Steeple Times, Mar. 2015 (Vol. 10, Issue 3)

Page 1

M o n t h l y N e w s f r o m F P C Ty l e r • Vo l u m e 1 0 , I s s u e 3 : M a r c h 2 0 1 5

Staying True to the Course By the Rev. Dr. Stuart Baskin A funny thing has happened at 230 West Rusk Street. The world has changed around us. All things considered, this is not a bad thing. Let me explain. In the heyday of American Protestantism—the 1950’s—the Presbyterian Church was one of most influential denominations. Although numerically we were a tiny minority, our influence outstripped our size. Few other churches could boast our numbers among the decision makers of our country. From city councils to the halls of Congress, Presbyterians were a real presence. In short, we were one of the “establishment” churches. But times have changed. We’re not the establishment church anymore. More than that, our way of worshiping God seems out of step with the main-

in this issue |



stream. And that’s a good thing! We don’t need to be like every other church in town. If we wanted to be the biggest church in town, we would do things very differently. We would hire a marketing firm to tell us what people want, and we would work hard to give them what they want. That’s what a lot of churches have done. They have figured out what the people want, and they work hard to give it to them. There’s only one problem with that. The church isn’t about serving up what people want; it’s about serving God. Those are two entirely different things. As far as I can tell, our entire reason for being is to serve and please God. I believe passionately in that. As the Continued on page 7.

f e at u r e s

Mission Updates | page 3

Lenten Study & Sermons | page 2

Soulfood Concert Series | page 4

Big thank you’s all around for this congregation’s support of Souper Bowl of Caring and Mardi Gras 2015. Look inside for more details.

Join us on this journey—it’s an exploration of forgiveness.

A special Lenten concert series explores the many ways we worship God through music. A Southern soul food supper follows each concert.

Updated Directories | page 3

Pick up a new membership directory from the church office.

First Presbyterian Church of Tyler, Texas 230 West Rusk Street, Tyler, Texas 75701-1696 (903) 597-6317 |

Consider Forgiveness during the Lenten Season By the Rev. Dr. Stuart Baskin Mahatma Gandhi once wrote, “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong.” This year’s Lenten study examines forgiveness. As it turns out, it’s not as simple a subject as one might think. We say to ourselves, “Someone has wronged me, I forgive them, let’s move on.” But deep down we know it’s not that simple. Forgiveness is hard. It is costly. But ultimately, it is necessary if broken relationships are going to be

healed, estrangement overcome. If you are participating in a Lenten study group, I hope you are finding it helpful. If you are not participating in a study, perhaps you will consider reading the book, Forgiveness: A Lenten Study, by Marjorie Thompson. It’s a worthwhile read, and a Lenten discipline worth undertaking. Each week during Lent, I’ll preach a sermon based on the themes from this book, and whether you’re in a group, reading along at home, or just think-

ing about it on Sunday mornings, you’ll find some real inspiration for growth. Read more about Lent at FPC at www. Throughout the Lenten study, small groups will post their thoughts and questions about forgiveness on the blog (www. Join the conversation online!

The Labyrinth—A Pathway of Prayer By the Rev. Pamela Leach The labyrinth will be available Palm Sunday (after 2 pm) through Easter Sunday in the Session Room (F 101/102).

During Holy Week the labyrinth will be available for prayer and meditation in the Session Room of the Fellowship

s u n day s c h o o l Sunday School @ 9:45 am faith builders | Lecture & discussion

M 202 / Study: Forgiveness, A Lenten Study
/ Contact: Susan Bennett (903) 343-7025 the forum | Book & discussion

M 102 / Study: Lost Christianities by Bart Ehrman
/ Contact: Chris Bunt (903) 531-3535 209ers | Young adults
 M 209 / Study: TBA
/ Contact: Debbie Pitts ( the

Hall (F 101/102). While labyrinths predate Christianity, early believers incorporated them into the prayer life of believers in the Triune God. Walking this ancient path of prayer gives you the opportunity to step out of the demands of your daily life in order to focus on God for a few moments before following the path back into the world where you minister in God’s name.

/ small

As we enter Holy Week, consider setting aside a few moments to walk the path and reflect on Jesus’ great sacrifice for the world.

group listing

westminster | Book & discussion

M 207 / Study: The Present Word / Contact: Linda Pirtle (903) 881-9000

Small Group Schedule knit wits | Knitting Ministry

Monday, March 2, at 1:30 pm at TBA / Contact: Pat Cryer (903) 561-5242 midweek oasis for moms

Wednesday, March 4, at 5 pm / M 102
/ Contact: Pam Leach (903) 520-9138 2

Both individuals and groups are welcome to use the labyrinth. Suggestions for use will be available in the Session Room. If you have questions, please contact Lynn Collyer (903-597-6317 x102 /

men | Lectionary

Tuesdays 6:30 am at Premier Flexipac / Contact: Skip Womack (903) 533-9433 or Bob Schmoker (903) 714-5746 men | Sermon texts

2nd/4th Mondays 10 am in homes
/ Contact: Bill Myers (903) 825-7323 women | Book & discussion

Thursdays 9:30 am in Conf. Room
/ Study: Forgiveness, A Lenten Study / Contact: Jan Carpenter (903) 566-8533

Bullet Points from January’s Session Meeting Minutes recorded by Robyn Files New members were officially received, including Kate and Drew Starnes and Beth and Ben Shepperd.

mended that the annual meeting of the congregation be moved to the end of the first quarter of the fiscal year (September). The motion was passed.

Skip Womack and Stuart Baskin presented the Treasurer’s Report.

Steve Hillis, on behalf of the Personnel Committee, motioned to give all church staff salaries a cost-of-living

As the moderator, Dr. Baskin recom-

Stay in the Know

Don’t lose touch—pick up the new member directory. Updated directories are available from the church office. Stop by Monday through Friday between 8:30 am and 5 pm.

Subscribe to the weekly e-newsletter, and you’ll receive stories, event reminders, and mission updates. You’ll even get a sneak peek into what Stuart has planned for Sunday’s pulpit! Follow the QR code above or find the e-newsletter signup link on the website at

Analysis of Revenues & Expenses January 2015 Summary

Stay in touch with us on social media, too: @fpctyler

It was decided that, if more than three people wish to attend a presbytery meeting as a commissioner, the attendees will be determined by lottery. At least on of the three must be an elder currently serving on the session.

Updated Directories

Stay in the know about news and events by connecting with FPC online.


adjustment. The motion was passed.

mtd actual

ytd actual

ytd budget


$96,813 $718,452 $676,839 $98,636 $709,571 $744,324 net total ($1,823) $8,881 ($67,485) expenses


the mission store Yo u r m i s s i o n H Q a t F P C • M a t c h y o u r t a l e n t w i t h o u r c o m m u n i t y ’ s n e e d s Souper Bowl of Caring | Thank You!!

Mardi Gras | Thank You!!

With your help, the youth raised $1,041.66 and 106 cans of food during the annual Souper Bowl of Caring fundraiser. These donations will go directly to PATH. Thank you for your support and for teaching our youth what it means to give back to our community!

The Mardi Gras 2015 party for mission was a huge success, with over $5,500 raised for the various missions supported by FPC. Thank you to all who cooked, volunteered, and participated, especially the planning sub-committee: Ginny Mattox, Susan Davis, Sunni Brookshire, Libby Simmons, Peggy Smith, Francis Jackson, Libby Shoup, Ellen Peirce, JoAnn Grooms, and Gillian Brasfield.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance | Donations

As the PCUSA’s disaster-response ministry, PDA provides aid in the aftermath of natural disasters, in the midst of public health crises, and in the throes of war and violence. Visit to contribute today.

PATH | Donations

Donate toilet paper in March. Bring donations to the PATH crates in the Fellowship Hall foyer and near the elevator in the main building. More info at


event highlights Soulfood: A Lenten Concert Series Presented by Fine Arts @ FPC Sundays, March 1, 15 & 29, 5 pm | Sanctuary

SAM’s Club: Sing-A-Long Wednesday, March 11, 11 am | Session Room (F 101/102)

FPC’s Senior Adult Ministry invites you to a heartwarming sing-a-long led and narrated by Donald Duncan. Lunch is catered by Traditions. Meal tickets are $10 and payable at the door. RSVP by noon on Monday, March 9 (www.fpctyler. com/events/sams or call Bettie Clancy, 903-521-1383).

free admission

Music drives the praise and meditation at Soulfood, a unique worship event series offered during Lent. These distinctive services reflect the belief that music feeds our souls, and are followed by a community meal of Southern soul food in the Fellowship Hall. Concurrent program for children (see Soul Kids, page 7).

Back to the Future: Where We’ve Been . . . Where We’re Going Presbyterian Women’s Annual Retreat Saturday, March 14, 10 am–2 pm | Fellowship Hall

The Purple Hulls | March 1, 5 pm

The Purple Hulls are a set of siblings who excel at country as well as traditional gospel bluegrass music. Join us for an evening of toe-tapping, soul-stirring gospel music. Read more at

The annual FPC women’s retreat will feature entertainment, fellowship, a baked potato bar, and games. We will meet several historical figures who had roles in establishing the Presbyterian Women organization including Sarah Foster Hanna who spoke to the General Assembly in 1895. She requested and received permission to establish the first national organization for Presbyterian women to be known as the Women’s General Missionary Society.

Lenten Evensong | March 15, 5 pm

Evensong comes from a long tradition of sung evening prayers meant to evoke praise, penitence, and prayer. Read more at

This will be a fun ladies day out and it is free. RSVP online (, contact Martha Oates ( or 903-509-4781), or sign up at your Presbyterian Women circle meeting.

Rabbi Neal Katz, folk musician | Sunday, March 29, 5 pm

Rabbi Neal Katz has been making Jewish folk music for over twenty-five years, playing beautiful, uplifting music performed with high energy and interspersed with alternately touching and funny introductions. Read more at

Voices of Faith Spring Concert Presented by Fine Arts @ FPC Friday, March 27, 7 pm | Sanctuary

Requiem by Gabriel Fauré Presented by Fine Arts @ FPC & Tyler Civic Chorale Saturday, March 7, 7 pm | Sanctuary

Since 2008, Voices of Faith has sought to give young musicians a space to explore their artistic discipline through a God-honoring repertoire. Read more at events/vof.


In Gabriel Fauré’s monumental work Requiem, presented at the Tyler Civic Chorale’s masterworks concert, the composer refutes the gloomy tradition of funereal organ composition, replacing a fear of death with what has been called instead, “a lullaby of death . . . a happy deliverance, an aspiration.” Read more at

Palm Sunday Sunday, March 29, 8:30 & 11 am worship services

Commemorate the Lord’s triumphal entry to Jerusalem with a palm processional led by bagpipes. Special music by the Chancel Choir and Children’s Choir.

c o n g r e g at i o n a l n e w s Deaths

We offer prayers of comfort for the families of members who have recently passed away: gottlieb “lee” schmoker and ray davidson. 4

save the date |



Holy Week | March 29–April 5

Kirkin’ of the Tartans | April 19

Youth Sunday | April 26

Join us for worship during Holy Week—Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. The week will end with Easter Eggstravaganza, featuring brunch and egg hunts, the fellowship event of the year.

This congregation’s traditional commemoration of our Scottish roots will feature the Lyon College Pipe Band and a luncheon on the lawn after worship.

The youth of the church will lead worship, sharing their energy, talent, and musicianship, living out the Presbyterian belief that each of us is a priest in the church.

student ministries news Youth Group Sunday, March 1, 5–7 pm | The Well



Junior High Jubilee June 28–July 2 | Mo-Ranch, Hunt TX

Youth (grades 6–12) will continue planning in preparation for the Youth Sunday service set for April 26. After the planning session, the group will play some fun games. Bring your creativity and energy, and RSVP (www.fpctyler. com/events/youth or email

Attention middle school youth: join other Presbyterians from across the state at Mo-Ranch for a week of small groups, amazing keynotes, and games—did we mention the Mo-slide? This year’s theme is “Just Dance: Jesus Edition” coming from Ecclesiastes 3:4. For grades 6–8; cost is $200 per participant. Read more and register at www.fpctyler. com/events/jhj.

YouthQuake March 20–22 | Camp Gilmont, Gilmer TX

Synod Youth Workshop July 19–25 | University of Tulsa

Middle school youth throughout the presbytery come together for a retreat led by the high school PULSE leadership group, which includes several of our own youth. The weekend’s theme is You Are Blessed, based on Jeremiah 17:7. For grades 6–8; cost is $60 per participant. Register by March 5 at

This year, the annual week-long conference for high school youth is “Plan for the Future,” coming from Hebrews 11:40. Come and spend a week living in community with a small group where you worship together, do a mission project, spend a night on the town, do group building activities, walk a labyrinth together while hearing amazing keynotes, and meet some amazing people! For grades 9–12; cost is $200 per participant. Read more and register at www.

East Texas Youth Mission Trip June 13–21 | Clearwater Forest Camp, Deerwood MN

Watch out Minnesota, and all the highways in between— East Texas’s Presbyterian youth are going on a mission at Clearwater Forest Camp and Retreat Center in Deerwood, Minnesota. The camp will put us to work clearing trails and helping on construction projects throughout the week, then we’ll head over to Minneapolis/St. Paul for a Friday fun day. Get ready for an amazing trip in the Land of 10,000 Lakes. For all youth, grades 6–12. Read more and register at www.

Thank You I would like to express my appreciation and thanks for all of the condolences I received on the loss of my sister, Joy Patterson. It is indeed comforting to know that my family was blanketed with your prayers during our time of loss.

Steeple Times is a publication of First Presbyterian Church, 230 W. Rusk St., Tyler, TX 75701. Acting editor: Stuart Baskin. FPC reserves the right to edit and/or exclude all submissions. Submit content to Karen McClellan by the 15th of the month prior to publication:, fax (903) 597-6326, or mail. An archive of the Steeple Times can be found online at www.

—Linda Pirtle


Children & Youth Calendar

march 2015 !










8:30 AM | worship

5 PM | Carol Choir

9:15 AM | Ring and Sing

6 PM | SH



music 9:45 AM | Sunday school 11 AM | worship 5 PM | Soul Kids 5 PM | Youth Group






6–9 PM | First



Friday Fun (infant–gr. 2)

Small Group

9:40 AM | CM














8:30 AM | worship 9:15 AM | Ring and Sing 9:40 AM | CM


9:45 AM | Sunday school 11 AM | worship

8:30 AM | worship

5 PM | Carol Choir

9:15 AM | Ring and Sing

6 PM | SH

Small Group

9:40 AM | CM

music 9:45 AM | Sunday school 11 AM | worship 5 PM | Soul Kids





8:30 AM | worship

5 PM | Carol Choir

9:15 AM | Ring and Sing

6 PM | SH

Small Group

9:40 AM | CM

music 9:45 AM | Sunday school 11 AM | worship

Palm Sunday




8:30 AM | worship 9:15 AM | Ring and Sing 9:40 AM | CM

music 9:45 AM | Sunday school 11 AM | worship 5 PM | Soul Kids

Registration for KidQuake, Junior High Jubilee, Synod Youth Workshop, and East Texas Youth Mission Trip opens on March 1.

KidQuake registration closes


ch i ld r e n ’s m i n i s try n e ws Soul Kids Sundays, March 1, 15 & 29, 5 pm | Children’s Wing



Sunday Morning Volunteers Please prayerfully consider the following opportunities. If you’re interested in volunteering, contact Phyllis Kidwell (

Soul Kids, an exploration of forgiveness, will be offered during each of the Soulfood concerts on three Sunday evenings in March—March 1, 15, and 29. The lessons and activities will focus on forgiveness, the adults’ Lenten study theme, for K through grade 5. Childcare will be available for younger children. A congregational meal will be provided after each concert for a minimal cost. Plan to join us! RSVP at

If you have a Sunday or two to serve in children’s Sunday school this summer, please give Phyllis Kidwell a call. We will need 3 teachers and 3 shepherds for the four weeks in June and the first four weeks of August. We encourage our school year teachers to take a well-earned break. Curriculum and teaching resources are provided in advance.

First Friday Fun: Kids’ Night Out! Friday, March 6, 6–9 pm | Children’s Wing

We also need 4 volunteers to assist with Children’s Worship for each of the four weeks in July. This is a fun way to serve if you plan to be in town during the summer. We usually have one service for our congregation at 10:00 a.m.

This month at Kids’ Night Out, children will plant flowers to watch grow at home and vegetables to plant in our Sun Garden this summer. Our Bible story is from Ecclesiastes 3:1-8: “Everything Has Its Time.” Dinner will be provided.

Items needed Help Children’s Ministry collect travel size toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, soap, lotion, etc.). The children will be using them for an upcoming mission project. We’re also looking for used, long-sleeve button-up shirts for use as art shirts for the students. Stains, tears, and missing buttons are no problem. Drop off your donations in the administration office or in the box near the Children’s Wing. Thank you!

Infants–grade 2. Your children are welcome to bring friends, just ask their parents to RSVP online or by calling the office by Wednesday, March 4. Register online (www. or contact Phyllis Kidwell ( or 903-681-5504). Thanks for helping us plan ahead!

April’s First Friday Fun—Change of Date!

KidQuake and KidQuiver

In April, the first Friday is Good Friday,* so we’re mixing up our normal schedule. Kids’ Night Out will meet instead on the second Friday, April 10, 6–9 pm, and celebrate with an End-of-Year party. We’ll eat and play outside—weather permitting!

Parents—our 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders are going to KidQuake at Camp Gilmont on April 17–19. Stay tuned for information about a parent meeting. We’ll also set aside time to personalize a backpack and decorate a drinking cup for each camper to use during their weekend adventure.

* As with all of our worship services, childcare will be available during the Good Friday (Tenebrae) worship service that begins at 7:42 pm on April 3.

To help our younger students prepare for future KidQuakes, 1st and 2nd graders will be invited to KidQuiver this spring, an event similar to KidQuake, but a little closer to home (here at FPC!) and ending sooner. Watch for more details!

“Staying True to the Course,” continued from page 1.

By the time you read these words, we will be fully immersed in Lent. I pray that in this Lenten season we can begin to envision a church that believes passionately in serving God, not a church that simply tries to please people.

first question of the old Westminster Shorter Catechism puts it, “Man’s chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever.” Nothing there leads me to believe that our purpose is to follow popular trends or try to be the most “popular” church in town.


Soulfood: The Purple Hulls. 5 pm, Sanctuary. Soul Kids. 5 pm, Children’s Wing. Youth Group. 5 pm, The Well. Meadow Lake Bible Study. 11:45 am, Meadow Lake. First Friday Fun. 6 pm, Children’s Wing. Requiem by Gabriel Fauré. 7 pm, Sanctuary. SAM’s Club: Sing-A-Long. 11 am, Session Room. Back to the Future (Women’s Retreat). 10 am, Fellowship Hall. Soulfood: Lenten Evensong. 5 pm, Sanctuary. Soul Kids. 5 pm, Children’s Wing. YouthQuake. Camp Gilmont. Voice of Faith. 7 pm, Sanctuary. Palm Sunday. 8:30 & 11 am, Sanctuary. Soulfood: Rabbi Neal Katz, folk musician. 5 pm, Sanctuary. Soul Kids. 5 pm, Children’s Wing.

worship. March 3 @ 5 pm — Conference Room

session. March 17 @ 7 pm — M 207

risk management. March 25 @ 12 pm — Conference Room


& evaluation. March 4 @ 5 pm — Conference Room pw board & moderators. March 2 @ 10 am — Conference Room

mission. March 9 @ 5:30 pm — Library


& finance. March 12 @ 12 pm — Conference Room building & grounds. March 9 @ 5:30 pm — Conference Room

committee meetings

1 1 1 5 6 7 11 14 15 15 20–22 27 29 29 29

march highlights

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