M o n t h l y N e w s f r o m F P C Ty l e r • Vo l u m e 1 0 , I s s u e 5 : M a y 2 0 1 5
An Invitation to Belong By the Rev. Dr. Stuart Baskin Apparently I have a problem communicating. At least that’s what my family tells me. I think I communicate clearly and crisply, but that’s not the case. Here’s how a conversation might go: 2:00 p.m. (by phone) ME: Hi hon, there’s a great movie on at Times Square. AMY: What’s it about? ME: It’s a comedy about a couple who keep having communication errors. AMY: Sounds interesting. ME: Ok, bye. AMY: Bye. 7:00 p.m. (at home) ME: Are you ready? AMY: For what? ME: To go to the movie. AMY: I didn’t know we were going to see a movie tonight.
ME: But we talked about it this afternoon. AMY: Yes, but you didn’t say you wanted to go tonight. ME: I didn’t? AMY: No, dear, you didn’t. ME: Oh. Well, do you want to go see the movie tonight? AMY: Love to. I thought I was absolutely clear. But it turns out that in the first conversation there was communication that happened in my head, but didn’t come out of my mouth. The difference? Information-sharing versus invitation. As it turns out, this communication pattern isn’t just an issue in the Baskin household. We do it in the church, too, when it comes to inviting newcomers into the life of the church. We often tell newcomers about an event at the church and assume we have invited Continued on page 2.
i n t h i s i s s u e | H I G H L I G H T S & F E AT U R E S Senior Recognition | page 2
Meet an Ironman | page 4
FPC Tyler Hosts Presbytery | page 5
Celebrate senior high graduation with soon-to-be grads at a special reception and service.
Senior Adult Ministry invites you to meet and hear Ironman—and FPC member, Clay Emge.
Get on board the hospitality train and help us prepare for Grace Presbytery’s June meeting.
Bible Presentation | page 4
Encourage 1st and 5th grade students in Bible reading. First Presbyterian Church of Tyler, Texas 230 West Rusk Street, Tyler, Texas 75701-1696 (903) 597-6317 | www.fpctyler.com
“An Invitation to Belong,” continued from page 1.
inviting someone to an event or to worship, when what we are really doing is sharing information about the event.
them, when all we have done is share information. Consider two different conversations:
An invitation has three characteristics: it is personal, it is relational, and it is specific. It is personal in that it is one person to another. It’s not a newspaper ad, or a mass email, or a bulletin announcement; it is person-to-person. It is relational in that it invites someone into a deeper relationship with you and it seeks to connect people to a network of healing relationships in the church. And it is specific in that it is to a particular event. It’s not about asking someone to come to church sometime, but to join you or come with you on a particular day.
Scenario 1 YOU (TO A NEWCOMER): Hi! We’re having an event at the church that you might be interested in. It happens next Thursday at 7 p.m. NEWCOMER: Thanks for letting me know. Scenario 2 YOU: Hi John! I’m going to an event at the church next Thursday, and I would love to see you there. If you’re interested, I could pick you up around 6:30 and we could go together. Would you like to come with me?
You see, our church has a lot to offer people, and the most important thing we have to offer is a sense of belonging. In a world in which communication is increasingly impersonal and digital (think text messaging, emailing, Facebook, Twitter, and so forth), people are hungry for a place where they can be known and accepted for who they are. We are that place. Don’t be shy about inviting someone to come with you.
NEWCOMER: Thank you! That sounds great. See you then. Do you see the difference? The first is information-sharing, which we often confuse for inviting someone. The second is a specific invitation. One thing I know about our church is you are a very friendly bunch, and you do a good job of showing hospitality. Sometimes, though, we think we are
Celebrate With Our Graduating Seniors Celebrate the acheivements of our graduating seniors at a Celebration Reception on Sunday, May 17 at 10:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall. While there, visit the displays—available April 26-May 7—created by the soon-to-be
high school grads and their families, and jot a note of encouragement and best wishes. Following the reception, students will serve as liturgists during a special
recognition service at 11 a.m. in the santuary. Join us in cheering on these young people in this next chapter.
Men of the Church Fire Up the BBQ Gather with the men of FPC Tyler for a BBQ and fellowship gathering at Harold Beaird’s farm on Sunday, May 17 at 5:30 p.m. Men of the Church will announce officers for 2015 and enjoy Brad Emge’s and Greg Nordyke’s wonderful menu of pulled pork, sausage, cole slaw, beans, potato salad, and various trim-
mings. Drinks will also be provided. Bring a friend! Arnold Oates will share the latest on Camp Gilmont and its ministries, and the men will get the chance to plan volunteer service and offer up funds to this Christian camp and conference center. The Beaird residence (13233 Hwy. 64 2
W, Tyler 75704) is 2.6 miles west of Loop 323 on the south side of Hwy. 64. You will see a long white fence and a yellow house behind a pond. Please RSVP by May 10 to Curtis Cooper (curtiscooper@suddenlink.net) or at fpctyler.com/events/bbq. Cost is $10 per person, payable at the event.
PW Birthday Offering & Luncheon Celebrate life-changing, world-wide mission giving with other women at a special service followed by a potluck salad luncheon hosted by Presbyterian Women on Monday, May 18 at 11 a.m. in the Chapel. The final PW event of the year fea-
tures a special worship service with a presentation of the 2015 PW Birthday Offering and the installation of next year’s PW officers. Since its inception in 1922, the offering has funded over 100 major mission projects that make a difference in the lives of women and
children. A potluck salad luncheon will follow in F 101/102. Sign up with your circle or call Martha Oates (903-509-4781) to reserve your place. All women of the church are welcome.
Café Connections: A New Group Forms in Flint By the Rev. Vicki Griffin Meet up with the Rev. Vicki Griffin of FPC Jacksonville and other Flint area folks for engaging conversation in relation to Scripture and Brian McLaren’s book We Make the Road by Walking at the 4-Way Café in Flint. Though sponsored by Presbyterians in the area, all are welcome to join this
new group beginning Thursday, May 7 at 1 pm. Participants are responsible for purchasing the book which is widely available in print and digital formats. And bring a favorite Bible translation to add to the fun! McLaren states he wrote the book, “to help individuals and groups seize this moment and walk wisely and joyful-
ly into the future together,” and this group intends to do just that. The group grows out of a calling to enrich their own lives and to offer something close by for folks in the Bullard/ Flint/Gresham area. Contact the Rev. Vicki Griffin (victoria.griffin@sbcglobal.net / 903596-4975) for more information.
THE MISSION STORE Yo u r m i s s i o n H Q a t F P C • M a t c h y o u r t a l e n t w i t h o u r c o m m u n i t y ’ s n e e d s
Sargodha School Update
Sponsor a Gilmont Camper
Thanks to your generous donations you have helped fund a classroom with our global mission partner, Presbyterian Education Board’s Sargodha Boys High School in Pakistan. Supplies and funding student scholarships top the list of urgent needs for this ministry. Visit friendsofpeb.org to learn more or donate.
Give the gift of Camp Gilmont’s summer camp to a child by donating to the Camp Scholarship Fund. It’s summer as it ought to be: simple fun, time in nature, growing in Christ and community. Visit campgilmont.org.
PATH, May donations Help celebrate babies during May by donating diapers, food, formula or wipes. Please note that PATH does not currently accept any clothing donations. Bring donations to the PATH crates located in the foyer of the Fellowship Hall and near the elevator in the main building. More info at pathhelps.org.
The 2015 Pentecost Offering The Pentecost Offering is one of several special offerings designated by the Presbyterian Church (USA) in which FPC-Tyler participates. This offering is used for children at risk, youth, and young adults, and a portion of this offering is retained for local use.
FROG: Friend of Gilmont May 8–9 | Camp Gilmont, Gilmer, Texas
Collection of this offering takes place on both Senior Recognition Sunday, May 17, and on Pentecost Sunday, May 24. The portion of this special offering designated for local use will fund scholarships for PATH children to attend summer camp at Gilmont. Visit specialofferings.pcusa.org. 3
Become a FROG—Friend of Gilmont—and come help us spruce up the camp! Families can sign up or, even better, bring a group from the church! Contact Jane Els, Gilmont’s volunteer coordinator. Visit campgilmont.org.
Bullet Points from March’s Session Meeting Minutes recorded by Robyn Files The Session met on March 18 and conducted the following business: The consent agenda was approved, including the transfers of Jack and Sally Harper to Pollard United Methodist, and Daisy Highfill to Marvin United Methodist; and the baptism of Jake Michael Philley Starnes. As moderator of the Session, Stuart Baskin presented ideas for the
future direction of the church print communications.
the 2012 capital improvement project; the motion passed.
Wayne Babin motioned that the Session approve the pledge of $40,000 to Grace Presbytery for the 2015 calendar year; the motion was passed.
On behalf of the Planning and Evaluation Committee, Wayne Babin distributed a questionnaire to be used by the committee in preparing reports to the Session.
On behalf of the Budget and Finance Committee, Skip Womack motioned that the Session authorize an effort to solicit donations from major donors to help retire the remaining debt from
In old business, Jeanne Stovall and Lynne Wagoner reported on the March 15 meeting of Grace Presbytery.
EVENT HIGHLIGHTS SAM’s Club: On Becoming an Ironman Wednesday, May 13, 11 am | Session Room (F 101/102)
Presbyterian Women’s Award Presentation Sunday, May 10 , 11 a.m. | Sanctuary
Join Senior Adult Ministries for a journey from Tyler to Hawaii with Ironman World Champion—and FPC Tyler member, Clay Emge. Hear how Clay transitioned from runner to triathlete over the past several years to become one of the world’s finest athletes. RSVP required.
Rejoice with the recipient of the Honorary Lifetime Membership award for 2015 during this special service.
Next Chapter Meet & Greet Dessert Night Thursday, May 21, 5:30 pm | Parlor (M 107)
FPC’s fellowship group for single ladies will host a Meet & Greet Dessert Night. For more information, contact Shirley Martin (samron@suddenlink.net).
Lunch is catered by Traditions. Meal tickets are $10 and payable at the door. RSVP by noon on Monday, May 11— (fpctyler.com/events/sams or call Bettie Clancy, 903-5211383).
C O N G R E G AT I O N A L N E W S FPC Tyler to Host June Presbytery Meeting
New Members
Presbyterians will meet up in Tyler on June 6 where FPC will serve as host to attendees of the next Grace Presbytery meeting. Contact Robyn Files (903-593-8872) to learn how you can help out.
Join us in extending a warm welcome to our newest members: Rebecca and Richard Ruediger (joined April 12.)
Baptism Jake Michael Philley Starnes, son of Drew and Kate Starnes, was baptized on Sunday, April 12.
Staff Vacation Pastor Stuart Baskin will be away May 27-June 1. Please contact the church office if you are in need of pastoral care and we will put you in touch with the pastor on call (903597-6317).
Office Closed The church office will be closed on Monday, May 25, in observance of Memorial Day.
ters for the World mission that is one our church supports in conjunction with Solar Under the Sun. The event will include Bible stories, games, and crafts for the children—age 3-grade 5—and information classes for the adults. Please mark your calendars and plan to join in the fun.
Bible Presentation Sunday, May 3, 11 am | Sanctuary
Join us for the eleven o’clock worship service on Sunday to celebrate FPC’s kids—Annan Dubre, Stone Porter, and Juliana Leach. These first and fifth graders will receive Bibles as they near the end of this school year, ready to embark on a new phase in their education.
Summer Camp at Gilmont As you are making your summer plans, don’t forget about Camp Gilmont, which offers Discovery Camp (age 7–10) and Explorer’s Camp (age 11–14). There are even two mini camps for children age 6-8. These are three-and-a-half-day adventures for first time campers. For more information, visit gilmontsummercamps.weebly.com.
News About Kids’ Night Out First Friday Fun, FPC’s monthly kids’ night out, is on hiatus for the summer. The event series will resume in September.
Summer Sunday School The month of June brings our two preschool classes—ages 2-kindergarten—together on Sunday mornings to experience God’s love through Bible stories and fun-filled activities. Students in grades 1-5 continue to meet together.
The Children’s Wing Needs Your Talent! If you have one Sunday to give this summer—we can match you with Sunday school or Children’s Church. Come learn more about our children and help them explore their faith, and give our regular teachers a well-deserved break. Curriculum is provided. Contact Phyllis Kidwell (pkidwell@fpctyler.com) if you would like to pitch in!
Vacation Bible School Thursday, August 6–Saturday, August 8
This year at VBS, we will learn more about the Living Wa-
S U N D AY S C H O O L Sunday School @ 9:45 am faith builders | Lecture & discussion
M 202 / Study: The book of Acts / Contact: Susan Bennett (903) 343-7025 the forum | Book & discussion
M 102 / Study: Lost Christianities by Bart Ehrman / Contact: Chris Bunt (903) 531-3535 westminster | Book & discussion
M 207 / Study: The Present Word / Contact: Linda Pirtle (903) 881-9000
/ SMALL GROUP LISTING 209ers | Young adults M 209 / Study: The book of James / Contact: Debbie Pitts (debbiepitts@ gmail.com) the
Small Group Schedule knit wits | Knitting Ministry
Monday, May 4, at 1:30 pm at TBA / Contact: Pat Cryer (903) 561-5242 men | Sermon texts
2nd/4th Mondays 10 am in homes / Contact: Bill Myers (903) 825-7323
midweek oasis for moms
**On hiatus until September** men | Lectionary
Tuesdays 6:30 am at Premier Flexipac / Contact: Skip Womack (903) 533-9433 or Bob Schmoker (903) 714-5746 women | Book & discussion
Thursdays 9:30 am in Conf. Room / Study: C. S. Lewis: Reluctant Disciple / Contact: Jan Carpenter (903) 566-8533
s a v e t h e d a t e | SUMMER 2015 College Mission Trip | July 6-11
Change a life by serving others in Austin, TX this summer with other college students. For more information, contact Neil McKown (nmckown@fpctyler.com / (903) 279-6818). 5
Children & Youth Calendar
may 2015 Â
Worship 9:40 AM | CM music 9:45 AM | Sunday school 11 AM | Worship & Bible presentation (gr. 1 & 5)
SH Small group End-ofYear party
Youth group (gr. 6-12)
6 PM |
ETX youth mission trip EARLY registration closes
Graduating Senior Displays in Fellowship Hall through May 17.
8:30 AM |
Worship 9:40 AM | CM music 9:45 AM | Sunday school 11 AM | Worship
8:30 AM |
Senior Sunday 17 Worship 9:40 AM | CM music 9:45 AM | Sunday school 11 AM | Worship 12 PM | Youth worship celebration
16 ETX Youth mission trip meeting
9:45 AM |
ETX youth mission trip registration closes 18
8:30 AM |
Worship 9:40 AM | CM music 9:45 AM | Sunday school 11 AM | Worship 8:30 AM |
Senior Sunday Schedule 940 am / rehearsal 1030 am / reception 1100 am / worship
Office closed
31 Worship 9:40 AM | CM music 9:45 AM | Sunday school 11 AM | Worship 8:30 AM |
Planned Giving Have you remembered the church and other charities in your will? If you need help, contact Nanci Pollard (903-597-6317) to request information, or visit the Texas Presbyterian Foundation at tpf.org. Assistance is confidential and free of charge. 6
10:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall for graduating seniors and their friends and families.
Senior High Small Group: End-of-Year Party Wednesday, May 6, 6 pm | 215 W 1st, Tyler Eighth graders will get a final taste of small group with the high school students at this last fellowship gathering of the school year. Food provided. RSVP at fpctyler.com/events/shgroup.
Seniors who have chosen to lead worship during the 11 a.m. service will rehearse in the sanctuary at 9:40 a.m. Guys: wear suits, slacks, button-up shirts, and ties. Ladies: conservative dresses.
Youth Group: Dinner + Movie Friday, May, 8 | Time and Location TBA Join Neil for dinner and a movie. You’ll need money for dinner but the movie cost is covered by Neil! Open to all youth, grades 6–12. Friends and incoming sixth graders are invited too! Watch the Sunday bulletin for details on location and time as the date draws near. RSVP at fpctyler.com/events/youth-group.
Spring Youth Worship Celebration Sunday, May 17, Noon-7 pm | St. Barnabas Pres. Church (Richardson) Join the youth of the presbytery for a day of worship and celebration. Youth will depart from the church at noon and get lunch on the road; they will return to FPC around 7 pm. Lunch cost covered by Neil. RSVP at fpctyler.com/events/springworship.
East Texas Youth Mission Trip Meeting Saturday, May 16, 9:45 am-2 pm | FPC Athens Planning to come on the Mission Trip in June? This meeting is for you! We’ll plan our trip, go over important details, and share lunch. Meet at 9:45 a.m. in the FPC Tyler parking lot and travel as a group to Athens. Mandatory for all Mission Trip participants. Mission Trip registration is open through May 15 at fpctyler.com/events/etxmission.
Summer Events East Texas Youth Mission Trip
June 13–21 | Clearwater Forest Camp, Deerwood MN Register at fpctyler.com/events/etxmission Junior High Jubilee
June 28–July 2 | Mo-Ranch, Hunt TX Register at fpctyler.com/events/jhj Synod Youth Workshop
July 19–25 | University of Tulsa
Senior Recognition Sunday Sunday, May 17 | Fellowship Hall & Sanctuary You’re invited to attend a Celebration Reception at
Register at fpctyler.com/events/syw
Analysis of Revenues & Expenses March 2015 Summary
Stay in the Know
Stay in the know about news and events by connecting with FPC online.
revenues expenses
Subscribe to the weekly e-newsletter, and you’ll receive stories, event reminders, and mission updates. You’ll even get a sneak peek into what Stuart has planned for Sunday’s pulpit! Follow the QR code above or find the e-newsletter signup link on the website at fpctyler.com.
net total
mtd actual
ytd actual
ytd budget
$103,636 $92,147 $11,489
$880,083 $877,828 $2,255
$864,600 $941,314 ($76,714)
Steeple Times is a publication of First Presbyterian Church, 230 W. Rusk St., Tyler, TX 75701. Acting editor: Stuart Baskin. FPC reserves the right to edit and/or exclude all submissions. Submit content to Lynn Collyer by the 15th of the month prior to publication: lmcollyer@fpctyler.com, fax (903) 597-6326, or mail. An archive of the Steeple Times can be found online at www.fpctyler. com/archive.
Stay in touch with us on social media, too: /fpctyler
& grounds. May 11 @ 5:30 pm — Conference Room
& finance. May 14 @ 12 pm — Conference Room
risk management. May 27 @ 12 pm — Conference Room
session. May 19 @ 7 pm — M 207
diaconate. May 12 @ 6:30 pm — Library
children’s ministry. May 12 @ 5 pm — Library
mission committee. May 11 @ 5:30 pm — Library
governance. May 6 @ 5:30 pm — Conference Room
trustees. May 5 @ 12 pm — Conference Room
3 1st & 5th Grade Bible Presentation. 11 am, Sanctuary 6 Senior High Small Group End-of-Year-Party. 6 pm, 215 W 1st 7 Café Connections Group. 1 pm, Flint (18973 FM 2493) 8 Youth Group: Dinner + Movie. Time and location TBA 8 & 9 FROG: Friend of Gilmont. Camp Gilmont 10 Presbyterian Women Lifetime Membership Award. 11 am, Sanctuary 13 SAM’s Club: On Becoming an Ironman. 11 am, F 101/102 15 Steeple Times Deadline 16 ETX Youth Mission Trip Training. 9:45 am, FPC Athens 17 Senior Recognition Sunday. 11 am, Sanctuary 17 Youth Worship Celebration. 12:15 pm, St. Barnabas PC (Richardson) 17 Men of the Church BBQ. 5:30 pm, Beaird farm (13233 Hwy 64W) 18 Presbyterian Women Birthday Offering & Luncheon. 11 am, Chapel 24 Day of Pentecost 25 Memorial Day: Office Closed
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To everyone at the home of: