Dale News July 2012

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JULY 2012

Mrs Gill and Mrs Brocklehurst (circled) are leaving us after 28 wonderful years!

Another year has flown by yet again! So much has happened and there D’S are so many tales to tell! Where A E H OT do I start? SP Just this week, 3 special events in school have made me proud of our school family. On Saturday we held our annual School Fair, a wonderful day and hard work for all involved but such a relaxed and happy event. On Tuesday we had a Staff Retirement evening in school for Barbara Brocklehurst and Surinder Gill - two dedicated and much loved members of staff. On Wednesday, our Leavers Assembly, a proud moment to share with parents the success and joy of their children. We have much to celebrate, much to be grateful for! Have a good holiday! See you on September 4th!

Mrs L Sullivan - Head Teacher

Term Dates for 12/13 Back to School Tuesday 4th September Back up for Half Term Friday 26th October INSET Day Monday 5th November Back to School Tuesday 6th November INSET Day Monday 10th December Break up for Christmas Friday 21st December Back to School Monday 7th January Back up for Half Term Friday 15th February Back to School Monday 25th February

Foundation Stage News

Year 2. Have a very safe and happy holiday.

In Foundation Stage this summer we have been learning about the seaside. We went on a very fun but wet visit to Carsington Water. We thoroughly enjoyed the water, splashing in the lake and went on a little nature hunt in the woods. We then learned about life cycles and explored the life of a frog and a butterfly. We had a very exciting end to our school year, setting the butterflies free, having fun at our Sports Day and our end of year party. Thank you for all your support this year.

Year Two News

Year One News This half term, Year 1 have been having more space adventures with Bob, the Man on the Moon. We have also been thinking about what it feels like to be different from the people around us, and how important it is to accept others for what they are, not their appearance. The highlight of the term was definitely Sports Day! The sun shone and we all had great fun. A big ‘Thank you’ to all the family and friends who came to watch, and an even bigger ‘Thank you’ to those who took part in the parent’s races. This year has simply flown past. It will be sad to say goodbye to the Year 1 children, but we wish them good luck for their time in

Our final half term has been very busy. We have learned about Florence Nightingale and medicines. We have explored electricity, becoming a human circuit, and then used this knowledge to make a torch. As the year ends we would like to say that we are very proud of the achievements of all pupils in Year 2, they have worked very hard, with energy and enthusiasm throughout the year. It has been a pleasure teaching them and we wish them every success for Year 3.

Year Three News Wow! We have reached the end of a very busy academic year! This half term, the children visited Eyam. They had a wonderful time being history detectives by looking at clues about the past in the beautiful surroundings. Then, all of Year 3 worked together on a play they performed for the older children in school. We were very impressed with how well they performed and worked together. The Year 3 children produced some amazing work based on Vincent Van Gogh’s artwork. Their sketches were magnificent. Now that we have reached the end of the year, we would like to say ‘Thank you’ to the children and parents for a fantastic year!

New Starters and Leavers Mr Rogers is moving to China to teach. We are sad to see him go, perhaps he will return! Mr Rehman is joining us as a Learning Mentor as Mr Ahmed has left to work in London. Mrs Parr is joining us as a Year 1 Teacher. Miss Holness and Mrs Slater are joining us as Teaching Assistants. Mr Iqbal has recently qualified as a teacher! Congratulations!

Summer Reading Challenge Your child is coming home this week with a Summer Reading Challenge booklet. This booklet includes 6 reading challenges to be completed during the holidays. These booklets should then be returned in September, when the best one from each year group will be selected to win a £30 Showcase Cinema voucher.

Term Dates 12/13 (cont.) INSET Day Monday 18th March Break up for Easter Thursday 28th March Back to School Monday 15th April Break up for Half Term Friday 24th May Back to School Monday 4th June INSET Day Friday 21st June Break up for Summer Tuesday 23rd July

Year Four News In Year 4, we have been learning about World War II. We went to Pickford House and experienced life during the war. Victor, the ARP Warden gave us air raid precaution training, which the children thoroughly enjoyed. The children were hooked into learning about World War II, through our active learning such as evacuating the school and art work. We are the proud winners of the Bio-Blitz award after displaying our art work and learning activities about minibeasts. Children have also enjoyed swimming this year. Year Five News The highlight of the year was undoubtedly our stay in Castleton. However, the past half term has also been hectic. We finished our Tudor topic with a visit from Henry VIII and Catherine Parr to our Tudor museum along with many parents. This was followed by a visit to the Playhouse to see The Terrible Tudors. Our final trip was to Conkers where the highlight was the bare foot walk. After a busy academic halfterm many Year 5’s have participated in different sports, representing the school at County level. In addition, the Year 5’s had their Sports Day at the Tennis Centre. It was fantastic to see so many talented children-please continue to support them

with opportunities outside school. We would all like to say thank you to all parents / carers for their support through the year.

Sports News

Year 6 have had a great year and have worked really hard. We visited many exciting places like the Black Country Museum, London and Whitby. They’ve done lots of growing up this year and are looking forward to their new schools in September. All the Year 6 staff wish you all the best and look forward to hearing about your successes.

• Winner of city Golf • Winner of city Cricket Girls • Winner of city Cricket Boys • 3rd in city Netball league • 3rd in county Tennis • 2nd in county Golf • 3rd in county Cricket Girls • 4th in county Cricket Boys • 4th in city Athletics final • 5th in East Midlands Tag Rugby finals • Mini Leader’s events • Olympic Torch relay • Olympic Torch Corridor in Market Place • Olympic week • Sports Day for whole school


Late Parents

Dale’s Choir has been impressive this year. We sang at Fairdene Court at Christmas and the Christmas Fair. We joined 10 other school’s choirs to perform at the Assembly Rooms and we also sang at the Summer Fair. A special thank you to all the Year 6 girls who will be moving on to Secondary school. We hope that other potential choir members will be able to fill your very talented shoes!

Children who are not collected from school by 3:30pm will be taken to the After School Club and you will be charged.

Year Six News

Summer Fair Thank you to all who attended on Saturday 14th. We raised over £1600 for school funds!

Photos and Videos In order to safeguard our pupils and as a result of some pictures and videos of school events being posted on Facebook, I have been forced to make the decision to no longer allow Parents and Carers to take photographs and videos at school events. We will continue to photograph and display events in school. If Parents want a particular photo, please ask.

Celebrating the Olympics at Dale...

School Information • School meals continue to cost £2.00 per day / £10.00 per week. Money must be paid on a Monday morning. Please remember if your child brings a packed lunch to school it must be brought to school at 9:00am. We will not accept late lunchboxes. • Please look at the school website: http:// dale.derby.sch.uk for more information and pictures of school life.

Our Year 6’s - we wish them the best for Secondary School. We will miss them! Another school year has passed! I hope you are looking ’S R O forward to the summer break, and RN E V being able to spend some good time GO SPOT together as a family. The children have worked hard this year. The SATs results look good, and so a big well done to the children, and all the staff who have played a part in that. There is a momentum growing as people are working together to make this school the best it can be. Have a good rest and come back ready to get stuck in again in September!

Anthony Adams Chair of Governors

• Please ensure that your child’s uniform is named correctly. Lost property is kept outside class 1S.

How to contact us: Telephone 01332 760070 Email admin@dale.derby.sch.uk Address Dale Community Primary School Porter Road, Derby. DE23 6NL Head Teacher Mrs L. Sullivan

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