Four Paws Magazine - April/May 2012

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FourP ws April/May 2012

south florida’s animal rescue magazine

Understanding Your

German Shepherd

FourP ws FourP ws south florida’s animal rescue magazine

south florida’s animal rescue magazine

How I Learned to Love Cats and Dogs What’s Going on at Miami-Dade Animal Services?

A Labor of Love By Cheryl Simone-Miller


It’s been a difficult few months for me

We don’t let go because animal

and for Dani, my partner at Four Paws

rescue is important to us. Telling the

Magazine. We’ve both been through lots

stories, exposing the cruelty, sharing

of trials and tribulations, including the

the information, celebrating the victo-

passing of a loved one and my moving

ries…all of these things mean the world

all the way up to Maryland, temporar-

to us. As does celebrating the wonderful

ily leaving my family behind in Florida

people we have met in rescue over time

while I struggle to get settled up here.

and the wonderful things you all do.

Time has been difficult to carve out.

We’re still in the middle of plenty of

Plenty of things can certainly occupy

transition. Sometimes it can be hard to

your mind when there is so much tran-

stay organized. The value this publica-

sition underway.

tion and the stories it holds has for us

Yet, Dani and I both knew we would not let go of Four Paws.

If you have a story idea or something

We are most certainly not making

you’d like to share…PLEASE reach out!

money on this venture. Being creative

Something you’d like to know more

types, Dani and I have a hard time with

about or tell the world about? Email me

the sales end of the operation.


We are also most certainly not sitting on our butts with nothing else to do. Quite the opposite.


keeps us going.


As we do every issue, we invite you to share this labor

of love with us.


APRIL/MAY 2012 • VOLUME 1 • NO 5


8 Ins & Outs of Owning a German Shepherd 10 Just What is Going on at MDAS? 14 MDAS News 16 Rescue Heroes…Lucy Faircloth 20 Dogs Are Dying: 22 Walk for Animals: A Tail Waggin’ Success 24 Broward County Takes a Historic Step Forward 26 Having Allergies Doesn’t Mean Having to Give


Up Your Pet

28 34 36 38 40 42 43 44 46 48

The Most Famous German Shepherd The Tale of Itty Bitty Four Paws Asks… How I Learned to Love Cats


How I Learned to Love Dogs Furry Facts News: Salmonella Linked to Dog Food Rescue Partners Animal Rescue Groups South Florida Adoptables Hank. Photo credit: John Walker.



CONTRIBUTYING WRITERS Lois Crockett Shari Forst Kit DeRoche Carol Borrelli Our facebook family.


PO Box 8200 Coral Springs, FL 33075 954.882.5456 Four Paws Magazine will not be held responsible for any errors found in the magazine. The publisher accepts no liability for the accuracy of statements made by the advertisers. Ads in this magazine are not intended as an offer where prohibited by state laws.




Germ Sheph 8


man herd

By Shari Forst, BCABC Photo credit: John Walker.


German Shepherds are no different than any other dog in terms of how their minds work, but there are some traits of this breed that require an informed and attentive owner. German Shepherds are extremely intelligent, dominant dogs. I always say an untrained, under-exercised Shepherd can end up being a nightmare for an owner. People love the idea of owning one because of their beauty, intelligence and physical prowess, but along with those things can come a whole host of potential issues if you don't understand what these dogs need. German Shepherds are working dogs. They need daily walks and exercise. I have three GSDs and my 9-yearold female still has plenty of energy. Not only does she assist in my work as a behaviorist, but she walks three miles a day and plays Frisbee and ball at least three times a day, weather permitting. My two males have medical issues and are not as high energy as she is, but they need their fair share of exercise as well. Another thing German Shepherds require is plenty of mental stimulation. Obedience training is a wonderful tool to help you not only bond with your dog, but to drain all of that mental energy they possess due to their high intelligence. When I play ball with my pack in our yard, I run them through their obedience commands while they are playing. It gets them extremely interactive with one another and with me, not to mention does a great job at tiring them out so I can relax at night. I can also pinpoint what problems my three dogs would have had if they had gone to an owner who was not informed about what dogs need in general and about what a working dog’s requirements are. My female, CJ, would get extremely frustrated if she did not have an owner who engaged her with both train-

ing and a lot of exercise. I suspect she would start to spin and chase her tail (a form of OCD) and most likely become anxious and, in turn, aggressive. My 6-year-old male Hank, would be extremely possessive of humans and items. I was once sick in bed with a migraine headache when he was 6-months-old and he was laying in bed with me. My husband came upstairs to check on me and Hank let out a tiny growl. My husband corrected his behavior immediately and took him off the bed and out of the bedroom. It never happened again, but I have plenty of clients who started off with this exact same scenario and have not been able to get into bed with their spouses. My youngest male, Matthias, who is now 5-years-old, would be extremely dominant over an uneducated owner. He would most likely growl and back them off from anything he wanted, including toys and food. Since my husband Dan and I are both schooled in canine behavior and training, we established the ground rules right away and know how to handle these situations correctly. If you decide to add a German Shepherd to your family, it is imperative that you get them trained by a certified professional. If you are raising them from puppyhood, contacting a certified behaviorist or trainer in the beginning can help you get on your way to understanding your dog and what they need from you as their pack leader. Even if things are going fine with your German Shepherd, and then all of a sudden an unwanted behavior begins to occur, make sure you contact a certified behaviorist to help you resolve it immediately. Many issues such as growling seem minor in the beginning but, if left unchecked, they can evolve into much bigger and potentially dangerous problems.



Carol Borrelli Orlando Animal Advocacy Examiner




Miami, Florida –Miami Dade Animals Services, a large county shelter for abandoned, abused and neglected animals, has come under constant fire from concerned animal advocates, activists and the community due to controversial issues with disease, missing and/or stolen animals, questionable medical practices and investigations, mislabeling of animals and less than proactive attitudes from higher ups within the department. All are crying for a systemic overview of the shelter and its policies and procedures.


ACCORDING TO THE SHELTER’S WEBSITE: Animal Services is primarily charged with the responsibility of enforcing Chapter 5 of the Code of Miami-Dade County, as well as Florida Statute 828, which deals primarily with animal cruelty issues. Unlike private shelters that have limitations on the number of pets they accept, we accept all animals. At Animal Services, none are turned away and each year the shelter impounds more than 37,000 dogs and

cats. Our goal is to reunite lost pets with their owna regimented medical should be immediately done ers and find life-long homes for as many animals as upon intake. possible while providing proper care for them while For the part of the shelter, Labrada stated this is they’re at the shelter. policy upon intake: Yet, in less than a year there have been two sepa“Dogs are vaccinated against DHPP, Bordetella, rate distemper outbreaks at the shelter, leading to dewormed and have Frontline applied upon impounda two week shutdown each time. In October, 2011, ment, cats receive FRCPC, dewormer and Capstar or The Miami Herald reported that 72 kittens were Frontline. Dogs requiring Capstar are provided with it. euthanized and 32 cats quarantined due to a FeAnimals displaying symptoms of illness are assessed line panleukopenia outbreak, a highly contagious by the veterinarians and placed on appropriate treatdisease that affects the immune system and is ment. Dogs displaying upper respiratory (URI) symppassed through shared cage space, food and water toms are segregated and a daily report of URI dogs is bowls and human handling. sent out to rescue partners to encourage their immediRequests for a comment from shelter Director Alex ate removal from the shelter.” Muñoz, were ignored, yet Kathleen Labrada, EnforceWhile confirmation of this policy is still pending, ment Manager, did comment when asked: “Distemsources revealed privately that the Director has adper is an issue in communities with large numbers mitted that the shelter doesn’t routinely adhere to this of unvaccinated dogs, Miami-Dade County is no policy, making it a cost saving issue since the majority exception. As the dogs in the shelter come directly from of the animals never leave the shelter once there. the community there is always the risk that a dog shedding the virus may enter the shelter population. The virus is airborne In October, 2011, The Miami Herald reported that 72 kittens and therefore extremely difficult were euthanized and 32 cats quarantined due to a Feline to contain, this is further compounded by the fact that dogs panleukopenia outbreak, a highly contagious disease that not displaying symptoms may be actively shedding the virus. affects the immune system and is passed through shared At this time the shelter is free cage space, food and water bowls and human handling. from distemper.” But is there proper care? Sources close to the shelter disclosed that animals are not, in fact, tested for any diseases upon intake, therefore During the distemper outbreaks dogs had to be segmaking it impossible to determine whether there is regated according to immunity levels, and titers [a meadistemper, or any other disease, in the shelter. Alsurement of how much antibodies the dog is producing though these diseases are indeed present in the comin response to the infection] and the PCR test was given munity, the sheer numbers brought to this shelter have [this test detects levels of the virus in the animal], thus concerned parties asking why this practice isn’t policy: the shelter was shut down. They have no facility for testing upon intake, full rounds of inoculations and quarantine. Dogs that have recovered from the disease antibiotics. Another rampant problem is URI [upper can “shed” the virus for up to three months, begging respiratory infections], thus requiring the immediate the question why resources aren’t found for an offsite commencement of doxycycline upon confinement. quarantine for all animals coming in. Overcrowding is indeed an issue. The departLabrada stated: “For dogs that have been exposed ment has blamed the shelters ventilation system for to the virus and confirmed as having immunity, it is a lot of these disease outbreaks. Animals Services did acceptable to adopt/rescue the dogs providing they are announce last fall the purchase of a 70,000 square housed with dogs with established immunity. There is foot facility, which is about two years away from no quarantine facility in the current building. The prodevelopment. It will be equipped with plexiglass tocol for handling dogs exhibiting symptoms of disease windows which will help with the spread of diseases. is to begin antibiotic treatment and segregate in the Yet sources say this is putting the cart before the horse, upper respiratory wing. Dogs that do not show What’s Going on at MDAS continued on page 30






Dear MCABSL, Members, Regional Directors, Affiliates and friends: In our efforts to end breed specific legislation, Miami Coalition Against Breed Specific Legislation (MCABSL) has officially hired, Vanessa Brito, community activist and president of MYami Marketing Inc. to manage our advocacy campaign. This campaign will be launched once the ballot question on the Miami Dade "Pit Bull Ban" is placed on the ballot for the Countywide August Primary Election in Miami Dade County. The Board of County Commissioners (BCC) will be meeting on April 10, 2012 at the Stephen P. Clark Center located at 111 N.W. 1st Street Commission Chambers. If you are able to attend and speak at this meeting , please do. The BCC will address placing the ballot question for Miami Dade County voters to decide the fate of the current breed specific ban. Although MCABSL and its partners has requested that the actual BCC to strike down the current breed specific ban ordinance, the BCC preferred to let the voters decide. After countless meetings with members of the Miami Dade County Commission,

MCABSL is confident that the BCC will place the question on the ballot this August. Members of MCABSL and our partners will be launching a massive educational and awareness campaign once the BCC has approved the ballot language. This campaign will include, presenting the MCABSL Power Point presentation, at venues and public meetings throughout Miami Dade County.

For your education and awareness purposes, which starts right here, in Florida law: Section 767.14 prohibits breed discrimination in Florida except in cities or counties where a breed discriminatory ordinance was in place prior to October 1, 1990. This exemption clause is what grandfathered in Miami Dade County which has banned the American Pit Bull Terrier, the Staffordshire Terrier, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier and their mixes, since 1989.

MCABSL has been actively meeting with officials, legislators and commissioners. For your review below, please find statements that have been officially released to MCABSL only: JOSE “PEPE” DIAZ


“During the last year, I’ve had the opportunity to meet with several advocacy groups against breed specific legislation(BSL). They have educated me and demonstrated that pit bulls can be good pets if they are raised with proper care and attention. I agree that irresponsible pet ownership can lead to violent conduct. However, because there are conflicting views within our community, I support asking voters if we should remove the current ban on pit bull dog ownership in Miami-Dade County. By placing this question on the ballot, advocates against BSL will have an opportunity to educate the public just like they educated me in recognizing that the breed is not to blame. We should all engage in an open dialogue on responsible pet ownership for the safety of our residents and our four-legged friends.”

“I am a strong supporter of the voters being given the opportunity to determine what they want their community to look like,” said Chairman Joe A. Martinez. “However, as a dog owner I do not agree with breed specific legislation. Any dog, regardless of breed, that is mistreated by an owner or trained to be aggressive has the potential to attack someone. We should focus on educating pet owners about how to properly care for their pets in order to prevent these accidents from happening.”


SALLY A.HEYMAN “It’s time to look at the issue with facts - not emotions. It is a discriminating prohibition that is overdue for revision. In August, the voters of Miami-Dade decide.”

I know as a direct result of the failed Legislative bills in Tallahassee, it seems like we have been defeated, when in reality we have taken a giant step towards our winning goal. For the first time in 23 years, our commissioners and legislators are publicly stating that BSL does not work and they are in favor of removing it. Yes… although that is not our chosen strategy…to put it to the general consensus for voting...if that’s what we are left with...then that is what we will take and fight for justice and equality for all breeds! The media has slowly turned around and is joining us in our challenges…keep in mind that along the way...we will likely encounter obstacles. However, detecting and overcoming those obstacles is a way of life in this County. We are not alone, as numerous organizations such as No Kill Nation, Best Friends, BBCR, UBKC, ABKC, AKC, UKC, have joined us in this fight. Most of all, we are in the path of righteousness and when you fight for a true cause with all of your heart and soul, the sword we carry… bares no name but the initials BSL! Our voices must be heard loud and strong, while remembering that education and awareness is the key to our imminent success. Only after we eliminate breed discrimination laws can we begin to push for real , substan-

tive humane animal welfare reform. On behalf of all the fallen angels, who are guiding each and every one of us from above, from the bottom of our hearts we thank you. In Hope and Commitment, Dahlia Canes Founder/Director for the MCABSL.

As you know, we share a great love and respect for the “Pit Bull “Bully Breed and a strong dislike for Breed Specific Legislation / Breed Discrimination Legislation in any form against any breed. Presently there are 75 targeted breeds in our nation. The Miami Coalition Against Breed Specific Legislation ( is defending this breed and the mixes thereof. In Miami~Dade County, these dogs (Pits, Staffies and mixes of these breeds…) have been banned for over 23 years. We have taken on the challenge and have been quite successful thus far. If you go on our web site ad Facebook page, you will see what we do, what we have achieved and our future goals. We are seeking sponsors in general and contributions and gifts to auction/ raffle at our many events. They may range from, art, jewelry, gift baskets, voucher for services such as gifts, restaurants, bar, Vets, groomers, clothing, unique items, etc. On behalf of our organization, we would be honored to have your organization or personal support sponsorship, contribute and join our group and help these wonderful breeds overcome this inhumane canine genocide and defeat the ordinance that carries it. In return as a Thank You… we would display your company’s logo on our web site. Any additional support is always welcomed! We are open to any ideas or suggestions…please contact Michell or Noah …our Marketing dept. We thank you on behalf of the Dogs…who are awaiting their freedom… In Hope and Commitment, Dahlia Canes ~Founder/Director for the Miami Coalition against Breed Specific Legislation (MCABSL). APRIL/MAY 2012


Rescue Heroes…

Lucy Faircloth By Cheryl Simone-Miller

It’s not hard to love Lucy. Her fantastic pet fashion shows and talent shows for performers, both canine and human, never fail to entertain. Four Paws had a chance to talk to Lucy about her wonderful character and her start in animal rescue.

FOUR PAWS: Tell us a little bit about yourself…where are you from? LUCY FAIRCLOTH: I am from West Palm Beach…born and raised. I was told I looked like Lucille Ball all my life. Plus, I like Latin men!

FP: Did you have pets as a child? LF: I always had pets as a child! I was raised in the country and we had farm animals too! Horses, cows, pigs, chickens, ducks!! My grandmother raised English sheep dogs and Afghans and she was a boarding kennel then.

there! Then one evening, four years ago, in the pouring rain…there was a scared, small Chihuahua at my door and I brought her in. She was covered with fleas and filthy dirty. I washed her and the next day took her to the vet and got her shots. I made her healthy and kept her. I still have her today! Chihuahuas became my favorite breed to rescue.

FP: Tell us about the fashion show aspect to the shows you

FP: How did you get started in rescue? LF: As a very small child, I always would go to the shelter

produce? LF: I was a Lucy impersonator at the time, so I decided to start a show as Lucy in a runway show titled Rescues Walk the Runway, which featured shelter dogs in need of forever homes.

with my grandma to pass out dog bone treats to the dogs at the pound. I would cry because we had to leave them

FP: How did you become “Lucy”? Have you always been a Lucille Ball fan?


Rescue Heroes continues on page 18



Rescue Heroes continued from page 16

DC: I was always a Lucy fan but I never thought I looked so much like her until one day working at Disney a man approached me to try out for a Lucille ball position!! I was so excited! I accepted the job and continued that for over 10 years until I was diagnosed with cancer. Then I could no longer be in the hot Florida sun in parades and making appearances daily. So I returned home and started my shows!

FP: You have many young performers involved in your shows. Tell us why that is important to you.

DC: I was always a Lucy fan, but I never thought I looked so much like her until one day working at Disney a man approached me to try out for a Lucille ball position!! I was so excited and I accepted it and continued that for over 10 years until I was diagnosed with cancer. Then I could no longer be in the hot Florida sun in parades and making appearances daily. I returned home and started my shows! I also do visits to children with cancer in hospitals and homes. I bring my dogs with me to the visits for children to enjoy. They love it, and so do the families! I also was a guardian to abused children and decided I wanted to work with children to make a difference. They looked up to me as a public figure and I showed them how to love and how to be loved through my character! All of the performers in my crew – The I Love Lucy Crew - are performers and entertainers and they wanted to help. So, I included them as a part of my show, which is always live entertainment and fashion shows for the animals. We do not get paid, but we all enjoy it! I have over 30 entertainers in my crew. The show changes at every event, including my dogs. I also have reigning title holders from beauty pageants who are my models for the dogs to walk with. My show always offers something new and entertaining! I have made appearances in Florida and New York.

FP: What are the greatest needs in rescue right now? DC: The greatest need in rescue right now is “responsible owners,” which means long-term commitment for the animals. And learning proper health care for them! Food, shots, love, hygiene. I want people to know that there are so many hundreds of animals that are being euthanized around the world!! Puppies, young dogs, homeless dogs… and they all make excellent pets. All they want is to be loved! Always try local shelters and rescue groups when adding a pet to your family! Shelters have pregnant dogs daily and puppies available…just do your homework and ask around!!! Adopt, don’t shop! And most importantly, do not support a puppy mill!!!! These animals sometimes come with major health problems and personality disorders because of how they were treated as puppies!!




Dogs Are Dying SIGN THIS PETITION Signatures: 60,669 out of 75,000 Petitioning:

Nestlé Purina PetCare Company (Jill Wente, Director of Public Relations, Nestle Purina) Nestlé Purina PetCare Company (Bonita Tillman, Manager, Corporate Communications) Nestlé Purina PetCare Company (Keith Schopp, Vice President, Public Relations, Nestlé Purina PetCare Company) Customer Advocacy (Waggin’ Train)

Created By: Terry Safranek

Dogs are dying: In the past few months, more than 600 dogs have suffered from kidney failure, liver failure and other related illnesses after eating chicken jerky dog treats made in China and sold by major pet food companies like Nestle Purina. Many dogs, including Terry Safranek's healthy 9-year-old fox terrier, Sampson, have died as a result. Pet food companies know it: Companies like Nestle Purina have been under investigation by the FDA for years because of these treats. But pet food manufacturers have so far refused to recall these treats, and right now, they are still on the shelves of stores like Petco and Walmart. You can help: Terry started a petition asking Nestle Purina to pull all of its chicken jerky treats made in China off the shelves -- including the brand Sampson ate before he died -- before any more dogs get sick. Click here to sign Terry's petition.


urina ns/nestle-p o ti ti e /p g r a .change.o ade-in-chin m ts http://www a e tr ken-jerky -recall-chic Here's more from Terry about what happened to Sampson: I lost my best friend Sampson on Friday, January 13, 2012. He died 9 days after ingesting the last food he ever ate: Waggin’ Train “Wholesome” Chicken Jerky. I’ve since learned that we were part of a known epidemic. To date more than 600 cases of illness and death are attributed to chicken jerky treats made in China. Waggin’ Train and Canyon Creek Ranch -- both Nestle Purina brands -- are the lead offenders in the continued sale of chicken jerky treats. The most shocking part is that the FDA has known about this for years, and has even increased their warnings as recently as November 2011. They have researched thousands of cases, and the cases are mounting. Mine is now

one of those that they are investigating. Despite warnings from the FDA and the leading veterinary associations in the U.S. and Canada, Nestle Purina has refused all accountability, instead placing blame on people like me who have lost their companions. If their treats were safe, as they repeatedly claim, death and illness would never have been the end result for so many. No animal should ever have to die due to “treats.” How many thousands of grieving pet owners still have no idea what sickened or killed their pet? As long as these products are still on the shelves, the suffering will continue. Tell Nestle Purina to take chicken jerky treats made in China off the shelves until they can be proven safe.

supercollar introducing...


the one with a built-in leash

Never look for the leash again, it’s always on!

THE AMAZING TREAT DIET FOR DOGS: HOW I SAVED MY DOG FROM OBESITY by Katie Newman The inspiring true story of how Katie Newman saved her lab, Hustler, from obesity with a healthy, economical and easy to follow diet. It is a charming and heartening tale, cleverly intertwined with diet principles and guidelines, including meal servings, treat servings, and information on how weight affects the health of your dog and what you can do about it.


The supercollar® eliminates the tripping hazards of a traditional leash. Want your dog under control? Simply twist the lock toggle and reach for the handle, it’s that easy! The supercollar® can withstand serious super tugging. Each coated steel cable has a break strength of over 100 pounds! The supercollar® is waterproof and made in the USA! The supercollar® is perfect for dog lovers who want to make life easy! APRIL/MAY 2012


Walk For The Animals: A Tail Waggin’ Success! The top “Pack” or team for a second year in a row was Stilish Paws who raised $59,708! IMMEDIATE RELEASE fromThe Humane Society of Broward County March 14, 2012 Contact: Cherie Wachter


More than 4,000 people and their four-legged doggie companions descended on Huizenga Plaza in downtown Fort Lauderdale on March 3rd. The walkers participated in the Humane Society of Broward County’s Annual Walk for the Animals presented by VCA Animal Hospitals and sponsored by PETCO Foundation and Ed Morse Automotive Group. The 1.25 mile walk, now in its 22nd year, was chaired by Jennifer Kennedy and Brian Mora and Honorary Chairs were Jacey Birch of WPLG Local 10 News, Darlene Evens from 99.9 Kiss Country and Patti Morse of Ed Morse Automotive Group. Walkers started to arrive at 8 a.m. and throughout the morning filled the plaza. Guests enjoyed complimentary pancakes from IHOP while listening to the tunes of The Thunderhead Band. Kids enjoyed the bounce house and face painting; while the dogs enjoyed doggie massages, red carpet photos and cooling off in the doggie pools. The crowd was also entertained


by the Purina Incredible Dog Team’s performance and SunDanz dancers. As a result of everyone’s hard work and all the incredible sponsors the Walk for the Animals netted over $530,260 for the shelter. The top three individual fundraisers were: Laura Goetz with $18,065, Christine Forman with $13,775 and Kim Burns with $11,501. The top three packs (or teams) were: Stilish Paws with $59,708, PAWS with $50,090 and Animal Assisted Therapy with $ 31,427. The top new pack was Yachtronics with $3,655. This year’s top three fundraisers will enjoy a 2-night/ 3-day stay at a Kimpton Hotel in Aspen, CO, San Francisco, CA, or New York City, NY. The Humane Society of Broward County is a private non-profit organization made possible by the generous donations of animal enthusiasts. The walk is proud to be supported by these major sponsors: VCA Animal Hospitals, Petco Foundation, Ed Morse Automotive Group, Purina ONE, Tidy Cats, Merial,

As a result of everyone’s hard work and all the incredible sponsors the Walk for the Animals netted over $530,260 for the shelter.

Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants, Pet Supermarket, IHOP, Publix, WPLG Local 10 News, Comcast, Mack Planet, South Florida Gay News, 99.9 Kiss Country and The Flyer. Other sponsors dedicated to making this event a success were: Alpha Dog, Ameriprise Financial, Angel Eyes, BB&T, Boehringer Ingelheim, Broward Health, Brown & Brown, Four Paws, Jimmy Johns, Merck Animal Health, National Companies, Oasis Outsourcing, Pfizer, Ron Jon Surf Shop, Service America, The Geo Group and Wizard Creations. The shelter is not affiliated with any other organization with a similar name and receives no funding from the state, tax dollars or any national group. To learn more about the HSBC visit www.

Top: Event emcees Darlene Evans from 99.9 Kiss County and Jacey Birch from WPLG Local 10 with her dog Simba and event Chairs Brian Mora and Jennifer Kennedy.

Bottom: Event Chairs Brian Mora and Jennifer Kennedy with top individual fundraiser Laura Goetz (center) who raised $18,065.



Broward County Takes Historic Step Forward for Animals Board of County Commissioners Unanimously Passes No Kill Resolution


BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA (April 4, 2012) – The Board of County Commissioners of Broward County voted unanimously yesterday to approve a resolution with the goal of becoming a No Kill community. Many communities, including Manatee County, Florida, which passed a No Kill resolution and No Kill action plan last year, have already proven that No Kill animal control is cost-effective, saves municipalities expenses associated with killing, and brings badly needed revenues into public coffers and community businesses. In just one community, a No Kill initiative yielded $250,000 in increased revenues at a time the shelter also significantly reduced expenditures. In addition, the positive economic impact to businesses due to subsequent spending by adopters on those animals totaled over $12,000,000 in sales annually. Over the course of the lifetime of those animals and subsequent adoptions, it is estimated that these animals will generate $300 million, bringing in over $20,000,000 in sales tax revenues. There are now approximately 30 No Kill communities across the country. These communities have achieved at least 90 percent save rates in their openadmission shelters by implementing the programs and services of the No Kill Equation––the only shelter model that has been successful in creating a No Kill community. Broward County is now the second and largest county in Florida to embrace this new animal shelter model. “Staff and the volunteers at Broward County’s two


animal shelters are very encouraged the Board approved Resolution 2012-271 affirming their continued support to incorporate the lifesaving programs and services of the No Kill Equation into our strategic plan. With the help of our awesome rescue partners and an energized media campaign, we are confident we can make progress toward this worthy goal to become a No Kill Community. We are thankful to have Debi Day and her No Kill Nation team at the ready to help us along the way!” The next step is putting in place the infrastructure to save lives, and Broward County Animal Care & Adoption has already undertaken this process, and is currently conducting interviews for a permanent Director committed to the goal of becoming a No Kill community. The measure of how much Broward County Animal Care & Adoption succeeds, however, is as much a function of what happens in the community-at-large, as it is about the protocols and procedures within the shelter. By working with the public, implementing lifesaving programs, and treating each life as precious, Broward County Animal Care & Adoption will transform the community. To meet that challenge Broward County leadership needs to get the community excited, to energize the public for the task at hand. And the task at hand requires a forwardlooking perspective that keeps the animals first. The Board of County Commissioners has signaled that commitment by formally adopting the goal of becoming a No Kill community.

We ALL love our animals and would not want to do anything to harm them…including using products that use animals for testing. Welcome to APRIORI!! Leading edge skin care technology with

NO ANIMAL TESTING!! All natural products  Safe  Organic  Pure  That Produce Results!!

F chemic ree from ha rsh al FEEL C s and no anim or toxic ONFID al ingr edient E s that yo NT with the u p roduct are us KEEP ing!! s OUR A NIMA LS SA FE!!

Contact: Lara Schlechting email: APRIL/MAY 2012




Pet lovers with allergies have long suffered over the decision to surrender a beloved pet because sneezing, itchy eyes and sore throats made life with their furry friend intolerable. Though modern science has yet to make Fido runny-nose-free, Florida Center For Allergy & Asthma Care (FCAAC) wants to help keep you and your four-legged family members together. Approximately 70% of U.S. households have pets and according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, that spells trouble for 15 20% of the population who suffer from pet allergies and a greater risk still for people already suffering from other allergies such as hay fever or asthma. A pet allergy, like any other allergy, is an immune system response to a protein it has encountered that the body has interpreted as foreign and overreacts to combat it. In the case of pet allergies, the guilty protein can be found in the animal’s dander, or loose skin flakes that the animal sheds, saliva and/or urine. A recent study by the National Institutes of Health found that detectable levels of pet dander are in every home in the U.S., which means pet allergies are becoming unavoidable,


but with some lifestyle changes and the right treatment, relief is possible. The most common symptoms of pet allergies can mimic symptoms of hay fever or rhinitis, chiefly sneezing, congestion, itchy watery eyes, coughing and wheezing, eczema or rashes. Working with an allergy specialist to determine the origin of your allergies is critical. You may think you are allergic to your newest furry addition when in fact you are reacting to higher concentrations of pollen in the air due to seasonal environmental changes. Simple blood tests and/or skin prick tests can be run by your allergist to quickly identify the culprit and determine the best course of treatment. "The most common treatment options for pet allergies include: prescription antihistamines, corticosteroids, decongestants, or leukotriene modifiers. In some instances, over-the-counter medications can be enough to manage light symptoms. The best option for treating severe pet allergies remains immunotherapy," according to Dr. Zevy Landman, allergy and immunology specialist at Florida Center For Allergy & Asthma Care.

Immunotherapy treatment is a series of allergy shots administered once or twice a week that deliver small doses of the allergen, typically over a three to six month period. The allergen dose is progressively increased over time essentially training your immune system to recognize the allergen as non-threatening, therefore preventing it from overreacting. Your allergy specialist can find the right medication to treat your range and severity of symptoms. In addition to medical options, a number for lifestyle changes can help you decrease your exposure to animal dander and find relief at home with your pet: • Keep your air clean by using a HEPA filtered air purifier system, changing filters seasonally. • Vacuum frequently using a HEPA filtered vacuum cleaner, which permanently traps airborne allergens. • Clean your home weekly and thoroughly, including furniture and curtains. Use hypo-allergenic mattress covers and wash all bedding weekly. • Use a nasal lavage daily to wash away allergens that may have collected in the nasal cavity. • Bathe your pets weekly using a dander-reducing shampoo, which can reduce the level of allergens by as much as 84%. • Be sure to check with your veterinarian as shampooing too frequently in certain pets can create an increase in dryness, causing the animal to shed higher quantities of dander. • Keep coats trimmed short to reduce the quantity of allergens collected. • Keep pets off furniture or use furniture covers which can be washed weekly. • Do not place litter boxes in areas with air filtration intake vents. • Keep pets out of the bedroom. Because pet dander is sticky, it can be dragged in by the shoes of anyone coming into contact with it. As a result, it is likely to stick to carpets, upholstery, drapery and other similar surfaces. Cleaning regularly and thoroughly is the most important at-home method in combating pet dander levels in your living environment. Contrary to popular opinion, there is no such thing as hypoallergenic dogs and cats; however there are some breeds that statistically produce significantly less amounts of the offending protein, inducing far fewer symptoms and making them appear to be hypoallergenic. Some of these dog breeds include: the Poodle

(and all varieties of cross breeds), Terriers (including Yorkshire), Soft-Wheaten, Kerry Blue, Bedlington and Schnauzers, the Irish Water Spaniel, the Portuguese Water Dog, the Maltese, Bichon Frise, Shih Tzu and Chinese Crested. Among cats, the allergy inducing protein occurs in greater quantity. Luckily there are some low-level breeds including the Balinese, the Oriental Shorthair, the Javanese, the Devon Rex and Cornish Rex, and the hairless Sphynx and Siberian. In addition, there are several factors that affect a cat’s allergen production: males produce more allergenic secretions than females, intact males produce more than neutered males and dark cats tend to produce more than light-colored cats, though the reason is unknown. Re-homing or surrendering a beloved pet to a local shelter because of allergies is not always necessary. An allergy specialist can use their training and expertise to accurately diagnose your symptoms and determine the best course of treatment to help you or a loved one manage their symptoms and keep their furry friend. With 17 locations throughout Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties, Florida Center For Allergy & Asthma Care (FCAAC) is dedicated to providing their patients with the highest quality of life, which for so many, includes the love of a dog or cat. Contact FCAAC today at 1-877-4-ALLERGY or visit and breathe easy once again! ###

Florida Center for Allergy & Asthma Care has been serving South Florida for more than 30 years with board certified physicians with extensive experience treating both children and adults. FCAAC has 17 centers throughout Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties and specialize in the testing and treatment of individuals who suffer from allergies, asthma, and other disorders of the immune system. They also treat for allergic skin diseases, food allergies, drug allergies, and pet allergies. FCAAC also conducts clinical trials on new medications to treat allergies & asthma. The goal of the FCAAC team is to provide professional, quality care, resulting in total patient satisfaction. To schedule an appointment, visit or call 1-877-4-ALLERGY.



The Most Famous German Shepherd Courtesy of Wikipedia

returned to the USA with them at war's end. Rin Tin Tin settled at his home in Los Angeles, California, though Nénette had earlier died. Nicknamed Rinty by his owner, the dog learned tricks and could leap great heights. He was filmed making an 11-foot leap at a dog show by Duncan's acquaintance Charles Jones, who had just developed a slow-motion camera. Seeing his dog being filmed, Duncan became convinced Rin Tin Tin could become the next Strongheart. He later wrote, "I was so excited over the motion-picture idea that I found myself thinking of it night and day." Rin Tin Tin (often billed as Rin-Tin-Tin in the 1920s and 1930s) was the name given to a dog adopted from a WWI battlefield that went on to star in twenty-three Hollywood films. The name was subsequently given to several related German Shepherd dogs featured in fictional stories on film, radio and television.

The dog's big break came when he stepped in for a recalcitrant wolf in The Man From Hell's River (1922). Rin Tin Tin would be cast as a wolf or wolf-hybrid many times in his career, though he did not look like one.

The first of the line (c. September 10, 1918 – August 10, 1932) was one of a litter of shell-shocked pups found by American serviceman Lee Duncan in a bombed-out dog kennel in Lorraine, then part of the German Empire, less than two months before the end of World War I. When Duncan found him on September 15, he was still blind and nursing.[1]

His first starring role was in Where The North Begins (1923), playing alongside silent screen actress Claire Adams. This film was a huge success and has often been credited with saving Warner Brothers from bankruptcy. It was followed by Shadows of the North (1923), Clash of the Wolves (1925), A Dog of the Regiment (1927), and Tiger Rose (1929).

The two pups from the litter that Duncan kept were named for woollen dolls called Rintintin and Nénette that French children gave to the American soldiers as good luck charms. Duncan

The rumor alleging Rin Tin Tin won the most Best Actor votes at the first Academy Award competition in 1929 is nothing more than urban legend, since it is well documented that Emil Jannings actually won the Best Actor award for The Way of All Flesh and The Last Command Although primarily a star of silent films, Rin Tin Tin did appear in four sound features, including ™ the 12-part Mascot Studios chapterplay The Lightning Warrior (1931), costarring with Frankie Darro.

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Warner Bros. got thousands of requests for pictures of Rinty, which were signed with a paw print and a line written by Duncan: "Most faithfully, Rin Tin Tin. Between 1930 and 1955, “Rin Tin Tin” was heard in three different radio series, beginning April 5, 1930 with The Wonder Dog, in which the original Rin Tin Tin did his own sound effects until his death in 1932, when Rin Tin Tin, Jr. took over.

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What’s Going on at MDAS continues from page 15

improvement may be euthanized in the interest of protecting the health of the general shelter population. During the recent distemper crisis dogs were segregated based on their level of exposure; as their immunity was determined they were grouped accordingly. Dogs shedding low levels of viral particles likely due to vaccine interference were housed in one ward, dogs with high immunity titers were grouped together, while dogs at greatest risk (no immunity) were moved offsite. All dogs had titers and PCR testing, they were also boostered with DHPP following testing.” Coupled with all of this are reports that the facility is unclean, in fact, filthy. Labrada stated that it is deep cleaned every morning and spot cleaned throughout the day with bleach, the only thing that kills diseases. Being that the shelter is over-crowded, this is often a difficult task as the animals need to be moved while cleaning is in process. Reports and emails have also surfaced regarding delayed medical record keeping and use of staples without anesthesia. One such instance was that of Betty, a dog that was pulled by a rescue and placed in foster care until she was ready to be adopted. During the initial recovery period the dog was returned to MDAS because of a problem with the stitches, at which time staples were used to resecure the wound, only no anesthesia was allegedly used, and the attending vet didn’t note the file of the revisit or procedures during the visit. Instead, the file was updated two days later after a firestorm of publicity, calling into question whether the info in the file

was accurately reflected. The animal ended up being taken to a private veterinarian who wrote a statement as to what type of repair was needed on the wound and the findings. This reporter has acquired that written statement. Another instance was a dog named Roscoe, euthanized in February, suffering from a URI, but the diagnosis was never put in the dogs medical file. So, the dog never made it on the URI listing that goes to rescues, so rescues never knew the dog had URI and he slipped through the cracks.

If you love pets, won’t you consider the gift of love called adoption? There are so many needy, homeless pets in high kill shelters. Don’t discriminate because the pet might be “older”, they are usually the best! Most are already trained and have mellowed past puppy stages. They are the most needy when they arrive at shelters. If you can’t adopt, consider being screened to become a foster. Fostering allows more animals to be helped as it frees up space in shelters, allowing more dogs a chance to find a home. Fostering also gives an animal the necessary tools and social skills to live in a new home. It is a win-win situation. Rescued pets often rescue us in the process of rescuing them. What do I

mean? Ask someone who’s done it.....visit your shelters, volunteer your help and time, donate.


Adoption requirements from the shelter are as follows: • Must not exceed the number of adult dogs per household as per county ordinance a. under one acre - 4 dogs allowed b. between one and two acres - 6 dogs allowed c. over two acres - 8 dogs allowed • Copies of Driver’s License or valid State picture ID. • Proof of current address where pet will reside. • Must be 18 years of age or older. • Must pay adoption fee. • If adopting a pet with a medical condition, must sign a medical release.

If you have a pet and you’re having a hard time caring for it, please be sure to seek as many avenues as you can prior to relinquishing it to a shelter. As stated, these pets are the first to be euthanized. Ask rescues or your vet for help! There are many people willing to go the extra mile to rehome your pet, you should also be willing to take these extra steps. Remember, much like a child, your pet depends on you. Just like it isn’t “ok” to leave your child on the side of the road, or dump them at some shelter, it isn’t “ok” to do this to your pet.

• I f adopting a pet that has not yet been sterilized, adopter must sign a Spay / Neuter agreement and pay a $50.00 refundable deposit — provided proof of compliance has been submitted — as per Florida Statue 823-15. This agreement is only available to Miami-Dade County residents. • I f adopting a puppy or dog must pick up with a collar and leash. More concerns: according to sources, although there are adoption requirements, the shelter doesn’t do reference or home checks of potential adopters. As per their website: Animal Services was originally a part of the Dade County Public Safety Department, and was later designated as the Animal Care and Control Division under the Public Works Department. In 2001, the Miami-Dade Police Department took over the operation, and on October 1, 2005, the Animal Services Department (ASD) was created as a

stand-alone entity in an effort to provide focused care for the county’s animal population. By becoming an independent entity, the Animal Services Department will be able to concentrate its resources on its core mission of caring for the animals in its custody. ASD receives approximately 22 percent of its budget from the County’s General Operating Fund, while the remaining 78 percent is derived through dog license tag sales, shelter fees, enforcement fines, private grants, and donations. Alex Muñoz was appointed director of the Animal Services Department in August 2011, after embattled Director Dr. Sara Pizano resigned due to several documented reports of alleged neglect and abuse at the facility and at the urging of No Kill Nation and the Miami Coalition Against Breed Specific Legislation. As stated, requests for a comment from Mr. Muñoz were not granted. Carol Borrelli is a long time animal advocate and is a member of many different animal welfare groups. ...

On March 16th, 2011 a Newark city employee found a garbage bag thrown down a trash chute containing the body of an emaciated, almost dead, barely breathing dog. The veterinarian on staff at the local shelter made the courageous decision to save the dog’s life. This book illustrates the one hour the author spent with Patrick. Jeff Coltenback was enrolled to evaluate him and give him a thorough temperament test for a custody battle. The book illustrates the events leading up to the evaluation, the evaluation itself as well as personal experiences of the author with other abused pit bulls. If this book doesn’t motivate you to want to help animals in need, then nothing will.

“One Hour with Patrick” is available online at Amazon and CreateSpace, a subsidiary of Purchase now at: KINDLE APRIL/MAY 2012




Shop For A Cause to Help Homeless Cats & Kittens Macy's Shop For A CauseShop For A Cause gives you the opportunity to help homeless cats & kittens and get a great shopping discount at Macy’s. Purchase a $5 Shopping Pass for exclusive savings (up to 25% off) in every Macy’s store and online at on Saturday, August 27th, and The Cat Network keeps 100% of the proceeds to help homeless cats & kittens. Since 2006, Macy’s Shop For A Cause Event has partnered with non -profit organizations nationwide to raise more than $34 million for their ongoing charitable efforts. This is your chance to be part of this monumental event on Saturday, August 27th,, 2011! Plus, you can enter to win a $500 Macy’s Gift Card. Find the magic of giving back, as Macy’s celebrates a national day of support for our cause. Purchase your shopping passes online now and they will be mailed to you before the event!

Augus t at the 27 & 28th M Conve iami Beach ntion C enter

Animalia Pet ExpoAnimalia Pet Expo is a two day event scheduled for August 27 & 28th at the Miami Beach Convention Center, benefiting the Humane Society of Greater Miami. Animalia has been created for “pets & people of South Florida” and will feature over 100 booths, educational and interactive seminars, demonstrations, contests, giveaways, adopt-a-pet, advocacy groups, hobbyist, kennels & clubs, ID & location systems, publications, natural products, apparel & accessories, health products & services, pet-rescue, silent auctions, agility areas, and much more.

Come join The Cat Network at the event and see some our our adoptable kitties! For more information visit: APRIL/MAY 2012


The Tale of Itty-Bitty By Kit DeRoche

The Yorkie in the photo is named "Itty Bitty." He lived with a family who worked long hours, so he didn't get a lot of attention. He had a little Yorkie mate to keep him company, but the owner found another home for her. Itty Bitty was left all alone. He was depressed and not eating well. When I received him he weighed 1.7 lbs. I was horrified as I had never seen an adult Yorkie that weighed so little. It took many different kinds of dog food and hand feeding to get him interested in food again, but eventually he began to eat. In about three months, he had gained a whole pound. He now weighs 2.7 pounds and is at a good healthy weight. Itty Bitty has a winning personality and there are plenty of little Yorkies here for him to play with... plus a "stay-at-home Mom" to lavish attention on him. We just adore this little guy. He is NOT up for adoption. He is now part of our permanent family. Please keep in mind; it is never ideal to breed Yorkies to be this tiny. They are susceptible to so many health issues that could arise throughout their lifetime, yet breeders unfortunately continue to do it. The mission of Florida Yorkie Rescue is to rescue Yorkies, Yorkie mixes and Maltese regardless of age or additional handicaps that may be associated with aging or birth defects. We never discriminate on the basis of health, age or breed. We pledge to promote responsible pet ownership through humane education and to provide shelter and care to our foster dogs until a loving, responsible home can be found. To evaluate each dog and potential home with the goal of matching our dogs to the best possible home. We also provide life-long, quality sanctuary for Yorkies that may be too old or ill for adoption. This organization is made up entirely of people who volunteer their time and money to foster and place these little dogs in

caring, loving homes. Almost all the dogs that come into Florida Yorkie Rescue need rehabilitation and training and we seek out medical care or alternative methods if traditional treatments do not work. All dogs that come into Florida Yorkie Rescue will be neutered or spayed and vaccinated. Florida Yorkie Rescue 772-291-8101

"Margo, a 4 year old Pekingese from Putnam Valley, NY, is ready for the warm weather! Her owner is Sue Guzman and family." 34 FOUR PAWS MAGAZINE •

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Four Paws Asks…

Rochelle Fligman The kind that comes in a bag!! I’d LOVE to cook food for my dogs and get them on a raw diet...shame they don’t have frozen dog food that I can just warm up!

Trinity Hansen I feed straight raw. ♥ No cooking involved, does that count? They have lots of frozen raw food you can buy...Stella & Chewys, etc.

Lois Crockett Meow mix & cat chow here, but if I had to, I would, no question!

Chris Cappannelli I don’t. The vet is not a big fan of home cooking. He is a big fan of Science Diet, which I have fed my JoJo from Day One. Maybe some plain boiled chicken in the beginning, but no more; NutriCal for the 1st two years, especially when finicky, but she pretty much eats her rations (evenly divided) about 12 hours apart, with some Zuke’s chicken training treats and Greenies bones as fill-ins, but little else.

Samantha Kanner Papaccio My mother used to cook for her three dogs. She had a doberman mix (Mandy), a German Shepard mix (January) and a pure bred German Shepard (Prince). She would bake several chickens at the beginning of the week, shred them up and add them to their hard food. She was always feeding them from off the table too. She spoiled them rotten.

Every month, we pose a question to our friends and rescue partners via social media. This month, we asked…

Do you cook for your pet?If so, what do you make?

Sharon Kaufman Athanasiou Raw diet for my babies (Bravo brand, as well as supermarket meats), and also some of the higher quality, grain-free canned dog food (Wellness Core, Taste of the Wild).

Shari Forst We don’t cook for our guys, but my Grandmother cooked for the dog my grandparents had when my Mom was little. She cooked him chopped meat and rice every day and almost lived to be 20 years old - he was not a little dog either, he was a Shepherd/Chow mix.

Brad Miller Our three dogs eat Nutro hard food, but we make brown rice, turkey and mixed vegetables for them also.

Jailene Warren I cook for my 1 year old pittie. He gets rice, chicken, liver or beef, pumpkin or yam, green beans and a vitamin supplement. 4 cups, twice a day. He is 96 lbs, sooo healthy with none of the skin problems that are so common with the breed. 36 FOUR PAWS MAGAZINE •

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By Cheryl Simone-Miller


I spent a good part of my life allergic to cats. I could often walk into a room and tell you there was a cat there without even seeing it. My watery eyes and itchy palate were indicators enough. Allergies sometimes come and go with age. I also suspect my exposure to more rescue pets and shelters may have desensitized me a bit, since I didn’t have any problems when I found myself living with three cats. I have always been a dog person. Save a few years in my 20’s, I always had a dog…from the Poodle named Monique I had when I was five-yearsold…to Cera the Scottie…to Thunder the Westie… to the trio of loveable pups: Omega, Boudica and Siouxsie, who are part of my family now. At the end of 2011, I was offered a job in Maryland that allowed me to return to my radio broadcast career in a meaningful way. The family could not move with me right away, so I set about finding living arrangements that might work in the meantime. Through my cousin, I was connected with a woman who would rent me a room. I felt a lot more comfortable knowing I was heading towards someone who wasn’t a complete stranger…but I also knew I would be heading into a household with three cats. Armed with Zyrtec and Flonase, I moved in.


Cats have great faces and great eyes…but I was never a fan of their aloofness. Or those lethally sharp claws. Plus, I had those allergies to contend with, so I admired them from afar. I was surprised to find Simba, Ghost and Midnight didn’t cause me to break out in an allergic fit. I also learned, yes, cats are aloof… but in different ways and to different degrees. Ghost is a lovely color with stunning eyes…but a little bit feral and very picky about if and when he’ll allow you to pet him. In fact, you can be rubbing his ears and scratching his chin…then he’ll just decide he doesn’t want you to anymore and will take off as if you had just yelled, “Boo!” Forget trying to make him come in or eat or stay still if he doesn’t want to. Midnight is an old, arthritic gentleman…stonecold deaf and not terribly active. I came to call him “the pillow”…since he’d be a ball of fluff on the couch or in the corner…barely cat-shaped and very much so asleep. He has his moments. He’ll meow at full tilt when he wants his water changed. And he has taken to charging right at me when he’d like a little attention. My favorite of the trio is Simba. Orange and white…she is the lover of the bunch. The woman

I live with said I was making her act like a dog. Simba can often be found sitting at my feet. She comes down to greet me when I get home. She comes outside to sit with me and inside when I go back in. If I left my bedroom door open, I know Simba would likely come and sleep with me. I would love her to, but I don’t want to tempt fate with my allergies too much. Living with cats has taught me to understand they have subtleties to their personalities…just like dogs and, yes, just like humans. They are indeed aloof, but in different ways depending on the cat and on the circumstances. I’ve never seen three living things so happy to hear a can of tuna being opened. There they were, all around me…a cacophony of meows in anticipation of the treat… literally watching my every move as I divided the can up into their three bowls. I could take endless videos of cats with catnip. I’d have to call it “kitty crack.” Absolutely hilarious to watch them rolling around in a frenzy with the catnip filled toys. I pondered trying to adopt Simba, but I don’t think Boudica or Siouxsie would like the addition to the family. Plus, my son has the severe cat allergies I had at his age. I won’t live too far away when the family finally relocates with me, so I can visit her. But I do understand how cats make the best pets for some people. I understand that, but will never, ever be able to wrap my brain around litter boxes.





Lucie the Sheltie came into our lives in the spring of 2003. My husband, John, grew up on a horse farm with, of course, horses, dogs and even a couple of domesticated pigs. Although we had three cats together (two mine, one his), he sorely missed the company of a dog and, in fact, had always had at least one dog by his side throughout his life. I could tell he was in dire need of a dog when a TV commercial would come on for anything that involved anyone of the canine persuasion and he would just go gaga over the pup. Now, my husband is a man who mutes, surfs through and turns off any and all commercials – unless a dog is involved and, in 2003, he would sigh wistfully to himself and make a little “Awwww…” sound. I knew he had it bad. I also knew that giving someone a pet as a present is an awful idea. You can’t pick out a pet for someone else. Usually, you can’t pick out a pet for yourself. THEY pick YOU. So, inasmuch as I wanted to get him a dog for his birthday the previous August, he was recalcitrant about acquiring such responsibility, financial burden, and plain old hard work at the time. I had a reputable, local sheltie breeder in mind and was scoping out potential litters and time to view them. However, there was some discussion on whether or not a little sheltie would be right for us, as he didn’t know a whole lot about the breed and had always had bigger dogs like Dobies (his mom raised a champion Dobie, Gretchen, whose ribbons and pictures hang in our hallway to this day) and big furry puffballs like Winnie the Keeshond. Regardless, it was not to be. He wasn’t ready… he didn’t want it…he’d been through plenty with his exroommate’s dogs – a Rottie named Axel, who chewed through a whole wall of our townhome - a schitzy Dalmatian, who was given back within a few hours of being adopted by said ex-roomate - and Trane, a boxer pup who enthusiastically chewed up $90 of my hard-earned and saved-for snorkel gear within five minutes of my moving in. “Sibling” rivalry? Jealousy? Probably. Suffice to say, I was not a dog lover. I always thought there were just two types of people in the world: cat people and dog people. I was a cat person. The dogs I’d had were at the behest of boyfriends in the past and just as quickly went away when the relationship ended. No


worries, the boyfriends took man’s best friend along with them when they got fired. I kept the cat. I am quick to say I melt at the sight of a cat. There’s a famous quote that states, “God created the cat so man could caress the lion.” Me? I’m a fool for a tiger. Just put me in a room with a little striped tabby and I’m wrapped around that little fur ball in two seconds flat. I can’t go into pet shops because I want to take all the kitties home with me, never mind a pound. So here I was, stone in love with a die-hard dog lover and oh-so-eagerly wanting him to have that for which he most dearly yearned. Life is too short to go without what truly warms your soul, so I agreed to a dog. Encouraged one, even. We have a weight limit in our homeowners association, a viable consideration if you don’t want the condo commandos after you in 24-hours flat after acquiring a dog over limit, which is why I suggested a sheltie. I had a purebred sheltie years ago, Lady Day O’Worcester, and she was the perfect apartment dog. Lady was sweet, eager to please, gracious and a true lady. If I was going to have a dog, not being a great dog enthusiast myself, the preferred dog was female, small enough for me to handle comfortably (being five-foot-nothing means any dog over 50 lbs. walks ME…and, thanks, I don’t need that much exercise), and sweet of temperament - no hyper doggy-dog antics will win me over, nothing is more of a turn-off than being presented with a sopping wet chew toy and an invitation to “play”; I tend to extricate myself from the situation as quickly as possible (by the way, I’m the same where children are concerned). Anyway, I started going on websites and found a local sheltie rescue through the A.K.C. (American Kennel Club). It turned out they were having a look-see in a local park with other sheltie rescuers and did we want to come out and “just” look. John agreed, just to a “look” of course. When we arrived at the park, there were shelties galore! They were every color, size, age and disposition imaginable. The sheltie I liked, Macy, was bubbly and ebullient, full of herself and in fine voice. She also had a runny eye, which made John give her the go-by. Then, in the corner, was this shy little thing. An overweight, oversized sable sheltie, just sitting there, a bit be-

…giving someone a pet as a present is an awful idea. You can’t pick out a pet for someone else. Usually, you can’t pick out a pet for yourself. THEY pick YOU. wildered about all the hoopla and comings and goings of strange people. She laid her brown eyes on John; he, his hazels on her, and it was love at first sight. “Awww…,” he said, “look at this little girl here.” I answered, “She’s kind of quiet, isn’t she?” I hoped she wasn’t retarded. Taking Macy out on a lead to get a feel for her, I frolicked in the park with her and John kept asking, “But what about the shy one?” John is a bit shy himself and they had a certain indefinable affinity for one another, so as much as I enjoyed Macy, I realized it would be his dog, his call, and Lucie came home with us that day. What a bleak little thing she was! For two weeks we didn’t even know she barked and wondered if someone had cut her vocal cords (although no indication of that was proffered by the vet, to whom we had immediately taken her to on adoption). Then, one day, while opening and snapping a plastic garbage bag, she evinced a nice, throaty bark in full voice. Oh, she did not like us opening garbage bags and any time we did was sure to bring her running and barking to the scene of the (imagined) crime. Lucie became the dog of a lifetime for John and won me over in the process. I remember looking at her one

day and thinking how I wasn’t really a dog person and her looking back at me as if to say “I’m the same as you, just I’m a dog.” The biggest concern of ours was introducing Lucie the Sheltie into our household of three cats. We had, once upon a time, babysat for a relative’s dog, a male labchow mix puppy who was more than a handful. Peek-ABoo, my gray tabby, spent all her time in the laundry basket on top of the washing machine, sneaking off to eat and pee at 4 o’clock in the morning. Lucky, my little black scamp would suffer no dogs so she would be conspicuous by her absence and also sneak around in the wee hours. John’s little half-wild calico, Sunny (named for her lemon-yellow eyes like liquid sunshine), had lived with Axel the Rottie and Trane the Boxer so John wasn’t worried in that regard. Actually, my two had gotten territorial on Sunny and we hoped the dog might even the score. Lucie more than did that. One night, John brought Lucie in from their walk and Peek-A-Boo promptly jumped onto a small cat-sized table in our foyer and proceeded to give forth a world-class hissy fit. Lucie positively ignored her, sailed on by, fluffy tail in the breeze as if to say, “I’m the dog, you’re not, and it’s ALL about the dog.” Continued on page 43 APRIL/MAY 2012




DREAMY PETS We’ve all seen dogs and cats twitch and paw at the air in their sleep… but do they really dream? Science says yes. All mammals go through the same sleep stages as humans do, only faster. After about 20 minutes, a dog enters REM sleep. That’s where all of the dreaming takes place. Big dogs dream longer, according to Stanley Coren, writer of The Intelligence of Dogs. Little dogs dream quickly and frequently. Insects and fish don’t get to REM sleep, but some reptiles do.

PORTUGUESE WATER DOGS The First Dog in the United States is a Portuguese Water Dog named Bo, adopted by President Obama and his family. Portuguese Water Dogs are working dogs and they are indeed from Portugal. They are used to herd fish into nets, retrieve lost nets and carry messages from ship to ship. They are more popular since becoming part of the First Family, but are still a fairly rare breed. Portuguese Water Dogs do not shed much, so they are usually tolerated well by people with allergies. Adult dogs weigh anywhere between 35 and 60 pounds and they actually have webbed toes for swimming!

GOATS TO THE RESCUE If you are looking to get rid of some problem weeds, goats might be the answer. But you have to be careful, as they will eat almost anything. That's the message from Brian Knox of Eco-Goats, a Maryland-based forestry consultant who rents out a herd to help owners clear their property of weeds and problem plants. Knox fences off the area to be cleared and lets the goats start munching. Knox says he got into the business when a client bought some goats to clear plants from his property, became attached and eventually bought a whole herd. The goats work for a daily rate of $350, and jobs tend to run between $1,600 and $2,000 an acre.

HEMMINGWAY’S LEGACY “Polydactyl” means “many toes.” Perhaps the most famous polydactyl cats were those raised by Ernest Hemingway, who had over 60 of these big-pawed charmers at his home in Key West, descendants of a 6-toed cat given him by a sea-faring captain.


Continued from page 41

Peek-A-Boo looked at me as if to say “Well, what a waste of a perfectly good fit”, and proceeded, from that point forward, to make friends with Lucie the Sheltie. They’d curl up together all over the house and when Lucie got too hot from Peek-A-Boo’s warmth and move away, Peek-A-Boo would look so hurt – then follow her wherever she went – keeping a respectable distance, of course. Under John’s tender, loving care, Lucie bloomed into the most beautiful dog. Our resident condo commando, a bristly old curmudgeon who would waste no time filing motions and cease and desist orders with the board of homeowners for pet violations (heaven help us! We had three cats AND a dog and were only supposed to have one animal!), came upon Lucie on our walk one day. “She’s a bit overweight”, he said, “Do you know if she’s over limit?” “Well, actually, she’s a rescue dog,” I answered, “with a bit of a condition but she’s on a diet, getting lots of exercise, and we think she’ll be within code in a very short time.” As if on cue, Lucie laid the “lyin’ brown eyes” on him and it was all over. “Is she friendly? Can I pet her?” Again, as if on cue, Lucie gently nuzzled his hand and encouraged him to pet her…instant friends. John would run around the side yard with her and she’d have fun “herding” him (and sometimes me) on a lazy, kickback weekend afternoon. She was welcome on the furniture, in bed with us and, truly, a member of our little family. Thanksgiving 2003 my mother-in-law was having her kitchen re-done so I offered to cook the turkey that year. We had about 20-odd people in the house and the biggest dinner party we ever hosted. Lucie was the star! She worked the room like a seasoned pro and I, usually recalcitrant when it comes to parties if not downright anxious and more than a little socially shy, learned a lot from her technique: go around the room and say hello to everyone. Go around again and spend time with anyone interesting (in Lucie’s case, people with food in hand). Go around yet again and hit on everyone you didn’t cover the first time. Then, stand at the door with your family and bid everyone a good night. A recipe for hostess success. Halfway through the evening, John and I looked up at each other and said to each other, simultaneously, “Did you feed the dog?” The party was at full-tilt boogie (we were serving buffet-style because my table didn’t seat 20 or so), and we looked up at Lucie. There she was, with Uncle George handing her a piece of turkey. John and I smiled at each other, shrugged, and laughed it off. Although we did make sure she had her dry dietetic kibbles in her bowl but it hardly mattered (until later).

When my Dad moved in with us, Lucie was his constant companion and they became best friends although it was easy to see John was always first in her heart. She’d greet him at the door, stand up, twirl and wag her tail. He loved it and you could see she lit up his life and heart. John and Lucie had a tight bond and were very, very close. I had the cats and enjoy a similar bond with my black cat Lucky, although it’s tough to call favorites in a multi-animal household. They each seem to take their turn being first in your heart, with room for all. There was nothing she loved better than “ridey-car.” We had a Mustang convertible and evening rides out to the strip along Deerfield Beach were the highlight of our nights. People would stop to look at her and she’d favor them with her version of a smile. Everyone loved Lucie! As much as Lucie bloomed and thrived under our care, a few years later she came down with a bad skin condition requiring multiple visits to vets, skin specialists and the like, thousands of dollars in care, medication, and untold hours of love and time making her comfortable. What a brave little trooper, our Lucie! We tried making the medicating of her belly skin with topical ointments and liquids into a game, “roly-poly”, and every morning and night she’d eagerly come to play, as if on cue. Finally, in the spring of 2007, she crossed the Rainbow Bridge with grace and dignity. She’d been sick for awhile and we knew she was in decline. We did everything we could but, in the end, although we were told she was 7 when we acquired her she was more like 10 and, at the age of 14 it was time to go. There’s a hole in our hearts (and I include the cats as well because, when we came home “afterwards” and took up her food bowls because she wasn’t coming home, Peek-A-Boo’s look to me spoke volumes). I remember grieving with my husband over the loss of our precious pet and, all too late, I realized our little Lucie had made me a “dog” person.



rescue partners Our goal at Pawsitive4Life is to help promote and support efforts to secure the safe haven and wellbeing of dogs and cats needing homes in Florida. We aim to help save as many lives as possible from high kill shelters, as well as other animals that are in jeopardy. The focus is to raise the funds needed to achieve this goal by working with other organizations, independent rescuers and the community at large. Our reward is that we have helped save more than 275 dogs just this year alone by working with numerous rescues and independent rescuers. For more information, email

Animal Aid Inc. is a non-profit, no-kill animal rescue shelter and adoption center. Our shelter takes in emergency, abuse and neglect cases as well as dogs and cats from various animal control agencies in Palm Beach, Dade and Broward Counties in South Florida. We offer cats and dogs for adoption 7 days a week. We rely solely on donations. One of our goals is to address the overpopulation problem of stray and feral cats by offering the public a humane trap/spay/ return service. Our program includes vaccinations, AIDS and leukemia testing, recovery & release, foster homes, medical care and an adoption program

Big Hearts for Big Dogs started as a small group of individuals who saw a desperate need for advocates of larger breed dogs. Smaller dogs are adopted faster and rescued more often. And just like that a new hope is born. A new hope and beginning for big dogs all over S o u t h Florida. Our hope is that this rescue brings big hearts together to save more animals.

Can you donate $1 to the dogs today?

We know many are struggling in these difficult times and sadly it reflects the condition of the dogs coming into the rescue. With-


Warm Hearts Pet Rescue, Inc. is a Florida Not-for-Profit corporation dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing of South Florida's high-kill shelter dogs. We are a non-kill facility. We are located in Boynton Beach at our brand new facility. If you would like to volunteer at the rescue or any upcoming events, or foster/adopt a dog or cat, please contact the rescue at 561-588-0083. We are located at 550 Industrial Way, Suite D, Boynton Beach, FL 33426. Please call in advance to schedule an appointment to see our adoptable pets. Volunteers are needed throughout the day.

APR’s primary goal is to assemble a no-kill community. This is quite a daunting task; nonetheless, APR is making a valuable contribution to the animal community and will continue to do so as long as support is provided from generous donors. APR is dedicated to matching the right pet with the right home for the enduring happiness of both pet and owner. Our pets are with us as long as they need to be & to be healthy and well adjusted. Often they need medical care, love and time to feel secure before they can be placed up for adoption. Our lives are dedicated to finding forever homes for each of our pets. It is our passion, it is our responsibility. See all of our events! Pet Adoptions -- Saturday April 7th, 2012 Pet Adoptions -- Saturday April 28th, 2012 Pet Adoptions -- Saturday May 5th, 2012 Pet Adoptions -- Saturday May 26th, 2012 Pet Adoptions -- Saturday June 2nd, 2012

out your help we cannot continue to rescue and vet all the dogs we have coming in and the pleas we get on a daily basis. So today we are asking all our fans to help us meet this challenge and donate just $1. We currently have 6,987 fans on facebook. Our goal is for each fan to donate $1. These funds will go towards existing vets bills, medical care for current dogs, food, flea/tick preventatives, heartworm medication, vitamins, shampoos, crates, training, and emergency boarding. Can you donate $1 for the dogs today? How many of our fans will step up to the challenge? Ready, set, GO!


NOKILL CONFERENCE FIGHT THE POWER! July 30 - July 31, 2011 Washington D.C.

Last year’s groundbrea king No Kill Con ference wa s the sold ou t, must atte nd event of the year.

And we are doing it again! Join the nation's best shelter directors, animal lawyers, and shelter reformers for an inspiring and empowering conference that will help you save lives. This is the only national conference that says we can end the killing and we can do it today!

THE CONFERENCE The No Kill Advocacy Center is teaming up with the Animal Law program at George Washington University Law School and No Kill Nation to bring together the nation’s most successful shelter directors and the nation's top animal lawyers. They will help you create a No Kill community and teach you how to use the legal system to save the lives of animals. • Learn from animal control/shelter directors who are now saving over 90% of all animals using the building blocks to No Kill success - programs and services that have had results in both urban and rural communities - to increase adoptions, reduce length of stay, increase redemption rates, rehabilitate animals, and much, much more. • Learn from animal law experts who have challenged our legal system to help animals: Whether it's drafting model laws, fighting breed specific legislation, eliminating the gas chamber, filing impact legislation, or protecting condemned dogs, learn how to use the legal system to save the lives of animals. • Learn from activists fighting entrenched and regressive shelters in their own community as they show you how to launch successful campaigns for reform.


For more information, including sponsors (about), speakers, venue (Washington D.C.), registration and more, www. The No Kill Conference in Washington DC is a project of the No Kill Advocacy Center and the Animal Law Program at George Washington University Law School. It is sponsored by No Kill Nation.

Subscribe Today! See the current issue the day it comes out. Email with SUBSCRIBE ME in the subject line. We will send you a notice when the new issue goes online. Read the stories and help the rescues.






Big Dog Ranch Rescue, Wellington 561-791-6465 •

Everglades Golden Retriever Rescue, Inc. 954-748-3507 •

Big Dog Ranch Rescue is one of the largest no-kill shelters in the State of Florida. We rescue dogs of all sizes and once they walk through our doors, you can be sure that they will be carefully adopted out to a new home or remain with us for the duration of their lives. Our staff, along with over 100 volunteers, cares for them, feeds them, plays with them and finds them loving homes. To us, shelter is not just a noun, it’s a verb. We take these dogs (from Chihuahua to Mastiff) in our loving arms and protect them from harm until someone else promises they will. The mission of Big Dog Ranch Rescue is to provide shelter, care and affection to homeless and unwanted dogs of all breeds and to adopt them out to loving human companions. In support of those objectives, we also promote animal welfare and celebrate the special bond between dogs and people through education, awareness and community outreach. Big Dog Ranch Rescue is associated with the Weimaraner Rescue & Adoption of Florida and is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Everglades Golden Retriever Rescue, Inc. of Florida is an all volunteer, nonprofit organization dedicated to providing veterinary care, comprehensive evaluation, and quality adoptive homes for Golden Retrievers who are abandoned, mistreated, neglected or left at Animal Control facilities throughout Southern Florida from Vero Beach to Key West. Rescue services are also provided to Goldens in acute need of placement due to compelling family circumstances. EGRR also provides education to the community regarding ethical and responsible breeding practices, responsible pet ownership, care of the purebred Golden Retriever, and the long lasting rewards of adopting a Golden.

Boxer Friends, Ft. Lauderdale 866-715-9743•

Florida Parrot Rescue works throughout the entire state of Florida, and is a 501c3 non-profit, all volunteer run, avian rescue dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and placement of companion parrots. We understand that all parrot owners love their birds, and that finding a new home for their birds is used as a last option. Florida Parrot Rescue remains non-judgmental and supportive in your time of need. If you need to re-home your bird, Florida Parrot Rescue can help by offering your bird a safe place to stay and get veterinary care until the right home can be found!

Boxer Friends, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit Florida charitable organization, devoted to helping Boxers in need in the south Florida area. We focus on the needy Boxer dogs in Broward and south Palm Beach counties, but are not limited to these areas, as resources allow. We rescue Boxers from shelters in south Florida before they are euthanized, and help displaced Boxers find new, loving, appropriate homes.

Compassionate Pug Rescue Compassionate Pug Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit, volunteer run pug rescue organization based in South Florida. CPR accepts all pugs and occasionally other dogs on the brink of being put to sleep regardless of their condition, nurses them back to health and finds them a loving forever home. For the last 10 years, Compassionate Pug Rescue has been dedicated to helping pugs that are in need of homes in the South Florida area. Each pug that comes into CPR’s care gets a full medical screening, all the medical care they need and then they are matched with a perfect forever home. The work at times is very tiring, but what fuels the volunteers of Compassionate Pug Rescue are wonderful happy endings and the special bonds formed with the pugs in their time of need. CPR has branched out and has started to help dogs in danger of being put to sleep of different breeds. Pug lovers are dog lovers and it is hard not to offer a helping hand when a dog of another breed desperately needs care. So from time to time, you may see dogs on the site that are not pugs. CPR will use all the resources available to the pugs to help find these dogs loving forever homes. It’s just the pug thing to do!

Cats Exclusive Inc., Margate 954-975-8349 • Cats Exclusive, a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization, is dedicated to helping our community - both people and felines alike. Established in 1979, our no-kill adoption branch has taken in over 5,800 cats and has worked hard to find them the best homes possible. At the facility itself we can only care for up to sixty cats at a time. In September of 2007, we decided we wanted to start doing more for our community and launched our low-cost clinic. We now offer many services that you would find at your local veterinarian’s office, including spaying/neutering, vaccines, dentals, and other routine surgeries. We have fixed over 10,000 cats and by utilizing our clinic, you’re helping to support our cause. 46 FOUR PAWS MAGAZINE •

Florida Parrott Rescue 813-464-0989 •

Florida Yorkie Rescue 772-291-8101 • The mission of Florida Yorkie Rescue is to rescue Yorkies, Yorkie mixes and Maltese regardless of age or additional handicaps that may be associated with aging or birth defects. We never discriminate on the basis of health, age or breed. We pledge to promote responsible pet ownership through humane education and to provide shelter and care to our foster dogs until a loving, responsible home can be found. To evaluate each dog and potential home with the goal of matching our dogs to the best possible home. We also provide life-long, quality sanctuary for Yorkies that may be too old or ill for adoption. This organization is made up entirely of people who volunteer their time and money to foster and place these little dogs in caring, loving homes. Almost all the dogs that come into Florida Yorkie Rescue need rehabilitation and training and we seek out medical care or alternative methods if traditional treatments do not work. All dogs that come into Florida Yorkie Rescue will be neutered or spayed and vaccinated.

Gigi’s Rescue, Miami 786-991-8201 • Gigi’s Rescue is named after Gisela Tacao, the founder of our organization. Gigi’s Rescue is a nonprofit organization located in Miami, Florida.(We are in the process of getting our 501(C)3 status.) Gisela is originally from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and grew up with a large number and variety of animals that she rescued. Her “kids” included cats, dogs, rabbits, turtles, birds, a parrot named Tico, Romeo and Juliet - two rescued pigeons - mice, hamsters, fish & even a pig named Bolinha, which means Little Ball in Portuguese.




Octavio Feline Foundation, Miami 786-752-2122 •

Stray Aid & Rescue, Inc., Fort Lauderdale 954-816-0799 •

We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization created to help elderly and handicap citizens in our community to spay/neuter their cats by providing the service they need. To help reduce the number of cats and kittens killed in our city due to the overpopulation problem.

Stray Aid & Rescue, Inc is a 501 (C) 3, no-kill, not for profit rescue organization and provider of affordable spay/neuter services. Our mission: to stop pet overpopulation. We are doing this by providing affordable, high volume, quality care spaying/neutering services, promoting adoption of pets from shelters & rescue groups, educating our community about responsible pet ownership

In October 1999, I rescued a 4-week old tuxedo kitten. When he was tested for FIV/FeLV, he was positive for FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus also known as Feline AIDS) When you test kittens and they are positive for FIV you must wait until they reach 6 months of age and repeat the test because by that time their mother’s antibodies are gone from their system. That was Octavio’s case, after the 6 months he was negative. I was so happy that my way of thanking God for his health was to open a checking account in his name so he could help other cats and kittens. Then I started considering the idea of opening my own organization. It took me almost 5 years but my dream came true!!!! Octavio Feline Foundation is now a reality!

Palm Beach Animal Care and Control 561-233-1200 • Animal Care and Control is part of Palm Beach County Government. Our shelter was started in 1969. We are located at 7100 Belvedere Road, West Palm Beach, Florida (five miles west of I-95). In 1974, the shelter became a division of the Public Safety Department. Programs and services were expanded to keep pace with the growing human and animal population. In 1980, the division became fully accredited by the Humane Society of the United States. Animal Care and Control was the first agency in the southeast and the second in the entire nation to achieve this distinction.

Pit Crew Rescue 631-656-0211 • The purpose of forming Pit Crew Rescue Inc. is to prevent abuse and cruelty to dogs, particularly the Pit Bull breed. We do this by providing foster homes for rescued dogs, education on the plight of the Pit Bull breed (the most abused & misunderstood breed of dogs). We also focus on the importance of spaying/ neutering & finally find a permanent loving home for our rescued dogs

The Cat Network 305-255-3482 • The Cat Network, Inc. (CN) is a 501(c)3, Florida not-for-profit corporation dedicated to humanely reducing cat overpopulation by educating the public about the need to sterilize their pets and strays; providing access to low-cost spay/ neuter services for stray, homeless and abandoned cats; helping members in their efforts to place adoptable cats in loving homes; and advocating non-lethal population control and humane public policy.

This is the Dog!

305-508-7387 •

This Is The Dog! is a 501c3 non-profit animal adoption/rescue in Homestead. Our main mission is to help solve the pet overpopulation problem. We will spay/neuter every animal before adoption and encourage the community to spay/neuter their pets. We firmly believe that the education of humane care of animals and spay/neuter programs are the answer and the hope in stopping pet overpopulation and animal abuse. Our goal is to teach the community to act responsibly in the care of their own pets while also looking out for those animals which are homeless. This is the Dog! does not have a shelter and we depend on community efforts to help us accomplish our mission. We are a small group of volunteers that are making a difference.

Recycla-Bull Terrier Rescue, Inc. Recycla-Bull Terrier Rescue is dedicated to the “3 R’s”: rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing of surrendered, abandoned, neglected and homeless Bull Terriers into loving, stable homes. As a shelterless rescue, all our dogs are fostered in home environments to evaluate their needs and prepare them for their forever homes. News Flash!! RCBTR, Inc. has been granted 501(c)(3) tax exemption status effective August 16, 2011. All donations and contributions received since this date and in the future are tax free charitable donations!



South Florida Adoptables All of these animals are waiting at the rescues for someone to love them.

Maybe it will be you!

Abandoned Pet Rescue 954-728-9010 • Email: • Lola Lola and her siblings were brought to us when they were only a few weeks old. All four are very sweet kittens, well socialized and ready for a loving, forever home. Come by to meet them and bring them home. Good with dogs, good with cats, good with kids.

Luna just arrived from the Cayman islands and is ready to meet prospective familes. She is a sweet girl who loves to play and will make a wonderful addition to any family. Luna is about 15 pounds, has a multitude of colors in her coat and some of the biggest ears we’ve ever seen - she’ll never get lost in a crowd! Her estimated birthday is October 2011. Good with dogs, good with cats, good with kids.

Boxer Friends 866-715-9743 •

Zeuby is a one year old boxer mix. He has lots of energy and would love a home with an active family. He does well with other dogs. He is crate trained, up to date on vaccinations and heartworm preventative, is neutered and micro chipped. Please contact www.boxerfriends for more information on him.

Max is a beautiful, active 6 year old boxer. Don’t let his age discourage you! Max is an active boy and wants to be with you whether it’s out doing the yard work, cleaning the house, or just driving around in the car. He loves for you to play with him and his favorite toy is his stuffed monkey which he sleeps with every night. Max also loves to give you attention and kisses. He can be quite the ham by dancing and occasionally singing. Max loves to eat and will do just about anything for his favorite treats apples, veggies, and yogurt. At the end of the day he likes to relax with a little TV watching. Max is also completely housebroken, crate trained, neutered, up to date on vaccinations and micro chipped. Max would do best in a home where he is the only dog and where the human is definitely the alpha.

The Cat Network 305-255-3482 • Email: •

Justin This is Justin he is about 1 1/2 yr old, male, Manx, very active and sweet. Not sure if he would get along with other cats. Right now he is being foster by himself. Was found living out in a parking lot. I will send you another pic but I like that you can see his little tail.

Jules This is my cutie name Jules. She is about 4 month old, very active and playful like a little jumping bean. Gets along with other cats and a small dog. When you pick her up she starts purring. She was found when she was 6 weeks old in the middle of the road.

Continues on page 34 48 FOUR PAWS MAGAZINE •

South Florida Adoptables Continued from page 32

Compassionate Pug Rescue • Yoda & Pugsley ( a bonded Pair) - About 8.5 - Male and Male We grew up in a very loving home since we were just small pups. Now our family must leave the country and are unable to take us with them. I, Yoda, am a shy boy at first, but give me a day and I will be your best snuggle buddy. I am totally well mannered in the potty area and love to just chill out in your lap and I would not mind a walk around the block. I sometimes whine to get your attention or to find my brother Pugsley when he is not in my sight. My big (and I mean that literally) bro looks so cute when he sleeps. People say that his face is just a perfect specimen of the pug breed. He is a loud snorter when not sleeping or relaxing. I can be found licking my brother by his ears or legs as I am very very bonded with him. We enjoy walks at our foster home and get along really well with the other dogs in the house. We both are wonderful with children and just want to be played with, scratched, kissed up and have the opportunity to kiss you back! If you want to meet us, please fill out an adoption application so the folks at CPR can introduce us. Nilla is a sweet, affectionate and happy 6 year old female Puggie whose family was forced to surrender her due to a sudden move. Nilla is a beautiful girl with a stunning copper coat who likes playing with toys, eating, snuggling on the couch and sniffing around for interesting things on the floor like crumbs. She gets along great with her foster pug siblings and does not like to be out of sight of her people. She sleeps peacefully in a doggie bed next to her foster Mom’s bed. She loves kids and other dogs in the neighborhood and has a low-moderate energy level. She is good with adult cats, but seems to resort to a “tracking Beagle” when my kitten is around. She knows the commands sit, stay and wait, has excellent leash manners and is perfectly house trained. Nilla is current on all vaccines, just had a dental cleaning, and is in perfect health. If you want to meet her, please fill out an adoption application so the folks at CPR can introduce you to her.

Everglades Golden Retriever Rescue 954-748-3507 • • Izzy was surrendered to EGRR by her family because they claimed the she was “uncontrollable”. She has been kept outside, was never crate trained or housebroken, and was frequently grabbed by the collar for discipline. Since EGRR requires obedience training for all dogs under 2, as a condition for adoption, we know that in the right hands, she will become not just a good dog, but a great dog! Izzy does however, have another problem, she has bilateral hip dysplasia. Izzy has seen the orthopedic surgeon, who decided she is NOT a candidate for surgery at this time. He feels that her condition can be managed by keeping her slim, having her participate in low impact exercise (swimmming), and supplementing her diet with glucosamine and chondroitin. We do know that Izzy loves to swim, and since that will be a big help in her ultimate recovery, we would like a home with a pool. We would also like to avoid a home with young children and a young active dog, since more than likely she will need to be on crate rest for about 6 weeks. Meet Jack! He is a delightful 3 year old boy who came to us from Palm Beach County ACC. Jack was surrendered to the Shelter by his family, and we have no idea why, however, it was definitely to Jack’s advantage, since he showed signs of neglect. Jack was suffering from severe ear infections, and was so skinny, that we were positive he must have had worms. As it turned out, he just wasn’t being fed enough high quality dog food. Jack told us that he prefers to be an only dog, so we have decided to go along with his preference. If you have no other dogs, and would like to meet Jack,, contact EGRR and ask about him.

Florida Parrot Rescue 954-516-1759 • Email: • Presenting …. LOUIE!! A beautiful, young green-winged macaw Louie is probably around 1 year or less and is just starting to find his voice. He loves food and dives in right away when he’s fed. Now, I’m saying Louie’s a he, but we don’t know for sure. Louie loves head scratches and is very willing to be on your arm as you walk through your yard or around the house. He sidles over to the grape dish in the morning when he thinks no one is looking and steals a couple, lol! He’s a love and is looking for his forever home where he can spend lots of time out of his cage and interact with his new family. He loves, loves, LOVES nuts, grapes and avi cakes. He will need extra large shredding and foraging toys and lots of them! If you’re looking for a wonderful avian addition to your family, Louie’s your bird!

Kairi is a young female Blue and Gold Macaw She loves to talk, “hello, cracker, pretty bird and good girl” are some of the words she says. Kairi is very affectionate but prefers men, she will only tolerate women. Kairi steps up, takes treats by hand and for my husband will lay on her back on his lap. She seems to be fine around young children and their noise, however, she should not be handled by children. Kairi came to us with her chest feathers plucked but already has yellow feathers returning. Kairi enjoys a diet of a variety of fruits, veggies, and nuts with a foundation of pellets and rice with beans. Kairi’s trust continues to grow daily but she will require an adoptive family with bird experience to continue to bring out the best in her.

Continues on page 36 APRIL/MAY 2012


South Florida Adoptables Continued from page 34

Humane Society of Broward County 954-989-3977 •

Buster (ID# A447057) is a 6 year young, 19 ½ pound Lhasa Apso mix who is potty trained, good with people of all ages and he likes other pets. He just needs some TLC. Can you give him a home for life? For more details call the Humane Society of Broward County at 954-989-3977.

Tortugo (ID# 446502) is looking for a family who will spoil her. This 11 month old gal is friendly with other felines, but would prefer a home without dogs as she is afraid of them. Tortugo is good with older kids and hopes you will give her a chance. The adoption fee for all felines over 6 months is being waived, so stop by the shelter you may just fall in love. For more details call the Humane Society of Broward County at 954-989-3977.

Palm Beach County Animal Care & Control 561-233-1200 • “Binx” is a 2 year old, neutered male, Domestic Short-hair, orange tabby. He is a handsome and charming young fellow who is desperately looking for a soul mate. His previous owner abandoned him after-hours at the shelter one evening. Binx is outgoing, playful and enjoys the company of other animals. His adoption fee is only $54 this month; please ask for ID#1470392. Photos courtesy of professional photographer, Karla Korn:

“Trouble” is 1 ½ year old, male, Plott Hound mix. He is a loving and energetic pup who gets along great with other dogs. Trouble’s ideal home is with an active to semi-active family who has the time for a puppy. He is a wonderful dog who deserves a wonderful home! Trouble’s adoption fee is only $58; please ask for ID#1606507.

Recycla-Bull Terrier Rescue • Hannah Hannah had severe demodectic mange and was severely dog aggressive. Laura Jenkins - founder of Recycla-Bull Terrier Rescue used her bullie healing powers on both dogs and they are in excellent shape today. Hannah had a private sponsor who funded her to go to a dog training facility for 8 weeks of professional behavioral and obedience training. She has done extremely well. Hannah needs to be the only pet in the home.

Max was rescued from Miami-Dade shelter last August. He came into the shelter with a neck wound inflicted by a knife. Max needs to be the only pet in the home.




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