Four County Catholic September 2020

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I have called you by name You Are Mine Isaiah 43:1

In this Issue



During the course of the pandemic I was able to visit both our soup kitchens . . . and found it extremely heartening to see so many people in need receiving help. I also spoke with clients who literally could not have survived if it were not for the help, they received from Catholic Charities over the past six months. Mary Ellen Mahoney, reflecting on the good each one of us provides by helping our family, friends, and neighbors as best we can, as “One Faith, One Family.”

Made Possible in part through your generous support of the Annual Catholic Appeal


Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D. Bishop of Norwich



25 Otis Street, Norwich, CT 06360-3613

Fax 860.859.1253


Wayne Gignac, 860.886.1281






“We lived in fear. We never knew when the gangs would decide it was our turn for them to take my daughter . . . they said they would kill me if I tried to hide her. That’s when I decided I had to take her and leave.” “Luisa,” migrant and member of Sagrado Corazon Church in Willimantic, explaining her fear and the reason she chose to leave her home and migrate to the United States.

“If one of your non-Catholic friends were to approach you one day and say to you: “What are the Sacraments all about? Why do you Catholics place such importance on them? After all, I have read the Gospels—and Jesus does not use the word Sacrament anywhere,” how would you respond? What would you say to them?” Father Michael Bovino, posing a few questions to kick off our new series on the Sacraments, entitled Sacraments 101.

On the Cover:

"Once I heard Jesus calling me to be a Sister of Charity, I couldn’t say no!" ” Sister Veronica Rose, a native of Tolland, professed Temporary Vows on August 19th, in the chapel at Holy Family Motherhouse in Baltic.

Meredith Vernott, 860.887.3933 c SENIOR WRITER/SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER

Ryan Blessing, 860.887.3933 THEOLOGICAL ADVISOR

Very Reverend Ted F. Tumicki, S.T.L., J.C.L., J.V. 860.887.9294 PRINTING/LAYOUT

The Hartford Courant, 285 Broad Street, Hartford, CT 060115 EDITORIAL & ADVERTISING DEADLINES Deadline for advertising and editorial is the first Monday of the previous month. Articles limited to 500-word max; letters to the editor limited to 200-word max and must include name, address and phone number for verification. Email photos as JPEG attachments and MS Word copy to Publication not guaranteed. The Editor reserves the right to reject, omit or edit all editorial and advertising copy. Published opinions and advertisements do not necessarily reflect the editorial position of this newspaper. POSTMASTER - SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: Four County Catholic, 25 Otis Street, Norwich, CT 06360-3613. Four County Catholic Issue 8, September (PE 9934) is published monthly except July by The Diocese of Norwich, 25 Otis Street, Norwich, CT 06360-3613. Periodicals postage paid in Hartford, CT 06101 and at additional mailing offices.

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Para reportar una conducta inapropiada de cualquier tipo por parte de un obispo diocesano, por favor contacte o llame al 1-800-276-1562 Para reportar contacto inapropiado de cualquier tipo por medio de un representante de la Diócesis de Norwich o para asistencia a víctimas, por favor llame a La Línea de Reportaje de la Diócesis de Norwich 1-800-624-7407

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Incidents involving abuse of vulnerable adults aged 18-59 should be reported to: Connecticut Department of Developmental Services - AID Division for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities 1-844-878-8923

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Incidentes relacionados con el abuso de adultos vulnerables de 18-59 años de edad deben ser reportados a Departamento de Servicios al Desarrollo del Estado de Connecticut-División de Ayuda para Personas con Incapacidad Intelectual 1-844-878-8923.

Incidentes relacionados con el abuso de adultos vulnerables de 60 años de edad o más deben ser reportados a Departamento de Servicios Sociales Para Ancianos de Connecticut 1-888-385-4225.





Fortified with a Refreshed Understanding September marks the start of another school year. Since the beginning of this pandemic I have witnessed the unwavering dedication of our faculty and staff members and the compassionate support from the families in our communities as we quickly adapted to new methods of instructional delivery. Our principals are prepared to ensure strict compliance with the guidance and mandates provided by Federal, State, and Diocesan agencies to facilitate in-classroom instruction. Together, we will continue to provide a quality Catholic education while keeping our students and faculty safe. It is important to note that this Fall the students will not be the only ones with homework assignments. Those of us who take part in the democratic process of voting will, as faithful citizens, be called to prepare ourselves to choose a direction and select those who will lead us. This is a responsibility that we do not take lightly. Respect for life and maintaining the dignity of life through its entire earthly journey is one of the essential callings

of our beliefs. At the core, it defines our Catholic faith and who we are –– sons and daughters of a loving God. We express the sanctity of life starting with the vulnerable unborn, by participating in activities such as the 40 Days for Life prayer vigil which begins with a Mass on September 22nd and continues with the monthly Pro-Life Masses. We further demonstrate respect for life by reaching out to help our brothers and sisters in need – the poor and disadvantaged among us. You do this by supporting the work of our ministries, especially Catholic Charities, Saint Vincent dePaul Middletown and Saint Vincent dePaul in Norwich. Thank you to those who have stepped forward during the last six months with their prayers and donations. The pandemic is significantly affecting many people. We have to be supportive of others and responsible in our actions to prevent the spread of this disease. These trying times call us, as Catholics, to live our faith with courage and respect for all. As conscientious citizens there are many significant issues to be

weighed. Topics such as protecting religious freedom, lawful reform of the immigration system, rejection of physician assisted suicide, peaceful resolutions to conflict, and any number of areas of concern that impact the sacred value and dignity of the marginalized and weakest among us, can be considered. This is our homework assignment, yours and mine, as we approach Election Day. Knowing what we, as individuals, think about these questions is crucial. You are not alone in your search for answers. Guidance can be found in the document, Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, a link of which can be found on our diocesan website. Developed as a nonpartisan guide by United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, it outlines the Gospel principles which faithful Catholics can utilize to help form their consciences. As with any important decision that we are called to make, it would be wise to bring it to the Lord in prayer. It is my hope that the political noise, which will undoubtedly grow louder, will not dissuade you from the political process. I also pray that you will not give in to the loudest voices, but rather

listen to your own inner voice as an informed and faithful Catholic citizen. Let us ask for God’s intervention to counter the plague of violence that has become so prevalent. We earnestly pray that peace might be restored to this land that we love, this nation that we cherish, so that all people may live in harmony. Fortified with a refreshed understanding of the principles of our faith and surrounded by the love of our merciful Lord, may you see beyond the influence of political ads and media personalities, and instead be prepared to unequivocally vote your conscience. Sincerely yours in Christ’s love,

Michael R. Cote Bishop of Norwich


My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,






Fortalecidos con un entendimiento renovado


Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,


Septiembre marca el inicio de otro año escolar. He sido testigo desde el comienzo de esta pademia, de la dedicación inquebrantable de nuestros profesores y miembros del personal y del apoyo compasivo de las familias de nuestras comunidades tan adaptadas rápidamente a los nuevos métodos educativos. Nuestros directores están preparados para garantizar el cumplimiento estricto de las pautas y los mandatos proporcionados por las agencias federales, estatales y diocesanas para facilitar la instrucción en el aula. Juntos, continuaremos brindando una educación católica de calidad y mantendremos seguros a nuestros estudiantes y profesores.

Es importante tener en cuenta que este otoño los estudiantes no serán los únicos con asignación de tareas. Quienes participamos en el proceso democrático de votación seremos llamados, como ciudadanos fieles, a prepararnos para elegir una administración y seleccionar a quien nos guiará. Ésta es una responsabilidad que no nos tomamos a la ligera.

El respeto por la vida y el mantenimiento de la dignidad de la vida durante todo su viaje terrenal es uno de los llamados esenciales

de nuestras creencias. En esencia, define nuestra fe católica y quiénes somos: hijos e hijas de un Dios amoroso. Expresamos la santidad de la vida comenzando con los vulnerables no nacidos, participando en actividades como la vigilia de oración de los 40 días por la vida que comienza con una misa el 22 de septiembre y continúa con las misas mensuales pro-vida.

Nosotros además demostramos respeto por la vida al ayudar a nuestros hermanos necesitados: los pobres y desfavorecidos entre nosotros. Usted hace esto apoyando el trabajo de nuestros ministerios, especialmente Caridades Católicas, San Vicente de Paύl en Middletown y San Vincente de Paύl en Norwich. Gracias a aquellos quienes han dado un paso adelante durante los últimos seis meses con sus oraciones y donaciones. La pandemia está afectando significativamente a muchas personas. Tenemos que ser solidarios con los demás y ser responsables en nuestras acciones para prevenir la propagación de esta enfermedad. Estos tiempos difíciles nos llaman, como católicos, a vivir nuestra fe con valentía y respeto por todos. Como ciudadanos de conciencia, hay muchos problemas importantes que


Holy Hour for Vocations

deben sopesarse. Se pueden considerar temas como la protección de la libertad religiosa, la reforma legal del sistema de inmigración, el rechazo al suicidio asistido por un médico, la resolución pacífica de conflictos y cualquier número de áreas de preocupación que impactan el valor sagrado y la dignidad de los marginados y más débiles entre nosotros. Esta es nuestra tarea, suya y mía, a medida que nos acercamos al día de las elecciones. Saber lo que pensamos, como individuos, sobre estos temas es crucial.

No está solo en la búsqueda de respuestas. Puede encontrar orientación en el documento, Forming Conciences for Faithful Citizenship (por sus siglas en inglés), cuyo enlace se puede encontrar en nuestro sitio web diocesano. Desarrollado como una guía no partidista por la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos, describe los principios del Evangelio que los católicos fieles pueden utilizar para ayudar a formar sus conciencias. Al igual que con cualquier decisión importante que se nos llame a tomar, sería prudente llevarla al Señor en oración. Tengo la esperanza de que el bullicio político, que sin duda aumentará, no lo desvíe del proceso político. También

oro para que no se rinda a las voces más ruidosas, sino que escuche su propia voz interior como ciudadano católico informado y fiel.

Pidamos la intervención de Dios para contrarrestar la plaga de violencia que se ha vuelto tan frecuente. Oramos fervientemente para que se restaure la paz en esta tierra que amamos, esta nación que apreciamos, para que todas las personas puedan vivir en armonía. Fortalecidos con un entendimiento renovado de los principios de nuestra fe y envueltos por el amor de nuestro misericordioso Señor, que pueda ver más allá de la influencia de los anuncios políticos y las personalidades de los medios de comunicación y, en cambio, esté preparado para que sin equivocarse pueda votar a conciencia. Sinceramente en el amor de Cristo,

Michael R. Cote Obispo de Norwich

The Most Reverend Michael R. Cote, D.D., Bishop of Norwich, leads the Holy Hour SEPTEMBER 17TH – St. Mary, Middletown 6-7pm OCTOBER 15TH – St. Thomas Aquinas, Storrs 6-7pm NOVEMBER 19TH – St. Columba, Columbia 5-6pm DECEMBER 17TH – Most Holy Trinity, Pomfret 6-7pm

Vocations Corner Deacon Larry Barile 4th Theology Pope John XXIII Seminary Weston, MA

A Seminarian Reflection

Mr. Alexander Pandolfe 1st Theology Mount St. Mary Seminary Emmitsburg, MD

Mr. Jacob Ramos 3rd Theology Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary Emmitsburg, MD

Mr. Dharen Brochero 2nd Theology Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary Emmitsburg, MD

Mr. Ruben Sanchez 2nd Theology Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary Emmitsburg, MD

Currently in my third year of seminary formation at Mount Saint Mary Seminary, I recently finished my pre-theology studies and am now beginning my first year of theology. But to give you a proper account of my movement toward the priesthood, I must start with the fertile ground in which our Lord placed me at birth: my loving family.

Father Greg Galvin, Director of Priestly Vocations

Mr. Julian Cuervo 1st Theology Mount Saint Mary Seminary Emmitsburg, MD

me. Not until I left home in Middletown and began college at UConn in 2014 did I begin again to consider the priesthood, this time much more seriously. At UConn, a strong community of friends, FOCUS missionaries and priests of the diocese welcomed me into a more intimate relationship with our Lord that in some ways seemed altogether new. Also at this time, I was told that every Catholic man should at least consider the priesthood, and from that point on I seemed never to stop considering this possibility. For some years, I was unsure that the Lord was actually calling me, but as my college experience moved toward a close, it seemed that I could do nothing else without first giving seminary a try.

Being raised by a father and mother that told us that God and His love are more important than anything else in the world, my older brother, older sister, and Mr. Alexander I were given a firm foundation. Pandolfe Even more importantly, however, As I have come to know, seminary formation 1st Theology the constant, selfless love of my does not give hard and fast answers to every Mount St. Mary’s parents allowed us to experience question a man has about his life prior to Emmitsburg, MD their verbal claim of God’s love. entering. I continue to discern whether the It seems that God gave me them Lord is calling me to the ordained priesthood, so that I might begin to understand Him. If indeed God but I have learned with greater understanding that the Lord is asking me to be one of His holy priests, I could answer is definitely asking us all to live a life of holiness, in intimate affirmatively largely because He has already revealed His relationship with Him. loving invitation to a life of holiness through those who are I ask you to continue to pray for me as I discern God’s will, closest to me. particularly as I discern the priesthood in a more focused Probably at around the age of five, I often said that I wanted way here at seminary. I say thank you to my family, my to be a priest. Perhaps I had some insight at this age, but friends from youth to present, the ordained and religious of I think mostly I had an incomplete understanding of the the diocese, Our Lady of Mercy Parish, and to the many of priesthood. For years to follow I put such thoughts behind you that pray for me.

Mr. Eric Hosmer 1st Theology Mount Saint Mary Seminary Emmitsburg, MD

Mr. Mark Johnson 2nd Pre-Theology Mount Saint Mary Seminary Emmitsburg, MD


It is with great joy that I reflect on the recent ordination to Transitional Deacon of Reverend Mr. Larry Barile and the Priestly Ordination of Father Michael Bovino. These past months have been so different, and yet much remains the same. As men continue to respond to the will of God in their lives, determining whether to continue to move forward in formation, your prayers as members of the Church and of the Diocese are always hugely important to them. This month, you have an opportunity to hear from Mr. Alex Pandolfe, one of our eight seminarians. A fine gentleman, Alex appreciates your prayers for him and for all his diocesan brother seminarians as they enter this year of priestly studies and human formation. May God’s will continue to become more clear to each of the men studying for the Norwich Diocese and also for those young men and women quietly discerning if they should step forward and make a greater commitment to answering a call from God to either the priesthood or consecrated religious life. Thank you, Alex, for your yes.



ACA Appeal Needs Your Help


By Gina Foster


As summer winds down and fall approaches, I hope that you had the opportunity to do some fun socialdistancing activities. Unfortunately, this crisis remains difficult for those who still need support in many ways. Many people are out of work, some businesses continue to struggle, and several of us are still dealing with the loss of a friend or loved one. Let us continue to move forward as “One Faith, One Family.” Catholic Charities, Diocese of Norwich is just one of the many organizations that benefit from the Annual Catholic Appeal. Your generosity is truly needed at this time. At Catholic Charities, case managers help individuals and families affected by COVID-19 along with other potential crises such as fire, flood, family violence and loss of income. Isolation and loss of income can be extremely difficult for most people, and although some of us are not quite comfortable leaving our homes daily or are unable to volunteer, there are ways we can help Catholic Charities by donating essential items. “Catholic Charities has had an overwhelming response to the number of requests for assistance during this

Donors Generous Donations to Catholic Charities coronavirus outbreak,” Catholic Charities Diocese of Norwich Grant Writer Jack Babbitt said. He went on to say that comparing January through May of 2019

136 Sachem Street Norwich CT 06360 860-889-2374 Fax 860-886-2396

with the same period this year, the following data has been collected: There has been a 67% increase in clients helped, 87% in meals distributed, 129% in requests for rental and mortgage assistance and 167% in requests for infant and youth and family assistance. “Even though the requests have been overwhelming, the staff of Catholic Charities has met the challenge. Because of the generosity of our diocesan family members, corporate sponsors, grant awards and with assistance from many others, Catholic Charities has been able to meet all of the clients’ needs,” he said. Donations of items such as diapers, wipes, soap, shampoo, other toiletries, gift cards, or monetary gifts would all be greatly appreciated,

he added. “Most of all, support from your prayers for the staff at Catholic Charities during this time is the greatest gift of all!” Our ACA donations continue to be extremely important to help all of our ministries carry out their spirituallyaffirming and life-changing missions. To make a contribution to our 2020 ACA “One Faith, One Family,” please go online to or call the Office of Development at 860-886-1928. Thank you so much for your generosity. Stay safe and be well.

ACA “One Faith, One Family” Working Hard to Help

While we face uncertainty in some aspects of our lives, all of us can take strength and hope from our faith. We believe that God is always with us and will never forsake us. We can also find great comfort in knowing we are all in this together, each of us helping our family, friends and neighbors as best

we can, as “One Faith, One Family.” Members of our diocese working as doctors, nurses, first responders, delivery drivers, grocery workers and pharmacists have labored tirelessly in so many ways, caring for those in need. In addition, our donors have really stepped up, providing much-

At the time of death, the Church confidently proclaims God has created us for eternal life. “Through the saving death of Your Son, Jesus Christ, we rise at your word to the glory of the Resurrection.” (Preface - Christian Death IV)

ST. MARY & ST. JOSEPH CEMETERY Community Mausoleum Available 815 Boswell Ave, Norwich • 860-887-1019 SACRED HEART CEMETERY Harland Road, Taftville • 860-887-1019 ST. PATRICK CEMETERY Depot Road, Uncasville • 860-887-1019 ST. MARY CEMETERY Community Mausoleum Available 600 Jefferson Ave, New London • 860-443-3465 RESURRECTION CEMETERY Route 145, Westbrook • 860-443-3465 SACRED HEART CEMETERY Wauregan Road, Wauregan • 860-887-1019 ALL HALLOWS CEMETERY Green Hallow Road, Moosup • 860-887-1019

Norwich Diocesan Cemetery Corporation 815 Boswell Ave, Norwich CT 06360 860-887-1019

needed supplies to our soup kitchens and making pledges and gifts to the Annual Catholic Appeal, which supports our diocesan ministries. Recently, we conducted our postponed 2020 ACA in-pew collection. While the numbers of people attending Mass are still not large, we truly appreciate every donation. With such increased demand for food, social services and spiritual guidance, please know how important every dollar of our ACA collection is to help people cope with the many stressors caused by the pandemic. We thank our priests and religious for reaching out to us through video Mass, personal phone consultation and through prayer to lift us all up and help us to keep our faith strong. During the course of the pandemic I was able to visit both our soup kitchens, St. Vincent de Paul Place, Norwich and St. Vincent de Paul, Middletown and found it extremely heartening to see so many people in need receiving help. I also visited Catholic Charities in New London and Willimantic and spoke with clients who literally could not have survived if it were not for the help

they received from Catholic Charities over the past six months. So many agencies were closed and unable to help people, but our ministries remained functioning. Thanks to one of my meetings with a homeless man who is being found an apartment by Catholic Charities, I was able to make a personal connection and with the help of my husband, deliver furnishings, kitchen items and bedding to a member of our diocesan family trying to get back on his feet. These encounters are truly priceless. Please know how much those of us working at the Development Office appreciate each of your sacrifices. Thank you for doing your part to help us get through this pandemic together. We pray that each of you stays well and finds continued strength from Our Lord. If you would like to donate to the 2020 Annual Catholic Appeal, “One Faith, One Family” please go online to or call our Campaign Manager, Heather Harris at 860-886-1928, ext. 111 to make your pledge or gift. Thank you.

TELEVISION MASS SEPTEMBER 2 Father Jon Ficara OCTOBER 7 Bishop Michael R. Cote, D.D. Channel 11, WCCT • Channel 20, WTXX • Channel 59, WCTX


By Mary Ellen Mahoney


Walking with Moms in Need A Year of Service


By Mark Desrosiers


Heeding the call of Saint John Paul II to build a culture of life, our diocese, in union with an initiative from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, is partaking in a year of service titled “Walking with Moms in Need”. The purpose of this year of service is to increase the Church’s outreach to pregnant and parenting women in need. With that in mind, Bishop Cote is encouraging us as a diocese to join the nationwide effort entitled: “Walking with Moms in Need: A Year of Service.” Women sometimes face many challenges during and after pregnancy and reach out for help wherever they can get it. While there are many resources available, only some of them lend themselves to support for life. Why not put those in the hands of women that need help?

By working together, we can identify services that are available at a local parish level and make those resources available to women in need. Additionally, our diocesan team can help local parishes in providing services outside their immediate vicinity. As the background information for this program says, “We hope to move closer to the day when every pregnant mother in need knows where to turn for help, and abortion is simply unthinkable.” Resource material has been sent to every parish in our diocese. If you want to help or are seeking help, contact your parish and ask for your local “Walking with Moms in Need” representative. If you are having difficulty contacting your local representative, feel free to contact Mark Desrosiers at

As Pope Francis reminds us, our parishes need to be “islands of mercy in the mist of the sea of a difference.” Everyone in our parish community should know where to refer a pregnant woman in need. To assess, expand, and better communicate resources to pregnant moms and families in need, our parishes are joining the a nationwide effort from March 25, 2020 to March 25, 2021 entitled “Walking With Moms in Need: A Year of Service.” We invite our parishioners to join us as we embark on this Year of Service. For more information, please contact Father Walter Nagle at Christ the King Church 860-434-1669


Please be sure to notify us of an address change, name change of a recipient or a request to discontinue receiving the newspaper. You may notify us via email at subscriptions@norwichdiocese. net or call 860-887-3933. Thank you for helping us maintain accurate mailing information to better serve you.

World Day for Migrants and Refugees: It’s About All of Us

“We lived in fear. We never knew when the gangs would decide it was our turn for them to take my daughter. One night they came looking for her. She was not home. They said they would return. They said they would kill me if I tried to hide her. That’s when I decided I had to take her and leave. I was scared, but I had no choice.” – Excerpt from the story of a migrant, now a member of Sagrado Corazon Church in Willimantic. We’ll call her Luisa. On September 27, 2020 the Catholic Church will celebrate the 106th World Day for Migrants and Refugees. This year’s theme announced by Pope Francis – “Like Jesus Christ, forced to flee” – brings into sharp focus the situation of people like Luisa, all over the world, forced to flee their native land, in search of a better life – in many cases, just simply in search of life. It’s an opportunity for us as Catholics to reflect on the circumstances confronting migrants and refugees, to pray for them, but also to put our faith in action. Too often we fail to see migrants and refugees as persons, and instead, look at them as unknown others, if we notice them at all. Our Catholic faith calls us to stand in solidarity with them, to see them truly as our brothers and sisters. This is who the Catholic Church is. This is what we as Catholics do. Pope Francis calls us to welcome, protect, integrate and promote immigrants and refugees in our midst. Forced displacement of people is at the highest level since World War

II, with more than 65 million people displaced around the world and over 22 million refugees. As staggering as these statistics are, migration is not about statistics; it’s about real people like Luisa, people trying to find a better life and a new beginning. It’s about people just like you and me, who, but for the grace of God, could very easily have been born into a similar situation. It’s about families torn apart; it’s about children left to fend for themselves; it’s about the vulnerable. “Each migrant has a name, a face and a story,” Pope Francis said. Regardless of where we came from, we remain part of the human family and are called to live in solidarity with one another. Welcoming immigrants is part of Catholic Social Teaching and reflects the Biblical tradition to welcome the stranger. Says Bishop Joe Vazquez, “World Day for Migrants and Refugees is an opportunity to look at the migration issue from the lens of humanity, of caring for and walking with our brothers and sisters. It reminds us that it is not about where people come from but their unique God-given human dignity. It calls us, as a people of faith, to welcome our brothers and sisters, promote their well-being, protect them from cruelty and human indifference, and assist in their integration into our communities.” World Day for Migrants and Refugees is not just about migrants and refugees; it’s about all of us. For more information, to see what you can do, connect to Justice for Immigrants Campaign, an initiative of the USCCB.

Merciful Saviour Gift Shop

Are you looking for something that ignites your faith or someone else’s? Add a very special item to your Christmas season decor while supporting Christian artisans in the Holy Land. We have received a special one-time shipment of handmade olive wood carvings! Featured are several sizes of nativities, including beautiful burl wood with bark, and fine finished olive wood. There are also rosaries, angels, holy family figurines, ornaments, crucifixes and more that must be seen to be fully appreciated!



By Sister Mary Jude

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By Susan Wallace, Executive to Haiti and Dedicating our Director love, Outreach compassion

service to our community.


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The clinician will conduct initial assessments, establish treatment plans with measurable goals and provide individual and family psychotherapy in a manner consistent with the Catholic Faith and with guidelines for Medicaid, Medicare and Private Insurance managed care agreements. Flexible schedules and competitive compensation provided. Candidates must be licensed in Connecticut and in good standing. Clinician must possess a LCSW, LPC, LMFT or PHD. Clinicians should have 2 years of experience providing psychotherapy to children, adolescents and adults in office settings. Knowledge of Medicare guidelines and other insurances preferred. Seeds of Hope Mission: To love and serve others with compassionate clinical excellence. God’s love heals, we pay witness to His healing process. Please send your resume to Seeds of Hope, 147 Norwich Avenue, Colchester, CT 06415. (860) 300-6700 |

Trust in the mercy of God’s love. If you are carrying the grief and sorrow of past abortions, call Project Rachel a post-abortion healing ministry. All calls are confidential.


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See the latest list of retreats on


Seeds of Hope, LLC seeks dynamic and inspired Catholic Clinicians to provide psychotherapy to adults, married couples and older adults in our Colchester outpatient office. This is an opportunity to join a clinical practice with a faith-based mission as a fee for service clinician and enjoy unlimited growth potential.


Outside Gift Benefits Diocese’s Office of Faith Events By Mary Ellen Mahoney Occasionally, we have the great fortune to receive gifts from people who are not members of our diocese. This was the case on August 4, when Robert N. Roach (Nick), chief executive officer of The Chemical Company of Jamestown, Rhode Island and his daughter, Liza Roach, the youth and young adult

minister for the Diocese of Norwich Office of Faith Events, gave Bishop Cote a $10,000 check. This was not the first time that the Roach family gifted their money across state lines. In 2018, they established the Roach Family Endowment to support the Diocesan Office of

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Only 2,000 tickets will be sold! $100 per ticket Only 2,000 tickets will be sold! $100 per ticket Only 2,000 tickets will Luxury Raffle Drawing will be be heldsold! on $100 per ticket Only 2,000 tickets will be sold! Luxury Raffle Drawing will be held on per Saturday,$100 December 19,ticket 2020 at 7:00 p.m. Luxury Raffle Drawing will at be7:00 heldp.m. on $100 per Saturday, December 19,ticket 2020 Swanky’s Cookout Supply Centerbrook, CT

Luxury Raffle Drawing willat be7:00 held on Saturday, December 19,Tickets 2020 p.m. To Purchase Luxury To Raffle Drawing will be Purchase Saturday, December 19,Tickets 2020 at held 7:00 on p.m. Online:

To Purchase Saturday, December 19,Tickets 2020 at 7:00 p.m. Online: By Phone: 860-575-7553 Online: To Purchase Tickets By Phone: 860-575-7553 Purchase Tickets By Mail: Make check To payable to “St. John School Raffle” and send to By Phone: 860-575-7553 Online: By Mail: Make check payable to “St. John School Raffle” and send to Online: St. John School Raffle, P.O. Box 1075, Old Saybrook, 06475 By St. Mail: Make check payable “St. JohnOld School Raffle”CT and send to By 860-575-7553 John School Raffle, P.O.toBox 1075, Saybrook, CT 06475 ByPhone: Phone: 860-575-7553

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L-R Liza Roach, Robert Roach, Bishop Cote and Andrea Hoisl

Faith Events. Founded in 1988, The Chemical Company is a chemical distributor working with both domestic and international pharmaceutical companies. It has been very busy during the pandemic, supplying isopropyl alcohol to manufacturers of sanitizers throughout the world. Helping others, during a public health crisis or not, is a mantra of this organization. The family company has a long history of giving back to its community in many ways, and in 2012 established The Chemical Company Fund at the Rhode Island Foundation in order to support programs for educating youth in chemistry and strengthen the development of the next generation of scientists. Realizing the financial challenges that the Diocese of Norwich and all dioceses are facing, Liza and her dad felt that another gift from The Chemical Company would be a good idea. “This year, we know how difficult it has been for the diocese in funding the important ministries provided on a day to day basis, whether it is providing food, assisting with shelter or hosting workshops to give spiritual guidance or training,” Liza Roach said. “With limited finances and knowing firsthand all of the great programs of the Office of Faith Events, the Roach family thought it would be better to make an immediate gift to the diocese which would directly impact the good work of the office’s

ministry. We could have donated to our endowment with the Catholic Foundation but wanted to have a larger and more immediate result.” “Being blessed with a prosperous business, we have always been very motivated to give back to our community whether in our home state or elsewhere,” Nick Roach said. “Since Liza works in the Office of Faith Events, we know firsthand that this money will be very well used. Having grown up in the diocese of Norwich, the diocese continues to hold a special place in my heart and I am very happy to make this donation.” Bishop Cote, in accepting the gift from Nick and Liza, thanked them on behalf of the entire diocese. “We are so very grateful for your continued kindness,” the bishop said. “Your endowment with the Catholic Foundation ensures that your prior gifts will continue to impact our diocese for many years to come and now, today, you make another generous donation to help our Office of Faith Events carry out its mission and enrich the faith of so many at a time when it is greatly needed.” For more information about how to donate to the Roach Family Endowment or to make an immediate gift to the 2020 “One Faith, One Family” Annual Catholic Appeal, please contact Heather Harris at (860) 886-1928 Ext. 111 or at

’ Perfect Storm’ Produces Forum on Life in the Thought of Pope Francis By Andrea Hoisl A virtual event to give Catholics a clear understanding of how issues related to the protection of the unborn, care for our world, and the dignity of migrants and refugees intersect for us as followers of Christ, will take place October 4 from 7-8 P.M. Entitled, Life in the Thought of Pope Francis, the event aims to show how Christians should look at the interconnectedness of these issues, and ways we can highlight and improve them.

Sister Mary Jude Lazarus, director of Hispanic Ministry for the diocese, invited directors from several diocesan

As Pope Francis so eloquently states: “Things have a price and can be for sale, but people have a dignity that is priceless and worth far more than things.” Join us on Sunday, October 4th and listen to speakers who will cover various topics, initiate dialogue and answer questions. Their expertise will shed light on our responsibility as Christians to be part of the solution and not the problem. It is an opportunity for all of us to come together to raise our voices in solidarity for the sacredness of all life. It takes a world of differences to make a difference in our world.


The phrase “perfect storm” is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as, “a particularly bad or critical state of affairs, arising from several negative and unpredictable factors.” Unfortunately, the world has produced a “perfect storm” of social consciousness. This awareness is especially important to Catholics as we look toward the future. The pandemic has certainly changed our reality and forced us to communicate, interact and advocate for others on many different levels. We are all acutely aware of our interconnectedness in both positive and negative ways, as this forum will show.

gifts and talents to raise awareness or make permanent societal changes.

For questions about the virtual event or to register, please contact the Office of Faith Events at faithevents@ or call Marianne 1x4 MaryNovena LB Feb16FCC_Layout 1 Nicholas at 860-848-2237, ext. 304.

ministries to plan and implement this event. The date of the virtual forum, October 4, is the culmination of a month-long celebration of Laudato Si:

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On care for Our Common Home -- the encyclical written by Pope Francis -as well as the World Day of Migrants and Refugees on September 27 and 40 Days for Life, which takes place September 23 through November 1. It is also the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi -- Pope Francis’ namesake -- who was committed to the values and dignity of all God’s creations. As baptized Christians, we are called to do more and be more as part of this community. We often consider ourselves knowledgeable about issues, but rarely take action to help improve specific situations. This virtual forum will impart knowledge and motivate people to take action by sharing their

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

O Most Beautiful Flower of Mt. Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. O Star of the Sea, help me and show me herein you are my Mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in my necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.


Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands.

~ MCM ~


Ranked #6 Municipal Golf Course in the U.S.A. -Sports Illustrated

5th Annual

Outreach to Haiti

For ForThe TheLove LoveofofaaChild” Child Charity Golf Tournament Wintonbury Hills Golf Course, Bloomfield Sponsorships Available Tournament Sponsorships (2) - $2,500 Other Sponsorships (3) - $1,000 ·Carts · Lunch · Dinner ·


Tee Sign Sponsors (18) - $150


September 12, 2020 Check in 11am Lunch 12pm Shotgun Start 1pm Dinner and Reception 6pm Golf Tournament Price - $150 (Includes Lunch & Dinner) Dinner Only $50

Additional Activities Putting Contest Winner gets a foursome at Wintonbury Hills

Hole-in-One 50/50 Hit the Green Closest to the Pin Longest Drive Men & Women

Sign up at or call Outreach to Haiti at 860-800-3601 WE ARE GOING VIRTUAL


October 24, 2020 9am to 12:30pm Keynote Speaker:

Danielle Bean: Author of …You Are Enough: What Women of the Bible Teach You About Your Mission and Worth

Guest speakers include: Sr. Elissa Rinere, C.P., J. C. D. Lisa Gulino, D. Min. , Holy Apostles Seminary

◆ Renowned college preparatory boarding school for young men who have not yet realized their potential. ◆ Located in scenic southeastern Connecticut

If you already registered for the 2020 Women’s Conference that was scheduled for March 28, 2020, you will automatically be e-mailed a link to the virtual conference. If you would like more information, please contact the Office of Faith Events, 860-848-2237, ext. 304 or 203

Love is the Greatest Treasure of All One of my favorite scriptural quotations can be found in Matthew (6:19-21), “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and decay destroy, and thieves break in and steal. But store up treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor decay destroys, nor thieves break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.” It fits beautifully with another of St. Matthew’s lessons to us, “…You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (22:37-39) These are powerful reminders that love is the most important treasure one can have: love for God, love for self, and love for others. Sitting on our nation’s doorstep is Haiti, the poorest and most densely populated country in the Western Hemisphere. Haiti occupies onethird of the Island of Hispaniola (the other two-thirds is the Dominican Republic). Like us and countries throughout the world, Haiti faces many challenges including the ravages of COVID-19, but unlike us, the following is true of current day Haiti. ▪ 70 percent of the population of Haiti lives under the threshold of absolute poverty: which means they live without the minimum essentials. Per capita income is $1,830 and 59 percent of Haitians live on less than $2.42 per day. ▪ Haiti ranks last in health care spending in the Western Hemisphere: inadequate health services, poor nutrition and deficient, often nonexistent, sanitation systems have pushed Haiti to the bottom on the World Bank’s (WHO) rankings of

health indicators. ▪ Approximately 50 percent of Haitians have no access to clean drinking water and only 43 percent of Haitians receive recommended immunizations. ▪ More than 50 percent of Haitian children are undersized due to malnutrition, which is the leading cause of death for children five years of age and younger. ▪ Approximately 60 percent of Haitian children attend school, with only one-fifth attending one of the few government-funded schools. Thirty-eight years ago, Catholics and friends like you from the Diocese were called by God to visit Haiti. They saw a need, and from that day forward the Diocese of Norwich has had a ministry in Haiti. The Diocese of Norwich Outreach to Haiti believes in Haitians helping Haitians. We have 21 Haitians who are our part of our ministry in Haiti and serve those in desperate need. Our ministry is in the Christ the King neighborhood of Port-au-Prince,

where some of the poorest people on earth live: 60,000 men, women, and children. Our ministry calls us to walk with our brothers and sisters in Haiti and help where we can. Thanks to your prayers and financial gifts we do the following outreach: SR. ANN WELLER CLINIC ✔ Treats approximately 6,000 people annually. ✔ Patients receive life-saving care, medications, vaccinations, and lab tests, as necessary. ✔ Staffed exclusively by Haitian medical professionals. COMMUNITY HEALTH OUTREACH ✔ Trained healthcare personnel walk through the neighborhood to follow up with patients in their homes. ✔ They identify safety and sanitation problems, provide education and inhome training on personal hygiene, food preparation, and creating safe environments for children.

ON-SITE NUTRITION PROGRAM ✔ Serves 75 to 100 families whose children have been diagnosed with severe to moderate malnutrition. The goal is to bring children and pregnant mothers to a normal healthy weight. ✔ Provides families with food and supplements along with educational sessions on nutrition and food preparation. EMERGENCY RELIEF ✔ We have provided and will continue to provide immediate responses to extraordinary needs caused by earthquakes, hurricanes, tropical storms, and other natural disasters – currently COVID-19 -- while providing loving service to individuals and families in times of despair. TWINNING ✔ Currently there are 14 American and Haitian parishes and groups in a partnership of love, sharing, and support. ✔ The Diocese of Norwich is twinned with the Archdiocese of Port-auPrince. In the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on stewardship, we are reminded, “Christians are also called to look outward and to place themselves at the service of the entire human community, especially those who are most in need.” Thank you for responding to God’s call to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Thank you for supporting our diocesan ministry through your prayers and financial gifts and for knowing love is the greatest treasure of all. May God bless you!

To find out how you can help, please visit


By Susan Wallace


The Rite of Religious

''Do not forget that when the Lord calls, He also provides the necessary strength and grace to answer His call.

Pope Saint John Paul II

By Mother Marie Julie, SCMC




uring these days of the COVID-19 pandemic, many things are uncertain. But one thing is certain: God still calls souls to union with Him. This invitation looks different for each soul, but for some, it comes in the form of a call to the consecrated life. This journey, like much of life, is often circuitous; but when a soul responds with a humble Fiat as Mary did, ‘Let it be done according to Your word,’ the path reaches its goal in what is called Perpetual Profession. In a public celebration of the Rite of Religious Profession, the one called offers a total gift of self to the One who gives Himself in unconditional, uncompromising Love.

On August 19, the chapel at Holy Family Motherhouse in Baltic was the place of this wondrous moment for two young women invited by Jesus to live a life of religious consecration as Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of the Church. Celebrants of the Mass of Profession were Reverend Michael Bovino, priest of the Diocese of Norwich and Reverend Jacinto Mary, Friar of the Immaculate from the Franciscan Friary in Griswold. During the celebration of Mass Sister Marie Alexandria, a native of Roscoe, Illinois, professed Perpetual Vows of Chastity, Poverty, and Obedience and promised to practice the works of Charity (a fourth

vow) in a spirit of heartfelt simplicity. For the past six years Sister has been in the formation program of the Sisters of Charity, studying the history of the Community, learning the meaning of the vows as lived in this world at this moment in time, while opening her soul to profound prayer in order to grow grace for grace in union with her Divine Bridegroom. She has also been studying for the degree that will enable her to serve in the Community’s ministries. Sister first met the Sisters in Janesville, Wisconsin when she worked in St. Elizabeth Home, an apostolate of healthcare of the congregation. Sister Veronica Rose, a native of Tolland, Connecticut, was a student at the University of Connecticut when she discerned the Voice of God inviting her to a life of total self-giving for the People of God. She entered the Sisters of Charity

of Our Lady, Mother of the Church in 2017. By her profession of Temporary Vows on August 19, a requisite step toward Perpetual Profession, Sister continues her formation in religious life and awaits the day of her complete and irrevocable commitment to God in love. The two-fold gift of these two Sisters to God and to the Church was accompanied by the celebration of two other young women, Sister Mary Philip Reynette Tamani and Sister Mary Sophia Cawley, who entered the novitiate in 2018 and 2019, respectively, and who progressed to the next steps toward their perpetual consecration to God. The Sisters of Charity rejoice in the faithful response of these four Sisters, and we humbly ask the prayers of the People of God of the Diocese of Norwich for their perseverance in grace.




Virtual Program Explores Mary’s Seven Sorrows

By Mary-Jo McLaughlin


If you are seeking hope, strength and comfort from a loss, burden, trouble or sorrow, come take a walk with Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and find a message of support from a woman who transformed her heartache and sorrow into peace and hope. The Catholic Family Services office is offering a virtual seven-week program entitled A Journey with Mary Through Her Seven Sorrows. Each session will explore one of the Seven Sorrows


of Mary’s life and the message of strength and encouragement each one contains. It is based on the book Your Sorrow is My Sorrow: Hope and Strength in Times of Suffering, by Sr. Joyce Rupp. Each session will include a reflection on one of Mary’s sorrows, guided prayer imagery and discussion. The program will be offered in two sessions: Tuesday nights from 7-8:15pm September 15, 22,

October 6, 13, 20, 27 and November 3 or Wednesday afternoons from 1:302:45pm September 16, 23, October 7, 14, 21, 28 and November 4. The program is free, but registration is required. To do so, or for more information, contact Mary-Jo McLaughlin at the Catholic Family Services Office at 860-848-2237, Ext. 312, or e-mail mmclaughlin@


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In view of current health restrictions, there will be no sit down meals. However, there will be plenty of food! In addition to a lunch grill, there will be Catered Food Stations throughout the Course.


$175/Per Golfer Registration 11:00am Lunch Available Shotgun Start 12:30 PM Sponsorship opportunities available! 860-889-8346 ext. 264



Ride For Haiti

By FCC News Desk On Monday, September 14, a team of riders from Outreach to Haiti will be starting the sixth annual bike ride. As with past years, the team will ride 337 miles over 5 days from September 14-18. The bike ride has been planned as a "virtual trip" across Haiti, and we will visit some of the parishes and schools in Connecticut that are twinned through Outreach to Haiti with parishes, orphanages, and schools in Haiti. This year is different, though. In the past we started in Maine and cycled through five of the six New England states. Because of travel

restrictions, we are going to stay in CT. But the ride will go on – it’s still 337 miles over 5 days – and Connecticut is just as hilly as the rest of New England! The purpose of the ride is to raise awareness and funds to support our mission in Haiti. Outreach to Haiti has been in Haiti for over 35 years, serving the poor in the Kris Wa (Christ the King) community of Port-au-Prince and surrounding areas with a healthcare clinic, food and nutrition programs, education programs, developing and maintaining twinning relationships,

cultural immersion trips, and the FAK program, which empowers women to start their own businesses. Our motto is Helping Haitians Help Haitians. More information about Outreach to Haiti can be found on The specific goal of this year's ride is to raise funds to support these programs. This year, conditions in Haiti have been worsened by COVID-19, and the demand for our services has increased significantly. All of our programs, but especially food and nutrition, have become even more critical than ever. So the

people we serve in Haitare in great need of our support. At the same time, many of our ongoing efforts in the U.S. to raise the money that supports the programs have been significantly hurt by the pandemic. Thus, the "Ride to Rebuild" for the last five years, is now a “Ride for Haiti" to support our basic programs. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers for a safe and successful ride, and a continual tail wind would be nice!

To find out how you can help support the Ride for Haiti visit 20

Office for Safe Environments Welcomes New Director


I look forward to working and collaborating with you all in keeping our young people safe as they grow in their faith and love of our Lord. God bless you all. Sincerely, Kathy D’Amelio Director Office for Safe Environments


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The response to the pandemic is dual: we need to find a cure for this which has brought the world to its knees and we must cure a larger virus, that of social injustice.


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am honored and delighted to have been appointed as the new Director of the Office for Safe Environments for the Diocese of Norwich. I come from my most recent position as the Director of Faith Formation at Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish, St. Mary, Coventry and St. Thomas in Storrs, Connecticut. I have also had many years of experience as a public school teacher and a 20-year career with the Department of Defense as an investigator for security clearances. My husband, Deacon Dan D’Amelio, and I live in East Haddam, where we raised our family. I am looking forward to carrying on the dedicated service to the diocese, parishes, schools and ministries that has been provided by Karen Caise, the former director. I wish her a blessed, happy and healthy retirement.


Sacred Heart School, Groton Gail Kingston, Principal 50 Sacred Heart Drive, Groton 860-445-0611

Sacred Heart School, Taftville

Mother Christina Van Beck, SCMC, Principal 15 Hunters Ave, Taftville Phone: 860-887-1757

Our Catholic Schools

Academic Excellence. Character. Self-Confidence.

St. James School, Danielson

From the

Linda Marie Joyal, Principal 120 Water St, Danielson Phone: 860-774-3281

Superintendent's Desk

St. John School, Old Saybrook

Mother Elaine Moorcroft, SCMC, Principal 42 Maynard Road, Old Saybrook Phone: 860-388-0849

St. John Paul II School, Middletown Larry Fitzgerald, Principal 87 South Main Street. Middletown Phone: 860-347-2978

St. Joseph School, Baltic

Sr. Mary Patrick Mulready, SCMC, Principal 10 School Hill Road, Baltic Phone: 860-822-6141

St. Joseph School, New London Marianne Cote, Principle 25 Squire Street, New London Phone: 860-442-1720

St. Michael School, Pawcatuck Doris Messina, Principal West Broad St., Pawcatuck Phone: 860-599-1084

St. Patrick Cathedral School, Norwich Sharon Stewart, Principal 211 Broadway, Norwich Phone: 860-889-4174

Academy of the Holy Family, Baltic Mother Mary David, SCMC, Principal 54 West Main St, Baltic Phone: 860-822-9272

Mercy High School, Middletown Alissa DeJonge, President 1740 Randolph Road, Middletown Phone: 860-346-6659

St. Bernard School, Uncasville

Donald Macrino, Headmaster 1593 Norwich-New London Tpke, Uncasville Phone: 860-848-1271

Xavier High School, Middletown


David C. Eustis, Headmaster Brendan Donohue, Principal 181 Randolph Road, Middletown Phone: 860-346-7735

My Dear Friends, The principals, head masters, deans, teachers and staff at all of the schools in the Diocese of Norwich are so excited and feel blessed to be able to re-open all the schools and deliver direct instruction to their students. The schools along with their committees have done a remarkable job creating and implementing their reopening plans while maneuvering through uncharted waters. Each committee addressed: Facilities, Daily Operations, Health Practices and Protocols uncharted designating an employee to serve as a COVID-19 Health and Safety, Compliance Liaison, Reporting Illnesses and Addressing Vulnerable Populations, Containment Plan, Transportation, Social Distancing, Child Nutrition as well as Planning for Remote Distance Learning should a need arise. This took the entire summer in order for the students, faculty and staff to safely return back to school. I am eternally grateful for their dedication and hard work. There is a quote from Mother Teresa, that hangs above my desk, " Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin." May God grant strength in your daily tasks, wisdom in all your decisions, favor in your labors, and provision for your daily needs. May God Bless You and Keep you Safe,

Dr. Gail Kingston

Interim-Superintendent of Schools

Perfect Timing

By Andrea Hoisl Imagine being a high school teacher for 40 years, walking into a classroom every day and presenting information in new and innovative ways. Think of all the changes in education you would have “lived through.” There was chalk on a chalkboard instead of markers on a whiteboard; filmstrips on a projector instead of images on a smart TV; a mimeograph machine to make copies instead of a multipurpose copy machine; and a manual typewriter for writing papers instead of a laptop. Encyclopedias were available at the local library for research instead of the Internet at your disposal in your home, and technology (television, computer, electronic games and devices) once used for entertainment is now used as everyday learning and teaching devices. Then there is the intangible change that has altered education forever – the parental shift from, “teachers are always right” to, “my child is always right.” Jayne Vitale has experienced all of those changes firsthand as a high school history, visual arts and Spanish teacher at Xavier High School in Middletown. She began

her career in secondary education in 1960 at Sacred Heart Academy in Hamden, Connecticut, an all-girls school where she taught history and Spanish for six years. There she grew to know and love students and the Sisters of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, an order of religious women founded in Italy. Ironically, Vitale continued her career in secondary education teaching an allmale population at Xavier for the next 34 years. When she arrived at Xavier, answering an ad for a history teacher, the school had no art program. The principal at the time, Brother James Kelly, C.F.X, used his Irish charm to convince Vitale to teach a few art classes and start the school’s art department. She took him up on his offer of employment, along with the promise to pay for her to earn an art degree. Receiving her art degree from Wesleyan University in Middletown and going on to get her sixth-year certificate of advanced study in fine arts left her well-prepared to start the fine arts curriculum that is used today at Xavier. A dedicated teacher, Vitale also found time to moderate the art and

Italian clubs and the National Honor Society. She also managed roles as a retreat leader and international trip moderator, traveling with students to various sites in Europe. She speaks three languages and has impeccable fashion and food expertise. In her long career at Xavier, Vitale has come to know and love the faculty, staff and Xaverian Brothers, the order that sponsors the school. She looks back with fond memories on when she arrived at Xavier, and the brothers who befriended her and so many other young faculty members. The Xaverian hospitality and charism of community are two of the many reasons she stayed. Although her career at Xavier was professional, it also included a community component that extended into her personal life. “They (brothers) were scholarly gentlemen and I learned so much from them through the years,” she said. As the 2020-21 school year begins with all its challenges, Vitale will be embarking on a different journey. This one will not include masked students, social distanced classrooms or a hybrid school

Saint Teresa of Kolkata |


Jayne Vitale, History, Visual Arts and Spanish teacher at Xavier High School in Middletown, retired this year after 34 years.

day. Rather, she will be knitting, watching movies, making jewelry and painting in the comfort of her own home, and enjoying the welldeserved tranquility of retirement – as they say, “timing is everything!”

DATES: 1910-1997 Feast Day: September 7th

aised in a deeply Catholic family in Albania, Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu joined the Sisters of Loreto in 1928 and took the name Teresa. The community sent her to Kolkata, India, where she taught children for two decades. In 1946 Teresa heard God's call to quench the thirst of Jesus by caring for the poorest of the poor. She left the Sisters of Loreto to rescue the sick and destitute in the slums of Kolkata -- one at a time. Many volunteers soon joined her and she formed them into her religious order, the Missionaries of Charity. Teresa's manifest goodness and her unique media savvy attracted global attention, drawing many people to God. Many regard her as the greatest Catholic evangelist of the 20th century. She was beatified in 2003 and canonized in 2016.


Retirement after 40 Years in Education


Saint Bernard School Draws Courage and Commitment from Faith


By Kelli Hammond


The 2020-21 academic year at Saint Bernard School promises to be memorable. Our school has just completed a multiyear, multimillion-dollar renovation of its facilities. Enrollment has been increasing over the past several years, the 1:1 technology program is expanding to another grade, and the school is unveiling a new learning management system. It is easy to see the zeal with which Saint Bernard School embraces its

mission of educating and forming young people. All signs point to growth and rejuvenation, even in the midst of the present pandemic. The uncertainty about the format for the upcoming year has weighed heavily on faculty, staff and administrators, as well as on our students and their families. We acknowledge, with sincere humility, that we do not have all the answers. As teachers, we find ourselves collaborating more closely with colleagues and becoming more

aware of each other’s gifts, skills and talents. We plan and implement the various guidelines with compassion for our entire community – compassion for those who are sick, for those who have lost loved ones, for those who are vulnerable and for those who are fearful. As our educational system becomes more reliant on new technologies, teachers must not lose sight of the value of simplicity in education. Despite our increasingly

sophisticated tools, our core mission still relies on the direct and personal interaction we have with our students. As we begin the new school year, it is tempting to be anxious for the future or to think wistfully about what “we should be doing.” Instead, our trust in God’s benevolence allows us to be confident that we are where we ought to be and doing what we ought to be doing; it gives us the courage and commitment to face the world as it really is.

St. Joseph School


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Accepting Applications for the Fall of 2021 !

New London, CT

Celebrating 81 Years of Excellence In Catholic Education Grades K-8

LEARN: During this time our campus is open to visitors by appointment only. If you can’t visit our campus in person, we invite you to get to know us through our website, videos and virtual meetings. GROW: Our Admissions Office remains open and we are actively taking applications and processing enrollments. Ask us about our Tailored Tuition Program to help meet your family’s unique financial situation.

Registration is ongoing, please call for information

St. Joseph School 25 Squire St New London, CT 06320 Phone: 860-442-1720

DISCOVER: To schedule a virtual or phone meeting or a private tour for middle school or international admission, contact Cathy Brown at For admission to the high school please contact Kim Hodges at SAINT BERNARD SCHOOL • Grades 6–12 1593 Norwich-New London Tpke • Uncasville, CT 06382 860-848-1271 •

Catholic Elementary School Collection


September 12th & 13th, 2020

AITH FOR THE FUTURE “Catholic education is above all a question of communicating Christ, of helping to form Christ in the lives of others.” ~Pope Saint John Paul II

Sacred Heart Sc

hool 15 Hunters Avenue , Taftville 860-887-1757 sacredhearttaftville. org Sacred Heart Sc

hool 50 Sacred Heart Dr ive, Groton 860-445-0611 sacredheartgroton .org/school

St. John Schoo

l 42 Maynard Road , Old Saybrook 860-388-0849 saintjohnschool

St. Joseph Sch

ool 25 Squire Street , New London 860-442-1720 St. Patrick Cath

St. Joseph Sch


ol 10 School Hill Ro ad, Baltic 860-822-6141 stjosephschoolbal St. James Scho

ol 120 Water Street , Danielson 860-774-3281 stjamesdanielso

edral School 211 Broadway, No St. John Paul II rwich 860-889-4174 Regional Cath st-patrickschooln olic School 87 South Main St reet, Middletown 860-347-2978

Your �inancial support is essential to sustain all our Catholic elementary schools. We are so grateful for any donation you can give during these dif�icult times. Our students, teachers and faculty are extremely appreciative.

To donate or for more information, please contact Gina Foster, at or (860) 886-1928 ext. 115


St. Michael Schoo

l 131 West Broad Str eet, Pawcatuck 860-599-1084 stmichaelschoolct.c om



By FCC News Desk The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is again offering the Catholic faithful “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship,” a teaching document on the political responsibility of Catholics. This statement represents bishops’ guidance for Catholics in the exercise of their rights and duties as participants in our democracy. Faithful Citizenship material is available at the website USCCB. org in the Justice, Peace & Human Development section, under the “Resources & Initiatives” menu. Visitors can read “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship: A Call to Political Responsibility from the Catholic Bishops of the United

Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship States” and also sign up for a regular email newsletter and follow the Twitter account @WeAreSaltLight. The USCCB also has launched a campaign inviting Catholics to model civility and love for neighbor throughout the year. Civilize It: Dignity Beyond the Debate will ask Catholics to pledge civility, clarity, and compassion in their families, communities, and parishes, and call on others to do so as well. Find out more information and resources to share with your community at The bishops urge pastors, lay and religious faithful, and all people of good will to use this statement to help form their consciences; to teach those

responsibility of Catholics, which provides guidance for all who seek to exercise their rights and duties as citizens.” The bishops’ 2015 statement, “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship,” sought to help Catholics form their consciences, apply a consistent moral framework to issues facing the nation and world, and shape their choices in elections in the light of Catholic Social Teaching. In choosing to re-issue this statement, the bishops recognized that the thrust of the document and the challenges it addresses remain relevant today

A Call To Political Responsibility We have been getting our customers the right coverage at the right price for over a century. Become a customer and find out why.


We pray that the planet’s resources will not be plundered but shared in a just and respectful manner. INSTANT QUOTES AVAILABLE AT


entrusted to their care; to contribute to civil and respectful public dialogue; and to shape political choices in the coming election in light of Catholic teaching. The statement lifts up dual heritage as both faithful Catholics and American citizens with rights and duties as participants in the civil order. “As Catholics, we bring the richness of our faith to the public square,” the document’s introduction states. “We draw from both faith and reason as we seek to affirm the dignity of the human person and the common good of all. With renewed hope, we, the Catholic Bishops of the United States, are re-issuing Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, our teaching document on the political


- Pope Francis

40 Days For Life begins with Vigil Mass at the Cathedral of St. Patrick

By Father Brian Maxwell

child; having a family and enjoying all the time and activities together; and later enjoying the second-life of grandparenting, loving and further being loved by even more children. We can all help comfort mothers’ hearts, and offer to assist them with early pregnancy resources - so that they will feel more secure and want to keep their babe in arms, following and enjoying God’s plan for our happiness. Faithful Citizenship - We can help save babies’ lives by familiarizing ourselves with the guidance put forth in the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops document,

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Creamery Brook is part of the Continuum of Care at

“Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship,” available on the USCCB website at 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting Beginning Wednesday, September 23rd, for 40 days, parishioners throughout our Diocese will be praying outside the Norwich Planned Parenthood location for the end to abortion, and the closing of this facility. We invite and encourage all to join in this important, life-giving mission of witnessing and peacefully praying for the changing of hearts and the saving of babies’ lives. You can sign up with your parish prolife representative to pray for an

hour or two on your parish’s adopted day, or you may show up on any of the 40 Days during daylight hours, 6am-6pm at 12 Case St. in Norwich through Sunday, November 1st. Our prayerful presence shows our compassion toward those who may find themselves in a very stressful situation. It’s all about praying for the changing of hearts and minds - that mothers will choose LIFE! Together, we can stand-up and pray for our world - where the beauty, dignity, and sanctity of every human life is valued and protected. Visit our website at


Serving All Faiths • Pre-Need Arrangements Traditional Services or Cremations Directors: Joseph R. Introvigne, Joseph R. Introvigne, Jr. & Michael J. Introvigne 51 East Main St. Stafford Springs, CT



While we’re waiting, praying, and hoping things will return to normal, there’s another great danger that’s been lurking in the darkness - the tragic, dangerous unnatural threat to the most vulnerable, that’s calling to Heaven for vengeance - the taking of innocent, most vulnerable human lives. This has been going on in our country, as the law of the land, for 47 long, wrong years. And it’s got to stop. Here are some ways you can help Support - Through our loving, encouraging words and assistance; teaching and sharing about the beauty of loving and being loved by one’s

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Safe Environments Issues Updated Phone Cards

A Square and Prayer Ministry


FCC News Desk The Diocese of Norwich has updated its phone cards for reporting suspected abuse to include the most recent changes as of July 2020. Parishes, schools, ministries and institutions should discard their current cards and use the updated ones going forward. Phone cards should be placed near all phones in use and in visible areas of gathering for the community so all who may need this information have access to it. The changes were announced by Reverend Brian J. Romanowski, J.C.L, Bishop’s Delegate for Safe Environments, and Kathleen D’Amelio, Director of the Office for Safe Environments. Updated Phone Cards may be downloaded from

Now available from the Diocesan Square and Prayer Ministry, individually wrapped, knitted prayer squares with prayer cards. For convalescent homes, hospitals, etc. Prayer squares are free and on a first come first serve basis. If you are interested in distributing squares or volunteering your crocheting/knitting skills, Please contact Marianne at the Office of Faith Events at 860-848-2237 ext. 304 or

An Education You Can Believe In.

Inspiring Achievement. Celebrating Community. Embracing Service. Living Faith. Supported financially and spiritually by 10 parishes in the Middletown Deanery. Currently the only regional Pre-K to 8th grade school in the Norwich Diocese.

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28 Mercy_Fall2020Ad_FourCountyCath_R1.indd 1

7/29/20 10:36 AM

Welcome to

By Father Michael Bovino If one of your non-Catholic friends were to approach you one day and say to you: “What are the Sacraments all about? Why do you Catholics place such importance on them? After all, I have read the Gospels - and Jesus doesn’t use the word Sacrament anywhere,” how would you respond? What would you say to them? Perhaps you might have a great answer in your back pocket to “wow” them with—perhaps you might be caught off guard and not know where to start—or perhaps you’d be somewhere in between. The Sacraments of the Church are central to our Faith—in fact, they are the primary means by which God has chosen to impart grace to us, the members of His Church. In light of this, we have planned to institute a regular monthly column to discuss each of the Sacraments. Each edition will aim to “open-up” some aspect of one of the Sacraments. Throughout the course of this upcoming year, we hope to educate you on each of the Sacraments, as well as foster an even deeper love and appreciation for them. Our hope is to make it an interactive learning opportunity. So, if you have follow-up questions, please feel free to email them to me at father. By way of a brief introduction, it might be helpful to review some general background of the Sacraments before we get to specifics. One way to frame our understanding of the Sacraments is through the beginning of the

Acts of the Apostles. Saint Luke writes that, In the first book [the Gospel according to Luke] I have dealt with all that Jesus began to do and teach (Acts 1:1). The key word for us is “began.” In other words, the earthly life of Jesus was, in a way, only the beginning of His saving action in the world. Because Jesus was no longer physically present in the world after His death, Resurrection, and Ascension, He had to institute another way of being present to the world -- after all, He promised to be with [us] always, until the close of the age (Mt. 28:20). The way in which Jesus chose to be present to the Church was through instituting the Sacraments by the power of the Holy Spirit, whom He sent upon the Church at Pentecost. Through the Church, then, God continues the mission of Jesus. And the primary way that this mission continues is by way of the Sacraments. This is because the Sacraments are the primary mode by which Jesus makes Himself present to the Church that He founded. He is not physically present in the same way that He was nearly 2,000 years ago, but He is just as present to us sacramentally. Through the Sacraments we receive the same graces that Jesus gave during His earthly life. There is much more to be said about the Sacraments, but that will come as we begin to look at each of them in more detail. Welcome to Sacraments 101! Class is in session. May God bless you.

Class is in session...


Sacraments 101


Fai th Sparks

Fall 2020: A Season of Change for Different Reasons


By Andrea Hoisl


Fall is generally characterized by the leaves changing color, the days getting shorter and the temperature starting to dip. At its onset we experience a sense of nostalgia looking back at the fleeting days of summer. Our summer memories usually include vacations, family outings and days spent lying around soaking up the sun and enjoying the company of family and friends. We reflect on how summer allows us to refresh and renew our spirit, which sustains us for the rest of the year. However, this fall we are not looking back with fondness or reflecting on the highlights of our spring and summer. COVID-19 has changed our shared, lived reality dramatically. This fall is characterized by face masks, small gatherings, modified school openings and hot spots. A very different scenario from the fall of 2019. The opening of school, which

is usually met with eager anticipation and excitement by parents and teachers, has now become a volatile topic of conversation that continues to cause division and stress. The question of being in school or learning virtually has permeated everyone’s life. That topic is coupled with the rising number of people infected, as is the rising death toll. Those topics in conjunction with the social justice issues centering on racial prejudice, currently make our world an uneasy place. Collectively, this has left us all feeling untethered, stressed out, depressed, and looking for ways to feel good about ourselves and the circumstances in our world. As followers of Christ, we are the fortunate ones. Amid all the difficult changes and pain and suffering that is our current reality, we have hope for tomorrow. We have the love and mercy of Jesus Christ to help us

navigate the uncharted waters that lie ahead. As human beings we live in a world where unrest and unhappiness are a constant and it seems to be our “new normal.” When faced with all of that we have two choices; let despair and hopelessness take over or be the light of Christ in our world. The problems that surround us daily are an opportunity for us to share Christ’s love and the hope our faith affords us with others. This is OUR TIME! It’s time for us to use the gifts and talents we have been blessed with to make the world a better place. The only way that that can happen is one person at a time. We need to bring our faith to the world through outreach, prayer and random acts of kindness. All the great moments in the history of our Church have come at times when there is a crisis. The Church has survived for thousands of years because God always brings

good out of evil and order out of chaos. Our current circumstances are no exception to that rule. We need to look within ourselves as individuals and recognize how God is calling us to make the world a better place, right now, in the fall of 2020. Then we need to go out and do it.


Ignite Your Faith. Visit for more resources

CREATION PRAYER Father of all, Creator and ruler of the universe, You entrusted your world to us as a gift. Help us to care for it and all people, that we may live in right relationship– with You, with ourselves, with one another,

Christ our Lord, both divine and human, You lived among us and died for our sins. Help us to imitate your love for the human family by recognizing that we are all connected— to our brothers and sisters around the world, to those in poverty impacted by environmental devastation, and to future generations. Holy Spirit, giver of wisdom and love, You breathe life in us and guide us. Help us to live according to your vision, stirring to action the hearts of all— individuals and families, communities of faith, and civil and political leaders. Triune God, help us to hear the cry of those in poverty, and the cry of the earth, so that we may together care for our common home. Amen.

Season of Creation • September 1 - October 4


and with creation.



CATHOLIC Made Possible in part through your generous support of the Annual Catholic Appeal

SEP'J1EIIHEll I U, 2020


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