Volume 30 • Number 9 • October 2018
Serving The Counties Of Middlesex, New London, Tolland, Windham, CT & Fishers Island, NY
Every Life Cherished • Chosen
Respect Life Month
In This Issue PAGE
“Law enforcement officers are a field of heroes whose calling is similar to the message of the Gospel - to protect and to serve.” State Police Chaplain, Father Michael J.
Drury speaking to Law Enforcement personnel at the 28th Annual Blue Mass held at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick on September 23rd. PAGE
“Now, for the first time in history, our Church will formally confirm the status of the unborn in a new, very specific way by establishing that an unborn baby can receive the grace of a miracle.” Father Brian
Maxwell, homilist for the 40 Days for Life Vigil Mass, describing the two miracles attributed to Pope Paul VI, whose canonization is October 14th. PAGE
“Children with disabilities are just like all children and they should not be defined by their disability,” Andrea Hoisl, Director of Faith
Events discussing the Disabilities Awareness program offered by the Office of Faith Events.
On The Cover October is Respect Life Month! As Catholics, we believe that every life is cherished and chosen, from the moment of conception until natural death. Every person is made in the image and likeness of God — the pre-born, those struggling with illness or a disability, those who are reaching the twilight of their life — and so each and every person has inherent dignity. We have included as many articles pertaining to Respect Life month as possible in these pages. More articles and resources can be found on our website
Discover more at
Serving The Counties Of Middlesex • New London • Tolland • Windham, CT & Fishers Island, NY
Established in 1989 and published each month except July. Made Possible in part through your generous support of the Annual Catholic Appeal
Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Bishop of Norwich
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FOUR COUNTY CATHOLIC Issue 9 October (PE 9934) is published monthly except July by The Diocese of Norwich, 31 Perkins Avenue, Norwich, CT 06360-3613. Periodicals postage paid in Hartford, CT 06101 and at additional mailing offices.
LET FAITH LEAD THE WAY A New Commandment “As I Have Loved You”
“I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.” (John 13:34) October is Respect Life month. The theme this year is Every Life: Cherished. Chosen. Sent. As our Holy Father Pope Francis so clearly tells us, “All life has inestimable value, even the weakest and most vulnerable. The sick, the old, the unborn and the poor, are masterpieces of God’s creation, made in his own image, destined to live forever, and deserving of the utmost reverence and respect.” We, as Christians, have been manifesting this love for one another for nearly two thousand years. One cannot speak of love of others without speaking of dignity. Today, the Catholic Church continues to be an outspoken and unwavering leader regarding the dignity of the human being from the moment of conception until natural death. Parents who lovingly embrace and care for a child with a disability; adult children who care for their elderly parents; doctors and nurses providing palliative care
As we contemplate the full expanse of respecting life, we must sorrowfully acknowledge the failings of the Church and, in some instances its shepherds themselves, to protect and respect life. These failings, as you know from my briefings, are being addressed at every level. We will overcome past failings and follow a “never again” path forward for abuse of any kind. I assure you of this and of continuing updates. Sometimes it helps us to wander outside our comfort zone in order to stretch ourselves spiritually. One such way may be through prayer, fasting and being a visible witness at the peaceful prayer vigil outside of Planned Parenthood in Norwich. On September 25th we celebrated the vigil mass to kick-off the 40 Days for Life campaign. This campaign runs through November 4th. It is not too late to get involved. For more information about participating, contact the 40 Days for Life team at 860-8755770 or visit The life of the church is a life of prayer. October is also the month of the Holy Rosary. Saint Pope John Paul II, whose feast day is on the 22nd, was a proponent of the rosary. So much so, that he gave us the five decades of the Rosary known as the Mysteries of Light. The Rosary is a wonderful devotional prayer which I invite
you to integrate into your daily life. Great peace, wisdom and many blessings can spring forth from this ancient meditative practice. And finally, I want to point out two masses this month that are shining examples of the Respect Life theme. The 26th Annual Firefighters/ EMS Mass and the 2nd Annual Partnership on Disability Mass are, each in their own unique way, celebrations of Every Life: Cherished, Chosen and Sent. I invite you to join me in supporting our brothers and sisters through your attendance at one or both of these celebrations.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Bishop of Norwich
Three words. Love One Another. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ commanded the Apostles and by extension all of us with this simple directive.
to people at the end of life; are all living the commandment to Love One Another.
Mr dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Que La Fé Muestre El Camino Un Mandamiento Nuevo
“Como Los He Amado”
Tres palabras. Amarse unos a otros. Nuestro Señor y Salvador Jesucristo ordenó este sencillo mandamiento a los Apóstoles y lo extendió a todos nosotros. “Les doy un mandamiento nuevo: que se amen los unos a los otros. Ustedes deben amarse unos a otros como yo los he amado”. (Juan 13:34) Octubre es el mes de Respecto a la Vida. El tema de este año es Cada Vida: Apreciada, Elegida, Enviada. Nuestro Santo Padre el Papa Francisco nos dice claramente: “Toda vida tiene un valor inestimable, incluso la más débil y vulnerable. Los enfermos, los ancianos, los no nacidos y los pobres, son obras maestras de la creación de Dios, hechas a su propia imagen, destinadas a vivir para siempre, y merecen la mayor reverencia y respeto “. Nosotros, como cristianos, hemos estado manifestando unos a otros este amor durante casi dos mil años. No se puede hablar de amor a los demás sin hablar de dignidad. Hoy, la Iglesia Católica continúa siendo franca y firme con respecto a la dignidad del ser humano desde el momento de la concepción hasta la muerte natural. Padres que amorosamente abrazan y cuidan a un niño con una discapacidad; hijos adultos que cuidan a sus padres ancianos; médicos y enfermeras
que brindan a personas cuidados paliativos al final de la vida; todos están viviendo el mandamiento de amarse unos a otros. Al contemplar toda la extensión de respeto por la vida, debemos reconocer con tristeza las fallas de la Iglesia para proteger y respetar la vida y, en algunos casos, de sus propios sacerdotes. Como saben de mis informes, estas fallas, se están abordando en todos los niveles. Vamos a superar las fallas pasadas y seguir un rumbo de avance “nunca más” abuso de cualquier tipo. Le aseguro esto y de actualizaciones continuas. A veces nos ayuda salir de nuestra zona de comodidad para crecer espiritualmente. Una de ellas puede ser a través de la oración, el ayuno y ser un testigo visible en la pacífica vigilia de oración fuera de Planned Parenthood en Norwich. El 25 de septiembre celebré la misa de vigilia para dar comienzo a la campaña 40 días por la vida. Esta campaña se extenderá hasta el 4 de noviembre. No es demasiado tarde para involucrarse. Para obtener más información sobre cómo participar, comuníquese con el equipo 40 Days for Life al 860-875-5770 o visite Norwich. La vida de la iglesia es una vida de oración. Octubre es también el mes del Santo Rosario. El Santo Papa Juan Pablo II, cuyo festejo es el día 22, fue un defensor del rosario. Tanto es
así, que nos dio las cinco décadas del Rosario conocido como los Misterios Luminosos. El Rosario es una maravillosa oración devocional que le invito a integrar en su vida diaria. Gran paz, sabiduría y muchas bendiciones pueden surgir de esta antigua práctica meditativa. Y, por último, quiero señalar dos misas este mes que son ejemplos sobresalientes del tema de Respeto a la vida. La 26ª Misa Anual de Bomberos/EMS y la 2ª Misa Anual de la Asociación de Discapacidad son, cada una en su propia manera celebraciones ύnicas, de Cada Vida: Apreciada. Elegida y Enviada. Le invito a unirse a mí para apoyar a nuestros hermanos y hermanas a través de su asistencia a una o ambas celebraciones.
Atentamente en Cristo,
Obispo de Norwich
We pray for men to answer the call to be instruments of God’s grace as priests of Jesus Christ.
MR. Michael Bovino 3rd Year Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD
Mr. Normand Laflamme 2nd Year Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD
Father Gregory Galvin, Director of Priestly Vocations So much has transpired over the last several months, some of which we touched on in the past two issues of the Four County Catholic Vocation Corner. However, I, like all of you, was saddened by the deeply disturbing news out of Pennsylvania and Washington in August. The reprint in last month’s Four County Catholic of Bishop Cote’s pastoral letter that went out to parishioners throughout the diocese, strengthened me. I am thankful for the leadership, support and resolve of our shepherd, Bishop Cote, who pledges to continue to protect the vulnerable and to hold accountable those responsible for any past failings. It is important to remember why each and every one of us is Catholic. We are Catholic because we believe what Saint Peter himself proclaimed to Christ when asked; “will you leave me also?” and Peter responded; “Lord, to whom shall we go, you have the words of eternal life.” Sin exists in the church because of fallen human nature. Any one of us would be making a mistake if we were trying to live out our Catholic faith
because of a certain bishop, priest, deacon, religious sister or brother, or anyone else. Our reason for being Catholic must remain solely focused on obtaining heaven through Christ, who is the way, the truth and the life. If you look back on the history of the Church, at times of great difficulty, God has always raised up saints among his children to inspire and lead the Church through the pain, the suffering and ultimately to greater growth, spiritually and humanly. I believe firmly as people have been asking me recently, “do you think vocations will be affected greatly because of recent news events”? My answer is “Yes”, but for the reason I mentioned above. I believe that good men and women of firm faith, will continue to respond more courageously to the Call from God to lead His Church family. We must remember that through Holy Baptism, each newly adopted son and daughter is called by God to holiness and to sainthood. This is a time in the church when each one of us must not fall into the
Mr. Larry Barile 2nd Year Theology Pope St. John XXIII Weston, Massachusetts
Mr. Jacob Ramos 2nd YearTheology Mount St. Mary’s, Emmitsburg, MD
mistake of allowing our hearts to be captured and ruled by a judgmental and bitter mindset. We must each work at becoming more committed to the call to holiness we have been given, more determined in our love for Christ and His Father, that we will more readily cooperate with the grace of their Holy Spirit. We must newly dedicate ourselves to prayer for the Church and ourselves, that we may all have the strength and the gift of wisdom not to make the bad decision of walking away from Christ and His Church because of the failures of others. Each of us is on a journey of faith, walking with Christ, seeking a reunion with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in eternity. We pray for our seminarians, that they will remain strong in their conviction of doing God’s will for their life. Pray for those who are being called during this tumultuous time for the Church. May they respond to God’s will and be raised up as our future leaders and as future saints. It may be someone you know. It might be you!
Mr. Dharen Brochero Under Graduate, Philosophical Major Studies Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD
Mr. Alexander Pandolfe 1st Year Pre-Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD
Mr. Julian Cuervo 1st Year Pre-Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD
Mr. Eric Hosmer 1st Year Pre-Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD
The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, leads the Holy Hour
Holy Hour for Vocations
November 15th
6-7pm. Sacred Heart, Groton Father Dariusz Dudzik
December 13th
6-7pm Our Lady of Lourdes, Gales Ferry Father Brian Converse
Ruben Sanchez UCAELI Program UCONN, Storrs, CT
Papal Prayer Intention:
That consecrated religious men and women may bestir themselves, and be present among the poor, the marginalized, and those who have no voice.
DEACON Michael Castiblanco 4th Year Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD
Discerning the Joy of Priesthood
Deacon Ronald Blank Pastoral Assignment Our Lady of Lourdes Gales Ferry, CT
Diocese of Norwich Issues Financial Report
By Karen Huffer, Diocesan Finance Officer
he Diocese of Norwich has issued a financial report for The Norwich Roman Catholic Diocesan Corporation and The Annual Catholic Appeal of The Diocese of Norwich, Inc. for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017.
The Diocese of more than 228,520 Catholics spent $3,977,445 on funding for ministries and programs, including but not limited to, Catholic Charities/Family Services in Norwich, New London, Willimantic and Middletown, St. Vincent de Paul Places in Norwich and Middletown, Project Northeast in Putnam, the Hispanic and Haitian Ministries throughout the Diocese, and the offices of Faith Events, Prison Ministry, Pastoral Planning, and Ministry to the Sick. Contributions and collections including the Annual Catholic Appeal and diocesan assessments accounted for approximately 34 percent of the total diocesan revenue of $16,524,088. Contributions and collections decreased 52 percent from the previous year, due to a decrease in bequests, to $3,146,135 and diocesan assessments were $2,453,926, an increase of 5 percent from the 2016 fiscal year. Insurance premiums that the Diocese charges various diocesan entities for property and liability coverage, amounted to $2,503,816.
Insurance premiums paid to Catholic Mutual Insurance and other commercial carriers for property and liability insurance, for Catholic Umbrella Pool assessments, claims paid under the self-insurance program, and auto and workmen’s compensation insurance amounted to $1,753,759. The Diocese is a member of the RETA Trust, which is a self-insured trust comprised of Catholic Dioceses and organizations nationwide with over 30,000 insured lives participating in its medical plan. The plan operates as a fully insured plan and is presented in the financial statements in the same manner as the other types of insurances carried by the Diocese. For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2017 premiums billed under the plan were $6,377,777 and payments to the Trust were $5,625,127. All Diocesan investments are made in accordance with guidelines issued by the USCCB and they are subject to an independent scanning process semi-annually by Aquinas Associates to ensure compliance with these guidelines. For the year ended June 30, 2017, net investment income including realized and unrealized gains and losses on securities was $889,238 which is fairly reflective of overall market trends. Expenses for seminarians totaled $347,410 and include expenses for tuition and subsistence for current seminarians and
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To report inappropriate contact of any kind by a representative of the Diocese of Norwich or for assistance to victims, please call: 1-800-624-7407
Podemos Ayudar
Para reportar cualquier contacto inapropiado por un/a representante de la Diócesis de Norwich, o para buscar ayuda para víctimas, favor de llamar: 1-800-624-7407
payment of educational loans for seminary graduates who are active priests in the Diocese. Payments to aid in the support of retired and infirm priests were $330,754. These costs are offset partially by the Easter Sunday collection, which amounted to $170,077. Administration expenses decreased by 1 percent to $1,696,976 consisting primarily of $1,133,992 in direct employee expenses including salaries, payroll taxes, pensions and medical insurance. Direct subsidies to high schools attended by diocesan students were $1,363,040 including the fair market rental value of the facilities. In the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009, the Diocese was required to adopt the Financial Accounting Standards Board Statement 158 which requires full disclosure of postretirement benefits. The actuarially determined benefit of the priests’ post-retirement benefits at June 30, 2017 was $4,342,788 and $4,193,946 at June 30, 2016. The combined diocesan financial statements do not reflect the finances of the Diocese’s parishes or any of its schools.
Serving All Faiths • Pre-Need Arrangements Traditional Services or Cremations Directors: Joseph R. Introvigne, Joseph R. Introvigne, Jr. & Michael J. Introvigne 51 East Main St. Stafford Springs, CT
Combined Statements of Financial Position For THE YEARS ENDED June 30, 2017 and 2016
Combined Statements of Activities For THE YEARS ENDED June 30, 2017 and 2016
Contributions and Collections Diocesan Tax Insurance Program- Property Insurance Program- Medical Investment Income Net Realized and Unrealized Gains Change in Value of Split-Interest Agreements Gain/Loss on Asset Disposition Facility Rental & Other Income Total Revenue and Support
$$3,146,135 3,146,135 2,453,926 2,453,926 2,503,816 2,503,816 6,377,777 6,377,777 328,507 328,507 560,731 560,731 (137,191) (137,191) - 1,290,387 1,290,387 $$16,524,088 16,524,088
2016 2016
$ $6,567,376 6,567,376 $2,317,985 2,317,985 $2,491,465 2,491,465 $6,431,028 6,431,028 $293,123 293,123 $50,975 50,975 $137,510 137,510 $575 575 $1,261,059 1,261,059 $$19,551,096 19,551,096
Expenses Expenses
2016 2016 2017
Ministries and Programs $3,977,445 $3,783,527 $ 3,977,445 $ 3,783,527 Retired and Infirm Priests 330,754330,754 $494,866 494,866 Seminarians 347,410347,410 $456,111 456,111 High School Subsidies 1,363,040 $1,370,191 1,363,040 1,370,191 Insurance Program-Property 1,753,759 $1,826,729 1,753,759 1,826,729 Insurance Program-Medical 5,625,127 $5,822,159 5,625,127 5,822,159 Administration 1,696,976 $1,716,729 1,696,976 1,716,729 Fund-Raising 386,282386,282 $375,395 375,395 Interest 128,767128,767 $130,154 130,154 Uncollectible Support & Insurance - $200,000 200,000 Depreciation 219,494219,494 $224,710 224,710 Total Expenses 15,829,054 16,400,571 15,829,054 16,400,571 Change in Net Assets 695,034695,034 $3,150,525 3,150,525 Post Retirement Benefit Recognition (148,842) $(633,396) (148,842) (633,396) Net Assets Beginning 17,577,935 $15,060,806 17,577,935 15,060,806
Net Assets Ending
$18,124,127 $ 18,124,127
$17,577,935 $17,577,935
Revenues and Support
370,408 $$ 259,474 259,474 Lines of Credit Advances $ 276,543 $$276,543 276,543 $276,543 Cash and Cash Equivalents - Diocesan Corporation $$370,408 330,071 Accounts and Accruals Payable 330,071 439,363 472,316 851,640 Cash and Cash Equivalents - Annual Catholic Appeal Inc. 472,316 851,640 18,719 18,719 842,724 1,111,114 Deferred Revenue Total Cash and Cash Equivalents 842,724 1,111,114 405,077 Intermediary Obligations 405,077 315,017 2,307,184 2,181,552 Short-Term Investments 2,307,184 2,181,552 145,050 194,588 194,588 5,888,042 4,998,575 Grants Payable Accounts Receivable 5,888,042 4,998,575 45,218 Split-Interest Liabilities 45,218 47,804 802,983 766,657 Current Unconditional Promises to Give 802,983 766,657 2,366,734 Loans Payable 2,366,734 2,410,718 3,064,593 Bequests Receivable 23,738 23,738 3,064,593 4,342,788 Other Retirement Obligations 4,342,788 4,193,946 1,180,380 1,047,385 Total Liabilities Loans Receivable 1,180,380 1,047,385 7,979,738 7,828,441 7,979,738 53,792 Cash Restricted to Future Programs 53,954 53,954 53,792 519,981 657,173 Net Assets Beneficial interest in Trusts 519,981 657,173 481,028 528,521 Catholic Umbrella Pool Interest 528,521 481,028 6,993,721 10,102,066 11,421,011 7,434,432 Unrestricted 11,421,011 Long-Term Investments 10,102,066 6,993,721 6,173,135 Temporarily Restricted 6,173,135 9,476,331 4,050,786 3,854,292 Property and Equipment, Net 3,854,292 4,050,786 529,981 529,981 667,172 $ 25,406,376 Permanently Restricted $ 26,103,865 Total Assets 18,124,127 17,577,935 Total Net Assets 18,124,127 17,577,935 $ 26,103,865 $ 25,406,376 Total Liabilities and Net Assets $26,103,865
Profile of a Priest Father Brian Converse, Pastor Our Lady of Lourdes, Gales Ferry
Ordination Date: May 25, 1991 Cathedral of St. Patrick, Norwich by Bishop Daniel P. Reilly By Marianne Nicholas
Where are you from? Woodstock, I have a wonderful, loving, and faithful family filled with old New England values.
the outdoors, genealogy, cooking, beekeeping, target shooting, and being with friends.
Who was your biggest influence for entering the priesthood? Father Russell Boisvert and Father Paul Hebert What one word would describe your family? Hardworking. What do you enjoy most about being a priest? Celebration of the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist. What do you enjoy doing in your leisure time? I enjoy trimming fruit trees, working on my Farmall Super C tractor, working out, reading,
What else would you like people to know about you? I served as battalion chaplain for the Connecticut Army National Guard and was promoted to Captain in 2005. I had the distinct honor and privilege of serving my country during Operation Enduring Freedom- Afghanistan with the 1-102 Infantry (Mountain) Battalion in the U.S. Army since 2006. Among the medals I’ve received are two Bronze Stars, and the Army Commendation Medal with “V” for valor for valorous actions while under direct enemy fire.
Independently Owned and Operated Since 1881
Steve Bennardo
Owner/Funeral Director 433 Main Street, Danielson, CT
25 Main Street, Central Village, CT
What are the current positions you hold/ committees you are involved with? I am the Pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Church, and Dean for the New London Deanery. I am a Chaplain Prices starting at $2,499 ~ with Airfare Included (Lieutenant Colonel) to the 85th from anywhere in the USA Troop Command, Connecticut Army Several trips to different destinations: the Holy Land; National Guard. I am a life member Italy; France, Portugal, & Spain; Poland; Medjugorje, of the Woodstock Agricultural Lourdes, & Fatima; Ireland & Scotland; England; Society, and Historical Society. A Austria, Germany, & Switzerland; Greece & Turkey; member of the Connecticut Society Budapest; Prague; Our Lady of Guadalupe; of Genealogists, the Catholic War Peru; Domestic Destinations; Columbia; Brazil; Argentina; etc… Veterans (St. Michael’s Post 1562), the American Legion Post 111, We also specialize in custom trips for the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post Bishops, Priests, and Deacons. 12150, the St. George River Land 508-340-9370 Trust, the Waldo County Beekeepers Call us 24/7 Hablamos Español 855-842-8001 Association, the Maine Woodland Owners, and Maine Farm Bureau.
Standing Together to Build the Future St. Joseph Living Center
Diocese of Norwich
Annual Catholic Appeal
the staff knows them by name and asks them if they are having a good day. Seeing my parents interact with the staff and then walk away with smiles on their faces is priceless. My parents receive prompt and effective medical attention by staff that are both professionally competent and sympathetic. As my parents frequently say… “We didn’t move to a nursing home, we moved to a living center and we couldn’t be happier” - Michael A.
14 Club Road Windham, CT 06280 860.456.1107
Dedicating our love, compassion and service to our community.
Specializing in: *Short-term Rehabilitation *Long-term Care *End-of-Life Care *Daily Mass
Sponsored by the Sponsored by the Diocese ofofNorwich Dioces Norwich
For information on the Annual Catholic Appeal and how you can help support the ministries in the Diocese please visit or call 860-886-1928.
Living Center, four Sisters from The Sisters of the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament also work at SJLC. Three of the Sisters are RN’s and one is a Certified Nurses Aid. The staff is committed to the mission of SJLC, always placing the residents’ needs first and researching ways to make their experiences and their families’ experiences better. Ginny Person, Administrator of St. Joseph Living Center, shared, “Many of our staff have become Dementia Care Certified and are working together to create programs and improve the level of care to enhance the daily lives of our most vulnerable residents. Our Therapeutic Recreation Director, Tracey Megson, has implemented a Music & Memory program through a grant, which has proven quite successful in both soothing and brightening our residents with dementia. We are moving towards Electronic Medical Records and our nurses are being trained in the various aspects of that, as well as interfacing with other services such as X-ray, Labs, and Pharmacy.” The best way to sum up life at St. Joseph Living Center is to hear it from someone who has family members living at SJLC… “Both my parents have moved into St. Joseph’s Living Center and they absolutely love it there. Their room is clean, the staff is attentive to their needs and requests, and the food is outstanding. The facility is always clean, bright and odor free. While walking the halls with my parents
By Kathy Gaito When we or someone we know needs assistance, we want to know that those who are helping us are committed, friendly and most important, qualified. This is especially true as we grow older and need to seek services for family members or even ourselves. The Diocese of Norwich is blessed to be affiliated with St. Joseph Living Center (SJLC) in Windham, Connecticut. Celebrating its 30th Anniversary this year, SJLC has a CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) 5 Star rating. Whether you are seeking shortterm rehabilitation, skilled nursing or end of life care, St. Joseph Living Center strives to be your home away from home. While St. Joseph Living Center is a Catholic faith-based healthcare facility, they admit people from all religious backgrounds. Approximately 95 volunteers from all ages are an integral part of the SJLC family. Many volunteers are family members of past and present residents, students from local schools and colleges and even some toddlers who come in to exercise. There’s a never-ending list of activities and outings for residents. Volunteers accompany residents to appointments, sit and visit with residents, assist with setting up the chapel for Mass, as well as transporting residents to and from Mass, the dining room, rehab, recreation and other areas of the building. In addition to the volunteers and other staff members at St. Joseph
Norwich DiocesaN cemeteries At the time of death, the Church confidently proclaims God has created us for eternal life. “Through the saving death of Your Son, Jesus Christ, we rise at your word to the glory of the Resurrection.”
(Preface - Christian Death IV)
saiNt mary cemetery
Community Mausoleum Available 600 Jefferson Ave, New London • 860-443-3465
saiNt mary & st. Joseph cemetery
Save the Date
R.C.I.A Enrichment Workshop
Saturday, November 10 9-1pm St. Mary, Groton R.C.I.A. Leaders please come and bring your teams, pastors, and volunteers for an inspirational day to help you move forward with your mission of guiding new believers into the Catholic Church.
Community Mausoleum Available 815 Boswell Ave, Norwich • 860-887-1019
all hallows cemetery
Green Hallow Road, Moosup • 860-887-1019
sacreD heart cemetery
Wauregan Road, Wauregan • 860-887-1019
sacreD heart cemetery
Harland Road, Taftville • 860-887-1019
saiNt patrick cemetery
Depot Road, Uncasville • 860-887-1019
resurrectioN cemetery
Route 145, Westbrook • 860-443-3465
The Catholic Parishes of Ledyard & Groton Invite you to a six part DVD series
presented by Dr. Tim Gray of the Augustine Institute on LECTIO – PRAYER. Dr. Gray’s presentations & his participant guide provide a clear, comprehensive explanation of the LECTIO method of personal & small group PRAYER as a way to deepen your relationship with God. Presentations will be on Wednesday evenings at 7pm
NOV 14 & 28, DEC 5, 12, 19 & JAN 2
in the rectory meeting room at Our Lady of Lourdes
Norwich Diocesan Cemetery Corporation 815 Boswell Ave, Norwich CT 06360
(1650 Rte 12, Gales Ferry - across from CVS)
Mark your calendars & reserve your seat by contacting the parish secretary 860-464-7251 / secretary There is a $20 fee (payable in advance or at the initial session) for the Participant Study Guide, used during the presentations and for personal practice of the LECTIO method of PRAYER during the periods between presentations.
“It was not you (your name) who chose Me, but I who chose you (your name) and appointed you to go forth (in your particular vocation) and bear FRUIT that will remain, so that ‘whatever you (your name) ask the Father, in My Name’, He May give you. This I command you… LOVE (respect) ONE ANOTHER!” John 15:16-17 Masses of Healing and Hope October 8 & 22, November 12 & 26 2nd and 4th Monday’s, 2pm. Individual Prayer and Anointing Spiritual Renewal Center
Weekly Prayer Meeting Every Tuesday, 2pm. Spiritual Renewal Center
Prayer Group Mass
Thursday, October 18, 7pm. St. Francis Chapel, Middletown
Mini Life in the Spirit Seminar Saturday, October 27, 9:30-4pm. St. Mary Church, Clinton Please Register at 860-887-0702
Healing Mass and Healing Service
Sunday, October 28 St. Thomas the Apostle Chapel 872 Farmington Avenue, West Hartford Mass 1-2pm, Healing Service 2-4pm. Prayer Teams, Individual Prayer & Anointing
Healing and Freedom Conference
Saturday, November 3, 9-4:30pm. Spiritual Renewal Center Must Call to Register (limited) 860-887-0702
Prayer Group Mass
Monday, November 5, 7:30pm. St. Mary Chapel, Putnam
Spiritual Renewal Services
Spiritual Renewal Center 11 Bath Street, Norwich, CT 06360 Phone: 860-887-0702
Urgent Request for Assistance “We love our neighbor as being made in the image of God and as an object of His love.” - Saint Vincent de Paul
Our soup kitchens and pantries are in urgent need of food. St. Vincent de Paul Middletown
St.Vincent de Paul Place Norwich 860-889-7374
Prayer Group Mass
Wednesday, October 17, 6:30pm. All Hallows Church, Moosup
Executive Director
Connecticut Catholic Conference
Bishop Cote has requested that this prayer be read at every Mass throughout the Diocese.
Office Location – Hartford, CT A full-time Executive Director is needed for The Connecticut Catholic Conference, which is the public policy office of the Catholic Church in Connecticut. The Conference is the vehicle for speaking with a united voice, informing and advocating on important issues that promote the good of the Church and the common good of all people. The Conference also provides educational outreach and understanding through grassroots engagement with the Catholic faithful and like-minded groups. Major responsibilities of the position will include, but not be limited to: the building and the maintaining of relationships with Connecticut Legislative and Executive Branch officials in order to provide a working mechanism for education and advocacy of the Catholic Church’s public policy views; general managerial and administrative supervision of the operation of the Corporation and to direct and coordinate the activities of the Corporation in the furtherance of its purposes; keeping The Board of Directors informed of legislation upon which some action may be required; creating and overseeing robust outreach programs to educate the Catholic faithful on the public policy issues confronting the Church and to assist clergy and laity with appropriate teaching materials in support of this task, through collaboration with Catholic educational and fraternal organizations; and, creating and overseeing a grassroots advocacy mechanisms to engage the Catholic community and like-minded groups to support the mission of Church in the public square.
A minimum of a bachelor’s degree in political science or a related field (or equivalent work-related experience), is required. Juris Doctorate, is preferred. Qualified candidates must be a practicing Catholic and knowledgeable of Catholic social teachings and committed to a consistent ethic of life. The position of Executive Director is required to be eligible to be registered as a lobbyist with the CT Office of State Ethics.
To obtain a full job description, or submit a cover letter, resume, and salary requirements, please email:
Deadline for submissions is October 19, 2018.
JESUS REVEALED Encountering Christ In His Biblical Names October 17, 24, 31 November 7, 14, 28 December 5
Heavenly Father, In every age, you have been our refuge. Yet again and still, we stand before you asking for your protection on your holy Church. For the victims of abuse and their families, pour out your healing and your peace. For the Bishops of this country, continue to inspire their decisions, and guide them with your Spirit. For the thousands of good and faithful priests, who have followed your call to serve you and your people in holiness, sustain them by your grace. For the faithful who are angry, confused, and searching for answers, embrace them with your love, restore their trust, console them with your clear Gospel message, and renew them with your sacraments. We place our Church in your hands, for without you we can do nothing. May Jesus, our High Priest and true compass, continue to lead her in every thought and action to be an instrument of justice, a source of consolation, a sacrament of unity, and a manifestation of your faithful covenant. Grant this through that same Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the AMES Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
We invite you to join us from 7-8:30pm at the Cathedral of St. Patrick Church hall for part 1 of an 18-week journey across scripture to encounter Jesus Christ in the names NCOUNTERING HRIST INthrough IS which IBLICAL He reveals Himself to us in the bible. This program seeks to deepen both your knowledge and relationship with our Lord through scripture study, Lectio Divina (the prayerful reading of scripture), and Adoration of the blessed sacrament at each session! The program is being T our parish ATRICK coordinated by Father Peter Langevin and will beHERE facilitated by one of catechists,ATHEDRAL Mona Anne Niedbala. the program is free, and materials will be provided, including access to online videos for each session. Please call the rectory at 860-889-8441 to register! HEN CTOBER AND
* Part 2 will be held in the spring of 2019*
S .P
O 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 NOVEMBER 7, 14, AND 28 DECEMBER 5
Discover more at
Month of the Holy Rosary
Discover more at
5. Mediate on 2nd Mystery, saying the “ Our Father”, ten “Hail Marys” and Glory Be.”
4. Mediate on 1st Mystery, saying the Our Father”, ten “Hail Marys” and “Glory Be”. 3. Say three “Hail Marys” and the “Glory Be”
1. Make the A Sign of the Cross, say the Apostles’ Creed
8. Mediate on 5th Mystery, saying the “Our Father” ten “Hail Marys” and “Glory Be”
9. Concluding prayers, “Hail Holy Queen” and let us pray: O God, whose only begotten Son, etc.” 2. Say the “ Our Father”
Queen of Peace, it is you who have placed the Rosary in our hands. It is you who bid us to recite it daily. By the power of the Rosary we beseech you to obtain peace for us-peace within our hearts, our homes, our country, and throughout the world. Through the daily recitation of the Rosary we beg you to keep sin from our souls, enmities from our hearts, and war from our shores. By the graces received from the devotion of the Rosary we pray to be made helpful to one another in following the paths of virtue so that we may be found worthy to be called children of your family, children of your home. Amen.
7. Mediate on 4th Mystery, saying the “Our Father” ten “Hail Marys and the Glory Be”
6. Mediate on 3rd Mystery, saying the “ Our Father”, ten “Hail Marys” and “Glory Be”.
y the power of the Rosary we beseech you, Blessed Mother, to embrace all the members of our family in the love of your Immaculate Heart. May you abide with us and we with you, praying to you while you pray for us. May you preside in our homes as once you did at Nazareth with Jesus and Joseph, filling them with the holiness of your presence and inspiration.
National Council of Catholic Women Convention
Front row left to right: Nina Ramero-Caron, newly installed Hartford Province Director; Connie Gillies, President-Middletown district Anne King, NDCCW parliamentarian; Back row left to right Jo-Anne Shine, NDCCW Secretary; Janice Pikal, Board Member, Past NDCCW President, Judy Papagallo; NDCCW President, Pam Lynch; President, Our Lady of Lords Guild, Gales Ferry.
By Judy Pappagallo
Seven women from the Norwich Diocesan Council of Catholic Women attended the 98th Annual Convention of the National Council of Catholic Women. They joined with more than 500 women and 42 priests from throughout the United States in Pittsburgh, PA from August 29-September 1, 2018. The theme for this year’s convention was NCCW Reflecting God’s Joy: Missionary Disciples – Mission Possible! The Keynote speaker was the Most Reverend Frank Caggiano, Bishop of Bridgeport. Bishop Caggiano gave a powerful talk on Disciples Called to be Joyful Signs of Contradiction in the World. Other Speakers included Holly Joy McIlwain who spoke on A Mission of Joy; Gina Loehr who titled her presentation Blessed is She Who Believed: Embracing the Impossible Mission; and Bob Rice who spoke and sang engagingly on Owed to Joy: Sharing the Gifts of Love. We also heard wonderful presentations by NCCW Spirituality Commissioner, Mary Rowley; a very informative and somewhat frightening presentation on Human Trafficking
by NCCW Leadership Commissioner, Bev McCarvel. The Leadership Training and Development Team gave a presentation about their training seminars and workshops. His Eminence Daniel Cardinal DiNardo, President of the USCCB and Archbishop of Galveston-Houston celebrated the closing Mass. Nina Romero-Caron, from the Norwich Diocesan Council of Catholic Women was installed as Province Director for the Province of Hartford. Nympha White from Peoria, Illinois received the 2018 Our Lady of Good Counsel Award. Founded at the direction of the US Catholic bishops in 1920, NCCW’s mission is to act through its members to support, empower and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership and service. Its programs respond with Gospel values to the needs of the Church and society in the modern world. Contact Judy Pappagallo, President of the Norwich Diocesan Council of Catholic Women at or 860889-1617 for more information.
2018 Church Bazaar & Craft Fairs
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Quaker Hill 9-2pm. Fresh polish babka & cinnamon bread, baked goods, household items, books, children’s toys & games, knitted items, & gifts. Lunch menu includes kielbasa sandwiches
Holiday Bazaar
St Bernards, Rockville. 10-2. Attic treasures, jewelry, toys, books, electronics, seasonal & fine collectables, bake sale. Lunch available.
Saturday, November 10th
Craft Fair
St. Luke Church, Ellington. Friday, 5-8pm, Saturday, 9-2pm. Featuring crafts, country store, American girl doll clothes, attic treasures, gift baskets, children’s activities, bake goods, raffles & more
Saturday, November 17 59th Annual Christmas Fair
St. Peter Church, Higganum. 9-3pm. Jewelry, baked goods, antiques/ Festival of Angels Fair collectibles, crafts, quilts, knitted St. Francis of Assisi Parish Center, items, wreaths &decorations. Lunch Middletown. 9-3pm. Homemade baked available. The big raffle: $1000 Visa goods, farmer’s market, boutique, bank card. Second &third prize: $500 Grandma’s Attic, & artisan vendors. Visa bank card each. Saturday, November 3 Breakfast & lunch available. To rent Sleigh Bells Ring Craft Fair space, call Sherrie at 860-346-4383. Kris Kringle Christmas Fair St. Maurice, Bolton 9-3pm. - Raggedy Saints Peter & Paul, Norwich. 9-3pm. Ann/Andy dolls, jelly baskets, hand Arts, crafts, handmade quilts, jewelry, Friday, November 16 knitted items, take-a-chance booth, theme basket raffles, bake sale & evergreen baskets, apple pies, photos more. Refreshments & lunch available. Twas the Night Before Christmas Fair with Santa, over 40 crafters. St. Peter Church, Higganum. Adults Holiday Bazaar Holiday Fair only! Wine, cheese &hors d’oeuvre St. Patrick Parish Center, East St. John the Apostle Plainfield. 9-2pm Hampton. 9-2pm. Great gifts, holiday reception. Tickets $10 in advance & children’s games, chowder &clam $12 at the door. decor & food. cakes, photos with Santa from 9:30– Friday- Saturday, 11am. Holiday Bazaar Our Lady of Lourdes, Gales Ferry 9-7 November 16- 17 Heart of Christmas Fair pm. Featuring Christmas decorations, Frosty Village Bazaar St. Mary, Clinton. 9-2pm. Includes handicraft items, jewelry, religious St. Matthew Church, Tolland. Santa & Mrs. Claus, many vendors, articles, baked goods, basket raffle, Friday 6-9pm & Saturday 9-2:30pm. baskets, raffle, food, bake sale & lunch. Homemade pies & baked goods, children’s room. handcrafted jewelry, attic treasures, Sleigh Bells Fair raffles, crafts & photos with Santa. St. Pius X Church, Middletown. 10Saturday, November 24 Soups, sandwiches, dessert & more. 7pm. Tea cup raffle-white elephant, arts & crafts Angels & Elves Christmas Fair Christmas Fair baked goods, kid’s booth, St. Andrew Parish Hall, Colchester. St. John School Gymnasium, Old plants & food. Friday, 4-8pm, Saturday, 9-2pm. Bake Saybrook 9-2pm. 38 + crafters, many shop, gift baskets, kid’s corner, tea cup raffles, baked goods, breakfast, & raffle, crafters. Turkey dinner Friday: lunch. 4pm seniors, 5pm general public. Dinner is $14 adults, $12 seniors, $5 children 3-10, 3 & under free.
Autumn Fair
St. Thomas Moore, North Stonington. 9-Noon. Quilt raffle, handmade items, bake sale, children’s table complimentary coffee/donuts
Saturday, December 1 Christmas Craft Fair
St. Philip Church, Ashford 9-2pm. Forty crafters, bake sale, soups, sandwiches, pierogis.
Christmas Fair
St. Joseph’s Church, Chester. 8-2pm. Handmade wreaths, swags and cemetery boxes. Craft vendors, White Elephant Table featuring new/barely used small appliances /home accents/ decorations and holiday apparel. basket raffle, soups and sandwiches, baked goods available. Santa Claus will visit from 10-12pm.
Snowflake Fair
Sacred Heart, Norwichtown. 9-2pm Theme basket raffle, 50/50, handmade gifts, baked goods, white elephant booth, silent auction, lunch & more.
Saturday, December 8 Holiday Craft & Vendor Fair
St. Mary - St. Joseph School, Willimantic. 9 - 3pm. For information or to obtain a craft/vendor application please e-mail smsjschoolcraftfair@ or call 860-423-8479.
Saturday, December 15 Christmas Cookie Sale
St. Mark Church, Westbrook 9-12 or until sold out. Decorated, wrapped plates of 2 1/2 doz. assorted homebaked cookies will be sold ($14.00). Proceeds go toward beautification of the church grounds. For more information call Julia at 860-388-4186
Christmas Bazaar
Friday & Saturday, November 9 & 10
Saturday, October 27
28th Annua Honors Law Enfo
Connecticut Department of Correction
Connecticut Color Guard
Photos and article by Thomas Dzimian
unday, September 23rd was a day for the Diocese of Norwich to honor law enforcement officers at the 28th annual Blue Mass held at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick. Color guards processed into the Cathedral to the strains of Reveille and stood at attention in the sanctuary, as the Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of
Bishop Cote receiving an award Robert L. Brown from Connectic
Norwich solemnly ascended the altar steps to begin the Mass. The Mass recognizes professionals, who support the public safety and welfare of citizens throughout the Diocese of Norwich. It is an ecumenical gathering and welcomes participants from all faiths. In a spirit of solidarity and prayer, Connecticut officers from outside the Diocese, from as far away as Stratford, East Hartford and Glastonbury, filled the Cathedral. Two police dogs, “Luther” and “Capo”
brought smiles attendees, as th guard near the m The Diocese of celebrating the 1991, which wa the memory of Trooper Russel was killed in th Historically the back to Septem where it was fir Patrick Church D.C. Since then into a nation-w around the feas the Archangel, police officers. In his homily, N Police Chaplain Drury stated th officers are a “fi
Connecticut Department of Correction Pipes & Drum Corp
Norwich Police Color Guard
d honoring Monsignor cut State Police officer
to the faces of the hey quietly stood main altar. f Norwich began Blue Mass in as dedicated to Connecticut State ll Bagshaw, who he line of duty. e Blue Mass dates mber 29, 1934, rst held at Saint h in Washington n it has burgeoned wide celebration st of Saint Michael patron saint of
New Jersey State n, Father Michael J. hat law enforcement field of heroes”
whose calling is similar to the message of the Gospel “to protect and to serve.” He added: “Your jobs are a gift, an inspiration from God…They are absolutely necessary…because they make our lives safe, secure and fulfilling.” Father Drury encouraged them to appreciate who they are, because others do. “God brought you into this profession…Thank you!” Retired Officer Bruce Skehan stressed that the Blue Mass “recognizes not only the police, but also their families.” He added: “We are all family.” The Mass concluded with the Connecticut Department of Correction Pipes & Drum Corp playing Amazing Grace.
Homilist Father Michael Drury
Norwich Police Officer Avery March with Narcotics Detection Canine “Luther”
al Blue Mass orcement Personnel
Calendar of Events
Sunday- Tuesday, October 14-16 Mission Talks
Renowned Biblical Scholar Tom Smith will give a series of Mission Talks at two parishes October 14-16. On Sunday, at 9am. Smith will give a witness talk about his conversion to the Catholic faith at Sacred Heart Parish, Taftville. The following night at 6:30pm., he will give a talk on “The Mass as Model for Prayer” and on Tuesday, October 16 at 6:30pm., he will speak on “Mary, Queen and Mother.” Each program will be held in the Sacred Heart Parish Life Center, located at Sacred Heart School, Taftville. Please use the South B Street entrance. Also, on Sunday, October 14, at 6:30pm., Smith will speak on “Evangelization” at St. Joseph School, 70 West Main St., Baltic. All talks are free and open to the public.
Donate your unwanted car, truck, suv, boat or camper today! WE DO ALL THE WORK - fast & free pick up
You receive a tax deduction. You decide where your donation goes.
Support Catholic Charities of Norwich
Sunday, October 28
9th Annual Seton Scholarship Dinner
The Seton Scholarship Dinner honors individuals who have made significant contributions to Catholic education in the Diocese. Honorees this year are: Reverend Monsignor Robert L. Brown (Posthumously), Mrs. Doris Messina and Reverend Mark D. O’Donnell. Tickets are available for purchase until October 15, 2018 and are $150 per person. The event will be held at the Mystic Marriott Hotel, 625 North Road, Groton, CT from 4-8pm. For more information or to purchase tickets please call Kathy Gaito (860) 886-1928 ext. 15 or email All proceeds benefit Diocese of Norwich Catholic elementary school students in the form of tuition assistance.
We would love to see your children in our clothing!
Saturday, November 3
Catholic Funerals Workshop Catholic
Bring in a photo of our clothing on your child and receive a “thank you” discount on your next purchase.
Funerals: Rites, Cremation, Planning, Pre-planning, Cemetery Policies. St. Matthew Parish, Tolland Registration at 9am. Program 9:30-Noon. Fee: $10. For information go to or call 860-848-2237 x302. Register by October 29th.
Saturday November 24 Organ and violin concert
There will be a concert in honor of St. Cecilia at 3pm at St. Joseph Church, New London. Works will be performed by Vivaldi, Bach, and Handel and Diane Bish. Violin soloist will be June Ingram accompanied by Edward Stoltz. Admission is free.
On the bridge, downtown Mystic
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48 Grand Street Niantic, CT 739-6112
“Beautiful Things For Children”
By Marie Farrell
God never goes back on His love!
The day started with registration and lunch. Golfers teed off with a shotgun start to a scramble format tournament. The game was further spiced up with men’s and women’s longest drive competition, closest to the pin, and a 50/50 raffle for those hitting the green on the drive. Mulligans were available for purchase beforehand and were strategically used by the different foursomes.
Family-owned and operated Christian Gift Shop dedicated to the Blessed Mother, and sharing the joy of our Lord and our faith
392 South Main Street, Colchester
Store Hours: Mon-Wed 10-5, Thurs & Fri 10-6, Sat 10-3
The event also featured live and silent auctions and raffle. The live auction highlighted two prime Orchestra tickets to the hugely successful Hamilton coming to the Bushnell, with a final bid of $1,050! Other items auctioned off included a 18year old bottle of Haitian Rum, baskets of wines and liquor, jewelry, Haitian crafts, metal and wood art, and baskets filled of Haitian goodies including beer, rum, peanut butter and bracelets. Raffle prizes included
a foursome of golf at the Wintonbury Hills Club, a golf bag, cooler and grill. Chairman James Michel who organized the event, was Master of Ceremonies for the brief presentations - mostly announcing the various winners. Outreach Executive Director Dan O’Sullivan presented a brief overview of the Bishop’s ministry in Haiti, highlighting Outreaches successes: Education sponsorship; Health Care and Nutrition; Twinning and Immersion Trips. Information and pictures were posted around the room. He thanked all present for their generosity and support, attending the day’s fundraiser. Save the date for next year’s 4th Annual Charity Golf Tournament, Saturday, September 14, 2019. Come and join us for golf or even just the dinner! Evan DeSorbo, twotime defending champion of the men’s longest drive competition has already said he will be back to defend his title. Come and give him a run for his money! If you’d like to attend another good party - save the date Saturday, April 27, 2019 for our annual Gala: cocktails, appetizers, dinner, and auction with live music.
Pope Francis @Pontifex
The Golf Tournament was held at the Wintonbury Hills Golf Course, in Bloomfield on Saturday, September 15th. Wintonbury is ranked #6 Municipal Golf Course in the USA by Sports Illustrated’s Golf. com. This is the third year they have hosted the charity golf tournament.
3rd Annual Charity Golf Tournament for Outreach to Haiti a Success
Bible Scholar to Give Workshop on Defending Catholic Faith By Mary-Jo McLaughlin
September 26 - November 4
40 Days for Life began with a vigil Mass, Tuesday September 25th at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick. Here is a brief portion of Father Brian Maxwell’s homily. In it he talks about the miracles in support of the cause that led to the upcoming (October 14th) Canonization of Pope Paul VI.
“Pope Paul VI, who ordained Bishop Cote in 1975, will be proclaimed a Saint in just 19 days. I love one of Pope Paul’s explanations about our spiritual life — teaching us that “Holiness is within everyone’s reach”, and that we only need two elements in order to become saints, “the grace of God and good will.” Of course, the Congregation for the Causes of Saints also requires a couple of miracles! The first miracle that supported his Pope Paul VI’s Beatification, involved the healing of a baby during a complicated pregnancy. Occurring in the 1990’s in California the then unborn child was found to have a serious health problem that posed a high risk of brain damage. Incredibly, the second required miracle also involved an unborn child, who in 2014 was inexplicably healed of a break in the placenta in her mother’s womb. This was attributed to her mother’s pilgrimage to the birthplace of Pope Paul VI, where she prayed at the Shrine
of the Holy Mother of Grace to Blessed Paul for her child’s recovery. In both cases the mothers were advised to abort their children. They were told that their own lives and their children’s lives were endangered. Each baby was safely delivered without problems and everybody is in good health today! Both of these healing miracles are especially significant in so far as this year marks the 50th anniversary of Pope Paul VI’s encyclical, Humanae Vitae, in defense of life, especially the unborn. For years, we pro-lifers have been insisting that the unborn child in the womb is a person with the right to legal protection from being killed. Thanks to ultrasounds it is possible to see an unborn child and visually track the stages of his or her development. Now, for the first time in history, our Church will formally confirm the status of the unborn in a new, very specific way - by establishing that an unborn baby can receive the grace of a miracle.”
Appreciating and Defending the Catholic Faith is the theme of an upcoming workshop by renowned Biblical Scholar and Author Tom Smith October 13, at Christ the King Parish in Old Lyme. The workshop is sponsored by the Diocesan Office of Faith Events. “I think the Church more than ever needs hope and healing,” said Smith. “Our Christian hope is grounded on the sure promises of Christ to his Church. This hope sustains us through the storms we may be facing. Our seminar is an invitation to appreciate more deeply some of the core truths of our faith and learn how we can continue to share those joyfully and clearly with others.” He continued, “By defending, I don’t mean being ‘defensive’ about the truth of our faith, but rather to do as St. Peter challenged us in his first epistle: ‘Always be prepared to make a defense (a reasonable response) to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that is in you, yet do it with gentleness and reverence,’” (1 Peter 3:15). Some of the key points participants can expect from this year’s workshop are: discovering the surprising evidence in the Bible for Mary’s role as Queen and Mother; learning the Old and New Testament foundations for Peter and the papacy; exploring the connection between Scripture and tradition; and understanding Biblical and Catholic positions on faith, grace and getting into heaven. “As always, I hope people will leave the seminar equipped with a new sense
of confidence and encouraged by the beauty of our faith and its profound invitation to happiness and union with God,” he said. This will be Smith’s 8th year presenting a Bible workshop in the Diocese. He is the former director of the Denver Catholic Biblical School and The Archdiocese of Denver Catechetical School. He also writes Bible study materials for Ascension Press and speaks internationally as a conference speaker, parish mission leader and retreat director. This year’s workshop will run from 9-2pm with registration beginning at 8:30am The cost is $40, which includes lunch and program materials. Christ the King Parish is located at 1 McCurdy Rd., Old Lyme. To register, contact Marianne Nicholas at the Office of Faith Events, at 860-848-2237, ext. 304.
Canonization – the formal process by which the Church declares a person to be a saint and worthy of universal veneration. Congregation for the Causes of Saints – a department of the Roman Curia, established originally as the Congregation of Rites by Pope Sixtus V in 1588. Reorganized and renamed in 1969 by Pope Paul VI, and again in 1983 by Pope John Paul II. Some of the responsibilities of the Congregation include making recommendations to the pope on beatifications and canonizations, and the authentication and preservation of sacred relics.
International World Peace Day
Catholic Charities Diocese of Norwich Providing Help. Creating Hope, Since 1921.
Come to our job readiness educational sessions.
Norwich office: 331 Main St.
The first Tuesday of every month 2-4pm.
Willimantic Office: 88 Jackson St.
the first Wednesday of every month 3-5pm.
New London office: 28 Huntington St.
V K B, M
Friday, September 21 was International World Peace Day Students and Faculty at St. John Paul II School in Middletown joined countries worldwide in prayer for a peaceful world. Dr. Darryl Bullock, former principal, graciously gifted the school with a peace pole which contains 8 languages that represent the community of St. John Paul II School. The celebration was opened by principal Larry Fitzgerald as he explained the meaning and purpose of the peace pole, Father Sliwinski led the students and faculty in prayer and the blessing of the peace pole and the choir closed the ceremony with “Let there be Peace on Earth” and “Peace like a River”.
To place an ad or story in the November Issue advertisements and content due Monday October 15th. Contact Advertising Sales/Production Manager Meredith Morrison, 860.887.3933
• • • • • •
Enjoy our full breakfast, stroll the beach and shops Visit the Monastery for daily Mass, devotions, and gift shop Choose from 65 rooms, with own AC, bath, and cable TV On the scenic trolley route Affordable rates and clergy discounts Retreat facilities
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The first Thursday of every month 2-4pm.
Sacred Heart School, Groton
Sacred Heart School, Taftville
50 Sacred Heart Drive, Groton, CT 860-445-0611
Phone: 860-887-1757
Gail Kingston, Principal
Mother Christina Van Beck, SCMC, Principal 15 Hunters Ave, Taftville, CT
St. James EdwardSchool, School,Danielson Stafford Springs LindaMaryAnne Marie Joyal, Principal Mrs. Pelletier, Principal 120 WaterSt, St,Stafford Danielson, CT CT 25 Church Springs, Phone: Phone: 860-774-3281 860-684-2600
St. Joseph School, North Grosvenordale
David Sizemore, Principal 26 Main St., N. Grosvenordale, CT Phone: 860-923-2090
Academic Excellence. Character. Self-Confidence.
My Dear Friends, Our schools have been meeting great success so far this year. I am happy to report that our diocese has obtained licensing to implement the Cyber Awareness Safety Education Curriculum for Catholic Schools, which is a nationally known curriculum geared toward grade school and middle school students. The curriculum of this course is for students to develop a deeper understanding of the dangers of the Internet and inappropriate online behavior, therefore making a connection between actions and consequences. The students will engage in active learning techniques to personalize topics covered and take the next step in real life potential applications. What I like most about the program is that it may be integrated through an interdisciplinary approach with Religion and Technology. Reverend John Belmonte, the Superintendent of Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Joliet, Illinois has stated that “CASE for Catholic Schools blends the importance of cyber safety with an emphasis on faith and values.” This proven successful curriculum meets my two criteria for successful programming: research based and proven effective. I am also happy to announce that in a few short weeks, we will be celebrating the new Catholic Schools Week for our New England Dioceses. The motto is “Discover Today’s Catholic Schools in New England” which takes place the week of November 4-10. Although we will still be holding Open Houses and honoring the traditional National Catholic Schools Week in late January, our diocese has shifted most of the activities to the Fall. Collectively, the New England Superintendents of Catholic schools have found that many activities scheduled in January in our part of the country have traditionally been cancelled or postponed due to the inclement weather and hazardous parking situations due to ice. We decided that the Fall would be a much better choice for activities and celebration of what our Catholic schools are all about. We also have collectively contributed to some pretty impressive statistics regarding our Catholic schools in New England. In our New England Catholic schools (as of the 2017-2018 school year): • We have 97,458 students, 374 schools, 8,329 teachers and 1,864 staff members • Our average class size is 17 • Our average daily attendance rate is 96% • Our average Math SAT score is 562, compared to the national average of 527 • Our average Reading/Writing SAT score is 641, compared to the national average of 533 • The percentage of our high school graduates who attend a four-year college is 94% • Our high school graduation rate is 99.5% Whether one looks at the advantages of a Catholic education on the national, regional, or diocesan level, it is clearly evident that we provide a solid academic education. Statistics also show that the percentage of practicing Catholics attending church amongst millennials is far greater when educated in a Catholic school. Thank you for supporting our faith-based, academically enriching schools. My prayer this month is that Our Lady of the Rosary, Whom we celebrate in our schools this month, keep your families always under Her protective mantle. Henry Fiore Jr.
Henry Fiore Jr.
Superintendent of Schools Diocese of Norwich St. Mary-St. Joseph School, Willimantic Ms. Abby Demars, Principal 35 Valley St, Willimantic, CT Phone: 860-423-8479
St. Michael School, Pawcatuck
St. Patrick Cathedral School, Norwich
63 Liberty St, Pawcatuck, CT Phone: 860-599-1084
211 Broadway, Norwich, CT Phone: 860-889-4174
Mrs. Doris Messina, Principal
Sharon Briere , Principal
St. John School, Old Saybrook
Mother Elaine Moorcroft, SCMC, Principal 42 Maynard Road, Old Saybrook, CT Phone: 860-388-0849
St. John Paul II School, Middletown Mr. Lawrence Fitzgerald, Principal 87 South Main St, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-347-2978
St. Joseph School, Baltic
Sr. Mary Patrick Mulready, SCMC, Principal
10 School Hill Road, Baltic, CT Phone: 860-822-6141
St. Joseph School, New London
Ms. Marianne Cote, Principal 25 Squire St, New London, CT Phone: 860-442-1720
St. Bernard School, Uncasville
“A Holy Place Where We Discover Each Other in God’s Love” Celebrating 76 Years of Excellence in Catholic Education ~ Grades K-8 ~
Full Day Kindergarten School Day from 8:30-2:30 After School Care Available Accredited by the New England Association of Schools & Colleges
25 Squire Street New London, CT For information call 860-442-1720
Mr. Donald Macrino, Headmaster 1593 Norwich-New London Tpke, Uncasville, CT Phone: 860-848-1271
Diocese Honors Teachers at 23rd Annual Educators Mass
Trust in the mercy of God’s love. If you are carrying the grief and sorrow of past abortions, call Project Rachel a post-abortion healing ministry. All calls are confidential.
with raising up our children with morals and a conscience, showing them and teaching them the Love of Christ. We as the Church have the responsibility to pray and to teach the way of salvation. “Your duty, your passion, your life’s effort bears great consequences for the well-being of other people. Both on a temporal basis as well as on a spiritual basis.” He reminded us to keep our hearts and minds open to teaching and praying, evangelizing all, wherever God has us in life. May we all be zealous, and work together to build up the church, and grow the body of Christ.
Reverend Francis J. Gilbert
At 10:00am
Channel 11, WCCT Comcast Channel 20, WTXX Charter
Academy of the Holy Family, Baltic Mother Mary David, SCMC, Principal 54 West Main St, Baltic, CT Phone: 860-822-9272
Academy of the Holy Family, Baltic Mother Mary David, SCMC, Principal 54 West Main St, Baltic, CT Phone: 860-822-9272
Reverend Francis J. Gilbert
Mercy High School, Middletown
Sr. Mary McCarthy, RSM, President 1740 Randolph Road, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-346-6659
Xavier High School, Middletown David C. Eustis, Headmaster Mr. Brendan Donohue, Principal 181 Randolph Road, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-346-7735
“It was a very fulfilling career seeing the growth in my students through the school year was very gratifying.” Maryanne Leone has dedicated 29 years of her life to Education.
On Sunday September 9th, at the Cathedral of St. Patrick educators from around the Diocese gathered for the 23rd Annual Diocesan Mass for those Dedicated to Education. The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich was the main celebrant. The Homilist Reverend Francis J. Gilbert, addressed the congregation, reminding us that we are all needed, like the gears that would steer ships, to help Bishop Cote to teach our faith, as we grow the body of Christ. He spoke of Pope Paul VI and his “Declarations of Christian Education “of the Catholic calling”, that we should be concerned
By Stephanie Gallow
Sarah Engel, Saint Edmund Honor Scholarship Honoree By Shari L. Marderness
The St. Edmund’s Honor Scholarship, established in memory of the members of the Society of St. Edmund who served as faculty and staff members of St. Bernard School was awarded to Sara Engel, Friday October 12th at a Mass and Dinner held at Enders Island Retreat center in Mystic.
Instituted in 2007, the endowed Saint Edmund’s Honor Scholarship is given annually to a first semester senior of St. Bernard School who has shown through academics and service the virtues that St. Edmund heroically manifested in his life.
The Catholic Parishes of Ledyard & Groton Invite you to SYMBOLON presentations on our Faith
The Catholic Faith Explained video series are led by Dr. Edward Sri. Filmed at Augustine Institute and on location in Rome, the Holy Land, and Calcutta. Presentations provide a clear, comprehensive explanation of core teachings of our faith in a way to help you know, live and articulate it to others. Presentations will be on Wednesday evenings at 7pm. in the rectory meeting room at Our Lady of Lourdes (1650 Rte. 12, Gales Ferry - across from CVS)
October 10: The Holy Spirit & the Life of Grace November 7: Mary & the Saints Mark your calendars and reserve your seat by contacting the parish secretary at 860-464-7251 / secretary
Sarah, the daughter of Stephen and Eileen Engel is the youngest of four children who are all alumni of Saint Joseph School, New London
and Saint Bernard School. President of the National Honor Society and active in many clubs, Sarah was awarded the Presidential Service Award for her hours spent in the community. She assists teaching Catechism every Sarah Engel Sunday during the school year at her parish, Saint Joseph in New London, and plans on attending college in Rhode Island in the fall of 2019.
! s u oin
Information Sessions Saturday, October 20, 2018 • 10am–12pm & Thursday, November 15, 2018 • 6pm–8pm Saint Bernard School instills the values, traditions and skills that will guide your child through tomorrow! Ask us about our Tailored Tuition Program to help meet your family’s unique financial situation.
You have many choices of where to educate your child. That’s why we would like to invite you to one of our Information Sessions where you can learn about our academic programs, athletics, campus life and much more. Come and see why Saint Bernard School is a place for your child to learn, grow and discover!
To RSVP call 860-848-1271 or visit Saint Bernard School • Grades 6–12 • 1593 Norwich-New London Tpke • Uncasville, CT 06382
“Just Like You” Raises Disability Awareness for Children
of Faith Events (OFE) in discussing a disabilities awareness presentation her office is offering to students in diocesan elementary schools and parish catechetical programs. The presentation, called “Just Like You,” is part of the One Heart Ministry, a disability outreach program sponsored by the Office of Faith Events. “In our culture today, raising awareness about the different types of disabilities people have is more important than ever,” Hoisl said. “We want to help our youth appreciate that just because someone may have a visible physical or mental disability, they are no different than anybody else. This presentation emphasizes what we have in common, rather than focusing on our differences.” Those commonalities, she said, are our Godgiven talents and gifts that we need to
share with others. Hoisl hopes children attending “Just Like You,” will become more accepting of the differences of people who are disabled and model ways to help others with mental or physical disabilities. Each presentation is 45-60 minutes and can be geared toward small classroom or larger school settings. It will feature a talk by Ian Coyne, who has had a physical disability since birth and has spent most of his life making adaptations to accommodate it. Coyne is a 2016 graduate of Xavier High School in Middletown and is currently a sophomore at Central Connecticut State University in New Britain, pursuing a career path in disability awareness. “I want to help young people gain an understanding of what it is like to have a disability and a greater appreciation for people with them and how they affect their lives,” Coyne said. “I hope sharing my struggles will help them see that people with disabilities can still go out and lead productive lives,” Coyne said. He is inspired to share his story with young children in the hope that they will never let anything in life stop them from reaching their dreams and goals. “Nothing can stop you from doing the things you want to do, but you.” he added. Hoisl praised Coyne for his passion for this ministry. “Ian is a great role model for all children,” she said. “His
2nd Annual
Partnership on Disability Mass
Sunday October 28 11:00AM
Our Lady of Lourdes, Gales Ferry A Celebration of people living with disabilities
Speaker and Role Model, Ian Coyne following his well-received presentation for Saint Patrick School students. determination and positive attitude are qualities all our children need to be successful in life. He is not defined by his disability; he is defined by his gifts and talents given to him by God.” The “Just Like You” presentations will also include a hands-on activity for children that will simulate what it is like to have a physical disability. All participants will also receive a key
chain made by members of the One Heart Ministry. Hoisl hopes children will put the key chains on their backpacks as a sign of support for people with disabilities. Schools and parishes interested in offering the “Just Like You” presentation to their students should contact Andrea Hoisl at the OFE, 860-848-2237, ext. 312.
“Children with disabilities are just like all children and they should not be defined by their disability,” said Andrea Hoisl, director of the Diocesan Office
By Mary-Jo McLaughlin
Connecticut Families Continue to Struggle
By Edward J. Tessman
As an agency that Provides Help & Creates Hope to those most in need throughout Eastern Connecticut, the recent 2018 ALICE Report issued by the United Way of Connecticut is cause for concern. Based on the ALICE Report for Connecticut, 40% of households or 4 out of 10 families in Connecticut, have income which falls below what is needed to pay for basic necessities of housing, food, child care, health care, technology and transportation. ALICE, stands for - Asset Limited Income Constrained Employed. The United Way Office in Connecticut and seventeen other states are promoting the ALICE initiative to place a spotlight on a
large population of residents who are working, but have difficulty affording a basic Household Survival Budget. Richard J. Porth, CEO for the United Way of Connecticut reported that ALICE is our friend, neighbor, coworker and family member. ALICE cares for our children and aging parents, fixes our cars and works in our local grocery stores, retail stores, and restaurants. ALICE lives in every town and city in Connecticut. ALICE workers are retail salespersons, nursing assistants, childcare workers, home health aides, car mechanics, security guards, teacher assistants and workers essential to every community’s
success. Many ALICE households are one emergency away from a financial crisis impacting their ability to feed their family, heat their home, maintain their housing, and ensure their medical care. Catholic Charities continues to Provide Help & Create Hope for those struggling to make ends meet and for those that are in crisis, struggling to meet their most basic needs. We see ALICE each and every day. Through our Intensive Case Management Program, with funding from the United Way of Southeastern Connecticut and through our Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program funded through the Connecticut Council of
Family Service Agencies, Catholic Charities continues to be in a position to assist ALICE. By working with those to identify and set realistic and measurable individual and family goals, Catholic Charities can Provide Help & Create Hope through our Job Readiness, Job Development, Job Counseling, Financial and Budget Planning, Training, Education and Quality of Life Improvement, Monthly Support Groups, and our Emergency Basic Needs programs. As we enter our 98th Anniversary year, we realize and understand the true power of Hope and what it means to those who we serve. “Hope anchors the soul,” Hebrews 6:19.
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Creamery Brook is part of the Continuum of Care at
13th Annual Golf Tournament
Gold: Conway, Londregan, Sheehan & Monaco, P.C. Attorneys at Law Silver: Knights of Columbus Supreme Council Mystic Aquarium Bronze: RAD Computing
Hole-in-One: M.J. Sullivan Longest Drive connecticut communications impellitteri - malia funeral home
Closest-to-the-Pin: St. Patrick church, Mystic
Waller, Smith & Palmer, P.C. practice green charter oak federal credit union raccio & drew dental group, llc
Tee Sponsors: church of the holy family hebron dime bank dreger fleet
horgan law offices
jezierski plumbing & heating letter concepts, inc.
our lady of lourdes, gales ferry
mahoney, sabol & co., llp
sacred heart parish, norwichtown
our lady of grace, fishers island
St. Andrew parish, colchester st. bernard, rockville
St. john mission, fitchville st. joseph living center
st. mary of the visitation, clinton st. matthew, tolland
st. joseph, new london
thomas neilan & sons funeral home
st. mary, portland
waterford dunkin donuts
Thank You for Your Support!
“A Holy Place Where We Discover Each Other in God’s Love” Celebrating 76 Years of Excellence in Catholic Education ~ Grades K-8 ~
25 Squire Street New London, CT For information call 860-442-1720
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Full Day Kindergarten School Day from 8:30-2:30 After School Care Available Accredited by the New England Association of Schools & Colleges
Catholic Charities 13th Annual Golf Tournament
Father Greg Galvin, Pastor of St. Patrick Church in East Hampton, and parishioners Dennis Wall, Kevin Kielly and Chris Annelli
An Education You Can Believe In.
Inspiring Achievement. Celebrating Community. Embracing Service. Living Faith. Supported financially and spiritually by 10 parishes in the Middletown Deanery. Currently the only regional Pre-K to 8th grade school in the Norwich Diocese.
By Christine Jackel
The 13th Annual Catholic Charities Golf Tournament was held at Fox Hopyard Golf Club on Wednesday, September 19th. Bishop Michael R. Cote welcomed the golfers and thanked sponsors for their support of Catholic Charities. Awards were presented to the following golfers:1st Gross: John Estelle, Mario Diloreto, Brian McNamara, Matt McBride; 1st Net: John Malia, Shawn Farbota, Ron Baude, Matt Greene; 2nd Gross: Sagar Parekh, Jamie Hanrahan, Bob Godiksen, Mickey Walia; 2nd Net: Bishop Michael Cote, Ralph Monaco, Monsignor Leszek Janik, Scott Jenkins; 3rd Net: John Dolan, Brian Orenstein, Mike Gresh, Guy Henry; Closest-to-the-Pin (4th hole ): John Londregan; Longest Drive (18th hole): John Estelle; Putter: Mike Gresh; 50/50 Raffle: John Malia. We have been blessed to have the following as our sponsors: $6,000 Platinum Sponsor Ken Capano and the ShopRite stores; $3,500 Gold Sponsor: Conway Londregan, Sheehan & Monaco, P.C. as well as suppling all the golfers with a stainless travel mug. $2,500 Silver Sponsors: Mystic Aquarium and the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council and $1,200 Bronze Sponsor RAD Computing. We had six $350 sponsors; Longest Drive: Connecticut Communications and Impellitteri - Malia funeral home; Closest-to-the-Pin: St. Patrick Church, Mystic and Waller, Smith & Palmer, P.C.; Practice Green: Raccio & Drew Dental Group, LLC and Charter Oak Federal Credit Union; 20 businesses and parishes as $200 Tee Sponsors and MJ Sullivan providing a beautiful blue 2018 Chevrolet Equinox on the 16th hole, awaiting the golfer who might get a hole-in-one. Unfortunately, no one drove the car away. Special thanks to Tom Ward, who is in charge of all the signage. Ed Tessman, Catholic Charities Executive Director thanked Christine Jackel for coordinating the tournament and all volunteers who came out to help: Kathy Tessman, Pam Perrone, Mary Ellen Mahoney, Laura Malone, Sue Connelly, Kathy Capon, Cindy Mageski and Rosela Procopio. Attorney Ralph Monaco, chair of the New London Advisory Board, has been instrumental in keeping the tournament going strong for 13 years. He had this to say, “While it’s a great day of golf and networking, the reason we come together is to raise money to help those in need. Thank you to all who support us.”
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Trust your child to a Catholic School where faith, knowledge and life meet. Come visit us!
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