, a través del sacramento de la Santa Orden”…como “Una ordenación, es un evento de importante vitalidad para ambos, la persona y la Iglesia”. El Obispo Cote

hablo al Padre Henry directamente en términos personales reconociendo su “generoso y cordial espíritu y sus gentiles y amables modales…y como esas cualidades le servirán mucho en el sacerdocio.” El pidió a todos rezar para que “ Henry sea fiel a su misión y que a través de los años , manifieste el amor de Dios a cada persona.” El Obispo alternó Inglés y Español a través de la ceremonia. Quizás, el momento visual más dramático llegó cuando el Padre Henry se

postró extendido en el piso en frente del altar mientras la Cantora, Carroll Mailhot cantó la Letanía de Suplicación, llamando a, entre muchos santos, Santos Henry y Luis a rezar por nosotros. En este punto más y más cámaras, equipos de video y telé-

fonos celulares producían destellospor la prensa, feligreses y fotógrafos diocesanos ; Niños estaban siendo levantados en los hombros de sus

padres para ver; y algunos bajaron por los pasillos para ver de cerca. La Iglesia estaba viva con la música del coro. Esta congregación estaba excepcionalmente comprometida. La ceremonia continuó a un nivel emocional alto cuando el Obispo administró la imposición de manos. Momentos más tarde, cada sacerdote co-celebrante , uno por uno, posaron sus manos en la cabeza de Henry. En unos momentos más tarde, el Obispo y cada sacerdote tuvieron nuevamente una oportunidad uno-a-uno de compartir la señal de paz con Padre Henry y acogiéndolo dentro del Prebisterio de la Diócesis de Norwich. Fue en este momento que el Camino Neocatecumenal de St. Mary Star of the Sea, una banda y cantantes de influencia- México Oeste, llenaron la Catedral con música festiva que fue apta para el momento y para la familia colombiana del Padre Henry.

A medida que la ceremonia avanzó, el Padre Henry se movería desde la silla solitaria para sentarse al lado del Obispo, Vicario General, Padre Leszek Janik y diáconos Gerald Shaw y Jesús A. Diez Canseco. La madre del Padre Henry, Mariela de Jesús Agudelo Flores y su hermano, Giovani Agudelo estaban presente y recibieron una bienvenida amable del Obispo Cote. Ellos, además recibieron la Sagrada Comunión del Padre Henry, y cerca del final de la Misa, recibieron la primera bendición del Padre como sacerdote. Obispo Cote hizo pública la

primera asignación del Padre Henry. Sera en la Iglesia St. Joseph en Willimantic e incluirá asistir St. Mary en Willimantic y Sagrado Corazón de Jesús en Windham. Obispo Cote finalizó la ceremonia pidiendo en oración, “Que Dios guíe sus habilidades (Padre Henry) y le proteja. Que le haga un servidor y ministro de reconciliación… un verdadero pastor.” En este momento y a lo largo del retiro desde el altar, gloriosos aplausos llenaron la Iglesia, honorando al Reverendo Luis Henry Agudelo en su primer día como sacerdote en la comunidad de fé que es la Diócesis de Norwich.

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Four County Catholic June 2011

Inspired and Inspiring Our Lady of Lourdes Confirmation They had been training for months for a moment they had been preparing for since baptism. By Michael Gannon

Sean Moriarty poses with e Rev. Brian Converse, left, and Very Reverend. Robert L. Brown. Msgr. Brown confirmed Sean on May 6. Father Converse, the Pastor at Our Lady of Lourdes, baptized Sean in 1996. Photos by Michael Gannon

And on May 6, 33 ninth graders from Our Lady of Lourdes Parish in Gales Ferry were confirmed into the Catholic faith. The early spring evening, with renewal and new life all around, made the perfect setting for the children, who renewed the vows made for them at baptism, and received the Holy Spirit as the Apostles did at the first ever Pentecost. And the parish made it a celebration.

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The children, from Ledyard ing the Beatitudes. High School and St. Bernard in “I loved that,” she said. “I Montville, were resplendent in learned a lot from that.” bright red robes. The Hosana And when Monsignor Brown Ringers Bell Choir was present, as wanted to illustrate the quality of was an honor guard from the students in the class, he the Knights of read a letter from a Columbus. Each girl who wrote child in the about how inopening prospired she was cession by her brought a mother, by flower to all the the altar things her Mo n s i mother g n o r has acRobert L. c o m B r o w n plished and presided over sacrificed. the confirma“It was my tion. He was enletter,” Donovan joying the Mass and said afterward with celebration as a shy smile. much as any of Lori Donovan's confirmation She took her the students or name, Tabitha, was inspired c o n f i r m a t i o n family. He spoke name, Tabitha, by her mother, Tammy. at length of the from her mother, community projects the children Tammy, who is a nurse. performed in preparation, and the Austin Graber took her name, letters they each wrote to him in Therese, from St. Therese, who which they discussed their readi- also is called The Little Flower. ness and willingness to take the She inspired me because we had next step toward adulthood in the some things in common,” Graber Catholic Church. said. “She lost her mother when But he also had a serious charge she was young, and I didn't get to for the children. see my mom a lot because of a di“Today, through the generosity vorce. She (St. Therese) also had of God, you will receive the Holy a teacher who helped her early in Spirit,” he said. “I hope this spirit life like I did.” is passed on through you to this Lynch said another necessary parish community.” part of the instruction is the comEd Lynch, one of the parish's munity service project, which he religious education instructors, and his fellow instructors must said they make it clear to the chil- approve before the student can get dren from the beginning that credit. Sarah Baron said she and Confirmation is far more than the others collected socks for needy robes and the party with families children. Sean Moriarty, who afterward. took his confirmation name, “We prepare them carefully,” Francis, from his late father, said Lynch said. “We go over why the he and others participated in a Catholic faith is different. Some- food drive. times we even get students who Moriarty also came full circle in have questioned their belief in a way with the presence of The God. We want them to know why Rev. Brian Converse, who now is we go through this.” Pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes. Lori Donovan said her favorite “I baptized him,” Converse lesson was the story of Jesus teach- said.


Four County Catholic June 2011

Golden Jubilee Mass for Father Finnerty

The Divine Mercy Community On Sunday, May 1, Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich officiated for a very speBy Donna Antonacci

cial ceremony at St. John the Evangelist Church in Uncasville. He was honoring three local parishes as they joined together in faith. St. John Church (Uncasville), Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Quaker Hill), and Lady of the Lakes (Oakdale) announced that they will now collectively be known as “The Divine Mercy Community”. It has become more prevalent recently for parishes to join together for common goals and events. This is referred to this as yoking. With these three parishes so close together geographically, it makes sense for them to combine activities. Each parish priest is excited at the prospect, especially Reverend Joseph P. Whittel who serves at Our Lady of Perpetual Help. He said that this was a long time coming, and he looks forward to working with the other parishes. The idea began when they discussed it with Bishop Cote, and he thought it was a great plan. The job was well coordinated by Sister Elissa Rinere at the Office of Pastoral Planning. I spoke with her that Sunday and she was very

enthusiastic about the new collaboration. Parishes can still maintain their identity and individual Masses, yet unite for larger causes like youth ministry, family event programs and fundraisers. At the same time, any parishioner is welcome to attend services at any of the three parishes. They have a stronger presence in the eyes of the church as well as the community. In his homily, Bishop Cote commended them on their spirit, reflected in their chosen name “The Divine Mercy Community”. He said it was perfect timing on the second Sunday of Easter, the Divine Mercy Sunday and the day of Beatification of Pope John Paul II. The Divine Mercy Sunday is a day to focus on spreading the message of Easter and the mercy of God as well as

granting mercy to those in need. Pope John Paul II spread the word of the Divine Mercy with his encyclical in 1980, and encouraged all Catholics to focus on the Divine Mercy that day and throughout the year. So, having a special Mass on that Sunday was a great commemorative date for these newly yoked churches as “Divine Mercy Community”. After the service, there was a luncheon in the hall to which parishioners brought assorted foods and cooked on the grill. Picnic tables were set outside, and there was accordion music provided by one of the parishioners. There were four cakes with the words “Divine Mercy Community” on each. Bishop Cote gave a blessing before the meal and a pleasant afternoon was enjoyed by all.

Rev. Joseph Finnerty celebrated a special Golden Jubilee Mass at St. Michael the Archangel Parish in Pawcatuck on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his Ordination. The Jubilee Mass was celebrated at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, May 15th, 2011. Father Finnerty is pictured here with St. Michael Pastor and Diocese of Norwich, Vicar of Clergy, Very Reverend Dennis Perkins. Fr. Finnerty is a weekend assistant at St. Michael’s. He has led a unique life as a diocesan priest, where he was sent on for graduate studies on two separate occasions. He was installed as the first pastor of St. Catherine of Siena Parish in Preston in 1975. He hired the first woman as pastoral associate in the Norwich Diocese. Fr. Finnerty has spent the last 25 years in the most awesome ministry in the church; doing Spiritual Direction and having the great privilege of listening to people describe their experience of God. A reception was given in his honor immediately following the Jubilee Mass at the Restaurant at Elmridge in Pawcatuck, where his family, friends, former parishioners and members of the St. Michael family were in attendance. He is to be congratulated and blessed on this joyous occasion.

“We have different gifts, according to the grace given us.” (NIV, Romans 12:6-10) June is “Leave a Legacy” month within the Diocese of Norwich. It is a wonderful time to take action for those who have been considering making a bequest to their parish, the Diocese, Catholic Schools within the Diocese or one of the many ministries funded by the Annual Catholic Appeal.

136 Sachem Street Norwich CT 06360 860-889-2374 Fax 860-886-2396

To learn more about leaving a legacy, contact Director of Planned Giving MaryLou Gannotti. Call 860-886-1928 ext. 15, or e-mail marylou.gannotti@ Visit the Planned Giving link at for more information.

FCC June 2011_FCC June 2010 6/7/2011 12:03 PM Page 12


Four County Catholic June 2011

Daughters of Isabella The Connecticut Daughters of Isabella State Convention was held on April 30th at the Groton Inn and Suites. The theme for this year’s convention was “Let Us Be the Beacon of Light.” Business meetings and a memorial service for our deceased members were held during the day. The evening festivities began with the installation of state officers, followed by a dinner reception. The following were installed as the Connecticut Daughters of Isabella officers for the next two years: Front row: Alison Dore, State Vice Regent; Gina Torres, State Regent Installing Officer; Rachel Ducharme, International Vice Regent; Ann Marie Messenger, Past State Regent; Back Row: Patricia Menno-Coveney, State Recording Secretary; Charlene Durand, State Financial Secretary; Joy Lizotte, State Treasurer.

Featured in this photo (not in order of appearance) Mr. and Mrs. Ken Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Cook, Jason Parker, Glen Tillinghast, Chris Blanco, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Muller, Rebecca Mandes, Paula Bovino, Kathy Fish, Celeste Whewell, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Calabro, David Novak. Photo by Linda Norton

R.C.I.A. Reunion held at Pawcatuck Parish St. Michael the Archangel parish in Pawcatuck held its first R.C.I.A. reunion on May 1, 2011 for those By Linda Norton

who have been initiated into the Catholic Church since the parish began the R.C.I.A. process many years ago.

The reunion began with Sunday Mass at St. Michael’s followed by a catered luncheon in the parish hall. Sandy Calabro, the R.C.I.A. coordinator welcomed everyone. Each guest introduced themselves and shared how many years they have been a Catholic. The Very Reverend Dennis Perkins, Pastor of St.

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Michael’s, offered the grace. The group also participated in a time of prayer, sharing, and socializing. Photos were also taken to serve as a memory of the event. One of the most exciting aspects of the reunion was the attendance of two of the three men who were fully initiated into the Catholic Church during this year’s Easter vigil: Chris Blanco, an 18 year old student at Stonington High School and Dave Novak, an employee of Wal-mart. Matthew Crockett, a prosecuting attorney, was unable to attend, but was there in spirit. Chris and Dave were still beaming from their Easter Vigil experience throughout the reunion. While most guests shared the number of years since their initiation into the Catholic Church, Chris and Dave proudly announced the number of days since their initiation at the Easter Vigil just one week before! The R.C.I.A. reunion was enjoyable for all and everyone agreed that it should be the start of a new parish tradition.

The concert will begin at 7:30pm at St. John’s Church, 19 St. John’s Square, Middletown. A short stroll from the soup kitchen. St. Vincent de Paul Middletown is a nonprofit, 501 (c ) (3) charitable institution. For more information, please visit Printing donated by PIP, Middletown, Connecticut

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Four County Catholic June 2011

Music in the Liturgy On November 27, when we begin to use the new translation of the Roman Missal in By Sister Elissa Rinere, CP, JCD Office of Worship

our parishes, the new words will be accompanied by a new emphasis on the use of music. Many older Catholics will easily recall the days of the Latin Mass, when the only people who sang were in the choir. Certainly, we have moved beyond that point, but maybe there is still room for improvement. In 2007, the Bishops of the United States issued a document about liturgical music entitled “Sing to the Lord.” Just a few lines from that document will provide us with food for thought, especially during these months of preparation for the new translation of the Missal. The Bishops wrote: “Song is the natural expression of the soul.” Each of us, especially those who might not ever sing in church, should think about this when we do sing. If music is the natural way for the soul to express itself, when does that happen for you? Even if we are tone deaf, music and singing release the energy of the soul, and the energy of our faith. Singing in church is important because at its root, it is a spiritual activity. The words we sing are prayers which express our faith. The Bishops wrote: “Singing together in church expresses the sacramental presence of God to the people.” When we are invited to join in the Holy, Holy, for instance, the words are more than mere words. The entire congregation is called to praise God together, in the unity of our faith. Those people who have ever participated in a Mass in which they sang with energy and attention even when their voices weren’t the greatest - know from experience that music is, indeed, the natural expression of the soul. They will agree with another statement from the Bishops’ document: “God dwells in each person, in the place where music takes its source.”

Given the importance of music in liturgy, it is appropriate that with the new translation of the Roman Missal comes a new emphasis on congregational singing. Special attention is given to those parts of the Mass

prayers. The goals of this increased use of music are to add to the solemnity of the celebration, to increase participation, and to give praise and thanksgiving to God. As the Bishops wrote in 2007: “The quality of joy and enthusiasm which music adds to worship cannot be gained in any other way.” Ideally, all music directors in our parishes will plan to add new music to the celebration of Mass, beginning on November 27, and they will practice this music with the congregation for a few weeks beforehand. Also ideally, the music chosen will in which priest and people join to- include some simple Gregorian gether in singing. These include the chants that will now be contained in response to the the new Missal. presidential If planned for God dwells in p r a y e r s well, the liturgi(Amen!), all the each person, in the cal changes that place where music are coming will acclamations, the Holy, Holy, go far beyond takes its source. the dialogue bemere words, fore the Preface, and the Our Father. and truly reach into the heart of our On solemn feasts, priests are encour- celebrations to enrich and energize aged to chant the Eucharistic them.

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Four County Catholic June 2011

Leaving a Legacy is Forward Thinking The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, has proclaimed June to be “Leave By MaryLou Gannotti Director of Planned Giving

a Legacy Month” within the Diocese. “Leave a Legacy” is part of a statewide campaign to promote charitable giving through bequests. While ninety percent of Americans make a cash donation to charity each year, only seven

percent of Americans leave a bequest to charity in their wills. Simply speaking, for the most part, the majority of people in the U.S. are forgetting about this form of philanthropy. The old saying, “You can't take it with you,” is only partially true. In fact, you can take something with you . . . and that is the satisfaction of knowing that you left your possessions behind where they would do the greatest good. Through careful planning, those who wish to leave their legacy en-


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an estate. I suspected her vision of those who did have an “estate” included a sizeable income and a Great Gatsby type of existence in a waterfront m a n s i o n . What I shared with my friend is that she did, in fact, have an estate. She owns a home with her husband, carries life insurance policies, and holds retirement and savings accounts. All of these assets which many of us work hard to maintain comprise our estates. Much like a conventional donation, a bequest does a tremendous amount of good for your parish, School or the ministries supported by the Annual Catholic

Appeal. The choice, of course, is up to you.. The beauty of this form of giving is that you get to “keep the t r e e ” while giving away a “few of the apples” following y o u r passing. S o , this June, if you have been considering leaving your legacy, please do not hesitate to contact me to learn more. You can visit the Planned Giving portion of the Development Office website at to get started, or call 860-886-1928 ext. 15, or if more convenient, you may wish to contact me via e-mail:


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sure that they can take with them a parting thought of satisfaction, knowing that their worldly possessions will be used for worthy purposes. There can also be tax advantages to taking these steps now. One woman who recently left a gift in her will noted she is not planning on going anywhere for at least 50 more years. Today however, she can reap some of the rewards of her generosity. When I told a friend my job involves estate planning, she laughed and said she didn’t have


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Four County Catholic June 2011

Just Ask Me The Why Catholic? process is taking a summer break in the Diocese of NorBy Deirdre Malacrea

wich, but Larry Bock’s commitment is still going strong. Larry’s faith, nourished during his Why Catholic? experience, has sustained him in many ways, most recently during the significant illness of his young granddaughter. Larry and Corey’s daughter and son-inlaw, Chelsea and Greg Doane, adopted a delightful Downs Syndrome baby, Rosa Kathleen, after taking care of her in the Foster Care program. They fell in love with her and decided to adopt her and provide a loving home for her along with their two teen-aged children. In October of 2008, Rosa was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. She spent the next few months in a hospital undergoing aggressive treatment that was followed by two years of chemotherapy. Rosa made many return visits to the hospital whenever she had a fever or needed regular checkups and treatments. It was a trying time, but when Rosa finished her chemotherapy in December, the family was overjoyed to learn

that she was cancer free. While Rosa still battles infections occasionally, this truly happy girl has enriched the lives of all who know her and demonstrated how precious all life is. In celebration of Rosa’s full recovery, the entire family agreed to join in when the Bocks’ daughter Chelsea was recruited to raise funds for the Connecticut Chapter of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. The chapter participated in a marathon and half marathon in Long Branch, New Jersey, on May 1, 2011. Rosa was selected as one of several poster children for the event. Chelsea recruited Larry, Corey, and her sister Maegan and her husband, Peter, to participate in the half marathon as a relay team. Chelsea and her husband, Greg, ran the half marathon. Before the day of the event, Larry considered what he was going to wear while walking his 6.5-mile leg of the relay among a field of 12,000 runners and walkers. He decided to make a personal statement along the way. “I just wanted to wear the shirt to let people know Catholics are alive and well,’’ he said. “I was willing to invite questions, hoots, or cheers so I could tell everyone, why, after 28 years away from the Church as evangelicals, my wife and I came home to the Catholic faith.” Even though he was not approached by strangers, he did get the opportunity to have an ecumenical dialogue with his own son-inlaw, Peter, as they discussed Catholic and Protestant views of faith while walking for al-

Larry Bock displays his faith by wearing his Why Catholic? t-shirt while participating in a recent fundraising walk to assist leukemia and lymphoma patients. He and his wife, Corey, are the Why Catholic? parish coordinators for St Mary’s in Coventry. e tshirts were fashioned by the Parish’s Faith Formation Codirector, Brenda Koskovich, as a publicity item for all members of the Why Catholic? Parish Team.

most 3 ½ hours. Larry’s positive experience of the Why Catholic? process at St. Mary’s inspired him to this very visible display of faith. As a leader of a couples’ group and participant in a men’s group, he had weekly sharing on the role of prayer in his life. “While the meetings were sometimes small, the sharing became ‘large’ as people began to open up to one another and learn from the Catechism and the Scriptures,” he said. The feedback from other St. Mary’s parishioners shows that Larry was not

alone in his response. A full page of testimonials is available by visiting St. Mary’s parish web site, and clicking on the Why Catholic? link in the left hand column. The St. Mary’s team looks forward to the fall season of Why Catholic? which will explore the Profession of Faith, the statement of belief that encapsulates the major articles of faith for Catholics. The team will be launching publicity and promotions during the summer and hopes to add Small Church Community leaders

for the next season. In the meantime, Larry continues to bear witness with his wardrobe. On the team for a recent weekend retreat, he wore his Why Catholic? t-shirt for the team’s “blue shirt” day and shared about the program. RENEW International fosters spiritual renewal in the Catholic tradition by empowering individuals and communities to encounter God in everyday life, deepen and share faith, and connect faith with action. RENEW International can be found on the web at

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Four County Catholic June 2011

Sister Fredericia Griffin September 20, 1937 – April 29, 2011

Monsignor omas Bride and Christ the King Parish in Old Lyme sponsored a Pilgrimage to Washington D.C. ey are pictured here in front of Basilica at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. ey also visited Franciscan Monastery, had Mass in St. Matthew Cathedral and attended Sunday Mass at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception and the Blessed Mary in Baltimore. Photo provided by Monsignor Bride

Sr. Fredericia Griffin, 73, a member of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit, died on Friday, April 29 at Day Kimball Hospital in Putnam, CT. She has been a resident at the Holy Spirit Provincial House since July 2010. Born on September 20, 1937 in Philadelphia, PA, she was the daughter of the late Frederick and Mildred (Lee) Griffin. In 1961, Sr. Fredericia entered religious life at Holy Spirit Provincial House in Putnam, CT and made her religious profession there on May 31, 1965. She was then known as Sr. Frederica. After obtaining a B.A. in 1968 from Diocesan Sisters’ College, she taught at St. Francis School in South Fitchburg, MA and St. Anne School, Swanton, VT. In 1978, she received an M.S. in Library Science from Villanova University and her assignments from then on as librarian at St. Gertrude School, Stockton, CA; St. Mary School, Putnam, CT; St. Joseph School, No. Grosvenordale, CT; St. Rocco School, Johnston, RI and St. James School, Danielson, CT. Survivors include four sisters – Imelda Nippins of Philadelphia, PA, Immaculata Griffin of Upper Darby, PA, Dionisia Solomon of Philadelphia, PA and Maleeah Franchaka of Philadelphia, PA; three brothers – Fernando Lee of Palm Bay, FL, Emmanuel Michael of Philadelphia, PA and Mario Jose of Port Richmond, MD as well as several nieces and nephews. A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated on Thursday, May 5 at the Holy Spirit Provincial House Chapel in Putnam. The celebrant was Rev. Edward Dempsey of Woodstock, CT. The eulogy was given by Sr. Pat Moons, DHS, member of the Provincial Team of the Daughters of Holy Spirit. Burial followed at St. Mary Cemetery in Putnam. BATHROOMS • ROOFING • KITCHENS • SIDING Specializing n in Quality Qu y Home Improvement H I e

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Four County Catholic June 2011

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Four County Catholic June 2011

Movie Review: Courageous By Donna Antonacci

last film they produced, “Fireproof” was 2008’s top Independent film. It showed how faith in God can help save a marriage and your soul. Alex and Stephen Kendrick co-wrote “Fireproof”, and they came together again for “Courageous”. In their stories, everyday people become heroes in everyday themes. “Fireproof” was about a firefighter who displays courage everyday to everyone except his wife. The story shows how they reconnect as a couple through God’s grace. “Courageous” is another such focus on the family in the form of fatherhood.

Fatherhood is something in our society that, sadly, is often taken for granted. What a father must be to his daughters and sons is more than just a financial provider. He must lead them to God and be their hero. He must show his faith, and be unashamed to share his heart with his children. The movie “Courageous” shows us that such fathers do exist, and should be the ideal that fathers aspire to be. Writer/director Alex Kendrick also stars as the main character Adam Mitchell in “Courageous”. He is a police officer in Albany, Georgia and again, an everyday hero to many. Yet in his family, Adam remains disconnected to his children. He and his son Dylan barely speak except for when he is handing out discipline. His

daughter Emily is very affectionate and wants to be closer to him, but he won’t let himself be the father he could be to her. Adam meets Ken Bevel, a new deputy, and the dynamic of four officers and a day laborer begins as the foundation of the film. The audience is grabbed at the tense opening scene involving Ken. On a bright, summer afternoon he pulls up to a gas station. As he goes to pick up a squeegee a few feet from his truck, an opportunistic criminal slides into his open door and speeds away. Ken runs after the truck as fast as he can, hops onto the running board and yanks the steering wheel. He holds onto the wheel against all odds while being hit by the thug. About a half mile down the road they crash, the criminal flees the scene, and it is revealed why he fought so hard to hold on to the wheel. His infant child is crying in the rear car seat. It is a powerful beginning whether you are a parent or not. Later as the police arrive, we learn that Ken is a transferring officer who is due to start work with the police at the scene. These four officers Ken, Adam, Shane and David become close friends tied together by their jobs, and their mutual bonds as fathers. The movie explores every aspect of being a father, and what goes through the

minds of good fathers. They discuss their hopes and dreams for themselves and their children. They talk about how their fathers treated or mistreated them. Statistics of fatherless homes are mentioned throughout, and used to drive home the point of

being a better father to your children. The policeman’s motto “to protect and serve” is taken to a whole different level as tragedy strikes Adam’s family. The four men, who have now adopted a new friend Javier, grow even closer and reaffirm the promises they have made to their respec-

Yolanda “YoYo” Carroll

tive families. Virtually every scene of this film is filled with emotion. Whether it’s joy, laughter or tragedy, the movie grips the viewer. Each man is different enough that you will find yourself connected to at least one of them and by the end of the movie all of them. It is very well written and there is no fluff extra scenes - all necessary. I was amazed that one moment you could be tearful and upset, and then the next moment this movie would have the audience laughing out loud. The jokes were hysterical and clean. There is no danger of hearing vulgarity or profanity throughout. The acting was a little imperfect at times, but most of the characters were well represented. The religious aspect of the film could seem a bit overpowering, but knowing the writers you should go into this movie expecting that. This film doesn’t make gentle assertions. It is a movie with a definite agenda. If you have been remiss in your parenting responsibilities, expect that this movie will make you uncomfortable. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked the movie, the characters and the message. It has a great message to all fathers who are doing “good enough” as Shane says in the movie. Why be a good enough father when you can be spectacular. The influence we have over our children is so much more than we know. It is far-reaching into society as a whole. Children are God’s gift. We are privileged to have them and obligated to give back to them and God.


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Four County Catholic June 2011

A Highway of Blessings As I was driving home from work one evening, the unthinkable happened. The nightmare we drivBy Mary Tunison

ers all fear and know will probably occur at some point, but hope it never does. My car broke down in the middle of I-84. I was rolling along, glad to be headed home, mentally reviewing some errands along the way. Suddenly, there was a slight jolt. Hoping it was just a speed shift, I watched in horror as the car decreased in acceleration even though my foot was on the gas pedal. “This could be bad,” I wimpered to myself. To make matters worse, I was in the far left lane. I usually stick to the right but near this point, the far left lane becomes the far right lane after a fork in the road. As cars sped by at 70, 80 miles per hour, I glanced in the rearview mirror wondering how I could edge over to the right shoulder. It was definitely a speed comparison timing thing. On went the emergency lights which fortunately served to alert surrounding drivers of trouble ahead. Cars began to slow down clearing a path to the side of road. My car had just enough “umpf” to get there before it shut down completely. Talk about God’s perfect timing. This was the first indication of God’s protective hand in this upending event. I whipped out my “Emergency Information Sheet” which I had carefully prepared with numbers to call in just such a situation. I dialed my emergency roadside assistance and waited for a response. The automated voice at the other end said, “If this is an emergency, please press 1.” So I pressed 1. It repeated, “If this is an emergency, please press 2.” As it kept repeating the same instructions, I was unable to access a live person. In desperation, I dialed 91-1 and they connected me to the nearest state highway patrol. Within minutes, the highway patrol arrived. When I called my re-

pair shop to ask if they could send a tow truck, the guy said, “Yes, but it would be very inconvenient since they are about to go home for the night.” Not the response I wanted to hear. The policeman on the other hand, was very kind and accommodating. Upon

hearing the mechanic’s response, he called for a tow and even waited patiently with me until it arrived. “So far, so good,” I nervously mused, as thoughts raced through my head as to how I was going to get home. It was now about 5:30 PM. Would the garage wait until

we arrived or close up shop? After their last response, I had my doubts. I climbed into the tow truck and we were off. . . sort of. The tow truck, itself a relic, chugged along at 20 miles per hour. I quipped to the driver, “Ya think we’ll make it?!” The vehicle seemed held together by a wing nut and a prayer. This only added to my exasperation. I whipped out my cell phone to alert the garage of our impending approach but that, too, stopped working. I threw it back into my purse. Without a working phone I won’t be able to find a ride home! It was then that I heard that still small voice inside whisper, “One step at a time, Mary. . .trust Me.” So, I resigned myself to whatever was next. We arrived before 6 PM. The shop was still open, even though they usually close at 5:30 PM and I remembered something very important. About a week ago, a fellow

co-worker, who just happened to live in the same town as the repair shop, had given me her phone number. Using the mechanic’s phone, I dialed. With eyes shut I whispered, “Please, pleeeeeeese answer.” I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard her voice at the other end. She drove me all the way home which, I might add was a good distance. She later shared that she usually has a meeting on that day and time. She also admitted she usually doesn’t always pick up

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the phone when it rings. but something inspired her to do so. When I looked back, I saw all the ways God had been there for me, protecting me with His loving hand and orchestrating everything for my good to bring me safely back home. Mary Tunison works for Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of Hartford, and is a freelance writer, photographer, artist, and graphic designer. She can be contacted at

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Four County Catholic June 2011

St. Patrick Cathedral School, Norwich 860-889-4174

Academic Excellence. Character. Self-confidence.

Sacred Heart School, Taville 860-887-1757 www.sacredheartta Sacred Heart School, Groton 860-445-0611 St. Edward School, Stafford Springs 860-684-2600 St. James School, Danielson 860-774-3281 St. John School, Middletown 860-347-3202 St. John School, Old Saybrook 860-388-0849 St. Joseph School, Baltic 860-822-6141 St. Joseph School, North Grosvenordale 860-923-2090 St. Joseph School, New London 860-442-1720 St. Joseph School, Rockville 860-875-4943 St. Mary School, Middletown 860-347-2978 St. Mary School, New London 860-443-7758 St. Mary-St. Joseph School, Willimantic 860-423-8479 St. Michael School, Pawcatuck 860-599-1084 St. Matthew Pre-School, Tolland 860-872-0200 St. Bernard Pre-School, Rockville 860-875-0475

St. Michael School, Pawcatuck A Tradition of Excellence Nestled in the southeastern corner of the Diocese of Norwich is St. Michael School in Pawcatuck. For over one hundred years, By Sheila Cerjanec Technology Coordinator, Diocesan School Office

the school has offered students, not only from Pawcatuck and Stonington, but also

from neighboring communities along the Connecticut and Rhode Island border, the opportunity to participate and learn in a safe, nurturing and Catholic value-centered environment. The word ‘value’ is key at St. Michael School. The faculty is dedicated to preparing their students to become morally re-

sponsible citizens of the world who live the gospel of Jesus Christ, to love God and others. In keeping with the mission of St. Michael School, community service is required for all middle school students. Students are not merely taught about respect,

St. Michael Continued on page 21

To learn more, contact the Diocesan School Office, 860-887-4086, or contact one of the diocesan schools.


Four County Catholic June 2011

‘Unexpected Harmonies’ in Mother’s Day Requiem Auditioning for Patty Connors’ choir was a prelude to Russ’s audition to be her wife. She By Christina Capecchi Four County Catholic Contributor

said yes to the mild-mannered tenor twice. They have enjoyed 15 years of marriage and music, raising a daughter and a son while chairing their respective departments at St. Catherine University in St. Paul, Minn. – she in music, he in theology. Last March came the news that Stage 4 colorectal cancer had seized Russ’s body, bringing with it a twoyear life expectancy. He kept singing in Patty’s choir, savoring each measure. This March came the news that the chemo wasn’t halting Russ’s cancer. His life expectancy dropped to six months. Russ has lost hair, energy, weight, and, most painful of all, the ability to sing. When it came time for Patty’s choir to perform the premiere of a requiem by Jocelyn Hagen called “Ashes of Roses,� Russ knew he would have to sit it

out. He wrote about the Mother’s Day concert on his CaringBridge journal. “I have a prayer for Patty about this, one I have been praying for a while: I pray that she will so lose herself in this beautiful music, get so involved in making something beautiful happen, that for the hour or so that it takes to perform, she can give away all the anxieties and worries that she is living with so bravely.� Bravely, indeed: 56 and facing what was likely her last Mother’s Day with her husband, preparing to conduct a requiem with Mass parts for the dead. Patty opened her heart to the rainy Sunday, receiving gifts over breakfast and attending the 8:30 a.m. Mass at Holy Spirit before slipping away to study the sevenmovement score. At 3 p.m. she stepped onto the stage, wearing black and smiling, and she wished the audience a happy Mother’s Day. She would’ve selected another Sunday to perform, but that’s what was available and there she stood, poised and elegant. There Russ sat, son at his side,

St. Michael Continued from page 20 caring for others, and good character formation, they are expected to live it. This year’s seventh graders have been pen pals with residents at the Pendleton Rehabilitation Center in Mystic since they were in fourth grade. This regular interaction with the elderly, is enjoyed equally by all. Residents look forward to receiving the letters and replying if able. From this experience, students learn a lesson in giving of themselves that will hopefully stay with them for the rest of their lives. The school offers a challenging curriculum that is tailored to meet all students’ needs. All core subjects are offered as well as art, music, physical education and technology education. The study of the French language begins in kindergarten and continues through grade eight. This continual emersion in one world language for nine years provides students with a sound base for future study in high school and college. Students in seventh and eighth

grade also have the unique opportunity to study Latin, with the Pastor, Rev. Dennis Perkins. On the athletic fields, in addition to regular physical education classes, the school has both a boys’ and a girls’ basketball team, a boys’ and girls’ cross country team, and most recently added soccer for boys and girls in grades four through eight. This year, school thespians in grades six through eight performed in a production of the classic, The Phantom Tollbooth, a delightful and amusing adventure story, on June 3, 2011, at The Stonington Community Center. Most recently, Mikaela Mahar, an eighth grader won first place in the regional Modern American Woodman Oration Contest held at St. Mary-St. Joseph School in Willimantic. The topic this year was “An American Invention�. Mikaela will now go on to represent St. Michael School and the region in the State finals.

head in his hand, eyes on his wife. She raised her baton and ushered in a low tremble from the cello. Soon the choir was chanting, “Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine� – “Grant unto them eternal rest, Lord.� Conducting the requiem consumed Patty and answered Russ’s prayer. “It’s thrilling to work with so many musicians,� she told me the next morning. “I did lose myself in the music.� Patty described the requiem’s “tricky rhythms and unexpected harmonies.� The orchestra rarely plays in the same harmony as the choir, resulting in dissonance. The meter and tempo shift often, and

even within the same meter, she said, you’ve got “triplets and duplets and quadruplets and septu-

plets to negotiate.� Just as soon as a pattern is established, it changes. For Patty the requiem’s joy is tethered to its complexity. “It demands such absorption and rewards one for that,� she said. What a brave response to life’s changing patterns: inhale deeply, dig in your heels and listen for unexpected harmonies. One of Patty’s favorite movements in the requiem is the last

one, “Lux Aeterna,� eternal light. It begins with a trumpet fanfare, “like a joyous march into heaven,� she said, and then the upper strings dive in – first violins, second violins, violas, each group divided in half. “That makes six different parts playing a sixteenth note and each of them begins an eighth note apart. It’s very challenging but it creates a shimmering effect.� When those bows flew, you could feel an ascent. Russ lifted his head and Patty leaned forward, unafraid. Christina Capecchi is a freelance writer from Inver Grove Heights, Minn. She can be reached at

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Four County Catholic June 2011

St. Bernard Grads Celebrate Years of Camaraderie Mingling with “unforgettable” classmates in a close-knit learning environment is what Class PresiBy Patricia Daddona/The Day

Graduates throw their caps in the air after the 53rd commencement exercises of Saint Bernard School at the Cathedral of St. Patrick in Norwich. Abigail Pheiffer/e Day

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dent Mark Baillargeon said he treasured most when he addressed St. Bernard High School's Class of 2011 Friday night. The relatively small class of 74 graduates from the Uncasville Catholic school listened intently after receiving their diplomas at St. Patrick's Cathedral - the young women dressed in red caps and gowns, the young men in slate gray. David Scott is class valedictorian; Erin Amarello is salutatorian. “Today, I can easily go to any lunch table and talk to my classmates and not feel uncomfortable at all,” Baillargeon said. “That's what makes this class so special.” He joked that each 42-minute class “seemed like an eternity,” yet four years of study “flew by.” His classmate, Class Orator JaJai Quinn, an honor student, musician, tennis player and cross country runner, said she owed her success to the school itself, and received an exceptional education because of dedicated teachers filled with “compassion, simple trust (and) zeal.” Bishop Michael R. Cote related Pope Benedict's recent discussion of the Gospel of St. Mark, in which a young, wealthy man asks Jesus Christ, “What must I do to

gain everlasting life?” The answer, “Come follow me,” can be found in every graduate's quest to live life to the fullest while asking themselves that singular question, Cote said.”What makes a life successful,” he said, is to “never be afraid to ask those questions, because they reflect the depth of your heart.” Before the ceremony got under

said. Graduation “is a big accomplishment for him,” Blevons said. After the ceremony, Ryan Newsome of Mystic and Amarello of Griswold described plans to attend the University of Connecticut at Avery Point and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, respectively. Amarello, who pulled down a handful of top awards in disci-

Graduate Hillary Gannon gets a kiss from her mother, Torylynn Gannon, after Hillary presented Torylynn with a medallion for alumni parents at the 53rd Commencement Exercises of Saint Bernard School. way, Scott Blevons of Canterbury said his stepson, Zachary Pierce, has matured while at St. Bernard's. The 6'9” Pierce will be attending the University of Pennsylvania on a partial basketball scholarship and participate in youth ministries, his stepfather

plines that included science and math, said her high school career went by fast.”It's kind of bittersweet,” added Newsome, “but at the same time, it's really great to know we've all gone together through these years. It really means a lot to me. It's joyful.”

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Four County Catholic June 2011

Lenehan and Neal Lead Xavier Class of 2011 Xavier High School Announces Valedictorian and Salutatorian Middletown, CT, May 16, 2011: Brother Brian Davis, C.F.X, Headmaster of Xavier High School, and Principal Brendan Donohue have announced the names of the two seniors who will represent the Class of 2011 as valedictorian and salutatorian. They are Patrick J. Lenehan of Cheshire, valedictorian, and John Oliver Neal of Haddam, salutatorian. Patrick J. Lenehan ranks first among the members of this year’s graduating class and will deliver the valedictory address at graduation on May 22. Patrick achieved a perfect 4.33 GPA (grade point average) while taking the most rigorous curriculum offered at Xavier High School. A member of the National Honor Society and member of the Spanish Honor Society, he is a recipient of the Brother Celestine Award for Academic Excellence. The 2010 recipient of the CT Association of Schools Governor's Scholar Award, Patrick was also a member of the math team and attended the Xavier Leadership Institute (XLI). He also participated in athletics in his four years at Xavier playing football in his freshman year and all 4 years on both the Basketball and Baseball teams. Patrick was chosen as Captain in his senior year both in Basketball and Baseball and was named Scholar Athlete for 2011 by the New Haven Tap-off Club. He is the son of Kevin and Mary Lenehan of Cheshire and has been accepted in the B.S. and M.D.

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T h e second ranking graduate of the class is John Oliver Neal. He will give the welcoming address at the Xavier graduation. Oliver is a member of the National Honor Society and member of the Latin Honor Society and also is a recipi-

ent of the Brother Celestine Award for Academic Excellence. While also completing Xavier's most demanding curriculum, which included 9 Advanced Placement course credits over 3 years, Oliver's final GPA was 4.22. He was a member of the math team, a member of the Jazz Band, ran with the Cross Country team as a freshman and participated in Model Court and Students for Life as a junior. He has been a member of the Sailing team for 4 years and was named a Team Captain in his senior year. The son of David and Sarah Neal of Haddam, Oliver is planning to attend Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada and considering a major in Biology.

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Four County Catholic June 2011

Mercy High School Valedictorian and Salutatorian Announced

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Sr. Mary A. McCarthy RSM, Principal of Mercy High School has announced the Valedictorian and Salutatorian for the Class of 2011. Julia Kelly is the 2011 Valedictorian, having attained the highest academic average in her class. Julia is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Kelly of South Glastonbury. Julia is an exceptionally distinguished student who has received numerous department awards for outstanding achievement. Julia was named a Finalist in the 2011 National Merit Scholarship Program, an honor bestowed on less than one percent of the 1.5 million

high school students participating in the program in their junior year. In addition, Julia was one of only thirty students in Connecticut to be named a Governor’s Scholar. She also received the Harvard Book

Aw a rd , is an AP Scholar and a recipient of the Mercy High School Merit Scholarship for the last four years. Julia is an active member of both her school


Principal Search Sacred Heart School

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Sacred Heart Parish in Groton, Connecticut and the Diocesan School Office of the Diocese of Norwich have begun a search process for a new principal at Sacred Heart School. The projected start date for this position is July 1, 2011.

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Principal application may be found on the Diocesan School Office website: under Career Opportunities.

FUNERAL HOMES 12 Ocean Avenue New London, CT 443-1871

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and local communities. In addition to her involvement in the Mercy High School community, Julia has volunteered numerous hours to the “I Have a Friend” youth center, the John Barry School Project, United for Sight Glasses Collection, and the W. Alton Jones Community Service Camp. Julia will be attending Brown University in the fall. Julia Kannam is the Salutatorian of the Class of 2010. Julia is a resident of Durham, and the daughter of Thomas and Heather Kannam. Julia has been an outstanding scholar during her four years at Mercy High School and has received numerous academic awards. Julia has distinguished herself as the recipient of the Yale University Book Award, the President’s Volunteer Service Award, the Challenge to Educational Citizenship Award, and the Comcast Leaders and Achievers Scholarship. She was a National Merit Scholarship Program Semifinalist, and has received awards for excellence on the National Latin Exam. In addition, she recently received the prestigious Girl Scout Gold Award, the highest honor a Girl Scout can earn. At Mercy, Julia is a member of the National Honor Society, serving as the Vice President of Committees. Her extracurricular activities include among other things the Mercy High School Show Choir, Chamber Choir, Peer Ministry, Sign Language Club, and the Mercy Ambassadors. An involved member of the community, Julia has volunteered extensively at “I Have a Friend” youth center, as a Sunday school teacher, and as an Acolyte at the Church of the Epiphany in Durham. She is also an Assistant Director at the Community Theater and works as a piano teacher. In the fall, Julia will be attending Dartmouth College.


Four County Catholic June 2011


Serving All Faiths • Pre-Need Arrangements Traditional Services or Cremations Directors, Joseph R. Introvigne, Joseph R. Introvigne, Jr. 51 East Main St. Stafford Springs, CT


West Main Street • Baltic, Connecticut

INDIVIDUALIZED TUTORING All Ages Welcome! Classes now in session 9AM - 7PM

e traditional May Crowning of Mary took place at Saint Joseph Church in New London at the 10:30 AM Mass on Mother's Day May 8th, 2011. e May Queen was Jacqueline Puccio and the Crown Bearer was John Moreshead. e crowning culminated a memorable weekend for both of these CCD students. ey had received their First Holy Communion on the previous day, Saturday, May 7th, 2011. Photo by Phil Twomey

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Four County Catholic June 2011

Go Red for Pentecost

by Karen H Whiting

June 8 World Ocean Day. Enjoy a visit to the ocean or play with water and enjoy some fish. June 19 Trinity Sunday when we remember the three persons in one God. June 22 Feast of the Body and Blood of Jesus, called Corpus Christi in Latin and a day to be thankful for communion. Have an agape meal to celebrate. June 30 Day to recall first martyrs of the church. Read about the persecution of Christians in Acts 12:1-19. Herod had James killed, but God sent angels to help Peter escape.

What’s In A Name? We have a name, nicknames, and names that describe us (like sister, student, or son) God promised to send Jesus and gave Jesus many names, titles, and descriptions, some given long before his birth. Match up the names below. 1. Isaiah prophesied this royal name 2. A type of building block 3. Gabriel told Mary her son would be called this 4. Angels told this name to the shepherds 5. The magi were called this name. 6. Called this as a descendant of King David 7. God the Father called this name at Jesus’ baptism 8. Jesus called himself this name 9. Called this in a Psalm (and in songs we sing) 10. Words that mean he always existed 11. Peter called him this name 12. Means God is With Us-name told to a prophet 13. Pharisees and Jewish leaders called Him this Hints: These names are found in these verses: Isaiah 9:6 Luke 1:32 Matthew 16:16 Luke 1:35 Luke 2:11 Matthew 2:1-2 Psalm 24:7 Psalm 118:12 John 10:11 Revelation 21:6 Matthew 1:23 Isaiah 7:14

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A. The Son of God B. Immanuel C. the Christ D. King of the Jews E. fellow (or man) F. Chief corner stone G. King of Glory H. Alpha & omega I. My Beloved Son J. Good Shepherd K. Savior L. Root of Jesse M. Prince of Peace Matthew 3:17 Isaiah 11:10 Matthew 1:23 Matthew 12:24

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• Wear red • Decorate a baseball cap or hair band with red and orange pins and ribbon streamers • Make a red swirling jar of fun: Fill a clear jar ¾ full of water and add 4-6 drops of red food coloring. Fill the jar almost to the top with cooking oil and let stand a few minutes. Sprinkle a spoonful of kosher salt on top and watch the salt pull some of the oil to the bottom. Once the salt dissolves, the oil bubbles back to the surface creating a bubbling effect. Add more salt and watch it again! • Shower story telling. Make colored soap and draw flames on the bathtub walls (not on tiles or grout) when taking a bath. Mix ¼ cup baby shampoo with 1 tablespoon Cornstarch and pour into sections of an ice-cube tray. Mix drops of red or orange food coloring into the different sections to make both red and yellow soap crayons. Use fingers or paintbrush to draw flames. • Edible gelatin flames. Cut oranges in half and scoop out the insides. Mix red food coloring and pour into empty orange halves. Refrigerate until set. Slice into wedges for flame shapes. • Make flaming notes. Cut red and orange paper into flame shapes and write notes telling others about Jesus and your faith.

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Answer Key: 1M 2F 3A 4K 5D 6L 7I 8J 9G 10H 11C 12B 13E

Did you know?

Flaming tongues, speaking one language while people hear it in their own, and a rush of wind all showed the moving of the Holy Spirit that happened on Pentecost. On the inside the disciples and other followers felt different. They felt brave and gladly shared their faith. Prepare to celebrate Pentecost that will be on June 12. Choose some of these ideas and gather what you need now. Then at Pentecost enjoy them:

FCC June 2011_FCC June 2010 6/7/2011 12:03 PM Page 27


Four County Catholic June 2011

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Four County Catholic June 2011

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In this photo released by Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, Pope Benedict XVI talks with astronauts, at the Vatican, Saturday, May 21, 2011. The 12 astronauts circling the Earth received a call from Pope Benedict XVI, the first-ever papal call to space. The pope addressed the shuttle and station crews from the Vatican. The pope said he admired the astronauts' courage, discipline and commitment. AP Photo/L'Osservatore Romano

Pope Speaks with Space Station Astronauts FR. AL FONTANA’S

Pilgrimage to Italy



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VATICAN CITY - Saturday, May 21, 2011, Benedict XVI held a conversation with the group of cosmonauts and astronauts aboard the International Space Station, on the occasion of the space shuttle Endeavour's last mission. From a room in the Vatican's Apostolic Palace, the Pope could see the astronauts on a television screen while they could only hear his voice on an audio channel. During the conversation, the Holy Father asked the astronauts five questions. The first: “When you are contemplating the Earth from up there, do you ever wonder about the way nations and people live together down here, or about how science can contribute to the cause of peace?”. United States astronaut Mark Kelly answered that from space, you cannot see the borders between the nations, but “we realize


Four County Catholic June 2011

that people fight with each other Benedict XVI asked if, “in the and there is a lot of violence in midst of your intense work and this world ... The science and the research”, the astronauts ever stop technology that we put into the and reflect on the mystery of creSpace Station to develop a solar ation - perhaps even to say a power capability, gives us pretty prayer to the Creator? The Italian much an unlimited amount of en- astronaut Roberto Vittori, who ergy. And if those technologies before leaving for space had recould be ceived a medal adapted more from Benedict from space, you on Earth, we XVI representcannot see the could possibly ing the Creborders between reduce some of ation of Man that violence”. as painted by the nations While emMichelangelo phasizing “the responsibility we on the Sistine Chapel ceiling, reall have towards the future of our sponded. On seeing the beauty of planet”, the Pope asked how the the planet, he said, “I do pray: I astronauts see Earth's situation do pray for me, for our families, from their “extraordinary observa- for our future”. tion point?”. The Pope addressed his fifth United States astronaut Ron and final question to the Italian Garan answered that, “we can see astronaut Paolo Nespoli, assuring how indescribably beautiful the him of his prayers for the astroplanet that we have been given is; naut's recently deceased mother but on the other hand, we can re- and asking him how he was living ally clearly see how fragile it is”. through this time of sorrow; if on

the station he felt “far away and isolated, if you suffer a sense of separation or if you feel united to and included in a community that accompanies you with care and affection?”. Thanking the pontiff for his prayers on the death of his mother, Nespoli agreed that, being outside the world, “we have a vantage point to see the Earth and to feel everything around us”. The Holy Father concluded the conversation by thanking them for “this wonderful opportunity to meet and dialogue with you. You have helped me and many other people to reflect together on important issues that regard the future of humanity. I

wish you the very best for your work and for the success of your great mission at the service of sci-

ence, international collaboration, authentic progress, and for peace in the world”.



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Four County Catholic June 2011

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Public Rosary in San Francisco to Draw Thousands Fifty years after a 1961 public Rosary gathered over half a million people in San Francisco, a By Marianne Medlin Catholic News Agency

Catholic lay group is organizing the same event for October of 2011. Rally organizers told CNA on June 1 that “thousands” of Catholic faithful are expected. On October 15, the Bay Area chapter of the Legion of Mary – an international community of lay Catholics – will host their Family Rosary Crusade. The event will be held in San Francisco’s Civic Center Plaza, starting at noon. The keynote address will be delivered by Father Andrew Apostoli, C.F.R., a co-founder of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, and a well-known television presenter and author. David Marten, head of the Legion’s board for the Archdiocese of San Francisco, said that every year “the Legion of Mary tries to contribute one significant event to the archdiocese.” “This year, our object is to foster devotion to the Blessed Mother and to Jesus Christ,”

Marten said. “We hope we can accomplish this by witnessing in a very p u b l i c place.” In the 1950s and 60s, Holy Cross priest Fa t h e r Patrick Peyton led Rosary events in Father Patrick Peyton addresses the San Francisco Family c o u n t r i e s Rosary Rally, October 7, 1961. across the globe. This year marks the rally,” Fr. Goode remembered. the 50th anniversary of the “Fr. Peyton was an amazing priest, record-breaking 1961 Rosary a friend of movie stars and celebriRally at the Polo Fields in San ties, yet he always remained very simple.” Francisco’s Golden Gate Park. Fr. Goode said that although That event drew 550,000 people, making it one of the largest the 2011 Rosary Crusade honors gatherings in the history of San the work of Fr. Peyton several decades ago, this year's event seeks Francisco. Fr. Lawrence Goode, the Le- to emphasize the importance of gion of Mary’s spiritual director, prayer in today's world. “You know, it was Fr. Peyton recalled Fr. Peyton's charisma and personal character when he par- who popularized the phrase ‘the family that prays together stays ticipated in the 1961 event. “In those days, we went door- together.’ His idea is even more to-door inviting people to attend relevant today than it was then.”

Spanish Royalty Meet With World Youth Day Organizers Soccer Club Atlético Madrid to Host Celebrity Match on Final Day Madrid, Spain, June 2, 2011 - From the Spanish royal family to the royalty of the soccer world, World Youth Day organizers are receiving a wave of well wishes and collaboration from Spanish celebrities. Earlier this week the Prince and Princess of Asturias, the heirs to the Spanish throne, received representatives of the World Youth Day Organizing Committee and the Madrid Vivo Foundation to

show their support and enthusiasm for the work these organizations are doing to prepare for the event, which is set to take place Aug. 16-21 in Madrid. The prince and princess remarked on the great social significance of World Youth Day, which will be a unique opportunity for Spain and its capital city. Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco, the archbishop of Madrid and president of the youth day or-

ganizing committee, spoke to the royal couple of the “many young people from around the world who will come to World Youth Day and discover a vision of hope and joy for a life in which the 'civilization of love' is not merely a utopia.” As a sign of their affection, organizers presented the Prince and Princess of Asturias with World Youth Day T-shirts for their daughters, and a World Youth


Four County Catholic June 2011

Day watch for each of them. The Prince of Asturias, Felipe of Spain, was in Rome for the recent beatification of Pope John Paul II, where he bid farewell to Benedict XVI with the words, “Holy Father, we await you in Madrid!” ¡Gracias! In other World Youth Day news, the Foundation of the Atlético de Madrid soccer team, along with the World Youth Day organizers, revealed that a celebrity soccer match will take place on the final day youth event. The initiative, titled “¡Gracias!” (Thank You!), will feature a faceoff between a select group of former soccer players and others

from around the world at the Vicente Calderón Stadium. Enrique Cerezo, president of the Atlético de Madrid team, affirmed that “being able to contribute to events of this magnitude is always an extraordinary opportunity.” “World Youth Day,” he continued, “has an understanding of solidarity that goes hand-inhand with the ideals of the Foundation Atlético de Madrid, and it gives young people the chance to have a fulfilling experience in transmitting the message of solidarity.” The sporting event will be open to the public, and not only

to the participants of World Youth Day, and the proceeds will go toward funding World Youth Day and to a charity project carried out in collaboration with the Foundation Atlético de Madrid. The match will feature soccer stars such as Paolo Futre (Portugal), Fernando Hierro (Spain), Milinko Pantic (Serbia), Luis Milla (Spain), Fernando Sanz (Spain), Fran González (Spain), Fabio Celestini (Switzerland), Diego Tristán (Spain), Albert Celades (Spain), Gheorghe 'Gica' Craioveanu (Romania), Donato Gama da Silva (Brazil), Antonio 'Toni' Muñoz (Spain), Santiago Denia (Spain), Noureddine Naybet (Morocco), Kiko Narvaez (Spain), Ricardo Gallego (Spain), “Lobo” Carrasco (Spain), Thomas Nkono (Cameroon), Veljko Paunovic (Serbia) and others. There are currently about 400,000 young people from 182 countries registered for World Youth Day in Madrid.

Foster/Adopt Connecticut

We All Have Love to G

The Department of Children and Families needs foster famil adoptive families for children of all ages. We are looking for experienced parents who are able to care for and work with adolescents who have experienced abuse and/or neglect an of special care. Homes are especially needed for children years old. During our Open House, we will give description care program in which parents are asked to provide tempor special needs children in our care and of the special needs a Tuesday June 21 at 7:00 pm Waterford Public Library 15 Rope Ferry Road Waterford, CT (English/Spanish) Tuesday July 12 at 7:00 pm Colchester Town Hall 127 Norwich Avenue Colchester, CT

Tuesday June 28 at 7:00 pm DCF 2 Courthouse Square Norwich, CT

Wednesday July 6 at 7:00 pm Dime Bank 290 Salem Turnpike Norwich, CT

Wednesday July 13 at 7:00 pm Waterford Public Library 15 Rope Ferry Road Waterford, CT (English/Spanish)

Thursday July 28 at 7:00 pm Montville Youth Services 289 Norwich NL Tpke. Uncasville, CT

If you or someone you know are interested, please attend one of the informational meetings listed above. (For couples, both partners are encouraged to attend.) For more information, call 1 888 KID HERO. Los clases se ofrecen en español. Para mayor informa ción sobre la fecha y el lugar llame a Guadalupe R. Pillars al: 860 213 0763 (Spanish Only).

IMMACULATA RETREAT HOUSE A Ministry of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate 289 Windham Road, Rte. 32 Willimantic, Connecticut

Centering Prayer Retreat with Fr. William Sheehan O.M.I.

As we reflect upon our desire to grow in our relationship with God, it can be helpful to recall Jesus' words, "But when you pray go to your inner room, close the door and pray to Your Father in secret …” We invite you to join us for this contemplative prayer retreat in an atmos phere of silence and solitude. Fr. Sheehan is widely respected for his long experience in the practice and teaching of Centering Prayer. Wednesday, August 24th to Tuesday, August 30th 2011 Offering: $450. per person, including $50 nonrefundable deposit.

Our Lady of Peace 30th Anniversary of Medjugorje

Blessing of the Bikes Saturday, June 11, 2011 at 11:00 am Dodd Stadium • Norwich, CT • Gates Open at 9:00 am $10.00 Donation per bike • $5.00 for riders requested Bike Show! • Great Food! • Refreshments! Collector's Pins, Patches, T-Shirts, and more!

Please join us for an afternoon of prayer, testimonies, adoration, and Mass. Refreshments provided. Sunday, June 26th 2:00 to 5:00 PM Space is limited, so please call for reservations. Free will donation.

Retreat for Married Couples

Friday, September 16th to Sunday, September 18th 2011 Enjoy a weekend designed to renew and rejuvenate your relationship as a married couple. Facilitated by Oblate staff and married couples. Offering: $320 per couple.

To register or for more information: Phone: 860-423-8484 or e-mail:


Four County Catholic June 2011

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