JULY 2012
Mrs Gill and Mrs Brocklehurst (circled) are leaving us after 28 wonderful years!
Another year has flown by yet again! So much has happened and there D’S are so many tales to tell! Where A E H OT do I start? SP Just this week, 3 special events in school have made me proud of our school family. On Saturday we held our annual School Fair, a wonderful day and hard work for all involved but such a relaxed and happy event. On Tuesday we had a Staff Retirement evening in school for Barbara Brocklehurst and Surinder Gill - two dedicated and much loved members of staff. On Wednesday, our Leavers Assembly, a proud moment to share with parents the success and joy of their children. We have much to celebrate, much to be grateful for! Have a good holiday! See you on September 4th!
Mrs L Sullivan - Head Teacher
Term Dates for 12/13 Back to School Tuesday 4th September Back up for Half Term Friday 26th October INSET Day Monday 5th November Back to School Tuesday 6th November INSET Day Monday 10th December Break up for Christmas Friday 21st December Back to School Monday 7th January Back up for Half Term Friday 15th February Back to School Monday 25th February