M o n t h l y N e w s f r o m F P C Ty l e r • Vo l u m e 1 0 , I s s u e 6 : J u n e 2 0 1 5
FPC Tyler Honors Its Seniors By the Linda Pirtle The month of May at First Presbyterian Church is always a bittersweet month, and this year was no exception. Bitter because we know that come the fall semester, we will miss seeing some of our youth each Sunday. Sweet because we are so proud of the academic and extracurricular accomplishments they have achieved throughout their high school years. We know they will continue to enjoy success in their future endeavors. May 17 was designated as Senior Recognition Day. During the reception to honor these outstanding students, members of the congregation had an opportunity to view the senior displays set up in the Fellowship Hall and write a congratulatory note in the students’ notebooks. As a congregation, we send these students away to college with our blessings. We want to let them know that each of us will pray for them as they
begin this next phase of their education and preparation for life. Our First Presbyterian graduates for 2015 include: Katherine Virginia Beall, daughter of Virginia and Charles Beall. Katherine is a graduate of All Saints Episcopal School. She is an artist and a sculptor who has won numerous awards. Katherine also served in the homecoming court of her alma mater. She has been accepted by Sewanee: University of the South. Emily Hannah Dahlgren, daughter of Julia and Mark Dahlgren and Michelle and Roman Cline, is a graduate of Whitehouse. She has been an active member of FFA and received its Degree of Achievement. She also received the Smith County Junior Livestock Reserve Grand Champion award. Emily has been accepted by Stephen F. Austin. Continued on page 2.
i n t h i s i s s u e | H I G H L I G H T S & F E AT U R E S On Mission for Haiti | pages 2 & 3
Send Cards to Mission Team | page 3
Service Honored | page 4
Help the Sewing Bees send kids clothes to Haiti (p. 2) or join the next mission team to Haiti (p. 3).
Your short note of encouragement or card to students will help keep spirits high as they serve in Deerwood, MN.
Learn who received the prestigious 2015 Presbyterian Women’s Lifetime Membership award.
First Presbyterian Church of Tyler, Texas 230 West Rusk Street, Tyler, Texas 75701-1696 (903) 597-6317 | www.fpctyler.com
“FPC Tyler Honors Its Seniors,” continued from page 1.
Mary Birdsong Gabriel, daughter of Pam and Matt Gabriel, is a graduate of Grace Community High School. She has received recognition, awards, and many blue ribbons for her equestrian abilities including: 2015 High Point Rider in the P.J.C.P. Horse Show and the 2014 Circuit Champion in the Southwest Classics. She has been accepted to Oklahoma State University.
Patrick Ian Finlay, son of Leslie Couch and David Finlay, is a graduate of All Saints’ Episcopal School as an AP scholar with Honors. He has been active in the Boy Scouts of America and earned the organization’s highest degree of Eagle Scout. Ian has received many awards for his musical abilities. He has been accepted to the Case Western Reserve University.
Congratulations to our 2015 seniors!
Class of 2015
Katherine Beall
Emily Dahlgren
Ian Finlay
Mary Birdsong Gabriel
EVENT HIGHLIGHTS Sewing for Haitian Children
Annual Patriotic Concert
June 3 & 17, 10 am | F101/102
July 4, 4 pm | Sanctuary
Join the Sewing Bees and help them meet their goal of sewing 50 dresses and shorts for the children of St. Etienne, Haiti by September! Simple patterns and guidance provided.
Fine Arts @ FPC presents its spectacular annual 4th of July concert at 4 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Free admission. Doors open at 3:30 p.m. Visit fpctyler.com/events/july4.
College Mission Trip
Drop any of the following sewing supply donations in the bin located in the church office: 100% cotton fabrics, woven or knit, ½ -3-yds, girl & boy prints; cotton knit fabrics, boy prints & solids; cotton scraps min. 5" square for pockets; thread; ¾" elastic; ribbons, 3-yd lengths; packaged folded bias tape; trims, laces, rickrack, braid, buttons, cute appliques. Visit fpctyler.com/events/sewingbees or contact Mollie Bobo (903-530-2772, molliebobo@gmail.com).
July 6-11 | Austin, TX Attention college-age students! Let’s help those in need during the summer break in Austin, TX where you’ll work with several organizations. Serve God in the Music Capital of the World! Visit fpctyler.com/events/collegemission.
THE MISSION STORE Yo u r m i s s i o n H Q a t F P C • M a t c h y o u r t a l e n t w i t h o u r c o m m u n i t y ’ s n e e d s
PATH, People Attempting to Help
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
Volunteers & donations
Since late March 2015, the United States has experienced several series of severe storms, including Van, TX, which have caused significant property damage and at least six deaths. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) has reached out to all mid-councils in storm-affected areas to offer the care of the broader church and assistance as needed and requested. Visit pda.pcusa.org to learn how you can stand in the GAP—Give. Act. Pray.—to help those in need.
During the summer months, PATH is collecting box fans for families living through the heat without air conditioning. At Home Depot, simply tell a cashier you’d like to buy a fan for PATH. You will be charged a discounted price of $10, and the fan will be set aside for a PATH representative to pick up. It’s that easy! Gather some friends, neighbors or co-workers to ready a PATH Community Home for a family in need. Painting, light repairs and yardwork top the honey-do list for this short-term commitment to help create a home in a day! More info at pathhelps.org.
FROG: Friend of Gilmont June 12-14, 2015 | Camp Gilmont, Gilmer, TX Become a FROG—Friend of Gilmont—and come help us spruce up the camp! Families can sign or, even better, bring a group from the church! Visit campgilmont.org or contact Camp Gilmont (903-797-6400/info@gilmont.org)
Camper at Gilmont It’s not too late to give the gift of Camp Gilmont’s summer camp to a child by donating to the Camp Scholarship Fund. Contact Camp Gilmont (903-797-6400/info@gilmont.org).
Join the Haiti Mission Team By Sally Smith-Garmon Last year this congregation sent representatives to St. Etienne, Haiti where we formed a partnership with their community to help provide solar power and safe drinking water. Sometimes we take it for granted that we have certain things like food, clothing, shelter, and clean water, which are fairly abundant here, but even less so in de-
veloping countries, such as Haiti. On September 29-October 5, 2015, this congregation will help sponsor another team and trip to St. Etienne, Haiti, continuing to build on our relationship with our covenant partners there, and begin to build a new covenant with people in need in Lavallée, Haiti.
People there, who are in need of basic support, hope to build a better future for their children. Our hope is to build with them another solar powered clean water filtration system at a school where these necessities are lacking. If anyone has an interest in going on this next mission trip, contact Sally Smith (slsmith01@hotmail.com).
Encourage the Student Mission Team On June 13, 15 students and adult sponsors from FPC Tyler will join five other churches to embark on the annual East Texas Youth Mission Trip–this year to the Clearwater Forest Camp and Retreat Center in Deer-
wood, MN. The camp will put them to work clearing trails and helping on construction projects. Help keep their spirits high by mailing cards and notes of encouragement by 3
June 8 in order to reach the camp before our team heads home. Mail cards to 16595 Crooked Lake Road, Deerwood, MN 56444. Contact Lynn (lmcollyer@fpctyler.com) to request a group roster.
Presbyterian Women Confer Lifetime Award By Martha Oates This year’s Honorary Life Membership in Presbyterian Women was awarded to Lynn Davis during the 11:00 a.m. worship service on May 10. This award is given to recognize an individual’s faithful service in some area of church work. Men, women,
moderators, leaders, teachers, officers, pastors, missionaries, and staff have received this honor. Lynn’s longtime service to our FPC members and programs include many areas of church work. Each week she arranges flowers to be taken to homebound members, is always available for kitchen duty at
church functions, serves as PW historian and photographer, and compiles wonderful scrapbooks of PW activities. Lynn was presented a certificate and commemorative pin. Congratulations to a most deserving recipient!
Come to the Waters with Presbyterian Women By Karen Novy The Presbyterian Women are looking forward to an exciting and interesting year beginning in September. The two weekday circles merged and will meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 2:30 p.m. The Sunday Circle will continue to meet monthly on the second Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Each circle will use Come to the Waters–the 2015
study–to explore the many ways water is described in the Bible.
and Leader of Community Missions respectively.
Leading us in this new adventure are: Priscilla Maxfield, Moderator; Pat Cryer, Vice Moderator; Alice Stjerstrom, Secretary; Sherry Skorkowsky, Leader of World Missions, and Martha Oates, Search Committee. Dean Morton, Lynn Davis, and Gene Archer will continue as Treasurer, Historian,
Not presently involved in our monthly Bible study group and would like to be? Call Prissy Maxfield (972-9659703). We’ll be looking for YOU in September.
Bullet Points from April’s Session Meeting Minutes recorded by Robyn Files The Session met on April 21 and conducted the following business: The consent agenda was approved, including the receipt into membership of Richard and Rebecca Ruediger by transfer; and the baptism of Lucinda Grace Lindsay; and a request from the Worship Committee to have one worship service at 10 a.m. during July. There will be no Sunday School in July.
As moderator of the Session, Stuart Baskin reported on the Presbyterian Core Education leadership series taught by him and Pam Leach. He also encouraged the Session to continue developing the church’s mission and purpose. Budget and Finance noted that the church finances are in the black for the year to date.
Wayne Babin reported that $119,187 has been transferred from the Youth House Construction Fund to reduce the debt from the last capital campaign. On behalf of the mission committee, Lynne Wagoner motioned to invite Veda Gill to speak with an adult Sunday school class and to speak briefly at the 2016 Palm Sunday worship service; the motion passed.
Steeple Times is a publication of First Presbyterian Church, 230 W. Rusk St., Tyler, TX 75701. Acting editor: Stuart Baskin. FPC reserves the right to edit and/or exclude all submissions. Submit content to Lynn Collyer by the 15th of the month prior to publication: lmcollyer@ fpctyler.com, fax (903) 597-6326, or mail. An archive of the Steeple Times can be found online at www.fpctyler.com/archive.
meet August 6 & 7, 9-noon. Community festivities and cookout from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Please mark your calendars and plan to join in the fun.
Summer Sunday School The month of June brings our two preschool classes—ages 2-kindergarten—together on Sunday mornings to experience God’s love through Bible stories and fun-filled activities. Students in grades 1-5 continue to meet together.
Pray for Our Teachers and Students Take a minute to pray for the spirits of our teachers and students as they learn to share God’s love with one another.
Vacation Bible School Thursday, August 6–Saturday, August 8
Summer Camp at Gilmont
This year at VBS, we will learn more about the Living Waters for the World mission that is one our church supports in conjunction with Solar Under the Sun. The event will include Bible stories, games, and crafts for the children— age 3-grade 5—and information classes for the adults. Kids
S U N D AY S C H O O L Sunday School @ 9:45 am faith builders | Lecture & discussion
M 202 / Study: The book of Acts / Contact: Susan Bennett (903) 343-7025 the forum | Lecture & discussion
M 102 / Study: Judaism / Contact: Chris Bunt (903) 531-3535 209ers | Young adults M 209 / Study: The book of James / Contact: Debbie Pitts (debbiepitts@ gmail.com) the
As you are making your summer plans, don’t forget about Camp Gilmont, which offers Discovery Camp (age 7–10) and Explorer’s Camp (age 11–14). There are even two mini camps for children age 6-8. For more information visit gilmontsummercamps.weebly.com.
westminster | Book & discussion
M 207 / Study: The Present Word / Contact: Linda Pirtle (903) 881-9000
Small Group Schedule knit wits | Knitting Ministry
Monday, June 1, at 1:30 pm at TBA / Contact: Pat Cryer (903) 561-5242 men | Sermon texts
2nd/4th Mondays 10 am in homes / Contact: Bill Myers (903) 825-7323
Stay in the Know
Subscribe to the weekly e-newsletter, and you’ll receive stories, event reminders, and mission updates. You’ll even get a sneak peek into what Stuart has planned for Sunday’s pulpit! Follow the QR code above or find the e-newsletter signup link on the website at fpctyler.com.
Revenues Expenses Net Total
Stay in touch with us on social media, too: @fpctyler
**On hiatus until September** men | Lectionary
Tuesdays 6:30 am at Premier Flexipac / Contact: Skip Womack (903) 533-9433 or Bob Schmoker (903) 714-5746 women | Book & discussion
Thursdays 9:30 am in Conf. Room / Study: TBA /Contact: Jan Carpenter (903) 566-8533
Analysis of Revenues & Expenses April 2015 Summary
Stay in the know about news and events by connecting with FPC online.
midweek oasis for moms
@fpctyler 5
mtd actual
ytd actual
ytd budget
$94,459 $112,455 ($17,996)
$974,542 $990,283 ($15,741)
$946,583 $1,056,047 ($109,464)
Children & Youth Calendar
JUNE 2015 Â
Synod Youth Workshop EARLY registration closes
7 Worship 9:30 AM | Youth Fellowship 9:45 AM | Sunday school 11 AM | Worship 3-7:30 PM | Youth group (gr. 6-12) 8:30 AM |
Synod Youth Workshop registration closes
ETX Mission Trip dpt 7 am
Mo Teen Leadership Conference
Worship 9:30 AM | Youth Fellowship 9:45 AM | Sunday school 11 AM | Worship 8:30 AM |
East Texas Youth Mission Trip (departs Saturday at 7 am from FPC / returns Sunday at 6:30 pm to FPC)
Worship 9:30 AM | Youth Fellowship 9:45 AM | Sunday school 11 AM | Worship 8:30 AM |
Youth Group: Movie Marathon 6 PM- 6 PM | The Well (FPC Tyler) College Mission Trip reg. closes
ETX Mission Trip rtn 6:30 pm
Worship 9:30 AM | Youth Fellowship 9:45 AM | Sunday school 11 AM | Worship 8:30 AM |
Youth Fellowship (grades 6-12) in lieu of Sunday School in June.
Jr. High Jubilee (dpt from FPC Sunday at time TBA / rtn to FPC Thursay at time TBA)
Planned Giving Have you remembered the church and other charities in your will? If you need help, contact Nanci Pollard (903-597-6317) to request information, or visit the Texas Presbyterian Foundation at tpf.org. Assistance is confidential and free of charge. 6
C O N G R E G AT I O N A L N E W S July Sunday Morning Schedule During the month of July, please join the congregation for Lemonade on the Lawn each Sunday morning at 9:15 a.m. for fellowship and treats. Sunday worship will be held at a sin¬gle service at 10 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Children’s worship will continue to meet in the Children’s Wing during this time. Sunday school classes will not meet. The normal worship schedule resumes August 3.
Membership Updates Join us in extending a warm welcome to our newest members: Sylvia Adams and Gina Adams (joined April 26.) We celebrate the baptism of Lucinda Grace Lindsay, daughter of Jessie and Scott Lindsay (baptized Sunday, May 10.)
Staff Vacation Neil McKown, director of student ministries, will be away from the office June 5-21 at Mo-Ranch Teen Leadership Conference and the ETX Youth Mission Trip. The Rev. Pamela Leach, parish associate, will be away from the office June 1-5. Nanci Pollard, financial assistant, will be away from the office June 10-17.
The Children’s Wing Needs Your Talent! If you have one Sunday to give this summer—we can match you with Sunday school or Children’s Church. Come learn more about our children and help them explore their faith,
and give our regular teachers a well-deserved break. Curriculum is provided. Contact Phyllis Kidwell (pkidwell@ fpctyler.com) if you would like to pitch in!
One Great Hour of Sharing Thanks to your generosity, $1,161.20 was given to share God’s love with our neighbors-in-need around the world by providing relief to those affected by natural disasters, provide food to the hungry, and helping to empower the poor and oppressed. Visit specialofferings.pcusa.org/oghs.
Chancel Flower Donors Needed! Please help us beautify our chancel and chapel for worship and honor a friend, celebrate a birthday, or memorialize a loved one by donating flowers for Sunday morning. We are in need of donors for July and August 2015. The arrangements are $80, and the church will take care of all the details. Contact Margaret Hilliard (903-593-1494).
Prayers for Summer Travelers During the month of June, FPC is sending many delegations out into the world for conferences, camps, and mission trips. Please keep the following groups in your thoughts and prayers: • • •
Mo-Ranch Teen Leadership Conference (June 7–12) East Texas Youth Mission Trip (June 13-21) Junior High Jubilee (June 28–July 2)
Youth Group: Bowling + Pizza
Youth Group: Movie Marathon
Sunday, June 7 | 3-7 pm, Green Acres Bowling/Cici’s Pizza
June 24-25 | 6 pm-6 pm, The Well (FPC Tyler)
Come ready to knock around some pins and then go eat some pizza! Hint: ready means with socks in hand and $5 in your pocket (to help cover the cost). Friends are welcome to come, too. Meet at the church by 3 pm. Parents, please pick up your youth at Cici’s Pizza (near Green Acres) by 7 pm. Open to all youth, grades 6–12 and incoming 6th graders. RSVP at fpctyler.com/events/youth-group.
It’s movie mania for students at FPC Tyler in June. Twenty-four hours of movie magic–with dinner and lunch in between. Parents pick up at 6 pm on Thursday, June 25. Movie ratings are for 13+. For students grades 6-12; parent must complete consent form for children under 13-years of age. RSVP at fpctyler.com/events/youth-group2.
Summer Events
Sunday Mornings in June Sunday, May 31 brings back Sunday morning fellowship–a Synod Youth Workshop time of music, prayer and games–to the Well. Bring your July 19–25 | University of Tulsa friends and game ideas. Things get rolling at 9:30 a.m. each Deadline June 25 (fpctyler.com/events/syw) week. For students grades 6–12, including incoming 6th 7 graders.
& finance. June 11 @ 12 pm — Conference Room
risk management. June 24 @ 12 pm — Conference Room
session. June 16 @ 7 pm — M 207
diaconate. June 9 @ 6:30 pm — Library
& grounds. June 8 @ 5:30 pm — Conference Room mission committee. June 8 @ 5:30 pm — Library
governance. June 3 @ 5:30 pm — Conference Room
budget roundtable. June 2 @ 6 pm — M 207
worship committee. June 2 @ 5 pm — Conference Room
3 Sewing Bees. 10 am, F 101/102 6 Presbytery @ FPC Tyler 7 Youth Group: Bowling + Pizza. 3 pm, Depart FPC. 7-12 Mo-Ranch Teen Leadership Conference. Hunt TX 12-14 FROG: Friend of Gilmont. Camp Gilmont, Gilmer TX 13-21 East Texas Youth Mission Trip. Deerwood MN 15 Steeple Times Deadline 17 Sewing Bees, 10 am, F 101/102 24-25 Youth Group: Movie Marathon. 6 pm, FPC (The Well) 28-Jul 2 Junior High Jubilee. Hunt TX Jul 2 Church Office closes at noon. Fourth of July observed Jul 3 Church Office and Buildings closed. Fourth of July observed
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To everyone at the home of: