Steeple Times, Volume 9, Issue 10

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Steeple Times Vol. 9, Issue 10: October 2014

First Presbyterian Church of Tyler, Texas 230 West Rusk Street, Tyler, Texas 75701-1696 // (903) 597-6317 //

Four Reasons Why the Pastor’s Bullish on Our Church By the Rev. Dr. Stuart Baskin So many things happening; what to report? Lately it has seemed as though we have had more than our fair share of deaths in the congregation. And it is certainly true we have lost some beloved members in the last month or so. We have also lost some wonderful members who have moved out of town and transferred to churches in their new cities. But there is a lot of positive news to report, as well. On September 14 we started a new Sunday school class designed to reach our younger adults in the church. We have seen a recent influx of new young adults, and the time was ripe to start a new class. Paul and Debbie Pitts are leading the class, which began with a dozen young adults, some members, some

visitors. This is good news because it demonstrates that we are able to be who we are and attract younger adults. Also on September 14 we started a new course to train future leaders in Christian Education. Pam Leach and I are team-teaching the course, which is the first of a three-course sequence we are calling the Presbyterian Core Education Series. The class is reading through the entire Bible from now through the middle of next May. Class members are enthusiastic and eager to learn, and all of them are committed to teaching once they have completed their training. This is good news because it is a long-term investment in our future.

parents are able to have an evening of free babysitting and spend time together as couples. When we began, we averaged six to eight children. Recently we have been averaging eighteen children, and we’re still growing. Kudos to Phyllis Kidwell and the Children’s Ministry Team for providing this ministry to children and their parents! So far this year (as of September 15), we have taken in twenty-seven new members. Some are retired and some are young adults; some are families and some are singles. It is a real mix of ages, but what they all share is a love of God and an appreciation for this church family. As you can see, there’s a reason why I’m bullish on our church and its future. There’s a lot to be thankful for!

in this issue // October 2014

First Friday Fun (formerly Fourth Friday Fun) is growing steadily. First Friday Fun is a once-a-month event for children to come and enjoy fellowship and learning, while their

Featured Clean Out Your Closet for Charity! Shabbat Dinner Experienced

New Member and Inquirers Class Starts October 5

Event Highlights Fall Study Series Fine Arts at FPC concerts First Friday Fun: Kids’ Night Out Mental Wellness Seminar Music Dedication Sunday Next Chapter Field Trip Reformation Sunday SAM’s Club World Communion Sunday

Starting Sunday, October 5, through Sunday, November 9, a class will be offered for all new adult members of our congregation as well as those who are considering joining FPC. The sessions will be held in the Parlor during the Sunday school hour, and will cover such topics as the history and government of the Presbyterian Church (USA), reformed faith


and theology, the history of our own congregation in Tyler, opportunities for involvement, education, and fellowship, and much more. If you have questions, please contact Jessica Cox (jess2tex@yahoo. com / 903-530-1480) or Debbie Finley (903-534-4503). If you’d like to participate, RSVP to Jessica or Debbie by Wednesday, October 1.

The Mission Store

Your mission headquarters at FPC: Match your talents to our community’s needs.

Andrews Center | Volunteers & donations For the past several years, FPC has hosted a Christmas party for the clients at the Andrews Center and Goodwill. Together, these organizations serve nearly 100 adults with mental or physical disabilities. FPC members have been gracious enough to put on a Christmas bash complete with personalized gifts each year. On Sundays, October 19 and 26 and November 2, visit the table in the entrance to the Fellowship Hall between 9:15 and 11 am to sign up to volunteer at the party, provide cookies, or purchase gifts. Gift buyers are asked to shop for one or more items from an individual’s wish list, with a recommended maximum budget of $30 per individual. Deliver gifts to the church office by Sunday, November 30.

Peacemaking Offering | Donations Save the date: we’ll collect the Peacemaking Offering on Sunday, October 5. You may write a check to FPC Tyler designated to “Peacemaking Offering” in the memo line, or you can text PEACE to 20222 to give $10 or visit www. Solar Under the Sun Adopt-A-Part Campaign Volunteers & donations As a church, we have pledged to raise the funds for all materials needed to harvest the sun’s energy for the community at St. Etienne—and whether it’s a solar panel, copper wiring, or a screwdriver, you can help us foot the bill. Please visit the lobby of the Fellowship Hall, where the Adopt-A-Part poster illustrates the solar-powered water filtration technology and all its parts in need of adoption. (Our mission partners at CPC Fort Smith are sponsoring the water–related parts of the system.)

The Christmas party will be Thursday, December 11, at 12:30–3 pm. This party has been a very meaningful experience for all involved in the past. These individuals are disadvantaged in one form or another, and we are taught to care for the least of these. Help us make the party a success again this year. Questions? Contact Jim Novy (903-581-1809 /

Thanks, Shirley Martin! Shirley hosted over twenty widows with a great Mexican fiesta. It was so much fun with each one of us having our picture made with a sombrero and mustache. After the wonderful meal which was served by Judy Schmoker and Lori Flens, we played Mexican Train. It was a good evening and enjoyed by all. —Lynn Wagoner

PATH | Volunteers & donations October’s pantry drive: peanut butter and jelly and coats for kids. Bring donations to the crates in the Fellowship Hall and Main Building. More info at

[See page 5 for details about October’s New Chapter event.]

Notes from Session

an internal evaluation and present at a future meeting of the Session. This will function as a way to communicate the work of these committees to the Session as well as a way to evaluate the resources used in accomplishing each ministry’s goals.

Minutes recorded by Jeanne Stovall After their summer break, the Session met on August 19 and conducted the following business: The consent agenda was approved, including the transfers of James C. and Nancy Dickson to FPC Fort Worth, Tom and Jane Gibson to Tyler P. C., and the Larry Burks family to the Woodlands Community P. C.; and the baptisms of Rosemary Frances Nodler, Gentry William Chambers, and Caroline Rose Marshall.

On behalf of the Risk Management Committee, Lynn Wagoner reported that officials from Tyler Junior College had attended a recent meeting to suggest improvements to the security and safety of the church. Suggestions included environmental changes, such as the density and height of shrubbery; the addition of cameras to our hallways; and limiting building access during the week.

As moderator of the Session, Stuart Baskin gave a brief definition of Reformed, as used in reference to church philosophy born of the Protestant Reformation and teachings of John Calvin. In addition, Dr. Baskin reported on two major issues voted on at General Assembly in June; it was the consensus to host a town hall meeting to inform the congregation about the issues. Committee Reports: Wayne Babin reported that the Planning and Evaluation Committee plans to request each of the church’s twenty-five committees to complete

New Business: A proposal was passed to use $17,000 from the Memorial Fund for the following purposes: Sanctuary sound system repair and upgrade (est. $10,816), Sunday school furniture (est. $3,000), and Chapel and Sanctuary paraments (est. $2,400). The Session moved to invite dialog with the Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services in regard to placing a social worker on site in our facility.


Congregational News Membership Updates New Members Join us in extending a warm welcome to our newest members: Jill and Steve O’Farrell (joined August 24); and Stephen and Heather Jones (joined August 24). Baptisms We are proud to have witnessed the baptisms of Rosemary Frances Nodler, daughter of James and Abigail Babin Nodler, on Sunday, August 31; and Gentry William Chambers, son of Jamie and Brent Chambers, on September 14. Deaths We offer our sympathies to the families of FPC members who have entered the Church Triumphant: Katherine Deer Hudson (August 22) and Grace Doss Shelton (September 3).

Planned Giving

Have you remembered the church and other charities in your will? If you need help in this area, contact Nanci Pollard (903-597-6317) to request information, or visit the Texas Presbyterian Foundation website at Assistance is confidential and free of charge.

Sign Up for the E-Newsletter

Stay in the know about FPC news and events by subscribing to the weekly e-newsletter. You’ll even get a sneak peek into what Stuart has planned for Sunday’s pulpit! Follow the QR code or find the e-newsletter sign-up link on the website at

Connect with FPC Online Instagram: @fpctyler

Chancel Flowers

Honor a friend, celebrate a birthday, or memorialize a loved one by donating flowers to the Chancel. Arrangements are $80, and the church will take care of all the details. Contact: Margaret Hilliard (903-593-1494).

Save the Date

November 2 | All Saints’ Day (Observed) & Evensong of Remembrance Join us for morning worship, when the liturgy will commemorate the saints who have entered the Church Triumphant before us. That evening, return for a special Evensong service presented by Fine Arts at FPC. November 9 | Pledge Dedication During worship, the congregation well dedicate their pledges of stewardship for the coming year. November 30 | Advent Artfest On the first Sunday of Advent, join us for a festival during the Sunday school hour to get into the Christmas spirit.

Shabbat Dinner Experienced

Clean Out Your Closet for a Good Cause!

By Martha Oates | Our first Presbyterian Women’s Gathering this fall was a dinner held on September 22, which featured an engaging program: “Shabbat Dinner Experienced,” presented by Linda Pirtle and Jeanne Stovall based on their recent trip to Israel. We learned that although there are many annual celebrations in Judaism, one that is central to Jewish life occurs every week—the Sabbath dinner. It offers an opportunity to contemplate the spiritual aspects of life and spend time with family.

By Debbie Finley | The congregation, staff, and clergy of FPC have been loyal and enthusiastic supporters of the Tyler Civic Chorale for most of its forty-six years, and we thank you so much!

The Sabbath table is usually set with fine china and at least two candles representing the dual commandments to remember and observe the Sabbath, and two loaves of challah (covered with a special cloth) representing the dual portion of manna that God provided for the Israelites in preparation for Shabbat in the desert. The candles are lit by the woman of the household. After lighting, she waves her hands over the candles, welcoming in the Sabbath. Then she covers her eyes, so as not to see the candles before reciting the blessing.

Will you please help us yet again? On Saturday, October 4, we will hold a fundraiser garage sale in the Fellowship Hall starting at 8 a.m. If you have items you’d like to donate, please bring them to Dr. Bone’s classroom (FH 104) between September 29 and October 2. We ask that all items are clean, already priced, and on hangers (if clothing). The Chorale is a non-profit organization. If you’d like to come shop on October 4, all proceedings will go toward the Chorale’s mission of providing first-quality choral music for our wonderful supporters throughout East Texas. Questions? Call Debbie Finley (903-534-4503) or Donald Duncan (903-597-6317).


October Event Highlights Fall Study Series: Harvesting Our Gifts

SAM’s Club: A Brief History of Roses

Wednesday Evenings in October Schedule* First Four Wednesdays in October (Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22) 5:30–6:15 pm Dinner 6:15–7:15 pm Programs

Wednesday, October 8, at 11 am // Session Room The program, “A Brief Look at the History of the Rose-Growing Industry of the Tyler Area,” will consider many aspects of this business which, along with the East Texas oil boom, helped to define the Tyler area during much of the last century. And what an appropriate time to talk about roses—October is the focus of this industry, marked by the Tyler Rose Festival which has been a tradition since 1933. The program will feature a short film telling the story of the Tyler Rose Garden (which, incidentally, was conceived by a devoted member of FPC, Bob Shelton) and guest speaker Sam Kidd, retired volunteer at Smith County Historical Society.

* The children’s choirs and the Chancel Choir will continue to rehearse on Wednesdays. The Chancel Choir will begin rehearsal at 7:15 pm for the duration of the Fall Study Series to allow choir members to participate.

Registration Register online ( at least one week in advance so that the staff has a head count for dinner.

Lunch will be catered by Traditions, featuring braised beef tips in mushroom gravy over rice and hot peach cobbler. Meal tickets are $10 and payable at the door. Please RSVP by noon on Monday, October 6 (www.fpctyler. com/sams / Bettie Clancy, 903-521-1383).

Program Offerings • Childcare | Infant–age 5 • Camp Big Church | Pre K–grade 5 • Middle Earth | Grades 6–8 • Senior High Small Group | Grades 9–12 High school students will meet at the Gabriels’ home (215 W. 1st Street) for their regularly scheduled group. • Growing Disciples | Adults Rev. Lynette Solomon, M Div, and her husband, John Mark Solomon, LCSW, of Athens will lead this series on parenting, using experiences from their own family and their professional lives to explore how family relationships influence parenting decisions, among other topics. Parents, grandparents, and all others who work with and care for children are welcome. • Personal Stewardship | Adults Explore the ways our personal decisions each day and in every season of life can be a reflection of our faith. Join the discussion about how we use our talents, treasure, and time.

Feel the Spirit!

A celebration of African American spirituals featuring the Tyler Civic Chorale; presented by Fine Arts at FPC Saturday, October 11, at 7 pm // Sanctuary $15 adults / $5 students & children Born out of the struggles of African peoples enslaved in the American South, the modern African American spiritual is a uniquely American musical idiom with deep spiritual, cultural, and political roots. The first concert of the Tyler Civic Chorale’s forty-seventh season will explore this rich heritage of music while honoring the life and work of Moses Hogan (1957–2003), one of the twentieth century’s foremost proponents of the spiritual. Hogan’s arrangements are rhythmically intricate, harmonically rich, and always appealing, and include such beloved tunes as No Hidin’ Place, I Can Tell the World, Ride on King Jesus, Down by the Riverside, and Good News the Chariot’s Comin’. Purchase tickets at the door or online (

World Communion & Children’s Sabbath Sunday, October 5 // 8:30 & 11 am services Celebrate the global Christian community through Holy Communion. Also, in observance of the annual Children’s Sabbath, the children’s choirs will sing at the 11 am service, and children and youth will contribute leadership.

Analysis of Revenues & Expenses August 2014 Summary

Steeple Times is a publication of First Presbyterian Church, 230 W. Rusk St., Tyler, TX 75701. Acting editor: Stuart Baskin. FPC reserves the right to edit and/or exclude all submissions. Submit content to Karen McClellan by the 15th of the month prior to publication:, fax (903) 597-6326, or mail. An archive of the Steeple Times can be found at

MTD Actual YTD Actual YTD Budget Revenues $106,177 $205,030 — Expenses $96,610 $209,654 — Net Total $9,567 ($4,624) —


Is Our Mental Wellness in Balance?

Next Chapter

Sponsored by Congregational Care Committee Sunday, October 12, at 12 pm // Session Room Learning how to balance your mental wellbeing and navigate life’s let downs can be overwhelming—especially when life never seems to slow down. Fonda Latham, Executive Director of the Samaritan Counseling Center of Tyler, will lead a seminar focusing on self care. She’ll talk about tools to deal with life’s everyday challenges as well as the tough stuff—grief and loss, bad health, broken relationships. Ms. Latham will also provide resources and information about local counseling services for those times when professional guidance is helpful.

Wednesday, Oct. 22, at 9:30 am // Meet at FPC FPC’s fellowship group for widows will take a field trip to the New London School Museum for a tour and lunch. Meet in the church parking lot at 9:30 am to carpool. RSVP to Sara Murff by October 15 (903-534-9717).

Presbyterian Women Project Day Saturday, October 25, at 10 am // Fellowship Hall Join PW for a day of mission. We will make hygiene bags for the clients of Gateway to Hope, a day resource center for the homeless. Please consider collecting the following: washcloths, hand towels (approx. 16” x 28”), widetooth combs, toothbrushes and small tooth paste tubes, nail clippers, wrapped bars of soap, and Band-Aids. (Bring donations to the collection box near the refreshment table in the Fellowship Hall on Sundays.) After we fill the bags, we’ll enjoy a homemade soup luncheon. Remember—you’re a part of PW even if you don’t attend a circle! Questions? Contact Martha Oates (903-509-4781).

Box lunches will be provided (donations accepted). Please RSVP by noon on Wednesday, October 8 (903597-6317).

UT Tyler with Swingle Singers & Clearly Vocal

Presented by Fine Arts at FPC Saturday, October 18, at 6 pm // Sanctuary tickets at UT Tyler and Clearly Vocal welcome the grammy award– winning Swingle Singers to Tyler for a joint concert. This is a ticketed event; tickets are available online at www. or at the door.

Reformation Sunday Sunday, October 26 // 8:30 & 11 am services In celebration of our Reformed heritage, the Sunday morning worship services will feature excerpts from “Here I Stand!”—Martin Luther’s story read by the youth of FPC Tyler. You’ll hear about a man whose theological convictions led him to nail ninety-five theses on the Castle Church door in Wittenburg, Germany, ultimately launching the Protestant Reformation. Nearly five hundred years later, you will hear about Luther and the convictions that changed the course of history.

Music Dedication Sunday

Sunday, October 19 // 11 am worship service On Music Dedication Sunday, we celebrate and give thanks for the gift of music as an aid to our worship of Almighty God. All of our music ministries participate in the service including worship leadership by the children’s choirs, youth ensemble, Carillon Handbell Choir, and Chancel Choir. Join us for a festive worship service designed to inspire and lift your spirit with beautiful sacred music.

Silent Movie: The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Brett Valliant, theatre organist Presented by Fine Arts at FPC Friday, October 31, at 7 pm // Sanctuary free admission In the world of silent film, Brett Valliant is renowned for his scoring and accompaniment of dramatic classics, such as Phantom of the Opera and The Ten Commandments. Just in time for Halloween, Brett returns to Tyler to perform his original, improvisational score alongside a screening of The Hunchback of Notre Dame, the 1923 silent film. A program for children will be available during the film. More details on page 7.

East Texas Youth Orchestra

Presented by Fine Arts at FPC Sunday, October 19, at 4 pm // Sanctuary free admission ETYO, formerly Tyler Youth Orchestra, provides a dynamic, classical music experience in which young and talented East Texas musicians receive high quality instruction and significant opportunities for orchestral performance.


October 2014 | Children & Youth Calendar !


Monday' !

Key:! PS!!age!2–K! CM!!grades!1–5! SM!!grades!6–12! JH!!junior!high!! SH!!senior!high!

Tuesday' !




October is Youth in Worship Month!

CHILDREN'S!SABBATH!!!!!!5! 8:30!AM!|!worship!

9:40!AM!|!CM!music! 9:45!AM!|!Sunday!school!

CUB! registration! closes!











9:40!AM!|!CM!music! 9:45!AM!|!Sunday!school! 11!AM!|!worship!&!


Thursday' 1!


for!Moms! 5!PM!|!Children’s!choirs! 5:45!PM!|!Fall!Study! Series! 6!PM!|!SH!Small!Group! 5!PM!|!Children's!




Ministry!Team! 5!PM!|!Children’s!choirs! 5:45!PM!|!Fall!Study! Series! 6!PM!|!SH!Small!Group! 14! 15! ! 5!PM!|!Children’s!choirs! 5:45!PM!|!Fall!Study! Series! 6!PM!|!SH!Small!Group!

Friday' 2!


Saturday' 3!

Friday!Fun! (infant–gr.!2)!!









CUB (depart TBA) 16!






CUB (return TBA) MUSIC!DEDICATION!!!!!!!!!!!19!




















children’s!worship! REFORMATION!SUNDAY!!!26!



27! !

28! !



5!PM!|!Children’s!choirs! 6!PM!|!SH!Small!Group!

30! !




Costumes,! Cameras,! Lights!!




Small Group Schedule

Adult Sunday School Classes

Midweek Oasis for Moms // Fellowship Wednesday, October 1, at 5 pm in M 102 Contact: Pam Leach (903) 520-9138 Men // Lectionary Tuesdays 6:30 am at Premier Flexipac Contact: Skip Womack (903) 533-9433 or Bob Schmoker (903) 714-5746 Men // Sermon texts 2nd/4th Mondays 10 am in homes Contact: Bill Myers (903) 825-7323 Women // Book & discussion Study: Isaiah 53: The Mysterious Prophesy Thursdays 9:30 am in Conference Room Contact: Jan Carpenter (903) 566-8533

Faith Builders (M 202) // Lecture & discussion Study: David: Seeking a Heart Like His by Beth Moore Contact: Susan Bennett (903) 343-7025 The Forum (M 102) // Book study & discussion Study: The Language of God by Francis Collins Contact: Chris Bunt (903) 531-3535 The 209ers (M 209) // Young Adults Study: A Study of the Psalms Contact: Debbie Pitts ( Westminster (M 207) // Book study & discussion Study: A Vocabulary of Faith by Kathleen Norris Contact: Linda Pirtle (903) 881-9000



! !

Children’s Ministry News & Events First Friday Fun: Kids’ Night Out!

Sunday School

We’ve started Sunday morning music time before Sunday school at 9:40 to sing and learn before we head to class. There are classes for 2’s & 3’s; pre-K & kindergarten; and the ROCK (grades 1–5). We use lectionary-based curriculum and learn the many stories of the Bible.

Friday, October 3, at 6–9 pm // Children’s Wing Crafts and coloring will focus on all things fall, and our Bible story will be about the well-known prodigal son. We’ll share pizza, play games, decorate cookies, and watch a short movie to end the evening. Infants–grade 2 welcome, including friends. Register online by Wednesday, October 1 (

Volunteer Opportunities

Children’s Ministry is seeking volunteers in several areas. If you have time to give, please call or email Phyllis Kidwell, Director of Children’s Ministry (pkidwell@ / 903-681-5504). • Sunday Mornings. We still have a few slots to fill for teachers and shepherds for each Sunday school class and for Children’s Church. We also need a “roving” shepherd to serve once a month. This is a new assignment to help the other teachers and shepherds. Please prayerfully consider giving a week each month to further our Christian Education program for children. • First Friday Fun. How about giving one Friday evening to the Children’s Ministry this fall? On the first Friday of each month, we host a kid’s night out program for infants–grade 2. Volunteers can come for all or only a portion of the time. If you have the gift of hospitality, you can come and help us with the meal. If you have a talent with crafts, you can come and help with that. If you have the time, we have a need. Contact Phyllis and complete some paperwork, and you will be ready for your assignment. You will be glad you did.

October: Children and Youth in Worship

In October the focus is on children and youth in worship. On Children’s Sabbath, October 5, the children’s choirs will sing in the 11 am service, and some of our children will serve with their parents as greeters and ushers. Others will read scripture. October 5 is also World Communion Sunday, when we celebrate Holy Communion. Plan to support them as they serve during this special time.

Costumes, Cameras, Lights! Friday, October 31, at 6:45 pm // Fellowship Hall While parents attend the Fine Arts program on Halloween night, children (infants–grade 5) are invited to a special evening of treats—no tricks! The evening will include snacks, crafts, funny pictures, and fun games. Costumes are encouraged. Parents, please sign your children in at the Fellowship Hall and pick up promptly after the event ends, around 9:00 pm. Advance registration is requested. Please contact Phyllis Kidwell (pkidwell@fpctyler. com / 903-597-6317).

Church Under the Bridge

October: Youth in Worship

October is Youth in Worship Month! Any youth interested in assisting in services as liturgists please let Neil know as soon as you can!

October 11–12 // Waco, Texas Church Under the Bridge is exactly that: a church under IH-35 in Waco, Texas. Their call is to be a church to the unchurched, who recognize and minister with the “unreached people” outside their own culture. Last year we had the opportunity to serve and worship with CUB in Waco and had an amazing experience!

Youth Lunch

Sunday, October 26, at 12 pm // Cici’s Pizza After a month of leading worship, the youth will go out for a free celebratory lunch after the Reformation Sunday worship services. All youth are invited, whether you were able to serve or not! Meet at FPC at noon. Parents, please pick up youth at Cici’s (off the Loop by Green Acres) at 2:00 pm.

This year our CUB mission trip will include an overnight. We’ll leave on Saturday afternoon, October 11, and stay at FPC Waco that night. On Sunday, we’ll worship and have lunch, then head back to Tyler. Details coming soon!


Fall Study Series. 5:30 pm, campus-wide. Meadow Lake Bible Study. 11:45 am, Meadow Lake. First Friday Fun. 6 pm, Children’s Wing. World Communion & Children’s Sabbath. 8:30 & 11 am services. SAM’s Club. 11 am, Fellowship Hall. Fall Study Series. 5:30 pm, campus-wide. Fine Arts: Feel the Spirit! 7 pm, Sanctuary. Church Under the Bridge Family Service Day. Waco, TX. Steeple Times Submission Deadline. Fall Study Series. 5:30 pm, campus-wide. Fine Arts: UT Tyler. 6 pm, Sanctuary. Music Dedication Sunday. 11 am worship service. Fine Arts: East Texas Youth Orchestra. 4 pm, Sanctuary. Fall Study Series. 5:30 pm, campus-wide. Reformation Sunday. 8:30 & 11 am worship services. Fine Arts: Silent Film. 7 pm, Sanctuary.

Budget & Finance. October 9 @ 12 pm — Conference Room Building & Grounds. October 13 @ 5:30 pm — Conference Room Children’s Ministry Team. October 8 @ 5 pm — Library Evangelism. October 7 @ 5:30 pm — Library Governance. October 6 @ 5:30 — Conference Room Mission. October 21 @ 5:30 pm — Library Potter House. October 6 @ 1 pm — Library Risk Management. October 22 @ 12 pm — Conference Room Session. October 21 @ 7 pm — M 207 Trustees. October 21 @ 12 pm — Conference Room Worship. October 7 @ 5:30 pm — Conference Room

Committee Meetings

1 2 3 5 8 8 11 11–12 15 15 18 19 19 22 26 31

Events & Opportunities

October 2014 // Calendar Highlights First Presbyterian Church 230 W. Rusk St. Tyler, TX 75701 Non-Profit Organization U. S. Postage

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