Four County Catholic March 2019

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In This Issue 6

"Consecrated life is based upon the example of Christ - poor, chaste and obedient - serving as a visible sign in this world of the Kingdom of God. Your consecrated life is a help and a support – a precious and essential gift to the people of God.” Bishop Cote addressing Sisters, Brothers and Religious Order Priests at the Mass of Thanksgiving for the Gift of Consecrated Life.


20 "These concerts are an opportunity for young people and their parents to engage in an event that combines music, mission, and prayer. Liza Roach, youth and young adult minister, speaking about two upcoming family concerts.


Story on page 16.


Serving The Counties Of Middlesex • New London • Tolland • Windham, CT & Fishers Island, NY

­Established in 1989 and published each month except July. Made Possible in part through your generous support of the Annual Catholic Appeal

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Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Bishop of Norwich


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Dr. Edward Hargus honoring the work of Deacon Phil and Mrs. Linda Hayes.

Cover from the Inaugural issue of the Four County Catholic. This month marks 30 complete years of sharing the Good News.



“They practice their faith on a daily basis, working for the born, the unborn, the people of Haiti...”

On the Cover


Editorial & Advertising Deadlines

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Four County Catholic, 31 Perkins Ave., Norwich, CT 06360-3613

FOUR COUNTY CATHOLIC Issue 3 MARCH (PE 9934) is published monthly except July by The Diocese of Norwich, 31 Perkins Avenue, Norwich, CT 06360-3613. Periodicals postage paid in Hartford, CT 06101 and at additional mailing offices.




LET FAITH LEAD THE WAY Encountering the Lord in One Another Our 40-day journey of self-reflection and sacrifice that is Lent is already well underway. It is a journey that brings us closer to Christ and will leave us changed by our encounter with Him. In my Lenten message this year I spoke of how prayer, fasting, and almsgiving were so common to the people of Jesus’ time that He doesn’t say “if” but rather “when” –– When you give alms; When you pray; When you fast. There seems to be no doubt that we, as disciples of Christ, will engage in these practices, helping us to prepare inwardly for the great feast of our redemption –– Easter. Our digitally connected, fast-moving world may seem to be in stark contrast with the lives of the disciples in Jesus’ day. Let us see how we might take these traditional preparation practices and apply them, in a meaningful way, to our 21st century lives. As you may know, my motto as your Bishop is “Above All Charity”, derived from Saint Paul’s letter to the Colossians “Above all things, charity binds everything together in perfect harmony.” (Colossians 3:14) Perfect harmony. Can you think of a better way to spend your Lenten preparation? A practical way to accomplish this might be to “fast” from engaging in negative discussions, especially on social media. As

recent news events have shown us, the rush to judgment and blame can be misplaced. As was the case when the lens “widened out” on the Covington high school students at this year’s March for Life in Washington, D.C. Given a little time and some perspective, the world was able to see the broader, “truthful” picture. And isn’t that sometimes the case in our own lives? The need for civility in the world is a direct reflection of the lack of civility and respect that we give to one another. I encourage you to fast from being quick to point out other people’s shortcomings. As we experience this fasting, whether from food or a specific action, we are renewed in our compassion for those who are hungry, suffering or otherwise in need. Charity springs from deep within our Christian hearts. Saint Paul spoke of those who abide in charity as not being self-centered. True love is about willing the good of the other. It is about reaching out to those around us, recognizing their inherent dignity and helping them as a way of sharing the experience of God’s unconditional love. A smile, a kind word and a heartfelt gesture can convey this love. Sharing our good fortune with others assists us in getting outside of ourselves and our wants and helps us to focus on the needs of others. The many ministries that you support through your contributions to the Annual Catholic Appeal, help thousands of people

across our diocese. We truly are grateful that that you are able to be “Hand in Hand with All God’s Children”. The remaining spiritual discipline of Lenten preparation is prayer. Prayer is the lifting of mind and heart to God. It keeps us connected to God. We have heard that we should pray unceasingly. Talk with God the same way you would a friend. Share the ups and downs of your life, letting Him know that you are grateful, scared, happy, overwhelmed or overjoyed. He wants you to share it all. I pray that your time of preparation helps you renew your commitment to continue on your journey toward the day of salvation. May this Lenten season afford each of us the opportunity to encounter the Lord in one another.

Sincerely yours in Christ’s love Bishop of Norwich


My dear sisters and brothers in Christ,






Encontrando al Señor en los Otros MARCH 2019 | FOUR COUNTY CATHOLIC |

Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,


Nuestro recorrido de auto-reflexión y sacrificio de 40 días que es la Cuaresma ya está en marcha. Es un recorido que nos acerca a Cristo y nos dejará cambiados por nuestro encuentro con Él. En mi mensaje de Cuaresma de este año, hablé de cómo la oración, el ayuno y la limosna eran tan comunes entre la gente de la época de Jesús que Él no dice "si", sino "cuando", cuando de limosna; cuando ore; cuando ayune. Parece que no hay duda de que nosotros, como discípulos de Cristo, participaremos en estas prácticas, ayudándonos a prepararnos internamente para la gran fiesta de nuestra redención: la Pascua. Nuestro mundo digitalmente conectado y en constante movimiento parece estar en un fuerte contraste con la vida de los discípulos en los días de Jesús. Veamos cómo podemos tomar estas prácticas tradicionales de preparación y aplicarlas, de manera significativa, a nuestras vidas del siglo XXI. Como sabrán, mi lema como su Obispo es "Por Encima deTodo la Caridad", derivado de la carta de San Pablo a los Colosenses "Por encima de todo, la caridad une a todos en perfecta armonía" (Colosenses 3:14). Perfeca armonía. ¿Puede pensar en una mejor manera para su preparación de Cuaresma? Una forma práctica de lograr esto podría ser "ayunar" de participar en discusiones negativas, especialmente en las redes sociales. Como lo

han demostrado los últimos acontecimientos noticiosos, la prisa por juzgar y culpar pueden confundir. Como fue el caso del lente "ampliado" en los estudiantes de la escuela secundaria de Covington en la Marcha por la Vida de este año en Washington, D.C. Dado un poco de tiempo y algunas perspectivas, el mundo pudo ver la imagen más amplia y "veraz". ¿Y no es ese aveces el caso en nuestras propias vidas? La necesidad de civilidad en el mundo es un reflejo directo de la falta de cortesía y respeto que nos damos los unos a otros. Le animo a que ayune de ser rápido en señalar las deficiencias de otras personas. A medida que experimentamos este ayuno, ya sea de alimentos o por una acción específica, somos renovados en nuestra compasión por aquellos que tienen hambre, sufren o están en necesidad. La caridad brota de lo profundo de nuestros corazones cristianos. San Pablo habló de aquellos que viven en la caridad de nos ser egocéntricos. El verdadero amor es querer el bien del otro. Se trata de llegar a quienes nos rodean, reconocer su dignidad inherente y ayudarles a compartir la experiencia del amor incondicional de Dios. Una sonrisa, una palabra amable y un gesto sincero pueden transmitir este amor. Compartir nuestra buena fortuna con otros nos ayuda a salir de nosotros mismos y de nuestros deseos y nos ayuda a enfocarnos en las necesidades de los demás. Los muchos ministerios que a través de sus contribuciones

apoyan al Annual Capital Appeal (por sus siglas en inglés) ayudan a miles de personas en nuestra diócesis. Estamos verdaderamente agradecidos de que puedan estar "de mano a mano con todos los hijos de Dios". La disciplina espiritual restante de la preparación de la Cuaresma es la oración. La oración es el levantamiento de la mente y el corazón a Dios. Nos mantiene conectados a Dios. Hemos escuchado que debemos orar sin cesar. Hable con Dios de la misma manera que lo haría con un amigo. Comparta con Dios los altibajos de su vida. Hágale saber que está agradecido, asustado, feliz, abrumado y lleno de alegría. Quiere que lo comparta todo. Oro para que su tiempo de preparación le ayude a renovar su compromiso de continuar su recorrido hacia el día de la salvación. Que esta temporada de Cuaresma nos brinde a cada uno de nosotros la oportunidad de encontrarnos con el Señor en los otros. Atentamente en el amor de Cristo,

Michael R. Cote

Obispo de Norwich


Pledge to


To report inappropriate contact of any kind by a representative of the Diocese of Norwich or for assistance for victims, please call the Diocesan Reporting Line 1-800-624-7407. If the incident involves a minor (under the age of 18), you must also call State of CT Department of Children and Families Care Line 1-800-842-2288 -OR –State of NY Child Protective Services 1-800-635-1522. Incidents involving abuse of vulnerable adults aged 18-59 should be reported to Connecticut Department of Developmental Services - AID Division for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities 1-844-878-8923. Incidents involving abuse of vulnerable adults aged 60 and over should be reported to Connecticut Department of Social Services for the Elderly 1-888-385-4225. Para reportar contacto inapropiado de cualquier tipo por medio de un representante de la Diócesis de Norwich o para asistencia a víctimas, por favor llame a La Línea de Reportaje de la Diócesis de Norwich 1-800-624-7407 Si el incidente involucra a un menor (personas menores de 18 años), también debe llamar a Departamento de Niños y Familias de CT 1-800-842-2288 -O-Servicios de Protección de Niños del Estado de NY 1-800-635-1522. Incidentes relacionados con el abuso de adultos vulnerables de 18-59 años de edad deben ser reportados a Departamento de Servicios al Desarrollo del Estado de Connecticut-División de Ayuda para Personas con Incapacidad Intelectual 1-844-878-8923. Incidentes relacionados con el abuso de adultos vulnerables de 60 años de edad o más deben ser reportados a Departamento de Servicios Sociales Para Ancianos de Connecticut 1-888-385-4225.



MASSES 7:30am, 9am, 10:30am and 5pm


Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7pm Confessions following MasS

Good Friday APRIL 19th

The Lord’s Passion - 3pm Confessions following Service. Stations of THE cross BEGIN at The Cathedral of St. Patrick at 6pm


Confessions - 10:am, 11:00Am Only

EASTER Vigil Mass - 8pm


The Resurrection of the Lord Masses 7:30am, 9:am, 10:30am and 5pm


Promise to



Celebrating Consecrated Life

Father Erik Lenhart By Ryan Blessing Those who have devoted their lives to God’s calling gathered to celebrate and renew that commitment at the Mass of Thanksgiving for the Gift of Consecrated Life on February 3rd at the Cathedral of St. Patrick in Norwich. Among them were five Diocese of Norwich Jubilarians with a combined 275 years of consecrated life. “Two of us have 60 years, and two have 65 years,” Sister M. Marian St. Marie said. Sisters Pauline Lucie Champagne and Irene G. Charpentier have lived 65 years in consecrated life, while Sister St. Marie and Sister Mary Bernadette Matukas have reached the 60-year milestone. Sister M. Stella Maria Callaway has lived a consecrated life of 25 years. The Jubilarians were joined by other clergy called to a consecrated life, such as various orders of


nuns, secular and apostolic institutes and monastic communities.

Your consecrated life is a help and a support – a precious and essential gift to the people of God.”

Pope John Paul II established the yearly celebration in 1997 to honor vocations in the Catholic Church and as a way to give thanks to women and men in consecrated life.

In his homily, Father Erik Lenhart, the former Episcopal Vicar for Consecrated Life for the Diocese of Norwich and now a chaplain for the Capuchin Youth and Family Ministries in Garrison, New York, had a request.

The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. led the renewal of the vows by the gathering of sisters, brothers and religious priests. “Called by the church to awaken the world to the love of God and the joy of the Gospel,” Bishop Cote said. “Women and men in consecrated life show forth the light of Christ given to them at baptism.” The bishop also quoted Pope John Paul II: “The consecrated life is based upon the example of Christ - poor, chaste and obedient - serving as a visible sign in this world of the Kingdom of God.

“Raise your hand if you were inspired by a sister,” he said. Most people in the cathedral raised their hands. “Everyone at some point in their life was inspired and guided by a sister,” Father Lenhart said, recalling nuns who inspired him as a child at St. Mary’s School in Hagerstown, Maryland. “There’s no priest you’ll meet who did not have a sister encouraging him at some point in his young life,” he said. “They formed my mind.”

24 Hours

for the Lord The annual ‘24 hours for the Lord’ initiative will be held on Friday, March 29th and Saturday, March 30th throughout the seven Deaneries of the Diocese. It is an opportunity for people to avail themselves of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The objective is to offer to all, especially those who feel uncomfortable entering a church, the occasion to experience the merciful embrace of God. During the 24 hours visit one of these participating churches near you: In the Middletown Deanery, 24 Hours for the Lord, will be held at Saint Sebastian Church, 155 Washington Street, Middletown, beginning at 6:00 am through 6:00 pm on Friday, March 29, and resuming at 6:00 am on Saturday, March 30, through 2:00 pm

In the Norwich Deanery, 24 Hours for the Lord, will be held at SS. Peter & Paul Church, 181 Elizabeth Street, Norwich, beginning at 1:00 pm on Friday, March 29, through 9:00 pm, and resuming at 8:00 am on Saturday, March 30, through 12:00 Noon. In the Old Saybrook Deanery, 24 Hours for the Lord, all parishes in the Old Saybrook Deanery will hold Confessions following the Stations of the Cross which begin at 7:00 pm on Friday, March 29. Confessions are available until all are heard. In the Putnam Deanery, 24 Hours for the Lord will be held at Most Holy Trinity Church, 568 Pomfret Street, Pomfret, beginning at 10:00 am through 5:00 pm on Friday, March 29. In the Vernon Deanery, 24 Hours for the Lord, will be held at Saint Bernard Church, 25 St. Bernard’s Terrace, Rockville, on Friday, March 29, beginning at 6:00 am through 9:00 pm In the Willimantic Deanery, 24 Hours for the Lord, will be held at Saint Joseph Church, 99 Jackson Street, Willimantic, on Friday, March 29, beginning at 4:00 pm through 9:00 pm, and resuming on Saturday, March 30, from 12:00 Noon through 3:30 pm

Chrism Mass Tuesday, April 16th at 10:30am At Cathedral of Saint PAtrick A JOYOUS CELEBRATION OF PRESITLY SERVICE AND HOLY SACRAMENTS


In the New London Deanery, 24 Hours for the Lord, will be held at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, 1650 Route 12, Gales Ferry, beginning at 9:00 am through 8:00 pm on Friday, March 29, and resuming at 8:00 am on Saturday, March 30, through 4:30 pm








DiocesE of Norwich, Outreach to Haiti

Invites you to the

12th Annual Gala


Saturday April 27, 2019


A Villa Louisa 60 Villa Louisa Rd. Bolton, CT 06043 Outreach to Haiti welcomes speaker

Ms. Yamile Perez

Outreach to Haiti Education Sponsorship Program Recipient

Cocktails at 6:30pm followed by dinner $100 per person ($50 tax -deductible) Cocktail Attire RSVP by April 16th to Rosanna Carabelas at 860-800-3602 Benefiting

Children of Haiti



FOOD Saturday April 27th MUSIC 10:30 am - 2:30 pm St. Peter Claver CRAFTS 47 Pleasant Street SILENT AUCTION West Hartford, CT AND MUCH MORE! /CTWALKSFORHAITI

twenty-Fourth annual diocesan

secretaries mass will be held at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick at 12:00 Noon on Tuesday, April 23, 2019

136 Sachem Street Norwich CT 06360 860-889-2374 Fax 860-886-2396

My First Trip To Haiti By Joe Clarizio hat is the first thing you think of when you hear the word Haiti? If you’re like me, your first thought is “Oh, that’s where they had that earthquake.” or “didn’t they get hit by a really bad hurricane?” Maybe you donated money or bought some craft items that were made there.


Arriving late, we experienced riding through the city streets after dark, on the drive to the Mission House. We saw a multitude of people coming and going, many street vendors open for business, with a steady flow of motorcycle taxis shuffling people about.

We spent a weekend at St. Anne’s school meeting some of the children. Fr. Johnson and his staff are doing an amazing job running the parish and constructing several chapels throughout the area.

Barbra Wysocki and Joe Clarizio with Father Johnson and children from St. Anne School.

Haiti is a country full of beautiful mountains and seashores. It’s a country of resilient people need hope and a hand up. I heard it said while that when Haitians see us all, it gives them hope because it shows that someone cares.

I would highly recommend an immersion trip to anyone that is interested. Your view of Haiti will Over the next week Barbara and I were guided change forever and you will have brought a little by Fr. Frank to many places: an orphanage; hope to some people who desperately need it. the Missionaries of Charity; several startup businesses (recycling plastics into goods, Visit or call Greeted by Fr. Frank Johnson and his wonderful pottery, metal stamping); and Wynn Farm. We 860-800-3601 to find out more. staff at the mission house, we had dinner, talked visited a retreat center on the seashore where a bit, and settled in for the night.


Ocean Avenue 12 Ocean12 Avenue New London, New London, CT CT 443-1871 443-1871

48 Grand Street Street 48 Grand Niantic, CT Niantic, CT 739-6112 739-6112


12 Ocean Avenue New London, CT 443-1871


Our parish, St. Josephine Bakhita in Rocky Hill, is twinned through Outreach to Haiti, with St. Anne’s in Saintard, Haiti. A year ago, I attended a meeting to find out more about this relationship. At the end I found myself signing up for the next immersion trip to visit St. Anne’s in Haiti with fellow parishioner Barbara Wysocki, an experienced traveler to Haiti. I had no idea what I was going to encounter.

they provide spiritual healing and programs to help people financially support themselves. What stood out most to me at all these places was that everyone had hope. Everyone we met was doing the best they could to help others due to the lack of opportunity and resources in Haiti.

48 Grand Street Niantic, CT 739-6112


We pray for men to answer the call to be instruments of God’s grace as priests of Jesus Christ. DEACON Michael Castiblanco 4th Year Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD


MR. Michael Bovino 3rd Year Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD


Mr. Normand Laflamme 2nd Year Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD

Answering The Call Father Gregory Galvin, Director of Priestly Vocations As we to prepare for Lent and Easter, it is very easy to forget who we truly are, and what we have committed ourselves to as followers of Christ. Are we ready to recommit ourselves to working more diligently to become who God has created us to be, and called us to become? Remember, He calls us to holiness and sainthood, He created us for greatness that we may share in the fullness of the gift of His Love, oneness with Him and His Son, resting in the fullness of their Spirit. He has called us to do so through a particular Vocation, either single life, married life, ordained priesthood and consecrated religious life for both men and women. In this world, in this age as in ages before, it is a constant battle to answer the Call of God. Are we left to battle in our daily life, in our particular vocation, all alone? Of course not. What battles are we called to face and fight throughout our lives? It is ultimately a battle against sin which can separate us from God in this

world; but even more importantly it can ultimately separate us from God for eternity if we do not work with His grace in our life here in our earthly journey. We must not fight sin by ourselves. Our greatest opportunity to defeat sin consistently in our lives is to battle it with the assistance of God’s Grace. His life working in and through our Spiritual being. This means living and using the Sacraments of the Church. Most importantly by going to reconciliation/confession regularly and receiving Holy Communion every week. It is “our daily bread”, the food of the soul, given to us by Christ. His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. Christ shows us the way to empty ourselves in battle. How hard must one person battle? Look at the example Christ Himself gave us as described by St. Paul in his letter to the Hebrews, 12: 1-4. “And therefore we also having so great a cloud of witnesses over our head, laying aside every weight and

Mr. Larry Barile 2nd Year Theology Pope St. John XXIII Weston, Massachusetts


Mr. Jacob Ramos 2nd YearTheology Mount St. Mary’s, Emmitsburg, MD

Mr. Dharen Brochero Under Graduate, Philosophical Major Studies Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD

sin which surrounds us, let us run by patience to the fight proposed to us: Looking on Jesus, the author and finisher of faith, who having joy set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and now sitteth on the right hand of the throne of God. For think diligently upon him that endured such opposition from sinners against himself that you be not wearied, fainting in your minds. For you have not yet resisted unto blood.” As we enter into the holy season of Lent, may our efforts be doubled to focus on answering the call each of us has received. The best way of preparing to recommit ourselves to answering the call more consistently in our daily spiritual lives is to get back to going to confession, do your best to get to the Eucharist during Lent. You are in my prayers throughout this holy season, please keep me, all priests, consecrated religious and our seminarians in your prayers. Have a very Blessed Lent.

The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, leads the Holy Hour

Holy Hour for Vocations

Mr. Alexander Pandolfe 1st Year Pre-Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD

Mr. Julian Cuervo 1st Year Pre-Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD

Mr. Eric Hosmer 1st Year Pre-Theology Mount St. Mary’s Emmitsburg, MD

MARCH 21 6 pm St. Mary, Baltic

APRIL 25th 6 pm St. Patrick, East Hampton

Ruben Sanchez UCAELI Program UCONN, Storrs, CT

March Calendar of Events Wednesday, March 20th Theories of Evolution and the Catholic Faith

Presented by Father Matthew Dougherty, O.Praem., Ph.D., Nobertine priest and biologist, Father Dougherty will speak to how science and religion can in fact be hand-in-hand. Please join us for this free event. Refreshments to be served after, in the Church Hall. Fully handicapped accessible. Please RSVP to Guild President Claudia DeFrance, at

Sunday, March 24 Healing Mass and Healing Service

Thursday, March 28 A Presentation on Anxiety

St. Pius X Church, Middletown. - 6:30 -8:30pm. Casting cares and roaring lions. A presentation on anxiety, what it is, where it comes from and how our faith can help us. Presenter - Teresa Violette, LPC of Catholic Psych Institute.

Sunday- Monday, March 31 & April 1 Lenten Mission

Mass 2-3 pm, Healing Service 3-5pm Immaculata Retreat House, Willimantic Prayer teams, individual prayer and anointing

Sunday, March 24 Candlelight Concert and Compline

The Cathedral of St. Patrick will present a Candlelight Concert and Compline at 7:30pm. The concert will feature the Norwich Diocesan Choir and oboist Denise Plaza-Martin. The music chosen for the program will strive to create an hour of peacefulness for all in attendance. The evening will conclude with the singing of Compline (Night Prayer) in candle light. The event is free and open to the public. Further information may be obtained by calling the Cathedral Music Office at 860-886-0403.

Happy Hour from 3-6, Amazing Dinner Specials... So many choices you just can’t go wrong KIDS ALWAYS EAT FOR FREE








130 Main St Norwich • (860) 885-0147

John Shishmanian photo reprint from the Norwich Bulletin.

Holli Smith of Lebanon receives ashes from The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote Wednesday on Ash Wednesday at the Cathedral of Saint Patrick.


Join inspirational speaker Dr. John Wood for a 2-night Lenten Mission with the theme “Keeping the Flame of Faith Alive.” Presentations will be held at St. John Church, Cromwell, from 7-8:30pm. Refreshments will follow as well as the opportunity to speak directly with John. Admission is free.



12th Annual Catholic Charities GOLF atTOURNAMENT Fox Hopyard Golf Club, East Haddam, CT

Tickets $100 Cocktail Attire Sponsorship opportunities are still available! For more information, contact Christine Jackel at 860-889-8346 or

Cocktails 5pm Bishops Remarks 6pm Dinner 6:15pm Silent auction 5-7pm Dancing 8-10pm

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Registration 10:30 am • Lunch 11:30 am • Shotgun Start 1:00 pm • Awards & Hor d’oeuvres 6:00 pm

Sponsorships Available & Welcome 12

For more information or to register, contact: Christine Jackel at 860-886-1928 x12 or


ent is not simply a time where we deprive ourselves of joy for a few weeks. It is a time where we are supposed to focus on our own personal relationship with God, developing our mental, personal, and spiritual health—so that we can make more room for God in our everyday lives. So what are some ways for us to achieve the fullness of Lent and gain the most out of our Lenten practices? Here are a few ideas…

it can be all too easy—even automatic—to ruminate on the situation, overthink, and come to negative and often unrealistic conclusions. We may treat others differently because of a conclusion that we developed in our heads, and the other person will have no idea why we are acting the way we are acting. But how do we stop this habit of overthinking? First, take interactions and situations at face value. Don’t add ideas, put words in others’ mouths, or create outcomes that aren’t based in facts. Second, when these negative thoughts or overthinking spirals begin, instead of thinking of the most negative conclusion, intentionally think of the best possible outcome. Thinking of the best possible outcome gives us hope, while thinking of the worst outcome makes us want to give up. Hope gives us joy and helps us grow closer to God. Because of this, thinking of the positive scenarios is the more Godly practice.

Give up trying to do everything by yourself Self-sufficiency and independence can be great qualities to have, but there is true beauty and humility in acknowledging when we need help. We can develop our relationships with others when we let them into our lives in ways that allow them to take care of us in some way. So, this Lent, take a step back, give up stubbornness, embrace humility, and reach out to others when help is needed. Or simply allow Give up over-scheduling and overworking – others to help if and when they offer. We live in a society that is extremely focused Give up overthinking and jumping to on achievement. Sometimes it almost becomes conclusions – When something small occurs, a competition to see who has the busiest

schedule. Being this busy leaves very little time for fun, for enjoyment, for relaxation. We lose touch with who we are as individuals, as a couple, or as a family because we are so focused on getting to the next activity or working on the next project. Give up this overscheduling and overworking habit this Lent by setting aside time to do something that gives you joy. Make time to relax and spend time together as a family. Whether you just hang out at home and enjoy the peace and quiet or you take a day trip to one of your favorite spots, regularly make time this Lent to step back, relax, and prioritize time to do something that brings you—or you and your family—joy. These are just a few ideas to bring us closer to God this Lent. Start by asking God, “What barriers need to be removed in my life for me to be able to love You and love others the way You want me to?” Excerpt of a blog post by Dr. Gregory Popcak and Rachael Popcak hosts of More2Life heard weekdays at 10am on EWTN and SiriusXM 130.




Looking to Make the Most of Lent? It’s not too late.

1 State Street, New Haven • 203-865-0400 • Free admission & parking 13

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Hand in Hand with All God’s Children: Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving pp


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By Kathy Gaito During Lent we experience fasting and abstinence based on the teachings of the Church. In addition, from early childhood we are encouraged to ‘give up’ something for Lent. Rather than viewing this ‘giving up’ something as a chore, you can easily make it a positive act. Purchase food for a local food pantry from the money you would have spent on the item(s) you are ‘giving up’. Better yet, ‘give back’ by volunteering your time in your parish, with a Diocesan ministry, or with a community organization allowing you to join “Hand in Hand with All God’s Children”!

Make time in your day to pray a few minutes longer when possible. Even if it’s been awhile since you talked to God, He wants to hear from you. Think about how happy you feel when you reconnect with a friend you haven’t seen in years. There’s no better friend than God…He will always be there for you. Include people you don’t personally know in your prayers. Pray for the ministries in our Diocese and the people they serve is an ideal way to walk “Hand in Hand with All God’s Children”!

This year’s Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA), “Hand in Hand with All God’s Children”, is about joining together with others to help those in need. Through your donations to the ACA you invest in the communities of our Diocese helping to make a better life for many. Your gifts allow our ministries and programs to fulfill their missions. In many ways, when we join with others, we also find that we help ourselves. Stewardship is a way for us to share the gifts we have been given; however, we may

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rayer, fasting and almsgiving (assisting the needy) are synonymous with the Lenten season which this year began on March 6, Ash Wednesday. While these Lenten practices are a way for us to reconnect with our spiritual relationship with God, they should also be viewed as a stepping stone for us to continue to grow in faith throughout the year. When we decide to continue on our Lenten journey even after our Easter celebrations have come to a close, we strengthen our connection to God and others.

a atholic


discover that we gain so much more. “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and decay destroy, and thieves break in and steal. But store up treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor decay destroys, nor thieves break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.” – (Matthew 6:19-21)


To learn more about the 2019 Annual Catholic Appeal and about how you can help support the ministries and programs in the Diocese of Norwich, please visit and make your pledge or call the Office of Development at 860-886-1928.

DIOCESAN Announcements

9th Annual Norwich Women’s Conference Co-sponsored by: Office of Faith Events and Norwich Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Saturday, April 6, 2019, 8:15 am-3:30 pm Mercy High School, Middletown

Keynote Speaker Lisa M. Hendey Bestselling author, founder of, and frequent contributor to EWTN and CatholicTV In addition, there will be 20 Workshop choices

Registration Fee: (Price includes lunch*) Deadline for registration March 29, 2019 No refunds or event transfers Please bring a canned good for those in need! Adults ……………….$40 Students ………………. $20 *Gluten Free lunch option will be available* Religious are free!

Register online at OR call 860-848-2237 Ext. 304

Pope Francis @Pontifex

A Journey with Mary Through Her Seven Sorrows

If you are seeking to find hope, strength and comfort from a loss, burden, trouble or sorrow, come take a walk with Mary, the Mother of Jesus, this Lent and find a message of strength and support from a woman who transformed her heartache and sorrow into peace and hope. If you are seeking to find is hope, The Catholic Family Services offering a strength and comfort from a loss, with seven-week program entitled A Journey burden, trouble or sorrow, come Mary Through Her Seven Sorrows. Each session take a walk with Mary, the Mother will explore one of the Seven Sorrows of Mary’s of Jesus, this Lent and find a life and the message of strength and message of strength and support encouragement each one contains. It is based on from a woman who transformed her theheartache book Yourand Sorrow is Myinto Sorrow: sorrow peaceHope and and Strength in Times of Suffering, by Sr. Joyce hope. Rupp. Weekly sessions will include a reflection Catholic Family Services is offering onaone of Mary’s program sorrows, guided prayer seven-week entitled A imagery and discussion. Journey with Mary Through Her Seven Sorrows. Each session will explore of the Seven The program will run Tuesday evenings, Marchone 12, 26; April 2, 9, Sorrows 16, 23, 30 from of Mary’s life and the message of strength and encouragement each 7-8:30pm. at the Cathedral of St. Patrick Hall, 213 Broadway, Norwich. one contains. It is based on the book Your Sorrow is My Sorrow: The program is free, but is ToSr. do Joyce so, or for moreWeekly information, Hope and Strength inregistration Times of Suffering, Rupp. please contact at 860-848-2237, sessions will Mary-Jo include McLaughlin a reflection at onCatholic one of Family Mary’sServices sorrows, guided prayer discussion. Ext. 306,imagery or email and The program will run Tuesday evenings, March 26; April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 from 7-8:30pm. at the Cathedral of St. Patrick Hall, 213 Broadway, Norwich. The program is free, but registration is required. To do so, or for more information, please contact Mary-Jo McLaughlin at Catholic Family Services at 860-848-2237, Ext. 306, or email


Let us ask the Holy Spirit to sustain us during these days and to help us transform this evil into an opportunity for awareness and purification

Serving All Faiths • Pre-Need Arrangements Traditional Services or Cremations Directors: Joseph R. Introvigne, Joseph R. Introvigne, Jr. & Michael J. Introvigne 51 East Main St. Stafford Springs, CT


Welcome Women of All Ages! Light in a Darkened World

A Journey with Mary Through Her Seven Sorrows



Celebrating From the FCC News desk




n March of 1989, the first issue of the Norwich Diocesan monthly newspaper arrived in the mailboxes of parishioners in the Four Counties of Eastern Connecticut: Middlesex, New London, Tolland, Windham and Fishers Island, New York. The 32page paper featured news on the coming Holy Week and Easter events in the diocese, clergy appointments and parish news. At that time there were 77 parishes with approximately 210,500 Catholics. The then Diocesan Director of Communications, Jacqueline (Jacqui) Keller, was charged with finding an effective way to communicate the news of the diocese to its parishioners. Jacqui was kind enough to share some of her thoughts regarding the beginning of the Four County Catholic with us. “Up until the first Four County Catholic, diocesan news appeared on four pages of the Catholic Transcript, a publication of the Archdiocese of Hartford. Publishing a newspaper cost more money than the diocese could afford.”, explained Jacqui. The search was on to find a way to make this happen. It took a couple of years to line up the team and gain approval,

but by October 1988, details for a monthly newspaper were in order. “Shoreline Newspapers, who at the time printed the weekly Rose City Sentinel, loaned their editor, Janice Steinhagen, and advertising sales director, Tom Austin to the effort.” said, Jacqui. “We (the Office of Communications) coordinated the work. Macintosh computer news text and photos were brought to Shoreline’s Guilford headquarters where printouts were set, pages designed with ads and photos, waxed to mechanical boards, approved, and printed. Newspapers were addressed with labels from Annual Bishop’s Appeal contributors and others supplied from parishes. They were printed and mailed from Guilford.” Since then, the Diocese has taken over the editorial and advertising responsibilities, with design and printing by the Hartford Courant. Advances in technology have surpassed the last decades making the process much more efficient. Happy 30th to the Four County as we share the Good News of Jesus and His Church to the People of God in the Norwich Diocesan Family.

Editors Note: We want to thank Jacqueline Keller, the original staff of the Four County Catholic, and the many editors, writers, photographers, and production staff w



us to action



He Makes All Things New

Revelation 21:5

Michael Strammiello and Jacqueline Keller the two Diocesan Directors of Communications responsible for overseeing the successes of the Four County Catholic for the last 30 years.

who kept the presses rolling. Standing on the shoulders of those who came before us, we are grateful for their contributions and are humbled to share in this legacy.



Our faith calls



DIOCESAN Announcements

“By means of the Funeral Rites, it has been the practice of the Church, as a tender Mother,…to commend the dead to God…and to give witness to its own faith in the future resurrection of the Baptized with Christ.” MARCH 2019 | FOUR COUNTY CATHOLIC |




Community Mausoleum Available 815 Boswell Ave, Norwich • 860-887-1019


Harland Road, Taftville • 860-887-1019


Depot Road, Uncasville • 860-887-1019


Community Mausoleum Available 600 Jefferson Ave, New London • 860-443-3465


Route 145, Westbrook • 860-399-6503


Wauregan Road, Wauregan • 860-887-1019


Green Hallow Road, Moosup • 860-887-1019

“Come to me (Jesus), All you who labor and are heavenly burdened (your name), and I will give you REST (my peace). Take my yoke upon your shoulders, and LEARN from Me, for I AM meek and humble of heart~And you WILL find REST (peace) for yourselves. For My yoke (not yours) is EASY-and My burden is LIGHT.” Matthew 11:28-30

TV Mass Ash Wednesday, March 6 Channel 11 WCCT Comcast Channel 20 WTXX Charter Masses of Healing and Hope March 11 & 25, April 8 & 22 2nd & 4th Mondays, 2 pm Spiritual Renewal Center Individual prayer and anointing Unbound Prayer Ministry Saturday, March 23 by appointment only, 860-887-0702 Spiritual Renewal Center Healing Mass and Healing Service Sunday, March 24 Mass 2-3 pm, Healing Service 3-5pm Immaculata Retreat House, Willimantic Prayer teams, individual prayer and anointing Healing Mass and Healing Service Sunday, March 31 Mass 1-2 pm, Healing Service 2-4 pm St. Thomas the Apostle Chapel 872 Farmington Ave., West Hartford Prayer teams, individual prayer and anointing

Norwich Diocesan Cemetery Corporation 815 Boswell Ave, Norwich CT 06360 860-887-1019

Spiritual Renewal Services

Spiritual Renewal Center 11 Bath Street, Norwich, CT 06360 Phone: 860-887-0702

DIOCESAN Announcements The Catholic Parishes of Ledyard & Groton offer a new DVD series by Dr. Edward Sri

A Biblical Walk Through Christ’s Passion

Wine, Wisdom and Why Night

Ask questions about Lenten Traditions as well as any other Faith Traditions you have always wondered about! A panel of experts ready to answer any questions include: Bishop Michael R. Cote D.D Sr. Elissa Rinere CP, JCD, Canon Lawyer

Deacon Chris Deskus, Director of Prison Ministry Mr. Paul Kieda, Morality/Apologetics Teacher, Xavier High School

Presentations will be at 7pm. Thursdays March 21 & 28 and April 4, 11 & 25 at Our Lady of Lourdes 1650 Rte 12, Gales Ferry (across from CVS) In case of adverse weather the schedule will be extended. Reserve Your Place by Contacting: Our Lady of Lourdes: 860-464-7251 / . A $25 fee for Dr. Sri’s two volume set (Book & Study Guide) may be paid in advance or at the 1st session.


St. Mary Church Hall, Clinton Thursday, March 14th, 2019 from 7-9 pm Wine, soft drinks and snacks will be provided. If you would like to donate a bottle of wine please drop it off at the Bishop Flanagan Ministry Center, Norwich by March 12th QUESTIONS NEED TO BE SUBMITTED WHEN YOU RSVP

RSVP to Andrea Hoisl 860-848-2237 ext. 203 (need to register to attend)

TELEVISION MASS April 3, 2019 The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote D.D. Bishop of Norwich

Papal Prayer Intention

Channel 11, WCCT Comcast Channel 20, WTXX Charter

That those who have material, political or spiritual power may resist any lure of corruption.

At 10:00am


Join us for an evening of questions and answers about our Faith!

In this five-session series you will discover: • The Biblical background to each scene in Christ’s passion. • What did Jesus go through at each moment? • How did the Old Testament foretell Jesus’ death? • Why did Christ die for us? What did it accomplish? • What was the meaning of the tearing of the temple veil, the crowning with thorns, and other events during Christ’s Passion?

Trust in the mercy of God’s love. If you are carrying the grief and sorrow of past abortions, call Project Rachel a post-abortion healing ministry. All calls are confidential.

“The Lenten Edition”




Family Concerts Blend Music, Mission and Prayer By Mary-Jo McLaughlin


s a way of bringing families together through music and prayer, the Office of Faith Events (OFE) is sponsoring a rock concert and mission for families at two diocesan churches this month. The nationally recognized Michael James Mette Family Band, known as MJM7, will be performing at St. Joseph Parish, Willimantic, on March 20th and again March 21st at St. Pius X Parish in Middletown. Both concerts begin at 6:30pm. The band consists of musician Michael James Mette and four of his daughters Gabriella, age 15; Trinity, 13; Charity 11, and Cecilia, 10. Their music has been featured on XM/Sirius radio’s Catholic Channel, Catholic TV and EWTN. Michael James Mette brings to this family ministry several years of experience as a youth and music minister in various parishes.

“These concerts are an opportunity for young people and their parents to engage in an event that combines music, mission, and prayer, and see the liveliness, hope, excitement and vision youth have for our Church,” said Liza Roach, youth and young adult minister with the OFE. Building on the richness of the Catholic faith, the Mette’s play their own instruments and perform original faith-based music while blending witness talks about their relationship with God, faith life and the importance of the Eucharist in their lives. Promotional material on the band’s website state: “The Mette’s gifts of music, joy and family life offer the boldness and innocence of youth with the wisdom and depth of lived experience…. The music is uplifting without being preachy, creating an environment that is engaging.”

Roach said attendees can expect a total 90-minute concert experience with vibrant lights, music, faith sharing and an invitation to prayer. The audience will hear inspiring talks that speak to each person’s call to evangelize and be more Christ-like in today’s world. She hopes that the youth and young adults attending will be inspired by the Mette children. “They are a witness to our youth of young people living their call, living their vocation as followers of Christ and sharing their gifts and talents with others,” she said. The band came recommended to Roach by several youth ministry colleagues. They recently performed in the Diocese of Providence where they were very well received. Both concerts are free, and donations will be accepted at the door.

Visit Us On The Web! Rejoicing In The Good Of Others. Your Church, On the go.

Two Thousand Rosaries By Anthony W. Kotula, Ph.D

Rosaries as needed, if the Knights would make them available to parishioners and students. The Knights fabricated two Rosary stands, one for the Chapel and one for the Aquinas Center.

John has been fabricating Rosaries for decades, sending them to Missions throughout the world. “Each Rosary takes about a half-hour to fabricate and is very peaceful and fulfilling knowing that its helping to increase the devotion of “praying the Rosary”. Bartok said.

“Special Recognition Award Bestowed Upon John W. Bartok, Jr. for Outstanding Contributions to the Parishioners of St. Thomas Aquinas of 2,000 Personally Crafted Rosaries to Encourage and Facilitate “Praying of the Rosaries”.

Ten years ago, John approached the Knights and offered to provide his

This January the Knights presented John a plaque from Father John Antonelle which reads:

Father John celebrated a Mass in John’s honor.

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Lent, Easter,RCIA & First Communion Our mission is simple. To build God’s kingdom by focusing on the good news of Jesus through books, Scripture, music and other resources. Our store is filled with a large selection of books, Bibles, greeting cards and unique gifts you’ll love. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a better combination of selection of sacramentals and services anywhere else. If we don’t have what you are looking for, we will find it and order it for you..... Stop in the store, meet our great staff and experience Merciful Saviour today.


The 100 Rosaries held by John Bartok, blessed by Father John Antonelle are in addition to the 2,000 Rosaries that John fabricated and presented to the Knights.

2019 is the tenth year that Father John Antonelle, Pastor of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish and Chaplain of Council 14209 of the Knights of Columbus has been blessing Rosaries fabricated by John W. Bartok, Jr. The rosaries are provided for students and parishioners who wish to pray the Rosary.


392 South Main Street, Colchester

Mon-Wed 10-5, Thurs & Fri 10-6, Sat 10-3


Sacred Heart School, Groton

Sacred Heart School, Taftville

50 Sacred Heart Drive, Groton, CT 860-445-0611

Phone: 860-887-1757

Gail Kingston, Principal

St. James EdwardSchool, School,Danielson Stafford Springs

Mother Christina Van Beck, SCMC, Principal 15 Hunters Ave, Taftville, CT

LindaMaryAnne Marie Joyal, Principal Mrs. Pelletier, Principal 120 WaterSt, St,Stafford Danielson, CT CT 25 Church Springs, Phone: Phone: 860-774-3281 860-684-2600

St. Joseph School, North Grosvenordale

David Sizemore, Principal 26 Main St., N. Grosvenordale, CT Phone: 860-923-2090

Academic Excellence. Character. Self-Confidence.


Norwich Diocese Basketball League By Aimee Finnegan, St. John Athletic Director


acred Heart of Groton’s Girl’s JV team clenched the championship game in the league’s Best of Three series against St. Joseph of New London on St. Valentine’s Day with a 12-7 victory. The two teams were 1:1 going into the finals and each showed great effort on the courts.

St. Mary-St. Joseph School, Willimantic


Ms. Abby Demars, Principal 35 Valley St, Willimantic, CT Phone: 860-423-8479


s for the Boy’s JV division, St. John of Old Saybrook defeated St. Bernard Academy 22-12 on Friday, Feb 15. Third seed, St. Bernard, demonstrated tremendous improvement from their regular season play; however, it wasn’t enough against top seed St. John defense and perseverance.

St. Michael School, Pawcatuck

St. Patrick Cathedral School, Norwich

63 Liberty St, Pawcatuck, CT Phone: 860-599-1084

211 Broadway, Norwich, CT Phone: 860-889-4174

Mrs. Doris Messina, Principal

Sharon Stewart , Principal

St. John School, Old Saybrook

Mother Elaine Moorcroft, SCMC, Principal 42 Maynard Road, Old Saybrook, CT Phone: 860-388-0849

St. John Paul II School, Middletown Mr. Lawrence Fitzgerald, Principal 87 South Main St, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-347-2978

St. Joseph School, New London

St. Joseph School, Baltic

Sr. Mary Patrick Mulready, SCMC, Principal

Ms. Marianne Cote, Principal 25 Squire St, New London, CT Phone: 860-442-1720

10 School Hill Road, Baltic, CT Phone: 860-822-6141

St. Bernard School, Uncasville

“A Holy Place Where We Discover Each Other in God’s Love” Celebrating 76 Years of Excellence in Catholic Education ~ Grades K-8 ~

Full Day Kindergarten School Day from 8:30-2:30 After School Care Available Accredited by the New England Association of Schools & Colleges

25 Squire Street New London, CT For information call 860-442-1720

Mr. Donald Macrino, Headmaster 1593 Norwich-New London Tpke, Uncasville, CT Phone: 860-848-1271

Superintendent Office

As we begin the Holy Season of Lent, we instill upon our students the importance of increasing the quality of our worship through an increase in prayer, sacrifice, and almsgiving. We teach them, and show by our own examples, how sacrifice can bring us closer to Jesus, who gave us the ultimate sacrifice of His life for us. This will lead us to the joy of the Resurrection, which brings with it the promise of eternal life and happiness. Our schools exemplify these three components, not only during Lent, but throughout the entire year, with our daily multiple prayers, especially for those in need. We collect for the needy year-round. Our high school campus ministers bring students to impoverished areas to help construct living quarters in countries in poverty, and locally right here for the needy in our own state. We encourage our students to give something up for Lent or to do some extra faith acts of kindness in humility. The sacrifices parents make in sending their children to our schools are especially important, as they are made in order that they receive not only a solid academic education, but faith and morality training which is so lacking in our society today. The school employees sacrifice every day, as they could be paid a lot more money working in the public systems. They answered the call to the vocation of Catholic education because instilling the faith and wisdom of Our Lord is as important as instilling the knowledge they present. This Lent let us follow the words of our Savior. Let us increase our lives of prayer, sacrifice, and almsgiving with joy, not with gloom. Let us set the right examples for our children. We do so because all of this is for Him and for our greater good. It is as simple as that. On behalf of the children we serve, I would like to thank all of you who support Catholic education in the Diocese of Norwich, through your volunteerism, your prayers, and your generous donations to our schools and scholarships. Together, we’re investing in our future leaders, and instilling the blueprint for a life of faith, happiness and blessings. Your support means everything to us, and you should take pleasure in the fact that together, we are shaping minds and souls to ensure that our children follow the right paths as adults. May this Lent bring your families closer to Our Lord and to each other.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

O Most Beautiful Flower of Mt. Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. O Star of the Sea, help me and show me herein you are my Mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in my necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

God Bless!

Henry Fiore, Jr.

Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands.

Superintendent of Schools

-SL~ MWP ~

Academy of the Holy Family, Baltic Mother Mary David, SCMC, Principal 54 West Main St, Baltic, CT Phone: 860-822-9272

Academy of the Holy Family, Baltic Mother Mary David, SCMC, Principal 54 West Main St, Baltic, CT Phone: 860-822-9272

Mercy High School, Middletown

Sr. Mary McCarthy, RSM, President 1740 Randolph Road, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-346-6659

Xavier High School, Middletown


My Dear Friends,

David C. Eustis, Headmaster Mr. Brendan Donohue, Principal 181 Randolph Road, Middletown, CT Phone: 860-346-7735






n April 10th, 12th and 13th (Palm Sunday Weekend), St Andrew Church, Colchester, will present the fifteenth production of the life and Passion of Our Lord. Billed as “The Passion Play”, the production features a cast of over 150 adults and children from St. Andrew Parish and several surrounding parishes. Presented in St. Andrew Church with live music provided by the St. Andrew Principal Choir, costumes, sets, lighting, and sound are created by parishioners. This year, the play will be directed by Natalie Wood and will feature Jason Phillips as Jesus. The play is the inspiration of St. Andrew Choir Director Colleen Puscas, whose long-standing dream was to write and produce the story of Christ. In 2005, that wish was fulfilled when the first production of her Passion Play with original dialogue and music was performed. The play has been repeated each year since, with hundreds crowding into the church each year to witness the performances. Each year the play is dramatically different from the previous years: at least one third of the play is entirely new material. Following excerpts from the Bible, the play is a series of vignettes beginning with the prophecies of the coming of a Messiah. Followed by the Nativity, the Presentation in the Temple, Baptism in the Jordan River, and the First Miracle at Cana. Several more scenes depicting episodes in the life of Jesus are presented. A popular one is Jesus teaching the little children to pray the Lord’s Prayer. The story continues with the Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem, the Appearance before Herod,

the Trial by Pilate, and the Crucifixion. The play concludes with the Resurrection when the church is filled with glorious celebration and songs of praise The play is performed Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights at 7:30pm with doors opening at 7pm. Admission is free; however, tickets are required as seating is limited. To help defray the costs of presenting the play, a free-will offering is appreciated. Tickets may be reserved by calling Teresa Dziatko at 860-295-8315. They are also available at Merciful Saviour gift shop, in Colchester and St. Andrews church office.

The 12th Annual St. Andrew Church

Passion Play will be presented Wednesday April 10th Friday April 12th Saturday April 13th 7:30 pm at St. Andrew Church (Doors open at 7:00 pm) 128 Norwich Ave, Colchester.

No Performance on Thursday the 11th

The play is a musical performance of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. A cast of over 100. A 60-Voice Choir and a 40-Voice Children's Choir. Tickets for the performance are free; however, offer­ings to help defray production cost will be gratefully accepted. Tickets are available in Colchester at Merciful Saviour, the Parish Office or by phoning Theresa Dzlatbo 860-295-8315. A limited num­ber of tickets are available. No more than 10 tickets per person.

“Beautiful Things For Children”

Come See Our Beautiful Selection of Christening Wear. Gowns, Suits & Accessories Too! Complimentary Gift Wrapping Available We Ship Anywhere! On the bridge, downtown Mystic


Novena Prayer to Saint Joseph O Saint Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the Throne of God, I place in you all my interests and desires. O Saint Joseph, do assist me by your powerful intercession, and obtain for me from your Divine Son all spiritual blessings through Jesus Christ, Our Lord; so that, having engaged here below your Heavenly power, I may offer my Thanksgiving and Homage to the most Loving of Fathers. O Saint Joseph, I never weary contemplating you and Jesus asleep in your arms. I dare not approach while He reposes near your heart. Press Him in my name and kiss His fine Head for me, and ask Him to return the Kiss when I draw my dying breath. Saint Joseph, Patron of departing souls, pray for us. Amen. Solemnity of Saint Joseph - March 19th

An Education You Can Believe In.

Inspiring Achievement. Celebrating Community. Embracing Service. Living Faith. Supported financially and spiritually by 10 parishes in the Middletown Deanery. Currently the only regional Pre-K to 8th grade school in the Norwich Diocese.

St. John Paul II Regional Catholic School 87 South Main Street / Middletown, CT 06457 Telephone: 860-347-2978 /


Open Seven Days • Personal Attention


Hargus Family Establishes Endowment in Honor of Deacon Phil and Linda Hayes

By Mary Ellen Mahoney




any times, people come to the Catholic Foundation wanting to support a Diocesan entity. They have been involved with one of our schools, churches or Diocesan ministries. Less frequently, the Catholic Foundation is approached by donors wanting to establish an endowment with a dual purpose, to support a Diocesan organization and also to honor a person or persons that have impacted their lives in such a way that they have inspired the donor to make the gift. The latter is the case with donors, Dr. Edward and Mrs. Maria Hargus who have such respect for Deacon Phil Hayes and his wife, Linda Hayes, that they decided to establish an endowment to honor them. Dr. Edward and Maria Hargus have been parishioners at Our Lady of Lourdes, Gales Ferry, (“OLOL”) since 1979. They raised their 4 children, Matt, Chris, Emily and David attending OLOL. Edward Hargus is a retired specialist in pain management and palliative care and former Hospice Medical Director and anesthesiologist intensivist. Maria Hargus, current secretary of the OLOL Ladies Guild, taught religious education at OLOL for 20 years, and also served as a paraprofessional working with students with learning disabilities. Caring for others and going above and beyond to help improve people’s lives is very important to Ed and Maria. Ed and Maria were very touched by Deacon Phil and Linda Hayes’ devotion to the

because they know that as an endowment it will continue for perpetuity. They decided that the money earned by their endowment would be given to Catholic Charities and St. Vincent de Paul Place each year because “they hope to help those who are truly in need of basic necessities and support, “said Maria. “We know that these charities both Dr. Edward and Mrs. Maria Hargus, Bishop Cote provide many services and Deacon Phil and Mrs. Linda Hayes to the less fortunate regardless of ethnicity parishioners of OLOL where Deacon Phil or religion,” Maria served as deacon for a total of twenty years continued. Ed added that another reason they during two different assignments, as well as selected Catholic Charities and St. Vincent de by their tireless work serving St. Vincent de Paul Place was because they “intimately knew Paul Place, the Haitian Health Foundation of their works and that not a dollar was wasted and supporting programs presented by the by these exceptional organizations.” Diocesan Office of Faith Events. Regarding Father Brian Converse, Pastor of Our Lady the inspiration that Phil and Linda have given of Lourdes Church, suggested a New Year’s he and his wife, Ed said, “They practice their Resolution for his parish of Respect, Kindness faith on a daily basis, working for the born, and Patience. As this is the fourth endowment the unborn, the people of Haiti, serving the with the Catholic Foundation to originate Haitian Health Foundation, attending Mass within the OLOL parish, it appears that and religious service almost daily.” Maria Father Converse’s parishioners have taken his continued, “Deacon and Linda Hayes are true testaments of giving of your time, treasure and suggestion to heart. talent both in Southeastern Connecticut and in Anyone interested in donating to any of the Haiti.” endowments of the Catholic Foundation or establishing an endowment to support a Ed and Maria Hargus chose to establish Diocesan entity, may contact Mary Ellen The Maria and Edward Hargus Family Mahoney, Director of Development at Endowment in honor of Deacon Phil and or Linda Hayes within the Catholic Foundation (860) 886-1928.

When we join hands to serve our brothers and sisters, we join hands with Christ as ambassadors of our faith in all we do.

Commitment Weekend March 30-31, 2019


Hand in Hand with All God’s Children

2019 Annual Catholic Appeal 197 Broadway • Norwich, CT 06360 • 860-886-1928 •


February 2019 | FOUR COUNTY CATHOLIC |


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Lent affords us the opportunity and challenge to live now as children of our heavenly Father, reliant on His grace and providence and eager to find our hopes fulfilled in God alone.


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St. Joseph School

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Celebrating 81 Years of Excellence In Catholic Education Grades K-8

Registration is ongoing, please call for information

St. Joseph School 25 Squire St New London, CT 06320 Phone: 860-442-1720


Visit us at: Edward J. Waitte Pat Zils Michael J. Waitte Debbie Froio

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Walkabout Wednesdays March 13th, 20th & 27th 8:15 AM–10:15 AM

Saint Bernard School instills the values, traditions and skills that will guide your child through tomorrow!

Join us for one of our special Walkabout Wednesdays. During your visit get a taste of the experiences and opportunities awaiting your son or daughter at Saint Bernard School. Learn about our academic programs, athletics, campus life and much Ask us about our Tailored Tuition more. Come and see why Saint Bernard School is a Program to help meet your family’s unique financial situation. place for your child to learn, grow and discover!

To RSVP call 860-848-1271 or visit


Lord, during this Lenten Season, nourish me with Your Word of life and make me one with You in love and prayer.

Saint Bernard School • Grades 6–12 • 1593 Norwich-New London Tpke • Uncasville, CT 06382 31



Made Possible in part through your generous support of the Annual Catholic Appeal


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