Volume 25 Number 6
To carry out the ministry of Christ the Priest with constant joy and genuine love.
Po Francis
2012 ~ 2013
Reverend Brian Christopher Maxwell, Ordained to Priesthood on May 25, 2013, by the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich at the Cathedral of saint Patrick, Norwich
Four County Catholic June 2013
are what keep 22 us Values together over the years.
Four County
atholic at c
- Philomena Buscetto, Orator, St. Bernard School class of 2013, at graduation exercises speaking to classmates of life’s lessons learned at SBS.
Serving the Counties of Middlesex New London Tolland Windham & Fishers Island NY
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There’s something intrinsically connected between trust and love.
- Mary Tunison, Four County Catholic contributor, describing the tie between faith and love of God.
Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Bishop of Norwich
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A husband and wife enter 24 into ‘so holy a mystery’. - Cristina Capecchi recalling the words from the Catholic nuptial blessing, portraying the holiness and mystery of marriage that deepen over time.
We need to see the light of 29 hope and bring it to others. - Bishop Cote sharing a message from The Holy Father, Pope Francis, of hope and new evangelization.
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Four County Catholic June 2013
The Most Reverend
Michael R. Cote, D.D.
Bishop of Norwich
A Legacy of Faith & Hope My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: This has been quite the year of recalling the history of the diocese dating back to its inauguration in 1953. It has been a time to reflect on who we are and how much we have grown in numbers, outreach and spiritual strength over these sixty years. Our jubilee anniversary and the Year of Faith remind us how everything we have experienced, overcome and celebrated has made us stronger and more appreciative of the Lord’s mercy and kindness. Looking back to the earliest moments, we began as a rural community of faith with 55 parishes serving 120,000 parishioners. Today, we are a diocesan family of 76 parishes with more than double the original number of parishioners, and a diocesan school system educating nearly 5,000 children a year. We live, of course, in challenging times. We must face the complexities and distractions of technology, the violence and disrespect for precious life in our culture, the erosion of family values in an increasingly secular society, a struggling economy and labor market, and encroachment on our religious liberty. Formidable challenges. Resilient and faith-centered as we are, however, we live in hope and are up to the challenges. We will let faith lead the way. It will sustain us.
There is much for us to cele- and many more acts of charity and a.m. in the newly restored Cathebrate and so much for which we love of neighbor across the diocese dral of St. Patrick. Please join me are grateful. Amid the social tur- reflect the loving Ministry of Jesus. and your pastors, religious, fellow moil, we the Diocese of Norwich Faith in action is a joy to behold. parishioners and invited guests in have steadily inthis special diocecreased our outsan Eucharistic reach to those Celebration. How most in need in fitting to have the our communities. opportunity to exCatholic Charities perience the magis now providing nificently restored assistance and Cathedral as we recomfort to over member the 7,000 households founding of the a year – helping Diocese. Together, Catholic and nonwe will pray that The Diocese of Norwich to celebrate Catholic families we will stay everwith basic needs, resolved to bring behavioral health, the Light of Christ adoption services, our Savior to housing assistance wherever shadows and The and expanded imand darkness need Rededication of the Newly Restored migration services. the illumination of Cathedral of Saint Patrick At the same time, compassion and we are continuing understanding. to reach out to our This we pray. twinned parishes We also celeCathedral of Saint Patrick, Norwich in Haiti to save brate the recent or10:30 a.m. lives and nourish dination to the spirits. Closer to Holy Priesthood The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote D.D., home in Middleof Father Brian Bishop of Norwich, Principal Celebrant and homilist. town and NorMaxwell. We welwich, the St. come Father Brian All parishioners and friends of the Diocese are welcome to Vincent de Paul into the presbyterattend and experience the unity of faith that has made the ministries are servate at this imporDiocese of Norwich a vital and loving community these 60 years. ing over 450 hot tant time in our meals a day to the continuing hishungry and jobless. Their food With joy and thanksgiving, our tory. We pray Father Brian will, pantries and Project Northeast are Diocese will celebrate a special through the years, manifest God’s providing food supplies daily to 60th Jubilee Mass of Thanksgiv- love for every person. hundreds more families. These ing, Saturday, July 27, at 10:30 We are further grateful for the
A 60th Anniversary Mass of Thanksgiving
Saturday, July 27, 2013
ordination this past weekend of Deacon Martin J. Noe to the Transitional Diaconate. Our prayers and congratulations are with Deacon Martin on this happy occasion. This is a new beginning for the diocese with respect to the replenishing of priests we so need. Another reason we remain filled with hope going forward, whatever the challenges of the day. One of the joys of honoring the past is knowing that the efforts of those who came before have created a legacy on which to build and derive hope for the future. So it has been with the determined and generous founding efforts of the laity, clergy, educators, those who serve in ministry and Bishops before me in the now 60-year old Diocese of Norwich. I am honored to have this significant tribute to the good people of the Diocese take place while I am the diocesan shepherd. I look forward to expressing my gratitude and that of the entire Diocese at the Jubilee Mass of Thanksgiving on July 27. I am further grateful to be with you on that day within the welcoming sanctuary of the restored Cathedral of St. Patrick, a standing tribute to love of God and the joy of being in service to Him. Sincerely yours in Christ’s love, Bishop Michael R. Cote
Un Legado Fundacional de fe y Esperanza Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas: Este ha sido verdaderamente el año para recordar la historia de la diócesis que se remonta a su inauguración en 1953. Ha sido un
tiempo para reflexionar sobre lo que somos y lo mucho que hemos crecido en números, extensión y fuerza espiritual sobre estos sesenta años. Nuestro aniversario
de conmemoración y el Año de la Fe nos recuerdan cómo todo lo que hemos experimentado, superado y celebrado nos han hecho más fuertes y más capaces de apre-
ciar la misericordia y la bondad del Señor. Mirando hacia atrás a los primeros momentos, empezamos como una comunidad de fe rural
con 55 parroquias sirviendo a 120.000 feligreses. Hoy en día, somos una familia diocesana de Fundacional de fe y Esperanza
Continued on page 4
Four County Catholic June 2013
Fundacional de fe y Esperanza Continued from page 3 76 parroquias con más del doble del número original de feligreses, y con un sistema de escuelas diocesanas educando cerca de 5.000 niños al año. Por supuesto, vivimos, en tiempos difíciles. Debemos enfrentar las dificultades y las distracciones impuestas a nosotros por la tecnología, la violencia y la falta de respeto en nuestra cultura por la valiosa vida, el deterioro de los valores de la familia en una sociedad más secular, una constante lucha en la economía y en el mer-
cado de trabajo, y el abuso a nuestra libertad religiosa. No es exactamente 1953. Resistentes y centrados en la fe como somos, no obstante, vivimos en la esperanza y estamos a la altura de los desafíos. Dejaremos que la fe conduzca el camino. Nos sostendrá. Para nosotros hay mucho por celebrar y mucho por lo que estamos agradecidos. En medio del desorden social, nosotros la Diócesis de Norwich constantemente hemos aumentado nuestra extensión a los más necesitados en
nuestras comunidades. Caridades Católicas ahora están prestando asistencia y consuelo a más de 8.000 hogares al año-ayudando a familias católicas como no católicas con necesidades básicas, salud mental, servicios de adopción y ampliados servicios de inmigración. Al mismo tiempo, para salvar vidas y alimentar almas continuamos llegando a nuestras parroquias hermanadas en Haití. Más cerca de casa en Middletown y en Norwich, los ministerios de San Vicente De Paul están
Diocese of Norwich Pilgrimage to Greece and Rome With Bishop Michael R. Cote
~ November 16 to 25, 2013 ~ For information or reservations call Rebecca McDougal at 860 887 9294.
ost Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, will lead a 10-day pilgrimage to Rome and the historic cities of Corinth and Thessaloniki, Greece, as well as the ancient city of Ephesus. When in Rome, enjoy a panoramic sightseeing tour of the Palazzo Venezia, the Circus Maximus, the Forum, the Arch of Constantine and the Colosseum. The group will attend the Closing Ceremonies for the Year of Faith in Vatican City. Price includes local bus to/from JFK Airport, airfare, four-star hotels, departure lunch, all tips; also, breakfast and dinner daily, and departure tax and fuel surcharge.
través de los años, Padre Brian manifestará el amor de Dios por cada persona. Este es un nuevo comienzo para la diócesis para iniciar la reposición de sacerdotes que tanto necesitamos. Otra razón por la que seguimos llenos de esperanza en el futuro, independientemente de los desafíos del día. Una de las alegrías de honrar el pasado es saber que los esfuerzos de aquellos que vinieron antes han creado un legado en el cual construir y obtener esperanza para el futuro. La Diócesis de Norwich de ahora 60 años así ha sido fundada con el decidido y generoso esfuerzo de los laicos, clero, educadores, profesionales del ministerio y obispos antes que yo. Me siento honrado de que este significativo homenaje a la buena gente de la diócesis tenga lugar mientras yo soy el pastor diocesano. Espero con ilusión expresar mi gratitud y la de toda la diócesis en la misa de aniversario de Acción de Gracias el 27 de julio. Además agradezco el estar con ustedes en ese día dentro del santuario de bienvenida de la majestuosa restaurada catedral de St. Patrick, un vigente homenaje al amor de Dios y a la alegría de estar al servicio de Él. Sinceramente, en el amor de Cristo, Obispo Michael R. Cote Translated by Paulina Angulo
Clergy Appointments The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, has made the following clergy and diocesan appointments in the Diocese of Norwich:
Cost of Tour: $3,899.00 pp double occupancy $300.00 deposit required $239.00 optional travel insurance (paid with deposit) $450.00 single supplement (limited number) Reservations must be made by August 13, 2013.
sirviendo más de 400 comidas calientes al día a los pobres y a los sin empleo. Sus despensas y Proyecto Noreste están proporcionando suministros de alimentos diarios a cientos más familias. Estos y muchos más actos de caridad y amor al prójimo a través de la diócesis reflejan el amoroso Ministerio de Jesús. Es una alegría contemplar la fe en acción. Con alegría y agradecimiento, nuestra Diócesis celebrará el sexagésimo aniversario con una Misa especial de Acción de Gracias el sábado, 27 de julio a las 10:30a.m. en la recién restaurada Catedral de St. Patrick. Por favor, únanse a mí y a sus sacerdotes, religiosos, feligreses e invitados en esta especial celebración eucarística diocesana. Que adecuado tener la oportunidad de experimentar la catedral magníficamente restaurada al recordar la fundación de la diócesis. Juntos, oraremos para que se nos de la gracia para continuar sosteniendo nuestra familia diocesana y permanecer por siempre resueltos a llevar la luz de Cristo nuestro Salvador, a donde las sombras y la oscuridad necesitan la iluminación de la compasión y la comprensión. Esto pedimos. También, celebramos la reciente ordenación del Padre Brian Maxwell al Santo Sacerdocio. En este importante momento en nuestra continua historia damos la bienvenida a Padre Brian al presbiterado. Oramos que, a
Reverend John Gallagher, OFM Cap, Administrator, Saint Francis of Assisi Parish, Middletown, while continuing as Pastor, Saint Pius X Parish, Middletown. Effective: June 3, 2013. 2012 ~ 2013
Reverend Brian Maxwell, Newly ordained, to Saint Bernard Parish, Rockville, Parochial Vicar. Effective: June 13, 2013. ~ Monsignor Robert L. Brown, Chancellor ~
Four County Catholic June 2013
Director of Priestly Vocations
Reverend Gregory Galvin Praised be Jesus Christ the great High Priest! Praised be God our Father through whom in unity with the Holy Spirit our prayers have been heard and continue to be answered! On Saturday, May 25, 2013 at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick in Norwich, the Diocese of Norwich celebrated the priestly ordination of Father Brian Maxwell. It was a glorious day for Father Maxwell and for his family and friends as well as for our diocesan family. In a nearly completely renovated Cathedral, awash with spectacular color and brightness, more than three hundred people gathered to celebrate the first of three ordinations for men who have been dedicating their time the last few years in preparing to answer God’s call to serve His Church and family as one of his priests. Following the Ordination Mass, Father Maxwell remained at the Cathedral giving his first priestly blessing until three in the afternoon.
On Sunday morning, May 26, at the 11:30 a.m. morning Mass at Saint Bernard Church in Rockville, Father Maxwell celebrated his first Mass as the main celebrant with seven priests concelebrating and several of the seminarians of the diocese serving. Father Maxwell commented to me that morning that all day Saturday he felt like he was in a cloud! He was so very happy and you could see it in his face and hear it in his voice. The excitement continued as on June 8, 2013, at the church of Saints Peter and Paul in Norwich, Mr. Martin Noe was ordained to the transitional diaconate by Bishop Cote. Martin has worked hard the last three years and now will take the first step of Holy Orders as he continues to prepare to ready himself for priestly ordination sometime in 2014. This coming October, Jonathan Ficara will hopefully also be ordained a transitional deacon and will, God willing, be called to priesthood along with Martin. Each of these men and each of
our other seminarians has opened his heart and mind to the Father’s Will. As a diocese we must continue to pray for the men God is calling to accept His invitation to share in His Son’s Holy Priesthood. Our Holy Father Pope Francis spoke early this month about the importance of completely trusting and being open to the Father’s Will when he said; “It is hard to abandon ourselves
to him with complete trust, allowing the Holy Spirit to be the soul and guide of our lives ... We fear that God may force us to strike out on new paths and leave behind our all too narrow, closed and selfish horizons in order to become open to his own.” This is why it is so important to pray for those who are being called by God and may hesitate to answer. It is also a good reminder for each
seminarian, priest, religious, bishop and lay person to work at always remaining open to the words we pray daily which our Lord taught us, “thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. May the Harvest Master continue to send us good men who trust in God’s Will for them and are willing to lay down their life for God and for His family the Church.
Holy Hour for Vocations The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, leads the Holy Hour: June 20, 2013 • 5:00-6:00 p.m. Saint Joseph, Willimantic July 18, 2013 • 5:00-6:00 p.m. Saint Patrick, Mystic August 22, 2013 • 7:00-8:00 p.m. Sacred Heart, Vernon September 19, 2013 • 4:00-5:00 p.m. Saint Mary, Clinton October 17, 2013 • 7:00-8:00 p.m. Saint Mary, Baltic Father Greg Galvin, Director of Priestly Vocations vocations@norwichdiocese.net
November 21, 2013 • 7:00-8:00 p.m. Saint Joseph, New London December 19, 2013 • 6:00-7:00 p.m. Saint Edward, Stafford Springs
(860) 887-9294
We pray for our Seminarians.... Pope Francis @Pontifex
June 7, 2013
Let us ask the Lord, in this Year of Faith, that our communities, all the Church, be more truly families who live and bring the warmth of God
Kurt O Brien 2nd Year College Holy Apostles Seminary Cromwell, CT
Jeffrey Ellis 1st Year Theology Mt. St. Mary Seminary Emmitsburg, MD
Juan Palacio 1st Year English Studies Clark University Worcester, MA
Martin Noe 3rd Year Theology Holy Apostles Seminary Cromwell, CT
Jonathan Ficara 3rd Year Theology Pontifical North American College, Vatican City State
Ruben Sanchez 1st Year English Studies Clark University Worcester, MA
Brian Maxwell 4th Year Theology Blessed John XXIII National Seminary, Weston, MA
Peter Langevin 1st Year Theology Mt. St. Mary Seminary Emmitsburg, MD
Thomas Griffin 1st Year Theology Blessed John XXIII National Seminary Weston, MA
Four County Catholic June 2013
“Come to Me, (Jesus-The Answer to All your needs), All you (yes, you and me), who Labor and are heavily burdened, and I (Jesus) will give you rest (Peace). Take My Yoke (not yours) upon you and learn from Me, for ‘I AM’ meek and humble of heart; and you (your name) will find REST for yourself. For My Yoke (not yours) is EASY, and...
...My Burden is Light!” Matthew 11:28-30
“I Am the way (your answer), the Truth and the Light!” John 14:6
One Day Life in the Spirit Seminar Saturday, June 1, 2013 at 9 am – 4 pm Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Gales Ferry, CT
Life in the Spirit Seminar – Growth, What’s Next? Monday, June 3, 2013 7pm – 9 pm St. Edward Church, Stafford Springs, CT
Prayer Group Mass of Healing and Hope Wednesday, June 3, 2013 @ 7 pm Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Gales Ferry, CT
Retreat Day Thursday, June 6, 2013 10am – 4 pm For Staff at St. Joseph Living Center, Windham, CT
Prayer and Discernment Board Meeting Monday, June 10, 2013 11:15 am Spiritual Renewal Center, Norwich, CT
Healing and Freedom Conference Saturday, June 15, 2013 from 8:30 am – 7:15 pm Spiritual Renewal Center, 11 Bath St., Norwich, CT Fr. Ray Introvigne, Judith Hughes and Team *Must Pre-Register at 860-887-0702 – Donation $25.
Residence Retreat St. Joseph Living Center, Windham Friday, June 21, 2013 from 10 am – 4 pm
Steubenville East Conference Friday, July 19-21, 2013 University of Rhode Island “Everyone’s welcomed to these programs! *You need to Pre-Register
spiritual renewal services Diocese of Norwich
Dial-A-Prayer (860) 887-7767 P.O. Box 6 • 11 Bath Street Norwich, CT 06360 • (860) 887-0702 email: Renewal@catholicweb.com
June is “Leave a Legacy” Month The Cathedral of Saint Patrick, the see Cathedral of the Norwich Diocese, has undergone an historic restoration and is now beautifully adorned with images from the life of Christ. If you would like to make a gift towards the enduring legacy of our Cathedral, you can learn more by visiting www.stpats norwich.org. A SPIRIT gift is a wonderful way to preserve your family legacy, or honor a loved one through a gift in memoriam. “Leave a Legacy” month also provides a wonderful opportunity to honor your own beloved parish or the Diocese. To learn more about legacy giving, contact MaryLou Gannotti, Director of Planned Giving in the Diocesan Development Office at 860-886-1928 ext. 15. Fridays, July 12, 19, 26 Marriage Preparation Class for Engaged Couples God’s Plan for a Joy-filled Marriage on July 12, 19, 26, from 6:30-9:00pm at Our Lady of Lourdes, RT.12, Gales Ferry. To register for the 3-session class please call Family Life Office at 860-889-8346 ext. 283. Thursd y Sund y August 8 10
mation please call 800-228-9290 or log onto www.necddre.org. Saturday, September 14 Annual Gift of Grace Prison Ministry Volunteer Training Program The Office of Prison Ministry is now recruiting volunteers for the annual Gift of Grace Prison Ministry Volunteer Training Program. The dates are as follows: Saturdays, September 14, October 5 & 26, November 9, and Retreat Day Sunday, December 8.For more information, please contact Sheree Antoch at 860848-2237 ext. 211. Tuesday September 17 Internet Safety Informational Session St. Thomas Aquinas ParishStorrs from 1:00-2:30pm or 7:00-8:30pm. Open to all clergy, parishioners, diocesan employees and volunteers. Sponsored by the Office for Safe Environments. Tuesday, September 17 Annual Diocesan Mass of Remembrance A Mass in memory of our children who have died from stillbirths, miscarriages or abortions. A remembrance of children who have died recently or years ago.
The Diocese of Norwich to celebrate
A 60th Anniversary Mass of Thanksgiving and The
Rededication of the Newly Restored Cathedral of Saint Patrick
Saturday, July 27, 2013 Cathedral of Saint Patrick, Norwich 10:30 a.m. The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote D.D., Bishop of Norwich, Principal Celebrant and homilist. All parishioners and friends of the Diocese are welcome to attend and experience the unity of faith that has made the Diocese of Norwich a vital and loving community these 60 years.
Four County Catholic June 2013
‘There is No Happier Day’ NORWICH - In an ancient and sacred rite of great solemnity, divine power, and By Shelley Wolf Four County Catholic Contributor
brotherly love, the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., the Bishop of Norwich, called upon the Holy Spirit to ordain Brian Christopher Maxwell, welcoming him to the priesthood in the Diocese of Norwich on Saturday, May 25 at the Cathedral of St. Patrick. Friends and family from throughout New York and New England, parishioners from throughout the diocese, seven seminarians, and more than 50 priests and deacons from the diocese gathered in the newly restored cathedral for the
Celebration and Mass of Ordination to the Holy Priesthood. The lofty voices of the Norwich Diocesan Choir, dramatic music on the pipe organ, trumpets, and timpani drums added to the celebration and sent spirits soaring. Bishop Cote, the ordaining celebrant, welcomed the ordinant Brian Maxwell, his family and friends, and all attendees to the celebration. “We thank God for the gift of his vocation,” Bishop Cote said. “Let us look upon the image of the crucified High Priest,” he said, referring to Jesus Christ. During the Rite of Ordination, Reverend Gregory P. Galvin, Vocations Director for the Diocese of Norwich, presented Brian Maxwell to the Bishop. “Do you know him to be worthy?” Bishop Cote asked. Father Galvin responded by saying that the ordinant was worthy. The Bishop then agreed to elect the candidate, and the congregation stood and applauded to show their consent. “There is no happier day,” Bishop Cote told the crowd. “We rejoice over God’s latest manifes-
tation of mercy as we ordain a new priest.” The Bishop extended thanks to Reverend Thomas F. Schmitt, the Dean of Men at Blessed John XXIII National Seminary in Weston, Massachusetts, where Brian Maxwell received his education, and to all of his family and friends who supported him on his journey. Then the Bishop directed his comments to Brian Maxwell. “Remember that you are called to protect the spiritual sacrifices of the faithful by uniting them to the sacrifice of Christ through the Holy Mass,” Bishop Cote said. “You will walk in a new life of Christ, baptizing parishioners, forgiving sins, comforting the sick, and offering praise to God, all
through the sacred power of Jesus Christ,” the Bishop told the ordinant. “Attend to his concerns before your own. Assist the faithful in becoming a unified family and lead them to Christ,” the Bishop commanded. “Your call came late in life but your call was genuine and you responded graciously,” Bishop Cote said. During the Promise of the Elect, Brian Maxwell rose and promised to celebrate the mysteries of Christ, to pray without ceasing, and to respect the Bishop and his successors. Then, in one of the most movOrdination Continued on page 8
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Four County Catholic June 2013
Ordination Continued from page 7
NDCCW Women’s Conference 2013 On May 4, 2013 at Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Gales Ferry, the Norwich Submitted by Anne King
Diocese Council of Catholic Women held its 58th annual convention. The day began with registration and a coffee hour, followed by the annual meeting at which time Anne King, President of the Council, welcomed over 60 women from the seven districts of the Norwich Diocese. Following a short meeting, Reverend Ron Meyer, OMI, from the Immaculata Retreat House in Willimantic gave a talk entitled “Catholic Women: A Voice of Faith.” Father described women in their various roles and listed the steps of action that women can use to express the Roman Catholic faith today. 1. Pray, Pray, Pray and Pay attention (talk to God and Listen for God’s Reply) 2. LISTEN; Prepare Well (educate yourself in spiritual matters) 3. Do Something; show by example...let people know you
make the sign of the cross and say grace at meals, or that you attend Mass on Sundays, that you have pictures of Jesus or a crucifix in your homes. Small ways to be a VOICE..the total expression of the human being…. After the meeting concluded, the Eucharist was celebrated by the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, along with the Reverend Brian Converse, Pastor of OurLady of Lourdes Church, the Very Reverend Charles LeBlanc, Spiritual Diocesan Moderator, and other guest moderators. A luncheon followed the Mass. Each year the Norwich Diocese holds its annual membership drive throughout the diocese. Sixty percent of the money collected is given in a check to the Bishop who, in turn, presents this check to Catholic Charities. This year the new director of Catholic Charities, James Maffuid, was present to accept a check in the amount of $18,216.26.
ing and symbolic moments of the rite, the ordinant laid face down on the sanctuary floor with arms outstretched, publically surrendering his whole being and laying down his life for his friends, just as Jesus commanded. In response, and to plead for God’s graces for the candidate, the entire congregation along with the 50 priests and deacons of the diocese fell to their knees and began to pray The Litany of Supplication, commonly known as The Litany of the Saints. The cantor chanted the names of dozens of saints one by one as the congregation responded with the chant “Pray for us.” In the most powerful moment of the sacred rite, Brian Maxwell knelt on the floor as Bishop Cote, acting as a direct successor of the Apostles, laid his hands on the ordinant’s head and silently prayed to God for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and his gifts. Then, one by one, each of the 50 priests also laid their hands on the ordinant’s head. After the Laying on of Hands,
Father Schmitt of Blessed John XXIII National Seminary removed Brian Maxwell’s stole and vested him in a new cream and gold stole and chasuble, the vesture of the Office of Priesthood, publicly signifying his ministry in the Liturgy. The Bishop also anointed the hands of the ordinant with holy chrism oil, symbolizing his distinctive participation in Christ’s priesthood. Then Bishop Cote gave Brian Maxwell the fraternal kiss of peace, sealing his admittance into the ministry. All 50 priests also extended the fraternal kiss of peace to the ordinant. The newly ordained Reverend Brian Maxwell then joined in concelebrating the Eucharist side by side with the Bishop. Father Maxwell also gave his first blessing to Bishop Cote and, in a touching moment, extended his blessing to his siblings, nieces, and nephews as the Norwich Diocesan Choir sang acappella “The Lord Bless You.” At the conclusion of the service, Bishop Cote announced that Fa-
ther Maxwell will serve as a priest at St. Bernard Church in Rockville, where he last served as a transitional deacon. The audience, which included many members of the Rockville parish, burst into loud, spontaneous applause. Following the ceremony, a reception was held in the Cathedral hall, where Father Maxwell greeted guests in a long reception line, imparting his blessing on all who desired it. At age 54, Father Maxwell’s service to God and the Roman Catholic Church is just beginning. “It’s one of the happiest days of my life. It’s all grace,” a visibly tired but grateful Father Maxwell said after spending two hours imparting his blessing to the entire receiving line. “I was very blessed by all the wonderful people who supported me by their attendance and prayer today and over the last five years.” The next morning Father Maxwell concelebrated Mass at his new parish, St. Bernard Church in Rockville, where he was treated to another reception in his honor.
Congratulations! Father Brian C. Maxwell
Class of 2013 on your Ordination to Priesthood for the
Diocese of Norwich
Blessed John XXIII National Seminary Father William B. Palardy, Rector, Faculty, Seminarians and Staff 558 South Avenue, Weston MA 02493 781-899-5500 www.blessedjohnxxiii.edu
Four County Catholic June 2013
Reverend Mr. Martin John Noe Ordained to the Diaconate Let us pray that God the all-powerful Father will mercifully pour out the grace of His blessing on this, his servant, whom in his kindness He has raised to the sacred Order of the Diaconate. Bishop Michael R. Cote NORWICH - In a joyful ceremony at the magnificent Saints Peter and Paul Church in NorFrom the FCC News Desk
wich, Saturday, June 8, 2013, Reverend Mr. Martin John Noe was ordained to the Transitional Diaconate by The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich. On a day forecasted to have torrential rain and wind, the sun broke through as if to signify the blessings granted this day to Deacon Noe, family, friends and the diocesan faithful. As expressed to Deacon Noe by Bishop Cote, “May God, who has begun the
good work in you, bring it to fulfillment.” It was a day of significant beginnings, of anticipation, of great happiness. The prayer of ordination captures the essence of the sacred service to which Deacon Noe has been called: “May there abound in him every Gospel virtue: Unfeigned love, Concern for the sick and poor, Unassuming authority, The purity of innocence, And the observance of spiritual discipline.” A grateful diocese community congratulates Deacon Martin Noe.
(Above) In an intimate ceremony at S.S. Peter & Paul, Norwich on Saturday, June 8th, the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich gave holy orders for Reverend Mr. Martin John Noe to the Transitional Diaconate. (Right) Family and friends gathered from Holy Apostles Seminary. Bishop Cote recognized Holy Apostles and the important role they play in our community. Photos by Donna Antonacci
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Four County Catholic June 2013
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St. Sebastian Parish Celebrates 92nd St. Sebastian Festival MIDDLETOWN - May 17, 2013 - Reverend James Thaikoottathill, Pastor, St. SeFrom the FCC News Desk
bastion Parish and other participants gather on the steps of St. Sebastian Church in Middletown awaiting the arrival of the “I Nuri” - the run of the faithful. Barefoot and dressed in white with red sashes, the faithful will
show their devotion to St. Sebastian, a tradition originating in the sister city of Mellili, Sicily. As they approach the church, the customary chant can be heard, “Primu Dio a Sammastianu (first God, then St. Sebastian).”
815 Boswell Ave, Norwich CT 06360
A young I Nuri makes his way to the church on the shoulders of his dad and the shoulders of all who have marched before for 92 consecutive years. Photos by Donna Antonacci
Four County Catholic June 2013
Venerable Pierre Toussaint, 1766-1863 As the Year of Faith continues, we are presented with another virtuous person who, By Sister Elissa Rinere, CP, JCD Office of Worship
under extraordinarily difficult circumstances, never failed to put Faith into action. Pierre, of no known lineage or family, was born a slave in the French colony of SaintDomingue, which is now the country of Haiti. At the age of 21 he was brought to New York City by his owner, and apprenticed to a hairdresser in Manhattan. Evidently, in the late 18th century, wealthy women spent quite a bit of money for the creation of very complex coiffures. Pierre was quite adept at this trade, and eventually was earning a very comfortable living. After a few years, Pierre’s owner returned to Saint Domingue for business reasons, became ill and died there. Pierre’s income was used to support his owner’s widow, who at that point was destitute. When she died in 1807, Pierre was given his freedom. Having no family name of his own, Pierre adopted the surname “Toussaint” as a tribute to Toussaint Louverture, a leader in the revolution against colonial forces in San-Domingue which eventually led to the freeing of all slaves
and establishment of the country of Haiti in 1804. Now a free man with a steady and substantial income, Pierre Toussaint became a philanthropist. His funds went, first of
all, to buying the freedom of as many slaves as possible. He and his wife, Juliette, also supported orphanages, shelters and schools in New York. They took in foster children who would otherwise have lived on the streets, providing them with education and stability. Because Toussaint spoke both French and English, he was particularly helpful to refugees from Haiti who came to New York seeking a better life. He and his wife established a credit bureau, and employment agency and a shelter to assist them. As “Saint Toussaint,” as he was called, grew older and continued working, friends urged him to retire and rest. His reply was “I have enough for myself, but if I stop working I have not enough for others.” So, his charity and philanthropy continued. As a devout Catholic, Pierre at-
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tended daily Mass in St. Peter’s Church on Barclay Street in Manhattan. He both raised and donated money to finance the building of the first St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Mulberry Street (now known as Old St. Patrick’s). After a long life of work, charity and fidelity, Pierre Toussaint died on June 30, 1853, at the age of eightyseven. He was buried, alongside his wife, in the St. Patrick cemetery. It wasn’t until the 1950’s that the story of Pierre Toussaint’s life became more widely known. In 1991, the then archbishop of New York, Cardinal Terence Cooke, authorized the first steps in the canonization process. Pierre’s body was ex-
humed and reinterred in the crypt of the present St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan. In 1996 Toussaint was declared “venerable” by Pope John Paul II, which is the second step in the canonization process. As one writer has stated: “One day, and perhaps soon, as these things go, the former slave and hairdresser will be proclaimed a saint by the Church.” Although he came from a place of severe deprivation, lacking even a name, Pierre Toussaint never hoarded riches for himself, but reached out in compassion to anyone in need. May his fortitude and generosity inspire us, especially in this Year of Faith, to reach out to others and to fulfill Christ’s commandment that we love one another.
Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and Charity for His creatures, made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers. Miracles waited on your word, which you were ever ready to speak for those in trouble or anxiety. Encouraged by this thought, I implore of you to obtain for me (state request here). The answer to my prayer may require a miracle, even so, you are the Saint of Miracles. O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the Sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms; and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. Amen. Promise publication and for nine consecutive days, pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be.
~ PM ~
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Four County Catholic June 2013
June is “Leave a Legacy” Month O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and Charity for His creatures, made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers. Miracles waited on your word, which you were ever ready to speak for those in trouble or anxiety. Encouraged by this thought, I implore of you to obtain for me (state request here). The answer to my prayer may require a miracle, even so, you are the Saint of Miracles. O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the Sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms; and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. Amen. Promise publication and for nine consecutive days, pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be.
~ MG ~
By MaryLou Gannotti Director of Planned Giving
parishioners in our Diocese of the many advantages of practicing philanthropy through estate planning. These lessons came to life recently in a wonderful “Catholic Wills and Legacy Giving” seminar held at St. Mary Star of the Sea Parish in New London. Jacquie Booth, a parishioner at St. Mary’s who serves on their finance council, was eager to help spread the word about legacy gifts. Jacquie notes St. Mary’s has a strong history
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and sense of tradition, with many families in the parish going back several generations. Today, St. Mary’s continues to boast a vibrant community of believers, with Masses held in English and Spanish. It was St. Mary’s traditions and history that inspired Jacquie and her faithful friends to put together a display of historical archives from the church. These ranged from newspaper clippings, antique musical instruments, hymnals and other memorabilia. Some parishioners went as far as to create displays featuring photographs of generations of families and their baptisms, first communions and weddings. Working with her pastor, Reverend Robert Washabaugh, known affectionately as “Father Bob,” to his flock, Jacquie helped to invite parishioners to attend the seminar hosted in the rectory. Participants ranged from working professionals
Annual Sisters’ Retreat
Director of the Diocesan Development Office, MaryLou Gannotti, Director of Planned Giving, and insurance professionals Paul Catalano, Tom Kenney, and Garry Beausoleil. Paul Catalano, a trusted insurance advisor to Jacquie, came as her guest while Tom Kenney and Garry Beausoleil represented the Knights of Columbus. Two sessions were held, one at noon for the retiree crowd, one at 6:00 p.m. for those who
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Senior Renewal Day
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interested in learning more about legacy giving, to retirees seeking to update their wills to remember their beloved parish. Event presenters included Angela Arnold, Executive
worked during the day. There was a wide range of information presented to parishioners, covering such topics as charitable bequests, charitable gift annuities, gifts of life insurance and other vehicles available for philanthropy through estate planning. In addition to the great information on hand, a highlight of the event was the wonderful food catered by parishioner Roseanne Murphy of New London. Father Washabaugh opened and closed with a beautiful prayer, welcoming the beauty of spring and giving thanks for the wonderful community at St. Mary’s. All in attendance seemed to have a great time, reminiscing, sharing stories, fellowship and a common love for their parish. Jacquie noted St. Mary’s future is just as important as its past, and the spring gathering served as testament to this. Those parishes, ministry representatives or individuals wishing to learn more about legacy giving through estate planning or looking to host a Planned Giving seminar should contact MaryLou Gannotti by telephone at 860-886-1928 ext. 15, or by e-mail at marylou.gannotti@norwichdiocese.net.
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Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony
June is “Leave a Legacy” month here in the Diocese of Norwich. For the past several years, June has served as a time to remind faithful
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Four County Catholic June 2013
Local Student Offers Time and Talent to Catholic Charities Video Project and New Website Highlight the Good Work Happening at Catholic Charities What does Charity mean to you? This was the question asked of staff members and By Anna DeBiasi Development Coordinator, Catholic Charities, Diocese of Norwich
clients of Catholic Charities. “Charity is giving of yourself without expecting to receive anything tangible in return,” one staff member reflected. Another employee explained that she sees charity as, “Selflessly giving of yourself and of your heart.” “Charity starts with loving your neighbor unconditionally,” offered one individual being served by the agency. “Charity is offering hope to someone who has lost it- and that is exactly what Catholic Charities has done for me,” answered a client from the Willimantic office. This question was part of a Catholic Charities video project that was led by Tristan Case of Ledyard, Connecticut. Tristan recently graduated from a 3-year accelerated Digital Recording Arts Program at Rhode Island’s New England Institute of
Technology. As part of his final Capstone project, Tristan was challenged to create a video from scratch to a finished product. Knowing the good work that occurs every day at Catholic Charities, Tristan approached the agency to see if they could use his help in producing a video that would promote the program and services offered to the community. He offered these services free of charge. Catholic Charities was thrilled to accept the offer. Beginning in February, Tristan worked closely with staff at multiple program sites to create a plan for the video that would meet both his final project requirements and Catholic Charities’ needs. The video specifically highlights the Emergency Services Program, Adoption Services, Behavioral Health, and Mortgage Counseling Services. Tristan grew up in Ledyard, where he still resides. He was confirmed at Our Lady of Lourdes
Church in Gales Ferry, CT and attended Ledyard High School. After submitting his final project, he graduated number 1 in his department, earning him the
“Best of Tech Award” for Digital Recording Arts. He now holds a Bachelors of Science in Digital Recording Arts, and is looking for full time employment.
The production of the video was very timely, as Catholic Charities has recently created a new website in partnership with the Diocese of Norwich Office of Communications. The new site has recently been launched, prominently featuring Tristan’s video. Recently, Pope Francis spoke about the importance of people using the talents God gives them to help others. He specifically urged young people to recognize their gifts and seek ways to use them to serve God, others and the whole
world. Through this project, Tristan Case chose to use his talents to do just that. “Tristan was a pleasure to work with. His choice to donate his time to Catholic Charities over any other for-profit company or nonprofit agency give me great hope, because it is an example of a young person engaging in acts of charity,” said Catholic Charities Executive Director, Jim Maffuid. We invite you to visit the new website at www.ccfsn.org, and hope you will consider becoming a part of the acts of love and charity that happen every day at Catholic Charities Diocese of Norwich.
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Very Reverend Laurence A.M. LaPointe Awarded Connecticut College’s Highest Honor NEW LONDON - June 1, 2013. Connecticut College President, Leo I. Higdon conferred the From the FCC News Desk
Connecticut College Medal on Father Larry LaPointe during reunion weekend at the New London campus. It is the highest honor the College awards, presented to individuals whose accomplishments or service have enhanced the College’s reputation and nourished its growth. Father Larry began his work at Connecticut College in 1979 and served as a
Chaplain until last year. The award recognizes that he has been from the outset an integral part of campus life for students, faculty, staff and
alumni. In presenting the distinguished award to Father LaPointe, President Higdon commended him for “cultivating a sense of community at every opportunity…in moments where we were pressed to find meaning, he always pointed us toward hope.” Congratulations to Father LaPointe for his outstanding tenure of service in so many campus ministry capacities. Photo by Meredith Morrison.
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WILLIMANTIC - Firefighters spraying water on St. Mary’s Church on Valley Street, Willimantic, late into the night, May 16, 2013, trying to contain a blaze that burned for hours, sending clouds of smoke into the air. All indications from inspections to date are that the church will survive structurally. Details regarding the cause of the blaze are still being investigated. At the same time, structural engineers and building contractors are determining the extent of the damage and estimated time to repair. While the church is closed for repair, two weekly Masses at St. Joseph Church have been arranged for St. Mary Parishioners: 5:00 Saturday evenings and 11:30 Sunday mornings. Father Roger Lamoureux, OMI, Pastor at St. Mary will celebrate both Masses. Photo by Mark Mirko/Hartford Courant.
Four County Catholic June 2013
Father Ray Introvigne Retires Will Continue as Co-Director of Spiritual Renewal Services in Norwich Bishop Michael R. Cote has accepted the resignation of Father Ray Introvigne from St. From the FCC News Desk
Reverend Roger J. Lamoureux, OMI, Pastor of St. Mary Church leads Eucharistic procession, stopping for veneration of the Blessed Sacarament at three shrines.
Catholic Community of Windham Celebrates Feast of Corpus Christi On Saturday, June 1, at 5:30 p.m., the three parishes of Corpus Christi, the Catholic Community of By Anne Pappalardo
Windham, celebrated the Feast of Corpus Christi together at an outdoor Mass at Jillson Square in Willimantic. The parishioners, pastors, seminarians and deacons of St. Joseph’s, St. Mary’s, and Sagrado Corazon de Jesus churches in Willimantic attended the Mass, which was celebrated by Rev. Roger J. Lamoureux, OMI, pastor of St. Mary’s Church. It was followed by a Eucharistic procession that was shared by Father Lamoureux, the Very Rev. Laurence LaPointe, pastor of both St. Joseph’s and Sagrado Corazon de Jesus, Rev. George Richards, and Rev. Henry Agudelo. As part of the procession, parishioners stopped for veneration of the Blessed Sacrament at three shrines, representative of each parish, at stops along Valley and Jackson Streets.
Parishioners celebrated a final benediction at St. Joseph’s Church before joining together for a community dinner at St. Joseph’s Church hall. According to Father Lamoureux, “The churches comprising Corpus Christi, have worked diligently toward our goal of finding meaningful ways to benefit our spiritual growth and welfare. We strive to create activities and events that promote and nourish our spiritual population. The Feast of Corpus Christi presented us with an occasion to present a spiritual celebration with the parishes that comprise all three communities and strengthen our bonds. This event assisted in nourishing our spiritual lives and building desired unity within our three parishes.” The Very Rev. Laurence LaPointe, pastor of both St. Joseph’s and Sagrado Corazon de Jesus Churches said, “This feast challenged us to think outside the walls of our respective churches. We may pray in French or Italian, in Spanish or English or Polish, but we share
one faith and we follow one Lord.” Corpus Christi was formed in spring 2010 in response to Bishop Cote’s request for churches to work together more closely. Priests and parishioners of all three churches hope to make this an annual event.
Mary Church in Coventry, CT. Father Ray was ordained in 1964 and served as an Associate Pastor at St. Bridget of Kildare Church in Moodus, St. Agnes Church in Niantic, St. Joseph Church in Chester and St. Sebastian Church in Middletown. In 1977 he was assigned by Bishop Reilly as the Director of Spiritual Renewal Service for the Diocese. After fourteen years at St. Mary Church in Coventry, he leaves to continue his work as a full-time Co-Director of Spiritual Renewal Services for the Diocese of Norwich, CT. He has relocated to Sacred Heart Rectory, Taftville, CT. Father Ray was honored Sunday, May 5, 2013 with
a surprise celebration and dinner reception that was attended by more than 400 friends, relatives and acquaintances. Father Ray has enjoyed the privilege of being able to minister to so many people in the Norwich Diocese throughout the years. Father Ray thanked God for the beautiful day. He thanked the Knights of Columbus, Frank Kupiec, parishioners throughout the Diocese, Attorney, Jim Percy, Bill Thurston and his outstanding team for the buying, cooking, preparing and serving, and to all those who worked so hard to make the day so special. Mike Witham was Master of Ceremonies. To everyone who touched his heart through prayer and love, he will continue to pray for you and asks for your prayers in return.
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Four County Catholic June 2013
St. Michael the Archangel Church Preparing to Rebuild STONINGTON - Meetings to reveal the conceptual design for a new St. Michael the By the Westerly Sun and the FCC News Desk
Archangel Church were held Monday, June 10 at St. Mary Church in Stonington. The Very Reverend Dennis Perkins, Pastor of St. Michael's Parish and Diocesan Vicar of Clergy welcomed all parishioners present and introduced the principal architect, Brett
Donham of Donham and Sweeney Architects in Boston. The meetings provided an opportunity for parishioners to provide feedback to the initial renderings. An opportunity for further input will take place in the fall timeframe. The Pawcatuck church, a Liberty Street landmark, closed in April 2012 after structural problems were found in the 150year-old building. Masses have been held in St. Mary Church in Stonington while plans were
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made for a new church. A survey of parishioners that
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summer indicated that most members of the St. Michael
community want to rebuild their church in the same location. Options they rejected were repairing the old church, and building a new church in another location. By March, the Parish’s building committee had chosen Donham & Sweeney as the architects for the building project. Another survey of parishioners this spring indicated strong support for building a new church that resembles the old, and contains many of the same design elements. There was also strong support expressed for including a parish hall, meeting rooms and storage space, handicapped and elderly parking, and for using sustainable building material.
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Four County Catholic June 2013
Letter to the Editor I am writing in response to the editorial by Sister Mary Ann Walsh published in the April Four County Catholic – suggesting that a ban on assault weapons is part of the broader Catholic prolife position. With all due respect, Sister Mary Ann, guns can save lives as well as take them. I am certain the Holy Father himself, Pope Francis, is protected by men with semi automatic rifles and high capacity magazines. Unlike Pope Francis, President Obama and other high-ranking people, my family does not have the privilege of armed protection. I am my family’s armed protection. All firearms in the hands of criminals are instruments of death. We wouldn’t want to let that fact be clouded over by arguing over what is or isn’t a so-called assault rifle. I think the Jhadist terror attack in Boston shows that evil lawless men determined to take life will find a way regardless of any laws. Do we now need to ban pressure cookers? Or kitchen knives that can also kill? Or baseball bats? The perpetrator is the problem, not the size of the knife or rifle. Instead of focusing on law-abiding citizens exercising their constitutional rights,we would be better served focusing on the culture of violence being bred into our lives by Hollywood, and the ensuing moral decay of society. Take a look around! Over the years, mental institutions have been closed and the mentally ill are released into the general public with a bottle of pills and a “good luck”. Mental health and Hollywood-promoted violence are the root causes of the tragedies of violence. Since the Sandy Hook tragedy, many Hollywood celebrities have been outspoken about gun control; yet these same celebrities continue to ramp up the violence in movies and television. This group has the luxury of armed security; meanwhile, gun owners and organizations like the NRA are being demonized and blamed for the Sandy Hook tragedy. The anti gun activists will have people believe it was because the shooter used an AR15 that there was so many more innocent lives taken. The truth is the shooter attacked young children in an unprotected environment with the element of surprise. Until we as Americans wake up to the reality of our increasingly dangerous and pervasive culture of violence, we all remain vulnerable to these attacks regardless of gun bans. We have long known schools are an easy target and little has been done about it. Our politicians had a chance to address the real problems of violence and mental illness, but failed miserably and instead used the opportunity for their own political gain. The recent gun control bill SB1160 passed in Connecticut would have done absolutely nothing to stop Sandy Hook. The shooter’s mother would still have lawfully possessed firearms and her disturbed son still would have stolen them. Perhaps as parents we need to look at what we teach our children or what video games we buy them or what we let them watch on TV or the Internet. There will always be firearms, the mentally ill, evil and criminals. All gun bans do is disarm lawabiding citizens. The Obama Administration wants ALL citizens disarmed and that type of tyrannical power is exactly why we fought for our independence from Great Britain. Many of the Founding Fathers were good Christian men who felt it so important we have the right to bear arms that it was written only second to free speech. Many Catholics in this country own so-referenced assault weapons, which is a label given to cosmetic features of a rifle. Many Catholics own firearms for personal protection, hunting and sporting. Kenneth Deal Stafford Springs, CT
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Four County Catholic June 2013
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Four County Catholic June 2013
Nature’s Testimony: Life Beyond Death When I was a child, a year seemed like a reeeally long time. Life was just beginning – and time By Mary Tunison
was in abundance. Consequently, the focus was on living. As we mature, and the place mark on the continuum of life edges closer to the end than the beginning, our perception of life begins to change. Neck aches, back pain and creeky joints remind us that our bodies are temporary shells in this passing world. Like cars, sometimes we’d like to trade them in for newer models – but we can’t. Modern medicine may be able to replace certain parts but eventually they wear out too! When I lived in Florida, I would visit the beautiful cemetery grounds where my parents were laid to rest. Somehow, I felt close to them there. A beautiful place, complete with a large pond, rose gardens and various winding walkways, I’d spend many a summer’s evening strolling around and pondering some of life’s great mysteries. Like, “Why did we have to pay the price for Adam and Eve’s mistake?” Or. . .”Couldn’t there have been a way for God to provide heaven for us and bypass the misery of this life?” After all, God can do all things. As I meandered around, I would take note of names, birth and death dates, and some interesting one-liners. But I remember one grave, in particular, with a glass encased photo of a young man, in his late teens. Donned in his baseball cap and jersey, he smiled back as if to say, “Life is short, live well.” As I walked on, I began to realize the fragility of life. “People die at all different ages,” I thought, – a reality I already knew yet somehow now held greater impact. God created this world, exactly as it is, for a reason. True -- Christ didn’t have to suffer and die on the cross to save us but he chose this path to show us the depth of his love. Through his passion, excruciating suffering and death on the cross, he paid our sin debt in full and opened the door to eternal life. There’s something very important about believing without see-
ing all the evidence. There’s something intrinsically connected between trust and love. God desires that we discover Him as we journey through this “physical vale” of life. Through this discovery comes wisdom, insight suffering, joy, and growth – all of which nurtures and develops the spirit and lifegiving force deep within. Hints and clues of heaven and life after death abound in nature. While Jesus walked this earth, he often pointed to examples of it in nature to illustrate these spiritual truths. Consider the butterfly. Scientists have discovered that inside the chrysalis, the body of the caterpillar is completely destroyed. When the caterpillar enters the cocoon, it isn’t simply growing and developing with a few body parts being rearranged or a few new and improved appendages added on.
Virtually every cell that made up the caterpillar is torn apart until all that is left is a kind of nutrient soup with cells that contain all of the information needed to build a new, transformed life – a butterfly. I believe that G o d p u t
such an amazing phenomenon in nature to assure us that life doesn’t end with the death of our physical bodies. Something survives, fundamental to who we really are as a person made by God. Like the chrysalis, our human bodies are destroyed, but our intrinsic nature and spirit live on in a new form. Another example of how some-
thing dies yet lives on is the seed. Once the seed falls into the soil and meshes for a time with the various elements contained in the soil, the outer shell begins to open as it dies. Inside the dying seed, though unseen, a life force remains. Although the entire original physical composition of the seed is destoyed, new life emerges. Soil is a paradox, representing both life and death. It puts to death the old and brings to life the new. Coupled with the nurturing and sometimes dark, abrasive elements of the soil, along with the sunlight and rain which also affect its transformation, the seed resurrects into new life. Our life, here in this material world, is comparable to the seed in the dynamics of the soil. Here, we are exposed to both nurturing and abrasive
experiences – light and dark nights of the soul, joys and the storms of life – all of which serve to nurture and prepare the soul for new life in our eternal home. In his work, The Weight of Glory, C.S. Lewis puts it this way, “At present we are on the outside of the world, the wrong side of the door...But all the leaves of the New Testament are rustling with the rumor that it will not always be so. We shall get in...It is in the light of these overwhelming possibilities that we should conduct all our dealings with one another, all friendships, all loves, all play, all politics.” Mary Tunison works for Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of Hartford, and is a freelance writer, photographer, artist, and graphic designer. She can be contacted at mtunison@comcast.net.
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Four County Catholic June 2013
Fortnight for Freedom Planned for June 21 to July 4 WASHINGTON - The second annual Fortnight for Freedom will take place from June 21 to July 4, By USCCB and the Four County Catholic News Desk
and will address the challenges to religious liberty both at home and abroad. As with last year’s Fortnight, the event will begin and end with a special Mass. Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore, chairman of the USCCB Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty, will open the 2013 Fortnight for Freedom by
celebrating Mass at Baltimore’s historic Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, scheduled for June 21 at 7 p.m. EDT. Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington will celebrate the closing Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington on July 4 at 12 p.m.
EDT. This year’s Fortnight occurs just
weeks before August 1, when the administration’s HHS mandate
Defending Religious Liberty The U.S. bishops have called for a Fortnight for Freedom, a two-week period of prayer and action, to address many current challenges to religious liberty, including the August 1, 2013 deadline for religious organizations to comply with the Human Health Service mandate. Supreme Court rulings that could redefine marriage and religious liberty concerns in areas such as immigration and humanitarian services will also be remembered during the fortnight. To voice your opposition to the federal health care mandate, call the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask for your Congressmen and/or U.S. Senators. Ask them to support legislation that will overturn the mandate.
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coercing us to violate our deeplyheld beliefs will be enforced against most religious non-profits. During the Fortnight, the Supreme Court’s decisions on the definition of marriage will likely be handed down as well. Those decisions could have a profound impact on religious freedom for generations to come. Bishop Cote reminds us that
“It is through prayer, study, and peaceful public action during the Fortnight for Freedom, that we in the Diocese and across the Country will help preserve the fundamental right of religious freedom.” Bishop Cote asks that each day during the Fortnight, we pray the following Prayer for the Protection of Religious Liberty. “Prayer,” Bishop Cote stresses, “…is the most powerful tool we have among the many responses to the crisis we face. Let us pray that those who govern will trust and uphold the First Amendment.”
Prayer for the Protection of Religious Liberty O God our Creator, from your provident hand we have received our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. You have called us as your people and given us the right and the duty to worship you, the only true God, and your Son, Jesus Christ. Through the power and working of your Holy Spirit, you call us to live out our faith in the midst of the world, bringing the light and the saving truth of the Gospel to every corner of society. We ask you to bless us in our vigilance for the gift of religious liberty. Give us the strength of mind and heart to readily defend our freedoms when they are threatened; give us courage in making our voices heard on behalf of the rights of your Church and the freedom of conscience of all people of faith. Grant, we pray, O heavenly Father, a clear and united voice to all your sons and daughters gathered in your Church in this decisive hour in the history of our nation, so that, with every trial withstood and every danger overcome— for the sake of our children, our grandchildren, and all who come after us— this great land will always be “one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Four County Catholic June 2013
We de dedicatte our love, dedicate l , compa compassion passion i andd service seervice i our communit com mmunnit ity. tto our s &/2 3(/24 4%2- 2%(!"),)4! !4)/. ).#,5$).' 0(93)#!, 30%%#( /##50!4)/.!, )6 4(%2!09 s s /24(/0%$)# 2%(!"),)4! !4)/. s 342/+% 2%#/6%29 s %.$ /& ,)&% #!2% s ,/.' 4%2- #!2% s
Four County Catholic June 2013
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Sacred Heart School, Taftville 860-887-1757 www.sacredhearttaftville.org Sacred Heart School, Groton 860-445-0611 www.sacredheartgroton.org St. Edward School, Stafford Springs 860-684-2600 www.stedward-stafford.org St. James School, Danielson 860-774-3281 www.stjamesdanielson.com St. John School, Middletown 860-347-3202 www.stjohnschoolmiddletown.org St. John School, Old Saybrook 860-388-0849 www.saintjohnschoolos.com St. Joseph School, Baltic 860-822-6141 www.stjosephbaltic.org St. Joseph School, North Grosvenordale 860-923-2090 www.schoolofstjoseph.com St. Joseph School, New London 860-442-1720 www.sjsnl.com St. Mary School, Middletown 860-347-2978 www.stmarymiddletown.com St. Mary-St. Joseph School, Willimantic 860-423-8479 www.smsjschool.org St. Michael School, Pawcatuck 860-599-1084 www.stmichaelschoolct.com St. Matthew Pre-School, Tolland 860-872-0200 www.stmatthewct.org St. Bernard Pre-School, Rockville 860-875-0475 www.saintbernardchurch.org
Values Are What Keep Us Together Over the Years Philomena Buscetto, SBS Class of 2013 NORWICH - On May 31, 2013, “four years of By Kelly Catalfamo Reprint from The Day
memories, friendships and life lessons” came to a close
for the St. Bernard High School Class of 2013, as class orator Philomena Buscetto put it in her address to fellow graduates. At its commencement exercises, Saint Bernard
School celebrated the graduation of 71 students at the Cathedral of St. Patrick in Norwich. Family members packed the pews to watch and cheer students in gowns of gray (for men) and red
(for women). Headmaster Thomas J. Doherty III praised the test scores and volunteer work of the graduates and said he SBS Graduates Continued on page 23
To learn more, contact the Diocesan School Office, 860-887-4086, www.norwichdso.org or contact one of the diocesan schools.
Four County Catholic June 2013
SBS Graduates Continued from page 22
looked forward to hearing the stories of what they accomplished after high school. Buscetto opened her speech by recalling a moment in her sophomore year theology class, when the teacher turned to his sleeping and distracted students and noted that “days drag, but time flies.” He was right, she told her fellow classmates, because suddenly they were here, coming together as a class for the last time. Later, Buscetto reminded the Class of 2013 that they were the last to have Marie-Pierre Diana - whom they called “Ms. Pam” as a teacher. Diana died in 2010 from a complication of lung surgery. “Through example, Ms. Pam taught us love, strength and hope,” Buscetto said. After hearing the news that Diana had passed away, she said, “for the first time, we came together as a community.” Eighteen of the graduates had a parent who attended St. Bernard; and toward the end of
the exercises, those students presented alumni medallions to their parents. Mary Beth Baillargeon and Cynthia DeLucia, senior class moderators, presented academic awards to several graduates. A medal was presented to seven students for their place in the top 10 percent of the graduating class. St. Bernard also recognized two students with the highest academic achievement in the subjects of English, social studies, theology, Spanish, visual arts, science, math, French and music. The school’s graduates will “meet the future as young adults who have been well-versed in Christian values,” and those values will help them with future success, said the Bishop of Norwich, the Most Rev. Michael R. Cote, in his message. Bishop Cote advised them to “give yourselves wholeheartedly to service for your brothers and sisters in the human family.” Photos by Sean D. Elliot/e Day
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Four County Catholic June 2013
Love, Marriage & Pizza Delivery It should come as no surprise that the story of how the Domino’s Pizza founder met his wife involves By Christina Capecchi Four County Catholic Contributor
pizza. But indulge me in the details. It was a Monday night in early February, 1962, and the phones weren’t ringing at Tom Monaghan’s pizza store in Mount Pleasant, Mich., so the restless 24-year-old decided to change things up by taking a delivery himself, leaving a trainee to manage the store. The order had come from Sweeney Hall, an all-girls dorm at nearby Central Michigan University where men weren’t allowed, so Tom stopped at the switchboard operator. The curly-haired brunette wore a white sweater and a red skirt – “cute as a bug’s ear,” he would later say. Their conversation was brief, but Tom drove away on Cloud Nine. Normally he was shy around
girls – he hadn’t been on a date in months – but Tom was convinced he shouldn’t let this one pass him by. Back at the store, he forced himself to dial the Sweeney switchboard. “I’m the guy who just delivered a pizza,” he said. “Would you go to a movie with me?” “Who are you?” the young woman shot back. Not the response he was hoping for. And then, relief: “Oh, I just came on duty.” The operator said she’d replaced Bonnie Hula and rang Bonnie’s room. Tom worked up his courage a second time. “I’m the guy who just delivered a pizza. Would you go to a movie with me?” “Who are you?” the young woman stammered. “Oh, another girl took my place today, Margie Zybach.” Tom was transferred once more and finally his invitation was met with a yes. Margie was the one.
A senior majoring in library science, Tom liked the woman who emerged on their first date: “very pretty, wholesome, good, old-fash-
the 20-something Catholic to his wife. Day after day, the Holy Spirit works in amazing ways, and one of my favorite examples is when we
ioned,” he told James Leonard, author of the book Living the Faith: A Life of Tom Monaghan. Tom brought a $400 half-carat diamond ring to their third date – the most expensive he could charge with no money down – and a week later, he convinced Margie to accept. Tom and Margie have now been married 50 years. I marvel over the two departures from the norm – Tom’s decision to deliver a pizza and Bonnie’s absence at the switchboard – that led
see it connect a man and a woman and carry them to the altar, where they whisper life-long promises before God. Wedding season is now upon us, and you’re likely to soon witness these sacred vows firsthand. The problem, as the kids-thesedays gripe goes, is that not enough couples view marriage the way young Tom and Margie did. Increasingly, it’s treated as a hope-forthe-best pact rather than a
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death-do-us-part pledge, as Brad Pitt infamously expressed in a Vanity Fair interview while he was married to Jennifer Aniston. “Jen and I always made a pact we’ll see where this is going,” he said. “I’m not sure it really is our nature to be with someone for the rest of our lives.” But rather than lament the state of marriage, I’m taking the long view and focusing on the positive, the way the Holy Spirit still operates and sacramental grace still seals a Catholic wedding, where the same words uttered by Tom and Margie half a century ago will be spoken this month at prairie churches and urban cathedrals. Something beyond the human realm happens at the altar, and the church describes it well in its nuptial blessing: husband and wife enter into “so holy a mystery.” From honeymoon to 50th anniversary, the butterflies may flee, but the holiness and the mystery only deepen. Christina Capecchi is a freelance writer from Inver Grove Heights, Minn. She can be reached at www.ReadChristina.com.
Prayer to St. Jude
Most holy apostle, St. Jude, faithf l ser ant and iend of Jesus, the Church honors and invokes you universally, as the pat on of hopeless cases, of things almost despaired of. Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone. Make use I implore you, of that par icular privilege given to you, to bring visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of. Come to my assistance in this g eat need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, t ibulations, and sufferings that I may praise God with you and all the elect forever. I promise, O blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindf l of this g eat favor, to always honor you as my special and powerf l pat on, and to g atef lly encourage devotion to you. Amen.
~ FC ~
Four County Catholic June 2013
“What Charity Means to Me” Essay Winners During this Year of Faith, we celebrate the 60th Jubilee of the Diocese of Norwich and the tenth anniversary of the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote as Bishop of the Diocese of Norwich. Bishop Cote’s motto “Above All Charity” was the underpinning of an essay contest among the sixth grade students. Each student wrote an essay entitled “What Charity Means to Me”. The winning essays from each school have been submitted for publication in the Four County Catholic. The following winners are from Saint John School in Middletown. Catryn Rhoden, Grade 6 Charity is something that needs to be practiced every day. People should donate to the poor, homeless, and those struggling all over the globe. Imagine a world where everyone had a home, a world where no one went to bed hungry. We can help build that world peace through charity. At Saint John School, we practice charity by donating money to the church and food to local pantries. Items and money we collect could change the lives of others. Right now, we are currently working on a project
called Pennies for Patients. The purpose of this fundraiser is to help kids with Leukemia who can’t afford treatment. It’s great to know that I’m helping children somewhere who are ill. Charity gives you a warm, good feeling inside! Charity can come in many different ways. It’s not just giving money away, but we can also provide spiritual help too. Priests, bishops and pastors pray for those in need so that God will bless them and give them strength. We can also participate in this form of charity by praying along with them.
In conclusion, charity is a great way to help others and participate in Christian kindness. Without charity there would be less kindness and peace in the word. We are helping someone in the world every day. The best part about charity is that it helps the person learn to give willingly. Thank God we have something called charity!
Kasey Goggins, Grade 6 To me, charity means to be generous and loving to people in need. Charity is giving your time, money, extra clothing, and other possessions to the needy. Charity can also be participating in fundraisers and giving the money to a soup kitchen such as Saint Vincent de Paul. You should remember to treat others as you would like to be treated. At Saint
John School, we have a Student Council. We think of fundraisers for the poor, sick, needy, and homeless. Our most recent fundraiser is Pennies for Patients. We collect all our spare change and combine it with our class. The class with the most money wins. We also set a goal for the amount of money the school has to raise. We have also donated to other funds such as the ASPCA, written letters to people who are lonely, and more. My friends and I recently made a blanket to donate to the poor. It was fun to make and made us feel
Blessed John Paul II Regional School The newly formed Blessed John Paul II Regional School is now accepting registrations for grades Pre-K through 8th. We strive to work together with parents to develop in each child a lifelong love of learning and a deep respect for one another. We look forward to building a faith-filled community one child at a time.
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good to do it. There are also other kinds of charity. For example, charity can be as simple as spending time with a friend who needs cheering up, or picking up something that a person dropped and giving it back to them. Charity doesn’t always have to be giving to the poor. You can give charity to people all around you. It can come in many ways that are not seen. Charity comes in all shapes and sizes and means a lot to someone no matter how big it is. Charity is any random acts of kindness that you can do for others.
87 South Main Street Middletown, CT 06457
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Four County Catholic June 2013
Ki’Yonta Stevenson, a member of Mercy High School’s class of 2013 gives a hug to President Sr. Mary McCarthy after receiving her diploma from Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich at commencement. Catherine Avalone/e Middletown Press
Mercy High School Graduates 157 Seniors in Middletown SERVICES OFFERED: Companionship Light Housekeeping Meal Planning/Prep
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MIDDLETOWN - Valedictorian Alexandra Femc’s lasting words on the Class of 2013 at By Kaitlyn Schroyer Reprint from the Middletown Press
Mercy High was a question: “What is talent?” And according to Femc, “We are talented at being sisters, daughters and friends. We are talented at forming unwavering support systems that are grounded in the Catholic faith, especially during the emotional events affecting Connecticut and the Mercy community in the past year. And lastly, we are talented at being classy young women who will forever remember to be Sister Mary appropriate in all that we do.” As 157 girls walked their final
walk as seniors in high school, they were reminded of the importance of the belief in the impossible by Salutatorian Catherine Kannam. “As women of Mercy, we don’t give up,” Kannam said in her speech to her class. Kannam, who is headed to Dartmouth College in the fall, not only achieved success in her academics and extracurricular activities, but also the prestigious Girl Scout Gold Award. “Believe in yourself,” Femc said in an interview. “It’s hard in society. Have faith in yourself.” Femc, who is headed into the honors program at Northeastern University for nursing, also completed many hours at Middlesex Hospital and Christ Church Cathedral Soup Kitchen in addi-
tion to many AP classes, a parttime job and extracurricular activities. “Be strong in what you do. Have a lot of heart behind it,” Femc said. Sister Mary A. McCarthy, president of Mercy High School, reminded the class of the steps they have taken toward each other and others in the community. “You have done so with confidence, compassion and great generosity,” she said. As the Chamber Choir sang “Showing Us the Way” — a Mercy tradition — Kannam picked out a line that had a lasting impression on the Class of 2013: “Where we’re going to, it’s still hard to say, but I know we’ll come back someday.”
Four County Catholic June 2013
Groton’s Sacred Heart School Artists Shine The CT State Council of the Knights of Columbus holds two poster contests each year. One is for By Cris Cruz, Grand Knight Council 4314, Sacred Heart Parish, Groton
Vocations; this year’s theme was “Religious Life – Vocations in the Catholic Church”. The contest is open to children in 1st to 8th grades. At this year’s CT State Convention, the winners for the Vocations Poster Contest were announced. Two students from Sacred Heart School in Groton were chosen as winners in their category. For 1st and 2nd grades, the winner was Payton Noe. Payton’s poster was a beautifully colored work of art with the theme being “Pray to the Holy Spirit so you can be a better listener to God”. The poster was highlighted by praying hands, a heart, an angel, and Our Lord Jesus on The
Cross. For 7th and 8th grades, the winner was Edyta Wolk. Edyta’s poster had someone approaching a fork in the road and in the middle was the sign “Vocation Road”. It was colored in lightly so that the theme of the poster stood out – “When life gives you choices and you can’t find your way, God will light a path for you and lead you through the day”. The other poster contest that the Knights of Columbus holds is the Substance Abuse Awareness Con-
tests. The winners of this contest were also announced at the CT State Convention. For the Alcohol Abuse Awareness Contest, ages 8 to 11, the winner from Sacred Heart School was Molly Lebovitz. Molly’s poster was eye-catching. The background was bright yellow with two prominent items. The first item was a martini, along with olives, placed inside a red circle with a line through it meaning DON’T. The second was a bottle of milk inside a blue circle meaning YES. The theme of her poster was “Feel good about what you drink!” The winners’ submissions are forwarded to the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council for their International Contest. Good Luck to Molly in
that contest. A special thank you should be given to the Principal of Sacred Heart School, Larry Fitzgerald, and Art Teacher, Ann Griffin for their leadership and guidance.
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ReExperiencing the Depth of Discipleship
June 2328 Fr. John Burchill, OP
Renewing Your Spiritual Life through the Theological Virtues July 612 Sr. Eugenia Brady, SJC
Everyday Prayer in the Year of Faith July 1518 Fr. Tim Pfander
11th Step on the Rock Men’s Weekend July 1214 Fr. Tim P.
Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus June 7 Fr. Brad McGovern
The Year of Faith July 10 Fr. Fred Irving
Four County Catholic June 2013
St. Patrick Cathedral School students form a ribbon for Breast Cancer Awareness. They formed a ribbon either wearing pink or shirts designed by the 8th grade saying St. Pats supports breast cancer.
Mount Saint John to Become The Academy at Mount Saint John On April 26th, the Board of Directors of Mount Saint John, Inc., approved a new business model which allows the agency to continue its mission which it began over a hundred years ago. While Mount St. John School, in operation for over 100 years as a residential treatment facility for at-risk boys and young men, will close its residential program effective June 18 , 2013, it will continue its mission as a clinical day school named, “The Academy at Mount Saint John�. There will be a grand opening in September, 2013. The mission of the Academy is “to provide high quality clinical and educational experiences to empower individuals and families with the skills, confidence and fortitude to achieve their full potential “. Utilizing a multi-disciplinary team approach, the focus is on the coordination of cognitive, emotional, physical, educational, vocational and spiritual development of young men struggling with academic success, school avoidance and benefitting from non- traditional educational options. It will serve young men from 11 to 21 years old in a flexible schedule including partial day, full and extended day and school year. For further information, an informational tour or preplacement interviews, please contact Ms. Kathy White at whitek@mtstjohn.org or (860)343-1357 or visit our website www.mtstjohn.org.
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Scouts Earn Special Recognition Award
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During the 2013 Diocese of Norwich Scouting Religious Award and Recognition Ceremony, Bishop Michael R. Cote and Scout Chaplin Father Gregory Galvin presented two brothers with the “Pillars of Faith� Award. Eagle Scout Matthew Tirocchi and Life Scout Ryan Tirocchi, of Troop 73 in Lisbon and parishioners of Sacred Heart Church in Taftville, received this special recognition award for earning all four Boy Scout Catholic Religious Emblems. To obtain this award, the scouts had to earn the Light of Christ and Parvuli Dei Awards as a Cub Scout and then the Ad Altare Dei and the Pope Pius XII Awards as a Boy Scout. Since the Diocese of Norwich began acknowledging this accomplishment in 2005, only 9 Boy Scouts have earned this distinctive award. The ceremony was held at Saints Peter & Paul Church in Norwich on April 28, 2013 and was facilitated by the Diocese of Norwich Office of Faith Formation and the Diocesan Committee on Catholic Scouting. Photo: Father Galvin, Ryan Tirocchi, Matthew Tirocchi and Bishop Cote.
Four County Catholic June 2013
2013 Graduates Reflect on Time at Xavier High School in Middletown MIDDLETOWN - In a dignified and respectful ceremony led by Brother Thomas Ryan, Francis By Julie Anne Rancourt Reprint from the Middletown Press
Xavier High School held graduation exercises for 192 young men this Sunday morning, May 19, 2013. The forty-seventh graduating class received their diplomas from the Most Reverend Bishop Michael R. Cote. “(Graduation) seemed like it was always so far away and now that it’s here, it seems to have gone by so quickly. We’ve all grown as Xavier men,” Class President, Gavin Clemmey said before the ceremony. The idea of growing from boys into men was a common thread among the speakers and guests at the ceremony. Eileen Strom, whose son Peter was graduating, lauded the school for giving her son the best education possible and said the school turned them into “men, men like Christ.” Peter Strom will be attending Fordam University with four other classmates in the fall. Salutatorian Mark K. Breault, of Ivoryton, delighted the crowd with a humorous anecdote about his first days at the school and the random dress-code checks, one of which a classmate failed by not only wearing illegal shoes, but forgetting to wear socks. Breault said he found the dress code, and resulting punishments for being out of compliance, trying, but has grown to realize that they were being trained to display themselves outwardly in a way that reflects their inner man. Breault, who will be studying Chemical Engineering at Villanova University in the fall, went on to express his appreciation to his parents, teachers, and God. Representing the class as the top academic achiever, Mario J. Chris, spoke about the sacrifices his family made which allowed him to attend Xavier High School. From Storrs, Connecticut, he thanked his mother, Sagaya Mary V. Rayappan, for leaving her job in Storrs for one
in Middletown, so he could commute an hour each way with her every day. In his introduction, Brother Ryan equated all the time Chris spent commuting to Xavier with traveling to the west coast more than nine times. Chris, who will be studying Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering and Computer Science at Stanford University, said today was about celebrating the impact that they will have on the world. The Valedictorian said he is most proud of doing his best and letting God do the rest, saying that Xavier men are above all, confident. Chris said that the experience he valued the most was “seeing Jesus every day through each one of you.” Chris closed his remarks with a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson, “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” Bishop Michael R. Cote, spiri-
tual leader of the Diocese of Norwich, referenced the newly elected Pope Francis and his tendency to speak briefly and simply. The
bishop quoted the Pope by saying “we need to see the light of hope and bring it to others.” In his brief remarks, Bishop told
the graduates to “listen carefully to your individual gifts. They will guide you where to go” and offered his congratulations.
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Four County Catholic June 2013
On A Mission in Nicaragua A Life-Changing Experience During our Spring Break this year, 10 students and two teachers from Saint Bernard School had By Victor Calle Senior, Saint Bernard School
the amazing privilege and opportunity to go on a mission trip to Nicaragua. There were a variety of reasons for our decision to go, which included the opportunity to learn, mature and grow in our
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faith while immersed in a different culture. We were all excited for the opportunity to improve the lives of others and allow God to use us as instruments to do His Will. This was a trip that required many months of planning and was done in conjunction with the Mustard Seed Communities Organization (MSC). MSC is a nonprofit organization dedicated to caring for the most vulnerable populations in society, with facilities in Jamaica, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic and Zimbabwe. They work primarily towards the care of children with serious mental and physical disabilities, but also have programs offering jobs and training for people who would otherwise have no opportunity to break out of the cycle of poverty. Our mission team worked in their two Nicaraguan facilities at Hogar Belen Managua and Hogar Belen Diriamba. Along with MSC, we as individuals reached out to our communities in search of spiritual and prayer support for the success of our mission trip, as well as for donations to bring with us for the facilities. When we arrived, we were not prepared for all that we would see and experience. The culture and social situation there were so drastically different from anything we knew that for the first few days when we were traveling, we would sit in near silence, just trying to wrap our heads around all that we saw, smelled and heard. The poverty was apparent everywhere and many places were very dirty. Oddly enough, the people there
were really quite happy and kind. Despite the obvious difficulty of their lives and the suffering they endured, they maintained great faith and joy. This was something that impacted us greatly, as we knew that in the U.S. many would not do nearly so well in overcoming such a harsh situation. The work we did while in Nicaragua consisted of spending time with the children of Hogar Belen Managua and Diriamba, and also doing construction work, including building a new kitchen at the Managua site. For several hours we worked - mixing concrete, carrying buckets of concrete to pour a foundation, digging, breaking/moving rocks and many other tasks. But after that, we were able to spend time with the children. It was the most wonderful and beautiful part of our experience there. The children, with all their disabilities were still so happy and loving and lovable in a way that touched each and every one of us deeply. In them you could truly see the free, pure and innocent love of God. Many of our peers were surprised at our decision to give up our breaks for the experience. Some of us, ourselves, were of course aware of what we might be missing as far as free time to rest, relax and be with friends. But it was easy to justify to ourselves that the good we might accomplish would be well worth the sacrifice. Speaking for the entire mission team, we had infinitely more fun, excitement and growth that week in Nicaragua than we ever would have at home.
Four County Catholic June 2013
Did You Know? June 14 Flag Day. Wear red, white, and blue. June 16 Father’s Day. Say the Our Father to honor God, your heavenly Father. June 19 Freedom from slavery day. Pray for people who are slaves. June 24 Feast day of the birth of John the Baptist. Read about him in the first chapters of the Gospels Luke and John in your Bible.
Honor Your Dad June 16th is Father’s Day. Honor your dad and make the day fun. If you don’t have a dad in the home, then honor a man in your life who is special. Father’s Day became a real holiday across America in 1972. But, Father’s Day celebrations began over 100 years ago by daughters. In West Virginia many children lost their father’s in a coal mining accident in 1907. The following summer, Grace Clayton and her church held the first Father’s Day service. In Spokane, Washington, Mrs. Sonora Dodd, the daughter of a man who fought in the civil war wanted to honor her dad and others. Her father raised his six children by himself after his wife died. The governor of her state declared the first official Father’s Day in 1910. Plan and make the day special with some of these ideas: • Collect jokes to tell dad and laugh together. • Write a letter or draw a picture of what’s special about your dad. You can even make a booklet of great deeds your dad has done. • Make hero sandwiches for Dad and let him know why he’s your hero. • Play a game together inside or play ball outside. • Have someone take a picture of you with your dad. Then frame the photo. • Have a knighthood ceremony and knight your dad as your hero. You can even use long balloons as a sword and have a balloon sword fight. • Make or print a card. Here are two places to check out: http://printable-cards.gotfreecards.com/?cat=Father%27s+Day http://www.greetingsisland.com/Printables/Holidays/Fathers-day • Write promise notes of things you’ll do for dad for him to use (suggestions: play a game, be quiet, obey a rule, wash his car, make a snack for him)
Famous Bible Dads Unscramble these names and check out the passages on some famous fathers in the Bible.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Vdiia 2 Timothy 2:8 & 1 Kings 2:12 Brhaaam Genesis 18:18-19 Crazaasth Luke 1:62-63 Mdaa Genesis 5:3 Scaia Genesis 26:12-13 Dgo Ephesians 5:20
7. Semos Acts 7:29 8. Usairj Luke 8:41, 49-56 9. Phojse Genesis 10. Uasjho Joshua 24:15 11. Eessj Ruth 4:22 12. Onha Genesis 9:18-19
by Karen H Whiting
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Answers: 1. David 2. Abraham 3. Zacharieas 4. Adam 5. Isaac 6. God 7. Moses 8. Jairus 9. Joseph 10. Joshua 11. Jesse 12. Noah
Four County Catholic June 2013
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