Steeple Times, August 2016 (Vol. 11, issue 8)

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M o n t h l y N e w s f r o m F P C Ty l e r • Vo l u m e 1 1 , I s s u e 8 : A u g u s t 2 0 1 6

FPC - An Authentic Community by Neil McKown Director of Youth Ministries

hug, and fade to black.)

What happens when you put a dozen youth together with a seemingly daunting task—building a cardboard city in 26 hours? Stay tuned to find out the shocking finale to FPC Tyler Youth Group Lock-in. (cue dramatic music)

Okay, putting aside the fake TV show script, that would have won many awards I have no doubt! However, when asked why do you come to youth events like these? Ty Dowdy said, “because I feel like everyone understands me.” Michael Palady added, “it’s fun. I get to hang out with my friends, and I can relate to everyone.”

Sounds like the beginning to a reality TV show, doesn’t it? The opening scene would zoom in on the bright, smiling faces of our youth with willingness and excitement in their eyes, and then in the background you’d see a couple of folks yawning—it is 8 a.m. during the summer, after all. (Several shots of youth cutting cardboard and 20+ hours of Pixar movies). Skip to the end of the show and you would see our youth sitting together sharing inside jokes and experiences from the night before: who snored the loudest, who stayed up the longest, what games they like best and what are the latest Pokemon they’ve caught on their Pokemon Go apps—not everything in this hypothetical show can be action and adventure! (Pull the camera back as we have a large group

Credits start rolling.

As I sit in and amongst these sleep deprived youth what comes to mind is John Calvin. Yes, I am a Presbyterian nerd…what can I say…but John Calvin comes to mind because he was the one who deemed the church the “Holy Community.” We cannot be a faithful Christian on our own. We build community constantly because God has created us to be a relational people, and these students of all age groups— from our incoming 6th graders to our graduated 12th graders—resonate with this need most of all. Community is key. At FPC, we strive to build and maintain an authentic community for these amazing students to grow in Continued on page 2.

i n t h i s i s s u e | h i g h l i g h t s & f e at u r e s Interim Music Director Hired | Pg 3

Regular Sunday Service Returns | Pg 2

Rally Day 2016 | Pg 3

FPC announces the hiring of Lee Kohlenberg as Interim Director of Music and Organist-Choirmaster.

Join us at our traditional service times beginning August 7.

Plan to attend this fellowship tradition to mark the start of our congregation’s new program year. First Presbyterian Church of Tyler, Texas 230 West Rusk Street, Tyler, Texas 75701-1696 (903) 597-6317 |

c o n g r e g at i o n a l n e w s Membership Updates Baptisms We are proud to have witnessed the following baptism: • Audrey Olivia, daughter of Matt and Katie Marshall on July 10, 2016.

PRAYERFULLY SPEAKING from the FPC Prayer Team “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12

Regular Sunday Schedule Returns August 7 8:30 am | Worship in the Chapel Join us for worship service.

William Barclay, in his commentary on this verse from Romans, states, “The Christian must be essentially an optimist. Just because God is God, the Christian is always certain that ‘the best is yet to be’.” God, in His infinite love and provision, gives His people endless reasons to be joyful in hope. Being ‘patient in affliction’, in a different bible translation, reads “meet tribulation with triumphant fortitude.” A Christian’s optimism will make it possible to triumph over tribulation. Finally we are encouraged to be ‘faithful in prayer.’ The August 2015, issue of “These Days” magazine, states that a prayer life requires both habit and discipline; we must schedule some ‘on purpose’ prayer time into our daily lives - that’s discipline. And then we must make prayer a habit by connecting with God frequently.

9:15 am | Coffee Fellowship FPC’s social hour in Fellowship Hall with refreshments and fellowship. 9:45 am | Sunday School Classes The regular Sunday schedule will resume. Check class listings in the service bulletin. 11 am | Worship in the Sanctuary Join us for worship service. Children’s Church will meet following Time with Children.

FPC Office Closed The FPC office and campus will be closed on Monday, September 5 in observance of Labor Day.

(If you would like to submit a prayer request, please fill out the form found in the church pew, and drop it in the collection plate, or into a prayer request box found in the Chapel, Sanctuary, and church office.)

SAVE THE DATE: Fine Arts Garden Party Saturday, September 10 | 6 pm | Home of Lynn & John Heines Plan to attend the kick off the 2016-17 Event Season and introduction of FPC’s interim director of music, Lee Kohleneberg. “FPC - An Authentic Community” continued from page 1.

high school classes!), high school small groups on Wednesdays, our monthly youth group outings, or participate in the various conferences - we have a place for everyone!

amazing students to grow in their faith, learn about God, and serve others all the while knowing that they can be totally and completely authentic. As we move closer to the beginning of the school year, we will have many opportunities for students to experience God. Join us in Sunday school classes (this year we will have separate middle school and

Let us make community a priority and embrace John Calvin’s “Holy Community” mentality.

sa v e th e d at e | september 201 6 First Friday Fun Returns | Sept 2

Fine Arts Garden Party | Sept 10

ETYC | Sept 16-18

Kids night out returns at 6:30 p.m. for children from nursery through grade 2.

Join us for a launch party for the 20162017 season of Fine Arts @ FPC.

A youth conference for ET students at Camp Gilmont. For students grades 6-12.


M o n t h ly e v e n t h i g h l i g h t s VBS Church Cookout

CE Leader Training Session

Saturday, August 6 | 12 pm | Fellowship Hall All are invited for hot dogs and hamburgers, provided by the Men of the Church, at the conclusion of VBS! RSVP to Phyllis Kidwell at (903) 681-5504 by August 2.

Saturday, August 27 | 9:30 am | Anderson Room/F 101-102 How do we help visitors and new members connect? What is our evacuation plan in case of severe weather, a fire or other threats? How do we respond to emergencies? Breakout sessions for specific Christian Education ministry areas, including children’s, student, and adult, and greeter and usher ministries follow the plenary sessions. All Sunday school teachers, shepherds, children’s and student music leaders, small group leaders, Presbyterian Women’s moderators and leaders, ushers and greeters are invited to kick off the new year at a special training session led by the Christian Education staff. Our theme this year is “The Wonder of God’s Word.” Contact: Phyllis Kidwell ( / 903-681-5504).

Rally Day 2016 Sunday, August 21 | 9:30 am | Fellowship Hall The whole church family is invited to Rally Day, a fellowship tradition to mark the start of our congregation’s new program year. Join your community for breakfast; and don’t miss the program, which will include special activities for all ages. Get a sneak preview of new opportunities planned for adults, youth and little ones. Visit

Interim Director of Music Hired at FPC by Claudia Carroll The Music Director Search Committee announces the hiring of Lee Kohlenberg as Interim Director of Music and Organist-Choirmaster. Lee and his wife, Elsie, will be moving to Tyler from Charleston, SC. Lee is retired from full-time service to the church, after serving for 28 years in Episcopalian parishes in Chicago and South Carolina. Since his retirement, he has served as interim organist-choirmaster

in several churches in both South and North Carolina. Despite the fact that he has spent much of his adult life in the Carolinas, he actually hails from New Braunfels, TX, and has his Bachelor’s of Music in Organ Performance from the University of Texas at Austin. Lee will officially begin his position on September 1, but will play organ as a “substitute” the first two Sundays in August, then return to South Carolina to fulfill other commitments.

j o i n u s f o r Ra l ly d ay 2 0 1 6 by Chris Bunt Over the last several decades, studies have shown a decline in Americans’ knowledge of the Bible as well as general awareness of religious history. More and more, Americans lack an understanding of what we as Christians believe and how the Bible influences our culture. Presbyterians have always yearned to be at the forefront of education. FPC wants to challenge all of our members and visitors, adults and children alike, to find a Sunday School class where

they feel at home and look forward to learning about our shared faith. We also want our Sunday School attendance to grow because these classes enable us to form bonds with people we might not otherwise get to know. With that in mind, FPC would like to encourage you to attend Rally Day Sunday on August 21. This year will be a little different from years past. We will begin at 9:30 a.m. in the Well where our youth meet. From there we will proceed to Fellowship Hall and 3

from there all will be invited to visit the various Sunday School classrooms to see what each class has been studying, what is in the works for their study this fall, and most importantly to sample the breakfast items each class will be providing. Parents, grandparents, and all who are interested will also have an opportunity to visit the children’s Sunday School classes to see the great things going on in the children’s wing. Please join us and make this Rally Day our best ever.

the mission store Yo u r m i s s i o n H Q a t F P C • M a t c h y o u r t a l e n t w i t h o u r c o m m u n i t y ’ s n e e d s

PATH (People Attempting To Help)

Knit Wits - Knitters Unite for Camp Ministry

PATH’S Fan Drive continues and so has the summer heat! Help your neighbors keep cool by donating $10 box fans from The Home Depot or by giving monetary donations for PATH to purchase at PATH’S pantry need for August are beans and rice. Drop off donations at our PATH collection bins located in Fellowship Hall or in front of the elevator in the Main Building.

Knit Wits will be on summer hiatus until September. Group contact is Pat Cryer (903-561-5242). Mission Fellowship on Sunday Mornings in August August 7, 14 | 9:45 am | Fellowship Hall We will continue our family ministry, with a mission focus. All are invited to work together making school supply kits in August. The kits will be donated to the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Program and PATH. Donation needs: blunt scissors (rounded tip), 70-count spiral notebooks or tape-bound pads of 8”x10.5” ruled paper or pads with 200-210 sheets of ruled paper (no loose filler paper), 12” rulers, hand-held pencil sharpeners, new pencils with erasers, large erasers and boxes of 24 crayons.

Sewing Bees - Sewing with a Mission Wednesday, August 17 | 10 am | F 104 Connect with sewing buffs of all ages and levels of expertise. Simple patterns and guidance provided. For more information on the sewing bees, visit sewingbees. Group contact is Mollie Bobo (903-530-2772).

(Left) Jack Barrow, Ty Dowdy, Michael Palady, and Emma Clower (left to right) work on one of the buildings for VBS Presby City. (Right) Construction of our VBS church continues. (Below) The truth about lock-ins!

Stay in the Know

Analysis of Revenues & Expenses June 2016 Summary

Stay in the know about news and events by connecting with FPC online.

MTD Actual YTD Actual YTD Budget












Net Total

Subscribe to the weekly e-newsletter, and you’ll receive stories, event reminders, and mission updates. You’ll even get a sneak peek into what Stuart has planned for Sunday’s pulpit! Follow the QR code above or find the e-newsletter signup link on the website at

Planned Giving Have you remembered the church and other charities in your will? If you need help, contact Nanci Pollard (903-5976317) to request information, or visit the Texas Presbyterian Foundation at Assistance is confidential and free of charge.

Stay in touch with us on social media, too: /fpctyler 4



Texas Rangers Weekend

Youth Group - Swim Party

Friday, August 12 - Saturday, August 13 | Arlington/Carrollton, TX We will be making our pilgrimage to Arlington to cheer on the Texas Rangers followed by a lock-in at Group Dynamix in Carrollton where we will climb high ropes and play glow in the dark dodge ball! For registered students, grades 6-12, and their adult sponsors. We’ll take in the game on Friday evening and spend the night at Group Dynamix. Visit

August 21 | 3 pm | Hillin Residence | 6716 Speedway Ct | Tyler Join us for a swim party at the home of Margo and Tad Hillin. For students grades 6-12, and incoming 6th graders. For more information, contact Neil McKown, director of student ministries ( Visit

Save the Date...ETYC Friday, September 12 - Saturday, August 13 | Gilmont, TX We are gearing up for an amazing ETYC 2016! Cost is $60 for FPC Tyler students (scholarships available). Our theme is Fear Not from Isaiah 41:10. We have the privilege of having the Rev. Pepa Paniagua from Faithbridge Presbyterian Church in Frisco, TX as our keynote speaker. For students entering grades 6-12 in September 2016.

Rally Day 2016 Sunday, August 21 | 9:30 am | Fellowship Hall Join us for a fellowship tradition to mark the start of our congregation’s new program year. Get a sneak peek of new opportunities planned for all. Visit

Bullet Points from June’s Session Meeting Minutes recorded by Robyn Files The Session met on June 23 and conducted the following business: • The consent agenda was approved. • Session approved Larue Decker into active church membership. • Dr. Stuart Baskin reported on the meeting of the General Assembly, which was held in Portland, OR. In committee reports, the following motions were presented: • To accept the proposal from Maddox Air Conditioning to

replace the controller for Air Handling Unit 5 at a cost of $16,200. The areas covered by this unit are the Music Suite and the Children’s Ministry Area. To replace the panel and repaint the church sign on Broadway at Dobbs at a cost of $1,308.50, covered by the 2015-2016 budget. To approve the proposed Policy on Access to the Church Campus and the Policy on Building and Grounds.

To approve the proposed budget for the fiscal year 2016-2017. • To invite Grace Presbytery to meet here on Saturday, September 30, 2017. • To hire Lee Kohlenberg as Interim Organist Choirmaster beginning on September 1, 2016 for a nine month period, renewable for one month at a time. All motions passed. Full minutes are available from the church office upon request.

Beginning in September, two PW circles will meet as follows: the second Tuesday at 10am and the second Sunday at 9:30am.

FPC Presbyterian Women: 2016-17 Presbyterian Women (PW) recently elected officers for this coming year: Pat Cryer, Moderator; Sharon Bragg, Vice-Moderator, Alice Stjernstrom, Secretary; Karen Novy, Treasurer; Lynn Davis, Historian; and Priscilla Maxfield, Leader of Community and World Missions.

Circle moderators are Karen Novy, Tuesday Circle and Jessica Cox, Sunday Circle. Make plans now to be a part of our exciting mission, Bible Study and fellowship activities.

Steeple Times is a publication of First Presbyterian Church, 230 W. Rusk St., Tyler, TX 75701. Acting editor: Stuart Baskin. FPC reserves the right to edit and/or exclude all submissions. Submit content to Dana Durman by the 15th of the month prior to publication: ddurman@, fax (903) 597-6326, or mail. An archive of the Steeple Times can be found online at


Children & Youth Calendar











4 5:30 PM | CM




5 5:30 PM | CM

Vacation Bible School



Vacation Bible School











8:30 AM | Worship 9:45 AM | Sunday School 11 AM | Worship



6 10 AM | CM

Vacation Bible School 12 PM | VBS grill out



11 AM | Children’s Church

8:30 AM | Worship


5 PM | CM

Team Meeting

9:45 AM | Sunday School 11 AM | Worship 11 AM | Children’s Church

21 8:30 AM | Worship



6:30 PM | SM

Team Meeting

9:30 AM | Rally Day 11 AM | Worship

Teacher/Leader Workshop

11 AM | Children’s Church 3 PM | SM

- Swim Party





8:30 AM | Worship

KEY SM: Student Ministries (612 grade) CM: Children's Ministry

9:45 AM | Sunday School 11 AM | Worship 11 AM | Children’s Church


27 9:30 AM |

Children’s Ministry News & Events Registration is open and we are planning for our participants. We will start at 5:30 pm on Thursday and Friday with dinner and proceed to music, crafts and Bible learning. On Saturday, we will continue learning about worship, share a cook out meal with the church family and finish with some outside games and water fun! Be a part of what we are doing at FPC Tyler! Contact: Phyllis Kidwell (903-681-5504 |

VBS - “Building Christians” (Age 3–5th grade) August 4-5 | 5:30 - 7:30 pm | Campus-wide August 6 | 10 am - 3 pm | Campus-wide Our hats are off to the youth and sponsors who participated in a lock in to complete the cardboard city for VBS. Many students and adults pitched in to add cardboard to the frames previously built by Jim Stanford and Neil McKown, using plans developed by Rebecca Ruediger. The youth made many plants and animals that we will use to enhance our city as we learn about Jesus, the cornerstone, during our upcoming VBS.

Rally Day 2016 Sunday, August 21 | 9:30 am | campus-wide Come meet the teachers, see the children who are moving in to new classes and share some food and fun. If you have thought about getting into a class, this is a great time to learn more about what we offer at FPC. Sunday school, it’s not just for kids!

First Friday Fun Returns in September First Friday Fun returns in September, and continues each first Friday through May, 2017, with the exception of January. We will meet in the Children’s Ministry area at 6:30 p.m., share a meal and continue with fun crafts, Bible stories, games and more. We finish the evening with a movie or quiet reading time. This program is for our church members and the community. If you know someone age 6 weeks to 2nd grade, invite them to join us. Registrations are on line the weeks before each monthly activity. Come join the fun!

s u n d ay s c h o o l Sunday School @ 9:45 am

faith builders | Lecture & discussion
 M202 | Proverbs | Contact: Bob Schmoker (903) 714-5746 the forum | Lecture & discussion M102 | TBA | Contact: Chris Bunt (903) 531-3535 genesis | Bible study & discussion M205 | Sovereignty of God | Contact: Judith Guthrie (903) 530-3668

209ers | Young Adults M209 | TBA 
| Contact: Debbie Pitts ( the

/ small group listing westminster | Book & discussion M 207 | A Love Worth Giving | Contact: Linda Pirtle (903) 881-9000

| Book & discussion Thursdays 9:30 am | Conference Room
| Angel and the Badman | Contact: Jan Carpenter (903) 566-8533 women

Small Group Schedule

| Sermon texts 2nd/4th Mondays 10 am | homes
| Contact: Lynn Holliman (903) 5349190


| Lectionary Tuesdays 6:30 am | Premier Flexipac
| Contact: Skip Womack (903) 533-9433 or Bob Schmoker (903) 714-5746



A special “thank you” to Azalea Academy For Exceptional Adults for assembling our weekly worship bulletin and to Marshall Ewing and his crew for assembling our Steeple Times monthly newsletter.

230 W. Rusk Street, Tyler, TX 75701

return service requested

Budget and Finance Committee. August 11 @ 12:00 p.m. — Conference Room | A 110 Building and Grounds Committee. August 8 @ 5:30 p.m. — Conference Room | A 110 Children’s Ministry Team. August 16 @ 5:00 p.m. — Library | A 111 Christian Education Leadership Event. August 27 @ 9:30 a.m. — Anderson Room | F101-102 Governance Committee. August 1 @ 5:30 p.m. — Conference Room | A 110 Mission Committee. August 8 @ 5:30 pm — Library | A 111 Risk Management Committee. August 24 @ 12:00 p.m. — Conference Room | A 110 Session. August 16 @ 7:00 p.m. — M 207 Student Ministry. August 22 @ 6:30 pm — Conference Room | A 110 Worship Committee. August 2 @ 5:30 p.m. — Conference Room | A 110

commit tee meetings

2 VBS registration deadline. 4 Meadow Lake Bible Study. 11:45 am, Meadow Lake. 4 - 6 Vacation Bible School. Campus-wide. 6 VBS Church Cookout. 12 pm, Fellowship Hall. 7 Regular Sunday service returns. 8:30 am & 11 am, Chapel & Sanctuary. 12 - 13 Youth Group Rangers Game/Group Dynamix. Depart 3:45 pm, Arlington/Carrollton. 15 Steeple Times submission deadline. 21 Rally Day 2016. 9:30 am, Fellowship Hall. 21 Youth Group - Swim Party. 3 pm, Hillin Residence. 27 CE Leadership Workshop. 9:30 am, Anderson Room/F 101-102.

august highlights

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Permit No. 683 Tyler, Texas 75701-1696

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