Four County Catholic June/July 2018

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Rejoicing in the good of others

Volume 30 • Number 6 • June/July 2018 Serving The Counties Of Middlesex, New London, Tolland, Windham, CT & Fishers Island, NY

Called to “Do More”

Xavier Class of 2018 Prepared to Continue Their Life’s Mission


Michael Castiblanco

Newly Ordained Deacon for the Diocese



Serving The Counties Of Middlesex • New London • Tolland • Windham, CT & Fishers Island, NY

­Established in 1989 and published each month except July. Made Possible in part through your generous support of the Annual Catholic Appeal


Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Bishop of Norwich


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Photo by Wayne Gignac

See page 5 for full story


Xavier Valedictorian, Maxwell Carmichael, encouraged his classmates to continue to “Do More,” remembering that message written on the white board at school on his first day freshman year.

Congratulations to the Xavier Class of 2018 and all graduating seniors in diocesan schools this year! Cover photo by: Yolanda Christine Photography

The deadline for advertising and editorial is the second Monday of the previous month. Articles limited to 500-word max; letters to the editor limited to 200-word max and must include name, address and phone number for verification. Email photos as JPEG attachments and MS Word copy to or fax to 860.859.1253. Publication not guaranteed. The Editor reserves the right to reject, omit or edit all editorial and advertising copy. Published opinions and advertisements do not necessarily reflect the editorial position of this newspaper. © Copyright 2018, Diocese of Norwich. All rights reserved. No content may be reproduced without expressed consent. Periodical Postage paid at Hartford, CT 06101 and at additional offices. Postmaster - Send address changes to:

Four County Catholic, 31 Perkins Ave., Norwich, CT 06360-3613 FOUR COUNTY CATHOLIC Issue 6 June/July (PE 9934) is published monthly except July by The Diocese of Norwich, 31 Perkins Avenue, Norwich, CT 06360-3613. Periodicals postage paid in Hartford, CT 06101 and at additional mailing offices.

The Masthead quote, Rejoicing in the good of others, a fitting motto of the mission of the Four County Catholic, is attributed to Saint John of the Cross as referenced in Pope Francis’ latest Apostolic Exhortation- “Rejoice and Be Glad”.




LET FAITH LEAD THE WAY June is such an exhilarating time of hope and promise as we embrace the continuing joy of the Easter Season and the gifts of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. This is a season bursting with enthusiasm as seen in the faces of our graduating classes across the Diocese. We are blessed to live in a Country offering the freedom and opportunity to practice our faith and thrive as a nation under God. By natural right from God and by protection of the U. S. Constitution, we are endowed with religious freedom for all. The First Amendment to the Constitution, providing the freedom to believe and practice one’s religion or no religion as per one’s conscience, is considered our Country’s first freedom. We cannot afford to be complacent about preserving and defending this first right. It is the freedom of thought and conscience that allows us to call others to Christ and to engage in the ministries of faith that contribute to the common good of our society as we assist the poor, the hungry, those seeking education and the truth, the orphaned, the infirmed, the immigrant, the defenseless unborn and our most vulnerable brothers and sisters. We are free to serve others in God’s love. As the world remains troubled and unsettled, we Bishops of the United States have organized a historic Religious Freedom Week from June 22 - June 29, 2018. Catholics across the United States are encouraged to pray and act in support of religious liberty. The very appropriate theme for this week of intense focus on religious liberty is “Serving Others in God’s Love.”

The Holy Father, Pope Francis, describes this momentous cause in this way, “Religious freedom remains one of America’s most precious possessions. And, as my brothers, the United States Bishops have reminded us, all are called to be vigilant, precisely as good citizens, to preserve and defend that freedom from everything that would threaten or compromise it.” To help us reflect, pray and act on specific areas of religious freedom, each day of Religious Freedom Week has a brief one-page guide. For example, the guide for Thursday, June 28th, reflects on Catholic education as central to the Church’s mission. It reminds us that “Catholic schools need the space - the freedom -- to operate in accordance with Catholic convictions if they are to continue to be a source of vitality for our society.” It further encourages us to support the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA) to protect the tax-exempt status of non-profit entities, including schools. These companion materials for the entire week’s program are available at or on Twitter @USCCBFreedom or by texting “Freedom” to 377377. Each day, the current reflections will also be posted on the diocesan website Our call is to be vigilant and proactive in defending religious liberty. Please join with us as we approach Religious Freedom Week. It is a special and timely opportunity to learn of the infringements we must recognize and defend against. Every instance of endangerment to our first freedom is critical. The efforts put forth on

the HHS contraception mandate have brought us ever closer to a just outcome for right of conscience. There are freedoms at risk relative to immigration reform and on so many other fronts such as adoption and foster care. All of these affect all of us ultimately. Religious liberty strengthens the social conditions which improve the common good. It just doesn’t get any more socially urgent than standing firm on behalf of religious liberty. Be sure to let your elected representatives know how important this cause is to each of you. Almighty God, Father of all nations, We praise and bless you for the gift of religious liberty, the foundation of human rights, justice, and the common good. Grant to our leaders the wisdom to protect and promote our liberties; By your grace may we have the courage to defend them, for ourselves and for all those who live in this blessed land. United in prayer,

Bishop Michael R. Cote

- Continuado en español en la página 7


My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


The Freedom to Serve Others in God’s Love


Our DIOCESE Mr. Larry Barile First year Theology, Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary, Weston, Massachusetts.

Deacon Michael Castiblanco Third Year Theology Mount St. Mary’s Seminary Emmitsburg, Maryland

Deacon Ronald Blank Fourth year -Theology, Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary, Weston, Massachusetts.

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MR. Michael Bovino Second year - Theology, Mount Saint Mary Seminary, Emmitsburg, Maryland.

We pray for men to answer the call to be instruments of God’s grace as priests of Jesus Christ.

Vocations Are Coming, Vocations Are Coming!



Father Gregory Galvin, Director of Priestly Vocations


Keep the prayers, sacrifices and holy hours going! We are most pleased to announce that Bishop Cote has accepted three more candidates into sponsorship with the Diocese to study for the priesthood. They are Alex Pandolfe, Eric Hosmer and Julian Cuervo-Lozada. We extend our congratulations to each of these men all of whom live here in the Norwich Diocese presently and each of whom have the commonality of having attended UCONN. Julian, Alex and Eric are in the next step of the process for those newly accepted into sponsorship with the Diocese to study for the priesthood. That step is an application process to the seminary which Bishop Cote recommends they attend for their priestly formation. That formation throughout the Church includes four distinct pillars; academic, pastoral, human, and spiritual. Please keep these men in your prayers as we hope to hear early this summer that they have been accepted and will know where they will begin the next part of their journey with the Church, the Diocese and our Lord, Jesus, the great High Priest. Please look for biographical introductions of each man in the August issue of the

Mr. Dharen Brochero UnderGrad/ Philosophy Major Mount St. Mary’s Seminary Emmitsburg, Maryland

Four County Catholic which will be out just a few weeks before all our seminarians will be returning to begin the coming year of priestly formation. The Diocese celebrates three different ordinations. On May 24, Michael Castiblanco was ordained a transitional deacon and will continue his final year of studies at Mount Saint Mary Seminary in Maryland. On June 30 at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick, we are preparing for the priestly ordination of Deacon Frank Gilbert. Finally, on July 14th, we will celebrate the ordination of three new permanent deacons also at the Cathedral. They are Mr. Kim Thompson, Mr. Dan D’Amelio and Mr. Bryan Jones. This year we have two of our seminarians, Jacob Ramos and Normand Laflamme attending the Institute for Priestly Formation at Creighton University. Please keep both in your prayers. The other seminarians began their summer assignments. Please also keep Deacon Ron Blank in your prayers as he is working a pastoral assignment here in the Diocese hoping to receive a call to Holy Orders possibly for some time next year.

Deacon Frank Gilbert Fourth year - Theology, Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary, Weston, Massachusetts.



Holy Hour for Vocations

The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, leads the Holy Hour:

June 29th Cathedral of Saint Patrick, Norwich Monsignor Anthony Rosaforte

7-8pm July 19th Saint Mark, Westbrook

Father Grzegorz Brozonowicz

6-7pm Finally, please join us at our summer Holy Hours: June 29th at 7pm the Cathedral of Saint Patrick, Norwich, July 19th Saint Mark’s Westbrook at 6pm and August 23rd at 5:30pm, Saint Joseph Church Rockville. The

Mr. Normand Laflamme First year - Theology, Mount Saint Mary Seminary, Emmitsburg, Maryland

prayers, sacrifice and Holy Hours that you are participating in are touching the Heart of the Harvest Master. We now have eleven Seminarians for the Diocese. Thank you all and most of all Thank you, Lord God.

Mr. Jacob Ramos Second year - Philosophy, Mount Saint Mary Seminary, Emmitsburg, Maryland.

Ruben Sanchez UCAELI Program UCONN/Storrs


Article by Wayne Gignac; Photos by Marie Wynn

Technology played a large part in the ordination, allowing Michael’s family, especially his mother in Columbia, to witness the entire ceremony via Facebook Live. La tecnología jugó un papel importante en la ordenación, lo que permitió a la familia de Michael en Colombia, especialmente a su madre, presenciar toda la ceremonia en vivo por Facebook.

“Let us pray that God will mercifully pour out the grace of His blessing on His servant whom in His kindness He raises to the Holy Order of the Diaconate”, prays Bishop Cote. The Elect, Michael Castiblanco, lying prostrate as the Litany was sung. El Obispo Cote reza, “Recemos para que Dios derrame misericordiosamente la gracia de Su bendición sobre Su siervo, quien, por Su bondad, se eleva a la Orden Sagrada del Diaconado”. El elegido, Michael Castiblanco, postrado mientras se cantaba la Letanía.

Deacon Michael will spend the summer in Groton assisting Father Dariusz K. Dudzik, J.C.L. at Saint Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Parish and Sacred Heart Parish. Following this assignment, he will return to Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland to complete his final year of study and discernment.

- Continued on page 6


Bishop Ordains Deacon

These are the words spoken by Bishop Michael R. Cote, May 24th in a beautiful bilingual ceremony at Saint Mary Church in Norwich, prior to ordaining Michael Castiblanco to the order of Deacon. Bishop Cote also acknowledged Michael’s mother watching in Columbia via Facebook’s live streaming service.


Called to Serve

“We congratulate you on your openness to God’s work in your life and we thank you for responding to His call with such generosity.”


Llamado a Servir

El Obispo Ordena a un Diácono



Escrito por Wayne Gignac Fotos de Marie Wynn


Imposition of Hands- “This gesture signifies the divine power which is conferred upon you. The gesture indicates that you are being entrusted with an official ministry in the Church as a servant of the Lord.” Bishop Michael Cote Imposición de manos: “Este gesto significa el poder divino que se te confiere. El gesto indica que se te ha confiado un ministerio oficial en la Iglesia como siervo del Señor”. Obispo Michael Cote.

Following the prayer of ordination Very Reverend Gregory P. Galvin, Director of Vocations and Reverend Tomasz Albrecht, Parochial Vicar of Saint Mary Church in Norwich assisted vesting the newly ordained Deacon Michael Castiblanco with his diaconal stole and dalmatic. Once vested, Reverend Mr. Michael Castiblanco knelt before the Bishop who placed the Book of the Gospels in his hands saying “Receive the gospel of Christ, whose herald you have become. Believe what you read, teach what you believe, and practice what you teach.” Después de la oración de la ordenación, el Padre Gregory P. Galvin, Director de las Vocaciones y el Padre Tomasz Albrecht, Vicario Parroquial de la iglesia Saint Mary en Norwich, ayudaron a investir al recién ordenado diácono Michael Castiblanco con su estola diaconal y dalmática. Una vez investido, el diácono Michael Castiblanco se arrodilló ante el obispo quien colocó en sus manos el Libro de los Evangelios, diciendo: “Recibe el evangelio de Cristo, en cuyo heraldo te has convertido. Cree lo que lees, enseña lo que crees y practica lo que enseñas”.

“Te felicitamos por tu apertura al trabajo de Dios en tu vida y te agradecemos por responder a su llamado con tanta generosidad”. Estas son las palabras pronunciadas por el obispo Michael R. Cote el 24 de mayo en una hermosa ceremonia bilingüe en la iglesia Saint Mary en Norwich, antes de ordenar a Michael Castiblanco al orden del Diaconado. El obispo Cote también saludó a la madre de Michael quien estaba mirando en Colombia la transmisión en vivo por Facebook.

Deacon Michael imparting a blessing. El Diácono Michael dando una bendición.

El Diácono Michael pasará el verano en Groton ayudando al Padre Dariusz K. Dudzik, J.C.L. en la parroquia Saint Mary, Mother of the Reedener y la Parroquia Sacred Heart. Después de esta asignación, regresará al Seminario de Mount Saint Mary en Emmitsburg, Maryland para completar su último año de estudio y discernimiento.




Que La Fé Muestre El Camino

Por derecho natural de Dios y por la protección de la Constitución de los Estados Unidos, estamos dotados de libertad religiosa para todos. La Primera Enmienda a la Constitución, que proporciona la libertad de creer y practicar una religión o ninguna religión según la propia conciencia, se considera la primera libertad de nuestro país. No podemos darnos el lujo de ser indiferentes sobre la protección y defensa de este primer derecho. Es la libertad de pensamiento, conciencia y elección la que nos permite llamar a otros a Cristo y a participar en los ministerios de la fe que contribuyen al bien común de nuestra sociedad mientras ayudamos a los pobres, a los que pasan hambre, a los que buscan educación y verdad, a los huérfanos, a los enfermos, a los inmigrantes, a los indefensos no nacidos y a todos nuestros hermanos y hermanas vulnerables. Somos libres de servir a otros en el amor de Dios. Mientras el mundo sigue preocupado e inquieto, nosotros los obispos de los Estados Unidos hemos organizado una Semana histórica de la Libertad Religiosa desde el 22 de junio hasta el 29 de junio del 2018. Se alienta a los católicos de los Estados Unidos a orar y actuar en apoyo de la libertad religiosa. El tema más apropiado para esta semana de intenso enfoque en la libertad religiosa es “Servir a los demás en el amor de Dios”.

El Santo Padre, Papa Francisco, describe esta causa importante de esta manera: “La libertad religiosa sigue siendo una de las posesiones más preciadas de los Estados Unidos. Y, mis hermanos, los Obispos de Estados Unidos, nos han recordado, que todos estamos llamados a estar atentos, precisamente como buenos ciudadanos, para preservar y defender esa libertad de todo lo que podría amenazarla o comprometerla “. Para ayudarnos a reflexionar, orar y actuar en áreas específicas, cada día de la Semana de la Libertad Religiosa tiene una breve guía de una página. Por ejemplo, la guía para el jueves 28 de junio refleja la educación católica como central para la misión de la Iglesia. Nos recuerda que “las escuelas católicas necesitan el espacio, la libertad, para operar de acuerdo con las convicciones católicas si quieren seguir siendo una fuente de vitalidad para nuestra sociedad”. Además, nos alienta a apoyar la Ley de Defensa de la Primera Enmienda (FADA) (por sus siglas en inglés) para proteger el estatus exento de impuestos de las entidades sin fines de lucro, incluyendo las escuelas. Estos materiales complementarios para el programa de toda la semana están disponibles en o en Twitter @ USCCBFreedom. Escriba “Freedom” al 377377. Cada día, las reflexiones actuales también se publicarán en el sitio web diocesano Nuestro llamado es ser vigilantes y proactivos en la defensa de la libertad religiosa. Por favor, únase a nosotros a medida que nos acercamos a la Semana de la Libertad Religiosa. Es una oportunidad especial y oportuna para conocer las infracciones que debemos reconocer y defender.

Cada momento de peligro de nuestra primera libertad es crítico. Los esfuerzos realizados sobre la anticoncepción del mandato HHS (por sus siglas en inglés) nos han acercado cada vez más a un resultado justo para el derecho de conciencia. Hay libertades en riesgo en relación con la reforma migratoria y en muchos otros frentes, como la adopción y el cuidado de crianza. Todo esto nos afecta a todos al final. La libertad religiosa fortalece las condiciones sociales que mejoran el bien común y promueven el florecimiento humano. No hay nada más urgente socialmente que mantenerse firme en nombre de la libertad religiosa. Asegúrese de informarle a sus representantes electos qué importante es esta causa para cada uno de ustedes. Dios Todopoderoso, Padre de todas las naciones, Te alabamos y te bendecimos por el regalo de la libertad religiosa, la base de los derechos humanos, la justicia y el bien común. Concede a nuestros líderes la sabiduría para proteger y promover nuestras libertades; Por tu gracia, que podamos tener el coraje de defenderla, para nosotros y para todos los que viven en esta tierra bendecida. Unidos en la oración,


Junio es un tiempo alentador de esperanza y promesa mientras acogemos la continua alegría de la temporada de la Pascua y los dones del Espíritu Santo de Pentecostés. Esta es una época del año muy llena de esperanza y renovación como es vista en las caras de nuestras clases de graduación en toda la Diócesis. Tenemos la bendición de vivir en un país que ofrece la libertad y la oportunidad de practicar nuestra fe y prosperar como nación bajo Dios.


La libertad de servir a otros en el amor de Dios



Profile of a Priest Father Brian Maxwell

Administrator of All Saints, Somers and Saint Edward the Confessor, Stafford Springs Ordination Date: June 25, 2013 By Marianne Nicholas Where are you from?



I was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia but grew up and lived most of my life in Boston Hills, a small town outside of Buffalo. I then lived in South Freeport, Maine for 20 years before coming to Connecticut. I became friends with Bishop Cote when he was the Auxiliary Bishop of Portland.


What one word would describe your family? Traditional. We were a post-World War II American Catholic family, members of Saint John the Baptist Parish, attending Mass every Sunday and on Holy Days. My sister and brother and I attended Catholic schools and were all involved in the Church.

Who were your biggest influences for entering the Seminary?

What do you enjoy about being a Priest?

What do you enjoy doing in your leisure time?

What was your Spiritual Life like before entering the Seminary?

What are the current positions you hold / committees on which you serve?

What else would you like people to know about you?

After 12 years of faith exploration, prayer, retreats and discernment, it was a newly ordained Jesuit Priest, Father Matthew Monnig, SJ, who was the ‘clincher’ in my long search to determine God’s will for my life. Father Matt spiritually directed me in a 30-day silent retreat known as The Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius.

At the age of 36, I began having a strong need for God. The faith that was planted in me by my parents, teachers, pastor, and extended family was now reemerging. I began to pray more. I went to Confession, it had been a long time. God transformed me from a successful businessman to an active, humble servant.

Celebrating Mass! Preparing and delivering homilies, being in the Heavenly Liturgy, praying for people, and receiving God’s love and graces. “Nothin’ bedda,” as we say in Maine! The greatest Joy of the priesthood is helping Jesus bestow His Sacraments on His children.

I am presently the Administrator of All Saints in Somers and St. Edward the Confessor in Stafford Springs. Bishop Cote appointed me the Spiritual Advisor for the Norwich Diocesan Counsel of Catholic Women and made me his Delegate for the 40 Days for Life Campaign. I have also been a Diocesan Missionary of Mercy.

I like fishing and I’ve recently been on trips to Alaska and Idaho. This year I’m heading up to the Gaspé Peninsula in Quebec for Atlantic salmon. I also enjoy the Connecticut River, and getting together with my Seminary brothers at one of their cottages in New Jersey. Another interest is visiting shrines.

I never dreamed that I would become a Priest. I am still amazed that God transformed me from businessman to servant. As laypeople or as Clergy, we’re all called to love God and each other, in humble prayer and service.

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Diocese of Norwich Catholic Foundation



The theme for the 2018 Annual Catholic Appeal is “Standing Together to Build the Future”. Each month we will feature a group who supports our Diocesan Ministries by following this motto through their good works.


By Kathy Gaito Bishop Daniel A. Hart had a profound impact on our Diocese in so many ways. One of his greatest inspirations was the creation of The Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Norwich, a nonprofit corporation which was established to encourage the development of endowments benefitting the Diocese of Norwich, its parishes, schools, ministries and organizations. Bishop Hart realized that our Diocese’s ability to minister to our neighbors and families was dependent upon each of us ‘Standing Together to Build the Future’ and The Catholic Foundation has done just that, assuming a major role in supporting our Diocesan organizations. Comprised of 27 endowment funds, over the past 17 years, the Foundation has distributed over 3.7 million dollars to finance the spiritual, educational and social needs of our Catholic community. Each year the Foundation hosts an awards dinner to distribute its funds. A majority of the money distributed is in the form of tuition assistance grants to help elementary school students. This year, 270 elementary students will benefit from the Foundation’s tuition aid. Other monies are awarded through the Foundation’s non-tuition grant program and have helped to support, to name a few: the emergency basic needs program at Catholic Charities, the soup kitchens at St. Vincent de Paul Place, Norwich and St. Vincent de Paul, Middletown as well as many critical and necessary projects such as roofing, security upgrades or chimney repair for Diocesan entities. In addition, named endowments support a variety of

Catholic Foundation Board Members: First Row, Left to Right- Bob Staley, Mother Mary David Riquier, Bishop Michael Cote, Angela Arnold, Jean Barrasso, Dan Adams Second Row, Left to Right- Monsignor Leszek Janik, Tom Kasprzak, John Boland, Todd Postler, Sister Elissa Rinere, Anne Ogden. Missing- Tara Whitehead, Bill Butchka beneficiaries. For example, the Mabel Enos English Endowment fund supports the education of our seminarians and the Colin and Loretta Rice Endowment supports St. Mary – St. Joseph School, Willimantic. The Foundation’s two most recent endowments are the Leo E. and Lorraine A. Barron Endowment and the Very Reverend William F. Schneider Endowment. The Leo E. and Lorraine A. Barron Endowment was established by Mr. Leo Barron to support the needs of Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Gales Ferry. The Reverend William F. Schneider Endowment, established with initial funding provided by Monsignor Kevin Randall, is intended to support vocations to Diocesan priesthood or religious life. The Foundation is led by its chairman, Bishop Michael R.

Cote and Executive Director, AngelaArnold. The Foundation accepts individual contributions in any amount and the funds held by the Foundation are invested with professional money managers with oversight by the Foundation’s 13-member Board. Newly elected Board President, Tom Kasprzak, is looking forward to his tenure: “I am very excited to take on the role of President of the Catholic Foundation. Through our efforts to educate more people about the Foundation and the positive impact it has upon our Diocesan schools, parishes and ministries, we are finding an increase in people interested in establishing endowments.” While donations to any of the existing endowments are very much appreciated, to establish a named endowment, a minimum gift of

$10,000 is required. Donors can designate the beneficiary of their endowment as well as how the money will be ultimately utilized, if desired. In this way, the Foundation is able to carry out its mission to encourage Catholics to be good stewards through gifts of assets, provide for the investment of those assets and distribute the income according to the Gospel and the wishes of the donors. Donors can be assured that all Foundation investments adhere to the Diocesan Guidelines of Socially Responsible Investing. When asked about the Foundation and its work within the Diocese, Angela Arnold stated, “We are thrilled so many generous people have recognized the importance of making a long- lasting commitment to our Diocese by establishing endowments that help our many Diocesan organizations carry out their good work. With the Catholic Foundation and each one of us Standing Together to Build the Future, we can truly have a major impact on the lives of our friends and neighbors.” For more information on the Foundation or to contribute to an existing endowment, please contact Mary Ellen Mahoney, Development Manager/Major Gifts at 860.886.1928 ext. 14 or visit www. Thank you to The Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Norwich. Your support and the support of others allow our ministries to continue their service to our community. Thank you for “Standing Together to Build the Future” of the Diocese of Norwich!

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We Remember Memorial Day 2018

“In this sacred space we honor our military men and women with this Votive Mass for the Preservation and Protection of Peace and Justice. Those who defend our country and defend our freedoms do so not to be aggressive but to protect our freedoms and justice. May all who have fought for our freedoms know the rewards of everlasting life.” Bishop Michael R. Cote



Photo by Wayne Gignac


The Catholic Parishes of Ledyard & Groton Invite you to SYMBOLON presentations on our Faith

Photo by Wayne Gignac The overcast skies and the threat of rain didn’t discourage the over one hundred people who attended the Memorial Day Mass held at Saint Mary Cemetery New London. Bishop Michael R. Cote. D.D. concelebrated Mass along with priests of the New London Deanery.

The Catholic Faith Explained video series are led by Dr. Edward Sri. Filmed at Augustine Institute and on location in Rome, the Holy Land, and Calcutta. Presentations provide a clear, comprehensive explanation of core teachings of our faith in a way to help you know, live and articulate it to others. Presentation will be on Wednesday June 20 at 7pm. in the rectory meeting room at Our Lady of Lourdes (1650 Rte. 12, Gales Ferry - across from CVS) The topic will be: Catholic Social Teaching Mark your calendars and reserve your seat by contacting the parish secretary at 860-464-7251 / secretary

Photo by Marie Wynn Mass was concelebrated in Norwich at Saint Joseph Cemetery on Boswell Avenue by Vicar General, Monsignor Leszek T. Janik, J.C.L., along with priests of the Norwich Deanery.


Barron Endowment Fund

ne of Pope Francis’ favorite topics is the family. As the Pope has said: “… the most beautiful thing that God made … was the family. He created man and woman, and He gave them everything ...” Pope Francis also told us that “God knocks at the door of hearts ... But, do you know what He likes best? To knock on the doors of families and find families that are united, to find families that love each other, to find families that bring up their children and educate them and help them to keep going forward and that creates a society of goodness, of truth and of beauty.” Leo Barron was not in Philadelphia when Pope Francis spoke these words at the World Meeting of Families in September of 2015, but, if he had been, his ears surely would have been ringing! Leo Barron and his late wife, Lorraine, are a tribute to God’s love of the family. Through their 54-year marriage, Leo and Lorraine Barron raised five children within the Catholic Church and their family now includes 19 grandchildren who are following their grandparents’ tradition of faith. Leo and Lorraine Barron came to Gales Ferry and Our Lady of Lourdes in 1981. Prior to that, Leo’s position as a special agent with Naval Criminal Investigative Services (NCIS) for 28 years took the Barrons throughout the world on assignment. Leo also had a career as a Naval Reservist, retiring as a Commander. Lorraine taught school prior to having her children and dedicating her life to raising them and supporting her community. Both Leo and Lorraine were active at Our Lady of Lourdes; Leo was a lector and Lorraine was a CCD teacher. Lorraine also volunteered on a weekly basis at Pendleton Health and Rehabilitation Center and was active in the Ledyard

Bishop Michael R. Cote, Kerri Cherette, Leo Barron, Jeanne Knudsen and Father Brian Converse Lions Club and an officer of the Ladies Guild of Our Lady of Lourdes. Because of their shared love for their Church and deep respect for Father Brian Converse, pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Leo decided this Spring to establish, in honor of his wife, the Leo E. and Lorraine A. Barron Endowment within the Catholic Foundation in order to support Our Lady of Lourdes Church. Leo shared: “I have been so blessed to have been married to my best friend for over 50 years. Our marriage resulted in five great adults to give the world, who, in turn, married and are raising more soldiers for Christ. God certainly guided Lorraine and me right in bringing them up.” Kerri Charette, Leo’s daughter, also a parishioner of Our Lady of Lourdes, noted: “Mom truly lived her faith. She is surely well pleased that Dad has established the Leo E. and Lorraine A. Barron Endowment. Creating the endowment is a natural continuation of her life of service and giving time, talent and treasure in gratitude for the many blessing she and my father have

been given. It will help to ensure that the Norwich Diocese and its entities remain able to provide assistance to those in need, fund Catholic education, and, most importantly, enable Diocesan parishioners to live a life in Christ by following His example of love.” The Barrons’ endowment marks the establishment of the 27th endowment of the Catholic Foundation, and the third that has been set up under the direction of Father Converse. Reflecting on the faith of the Barron family, Father Converse commented:

“The Barron family, Leo’s children and grandchildren have been faithful members of Our Lady of Lourdes Church for a very long time. I am pleased and overwhelmed by the generosity Leo has shown in the establishment of the Leo and Lorraine Barron Endowment Fund for the benefit of Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Gales Ferry/ Ledyard! The faithfulness of the Barron family will continue to grow in appreciation as their parish continues into the future.” The Barron endowment will provide Our Lady of Lourdes with yearly income and will continue to do so forever. All Foundation monies are invested with Knights of Columbus Asset Advisors and overseen by the Investment Committee of the Foundation as well as the full board. In order to continue its mission, the Foundation continues to work with people and organizations within the Diocese to establish more endowments. If interested in doing so, please contact Mary Ellen Mahoney, Development Manager, at (860) 8861928 or by email at memahoney@ In the alternative, if one would like to support the Foundation, but not establish an endowment, individual donations are also accepted by the Foundation for any of its endowments.

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By Mary Ellen Mahoney



A Lasting Tribute to God’s Love of Family



Calendar of Events Saturday, June 30 Durham Tag Sale

Notre Dame Church from 8-1pm. rain or shine. Over 40 vendors in the parking lot selling antiques, tools, plants, pictures, produce, furniture, crafts, records, jewelry, yarn, greeting cards, handmade items etc. Vendor space only $15. Refreshment and food offered in the Church hall. Call Bill Shumway for more information 860 349-3397.

Saturday, July 7 Pro-Life Mass

The Cathedral of St. Patrick, Norwich at 8:30am. Please join our celebrant Father Ray Introvigne at Mass as we pray to end abortion and for the healing for those who have had an abortion. Following the Mass, the Rosary will be prayed

Sunday, July 29



Blessing of the Fleet


St. Mary Church in Stonington Borough will celebrate the Blessing of the Fleet. Bishop Cote will celebrate Mass at 10:30 in St. Mary Church, after which a parade will wind its way through the streets of Stonington Borough. There will be a small ceremony at the Town Dock where the boats will be blessed, and prayers offered for those fishermen lost at sea. There will be food and soft drinks available for sale. Kids activities are planned, and music will be provided. Festivities will run from 12-4pm.

Sunday, August 12

The Feast of the Assumption - New London

Will be celebrated at Fort Trumball, New London. Mass will be at 9:30am. Following Mass, a procession with the Virgin Mary to St. Joseph Church for the blessing of the sick, will then process back to Fort Trumball for a picnic lunch provided by Tony D’s. There will be live bands for a fun filled family afternoon

Sunday August 12

98th Annual Feast of The Assumption - The Maria Assunta Society

Mass at 10:30am at St. Mary’s Church, Stonington with a procession following at St. Michaels Church, Pawcatuck. The main celebrant will be the Most Reverend Paul S. Loverde, D.D., Bishop Emeritus of Arlington Virginia.

Friday, November 23

St. Bernard Class 1983 Reunion

35th Reunion to Remember at 6pm at the Port‘n Starboard Banquet Hall in New London. $40 per person. For more information please call Sean Kane at 860-442-6152.

Pope Francis @Pontifex

God loves us in a way that crushes all loneliness and isolation.



We Can Help


To report inappropriate contact of any kind by a representative of the Diocese of Norwich or for assistance to victims, please call: 1-800-624-7407

July 11, 2018 Father Greg Galvin

Podemos Ayudar

At 10:00am

Channel 11, WCCT Comcast Channel 20, WTXX Charter Diocesan

Para reportar cualquier contacto inapropiado por un/a representante de la Diócesis de Norwich, o para buscar ayuda para víctimas, favor de llamar: 1-800-624-7407



SETON SCHOLARSHIP DINNER OCTOBER 28, 2018 • 4:00 PM HONOREES: Monsignor Robert L. Brown (Posthumously)

Mrs. Doris Messina Reverend Mark D. O'Donnell

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For information on tickets, sponsorships and advertising please call Kathy Gaito 860-886-1928 Ext. 15 or email:


For the Love of a Child Gala


In addition, I also maintained my private clinic and provided pediatric support for various organizations with the mission to help children in poverty in Haiti. In 2008, I joined Outreach to Haiti and this year will mark my 10th year working for this great organization that strives to help Haitians. While working at Outreach as a pediatrician and as the current Medical Director, I take immense pride in the quality of services and the initiatives implemented by Outreach to help the needy Haitian Community of Christ Roi.” Dr. Jacquet’s remarks touched on all of the programs Outreach runs in Haiti, but naturally focused on the work of the clinic. The clinic was able to add a third health agent in the past year due to two generous grants - one from the Catholic Foundation, and one from the Sisters of Mercy. This additional health agent was the major reason for a significant increase in the number of people reached by the clinic. Increases in patient consults, lab tests, prescription drugs, and vaccinations, were all in the 20% to 50% range. Dr. Jacquet reported on one of the hallmark programs of the clinic - the infant and child nutrition program. This program has a 96% success rate in treating around 90 children a year and returning them from moderate or severe malnutrition to health. Pictures showed the before and after of four of these children; the differences were striking. It was heart-breaking to see the before pictures. This captured, as no amount of statistics could, why the Diocese of Norwich is in Haiti. The after pictures showed that progress is made on a continual basis in Haiti. This annual fundraiser is critical

Dr. Nadine Jacquet, Medical Director Outreach to Haiti Clinic Port-au-Prince, and James Michel, Chairman, Outreach to Haiti Board of Directors. to providing funds to support the medical clinic. You can help by donating to Outreach to Haiti, 815 Boswell Ave., Norwich, CT 06360 or at our website Thank you to all for your generosity,


elson Charles is the unique child of Saintelise Barthelemy and of Nenel Charles. Nelson entered the nutrition program at 13 months with a weight of 17lbs. Quickly after 6 weeks, he moved up to phase 2 of the treatment (plumpy nut to food package). He came out completely healed after 4 months and 2 weeks with a weight of 26lbs.

making the diocesan ministry possible in Haiti. Join us for next year’s Gala on Saturday, April 27, 2019...Save the date!


he annual “For the Love of a Child Gala”, the largest fundraiser for the Diocese of Norwich Outreach to Haiti, was held on Saturday, April 28th. It was a wonderful evening celebrating more than 30 years of the Bishop’s ministry in Haiti. The Gala was held at A Villa Louisa, in Bolton. An auction with over 40 items offered a wide variety to bid on: sports/ theatre tickets and memorabilia, restaurant and gourmet in-home chef hosting, a safari trip, a weekend at the Hamptons, Haitian crafts, etc.. The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich led the evening with a welcome prayer. Bishop Cote shared his thoughts on the importance of the Haitian ministry for the spiritual life of the people of Norwich as much as the thousands helped in Haiti. Outreach Executive Director Dan O’Sullivan presented an overview of the ministry in Haiti, highlighting Outreach’s programs: education sponsorship, health care and nutrition, parish twinning and immersion trips. Information and pictures were posted around the room, on the tables and in the evening’s program. The Keynote address was presented by Dr. Nadine Jacquet, the Medical Director of Outreach to Haiti’s clinic in Port-au-Prince. She delivered a compelling overview of her patients, the struggling poor, who come to the clinic, often as a last resort. After giving a brief background of her early years in Haiti, Dr. Jacquet said. “I have 22 years of extensive experience providing pediatric care. I worked at St. Damien’s Children’s Hospital in Port-au-Prince, where my passion for treating children matured.


By Marie Farrell




Our Diocese with Area Dioceses Moves Ahead with the V Encuentro


“Our House is Your House”-- Archbishop Leonard P. Blair of the Archdiocese of Hartford welcomed the delegates and dignitaries from the four dioceses to the Archdiocesan Center at Saint Thomas Seminary Chapel in Bloomfield. The concelebrants included Bishop Michael R. Cote of the Diocese of Norwich, Bishop Frank J. Caggiano of the Diocese of Bridgeport, and Monsignor Christopher Connelly, vicar general of the Diocese of Springfield and Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus Peter A. Rosazza of the Archdiocese of Hartford.


Article by Sister Mary Jude, SCMC Photos by Wayne Gignac

n May 12, some 300 delegates from the dioceses of Springfield, Hartford, Bridgeport and Norwich gathered at the Hartford Archdiocesan Ministry Center in Bloomfield to celebrate the regional gathering of the national process known as the V Encuentro. It was more than a celebration; it was a working session as well, as delegates came together to identify strategies for pastoral care and engagement of Hispanic/Latino Catholics for implementation in our region, Episcopal Region I, and discussion at the National Encuentro. The V Encuentro, a priority in the USCCB’s Strategic Plan 2017-2020, is a four-year process of reflection and action that began in 2014. Its overarching goal is to invite Catholics in the United States, especially Latino Catholics, to intense missionary activity and consultation resulting in leadership development and identification of best ministerial practices on all levels of church: parochial, diocesan, regional, and national. The process began in our diocese during Lent of last year in the five parishes most involved in

serving Latino Catholics. Parish delegates were chosen to bring recommendations to the Diocesan Encuentro and identify priorities to be brought to the Regional Encuentro. The areas of concern that surfaced were: Evangelization, Stewardship, Faith Formation and Catechesis, Family Ministry, Youth Ministry with Adolescents & Young Adults, Leadership Development, Human Development, Immigration, Liturgy and Spirituality, Peace and Justice, Global Solidarity, Ecumenism. The delegates were asked to identify three strategies in each of these areas for implementation on the regional level and two strategies to be discussed at the National Encuentro. So that the Regional Encuentro would be accessible to as many delegates as possible, two were held: one to the north to accommodate the dioceses from Maine to Providence, held on March 10; the other to the south, to accommodate the dioceses of Connecticut and Springfield. The results of these two gatherings will be combined so as to have one document from Episcopal Region I. The day concluded with a ceremony commissioning those delegates who will represent their diocese at the National Encuentro in

Regional delegates gathered at Hartford

Reverend Juan Angel Aguirre Palacio- Corpus Christi Catholic Community in Windham leading the delegates in the Opening Prayer. September, twelve of whom are from the Diocese of Norwich. All present were then sent forth to live their baptismal call to be missionary disciples: witnesses of God’s love in their parishes, homes and workplaces. Now that the gatherings and reflections of the V Encuentro have ended, the real work begins, that of implementing the recommendations made on each level and forming our hearts and our parishes in missionary discipleship. It is then that we, as Pope Francis says, can truly take on “the smell of the sheep” by actively ministering to those in our church communities.

Nuestra Diócesis Junto Con Las Diócesis Cercanas Siguen Adelante Con El V Encuentro


Por Hermana Mary Jude, SCMC Fotos por Wayne Gignac

l 12 de Mayo, unos 300 delegados de las diócesis de Springfield, Hartford, Bridgeport y Norwich se reunieron en el Centro de Ministerios Arquidiocesano de Hartford, ubicado en Bloomfield, para celebrar el Encuentro Regional del V Encuentro. Fue más que una celebración; fue también una sesión de trabajo, cuando los delegados de dichas diócesis se reunieron para identificar estrategias para el cuidado pastoral de Católicos Hispanos/Latinos para ser implementadas en nuestra región, la Región Episcopal I y otras para ser presentadas al Encuentro Nacional. El V Encuentro, una prioridad de la Conferencia de Obispos para su Plan Estratégico del 2017-2020, es un proceso de reflexión y acción que inicio en el año 2014. La meta principal es invitar a los Católicos de los EE.UU, de modo particular a Católicos Hispanos/ Latinos, a participar en una actividad misionera intensa y de consulta para identificar las necesidades y las mejores prácticas ministeriales en todos los niveles de la Iglesia: parroquial, diocesano, regional y nacional. El proceso se inició en nuestra diócesis en la cuaresma del año pasado, en las cinco parroquias que sirven a los Hispanos/Latinos. Después de cinco semanas de consulta y actividad misionera, se eligieron delegados para llevar recomendaciones al Encuentro Diocesano e identificar prioridades para


d Archdiocese Ministry Center

Se han concluido las reuniones y reflexiones del V Encuentro, pero ahora se empieza el trabajo más fuerte, el de implementar las recomendaciones presentadas en cada nivel y formar nuestros corazones y nuestras Make a Joyful Noise! parroquias en el discipulado misionero, formar feligreses, Members of the choir from St. Mary, Star of the Sea como dice el Papa Francisco, Parish in New London provided music for the day. “con olor a oveja.” ¡Cantemos al Señor! llevar al Encuentro Regional. El Señor Ángel Correa junto a los miembros de los Las áreas de inquietud fueron: Evangelización, Ministerios Musicales de las Parroquias: Sta. María, Corresponsabilidad, Formación en la Fe y Catequesis, Estrella del Mar de New London, Santa María de Pastoral Familiar, Pastoral Juvenil con adolescentes y Norwich, y hermanos de Springfield y Providence, Jóvenes Adultos, Desarrollo del Liderazgo, Desarrollo animaron la eucaristía con cantos y voces muy Humano, Inmigración, Liturgia y Espiritualidad, Paz hermosas. y Justicia, Solidaridad Global y Ecumenismo. Se les “Nuestra Casa es su Casa”—El Arzobispo Leonard pidió a los delegados identificar tres estrategias en P. Blair de la Arquidiócesis de Hartford dio la cada área para ser implementadas a nivel regional y bienvenida a los delegados de las cuatro diócesis en la dos estrategias para ser discutidas en el Encuentro Capilla de Sto. Tomás en Bloomfield. Lo acompañaron Nacional. el Obispo Michael R. Cote, de la Diócesis de Norwich, Para que el Encuentro Regional fuera accesible a un el Obispo Frank J. Caggiano, de la Diócesis de máximo número de delegados, se hicieron dos: uno Bridgeport, Monseñor Christopher Connelly, Vicario al norte, el 10 de marzo, para la conveniencia de las General de la Diócesis de Springfield, y el Obispo diócesis desde Maine hasta Providence; el otro al sur, Emérito Peter A. Rosazza, de la Arquidiócesis de para la conveniencia de las diócesis de Connecticut Hartford. y Springfield. Los resultados de los dos encuentros Somos pueblo Misionero! Los delegados al serán fusionados en un solo documento de la Región Encuentro Regional mantuvieron un ambiente Episcopal I. fraterno y de deseos de compartir y trabajar El Encuentro se concluyó con una ceremonia de fuertemente por nuestra región, diócesis y parroquias. envío de aquellos delegados que van a representar sus El Padre Juan Ángel Aguirre Palacio, de la diócesis en el Encuentro Nacional en Septiembre, doce Comunidad Católica Corpus Christi, Willimantic, CT, de ellos son de la Diócesis de Norwich. Todos los presidió la Oración de Apertura. presentes fueron enviados también a vivir su llamada bautismal de ser discípulos misioneros: testigos del amor de Dios en sus parroquias, hogares y trabajo. 17


Blessing of Sacred Heart’s Memorial Garden By Lue Ann Watchus and Laura Malone




unday, May 6, Sacred Heart Church of Norwichtown was honored to have Bishop Michael R. Cote celebrate Holy Mass along with Vicar General Monsignor Leszek Janik, and assisted by Deacon Jorge Escalona. After Mass, a procession including Paris Porter carrying a crown of roses for our Blessed Mother, the Rosary Altar Society of Sacred Heart Church and St. John Mission, the Knights of Columbus White Cross Council #13 along with their Color Guards, and parishioners made their way to the newly arranged Memorial Garden to be blessed by Bishop Cote. During the crowning of Mary, Paulette Devino, a Rosary Altar Society member, played “Ave Maria” on her flute. Following the blessing, Bishop Cote, Monsignor Janik and Deacon Escalona joined the Rosary Altar Society members for brunch prepared by the Knights of Columbus.


Norwich Diocesan Council of Catholic Women help support Catholic Charities By Judith K. Pappagallo OLD LYME – Judith K. Pappagallo, President of the Norwich Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, (NDCCW) and members of the Council gathered at Christ the King Parish in Old Lyme, for a luncheon and to present Catholic Charities with items collected throughout the Diocese for their Annual Layette Program. Every year, through the Council’s Layette Program, the women of the council actively collect baby clothes, diapers, baby wipes, and blankets. These items are presented to Catholic Charities. Edward J. Tessman, Executive Director of Catholic Charities joined the women for their annual luncheon and graciously accepted the many gifts on behalf of those the agency serves. Ed was in awe of the items that the members of the Council had

collected, which had been stacked and covered several tables. Ed stated, “Through your efforts and generosity, the Layette Program allows Catholic Charities to continue Providing Help and Creating Hope for those who are poor and disadvantaged throughout our Diocese. These gifts will be life changing for some and

provide so many with a new sense of being and belonging to a community. A community of unselfish people who truly care about others. I look forward to this event every year.” Ed candidly spoke of the impact that NDCCW has had on the lives of struggling mothers and how their

dedication, hard work and generous gifts help to fill the financial gaps for so many. The Norwich Diocesan Council of Catholic Women have been supporting women in need since the council founded Catholic Charities, Diocese of Norwich in 1921.

Our DIOCESE Diocesan


“Everyone (your name) who LISTENS to these words of Mine (Jesus) and ACTS on them, will be like a ‘wise man’ who built his house (daily prayer) on rock. The rain fell, the floods came, and the winds blew and buffeted the house (relationship with Jesus). But, it did not collapse; it had been set solidly on rock (prayer). For He taught them as one having authority… not as their leaders.” – Matthew 7:24-25,29

he parishioners, family, and friends of Monsignor Henry N. Archambault celebrated his 36 years at Sacred Heart Parish in Taftville on Pentecost Sunday. Many grateful groups contributed to this tribute to a beloved pastor. About 300 people, including priests, parishioners, parish trustees, and Monsignor Archambault’s family, enjoyed his company, along with a slide show of Monsignor’s life, entertainment and testimonials by Father Joseph Tito, recently appointed Pastor of Sacred Heart, and many others. This was followed by a light buffet. One of Monsignor’s gifts to the parish has been his concern for the spirituality of each parishioner. During the festivities, Mr. Rich Dzialo, a parish trustee whose construction expertise helped make Monsignor’s dream of a beautiful Parish Life Center become a reality in 2006, spoke on the three responsibilities of a priest which Monsignor Archambault exemplified to a high degree: to teach, to govern, and to sanctify.

Two choirs whose members have benefitted from Monsignor Archambault’s long-term kindly support and guidance, the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of the Church, and Sacred Heart School’s Children’s Choir, offered a selection of songs from their spring concerts, and Monsignor happily joined in the singing.

Life in the Spirit Weekend Retreat

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By Sister Marie -Andre, SCMC

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A Gift of Love from the Heart of God

Masses of Healing and Hope





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By Edyta Wolk

Saint Mary Church in Stonington held it’s annual celebration in honor of Our Lady of Fatima on May 19th. The evening began with the Pentecost Vigil Mass celebrated by Bishop Michael R. Cote. The planned outdoor rosary procession, an annual highlight through Stonington borough, was moved indoors due to rain. Inside, Bishop Cote led benediction and then a rosary. The evening was concluded with a festive social in the church hall.

o Catholic young adults have an agenda? Do they care about the future of the Church? Do they want to learn more about their faith? The answer to these questions and so many more is a resounding yes! That was demonstrated at the most recent Wine, Wisdom and Why Night: Young Adult Edition sponsored by the Office of Faith Events. The WWW series began two years ago, and the attendance for its previous events has mainly consisted of adults ranging from 50-90 years old. A few young adults who attended the event in November requested a night dedicated to young adults gathering and asking questions about their faith, which was how the evening came to be. The panel of speakers assembled for the evening included Bishop Michael R. Cote, Chancellor, Sister Elissa Rinere, Deacon Chris Deskus and (young adult) Paul Kieda, religion/ morality teacher at Xavier High School in Middletown. The panel was asked questions about the Church’s traditions, the Bible’s legitimacy, science and religion coexisting, and the credibility of other religions, as well as practical questions about parish life and the priesthood. Those who attended were surprised


by the candor shown by the young adults in their question submissions. The topic of gay marriage and transgender friends also became part of the evening’s discussion. It was clear to everyone that the young adults were trying to learn more about the traditions and history of their faith. One young adult, Evan Rowe from Saint Mary Parish in Portland said, “I wish we had more time to discuss the answers and get into a more in-depth conversation about some of the topics mentioned tonight.” The sentiment of the young adults present was that they did not know as much about their faith traditions and history as they had thought. They suggested a followup evening where they could have conversations with the Bishop and the Chancellor about their faith. Anna Foreman from Saint Mary, Portland shared, “It was nice getting to know the Bishop and Sister Elissa in a different, more relaxed setting. I also enjoyed their candid, honest answers.” The adults in attendance found the evening to be both educational and enjoyable. Sue Ferriola from Saint Mary Parish in Middletown said, “I found the night to be very informative and organized. I was able to learn about my faith in an informal, fun setting.” Another attendee, Theresa Pierce from Saint Mary in Portland said, “The young adults asked really good questions and the answers were filled with useful information for any Catholic. It helped me understand the reasons behind some of the decisions the diocese has to make.” Youth and Young Adult Minister for the Diocese of Norwich, Liza Roach, commented, “What we gleaned from this evening is that our young adults want proof that God exists, when in essence one can only come to truly know God personally through prayer, service and love.”


By Andrea Hoisl


Fatima Feast Celebrated Young Adults Pose in the Borough Questions at Panel Event



Congratulations Academy of the Holy Family

Our prayers are with them knowing that they will go forth in our world to do great things.



Sister M. Kateri, SCMC


Front row left to right: Audrey Jan Marie Tamani, Rebecca Starkey, Zahena Dieujuste, Tessa Waskin, Natalie Roy. Second row left to right: Sydney Dinh, Anna Wolk, Vicky Li, and Nina Ngo. The top row left to right: Jing Huang, Chelsea Popoola, Rebecca Wood, Jacqueline Johnson, and Faith Kowitz.

Saint Bernard School

I speak for most everyone’s experience as a student here when I say that Saint Bernard is home. This is that one-ofa-kind special place that will make you feel welcome … and proud to be yourself,

Henry Cox, of Pawcatuck, Class Orator.


to the Class of 2018

Headmaster David Eustis

Valedictorian Maxwell Carmichael remembers the first week of school as a freshman when his teacher wrote the words “Do More” on the classroom’s white board, clearly stating the school’s high expectations of its students. “Within those six letters is a lesson for a lifetime…It’s a call to honorability, a call to experience everything the world has to offer, a call to find a vocation in life, a call to grow.”

There is not a part of society where Mercy women don’t exert their influence and bring about change.

Sister Mary A. McCarthy, RSM, President, Mercy High School

We have learned from each other how to fearlessly be ourselves and go where our hearts take us.

Hanting “Heidy” Wang, Valedictorian

Mercy High School


This class has amazed me with its grit, determination, academic success, college placement, service to community and care for each other,


Xavier High School


Our YOUTH Sacred Heart School, Groton

Dr. Gail Kingston, Principal 50 Sacred Heart Drive, Groton, CT 860-445-0611

St. James EdwardSchool, School,Danielson Stafford Springs

Sacred Heart School, Taftville

Mother Christina Van Beck, SCMC, Principal 15 Hunters Ave, Taftville, CT

LindaMaryAnne Marie Joyal, Principal Mrs. Pelletier, Principal 120 WaterSt, St,Stafford Danielson, CT CT 25 Church Springs, Phone: Phone: 860-774-3281 860-684-2600

Phone: 860-887-1757

St. Joseph School, North Grosvenordale

Ms. Sharon Briere, Principal 26 Main St., N. Grosvenordale, CT Phone: 860-923-2090

Academic Excellence. Character. Self-Confidence. From the Superintendent’s Office…



My Dear Friends,


I would like to reach out to all parents in the Diocese and offer you some summer advice for your school-aged children regardless of where they attend school. Get your children outside, moving, and remaining involved in real face-to-face interactions. Limit the screen time, the cell phone time, and especially the social media time. Yes, technology is important. One cannot ignore the fact that technology and social media are important tools to teach to our 21st century learners. However, as a Country, we do not want our children to lose the art of face-to-face communication and conversation. There are many activities and groups to offer plenty of interaction so readily available. It is very easy to research through Google or any search engine the effects that too much screen time has on the developing brain, not to mention the neurological effects, both physical and mental, of playing too many electronic games. Get them outside and get them moving! Keep them reading. Our libraries are abundant. There are books available on any subject in which they are interested. Have them learn more about the things they like and keep it light, not so much as an “assignment”. There are so many creative ways to have them practice Math. Simple things like having them estimate a bill at a grocery store, calculating time, measuring for recipes are easily doable and fun. There are many math resources available online as well. Those kind of electronic games, on a limited basis, satisfy the urge to play but provide a positive learning experience. Keep the faith! Model it. Encourage daily prayer and pray

St. Mary-St. Joseph School, Willimantic Ms. Abby Demars, Principal 35 Valley St, Willimantic, CT Phone: 860-423-8479

St. Michael School, Pawcatuck

Mrs. Doris Messina, Principal

63 Liberty St, Pawcatuck, CT Phone: 860-599-1084

together as a family. Please bring your children to church. It has disheartened me in my 23 years in Catholic education to hear some children express that they want to go to church but can’t because their parents don’t. The seats in our churches, as in many dioceses, are emptier than in years past. Our children are the future not only of our Country, but of propagation of the faith as well. A minimum of one hour a week to spend at the Table of the Lord is not that great a sacrifice to make. If not for yourselves, then at least do it for your children. I am not trying to “preach to the choir” or preach, period. As Superintendent of Schools for the Diocese of Norwich, my ministry is totally dedicated to children and teenagers. I am trying to explain that they need faith formation 12 months out of the year, not just 10. We are so fortunate to live near the ocean. There are teachable moments about the beauty of God’s creation at the beach or wherever you vacation. Have a wonderfully blessed and relaxing summer, as even God rested on the seventh day. God Bless! Henry Fiore Jr.

Henry Fiore Jr. Superintendent of Schools Diocese of Norwich

St. Patrick Cathedral School, Norwich Mrs. Catherine Reed, Principal 211 Broadway, Norwich, CT Phone: 860-889-4174

St. John School, Old Saybrook

Mother Elaine Moorcroft, SCMC, Principal 42 Maynard Road, Old Saybrook, CT Phone: 860-388-0849

OUR YOUTH St. John Paul II School, Middletown Mr. Lawrence Fitzgerald, Principal 87 South Main St, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-347-2978

St. Joseph School, New London

St. Joseph School, Baltic

Sr. Mary Patrick Mulready, SCMC, Principal

10 School Hill Road, Baltic, CT Phone: 860-822-6141

“A Holy Place Where We Discover Each Other in God’s Love” Celebrating 76 Years of Excellence in Catholic Education ~ Grades K-8 ~

Full Day Kindergarten School Day from 8:30-2:30 After School Care Available Accredited by the New England Association of Schools & Colleges

25 Squire Street New London, CT For information call 860-442-1720

Ms. Marianne Cote, Principal 25 Squire St, New London, CT Phone: 860-442-1720

St. Bernard School, Uncasville

“A Holy Place Where We Discover Each Other in God’s Love” Celebrating 76 Years of Excellence in Catholic Education ~ Grades K-8 ~

Full Day Kindergarten School Day from 8:30-2:30 After School Care Available Accredited by the New England Association of Schools & Colleges

25 Squire Street New London, CT For information call 860-442-1720

Mr. Donald Macrino, Headmaster 1593 Norwich-New London Tpke, Uncasville, CT Phone: 860-848-1271

The Feast of the Assumption The Feast of the Assumption Celebrated on August 12th at Fort Trumball, New London.

Saint Bernard School is now accepting applications for the 2018–19 school year. To learn more, or to tour the school, call us today at 860-848-1271. SAINT BERNARD SCHOOL •

Grades 6–12 • 1593 Norwich-New London Turnpike Uncasville, CT 06382 • 860-848-1271 Ask us about our Tailored Tuition Program to help meet your family’s unique financial situation.

Trust in the mercy of God’s love. If you are carrying the grief and sorrow of past abortions, call Project Rachel a post-abortion healing ministry. All calls are confidential.

Mass at 9:30am, under tents on the beautiful shore on the Thames River. Following Mass a procession with the Virgin Mary to Saint Joseph Church, for the Blessing of the sick. A procession back to Fort Trumball will conclude with a picnic lunch by Tony D’s. Academy of the Holy Family, Baltic Mother Mary David, SCMC, Principal 54 West Main St, Baltic, CT Phone: 860-822-9272


Marianapolis Preparatory School, Thompson

Mr. Joseph Hanrahan, Headmaster 26 Chase Road, Thompson, CT Phone: 860-923-9565

Mercy High School, Middletown

Sr. Mary McCarthy, RSM, President 1740 Randolph Road, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-346-6659

Xavier High School, Middletown David C. Eustis, Headmaster Mr. Brendan Donohue, Principal 181 Randolph Road, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-346-7735


to Saint Bernard’s Class of 2018 Graduates!


… s n o i t a l Congratu





Mercy High Choir Wins First Place with a Superior Rating in Recent Competition


Emily Acri

Back Row (L-R) Allison Mahr, Brynn Baltramaitis, Jaelena Rivera, Claire Bauman, Sara Conroy, Abigail Goff Middle Row (L-R) Emilee Apuzzo, Ava Bradford, Nathalie O’Neill, Chloe Tomasso, Claudia Tapler, Sarah Fosdick, Amanda Greco, Mary Darin Front Row (L-R) Caroline Gmyrek, Elana Puszka, Emily Acri, Mae Grochowski, Mr. Matt Campisi, Catherine Walsh, Madelyn Denvir, Abigail Malczon, Amanda Ross


he Mercy High School Tour Choir traveled to Virginia Beach for the Music in the Parks Competition. The competition took place in Williamsburg, Virginia. This was the first time Mercy’s High School Music Department participated in a competition such as this. “I believe that competitions foster excellence and inspire and push students to achieve their best. It also offers a unique opportunity

to hear other groups from all over the Country,” claimed Mr. Matthew Campisi, Music Director. At the competition, Mercy performed two selections: “O Occhi Manza Mia” by Orlando diLasso and “Bring me Little Water, Sylvie” arranged by Kirby Shaw. The awards ceremony took place at Busch Gardens. After spending the day at the park, the participating

schools gathered in the evening for the distribution of awards. Twentyfour schools, divided into a Middle School Divisions and a High School Divisions, participated. Schools from New York to North Carolina were in attendance. Mercy competed as a women’s choir, and won first place, with a superior rating; thus, earning the highest score of all the women’s choirs that participated.

Emily Acri, Class of 2019, earned the Outstanding Vocal Soloist award for her solo in “Bring Me Little Water Sylvie.” “Winning this award was an amazing honor. Working hard with a wonderful group of girls and being recognized with the best vocalist award is an incredible experience. I’m very grateful that I was given the chance to share the gift of music with the people that surround me,” stated Acri.

The average merit scholarship awarded to our graduates was just over $20,000 per year from the college they will be attending.

Want to be a member of our family? Contact Sr. Kateri at: or call (860)822-6279

Academy of the Holy Family 54 W. Main St, Baltic, CT 06330


Our Graduating Seniors will be Attending: Albertus Magnus College, Fisk University, Franciscan University, Hobart and William Smith College, Hofstra University, Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakaw, Poland Providence College, St. Michael’s College, Vermont Stockton University, Three Rivers Community College, University of Maine—Farmington, University of Illinois—Urbana, Champaign, University of Notre Dame, and one of our graduates will be joining our Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of the Church!


Celebrating the 143rd Commencement of the Academy of the Holy Family



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“A Holy Place Where We Discover Each Other in God’s Love” Celebrating 76 Years of Excellence in Catholic Education ~ Grades K-8 ~

Full Day Kindergarten School Day from 8:30-2:30 After School Care Available Accredited by the New England Association of Schools & Colleges

25 Squire Street New London, CT For information call 860-442-1720

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for those most in need with Catholic Charities! Friday, July 6, 2018 @ 7:05pm Connecticut Tigers (Detroit Tigers) vs. Lowell Spinners (Boston Red Sox) Come for the game! Stay for the FIREWORKS! Dodd Stadium /14 Stott Avenue / Norwich, CT

Tickets: $10.00 each Send a “Parish Team” and help support the work of Catholic Charities. Use this an opportunity to recognize and thank those in your parish who serve the parish community; Altar Servers, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, and Children’s Choir.

Individual and group tickets can be purchased by calling Sue Connelly at 860-889-8346, extension 264. Ed Tessman / Executive Director / 860-889-8346, extension 267 Chris Jackel /Development Coordinator / 860-886-1928, extension 12


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