Volume 23 Number 5
May 2011
Called to serve To change lives. To share the joy of God’s work.
Seminarians Reflect on Call to priesthood
Annual White Mass celebrated at Cathedral
Pope John Paul II Beatification In Rome
Made Possible in part through your generous support of the Annual Catholic Appeal
Four County Catholic May 2011
The pursuit of a priestly vocation puts meaning into every experience and makes every moment count.
10 Four County
- Ian Bothur’s personal account of studying for the priesthood.
Serving the Counties of Middlesex, New London, Tolland, Windham & Fishers Island, NY
With trapeze artists, the ‘flyer’ must have total unwavering trust in the ‘catcher’. God has always been there catching me.
- Michael Salerno speaking of his business and life experience prior to his current studies at Blessed John XXIII National Seminary.
Established in 1989 and published each month except July. Publisher
Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Bishop of Norwich
Editorial Office
31 Perkins Avenue, Norwich, CT 06360-3613
Do not be afraid. I am not. Be strong believers.
- Pope John Paul II addressing one million people crowded into Victory Square in Warsaw, Poland in 1979 as remembered by Father Leszek Janik, Vicar General, Diocese of Norwich.
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On the Cover Diocese of Norwich’s Jonathan Ficara with fellow seminarians studying at the Gregorian – North American College in Rome. Looking up at the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI addressing a crowd from a balcony above.
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Four County Catholic May 2011
The Most Reverend
Michael R. Cote, D.D.
Bishop of Norwich
Learning How to Follow My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: I sincerely hope your Easter celebration was a joyous family occasion. Easter is a time of such profound mystery and hope. Christ has risen. It is for all Catholics a time of strengthened faith and new life. We now look forward to the continuation of the sacred fifty days of Eastertide as they lead us to the Feast of the Ascension celebrating the return of Jesus to his place at the right hand of the Father; and to Pentecost - commemorating the gift of the Holy Spirit to the apostles and the beginning of the Church. As disciples of the Risen Lord, we are called to share, by voice and example, the good news of the Gospel. Opportunities abound. Recently, I attended a diocesan function and happened to be in casual conversation with a small group after dinner. One of the women present, whom I know to be a very successful business person, happened to mention her newfound interest in ballroom dancing. She said she had seen a television show that sparked her interest and she set out to find an
instructor. And did. When she first met with her instructor, she informed him that she was most interested in dance lessons so she could learn how to follow. She told him she already knew how to lead – as a CEO of her own company. “Following” was what she needed to learn. She further shared that the instructor replied…”well, you’re in the right place, because when you learn to follow, you will find new harmony and grace that come from understanding the close relationship between following and leading.” It didn’t strike me until much later that evening how insightful her story was on so many levels. Following Christ is the commitment we as Catholics all share as His disciples. In fact, the word disciple means to learn or follow. As annunciated in The Gospel of John, “When Jesus spoke again to the people, He said. “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12) Therein lies the tie that binds us. It is the desire and active choice to know Jesus better. How do we learn to do this? How do we become better
Holy Hour for Vocations The Holy Hour for Vocations will now be held in a different deanery and parish each month. Bishop Cote will lead the prayers of the Holy Hour each month. The schedule is as follows: May 27 June 23 July 21 Aug. 11 Sept. 15 Oct. 20 Nov. 17 Dec. 15
St. Patrick Cathedral, Norwich Holy Family Motherhouse Chapel, Baltic St. Michael, Pawcatuck Christ the King, Old Lyme St. Matthew, Tolland St. Mary, Willimantic Mary Mother of the Redeemer, Groton Our Lady of the Lakes, Oakdale
7-8pm 4-5pm 4-5pm 5-6pm 7-8pm 7-8pm 7-8pm 5-6pm
at following? Certainly spending time in prayer daily and studying His Word help us become open to grace to learn. As members of the Church, we have the wonderful opportunity to share in the fullness of sacramental life as a community of faith. Together we can follow the teachings of the faith, pray, worship and share in the celebration and nurturing gift of the Eucharist. We can grow in the knowledge of our faith and in our resolve to practice active discipleship. The Church is there for us each step of the journey. The Church plays a unique and pivotal role in helping to lead as we follow. Much of the active leadership, of course, rests with the priests and religious in our parishes, communities, our daily lives. The parish priest is the one standing there for us in the place of Our Lord. In persona Christi. The harmony and grace that I referenced in the earlier anecdote is achieved by having Christ lead the way with his surrogate priests helping Him at the ground level. We know our role. We are well served to pray that more young men will hear the call to lead. This edition of the newspaper gives us a special opportunity to hear first-hand reflections of seminarians preparing to commit
themselves here in the Diocese of Norwich to build our community of faith and to help us learn to actively follow the way of the cross. What we have learned in our efforts to restore the balance of priests and parishes is that we must all participate actively in prayer and recruitment. We have begun to make this more widely recognized by designating holy hours for vocations rotating throughout the dio- Father Gregory Galvin, Director of Priestly Vocese, and by encour- cations and Bishop Cote leading prayers at Holy aging all parishioners Hour for Vocations. to stay alert to gifted Photo by Susannah H. Snowden young men who may be or should be discerning the ment to support them, encourage call to the priesthood. It does take them and respect them for giving a community to help increase vo- themselves so fully to the service cations. And what better and of the Lord. May this Eastertide be a glorimore caring community than our ous experience of spiritual discovown diocesan family. Please take a moment of reflec- ery and inspiration for you. Let tion and prayer toward continu- us be active followers. Let faith ing to increase the numbers lead the way. Sincerely yours in Christ’s love, called. You are most welcome to join me at any of the Holy Hours for Vocation as detailed on this Bishop Michael R. Cote page. Make a personal commit-
Aprendiendo A Seguir Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo: Sinceramente espero que su celebración de Pascua haya sido una ocasión de alegría familiar. Pascua es un tiempo de profundo misterio y esperanza. Cristo ha resucitado. Para todos los Católicos es un tiempo de vida nueva. Ahora esperamos con ansias la
continuación a los cincuenta días que siguen a la Pascua y que nos conducen al Banquete de la Ascencion. Celebrando el regreso de Jesús a la derecha del Padre; y a Pentecostés- conmemorando el regalo del Espíritu Santo a los apóstoles y al comienzo de la Iglesia. Como discípulos del Señor Re-
sucitado estamos llamados a compartir de voz y de ejemplo la Buena Nueva del Evangelio. Recientemente, atendí a una función diocesana y en una conversación casual con un grupo de personas después de la cena. Una de las mujeres presente, a quien
Seguir Continued on page 4
Four County Catholic May 2011
Seguir Continued from page 3 conozco como una exitosa persona de negocios, menciono su Nuevo interés en el baile de salón. Ella dijo que un programa televisivo que había visto , le había encendido una chispa de interés en el baile y en el buscar a un instructor. Y así lo hizo. Cuando ella conoció al instructor le informó que estaba interesada en tomar lecciones de baile donde ella pudiera aprender a “seguir”. Ella le dijo que ya sabe dirigir ya que es el CEO de su propia companía, pero que necesita aprender a seguir. Ella luego, nos compartió lo que el instructor le respondio…”Bueno, te encuentras en el lugar preciso, ya que cuando aprendas a seguir, encontraras una nueva armonía y gracia que vienen de comprender el arte del seguimiento”. No captó mucho mi atención hasta al atardecer cuando vi lo significativo que esto era en muchos niveles. Seguir a Cristo es el compromiso que como sus discípulos , todos los Católicos compartimos.
La palabra discípulo significa aprender o seguir. Tal como ha sido anunciado en el evangelio de Juan “Jesús se dirigio otra vez a la multitud diciendo:-”Yo soy la luz del mundo. El que me sigue tendra la luz que le da vida y nunca andara en la oscuridad.”(Juan 8:12). Allí se encuentra el lazo que nos une. En el deseo y la activa elección de conocer a Jesús mejor. ¿Como podemos hacer esto?.¿Como podemos seguirle mejor?. Desde luego dedicando tiempo a la oración diaria y estudiando su palabra. Son pasos en la dirección correcta y nos ayudan a encontrar la gracia para aprender. Como miembros de la Iglesia tenemos la maravillosa oportu-
nidad de compartir la abundancia de la vida sacramental como comunidad de fe. Juntos podemos seguir las enseñanzas de fe, oración, veneración, compartidas en la celebración de nuestro alimento que es el regalo de la Eucaristía. Podemos crecer en el conocimiento de nuestra fe y en nuestra practica activa como discípulos. La Iglesia está para guiarnos paso a paso en nuestra trayectoria. La Iglesia juega un unico y primordial papel ayudando y guiando. Mucho del liderazgo activo recae sobre los sacerdotes y religiosas de nuestras parroquias, comunidades, nuestras vidas diarias. El sacerdote de la parroquia es quien se encuentra de pie por nosotros en el lugar de Nuestro
Señor. In persona Christi. La armonía y gracia que he hecho referencia en la anécdota anterior , es alcanzada por Cristo guiando nuestro camino y sus sacerdotes ayudandole. Sabemos cual es nuestra tarea a realizar. Debemos orar para que sean más los jovenes que escuchen a este llamado.Esta edición de periódico nos da la oportunidad especial de escuchar las reflexiones de los seminaristas que se están preparando para comprometerse aquí en la Diócesis de Norwich, para construir nuestra comunidad de fe y para ayudarnos a aprender a seguir el camino de la cruz. Hemos aprendido en nuestros esfuerzos de restaurar el balance de sacerdotes y parroquias que todos debemos participar activamente en oración y reclutamiento. Hemos comenzado a hacer esto mas ampliamente reconocido, designando horas santas a través de la Diócesis y animando a los feligreses a estar atentos a los jovenes virtuosos y
dotados quienes podrían o deberían discernir el llamado al sacerdocio. Conlleva una comunidad para incrementar las vocaciones y que mejor que una comunidad servicial y atenta como nuestra propia familia diocesana. Por favor tome su tiempo para reflexionar y orar para que continue aumentando el número de los llamados. Usted esta bienvenido a participar conmigo en las horas santas por las vocaciones como esta detallado en la pagina 5 de este periodico. Haga su compromiso personal de apoyarlos, animarlos y respetarlos por darse a si mismos completamente al servicio del Señor. Que esta temporada de Pascua sea una experiencia gloriosa de descubrimiento espiritual e inspiración para usted. Seamos seguidores activos. Que la fe nos siga guiando. Sinceramente en el amor de Cristo, Obispo Michael R. Cote
ST. EDMUND’S RETREAT Retreats Day’s of Recollection May 11 Learning the Virtues of Mary through the Lenses of Her Heart - Sr. Eugenia Brady, SJC
St. Edmund’s at Enders Island
Priest Retreats June 2 Ascension Thursday - Fr. Frank Sutman, OP
May 22-27 The udges of Grace for Us This is the Way, Walk in it. - Fr. Frank Sutman, OP
St. Michael’s Institute of Sacred Art Join us while we explore the history, the sacred nature and the techniques of the Sacred Arts in a prayerful manner.
For further information call:
Or visit www.endersisland.com
May 13-15 Gregorian Chant: Hymns, Psalmody and Chants for a Singing Church - Dr. William Tortolano May 15-20 Old Masters Oil Painting - Dr. Michael Sullo
June 5-10 Five Days of Gregorian Chant and Liturgical Music - Dr. William Tortolano
June 19-15 Advanced Manuscript Illumination part II - Valerie Weilmuenster
June 5-12 Illuminated Miniatures Our Lady of Guadalupe - Jed Gibbons
June 21-23 Leading Liturgical Music with the Guitar - For those who lead Sunday Worship with Guitars - Jerome Monachino
Four County Catholic May 2011
Director of Priestly Vocations
Reverend Gregory Galvin
Chalice for Vocations Alleluia and Happy Easter to all! Praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever, Amen! So much happens in the family of God during this glorious time of year. First Holy Communions, Confirmations, Weddings, Graduations and Ordinations. At the end of this month, it is with great joy that the Diocesan family will gather at the Cathedral of St. Patrick for the Holy Mass of Ordination to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ at which Bishop Cote will ordain Rev. Mr. Luis Henry Agudelo for priestly service. This will be on Saturday morning, May 28, 2011 at 10:30am. Deacon Henry Agudelo will be the first Hispanic Ordination for our diocese, an historic day! In the great joy of all that will be taking place in the diocese throughout the month of May, we must continue to focus on the importance of vocations to diocesan priestly life and religious life throughout our diocese. With this in mind, we announce the re-establishment of the Chalice for Vocations Program which is already
under way in some of our parishes! It started officially last month at St. Patrick Church in East Hampton, and this month is being done in St. Joseph Church in Chester and in St. John Church in Old Saybrook. In June the program will move to Holy Family in Hebron, and in July to St. Joseph Church in Dayville. The program has a designated Chalice and Paten, the sacred vessels used at Holy Mass. For a month at a time a particular parish hosts the program. Four different families throughout the month will each have the opportunity to receive the Sacred Vessels at the end of Mass, bring them home for the period of one week, during which they will pray for vocations. The Sacred Vessels are placed in a prominent place in the family home and each day the family gathers for the purpose of praying for an increase of priestly and religious vocations in our diocese. All necessary materials, prayer cards, list of seminarians and those in religious formation will be provided. At week’s end at
a Mass chosen by the pastor and the host family, they will return the Sacred Vessels during the offertory procession. At the end of the same Mass, another family will be called forward to receive the Sacred Vessels to continue the effort of praying for vocations. This is a unique opportunity for parishes and families to deepen their understanding of the Sacred Vessels used at Holy Mass by hosting in their home the very unique and Sacred Vessels a priest uses every day to bring the precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ to the faithful through Holy Communion. At the same time, they have the opportunity to pray specifically for those who have made the commitment to offer their whole life as a gift back to God, as a priest or consecrated religious, through the service they will give to His family, the Church. If you would like to participate in this program, please speak with your parish priest about arranging to host the Chalice for Vocations Program soon!
Transforming lives and offering individual growth through academic excellence, extracurricular involvement and Christian service to neighbor and community.
“I know well the PLANS I have in mind for you, says the Lord – plans for your welfare, not for woe --when you seek Me with ALL your heart, you will find me with you, and...
I will CHANGE YOUR circumstances!” (Jeremiah 29:11-14) Seven-Week Life In The Spirit Seminar Begins Sunday, May 1, 2011 at 7:00 PM St. Mary Church, 1600 Main Street, Coventry, CT 06238 Seven-Week Life In The Spirit Seminar Begins Monday, May 2, 2011 at 7:00 PM Immaculata Retreat House, 289 Windham Road, Willimantic, CT 06226 Seven-Week Life In The Spirit Seminar Begins on Monday, May 2, 2011 at 7:30 PM St. Patrick Church, 47 W. High Street, East Hampton, CT 06424 Seven-Week Life In The Spirit Seminar Begins Wednesday, May 4, 2011 at 7:30 PM St. Joseph Church, 33 West Street, Rockville, CT 06066 Seven-Week Life In The Spirit Seminar Begins Thursday, May 12, 2011 at 7:00 PM St. John Church, 19 St. John’s Square, Middletown, CT 06457 One-Day Life In The Spirit Seminar Saturday, May 14, 2011 at 8:30 AM All Hallows Church, 130 Prospect Street, Moosup, CT 06354 Evening of Healing with Fr. Matt Linn, S.J. Thursday, May 19, 2011 at 6:00 PM St. Patrick Church, 47 W. High Street, East Hampton, CT 06424 One-Day Life In The Spirit Seminar Saturday, May 21, 2011 at 8:45 AM – 3:00 PM Sacred Heart Church, 156 Providence Street, Taftville, CT 06380 Philip Weekend Seminar (an “Experience” of Pentecost) Saturday, May 21, 2011 at 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Sunday, May 22, 2011 at 12:30 PM to 4:30 PM St. Mary Church, 51 Freestone Avenue, Portland, CT 06480 (Pre-registration is required.)
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Four County Catholic May 2011
“I have never been as busy or as fulfilled in my life.” Jeffrey Ellis, Mount Saint Mary Seminary
Thursday, May 12, 2011 Mary the Mother of God A Reflection on Mary the Mother of God presented by Sister Mary Anne Linder, FSE, MTS, will be held on Thursday, May 12, 2011, at 10:00am at the Chiara Center, 275 Finch Avenue, Meriden, Connecticut. Sister will speak about understanding the love and suffering of Mary. Sister Mary Anne is a professor at Holy Apostles College and Seminary. For more information visit the web site at www.flcenter.org or call 203-237-8084. Thursday, May 12, 2011 Seven-Week Life In The Spirit Seminar 7:00pm, St. John Church, 19 St. John’s Square, Middletown, CT.
You have been thinking about it. Let’s talk...
Father Greg Galvin 860-887-9294 www.God-Calls.org Office of Vocations • Diocese of Norwich, CT • vocations@norwichdiocese.net
Saturday, May 14, 2011 One-Day Life In The Spirit Seminar 8:30am. All Hallows Church, 130 Prospect Street, Moosup, CT Wednesday, May 18, 2011 Open House at St. Bernard School Visit and Discover the Possibilities at Saint Bernard School in Uncasville, CT on Wednesday, May 18, 2011 from 3:00 – 5:00pm. Saint Bernard is a college preparatory, Catholic, co-educational school for grades 6 -12. Learn about our excellent academic’s, arts, athletic, extracurricular, college counseling and tuition
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assistance programs. For more information and to RSVP, please contact Cathy Brown, Director of Admissions at 860 848-1271 ext. 108 or admissions@saintbernard.com. Thursday, May 19, 2011 Evening of Healing with Fr. Matt Linn, S.J. 6:00pm., St. Patrick Church, 47 W. High Street, East Hampton. Saturday, May 21, 2011 One-Day Life In The Spirit Seminar 8:45am – 3:00pm., Sacred Heart Church, 156 Providence Street, Taftville. Sat.-Sun. May 21- 22, 2011 Philip Weekend Seminar (an “Experience”of Pentecost) Saturday, May 21 at 9:00am to 4:00pm. Sunday, May 22 at 12:30pm to 4:30pm., St. Mary Church, 51 Freestone Avenue, Portland, CT 06480. (Pre-registration is required.) Fridays in June & July Marriage Preparation Class for Engaged Couples Are you engaged to be married? “God’s Plan for a Joy-filled Marriage” will be offered by the Office of Family Life. To register for the 4-session class, please call 860-889-8346 ext.283. Dates: Fridays, June 17, 24 & July 8, 15, 2011. Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm Location: SS. Peter & Paul Church Hall 181 Elizabeth St., Norwich 06360. Cost: $50 per couple for class materials. Fri.-Sun. June 3-5, 2011 and Fri.-Sun. June 10-12, 2011 Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat Weekend If you are silently grieving after an abortion, healing, forgiveness and peace can have a beginning with Rachel’s Vineyard. All inquiries are confidential. Retreat June 3-5 in Putnam, CT. Call Carol Owens from Providence at 401-4217833 ext.118. Retreat June 10-12 in Litchfield, CT call Mary at 203-8821326. Rachel’s Vineyard Website: www.rachelsvineyard.org Monday, June 20, 2011 Natural Family Planning Classes for Married & Engaged Couples (NFP) the Sympto-Thermal Method is scientifically sound, easily learned and 99% effective. No dangerous chemicals, synthetic hormones or side-effects. 3part class begins on Monday, June 20, 2011, at7:00pm at St John’s Church in Old Saybrook. For more information, please call The Collisons at 860-3998265. The 3-Part Class in Westerly, RI begins on June 1, 2011. For more information please call the Bliers at 401-5969582. To register for a NFP class or Home Study Course, go to www.ccli.org For info: Susan Williams, Office of Family Life, at 860-889-8346 ext. 283.
Four County Catholic May 2011
The Continuous Call of God
The call of God in my life has been constant; God has called me to witness everything He has By Deacon Luis Henry Agudelo
given me. The parable of the workers (MT. 20: 1-17); or as I call it, the continuous call of God, could be misunderstood by some if the details are not carefully studied. This parable of the laborers in the vineyard, teaches us to think well of God; as the last worker thought well of God. I have always admired this story and have kept it close to my heart. Faith in God is a love relationship. It is with love that God's continuous call is answered. Citing this verse of the Gospel of St. Matthew, I would like reflect on my last year of training at Holy Apostles Seminary as well as my preparation for the priestly ordination. During this time I have had the grace to receive God's calling and strength to serve others. “But, by the grace of God I am what I am: and God's grace to me has not been in vain.” (1 Corinthians 15: 10). To help many of the parish priests has been an experience rich in knowledge and in values. During this time I have grown to see the diocese, to which I belong, as a living source of the experience of Christ. Here lives the Gospel that extends to all corners of the Earth. Our diocese is a family with a deep experience of Christ. This has become wonderfully clear to
me during this time of preparation for the priesthood. This reflection is consistent with my first anniversary as a deacon, a transitional period deep in spiritual connecting to the Holy Eucharist, the Blessed Sacraments such as the sacrament of reconciliation- in all directions spiritual. All of these moments have helped me to have a close encounter with Christ. In a humbling human since, I have been helped to recognize my limitations and strengths, to make a better mission in the vineyard of the Lord. Without the necessary knowledge, my mission would be in vain as I prepare to serve others. During this past year, I have applied what I have learned to prepare me for the good and faithful people of God who will be in front of me in my priestly ministry. After receiving the great gift of the diaconate, and thereby the powers to be an active part in administering some of the sacraments, I am sure and am overjoyed that my life will be giving more to Christ through service to others. One of my experiences this year has been to provide the sacrament of Baptism. It has been a special joy to have been entrusted with this gift and to know that every person that I have been able to baptize in the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit is securely in God’s good
I accept the call of Jesus and follow Him. It has been the best
graces. From the very moment of my ordination as a deacon, I knew that everything for me was changing; that when a man meets God in this way, he ceases to be the same. God has always been faithful in my life- always there where the sweet and bitter come together to be able to give sense to my existence. I can say without fear, that Christ has really assisted me at every stage of my life. When I received from his Excellency Bishop Michael R. Cote the letter expressing his intention to call me to the Ministry of the priesthood, my heart was full of joy and happiness. It was for me a charter with the Lord, to whom I gave thanks for everything. Thanks to all the clergy and to each person of the Diocese. Thanks to those who instructed me at the seminary, and to those who made it possible that I had food and support - my brothers, deacons and seminarians.
decision that has been in my heart and that any man can make.
“Lord, to whom would we go?” “You have the words of life eternal.” (John 6: 68). Following Jesus involves leaving everything and following Him who leads us. Finally, I would like to give my thanks to all those who directly or indirectly helped me with spiritual support and also materially. If I were to name each of you, it would take many pages to do so. I want to thank all who made it possible for this commitment to Christ, to which I have been called, to keep growing in service to all those that God will entrust to me. God bless you, always.
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Four County Catholic May 2011
La Parábola de los obreros de la viña y el continuo llamado de Dios La llamada de Dios en mi vida ha sido constante; Dios me ha llamado para ser testigo de todo lo que me By Deacon Luis Henry Agudelo
ha regalado. La parábola de los obreros (MT. 20:1-17); o como yo la llamo el continuo llamado de Dios, podría ser juzgada ligeramente injusta por algunos si se pierden los detalles o se olvida su esencia. Esta parábola de los obreros en la viña, nos enseña a pensar bien de Dios; el último obrero pensó bien de Dios; puesto que espero mucho de El y por eso recibió lo que guardaba en su corazón. La fe en Dios es una relación de amor con El. Lo que si importa es el amor con que se responde al continuo llamado de Dios. Citando este versículo del Evan-
gelio de San Mateo, quisiera hacer una breve meditación sobre mi último año de formación en el Seminario Santos Apóstoles al igual que mi preparación para la ordenación sacerdotal. Durante este tiempo he tenido la gracia de poder recibir de Dios muchos talentos; que he tratado de compartir con todas aquellas personas que me han sido dadas para servirles. “Mas, por la gracia de Dios, soy lo que soy: y la gracia de Dios no ha sido estéril en mi.” (1 Corintios 15:10). El poder ayudar a muchos de los sacerdotes en las parroquias ha sido una experiencia rica en conocimientos, en entrega y en valores. Durante este tiempo he podido ver como el seminario, como la diócesis a la cual pertenezco, son una fuente viva de la experiencia de Cristo. Aquí se
vive el Evangelio y se propaga a todos los confines de la tierra. Nuestra diócesis cuenta con personas que tienen una vivencia profunda de Cristo; eso es algo que lo he podido ver claramente durante todo el tiempo de preparación al sacerdocio. Esta meditación concuerda con mi primer aniversario como diácono; que para mi ha sido una experiencia enriquecedora en el aspecto espiritual (en la Santa Eucaristía, en el Santísimo Sacramento del Altar, en el Sacramento de la Reconciliación, en la dirección espiritual…) todos estos momentos me han ayudado a tener un encuentro cercano con Cristo quien ha sido el que me ha llamado primero. En el aspecto humano, por que es donde estoy llamado a reconocer mis limitaciones y fort-
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alezas, para poder realizar una lo amargo se unen para poder darle mejor misión en la viña del Señor. sentido a mi existencia. Puedo decir sin temor, que En lo intelectual, por que sin el conocimiento necesario seria en Cristo realmente me ha asistido en cada etapa de vano el servicio mi vida. hacia los demás y en el servicio Ayúdame a entender Cuando recibí Señor que tu la carta de mi pastoral, por que durante este seguimiento no este obispo su Excelencia Revultimo año he en los honores erendo Michael aplicado cada sino en el Servicio R. Cote expreconocimiento sando su intenque se me ha sido entregado para el bien de mi ción de llamarme al ministerio del diócesis como el del pueblo de Dios sacerdocio; mi corazón se lleno de que es cada persona que tengo y gozo y alegría. Fue para mi muy tendré delante de mi en mi minis- importante abrir la carta frente la presencia del Señor; donde le di terio sacerdotal. Después de haber recibido el gracias por todo; gracias a todo el gran regalo del diaconado y con ello clero, por cada persona de la diócelas facultades de poder ser parte ac- sis, por aquellos que me instruyeron tiva de suministrar algunos sacra- en el seminario, por aquellos que mentos; yo estoy seguro que mi hicieron posible que yo tuviera alivida se esta entregando más a Cristo mento y por mis hermanos semien el servicio hacia los demás. Que naristas y diáconos. El aceptar el llamado de Jesús y alegría poder ser parte de este llamado y dar a todos los que me seguirle; ha sido la mejor decisión rodean también lo que Dios ha que El ha puesto en mi corazón y que cualquier hombre puede hacer. puesto en mi corazón. Una de mis experiencias durante “Señor, ¿Dónde quien vamos a ir? este año ha sido poder suministrar tu tienes Palabra de Vida eterna.” el Sacramento del Bautismo. Ha (Juan 6:68). Seguir a Jesús, implica sido una alegría tener este regalo y dejarlo todo y seguirle, es permitirle saber que cada persona que he po- que el vaya delante de nosotros. Finalmente, me gustaría dar mis dido bautizar en el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo, y del Espíritu agradecimientos a todas las perSanto. Han sido ángeles e hijos de sonas que directa o indirectamente Dios, que también oraran por mí y me han ayudado con un soporte esque son parte importante en mi piritual y en lo material. Si escribiera aquí los nombres de cada uno, ministerio. Desde el mismo instante de mi necesitaría muchas páginas para ordenación como diácono, yo sabia hacerlo; por eso quiero agradecer a que todo para mi estaba cam- todos de una forma general, por biando; por que el hombre cuando que han hecho posible que esta vose encuentra con Dios, deja de ser cación por Cristo, a la que he sido el mismo para poder servirle. Dios, llamado, siga creciendo en servicio siempre ha sido fiel en mi vida. El para todos aquellos a los que Dios me ha cuidado, donde mi vida ha me ha encomendado. A todos ellos sido una realidad, donde lo dulce y Dios los bendiga siempre.
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Four County Catholic May 2011
My First Year in Rome: Gift and Mystery In his memoir recounting his spiritual journey of priesthood, Gift and Mystery, the now Blessed By Jonathan Ficara
Pope John Paul II reflected on his two years in Rome as a doctoral student of the Angelicum. “I will never forget my feelings during those first ‘Roman’ days of mine,” he writes, “when in 1946 I began to get to know the Eternal City.” This marks my third reflection for the May Issue of the Four County Catholic as a seminarian, and as I did in my two previous articles, I turn to the words of my mentor and hero, Blessed John Paul II, to be my inspiration and guide for this reflection. I arrived in Rome and to the Pontifical North American College last July with great joy and excitement, eager to begin a new chapter in my formative journey towards the priesthood. Like the young Fr. Karol Wojtyla in 1946, I too have since found my first year experience in Rome to be, in many ways, unforgettable, indescribable and forever life-changing. This year can certainly be considered a “year of transition” for me – a period of acclimation to both the College and to life in the seminary, as well as a period of adjustment to the city at large. Overall, I am grateful to God that my transition has gone incredibly well thus far. I’ve enjoyed my time here in Rome immensely and have found the seminary community, as a whole, to embrace a strong spirit of prayer and academic fervor which I greatly appreciate. I move now to something a bit “deeper.” Over these past 10 months, as is typical for any new man of the College, I’ve been introduced to and have been inundated with, what seems to be a thousand new things that I’ve had to adjust to and make my own (many of which seem entirely distinct and particular to this situation at the College, having no semblance of continuity to what
was life back home). A new country. A new city. A new seminary. A new rector, faculty and staff and seminary community. New food, traditions, routines and schedules, classes in Italian…an entirely new way of life. These are the most concrete of my experiences, and for this reason, I can speak of them with ease. These experiences are with me daily and have contributed to my time in Rome thus far. Yet there still remains something more – something beyond description – an ever-present experience that moves beyond the tangible and enters the realm of mystery, which infuses every fiber of my being. Perhaps this is what Blessed Pope John Paul II meant when he said, “Rome was always the center of our experience.” It is this ever-present experience of the Eternal City, which is undoubtedly the effect of living but a stone’s throw away from the Holy Father and St. Peter’s Basilica, which not only connects me to life in the Diocese, but to those most
important to me back home. It is this experience of connectedness – this experience of the universality of the Church, which is perhaps more present and more real than anything I’ve spoken of above. Each and every day, as I walk to class, I am continually reminded of where I am, who has walked these streets and shed their blood for Christ and his Church, what has happened here and what will happen in years to come. And for this reason, I am deeply grateful to have been given this opportunity to study in Rome and to experience these “feelings” which the young Father Wojtyla knew well while studying in Rome. My time has surely been, thus far, all “gift and mystery.” Please pray for me as I continue my formative journey toward the altar of Jesus Christ. Know that I pray for you and everyone of the Diocese of Norwich daily, especially when I have the chance to pray before the tomb of Blessed Pope John Paul II. Blessed Pope John Paul II, pray for us!
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Four County Catholic May 2011
Making Every Moment Count I arrived in Rome for the first time in July of 2010. I was both worried and excited. Upon looking at St. By Ian Bother
Peter’s Basilica for the first time, I could not believe that I was actually here. Even more moving than seeing the Heart of the Church for the first time was the realization that it was this city that would be my home for the next four years. Throughout the following year, becoming accustomed to such a change of life
proved to be quite an undertaking. Some adjustments included living with a large community of other seminarians, learning a foreign language, and tuning into the curious pace of life in an Italian city while simultaneously meeting the demands of the seminary’s daily schedule. This transition into a major seminary has certainly been a challenge; however, it has been made easier by the immense joy which comes from the gift of living in the Eternal City. Underlying this all is the pursuit of a
priestly vocation, which puts meaning into every experience and makes every moment count. During the season of Lent, there is an old tradition in Rome called the “Station Church” pilgrimage. Every day of Lent, we walk to a different one of the many churches scattered throughout the city for Mass. Each church has its own beauty and its own story, being among the most ancient Churches in the world. However, despite the beauty of each individual church, the daily commit-
ment of having to rise before dawn and walking to the opposite side of the city can prove difficult. Naturally, one is often tempted to invent excuses as to how such a commitment could be set aside. In a place where the ancient is everyday and where the extraordinary easily becomes ordinary, it is easy to overlook the gift that living in such a place is. As with every gift we receive in life, it is important to be mindful of how precious it is and to show our gratitude to God by making the most of it. Throughout my first year in Rome I have had to keep this gratitude ever in mind. After reflection, however, I have come to realize that, although I still look at the many treasures of Rome with amazement,
as the Station Church pilgrimage shows us, the true value of our gratitude is not simply in the actual visits to these Churches but in making that daily commitment. It is in the everyday that we fully accept God’s gifts and are affirmed in our vocations. Looking back on this past year, it is surprising to note how full it has been: Each day has been filled with many rich experiences and I have already learned much in my time here. I believe that God is continuing to work in my life, in things both ordinary and extraordinary, and for this I continue to respond to Him in gratitude. I continue to place my trust in Him as I look ahead with much hope and confidence for the future.
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Four County Catholic May 2011
But What Do You Do There? If there's one thing that my friends and family are always asking me, it is “What do you do at By Jeffrey Ellis
Mount St. Mary's Seminary?” They know all about how much I love the Mount, and how amazing my instructors and fellow seminarians are. They know that, with 160 seminarians, we are the largest seminary in the U.S. My parents, aunt, and cousin Tori even got the chance to visit the seminary during our annual Family Weekend, so they know what our campus looks like. I would like to describe for you a typical day at Mount St. Mary’s. Of course there never really is a typical day, not like I used to have in my government office! However, I can try to present a typical amalgam. Usually, I wake up at 5:30 and have coffee with a couple of my floor-mates (well, I have tea, but they have coffee). Daily Mass begins at 7 AM, and the hour before Mass is spent studying and getting ready. Classes begin around 8:30, giving us just enough time for breakfast. Three days a week, when I begin my classes a little later, I try to visit our athletic complex to get in some exercise (the theory being that if I do not work out first thing in the morning, I probably will not get to it!). Typically, classes alternate with time for study (and of course, lunch!) until about 4:00. The Mount encourages seminarians to develop the practice of a daily holy hour, time set aside each day in prayer with our Lord. Usually, I will make my holy hour at 4:00, during which time our Lord is exposed in the chapel for a period of Eucharistic Adoration. Though I sometimes struggle in prayer, the holy hour is often the highlight of my day. After Adoration, we come together as a com-
munity to celebrate Vespers or Evening Prayer, which lasts for about half an hour. I hate waiting in lines, so while everyone else heads over to the cafeteria immediately afterwards for dinner, I try to do a little more work before hand, usually returning to the seminary just before 7:00. Evenings provide the most diversity. Different organizations meet at different times and nights, some involving the wider university comm u n i t y ; personally, I participate in a group dedicated to the New Evangelization. An advantage of being associated with a university is the plethora of speakers and activities hosted by many departments on campus,
some extraordinarily relevant to priestly ministry. This past week, I was able to attend a concert in the main campus chapel performed by the Eastern Connecticut State University Chamber Singers from my hometown of Willimantic! Many nights a week, my classmates and I will gather together for study sessions, and there are always opportunities for group prayer (the Rosary, different devotions, praise & worship, etc.) A Lenten resolution of mine this year was to be in my room by 10:00 each night, leaving me with a half hour of spiritual reading before turning out my lights. And of course, in our spare time, we have to continue to work with our spiritual director and formation advisor to continue to discern if the Lord is calling us to serve as His priests! My description probably does not do it justice, but I have never been either as busy, or as fulfilled,
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in my life. It is truly a grace of God that I may be able to experience this formation. I thank our Lord for this opportunity, as well as all the people of the Diocese of Norwich for your continued prayers and support!
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Four County Catholic May 2011
With Your Prayers... My name is Martin J. Noe. I will be finishing my 1st year of theology as a seminarian for the Diocese of Norwich. I attend Holy Apostles College and Seminary in By Martin J. Noe Cromwell CT. This year in the seminary has been particularly exciting for me for several reasons. First of all, being accepted as a seminarian for the Diocese of Norwich has brought me much joy. Bishop Michael Cote’ and my vocation director Fr. Greg Galvin have been very helpful to me, and I’m looking forward to serving in this Diocese. This acceptance to the Diocese of Norwich brought a most welcoming response from many parishioners and prayer groups throughout the Diocese who dedicate many hours in prayer for vocations to the priesthood. Their many e-mails and cards were heartfelt and encouraging. Also, on September 8th, the feast day of the birth of Mary, Bishop Cote’ presided at the Mass and dedicated the new Mary Queen of the Apostles Chapel. The seminary was blessed with a visit from Cardinal Arinze this school year in which he opened up discussion with seminarians on many Church issues. Bishop Cote’ presided at Mass for the installation of lectors and acolytes at which I was installed as lector. The second semester of the
year started with a week long retreat, that helps to give seminarians further insight into their priestly formation and their calling to serve the Church. Also, presented to us this year were speakers and conferences to assist our growth to the priesthood, such as Fr. Cathay speaking to us on the Holy Spirit working in our lives, and a conference on Sacred Art. At Holy Apostles there are four pillars of priestly formation in which we are expected to grow in, on our way to ordination. These four pillars are Spiritual growth, Human formation (social development), Intellectual formation, and Pastoral formation (skills). The community life here consists of approximately 80 seminarians and the scheduling allows for this type of development. In general, there is prayer and Mass every morning, evening prayer and holy hours, meals and work periods together, a curriculum of philosophy and theology, and pastoral reflection classes. The seminarians here represent Dioceses and religious orders from various parts of the country and also outside the U.S... I see a lot of good future priests in these men. With the help of the priests, the faculty, my fellow seminarians, and the prayers of so many, I’m looking forward to fulfilling my call to the priesthood.
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Joy is a Priest Seldom does it happen whereby one has an opportunity to pursue their dream or what I By Michael Salerno
like to call vocation, a second time. As a young altar server, I admired our parish priest who was a catalyst in my choosing a vocation toward the priesthood. Keeping my dream alive, I attended catholic high school and upon graduation was accepted to the minor seminary to begin my studies. After graduating from the minor seminary and many months of contemplation, I decided to place my vocation on hold and continue my college studies in other areas, all with faith in God that HE would not let me stray far from His “calling”. The years that followed included my receiving undergraduate and graduate degrees, various professional positions in higher education, and the federal government. As the years passed, my professional career took off. With the many positions grew greater responsibilities which were very rewarding and fulfilling. It afforded me opportunities to do things I never thought I could do. I traveled to many countries throughout the world, but there was something missing. That “something missing” feeling kept on getting stronger, and I started to look back on my life and realized that while some things had changed, some things had not. What struck me, is that on my very first day at the minor seminary, we were given a breviary (Liturgy of the Hours) to say our daily prayers, and 36 years later I was still praying every day from that very same breviary with the decal “Joy is a Priest” still affixed to the cover, only some parts had peeled away from all those years of use. I was still attending Mass, served as a
lector, and taught catechism, but there was still more I could do and needed to do. Realizing GOD had given me so much already but - it was time for me to give back. HE wanted me back! Through reflection, discernment, hours upon hours of prayer, and discussions with various priests, I made the decision to apply to the Diocese of Norwich to begin again studies for the priesthood. Completing the application process and being accepted by the Diocese and Blessed John XXIII National Seminary, I thought I was on my way. Not so fast, other obstacles or perhaps tests of faith had their way with me. A work related leg injury nine years earlier was injured again requiring three separate surgeries, and the poor real estate market hampered the sale of my home, and my Mom suddenly passed away. With the many prayers and support from family members, friends, priests, Bishop Cote, Seminary Rector, and my faith in GOD, three years later the house sold, the leg is healing, my Mom is looking down upon me from Heaven and I am in the seminary again finishing my first year of theology. With so much that has transpired in my life thus far, I continue to reflect on the analogy of the trapeze artists. In every acrobatic show performed by trapeze artists, there are two roles: there is always a “flyer” and always a “catcher”. The most important role is that of the “catcher”. The “flyer's” life always depends on the “catcher”. The “flyer” must have total, unwavering trust in the “catcher”. The only reason I have been able to hear GOD calling me, is that He has always been there catching me. Each time I strayed, each time I faulted, He was my “catcher” and I have placed my life into the hands of GOD.
Four County Catholic May 2011
NORWICH 2011 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL formerly the Annual Bishop’s Appeal
“Do This in Memory of Me”
Your participation in the 2011 Annual Catholic Appeal will directly affect the lives of people throughout Eastern Connecticut with programs and ministries that reach beyond the scope of any individual parish. Our collective gifts make these ministries possible. Please prayerfully consider how you can share your blessings in gratitude to God for all He has given you. PROGRAMS/SERVICES/MINISTRIES FUNDED BY YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT OF THE ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL: Retired Priests Vocations Catholic Charities Pro-life Activities Office of Safe Environments Catholic Schools
Campus Ministry Youth Ministry Young Adult Ministry Family Life Pastoral Planning Communications Stewardship & Development
Four County Catholic Religious Education and Formation Hispanic Ministry Outreach to Haiti Spiritual Renewal Project Northeast Hospital Chaplains
Please be generous. Make your gift today!
Prison Ministry St. Joseph Living Center St. Vincent de Paul Place Soup Kitchen, Norwich St. Vincent de Paul Place Soup Kitchen, Middletown
Four County Catholic May 2011
Annual Chrism Mass A Joyous Celebration of Priestly Service and Holy Sacraments
wich, an overflow crowd of parishioners, priests, deacons, religious, seminarians, ministries’ workers and volunteers, student greeters and ushers, the Norwich Diocesan Choir, the Jonathan Clark Brass Ensemble, the Connecticut String Trio, St. Mary’s Haitian Choir and Jubilarian honorees all joined Bishop Michael R. Cote in celebrating a Mass dedicated to the renewal of the priestly commitment to service and the blessing of the sacred sacramental oils. The ceremony, liturgy and music of this special occasion was joyfully representative of the diversity and cultural harmony within the diocese. Many of the readings, prayers, and hymns were recited in Spanish and Creole as well as English. It was, in every respect, a gathering of the expanding diocesan family.
Bishop Cote, in his homily the Lord to bless them with the message, gave words to the occa- fullness of his love, to help them sion, borrowed from St. Peter, “It be faithful ministers of Christ, so is good for us to be here.” This that they will be able to lead you was the overarching sentiment of to Him, the fountain of your salthe day. There was so much par- vation.” He referenced the Holy ticipation by so many. Even after Hours for Vocations rotating the Mass had ended, parish rep- through the diocese as an opporresentatives stayed on to receive tunity for families to pray for voeach parish’s supply of the three cations within the diocese. The Chrism oils. One of Mass honored the oils is for It is good for priests of adult catechumany years of mens and inus to be here service, priests fants, another still new to the for anointing the sick, and the sacred oil of diocese and future priests. It chrism for baptism, confirma- honored sacred sacramental signs tion, the ordination of priests and rites of the Church. One of and the consecration of altars the blessings of the oil of Catechumen captured the universal and churches. Making the connection be- appeal of the Chrism Mass celetween priestly and sacramental brated in Norwich and around life, Bishop Cote reminded us the world: “Lord God help them (those that Jesus shepherds us through his priests and sacraments. This anointed with the oil) to accept is the essence of the Chrism cel- the challenge of Christian living, and lead them to the joy of new ebration. The Bishop called on all pres- birth in the family of your ent to “pray for your priests. Ask Church.”
Awaiting blessing of the sacred oils.
Photo by Phil Twomey
On a Tuesday morning at the begining of Holy Week at the Cathedral of St. Patrick in NorBy Michael STrammiello
Bishop Cote recognizes the priest jubilarians: Photo by Phil Twomey 55 Years Rev. Anthony P. Kuzdal (deceased April 12, 2011) Re. John Marciniak Rev. Robert E. McNultry
June 24, 1956 Feb. 2, 1956
50 Years Rev. Joseph G. Finnerty
May 11, 1961
45 Years Rev. Roland C. Cloutier, LCSW Rev. Michael J. Gill Rev. Michael Sequeira
May 19, 1966 July 10, 1966 Jan 6, 1966
40 Years Rev. Augustine Naduvilekoot Rev. Stanley Szczapa
May 10, 1956
March 15, 1971 May 15, 1971
35 Years Rev. Joseph Ashe Rev. Richard K. Gross, SJ
Nov. 20, 1976 May 30, 1976
30 Years Rev. Brad Pierce, MSA Rev. George Villamthanam, CST
Sept. 8, 1981 Dec 29, 1981
25 Years Rev. Joseph Kaipayil Rev. George Mattathilanikal Rev. Tomasz Sztuber
May 7, 1986 May 29, 1986 May 25, 1986
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Four County Catholic May 2011
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Sixteenth Annual Diocesan Mass for Secretaries Celebrated at Cathedral of Saint Patrick Norwich – April 26, 2011: The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, as By Michael STrammiello
Principal Celebrant of the Annual Secretaries Mass, welcomed all gathered with a prayer of thanksgiving for secretaries as “true examples of Christian service to others.” Bishop Cote was joined by Father Leszek T.Janik, J.C.L., V.G., Vicar General of the Diocese of Norwich, Monsignor Robert L. Brown, Chancellor and Master of Ceremonies, Monsignor Anthony S. Rosaforte as host
Pastor of the Cathedral of St. Patrick, nine concelebrants and homilist Father Richard J. Ricard. Only two days removed from Easter Sunday, the sanctuary was magnificently adorned with spring plants blossoming in pink, yellow and white. The traditional Paschal candle and the wooden cross draped in white, signified the continuing Eastertide observance. It was a joyful setting and season for the occasion. As is customary, a dozen pink roses were presented to Bishop Cote by secretaries representing the four counties, seven deaneries and the central diocesan seat. Father Ricard, in his homily, shared with the congregation that his mother had been a legal secretary. He spoke of the secretary’s art of “bringing calm to chaos.” “Secretaries,” he recounted from much experience, are “called by the Risen Lord to make the workplace a better place.” The secretaries who work for the Church are very Photos by Phil Twomey
aware “It isn’t just another job.” Every day, “secretaries touch many lives with their kindness, professionalism, creativity, talent and love of God.” Father then repeated the heartfelt sentiment, “It isn’t just another job.” One of the prepared readings served as a prayerful response by all secretaries present, “Most Holy Trinity, through the intercession of St. Genesius of Arles, Patron of Secretaries, may every act of service I offer as a secretary reflect my faith in You.” Gratefully recognized for their service in organizing this special tribute are the members of the Secretaries Mass Committee and registration committee: Alice Pudvah - Chair 2011, Joan Balestracci, Leandra LeClair. Cynthia Mageski, Judy Pappagallo, Marlene Peer, Kimberly Quinn, Christine Siart, Rebecca McDougal and Monsignor Brown. At the well attended luncheon that followed, Bishop Cote again thanked the secretaries as honorees of this day for their faithful and caring service. Plans are underway for next year’s Secretaries Mass, to be held on April 24, 2012.
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Four County Catholic May 2011
Healthcare Workers celebrate 21st Annual White Mass “Lord, Great Healer, I kneel before You” At the Cathedral of Saint Patrick, May 1, 2011, on Divine Mercy Sunday, Bishop Michael R. Cote By Michael STrammiello
Hospital Corpsman and Petty Officer First Class Catubig, US Navy, Retired and Elena Catubig, RN, also retired, of Uncasville, Connecticut. Photos by Phil Twomey
celebrated the Twenty-First Annual White Mass, joined by fellow clergy, religious and lay Officers of the Mass, among them Reverend Anthony P. Gruber as homilist, and readers, Peter F. Moore, M.D., George A. Sprecace, M.D., J.D., and Robert J. Keltner, M.D. The White Mass, well attended as always, is a prayerful opportunity for the science of healthcare to intersect with the mystery and healing power of faith in the Lord. In the Communion Hymn, words and song rejoice in the sacramental gift of the Eucharist and the mystery of the Catholic faith, “…that we may live the mystery we share.” This is a day to recognize that medical practice and faith provide a balance of healing and hope. Bishop Cote welcomed all present – physicians and patients, nurses and technicians, chaplains and administrators, families and friends – acknowledging that “all have come together to restore hope and renew our faith.” Father Gruber further recognized, in his homily, the compassion and faith that distinguish the healthcare
profession from all others. He drew monies, Michael M. Deren, M.D. a connection between the encounter introduced invited speaker Anthony Jesus had with the unbelieving G. Alessi, M.D., author of Lift Up Thomas, as he invited Thomas to Your Hearts: Healing Haiti, Land of touch the wound in his side – and Hardship, who spoke on his mission the examination and “body lan- work in Haiti. Dr. Alessi, widely recguage” observations of the medical ognized as a tireless advocate of the profession. The faith and medical gravely suffering people of Haiti, care connection, as Father expressed spoke of the still urgent medical crisis in Haiti. Having worked it, “rests in the hope of in the MASH-like tent bringing healing and operations on the wellness to our bodies ground there and and to our lives” -having visited as attending to our recently as late spiritual as well as April, he spoke p h y s i c a l of the strong wounds. “May faith, pride and we bear witness resilience of a to the healing people to whom mercy flowing the diocese has from the been connected wounds of the for almost thirty Lord Jesus.” years. As he exUnder the dipressed it, “The rerection of Douglas lief and medical Green, the inspiring support work continumusic liturgy was pering in Haiti is the practical formed by the Cathedral application of our choir, the Jonathan Dr. Anthony Alessi faith.” This, he said, is Clark Brass Ensemble, Steven Tavares on Timpani and “what it means to be a Christian.” White Mass Committee ChairDoug Green as organist. Following Mass was the annual person, Deacon Gerald L. Shaw, White Mass brunch with the Dr. M.D. has announced that next David P. and Mrs. Joan Lauler Me- year’s White Mass will be held on morial Lecture. Master of Cere- April 22, 2012.
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Good Friday April 22, 2011 Bishop Cote and Monsignor Brown, join with Reverend Paul Pantelis, cross bearer, and hundreds of marchers on a mile-long Way of the Cross procession down Broadway in Norwich in an ecumenical service honoring the Passion of Christ.
Four County Catholic May 2011
The New Translation of the Roman Missal As we already have heard, on November 27, 2011, all Catholic parishes in the United By Sister Elissa Rinere, CP, JCD Office of Worship
States will begin using a new translation of the Roman Missal. Missals, Roman and otherwise, have a very interesting history which extends back for over 1000 years. For the first several centuries of the Church, the celebration of Mass was regional. This meant that different areas of the Church celebrated differently, both in ceremony and in language. Over time, missals, books that contained the texts and rubrics for the celebration of the Eucharist, began to develop. Following the Council of Trent (1545-1563) the celebration of the Eucharist was standardized according to the liturgy of the city of
Rome. In July 1570 the first edition of the Roman Missal was issued by Pope Pius V, and all Roman Catholics were expected to follow its rubrics. Most regional celebrations ceased. The language of the Mass was to be
Latin, since that was the language of the Church of Rome. Although there were several corrections and various changes made through the centuries, the Roman Missal of 1570 remained the standard for the Roman Catholic Church until 1962, when Pope John XXIII issued a new Roman Missal. The 1962 Roman Missal was revised again following the decisions of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). The unity of prayer
and worship established after Trent was retained, but unity of language was not. The bishops of every nation were to take the Latin edition of the then newly issued 1969 Roman Missal and have it translated into the language of the people - the vernacular. The first English edition of the 1969 Roman Missal was printed in 1973. This English translation is currently in use in our parishes. In 2002, Pope John Paul II issued a third edition of the Roman Missal. In this Missal the celebration of the Eucharist did not
changed; but new prayers, new saints and new feasts are added to the Church’s calendar. The work of translating this 2002 Roman Missal into the languages of the world has been ongoing since it was first published. The liturgical changes being introduced into our parishes in November involve new words, new prayers, new saints and feasts but no new actions or rubrics. The Roman Missal is the fundamental liturgical book of the Roman Catholic Church. It binds together in faith all the Catholics of the world, and centers us around
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the Eucharist as the core of our religious practice. There has been quite a bit of debate over the new English translation of the 2002 Missal which we will begin to use in November. Some feel it will help to improve our worship, while others see it as unnecessary. Ultimately, it is we who pray the prayers of the Missal who will determine its impact. Will we hear new words with new ears? In November, when we begin to use this new translation of the Mass there will be little impact if we do not pray with renewed hearts.
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Four County Catholic May 2011
Honoring Those You Love By MaryLou Gannotti Director of Planned Giving
2011 Women’s Conference Photo by Phil Twomey Professor Vallimar Jansen addressing the Diocese of Norwich First Annual Catholic Women’s Conference, April 16, at St. Bernard School in Uncasville, CT. An excellent turnout of over 150 attendees participated in an invigorating program focusing on being women of God, women of prayer, women of evangelization. Bishop Cote welcomed the gathering with a prayer asking that all present dedicate the day to God’s praise and service…”Renew us in the hope of a new humanity which has dawned upon the world in Christ, your Son…” A very successful first conference.
the grass is often lush and green. It is also a special time for moving on and remembrance as we see so many young people graduate from college and of course, we commemorate Memorial Day. Memorial Day, while originally intended to honor fallen U.S. soldiers, is often a time we remember those loved ones of ours who have passed on. Growing up, Memorial Day not only meant attending the annual parade in town, but also visiting the graves of our loved ones who had passed on and making sure there was an arrangement placed by the headstone. The month of May might also prove to be a fine time to also begin thinking about gifts in memoriam in honor of those you love. When a loved one passes away, in lieu of
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flowers, family members often request that a donation be made in remembrance of their loved one. Gifts of memoriam to the church are not only a beautiful way of remembering those you lost, but it also puts into practice the basic tenet of Catholic stewardship If
you would like your loved ones to remember your parish upon your passing by making a gift in your memory, please let them know. We too often assume that those we love are aware of our wishes, bypassing the most simple of opportunities to communicate. Keeping the lines of
communication open on matters to be dealt with after your passing could help your loved ones tremendously in their time of mourning. This Memorial Day, let us not forget those who have served our Country valiantly and let us pray for peace in a time of war. Let us also remember our church and consider a gift in memoriam. It is a beautiful gesture that will do a tremendous amount of good. To request a brochure on planned giving, please contact MaryLou Gannotti by telephone at 860-886-1928 ext. 15. You can also download the brochure on the Planned Giving portion of the Development Office website at www.norwichdiocesedevelopment.org.
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Four County Catholic May 2011
Enjoy the Best of Both Worlds Reverend Anthony P. Kuzdal July 5, 1923 - April 12, 2011 Colchester - Reverend Anthony P. Kuzdal, 87, passed away peacefully Tuesday, April 12, 2011 at St. Mary Home in West Hartford. Born, July 5, 1923 in Willimantic, Tony was the son of Anthony and Mary Kuzdal. A 1944 graduate of the University of Connecticut (B.S.), he later served at UConn as a graduate assistant in the Chemistry Department before beginning his studies for the priesthood. He graduated from St. Thomas Seminary in Bloomfield, St. Mary Seminary in Baltimore and the Catholic University in Washington, D.C., and was ordained into the priesthood on May, 10, 1956 at the Cathedral of St. Patrick in Norwich by the Most Reverend Bernard J. Flanagan, D.D, Bishop of Norwich. Father Tony began and concluded his 37 years as a parish priest at St. Andrew Parish in Colchester. He spent five weeks as a summer assistant at St. Andrew in May-June of 1956 before moving to St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in Storrs, on the campus of his alma mater, as assistant pastor from 1956-64. He served as assistant pastor at St. Mary in Portland (1964-66) and St. Bernard in Rockville (1966-68). In July of 1968, Father Tony was named to his first pastorate at St. Stephen Church in Quinebaug and in June of 1977 he was appointed pastor of St. Edward the Confessor Church in Stafford Springs. In November of 1984, Father Kuzdal returned to St. Andrew Parish in Colchester and he retired from his final pastoral assignment in July of 1993. Father Kuzdal is survived by a niece, Patricia Tolokan of North Windham, CT, nephew Timothy Tolokan and wife Diane of Storrs, CT and nephew Anthony Tolokan and wife Mary and great nephews John and Alek of North Salt Lake, UT. In addition to his parents, Father Tony was predeceased by sisters Rose Tolokan and Josephine Beaudry and brothers Theodore and Thomas. The family wishes to express its sincere thanks for the exceptional care provided Father Tony by the nurses and staff at St. Joseph Living Center in Willimantic and St. Mary Home in West Hartford.
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Four County Catholic May 2011
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Four County Catholic May 2011
Of Pigeons and Dandelions One recent evening after work, I stopped in a local store to return a couple of items. Almost immediBy Mary Tunison
ately, I was caught up in a little drama unfolding before me. The return amounted to a little over twenty dollars which required an authorization from the store manager. As a result, the cash register locked and the clerk didn’t have the key to unlock it. This very good natured lady called around to other clerks who didn’t have the key either. Playfully she threw her hands up in the air and commented, “I don’t know why they require a manager’s approval for a return of just twenty dollars.” We both laughed. She paged the manager who was nowhere in sight. The phone was ringing, customers were gathering and she was the only clerk manning the customer service register. She spied some co-workers a distance away not doing anything except chatting with each other. With raised eye brow, she humorously began commentating on the whole experience noting all the things that could be – if only they were as they should be. I was impressed by the way she handled the situation. Her wit and positive attitude made the whole experience as amusing as a good sitcom. An upbeat perspective can completely change the temperament of an experience. She didn’t let little negative details steal her joy. When I was a child, my first encounter with dandelions was one of awe and delight. These bright yellow little “flowers” seemed beautiful to me, making the perfect bouquet for mom. And mom, being the gentile soul she was, graciously accepted my little gift as though they were a
We Can Help To report inappropriate contact of any kind by a representative of the Diocese of Norwich or for assistance to victims, please call:
dozen roses, and proudly placed them in a prominent place. As I grew older, someone instilled in my mind that dandelions were just weeds, not worthy of much significance. Again, another example of how our perspective can be influenced – only this time in a negative way --deflecting
from the hidden and valuable qualities of one of God’s creations. One wonders how the dandelion got such a bad rap anyway. The common dandelion is really quite amazing. Unlike a lot of “other” flowers, the dandelion plant is edible. It is said that some parts are
downright tasty, and all of it is good for you. Just be careful no lawn chemicals have been applied if you try to eat one. This herb, originating from Greece, has many curative effects. Dandelions are known to purify the blood, stimulate digestion and the urinary system. Its leaves contain more nutritive substances than spinach or tomatoes. It also contains many vitamins and minerals. The herb substances aide the metabolism, liver and other bodily functions. Because it contains vitamin A & C, it is known as an anti-oxidant and anti-cancer agent. Read up on it -- there are many other uses and benefits this little herb provides. Not to mention that it also makes a dandy wine! I’ll bet you’ll never look at a dandelion quite the same way again. Pigeons have also acquired a bad reputation over the years. Actually, they have some amazing qualities as well. Pigeon poop was considered to be an invaluable resource to farmers
in 16th, 17th and 18th century Europe. In both the first and second World Wars, the pigeon saved hundreds of thousands of human lives by carrying messages across enemy lines. In Roman times, pigeons were used to carry the results of sporting events such as Olympic games and that is why doves are released at the beginning of the Olympic games today. Racing pigeons can be released 400 – 600 miles away from its home and return within the same day. All pigeons have this homing ability. Pigeons are one of the most intelligent of all bird species yet many times they are highly underrated. The same is true of people. Often we only see a small part of a person’s life. Sadly, some distort or change the way we think about people through rash judgments, false witness, unkind words or lack of openness to the hidden potential within – or worse – they make decisions based on external reasons alone. “Oh, we went to the trouble of
making all kinds of exceptions to let this person in our group or our team. . .because they were beyond our age limit, below our skill level, our this, our that -- and they quit anyway. Now they want to come back and try again. We just can’t take that risk. They just don’t seem to have what it takes.” Such narrow minded thinking would not be Jesus’ frame of mind. He is much “bigger” and He sees the heart. Be careful not to base your assumptions or decisions on appearances or externals. Someday, you may have to give an account for denying someone’s destiny or gift as it was meant to be given. Open your eyes and your heart, not just your head. Your perspective will be much broader, expansive, inclusive and loving – toward the precious souls -- and dandelions -- around you. Mary Tunison works for Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of Hartford, and is a freelance writer, photographer, artist, and graphic designer. She can be reached at mjtunison@comcast.net.
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Four County Catholic May 2011
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Manchester 214 Spencer St. The Cohen Family
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Southington 750 Queen St. The Drust Family
ShopRite of Canton 110 Albany Tpke.
W.Hartford .Ha . 46 Kane St. The Joseph Family
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As a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7
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Four County Catholic May 2011
Academic Excellence. Character. Self-confidence.
St. Patrick Cathedral School, Norwich 860-889-4174 www.stpatscathedralschool.org Sacred Heart School, Taftville 860-887-1757 www.sacredhearttaftville.org Sacred Heart School, Groton 860-445-0611 www.sacredheartgroton.org St. Edward School, Stafford Springs 860-684-2600 www.stedward-stafford.org St. James School, Danielson 860-774-3281 www.stjamesdanielson.com St. John School, Middletown 860-347-3202 www.stjohnschoolmiddletown.org St. John School, Old Saybrook 860-388-0849 www.stjohnschoolos.com St. Joseph School, Baltic 860-822-6141 www.stjosephbaltic.org St. Joseph School, North Grosvenordale 860-923-2090 www.stjosephct.com
A Witness for the Past, the Present and the Hope for the Future Saint Mary of Czestochowa School, located in Middletown, CT, is a Catholic elementary school, preschool through grade By Sheila Cerjanec Technology Coordinator, Diocesan School Office
eight, for children of all religions, ethnicity, and race. The school was founded in 1912, at the request of Polish immigrants who desired a quality education for their sons and daughters. It was originally staffed by four Felician Sisters from Buffalo, New York. St. Mary School offers a sound academic curriculum for students in all core subjects as well as Spanish, Music, Art, Physical Education, Computer and Library Science. Stu-
dents have a wide variety of extracurricular activities to choose from including both boys’ and girls’ basketball teams, Student Council, Band, Choir, Newspaper, Yearbook, and CREW – Community Service Club. The PreSchool, which is housed in a separate facility within the parish complex, offers programs that are developmentally appropriate and encourage the youngest learners to develop a love for learning. The school recently announced an upgrade to their Science Lab thanks to the generosity of Bristol-Myers Squibb who donated equipment and cabinetry. The Lab is housed in the eighth grade classroom and has all the necessities to make it a state of
the art classroom. Mrs. Kathleen Dutil, Principal of St. Mary’s School, is thrilled with the new acquisition, and grateful for all of the parent support and help in retrofitting the lab to work in the school setting. St, Mary School also has a cutting edge computer lab that is used by all classes to integrate technology into their studies. They have taken a huge step into the future with the design of their lab. The school has opted to lease its hardware, and to implement “green”, energy efficient, computing as well. The lab has 16 virtual desktop workstations which operate seamlessly using the power
Witness Continued on page 24
To learn more, contact the Diocesan School Office, 860-887-4086, www.norwichdso.org or contact one of the diocesan schools.
St. Joseph School, New London 860-442-1720 www.sjsnl.com St. Joseph School, Rockville 860-875-4943 www.saintjosephrockville.com St. Mary School, Middletown 860-347-2978 www.stmarymiddletown.com St. Mary School, New London 860-443-7758 www.stmaryschoolnewlondon.com St. Mary-St. Joseph School, Willimantic 860-423-8479 www.smsjschool.org St. Michael School, Pawcatuck 860-599-1084 www.stmichaelschoolct.com St. Matthew Pre-School, Tolland 860-872-0200 www.stmatthewct.org St. Bernard Pre-School, Rockville 860-875-0475 www.saintbernardchurch.org
Four County Catholic May 2011
Pro-life Miss America Shows Wisdom of 18 Being Miss America is a lot of pressure for 18-year-old Teresa Scanlan. By Christina Capecchi Four County Catholic Contributor
But then, when her mom was 18, she faced a lot of pressure too: She was pregnant and unwed. Teresa learned this last September, when the Nebraska native was preparing for the 2011 Miss America pageant. Her h a l f - b r o t h e r, Jerod, had called unexpectedly. It was his 31st birthday, his wife was expecting their firstborn, and it seemed like a good time to reach out. Teresa was working in her basement office when her mom, Janie, came down to tell her the news. Janie had gone on to get married and have six children, whom she
had never told about Jerod, assuming she would never hear from him and that it would be easier on them that way. Teresa was stunned. “It was strange for me to even imagine that,” she told me. “I thought, ‘There’s no way. This has to be some kind of joke, some kind of misunderstanding. All you know of your family
for 17 years has suddenly changed.” The news offered Teresa insight on her mother. It hadn’t been easy for Janie being Catholic, pregnant and 18 in Wichita, Kan., and the pregnancy was kept a secret, even to relatives. With her parents’ blessing, Janie decided to give the baby to the Catholic Adoption Agency.
She wanted him to have a stable, loving family and every opportunity for success. When Jerod was born, Janie held his tiny hand, wrote him a letter and said goodbye. “It was so, so hard for her,” Teresa said. “I have all the more respect and love for her understanding that now.” Shortly after Jerod’s phone call, he and Janie decided to meet at an Olive Garden in Lincoln, Neb. (“When you’re here,” says the chain’s slogan, “you’re family.”) Janie brought three of her daughters, and they spotted Jerod, they engulfed him in hugs. Over breadsticks and pasta, they talked for hours, landing on tidbits from three decades, studying each other’s faces and lives. “When he smiles, there are my mom’s dimples,” Teresa said. Soon the big-hearted teen was
viewing the situation for what it was: evidence of God’s providence, that Jerod would be raised by such devoted Catholic parents and that he would be reunited with his birth mom and her vibrant, faith-filled family. “I’m just excited to be a part of his family and for him to be a part of ours,” Teresa said. “I always wanted a bigger family. I didn’t think six was enough.” In January Teresa became Nebraska’s first Miss America, the youngest in decades to claim the title. “I finally realized that it is those times when we’re least prepared, when we’re least ready, when we have those doubts and fears – that’s when God uses us,” she said. “He takes our feeble little attempts and turns them into amazing things.”
Witness Continued from page 23 of only two CPUs. In addition to saving enormous amounts of electricity, the workstations consist of
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One week after being crowned Miss America, Teresa became an aunt. Jerod’s wife delivered a healthy baby girl named Marilyn, who has an incredible tiara-toting role model. Teresa hopes to one day become a Supreme Court justice. Meeting Jerod changed her. She is a young woman raised in a prolife family who has now lived it. Being pro-life is an intimate experience, one that rewires families, homes and hearts – a shuffling of bedrooms and priorities, a clutching of faith. And it’s founded on a beautiful thing: hope for the future. When you think of Teresa and her delicate niece, how can you feel anything but? Christina Capecchi is a freelance writer from Inver Grove Heights, Minn. She can be reached at www.ReadChristina.com.
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only a monitor, keyboard, and mouse, so the impact of damage, loss or theft is minimized. Plus the data and student security is enhanced because everything is housed on the server and not the client machines. In addition to academics, the faculty and staff are committed to meeting the spiritual, physical and social needs of the students within a loving and nurturing learning environment. Members of CREW, students in the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades, make regular trips to Water’s Edge Health Care, located across the street from the school, to visit and play games, such as Bingo with the residents, events enjoyed by all participants. Ninety percent of the eighth grade class will be attending either Mercy or Xavier in the fall. Three of the graduates have been awarded academic scholarships from the schools based on their performance on the entrance examinations. They are: Anthony Magdzik, Ethan Rodrigues, and Jill Stifano. When students graduate from St. Mary School, they leave with the skills and values that they will need to become successful, morally conscious members of society. St. Mary’s is fully accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.
Four County Catholic May 2011
◆ Renowned college preparatory boarding school for young men who have not yet realized their potential. ◆ Located in scenic southeastern Connecticut
Saint Bernard School Welcomes New Headmaster Thomas Doherty, the dean of mission and advancement at Lowell Catholic High School in MasBy Michael Gannon
sachusetts, has been selected to take over as the new Headmaster at St. Bernard School in Uncasville. Doherty, 33, is a native of St. Louis. He will assume the title on July 1, replacing Headmaster William McKenna, who is retiring after five years in the post. Doherty's appointment was announced on April 13 by the Most Rev. Michael R. Cote, Bishop of Norwich. “I'm very excited,” Doherty said. Lowell Catholic is operated by the Xaverian Brothers, who also operate St. Bernard's in partnership with the diocese. He had been serving as the school's dean of mission and advancement for three years. He liked the job, but was looking for a bigger challenge. “I had heard of St. Bernard through the Xaverian network,” he said. “I found out about the opening from my principal. She said 'I really don't want to show you this but...'” Doherty has a bachelor's degree
in mathematics and theology from Boston College and a Masters' degree in mathematics from Notre Dame. “My initial goal was to be a mathematician,” he said. Dr. John Shine, superintendent of schools for the diocese and chairman of the search committee, said Doherty was among three finalists chosen from among 14 applicants in a nationwide search. “He is an outstanding educator, an outstanding administrator and an outstanding Catholic,” Shine said. “We're excited that Tom is coming here.” Bishop Cote said Doherty's anticipated arrival, along with the ongoing work of the school's faculty, staff, families and supporters, is “a promising sign for the future of St. Bernard's.” St. Bernard serves students from more than 50 communities throughout Southeastern Connecticut, with a middle school with grades 6 to 8, and a separate four-year high school. Each has its own principal. “A principal is more involved with the day-to-day academic functions of the school,” Doherty said. “The headmaster is involved with that too, but my job will
have more of a focus in things like enrollment and development.” Bishop Cote said Doherty has demonstrated an ability to guide academic growth and fundraising while still placing a premium on Lowell's identity as a Catholic institution. Doherty is not deterred by the challenge of providing top-flight Catholic education in trying fiscal times. “Is the economy a challenge? Yes and no,” Doherty said. “I've found that when times are tough, people tend to donate more generously. And even when parents are looking at the cost of tuition, I think most people realize that in tough economic times, there are things public schools will cut that a Catholic school will not sacrifice.” On a lighter note, though Doherty attended both Catholic colleges, he has no divided loyalties in this fall's football game between Boston College (run by the Jesuits) and Notre Dame (Congregation of Holy Cross), a rivalry that has come to be known as “The Holy War” and “The Vatican Bowl”. “Boston College!” he said. “And you can print that!”
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Four County Catholic May 2011
Xavier High School Engineering Club Wins National Real World Design Challenge President Obama and Congressman Larson Praise the Winners Middletown, CT, April 20, 2011: The Xavier High School Falcons, Middletown, representSubmitted by John Guerin
ing the State of Connecticut at the Third Annual Real World Design Challenge™ (RWDC) national aviation design competition, took the top prize (L-R) Middlesex Chamber Chairperson, Teresa Opalacz, Michael Humphreys, Giovanni Sabato, Chris Muckle, Miraj Rahematpura, Congressman John Larson, Pratt & Whitney President David Hess, Andrew Moeller, Mike Leon, John Voelker, Mario Chris, Xavier Headmaster Br. Brian Davis, C.F.X., and Chamber President Larry McHugh. Photo by Christine Gemelli
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for designing a next-generation airplane wing that maximizes fuel efficiency and enhances performance. The award was presented Saturday, April 16 at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C. President Obama sent a letter congratulating all of the students who participated on their achievement in completing the Challenge. The Xavier team was mentored by Sikorsky Innovations and Pratt & Whitney. The Xavier High School team won the State Competition and represented Connecticut in the National Challenge for the second year in a row. Xavier Mathematics/Science teacher Michael Humphreys, Xavier Class of `04, who is also the moderator of Xavier's Engineering Club, wrote to us in the early hours Sunday, “Just wanted to thank all of you who helped the team WIN the national competition down here in Washington DC (Saturday)!!! Your support at all levels did not go unnoticed and I appreciated the time you took to help.” The winning team was coached by Mr. Humphreys and State Coordinator Christine Gemelli. The student team members are: Chris Muckle `12 (Madison), Mike Leon `11 (Portland), Miraj Rahematpura `12 (Middletown), Mario Chris `13 (Storrs), Giovanni Sabato `12 (Middletown), Andrew Moeller `12 (Northford) and John Voelker `12 (Southington). The state of Washington came in 2nd and Kansas 3rd. The Connecticut team was supported by the Office for Workforce Competitiveness, (OWC) under the leadership of Christine Gemelli. “In order for Connecticut and the nation to successfully compete in a 21st century economy, we must grow a new generation of highly skilled engineers and innovators,” Gemelli said. “The Real World
Four County Catholic May 2011
Design Challenge provides an important opportunity for high school students to better understand the challenges the best and brightest engineers face every day.” OWC has supported a Connecticut team in the Real World Design Challenge national competition since the program’s inception, three years ago. This was the second year Xavier won the state competition to go on to the nationals. “To have our state team win the national challenge after only its second appearance is phenomenal,” Gemelli added. Tuesday morning the team was praised for their National Championship by CT 1st District U.S. Congressman John Larson for their “tremendous accomplishment.” Congressman Larson was the guest speaker at the Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce monthly breakfast meeting. Chamber President Larry McHugh, who also serves as chairman of the board of trustees at the University of Connecticut and was Xavier High School's first football coach from 1963 to 1983, and David P. Hess, President of Pratt & Whitney, joined in the praise for the team during their remarks to the hundreds in attendance at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Cromwell. The Third Annual Real World Design Challenge is a national aviation design competition for high school students run by a public-private partnership with the goal of increasing the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) workforce. More than 450 Schools from 40 states competed in the challenge and the top three teams presented their national final solutions to a panel of VIP judges representing government, academia and industry. In a very close competition, the Xavier Falcons’ design was
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judged to be the best. On our website (www.xavierhighschool.org), we have the RWDC video of the team being
announced as one of the three finalists in the competition Saturday afternoon along with Kansas and Washington.
Diocese Names New Principal at St. James School, Danielson Rev. John O’Neill, Pastor of St. James Parish in Danielson and Dr. John F. Shine, S u By Sheila Cerjanec perintendent of Schools for the Norwich Diocese, have announced the appointment of Monique Almquist to succ e e d M r s . Cheryl Vielleux as Principal of St. James School in Danielson, beginning July 2011. Ms. Almquist is a veteran educator and assumes the position with over twenty two years of educational leadership experience both in Connecticut and Vermont. She most recently served as principal of St. Mary School, Middlebury, Vermont, for six years. Her ex-
perience includes but is not limited to, curriculum mapping, strategic planning and development, staff and professional development, building and maintenance, and finance. She has been active in the recent past both on her parish level, as Director of Religious Education, and on various Diocesan and Independent Schools Boards. Ms. Almquist commented, “Clearly, this community is in love with the school and committed to its success. To be invited to join such a community is a privilege, and I very much look forward to putting my shoulder to the work that needs to be done to make such success happen.”
Acknowledgement: Dear Readers: We want you to know we deeply regret placing a photograph and short bio of State Attorney General George C. Jepsen on page 27 of the April Four County Catholic. The Four County Catholic has been and continues to be an ardent and outspoken advocate of the right to life position -- without exception. The appearance of Attorney General’s bio information, including positions contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church, was inappropriate. My sincerest apologies.
Michael R. Strammiello Executive Editor Four County Catholic
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Four County Catholic May 2011
Below: Xavieran juniors Dylan Baker (left) and Aaron Deegan show off their rings at the Annual Xavieran Ring Mass. Photo by Susannah H. Snowden/Omnia Photographics
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We All Have Love to Give... The Department of Children and Families needs foster families and adoptive families for children of all ages. We are looking for mature and experienced parents who are able to care for and work with children and adolescents who have experienced abuse and/or neglect and are in need of special care. Homes are especially needed for children over 10 years old. During our Open House, we will give descriptions of our foster care program in which parents are asked to provide temporary care to the special needs children in our care and of the special needs adoption program. Monday May 16 at 7:00 pm Colchester Town Hall 127 Norwich Avenue Colchester, CT
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If you or someone you know are interested, please attend one of the informational meetings listed above. (For couples, both partners are encouraged to attend.) For more information, call 1888KIDHERO. Los clases se ofrecen en español. Para mayor informa ción sobre la fecha y el lugar llame a Guadalupe R. Pillars al: 8602130763 (Spanish Only).
Above: On Holy Thursday, it has been a custom at Saint Joseph School in New London to conduct a Seder meal. complete with horseradish, greens, matzo crackers, etc. The acting “father” responds to the questions from “his children” in the traditional manner. Of course, an empty seat at the table is reserved for Elijah in the event he arrives. This year, Marie and Phil Twomey fulfilled the roles of mother and father, and representatives from each grade played the parts of the children. Natalie Anderson and John Stevenson, eighth graders, provided scripture readings. Photo by Phil Twomey
The graduating Class of 2011 at Sacred Heart School in Taftville, along with their Art Teacher, Carolyn Stangle, demonstrated the art of giving by providing the art work for TVCCA’s Senior Nutrition Meals on Wheels Programs benefit Carnevale event on April 2nd, 2011. The benefit is to raise money which will be used to serve additional meals not covered by the fiscal budget. The students created 10 large Carnevale banners used to drape throughout the hall. Their support of this vital program that serves homebound seniors daily was evident in the beautiful artistic creation that brought life to this night of giving. TVCCA’s Meals on Wheels program thanks each and every one of them for giving of their time and lending their artistic talents to make this evening so special. Submitted by Tia Bettencourt, Program Manager, TVCCA Senior Nutrition Program
Four County Catholic May 2011
Healthy Hearts
by Karen H Whiting
Mother’s Day Acrostic Did you know? May 8 Mother’s Day! Look up a virtuous women on Proverbs 31:1031 and see how your mother does many of the same things. Read what children should do in verse 28. May National egg month and all month it’s the Easter season. Have some more egg rolling contests and eat eggs cooked sunny side up as a reminders that Jesus rose!
Mothers are wonderful. Look up Bible verses to answer the questions and fill in virtues of mothers. Then tell your mom how she shows those virtues to you. 1. She has sympathy and understands how you feel. Colossians 3:12 2. Cares greatly for you (you are dear to her heart). 1 John 4:7 3. Always believes in God. Matthew 25:23 4. Does good things for other people. Proverbs 31:20 5. Uses words to inspire you to work hard and show she believes in you. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 6. She is always busy cleaning, cooking, helping, and more because she does this. Romans 16:12
May 11 Donate a day’s wages to charity day. Do some extra chores to earn money for the poor. May 15-21 New Friends, Old Friends Week. Plan fun with friends. Write to friends who moved away.
Answer key: 1 – compassion, 2 – love, 3 – faithful, 4 – helpful, 5 – encourages, 6 hard worker.
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On May 22, in the gospel reading, Jesus says to not let your heart be troubled. Many people have a weak heart or feel chest pain when they worry. We need to pray and trust God instead of worrying. We also need to work to have healthy hearts both physically and spiritually. Here are some ways to have a healthy heart: • Add extra steps every day. Walk up stairs instead of using an elevator. Park further away to walk more. • Walk, run, or jump rope every day. Consistent exercise makes your heart work more efficiently • Chores, like mowing the lawn, raking leaves, and weeding help you heart. • Your heart is a muscle so lifting weights can help strengthen it. • Maintain a good weight • Eat healthy and low fats, less sugar. Eat lots of carrots, apricots, leafy greens, sweet potatoes, and seaweed. • Read the Bible • Pray and trust God when you have a problem • If you feel sad cheer up with happy music and whatever makes you laugh, such as jokes, funny movies, cartoons, or friends • Hug your family and friends. Touching actually helps the heart. • Eat garlic as it lowers blood pressure. • Take deep breaths to bring in oxygen to help the heart and increase energy. • When worried talk with your mom and friends. It helps you let go of the stress and relax. • Get a good night sleep. • Memorize Bible verses to say when you start to worry. • Wake up and say, “Jesus loves me!” It helps fill your heart with love each day.
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Four County Catholic May 2011
JOHN PAUL II: Defender of the Dignity of the Human Person VATICAN CITY - At 10:30 Sunday morning, May 1, 2011, in St. Peter's Square, Cardinal Tarcisio Provided by VIS
Bertone S.D.B., Secretary of State, presided over the thanksgiving Mass for the beatification of Pope John Paul II. The celebration included music performed by the Choir of the Diocese of Rome, with the participation of Warsaw's Polish Union of Choirs and the National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra of Katowice. Preparation for the holy rite began at 9:30am with the reading of poems by Blessed John Paul II in alternation with pieces performed by the orchestra and choir. Before Holy Mass, Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, archbishop of Krakow, addressed those present. “The dialogue of love between Christ and the human person characterized the entire life of Karol Wojtyla ...�, Cardinal Bertone said in his homily. “We all recall how, on the day of his funeral, during the ceremony there was a moment when the
wind shut the book of the Gospels placed on the coffin. It was as if the wind of the Spirit wanted to signal the end of the spiritual and human existence of Karol Wojtyla, illumined by the Gospel of Christ. With this Book he discovered God's plan for humanity and for himself, but he also learned of Christ, His face and His love, which was always a call to responsibility for Karol�. “He was a man of faith, a man of God,� the cardinal emphasized. “His life was a constant prayer that lovingly embraced all who inhabit our planet, created in the image and likeness of God, and therefore worthy of the greatest respect; redeemed by Christ's death and resurrection the human person is therefore truly become the living glory of God. Thanks to the faith that he expressed, above all, in prayer, John Paul II was a true defender of the dignity of every human person and not a mere activist for political or social ideologies�. “But his prayer was also a constant intercession for the entire human family, for the Church, for
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Cardinals wait to pay their homage in front of the casket of late Pope John Paul II, laid out in state at the Altar of the Confession inside St. Peter's Basilica, at the end of a solemn celebration in St. Peter's Square where he was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI, Sunday, May 1, 2011, in the fastest beatification in modern times. More than a million faithful attended the celebration at the Vatican and surrounding streets. AP Photo/Andrew Medichini, Pool each community of believers world, in every language. A Pastor tudes in everyday experience�. The cardinal invited those present throughout the earth. ... Weren't who had ingrained within him a these - his prayers, prayers tied to so sense of mission, of the commit- to give thanks to the Lord for “havmany sorrowful events in his own ment of evangelization, and of an- ing granted us a Pope who knew and others' lives - what gave rise to nouncing the Word of God how to give the Church not only a universal reach and unprecedented his concern for peace in the world everywhere�. “Today we give thanks to the moral authority at an international and for the peaceful harmony among the peoples and nations?� the Lord for having given us a Witness level, but also, especially with the cellike him, so credible, so transparent, ebration of the Great Jubilee in cardinal secretary of state asked. “Today we give thanks to the who taught us how to live in Faith 2000, a more spiritual, more biblical Lord for having given us a Pastor like and how to defend Christian values, vision, more focused on the word of him. A Shepherd who knows how beginning with life, without anxiety God. A Church capable of renewing to read the signs of God's presence or fear; how one should bear witness itself, initiating a 'new evangelizain human history and to announce to the faith with courage and coher- tion', intensifying ecumenical and Him through his great acts in the ence, giving expression to the Beati- inter-religious links, and also rediscovering the way towards a fruitful dialogue with the new generations�. “And finally�, he concluded, “we give thanks to the Lord for having Independently Owned and Operated Since 1881 given us a Saint like him... he was a man of truth as he was inseparably bound to He who is the Truth... More than 250,000 faithful entered the Vatican Basilica to pray beOwner/Funeral Director fore the remains of the new Blessed. The coffin will be permanently placed in the Chapel of St. Sebastian, 433 Main Street, Danielson, CT 25 Main Street, Central Village, CT which is located to the left of 860-774-3284 860-564-2147 Michelangelo's statue of the Pieta.
Steve Bennardo
Four County Catholic May 2011
Santo Subito The beatification of John Paul II on May 1, 2011 in Rome was an historic event; in the last ten cenBy Father Leszek T. Janik, J.C.L., V.G.
turies no pope has beatified his predecessor. Throughout history 78 popes have been named saints and 10 are blessed. The beatification took place on the feast of Divine Mercy, a devotion popularized by the Polish nun, Saint Faustina Kowalska and established by John Paul II as a new feast on the Church’s liturgical calendar. During the funeral of John Paul II in April 2005, thousands of people in the congregation had joined in the chant, “Santo subito! Saint immediately!” urging that the beloved Pontiff be raised to the altars. However, for this passionate longing to happen, a miracle was needed. On January 14, 2011, Pope Benedict XVI formally approved and confirmed the authenticity of a miracle in which a French nun, Sister Marie Simone Pierre, was cured from Parkinson’s disease. The sudden cure came on June 3, 2005 after the nun’s constant seeking of the intercession of the late Pontiff. Karol Wojtyla, the late John Paul II, was born on May 18, 1920, in Wadowice, Poland, not far from the city of Krakow. His mother died when he was only nine years old. His sister died a few days after birth. His older brother, a medical doctor, died in 1932. His father, who belonged to the Polish army, was killed at the beginning of the war. By the age of twenty-one, Karol was the only living member of his immediate family. During the Nazi occupation of Poland, he worked in a chemical factory and by night he studied philosophy, published poetry, and wrote and performed plays. He entered the seminary in 1942 and studied theology in secret until Poland was liberated and the seminary in Krakow was opened once more. He finished his studies in 1946 and was ordained a priest at the age of twenty-six. He was then sent to Rome, where in 1948 he received his doctorate in philosophy. A few years later, he received his doctorate in theology and shortly after he began teaching at both the Catholic University of Lublin and the University of
Krakow. At the age of thirty-eight, he was named auxiliary bishop of Krakow. In 1964 he became archbishop of the same city, and in 1967 he was made a cardinal. On October 16, 1978, on the eighth ballot of the two-day conclave, Cardinal Wojtyla was elected Pope. He succeeded Pope John Paul I, who lived for only 33 days after the death of Pope Paul VI. The new Pope chose the name John Paul II in honor of his three predecessors. Everyone agrees that this pope has left a moral legacy inside and outside the Church. John Paul II has proposed models of holiness to the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics. He has canonized 482 people and beatified 1,338 – including the first lay couple. During his papacy, the Church expanded greatly. The number of Catholics in the world jumped more than 40 percent from 757 million to 1.2 billion. Catholics in Africa increased by nearly 150 percent and in Asia by more than 80 percent. In the United States the number of Catholics rose from 48 million to 64 million during this period. In the area of interreligious relations, Pope John Paul II had reached out in ways that were once considered impossible. In 1986 he was the first pope to visit a Jewish synagogue in Rome, then in 2000 he prayed at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. He was the first pope ever to visit a mosque in Syria, and in Morocco he spoke to thousands of cheering Muslim youths. He also annulled the excommunication of Martin Luther, leader of the Protestant Reformation. Pope John Paul II has left an unforgettable imprint on history. He has impacted us all. Being in his presence, you could not help but feel, deep down inside, you were in the presence of a truly holy and historic person. You could not help but know that you were a witness to great holiness. Going back to John Paul II’s seminary formation, one of his classmates recalled the following story. A group of seminarians were going outdoors to play soccer one day. Because Lolek (the late Pontiff’s nickname) was a good goalie, they asked him to join them as he often did. Upon his refusal to play with them on this particular day because
May 1 Feast of Thanksgiving celebrating the beatification of Pope John Paul II at St. Joseph Church in Norwich, CT.
of his commitment to his studies, they teasingly wrote a note and pinned it on his door – “Here lives a Saint!” This note written in good fun between friends turned out to be prophetic. I remember John Paul II’s legendary trip to Warsaw in 1979, his first trip to Poland as a Pope. I was 17 years old. The Pope celebrated Mass in Victory Square that drew a million people in a capital behind the Iron Curtain. The entire world was watching Poland and saying, “Such a communist country but everyone is going to see the Pope.” The Holy Father told us, “Do not be afraid, I am not, be strong believers.” Then he prayed publicly a powerful prayer that changed everything: Niech stapi Duch Twoj i odnowi oblicze ziemi, tej ziemi – Let your Spirit descend and change the face of the Earth, the face of this land. Nobody had said such a thing in public for fifty years. It was impossible to voice publicly what people thought. Cardinal Wyszynski, then the Bishop of Warsaw, fought tirelessly for freedom, but he was never allowed to speak on national television. The whole nation regained the will for freedom after hearing these words of encouragement spoken by the Pope. Ten years later the Communist Regime collapsed. By any measure this was a papacy for the ages. John Paul II touched thousands of outreached hands during his travels to 134 countries and looked out on millions of faces. He left us a legacy of peace, love and hope. We miss him deeply, but we also rejoice in his resurrection in Jesus Christ, and now prayerfully venerate him.
At the time of death, the Church confidently proclaims God has created us for eternal life. “Through the saving death of Your Son, Jesus Christ, we rise at your word to the glory of the Resurrection.” (PREFACE - CHRISTIAN DEATH IV)
ST. MARY & ST. JOSEPH CEMETERY Community Mausoleum Available 815 Boswell Ave, Norwich • 860-887-1019
SACRED HEART CEMETERY Harland Road, Taftville • 860-887-1019
ST. PATRICK CEMETERY Depot Road, Uncasville • 860-887-1019
ST. MARY CEMETERY Community Mausoleum Available 600 Jefferson Ave, New London • 860-443-3465
RESURRECTION CEMETERY Route 145, Westbrook • 860-399-6503
SACRED HEART CEMETERY Wauregan Road, Wauregan • 860-887-1019
ALL HALLOWS CEMETERY Green Hallow Road, Moosup • 860-887-1019
Norwich Diocesan Cemetery Corporation 815 Boswell Ave, Norwich CT 06360 860-887-1019
Four County Catholic May 2011