M o n t h l y N e w s f r o m F P C Ty l e r • Vo l u m e 1 0 , I s s u e 1 2 : D e c e m b e r 2 0 1 5
A War on Christmas By Rev. Dr. Stuart Baskin I tend to steer clear of political matters in my preaching and teaching. It’s not that political matters are unworthy of theological reflection. But when pundits and politicians wander into the theological realm, I feel a sense of obligation (along with a dose of trepidation!) to reflect on what I hear. I hear talk of a war on Christmas and I’m sure there are some people who are openly hostile to Christmas. I’m not sure this represents a war on Christmas, but it makes for good press to talk about it though. As a historian of the church, I am more struck by the irony that we should even be talking about a war on Christmas in the first place. You see, it wasn’t very long ago that we Presbyterians, and most other Protestants, didn’t celebrate Christmas at all. In fact, among the Puritans in New England, celebrating Christmas was punishable with a fine of five shillings. Christmas was not even a federal holiday until 1870. There were certainly regional differences in attitudes
about Christmas. In the deep South, it was an important social season. But Christmas in America was very different 150 years ago from what it is today. Sometime in the 1800’s, retail businesses began to see profit to be gained from Christmas, and invented some of our most cherished Christmas traditions. Many Christians were horrified. For them, businesses turning Christmas into an opportunity to turn a profit was an affront to the sacred nature of the occasion. It constituted something like a war on Christmas. How far we’ve come since then. While on the one hand many decry the commercialization of Christmas, many among us accuse businesses of waging a war on Christmas if they do not openly and publically promote Christmas. As for me, whether businesses do or do not promote Christmas is a matter of indifference. Is there a war on Christmas? I don’t know. But I will say this: with all the expensive trappings of the season, it’s awfully hard to smell the hay in the manger.
i n t h i s i s s u e | H I G H L I G H T S & F E AT U R E S Blue Christmas Service | pg 2
Santa’s WorkSHOP | pg 7
FPC Christmas Services | pg 3
Learn more about this service of rememberance and hope.
Little elves are invited to create gifts to put under the tree for their family.
Read about Christmas Services celebrated this season.
First Presbyterian Church of Tyler, Texas 230 West Rusk Street, Tyler, Texas 75701-1696 (903) 597-6317 | www.fpctyler.com
Blue Christmas: A Service of Remembrance and Hope By the Rev. Pamela Leach Do you know someone who may have a blue Christmas this year? Every December, many of us find ourselves in this situation - a loved one has died, The Blue Christmas Service will be held on Monday, December 14 at 6 pm in the Sanctuary with dinner to follow.
a relationship is irrevocably broken, a change in circumstance makes the life we once enjoyed no longer possible. And, as city sidewalks are dressed in holiday style and carols declare, “tis the season to be jolly,” someone hav-
ing a blue Christmas stands quietly aside, unable to join in the joyful refrains and often feeling utterly alone. Yet, we are not alone. In fact, the very message of the Advent season is to claim that God comes to dwell with us. This year at FPC we begin what we hope will become a tradition of offering a Blue Christmas service for those who find themselves standing on the sidelines of the season. Who do you know who might have a blue Christmas this year? Join me and the staff in praying about whom you might want to invite to attend this service on Monday, December 14 at 6 p.m. Dinner will follow and childcare will be available.
C O N G R E G AT I O N A L N E W S Membership Updates
Sunday Worship Service Schedule Change
New Members Join us in welcoming our newest members: • Larry and Janet Burks • Steve and Susan Materi • Amy Holmes and Mike Weinstein Births We welcome into our congregation: • Audrey Olivia, daughter of Katie & Matt Marshall and granddaughter of Susan & Brad Emge. • Jordan Howard, son of Clay & Kimberly Emge and grandson of Susan & Brad Emge. Deaths Condolences to the family of FPC members who have entered the Church Triumphant: Mark Beukema.
On Sundays, December 27 and January 3, a single worship service will be held at 11 a.m. only. Sunday school classes will not meet, although Children’s Worship will meet during the 11 a.m. service as usual.
Office Closed The office and campus will be closed from noon on Thursday, December 24, through Friday, December 25, in observance of the Christmas holiday. The office will also be closed on Friday, January 1, 2016.
Chancel Flowers Honor a friend, celebrate a birthday, or memorialize a loved one by donating flowers to the Chancel. Arrangements are $80. Contact: Margaret Hilliard (903-593-1494).
s a v e t h e d a t e | JANUARY 2 0 1 6 Sunday School Classes | Jan. 10
Youth Group | Jan. 10
Bach & The Boys | Jan. 24
Sunday School classes will resume at 9:45 a.m.
Kick off the new youth group year at 5:30 p.m. with fellowship and games!
A concise but powerful hour of chamber music under the baton of Donald Duncan.
M O N T H LY E V E N T H I G H L I G H T S dren will dress up as the animals in the manger scene and as the characters that tell this story, singing familiar hymns and sharing the love of Jesus Christ. As a part of worship that morning, we will all share in song and celebration. Afterward, join the church family for a catered fellowship luncheon. At the end of the meal, the children will decorate cookies and share in a special story time with Pastor Stuart. RSVP by December 16 (fpctyler.com/events/pageant). Pay at the door.
SAM’s Club: Harmony & Understanding Wednesday, December 2 | 10:30 am | Fellowship Hall Harmony & Understanding is a select group of student performers from TJC who travel the region—and the world— presenting shows filled with singing and dancing. Begin your holiday with us as we enjoy this great musical experience. Note the earlier start time of 10:30 a.m. Lunch is $10, payable at the door. RSVP by November 30 (fpctyler.com/ events/sams or call Cynthia Welch, 903-561-3028).
Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols
Andrews Center/Goodwill Christmas Party
Sunday, December 20 | 6 pm | Sanctuary
Thursday, December 10 | 1 pm | Fellowship Hall Join us for a Christmas party for adults with special needs in training at the Andrews Center Adult Day Training and the Goodwill Commercial Services. Contact: Jim Novy (903-581-1809) or Bettie Clancy (903-581-9552) or visit fpctyler.com/events/andrewschristmas.
free admission
This annual festival celebrates a Christmas tradition at First Presbyterian Church. The choir prepares carols drawn from the sacred Christmas repertoire, which are interspersed with scripture readings of the Christmas story by choristers, board members, and local dignitaries. This candlelit service draws inspiration from the Christmas Eve service at King’s College in Cambridge, whose roots can be traced back to 1880. Sung by members of the Tyler Civic Chorale, this ecumenical service is open to all of our community as we prepare to celebrate Christmas. Visit fpctyler.com/ events/ninelessonsandcarols. Childcare provided.
A Christmas Spectacular Saturday, December 12 | 6 pm | Sanctuary $5 adults / students & children free
Celebrate the magic of Christmas at the Christmas Spectacular, with Santa, Frosty, Rudolph, and other special guests. This festive concert will include all of your holiday favorites, and the Voices of Faith Youth Choir will make a guest appearance. A limited number of complimentary tickets are available to FPC members by contacting the music office (fpctyler.com/events/christmasspectacular).
Family Christmas Eve Service Thursday, December 24 | 3 pm | Chapel The Family Christmas Eve Service sets a peace-filled tone for the afternoon before Christmas. The excitement grows when we involve the little ones in the telling of the story of the birth of Jesus Christ. We will learn the meaning of a crèche, as we fill the manger scene with the holy family, the hillsides with shepherds and sheep, and travel with the wise men as they follow the star. We’ll sing our most beloved Christmas carols and look at the manger scene through a child’s eyes. All are welcome (fpctyler.com/events/christmaseve).
Blue Christmas: A Service of Remembrance and Hope Monday, December 14 | 6 pm | Sanctuary, dinner to follow Do you find yourself unable to join in the joy of the holiday season, feeling utterly alone? We are beginning a tradition of offering a Blue Christmas service for those who find themselves standing on the sidelines of the season. This service is not a celebration but a contemplation to sit quietly before the One who is with us in the darkness of our sorrow and will see us through to the morning when joy shall return. Dinner will follow the service and childcare is provided. Visit: fpctyler.com/events/bluechristmas.
45th Annual Moravian Lovefeast Thursday, December 24 | 5:30 pm (musical prelude begins at 5:15 pm | Sanctuary This long-standing worship tradition of scripture and song is accompanied by a “feast”—authentic, homemade Moravian buns and hot cocoa served to each pew of worshipers. The lighting of hundreds of beeswax candles fills the sanctuary with quiet reverence, making for an unforgettable service. For information on volunteering, see the back cover (fpctyler.com/events/lovefeast). Childcare provided.
Christmas Pageant and Luncheon Sunday, December 20 | 11 am | Sanctuary Adults $12/Child 12 & under $6/Child 2 & under free
Join us during the 11 a.m. worship service when the children will present The Legend of the Friendly Beasts, a telling of the beautiful story of the birth of Jesus Christ. The chil3
THE MISSION STORE Yo u r m i s s i o n H Q a t F P C • M a t c h y o u r t a l e n t w i t h o u r c o m m u n i t y ’ s n e e d s
PATH (People Attempting To Help)
Knit Wits - Knitters Unite for Camp Ministry
As the Coats for Kids drive comes to a close, remember the daily pantry items that are always needed, including canned goods (soup, fruit, vegetables), personal care items (soap, deodorant, shampoo, toilet paper) and baby items (diapers, food, formula). Bring your donations to the PATH crates in the foyer of the Fellowship Hall and near the elevator in the main building. Additional monetary support and volunteers are always welcome. Visit TylerPATH.org.
Monday, December 7 | 11 am | 14721 Northwest Rd | Whitehouse
Calling all knitters and knitter wannabes - we have a place for you with the Knit Wits! Our current project involves knitting items to send to Camp Gilmont in Gilmer, TX, where they’ll be available for purchase with sales directly benefiting the camp. Members are encouraged to work on personal projects, too! Each meeting comes with patterns, personal instructions, and knitting yarn. Join the group at the home of Sally Harper for a Christmas pot luck lunch. Contact: Pat Cryer (903-561-5242).
Sewing Bees - Sewing with a Mission Will not meet in December, but will resume January 20.
Save the Date: Mardi Gras 2016
Analysis of Revenues & Expenses October 2015 Summary
February 9 | 5:30 pm | Fellowship Hall Benefiting our global and local mission projects, the Mission Committee is sponsoring a Mardi Gras Celebration. Plans include: gumbo cook-off, parade, music, children’s activities, and a silent auction. Volunteers needed: gumbo cooks, sponsors, silent auction items, decoration or set up helpers, and parade participants. To volunteer, contact Ginny Mattox, (903-504-5016/virginiamattox1@gmail.com).
MTD Actual YTD Actual YTD Budget
Net Total
Planned Giving
January Steeple Times Early Deadline
Have you remembered the church and other charities in your will? If you need help, contact Nanci Pollard (903-5976317) to request information, or visit the Texas Presbyterian Foundation at tpf.org. Assistance is confidential and free of charge.
Due to the Christmas holidays, the deadline for submissions to the January issue of the Steeple Times will be Friday, December 11. Please submit articles and event notices to Dana Durman via email (ddurman@fpctyler.com).
Christmas Poinsettias—Order Now Every year during the Christmas season, the Sanctuary is filled with poinsettias in honor and in memory of this congregation’s beloved family and friends. If you would like to contribute a poinsettia to this tradition, please clearly print your information below and return in the offering plate or to the church office by Wednesday, December 16, 2015. Your generous donations support the Fine Arts ministry, which makes FPC a beacon for fine music and the arts in East Texas. Unlike in years past, there is no minimum suggested donation. The church’s costs associated with the purchase of Christmas poinsettias have risen due to a change in supplier. Your generous gifts are very much appreciated.
Donor’s Name(s): Circle one: In honor of / memory of / thanksgiving for
Youth Christmas Party
Youth Worship Leaders Needed!
Sunday, December 6 | 12–6 pm | The Well Help us decorate The Well for Christmas, and bring the most outlandish gift ever for Student Ministries’ annual white elephant gift exchange (don’t spend more than $5). Come for fun and Christmas cheer! Guys bring a two-liter soda and girls bring a snack; dinner will be provided. If you throw on your holiday cheer, and come in a tacky Christmas sweater, you’ll get a prize! RSVP at fpctyler.com/ events/youthchristmas by December 2.
Sunday, December 20 | FPC Tyler We have another opportunity for our youth to share their gifts and talents with the congregation! If you are interested in taking part in leadership at either the 8:30 a.m. or 11 a.m. services please email Neil McKown (nmckown@fpctyler. com)!
Senior High Youth Connection January 29-31 | Austin College in Sherman, TX It’s time for SHYC! It’s time for hundreds of high school youth from the Presbytery to meet for a weekend of growth and learning! This year’s theme is “Strength for Today and Hope for Tomorrow.” Youth will participate in small groups, a mission project and a variety show, ending with worship on Sunday. For more information and to register for SHYC go to fpctyler.com/events/shyc.
Mini Mission Trip December 28-29 | Tyler Our annual Mini Mission Trip will be staying in Tyler this year to help out with two great local ministries! We will be working with the East Texas Food Bank (easttexasfoodbank.org) and Hangers of Hope (hangers of hope.com)! We will have two full days of work after which we will come back to FPC Tyler for dinner, worship together, and close our evening with a fellowship activity. All youth are welcome (grades 6-12). Friends are invited to come, too! Cost is $20 per participant. We will be meeting at the church at 8:15 a.m. and pick up is at 9 p.m. at the church. Register online by December 10 (fpctyler.com/events/mini-mission).
Azalea Academy Celebrates 1 Year
Stay in the Know
Azalea Academy for Exceptional Adults recently celebrated their one-year anniversary at First Presbyterian. Currently serving seven adults, Azalea Academy has two fulltime staff members, Greg and TyEsha and is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m.
Stay in the know about news and events by connecting with FPC online. Subscribe to the weekly e-newsletter, and you’ll receive stories, event reminders, and mission updates. You’ll even get a sneak peek into what Stuart has planned for Sunday’s pulpit! Follow the QR code above or find the e-newsletter signup link on the website at fpctyler.com.
“We are so happy and blessed to be in this lovely church surrounded by a neighborhood that gives us much to enjoy! Feel free to stop by and say hello anytime!” Azalea Academy is a non-profit daily activity program for adults with severe intellectual and or physical disabilities. Their mission is to enrich lives by providing a safe, stimulating, and positive environment, in which they can express, create and learn without discrimination.
Stay in touch with us on social media, too: /fpctyler
Steeple Times is a publication of First Presbyterian Church, 230 W. Rusk St., Tyler, TX 75701. Acting editor: Stuart Baskin. FPC reserves the right to edit and/or exclude all submissions. Submit content to Dana Durman by the 15th of the month prior to publication: ddurman@ fpctyler.com, fax (903) 597-6326, or mail. An archive of the Steeple Times can be found online at www.fpctyler.com/archive.
Children & Youth Calendar
December Â
9 Christmas Pageant Rehearsals (Pre-Kgr. 2) 6 PM | Senior High Small Group
Sing (Gr. 3-6) 9:30 AM | Confirmation Class 9:45 AM | Sunday School 11 AM | Worship 12 PM | Student Ministry Christmas Party
8:30 AM | Worship
Christmas luncheon RSVP deadline
9:15 AM | Ring &
Sing (Gr. 3-6) 9:30 AM | Confirmation Class 9:45 AM | Sunday School 11 AM | Worship
5 PM | CM Team Meeting Library
Friday Fun (Infant-gr. 2)
5 PM | Children's
9:15 AM | Ring &
12 1 PM | Santa's
SM Mini mission trip RSVP deadline!
5 PM | Children's
Christmas Pageant Rehearsals (Pre-Kgr. 2) 6 PM | Senior High Small Group Christmas Party
8:30 AM | Worship 9:15 AM | Ring &
4 6 PM | First
Christmas Pageant Rehearsals (Pre-Kgr. 2) 6 PM | Senior High Small Group
8:30 AM | Worship
5 PM | Children's
First Friday Fun RSVP due!
Family Christmas Eve Service
Sing (Gr. 3-6)
9:45 AM | Sunday School 11 AM | Worship and
Christmas Pageant 12;15 PM | Luncheon
Moravian Lovefeast
FPC office closed
9:30 AM | No Sunday School 11 AM | Worship
Reminder: January 3 no Sunday School and one worship service at 11 am
SM Mini Mission trip
Children’s Ministry News & Events shop). Contact: Phyllis (pkidwell@fpctyler.com/903-6815504). Childcare provided (infants - age 3).
First Friday Fun: Kids’ Night Out! Friday, December 4 | 6–9 pm | Children’s Wing Our Fruits of the Spirit are peace and joy. As we prepare for Christmas, we will focus on using our gifts and talents to share the joy of Jesus and the story of His birth. We will share dinner, play games, hear of the birth of Jesus, make special nativity crafts to take home, and end the evening watching a movie or reading Christmas books. For infants through grade 2. Contact: Phyllis Kidwell (pkidwell@fpctyler.com or fpctyler.com/events/firstfriday). We will not meet in January and resume in February.
The Legends of the Friendly Beasts: Christmas Pageant & Lunch Sunday, December 20 | 11 am | Sanctuary Join us during the 11 a.m. worship service when the children will present “The Legend of the Friendly Beasts,” a telling of the beautiful story of the birth of Jesus Christ. The children will dress up as the animals in the manger scene and as the characters that tell this story, singing familiar hymns and sharing the love of Jesus Christ. As a part of worship that morning, we will all share in song and celebration. Following worship, join the church family for a catered fellowship luncheon. At the end of the meal, the children will share in a special story time with Pastor Stuart. RSVP by Tuesday, December 15. For more information on the pageant rehearsal schedule and registration for the luncheon, visit fpctyler.com/events/pageant.
Santa’s WorkSHOP
Saturday, December 12 | 1-3 pm | Children’s Wing All little elves (age 3 - 2 grade) are invited to create gifts to put under the tree for their family while their parents wrap up last minute holiday errands (er, or perhaps get started?)! Several craft activities geared for different age levels will be available, and we will talk about God’s gift to us in Jesus Christ. Parents, register in advance and provide lunch before arrival. Register online (fpctyler.com/events/work-
westminster | Book & discussion | Lecture & discussion M 207 | Study: The Teacher and The M202 | The book of Acts | Preacher: a dialogue | Contact: Linda Contact: Bob Schmoker (903) 714-5746 Pirtle (903) 881-9000 the forum | Lecture & discussion M102 | The book of Genesis | Contact: Chris Bunt (903) 531-3535
Sunday School @ 9:45 am faith builders
| Bible study & discussion M205 | Old & New Testament Traditions | Contact: Judith Guthrie (903) 530-3668 genesis
209ers | Young adults M209 | Eight Truths Presbyterians Affirm | Contact: Debbie Pitts (debbiepitts@gmail.com) the
Small Group Schedule
| Sermon texts 2nd/4th Mondays 10 am in homes | Contact: Bill Myers (903) 825-7323 men
midweek oasis for moms
MOMs will not meet in December but will resume in January. | Contact: Pam Leach (903) 520-9138 7
| Lectionary Tuesdays 6:30 am, Premier Flexipac | Contact: Skip Womack (903) 5339433 or Bob Schmoker (903) 714-5746 men
| Book & discussion Thursdays 9:30 am, Conference Room | Study: Advent Study, When God Comes Down | Contact: Jan Carpenter (903) 566-8533 women
A special “thank you” to Azalea Academy For Exceptional Adults for assembling our weekly worship bulletin.
230 W. Rusk Street, Tyler, TX 75701
return service requested
FPC’s 45th annual Moravian Lovefeast is just around the corner. The Lovefeast Team, headed up by Jan Clayton, is already hard at work. We need volunteers for serving as well as “backstage” preparations— wrapping candles (in advance), putting buns and candles in baskets (Christmas Eve morning), pouring cocoa into cups (during service), and more. All helpers are welcome, and no experience is needed! If you would like to help, please contact Jan Clayton (903-597-6281).
Lovefeast Volunteers Needed
Budget & Finance. December 10 @ 12 pm — Conference Room Building & Grounds. December 14 @ 5:30 pm — Conference Room Children’s Ministry Team. December 15 @ 5 pm — Library Governance. December 7 @ 5:30 — Conference Room Mission. December 14 @ 5:30 pm — Library Risk Management. December 2 @ 12 pm — Conference Room Session (officer examination). December 15 @ 7 pm — M 207 Worship. December 1 @ 5 pm — Conference Room
2 SAM’s Club: Harmony & Understanding. 10:30 am, Fellowship Hall. 3 Meadow Lake Bible Study. 11:45 am, Meadow Lake. 4 First Friday Fun. 6 pm, Children’s Wing. 6 Youth Christmas Party. 12–6 pm, the Well. 10 Goodwill/Andrews Center Christmas Party. 1 pm, Fellowship Hall. 11 Steeple Times Submission Deadline. 12 Santa’s WorkSHOP. 1–3 pm, Children’s Wing. 12 Fine Arts: A Christmas Spectacular. 6 pm, Sanctuary. 14 Blue Christmas Service. 6 pm, Sanctuary, with dinner to follow. 20 Christmas Pageant. 11 am, Sanctuary, with luncheon to follow. 20 Fine Arts: Nine Lessons & Carols. 6 pm, Sanctuary. 24 Christmas Eve Family Service. 3 pm, Chapel. 24 Lovefeast. 5:30 pm, Sanctuary. 25 Merry Christmas! (Office & buildings closed) 28–29 Youth Mini Mission Trip in Tyler.
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Permit No. 683 Tyler, Texas 75701-1696
To everyone at the home of: