M o n t h l y N e w s f r o m F P C Ty l e r • Vo l u m e 1 0 , I s s u e 7 : J u l y 2 0 1 5
New Teams Make Connections Helping people connect with others, whether you’re a visitor, newcomer or long-time member, is an important step in developing a sense of belonging to this family of faith we call First Presbyterian Church. Two ministry teams—the Newcomer Team and the Connections Team—are forming to help people find their place and they are seeking team members. Here’s a snapshot of each team. Through weekly reviews, the Newcomer Team will track visitors, call visitors, and coordinate with staff and the Connections Team. The Connections Team helps connect members and newcomers to existing groups within the church for fellowship and study, and service to others.
Wondering if one of these teams is a good fit? Find out by visiting fpctyler.com/volunteer to submit your volunteer request online or by completing the form located in the pew racks. Sit back and wait to hear from a team leader who’ll schedule a conversation with a ministry area leader to assess your talents, skills, and experience. (More opportunities will open up as the Connections Team begins its work!) Need more information before you’re ready to chat? Use the same form to get answers from people working with each team. Or contact Robyn Files (robyn.files@tyler.net/903-521-9169).
i n t h i s i s s u e | H I G H L I G H T S & F E AT U R E S Helping Group Forms | page 2
Trip to Israel | page 3
Celebrate America! | page 5
Calling all honey-doers to team up and head out to lend a helping hand around Tyler and beyond.
FPC Tyler joins Rabbi Neal Katz and members of Congregation Beth El of Tyler for an interfaith study tour in 2016.
Musical talent abounds at FPC Tyler’s 6th annual patriotic concert on July 4th.
First Presbyterian Church of Tyler, Texas 230 West Rusk Street, Tyler, Texas 75701-1696 (903) 597-6317 | www.fpctyler.com
Lend a Hand with the FPC Hard Hats By Ginny Mattox Good with a hammer? Paintbrush? Honey-do list? We need you!
on a Saturday morning to help clean up, repaint, and ready a PATH Community Home for the next family.
The Mission Committee is looking for a core group of approximately 25 people who are able and willing to grab hammers, paint brushes, or garden tools to assist with short-term projects in and around Tyler.
Maybe it’s an unmet need in the neighboring storm-damaged community of Van.
Maybe it’s a repair need at our own Potter House, a temporary housing
Maybe it’s a group of 10-15 gathering
Maybe it’s a call from Habitat for Humanity for a small group to assist in building or refurbishing a home.
ministry for families seeking medical care in Tyler. Let us know you are interested in being part of the FPC Hard Hats by sending your name, best times available (i.e. weekends only, anytime), and contact information to Mitch Adams (mitch.adams@yahoo.com/903-2857996) or Ginny Mattox (903-5045016/virginiamattox1@gmail.com).
SAM’s Club Announces Fall Speakers By Bettie Clancy SAM’s Club, our senior adult ministry, is looking forward to another year of interesting programs. We ended the year with a wonderful program from First Presbyterian’s own Clay Emge as he took us on his beginnings in grade school to being a world class athlete winning his age group in the World Championship Iron Man in Kona, Hawaii in 2013. We will kick off our year on September 9 with a musical program led by Raymond Smith and accompanied by Ruth Hardy. We have interesting programs planned for the year and encourage participation and attendance. Caleb Pirtle will be with us October
14 as he brings us Conversations by the Side of the Road. In November, we will honor our veterans with Bill Halbert, who was a pilot in World War II, the Korean War, and in Vietnam. On December 2, Tyler Junior College’s Harmony and Understanding will help us kick off the holiday season. We will have more to come in 2016, so plan to join us for fun, food, fellowship, and entertainment. Remember you do not have to be 55 years or older to attend this gathering—we welcome all! Visit fpctyler.com/events/sams for more information as event dates draw near.
s a v e t h e d a t e | AUGUST 2 015 Sunday Morning | August
CE Leader Training | August 29
The regular Sunday morning schedule will resume, with two services at 8:30 a.m. (Chapel) and 11 a.m. (Sanctuary), and Sunday school for all ages at 9:45 a.m.
All small group leaders and Sunday school teachers are invited to kick off the new year at a special training session led by the Christian Education staff. 2
C O N G R E G AT I O N A L N E W S Membership Updates
Office Closed July 2 and 3
We offer prayers of comfort for the family of member Ronald Jack Donaldson who recently passed away.
The church office will close at noon on July 2, in observance of Independence Day. Normal business hours will resume on Monday, July 6.
We offer prayers of thanksgiving for the safe delivery of Easton Sword on Sunday, May 31, 2015, to proud parents Audra Lynn (Sword) and Charlie Gillespie; first-time big sister, Paisley Lynn; grandparents, Cheryl and Stephen Sword; and great-granddad, Winnon E. Sword.
Recycle Plastic Milk Jugs for VBS Drop your clean, plastic, one-gallon milk or juice jugs in the donation boxes located next to the PATH collection boxes beginning July 5. The VBS Team will repurpose the containers for use during recreation time with the kids. Contact Phyllis (pkidwell@fpctyler.com/903-681-5504).
Staff Out of Office The Rev. Dr. Stuart Baskin, pastor, will be away from the office June 28-July 12. Please contact the church office if you are in need of pastoral care, and we will put you in touch with the pastor on call (903-597-6317).
Chancel Flower Donors Needed Please help us beautify our chancel and chapel for worship and honor a friend, celebrate a birthday, or memorialize a loved one by donating flowers for Sunday morning. We are in need of donors for the fall. The arrangements are $80, and the church will take care of all the details. Contact Margaret Hilliard (903-593-1494).
Donald Duncan, director of music, will be away from the office July 5-22. Susie Holley, executive assistant, will be away from the office July 6-10. Neil McKown, director of student ministries, will be away from the office July 26-August 1. The Rev. Pamela Leach, associate pastor, will be away from the office July 19-25.
Prayers for Summer Travelers During the month of July, FPC is sending several delegations out into the world for conferences, camps, and mission trips. Please keep the following groups in your thoughts and prayers:
Pentecost Offering Thanks to your generosity, $2,516.56 was given to help the church encourage, develop, and support its young people, and also address the needs of at-risk children. The Session designated Camp Gilmont Scholarship Fund as the local agency to receive $1,006.62, and the remaining balance went to the Presbyterian Mission Agency. Learn more at specialofferings.pcusa.org/pentecost.
• Junior High Jubilee (June 28–July 2) • Synod Youth Workshop (July 19-24)
We’re Going to Israel! Next March Stuart Baskin and Neal Katz are leading another study trip to Israel. Anyone who has been before will tell you this is a life-changing experience. As an interfaith trip, you’ll see Israel from a variety of perspectives. You’ll see a number of important sites that are important to Christians and sites that are important to Jews. You’ll tour the Old City of Jerusalem
and visit the Western Wall. You’ll see the Sea of Galilee, where Jesus spent nearly all of his ministry. You’ll see the ancient fortress at Masada, once a retreat of Hero the Great, and later the place where a group of Zealots fled from the Roman Army after the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD and chose death over capture. 3
Trip dates are February 29-March 10, 2016. Visit tylertoisrael.com for more details and to register. Questions? Contact Stuart Baskin (903-597-6317/sbaskin@fpctyler.com).
Bullet Points from May’s Session Meeting Minutes recorded by Robyn Files The Session met on May 19 and conducted the following business: The consent agenda was approved, including the receipt into membership of Sylvia Adams and Gina Adams by reaffirmation of faith. As moderator of the Session, Stuart Baskin gave a review of the book, The Race to Reach Out by Anderson and Coyner. The book listed the critical steps in connecting newcomers to the church.
Budget and Finance reported on donations received in the amount of $35,000-$40,000 to reduce the debt from the last capital campaign. Elders were reminded of the budget roundtable scheduled for June 2.
On behalf of the Governance Committee, Jennifer Ainsworth led a discussion about the proposed Session Covenant. The revised Covenant will be discussed at the June Session meeting.
On behalf of the Personnel Committee, Steve Hillis motioned to change the title of Pam Leach’s position to Part Time Stated Supply-Associate Pastor at a salary of $21,500 per year; the motion passed.
In new business, Paul Pitts motioned to elect Traci Kenner, Wayne Babin, and Skip Womack to serve as commissioners to the meeting of Grace Presbytery on June 6; the motion passed.
THE MISSION STORE Yo u r m i s s i o n H Q a t F P C • M a t c h y o u r t a l e n t w i t h o u r c o m m u n i t y ’ s n e e d s
Mission Committee Meets with PDA
offered by PDA is also available.
After meeting on May 17 with representatives from Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) who were in the area following the tornado and severe storms in Van, your Mission Committee contacted the Long Term Recovery Organizing group in Van to let them know we wanted to be a part of this effort.
Visit pda.pcusa.org to learn how you can stand in the GAP—Give. Act. Pray.—to help those in need or speak with one of our team members.
Priscilla Maxfield, Caleb Pirtle, and Steve Richmond agreed to represent FPC Tyler and PDA at the Long Term Recovery meetings in Van. They have attended several meetings and are gathering information about the recovery plan with specific attention on unmet needs. As these needs are identified, funds can be made available through Presbytery to meet some of these needs. Long Term Recovery Training
Keep Cool in Tyler with PATH During the summer months, PATH is collecting box fans for families living through the heat without air conditioning. At Home Depot, simply tell a cashier you’d like to buy a fan for PATH (People Attempting to Help). You will be charged a discounted price of $10, and the fan will be set aside for a PATH representative to pick up. It’s that easy! More info at tylerpath.org.
Sundays in July 9:15 am | Lemonade on the Lawn
10:00 am | Worship
Sunday School Classes
FPC’s social hour, with coffee too! Join us on the lawn for refreshments and fellowship. Meet in the Fellowship Hall in case of bad weather.
Join us for a single worship service in the Sanctuary on all Sundays in July. Children’s Church will continue to meet during this time in the Children’s Wing. 4
Sunday school classes will not meet during July. The regular Sunday schedule will resume August 2.
EVENT HIGHLIGHTS Patriotic Concert
Sewing for Haitian Children
Saturday, July 4, at 4 pm // Sanctuary
July 15, 10 am | F101/102
—FREE admission—
Join the Sewing Bees and help them meet their goal of sewing 50 dresses and shorts for the children of St. Etienne, Haiti by September! Simple patterns and guidance provided.
You’re invited to include patriotic music as part of your celebration on July 4th. The Tyler Civic Chorale and the Fine Arts Series at First Presbyterian Church of Tyler present their annual Patriotic Concert, open to the public at no charge, in the sanctuary of First Presbyterian Church of Tyler. The concert begins at 4:00 p.m., and doors will open at 3:30 p.m.
Drop any of the following sewing supply donations in the bin located in the church office: 100% cotton fabrics, woven or knit, ½ -3-yds, girl & boy prints; cotton knit fabrics, boy prints & solids; cotton scraps min. 5” square for pockets; thread; ¾” elastic; ribbons, 3-yd lengths; packaged folded bias tape; trims, laces, rickrack, braid, buttons, cute appliques. Visit fpctyler.com/events/sewingbees or contact Mollie Bobo (903-530-2772/molliebobo@gmail.com).
The program will include a variety of American favorites, directed by Donald Duncan and accompanied by organist Jeffrey Ford. The massed choir will also lead the audience in the fight songs of each military service as veterans rise to be recognized. The massed choir will include Chorale members, the choirs of First Presbyterian Church and other local churches, and individual volunteer singers from the East Texas area.
Vacation Bible School. Adult and student group and activities leaders are needed for our VBS (Aug. 6-8), please get in touch with Phyllis!
Vacation Bible School Thursday, August 6–Saturday, August 8
This year at VBS, we will learn more about the Living Waters for the World mission that is one our church supports in conjunction with Solar Under the Sun. The event will include Bible stories, games, and crafts for the children—age 3-grade 5—and information classes for the adults. Please mark your calendars and plan to join in the fun. Register at fpctyler.com/vbs.
Nursery. Shepherds are needed for both worship services and for the Sunday school hour. Volunteers can serve for a combination of these times, for one week at a time, or one week each month. Sunday School in the Fall. Teachers and shepherds are needed for the Sunday school hour (9:45–10:45 a.m.) for toddlers, 2’s, & 3’s; 4’s, 5’s, & K; and 1st–5th grades.
Sunday School Goes on Vacation Sunday School takes a vacation during the month of July. Plan to join us for Lemonade on the Lawn each Sunday at 9 :15 AM, followed by one worship service at 10 AM in the sanctuary. Our normal Sunday schedule resumes August 2.
Children’s Church. Shepherds are needed to help with children’s church (10:45 a.m.–noon) on a monthly basis. Volunteers for the first Sunday will serve once each quarter, enabling the volunteer to receive communion the other months. Volunteers are also needed for second, third, fourth, and fifth Sundays.
Volunteer Opportunities Children’s Ministry is seeking volunteers in several areas. If you have time to give, contact Phyllis Kidwell, director of Children’s Ministry (pkidwell@fpctyler.com / 903-6815504).
First Friday Fun. Volunteers needed at kids’ night out to help with mission projects, games, and crafts, each month (August through May) from 6:00–9:00 p.m. 5
Children & Youth Calendar
july 2015
Sundays in July
2 Office closes @ noon 5 PM | JHJ rtn
Rangers/ Hurricane Hbr reg opens
9:15 AM / lemonade on the lawn 10 AM / worship No Sunday School
Office closed
JH Jubilee (departs Sunday at 8 AM from FPC / returns Thursday at 6:45 PM to FPC)
5 9:15 AM |
10 AM |
12 Lawn
Youth Group RSVP due
9:15 AM |
Lemonade on the
Lemonade on the
Rangers/ Hurricane Hbr reg. closes
Worship 3-9 PM | Youth group: At the Stanford’s (gr. 6-12) 10 AM |
19 9:15 AM |
10 AM |
Lemonade on the
Worship Synod Youth Workshop (departs Sunday at 12 PM from FPC / returns Saturday at 6 PM to FPC)
26 9:15 AM |
10 AM |
Lemonade on the
27 VBS Prep & Youth Volunteer Trg
10 AM-12 PM |
29 VBS Prep & Youth Volunteer Trg 1:30-3:30 PM |
AUG 1 VBS (Aug 6-8) Registration closes
Planned Giving Have you remembered the church and other charities in your will? If you need help, contact Nanci Pollard (903-597-6317) to request information, or visit the Texas Presbyterian Foundation at tpf.org. Assistance is confidential and free of charge. 6
Student training dates are set for July 27 and 29. Speak with Phyllis Kidwell (pkidwell@fpctyler.com/903-681-5504), Director of Children’s Ministry to learn more!
Youth Group Swim Party Sunday, July 12, 3–9 pm // Stanford Property (Holder Lake, TX) **RSVP by Wednesday, July 8** Come for the youth swim party and fellowship! Guys please bring a two-liter bottle of soda; ladies please bring snack items (chips, cookies, etc.). Parents, please drop off and pick up at the church. Incoming 6th graders and friends are welcome!
Texas Rangers/Hurricane Harbor Weekend Friday, August 14-Saturday, August 15, 2015 **Register by Friday, July 17** This is our annual weekend trip to Arlington for a last taste of summer fun, with some baseball and Hurricane Harbor! We will join up with our Presbyterian friends from DFW-area churches and enjoy some great fellowship. Cost: $45.
RSVP at fpctyler.com/events/youth-group.
VBS Youth Leader Training
Register at fpctyler.com/events/rangers!
Monday, July 27 & Wednesday, July 29 // Children’s Wing It’s not too late for students to join the Vacation Bible School team–and earn those coveted community service hours!
Sunday School - All Ages
midweek oasis for moms
**Classes resume August 2**
**On hiatus until September**
Small Group Schedule
men | Lectionary
knit wits | Knitting Ministry
Tuesdays 6:30 am at Premier Flexipac / Contact: Skip Womack (903) 533-9433 or Bob Schmoker (903) 714-5746
**On hiatus this summer** Contact: Pat Cryer (903) 561-5242
women | Book & discussion
men | Sermon texts
Thursdays 9:30 am in Conf. Room / Study: The Gospel According to Dr. Seuss/Contact: Jan Carpenter (903) 566-8533
2nd/4th Mondays 10 am in homes / Contact: Bill Myers (903) 825-7323
Stay in the Know
Analysis of Revenues & Expenses May 2015 Summary
Stay in the know about news and events by connecting with FPC online.
Revenues Expenses Net Total
Subscribe to the weekly e-newsletter, and you’ll receive stories, event reminders, and mission updates. You’ll even get a sneak peek into what Stuart has planned for Sunday’s pulpit! Follow the QR code above or find the e-newsletter signup link on the website at fpctyler.com. @fpctyler
ytd actual
ytd budget
$76,617 $1,051,158 $77,567 $1,067,850 ($950) ($16,692)
$1,019,027 $1,151,834 ($132,807)
Steeple Times is a publication of First Presbyterian Church, 230 W. Rusk St., Tyler, TX 75701. Acting editor: Stuart Baskin. FPC reserves the right to edit and/or exclude all submissions. Submit content to Lynn Collyer by the 15th of the month prior to publication: lmcollyer@fpctyler.com, fax (903) 597-6326, or mail. An archive of the Steeple Times can be found online at www.fpctyler. com/archive.
Stay in touch with us on social media, too: /fpctyler
mtd actual
@fpctyler 7
Church office closes @ noon. Fourth of July observed Church office and buildings closed. Fourth of July observed Patriotic Concert. 4 pm, Sanctuary Youth Group: Swim Party. 3-9 pm, Stanford Property (Holder Lake) Steeple Times Deadline Sewing Bees. 10 am, F 101/102 Synod Youth Workshop. Tulsa, OK VBS Team Training & Prep. 10 am, Children’s Wing VBS Team Training & Prep. 1:30 pm, Children’s Wing Resume normal Sunday schedule
& grounds. July 13 @ 5:30 pm — Conference Room
governance. July 30 @ 6:30 pm — Conference Room
trustees. July 28 @ 12 pm — Conference Room
risk management. July 22 @ 12 pm — Conference Room
mission committee. July 20 @ 5:30 pm — Library
evangelism committee. July 7 @ 6:15 pm — Library
2 3 4 12 15 15 19-25 27 29 Au 2
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230 W. Rusk Street, Tyler, TX 75701
return service requested
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To everyone at the home of: